Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wow -- What a Day

First, I sat in the car and listened to our Chris face off with a CRC rep on a talk-radio show. Man, she was great, it was terrific. She represented our case perfectly well, and didn't let that "conservative" host interrupt or spin it his way without a battle on his hands.

Then this afternoon we learned that the judge ruled in CRC/PFOX's favor. Ten day temporary restraining order. I'm pretty sure that with a little time to understand what's what -- and by that I mean what's actually in the curriculum and what's only in the teachers' resources -- we'll see a positive outcome. But the old "if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance" approach worked this time, in the short run.

Right after that news broke I got a call at work that my fourteen year old son has been taken in an ambulance to the hospital with a head injury... turns out not to be life-threatening, not even close really -- the kind of thing that only a 14-year-old can do. Somehow he fell down, tripping on his shoe, in such a way that, well, he bled all over the place, needed stitches and crutches, and ... aah, he'll live. But when you get that call, you don't know.

Then I come home and check my email. And wow!

I can't even count how many people signed our petitions today! Man oh man, we try to send thank-you's to all of them, and I see that CillyGoose is trying her hardest, but she's barely keeping up.

Also, it seems that NPR had a story today on the MCPS sex-curriculum controversy, and man did we get a lot of nice letters from that! People want to send us money, fer cryin' out loud! They say Thank you thank you thank you... so nice to open my email and discover that. Also a whole bunch of people want to join up with us.

To all of you, we shout a big ol' "Thank you!"


Blogger andrea said...

Of course, TTF can't take money because we really are just a group of parents and citizens who are using good old fashioned methods and our pocket money to do what we can.


May 08, 2005 10:50 PM  

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