Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Teens Discussing Sex Ed in the Real World

Maybe it's just me, but I love this stuff. Here's a kid's web site I stumbled across, blogging about their day, including their sex-ed class:
SEX ED!!! lolz!

ahaha well 2day i went to Don Bosco coz we had sex ed there. we put a condom on a tOy penis.. LOL it was soo funi! katie was being a lOser and waving the condom in ma face so im lyk "ok..u asked 4 it buddy!" nd i got da condom and rubbed it all ovaa her face!!! ahahaha she was screaming! lolz it wOz so0o funi..

i lyked the conversationz we had 2day...we talked about sum guys/girlz in our yr.. shared abit of gOss wid da teachers... mann i didnt nO gOssip travelz THAT fast! da teachers nO wot sum ppl in our grade do b4 we no!

yehh... we woz talkin bout guys and how they are dikheadz.. and wot sum of da guyz do in our yr... hmmm yes thats rite boyz...we cud be talkin about U! u will nevvaa no!

newaiiz im gona go now...leave a msg.. baii xoxox

I'm not going to link to it, it's just some kid, OK?

It's like, grown-ups get so moralistic about all this, it's just s-o-o-o-o terrible they're going to see a video where somebody puts a condom on a cucumber. Man, get over it, the kids can handle it.

Oh, and I hope CRC has somebody all ready to tell the school board that we used the "word" dikheadz. Yeah, that's pretty bad, but remember, your kids aren't all angels either ... and we have photographs. I mean: really.

Don't make us use them.

Then, of course, there were comments, which are just as good as the original post:

omg!! 2day was so fun!! even though condoms were invloved lol
my hands were all slimmy ewwww
we had quite a few interesting things to talk about with miss dimagiba lol
well im talkin to u and maria now so bye!
xtina xoxo

Published By xtina (http://spaces.msn.com/members/*****-*******/) - September 06 6:22 PM

aaaawwwwwww i wanna no goss tell me 2morro.
newaiis 2day was so much fun I LUV SEX ED, we should tlk bout sex more offen wait..... we already do hahaha miss ozlem is very open about those sort of things. i rekon we should go 2 don bosco again its fun, how funni was it wen estelle was tryin 2 do flips on the trampoline lol
im gonna go laters

Published By _KaE_1_3 (http://spaces.msn.com/members/***-**/) - September 06 4:19 PM

hi mariam,
2daii was soo funni miss dimagiba was funny as talkin about old ppl havin sex n gay guys cant go 2 the toilet properly cause there butts r loose he he he he neways cya 2moz luv melissa

Published By shorty_mel_princess (http://spaces.msn.com/members/**********...) - September 06 3:24 PM

hi todaii was really funny...i couldnt put tha condom on LOL.....neways leave a messege on mine...luv ya lots....BaII Baii

Published By *_*_mEgAn_*_* (http://spaces.msn.com/members/**********/) - September 06 3:13 PM

Don't you just love it? Kids are so fun, so full of life. Sometimes full to the brim, sometimes spilling over a little bit. So here they are learning this stuff about condoms, and having the best time with it.

It's just terrible how some people can make all of this seem so ugly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One has to admire the efficacy of their encryption system.

September 06, 2005 6:26 PM  

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