Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ruling in Minnesota Favors Gay-Straight Club

The Minneapolis/St. Paul Star Tribune had a pretty informative article about this case up there in Maple Grove, Minnesota, where a Gay-Straight club sued to get their meetings announced on the school PA system.
A straight-gay student group at Maple Grove High School has the same right to advertise itself in school public-address system announcements and on bulletin boards as many other student groups do, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled.

In the ruling issued Friday, the court affirmed a lower court's preliminary injunction that in April directed the Osseo School District to give Straights and Gays for Equality (SAGE) the same communication rights as many other student groups.
Since SAGE has been able to advertise itself more freely, attendance at meetings has gone up and "everyone's aware of what's going on, not just the GLBT population," L.J. said. "It's been really great." Court backs straight-gay group's rights

There's a lot more here... Turns out, the school gives higher priority to curricular activities when they decide what gets announced. And, that's cool, you can understand that, but they were considering synchronized swiimming and cheerleading to be curricular activities, even though they weren't taught in classes.

So the judge ruled that Straights and Gays for Equality should be given the same prioirity as synchronized swimming. Pretty shocking.

Just a little thing, I know, but it adds up.


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