Friday, February 09, 2007

Field Testing Scheduled

Yesterday, MCPS announced the schedule for pilot testing and implementing the new sex-ed curriculum. It's in a table, which I can't reproduce on the blog (Blogger doesn't support that kind of HTML), so hopefully you can follow this format:

No later than February 5, 2007
Principals of selected schools are notified, and receive a standard letter provided by the Office of Curriculum and Instruction Programs (OCIP) to distribute to their communities

At least three weeks prior to the first day of scheduled instruction
Principals of selected school distribute the letter provided by OCIP to parents in their communities

February 14, 2007
Training and information meeting held by central office staff for field test administrators, resource teachers for health education, couneslors, andhealth teachers.

At least two full weeks prior to the first day of scheduled instruction
Field-test schools will complete the following
  • Hold an information session for parents of students in the affected classes to review all class materials used in the lessons
  • Meet with all school staff to inform them of field-test procedures

No later than March 30, 2007, but no earlier than three full weeks after parent notification and no earlier than two full weeks after parent meeting
Health teachers conduct the field test of revised health curriculum lessons

No later than one week after last day of instruction
Selected field-test administrators, resource teachers for health education, counselors, health teachers, complete questionnaires and return them to OCIP.

Selected field-test students and parents complete questionnaires and return them to health teachers, who will submit them to OCIP.

No later than two weeks after last day of instruction
Selected field-test administrators, health teachers, students, and parents participate in focus group discussions conducted by central office staff.

OK, this is looking pretty good. They've picked the schools, they've got the test scheduled and organized, cool. We look forward to seeing the results of the field test.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like we got our boy for 2008:

"Huckabee Defends Traditional Marriages


The Associated Press

Friday, February 9, 2007; 9:25 PM

NASHUA, N.H. -- Republican Mike Huckabee said Friday that marriage shouldn't be treated as an experiment in response to questions about whether Vice President Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter should have the right to wed.

The former Arkansas governor, who is seeking the GOP presidential nomination, said heterosexual marriages face enough challenges without adding new configurations to the mix.

"Taking on a new definition doesn't make sense right now," Huckabee said in an interview with The Associated Press after speaking to business leaders in New Hampshire.

Mary Cheney, 37, announced in December that she and her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, were starting a family. She has not said how the child was conceived. The baby is due in the spring and will be the vice president's sixth grandchild.

Huckabee declined to comment on Mary Cheney's decision.

"I wouldn't get near specific cases," he said.

But when pressed, he said the historic definition of marriage has worked for so long for a reason.

"People have a right to decide how they live their lives. But they have to respect not changing the definition of marriage," said Huckabee, who served as a pastor in Baptist churches before becoming governor in 1996.

In 2004, the year Arkansas approved a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, Huckabee said the ban was needed to quiet activists looking to rewrite the nation's social code. But Huckabee also said it was OK to say a person's sexual preference was nobody's business, "even though it's not consistent with the Biblical norm of male and female."

In 2006, when the Arkansas Supreme Court rejected a ban on gay foster parents that had been put in by a state board, Huckabee said through a spokeswoman: "I'm very disappointed that the court seems more interested in what's good for gay couples than what's good for children needing foster care.""

February 10, 2007 12:13 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Anonymous said "Looks like we got our boy for 2008:".

Anonymous, no wonder your country is in such trouble given the most important thing to people like you is being an anti-gay bigot.

February 13, 2007 12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our country is always in trouble- always has been. It's called life. We have vitality.

February 13, 2007 7:44 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Yeah, well the reality is you'd have a lot less trouble if you'd focus on real world problems instead of trying to prevent loving gay relationships.

February 14, 2007 1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yeah, well the reality is you'd have a lot less trouble if you'd focus on real world problems instead of trying to prevent loving gay relationships."

We're very involved in real world problems. That's one of the nutso complaints. When we saw a sadistic dictator oppressing his people, supporting terrorists and USING weapons of mass destruction, we did something about it.

February 15, 2007 12:41 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

There were no weapons of mass destruction and no linkage with the 9/11 terrorists. The threat of terrorism is higher than it ever was as a result of animosity created by the invasion of Iraq. If you'd have spent a little less time harrassing harmless gays and a little more on rational foreign policy you wouldn't be in the mess your in in Iraq and Afghanistan.

February 15, 2007 2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice design of blog.

August 13, 2007 3:22 PM  

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