Thursday, March 01, 2007

A ... Different ... Letter in the Gazette

This letter was published in The Gazette yesterday, presenting a new reason to oppose the new curriculum:
As a practicing Catholic, I want to point out a less obvious reason for opposing the county school board’s new efforts to teach about homosexuality in its health education curriculum.

Perhaps most people by now have heard how these changes fail to inform students of the increased health risks, how they take the exclusive viewpoint that homosexuality is natural and a norm behavior, and how they classify anyone with any negative view of homosexuality (i.e. traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs) as a homophobe and prejudiced. All true, but there is even more at stake here.

If my traditional moral views are made to look evil in society at large, how will our homosexual brethren ever hear the true word of a loving but almighty God, which says ‘‘repent and be saved”? How will they hear the message that they can be radically wrong about this, but that God still radically loves them and wants nothing more than for them to return to Him?

The school system is really saying that I don’t have the right to view homosexuals in an immoral light. This is not true. I can (and do) fully accept homosexuals and have good will toward them while still believing active homosexuality to be immoral. True tolerance does not mean having to agree, it means accepting and respecting each other even when we don’t agree. True brotherly love means caring as much about another’s salvation as my own.

Susan Jamison, Poolesville
Tolerance means accepting, respecting each other

Remember, one of the documents submitted in support of the CRC's appeal to the state was written by Susan Jamison.

In this letter, after listing the usual lies CRC talking points she poses a real dilemma: being seen as a bigot impairs her ability to proselytize.

I can't think of any way to help her with that. Well, she could try being nice.

I suppose it's my duty to point out the line The school system is really saying that I don’t have the right to view homosexuals in an immoral light, so I can tell you that the school system does nothing of the sort. How could it? Susan Jamison doesn't attend school. And even if she did, MCPS isn't going to say anything one way or the other about the morality of homosexuality. It exists, here's what it is, the test is on Friday.

[Update: I have received email from Susan Jamison stating that she is not a Nazi and does not know neo-Nazi leader Bill White, and that he is not her "benefactor." I was misinformed by his online article about her (HERE) (Google cache HERE if that doesn't load) where he speaks for her organization and says that he will be working with them. I have removed statements indicating that she was associated with him, as requested.]


Blogger andrea said...

Susan can see people any way she wants, and she can teach her children to be bigots too. The school system will not stop her. MCPS does not teach the morality or immorality of anything that in in Susan's mind(Little Miss Ban books) In fact, there are things that MCPS that may be wrong in my view and I can tell my kids the facts as I see them.

March 01, 2007 4:28 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

These people's hypocrisy would be funny if it wasn't so malicious. She contradicts herself in the the same sentence when she says "I can (and do) fully accept homosexuals and have good will toward them while still believing active homosexuality to be immoral.". Ms. Jamieson, you do NOT full accept gays if you do not accept gayness and you do NOT have good will towards gays if you wish to dominate their lives by preventing them from having loving committed same sex relationships which hurt no one. These people want to be bigots without admittting that they are.

And "God still radically loves them"?! Yeah, right, he radically loves you but he'll eternally torture you for being in a loving committed same sex relationship that hurts no one. What kind of idiots does she take gays for?!

March 02, 2007 12:46 PM  

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