Monday, September 24, 2007

The Last Paragraph

I wanted to go back to the latest post on the CRC's down-low web site. They say these things, and they get quoted on the news, and people might believe them -- and that's where we come in. Here's the start of the last paragraph of their recent post, which I won't link to.
Weast and the Board have a chance right now to remove the “innate” teaching before another court rules against them. Don’t forget, the sex ed curriculum does not discuss families (although the curriculum is called Family Life) spends much time pushing the gay agenda and directs students to chop off body parts and change their gender. (A whole separate topic coming soon)

When they say before another court rules against them, they are sort of stretching it. In 2005 a court hastily issued a temporary restraining order, holding up implementation of an earlier curriculum, so that a proper lawsuit could be filed and a proper ruling received, based on proper evidence introduced in a thorough and proper trial; instead, the schools and the suers worked out a settlement agreement. There is nothing in this curriculum that was in that one, no court has ever said there was anything wrong with this one.

In fact, this curriculum has been reviewed and accepted by the MCPS Superintendent's office (including their legal team), the Montgomery County Board of Education, the State of Maryland Superintendent of Schools, and the State of Maryland Board of Education. All of those entities ruled that the curriculum was just fine the way it is. The CRC and a couple of other groups are now appealing the state's decision to a state court.

I think that they are trying here to imply that they have some momentum.

Don't look down, Wile E.!

It is not true that "the sex ed curriculum does not discuss families," just wrong. I don't think the sections on Respect for Differences in Sexuality talk about families, but that's just two days in eighth grade and two days in tenth. Those classes have a topic they talk about, and it is not a criticism to note that there are days that the sex-ed curriculum talks about something other than families.

The CRC is saying this because they know they can trigger a whole cascade of Family Blah Blah reaction by asserting that the schools are somehow opposed to families, which is absurd. But ... we're not talking about real deep thinkers here.

They say it's "pushing the gay agenda," well that's original. They said that about the other curriculum, too. In fact, you can bet money they'll say that about any curriculum anywhere, ever, that talks about sexual orientation in an objective and unbigoted way. They're saying it pushes the gay agenda because that's what they're supposed to say, orders from headquarters. That's their biggest talking point. It's a meaningless assertion, since nobody actually knows what a "gay agenda" is, beyond that it's a conspiracy plot where gay people are trying to take over the world, but it is their duty to say it.

But that last bit gets you. They are saying the curriculum directs students to chop off body parts and change their gender. I guess it needs to be said: this is a lie.

Of course the curriculum doesn't direct students to do that. The other day I quoted what it says; one topic that is discussed in tenth grade is gender identity and the fact that some people are transgender. And the fact that some of those people choose to have sex reassignment surgery and hormones, and some don't. That's all.

I challenge any reporter who reads this -- and I know you all do -- to ask the next CRC member who tells you something like this to show it to you in the curriculum. They have the documents, we have them posted on our web site RIGHT HERE. Look through it, search the files. And when you interview these people and they're saying this, ask them to show you where it is. Don't just repeat their lies. You owe it to the community.

But there's more to this paragraph.
Oh, if you have ANY negative feeling about homosexual conduct, you are labeled a “homophobe” according to the sex ed curriculum. Stay tuned, we expect the Rockville Circuit Court to send the curriculum back to the trash heap where it belongs. How much will this cost you and me?

The homophobia allegation is an interesting one. We've gone over it before. Homophobia is a tenth grade vocabulary term, and it is also discussed in a textbook section.

Here's the vocabulary item from the tenth grade curriculum: Homophobia -- "an extreme or irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people." (Random House Webster’s Dictionary, 2001).

OK, that's not too bad, is it?

I think the part they complain about is from the Holt textbook, which says: Homophobia is a fear or hatred of people believed to be homosexual. The term is used broadly to describe any range of negative attitudes toward or about gays, lesbians, bisexuals, or transgender people. Homophobia may be shown in ways as mild as laughing at a gay joke or as severe and violent as gay bashing or murder. Like any other prejudice, homophobia is learned. Children are not born hating; they learn to hate and fear from messages they receive while growing up.

In fact, the term is used broadly just as it's described here. Notice how the CRC capitalized "ANY" in their rant? That's because they want to interpret the phrase "any range of negative attitudes" in a special way. I would have said "a range" instead of "any range," but then the person who wrote this never imagined that a group like the CRC was going to try to go to court over what the word "any" means. The problem of course is that the word "any" can mean one, some, or all -- the CRC is choosing to use the third meaning, and then clutching their pearls in indignant horror.

You may find that the word homophobia as it's described here applies to you sometimes -- I'm as guilty as anybody -- but that doesn't mean it's wrong. This is how the word is used. And hey, I'm not as guilty as anybody, in the sense that "any" means ... oh, never mind. (The CRC would say that I just admitted being as bad as the guiltiest, most homophobic person in the world. See how that works?) (And anyway, some gay jokes are actually funny, this doesn't mean any gay joke. I mean, it ... I give up.)

And OK, they expect the circuit court to take their side, if they didn't expect that they wouldn't file, right?

You should look carefully at that last question, because that's what it's all about, really. How much will this cost you and me? They love the fact that this is a big drain on the taxpayers. There's a game you can play. You can sue somebody, and they'll be forced to come to an agreement with you because it would be too expensive to fight. Lawyers aren't cheap, and the CRC thinks they can get the school district to accede to their bizarre demands just because it will be expensive to fight them. I'm sure it's tempting for MCPS, and the district needs to be careful not to cause unnecessary expense, fighting fights that they can't win or that don't matter.

But the school district knows there's a county full of people out here watching, and we are counting on MCPS to do the right thing. This curriculum has met every standard. These are good classes, and the change is long overdue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Chopping off body parts"? It makes any sane person want to give up in despair. But thank you for not giving up.

I'm so immensely grateful that you are always willing to address the garbage the CRC puts out, Jim. I have been reading this blog for quite some time, and you are truly on the side of the angels.

September 24, 2007 1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey friend

reading the curriculum, don't you think it characterizes sexual reassignment surgery as a legitimate option for those who think their body and mind have different genders?

if so, what is CRC saying that is wrong here?

September 24, 2007 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Here's the vocabulary item from the tenth grade curriculum: Homophobia -- "an extreme or irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people.""

"I think the part they complain about is from the Holt textbook, which says: Homophobia is a fear or hatred of people believed to be homosexual. The term is used broadly to describe any range of negative attitudes toward or about gays, lesbians, bisexuals, or transgender people. Homophobia may be shown in ways as mild as laughing at a gay joke or as severe and violent as gay bashing or murder. Like any other prejudice, homophobia is learned. Children are not born hating; they learn to hate and fear from messages they receive while growing up.

In fact, the term is used broadly just as it's described here. Notice how the CRC capitalized "ANY" in their rant? That's because they want to interpret the phrase "any range of negative attitudes" in a special way. I would have said "a range" instead of "any range," but then the person who wrote this never imagined that a group like the CRC was going to try to go to court over what the word "any" means. The problem of course is that the word "any" can mean one, some, or all -- the CRC is choosing to use the third meaning, and then clutching their pearls in indignant horror.

You may find that the word homophobia as it's described here applies to you sometimes -- I'm as guilty as anybody -- but that doesn't mean it's wrong. This is how the word is used."

Actually, the word itself is used almost exclusively by those who favor the gay agenda.

The whole implication of the curriculum is that anyone who believes there is anything wrong with homosexuality is irrational.

CRC has you here and it may well be the downfall of the curriculum in court.

Jim's argument above is irrational. The curriculum is defining the term twice. Once they say it applies to extremism and irrationality. Later, it cover all negative reaction to homosexuality. The purpose is disingenuosness.

The curriculum is despicable, a nasty piece of work.

September 24, 2007 3:11 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Thanks for confirming my point, buddy. Your argument works only if "any" means "all." Please continue to insist that the word "any" always means "all" and never means one or some.

CRC is going to try to build their case on an argument about which of the several definitions of the word "any" the Holt publishers intended. This is a much better and more important question, I'm sure, than what "is is."


September 24, 2007 3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANY rational person will interpret the statement as CRC has. Especially so when the curriculum then gives examples ranging from "mild" to "extreme". It doesn't discuss just any "extreme" negative reaction. Most people will conclude that "mild" to "extreme" covers ALL negative reactions. Most people would be right.

Word games won't save this curriculum. Only changes to make it unbiased will.

Remember, the court in Md doesn't believe innateness is a given fact. At this point, the don't subscribe to the gay agenda.

September 24, 2007 3:54 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Liar. The court in Maryland did not say anything about innateness.


September 24, 2007 4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bad, Jim. You're right. They didn't mention innateness. Everyone knows that's unproven.

They said there is also no proof that homosexuality can't be cured.

September 24, 2007 4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

buddy in md said...

They said there is also no proof that homosexuality can't be cured.

Cured like an illness?


September 24, 2007 4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opinion: The curriculum is despicable, a nasty piece of work.

Fact: The majority of members of the MCPS Board of Education, MCPS Superintendent Weast, the majority of members of the Maryland State Board of Education, and Maryland State Superintendent of Schools all APPROVED the MCPS curriculum revisions after months of review and analysis including a lenghthy if poorly written appeal.

September 24, 2007 4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aunt Bea said...
Opinion: The curriculum is despicable, a nasty piece of work.

Fact: The majority of members of the MCPS Board of Education, MCPS Superintendent Weast, the majority of members of the Maryland State Board of Education, and Maryland State Superintendent of Schools all APPROVED the MCPS curriculum revisions after months of review and analysis including a lenghthy if poorly written appeal.


Including any pilots and students/families involved.


September 24, 2007 4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fact: The majority of members of the MCPS Board of Education, MCPS Superintendent Weast, the majority of members of the Maryland State Board of Education, and Maryland State Superintendent of Schools all APPROVED the MCPS curriculum revisions after months of review and analysis including a lenghthy if poorly written appeal."

It was all a farce, Beatrice. There were planning to approve it all along and put the people they wanted in place to make sure it said what they wanted.

Go ahead and say it isn't true.

CRC loves it when TTF makes credibility-destruction statements like that.

Go ahead, make their day!

September 24, 2007 4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...farce...planning it all along...they wanted in place...

I'll just let your paranoid delusions speak for themselves.

September 24, 2007 4:34 PM  
Blogger Dana Beyer, M.D. said...

I'll be happy to make Johnnie's day.

Being gender variant is having a medical condition to be treated medically, and as it turns out extremely successfully so.

Buddy is an ignoramus if he thinks the body and the mind have different genders. Nobody but he has ever said so. Genital reconstruction has been a successful option for over forty years. If Buddy isn't interested in partaking of the pleasure, that's his right.

September 24, 2007 4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They said there is also no proof that homosexuality can't be cured.

Cured like an illness?"

I don't care what they say, Ted.

I think you're swift.

September 24, 2007 6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
"buddy" or Nutty- no rational person interprets anything the way CRC does. And rational people- of which you are obviously not one- don't think they can fool us with changing your "names".

September 24, 2007 7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"no rational person interprets anything the way CRC does"

ROFL, Andrea!

Read Jim's post again. The curriculum defines the word twice and, just to erase any doubt that that's what they meant to do, they give examples to buttress the point.

It's almost like they want to lose!

ANY rational person will interpret the statement as CRC has. Especially so when the curriculum then gives examples ranging from "mild" to "extreme". It doesn't discuss just any "extreme" negative reaction. Most people will conclude that "mild" to "extreme" covers ALL negative reactions. Most people would be right.

Word games won't save this curriculum. Only changes to make it unbiased will.

September 24, 2007 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

river roller said...

Word games won't save this curriculum


Such as these rolling river...????

From CRC letter to Tilden Middle School Parents that said:

"Your child will be taught sexual variations."


the sign CRC used in their few people protest that said "No Unisex Bathrooms."

as if either was a part of anything in sex ed curriculum.


September 24, 2007 10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Homophobia -- "an extreme or irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people."
buddy in md said...

”Actually, the word itself is used almost exclusively by those who favor the gay agenda.”

And the term “gay agenda” is used almost exclusively by those who favor the religious supremacist theocratic agenda. Your point?

“The whole implication of the curriculum is that anyone who believes there is anything wrong with homosexuality is irrational.”

Which is what someone who is irrational would naturally conclude.

“Jim's argument above is irrational. The curriculum is defining the term twice. Once they say it applies to extremism and irrationality. Later, it cover all negative reaction to homosexuality. The purpose is disingenuosness.”

True, it covers ALL negative reactions on the extreme / irrational END of negative reactions.

“ANY rational person will interpret the statement as CRC has. Especially so when the curriculum then gives examples ranging from "mild" to "extreme". It doesn't discuss just any "extreme" negative reaction. Most people will conclude that "mild" to "extreme" covers ALL negative reactions. Most people would be right.

To define people by what you hate about them the most -- without merit -- IS extreme and irrational. When one’s beliefs about something are based on virulent ignorance and hatred, then those beliefs ARE irrational. Whether or not those extreme and irrational attitudes are expressed mildly or extremely is irrelevant.

However, one can have “negative attitudes” about someone’s behavior without having a negative attitude about them. I have negative attitudes about heterosexual sex, but that doesn’t mean I hate or define heterosexuals exclusively as such.

The curriculum uses “negative attitudes” specifically in relation to GLBT people, and NOT any perceived “homosexual conduct,” as the CRC alleges. The CRC has constructed a strawman in the effort to conflate the two.

Which makes your next statement particularly ironic:

”Word games won't save this curriculum. Only changes to make it unbiased will.”

”They didn't mention innateness. Everyone knows that's unproven.”

It’s been proven to me and most everyone I know. If you personally feel insecure about the innateness of your own sexuality, you might want to look into that, but please speak for yourself.

”They [“court in Md”] said there is also no proof that homosexuality can't be cured.”

Strawman / appeal to authority. There’s no proof that homosexuality even needs to be cured, which moots the point. Nor is the court an expert on homosexuality, nor have you provided proof that they even said this.

September 25, 2007 4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeksamEnough of this cowardly Anonymous troll who has used at least 15 different I.D.s in the past couple of weeks. ("oops, they did it again", "big apple", "cinnamon man", "best of the west", "rye guy", "Al Jolson" [how ironic], "ziggy stardust", "shiver me timbers", "double dan", "Elton", "washingtonian", "buddy in md", "river runner","yeah,yeah, yeah" and "John" [perhaps his real name?] - not to mention his prviously used favorite fake names. It is quite apparent that this "sock puppet" (an individual with multiple posts using different names) is doing nothing more than attempting to hijack TTF's site!! He adds absolutely ZERO to intelligent discourse here. It is time, Jim, to ban him!

September 25, 2007 10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Everyone. I came across this article and was just wondering if anyone else has heard of it?

WASHINGTON -- A hate crime investigation is under way in the District after a man left a gay-friendly bar in the District and was beaten by a group of young men, authorities said.

It was the third time this month that someone has been attacked based on their sexual orientation. News4's Michael Flynn reported that while the victim of this latest attack was beaten, his attackers used anti-gay slurs.

The victim left a gay-friendly bar on Ninth Street near the Convention Center in Northwest at about 1 a.m. Saturday. Police said that about a block away from the bar at 3600 NW O St., three young men approached the man on bicycles and assaulted him.

Police said the victim was hit in the back of the head with something. He suffered cuts and bruises. He was treated and released from a local hospital.

"He suffered injuries to the back of his head, as well as to his face," friend Joe Solmonese said.

He works with the victim at the Human Rights Campaign.

"He went to the emergency room Saturday night," he said. "He was taken by ambulance. He had some stitches in the back of his head. He's bruised in his face. He was given an MRI,

After the attack, the victim went back to the bar, where employees called 911.

"To have this happen to a patron here, which is obviously a gay bar, on the heels of what happened just a few blocks away very recently, it really heightens that concern," said Jim Graham, an openly gay member of the D.C. Council.

Saturdays attack was the latest in a string of recent hate crimes.

On Sept. 9 a man was attacked in Georgetown at 900 NW O St. by a group of men yelling homophobic slurs.

Four days later, at 700 NW H St. in Chinatown, a transgender victim was assaulted and pushed though a window.

The victim in the latest crime is in his 20s and is a temporary employee with the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that fights for the rights of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty said it is a case the city takes seriously.

"You never want to think, especially in the nation's capital, that somebody could be targeted for a crime based on their sexual preference, their race, their age, anything," Fenty said. "That's why we're going to take it extremely seriously, investigate it and prosecute it as soon as we can bring somebody into custody."

Although similar in nature, police said Saturday's attack was not connected to the others.

"We're not concerned that there's any type of a series of crimes that are connected," D.C. police Sgt. Brett Parsons said. "There's no reason to connect them other than the fact that it's very disheartening that these types of crimes occur."

With a clear police presence, officers and neighbors said the area is still safe. They said the attacked was an isolated incident, but that it remains part of a troubling trend of hate crimes.

"I don't think I'd change how I walk around just because of this," resident Matthew Hallahan said.

D.C. police said they arrested three juveniles for an attempted robbery a few blocks from where Saturday's attack occurred. Police said they are looking into the possibility that the juveniles may have been responsible for the most recent hate crime.
Copyright 2007 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

September 25, 2007 11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read about the incidents in the Washington Post this morning. There's a similar report in today's Metro Section, but it provides less detail.

September 25, 2007 1:04 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

River roller/runner/buddy, why so interested in gays? I can understand why gay people are deeply involved in this issue, but what could possibly motivate your intense interest unless you're a closeted gay yourself? Are you using anger at gays to distract yourself from your own same sex attractions? I once did that and research shows that the majority of homophobes are same sex attracted. Do you need help in learning to accept yourself or is their some virtually inconceivable reason for your intense interest in gays?

September 25, 2007 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is time, Jim, to ban him!"

That's one way to win an argument, Rob, and, in the case, probably your only shot.

The "homophobe" definitions are clearly an inconsistency and weakness of the curriculum. In one place it says the term covers "extreme" reactions to homosexuality and, in another, it says it covers "any" negative reaction from "mild" to "extreme".

The reason it does this is clear too. That way they can point to the moderate definition when that serves their argument and still have the radical viewpoint in the curriculum, indoctrinating kids. It's part of the agenda, a step, just like civil unions are a step toward gay marriage. The eventual goal to make it against the law to believe and say that homosexuality is immoral.

September 26, 2007 6:14 AM  
Blogger JimK said...

As far as banning the scok-puppet, let me explain. I've only had to actually ban one person so far, in three years. That was our so-called "Illiterate Anon," whose comments were so stupid and so far over the edge that they were intolerable, and I got tired of having to follow all the comments just to delete his.

This current name-shifting troll, and the others before him, has served a purpose here at the TTF blog. In fact, now and then one of them accuses us of inventing one of the other ones, it's hilarious.

Sockpuppet reminds us that there are people like him out there. TTF isn't just here shadow-boxing, there are real bigots out there, including in our community. Sockpuppet -- he who goes by various names -- provides us the textbook case of prejudice and discrimination. He stereotypes and tries to argue from the position that every ugly stereotype is absolute truth. He tries to insult those who disagree with him, and portray them as unintelligent and/or misled. He believes that God is on his side, in the classic hallucinatory way, and even seems to think that most people agree with him.

So far his comments have not been extremely personal, and we have seen worse-behaved trolls in our comments before. As long as he stays on topic and doesn't try to insult people personally, I'm not planning to ban him. At some point his comments will become so weary that I may change my mind, but at this point, he's just holding down his end of the spectrum.

BTW, I understand your frustration, but it's not really about Sockpuppet himself. The fact is, this is how the other side actually thinks. You will find his kind of logic everywhere from the White House on down to the CRC. So, yes, it's frustrating trying to reason with someone who rejects the very idea of reasoning, but my judgment at the moment is to let him blather.


September 26, 2007 6:52 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Anonymous said "That way they can point to the moderate definition when that serves their argument and still have the radical viewpoint in the curriculum, indoctrinating kids.".

LOL, no gay supportive person is trying to indoctrinate kids, its people like you who are. No gay or ally tries to encourage straight kids to become gay, its people like you who try to force gay kids to pretend to be straight. You're the one doing the indoctrinating. Classic case of projection, you're blaiming others for that you yourself are trying to do.

Anonymous said "It's part of the agenda, a step, just like civil unions are a step toward gay marriage. The eventual goal to make it against the law to believe and say that homosexuality is immoral.".

Ridiculous. The goal is to grant gays the same rights you have. And for the sake of argument, let's say your "worst" fear comes true and the law says that you can't believe or say that gayness is immoral. How exactly is that going to be some big imposition on you? How exactly is that going to interfere with your pursuit of happiness? How exactly is that going to deprive you of anything of significance in your life? How exactly is any law going to ever prevent you from believing whatever you damn well feel like?

September 26, 2007 3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear river/buddy/anon/goofball:

Wait, let me guess, many of your friends are gay?

I would argue that there isn't really a gay agenda beyond equality, but there is definitely an anti-gay agenda, ranging from opposing lessons on tolerance through opposing lgbt families, adoption, employment rights, etc., all the way to imprisonment, shock treatments, estrogen treatments, denial of membership in the military, on to physical attacks and murder of LGBT people.

River/nutty/buddy/Larry Craig/Johnny et. al.: that is your agenda, clearly. Find another sandbox to play in.


September 26, 2007 5:00 PM  

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