Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Shower-Nuts to Haunt Fireworks Shows

Here she is again -- Citizens for a Responsible Whatever President Ruth Jacobs has sent a newsletter out to the shower-nut mailing list, trying to get them motivated -- the CRW believes that the Fourth of July is about re-legalizing gender identity discrimination. This thing is too long to reproduce here, and anyway if you wanted to get it you'd be on their list already.

It looks like the main thing they want people to do is hand out flyers at the fireworks shows. They've got the flyers online that they want people to print out, and then you are supposed to turn out November 4th to vote to rescind the nondiscrimination law that was passed unanimously by the Montgomery County Council and signed by the County Executive.

Wow, this newsletter has a link to Dr. Jacobs' letter to the editor with the fake quote in it, you'd think they'd have wanted to edit that one. Well, they're safe, they know their people won't go to the source.

The newsletter includes a nice concise list of the things they are whining complaining about:
  1. Letters to the Gazette expressing concerns about women's rights to privacy and discussing the concern that female impersonators would be covered by the bill have not been published.
  2. A recent Gazette article essentially described concerned citizens as fevered bookends.
  3. County media simply ignored a press release by MCRG concerning harassment of petitions gatherers (despite video documentation).
  4. When Channel 21 planned to have a show on the bill it was canceled.
  5. Despite emails requesting a balanced program the Kojo Nnamdi show titled "Transgender Rights" included only transgender individuals Dana Beyer and Colleen Fay and the DC Transgender Health Empowerment Director, Brian Watson.

With reporting like this the citizens of Montgomery County will not get the facts without your help!!!

I'm not going to go through each of these things. The fact is, they want the commercial press to give them free publicity and it isn't happening. People in our county don't like the CRW, don't agree with them, don't want to hear their lies and distortions. They've worn out their welcome, it's as simple as that.

This has been a real test for the media. The CRW has been seeing if they can manipulate them, creating a "story" out of nothing, pretending there is some danger to innocent women and children if gender-identity discrimination is prohibited. They have tried various publicity stunts, press releases, they have faked incidents, and the only journalist to fall for it has been Greta Kreuz at Channel 7, who has promoted them consistently -- she even reported the "man in a dress in the ladies showers" hoax as news.

We have been proud of our local press -- there were times during the sex-ed controversy that some of them were tempted to go with the juicy story, the outraged religious groups etcetera, but this time there has been no such tendency. The county passed a law banning discrimination, the people want that, and our county's little group of radicals looks like what they are: nuts. They hate gay people, they hate transgender people, they claim their beliefs come from their religion but I don't believe there is any religion practiced in the United States that demands its adherents discriminate on the basis of gender identity.

Our local reporters saw what these guys did when the schools tried to update the sex-ed curriculum, and they're not going to fall for any of it this time.

Last year the CRW's (then the CRC) lawyer John Garza gave a talk to the faithful where he said:
We at the CRC want no change, we like things the way they are, and the way they've been for the last 6,000 years. The burden of proof is on those who want to institute change, who wanna make things different. We have nothing to prove here, folks. They do.

I think that sums it up neatly. In Montgomery County we have some forward looking people, people with hope in their hearts, people who have seen our country dragged down by greed and fear and hatred, people who desperately desire change. On the other hand we have a handful of people who like things just how they've been for the last 6,000 years. And they wonder why everybody doesn't jump into the parade behind them.

Well, if you're at the fireworks and somebody hands you a flyer, maybe you should try to engage them. Most of the people doing the street-level work are just following instructions, they hear something at church or over the backyard fence and they think predators and pedophiles are somehow going to infect our county if this law isn't beaten -- they are literally told that. Maybe you can talk to them for a minute. A lot of them really just don't understand what they're promoting here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"People in our county don't like the CRW, don't agree with them, don't want to hear their lies and distortions. They've worn out their welcome, it's as simple as that."

Right. That's why over 5% of the voters in this county signed their petition in the face of harassment from TTF forces. Seems like TTF is the one whose welcome has worn out.

"This has been a real test for the media."

Yes, it is. Will they heed the radicals threats and cover up the story here or will they give the voters a chance to hear the arguments and make up their mind? To TTF's chagrin, the media will be supporting democracy in the fall.

"The CRW has been seeing if they can manipulate them, creating a "story" out of nothing,"

When over 5% of voters call for voters to veto a unanimous County Council action, that is a major story.

"pretending there is some danger to innocent women and children if gender-identity discrimination is prohibited"

Under the loose way the addled duo, Duchy and Dana, have defined gender identity, that danger is very real. You won't find a bill quite like this one anywhere else.

"The county passed a law banning discrimination, the people want that,"

Oh sure, that's why TTF is so scared of letting the voters rule on this.

"and our county's little group of radicals looks like what they are: nuts."

Uh, "radical" means to seek drastic change. That describes TTF as your post has made clear. You ridicule the idea of maintaining the status quo.

"They hate gay people, they hate transgender people,"

Really? Does TTF hate lazy people? Why aren't they pushing for discrimination laws to protect them?

"they claim their beliefs come from their religion but I don't believe there is any religion practiced in the United States that demands its adherents discriminate on the basis of gender identity"

Actually, the Bible instructs believers not to be "yoked together" with non-believers. Churches properly want to employ those who support the church's mission. If one doesn't hold to biblical teaching on sexual morality, how can they be said to support its mission?

"On the other hand we have a handful of people who like things just how they've been for the last 6,000 years."

And if you don't, you're radical. And we all know TTF denounces radicalism.

"And they wonder why everybody doesn't jump into the parade behind them."

I haven't heard them wondering anything like that. Seems that at least 5% of voters are in the parade. A gathering that big might need to apply for a permit.

"Well, if you're at the fireworks and somebody hands you a flyer, maybe you should try to engage them."

Yes, I'm sure they'll be persuaded by a bunch of disheveled dead-heads.

I'm worried!

Try to behave this time, TTF.

July 03, 2008 10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TTF represents the 95% who didn't sign the petitions and believe it is wrong to discriminate against transgenders no matter what your personal religious beliefs are.

July 03, 2008 10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that's an adventurous type of logic. Among the problems with it is this:

if 95% of voters agree with TTF, why does TTF seem so nervous about letting the voters vote?

Tomorrow is Independence Day and it would be a good time to for TTFers to reflect on what it means to be an American and then move to Canada.

Take Barack with you!

July 03, 2008 10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some Thomas Paine for those who, on this Independence Day weekend, don't want America to continue to support freedom for Iraqis:

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

July 03, 2008 11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, AnonBigot?

You can't express all of those ideas together in one posting?

They don't make any sense anyway.

July 03, 2008 12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they wouldn't to a person like you, Drick

could you explain one thing to me though?

why, if everyone in Montgomery County want practitioners of deviant sexual activities to receive special protection under the law, does TTF not support voting on it?

are they secretly an anti-American group that wants to discourage democracy?

July 03, 2008 12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be for the same reason that TTF spporters would not support voting on the Civil Rights Act. Had those anti-discrimination protections for African Americans not been passed by our representative elected officials, just like bill 23-07, we'd still have Jim Crow laws and segregation of the races.

This TTF supporter does not want special rights for transgender people, just equal rights same as everybody else. And I also want same sex couples to have the equal right to marry the person they love, just like opposite sex couples do. Not special rights, just equal rights.

While you plan to have what you imagine to be the majority of Montgomery County voters run roughshod over the minority, you think about Lady Liberty's message to the world:

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Happy Independence Day everybody!

July 03, 2008 3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comparing the ludicrously broad definition of "gender identity" to race is intellectually dishonest. Now, if you amend our current anti-discrimination law and state that it protects "those of a certain race, or anyone who perceives themselves to be of a certain race, or anyone who has even thought of being a certain race," then you broach upon having an an honest comparison.

July 03, 2008 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It would be for the same reason that TTF spporters would not support voting on the Civil Rights Act. Had those anti-discrimination protections for African Americans not been passed by our representative elected officials, just like bill 23-07, we'd still have Jim Crow laws and segregation of the races."

Actually, that's probably not really true except in some parts of the South. But, regardless, you need to get help if you can't see that a biological characteristic like race is different than an emotional and moral choice like deviancy.

"This TTF supporter does not want special rights for transgender people, just equal rights same as everybody else. And I also want same sex couples to have the equal right to marry the person they love, just like opposite sex couples do. Not special rights, just equal rights."

I thought we were talking 23-07. If that is ever approved by the voters, it won't apply to altering the definition of marriage.

Transgenders have the same rights as everyone. Everyone has the right to marry an unrelated person of the opposite gender who is of appropriate age. Transgenders are free to also.

23-07 supporters, however, want to give transgenders the right to sue if someone doesn't hire them because they don't like them. Other people don't have that recourse if someone doesn't hire them.

"While you plan to have what you imagine to be the majority of Montgomery County voters run roughshod over the minority, you think about Lady Liberty's message to the world"

The Statue of Liberty invites decent people of the world, regardless of their circumstance, to live a life of freedom and opportunity in America. Transgenders can come too but they shouldn't expect to be given an advantage over others. It's an opportunity not a guarantee.

July 03, 2008 5:52 PM  
Blogger BlackTsunami said...

okay. how about religion.

July 03, 2008 5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well that's a new argument. whatever happened to the bathroom nonsense?

July 03, 2008 5:54 PM  
Blogger Dana Beyer, M.D. said...

Tell me, Wyatt, exactly what "deviant sexual activities" are you accusing me of performing?

July 03, 2008 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
In the Spirit of July 4th and the American Revolution, Anon is revolting.

When Barack becomes President, will Anon move to Canada?

July 03, 2008 7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" are so dreary and b-o-r-i-n-g. You never put forth any new ideas...just the same ol' stuff - Johnny One Note. This is NOT your blog site.I suggest you start your own, perhaps calling it Citizens for Hate and Ignorance. It might even draw an audience of, say, 17 or 18 ignorant bigots. That will no doubt be the highlight of your insignificant life. Imagine, 18 people stroking your sad, pitiful ego. You go boy (or is it girl?)!
An "anomymous" admirer

July 03, 2008 8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last anonymous is right, "anonymous", you need your own blog/job/watering hole/set of friends/books/radio/TV/macrame/exercise bike/whatever.

You really need something else to do with your time. This obsessive blogging/hatefulness/pissing nice people off/typing on your computer keyboard that you do can't be good for you.

When you enjoy doing something and do it frequently, it's a habit; when you just can't help it, whether it's good for you or not, it's an addiction.

Maybe there's a 12-step program for you.


July 04, 2008 8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need to get help if you can't see that a biological characteristic like race is different than an emotional and moral choice like deviancy

If you knew anything about it, you'd know gender identity is a biological characteristic. Intersexed individuals are born that way as are people whose anatomical sex and brain sex don't match. Just because you were born without these conditions, doesn't mean you have to lie about them. You could comprehend them if you wanted to but apparently because of your faith or whatever it is you base your "morality" on, you feel you must ignore or dismiss the science about these conditions. Then you go so far as to call people who have them derogatory names in your unyielding efforts to demonize and demoralize LGBT people. And you call yourself a Christian? That is not very Christian of you IMHO.

Everyone has the right to marry an unrelated person of the opposite gender who is of appropriate age.

You're right, most current laws say only opposite sex couples can wed. But back in the 50's most laws said you could only marry within your own race and we managed to evolve beyond that bigoted thinking. Laws will be changed again, this time to allow people to marry the person they love regardless of gender and sexual orientation as well as race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, disability, or ancestry.

The Statue of Liberty invites decent people of the world

Maybe in your imagination she invites only "decent" people of the world. Who decides what's decent? You don't think LGBT people are decent and I don't think people who denigrate LGBT people day after day are decent. Of course the poem doesn't mention the word "decent." Instead, The New Colossus, the "Mother of Exiles" offers her "world-wide welcome" to the "tired....poor...huddles masses yearning to breathe free...the wretched refuse...the homeless, tempest-tost" that nobody wants. She "lifts up her lamp" so they too can find the "golden door" to this land of the free, where all men are created equal and where everybody has equal rights.

July 04, 2008 9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Aunt Bea for reminding us of the Statue of Liberty and what she really stands for on this 4th of July.



July 04, 2008 2:28 PM  
Blogger Queers United said...

these bigots never give up do they?

July 04, 2008 6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Tell me, Wyatt, exactly what "deviant sexual activities" are you accusing me of performing?"

I don't see any personal comments directed at any individual above but "deviant sexual activities" would be sexual activities that diverge from the norm.

My guess is that only the individual knows what they done. I don't see any accusations in the stream above about anyone's activities.

Who is this Dana Beyer anyway?

July 05, 2008 10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you knew anything about it, you'd know gender identity is a biological characteristic. Intersexed individuals are born that way as are people whose anatomical sex and brain sex don't match."

People here seem to make statements like this all the time. I've never heard of any scientists who say they've proved this and I don't know how they could. No one knows for sure if the brain is the origin of conciousness or merely the bodily organ that the mind uses to control the body. How could they?

If you want to be a different gender than your bodily characteristics indicate, it's ridiculous to say your body is making you want that. More likely, this is a person who for one reason or another has decided to rebel against the physical world.

July 05, 2008 10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just where is the proof of your hypothesis that trangenders are rebelling against the physical world? Let's see the data that supports your ridiculous statements.

You're either not very bright or very lazy. If you have internet access (and you must if you are able to read and post comments on this blog) and want to know who Dana Beyer is (or anyone else for that matter), try googling.

July 05, 2008 11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a letter from our friend David, about the Post's bizarre article on the same-gender (maybe; they couldn't really say) marriage in Virginia. David rightly points out that the author of the article failed to contact experts on the topic, conflating transgender with deceptive (perhaps the author got help from "anonymous".) If the link doesn't work, the letter is 2nd down on the left column of the Free-For-All on page 13).

Here's a Post editorial on an administration ruling actually supportive of our families On page A14):

and from Friday, an article about the AFA boycotting McDonald's; it'll be about as effective as their boycotts of Disney and Ford.

See, in the summer I have time to read the newspaper.

BTW, many thanks to Aunt Bea about the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps we can take up a fund and send the Prince William County Board of Supervisors to go and see the statue before they passing any more anti-immigrant bill.


July 05, 2008 2:37 PM  
Blogger Zoe Brain said...

"If you knew anything about it, you'd know gender identity is a biological characteristic. Intersexed individuals are born that way as are people whose anatomical sex and brain sex don't match."

People here seem to make statements like this all the time. I've never heard of any scientists who say they've proved this and I don't know how they could.

With autopsies - because males and females are anatomically different, in the brain too.

See A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality by Jiang-Ning Zhou, Michel A. Hofman, Louis J. G. Gooren & Dick F. Swaab and published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature.

Or Male-to-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron Numbers in a Limbic Nucleus by Frank P. M. Kruijver, Jiang-Ning Zhou, Chris W. Pool, Michel A. Hofman, Louis J. G. Gooren and Dick F. Swaab. That's in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

No one knows for sure if the brain is the origin of conciousness or merely the bodily organ that the mind uses to control the body. How could they?
By examining the changes to the mind that result from changes - usually damage - to the brain. As anyone who has ever worked with stroke victims or victims of brain injury can tell you. Remember, they used to literally "change people's minds" by lobotomising them, to change their personality.

July 06, 2008 7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try Zoe. I posted a link to an article which included the sexually dimorphic BSTc research back in February. Most of the Anons ignored it. One summarily dismissed it because there was a line in it that said they hadn’t pinpointed that cause. (It should be noted that Alzheimer’s Disease was first written into the medical literature in 1906. Despite over a century dealing with this disease, and millions of dollars spent on research in the last couple of decades in particular, we still don’t know what causes it.)

None of the Anons have ever presented any medical literature that refutes the study by Kruijver, Zhou, et. al., nor have they even bothered to engage in a scientific debate about the methodology of the testing, how it might be flawed, or how it might be improved.

I suspect they will continue to ignore and dismiss it, or adamantly proclaim that it “does not constitute proof” without providing any contra-indicating studies or evidence.



July 06, 2008 10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm interested in the links and info that people give on this blog about sexual orientation and gender identity. The anonymoi, especially the one addicted to inimical blogging, are not really interested; I suspect that he/she/it is really looking for a place to be rude to lgbt people and their allies, without any real consequences to him/her/itself. He/she/it provides a nice foil and starting point for genuine discussion, but will never evince any change in opinion. Prejudice is hard to change, and change usually occurs slowly over time.

Thanks to all who provide cogent, informative info and links. I've learned a lot recently about gender identity, from this blog.


July 06, 2008 11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, was not really interested in gender identity until I started reading and posting on this blog. I became even more interested in GI when one of my students came to me and, with trust, informed me that he is transgender. That is why I became involved in the "Decline to Sign" initiative as well as the petition invalidation process (although, I wish I could have done more).

I also came to realize just how discriminated against these individuals are. I've met a few wonderful people, Maryanne and Dana among them, who have been fountains of information.

I even have a chance to sit down with Dan Furmansky of Equality Maryland and talk about these issues over dinner. He's a wonderful man with a huge, caring heart.

AnonBigot and its allies are only a single scrape off the surface of just how deep bigotry and hatred truly can be.

Truth, as always, wins. Love, as always, conquers hate.

There is no amount of foolish, bigoted and flawed people in the world who can be stronger than true love.

GLBT people are NOT second-class citizens. Montgomery's fair mindedness was one of the very reasons I have decided to reside here. A handful of ignorant bigots will not ruin this for me or any of my GLBT and Straight brothers and sisters.

July 06, 2008 5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Robert and Derrick for your posts. I will keep those thoughts in mind going forward.

Derrick, I’m am both surprised and grateful your student felt that he could safely confide in you. I hope you were able to point him towards PLFAG or other helpful resources. Back in the ‘70’s, when I was sent to see the school counselor for my first suicide attempt (I was 9), I couldn’t even get up the nerve to tell him, much less anyone else. He ran all sorts of cognitive tests on me. I found out years later (in college, actually) from my mom that his diagnosis for me not fitting in well in school was the fact that I test 3 years ahead of what is expected for a 4th grader. I have often wondered how my life would have been different (better?) if I had somehow managed to summon up the courage to tell someone back then.



July 06, 2008 11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooops, a typo in my last post that will surely invite unwanted commentary...

It should have read "I TESTED 3 years ahead..."

Sorry for the confusion -- it's late and I need to get to bed!


July 06, 2008 11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I too was tested by our school officials (looking back, they clearly gave me a full evaluation for special education) when I hit puberty and realized I was very different from the other boys. The solution then was to be promoted a grade out of order. I did summon the courage to tell my doctor some of how I felt, and he steered me towards reparative therapy. I see on their online registry of founding physicians, that he was later a founding member of what I think is called the American College of Pediatricians (something like that), which is essentially a small group of pediatricians who oppose lgbt people (and endorse spanking), and exists as a foil to the mainstream American Academy of Pediatricians.

Kids take the luck of the draw with their school counselors, especially in Virginia where there not always trained.

July 07, 2008 4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some equal time for a point of view that differs from Robert's dubious characterizations:

"The American College of Pediatricians (the College) is committed to helping children reach their optimal physical and emotional potential. For this reason, the College has reviewed the available science on the nature of same-sex attraction (SSA). This summary is intended to empower parents and their children to make healthy lifestyle choices regarding sexual behavior.

Researchers agree that sexual orientation develops from a combination of environmental and biological influences. The debate is over whether or not change of sexual orientation is enduring or even possible. Homosexuality affirming researchers believe that inborn biological factors trump any environmental contribution. Therefore, they consider sexual orientation to be innate and immutable. These researchers and therapists view SSA as a normal variant of human sexual development. Any effort to alter or eliminate SSA is equated with trying to change a person’s ethnicity. Homosexuality affirming therapists therefore oppose re-orientation therapy in all cases, arguing that those who are ambivalent about their same-sex attractions actually suffer from “internalized homophobia” and require counseling that will allow them to accept their innate homosexuality.

Other researchers, however, maintain that science tells a very different story – one of minimal biological influence, and a high degree of sexual fluidity. They argue that an objective review of the data strongly suggests that unwanted SSA is both preventable and changeable for many who desire those outcomes. While some of these therapists consider all SSA to be a psychosexual developmental disorder, others reject this notion. The construct that unites them is their insistence on a patient’s right to informed consent and self determination.(1, 2)

During the last 40 years the majority of SSA studies have been conducted, reviewed and/or published by homosexuality affirming researchers, many of whom are also openly homosexual. (1) Virtually all of the studies were touted by the media as proving that SSA is inborn. In reality, however, every one of them, from gene analysis, to brain structure, fingerprint styles, handedness, finger lengths, eye blinking, ear characteristics, verbal skills and prenatal hormones, have failed to be replicated, were criticized for research limitations, and/or were outright debunked.(3-7) This includes the widely publicized brain research of Dr. Simon LeVay,(8) and the gay gene research of Dr. Dean Hamer(9-12)

There is, however, a somewhat greater incidence of SSA among identical versus fraternal twins, which suggests the presence of inherited predisposing traits at least for some. Data from multiple identical twin studies, however, proves that this inherited influence is minimal. (13-17)

Every trait is influenced by genes, but only some are determined by them. “Genetically determined” is destiny, “genetically influenced” is not.(1,17) Identical twins have exactly the same DNA and share genetically determined traits 100% of the time. Eye color is a genetically determined trait, so identical twins always have the same eye color. SSA, however, is shared only 10-30% of the time proving instead that there is no gay gene and that at least 70% of the variation in sexual orientation is not inherited.(13 - 22)

Francis Collins, MD, director of the Human Genome Project, has concluded that “there is an inescapable component of heritability to many human behavioral traits. For virtually none of them is heredity ever close to predictive.” Regarding SSA, he states “sexual orientation is genetically influenced but not hardwired by DNA … whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predeterminations.”(23) Environment and free will decisions interact with these predispositions and play an important role in the development of SSA.

A recent meta-analysis of 21 homosexual parenting studies revealed the significant influence of parents’ sexual orientation on that of their children. Each individual study concluded that there are no differences between children of homosexual and heterosexual parents. Due to serious methodological flaws, however, the reliability of the studies was challenged. Homosexuality affirming researchers Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz therefore performed a meta-analysis designed to minimize the effect of those flaws. To their surprise, significant differences were now revealed: Children raised by homosexual parents were more likely to initiate sexual activity at earlier ages, be more promiscuous and declare themselves homosexual than children raised by heterosexual parents." (24)

Stacey and Biblarz also found that sons of lesbians were less aggressive, and daughters more aggressive than those in heterosexual homes. Children with same-sex parents were less likely to conform to traditional gender roles. The researchers hailed this as a positive outcome. This is not necessarily the case, however, since the feminization of boys and masculinization of girls is also found in gender identity disorder of childhood(GID)."(24, 25, 26)

Children with GID may explicitly state a desire to be the opposite sex, cross-dress, insist on toileting as the opposite sex and engage almost exclusively in non-stereotypic play even prior to the age of 4. These children are referred to as gender disordered or gender discordant(25) The emotional suffering of these children is indisputable and many homosexuality affirmative researchers agree that GID is treatable. Up to 75% of untreated gender discordant boys and one to two thirds of untreated discordant girls will develop SSA. On the other hand, SSA may be prevented when GID is treated successfully (2, 26, 27)

Many teens who develop SSA, however, never met the criteria for GID – should they claim a homosexual identity? No. Sexual attractions are especially fluid during adolescence. A1992 survey, for example, reported that 25% of 7th graders were uncertain of their sexual orientation.(28) In 2002 Bearman and Breukner found that 9.7% of teens had experienced a romantic attraction to someone of the same-sex. (29) Yet, the percentage of adults who identify as homosexual is consistently 3% or less. (1) Having same-sex attractions, fantasies and/or experiences as an adolescent does not mean that a teen is or will be homosexual.

Those who do label themselves “gay” or bisexual tend to become sexually active at younger ages and are more sexually promiscuous than their peers. The serious physical and emotional illnesses associated with homosexual behavior are well documented. Increased rates of drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety, depression, suicide, eating disorders and intimate partner violence are more prevalent among homosexual men and women than among their heterosexual counterparts. (30, 31)

For these reasons, adolescents should be discouraged from claiming a “gay” identity or labeling others as “gay” prematurely. Instead, all teens should be encouraged to practice sexual abstinence.

What does science reveal about the possibility of change after a teen or adult adopts a homosexual identity? A review of the literature regarding reorientation indicates that the possibility for change exists at all ages (32) Seeking treatment prior to initiating homosexual activity, age under 35, the presence of past or coexisting heterosexual attractions, a high motivation to change, and working with a therapist who believes that change is possible, are all associated with a greater likelihood of success. (26)

Dr. Nicholas Cummings, a former President of the American Psychological Association, firmly believes that those with SSA can claim a gay identity and lead happy, healthy lives. He is just as vehement, however, in defending the right to reorientation therapy if one is distressed by their same-sex attractions. Over a twenty year period at Kaiser-Permanente in San Francisco, California, Dr. Cummings’ practice treated and maintained extensive notes on 18,000 patients who were dissatisfied with their SSA. Two thirds of the patients were helped by therapy. Twenty percent of this group successfully reoriented. The remaining 80% went on to decrease high-risk homosexual behaviors and live “sexually responsible and happy gay lives.” (33)

Dr. Warren Throckmorton has similarly stated that those who adopt a “gay identity” can lead happy, healthy lives. Yet, he too, vigorously defends the right of patients to seek reorientation therapy if they desire to pursue such change after giving appropriate informed consent. In 1998, Dr. Throckmorton conducted an extensive review of reorientation reports published in the Journal of Mental Health. He documented that multiple forms of standard, ethical therapeutic interventions had successfully effected change of sexual orientation (32)

In 1973, Dr. Robert Spitzer was instrumental in declassifying homosexuality as a mental disorder and today remains a “gay rights” supporter. For decades he firmly believed that change of orientation was impossible. In 2003, after studying a group of 200 “ex-gay” men and women, he reversed his stance. All participants gave evidence of achieving degrees of long-term change in their sexual orientation up to and including complete heterosexuality without suffering any negative consequences from therapy.(34) Similar findings were reported in 2007 by Drs. Jones and Yarhouse. These researchers studied a cohort of “ex-gays” who successfully participated in religiously mediated therapy to change their sexual orientation.(35)

The American Psychiatric Association’s on-line website also supports the notion of sexual fluidity:
“Some people believe that sexual orientation is innate and fixed; however, sexual orientation develops across a person’s lifetime. Individuals may become aware at different points in their lives that they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual.”(36)

In summary, SSA is determined by a complex interaction between familial and peer influences, unique events, social and biological factors. An attachment deficit, cross-gender behavior, rejection by same-sex peers, sexual abuse, involvement in pornography and sexual experimentation are associated with SSA for many, but do not unilaterally or universally cause it. In other words, not every person who has these experiences will develop SSA, and not every person with SSA will have a history of these experiences. This is likely where biological influences and unrecognized environmental or societal factors play a role. (1, 2, 13-16) What the current political climate ignores is that the last forty years of data proves only a small biological contribution and a significant degree of sexual fluidity.

Parents have the right to make informed health care decisions for their children based on accurate and unbiased information, as do psychosocially mature adolescents themselves. While sexual attractions may not be consciously chosen, one can choose what to do with these attractions once recognized. No one is “born gay.” Biological and environmental influences may be fostered or foiled. Therefore, SSA is indeed preventable and changeable to varying degrees for many who desire these outcomes.

Finally, it is important to stress that while change is a choice - not everyone who attempts change succeeds. Regardless of what one believes about homosexual behavior, it is essential to stand in solidarity against all forms of unjust discrimination and violence.

Parents and adolescents may further explore this subject together at and"

July 07, 2008 4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice junk science, AnonBigot.

July 07, 2008 8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous"...I have never run across anyone who is as obsessed about homosexuality as you are. As if a person being homosexual has anything to do with your life! I think you should devote your apparently unlimited time to do some research on the topic of "homophobia" in order to cleanse yourself of this psychotic malfunction that you have subjected yourself to...and, as a side benefit, perhaps taking a long vacation from your homophobic fantasies. You need help my friend and you need to get a where you do not pass judgement on others, contrary to your own religious creed and teachings.
An "Anonymous" fan

July 07, 2008 9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an excellent article on SSA! Thanks for posting it!

July 07, 2008 11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some good data for you.

July 07, 2008 11:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

“Nice junk science, AnonBigot.”

Junk science from a junk organization.

That article is from the American College of Pediatricians.

Check out the litany of references on that article. They may as well have just put a one sentence closing line that said "We’re complete liars, couldn’t care less about the truth, or our credibility, but it’s all worth it at the end of the day if we can get just one more person to hate gay people as much as we do."

I could at least respect the honesty of such a statement.

The Boston Globe has a loverly little piece on them, coupled with none other than the god of junk science himself, Paul Cameron.

The Family Research Institute and the American College of Pediatrics are part of a rapidly growing trend in which small think tanks, researchers, and publicists who are open about their personal beliefs are providing what they portray as medical information on some of the most controversial issues of the day.

Created as counterpoints to large, well-established medical organizations whose work is subject to rigorous review and who assert no political agenda, the tiny think tanks with names often mimicking those of established medical authorities have sought to dispute the notion of a medical consensus on social issues such as gay rights, the right to die, abortion, and birth control.
The tiny American College of Pediatricians has a single employee, yet it has been quoted as a counterpoint to the 60,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics.
The website does not mention Cameron as a source of the science, but Ravenel, the board member, said: ''I've read a lot of his research. It is well done." (Cameron said he has discussed his research with some College members.)

Again, loverly. Anon seems to think that an organization that considers the research of Paul Cameron is beneficial to the wellbeing of children.

Lies, distortion, and intentional dishonesty, is the best way to protect kids.

Stunning, there is an argument and a discussion to be had, but to post that kind of garbage, by garbage organizations, in the name of protecting children, is downright criminal.
Tons more on the American College of Pediatricians here.

People who use the American College of Pediatricians as a resource should be considered child ABUSERS.

July 08, 2008 1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see.

Late yesterday afternoon, I posted the first anti-TTF remark since last Thursday.

This morning, I see the usual non-response. I'm "obsessed" and the article I posted is "junk science".

Did anyone ever notice that the only response to any dissent from the gay agenda is an attack on the source? Any chance that a gay advocate could ever say something of substance?

The article from ACP quotes, among others, a former president of the APA, another psychiatrist who lead the effort to remove homosexuality from the list of mental diseases, another scientist who is an esteemed genticist of historic achievement and current APA literature. This is your idea of junk science?

The most relevant point of the ACP article is an indisputable truth that you rarely hear anywhere and never from gay agenda advocates: no study establishing the innateness and immutability of homosexuality has ever been replicated.

That's what happens when you improvise.

You miss the important points.

July 08, 2008 7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's Dr. Spitzer himself discussing the distortion of his research findings by the homophobes of the world. He found that change in sexual orientation can occur, but since it took such him such a great amount of time and effort to find the 200 research subjects to prove it is possible (subjects that included not just your average Joes, but people whose livelihood depends on reparative therapy like ex-gay therapist and former PFOX President Richard Cohen), he said such change is rare.

The important point to be made is that ACP, PFOX, NARTH, FOF, FRC, and other similar groups distort the science to fit their homophobic beliefs and to aid them in their demonization of LGBT people.

July 08, 2008 8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The important point to be made is that ACP, PFOX, NARTH, FOF, FRC, and other similar groups distort the science to fit their homophobic beliefs and to aid them in their demonization of LGBT people."

No, the important point is that the studies that gay agenda advocates hang their hats on and so vociferously contend are established science have not been replicated. Attempts have been made to do so and have failed.

That this phenomenom is so widespread in this one field probably indicates that the studies are biased as part of a political agenda.

Remember, gay advocates are the ones claiming that they have science on their side. The burden of proof is on them. Resposible groups only say that science hasn't found conclusive evidence either way.

Of the four sources I cited from the ACP article, you only seek to discredit Spitzer. However, he doesn't disown his findings. he only says that the cases were small in number.

July 08, 2008 9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some thoughts about reparative therapy from ex-leaders of an ex-gay ministry:

I find their candor refreshing.



July 08, 2008 10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, this is completely off topic,my very Republican brother just sent this to me... but it is so funny that I had to share.... have a great day !

A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, and among other liberal ideals, was very much in favor of higher taxes to support more government programs, in other words redistribution of wealth.

She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.

One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs. The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing in school.

Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend, and didn't really have many college friends because she spent all her time studying.

Her father listened and then asked, 'How is your friend Audrey doing?'

She replied, 'Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She's always invited to all the parties and lots of times she doesn't even show up for classes because she's too hung over.'

Her wise father asked his daughter, 'Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA.'

The daughter, visibly shocked by her father's suggestion, angrily fired back, 'That's a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I've worked really hard for my grades! I've invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!'

The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, 'Welcome to the Republican party.'

'If anyone has a better explanation of the difference between Republican and Democrat I'm all ears.'

July 08, 2008 10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder why The Anonymous needs to repeat and emphasize his dislike, disapproval of and disdain for queer people every day, several times a day. I can think of a reason.

Bea, thanks for the quote from the Globe. It summarizes the strategy of the anti-gay industry well.

It embarrasses me as an American that so many otherwise respectable people in our society feel entitled, indeed driven, to express their homophobia so openly. They are reluctant to share their (no doubt deeply held) racism in public.

I fear much that the elitist element in our society will move from stressing its anti-queer attitudes to justifying and codifying into law their anti-immigrant (i.e. anti-non-european-immigrant) biases.

I disagree with the analogy about Republicans being people who want to keep what they earn, and democrats being people who want to give it away (didn't Jesus say something about that?). I think the heart of conservatism for many people is the need to feel superior to someone else.



July 08, 2008 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wonder why The Anonymous needs to repeat and emphasize his dislike, disapproval of and disdain for queer people every day, several times a day. I can think of a reason."

Why do you think your responses are worthwhile? I can think of no reason.

"Bea, thanks for the quote from the Globe. It summarizes the strategy of the anti-gay industry well."

I think that was emslob who posted that.

He's a moron.

"It embarrasses me as an American that so many otherwise respectable people in our society feel entitled, indeed driven, to express their homophobia so openly."

You could always move to Saudi Arabia. They'd take care of your embarassment real fast!

"They are reluctant to share their (no doubt deeply held) racism in public."

This is an extremely scurrilous and vicious accusation. Kind of makes a mockery of your martyr pose.

"I fear much that the elitist element in our society will move from stressing its anti-queer attitudes to justifying and codifying into law their anti-immigrant (i.e. anti-non-european-immigrant) biases."

I'm afraid you're displaying paranoid tendencies. You don't have any history of mental instability, do you?

"I disagree with the analogy about Republicans being people who want to keep what they earn, and democrats being people who want to give it away"

Actually that's not an analogy. It's a statement that has been shown to be statistically incorrect. Democrats are much less inclined to philanthropy than Republicans.

"(didn't Jesus say something about that?)."

What did he say?

"I think the heart of conservatism for many people is the need to feel superior to someone else."

Hmmm...sounds like someone's got the proverbial chip on thine shoulder. Again, this usually indicates mental instability.


That's a fact!

July 08, 2008 2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of the four sources I cited from the ACP article, you only seek to discredit Spitzer. However, he doesn't disown his findings. he only says that the cases were small in number.

No Spitzer did not **only** say the cases were small in number. The fact is that Spitzer said "I'm totally uncomfortable with the aims of Focus on the Family...What they fail to mention, and it's not, I guess, a big surprise, is that in the Discussion, I noted that it was so hard for me to find 200 subjects to participate in the study that I have to conclude that although change is possible and does occur, it is probably quite rare, and of course they don't want to mention that."

He's uncomfortable because FOF wants homophobic gays to think there's a good chance they will be able change their orientation when there is a slim-to-none chance of it.

As to your other "sources," Collins said, "sexual orientation is genetically influenced." Cummings "firmly believes that those with SSA can claim a gay identity and lead happy, healthy lives." Of course gays' lives would be even happier and healthier if they had the same equal rights as everyone else in this country, particularly the Founding Fathers' expressed desire that we should each be free to pursue our own happiness, instead of having to fight for their equal rights against homophobes like you, but I digress. Even Throckmorton agrees gays can lead happy healthy lives, yet you seem to live and breathe to make LGBT people as miserable as you are.

If people want to try to change their sexual orientation, more power to them, but give them the facts before you try to sell them some snake oil.

1. Successfully changing sexual orientation is very rare.
2. The potential for harm in conversion/reparative therapy programs is very high.

As the Washington Times reported:

"In 2002, researchers Ariel Shidlo and Michael Schroeder recruited 182 men and 20 women for a study on the negative effects of reparative therapy. They found that 176 subjects said reparative therapy was harmful, while 26 said it was successful."

July 08, 2008 3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh it's real obvious who has the mental problem...the one who will not be named.

July 08, 2008 3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting new study that concludes that the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy should be repealed.

It found:

Finding one: The law locks the military’s position into stasis and does not accord any trust to the Pentagon to adapt policy to changing circumstances

Finding two: Existing military laws and regulations provide commanders with sufficient means to discipline inappropriate conduct

Finding three: “Don’t ask, don’t tell” has forced some commanders to choose between breaking the law and undermining the cohesion of their units

Finding four: “Don’t ask, don’t tell” has prevented some gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members from obtaining psychological and medical care as well as religious counseling

Finding five: “Don’t ask, don’t tell” has caused the military to lose some talented service members

Finding six: “Don’t ask, don’t tell” has compelled some gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members to lie about their identity

Finding seven: Many gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are serving openly

Finding eight:“Don’t ask, don’t tell” has made it harder for some gays, lesbians, and bisexuals to perform their duties

Finding nine: Military attitudes towards gays and lesbians are changing

Finding ten: Evidence shows that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly is unlikely to pose any significant risk to morale, good order, discipline, or cohesion

On the basis of these findings, the Study Group offers the following four recommendations :

Recommendation 1. Congress should repeal 10 USC § 654 and return authority for personnel policy under this law to the Department of Defense.

Recommendation 2. The Department of Defense should eliminate “don’t tell” while maintaining current authority under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and service regulations to preclude misconduct prejudicial to good order and discipline and unit cohesion. The prerogative to disclose sexual orientation should be considered a personal and private matter.

Recommendation 3. Remove from Department of Defense directives all references to “bisexual,” “homosexual,” “homosexual conduct,” “homosexual acts,” and “propensity.” Establish in their place uniform standards that are neutral with respect to sexual orientation, such as prohibitions against any inappropriate public bodily contact for the purpose of satisfying sexual desires.

Recommendation 4. Immediately establish and reinforce safeguards for the confidentiality of all conversations between service members and chaplains, doctors, and mental health professionals.

July 08, 2008 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting post Bea. I always though signing DADT and DOMA were black marks on Bill Clinton's record.

I think I pissed The Anonymous off. Hee hee. It gives me the opportunity to repeat one of my dorkiest jokes: Is a personal attack on a gay man an "ad homonem" argument? My apologies to anyone with a real sense of humour; I just can't resist (which is the symptom of my addiction to bad puns; we all have our little addictions, don't we?).

You're right on one point though; it was Marx who said "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Was it Jesus who said "love thy neighbor as thyself?" Didn't he also say "it's easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven; but to God, all things are possible). Let me know, you're my little expert on Jesus quotes.


July 08, 2008 4:32 PM  
Blogger Dana Beyer, M.D. said...

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" is from the Torah.

July 08, 2008 5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right Dana. Here's a website on old and new testament quotes on the phrase:

I'll admit, there are some parts of scripture I like better than others.


July 09, 2008 11:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

“Any chance that a gay advocate could ever say something of substance?”

You mean “substance” like this:

Anti-gays are always right and pro-gays are always wrong, unless they agree that anti-gays are always right.

July 09, 2008 8:07 PM  

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