Friday, February 20, 2009

US Reverses Position on LGBT Issues

From the UN Dispatch:
In late December the United Nations General Assembly held a symbolic vote on a statement calling for the universal decriminalization of homosexuality. France spearheaded the resolution, which was a 13 point declaration "to ensure that sexual orientation or gender identity may under no circumstances be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests or detention." The statement received 60 votes in support, mostly from Europe and South America. Opposing the resolution, were the United States, the Holy See, and members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. At the time, the Bush administration couched its objection to the measure in legal technicalities.

Well, that was then. This is now: At the so-called "Durban Review Conference" on racism and xenophonia underway in Geneva, Europe again put forward language condemning “all forms of discrimination and all other human rights violations based on sexual orientation.” According to UN Watch, "The Czech Republic on behalf of the E.U., with the support of New Zealand, the United States, Colombia, Chili on behalf of the South American states, the Netherlands, Argentina and a few others, took the floor in support."

The efforts to include language on discrimination based on sexual orientation ended up failing for lack of support from non-western countries. Still, it's relieving to see that the United States is now back on the side of the enlightened on this issue of basic human rights. Obama Reverses U.S. Position on LGBT Issues at the UN

See how easy that is?

Next thing you know, this crazy country of ours is going to go on record saying that people should have food.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a good thing! Wow, everyone having rights in the world? How crazy is that!

One thing they may want to correct, though, is that the country is Chile, not Chili... I lived there for five years and never once ate chili.

February 20, 2009 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Alumni magazine tells me that Tim Geithner was a schoolmate of mine, the class before mine. It seems Paulson was an alum also. Go Green!


February 21, 2009 2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harris Poll: Obama, Jesus, Martin Luther King Top List of America's "Heroes"

February 22, 2009 12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, of course, is first on the list, not Obama. Obama is just popular with those with blinders on. Obama a hero? Oh, please.

February 23, 2009 12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still having trouble with reading comprehension, barryo? Maybe you only could see the 2001 poll results when Jesus was the most named hero. Obama is a hero to lots of people these days, but it's obvious you can't see that because you are blinded by your prejudices.

Sean Penn made a beautiful, heartfelt statement on stage as he accepted his award for Best Actor for his role in Milk last night.

"For those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think it's a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect on their great shame and their shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that support. We've got to have equal rights for everyone."

He said even more backstage.

"...And, certainly, what I mentioned from the stage earlier tonight, to see this culture of ignorance, and that breeds this kind of hateful expression, that these people have their signs outside essentially telling you that you're less than human..."

"...I'd tell them to turn in their hate card and find their better self, you know. I think that these are largely taught limitations and ignorances, this kind of thing, and it's a really it's very sad in a way, because it's a demonstration of such emotional cowardice to be so afraid to be extending the same rights to a fellow man as you would want for yourself..."

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. You should try it sometime, barryo.

February 23, 2009 8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the usual anon didn't make the comment Bea has responded to above

I didn't read the poll but is Bea saying Obama is more popular than Jesus? Is he more popular than John Lennon? Let's put it this way: a hundred years from now, Jesus will still be on that list; will Obama?

if Sean Penn thinks it's hateful to define marriage as a heterosexual institution, he's entitled to his opinion

few in America consider Hollywood actors to be our leaders, however, so I don't why you give the fact that he made this statement such import

February 23, 2009 8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I just click the link

looks like George Bush and John McCain also made the top ten

February 23, 2009 8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is thinking queer people are not equal in some respect to straight people hateful? It is at least prejudiced. I think perhaps Mr. Penn's point was that the grandchildren of those who hold these views will not boast of their ancestor's stance against equality.

February 23, 2009 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Queer people", as you say, have the same right to marry an unrelated opposite gender individual as anyone else.

This is the definition of marriage.

Straight people don't have the right to redefine marriage to suit their purposes either.

Gays and straights are equal in this legal regard and there is no need to alter the meaning of our language to cater to anybody's desire to re-engineer scoiety.

February 23, 2009 12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon=Anon until they differentiate themselves.

I didn't read the poll but is Bea saying Obama is more popular than Jesus?

No, the respondents to poll said that, as you learned when you finally read the Harris poll press release yourself.

Is he more popular than John Lennon?

In this Harris poll, apparently so, because John Lennon didn't place at all. Are you going to organize protests to burn Obama memorabilia now?

You do comprehend that it was the people surveyed who slightly more often mentioned Obama than Jesus as their hero, right? It wasn't me who said it, or Obama. And this differs from back in the day when John Lennon was the one who said the Beatles were more popular that Jesus. I'm just helping you remember since you "would often stop by and pick up munchies at the High's when driving around in [y]our smoky van", which might have clouded your memory.

a hundred years from now, Jesus will still be on that list; will Obama?

A hundred years from now I expect Jesus will still be on it. Will Obama still be on it too like Lincoln is still on it today? Who knows? Time will tell.

I don't [missing word] why you give the fact that he made this statement such import

I mentioned it because it's current and relevant to the discussions here on Vigilance. "Anonymous" has long exhibited learned hatred for LGBT folks and opposition to marriage equality. "Anonymous's" behavior on this blog is often "a demonstration of such emotional cowardice to be so afraid to be extending the same rights to a fellow man as you would want for yourself" IMHO.

looks like George Bush and John McCain also made the top ten

Yes, that's right, at fifth and seventh respectively. Good reading comprehension!

Mother Theresa was the only woman to crack the top ten at #10, beating God and keeping Him off the top ten at #11. Are you going to organize protests to burn Mother Theresa memorabilia now?

Hillary (#12) topped Condi (#19), and Oprah (#20), who edged Palin (#21) out of the top 20.

February 23, 2009 12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Investors continue to display excitement over the Obama-Geithner economic plan:

"NEW YORK -Investors' sagging confidence has pulled the major stock market indexes to their lowest levels in over a decade.

The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell to April 1997 levels Monday, while the Dow Jones industrial average, down about 150 points, reached its levels of October 1997 as investors succumbed to their growing worries about a recession that has no end in sight.

"People left and right are throwing in the towel," said Keith Springer, president of Capital Financial Advisory Services.

Most financial stocks were pounded even as government agencies led by the Treasury Department said they will launch a revamped bank rescue program that includes the option of increasing government ownership in financial institutions without having to pour more taxpayer money into them."

Glad we've got a seasoned professional in the White House!

If doesn't know what he's doing, could he just admit it?

February 23, 2009 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the green line on the graph on The Bush Recession thread below? Bush/Cheney left us free-falling toward depression era bank closure/job loss/business failure numbers. Obama has been telling us for months, the ecomony will get worse before it gets better.

These stock market numbers are no surprise. Economists expect things will get worse before they get better, but apparently barryo expects instant fixes. It will take years to repair the damaged economy Bush/Cheney left us with.

February 24, 2009 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The economy takes a while to show responses. The stock market, on the other hand, tends to factor in future expectations immediately.

People who know what they're talking about don't expect much out of Obama's plans.

February 24, 2009 10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Investors continue to display excitement over the Obama-Geithner economic plan

Would those be the same investors who ate up over-the-counter derivatives of bad mortgages and credit-default swaps while pushing for deregulation? I don't believe their excitement is designed to "help" anyone but themselves.

People who know what they're talking about don't expect much out of Obama's plans.

Which people who know what they're talking about are you talking about? Do these people have names?

February 24, 2009 12:52 PM  

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