Thursday, February 04, 2010

MCPS Propagating Anti-Gay Message to Children

We got an email from a parent last night, they attached a copy of the flyer that Montgomery County Public Schools handed out with students' report cards last week. I have transcribed it below. It really is shocking to see what the public school district is telling to our kids, especially after all we went through to get a decent sex-ed curriculum in place.

The other day we noted that an adviser to MCPS's sex education curriculum development had been on Hardball with Chris Matthews this week saying that homosexual behavior should be criminalized. Peter Sprigg was first appointed to the citizens advisory committee as a representative of PFOX -- Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays. The committee does not have group representatives any more, but the Board of Education chose to re-appoint Sprigg as an individual because they valued him as a committee member.

As you read this, think of all the people you have ever known who were once gay and then decided not to be and became straight. Can't think of any? There's a reason for that. Put all those people together and you have the "ex-gay community." It is fictional.

Here's the text of the flyer:
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) promotes diversity for the ex-gay community. Ex-gays demonstrate that those with unwanted same-sex attractions can seek help and information on overcoming their feelings. All individuals deserve the right to self-determination and happiness based on their own needs, and not on the needs of others. PFOX supports tolerance for everyone regardless of sexual orientation.

PFOX can provide: resources for parents and students, ex-gay speakers for your school or club, books for your school library, and brochures on same-sex attractions, bullying and tolerance.

Who are ex-gays?

Every year thousands of people with unwanted same-sex attractions make the personal decision to leave a gay identity through gender affirming programs, including therapy, faith based ministries, and other non-judgmental environments. Their decision is one only they can make. However, there are those in society who refuse to respect an individual's right to self-determination. Consequently, formerly gay men and women are subjected to verbal and physical attacks simply because they dare to exist. Ex-gays and their supporters are denied equal access and support, forcing them to remain silent for fear of negative reactions and disapproval, while gays are affirmed for their decision to come out as gay. Former homosexuals do not think something is wrong with them because they decided to fulfill their heterosexual potential by overcoming unwanted same-sex attractions.

But aren't some people born "gay"?

According to mainstream psychological associations, there are no replicated scientific studies to support that a person can be born "gay." No "gay gene" or gay center of the brain has been found. No medical test exists to determine if a person is homosexual. Sexual orientation is based on feelings and is a matter of self-affirmation and public declaration.

If only one part of you has gay feelings, should your whole life be gay identified?

Many people would agree that just because one part of you feels a certain way, it doesn't mean you entire identity is that way. Having feelings of same-sex attraction may make you feel different. We all feel the need to fit in and be accepted. But no one should identify themselves based on sexual feelings alone,. There is more to your identity than your sexual attractions. Thousands of ex-gay men and women had those very same feelings when they were in school. You may have heard, "You must be gay!" But no one should be labeled based on the perception of others. Get smart! Explore the origins of your same-sex attractions. Why do I have these feelings? Where did they come from? The decision of a prom date, a car, or whether to super-size those fries can be based on a feeling, but important decisions should not be made on feelings alone. In order to make an educated decision, you have to be informed! Sexuality develops over time. It is not necessary to label yourself today.

Find out more at !!!

(These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Montgomery County, the superintendent, or this school.)

This is not funny any more. Some students are going to get this flyer and believe, for instance, that there really are people out there who have decided not to be gay any more. Amanda Hess at the Washington City Paper advertised for weeks, trying to find one ex-gay person in the DC area, and couldn't find one. But Montgomery County Public Schools is distributing flyers to thousands of schoolchildren, convincing them that there is an "ex-gay community" that is persecuted and treated unfairly, and making gay students believe that they can stop being gay by hooking up with this pitiful group of hucksters.

The assertions in this flyer are the exact opposite of what the district teaches in its health classes, which are based on current knowledge as it is understood by the major scientific and medical organizations.

Even The Post is amazed:
Some Montgomery County high schools passed out fliers this week from an organization that contends gays can become heterosexual through therapy, and the schools say they cannot prevent the use of their distribution system by such groups.

The fliers, from the group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, were distributed Thursday alongside report cards by teachers at Winston Churchill High School in Potomac. The group says it delivered them to about half the county's high schools this week and plans to do the same at the remaining high schools at the end of the school year.

The schools are required to distribute literature that isn't deemed hate speech from any registered nonprofit organization four times a year, the result of a 2006 lawsuit, said Dana Tofig, a spokesman for the Montgomery County Public Schools.

School officials said that while they aren't always happy with everything that goes home with students, their hands are tied by the results of the litigation.

"These fliers are probably counter to what is available in our health curriculum, but that curriculum focuses on respect, and we respect freedom of speech," said Patricia O'Neill (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), president of the Montgomery County Board of Education.

The flier, printed on one side of a sheet of paper, says that "every year thousands of people with unwanted same-sex attractions make the personal decision to leave a gay identity." At the bottom, it includes a disclaimer that the content is not sponsored by the Montgomery County Board of Education, the school or the superintendent. Potomac students get fliers saying therapy turns gays straight

The flyer we got was from Gaithersburg, not Potomac. We don't know how widely MCPS distributed this flyer.

Ms. O'Neill says that the flyers are "probably counter to what is available in our health curriculum." No, actually the word "probably" is a hedge, in fact the flyers are directly opposite to what the curriculum teaches. And it is one thing to respect freedom of speech, it is entirely another thing when the authorities in the school district give children information that is not only false but dangerous. You would think Pat O'Neill could tell the difference, her defense of the flyers is surprising and disappointing.

The district is doing this as a consequence of a lawsuit, I understand, you have to abide by the court's ruling. But at the same time somebody should be preparing to file some papers, drafting policy, gearing up for a political fight, speaking up. While the district is required to allow these flyers, our community leaders could be voicing their opposition loudly and clearly -- they have freedom of speech, too. What we are looking for here is a leader with a capital L. Instead we have a bunch of shoulder shrugging.

It is incredible to see Superintendent Jerry Weast and the members of the Board of Education sitting on their hands, looking the other way, when the emotional damage they are doing is unimaginable. This is damaging both to gay adolescents who need understanding and accurate information at a time in their lives when they are most vulnerable, and to the others, who are forming attitudes and stereotypes, and are likely to believe this junk about gay people choosing not to be gay, especially since it is handed out by their teachers, at school.

Our school district is propagating a message that undermines the proud values of our community and the hard-won knowledge of researchers, scientists, and medical practitioners. It's time for MCPS to stand up for what's right.


Anonymous Derrick said...

Thank you for the post, Jim.

These fliers were also given out at my school via our administrative homerooms. I always get emails from outrages parents and visits from very upset students everyime these fliers are passed out.

These people need to be stopped. They lead to hate speech and bullying. As a teacher who works with students each and every day, I see the true damage this type of literature is doing.

February 05, 2010 9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Subject: FW: Comments on Policy JHF
From: PFOX []
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 20103:01PM


Steinberg, Laura; Barclay, Christopher; Berthiaume, Laura; Kauffman, Phil; Yorro, Kathy; Hwang, Timothy T;
Durso, Michael A.

Subject: Comments on Policy JHF
Importance: High

Board of Education
Superintendent of Schools
Montgomery County Public Schools
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
850 Hungerford Drive
Rockville MD 20850

Re: Comments on Policy JHF
Dear Honorable Members of the Board of Education and Superintendent:

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) submit these comments regarding Policy JHF,
Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation. In order to combat the hostility against the ex-gay community in the Montgomery County Public School System (MCPS), positive mention of ex-gays must be included in all professional development for teachers and administrative staff on Policy JHF.

While distributing informative flyers to students and urging tolerance for sexual orientation, PFOX was harassed by several teachers. For example, Derrick Ryan, a Wootten High School teacher, warned PFOX and the ex-gay community to stay out of MCPS. Mr. Ryan also compared PFOX to the Ku Klux Klan. His email to PFOX is set forth below:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan, Derrick K"
Sent: Thursday, May 03,2007 1:11 PM


As a gay teacher I am appalled by your organization. Remember, HOMOPHOBIA is the problem for
gay-related issues, NOT being gay. I hope you take a long look in the mirror one day and realize that
you have no scientific information to back up anything you do. I can't believe you would think a person.......
(full email not copied)______________________________

Regina wanted MCPS to add to the proposed bullying policy:

"positive mention of ex-gays must be included in all professional development for teachers and administrative staff on Policy JHF"

MCPS said:
"The school system has policies to address nondiscrimination"

February 05, 2010 11:06 AM  
Anonymous David S. Fishback said...

The PFOX flyer says that "PFOX supports tolerance for everyone regardless of sexual orientation." Since PFOX chose Peter Sprigg -- who is a member of its Board of Directors (see to be its representative on the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development, and since Peter Sprigg recently asserted on national television that "gay behavior" should be criminalized, it seems that PFOX has a very strange notion of what constitutes "tolerance."

February 05, 2010 11:53 AM  
Anonymous Derrick said...

That was years ago, AnonBigot.

Thanks for having nothing new to report...

February 05, 2010 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Derrick said...


At least I stand up for what I believe and am not a coward to use my real name.

February 05, 2010 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

Peter Sprigg recently said on national TV, "I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior," and serves on the PFOX board. His statement shows that PFOX's original intent remains unchanged from their very first 1996 press release, when their name "Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays" was still an honest representation of what they're about. The only gays they have ever considered to be their "friends" are those gays who are willing to live inside the closet. PFOX added "and Gays" to their name years later in a vain attempt to soften their hateful image.

PFOX's initial press release:

Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 09:02:14 -0400
From: Maggie Heineman
Subject: FRC creates Anti-PFLAG Group…

WASHINGTON, Oct. 9, /PRNewswire/ -- "For too long, many people have come to believe that people with homosexual desires cannot change. The `once gay, always gay' fiction has persuaded more than a few Americans to support so- called `gay rights' out of a misdirected sense of compassion. But it is anything but compassionate to tell someone that have no hope of change and that they might as well indulge in sexual behavior that is unhealthy, immoral and in many cases, even fatal," Bob Knight (2005 CRC guest speaker) said Thursday during a ground breaking news conference.

Knight, Family Research Council Director of Cultural Studies, participated in a 9:30 a.m. news event to unveil PFOX -- Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (Contact: [first PFOX president] Anthony Falzarano) -- a new, national parents group that will counter the pro-homosexual PFLAG. The news event, which included former homosexuals and lesbians, also highlighted the Second Annual National Coming OUT OF Homosexuality Day. (Contact: Michael Johnston)...

PFOX never cared about gay people other than those who were willing to lock themselves inside the closet and pretend to be what they are not.

In their own very first press release, PFOX called themselves "a new, national parents group that will counter the pro-homosexual PFLAG." If they are "countering the pro-homosexual PFLAG," then they are anti-homosexual, which is about as far from "friends of gays" as you can get.

Peter Sprigg should not be advising MCPS on sex education now that his court-ordered term on the CAC has expired. His board membership in the anti-gay group PFOX and his public comments calling for "criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior" make it abundantly clear that he holds a deep bias against gay people. His publicly demonstnrated bias against gays has no place in MCPS and violates MCPS Regulation ACA-RA, which defines "Discrimination" as "treating one person unfairly over another, or disparate treatment, based on legally identified factors unrelated to their ability or potential, such as race, color, gender, religion, ancestry, national origina, marital status, age, disability, or sexual orientation."

February 05, 2010 2:46 PM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

flyer sent home by MCPS:

"According to mainstream psychological associations, there are no replicated scientific studies to support that a person can be born "gay." No "gay gene" or gay center of the brain has been found. No medical test exists to determine if a person is homosexual. Sexual orientation is based on feelings and is a matter of self-affirmation and public declaration."

TTF response:

"Our school district is propagating a message that undermines the hard-won knowledge of researchers, scientists, and medical practitioners."

who's right?

consider that TTF has been screaming for years that ABSTINENCE EDUCATION DOESN'T WORK

we now have a study proving that the national statistics showing a direct correlation between the increase of abstinence education and the decrease of teen pregnancy were not coincidental

February 05, 2010 3:06 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

We have the Waxman report, which covered the 13 largest abstinence only education programs that were funded by Bush and taught to tens of thousands of American students, corresponding with a jump in the teen pregnancy rate in 2006. We also have the Bearman and Bruckner study, which involved data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health of over 20,000 students and including actual medical data.
Both of these massive studies found questions, problems, and high failure rates of abstinence programs including abstinence pledge programs.

One of the most important rules of the scientific method is replication of findings. So far the replicated findings on abstinence education programs agree that these programs are failures.

The new single study involving 662 students who were given practical, non-moralistic reasons for practicing abstinence, does not undo the earlier research findings. Until and unless these findings are replicated, this study may simply be a fluke.

February 05, 2010 3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim said to think of people we know who were gay but now aren't. My 20-year-old cousin was a lesbian three years ago, but now she's not and is engaged to a man. As far as I know, she's never heard of PFOX, and her parents don't know that she's an ex-gay.

Simple as that, really.

February 05, 2010 3:49 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

we now have a study proving that the national statistics showing a direct correlation between the increase of abstinence education and the decrease of teen pregnancy were not coincidental

Anone's talking about the decrease in teen pregnancy rate through 2005, which is the period when the Bush Administration mandated that ab-only programs must:

A. Have as its exclusive purpose teaching the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity
b. Teach abstinence from sexual activity outside marriage as the expected standard for all school-age children
C. Teach that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems
D. Teach that a mutually faithful, monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of sexual activity
E. Teach that sexual activity outside the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects
F. Teach that bearing children out of wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child's parents, and society
G. Teach young people how to reject sexual advances and how alcohol and drug use increases vulnerability to sexual advances
H. Teach the importance of attaining self-sufficiency before engaging in sexual activity

Anone's statement above is totally false. This latest study does not prove that Bush's ab-only programs were effective, in fact it proves quite the contrary, as I reported the other day:

"This particular abstinence-only program made a point of eliminating all moralizing and religious rhetoric. Instead of being instructed to abstain until marriage, the students were encouraged to wait until they felt ready. According to the report, the class didn't feed kids "inaccurate information" or "portray sex in a negative light," as so many Bush-era classes did. So, while this landmark study may be a boon to abstinence-only courses, let's keep in mind that we're talking about a very special breed."

February 05, 2010 3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe your cousin was a college LUG - lesbian until graduation.

February 05, 2010 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about that famous Italian, Luca, who's e-gay? He wrote a song that was performed by a famous Italian singer. The song is "Luca Era Gay" or "Luca Was Gay."

Watch the video, with translation, here. It's spectacular! The performer actually said that he had been gay for a little while, I believe. It was a passing phase.

February 05, 2010 4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh sure, and there are people who are ex-straight, that is they start out with an opposite-sex spouse but decide to take up with a same sex partner like Ted Haggard and Larry Craig.

February 05, 2010 4:05 PM  
Anonymous Grammar Rox said...

"Luca era gay" isn't "was". It's "used to be"...FYI... and neither "era" nor "gay" are capitalized. Real ignorant translators you are deal with. They can't even get down simple Italian grammar rules.

February 05, 2010 4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, and ex-ex gays like that Michael Johnston fellow, or is he an ex-ex-ex-gay now?

February 05, 2010 4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stand corrected on my Italian, Grammar Rox. (Though I don't know why the title of a song shouldn't be capitalized, but I'll take your word for it.)

You need to work on your English grammar, as you wrote:

"Real ignorant translators you are deal with."

This doesn't make any sense. I suggest you work with your translators.

February 05, 2010 4:22 PM  
Anonymous Charlie said...

MCPS (and should worry less about blocking PFOX from distributing their message and more about arming their students with critical thinking skills. For instance, they might be taught to question the truth of things that are presented to them as facts, like the statement "Every year thousands of people with unwanted same-sex attractions make the personal decision to leave a gay identity through gender affirming programs, including therapy, faith based ministries, and other non-judgmental environments."

In this regard, you might want to check out what GLAA has to say about combatting opinions which it disagrees with:

In fact, they already have a response to this issue:

February 05, 2010 4:39 PM  
Anonymous Grammar Rox said...

Wonderful. My mistake was a simple typo, not something I published.

Only the first word of titles are capitalized. Months, days of the week and nationalities are not capitalized either. It's a different language, so it encompasses different grammar rules. Don't be afraid of something you don't know.

February 05, 2010 4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaving out a significant part of a word isn't just a typo, but that's all water under the bridge. If someone spells "Maryland" "Mayrland" -- I would consider that a typo.

I would call a larger mistake, like the one you made, "ignorance" if you didn't know the correct word, or "carelessness" if you did.

February 05, 2010 5:09 PM  
Anonymous qqqq said...

You anons sure are nuts... Man up!

February 05, 2010 5:40 PM  
Anonymous Derrick said...

You can find the typical PFOX lie and victim play here:

So sad...

February 05, 2010 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Derrick said...

I especially like this part from the link above:

"A disturbing pattern has emerged from PFOX.

1) They buy a booth at a local fair.
2) They provoke a confrontation
3) They call the cops, even as they have no evidence, thus there are no arrests, nor police reports.
4) They send out propaganda to the media blowing these non-events – that they provoked – out of proportion. Or they embellish or simply make things up."

My questions is this: when will PFOX be held responsible for their lies?

February 05, 2010 5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

flyer sent home by MCPS:

"Many people would agree that just because one part of you feels a certain way, it doesn't mean you entire identity is that way. Having feelings of same-sex attraction may make you feel different. We all feel the need to fit in and be accepted. But no one should identify themselves based on sexual feelings alone,. There is more to your identity than your sexual attractions. Thousands of ex-gay men and women had those very same feelings when they were in school. You may have heard, "You must be gay!" But no one should be labeled based on the perception of others. Get smart! Explore the origins of your same-sex attractions. Why do I have these feelings? Where did they come from? The decision of a prom date, a car, or whether to super-size those fries can be based on a feeling, but important decisions should not be made on feelings alone. In order to make an educated decision, you have to be informed! Sexuality develops over time. It is not necessary to label yourself today."

TTF response:

"the emotional damage they are doing is unimaginable"

who's right?

consider that TTF has been screaming for years that ABSTINENCE EDUCATION DOESN'T WORK

we now have a study proving that the national statistics showing a direct correlation between the increase of abstinence education and the decrease of teen pregnancy were not coincidental

guess that's emotionally damaging too!

February 05, 2010 6:44 PM  
Anonymous PasserBy said...

You don't choose your sexual orientation and it is dangerous to make young people think you can.

One study found that one kind of abstinence education worked with one kind of population, according to self-reports of sexual behavior by 14-year-old girls. It is possible that a kind of abstinence program that avoids moralizing and preaching will work in some cases to delay sexual activity, where the traditional "purity ring" kind of classes promoted by the Republican administration were shown to simply fail, by every measure.

Spin it how you want, Anon.

February 05, 2010 6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is PasserBy really JimK?

February 05, 2010 7:11 PM  
Anonymous PasserBy said...

PasserBy used to go by a different name on another blog, a similar name. He comments on many sites all over the Internet. You don't know him.

February 05, 2010 7:16 PM  
Anonymous mjoneschange said...

Thanks for this post and for shedding light on this! We just started a petition to the Montgomery County Public School district over at, taking them to task for circulating this flier.

Take care!

February 05, 2010 9:25 PM  
Anonymous Robert said...

I think PFOX added the "and Gays" to their name to include the real people who contribute: they are largely an organization that supports parents in not accepting their lgbt children.

February 06, 2010 4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You don't choose your sexual orientation and it is dangerous to make young people think you can."

You have no proof that you can't choose your sexual orientation and if you can, then telling kids they can't is infinitely more dangerous.

Face it, the reaction here proves PFOX has a point. Lunatic fringe gay advocates will do anything to convince kids that once you have homosexuals feelings, you're locked in.

And what if one of your gay acquaintences tells you he doesn't want to be gay anymore?

He be personally attacked for messing up the party line.

Oh, but no one ever does that.

Yeah, right.

The behavior and reaction is very similar to a religious cult, trying to make members think they can't leave.

"One study found that one kind of abstinence education worked with one kind of population, according to self-reports of sexual behavior by 14-year-old girls. It is possible that a kind of abstinence program that avoids moralizing and preaching will work in some cases to delay sexual activity, where the traditional "purity ring" kind of classes promoted by the Republican administration were shown to simply fail, by every measure.

Spin it how you want, Anon."

It's a peer-reviewed study that both sides of the debate agree is significant.

It replicates the evidence of national statistics that show that as abstinence programs spread, the teen pregnancy fell.

Meanwhile, there is no evidence that comprehensive sex ed programs, where teachers tell kids to use condoms when they are having the sexual activity that all adults expect to have, lowers teen pregnancy rates.

The argument is over, Passerby.

You lost. Get over it.

February 06, 2010 8:05 AM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

I'm sitting here in the worst blizzard in the history of Washington D.C.

of course, we've had a lot of bad ones this year

this time, I decided I'd keep up as it goes and shovel my walk and driveway as it goes

last night at midnight, after repeated shovelling, the way was clear

this morning, you can't tell the difference between my walk and my neighbor's

still, I'm not complaining

it's beautiful out there

I feel like I just stepped out of the wardrobe

a question for all you guys out there who understand "science" so well:

does global warming mean we're going to have a lot more winters like this?

if so, I say let's stop fighting it

you will be assimilated

resistance is futile

February 06, 2010 9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea not anon
Let me just say it one more time. I do not believe anyone is ex-gay- but if you believe that, then the person is hetero. I know of no bullying against someone in MC schools who is hetero- just for being hetero. I could imagine that someone brainwashed by PFaux being offensive about people who are gay or trying to lecture/convert people to PFAUX nonsense. I know my daughter got sick and tired of religious crap being thrown at her by evangelicals at school and she gave back better than she got(not talking physical stuff here). So I can see the same scenario- Pfaux provoking confrontation by being offensive and then claming victimhood.

February 06, 2010 9:53 AM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

oh, sure

if you're ex-gay, then you're hetero

and if you keep you mouth shut, you'll have little problem

however, the same is true if you're gay

if you keep you mouth shut, you'll have little problem

there's the hypocrisy of TTF

encourages gays to be out and vehemently defends the right of gays to be open with the world about their story and wants special protection for gays to make sure they don't feel hesitant to tell their story

and the exact opposite for ex-gays

if you're ex-gay, you have every right to share your story with the world

"I know my daughter got sick and tired of religious crap being thrown at her by evangelicals at school and she gave back better than she got"

that fabled TTF tolerance

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

February 06, 2010 10:31 AM  
Blogger David S. Fishback said...

To Mike from

Thanks for you enthusiasm. I just posted this on the link you provided:

I write as Advocacy Chair for Metro DC PFLAG and as someone who has been deeply involved in LGBT-related issues in the Montgomery County Schools (MCPS) for many years.

The PFOX flyers are terribly misleading; indeed, they are mendacious. They prey upon students' ignorance of the simple fact, confirmed by every mainstream American medical and mental health professional association that people cannot choose to change their sexual orientation.

But we should know all the facts behind the controversy over the flyers. The roots lay in the MCPS determination, several years back, that a Christian after-school program run by the Child Evangelism Fellowship(CEF) could not use the the system for sending home flyers because that would violate the First Amendment's separation of church and state doctrine CEF sued, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled that the MCPS decision to allow community groups to send flyers through the schools created a public forum, in which MCPS could not discriminate based on viewpoints.

MCPS then changed the system to allow for such distributions at set times, four times a year, and requiring a disclaimer that such flyers did not represent the views of MCPS. Unless MCPS chooses to terminate the flyer distribution program entirely, it cannot prevent PFOX from using it -- at least so long as there is no explicit hate speech.

Metro DC PFLAG (and, more recently, the Rainbow Youth Alliance) has distributed flyers, and will do so again this spring. Messages in the flyers rebut the PFOX claims.

MCPS has a pretty decent health curriculum for the 8th and 10th Grade classes on sexual orientation (although we had to fight off lawsuits brought by PFOX and their allies to be permitted to implement it). That curriculum could be strengthened. The school guidance offices have, as resources, excellent material on the subject of sexual orientation, including great documents from the American Psychological Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, which also rebut the PFOX claims.

Obviously, I am not writing any of this to support PFOX, but it is important for us to have an accurate understanding of the facts and the law in order to proceed effectively.

February 06, 2010 10:37 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

It replicates the evidence of national statistics that show that as abstinence programs spread, the teen pregnancy fell.

Abstinence-based comprehensive sex ed is what spread in the 1990s, lowering teen pregnancy rates. Federal funding for abstinence-only and abstinence pledge programs proliferated in the early 2000s, and after 5 years of those programs being increasingly taught in our schools, teen pregnancy rates increased dramatically in 2006.

The Waxman review of these ab-only and ab-pledge programs, as well as the longitudinal data from 20,000 plus teens analyzed by Bearman and Bruckner, prove that abstinence-only education does not prevent teen pregnancy or STDs. This latest study on a new type of abstinence program indicates that the abstinence message presented in practical terms, not moralizing terms, helped some inner city middle school students report they remained abstinent, and that's all it indicates. It does NOT provide any evidence that the medically inaccurate and religiously base ab-only and ab-pledge programs funded in Bush's heyday worked. In fact all the evidence points to the opposite conclusion -- that preaching abstinence until holy matrimony does not work.

And it's not just Waxman and Bearman and Bruckner who found ab-only and ab-pledge programs don't work to prevent teen pregnancy. The CDC has also found these programs don't work to keep STD rates low. STD rates are higher in the US than in any developed country.

February 06, 2010 10:42 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

Reuters reports:

Latest statistics on chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis show the three highly treatable infections continue to spread in the United States.

"Chlamydia and gonorrhea are stable at unacceptably high levels and syphilis is resurgent after almost being eliminated," said John Douglas, director of the division of sexually transmitted diseases at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"We have among the highest rates of STDs of any developed country in the world," Douglas added in a telephone interview.

The administration of President Barack Obama has signaled a willingness to move away from so-called abstinence-only sex education approaches promoted by his predecessor, George W. Bush, and conservative state and local governments.

Several studies have shown such approaches do not work well and that it is better to encourage abstinence while also offering children and teens information about how to protect themselves from diseases as well as pregnancy.

"We haven't been promoting the full battery of messages," Douglas said. "We have been sending people out with one seatbelt in the whole car."


The CDC's latest study on STDs found:

* 1.2 million cases of chlamydia were reported in 2008, up from 1.1 million in 2007.

* Nearly 337,000 cases of gonorrhea were reported.

* Adolescent girls 15 to 19 years had the most chlamydia and gonorrhea cases of any age group at 409,531.

* Blacks, who represent 12 percent of the U.S. population, accounted for about 71 percent of reported gonorrhea cases and almost half of all chlamydia and syphilis cases in 2008.

* Black women 15 to 19 had the highest rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea.

* 13,500 syphilis cases were reported in 2008, an almost 18 percent increase from 2007.

* 63 percent of syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men.

* Syphilis rates among women increased 36 percent from 2007 to 2008.

Syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea can all be treated with antibiotics but untreated can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, ectopic pregnancy and can infect newborns.

Douglas said better sex education can help.

"We are not honestly and openly dealing with this issue and it's the larger issue of sexual health," he said.

Douglas said children and teens need to know about condom use, and should limit their number of sex partners and avoid sex with people who do have many other sex partners.

"If you are a man who has sex with men you ought to be getting a battery of STD tests every year," Douglas added.

In addition, black Americans need to understand their risks. Douglas said high rates of incarceration of men in many black communities meant fewer men have sex with more women, in turn often spreading sexually transmitted diseases.

Overall, CDC estimates that 19 million new sexually transmitted infections occur each year, almost half among 15- to 24-year-olds.

February 06, 2010 10:42 AM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

"Abstinence-based comprehensive sex ed is what spread in the nineties, lowering teen pregnancy rates."

as usual, anon-Bea is wrong

ab-only spread among private community groups ad churches in the late 80s and 90s

in 1996, Newt Gingrich told Bill Clinton he'd better include ab-only funding in the Welfare Reform Act of 1996

this was primarily to prevent teen pregnancy in the inner city where such situations exacerbated the drain on the welfare system

but the funding was available to schools nationwide

here's the requirements:

"Every program funded by the provision must:

-have as its "exclusive purpose" teaching the social,psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity

-teach that abstinence from sexual activity outside marriage is the expected standard for all school aged children

-teach that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid illegitimate births and sexually transmitted diseases

-teach that a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity

-teach that sexual activity outside the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects

-teach that bearing children illegitimately is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child’s parents, and society

-teach young people how to reject sexual advances and how alcohol and drug use increase vulnerability to sexual advances

-teach the importance of attaining self-sufficiency before engaging in sexual activity"

interesting how slugs like anon-Bea keep bringing up that the studied programs didn't include religious content

this reveals their true intent

their real problem is their intolerance of religious belief

February 06, 2010 12:03 PM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

Laura Stepp of the Huffington Post is an ex-anon-Bea

so change is possible:

"When I read the lead paragraph of this week's news story on the success of an experimental, abstinence-only sex ed curriculum, my first thought was: "Yes, but..."

The Washington Post story, written by Rob Stein, said that the "landmark study" showed that encouraging children to remain sexually abstinent had persuaded "a significant proportion" to delay sexual activity.

"Yes, but..." I thought, having read the abstract and knowing the research was limited to 662 sixth- and seventh-grade African Americans in a Northeastern city. (Rob reported that in his second paragraph.)

Could a program that small be characterized as a landmark study? Was it robust enough to support Rob's observation that results could have "major implications for U.S. efforts to protect young people against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases?"

Later I realized I had fallen into the Washington trap of, "Yes, but," as in "Yes, what you say sounds interesting but it doesn't agree with what I've previously thought. Therefore it must be wrong or at best, incomplete." We in the nation's capital are quick to dismiss views that don't agree with our own. Admitting there is merit in a position you oppose could mean your position is worth nothing. Insecurity takes the form of disdain.

One sees this in the culture wars over sex education. Warriors on liberal side argue that young people should be taught to protect themselves from pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.

In conversations I heard yesterday, several experts, whom I would characterize as moderate to liberal, pooh-poohed the results of the new study. Yes, they said, the lead researcher was well respected, but the study was reporting old data. Yes, the program might work in inner-city neighborhoods, but nowhere else.

They failed to pay much attention to the fact that the experiment, conducted over two years, was designed and run according to scientific standards which they have long championed.

For example, teachers in the program were instructed not to portray sex in a negative light, not to use a moralistic tone in their discussion, not to include any inaccurate information, and not to criticize condom use. Instructors also were told to encourage abstinence until later in life, not necessarily until marriage. Mod-libs should at least have applauded that.

Chad Hills, policy analyst at Focus on the Family, wrote that the study "offers the latest proof we have to add to our growing mountain of evidence that abstinence education works." Robert Rector, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said, "This takes away the main pillar of opposition to abstinence education."

It seems reasonable to me to tell sixth and seventh graders (the mean age was 12 years old) not to have sex.

And it seems imperative that we put aside the "Yes, but..." statements and ideology to embrace and use what science is showing us works with kids."

Amen to that!!

February 06, 2010 12:13 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

a question for all you guys out there who understand "science" so well:

does global warming mean we're going to have a lot more winters like this?

So long as El Nino -- above average Pacific Ocean temperatures -- keep feeding moisture across the Southern US, yes.

Climate reports:

[See opening graph] Yes, the mid-Atlantic region appears headed toward an epic snow storm as “amazing moisture feeds into what is already a gigantic system,” according to the Capital Weather Gang.

But while the anti-science crowd will no doubt tout that as evidence we aren’t warming — just as they did with the “cold snap” in early January — in fact, climate science predicts we will see more extreme precipitation events year-round as warming puts more moisture into the atmosphere [see Was the “Blizzard of 2009″ a “global warming type” of record snowfall — or an opportunity for the media to blow the extreme weather story (again)?].

Indeed, the January “cold snap” not only didn’t prove the case for (nonexistent) global cooling — it turns out that January was uber-hot around the globe! As leading anti-science guy Roy Spencer posted Thursday (including the figure above):

The global-average lower tropospheric temperature anomaly soared to +0.72 deg. C in January, 2010. This is the warmest January in the 32-year satellite-based data record….

Note the global-average warmth is approaching the warmth reached during the 1997-98 El Nino, which peaked in February of 1998.

Of course, right now we’re only in a moderate El Nino. In 97-98, we had a monster El Nino. And Spencer doesn’t mention that this record is especially impressive because we’re at “the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century.”

The point is, notwithstanding the all-too-effective disinformation campaign of the anti-science crowd, it’s getting hotter — thanks primarily to human emissions...

NOAA reports:

El Niño impacts are expected to last into the Northern Hemisphere spring, even as equatorial SST departures decrease, partly due to the typical warming that occurs between now and April/May (Fig. 3)...For the contiguous United States, potential El Niño impacts include above-average precipitation for the southern tier of the country, with below-average precipitation in the Pacific Northwest and Ohio Valley. Below-average snowfall and above-average temperatures are most likely across the northern tier of states [and Vancouver's Olympic Village] (excluding New England), while below-average temperatures are favored for the south-central and southeastern states.

For the reading comprehension challenged, one picture is worth one thousand words. Here's a map showing the extent of this record breaking storm, making it obvious Snowmageddon is not global in scope.

February 06, 2010 12:30 PM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

"it’s getting hotter — thanks primarily to human emissions..."

hey look

anon-Bea posted another statement with no empirical evidence to back it up

there is no evidence that human emissions have affected the climate

indeed, the macro-stats from the last century indicate there is no correlation

temperatures globally obviously vary

the point is we'll adapt whatever the case is

whatever adaption is necessary, maybe populations with shift northward, will be cheaper than tinkering by politicians with such pointless schemes as cap and trade

cap and trade is just liberals trying not to waste- that is, crassly exploit- a crisis, or an hyperbolized crisis

the point is to bring industry under tight governmental control

""These fliers are probably counter to what is available in our health curriculum, but that curriculum focuses on respect, and we respect freedom of speech," said Patricia O'Neill, president of the Montgomery County Board of Education."

did you guys ever consider that the MCPS board says things like this but secretly oppose you?

think about it:

Sprigg is back on the committee, but TTF is not

they're distributing materials for PFOX without any attempt to find a way around it

read between the lines

February 06, 2010 1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon wrote:
Think about it:

Sprigg is back on the committee, but TTF is not


Minutes- Board of Education- June 9, 2009

Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development
The Board approved a resolution that the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development be composed of 15 members, all of whom must be residents of Montgomery County who did not serve on the committee prior to July 27, 2005, including two students. All 15 members will serve as individuals. The Board appointed 15 individuals to the committee and named Carol Plotsky as chair and Elinor Walker as vice chair.

Kaushal Chauhan
Cynthia Ellis
Christine Grewell (TTF President)
Candice Haaga
Catherine Kramer
Catherine Lane
Deborah Livornese
Jasmin Lizarazo
Carlos Mejia (student)
Carol Plotsky
Peter Sprigg
Kimberly Townsend
Elinor Walker
Rhea Wyse (student)
Susan Young

February 06, 2010 2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, woops, I guess I was wrong.


February 06, 2010 2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Derrick said...
That was years ago, AnonBigot.

Thanks for having nothing new to report...

Related to this posting:
Subject: FW: Comments on Policy JHF
From: PFOX []
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 20103:01PM


Steinberg, Laura; Barclay, Christopher; Berthiaume, Laura; Kauffman, Phil; Yorro, Kathy; Hwang, Timothy T;
Durso, Michael A.

Subject: Comments on Policy JHF
Importance: High

First Derrick in your rush to call someone else a bigot you missed the broader picture of Regina Griggs using something from Thursday, May 03, 2007 to try to get a PFOX addition to Policy JHF –MCPS proposed policy on Bullying that was recently out for public comments.

Think about that the best she could come up with?

Hurling a label of bigot without knowing the facts is no better than what PFOX does.

February 06, 2010 2:22 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

"it’s getting hotter — thanks primarily to human emissions..."

hey look

anon-Bea posted another statement with no empirical evidence to back it up

That's right folks. Look right there at that one statement by I cited and whatever you else you do, do not look at the man behind the curtain!

That's perfect Anone. I'm sure every Vigilance reader noticed that the vast majority of the statements in the two excerpts I posted were chock full of empirical evidence and NOAA forecasts. You have nothing to rebut them with so you spin to ignore them.

You and Sprigg are two pea-nuts in spin-city pod. No wonder you worship his ever-straight self so.

February 06, 2010 2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bea.

Did you hear we are supposed to get 5 more inches...

Looks like there is already 22 inches (using the very scientific tape measure on the patio table in the back yard)....

That would be 27", which I think does put us in the top five storms...

and exceeds the storm of '96.

and it is supposed to snow again on Tuesday...

so much for that global warming !

February 06, 2010 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so I just found a national weather service article saying there was 20" at 6 am... so
20" puts us at the second biggest snowfall in 100 years.

So bea, I am not sure how much this "all this snow proves that there is global warming, it does it does...." you think goes over well... but I have been repeating that at every check out counter...

you know, the global warming folks will tell you that all this snow is actually proof that there is global warming... the more it snows the warmer it is getting..

hoes that for logic ?

everyone thinks the scientists are just in it for the grants.

vast numbers of people just have a hard time swallowing your logic...
sorry :-)

February 06, 2010 3:18 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

pea-nut --

A record breaking January 2010 storm that doesn't even fully cover 8 of the 50 United States does not disprove global warming. January 2010 is the "warmest January in the 32-year satellite-based data record."

February 06, 2010 3:23 PM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

"That's perfect Anone. I'm sure every Vigilance reader noticed that the vast majority of the statements in the two excerpts I posted were chock full of empirical evidence and NOAA forecasts. You have nothing to rebut them with so you spin to ignore them."


you sad little slug

just because you stock up a bunch of stats about global warming, why should we dwell on them since no one has ever disputed that, overall, the temperatures have risen?

the reason that the current weather is relevant is because it demonstrates how the overall average is not that significant when events like this still occur regularly in what you say are the hottest years ever recorded

basically, I'm not sweating it and neither are most Americans

further, scientists have no idea what is causing the temperature rise and evidence would suggest human activity is irrelevant

by hyping the catastrophic potential and covering up the fact that temperatures have been similarly warm before in human history, they have suggested steps that would cause massive economic hardship and suffering to those who are not financially well-off

the other anon is right, they are doing this in order to secure more grant funding

follow the money

it will lead you out of the white out conditions you suffer from and allow you to see clearly

February 06, 2010 5:03 PM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

remember mid-summer last year, when all of America was magically enthralled by our new President's health reform plan?

what happened? you may wonder...

well, Sarah Palin uttered two words: death panels

and all hell broke loose

you know the rest

tonight at the Tea Party convention summed up Barry's proposed budget with one word:


watch out, Barry

she's comin' to get ya!

"NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 6) -- Sarah Palin says President Barack Obama's proposed 2011 budget is "immoral" because it increases the national debt, which she called "generational theft."

Palin told the national "tea party" convention Saturday that America's national debt, which is held largely by other nations, "makes us less free" and "should tick us off."

The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee got one of several standing ovations from the gathering of about 600 people when she said the nation is drowning in debt."

looks like this is one crisis Barry should have wasted

February 06, 2010 10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 30 inches of snow is AWESOME! If this is what man-made global warming's all about, then man, bring it on! The kids are having a blast and I'm getting some great exercise with the shoveling!

February 06, 2010 11:59 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

I can personally confirm that PFOX does not support tolerance. They have banned me from their Facebook page and I'm not able to comment on their posts.

Despite their supporters various personal attacks on me, I do not believe that any of my posts there were out of line (not that anyone can now tell as they deleted them all).

February 07, 2010 12:32 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

no one has ever disputed that, overall, the temperatures have risen?

Stop lying. For months now you Anones have been claiming we're in a cooling period. Back in December Anone posted these comments on Vigilance:

the globe as a whole which has been cooling for over a decade

all the data combined show that the planet has been cooling for over a decade

the globe is...slightly cooler than a decade ago

NOAA and NASA and other climate monitoring agencies have all stated that this past decade has been the warmest since record keeping began:

NOAA reported on January 21, 2010:

NCDC scientists also noted the average temperature for the decade (2000-09), 57.9 degrees F, was the warmest on record surpassing the 1990-99 average of 57.7 degrees F. value.

And on that same date, NASA reported:

January 2000 to December 2009 was the warmest decade on record. Throughout the last three decades, the GISS surface temperature record shows an upward trend of about 0.2°C (0.36°F) per decade. Since 1880, the year that modern scientific instrumentation became available to monitor temperatures precisely, a clear warming trend is present

the other anon is right, they are doing this in order to secure more grant funding

Oooo! Spoooky! Whoooooo is seeking more grant funding exactly according to your pea-brain? Those pesky peer reviewed climate research scientists??

Anone would never want to fund **real** scientists for **real** research. He'd rather fund the quack members of NARTH like PFOX's former president Richard Cohen, isn't that right Anone?

You want to follow some money? Try following the tax-free money all those NARTH quacks like Cohen who claim they are "a church" get to keep. These PFOX fliers are trolling for homophobes so PFOX can recommend local unlicensed religious "therapists" like Cohen. Someone should follow the money the "referrals" generated by these backpack fliers bring in to PFOX, who turns it around into more backpack advertisements/fundraisers.

Is that any way to run a snake oil operation? You betcha!

February 07, 2010 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

Hey Anones. If El Nino fed thigh-deep snow in the mid-Atlantic is a sign of global cooling, then what is thigh-deep mud in California a sign of??

February 07, 2010 8:43 AM  
Blogger Joy said...

There are multiple large studies showing that abstinence education does not work for students of junior high or high school age. That is, they are barely delaying intercourse, and they are as likely or more likely to get pregnant. There is a single, unreplicated small study showing that preteens (ages 11 and 12) benefit from abstinence education. According to the people who conducted and published the study, "It was not designed to meet federal criteria for abstinence-only programs. For instance, the target behavior was abstaining from vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse until a time later in life when the adolescent is more prepared to handle the consequences of sex. [it] did not contain inaccurate information, portray sex in a negative light, or use a moralistic tone. [teacher were instructed] not to disparage the efficacy of condoms or allow the view that condoms are ineffective to go uncorrected." The "age appropriate sex ed" community has embraced this study as valuable data, because we are not ideologues--unlike the "abstinence only" crowd. The same goes for addressing gender and identity.

February 07, 2010 9:24 AM  
Blogger David S. Fishback said...

On Friday morning, I had a conference call with some colleagues in Massachusetts (which had no snow), and they expressed concern about D.C. regarding the then-incoming blizzard.

What a role reversal!

As I understand it, the craziness of the weather in recent years reveals an instability, as to which global warming is the likely cause.

February 07, 2010 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting, anon-B

thanks for your thoughts

by your diversion away from my actual points, I'll assume you have no argument with:

-the evidence seems to indicate that human activity is irrelevant to climate change

-even in the warmest decade on record, global variations like our current record blizzard and similar events in Europe demonstrate that, for pragmatic purpose, any increase in temperature is irrelevant

February 07, 2010 9:30 AM  
Blogger JimK said...

Anon, you might have noticed that while we had a record snowfall, it wasn't really that cold out. The temperature did not drop below 30 degrees during the storm at my house. The snow is here because the ocean is warm and the atmosphere contains a great amount of water.


February 07, 2010 9:38 AM  
Anonymous jolly in the snow said...

you know, Scott Brown was sworn in last week becoming the 41st Republican Senator

I think we should pause for a moment and reflect on all the things the Democrats were able to accomplish while they had a "super-majority" and could push through anything they could unite on

well, uh..


let's see, there was...


Watch out, Barry, here she comes:

"NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 7) - Sarah Palin took aim at President Obama and the Democrats, telling a gathering of "tea party" activists that America is ripe for another revolution.

Noting his party's dismal showing in elections since Obama moved into the White House with talk of hope and promises of change, Palin asked the gathering: "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for ya?"

Her audience waved flags and erupted in cheers during multiple standing ovations as she gave the keynote address Saturday at the first national convention of the "tea party" coalition. It's an antiestablishment, grass-roots network motivated by anger over the growth of government, budget-busting spending and Obama's policies.

Palin's 45-minute talk was filled with her trademark folksy jokes and amounted to a pep talk for the coalition and promotion of its principles.

The speech also was rife with criticism for Obama and the Democrats who control Congress, extolling broad conservative principles like lower taxes and a strong national defense.

Speaking to her crowd, Palin talked of limited government, strict adherence to the Constitution, and the "God-given right" of freedom. She said the "fresh, young and fragile" movement is the future of American politics because it's "a ground-up call to action" to both major political parties to change how they do business.

"America is ready for another revolution!" she told the gathering.

"Let us not get bogged down in the small squabbles. Let us get caught up in the big ideas," she said.

All she offered was a smile when a moderator asking her questions used the phrase "President Palin." That prompted most in the audience to stand up and chant "Run, Sarah, Run!"

But, given the plethora of attacks that Palin leveled at Obama, she seemed like she was already running against him. And, perhaps, as an independent.

She talked little about the Republican Party and encouraged "tea party"-aligned candidates to compete in GOP primaries.

Palin ribbed Obama for Democratic losses in New Jersey and Virginia governor's races last fall and in a Massachusetts Senate race last month, saying: "When you're 0-3 you'd better stop lecturing and start listening."

On foreign policy and national security, Palin said he had "misguided thinking" and a pre-Sept. 11 mindset."

February 07, 2010 9:47 AM  
Blogger Joy said...

What constitutes "harassment"?

When a person repudiates their closest friends and ex-lovers, labels them sinful and misleading, and celebrates being "free" of them, that person should probably expect to be ignored by ex-friends or told that they are destructive, self-destructive and untrustworthy.

That goes double if the "ex gay" person tries to re-befriend and get close to the same people, even in the name of leading them to christ.

I don't presume that all people who experiment with "ex-gayness" radiate an aura that's a mix of anxiety, piety, repression, self-hatred and self-righteousness, but for those who do...believe me, it's not making you more lovable to the average person. Being treated badly for coming across like a jerk is not "discrimination."

If you've turned your personal gay life into something depressing and toxic, and are desperate to exit, and you feel a call to get close to your new ex-Gay trainers and to their view of God, fine. Some very nice gay people have reached a healthier gay existence by way of passing through the ex-gay movement. But don't be a jerk to others in the process, and don't try to dissuade young gay people from having happy, healthy gay lives, just because you didn't manage to find that particular path.

As to the school, why the heck don't they have a stamp that they put on the back of flyers saying "we are legally required to distribute this, but something in this communication directly violates our school community standards and/or scientific fact and/or the separation of church and state"? And then charge groups extra to stamp flyers for nonprofits that fall into any of those categories. The "not the views of" language is way too weak.

February 07, 2010 9:49 AM  
Anonymous white out said...

"you might have noticed that while we had a record snowfall, it wasn't really that cold out. The temperature did not drop below 30 degrees during the storm at my house. The snow is here because the ocean is warm and the atmosphere contains a great amount of water."

you're right about that, Jim

as a matter of fact, I get all bundled and go out and would sweat underneath

but that's usually the case when it snows here

one difference this year is that immediately after the snowfalls, it usually stays cold enough for the snow to stick around

in the past, the snow usually melts pretty fast

all I'm saying is that the overall average temperature really isn't that significant

we'll adapt whatever the case

I'm amazed how well this area is coping this year

the snow on Tuesday night would have been major in past years

I don't think anyone missed work over it

and for David's comment about the "crazy" weather, I've been around half a century and people have always said the weather at any moment is really crazy

weather is actually quite unpredictable and scientists are nowhere close to understanding how it works

February 07, 2010 10:00 AM  
Anonymous Robert said...

I missed work over the snow Tuesday night.

The opening speech at the Tea Party Convention, by Tom Tancredo, centered around the idea that our country abandon its "cult of multiculturalism" and, get this, bring back literacy tests for voters (as we used to have in Maryland, DC and Virginia) so we can "avoid another President like Obama."

Sarah Palin will be known by the company she keeps. She keynoted this convention.

Teabaggers suggest return to Jim Crow for entire country

February 07, 2010 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

the evidence seems to indicate that human activity is irrelevant to climate change

What a crock. An examination of ALL the evidence makes global warming abundantly clear. As NASA reported, noted above:

Since 1880, the year that modern scientific instrumentation became available to monitor temperatures precisely, a clear warming trend is present

That would be right around that time that farming was losing laborers and factories were gaining them as Wikipedia reports.

between 1870 and 1910 the number of Americans involved in farming or farm labor dropped by a third...The period between 1865 and 1920 was marked by the increasing concentration of people, political power, and economic activity in urban areas. In 1860, there were nine cities with populations over 100,000 and by 1910 there were fifty. These new large cities were not coastal port cities (like New York, Boston, and Philadelphia) but laid inland along new transportation routes (like Denver, Chicago, and Cleveland)...Industrialization and urbanization reinforced each other and urban areas became increasingly congested.

These trends were true in other industrialized nations as well as the US.

Per NASA, global temperatures have demonstrated "a clear warming trend" since 1880 as we changed from a more agricultural to a more industrialized planet and "January 2000 to December 2009 was the warmest decade on record."

-even in the warmest decade on record, global variations like our current record blizzard and similar events in Europe demonstrate that, for pragmatic purpose, any increase in temperature is irrelevant

Tell that to residents of the west coast of North America who have been flooded non-stop from the warm waters of El Nino. Or the residents of Vancouver who are experiencing this:

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) - Winter Olympics officials will eliminate two days of halfpipe training as they continue to add snow to Cypress Mountain, site of the freestyle and snowboarding events.

Athletes now will have three days of training instead of five. The men's halfpipe is scheduled for Feb. 17, with the women the following day.

"The main thing is to protect the field of play," said Tim Gayda, vice president for sport for the Vancouver organizing committee. "We definitely want athletes on the course. But we also want to make sure the field of play is the best it can be for the games."

And that means keeping athletes away as a helicopter dumps a load of snow every three minutes atop parts of Cypress Mountain.

It also might mean using snow hardeners come competition day - a "last resort" Gayda said.

"The forecast is looking positive this week, and we'll hopefully see some colder temperatures," he said...

Environment Canada officials say recent warm weather is attributed to El Nino and, to a lesser degree, Pineapple Express weather patterns. Both bring warm weather and rain from the Pacific to the west coast of North America.

Cypress, which is just north of Vancouver, has suffered from the warmest January on record forcing organizers into an extensive contingency plan that's involved bringing into snow from across the province...

It's not only the warmest January on record in Vancouver, it's the warmest January on record period.

Global warming in far from "irrelevant." The isolated pockets of cold you keep mentioning are greatly outweighed by warming in much larger regions of the world such that even the "leading anti-science guy Roy Spencer [admits]: The global-average lower tropospheric temperature anomaly soared to +0.72 deg. C in January, 2010. This is the warmest January in the 32-year satellite-based data record...

February 07, 2010 11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Thank God John McCain lost the election," Tancredo told the Tea Party crowd.

February 07, 2010 11:27 AM  
Anonymous Robert said...

Has anyone seen my car?

February 07, 2010 11:48 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

I think we should pause for a moment and reflect on all the things the Democrats were able to accomplish while they had a "super-majority"

Glad to. Here you go, again:

Obama's First Year Accomplishments in Review

Now some of these first year accomplishments, like getting his daughters a dog, did not require Congressional action, but most of them like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 did.

BTW, the original list of '79 campaign promises kept' has been updated and now stands at 91.

Robert -- Keep digging, you'll find it!

February 07, 2010 12:08 PM  
Anonymous Robert said...

I found something that has the general shape of my car!

Our friend Peter Sprigg has weighed in on the Miller/Jenkins child custody/kidnapping story:

Peter Sprigg of FRC and PFOX appears to endorse kidnapping of child, seemingly because of opposition to civil unions, or because of religion, or something.

February 07, 2010 12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


anon-Bea thinks Barry has had 91 accomplishments

AB, try zero

we're all laughing

Robert, you lazy bum

you should have dug out your car yesterday while the snow was still fluffy

I was out at five last night and drove to breakfast this morning

February 07, 2010 5:49 PM  
Anonymous peace and joy said...

who is this guy, Joy?

"There are multiple large studies showing that abstinence education does not work for students of junior high or high school age. That is, they are barely delaying intercourse, and they are as likely or more likely to get pregnant."


I never understand why lunatic fringers never have the thought cross their mind that everything they say about ab ed actually applies to comp sex ed, where teachers tell kids we want you to use when you have sex, as we adults expect the coll ones of you to do?

There is no peer-reviewed, replicated study showing any effect from teachers lecturing kids about how to have sex.

"Some very nice gay people have reached a healthier gay existence by way of passing through the ex-gay movement."

Hey, look.

Joy didn't get the memo.

Joy, you are supposed to pretend that "the emotional damage" from trying to change is "unimaginable"

Sheez, a lot of people get this game all messed up.

"As to the school, why the heck don't they have a stamp that they put on the back of flyers saying "we are legally required to distribute this, but something in this communication directly violates our school community standards and/or scientific fact and/or the separation of church and state"? And then charge groups extra to stamp flyers for nonprofits that fall into any of those categories."

It's because they think PFOX has a point.

February 07, 2010 6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't buy it.

Look at the overall graph from the site you cited :

the last couple of data points were headed down, before this last one which headed up. And I don't think graphs that only go back to 1880 are relevant.

Now look at the graphs they have drawn from the ice cores :

Yes I know you don't like this site, but I can't find another site that overlays the ice core data against current temperatures. I did find a wikipedia page, but it ends at negative 400000 years.

So either the ice core data is completely flawed, or it has been a lot warmer in the past when there was no CO2 emission increase to speak of the way, the wikipedia site at first glance does not appear to disagree with the whatsup site, the wikipedia site just doesn't bother to overlay the data against current temperatures.

February 07, 2010 6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NASA wasn't around in 1880

the confusion is that the industrial age just started as we were recovering from a little ice age

regardless, for long periods of this time of increasing carbon emissions, there was no rise in temperatures

the human activity was irrelevant

it's really not that complicated

beware the socialist-academia complex

February 07, 2010 10:11 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

Anon proposed:

“regardless, for long periods of this time of increasing carbon emissions, there was no rise in temperatures

the human activity was irrelevant

it's really not that complicated

beware the socialist-academia complex”

There was no real evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Because there weren’t any.

It’s really not that complicated.

Beware the military-industrial complex.

Have a nice day,


February 07, 2010 11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gee, how did Saddam use non-existent WMD against the Kurds and the Iranians?

beware the liberal-academia complex

February 08, 2010 1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Turkish Teen Buried Alive for Talking to Boys

(Feb. 5) – Honor killings are not something new to many people in Turkey. But the death of a 16-year-old girl who was buried alive for talking to boys has been revealed to be a particularly gruesome killing and has stirred strong reactions.

"The autopsy result is bloodcurdling," an unidentified official told the Anatolia news agency Thursday, Agence France-Press reported. "According to our findings, the girl -- who had no bruises on her body and no sign of narcotics or poison in her blood -- was alive and fully conscious when she was buried."

The girl's father and grandfather are to be put on trial for burying her alive, reportedly because they thought her friendship with boys had brought shame and dishonor to the family.

The body of Medine Memi was found in a sitting position with hands tied in a 6½-foot hole under a chicken coop at the family house in Kahta in southeast Turkey. Police discovered the body following a tip-off 40 days after she went missing, the agency said.

According to a postmortem examination, the agency added, the girl's lungs and stomach contained significant amounts of soil, confirming she was alive when she was buried.

The girl had repeatedly tried to tell the police that she had been beaten by her father and grandfather, the London Times reported today. "She tried to take refuge at the police station three times, and she was sent home three times," her mother, Immihan, said after the body was discovered in December.

The girl's father, the Times added, was reported as saying at the time, "She has male friends. We are uneasy about that."

Reaction to the killing was particularly strong in remarks posted on the Web site of a religious television channel, Samanyolu, the London paper reported.

"The punishment for whosoever should kill with intent is the hell where he will languish forever," one poster said, adding, "Allah has cursed him and prepared great pain for him."

Another comment on the site said, "You named your daughter after the holy city of Medina but your mind is left over from the earlier Age of Ignorance."

Honor killings are most prevalent in Turkey's predominantly Kurdish southeast, the Anatolia agency said. But the practice has spread to cities and even abroad, largely through migration, with cases reported in the U.S. and U.K.

February 08, 2010 9:13 AM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

Anon asked:

“gee, how did Saddam use non-existent WMD against the Kurds and the Iranians?

beware the liberal-academia complex”

Well, Anon, we provided Saddam with most of what he needed to manufacture and deliver those weapons.


“Iraq's 1982 removal from Washington's official list of states that support terrorism meant that the Hussein regime was now eligible for US economic and military aid, and was able to purchase advanced US technology that could also be used for military purposes.

Conventional military sales resumed in December 1982. In 1983, the Reagan administration approved the sale of 60 Hughes helicopters to Iraq in 1983 "for civilian use". However, as Phythian pointed out, these aircraft could be "weaponised" within hours of delivery. Then US Secretary of State George Schultz and commerce secretary George Baldridge also lobbied for the delivery of Bell helicopters equipped for "crop spraying". It is believed that US-supplied choppers were used in the 1988 chemical attack on the Kurdish village of Halabja, which killed 5000 people.”

“A 1994 US Senate report revealed that US companies were licenced by the commerce department to export a "witch's brew" of biological and chemical materials, including bacillus anthracis (which causes anthrax) and clostridium botulinum (the source of botulism). The American Type Culture Collection made 70 shipments of the anthrax bug and other pathogenic agents.

The report also noted that US exports to Iraq included the precursors to chemical warfare agents, plans for chemical and biological warfare facilities and chemical warhead filling equipment. US firms supplied advanced and specialised computers, lasers, testing and analysing equipment. Among the better-known companies were Hewlett Packard, Unisys, Data General and Honeywell.

Billions of dollars worth of raw materials, machinery and equipment, missile technology and other "dual-use" items were also supplied by West German, French, Italian, British, Swiss and Austrian corporations, with the approval of their governments (German firms even sold Iraq entire factories capable of mass-producing poison gas). Much of this was purchased with funds freed by the US CCC credits.

February 08, 2010 10:29 AM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

“The destination of much of this equipment was Saad 16, near Mosul in northern Iraq. Western intelligence agencies had long known that the sprawling complex was Iraq's main ballistic missile development centre.

Blum reported that Washington was fully aware of the likely use of this material. In 1992, a US Senate committee learned that the commerce department had deleted references to military end-use from information it sent to Congress about 68 export licences, worth more than $1 billion.

In 1986, the US defence department's deputy undersecretary for trade security, Stephen Bryen, had objected to the export of an advanced computer, similar to those used in the US missile program, to Saad 16 because "of the high likelihood of military end use". The state and commerce departments approved the sale without conditions.

In his book, The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq, Kenneth Timmerman points out that several US agencies were supposed to review US exports that may be detrimental to US "national security". However, the commerce department often did not submit exports to Hussein's Iraq for review or approved them despite objections from other government departments.

On March 16, 1988, Iraqi forces launched a poison gas attack on the Iraqi Kurdish village of Halabja, killing 5000 people. While that attack is today being touted by senior US officials as one of the main reasons why Hussein must now be "taken out", at the time Washington's response to the atrocity was much more relaxed.

Just four months later, Washington stood by as the US giant Bechtel corporation won the contract to build a huge petrochemical plant that would give the Hussein regime the capacity to generate chemical weapons.”

We can see why Bush II was afraid of Saddam’s WMD capacity – he was probably pretty aware of how much we had helped build it up. But after using his existing stock against Iranians and Kurds, and years of sanctions against Iraq after the first Gulf War, his capacity was gone.

Did they Saddam up just so they could take him down later?

Beware the military industrial complex.

Have a nice day,


February 08, 2010 10:30 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

Way to teach the facts, Cynthia!

Thank you!

February 08, 2010 12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

regardless of where he got weapons, Cynthia, there are two significant points:

1. he was one of the rare head of state that actually demonstrated a willingness to use them

2. he was trying to make the world think he had them

if someone robbed a bank and held hostages and shot one in the head, would it make any difference if when the SWAT team took him out, they found out the gun he was pointing at the remaining hostages had no bullets left?

the U.S. did the world a favor taking out Saddam

mistakes were made but ALL the surrounding countries as well as the rest of the world are glad we did it

February 08, 2010 12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so are the Iraqi people

February 08, 2010 12:41 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

You don't hear many of these Iraqis praising the pre-emptive invasion of their nation.

February 08, 2010 12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you heard plenty of it when the event occurred

there's no doubt, the first part of the invasion was mismanaged so Iraqis have a right to anger over that

still, the have repeatedly endorsed Democratic rule and turned on the fundamentalists that tried to stir trouble

they're getting there, and one day their history books will recognize the part we played

what you may not realize is that when the Muslim world looks at America and sneers, its liberals like you they are thinking about

February 08, 2010 1:01 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

what you may not realize is that when the Muslim world looks at America and sneers, its liberals like you they are thinking about

That's an excellent point, Anon. They sneer at us Americans who choose to support and exercise the freedoms they don't have. Muslim fundamentalists have plenty in common with American fundamentalists, though the proselytizing thing might wear thin at times. Americans who seize the opportunities offered to us and cherish the rights we are granted by the Constitution are absolutely, as you say, the ones the Muslim extremists sneer at.

But we are not the ones they hate. They hate the ones who attack them without provocation and try to force them to live like us.

I don't mind being sneered at by somebody halfway around the world. I do not like being hated, though, especially when it motivates them to destroy American lives and American property.


February 08, 2010 1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you forgotten 9/11 ?

who attacked who first please ????

February 08, 2010 1:26 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

How far back do you want to go?


February 08, 2010 3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you two don't need to go too far

the evil Baathist regime in Iraq invaded an ally of ours who also provides an essential commodity that is vital to our economy

after we reversed this invasion, this regime was allowed to stay in power under certain conditions

they not only didn't meet their agreements, they repeatedly fired on our aircraft in the region that were there as part of the agreement

another ally asked us to build bases in their country to prevent the evil Baathist regime from invading other countries

an evil lunatic decided we were infidels and could be present in the land of this ally

the evil lunatic launched an attack on American soil and killed thousands of our citizens

an evil regime in Afghanistan sheltered the evil lunatic and refused to turn him over, saying we were "an arrogant superpower"

where was America wrong in all this?

February 08, 2010 5:12 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

You're on your own here, Anon, there's no point discussing this with you.


February 08, 2010 5:38 PM  
Anonymous Dr. Roberts M.D. said...

We must support comprehensive sex education in the schools for all children either straight, gay or lesbian.

Furthermore we should provide free condoms for all students, free birth control pills and gynecological exams for all girls as well as ready access to the Plan-B morning after pill.

In addition for those who wish to abstain from sexual intercourse they should be taught the benefits of mutual masturbation, oral sex and anal sex if practiced with a condom.

Sex is perfectly normal in high school and its safe practice should be encouraged.

February 08, 2010 9:31 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Very funny, Anon.

February 08, 2010 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are here to support a 21st century sex education curriculum for MCPS students. While continuing to stress the importance of abstinence for teens, we support a new curriculum that will expand upon the old one by providing our students with current knowledge about how to protect themselves, based on the latest science and advice from the medical and scientific communities. Also, based on mainstream science, we support a new curriculum that recognizes that sexual orientation is not a choice, and that homosexuality is not a disease.

February 09, 2010 12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dr. Roberts, M.D."
Would you also advocate teaching the absolute evil of divorce which, more often than not, splits children in a family into opposing forces and deprives them of a two-parent family life?
Would you advocate the teaching of the evil of incest and child sexual abuse within a "Christian" family?
Would you advocate ways to abolish spousal abuse and the breaking of marriage vows by philandering husbands and "Cougar" wives?
Would you advocate the mere mentioning of the word "sex" inside of a family's home?

Your "humor" falls on deaf ears!

February 09, 2010 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Dr. Roberts M.D. said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

February 09, 2010 2:33 PM  
Anonymous Dr. Roberts M.D. said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

February 09, 2010 2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why have you been deleting Dr Roberts?

sounds like he supports TTF

February 10, 2010 7:58 AM  

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