Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Saint Barney

Thanks to Alvin at Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters for calling attention to this one. Barney Frank is great in this. A conservative interviewer tries to get embarrass Frank but the tables get turned on him.

And watch in the last seconds, Dana and Duchy walk across the background.

Beautiful interview.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

turned the tables?

he asked Frank a simple question that he was too embarassed to answer so he tried to dodge by morphing into an interviewer

the question is perfectly sensible:

if Frank favors having homosexuals, who are attracted to males, shower with straight males, does he also favor letting straight males shower with females
in the military?

and, yes, we saw the despicable duo march by in the background

glad they have each other for company in their suddenly abundant free time

December 21, 2010 10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonwood said...

Imagine Anon showering next to a gay guy. Which one do you think will have a boner????

December 21, 2010 11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the first election since the Citizens United decision, misinformation played a central role. That’s the finding of a new study, Misinformation and the 2010 Election, from the University of Maryland’s World Public Opinion. http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/brunitedstatescanadara/671.php?nid=&id=&pnt=671&lb= Voters believe they heard more lies than in past elections. Researchers found voters were also influenced by the lies they didn’t catch.

The bad news for FOX News viewers is that merely watching the channel appears to be toxic. Most voters believed a few whoppers during the 2010 election cycle. But daily watchers of FOX News believed more misinformation than everyone else.

Are FOX viewers simply people who watch the station to reinforce misinformed views they already have? “No,” says Clay Ramsay, Lead Researcher for the project, “Even Democratic voters who watched FOX News were more misinformed than others.” While all cable news earns some criticism from Ramsay, “FOX displays a particular pattern of misinformation. The more you watch the more inaccurate your views.”

The researchers didn’t originally intend to rank news outlets. They simply wanted to know sources of voter misinformation. Ramsay discovered the unusual FOX correlation—the more you watch the worse it gets—unexpectedly, while sifting through the data. FOX was alone in this regard.

The study strengthens a widely held view that FOX News is a source of political propaganda. Days after the study was released, Media Matters reported leaked e-mails from FOX’s Washington managing editor to on-air talent. He instructs them to call “the public option” “the government option,” wording recommended by a Republican pollster (according to Media Matters.) In another e-mail, the editor instructs them to muddy the waters concerning settled science about climate change. These leaks offer further corroboration of the surprise findings of the study—that FOX News Channel is a singularly notable source of misinformation.

While less of a bombshell, the study also made other important findings about the information used by voters in 2010. “I believe the most significant aspect of the study is that people believed they’d been exposed to much greater levels of misinformation,” said Ramsay. An overwhelming ninety-one percent said they encountered misinformation “frequently” or “sometimes” during the election cycle. Fifty-four percent said the level of misinformation was higher than in past elections.

December 21, 2010 11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He instructs them to call “the public option” “the government option,”"

after vaguely decrying the misinformation of FOXNews, this is the best specific example they can find?

enough said, right there

"Imagine Anon showering next to a gay guy. Which one do you think will have a boner????"

gays don't deny they're attracted to guys

why would we throw this mix together?

ban gays from the military

it's a win-win

December 21, 2010 11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, we see how well we are "win-winning" in Afghanistan. Next year we'll be ten year "win-winners" there like the Soviets were.

December 22, 2010 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barney's right of course. "We don't get ourselves dry cleaned." Do the homophobes really want to have "gays only" and "straights only" showers the way we used to have "whites only" and "blacks only" bathrooms, drinking fountains, and bus seating?

Anon apparently wants our troops to remain unsure about the sexual orientation of those who shower with them, demonstrating his philosophy that ignorance is bliss.

December 22, 2010 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anon apparently wants our troops to remain unsure about the sexual orientation of those who shower with them, demonstrating his philosophy that ignorance is bliss."

no, I don't

I'm in favor of repeal of DADT

I'd prefer gays not be in the military at all, regardless of how sneaky there are

"Yeah, we see how well we are "win-winning" in Afghanistan."

we weren't talking about Afghanistan

we were talking about whether gays belong in the military

"Barney's right of course."

remember, during the campaign, he admitted he was responsible for the 2008 financial collapse

so he's not right, he's left

"Do the homophobes"

disgust and fear are different concepts

"really want to have "gays only" and "straights only" showers the way we used to have "whites only" and "blacks only" bathrooms, drinking fountains, and bus seating?"

no, no one wants that

what sensible people want is a military free of homosexuals

not much to ask for

December 22, 2010 9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Amid applause, cries of thanks and chants of "Yes we can!," President Obama on Wednesday repealed the U.S. military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, which for 17 years had banned gay service members from serving openly in the armed services.

The bill stipulates that DADT will only be discarded after the president, the secretary of defense, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certify that changing it will not hurt the armed services' readiness, morale or cohesion. After a 60-day review by Congress, the Pentagon is to develop procedures for ending it altogether, a process that could take years to complete."

I'm reminded of Obama's first day in office, when he signed an order to close Guantanamo.

Barry's saving grace is that he knows how to take his time.

He'll likely delay implementation until 2013 when President Palin will reverse this.

December 22, 2010 12:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

“what sensible people want is a military free of homosexuals

not much to ask for”

Try it now.

“what sensible people want is a world free of homosexuals

not much to ask for”

December 22, 2010 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The repeal does not immediately put a stop to “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Mr. Obama must still certify that changing the law to allow homosexual and bisexual men and women to serve openly in all branches of the military will not harm readiness, as must Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mullen, before the military can implement the new law. But the secretary and the admiral have backed Mr. Obama, who said ending “don’t ask, don’t tell” was a topic of his first meeting with the men. He praised Mr. Gates for his courage; Admiral Mullen, who was on stage with the president during the signing ceremony, received a standing ovation.

December 22, 2010 3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The repeal does not immediately put a stop to “don’t ask, don’t tell.”"

or any time soon

"Mr. Obama must still certify that changing the law to allow homosexual and bisexual men and women to serve openly in all branches of the military will not harm readiness,"

or morale or cohesion..

those will be hard to hurdle

"as must Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mullen, before the military can implement the new law."

also, after the certification, Congress can review for 60 days, and I happen to know there are a few Congressmen who will have problems

indeed, it's doubtful the new GOP-controlled House will clear the review

on the off-chance that Congress clears the review, the miltary can start devising plans to implement

then, just before implementation, President Palin cancels the whole thing

December 22, 2010 4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

news flash:

President Obama, in his news conference a moment ago, said we need to raise taxes on the rich and divert those funds elsewhere

is this guy schizophrenic or what?

December 22, 2010 5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...We are not a nation that says, “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” We are a nation that says, “Out of many, we are one.”

We are a nation that welcomes the service of every patriot. We are a nation that believes that all men and women are created equal. Those are the ideals that generations have fought for, those are the ideals that we uphold today, and now it is my honor to sign this bill into law."

December 22, 2010 5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"is this guy schizophrenic or what?"

He's the President and you are a pesky little Anonymous troll whose predictions about lots of things have been wrong since you've been darkening the comments section here.

There's no President McCain.

There's no President Huckabee.

There's no Palin as Time's Man of the Year

There won't be a President Palin in 2012 or any other year - she can't even finish a full term as a state governor, but I'll give you this: she is one hell of an absentee grandma to her teenage daughter's bastard child.

Her poll numbers are growing though. It used to be only 53% of Americans, but now it's nearly 60% of Americans, 30% of Republicans, and 40% of self-labeled conservatives who say they definitely won't vote for her!

December 22, 2010 5:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

“or morale or cohesion … those will be hard to hurdle”

OneNewsNow (AFA):

Interviewer: LaBarbera explains that the action by lawmakers to repeal the ban on homosexuals in the military will give homosexual activists additional privileges…

Peter LaBarbera: "They will sue to get benefits [and] they will sue to get the same married housing as straight soldiers"
Sociopathanon, your anti-gay arguments have just become anti-American.

Hurdle that.

December 22, 2010 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There won't be a President Palin in 2012 or any other year"

obviously someone who hasn't paid much attention to American history

"she can't even finish a full term as a state governor,"

well, you and your yucky ilk were acting like her career was over at the point she resigned

she turned the tables nicely and became much more influential- she's a big part of why DADT had to be repealed now and no more gay agenda items will make it through Congress for a long while

she led a Republican resurgence, resulting in the Democrats losing control of the House of Representatives

she's got a lot of IOUs at this point

Republicans that oppose her are the old guard that is fading

"but I'll give you this: she is one hell of an absentee grandma to her teenage daughter's bastard child."

actually, you would be a hell of a stupid asshole for saying such a thing about anybody

you ever ask yourself why you have developed these intense feelings of hatred for this woman and her family?

"Her poll numbers are growing though. It used to be only 53% of Americans, but now it's nearly 60% of Americans, 30% of Republicans, and 40% of self-labeled conservatives who say they definitely won't vote for her!"

oh, I think you'll find Ronald Reagan had some pretty high negatives not long before he was elected President and became the best President of the 20th century

December 22, 2010 9:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

“you ever ask yourself why you have developed these intense feelings of hatred for this woman…?”

I have, she’s a sociopath just like you.

Fawn, drool and kiss the ground she walks on all you like. It just shows your worship of a woman who would sell her children if the price was right.

December 22, 2010 10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

imp, I know this is going to be tough for you

but can you think real hard and tell us?:

when did Sarah Palin do anything to make you say she was a sociopath?

if your head starts to hurt, you can take a short break and have some milk and animal crackers


then, back to thinking real hard

December 22, 2010 10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin has taken an odd “anti-anti-obesity” stance in the name of “personal freedom.”

But former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee knows a thing or two about obesity. Huckabee, who lost more than 100 pounds after learning in 2003 that he had diabetes, says fellow Republican Sarah Palin maybe doesn't get it when it comes to First Lady Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity.

Huckabee, a once and possibly future presidential candidate, told New York radio host Curtis Sliwa that Obama is on to something important. "With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she's misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do," Huckabee said. "Michelle Obama's not trying to tell people what to eat or force government's desires on people. She's stating the obvious: that we have an obesity crisis in this country."

On a recent episode of her reality show, "Sarah Palin's Alaska," the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee joked that she was going to make s'mores for a family camping trip, "in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert." Obama has urged Americans to find alternatives to fattening desserts.

Huckabee said the obesity problem is real and has ramifications, even for national security: He noted that "25 percent of the people trying to get into the military today can't do so because they are grossly obese."

So Palin thinks we should be free to be fat but not free to be gay. Too bad she doesn't realize America's No. 1 Health Problem: Overweight But Undernourished

December 23, 2010 9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So Palin thinks we should be free to be fat but not free to be gay."

she, like all red-blooded Americans, think we should be free to be either

your statement is, unsurprisingly, without basis

December 23, 2010 9:54 AM  
Anonymous the very likable anon said...

"And now we have Oprah Winfrey's take on Sarah Palin's presidential ambitions.

In an interview, Winfrey said America could "fall in love" with the former Alaska governor as a television personality, based on her reality show, "Sarah Palin's Alaska." But Winfrey, the queen of talk-show TV, said she didn't really know Palin personally and wasn't sure if she would run for president.

When asked if the prospect of a conservative Palin candidacy frightens her, Winfrey said "It does not scare me because I believe in the intelligence of the American public."

One of the country's most admired women, Winfrey has political clout. She backed Barack Obama early and helped elevate the profile of the inexperienced senator from Illinois.

She interviewed Palin after her first book ("Going Rogue") was published, but said, "I don't know her, so I can't speak to a possible 2012 candidacy." Even so, Palin's reality series got Winfrey's attention. "When I saw that first episode, I went, 'Whoa, she is charming and very likable.' ""

December 23, 2010 12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet Oprah does want to see Palin run, just like I do, to guarantee another four years of Democratic presidency.

December 23, 2010 12:40 PM  
Anonymous got gumdrops in my head said...

I'm sure you're right

just like when Palin campaigned for all those Congressional candidates and guaranteed the Democrats would control the House for another two years

(roll your eyes and whistle)

December 23, 2010 3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palin was on a Presidential ticket and was "widely popular" and you seem to have already forgotten *that* election outcome. Hint: She lost, big time!

The many candidates Palin supported in the 2010 election she sat out demonstrate she does *not* support freedom for gays to be married, parents, active duty in the military, or protected from discrimination. Yours is the statement without basis.

December 23, 2010 8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Palin was on a Presidential ticket and was "widely popular" and you seem to have already forgotten *that* election outcome. Hint: She lost, big time!"

you may recall that the only time the McCain ticket led in the polls was for a couple of weeks after he selected Palin

you may also recall that she played the role the McCain team asked her to, to the detriment of her own image

but, ultimately, Democrats never win, regardless of any election outcome, because the American people, who will use them when they want to send a message to any particular Republican they become disenchanted with, don't agree with their ideals

"The many candidates Palin supported in the 2010 election she sat out demonstrate she does *not* support freedom for gays to be married, parents, active duty in the military, or protected from discrimination."

you may have a warped perception that you're not free unless you everyone is forced to associate and interact with you, but you're wrong

you are free to engage in your peculiar behaviors

everyone else should be free to nothing to do with you

"Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition, is advocating the repeal of criminal penalties for possession of pot.

On his Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) show the other day, Robertson was talking about his long experience in prison ministry and the problem of locking up small-time offenders who then cost taxpayers to feed and house them. Which led to this monologue:

'We're locking up people that take a couple of puffs of marijuana and the next thing you know they've got 10 years -- they've got mandatory sentences and these judges, they throw up their hand and say "What can we do? It's mandatory sentences." We've got to take a look at what we're considering crimes, and that's one of 'em. I mean, I'm not exactly for the use of drugs, don't get me wrong. But I just believe criminalizing marijuana, criminalizing the possession of just a few ounces of pot, and that kind of thing, I mean it's costing us a fortune, and it's ruining young people. The young people go into prisons, they go in as youths, and they come out as hardened criminals, and it's not a good thing.'

Drug reformers are shocked but celebrating, and are wondering if this augurs a shift in conservative thinking on the war on drugs.

"I suspect that Robertson has begun to realize that the War on Drugs is bad for family values," Ilya Somin writes at The Volokh Conspiracy, a legal blog.

"Hopefully, more conservatives will come to the same realization as Robertson and, before him, the far more intellectually respectable William F. Buckley."

Pete Guither at DrugWarRant.com dares to hope "that a powerful coalition of Democratic voters, principled conservatives, libertarians . . . and Teapot Partiers" could change the political dynamic. "Not bad."

Who knows? Maybe he'll now come out for the other great libertarian cause, gay marriage. He'd have the younger generation of evangelicals supporting him on that one."

December 23, 2010 11:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

“when did Sarah Palin do anything to make you say she was a sociopath?”

It’s not a question of “when” or “do,” it’s an illness. And maybe she’s not a sociopath. Maybe she’s just afflicted with deeply ingrained sociopathic tendencies.

I’ll admit, she’s charming, beautiful and charismatic, but the woman is addicted to adulation and drunk on the power it affords. Like her eyes, her arguments are as deep as puddles. Normal enough for a politician, but for all the air time she gets, there’s only one time I’ve ever heard an emotion squeak out of her. Never even a hint of passion -- other than for her love of air time.

Here’s a list of the symptoms. Not all of them apply to you or to her, but it’s unsettling how much of it does.

December 24, 2010 3:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"ultimately, Democrats never win, regardless of any election outcome, because the American people, who will use them when they want to send a message to any particular Republican they become disenchanted with, don't agree with their ideals"

Keep telling yourself that and party like it's 1938!

In the meantime, in the lame duck session, Democrats, with help from some GOP members, managed to enact:

An $854 billion tax cut
Repeal of DADT
The START Treaty
The 9-11 responders bill
The food safety bill
And approve 19 judges.

December 24, 2010 9:13 AM  

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