Congressman Anthony Weiner sent a lady a picture of himself in his underwear. He talked to other women online, sent pictures probably worse than this one, who knows what, he says there were about six women and I believe him.
Of all the politicians' scandals, this was the dumbest. He never even met any of these women in person. He got sucked into the fantasy world of the Internet and he screwed up, tweeted when he meant to DM. One obsessive slimeball was sitting out there in the middle of the night watching everything that happened and he got a copy of the picture before Weiner could delete it, and it went to the news. Did you ever hit "Reply All" when you meant to "Reply?" That's what this was, except in Twitter.
We have now seen the picture of him in his underwear and one of him with his shirt off. I'm sure we'll see more. It is truly dumb, I have seen reporters call the underwear picture "lewd," but ... really?
Anthony Weiner lied to us. He lied to Rachel Maddow. He did something dumb and then he lied about it, letting all of us down. It was a test of character and he failed it.
Anthony Weiner was the one guy you could count on. Go through YouTube and watch his videos, he tore into the rightwingers, the hypocrites, the bigots, he was outspoken and fearless. He was the one guy who was brave enough to take on the conservative establishment without backing down. He's smart, he's quick, he can be funny, he knows how to stick to the point when people are trying to distract him.
It's terrible how lies are, it just takes one and everything you say after that is suspect. He's "taken full responsibility" now, but being sorry after the fact is what the other guys do. They're sorry they got caught, that's all, it doesn't take any conscience to feel bad after you've been caught.
We need Weiner's leadership, and I don't know how he is going to be able to provide it now. The online stuff was dumb, but the lies were not forgivable.
Of all the politicians' scandals, this was the dumbest. He never even met any of these women in person. He got sucked into the fantasy world of the Internet and he screwed up, tweeted when he meant to DM. One obsessive slimeball was sitting out there in the middle of the night watching everything that happened and he got a copy of the picture before Weiner could delete it, and it went to the news. Did you ever hit "Reply All" when you meant to "Reply?" That's what this was, except in Twitter.
We have now seen the picture of him in his underwear and one of him with his shirt off. I'm sure we'll see more. It is truly dumb, I have seen reporters call the underwear picture "lewd," but ... really?
Anthony Weiner lied to us. He lied to Rachel Maddow. He did something dumb and then he lied about it, letting all of us down. It was a test of character and he failed it.
Anthony Weiner was the one guy you could count on. Go through YouTube and watch his videos, he tore into the rightwingers, the hypocrites, the bigots, he was outspoken and fearless. He was the one guy who was brave enough to take on the conservative establishment without backing down. He's smart, he's quick, he can be funny, he knows how to stick to the point when people are trying to distract him.
It's terrible how lies are, it just takes one and everything you say after that is suspect. He's "taken full responsibility" now, but being sorry after the fact is what the other guys do. They're sorry they got caught, that's all, it doesn't take any conscience to feel bad after you've been caught.
We need Weiner's leadership, and I don't know how he is going to be able to provide it now. The online stuff was dumb, but the lies were not forgivable.
actually, Jim, speaking from the other side, I think the biggest problem you guys have is how well he lied
I think most people believed he was hacked and all the jokes with his name and everything was all in fun (NY Daily News headline on Friday: Weiner Exposed!)
now that people know how well he can lie, it'll be hard to trust anything he says
"He lied to Rachel Maddow."
how could he do something like that and live with himself?
how can he sleep at night?
what kind of a sick mind does it take?
lying to Rachel Maddow is nothing less than bullying a gay journalist
don't worry, Rachel
it gets better
I can't believe he treated a gallant gay journalist that way
if acted that way with a lesbian talking head, who knows what he would do to a transgender or a polygamist!
did he think he could get away with something like this?
what a heinous Weiner!
I mean, what is this Weiner capable of?
At least Weiner didn't get Mommy and Daddy to write a check for $96,000 to pay off his girlfriend's husband, didn't seek lobbying jobs for that same husband, grant firms that hired him political favors, and nobody needed to grant "prosecution immunity" to get to the truth from witnesses.
"Attorneys for Ensign submitted a 12-page document to the Ethics Committee on Wednesday challenging the findings, which they said was being done even as Ensign "deeply and sincerely regrets the personal failures ... that led the committee to conduct its investigation."
Ensign attorney Robert ... Walker said that while Ensign has apologized for his actions, "this is not the same as agreeing that he did or intended to violate any laws or rules, and this submission demonstrates that there is a lot more to the issues than the committee's report indicates."
Paul Coggins, an attorney representing Ensign in the criminal elements of the case, said: "I am confident that the Department of Justice will conclude that Senator Ensign fully complied with the law."
The Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice separately late last year declined to pursue charges against Ensign after conducting investigations.
Officials at the agencies did not comment on Thursday, and attorneys have said there is nothing preventing the cases from being reopened.
Senate investigators conducted 72 witness interviews and depositions including many members of Ensign's staff and reviewed more than a half-million documents, the committee said.
In the course of the investigation, the committee persuaded the Justice Department to grant prosecution immunity to Lopez, Ensign's chief of staff, who emerged as a major figure in the investigation. Efforts to obtain immunity for Hampton failed.
The Ethics Committee and the Justice Department conducted parallel investigations into the issues growing from the affair, including a $96,000 check Ensign arranged for his parents to give the Hamptons as they were leaving his employ in April 2008.
The committee concluded Ensign "made false or misleading statements" in denying the payment was unreported severance for the couple, which could have exposed Ensign to charges of violating federal campaign law.
In fact, the committee said, it found multiple instances in which Ensign himself referred to it as severance.
Ensign denied wrongdoing throughout the past two years, while his standing withered among Senate colleagues and associates in Nevada."
"At least Weiner didn't get Mommy and Daddy to write a check for $96,000 to pay off his girlfriend's husband,"
That wasn't campaign contributions or taxpayer money so what's the problem?
Oh, that's right...
TTF thinks Mommies and Daddies should give their money to Uncle Obama pay for his failed stimulus programs instead of to their heirs
Truth is, Ensign resigned
And remember, Weiner bullied a homosexual reporter by lying to her.
Horrendous behaviour!
Weiner thinks he'll just stick around now, like Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Barney Frank, and Gerry Studds before him.
That's how Democrats do, home dog!
what is "horrendous", Anonymous, is your supercilious, inane, and puerile remarks. Do you live by the precepts of your Christian religion?
I simply hate to see someone like Rachel Maddow, a noble sexual experimenteur, who has been taunted, marginalized and victimized by hateful bigots her whole life, lied to by this venal politician.
That's like adding insult to injury, rubbing salt into the wound and rubbing it the wrong way.
How could anyone see this travesty and not remark on it?
Jim put it in a devastatingly simple phrase: "He lied to Rachel Maddow."
What an understatement!!
"puerile remarks"
don't you think Weiner's actions were just a little puerile?
Jim has it exactly right.
It is instructive that Anon and Tsk keyed on Jim's statement that Anthony Weiner "lied to Rachel Maddow," and then focused on the fact that she is an out lesbian.
Of course, Jim's point has nothing to do with her sexual orientation. Rather, it is that -- unlike the other nightly opinion/news hosts on all the networks -- she is always a straight shooter and is never a blowhard. She explains her views clearly, without b.s., and, at least in the times I have watched her, is never unfair. Would that we had more like her - both on the left and on the right.
Congressman Anthony Weiner instructed one of his Internet women how to lie about their relationship ... and even offered PR help from his team, which could create major legal issues for him ... TMZ has learned.
"Of course, Jim's point has nothing to do with her sexual orientation."
Ah, but Daved, Jim didn't mention any other journalist.
Only this one- a journalist who is part of a marginalized and victimized sexual exploratory minority.
You can't ignore that!
It's a great big shout out to those who are attacked for simply looking for a little somethin' different.
You may notice Weiner didn't send Maddow any pictures.
That's discrimination- ugly and spiteful.
And then he lied to her!!
the indignity of being deceived
add that to all the other legit grievances of the sexual exploratory minority
Montgomery County Public Schools, for the third year in a row, has the highest graduation rate among the nation’s largest school districts, according to a national report released today (June 7).
The annual Diplomas Count report (http://www.edweek.org/ew/toc/2011/06/09/index.html?intc=EW-DC11-EWH), published by Education Week, calculated MCPS’ graduation rate at 85.7 percent—a 2.6 percentage point increase over last year’s report—and significantly higher than the rate for the nation (71.7 percent) and the state of Maryland (76.8 percent).
“This year’s Diplomas Count report once again shows that Montgomery County Public Schools is leading the nation in graduation,” said Christopher S. Barclay, president of the Montgomery County Board of Education. “Our staff is committed, our students are focused and our community is dedicated to providing a world-class education to all Montgomery County children.”
Superintendent of Schools Jerry D. Weast said these results are even more significant because MCPS sets the bar higher for its graduates.
“We not only are graduating the greatest percentage of students, but we are making sure they are prepared for college and the work place when they cross the stage to get their diploma,” Dr. Weast said. “These results would not be possible without the outstanding effort put forward by the employees of MCPS, simply the best K-12 staff in the nation.”
WASHINGTON (AP) — More than a million U.S. troops — roughly half the armed forces — have been trained on the new law allowing gays to serve openly in the military. Military officials say they see no adverse impact on the force so far. Despite dire warnings that repealing the 17-year-old ban would roil the nation's armed forces and undermine fighting ability, no problems have emerged that would block the repeal later this year. President Barack Obama promised repeal, but left exact timing to the Pentagon.
Pentagon officials say there's been no widespread resistance; no mad rush for the door by those opposed, and — importantly — no drop in recruiting.
"More than a million U.S. troops — roughly half the armed forces — have been trained on the new law allowing gays to serve openly in the military."
"trained"? how?
"indoctrinated" would be the more appropriate term
"Military officials say they see no adverse impact on the force so far."
it hasn't happened yet
"Despite dire warnings that repealing the 17-year-old ban would roil the nation's armed forces and undermine fighting ability, no problems have emerged that would block the repeal later this year."
the insidious effects will be felt when the change is implemented
"President Barack Obama promised repeal, but left exact timing to the Pentagon."
the soon-to-be-ex-President didn't specify that, the Pelosi Congress did that as their last insult to the nation before they joined the USSR and the ERA in the dustbin of history
"Pentagon officials say there's been no widespread resistance;"
not if you ignore the polls of Marines- open dissent is not the military way, that doesn't mean this is not having an effect
"no mad rush for the door by those opposed,"
Gates has told them they can't quit
"and — importantly — no drop in recruiting"
unemployment in excess of 9% won't last forever
just until Obama moves on to community organizing in early 2013
and now for a feature we like to call "Reasons Barack Won't Be Coming Back in 2013":
his lack of concern for the things Americans are concerned about
yesterday, he stood next to President Merkel of Germany and said "I'm not concerned about adouble-dip recession."
of course you aren't, Barry
I think you're set for retirement
btw, Ramussen released a poll yesterday showing Obama losing to the nameless Republican candidate by 46 to 41 percent
you know you're in trouble when a few weeks after scoring a major military victory against al quaeda, the voters are still rejecting you
seems pretty hopeless
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I sent a text to my friend a couple of weeks ago that the next day my phone spontaneously forwarded to my boss. Nothing inappropriate, but these things happen. The lesson I have learned over the years is:
Never communicate anything electronically that you don't want to appear in the Washington Times.
GOP leader Eric Cantor on Rep. Weiner's sexting scandal:
“I don’t condone his activity. And I think he should resign."
The same Eric Cantor on Gov. Sanford's Appalachian trail hoax/cover-up of his Argentinian sex scandal:
"As far as his remaining Governor, Brian, it's up to the people of South Carolina and that will play out. Listen, Gov Sanford apologized and we ought to be really dedicating our thoughts and prayers for his family in this difficult time"
Again the same Eric Cantor on Sen. Ensign's sex scandal with his Senate aide's wife, who was also Ensign's campaign worker and next door neighbor:
"Look, I mean... is anyone happy to see all that have happened? No, it's not good. We have our thoughts with their families...Well listen, I say again, in the instance of the people of South Carolina and Nevada, it's up to them, they are the elected officials of those states."
And again, GOP leader Eric Cantor's office on now Sen. Vitter's sex scandal which included his solicitation phone calls placed to the DC Madame prostitute during House votes
"Eric isn't the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate."
"Senator Vitter won re-election."
Hypocrite GOP leader Eric Cantor offered no "thoughts or prayers" for Weiner's family after his public apology, and did not say he thinks "the people of his district will decide" if Weiner stays or goes. No, Cantor thinks Weiner alone should resign for his sexting scandal.
Eric Cantor has not said there's a need to resign when an elected Republican has a sex scandal, but that's exactly what he said about an elected Democrat.
It's not the deed that determines Cantor's response, it's the party affiation of the deed doer.
For those who say it’s implausible for Revere to have ridden a horse while ringing a bell and firing multiple warning shots from a front-loading musket, all I have to say is, "Prepare to eat historical re-enactment."
Wikipedia locks Revere entry in wake of "Palin's creative re-telling of the story of Revere's famous ride"
The one thing that makes Wiener's lies worse in many ways than the lies of others involved in scandal is that Wiener was trying to pin a fake Twitter account "hack" on his political enemies.
actually, Cantor did say it was up to the Weiner's constituents so the TTFer needs to read more closely:
"Despite his call for Weiner’s resignation, Cantor said Congress has better things to focus on.
“We’ve got a lot of serious challenges in this country and a lot of work for Congress to do,” Cantor said. “The last thing we need to do is get enmeshed in a discussion about Congressman Weiner and his Twitter activities.”
Though Cantor said he believes Weiner should resign, he said the decision is ultimately up to Weiner and his constituents."
since this is Teach the FACTS, it might be interesting to point out the significant differences between Weiner and these other guys
while an extra-marital affair is not something to be condoned, at least these guys had an emotional relationship with their partner
this Weiner guy is apparently so pathetically insecure that any female that calls him "hot" gets friended and sent photos on the spot
it's casual and solely salacious
obviously, it's dangerous for the country to have someone like that with access to national security information
btw, Eric Cantor is a rising Tea Party star
he'll make a great VP candidate in 2012 teamed with Palin or Perry or Bachmann or whichever of the terrific candidates winds up the winner
next year is going to be a fun one for patriotic Americans, when we take our country back
Cantor would be an especially great choice because he would be the first Jewish VP
considering Obama's recent betrayal of Israel, this could move the Jewish-American vote into the Red column
Cantor said Weiner should resign.
He may have backpedaled once he was made aware of his prior comments like "we ought to be really dedicating our thoughts and prayers for [the] family in this difficult time" when talking about Sanford and Ensign, but Cantor's hypocrisy is clear.
Cantor suggested no such dedicating of thoughts and prayers for the family when talking about a Democrat named Weiner.
From his statements, the only logical conclusion is Cantor believes sex scandals by Republicans do not merit mention of resigning, but sex scandals by Democrats do.
Wiener did something that the others mired in controversy, Democrats and Republicans, did not do. He tried to make it appear as though his political enemies hacked into his account.
Shocking video
When he made his public apology on Monday, Weiner shared the microphone with his political enemy, Andrew Breitbart, and then Weiner apologized to Breitbart, vindicating him.
Breitbart.com reports "In a strange twist, Breitbart attended Weiner's news conference and spoke to reporters before Weiner appeared. He claimed to have another photo of Weiner which he described as "X-rated" but would not say if he planned to release it.
"I would like an apology from him. I'm here for some vindication," Breitbart said. Weiner did apologize to Breitbart."
Even the political enemy ended up getting the apology and "some vindication" he wanted.
What didn't Weiner do that Ensign, Sanford or Vitter did do?
Let's see, Weiner didn't ask his parents or anyone else to write a huge check he called "severance pay" that was really hush money to try to make the problem go away.
Weiner didn't try to get the jilted husband (in fact, there were no "jilted husbands" in Weiner's scandal) a lobbying job he wasn't qualified for and he didn't vote the way the husband's new employer wanted him to vote on bills of pending legislation before him. Ensign had called for Clinton to resign after his affair became public but didn't resign himself until the Senate Ethics Committee was going to call him to testify about his own affair.
Weiner didn't leave the United States of America, leaving his staff leaderless and his wife wondering, and both without a way to contact him. Sanford had campaigned as a family man touting his own superior family values but instead of resigning in disgrace, he handed over the keys to the next Governor at the end of his full term.
Weiner did not commit the crime of soliciting a prostitute.
Weiner never was in the same room with any sexting partner outside his marriage unlike Ensign, Sanford, and Vitter, who shared a lot more than text and pixels over the internet. Ensign, Sanford and Vitter all committed adultery, "voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse."
Cantor's a hypocrite for not saying Vitter, Sanford, or Ensign should resign for their sex scandals, but saying Weiner should.
well, yes, that's the real scandal here
Eric Cantor and his inconsistent stands on indiscretions
so much worse than politicians who commit acts that open themselves up to blackmail by exposing themselves to random females on the internet
of course, let's not forget that Weiner bullied a gay journalist with a lie
but still, that's nowhere near as craven as Cantor's act of hypocrisy, a true crime against humanity
how dare he say that a stupid creepy Democrat should resign
wait a minute...
maybe Cantor didn't really say that
maybe it's a haox by his enemies
let's face facts
Cantor is destined for national office
Weiner is headed for Dancing with the Stars
Obama is headed for a volunteer position with Habitat for Humanity
Democrats better get used to calling Cantor "sir"
COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 26— Representative Donald E. Lukens, Republican of Ohio, was convicted today in a case in which prosecutors said he had sex with a 16-year-old girl.
A jury deliberated for one and a half hours before finding him guilty of contributing to the delinquency and unruliness of a minor at his apartment in Columbus on Nov. 6. The offense, a misdemeanor, carries a maximum sentence of 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. He will be sentenced after a presentencing investigation.
Hours after the verdict, the senior Republican in Ohio's Congressional delegation called for Mr. Lukens's resignation. ''I think he should do the gentlemanly thing and resign,'' said the colleague, Representative Chalmers P. Wylie. But an aide to Mr. Lukens predicted that he would seek re-election next year. A Secret Videotape
A misdemeanor conviction does not automatically disqualify a member from sitting in Congress or lead to an investigation by the House ethics committee. The committee can choose to investigate such cases and recommend action like censure.
Mr. Lukens stood still, his hands pressed on the defense table, as Franklin County Domestic Relations Judge Ronald Solove read the verdict.
The 58-year-old Congressman, who is divorced, was indicted Feb. 23, about three weeks after a Columbus television station broadcast a secretly recorded videotape that appeared to show him offering to find a job for the girl's mother, Anna Coffman. She had gone to the station to get help and agreed to the secret taping.
On the tape, Mrs. Coffman asked Mr. Lukens why he was ''messing around'' with her daughter, Rosie. The Congressman replied, ''Well, first of all, I didn't really know she was a teen-ager.''
Toward the end of the tape, he said, ''Let me go back and see what there is part-time and . . .'' The next portion of the tape was inaudible. He went on, ''I don't know what, uh, the Government has, but I can check and find out.''
Mrs. Coffman testified that the offer was intended to buy her silence. Mr. Lukens called it an attempt at extortion. 'We Will Be Running,' Aide Says
A misdemeanor conviction does not automatically disqualify a member from sitting in Congress or lead to an investigation by the House ethics committee. The committee can choose to investigate such cases and recommend action like censure.
Mr. Lukens stood still, his hands pressed on the defense table, as Franklin County Domestic Relations Judge Ronald Solove read the verdict.
The 58-year-old Congressman, who is divorced, was indicted Feb. 23, about three weeks after a Columbus television station broadcast a secretly recorded videotape that appeared to show him offering to find a job for the girl's mother, Anna Coffman. She had gone to the station to get help and agreed to the secret taping.
On the tape, Mrs. Coffman asked Mr. Lukens why he was ''messing around'' with her daughter, Rosie. The Congressman replied, ''Well, first of all, I didn't really know she was a teen-ager.''
Toward the end of the tape, he said, ''Let me go back and see what there is part-time and . . .'' The next portion of the tape was inaudible. He went on, ''I don't know what, uh, the Government has, but I can check and find out.''
Mrs. Coffman testified that the offer was intended to buy her silence. Mr. Lukens called it an attempt at extortion. 'We Will Be Running,' Aide Says
After the verdict, Mr. Lukens left the courthouse through a private hallway and elevator. He made no comment. His chief of staff, William Jarrell, said he planned to make a statement next week about his personal and political future.
''The Congressman will be spending some quiet time, speaking to family and friends to get a lot of opinion and advice,'' Mr. Jarrell said. ''But I'll say this: we will be running.''
Mr. Lukens, a former national president of the Young Republicans, was first elected to the House in 1966, serving two terms before dropping out to make an unsuccessful bid for Governor of Ohio. After serving in the state House of Representatives, he returned to Congress in 1987.
His lawyer, Thomas Tyack, said he would appeal on the ground that evidence about the girl's background was not presented to the jury.
''The primary grounds will be the exclusion of Ms. Coffman's juvenile record, Children Services file and school records, which were critical to our case,'' he said. ''I also found evidence of reverse discrimination, which may be cited in the appeal.'' The girl is black, and Mr. Lukens is white.
Assistant Prosecutor Rita Mangini said that Mr. Lukens knew the girl was underage and that he contributed to her unruliness and delinquency by giving her alcohol, paying for her cab ride to his apartment and having sex with her.
Neither the girl nor her mother was in the courtroom when the verdict was read.
yes, that was fascinating
at least this guy didn't engage in gay bashing by LYING to a GAY JOURNALIST!!!!
I just can't get over it
after all Rachel Maddow has been through, Weiner told a gay lie
"don't you think Weiner's actions were just a little puerile?:
Given the amount of puerile activities, thoughts, statements, and behavior you have covered up in your life, I would say that you are in no position to judge Rep. Weiner or just about anybody else.
I thought your religion makes it clear that judgment is in God's hands, only, and that you - a sinner - have no business attempting to speak for God in judging others.
In 1996, three researchers from the University of Georgia published a study in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology about the links between homophobia and homosexual arousal. The authors, Henry E. Adams, Lester W. Wright, Jr., and Bethany A. Lohr, started with 35 straight men identified as homophobic and 29 straight men that were not. Both groups were shown heterosexual, lesbian, and gay male porn while their erectile responses were measured. 'Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli,' reported the researchers.
It was empirical evidence for a theory long popular among psychoanalysts: that those most hostile to gay people are often driven by terror and shame about their own desires.
"I thought your religion makes it clear that judgment is in God's hands, only, and that you - a sinner - have no business attempting to speak for God in judging others."
hmmm...for someone so concerned about judging others, you seem to have no problem doing so
as long as you don't mind judging others, why don't you answer my question and tell us if you think Weiner's actions were puerile?
btw, all the Democrats are now saying he should resign
looks like they are following Eric Cantor's lead
"In 1996, three researchers from the University of Georgia published a study in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology about the links between homophobia and homosexual arousal. The authors, Henry E. Adams, Lester W. Wright, Jr., and Bethany A. Lohr, started with 35 straight men identified as homophobic and 29 straight men that were not. Both groups were shown heterosexual, lesbian, and gay male porn while their erectile responses were measured. 'Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli,' reported the researchers."
did they define "homophobic"?
because, in all my travels, I've yet to meet anyone who is scared of homosexuals
"It was empirical evidence for a theory long popular among psychoanalysts: that those most hostile to gay people are often driven by terror and shame about their own desires."
that's odd because most theories of psychoanalysis were long ago discredited
it's funny, because my theory is that gays are afraid of girls rejecting them because they feel inadequate
also, they pretend sexual preference is completely involuntary because they are afraid their gay friends will be mad at them if they don't say that
I just can't get over Weiner's stupidity.
I mean seriously, first you are a Congressman, you are in the public eye so you really should be careful....
but then, you have that name, so you KNOW you are going to be completely destroyed if you do this, it is too good for the comedians to pass up, and you do it anyway. Not to mention, sheesh, I mean really, has anyone on this blog texted a picture of themselves naked to anyone else ? how old is this guy ? He is behaving like he is in highschool.... and your name is weiner, and you are in congress and you are texting penis pictures.
seriously, how stupid can you get ?
guy has a death wish. and I don't feel one bit sorry for him. He is not stupid, and he was SO STUPID.
clearly doesn't belong in public office.
different anon.
what I can't get over is how he sets himself up for blackmail
he was obviously willing to do a lot to hide this
he has a vote and, worse, access to secrets
The majority of his constituents want him to stay.
NY1-Marist Poll, Weiner Still Alive: Majority in Congressional District Don’t Want Resignation
I think you'll find the majority of his peers in Congress can remove him without the approval of his constituents
but, who knows, maybe Dems will decide this is a winner and enter 2012 as the party defending the rights of people who feel compelled to send naked photos of themselves to random women
hey, it fits
another sexual minority emerges
they can't help it, they have to post pictures of their privates
they were born that way
and the Dems stand up for them
take heart, internet exhibitionists
it gets better
OK, so maybe Weiner is in the exalted status of "sexual minority"
maybe he can start an exhibitionists' pride parade
but he still lied to poor dear Rachel Maddow
it's hard to look past that
after all she's been through
You have to question the motives of ANY men who allow their erectile functions to be measured.
Bogus study, fatally flawed from the git go, obviously.
Your homophobia has been palpable from the git go.
How humiliating for Andrew Breitbart to have his private photo of Anthony Weiner's private parts just splashed out there on the Internet without his consent.
"Your homophobia has been palpable from the git go."
sorry, but homophobia is a myth
no one lives in terror of homosexuals
disgust and fear are different emotions
To our favorite snarky "Anonymous":
May you choke on the venemous bile that you constantly throw up! Once again, and seemingly forever, you emit your vile stench of hatred, bigotry, and ignorance. Your putrid pontifications and sanctimonious spewing are enough to embarrass even God!
To quote the ever-popular and perspicacious Maude: "God will get you for this!"
"lives in terror of homosexuals"
Only a simpleton would think homophobia means fear of homosexuals.
The dictionary says it's
"an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people."
It's what brings you here to spew your "disgust," "a feeling of revulsion or profound disapproval."
Webster's uses "fear" in its definition
phobia means "fear" every other time it is used
as propaganda, lunatic fringe gay advocates began to use this term to include anyone who disapproves of homosexuality
no one is afraid of same sex deviants but the non-propaganda term for what you're referring to is anti-homsexual or pro-family
"homophobia - noun: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals."
You're right. Webster does use the word "fear" in their definition, but of course you failed to mention the fact that the term they actually use is "irrational fear."
Both the Oxford American and the Merriam-Webster dictionaries agree these feelings of "aversion" are "irrational."
Funny you should mention propaganda.
"propaganda - noun: 2: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor (1: talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source) for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person"
It's what you come here to spread fairly regularly, demonstrating your deep-seated homophobia. Don't worry Anon, nobody wants to measure your penile responses to various stimuli.
thanks for admitting you lied about the definition
OK, we're back to square one
I've never met anyone who is scared of homosexual deviants, regardless of whether that's rational or not
this term was popularized by lunatic fringe gay advocates to imply that those who think homosexuality is wrong have an irrational fear of them
"Don't worry Anon, nobody wants to measure your penile responses to various stimuli."
not something I was worried about
although the other anon had a good point earlier: what kind of guy would consent to having a lie detector attached to his penis to prove to scientists what really turns him on?
the study is probably skewed by the types who would consent to subject themselves to such a procedure
"what kind of guy would consent to having a lie detector attached to his penis to prove to scientists what really turns him on?...
the study is probably skewed by the types who would consent to subject themselves to such a procedure"
The Apocalypse is upon us!
Do you mean to tell us that there are such people (..."the types...) as deviant heterosexuals?
Perhaps we really are making headway in this Blog site - a confession by a homophobe that people of his own chosen sexuality-persuasion might be subject to the same anathema as he heaps on others.
yes, I thought you knew
there are other types than homosexuals
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