Thursday, October 20, 2011

Update: MCPS Supt Does Not Endorse or Agree with PFOX

PFOX posted a letter on their web site from MCPS Superintendent Joshua Starr, praising anti-gay spokesperson Peter Sprigg for his service on the district's citizens advisory committee. They had this to say:
Montgomery County, MD – Peter Sprigg, a director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), has been recognized by the Superintendent of Schools of Montgomery County, Maryland, for his years of service to the local public school system. Public Schools Thank Director of Ex-Gay Organization for Local Service

Sprigg wasn't singled out for this, it turns out, this was the generic thank-you letter that everybody on the committee got. In response to my emailed query, Superintendent Starr said, "In no way shape or form do I condone how it's being used, nor do I agree with his stance or that of his group. In fact, I am on the opposite side of the spectrum."

The letter that Sprigg received was a version of the same one that all citizens advisory committee members got. PFOX posted this on their blog as if there was something special, but it was just boilerplate. The guy showed up for six years of meetings, it is all right to thank him for that, but that's all it was.

MCPS Chief of Staff Brian Edwards has sent this letter to Regina Griggs, President of PFOX:
Dear Ms. Griggs:

We have received a number of emails from people who are concerned about information you posted on your blog regarding the standard letter that Dr. Starr sent to Mr. Peter Sprigg thanking him for his service on the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development. Some are concerned that Dr. Starr’s letter is singling out Mr. Sprigg for praise and is being misinterpreted as an endorsement of PFOX and its beliefs and issues.

Let me be clear, Mr. Sprigg received the same thank you that Dr. Starr sent to all members of the committee who completed their service this spring. Dr. Starr was in no way singling out Mr. Sprigg for special recognition. Any effort on your part to portray this simple thank you as an endorsement of PFOX or its perspective is misguided and should cease.

Dr. Starr does not endorse nor agree with the views represented by PFOX.

Thank you,

Brian Edwards

Once again, PFOX is blowing something out of proportion. Their guy was thanked like all other committee members, and they tried to make it look like an endorsement. It wasn't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We have received a number of emails from people who are concerned about information you posted on your blog regarding the standard letter that Dr. Starr sent to Mr. Peter Sprigg thanking him for his service on the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development"

you have to wonder who these people are, so worried that someone somewhere might actually not treat Spriggs and PFOX like the reincarnation of Hitler and the Third Reich

the obsessives who constantly monitor PFOX for any PR advantage are rather sad but what kind of political stooge is this Brian Edwards to take the time to write PFOX protesting their putting a thank you letter on the internet

it's obvious that a bunch of nuts control this county and regime change is sorely needed

"Some are concerned that Dr. Starr’s letter is singling out Mr. Sprigg for praise"

oh, we can't have that

not when he is so detested but the "anti-hate" group

"and is being misinterpreted as an endorsement of PFOX and its beliefs and issues"

well, why cater to such morons when PFOX never said any such thing?

"Let me be clear, Mr. Sprigg received the same thank you that Dr. Starr sent to all members of the committee who completed their service this spring. Dr. Starr was in no way singling out Mr. Sprigg for special recognition. Any effort on your part to portray this simple thank you as an endorsement of PFOX or its perspective is misguided and should cease.

Dr. Starr does not endorse nor agree with the views represented by PFOX."

Let me be clear, Edwards and Starr need to look for new jobs. We need a school system that is less partisan and less concerned with pleasing the Mother Earth types

"Once again, PFOX is blowing something out of proportion"

actually, that's what you're doing, Jim

2012, the year the backlash begins

don't think MC will escape

"Their guy was thanked like all other committee members, and they tried to make it look like an endorsement"

actually, no, they didn't

October 20, 2011 5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one! Look who's talking about "obsessives who constantly monitor" websites they don't agree with.

Nobody's treating Peter like a reincarnation of Hitler by pointing out the big deal PFOX is trying to make out of a form thank you letter he received.

Peter was not "recognized" by the Superintendent for anything more than any other member of the CAC was. Peter simply received a signed form letter and Regina tried to spin gold from it.

Now the PFOX leader and CAC rep have a little egg on their faces because of the game they tried to play with that form letter.

Little egg, not little mustache.

October 20, 2011 6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the big deal PFOX is trying to make out of a form thank you letter he received"

"Peter was not "recognized" by the Superintendent for anything more than any other member of the committee"

"Regina tried to spin gold from it"

"Now the PFOX leader and CAC rep have a little egg on their faces because of the game they tried to play with that form letter"

are you people insane?

it would seem TTF might feel a little embarrassed at the pettiness they are displaying

here's the letter:

"Dear Mr. Sprigg:

Thank you for your six years of service to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development. This important effort requires committed citizens willing to give their time and energy to support meaningful educational opportunities for all students. I want to personally thank you for your willingness to engage in the sometimes difficult work of ensuring that Montgomery County Public Schools' students have access to the strongest possible curriculum. The committee often deals with issues that evoke strong emotions and your thoughtful participation in the committee's work helped create a collaborative environment. Your commitment to the work of the committee is appreciated.


Joshua P. Starr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools"

October 20, 2011 7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's what TTF said about it:

"Public Schools Thank Director of Ex-Gay Organization for Local Service

Montgomery County, MD – Peter Sprigg, a director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), has been recognized by the Superintendent of Schools of Montgomery County, Maryland, for his years of service to the local public school system. As a representative of PFOX, Sprigg served on the school board’s Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development for the last six years. The Committee reviews and makes recommendations regarding the student sex education curriculum.

Sprigg originally joined the committee in 2005 as a representative of PFOX after the county’s previous sex education curriculum was thrown out as a result of a lawsuit in which PFOX was one of the plaintiffs. Although committee members usually are limited to two two-year terms, Sprigg was granted special permission to serve a third term from 2009 to 2011.

Superintendent Joshua P. Starr noted in his letter to Sprigg, “The committee often deals with issues that evoke strong emotions and your thoughtful participation in the committee’s work helped create a collaborative environment.”

At his last meeting as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee, Sprigg succeeded in winning committee approval for a resolution recommending that teachers be given a statement from the American Psychological Association as a resource to use in answer to student questions about what causes sexual orientation. The APA statement calls into question the widespread belief that science has shown there is a “gay gene” or that people are “born gay.” It reads, in part:

There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors.

“Peter Sprigg has spoken out in favor of including former homosexuals in the county’s ‘Respect for Differences in Human Sexuality’ school lessons,” said Regina Griggs, Executive Director of PFOX. “These lessons promote tolerance of homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, cross-dressers, and the intersexed, yet fail to include ex-gays, which is the only disfavored group within the public school system.”

“Mr. Sprigg also enabled public schools to promote a diverse learning environment by participating in PFOX’s flyer distribution program. PFOX distributes flyers to high school students urging the elimination of bias and prejudice against former homosexuals and their supporters.”

Peter Sprigg is scheduled to speak at the upcoming PFOX conference in March."

I don't see anyone trying to "spin gold" out of a letter

I see them noting an achievement he had and the fact that he was named to three terms instead of the customary two.

the context is that he would be speaking out a conference they were putting on

really, a pretty run of the mill bio for their conference speaker, similar to many others put out by non-profits

TTF's jeaolusy of PFOX beacuse they have a polished, erudite face for their cause is noted

by everyone

October 20, 2011 7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon, go to PFOX's home page and look what they wrote about it. Fifteen people on the committee, exactly ONE of them puts their stupid thank-you letter on the Internet and says they were "recognized by the Superintendent of Schools."

The headline: Public Schools Thank Director of Ex-Gay Organization for Local Service.

Hee hee

October 20, 2011 7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not only did I look at what they wrote, I posted it above, you idiot

they didn't hype anything, they stated the fact that he'd been thanked

big deal

TTFers really have no objection other than their intense hatred for PFOX's leaders

face it, the PFOX representative had the distinction of serving three terms and the TTF one didn't

get over it and move on

October 20, 2011 8:35 PM  
Anonymous Derrick said...

You and your lies, AnonBigot. Sad.

October 20, 2011 8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

name one, dricksnot

everyone here saw you lie

October 20, 2011 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Derrick said...

You and your lexicon remain out of touch/contrary to reality.

October 20, 2011 9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you say, drickliar

you still haevn't told us when PFOX lied so that tells everyone something

here's what happened when Steve Jobs met Barack Obama:

""You're headed for a one-term presidency," he told Obama at the start of their meeting, insisting that the administration needed to be more business-friendly. As an example, Jobs described the ease with which companies can build factories in China compared to the United States, where "regulations and unnecessary costs" make it difficult for them.

Jobs also criticized America's education system, saying it was "crippled by union work rules." "Until the teachers' unions were broken, there was almost no hope for education reform." Jobs proposed allowing principals to hire and fire teachers based on merit."

October 20, 2011 9:55 PM  
Anonymous "Frivolous Lawsuits" Defined said...

Read PFOX's press release at It claims "Peter Sprigg, a director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), has been recognized by the Superintendent of Schools of Montgomery County, Maryland, for his years of service to the local public school system," when in fact every member of the CAC received the same form letter as he did. That's petty.

How did Peter get "special permission" to serve a third term on the CAC? Did PFOX threaten to sue MCPS again?

Every lawsuit and appeal PFOX and its partners brought after winning a 10 day TRO in 2005 and settling for reduced community input on the CAC failed as follows:

--March 7, 2007 "ROCKVILLE, MD – State Superintendent of Schools Nancy Grasmick ruled in favor of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Wednesday in a challenge brought by opponents of the revised health education lessons in eighth and tenth grades. The ruling clears the way for field tests of the lessons to proceed... "

--June 21, 2007 "A coalition of activist groups has filed another appeal with the Maryland State Board of Education to halt Montgomery County’s sex-ed curriculum before it is implemented in all middle schools and high schools this fall.

In February, the groups — Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) and Family Leader Network — asked the state board to stop the controversial curriculum before it was piloted. "

--July 3, 2007 "ROCKVILLE, MD – The Maryland State Board of Education ruled in favor of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Tuesday clearing the way for the 8th and 10th grade health education curriculum to include two lessons that promote tolerance, empathy and respect for all people regardless of sexual orientation and one 10th grade lesson that demonstrates the proper use of a condom. "

--Septembert 6, 2007 "Three groups of critics want the county’s Circuit Court to halt the Montgomery County school system’s sex-education lesson plans before they are taught in all middle schools and high schools this fall.

In their request, Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, and Family Leader Network claim that the school system released inaccurate information and did not put material out for public review before approving the curriculum earlier this year. They also claimed the lesson plans violate students’ constitutional rights."

--October 12, 2007 "The school system can move forward with its sex-education curriculum, after a Circuit Court judge on Tuesday denied a request from a coalition of three groups [Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, and Family Leader Network] to stop the classes."

--February 1, 2008 "Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge William J. Rowan III ruled in favor of Montgomery County Public Schools today, February 1, 2008, in a challenge brought by Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum and other opponents to revised health education lessons taught in eighth and tenth grades.

On January 16, the Montgomery County Circuit Court heard oral arguments in Citizens for Responsible Curriculum v. Montgomery County Board of Education, the long-running challenge to the revisions of the comprehensive health education curriculum.

"We hope that we can put this litigation behind us now once and for all and move forward with our primary mission—educating our children," said Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools. "Unfortunately, a small group of opponents has forced us to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend this curriculum in legal proceedings. We have successfully implemented this curriculum in our middle and high schools and it has been well-received by our parents, students and staff with 97 percent of tenth graders and 95 percent of eighth graders choosing to participate in the lessons." "

October 21, 2011 8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Read PFOX's press release at"

why do you keep telling us to read it? I posted it in it's entirety above and we've all now read it

"It claims "Peter Sprigg, a director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), has been recognized by the Superintendent of Schools of Montgomery County, Maryland, for his years of service to the local public school system,""

that's not a claim, it's a fact

"when in fact every member of the CAC received the same form letter as he did"

so they were recognized too

so what?

while it's standard to recognize the service of members, I don't think anyone has ascertained that it was "the same form letter"

are we sure the other members got a letter?

Jim, who originally posted the story about the letter, once served on the committee and apparently didn't recognize the letter so it must not be a form letter, and maybe not a standard type of letter, since Jim didn't remember getting one

could it be that Starr is lying now to appease a rabid special interest group?

wouldn't surprise me

"That's petty"

like the form letter you have framed on your wall from Barack Obama thanking you for your 10 dollar contriution to his campaign?

really, complaining that PFOX mentions that the speaker at their conference was thanked for his service on the committee is pathetically petty

it really is, no lie

TTF has egg on its face today

"How did Peter get "special permission" to serve a third term on the CAC? Did PFOX threaten to sue MCPS again?"

actually, I recall a quote from a county spokesman at the time saying that he has been a constructive participant in helping the committee understand the point of view he represents

"Every lawsuit and appeal PFOX and its partners brought after winning a 10 day TRO in 2005 and settling for reduced community input on the CAC failed as follows"

again, the subsequesnt legal action is irrelevant to the topic we're discussing

2012 is coming

brace yourselves

October 21, 2011 8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, Jim

can you post the letter you got after serving on the committee so we can see that Sprigg's letter was just a form letter?

October 21, 2011 9:43 AM  
Blogger JimK said...

I don't exactly keep those sorts of things, but here's what was sent to another CAC member on the same date that Sprigg's letter was sent. It is not exactly the same:

Dear [ CAC member ]:

As a robust body, the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development serves in an advisory capacity and consults with Montgomery County Public Schools professional educators as they develop, implement, and evaluate the family life and human development program. This important effort requires committed citizens willing to give their time and energy to support meaningful educational opportunities for al students. I want to personally thank you for your service as a member of this committee, which has greatly benefited from your contribution.


Joshua P. Starr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Copy to:

Mr. Barclay
Dr. Lacey
Mr. Edwards
Mr. Lang
Ms. Brown
Ms. Webb
Mr. Ikheloa
Dr. Plotsky

October 21, 2011 9:47 AM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

So Peter got form letter from the county thanking him for his service.

Big deal.

I got a letter from Ed McMahon letting me know I may have ALREADY WON 10 MILLION DOLLARS! I didn’t put in on my website though.

Too bad I won’t be able to spend it though, since today (Oct. 21st) is the end of the world.

“We know absolutely it is going to happen. It is going to happen. There is no possibility that it will not happen.” -- Harold Camping. The incontrovertible sign of this of course, is the growing world-wide acceptance of THE GAYS!

Well folks, the End Times have been fun.

Have a nice last day of the world,


(I hope everyone has clean underwear for this.)

October 21, 2011 10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that rhetoric from MCPS and TTF only promotes sympathy for the Ex gay community!! Keep it up

October 21, 2011 10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So PFOX put the thank you letter from the county to their Sex Ed rep on their website.

Big deal.

"since today (Oct. 21st) is the end of the world.

“We know absolutely it is going to happen. It is going to happen. There is no possibility that it will not happen.” -- Harold Camping"

actually, Camping is now saying that today is "probably" the last day so you must be using a quote from May

if you're worried though, there's no point: he said there is no possibility that anyone could be saved after last May 21

I mean, really, some ninety-year old guy has a theory about biblical numerology and his name is not Dan Brown.

Big deal.

"The incontrovertible sign of this of course, is the growing world-wide acceptance of THE GAYS!"

I don't if Camping said this but it is true that this is a sign we're in the last days.

"Well folks, the End Times have been fun.

Have a nice last day of the world"

back in May, there were all these drink specials and now everyone's ignoring the whole thing

cinco, can you set something up?

"(I hope everyone has clean underwear for this.)"

well, you not borrowing mine, you weirdo!!

October 21, 2011 10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, thanks for posting the letter Jim

it is interesting that they took the time to vary the wording slightly

maybe if time allows later, I'll try to analyze it for hidden meanings

this whole "petty" thing is starting to get fun

October 21, 2011 10:40 AM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

Anon noted:

“I don't (sic) if Camping said this but it is true that this is a sign we're in the last days.”

The quote was from the video I linked to. You can see it for yourself if you watch the video.

Acceptance of the gays is no more a sign of the “last days” than Harold Camping is correct about the end date. You can make all sorts of grandiose apocalyptic claims, but in the end, you have even less evidence for this than there is for dark matter, or even anthropomorphic global warming.

This is just another excuse people of certain religious and self-righteous tendencies use to justify and rationalize their persistent denigration of gay people. It’s getting old, and people are starting to wake up to how ridiculous all of these claims are.

Anon informed us:

“back in May, there were all these drink specials and now everyone's ignoring the whole thing”

I wouldn’t know. At most I’m in a bar maybe once or twice a year to celebrate some occasion with my friends. Somehow “The Rapture” didn’t make it onto our list of special events. I’ll have to talk to our Events Coordinator about that – we probably shouldn’t miss that one. I definitely think I’d want a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster for that scene.

Anon exclaimed:

“well, you not borrowing mine, you weirdo!!”

Hmmm, how do I put this nicely…

You can relax anon. I’ve seen a bunch of the CRG folks in person, and it is clear from their endomorphic glutes, that none of them come ANYWHERE near my size. I have plenty of my own and have no need or desire to borrow from anyone else. Thank you very much.

Going out for my last walk around the neighborhood and to pet the kitty cats…

Peace, it’s the end of the world as we know it!


October 21, 2011 11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

October 21, 2011 1:08 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

You're pushing it, Anon.


October 21, 2011 4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, I can't remember what it was so I'll have to defer to your judgement

October 21, 2011 5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The quote was from the video I linked to. You can see it for yourself if you watch the video."

that's alright, I believe you

it's not an uncommon utterance among Bible-believing Christians

"Acceptance of the gays is no more a sign of the “last days” than Harold Camping is correct about the end date. You can make all sorts of grandiose apocalyptic claims, but in the end, you have even less evidence for this than there is for dark matter, or even anthropomorphic global warming."

confused here

do you reject that gays are a sign of the last times

or that there will be last times

or that God exists?

"This is just another excuse people of certain religious and self-righteous tendencies use to justify and rationalize their persistent denigration of gay people."

cinco, they aren't looking for an excuse

they're just paying attention to scripture

"It’s getting old, and people are starting to wake up to how ridiculous all of these claims are."

saying that homosexuality is contrary to God's will?

it was old eons ago

but, of course, rejecting God is getting pretty old too

"I wouldn’t know. At most I’m in a bar maybe once or twice a year to celebrate some occasion with my friends."

you need to drink more

here's a Bible verse for you,

Proverbs 31:6,7:

"Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress;let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

"Somehow “The Rapture” didn’t make it onto our list of special events."

it's supposed to be a surprise

"I’ll have to talk to our Events Coordinator about that – we probably shouldn’t miss that one. I definitely think I’d want a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster for that scene."

you might to avoid drinking mouthwash

the real stuff costs a little more but it's worth it

"Hmmm, how do I put this nicely…"

c'mon, don't do that

no fun

"Going out for my last walk around the neighborhood and to pet the kitty cats…"

I wouldn't do anything foolish

tomorrow may come after all

"Peace, it’s the end of the world as we know it!"

in the immortal words of Stephen Schwartz:

"we all need help to feel fine

let's have some wine!!"

October 21, 2011 5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and her husband, Marcus Bachmann, sought to clarify their position on gays and lesbians in a new interview with People Magazine.

Michele Bachmann said that being "involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle" amounts to "personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement." She added that she was not "bashing" anyone.

Her husband has compared gays to "barbarians" who need to be "disciplined." He runs a Christian counseling center that has offered therapy to try to change sexual orientation.

In the Oct. 31 issue of People, the couple defended themselves against accusations of harboring an anti-gay bias. "There's never been a bias," Marcus Bachmann said. "I'm no better than anyone else," Michele added.

People also talked to Michele Bachmann's gay stepsister, Helen LaFave, who Bachmann said she loved. LaFave said, "Yes, we are family and love each other, but she seems to have a disconnect. Her statements and actions related to gay rights are very hurtful, whether she understands that or not." Their once-close relationship reportedly strained over Bachmann's anti-gay activism.

Bachmann also told People that she wanted her three daughters to learn how to shoot. "I think it's symbolically important," she said. "Women need that ability to protect themselves."

October 24, 2011 10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Though Bachmann won the Iowa Straw Poll in August, she is polling in single digits nationally and in Iowa. Her New Hampshire staff reportedly quit en masse on Friday, but her campaign denied the report."

October 24, 2011 3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lake Elmo, MN (CNN)-In her campaign for president, Michele Bachmann touts her background as a small business owner.

"A small business job creator," is how the Minnesota Congresswoman and Republican Presidential candidate described herself in her first campaign ad in Iowa.

That business is Bachmann and Associates. It's a Christian counseling service located outside Minneapolis. Bachmann started the center with her husband, Marcus who is the lead counselor at the clinic. The aspiring first couple and their children are pictured on the center's web site.

For at least five years, Bachmann and Associates has faced accusations it uses a controversial therapy that encourages gay and lesbian patients to change their sexual orientation.

Andrew Ramirez, a former patient at Bachmann and Associates, said in an interview with CNN he witnessed the practice first-hand. In 2004, Ramirez turned to the clinic at the urging of his mother who wanted him to talk about his homosexuality.

Just 17 at the time, Ramirez said he was immediately skeptical of what one of the clinic's counselors told him.

"It was therapy that would help me change from being homosexual to straight," Ramirez said. "If I did this and worked his therapy program, God would perform a miracle and I could no longer be gay," Ramirez added he was told.

Ramirez was assigned a therapy program consisting of prayer, reading Bible passages, and mentoring with an ex-lesbian minister. If none of that worked, Ramirez said the counselor had another suggestion.

"Not acting out on my same sex attractions and living a life of celibacy," Ramirez said.

After the second session, Ramirez told his mother, Beth Shellenbarger, he wanted to stop the therapy.

"And I could just hear his voice quiver and I just said, 'you know, Andy, if you're good with being gay then I am too,'" Shellenbarger said.

The American Psychological Association is sharply critical of efforts by counselors to change a patient's sexual orientation, what's known in the mental health community as "reparative therapy."

"There is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation," one APA report said.

In 2006, Bachmann denied his clinic engaged in reparative therapy to "City Pages," a Minneapolis newspaper. "That's a false statement," Bachmann said. "If someone is interested in talking to us about their homosexuality, we are open to talking about that. But if someone comes in a homosexual and they want to stay homosexual, I don't have a problem with that," he continued.

As a senator in the Minnesota legislature in 2004, Bachmann called for an amendment to the state constitution that would block gay marriages in other states from being recognized in Minnesota.

Both Bachmann and her husband declined to discuss the clinic's practices. A secretary at the clinic referred all questions to the Bachmann presidential campaign. A sign on the center's door says "no media."

The issue has followed Bachmann onto the campaign trail. Asked about the clinic's practices at an event in Iowa Monday, Bachmann dodged the question."

October 24, 2011 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Her New Hampshire staff reportedly quit en masse on Friday, but her campaign denied the report."

How dishonest is the Michele Bachmann campaign for president?

Bachmann‟s New Hampshire Campaign
The Team cites lack of support and poor communication as reasons for leaving
Manchester, NH

October 23, 2011:
For Immediate Release

The Team-NH of the Bachmann Campaign has chosen to release a joint statement regarding their departure from the campaign."

October 24, 2011 5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lake Elmo, MN (CNN)-In her campaign for president, Michele Bachmann touts her background as a small business owner.

"A small business job creator," is how the Minnesota Congresswoman and Republican Presidential candidate described herself in her first campaign ad in Iowa.

That business is Bachmann and Associates. It's a Christian counseling service located outside Minneapolis. Bachmann started the center with her husband, Marcus who is the lead counselor at the clinic. The aspiring first couple and their children are pictured on the center's web site."

so, they had a business

and customers were steady enough that there was good evidence they meeting a public neeed

I betcha they had some employees too

and creating these jobs didn't cost the taxpayers a dime

"For at least five years, Bachmann and Associates has faced accusations it uses a controversial therapy that encourages gay and lesbian patients to change their sexual orientation."

oh dear

that probably made members of the gay cult mad

"Andrew Ramirez, a former patient at Bachmann and Associates, said in an interview with CNN he witnessed the practice first-hand."

why would we need a "witness"?

this is nothing the Bachmanns, or any sane person, would deny

"In 2004, Ramirez turned to the clinic at the urging of his mother who wanted him to talk about his homosexuality."

yes, mothers can be persuasive

"Just 17 at the time, Ramirez said he was immediately skeptical of what one of the clinic's counselors told him."

so, he didn't give it a chance

no wonder it didn't work

""It was therapy that would help me change from being homosexual to straight," Ramirez said. "If I did this and worked his therapy program, God would perform a miracle and I could no longer be gay," Ramirez added he was told.

Ramirez was assigned a therapy program consisting of prayer, reading Bible passages, and mentoring with an ex-lesbian minister."

sounds like a reasonable course of action

"If none of that worked, Ramirez said the counselor had another suggestion.

"Not acting out on my same sex attractions and living a life of celibacy," Ramirez said."

yes, if they are motivated, this is good and honorable option

"After the second session, Ramirez told his mother, Beth Shellenbarger, he wanted to stop the therapy.

"And I could just hear his voice quiver and I just said, 'you know, Andy, if you're good with being gay then I am too,'" Shellenbarger said."

how touching

sounds like the Bachmann therapy caused no harm at all

"The American Psychological Association is sharply critical of efforts by counselors to change a patient's sexual orientation, what's known in the mental health community as "reparative therapy.""

are there efforts to find a cure for any other disesases that they are sharply critical of?

""There is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation," one APA report said."

that's funny

there's no evidence Freudian therapies work either and there aren't sharply critical of that

besides, they obviously aren't aware of the recent study showing change is possible

October 24, 2011 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In 2006, Bachmann denied his clinic engaged in reparative therapy to "City Pages," a Minneapolis newspaper. "That's a false statement," Bachmann said. "If someone is interested in talking to us about their homosexuality, we are open to talking about that. But if someone comes in a homosexual and they want to stay homosexual, I don't have a problem with that," he continued."


"As a senator in the Minnesota legislature in 2004, Bachmann called for an amendment to the state constitution that would block gay marriages in other states from being recognized in Minnesota."

that was a good idea !!

"Both Bachmann and her husband declined to discuss the clinic's practices. A secretary at the clinic referred all questions to the Bachmann presidential campaign. A sign on the center's door says "no media.""

not talk to the media?

that's just evil !!!

"The issue has followed Bachmann onto the campaign trail. Asked about the clinic's practices at an event in Iowa Monday, Bachmann dodged the question."

maybe she thinks jobs are more important than giving gay advocates a chance to whine

October 24, 2011 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what are you thinking, anon? President Bachmann? She can continue the fine legacy of President Huckabee. Oh,wait a minute ...

October 24, 2011 6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you mean

kind if like Councilperson Trachtenberg

October 24, 2011 8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh it took me a minute, you mean Representative Trachtenburg (D), don't you?

October 24, 2011 8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


she's supposed to beat the Senate Majority Leader for the nomination when she alone couldn't get re-elected to the MC Council?

maybe her and Dana will push her signature issue again: the gay agenda

that worked well last time


October 25, 2011 7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"maybe her and Dana will push her signature issue again"

Egad! Somebody needs remedial English grammar lessons!

October 25, 2011 7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect that "Anonymous" is not as perfect as he/she would like us to think. A good "snake oil salesman", but unfortunately his/her goods are not desirable, out of date, or just plain stupid.

October 25, 2011 11:47 AM  
Anonymous Robert said...

Anonymous is becoming more extreme. One begins to worry.

October 25, 2011 3:14 PM  
Anonymous David S. Fishback said...

Duchy lost her reelection bid in the 2010 primary because some public employee unions unwisely attacked her because she forcefully recognized that collective bargaining agreements negotiated in flusher times no longer were fiscally sustainable. Since Hans Reimer, the candidate who displaced her as the fourth Democratic At-Large, is just as liberal as Duchy on non-economic issues, the idea that her successful advocacy of transgender rights had anything to do with her loss is ludicrous.

The irony is that, given the way the new 6th District is configured, the perception of Duchy as not being a puppet of public employee unions might make her a stronger candidate in the primary than Rob Garagiola -- and might make her a stronger candidate in the general election in a district which could well be competitive. With this too-clever-by-half gerrymandering, the real risk for Democrats is that the new districts make it more likely than before that some formerly safe Democratic seats may no longer be so safe.

October 27, 2011 6:21 AM  

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