Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Marriage Loses in NC

From the Charlotte Observer:
Riding a Bible-influenced coalition that cut across political and racial lines, the marriage amendment stormed to approval Tuesday, making North Carolina the latest state to put stronger legal barricades before same-sex unions.

With 90 percent of the counties reporting, the constitutional amendment to make marriage between a man and a woman the “only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized” won resoundingly, 61 percent to 39 percent.

It goes into effect Jan. 1. North Carolina has had a law banning same-sex marriages for 16 years.

Turnout, fueled largely by the marriage debate, was the largest for a primary in decades, election officials said.

“This was an issue of standing on the principle of God’s word that marriage is between one man and one woman, and I believe that message has gotten across,” said the Rev. Mark Harris, pastor of First Baptist Church of Charlotte and a leader in the state campaign for passage.

North Carolina becomes the last Southern state – and the 31st overall – to pass a “defense of marriage” amendment. Such measures have yet to lose. Eight states, plus the District of Columbia, have passed laws allowing same-sex marriage.

Opponents of the N.C. amendment called it a threat on a variety of fronts, from domestic-violence protection and health benefits for unmarried families, to industrial recruitment and job retention.

But for most voters, Tuesday’s decision appeared to be a referendum on gay marriage.

“The pro side could have not spent a single dollar, and they would have still won by double digits,” said Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling in Raleigh.

Duke law professor Mike Munger said the amendment’s real impact might not be known for months.

“The screaming, excruciating paradox of all this is that supporters wanted to take this out of the judges’ hands. Clearly it will have the opposite effect,” Munger said. “…There will be litigation, and judges will have to decide what the darn thing means.”

The amendment lost in the state’s largest areas, including Charlotte, Greensboro, Asheville, Raleigh and Durham. But it ran strongly almost everywhere else.

Amendment One: N.C. voters approve measure to block same-sex marriage
There isn't much to add.  The city folk were against it, but North Carolina has a large rural population, they are church-going people who believe what they are told, and are slow to change.  It's going to take some time.


Anonymous ain't it just like a friend o' mine said...

"Turnout, fueled largely by the marriage debate, was the largest for a primary in decades, election officials said"

and this is why Obama won't take a stand

in swing states, this issue will drive voters to the polls that he would rather see stay home

and there is no region of the country where voters are driven to the polls to defend gay agenda issues

even where people say, yeah, what the hell, let 'em marry, it's more a shrug than a commitment

that really won't change in 20, 50 or a hundred years

"they are church-going people who believe what they are told"

the implication that those who oppose the gay agenda are just being told what to think and those who support have come to some independent analytical conclusion is, simply put, a fantasy

if you've ever been to a church and talked to anyone, you would understand that churchgoers are more open-minded and open to new ideas than secular liberals

that's why the usual strategy of gay agenda groups is to shut down discussion

stop those flyers from going out, prevent public votes and discussion, work to have entertainers shunned if they dare to not support the gay agenda, try to get any scientist who disagrees thrown out of professional associations, et al

homosexual advocacy is a totalitarian cult

beware of them

they don't wish our society well

May 09, 2012 11:22 AM  
Anonymous America is going to Carolina in our minds said...

"Marriage Loses in NC"

this is a lie

marriage was defended in NC from those who want to redefine it out of existence

once its redefinition is accepted and made law, there would no longer be a word for what marriage is now

for an institution or idea, that represents destruction

May 09, 2012 12:21 PM  
Anonymous I feel fine anytime there's a vote said...

if Obama is lying about his political views regarding gay "marriage" and, as he told the Russians, foreign policy, why do we assume he is telling the truth about his birthplace?

"The North Carolina congressional candidate who made headlines when he expressed doubts about President Obama's citizenship has advanced to a runoff election for the District 9 U.S. House seat.

Jim Pendergraph will face off against fellow Republican Robert Pittenger on July 17, according to Pendergraph and Pittenger beat out the other eight Republicans running in the primary Tuesday, but neither got the 40 percent of the vote necessary to nab the nomination.

"With 10 candidates, the mathematics don't make it easy for one person to come out on top with 40 percent so we expected a runoff from the start," Pendergraph said.

Pendergraph was endorsed by the Charlotte Observer.

“I have reason to be suspicious,” Pendergraph said, when asked about Obama's birth certificate. “But I don’t know. I haven’t seen the facts. I think there’s a lot of smoke and generally when there’s smoke there’s got to be fire somewhere.”"

May 09, 2012 12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your posting of 1875 document has no relevance. People are born black but people are not born gay

May 09, 2012 1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were you born straight?

May 09, 2012 1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's true

in addition, skin color is a physical characteristics while homosexuality is what MLK called "content of character"

meanwhile, Obama may be falling into the trap we've set:

"President Obama is expected to address gay marriage in an exclusive ABC News interview with Robin Roberts on Wednesday.

Roberts plans to ask Obama about his position on the issue, ABC sources told The Huffington Post. The interview was quickly arranged on Tuesday, with Roberts leaving after Wednesday's "Good Morning America" for the 1:30 pm White House sit-down. It is expected to last twenty minutes.

A portion of the interview will be aired on "ABC World News" on Wednesday, but the network will announce any headlines made by the president immediately.

White House press secretary Jay Carney has been grilled for two days over President Obama's "evolving" position on same sex marriage following Vice President Joe Biden's comments on Sunday's "Meet the Press" that he was "absolutely comfortable" with two men or two women marrying and have the same rights as heterosexual spouses.

The White House announced at noon that there would be no White House briefing on Wednesday, only adding to the speculation that Obama would make news on the subject.

May 09, 2012 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Were you born straight?"

everyone is

homosexuality is a misdirected adaption to certain social and emotional problems, obviously developed after birth

May 09, 2012 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And where did you get your medical degree?

May 09, 2012 1:52 PM  
Anonymous listen to the experts said...

don't need one

information is disseminated from experts to the laymen, such as myself

in 1977, four years after the APA had given in to political and social pressure and declared homosexuality to be not an illness, ten thousand members of the APA were polled at random, asking them their opinion on this


69% said they believed 'homosexuality is usually a pathological adaptation, as opposed to a normal variation,' 18% disagreed

73% said that homosexuals are generally less happy than heterosexuals and 60% said they were less capable of mature, loving relationships

70% said that homosexuals' problems have more to do with their own inner conflicts than with stigmatization by society at large

these were professionals, trained in the field and experienced with working with homosexuals

no new peer-reviewed and replicated studies have since disproven the opinion of these professionals

sorry, Charlie

gays are sick

May 09, 2012 2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like your boy got his courage up:

"WASHINGTON -- In a nod to a dramatic shift in public opinion, Barack Obama on Wednesday became the first sitting president to announce his support for same-sex marriage.

In a sit-down interview with ABC's Robin Roberts, Obama completed what has been a markedly long and oft-mocked evolution on the matter.

"I've always been adamant that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly," Obama told Roberts, in an interview that will air in full on ABC's "Good Morning America" Thursday.

"I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together, when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married," he said.

The statement constitutes an act of political bravery on the president's behalf, as well as a major victory for the gay rights community, which has been pushing him to declare his support for marriage equality for several years."

May 09, 2012 3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you get so riled up about the subject of homosexuality ("sorry, Charlie...gays are sick")? Recent research has indicated that Homophobia resides deep within those who beat their breasts and tear their hair endlessly about the subject of one's sexuality.

It is obvious to all of us here that you are so deeply closeted about your own fears of your own sexuality that you have to continuously rant and rave in order to divert suspicions from others about you and to ease your own deep fears about yourself.

You are one sick, hate-filled puppy! Get some help.

May 09, 2012 4:37 PM  
Anonymous snap crackle pop said...

"Why do you get so riled up about the subject of homosexuality ("sorry, Charlie...gays are sick")?"

that's an example of being riled up?

you don't get out much, do you?

"Recent research has indicated that Homophobia resides deep within those who beat their breasts and tear their hair endlessly about the subject of one's sexuality"

don't beat my breasts or tear my hair over the subject

indeed, you must admit that what bothers you guys so much about me is that I calmly and dispassionately discuss the facts and you'd prefer to exchange passionate rants

"It is obvious to all of us here that you are so deeply closeted about your own fears of your own sexuality that you have to continuously rant and rave in order to divert suspicions from others about you"

hmmmm...if that were the case, couldn't I more effectively do that by staying away from this blog?

but since I maintain anonymity, does it really matter?

isn't your whole point somewhat illogical?

"and to ease your own deep fears about yourself"

I see

I'm just ranting and raving because I have deep fears that I might be gay

don't you guys always say that gays know from a young age that they're gay?

where is this new "deep fear" theory coming from?

"You are one sick, hate-filled puppy! Get some help."

thanks for the advice

it seems that when you think I'm hate-filled merely because I agree with what 70% of mental health professionals believed four years after the APA were bullied into removing homosexuality from the official list of mental illnesses, you might need help

when you think everyone who disagrees with you is hate-filled, you are definitely are exhibiting pathlogical tendencies

May 09, 2012 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A layman such has yourself has a limited understanding of science, which was apparently stunted in 1977. Since that time, your own homophobia has disabled your ability to comprehend the majority of research related to sexual orientation. As a result, you fall farther into the minority as a growing majority of your fellow citizens are evolving just like our President.

May 09, 2012 7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A layman such has yourself has a limited understanding of science, which was apparently stunted in 1977."

and you credential for making such a statement is?

"Since that time, your own homophobia has disabled your ability to comprehend the majority of research related to sexual orientation."

well, I have no homophobia

gays really don't bother me and I have libertarian tendencies

at the same time, there has been an aggresive effort by liberal activists to hijack science

if you are aware of peer-reviewed, replicated study conducted since 1977 that indicates that homosexuality is not a pathological adjustment, please tell us what it is

you know as well as me that you are simply believing "what you are told"

you have not analyzed the research on this topic

"As a result, you fall farther into the minority as a growing majority of your fellow citizens are evolving just like our President."

just last night, North Carolina became the 31st state whose electorate has approved outlawing homosexual marriage

none has done the opposite

what kind if growing majority doesn't vote?

May 09, 2012 7:45 PM  
Anonymous Robert said...

Anonymous has demonstrated his indifference to lgbt people and our existence time and again.


May 10, 2012 8:22 AM  
Blogger Zoe Brain said...

The kind of thing these people honestly believe, because that's what they've been told:

Nebraska Testimony.

May 11, 2012 7:54 PM  
Anonymous robo brain said...

"Anonymous has demonstrated his indifference to lgbt people and our existence time and again"

no one will ever accuse you of indifference to others, Robo

you have actual malevolent intent, desiring that others experience the same homosexual affliction as you

misery loves company

"The kind of thing these people honestly believe, because that's what they've been told"

is a zoebrain a real brain or is that a play on words?

because, based on your comments here you don't seem to have a functioning one

you apparently believe whatever non-replicated studies tell you

May 11, 2012 10:38 PM  

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