Turnabout: Grand Jury Indicts Video Hoaxers
This is pretty amazing news. A grand jury was looking into the allegations that Planned Parenthood does some nefarious thing like selling baby parts, based on the videos that were going around last year. And in the end, the jury indicted the people who made the videos.
The NYT:
In all cases, Planned Parenthood was found not to have done anything wrong. Funding of Planned Parenthood remains a basic wedge issue for conservatives, driving their base into a lather. It's good for business but if you expect the government to enforce the law you will have to look somewhere else for your example.
Which seems weird, because as far as I know nearly every woman in America has gone to Planned Parenthood at some time in her life. It is one of the most good-guy organizations in the country, providing a service that is very much appreciated by millions and millions of people in this country, men and women. But you know, if women would stop having sex there would be no need for contraceptives or abortions, so Planned Parenthood is only enabling women to make this country a place that conservatives consider sinful.
Honestly, I don't see the logic. One third of American women have had an abortion. That includes lots of conservative women as well as whatever the stereotype is supposed to be, probably poor minority women of some type. This is a relatively new orthodoxy for the Christian Right, just a couple of decades ago they did not think it was a big deal -- it certainly does not come from the Bible, which defines life as beginning with the first breath. I'm not going to argue about it, but my sense is that this is a movement formed to keep women subservient. There is no scriptural tradition behind the anti-abortion movement, and in reality a woman, even a conservative, religious woman, who knows she needs an abortion is going to try to get one.
Farther down:
Not to go all elitist on you, but that isn't what truth is to a sane, rational person.
I have never heard of a grand jury turning around and indicting the accuser, but apparently their job was to untangle the facts and determine what was actually going on, and when you do that you find that these people with the videos were breaking the law on several levels, both felonies and misdemeanors.
The NYT:
HOUSTON — A county grand jury here that was investigating allegations of misconduct against Planned Parenthood has instead indicted two anti-abortion activists who made videos of the organization.So these hoaxers thought they were going to bring down Planned Parenthood by posting a series of edited, faked videotapes. Conservative Congresspeople jumped on board, we even heard a Presidential candidate describing what she had seen -- well, she was lying, what she described wasn't even in the videos -- and various states as well as the federal government had hearings to find out just how diabolical these women's health clinics really are.
In a statement, the Harris County district attorney, Devon Anderson, said Monday that the director of the Center for Medical Progress, David Daleiden, had been indicted on a felony charge of tampering with a governmental record and a misdemeanor count related to purchasing human organs.
Another center employee, Sandra Merritt, was indicted on a charge of tampering with a governmental record. 2 Abortion Foes Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Are Indicted
In all cases, Planned Parenthood was found not to have done anything wrong. Funding of Planned Parenthood remains a basic wedge issue for conservatives, driving their base into a lather. It's good for business but if you expect the government to enforce the law you will have to look somewhere else for your example.
Which seems weird, because as far as I know nearly every woman in America has gone to Planned Parenthood at some time in her life. It is one of the most good-guy organizations in the country, providing a service that is very much appreciated by millions and millions of people in this country, men and women. But you know, if women would stop having sex there would be no need for contraceptives or abortions, so Planned Parenthood is only enabling women to make this country a place that conservatives consider sinful.
Honestly, I don't see the logic. One third of American women have had an abortion. That includes lots of conservative women as well as whatever the stereotype is supposed to be, probably poor minority women of some type. This is a relatively new orthodoxy for the Christian Right, just a couple of decades ago they did not think it was a big deal -- it certainly does not come from the Bible, which defines life as beginning with the first breath. I'm not going to argue about it, but my sense is that this is a movement formed to keep women subservient. There is no scriptural tradition behind the anti-abortion movement, and in reality a woman, even a conservative, religious woman, who knows she needs an abortion is going to try to get one.
Farther down:
Mr. Daleiden has been praised as a hero by some religious opponents of abortion. On Thursday, Mr. Daleiden was a featured guest at an Evangelicals for Life conference and was interviewed by Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Jim Daly, the president of Focus on the Family.Oddly, "truth" is one of those terms, like "liberty," "morality," and "support the troops," that are picked up as slogans by conservatives and then used to mean just the opposite of what they mean to everybody else. Truth, to most of us, is some kind of statement that corresponds with reality. It may be a valid inference based on well-established facts or it may be a report of a phenomenon that the speaker has observed directly. In any case, "Planned Parenthood sells baby parts" is not true by ordinary standards. But that statement is consistent with a way of thinking, a belief system that some subscribe to, and this consistency allows them to attribute the quality of "truth" to it. It is like saying "Obama wants the terrorists to win," it does not correspond with any aspect of reality but it fits the preconceived schema and so is labeled truth and is repeated as such.
Asked by Mr. Moore whether it was morally consistent to engage in lies and deception to obtain information, Mr. Daleiden said that undercover work is “fundamentally different from lying,” according to BaptistNews.com, because its underlying purpose “is actually to serve the truth.”
Not to go all elitist on you, but that isn't what truth is to a sane, rational person.
I have never heard of a grand jury turning around and indicting the accuser, but apparently their job was to untangle the facts and determine what was actually going on, and when you do that you find that these people with the videos were breaking the law on several levels, both felonies and misdemeanors.
they used a fake ID and told PP they wanted to buy baby parts to find out if PP sell baby parts
round up all the lyin' journalists and police detectives
you probably feel a pang of guilt every time you hear Anne Frank's protectors lie to the Nazis about her whereabouts
as for the Bible, go read about Rahab, the prostitute in Jericho who lied and whose life was spared by the grateful beneficiaries of deceit
she's an ancestor of Jesus
"Truth, to most of us,"
to most TTFers, it's an excuse for evil
"In all cases, Planned Parenthood was found not to have done anything wrong."
not exactly a fact
the fact is they have so far not been charged with a crime although there are ongoing investigations, as officials in Texas stressed yesterday
the tapes were long and had to be edited but full-length ones are available
PP official discussed which body parts would be most valuable and how to kill the child and preserve the body parts
whether any of this is illegal, or whether evidence is sufficient, PP has beenfound to have done something wrong
"felony charge of tampering with a governmental record"
aka used fake IDs
let's round up college students across America
"misdemeanor count related to purchasing human organs"
as DD pointed out, if they "purchased", someone must have sold
why aren't they being indicted?
using undercover methods to uncover evil is not wrong
PP should be unfunded
Obamacare provides the services that PP supposedly does
they are no longer needed
Oh the delicious irony, LOL! Some of the best schadenfreude I've experienced to date!
But of course all the Republicans will ignore this and go on pretending this film was real and honest. Carly Fiorina will continue absurdly claiming she saw an aborted baby in the film on a table "alive, breathing, legs kicking, and planned parenthood people saying "we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.".". She's the typical Republican, no matter how blatantly obvious it is she's lying she keeps repeating the lie as though doing so will change reality to the delusions in her head.
Research shows Republicans lie much more than Democrats, they have to because they'd have no chance of winning an election based on their failed policies if they didn't.
Tenesse bigots lose their minds over students forming a Gay Straight Alliance
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "PP official discussed which body parts would be most valuable".
Of course that's a lie. Planned parenthood charged a fee to cover the cost of preserving and transporting fetal tissue intended for research. There was no selling of baby parts and no consideration of any dollar value to fetal tissue, and no profit made.
And of course this fetal tissue has long been used in vital research into alzheimers, cancer treatment, and other such medical needs all Americans support. Even the hypocrite Ben Carson who criticized planned parenthood's using tissue from aborted fetuses for research used aborted fetal tissue to do his own research.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "whether any of this is illegal, or whether evidence is sufficient, PP has beenfound to have done something wrong.".
Of course that's another lie. Planned parenthood has been investigated over this by a number of different agencies and in all cases no wrongdoing was found.
as we've seen, Priya can't tell the truth from a lie
see the recent post where Priya still denies that global temps plateaued from 1998-2014
maybe "97% of scientists" should be asked
a good post from a really great peter
""In all cases, Planned Parenthood was found not to have done anything wrong."
not exactly a fact
the fact is they have so far not been charged with a crime although there are ongoing investigations, as officials in Texas stressed yesterday"
It is an undisputed fact in all completed investigations of the videos, Planned Parenthood was found to have not done anything wrong.
Jason Chaffetz admits Planned Parenthood investigation turned up bupkis
"...House Oversight Committee chair Jason Chaffetz admitted yesterday that the congressional inquiry into Planned Parenthood’s funding has come up empty, saying in a hearing, “Did I look at the finances and have a hearing specifically as to the revenue portion and how they spend? Yes. Was there any wrongdoing? I didn’t find any.”.
You don’t say.
Chaffetz’s admission squares with all of the state-level investigations into Planned Parenthood that were launched as a result of a coordinated effort on the part of the GOP to make it look like they were selling baby parts for a profit. Those investigations, while hyped by their Republican instigators, have also returned zero evidence of wrongdoing..."
The @$$hole$ at Fox news can't bring themselves to admit that fact, just like you can't.
Fox News Ignores Investigations Finding No Wrongdoing By Planned Parenthood To Prop Up False Claims That The Organization Has Admitted Guilt
You sure talk like a grossly misinformed Fox viewer while claiming not to be.
If you think there are investigations that do show what you claim, then provide a single example of an investigation the proved Planned Parenthood was found to have done something wrong.
As usual, you won't find what does not exist.
< crickets resume chirping >
Forty-eight hours after Blizzard 2016 stopped dumping snow on Washington DC, it is 50 unseasonably warm degrees in the nation's capital.
"If you think there are investigations that do show what you claim,"
all I claimed is they did something wrong
that's different from something, although the two could theoretically intersect
have you watched the tapes?
the way the PP officials talked and devalued human life and worth is wrong
"then provide a single example of an investigation the proved Planned Parenthood was found to have done something wrong."
I said the investigations continue
if you had read Jim's link you would know that
you shouldn't embarrass yourself like this
"Forty-eight hours after Blizzard 2016 stopped dumping snow on Washington DC, it is 50 unseasonably warm degrees in the nation's capital."
the alarmists crack me up
I was watching Bill Maher the other night:
"2015 is the hottest year ever. When will the Republicans ever admit the planet is warming?"
one year isn't a long-term trend but every time you bring up the warming plateau (1998-2014), they said you need to look at the long-term trend
is it any wonder they haven't convinced the public at large of the importance of this issue?
btw, 50 is not all that unseasonable
"the way the PP officials talked and devalued human life and worth is wrong"
Destroying what's leftover from an abortion would be devaluing human life, but making whatever parts of those leftovers researchers can use available to those who can help research advances to cure more diseases and save more lives is worthy and right.
again, you didn't watch the tapes
I most certainly did watch the tapes and agree 100% with Priya Lynn.
Carly was lying about the tapes just like you are.
The State of MissouriM as well as the GOP House committee headed by Rep. Chaffetz have already done full investigations of the unedited videotapes and have found there was no wrong doing on the part of Planned Parenthood.
Missouri and Chaffetz agree with Priya Lynn and me.
And now a Texas grand jury has indicted the lying movie makers for their crimes while once again finding Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong.
Give it up.
You were on the wrong side of the equality debate and you are on the wrong side women's reproductive health rights too.
"A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.
She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be an Obama Democrat." "I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."
The man smiled and responded, "You must be a Republican."
"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"
"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are -- or where you are going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault." "
"I most certainly did watch the tapes and agree 100% with Priya Lynn"
you're pretty stupid
is your name "Ward"?
"Carly was lying about the tapes just like you are"
actually, I agree with you that Fiona was making stuff up in a desperate plea for some traction
I mean, who would vote for a face like that?
still, PP officials' attitudes and statements are wrongdoing
and I didn't lie about a thing
if PP officials aren't guilty of wrongdoing, what did they apologize for?
or are reports of their apology lies too?
say, are you one of those people who think the moon landing was faked and that Obama was born in Hawaii?
"The State of MissouriM as well as the GOP House committee headed by Rep. Chaffetz have already done full investigations of the unedited videotapes and have found there was no wrong doing on the part of Planned Parenthood"
governments have no business deciding who has done wrong
their purview is who has done something illegal
and they can only say so if it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt
PP is guilty of wrongdoing
and their apology is not enough
and there is no justification for their continued government funding
there are many fine organizations that provide women with health services and don't turn baby body parts into a commodity
it's sick
"And now a Texas grand jury has indicted the lying movie makers for their crimes while once again finding Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong"
yeah, "crimes", like creating fake IDs and conducting a sting on the evil intent of PP
bet you never called a fake ID a crime before
it's probably a capital offense in Texas
"Give it up.
You were on the wrong side of the equality debate and you are on the wrong side women's reproductive health rights too"
I was never in an equality debate
and using "women's reproductive health rights" as a euphemism for matricide shows how venal and twisted you are
tell the other gals in the coven I said so
"The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.
She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be an Obama Democrat." "I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information,"
surely, Shirley, you don't think Obama is technically right about everything
did you know he thinks the Iran deal is a big victory and that ISIS is on the run and that Vlad Putin is his buddy?
I saw a interview with him a couple of months ago where he said he can guarantee that Donald Trump will never be President
aaaand, he thought everyone would love Obamacare if he could just trick it through Congress on a technicality
and he thought everyone wouldn't care if he lied about keeping their doctor
and he thought hiring an old boyfriend of Michelle's to design the Federal health exchange computer program was a great idea
currently, 40% less people have signed up this year than he estimated
we could go on but I think you know he don't know much about much
it sure is a terrible time to be a Democrat
Republicans control the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, the majority of governors' mansions and state legislatures
and now the presidency looks lost
the Dem's preferred candidate will likely be indicted sometime before November
of course if not headed for jail, this candidate seems highly experienced
was an officer of the Young Republicans chapter at college, served on Sam Ervin's Watergate committee, headed up a presidential commission on healthcare during the 90s, hosted state dinners, served as Senator from New York, previously ran a close race for President, was Secretary of State during the Obama term
and was a complete failure every time
perpetually dragging around a few scandals
does anyone seriously think she'd survive a race against Trump?
he's got a true talent for the low blow
and there's so much material to work with
a couple of weeks ago she tried to play the women card against him
he taught her the error of her ways pretty quickly
then, there's the alternative:
crazy Uncle Bernie
besides being a confessed socialist, once tried to install a flux capacitor in his Delorean to drive it through time and later invented flubber
it would be entertaining election year, I'll grant you that
but, in a year when the country is planning to throw the bums out, the bums are Dems
So now you're a Trumpster Troll?
Good luck with that.
Maybe if Martin O'Malley wins the primary, your head bully might be able to win.
Good luck with that too.
But he can't beat Hillary or Bernie, at least not according to the RCP averages of polls, made easily clickable ahead:
RCP's average of polls find Sanders beats Trump by 5.2 points
RCP's average of polls find Clinton beats Trump by 2.7 points
no, I think Trump is basically a Democrat who wants to restrict immigration to help labor unions
on the other hand, he's a pragmatist and opportunist so he may be open to reformation
and he has the best chance of any candidate to unite the country
but, he'll beat either Hillary or Bern easily
Trump has somewhat softened his tone and has a Tip O'Neill skill for going uptown and downtown
of course, there is some risk with him
like the last Repub debate when he said we "don't use our nuclear weapons enough"
I think he'll hire experts and delegate
still, I'd prefer Cruz or Carson or Huckabee
still, in the Maryland primary, I'll vote Bernie since I'm a registered Dem
the party of bums
As Americans marked the anniversary of the antiquated, abortion-on-demand Roe v. Wade decision last Friday, they did so with newfound awareness of this most-common surgical procedure’s brutality to the baby fetus and the commodification of human life. The undercover videos of top-level Planned Parenthood executives and medical directors callously negotiating both the harvesting techniques and the exchange of money for aborted body parts have forever banished from the public discourse Planned Parenthood’s out-of-sight, out-of-mind mantra on its industrial-scale abortion business.
Six months after these revelations broke, Planned Parenthood still cannot deny that the shocking and indicting words on the videos were spoken by its own senior level leadership. Not a single Planned Parenthood executive caught on camera has come forward to deny that it is her voice, image or statements being depicted: Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, advises how doctors know “I’m not gonna crush that part” when it is harvested for sale at Planned Parenthood affiliates where “if they can do a little better than break even” are “happy to do that.” Then-President of Planned Parenthood's medical director council, Dr. Mary Gatter, suggests “a less crunchy technique to get more whole specimens” and laughing, “I want a Lamborghini.” It is telling that in Planned Parenthood’s new anti-First Amendment lawsuit, it is suing me for everything but defamation.
The videos show Planned Parenthood’s senior leadership partaking in a widespread and organized violation of state and federal laws forbidding partial-birth abortions and profiteering from the sale of fetal organs and tissues, which is why multiple state and federal investigations, including a select committee in Congress, continue to investigate Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice and financial interests in harvesting body parts. Contrary to the liberal shibboleth that the videos were “edited” (by which they mean to insinuate, “doctored”), the Center for Medical Progress has been far more transparent than any major news network in making the unedited conversations available to the public, and forensic analysis verifies their utility as evidence.
Planned Parenthood cannot rebut the incriminating statements of its own leadership on these tapes, and so it has resorted to an awkward shuffle of blind denials and stagy distractions in their wake. The truth will continue to come out through the congressional probe, through the ongoing state investigations and through the frivolous lawsuit Planned Parenthood now brings in retaliation for its exposure. The accounting gimmicks I believe Planned Parenthood uses to hide its baby parts sales may pass unnoticed in 24-hour-news-cycle sound bites, but the quality-based specimen payments from fetal tissue vendors who already do all the work of collection and transport are impossible to defend under closer scrutiny. In order to avoid such scrutiny, Planned Parenthood has announced a dubious “policy change” to end these payments. After months of defending them as perfectly legal and appropriate, this seems like an admission of guilt.
Planned Parenthood falsely advertises itself as a vital, mainstream medical organization, when in reality it offers a limited set of basic reproductive health services, which act as a cover for a booming abortion business. This leviathan, subsidized by nearly $500 million taxpayer dollars each year, spends millions in lobbying and electioneering money to prop up its public image and funding streams. The polling data indicate that when the public knows that Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the country and receives taxpayer funding yet engages in one-sided electioneering and harvests baby parts, even its own supporters turn against it
It is the beginning of the end of the House of Clinton:
1. There is the stench of political death around Hillary, Bill, Chelsea and the entire House of Clinton.
2. You could feel it when Republican front-runner Donald Trump hit back — hard — over the "penchant for sexism" charge by basically calling Hillary Clinton an enabler in the former president's sexual shenanigans.
3. When have we ever seen the Clintons back off? But they did.
4. Then came further reports about an expanded FBI probe of her handling of secure information; the nexus of State Department favors for donors to the Clinton Foundation; and the story that Hillary Clinton or her staff might have lied to FBI agents in this probe.
5. All of this has raised the speculation, yet again: Will President Obama stop the Department of Justice (DOJ) from indicting her if the eight-person DOJ team working with over 100 FBI agents recommends criminal charges?
6. The president will be in an odd situation: He ran against the Clintons. He is known to loathe Bill Clinton. He apparently does not want the Clintons back in charge of the Democratic Party (thus removing the thousands of Obama acolytes with cushy patronage jobs).
7. So: If the DOJ recommends an indictment and he K.O.'s it, he will have his own legacy smeared with a permanent taint of having covered up for the Clintons.
8. If he allows an indictment to move ahead, that will be the end of Hillary Clinton's campaign. Period. She may think she can march on despite charges, but that would be self-delusional. Her campaign will be finished the day charges are filed by Obama's Justice Department.
9. She can't claim "politics as usual" or that old "right-wing conspiracy" nonsense as this will be Obama's Justice Department — not a Republican-controlled entity — bringing these charges.
10. Now, even without an indictment, Hillary Clinton's fortunes are rapidly sinking.
11. As of today, she is on track to lose both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary — to an unelectable 72-year-old Vermont socialist!
12. That tells us how politically weak and out of it the Clinton machine has become.
13. It is no coincidence that Vice President Joe Biden has suddenly resurfaced — first in a Hartford, Conn. TV interview stating that he regrets not running "every day," and then by softly criticizing Hillary Clinton for not leading on the anti-1 percent front.
14. Biden may very well be warming up in the bullpen for a possible emergency entry into the Democratic field once Clinton is charged and has to withdraw.
15. In the meantime, we see a frantic, panic-stricken Clinton family out on the stump hitting Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on healthcare and guns. But they're hitting him from the center on healthcare — not the left, where the votes are.
16. They are running national TV ads on guns on MSNBC; there are ads every few minutes. If Team Clinton members think they can turn around her negative trajectory over guns, they are sorely mistaken.
17. Economics is the main issue.
18. And Hillary Clinton is seen as being in the tank for corporate interests, while Sanders has stood up to them. Period. That is the race.
19. The 2016 campaign is a political revolution.
20. The House of Bush is also falling.
21. So is the Establishment of both political parties.
22. Who is more establishment than the Clintons and the Bushes?
23. Who has milked the political system for more money, gigs, access and cushy jobs for cronies than the Clintons and the Bushes?
24. But this is the year that the public is standing up to the status quo.
25. We are witnessing history: the fall of the Houses of Clinton and Bush.
26. Who is rising?
27. The outsiders.
Lovely 2 day old piece of garbage by a former GOPer House member, Rep. John LeBoutillier (R-N.Y.)
really? do tell us where it's wrong
the old liberal game of argument by insult doesn't work anymore
it's part of the political status quo that has brought America to the place it is now
Dems don't want to change and voters don't like the way things are
guess who's gonna win?
the status quo will be replaced to make America great again
and Sarah Palin will be in the cabinet
"still, I'd prefer Cruz or Carson or Huckabee"
Latest Iowa Poll – Donald Trump Commanding Lead 34%, Ted Cruz 23%, Marco Rubio 12%…
This is how Ben Carson blew it: How the onetime GOP favorite fast became a 2016 afterthought
"All they have to do now is decide who will write the eulogy. Dr Carson is out of the race and everyone...knows it"
2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
36.2Trump +16.9
2.5Huckabee 2.5Kasich
You picked 3 losers.
Who knows, maybe your Bernie primary vote will put him over the top in your home state so you can say you voted for *one* winner this time..
"What should be surprising is that Lt. Gov. Patrick, with the full support of Gov. Greg Abbott, were stupid enough to force this investigation in the first place. From the get-go, it was self-evident that the accusations against Planned Parenthood were false. It was quite clearly one of those urban legends, like claiming Dungeons & Dragons causes demonic possession or that babies are born clutching IUDs in their fists, that exists only to justify right wing beliefs. In addition, Daleiden was linked from day one to Lila Rose of Live Action, who has a long history of making hoax videos leveling false accusations that Planned Parenthood engages in sex trafficking and, inevitably, that the non-profit is secretly a for-profit business that is somehow making bank for someone with abortion. By the time Patrick ordered the investigation, after journalists had carefully combed through these silly videos to make absolutely clear they are lies, it was obvious that an honest investigation would turn up nothing. (Similar investigations in other states have also cleared Planned Parenthood.)
It’s not just the red states that have gone all in on this ridiculous conspiracy theory. It’s become mandatory for every Republican candidate to pretend to believe that these discredited videos are some great expose, and Carly Fiorina got so excited about this that she just started making stuff up about what she saw in the videos. They’re lying about lies now, a veritable vortex of right wing bullshit."
Well said, Amanda
"You picked 3 losers"
you're probably right about two of them
you seem unaware, however, that elections, like global warming, are a process
if polls didn't change, usually daily, we could save a bunch of money and just declare the winner now
all Republican contests in February are proportionately awarded and whoever finishes in the top three in Iowa and New Hampshire is viable
my guess is: Trump, Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Christie keep going through March
that being said, Trump is extraordinarily skilled at finding opponents' weaknesses
he'll probably win
and so will Bernie (who I actually like personally, just not as President - maybe ambassador to Russia)
but if it is does turn out to be Hillary, it will be much more entertaining to watch her flail around while she goes down
"It’s not just the red states that have gone all in on this ridiculous conspiracy theory."
the tapes speak for themselves
editing didn't change a thing
the full tapes were always available to anyone
Look at Wyatt/bad anonymous making 3/4 of the posts in this thread. Remember by his own admission making more posts than everyone else proves he's wrong.
But unlike me, instead of using those posts to comprehensively explain my rock solid logic he just repeats his already debunked lies.
That's desperation folks!
And as far as "You didn't watch the tapes goes", no one including Carly Fiorina has been able to show where on the tapes the alleged "we've got to keep it alive to harvest its brain" fetus was recorded.
Because it doesn't exist.
Carly lied. Wyatt/bad anonymous is lying (no surprise there).
"the tapes speak for themselves
editing didn't change a thing"
That's right.
All the editing done on the videotapes for three years still did not manage to show Planned Parenthood trying to sell anything to anyone.
What the videotapes show is the filming liars were trying to purchase human body parts
A link I posted above you didn't bother to read (or didn't comprehend) pointed out:
"...The full video of the lunch meeting, over two hours long and released by the Center for Medical Progress, shows something very different from what these critics claim. Clearly, the shorter version was edited to eliminate statements by Dr. Nucatola explaining that Planned Parenthood does not profit from tissue donation, which requires the clear consent of the patient. Planned Parenthood affiliates only accept money — between $30 and $100 per specimen, according to Dr. Nucatola — to cover costs associated with collecting and transporting the tissue. “This is not something with any revenue stream that affiliates are looking at,” she said. Under federal law, facilities may be reimbursed for costs associated with fetal tissue donation, like transportation and storage.
According to a letter sent by Roger Evans, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood, to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the video is a result of a yearslong campaign of deception. The head of the Center for Medical Progress, David Daleiden, created a fake company called Biomax Procurement Services almost three years ago for the purpose of tricking Planned Parenthood employees, the letter alleges, even setting up exhibits at Planned Parenthood’s national conferences. The letter also says Biomax offered a Planned Parenthood affiliate $1,600 for a fetal liver and thymus, presumably to trap the affiliate in the act of accepting a high payment for fetal tissue. The affiliate declined...."
"And as far as "You didn't watch the tapes goes", no one including Carly Fiorina has been able to show where on the tapes the alleged "we've got to keep it alive to harvest its brain" fetus was recorded.
Because it doesn't exist.
Carly lied.
Good anonymous is lying (no surprise there)."
see, cinco
here's another example of playing games with words
no one here, on either side of the discussion has said that what Carly Whatever saiod at one of the debates is true
yet, TTFers keep bringing it up to impeach the serious disclosures made by the pro-life group about PP
"All the editing done on the videotapes for three years still did not manage to show Planned Parenthood trying to sell anything to anyone. The full video of the lunch meeting, over two hours long and released by the Center for Medical Progress, shows something very different from what these critics claim. Clearly, the shorter version was edited to eliminate statements by Dr. Nucatola explaining that Planned Parenthood does not profit from tissue donation, which requires the clear consent of the patient."
the murdered children were incapable of consent
"According to a letter sent by Roger Evans, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood,"
thanks for that unbiased view
here's what someone paid by PP said...
guess those swirly treatments can be tiring
also, creating an fantasy world with an imaginary friend called Ward can be draining
-and the meds the psych gives out to the delusional to keep them under control
If footage of the alleged "We've got to keep it alive to harvest its brain" fetus existed in the planned parenthood smear videos every conservative media outlet around would have links to it on Youtube.
They don't because it doesn't exist.
Lies will never substitute for proof Wyatt/bad anonymous.
Wyatt/bad anonymous is sure jealous of my husband Ward - he can't stop talking about him.
Here's some advice for you Wyatt so you don't have to be lonely and jealous:
Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying
Planning and dreaming each night of his charms
That won't get you into his arms
So if you're looking to find love
You can share, all you gotta do
Is hold him and kiss him and love him
And show him that you care
Show him that you care just for him
Do the things that he likes to do
Wear your hair just for him 'cause you won't get him
Thinking and a praying, wishing and a hoping
Just wishing and hoping and thinking and praying
And planning and dreaming, his kisses will start
That won't get you into his heart
So if you're thinking how great true love is
All you gotta do is hold him and kiss him
And squeeze him and love him
Just do it and after you do
You will be his
Show him that you care just for him
Do the things that he likes to do
Wear your hair just for him 'cause you won't get him
Thinking and a praying, wishing an a hoping
Just wishing and hoping and thinking and praying
Planning and dreaming, his kisses will start
That won't get you into his heart
So if you're thinking how great true love is
All you gotta do is hold him and kiss him
And squeeze him and love him
Just do it and after you do
You will be his, you will be his
You will be his
I mentioned my husband Ward one time.
Wyatt's brought him up dozens of times.
Wyatt can't stop thinking about my husband, jealousy is eating him alive!
still playing games with words
so, the feminist lunatics object that edited versions of the tape exist, as if it's necessary to watch the whole hours-long tape any time it any part is viewed
and here's Priya asking why certain snippets haven't been further edited down
I don't get the whole obsession with legality, as if that is justification for evil
the Final Solution was legal in the Third Reich
yeah, Dusty Springfield was pretty darn sexy
too bad she turned out to be a lesbian
what a waste of life
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
""According to a letter sent by Roger Evans, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood,"
thanks for that unbiased view
here's what someone paid by PP said..."
And the good citizens on the grand jury in Houston indicted Mr. Daleiden and his partner in crime as follows:
"...The activists with the Center for Medical Progress, David Daleiden, 27, and Sandra Merritt, 62, are accused of using fake names on fake driver’s licenses to get inside the Planned Parenthood in Houston on April 9, 2015. They are both charged with tampering with government documents, a felony.
...The grand jury also indicted Daleiden on a misdemeanor charge related to organ purchasing. Schaffer said the activist emailed Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in June, offering to pay $1,600 for each fetal specimen.
“Planned Parenthood did not respond to that offer,” Schaffer said.
“But it does not matter under Texas law, because the crime was committed when he made the offer,” he added. “There did not need to be an agreement, there did not need to be an actual transaction of fetal tissue, there did not need to be payment. The crime occurred when the offer was made.”...."
The grand jury decided the only one attempting to traffic in baby parts was Mr. Daleiden.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
"This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.".
Wyatt/bad anonymous is getting "dispassionate" again, LOL!
On display in Flint Michigan is the result of proud Republican policy for the past several decades. Citizens have been poisoned with lead in their water, permanently damaging children's brains.
This is a classic example of Republican belief that costs should be cut unconditionally with predictably horrendous results.
In a classic example of "Do what I say, not what I do" the Michigan republican government threw aside standard Republican policy of having political decisions made at the lowest level of government and appointed an emergency manager to override the Flint city government and force the use of caustic water that caused lead poisoning throughout Flint Michigan.
Republican standard policy of unconditional government cost cutting - they don't concern themselves with disastrous consequences as long as they save a few bucks.
Wyatt/bad anonymous last posted as "Desperado". That's a freudian slip where he admits he doesn't see himself as bound by ethical conduct.
Thanks for acknowledging you see yourself as an immoral person Wyatt!
"And the good citizens on the grand jury in Houston indicted Mr. Daleiden and his partner in crime as follows::
not a hell of a lot
they won't be convicted by a jury of their peers
although prosecutors don't always realize it, motive matters in our system of justice
without exception, the law would be impossible for police to enforce and scandal would impossible for the press to uncover
if a cop solicits a prostitute and then arrests her for prostitution, is that a crime?
if a jury is shown child pornography in a trial of a child pornographer, is that a crime?
if a reporter uses a fake idea to infiltrate a corruption scheme, is that a crime?
if a TTFer refuse to think before talking, is that unusual?
"is getting "dispassionate" again, LOL!"
as Jim has stated, his deletions are capricious
don't even remember what it was myself
"This is a classic example of Republican belief that costs should be cut unconditionally with predictably horrendous results"
no Republicans believe in unconditional cuts
someone screwed up
surely a supporter of the Obama administration could sympathize
""Desperado". That's a freudian slip where he admits he doesn't see himself as bound by ethical conduct.
Thanks for acknowledging you see yourself as an immoral person!"
odd statement from a person who defends the murder of children
won't even bring the surgical solution to delusional afflictions
Dear Mrs. Palin,
I am a former US Marine and US Navy Officer with a Combat Action Ribbon as well as service connected disabilities. I am also a Republican. I have also served with, and am friends with, dozens of combat veterans who suffer daily from various injuries and wounds to include PTSD. I recently read your comments related to PTSD in which you attempted to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse charges and firearm charges by referencing his supposed PTSD. Based upon your previous comments I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition as a political football and, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior.
In 2014 your entire family was involved in a late night ‘drunken brawl’ at a party in which Track Palin (the accused domestic abuser) was involved in a bloody fight. While you publicly stated how proud you were at your children’s violent actions, maybe this should have been a sign that Track has a problem. It is certainly curious that you did not feel the need to reference his supposed PTSD in this situation and instead stated: “…my kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!” Maybe, instead of encouraging Track’s violence, you should have taken the opportunity to get him help. Maybe, instead of being the result of PTSD, your son was simply trying to uphold the stated Palin family values and “…make your heart soar” by abusing a woman.
PTSD is stigmatized in the media and not well understood by the general public. An estimated 22 veterans commit suicide every day in the United States. This is nearly 8,000 veterans who take their lives every year. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) stated: “Every day in the United States, 22 veterans succumb to suicide — losing their personal battle to invisible wounds of war.” Veterans who have willingly given so much in service to their country should not have to bear the burden of being further stigmatized by your ignorant and foolish statements.
While I do not propose to speak for all veterans, I am clearly not alone in my views regarding your unfortunate statements. They were unfortunate for the many veterans who face further disdain and discrimination based upon your inaccurate and ignorant portrayal of those who suffer with PTSD as well as the causes of the condition.
While I would personally prefer that you simply avoid public life and simply fade away, if you insist on trying to use your “celebrity status” for a cause, please educate yourself on the facts of PTSD and try to help veterans by using your significant influence in a more productive, and less political manner. There are a number of veteran’s organizations to which you can donate time, money and energy to make a difference. Two organizations you may want to consider is the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation and the Recon & Sniper Foundation.
Chris Mark
Chris, I was personally very well acquainted with one of the first identified sufferers of PTSD connected with service in the Vietnam War.
I know there are many liberals and status quo Republicans who detest Sarah Palin and maybe you've been influenced by them because I didn't find anything objectional in her statements.
Exactly what are you saying was "inaccurate and ignorant" in Sarah Palin's remarks. What makes you so sure Track Palin isn't suffering from PTSD?
"Exactly what are you saying was "inaccurate and ignorant" in Sarah Palin's remarks"
Chris said "your comments related to PTSD in which you attempted to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse charges and firearm charges by referencing his supposed PTSD. Based upon your previous comments I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition as a political football and, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior...
...your unfortunate statements...were unfortunate for the many veterans who face further disdain and discrimination based upon your inaccurate and ignorant portrayal of those who suffer with PTSD as well as the causes of the condition."
"What makes you so sure Track Palin isn't suffering from PTSD?"
Chris didn't say Track wasn't suffering from PTSD. He said "maybe" there was another cause for Track's violence in 2014:
"Maybe, instead of being the result of PTSD, your son was simply trying to uphold the stated Palin family values and “…make your heart soar” by abusing a woman"
It was Sarah Palin herself who did not say Track was suffering with PTSD in 2014 and it was Chris who said Track's behavior at that time "should have been a sign that Track has a problem."
Apparently it was a sign Track's mother failed to notice.
I suggest the half governor take Chris' advice to "please educate yourself on the facts of PTSD and try to help veterans by using your significant influence in a more productive, and less political manner. There are a number of veteran’s organizations to which you can donate time, money and energy to make a difference. Two organizations you may want to consider is the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation and the Recon & Sniper Foundation."
well, you have yet to demonstrate what Palin said that was "inaccurate and ignorant"
you seem to say that maybe she should have realized that Track was suffering from this condition earlier
maybe so, but so what?
PTSD sufferers do experience flashbacks and hallucinations, they sometime act out violently
sounds like Palin was speaking accurately and knowledgeably
find some other way to spuriously attack Palin
and, Chris:
don't let these lunatics speak for you, buddy
you're off base here
You're off your rocker if you think you've been talking to Chris Mark.
you posted something from him
is he some kind of celebrity I should have heard of?
The TTF blog is now closed to further comment.
Thanks for the comments and vigilance over the years.
Remain the loyal opposition and continue to resist the gay agenda.
That's all, folks!!
yes, as TTF lands on the ash heap of history, let's all rememberhow funny the lunatic fringe has been
RECALL MONTGOMERY SCHOOL BOARD, Citizens for a Responsible whatever, and MoCo's version of the Not My Shower nuts are all piled up together on the ash heap of history, deep in the loser column.
Teachthefacts.org remains victorious in their battles with the aforementioned groups and TTF's Vigilance blog remains steadfast in its support for equal rights for LGBT citizens.
Classic Wyatt/bad anonymous - absurdly out of touch with reality.
pay no attention to the verrrry strange people behind the curtain, folks!
This Prosecutor Gave the Perfect Answer to People Defending the Anti-Abortion Activists Behind Those Deceptive Videos
"On Monday, the district attorney in Harris County, Texas, announced that a grand jury tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood had instead issued indictments against two anti-abortion activists, David Daleiden and Susan Merritt, who released a series of doctored Planned Parenthood videos last summer. Since the indictments, district attorney Devon Anderson has faced an onslaught of criticism from the anti-abortion movement about both the severity of the charges—one is a felony—and a department employee's affiliation with Planned Parenthood.
Today, in a video on KHOU, a Houston TV network, Anderson explained why her office indicted David Daleiden and Susan Merritt. Even though the decision goes against her opinions on abortion, she says, it follows the law.
"An inconvenient truth of a criminal investigation is that it doesn't always lead where you want to go," Anderson says at the start of the video. "Anyone who pays attention knows that I'm pro-life. I believe abortion is wrong. But my personal belief does not relieve me of my obligation to follow the law."
Anderson dispels some of the misconceptions that have sprung up about her office's decision. For example, defense attorneys have argued that charging both Daleiden and Merritt with a felony for using fake driver's licenses is too extreme because young people caught with fake IDs often receive a misdemeanor charge. But Anderson explains that in Texas, using a fake ID from another state is a felony. "That's the law," she says.
Anderson also addresses the allegation—repeatedly emphasized by the anti-abortion news site LifeNews—that a prosecutor in her department who is involved with the Planned Parenthood board actively participated in the presentation of this case to the grand jury. "That is simply not true," she says. She noted that soon after the lieutenant governor asked her department to review this case in August, this particular prosecutor made her relationship to Planned Parenthood known, and the department issued a press release saying she would not be involved in the case.
Some defense attorneys have asked for another grand jury to review the case. Anderson says she won't do that because it constitutes "grand jury shopping."
"That violates the integrity of the whole system," she says. "Twelve Harris County citizens have spoken, and I respect their decision.""
Wyatt pretending he doesn't want people to pay attention to him, pretending he's going to stop commenting and cheering himself on.
Regular readers aren't fooled into thinking there's more than one anti-gay commenter on this blog.
"my personal belief does not relieve me of my obligation to follow the law."
Have you been reading Mein Kampff again? You sound like a Nazi.
Sometimes personal belief obligates one to violate the law.
Like when you dress up like Indians and throw tea in the harbor.
Or when you help an escaped slave get north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Or you join a group in WWII Germany to assassinate the Furhrer.
Or you steal the Pentagon Papers and give them to the newspaper.
Or a government funded group is facilitating the murder of unborn children.
"Anderson dispels some of the misconceptions that have sprung up about her office's decision. For example, defense attorneys have argued that charging both Daleiden and Merritt with a felony for using fake driver's licenses is too extreme because young people caught with fake IDs often receive a misdemeanor charge. But Anderson explains that in Texas, using a fake ID from another state is a felony. "That's the law," she says."
actually, that Texas law has been designed by psychos is not a misconception
using a fake driver license might be serious if you don't know how to drive
otherwise, this "law"would seem to violate the constitution as "cruel and unusual"
"pretending he doesn't want people to pay attention to him, pretending he's going to stop commenting and cheering himself on.
Regular readers aren't fooled into thinking there's more than one anti-gay commenter on this blog""
look at Priya the troll
obsessing, for known reason, with whether some commenter used more than one name
must be bored
Ward, Priya needs a swirly to liven things up
Earth to Ward
are you reading??
And so concludes the decade long TTF project.
Gracias and adios, amigos!!
""my personal belief does not relieve me of my obligation to follow the law."
Have you been reading Mein Kampff again? You sound like a Nazi."
That's the Republican pro-life Harris County District Attorney appointed by Gov. Rick Perry, Devon Anderson, you are calling a Nazi.
so what?
I'm a registered Democrat with libertarian inclinations
I actually said she SOUNDED like a Nazi
she may not be one
for all I know, she may be part of some other authoritarian or fascist group
like the Hillary campaign
In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse. Again. There’s a veritable online cottage industry cataloguing hysterical, failed predictions of environmentalist catastrophe. Gore’s prediction fits right in with the rest of his comrades in the wild-eyed environmentalist movement. There’s a veritable online cottage industry cataloguing hysterical, failed predictions of environmentalist catastrophe. Over at the American Enterprise Institute, Mark Perry keeps his list of “18 spectacularly wrong apocalyptic predictions” made around the original Earth Day in 1970. Robert Tracinski at The Federalist has a nice list of “Seven big failed environmentalist predictions.” The Daily Caller’s “25 years of predicting the global warming ‘tipping point’” makes for amusing reading, including one declaration that we had mere “hours to act” to “avert a slow-motion tsunami.” But for sheer vivid lunacy, nothing matches this Good Morning America report from 2008: The images show Manhattan shrinking against the onslaught of the rising seas — in 2015. Last year. Gasoline was supposed to be $9 per gallon. Milk would cost almost $13 per gallon. Wildfires would rage, hurricanes would strike with ever-greater intensity. By the end of the clip I was expecting to see the esteemed doctors Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, and Ray Stantz step forward to predict, “Rivers and Seas boiling!” “Forty years of darkness!” And of course the ultimate disasters: “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together . . . Mass hysteria!”
Can we ignore them yet? Apparently not. Being a climate hysteric means never having to say you’re sorry. Simply change the cataclysm — Overpopulation! No, global cooling! No, global warming! No, climate change! — push the apocalypse back just a few more years, and you’re in business, big business. Being a climate hysteric means never having to say you’re sorry. In reality, I respect the wild-eyed rapture-pastors far more than the climate hysterics. They merely ask me to believe, they don’t use the power of government to dictate how I live. Pastors aren’t circumventing the democratic process to impose dangerous and job-killing environmental regulations. Draconian fuel-economy standards have actually cost American lives. And now the coal industry is reeling in part because of stringent EPA standards. Overall, the EPA’s climate-change regulations are set to impose enormous economic costs. Even worse, the hysterics are hypocrites. It’s austerity for thee but not for me as they jet around the globe to speak to adoring audiences about the need for sacrifice. As Good Morning America broadcast its shrieking warning about Manhattan’s imminent doom, how many environmentalist liberals were selling their Park Avenue apartments and moving to higher ground? They’re like a drunk preacher screaming about the evils of demon rum. They refuse to walk their talk.
We should believe there’s a crisis when the alarmists start acting like there’s a crisis.
There are indeed scientists laboring away in good faith to understand more about our climate, and I applaud their work. But climate activists all too often are the close cousins of politically correct campus race hucksters — they cloak their raw will to power in the self-righteous cloak of the great and glorious cause. We’ve taken them seriously for far too long. Now, it’s time to laugh.
"using a fake driver license might be serious if you don't know how to drive
otherwise, this "law"would seem to violate the constitution as "cruel and unusual""
I think the State of Texas made using a fake out of state drivers license a felony because they figured they could use it to deport illegals coming to Texas using fake out of state licenses as IDs.
It's interesting that in the case of these lily white anti-abortion activists you find that Texas state law to be "unconstitutional," "cruel and unusual."
interesting that because this action hurts people who stand up against evil, you suddenly are Lone Star all the way
remember, they're the state that the SCOTUS ruled acted unconstitutionally by arresting sodomites
Mr. French, like you, ought to take his head out of the dirt and look around.
"…The images show Manhattan shrinking against the onslaught of the rising seas — in 2015. Last year…."
"….Gasoline was supposed to be $9 per gallon…."
"…Gasoline prices reached record highs in every state across the country, including Alaska in the summer of 2008. These higher fuel prices were driven by the unprecedented rise in the price of crude oil. Oil prices increased from $85 per barrel in early February to a record high near $145 a barrel in July. This increase of $60 per barrel over a 5-month period has never occurred before. Regular-grade gasoline sold at its peak for $4.45 a gallon in Anchorage ($4.18 exclusive of taxes) and hit nearly $8.00 a gallon in some rural areas of Western Alaska. …"
"…Milk would cost almost $13 per gallon.,,"
Milk prices 2014: Drought, demand driving up dairy prices
"…Wildfires would rage,…"
‘Explosive’ Wildfires Are Already Out Of Control Months Before Fire Season
"…hurricanes would strike with ever-greater intensity…"
The Science behind Superstorm Sandy’s Crippling Storm Surge
Typhoon Haiyan: how the horror unfolded day by day
Christie Compares Kim Davis to ISIS
Late in last night’s droning GOP debate, Chris Christie pivoted to ISIS when asked about Kim Davis and religious liberty. That got a lot of folks’ attention. Via Daily Kos:
Finally, Republicans are getting it! During last night’s debate, Chris Christie inadvertently explained how the Kim Davises of the world resemble radical Islamic jihadists: “what they want to do is impose their faith upon each and every one of us.”
Davis, of course, is the Kentucky county clerk who defiantly refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court made marriage equality the law of the land last year. Christie’s unintentional misstep came during the most unique and misguided of political pivots—when he was trying to steer his answer away from the fact that he had previously said a person in Davis’s position must follow the law and do her job
"Mr. French, like you, ought to take his head out of the dirt and look around"
based on the string of examples that followed this statement, you oughta get your head out of the fog of fantasy fanaticism
the truth is out there
"During last night’s debate, Chris Christie inadvertently explained how the Kim Davises of the world resemble radical Islamic jihadists: “what they want to do is impose their faith upon each and every one of us.”"
let's see,
-beheads, crucifies, burns alive innocent people
-rapes young girls and busy and sells them as slaves
-blows up churches
-destroys priceless ancient artifacts
-actively seeks to bring about the end of the world
-perpetually seeks new acts of vile depravity to shock the conscience of the world
Kim Davis:
-had the temerity to point out, in her elected capacity as the grantor of marriage licenses in her county, that homosexual partnerships don't meet the definition of marriage
oh yeah, I see the resemblance
here's how you resemble Charles Manson:
-you're both lying nuts!
the heat is building up on NOAA over its false study trying to prove the warming hiatus didn't happen:
a world where gender is a crime is not stable:
"Gender politics is all about subjective feelings. It has nothing to do with fairness or equality. It embodies instead an extreme egalitarianism which holds that any evidence of difference is a form of prejudice.
If people want to identify with either gender or none, no one is allowed to gainsay it. Objective reality crumbles under the supremacy of subjective desire. Those who demur are damned as heartless.
In fact, gender fluidity itself creates victims. Professor Paul McHugh is the former chief psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins hospital in the US. In the 1960s this pioneered sex-reassignment surgery — but subsequently abandoned it because of the problems it left in its wake. Most young boys and girls who seek sex reassignment, McHugh has written, have psychosocial issues and presume that such treatment will resolve them. ‘The grim fact is that most of these youngsters do not find therapists willing to assess and guide them in ways that permit them to work out their conflicts and correct their assumptions. Rather, they and their families find only “gender counsellors” who encourage them in their sexual misassumptions.’"
Gender variance is an increasingly visible aspect of life, for various reasons. But it should be understood that the medical profession has been dealing with it since the 1960's. Since then, the overwhelming majority of medical professionals, including psychiatrists and psychologists as well, have concluded that human beings have a sexual, or gender, identity. That is, we all know, in our minds, that we are male or female. And over the past ten years neurological research has discovered that rooted in an area of the brain called the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus is composed of smaller regions called nuclei and subnuclei. One in particular, in humans, the BSTc, appears to be the controlling area. In males this is a particular size and shape, with a certain number of nerve cells; in females it is grossly different. Autopsy studies have shown that transsexual women, who were born with female gender identities and male genitals, have a female BSTc. Note: The size of the brain region correlates directly with gender identity, not the presence or absence of a penis.
Over the past thirty years medicine has come to recognize this. Psychiatrists tried, oh, did they try, to fix the brain to fit the genitals. Aversion therapy, electroshock therapy, shame, humiliation - whatever came to mind. Nothing worked. Eventually, a consensus developed that the mind could not be changed, and a new generation of neuroscientists logically chose to determine why. They discovered the brain results I've mentioned above.
So it is obvious that if you can't change the brain, you change the genitals.
This is really no big deal today. The procedure is routine, done thousands of times annually in the US, even more often abroad. It is one of the most successful surgeries in medicine today, and the satisfaction rate is 95-98%. Few surgeries came that close. I know. I'm a surgeon.
American medicine approves of sex reassignment surgery overwhelmingly. That's why those groups support the transgender community. Based on the facts.
Now I will come to the core of his argument, the religious extremists' favorite poster boy, Dr. Paul McHugh. Dr. McHugh is a cuddly sort of fellow, beloved by his students and patients. He is no longer a Professor at Hopkins, but is an Emeritus Professor. That means he's retired. He has specialized in eating disorders. He advises the Vatican as well as President Bush.
But he knows little to nothing about sex and gender. He arrived at Hopkins in 1975 with the express desire to shut down its sex reassignment surgery. This he did, and he commissioned a study to justify it. The Meyer study, published in 1979, is well known as a hatchet job, methodologically flawed and useless, and ignored by everyone without a bias against trans people. All studies since that time have supported gender transition and genital reconstruction surgery. All. Which is why the extremists always call on Dr. McHugh, because he is the only person of note to take their position.
I'm sure he likes the attention. Given that he knows little about the subject, one must wonder why he's been obsessed with the issue for over thirty years. But I will give him some credit. Until last year, he refused to acknowledge the existence of a gender identity, and its source in the brain. But he was overwhelmed by evidence provided by his colleague, Bill Reiner, in his path-breaking study on physically intersexed children. Reiner's study conclusively showed that we all have a sense of our sex irrespective of our genitals, and, even if we have no genitals at all from birth. So maybe Dr. McHugh will finally face facts and join the rest of us. Until then, it is his madness that is on display, and his professional credibility that is in tatters.
And, by the way, for all of Dr. McHugh's titles and accolades, he's never published his ideas about sex and gender in a peer-reviewed journal. Sound familiar? Nor has he been willing to debate the issue. He just publishes where he can outrage and not have to face criticism, in Catholic journals like First Things.
The most comprehensive study of post-SRS outcomes is “Sex Reassignment. Thirty Years of International Follow-up Studies” by Friedemann Pf’fflin and Astrid Junge (1992 in German, English translation 1998). Pf’fflin and Junge used data from over 70 studies, in total considering the outcomes of over 2000 patients from 13 countries. They found that outcomes - measured in terms of “subjective satisfaction; mental stability; socioeconomic functioning; and partnership and sexual experience” - of SRS are generally positive. Overall, 71% of male-to-female (MTF) and 90% of female-to-male (FTM) operations had positive results. When they limited their sample only to more recent patients (who benefited from improvements in techniques and procedures over the decades), the results were positive for 87% of MTFs and 97% for FTMs.
That study is now over 20 years old and two more recent studies have shown 100% satisfaction rates:
Jamil Rehman, Simcha Lazer, Alexandru E. Benet, Leah C. Schaefer and Arnold Melman
Abstract From 1980 to July 1997 sixty-one male-to-femalegender transformation surgeries were performed at our university center by one author (A.M.). Data werecollected from patients who had surgery up to 1994 (n = 47) to obtain a minimum follow-up of 3years; 28 patients were contacted. A mail questionnaire was supplemented by personal interviews with 11 patients and telephone interviews with remaining patients to obtain and clarify additional information. Physical and functional results of surgery were judged to be good, with few patients requiring additional corrective surgery. General satisfaction was expressed over the quality of cosmetic (normal appearing genitalia) and functional (ability to perceive orgasm)results. Follow-up showed satisfied who believed they had normal appearing genitalia and the ability to experience orgasm. Most patients were ableto return to their jobs and live a more satisfactory social and personal life. One significant outcome was the importance of proper preparation of patients for surgery and especially the need for additional postoperative psychotherapy. None of the patients regretted having had surgery. However, somewere, to a degree, disappointed because of difficulties experienced postoperatively in adjusting satisfactorily as women both in their relationships with men and in living their lives generally as women. Findings of this study make a strong case for making a change in the Harry Benjamin Standards of Care to include a period of postoperative psychotherapy.
Anne A. Lawrence
Abstract This study examined factors associated with satisfaction or regret following sex reassignment surgery (SRS) in 232 male-to-female transsexuals operated on between 1994 and 2000 by one surgeon using a consistent technique. Participants, all of whom were at least 1-year postoperative, completed a written questionnaire concerning their experiences and attitudes. Participants reported overwhelmingly that they were happy with their SRS results and that SRS had greatly improved the quality of their lives. None reported outright regret and only a few expressed even occasional regret. Dissatisfaction was most strongly associated with unsatisfactory physical and functional results of surgery. Most indicators of transsexual typology, such as age at surgery, previous marriage or parenthood, and sexual orientation, were not significantly associated with subjective outcomes. Compliance with minimum eligibility requirements for SRS specified by the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association was not associated with more favorable subjective outcomes. The physical results of SRS may be more important than preoperative factors such as transsexual typology or compliance with established treatment regimens in predicting postoperative satisfaction or regret.
n the Friday broadcast of his HBO show Real Time, Bill Maher told liberals they see the world the way they want it rather than the way it is when it comes to the threat of Islam and Islamic terror. Maher, a religious critic, told his fellow liberals he wishes they would have the same "intolerance" for Muslim-related terror around the world that they do for Christians and Christian fundamentalists at home.
Maher brought up the decision by the Italians to cover up nude statues during a state visit by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
"This is the horribleness of what's going on in Rome. Oh my God, naked titties and tiny penises!" Maher joked.
"I think people are mixing up two things: tolerance and capitulation," the HBO host observed. "It's one thing to be tolerant of another culture, but this is out culture, you know? Christianity had a problem with titties, in like 1300. We got over it. So we shouldn't change our culture to a more backward culture, should we."
Radio talk show host Thom Hartmann, the number one liberal talker in the nation, chimed in to say this is not a Muslim problem, but a "fundamentalist problem." Hartmann also made a reference to former Attorney John Ashcroft covering up a nude statue at the Department of Justice doing his tenure. Maher stopped him right there.
"Except when it happened in this country, the liberals laughed at him and they opposed him," Maher told Hartmann. "I wish they would have the same enthusiasm for intolerance elsewhere in the world as they do for Christians here at home who really aren't a problem because they don't really get their way. It's laughable."
Maher said liberals see the world the way they want it to be rather than the way it is.
"Liberals have to stop insisting that the world is the way they want it to be instead of the way it is," Maher said.
"After the San Bernardino attacks... I heard all over the TV, everybody was saying, 'If only Americans knew more about Islam they wouldn't be so afraid.' Actually, it's the reverse," Maher said.
""Mr. French, like you, ought to take his head out of the dirt and look around"
based on the string of examples that followed this statement, you oughta get your head out of the fog of fantasy fanaticism
the truth is out there"
You're the one who posted Mr. French's comment with the string of examples of what he called failed predictions of environmental catastrophe as follows:
"There’s a veritable online cottage industry cataloguing hysterical, failed predictions of environmentalist catastrophe... The images show Manhattan shrinking against the onslaught of the rising seas — in 2015. Last year. Gasoline was supposed to be $9 per gallon. Milk would cost almost $13 per gallon. Wildfires would rage, hurricanes would strike with ever-greater intensity."
I just showed you how each one of those supposedly failed predictions has already happened but you don't want to admit facts show the predictions have not failed because you have a political agenda that supports fossil fuel burning.
There are quite a few more scientific facts showing climate change is happening -- the melting of polar and Greenland's ice, loss of island nations, permafrost thawing, methane explosions, extinctions and so much more.
The truth is facts do not interest either you or Mr. French as you both prefer to keep your heads buried in the dirt, certain of your faith and ignorant of what is happening right in front of you dirt occluded eyes.
You are so typical of those who want to see the world they want it to be, not as it is.
Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and other religions are dream-worlds inhabited by phantasmagoria. Angels, gods, people with special powers, eternal life, these are literally hallucinations, and belief in them is delusion. It is stupid to call one of these dream-states "good" and the other "evil."
The real world is the world we see. Do you see angels? Can you explain where exactly the entity you call "God" is, really? Is he up in the sky? Is he "everywhere"? Does it strike you as odd that belief in Him is dependent on the culture you are raised in? Does it seem strange to you that Christians in Arab countries call Him "Allah?" Does it seem strange to you that different lands have different dream-worlds and different theories about how the world was created and how it works? Did you notice that people with no belief in God do just fine, are able to act morally and live and love fully, with no punishment and no sense of emptiness?
A person may choose to commit himself or herself to belief against reason, or "faith," as they call it. The other name for that is insanity. The more evidence you give them that their dreamworld is hallucinatory, the more strongly they are committed to it. This is true whether they are Muslims or Christians or anything else. Religion means clinging to a belief system that has no foundation in observable reality. Faith is belief in the absence of evidence, and faith in contradiction to evidence is cherished as the highest form of faith.
To argue about whether Ahab's dream-state is more dangerous that Moshe's or John's is ridiculous; they are all insane, living in different hallucinations. Religion replaces causality with intention. Things don't happen because conditions predisposed that outcome, they happen because God wills it. Wars and car accidents, drug addiction and divorce are all God's will. If we don't understand it, that is just evidence that we are intellectually weak and limited in our mental capacities, religious people believe there is an omniscient wisdom behind everything and that is comforting to them: "everything happens for a reason." I have no real desire to make the hallucinators face reality or to change them, this is basic human nature, where the blur of reality is too complex and so they off-load the cognitive work to some external sentience and simply accept what they cannot understand as the will of an agency beyond their comprehension. I don't blame people for doing that but I don't take their explanations seriously.
It would be ridiculous for open-eyed realists to choose one dream-world over the other. Christianity's focus on the end of the world and the afterlife is bizarre and dangerous in its neglect of the world we actually live in, and Islam's intolerance of heretics is equally dangerous. It may seem frightening to live in a world where evolution produced a simian species with a social aptitude for verbal communication, through random mutations and selection of survivors' offspring, but reality does not need hallucinatory stage-props to make it meaningful. Angels and gods are perfectly good metaphors but anyone who believes in them as reality is demented and deluded.
Of course it is obviously wrong to claim the predictions of Manhattan being under water if global warming continues are false.
Its nonsense to claim anyone was predicting Manhattan would be underwater by 2016, or even 2050 for that matter. The prediction is that if global warming continues manhattan will be under water in 100 or 200 years. Its far from a failed prediction at this point.
This is typical of the global warming deniers, twisting statements and science beyond all recognition to pretend what's obviously happening isn't.
Perhaps the craziest aspect of religion is the idea that belief without evidence (faith) is a virtue. That's a shortcoming people, not a virtue.
Religions have pushed this idea that belief without evidence is a virtue since the very beginning. They felt they had to do that because with no logical reason to believe, belief in things for which there is no evidence wouldn't have staying power.
Bill Maher lays waste to Global Warming deniers
Maher Rips GOP on Climate: What Do You Have Against Listening to Scientists?
Real Time with Bill Maher: Science Proves Climate Change Deniers Are Nuts
Real Time with Bill Maher: Meet the Climate Change Deniers
Real Time with Bill Maher: Dr. Michael Mann on Climate Change
Bill Maher Schools Rick Santorum On Climate Change
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Kim Davis: -had the temerity to point out, in her elected capacity as the grantor of marriage licenses in her county, that homosexual partnerships don't meet the definition of marriage".
You mean in her delusional mind gay couples don't meet the definition of marriage - in American law they do. Kim Davis is like ISIS in that she wants to force everyone to live by her religious beliefs. If she doesn't want to have a gay marriage no one is forcing her to do so but she doesn't have the right to interfere with gay couples marrying.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "look at Priya the troll obsessing, for known reason, with whether some commenter used more than one name must be bored Ward, Priya needs a swirly to liven things up Earth to Ward are you reading??".
Classic Wyatt/bad anonymous delusions - absurdly claiming pointing out he pretends to be more than one person is trolling while posting obviously trollish insults.
This is what's known as psychological projection, accusing others of your own worst traits you're in denial about having.
someone who actually belongs in jail:
Update: Bernie Sanders hits 3 million contributions
The American public no longer gives a damn about the Republicans fake Hillary email scandal. They beat that dead horse for far to long and all the screaming they do about it now results in nothing more than a yawn.
Thanks for telling us what delusions are going down in bustling, sophisticated Saskatchewan. Here in America, people are furious she violated their trust as Secretary of State and put our agents in mortal danger. And it's not like she has any mitigating charisma or inspirational skills. And everyone knows Trump would tear her to pieces in the general election. There's so much material outside the e-mail scandal. The FBI is also investigating the sums her and Bill were paid by foreign governments while she was in negotiations with the same governments. American voters tend to get turned off by bribery and corruption.
Bill's a whole other story. He has a history similar to Bill Cosby and it's been getting attention after feminist groups began siding with Trump about Hillary's statements about women who accused Bill of rape. And just a year ago, he was as beloved among Dems as Reagan is among rational Americans. He probably wished Hillary had just stayed home and baked cookies. Then, he might have a legacy left.
If she wasn't running against a socialist, she'd already be out of the race. Still, he's a well-liked guy and will probably win the first two contests which will likely bring on Biden or Gore. No matter what, this is going to be the most entertaining election in the modern era.
That last comment by Wyatt/bad anonymous is yet another example of him being a troll.
many words have redefined by the gay agenda
do you know what "gay" used to mean?
now Priya the Troll is trying to pull it off again!!
no, Priya, disagreeing with you doesn't represent trollery
now, go ask Ward to give you a swish treatment
"many words have redefined by the gay agenda"
how about "tolerance"?
Two million Italian soldiers pass in review as Mussolini and King Victor Emanuel
Two more angry rants from Wyatt/bad anonymous - Testy, Testy!
538: Only Rubio Can Win General Election for GOP
David Wasserman at FiveThirtyEight has a column arguing that if the Republicans nominate either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, they will lose the general election to his presumed Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. Only Marco Rubio, he argues, has a realistic chance of appealing to those uncommitted voters that decide elections.
Personally I think its way too early to predict who might win the 2016 election but agree that Rubio gives the Republicans the best chance to do so.
In the meantime Wyatt/bad anonymous is cheering on President Huckabee, er President Walker, er President Carson, er President Trump.
the previous post by Priya the Troll is very sad and desperate
all the Republicans candidates have their pluses and minuses
all would be preferable to Hillary and would win
Trump, in particular, has a talent for exploiting the weaknesses of his opponents
and not only does Hillary have beacoups of possible targets
additionally, her only real strength is ruthlessness but Americans are increasingly doubtful whether this trait will be used in the best interest of America
polls are meaningless until a contest starts, which in the general election would be Labor Day
Rubio currently has the highest favorable rating on either side
additionally, he has performed excellently in the debates
unfortunately, when he's not at a podium, he is not as impressive so he might be more of a gamble
still, the Republican is strong and unless Bush is the nominee, they can't lose
to Hillary
Biden is the more likely nominee and he has strengths Hillary doesn't but let's not get ahead of herself
Great wording there, anon: "...no one believes he intended to buy fetal tissue. His and Merritt’s goal was to expose those who profit from this gruesome practice." Actually, this is just backward.
No one believes that Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue. His and Merritt's goal was to try to get them to say some things that could be edited to make it look like they did.
the wording is completely appropriate
no actually believes Daleiden was trying to buy baby body parts
in the American justice, it is necessary to establish intent
any paralegal could tell you that
his goal was to determine if PP was doing this
he had his finding and presented the evidence of such
he NEVER released the edited version of the tape without making available the full tape
if a journalist publishes an interview, they don't print entire interviews
if a lawyer makes a case in court, he doesn't read every scrap of pretrial interviews
this is nothing different
the full tape has always been available to those who want to defend PP
but the pro-infanticide forces continue to dwell on the act of editing rather any facts
that tells you something right there
liberals cheer mortal threat to freedom of press:
as the unanswered questions pile up, the silence is deafening
it appears that the despicable day of anti-family forces has, at last, reached nightfall
an era of deceit appears to be at an end as Iowa voters the seven-month process of rebooting the White House
America has suffered much but we're moving on
"he had his finding and presented the evidence of such"
And so far several states have investigated the "evidence" presented by the uncut videotapes and found the uncut videos did not in any way show Planned Parenthood doing anything illegal.
South Dakota
And one county:
Harris County, Texas
A grand jury in Harris County, Texas found the videotapers themselves had committed two crimes: 1. the Texas felony of using fake out of state Driver's Licenses and 2. the Texas misdemeanor of trying to purchase baby body parts.
Fixed link to Kansas
"President" Mike Huckabee Suspends 2016 Presidential Campaign
Huckabee ran a good race
the Democratic Party should save the country a wad and suspend their presidential campaign
neither an indicted leaker of classified information nor a socialist has a chance to be President
Trump, btw, was very gracious in his concession speech
glad to here TTF is so psyched about Cruz's victory
"And so far several states have investigated the "evidence" presented by the uncut videotapes and found the uncut videos did not in any way show Planned Parenthood doing anything illegal"
the lying by TTF is beyond the usual obnoxious and actually nauseating where the callous disregard for innocent life goes
this statement has been repeated ad nauseum by liberals
let'a take the first of these "several states" listed
in Georgia, it is impermissible to do anything with a deceased unborn child but cremate or bury it
and yet, Georgia says PP comply with the law
and yet, PP openly states that they give the bodies to researchers for experimentation
while, you add that up,
remember this:
PP issued an apology for their behavior in these videos
what were they apologizing for if they did nothing wrong?
"glad to here (sic) TTF is so psyched about Cruz's victory"
Yeah, we're expecting his Iowa caucus win to be as meaningful for Ted Cruz's campaign as it was for Michelle Bachman's and President Huckabee's.
"PP issued an apology for their behavior in these videos
what were they apologizing for if they did nothing wrong?"
"Cecile Richards, apologized Thursday for what she called the lack of compassion shown by a staff member who was secretly recorded describing how affiliates provide tissue from aborted fetuses to researchers.
It took Google a whopping 0.32 seconds to find that bit of information.
Now you know what Planned Parenthood apologized for -- a lack of compassion in describing how they sometimes donate tissue for biomedical research.
It was a lack of compassion, not anything illegal, they apologized for.
You exhibit your lack of compassion for LGBT folks all the time on this blog but never have the decency to apologize for it or the smarts to learn from it.
"State public health investigators have concluded that Planned Parenthood Southeast and four other abortion providers are properly disposing of fetal tissues after abortions.
The commissioner of the Department Public Health, Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, told Gov. Nathan Deal in a letter Wednesday that her agency had completed the inquiry that Deal ordered last month after videotapes surfaced of national Planned Parenthood officials talking about harvesting fetal remains.
Fitzgerald wrote: “As you know, Georgia law requires that licensed abortion clinics (or a medical disposal service provider with whom they have contracted) to bury or cremate fetal remains following the termination of a pregnancy. DNA or genetic testing can and does take place in certain cases, such as if a rape has occurred or there was an abnormality in the pregnancy.”
She said the abortion providers reviewed by her investigators are all complying with the law."
If you still have questions about Georgia after reading what the commissioner of Georgia's Department of Health said in that article, I suggest you sign up for a remedial reading class to try to improve your paltry reading comprehension skills.
Does Fox News Cause Ignorance, or Do Ignorant Viewers Prefer Fox News?
Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests
And let's not forget:
Fox News host apologizes for inviting alleged fake CIA analyst
Poor poor Wyatt/bad anonymous, beating that hillary email dead horse for all he's worth, LOL
The American public doesn't give a damn about Hillary's emails, it's moved on. After Republicans crying wolf about her emails over and over and over Americans simply don't buy any Fox news lies that her emails "put lives at risk".
"Yeah, we're expecting his Iowa caucus win to be as meaningful for Ted Cruz's campaign as it was for Michelle Bachman's and President Huckabee's"
well, you are the guys that seemed so jazzed
actually, what is really meaningful is that the tie between the very experienced Hillary and a 74-year-old socialist likely signals the end of an era of liberal deceit
the sleazy Clinton worldview is being rejected by America
"It took Google a whopping 0.32 seconds to find that bit of information"
the purpose of asking was not for information but to get you to acknowledge the wrongdoing of PP
"It was a lack of compassion, not anything illegal, they apologized for"
a euphemism for an amoral lack of regard for the dignity and worth of life
I don't think I've said they did anything illegal
I said they did something wrong
in our country, infanticide is legal as long as the child's umbilical cord is still attached to the mother
it is also unspeakably evil
that you can't distinguish between illegal and wrong says much about your totalitarian collectivist belief system
"You exhibit your lack of compassion for LGBT folks all the time on this blog but never have the decency to apologize for it or the smarts to learn from it"
there's a thin line betwixt care and compassion
many people believe indulging self-destructive behavior is not compassionate
the worst are gays who live horrible and wretched lives and try to encourage impressionable youth to join their lifestyle of misery
all that's necessary for evil to succeed is for people to do nothing
"If you still have questions about Georgia after reading what the commissioner of Georgia's Department of Health said in that article,"
I have none except why you don't get it
in Georgia, it's against the law to use unborn baby body parts for experimentation
and, yet, PP has admitted they do this
but since the authorities say PP doesn't do it in Georgia, the tapes must pertain to some other state
meaning the ruling of the Georgia authorities wasn't pertaining to the tapes
and this spiel you keep rattling off is irrelevant
"Fox News"
well, don't worry about Fox
Hillary now says the Obama administration and Bernie Sanders are part of a vast right-wing conspiracy
LOL, another angry rant from Wyatt/bad anonymous.
Its tough accepting that you're a loser, isn't it Wyatt.
""President" Mike Huckabee Suspends 2016 Presidential Campaign".
Oh, don't let that fool you good anonymous. Remember what wyatt/bad anonymous told us in 2008 when "president" Huckabee lost then - "He'll be one of our future leaders".
Don't let Wyatt's abysmal record of predicting presidential winners fool you, Huckabee is going to be president some day.
"beating that hillary email dead horse for all he's worth"
it's worth quite a bit, actually
"The American public doesn't give a damn about Hillary's emails, it's moved on"
no, like Bernie, they are sick and tired of hearing about her damn e-mails
that doesn't mean they don't give a damn
why else would someone with her experience lose to a 74-year-old socialist in the heartland of America?
they believed she mishandled classified information and endangered our agents
not to mention when she's indicted by the Obama justice department and when she being investigated for taking bribes from foreign governments
they don't think she's trustworthy and the damn e-mails are exhibit A
"another angry rant"
funny, only the TTFers on this site ever display any anger
so this is an odd statement
"Its tough accepting that you're a loser"
yeah, will Hillary ever accept that America doesn't like her?
she lost to Gingrich in 1994
she lost to Bill in Monicagate
she lost to Obama in Iowa in 2008
she lost to Bernie in Iowa in 2016
Ooooo, Testy, Testy! LOL!
Poor Wyatt/bad anonymous, lost every battle he's fought. Don't worry Wyatt, just keep telling yourself "I lost every battle but I had fun, Wahhhh! Wahhhh!"
I'm thinking Priya has now reverted to second grade level of maturity
anyone disagree?
"in our country, infanticide is legal as long as the child's umbilical cord is still attached to the mother"
If you think it is true, please provide the URL to any federal or state law stating that.
And don't worry, the crickets love to chirp and they can do it forever.
They were born that way.
"but since the authorities say PP doesn't do it in Georgia, the tapes must pertain to some other state"
Had you bothered to click on the link to the article Jim K quoted above, you would have learned Texas began their investigation into Planned Parenthood after "the release of an undercover video recorded at a Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast office in Houston with a research official for the organization."
The videotapes were not made in Georgia. They were made in Houston, Texas, where the people who made them have been indicted for their illegal actions.
When Georgia, Missouri, Florida, Indiana, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Kansas, Washington, and Texas investigated Pllanned Parenthood to see if the allegations of baby part selling were true or not, all of them found Planned Parenthood had followed the law and then came the surprise:
The Texas grand jury opted to indict the criminals who made the videotapes for violating Texas State laws.
"why else would someone with her experience lose to a 74-year-old socialist in the heartland of America?"
Well unless O'Malley has given his 8 delegates to Bernie Sanders, it appears Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Sanders, 701 delegates to 697 delegates.
She hasn't lost to Bernie, but you come off as a loser at math as well as reading comprehension.
"I'm thinking Priya has now reverted to second grade level of maturity
anyone disagree?"
Well. @n0n, you reap what you sow.
"Well. @n0n, you reap what you sow.".
LOL, just giving Wyatt/bad anonymous some of his own medicine - he doesn't deal too well with it, LOL
Poor, poor Wyatt/bad anonymous, he can dish it out but he can't take it!
More bad news for Wyatt/bad anonymous.
After Wyatt cheered India recriminalizing gayness its supreme court has decided it will re-open the case
"Well unless O'Malley has given his 8 delegates to Bernie Sanders, it appears Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Sanders, 701 delegates to 697 delegates.".
Typical Wyatt/bad anonymous, fabricating his own "reality" because he doesn't like the actual reality.
"If you think it is true, please provide the URL to any federal or state law stating that"
better yet, let us know at what point in a child's development you think it's illegal for a mother to kill a child
science has conclusively demonstrated that life begins long before a child is born
but lunatic advocates only believe science when they think it advances their agenda
i think it's illegal
"The videotapes were not made in Georgia"
that's the point, jackass
why does it matter what Georgia's investigation found?
that's not where the incidents occurred
and what PP admitted doing in Texas is illegal in Georgia
so this spiel:
"When Georgia, Missouri, Florida, Indiana, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Kansas, Washington, investigated Pllanned Parenthood to see if the allegations of baby part selling were true or not, all of them found Planned Parenthood had followed the law"
is irrelevant
"The Texas grand jury opted to indict the criminals who made the videotapes for violating Texas State laws"
obviously morons
they'll never be convicted
"Well unless O'Malley has given his 8 delegates to Bernie Sanders, it appears Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Sanders, 701 delegates to 697 delegates"
if you don't realize that Hillary had a tremendous loss, you're deluded
not long ago, she was considered a lock for the nomination
"Well. @n0n, you reap what you sow."
you have a point
it's common knowledge that casting pearls before swine is a bad idea
no point voicing truth to Priya and Ward while they roll around in the muck
Hillary Clinton couldn’t have more advantages. No one has more establishment credentials, from former first lady to U.S. senator to recent secretary of State. She brings in money from all of the establishment donor groups. The media have all but coronated her. Her only opponent, essentially, is a Democratic Socialist senator who is older than she is.
Yet she at best eked out a victory with the tiniest of margins. Her “victory” speech was the most depressing of the night. The body language on the stage said it all. Clinton’s daughter Chelsea gave her a comforting — almost pitying — hug. Clinton’s husband Bill looked sad and had trouble keeping his mouth from sagging. The crowd was dejected. Clinton herself was tense, yelling at voters in seeming anger. She’s just a terrifically bad candidate who will also lose in New Hampshire. The establishment Democrats have much better control over their party than the GOP’s establishment does, but her campaign is deteriorating even as Bernie Sanders’ is improving.
I love the anonymous poster who keeps making the TTFers look so bad. I remember when he said:
"I'd prefer Cruz"
and some stupid TTFer said:
"Latest Iowa Poll – Donald Trump Commanding Lead 34%"
ha ha!!
then, today everyone just chuckles while some TTFer says:
"Its tough accepting that you're a loser"
looks like he won to me
as he said he preferred last Wednesday morning, Cruz cruises
and he doesn't even crow about his great victory!
I cannot wait to see what his next joke about the looney couple, Priya and Ward is!!
you may remember the lunacy after the 2012 election when everyone said Republicans have no hope because they are "a party of old white men"
last night, 75% of the top four in the Republican primary were minorities - two Hispanics and a black
they got over 60% of the vote
the Democrats:
0% of the top vote getters were minorities
the party of Abe Lincoln rumbles forward
the party of Bill Clinton, the rapist who got away with it, calcifies
"I love the anonymous poster who keeps making the TTFers look so bad. I remember when he said:
"I'd prefer Cruz" "
What is it with GOPers always being lying liars?
You did not say "I'd prefer Cruz,".
You said, "still, I'd prefer Cruz or Carson or Huckabee" and you can find it above here on this thread, on January 27, 2016 at 8:03 AM
"looks like he won to me"
That's right, Cruz did win Iowa just like Mike Huckabee did in 2008 and Rick Santorum did in 2012.
And my bad, but Michelle Bachmann won the Ames Straw Poll in 2011.
Then in June 2015, the Ames Straw Poll "was cancelled Friday by state GOP leaders in a unanimous vote.
The Republicans cited a lack of interest..."
Here's hoping Cruz does as well with his Iowa caucus win as President Huckabee and President Santorum did with theirs.
Wyatt/bad anonymous, you are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
"What is it with GOPers always being lying liars?
You did not say "I'd prefer Cruz,".
You said, "still, I'd prefer Cruz or Carson or Huckabee" and you can find it above here on this thread, on January 27, 2016 at 8:03 AM"
hmmm..why does this maniac accuse anonymous of lying?
looks like he had a preference for Cruz to me
and looks like TTF was rooting for Trump, long-time Clinton donor
well, they must say something
Hillary is a disaster
Bernie is a communist (did anyone hear his speech last night? property is theft, baby, and the capitalists will sell us the ropes to hang them- aaaiiieeeee!!)
"Well unless O'Malley has given his 8 delegates to Bernie Sanders, it appears Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Sanders, 701 delegates to 697 delegates.
She hasn't lost to Bernie, but you come off as a loser at math as well as reading comprehension."
looks like some TTFers are confused about who the winners and losers were last night
her's a rundown fer ya:
Sad that Wyatt/bad anonymous is still pretending he thinks we believe he's more than one person.
He won't admit it but Wyatt/bad anonymous is cheering for Bernie because he thinks the Republican nominee can't beat Hillary.
Even the Republican establishment is running ads for Bernie because they think their nominee can't beat Hillary.
Republicans run pretend attack ad on Sanders to encourage liberals to vote for him
I thought the chap who remarked of the many Republican minority candidates whilst none of the Democrats are minorities had a jolly excellent point. Bloody well done.
It would seem that the opposition commenting at this web log is of the highest caliber. Positively tip-top! I do so hope that we can soon revel in another delightful Priya and Ward joke. Rip-snorting goo humour!!
what many don't understand is that Iowans actually had a mini general election contest, of a sort, on Monday as well as the primary caucuses
voters in Iowa actually can change their party on the night of the caucus
180,000 voted for Republicans, an all-time record
indeed, Donald Trump, in second place on Monday night, also had the second highest number of votes any Republican has ever received in an Iowa caucus
amazing support in the heartland for a change in the party at the White House
speaking of the dumb Dems, how did they do?
down from 240,000 in 2008
Dems lost to the Grand Old Party of Abe Lincoln BY 10,000 VOTES !!!!!!!!!!!!!
just a little foreshadowing of November in the cold cornfields of Iowa
wow, what a bad time to be a Democrat!!
bye-bye, gay agenda
"Iowans actually had a mini general election contest, of a sort"
Yeah, of the white sort.
Iowa is 92.1% white, but the US is 77.4% white
New Hampshire is 94.0% white, but the US is 77.4% white
Iowa was a mini general election of white people, and New Hampshire will be too.
Count on it.
After Ted Cruz wins in Iowa:
Slow Canadian takeover of U.S. going according to plan
and the Republican white people voted mainly for minorities
60% of the Republican vote was for minorities
0% of the Democratic vote was for minorities
Republicans are color-blind and want minorities to be fully empowered citizens
Democrats, who have gotten a lot of mileage out of handing out lollipops to minorities, want to keep minorities as vassals to the government
this election will shock Democrats
Republicans won by TEN THOUSAND VOTES!?!?!?!?!?
that's amazing
they are the diverse party of the future
Abe freed blacks from slavery to the plantation owners
Cruz, or any other Repub, will free minorities from government dependency and control
well, the first thing we did right
was when we joined the blacks and whites
got my eyes
on the prize
hey, white Dems
we are amazed
but not amused
by all the things
you say you do
and we are sick and tired of hearing your song
how you were gonna change right from wrong
cuz if you really wanna know our views
you haven't done nothing
Angry Wyatt/bad anonymous yells at cloud
"Republicans are color-blind and want minorities to be fully empowered citizens"
Except to vote.
Ohio Ends Sunday Voting and "Souls to the Polls" as Effort to Suppress Black Vote Continues
Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters
Voter Suppression: How Bad? (Pretty Bad)
The last large-scale push to curb voting access was more than a century ago, after Reconstruction. Until now.
Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression
"...Governor Chris Christie: Same-Day Voter Registration Is a “Trick” and GOP Needs to Win Gubernatorial Races So They Control “Voting Mechanisms”...
...Fran Millar: Georgia Senator Complains About Polling Place Being Too Convenient for Black Voters...
...Doug Preis: An Ohio GOP Chair Says We Shouldn’t Accommodate the “Urban — Read African-American — Voter-Turnout Machine”...
...Greg Abbott: Texas AG Says Partisan Districting Decisions Are Legal, Even if There Are “Incidental Effects” on Minority Voters...
...Ted Yoho: Only Property Owners Should Vote...
...Don Yelton: North Carolina GOP Precinct Chair: Voter ID Law Will “Kick Democrats in the Butt” and Hurt “Lazy Blacks”..."
Republicans are colour blind in that they don't want anyone of colour to vote.
the idea that rules for registering to vote are biased against minorities is propaganda
why register people to vote at all if there aren't going to be any controls to insure voters are qualified?
minorities are just as capable as anyone else of registering to vote
to say otherwise is obviously racist
"minorities are just as capable as anyone else of registering to vote".
An obvious lie.
Black voters are poorer, often don't have access to a car, and many older black voters don't have a birth certificate as when they were born blacks commonly weren't given birth certificates.
Repulicans introduced things like picture voter id knowning that blacks have proportionatly fewer picture IDs than whites. Many black people without a voter ID have to make several trips to government offices just to get the paperwork that they need to get a voter id from the DMV. This is difficult for poor black people without a driver's license and the cost alone is a barrier to getting the necessary documents. And then in some states Republican governors have closed DMVs in predominately black neighbourhoods to make it even more difficult for them to get the documents needed to vote.
In Wyatt/bad anonymous's racist world its racist to admit that blacks are disadvantaged compared to whites and for large numbers of them getting a voter ID is very difficult. Whites almost all have voter IDs because they're richer, own cars, and have driver's licenses.
You just need to look at the republicans being honest about what these voter restrictions are intended to do - they openly admit they are trying to keep black people from voting.
Exit polling also shows blacks are far more likely to vote in advance of election day than whites and in particular the sunday before election day when many black churches have "souls to the polls" day where they provide transportation for black people without cars to go vote. Its no coincidence that one of the major changes to voting procedures Republican governors made is to eliminate advance voting days and in particular to eliminate voting the sunday before the election.
Wyatt can lie all he likes but its obvious to us as well as him that Republicans are doing everything they can to make it more difficult for blacks to vote.
"...North Carolina has instituted a new voter ID requirement. North Dakota has narrowed the forms of identification voters can present to gain access to the polls. And Ohio’s GOP-controlled legislature has instituted a new set of voting restrictions since the 2012 election, including shorter early voting hours....
Recent efforts to restrict voting rights—there were 180 different bills introduced across 41 states in 2011 and 2012 alone—have a disproportionate impact on demographics like blacks, Latinos and the poor, voting-rights experts say.
Conservatives say initiatives like tougher voter ID laws are designed to stamp out fraud and safeguard the integrity of elections. But they also tend to burden the same coalitions that helped lift Obama into the White House, and which seem poised to give Democrats a lasting demographic advantage. Some of the most aggressive changes came in states previously subject to Department of Justice scrutiny, a standard rolled back by the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court case Shelby v. Holder, which struck down part of the longstanding Voting Rights Act.
“We saw a lot of politicians trying to manipulate the rules of the game, such that some people could participate and some can’t,” says Myrna Perez, deputy director of the Democracy Program of the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law....
...In key 2016 swing states like Ohio and North Carolina, new barriers to the ballot box could produce low turnout that benefits Republicans. “It’s going to be challenging already to get people out to vote,” says Marcia Johnson-Blanco of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, “and when you layer that with efforts to keep people from voting, what you end up with is limited opportunity for participation in our democracy.”..."
"Recent efforts to restrict voting rights—there were 180 different bills introduced across 41 states in 2011 and 2012 alone—have a disproportionate impact on demographics like blacks, Latinos and the poor, voting-rights experts say."
voting-rights experts? as Bernard Goldberg pointed out in his book about media distortions, when you hear the term "expert" in the media, it usually refers someone who has a liberal viewpoint
any expert who has a conservative viewpoint is referred to by the media as "right-wing spokesman"
all government paperwork from doing your taxes to getting a motorcycle license is a hassle
and anything that's a hassle is more so for the poor, unfortunately
in an aspirational society, the answer is not to drop QC procedures but to advance a strong economy that provide an opportunity for all people to leave poverty and have easier access to all experiences in our country
do you know how bad unemployment has gotten among young blacks in the inner city under Obama?
he's ruined lives
it was easier for them to get to the DMV before his unfortunate election
Democrats have always been racist. Here's Clinton in 2008 blaming their loss to Obama on Obama's race
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "in an aspirational society, the answer is not to drop QC procedures but to advance a strong economy that provide an opportunity for all people to leave poverty and have easier access to all experiences in our country".
That's what Democrats are trying to do and Republicans are trying to prevent. Democrats are doing things like trying to raise the minimum wage to help the poor. Republicans are trying to eliminate the minimum wage and promote the idea that its a good idea to have people working for $2.00 an hour.
In most cases raising the minimum wage has helped the poor and boosted the economy.
Republicans are for oppressing the poor for the benefit of the rich.
Gap between rich and poor greatest in Republican states
Republican policies increase gap between the rich and poor
Under Republican administrations, and allowing a one-year lag to provide for time for policies to have effect, unemployment has increased, while gross national product and inflation have decreased. The opposite has occurred under Democratic control of the White House. This, Bartels said, reflects the basic divergence in policy objectives of the two parties.
Where partisan differences really begin to exacerbate is income inequality is taxation.
“The tax policy of Republican administrations tends to favor the wealthy segments of society through policies such as tax cuts that mostly favor the rich and businesses, and repeal of the estate tax, which only applies to multi-millionaires,” Bartels said. “Democratic policy follows more egalitarian values, utilizing redistribution of wealth through progressive taxation to decrease inequality.
“In fact, there are significant data that show a pattern between Republican administrations and slow income growth across the board, and among the poor especially. On the other hand, the data suggest that, under Democratic administrations, inequality temporarily decreases, while more robust income growth is seen overall, and is especially concentrated in the middle- and lower-classes.”
Bartels also discussed the minimum wage. Republicans tend to favor a lower minimum wage, while Democrats support its increase, he said. Historically, public opinion has been strongly in favor of increasing the minimum wage, but despite this, the political system is not responding to public opinion and the real value of the minimum wage has actually decreased since the late 1960s.
Partisan bias is evident here as well.
“In the 25 years between 1949 and 2004 in which Democrats controlled the White House, the real value of the minimum wage increased by $4, while during the 31 years in which Republicans were in office, it declined by about $2,” Bartels said. “Since the minimum wage is not indexed to keep up with inflation, its real value erodes unless if active efforts are made to increase it.”
liberals don't generally try to help the poor
it's just jaded political rhetoric
conservatives actually try to make a difference in the lives of individuals:
"voting-rights experts? as Bernard Goldberg pointed out in his book about media distortions, when you hear the term "expert" in the media, it usually refers someone who has a liberal viewpoint"
"Arrested on fraud charges and falsely claiming to be a CIA operative, Wayne Shelby Simmons has been caught feeding disinformation to Fox News for over a decade. Advocating for the use of torture during interrogations and inciting war with the Middle East, Simmons erroneously asserted earlier this year that 19 paramilitary Islamic training camps were operating in the U.S.
According to FoxNews.com, Simmons has been listed as a “CIA operative” and a guest contributor since April 21, 2003. But on his website, Simmons claims to have been a terrorist analyst for Fox News since 2002. Simmons also falsely claimed he worked as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” for the CIA from 1973 to 2000 to obtain government security clearances and work as a defense contractor.
Instead of verifying whether Simmons had actually worked for the CIA, Fox News and the Agency allowed him to make fools out of Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Andrew Napolitano, Neil Cavuto, and everyone at Fox & Friends for over the last twelve years. After building a false reputation as a CIA agent on Fox News, Simmons obtained an interim security clearance when an unnamed government contractor hired him in 2008. Simmons also falsely claimed on national security forms that his prior arrests and criminal convictions were directly related to his supposed intelligence work for the CIA, and that he had previously held a top secret security clearance from 1973 to 2000.
During an interview with Neil Cavuto earlier this year, Simmons falsely asserted that “at least 19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities” were currently operating in the U.S. to conduct terrorist activities. Simmons credited another Fox News guest contributor, Ryan Mauro, as the source of his erroneous information. As the national security analyst at the Clarion Project, Mauro’s brand of Islamophobia falls right in line with Simmons’.
In a later interview with Cavuto, Simmons called for law enforcement to violate civil liberties and start racially profiling at American mosques. Simmons told Cavuto, “The mosques are the breeding ground. We know they are breeding grounds for terrorism, for fundraising.”...
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "iberals don't generally try to help the poor it's just jaded political rhetoric conservatives actually try to make a difference in the lives of individuals".
False. Liberals advocate that their taxes go to helping the poor. Liberals contribute more to the poor through their taxes than conserviatives do through contributions to charities. As the record shows which I posted government support of the poor helps them more than the occaisional conservative contribution to charities.
sure it happens to other news organizations
if only FOX had known about Hillary's server, they could find out anything they wanted by hacking it
liberals don't generally try to help the poor
they just want to tax everyone else and make them do it
it's called socialist income redistribution
this helps bureaucracies staffed by liberal government workers more than it helps poor people, who are disrespected and abused by these bureaucratic overlords
conservatives actually try to make a difference in the lives of individuals:
hopefully, Trump will send all the liberals to Canada
see how the hell they like it up there
did Clinton really win in Iowa?
"Democrats have always been racist. "
Me thinks the troll doth protest too much.
"It appears that the GOP has traded in its dog whistle for a bullhorn when it comes to bigotry in the 2016 race for president. It’s as if the Republican presidential candidates are regressing to a time long gone.
There was a time decades ago that conservatives, and even Democrats like George Wallace, could and would openly demonize minorities in the most vile terms to attract white voters. But soon they realized the need to be subtler because times were changing.
The late GOP strategist Lee Atwater summed it up as follows (and forgive me the blunt language, but it’s what he said): “You start out in 1954 by saying, ‘Nigger, nigger, nigger.’ By 1968 you can’t say ‘nigger’—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract.”
So began the racial “dog whistle,” or the politically acceptable way of telling white people in a coded message that we will keep you safe from blacks, immigrants, etc. The first Republican to utilize this is generally seen as Barry Goldwater during his run for president in 1964. Goldwater’s campaign sought to capitalize on the backlash among conservative whites to the recently enacted Civil Rights Act. One famous example came shortly after the July 1964 riots in Harlem when he stated, “Our wives, all women, feel unsafe on our streets.” The message being that blacks are coming to rape your women and I will protect you.
In 1968, Richard Nixon ushered in the Southern Strategy, which Nixon’s special counsel, John Ehrlichman, candidly summarized as, “We’ll go after the racists.”
Nixon used the dog whistle of opposing “forced busing” and promising “law and order,” which were polite ways to say he would slow down desegregation and protect white America from black criminals.
And it has gone on from there in varying degrees. There was Ronald Reagan’s invocation of “states rights” in his speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, in 1980, and 1988 of course we had George H.W. Bush’s infamous Willie Horton campaign commercial.
Interestingly, during the 1996 presidential race, Bob Dole steered clear of dog whistles during his losing campaign. And George W. Bush, while supporting a constitutional amendment opposing gay marriage in 2004, refused to “kick gays” as some on the right urged him to do. Bush even rejected Muslim bashing after 9/11, instead making it clear that, “The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends.”
Now, there’s no longer a need to be politically correct when demonizing minorities. The GOP has gone full bigotry..."
"...GOP frontrunner Donald Trump appears to have cherry-picked the most effective dog whistles from past GOP campaigns and then injected them with steroids. Trump has plagiarized Nixon’s practice of appealing to the “silent majority” (white people) and promising “law and order.”
But he has gone much further. Trump not only released a Latino version of Bush’s Willie Horton ad which featured images of three scary-looking Latino men who had committed crimes, he has made stoking the flames of fear of Latino immigrants a central tenet of his campaign.
Trump told us in his very first speech as a presidential candidate that Mexico is “sending people” to America who “are bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” And on the campaign trail he has continued telling crowds that “illegals” had “raped, sodomized, tortured and killed” American women. (The GOP loves to invoke rape.)
Jeb Bush said over the weekend that Democrats lure black people to support them with the promise of “free stuff.” At least when Mitt Romney made his infamous comments that 47 percent of Americans support the Democrats because they “are dependent upon government,” he only implied it was minorities. But not Bush. (By the way, Goldwater made a similar remark in 1964 when he said, “We can’t out-promise the Democrats.”)
And Ted Cruz has unequivocally stoked the flames of hate versus the LGBT community with his recent remarks that the gay activists are waging a “jihad” against “people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”
Then there’s Ben Carson, running neck and neck with Trump. Carson declared last week that Islam is incompatible with the Constitution and he would not support a Muslim American for president. On Sunday, Carson inadvertently summed up the GOP’s theme in 2016 when he told CNN’s Jake Tapper that only the media types are upset with these intolerant comments, “because the American people, the majority of them, agree and they understand exactly what I am saying.”
Yes, we do understand exactly what Carson and the other GOP candidates are saying. It’s no longer code; it’s now in our face. The GOP’s 2016 platform is that Latino immigrants are coming to rape you, blacks want handouts, gays are waging a holy war versus Christians, and Muslims are not loyal to America...."
"Ted Cruz’s victory in Iowa doesn’t mean he’ll get the nomination — history shows the Republican caucus in that state is a poor predictor of eventual outcome — but for the religious right, especially the most skin-crawlingly creepy folks in the religious right, Cruz’s edging Donald Trump out at the polls represents a huge victory. Because Monday night meant that while their influence might seem to be on the decline, the religious right proved, once again, that they are still a powerful force on the right. Unfortunately, the Republican Party will still have to pay tribute to the nasty crews that use Jesus as a cover to push their lifelong obsession with controlling other people’s sex lives, especially if those people are female or queer.
A lot of attention has been paid to Trump’s oversized ego, but Cruz’s may be even worse. While Trump likes to portray himself as a “winner,” Cruz clawed his way to victory in Iowa by implying — well, more than implying — that he’s a religious messiah, a prophet who is the next best thing to the second coming of Jesus. While denouncing Barack Obama for his supposed “messiah complex,” Cruz has been suggesting that he is the real deal, and that he will win because “the body of Christ” will “rise up to pull us back from the abyss.”
Cruz has been portraying his campaign, in fact, as a religious war in which the true believers will assert themselves as the rightful rulers of this nation. “Strap on the full armor of God, get ready for the attacks that are coming,” he told supporters, who are treated more like believers, at a campaign stop in Iowa.
Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, has gone even further in suggesting that his son is quite literally God’s emissary sent to turn America into a Christian nation (which tends to be defined as a nation that keeps heavy tabs on what you’re doing with your genitals, instead of one that makes sure there’s enough loaves and fishes for everyone). In an interview on Glenn Beck’s show, the senior Cruz and Beck both pushed this notion that Cruz is a prophetic figure come to save us all.
“Everybody was born for a reason,” Beck told Rafael Cruz, while sitting in — no joke — a replica of the Oval Office built for his show. “As I learned your story and saw the fruit of that story, now in your son, I am more and more convinced in the hand of divine providence.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Cruz replied. Who doesn’t want to be the father of the messiah? The last one was literally God himself, after all.
This Jesus-walks act of Ted Cruz’s worked like a charm, as Cruz sucked up a veritable rogue’s gallery of every creepy straight guy who claims he loves Jesus but has his eyes fixed firmly on the crotches of America. As Cruz noted in his victory speech Monday night, Bob Vander Plaats and Rep. Steve King are national co-chairs for his campaign. King, of course, is a notoriously loony right wing nut who has argued that legalizing same-sex marriage means people will now marry lawnmowers and has equated undocumented immigration with the Holocaust.
Vander Plaats, who heads up Iowa’s religious right behemoth, the Family Leader , has argued that his interpretationof “God’s law” should trump the actual laws of our country, that gay marriage will lead to parents marrying their children, and that Vladimir Putin was right to sign a law criminalizing those who speak out for gay rights..."
"...Right before the caucus, Cruz launched “Pro-Lifers for Cruz,” a group that is also a magnet for the most radical elements of the Christian right. It’s chaired by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, a group that is so virulently anti-gay that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has declared it a hate group.
Troy Newman, the head of Operation Rescue, is on the board as well. Newman is beyond a radical anti-choicer, a man who believe that abortion doctors should be executed and women who abort pregnancies, which is about 30 percent of American women by age 45, should be jailed for murder. Newman’s single-minded obsession with abortion has led him to blame everything from the California drought to HIV to 9/11 on the fact that we have legal abortion.
Cruz also enjoys the support of David Barton, a powerful crank who rose in the ranks of the religious right by feeding the masses totally false but pleasing stories about American history, designed to create the illusion that our country was basically formed as a theocracy. Barton’s willingness to lie and deceive on behalf of this claim is truly breath-taking, as the SPLC demonstrates:
"Another Barton whopper is his repeated claim that John Adams supported religious control of the U.S. government. To make that point, Barton quoted the following Adams passage: “There is no authority, civil or religious — there can be no legitimate government — but what is administered by this Holy Ghost. There can be no salvation without it — all without it is rebellion and perdition or, in more orthodox words, damnation.” But Barton conveniently omits the next part of the quote, in which Adams makes it crystal clear he is mocking those with this belief."
Barton loves to do things like claim the Bible forbids progressive income taxes or the capital gains tax, or that Jesus forbade the minimum wage. Which we should care about because, in his opinion, what he thinks Jesus said should be treated as law, since he rejects out of hand the facts and history (and the First Amendment’s clear meaning) that show this is a secular nation.
And so on and so forth. Cruz has been rolling out a dizzying array of endorsements of the absolute worst of the religious right, which was enough to help push him over the top in Iowa.
None of this means that Cruz will be the eventual nominee. But, as history shows, campaigns like his — and like Mike Huckabee’s and Rick Santorum’s in the past — show that the fire-breathing fundies have a lot of political power. This, in turn, means that the Republican Party will still feel obliged to pay fealty to those who believe that it’s the government’s solemn, Jesus-instructed duty to punish you for having sex outside of their very narrow prescription of what it should look like (straight, married, only for procreation).
If there was one good thing to come out of Trump’s candidacy, it was that his apparent pull with evangelical voters suggested that the single-minded obsession with the underpants of America was finally starting to fade on the right. But the fact that Iowa voters, who are heavily evangelical, broke at the last minute to support the guy who is supported by the sex police shows that we are not quite done with these lunatics. Which is something they’ll be happy to remind party leaders of, even if Cruz eventually loses the nomination."
WASHINGTON " — The House on Tuesday failed to override President Obama's veto of a bill that would have repealed key provisions of Obamacare and stripped federal funding from Planned Parenthood...."
" — The House on Tuesday failed to override President Obama's veto of a bill that would have repealed key provisions of Obamacare and stripped federal funding from Planned Parenthood...."
just think,
in eleven months, there won't be anyone to veto this
Rand Paul threw in the townl.
President Santorum quit the race.
Ted Cruz tried to head fake "President Ben" was out too.
"my guess is: Trump, Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Christie keep going through March"
look how smart I am
these guys above plus Bush, Fiorina and Gilmore are what's left
by next Wednesday morning, I'll like like a genius
btw, Trump is saying his second place finish Monday night was one of the greatest victories in the history of politics
"I'll like [sic] like a genius"
Yeah, you'll like like a genius.
< eye roll >
I am so like like a genius
and you're double stupid
think about it
when your eyes stop rolling from your meth hit
three of the top 4 GOP vote-getters in Iowa:
the one true blue-blood patrician class candidate, Bush, spent $55 million and got 3% of the vote
obviously, Republicans, the party of Lincoln, is as diverse as the country it seeks to lead
meanwhile, the Democrats look like an Oscar party
they'll pretend to be pro-minority
but is you're not white, you're not going to be nominated
"meanwhile, the Democrats look like an Oscar party
they'll pretend to be pro-minority
but is [sic] you're not white, you're not going to be nominated"
Sure, go ask President Obama. He's so white!
once upon a time, Sidney Poitier won an Oscar
times have changed
as for Barry, the racist Dems went along because he is half-white and raised by a white family
before that, when was a black person ever seriously considered for the Dem nomination?
2016: 3 of 4 for GOP, 0 for Dems, 0 for Hollywood
Voter ID Laws Really Do Suppress Minority Votes
A new study of the last few election cycles that compares minority turnout in states that have strict photo ID laws to be allowed to vote and those that don’t shows that such laws have precisely the effect that Republicans want them to have, suppressing the votes of racial minorities that are more likely to vote for Democrats.
In a new paper entitled “Voter Identification Laws and the Suppression of Minority Votes”, researchers at the University of California, San Diego — Zoltan Hajnal, Nazita Lajevardi — and Bucknell University — Lindsay Nielson — used data from the annual Cooperative Congressional Election Study to compare states with strict voter ID laws to those that allow voters without photo ID to cast a ballot. They found a clear and significant dampening effect on minority turnout in strict voter ID states.
For example, the researchers found that in primary elections, “a strict ID law could be expected to depress Latino turnout by 9.3 points, Black turnout by 8.6 points, and Asian American turnout by 12.5 points.”
The impact of strict voter ID was also evident in general elections, where minority turnout plummeted in relation to the white vote. “For Latinos in the general election, the predicted gap more than doubles from 4.9 points in states without strict ID laws to 13.5 points in states with strict photo ID laws,” the study found. That gap increased by 2.2 points for African Americans and by 5 points for Asian Americans. The effect was even more pronounced in primary elections…
In a key finding, the study showed that “Democratic turnout drops by an estimated 8.8 percentage points in general elections when strict photo identification laws are in place,” compared to just 3.6 percentage points for Republicans. Even worse for the left is the impact on the ideology of the electorate. “For strong liberals the estimated drop in turnout in strict photo identification states is an alarming 7.9 percentage points,” researchers found. “By contrast, strong conservatives actually vote at a slightly higher rate – 4.8 points – in strict ID states, all else equal.”
For Republicans, this is an achievement unlocked. That is the entire goal of voter suppression laws. As the demographics of the country have begun to work against them, they have passed such laws in order to keep themselves viable in a national election (gerrymandering is used to preserve their advantage in state legislative elections). Republicans know they can't win elections honestly so they cheat instead.
Ben Carson slashes staff as funds dry up
Well it's good Carson got the votes Cruz didn't manage to steal from him in Iowa, but it would really help his campaign if all those GOP minority supporters sent him some money too.
liberals, in Hollywood and Washington, think minorities are their minions
go ask the black community in Baltimore how much they appreciate O'Malley
and the increase in minority unemployment under Barry Obama
“Voter ID laws may represent one of the nation’s most important civil rights issues”, the paper concludes. ThinkProgress asked Hajnal to expand on what the researchers meant. “We’ve overcome and eradicated many of the egregious barriers to minority participation,” he said. “We’ve come a long way, but these kinds of laws represent another avenue through which minority voices can be muted.”
"before that, when was a black person ever seriously considered for the Dem nomination?"
Jackson Is Seen as Winning a Solid Place in History
"...Whether or not he is elected President, whether or not he is even nominated for Vice President, whether or not he wins more primaries, the world is likely to remember 1988 as the Year of Jackson - the year when, for the first time in American history, a black made a serious bid for the White House and was taken seriously by the electorate. 'The Highest Compliment'..."
Before Hillary Clinton, there was Shirley Chisholm
"...Forty-four years ago this week, Shirley Chisholm made history as she announced her candidacy for the White House. Her bid for the top job was short lived, but the symbolism is as powerful today as it was then.
She was a pioneer for her generation, a woman of many firsts - the first African American congresswoman. The first African American to run for president. The first woman to run for president...."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Go ask the black community in Baltimore how much they appreciate O'Malley and the increase in minority unemployment under Barry Obama".
No surprise here, Wyatt is lying again.
Among black working-age people the unemployment rate since February 2014 has dropped more quickly than among nonblack workers.
Blacks still have greater unemployment than whites, but its Democrats who seek to help minorities, and republicans who seek to keep them repressed with things like voter ID (suppression) laws.
Wyatt wants to absurdly pretend the Republican party is friendly to minority voters. If that's true then where's their outrage and concern over Republican voter ID laws suppressing the minority vote? Where's their effort to address this inequity?
There is none because the Republican voter ID laws are doing exactly what the Republicans intended them to do - suppress minority voting.
You can laughably claim Republicans aren't racist and Democrats are, but the proof is in the pudding - Its Repulicans who are making every possible effort to keep minorities from voting and improving their lot in life and its Democrats who help minorties vote and improve their lot in life.
"before that, when was a black person ever seriously considered for the Dem nomination?"
the answer: 28 years ago and he didn't ever carry the white Dem vote
of course, in 92, 24 years ago, Jerry Brown was leading in the NY primary polls as he was seeking to stop Bill Clinton until he said he would make Jesse Jackson his VP
this caused Brown's polling numbers to crater among racist Dem primary voters
Repubs have a black candidate running every time
"Shirley Chisholm"
the 60s?
shows who comments here
what about Barbara Jordan?
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "three of the top 4 GOP vote-getters in Iowa: minorities".
And the top vote getter by far, a loud, unapologetic, and extreme racist - Donald Trump. Every analyst that's looked at the GOP race says Donald Trump's overwhelming popularity is due to him appealing to the large percentage of racists in the Republican party, their base. Its no coincidence that every white power group leader has enthusiastically endorsed Trump for president.
And has Trump condemned the white power groups endorsing him? No, he's quietly accepted their support because condemning the white power groups would turn off most of his supporters.
And before Wyatt/bad anonymous tries to spin the Iowa vote as Cruz being more popular with Republican voters than Trump, remember Trump was way ahead in the Iowa polls until Cruz flooded the airwaves with anti-Trump ads with Trump saying "How stupid are the Iowa voters?!".
Trump lost in Iowa because of that line, not because as an outrageous racist he didn't appeal to most of the Iowa voters.
The unabashed racist has consistently led in Republican polls by a wide margin - racists make up the base of the Republican party.
Neo-Nazi groups endorse Trump for president
You don't see any Neo-Nazi groups endorsing Hillary or Bernie for president.
Wyatt/bad anonymous's motto:
"Never allow the facts to get in the way of your preferred reality."
Donald Trump counts many prominent black leaders as personal friends, including Al Sharpton.
They appreciate his willingness to discuss race frankly without the stultifying political correctness that keeps Dems from providing real pragmatic help to the plight of many black citizens. School choice, for example, would be a godsend to inner city black youth trapped in the hell holes called public schools. But Dem are more concerned about their income stream from the NEA than helping blacks so they compromisingly oppose any way for them to seek help.
This is why the black Republican group recently endorsed Trump.
"A group of black Republicans endorsed Donald Trump on Friday, saying the Republican front-runner is the best candidate to "free black communities" from Democrats.
"Black Americans across America are beginning to wake up and see clearly the reality of what is happening in black neighborhoods," the National Black Republican Association said on its blog.
"We believe that Mr. Trump has demonstrated that he can push back against the mainstream media, end political correctness and free black communities from the destructive grip of socialist Democrats."
Frances Rice, co-founder and chairman of the group, wrote that Trump shares the association's values.
"As citizens who happen to be black, we support Mr. Trump because he shares our values," she wrote. "We are deeply concerned about illegal immigration, a major cause of high black unemployment, especially among black youth."
The real-estate magnate, who previously told CNN that he's going to win the African-American vote, announced the endorsement Friday on Twitter.
Trump has not shied away from discussing issues about race popular with black Americans. He recently spoke about the lack of diversity among Oscar nominees and previously criticized Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's statements about black students performing better at less selective schools."
Wyatt/bad anonymous's motto:
"Never allow the facts to get in the way of your preferred reality."
More lies. The vast majority of blacks are democrats, not Republicans. This is a rump group of blacks suffering from stockholm syndrome.
Trump surged in popularity after he called Mexicans criminals, drug dealers, and rapists.
Trumps popularity surged again when he proposed banning all Muslims from entering the States.
Trump refused to repudiate Neo-Nazi groups that endorsed him, instead preferring to quietly accept their endorsement out of fear of alienating his supporters.
Trump has refused to address Republican voter ID laws which have suppressed the black vote and denied black people access to the government to redress their grievances.
Wyatt/bad anonymous's motto:
"Never allow the facts to get in the way of your preferred reality."
Poll disputes Trumps claim of Black support:
Washington (CNN)Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday that his plans to improve the economy for black Americans is why he is leading in the polls with black voters, though at least one recent poll disputes Trump's claim.
Quinnipiac University released a national poll Thursday showing that while Trump is leading the Republican Party nationally, he is polling poorly with black Americans in the general election.
The poll found:
When asked "Would you say that Donald Trump cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?" 92% of black people said no.
52% of black people said Trump does not have strong leadership qualities.
73% of black people said Trump is not strong or trustworthy.
79% of black people said they have an unfavorable view of Trump.
When asked "If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Hillary Clinton the Democrat and Donald Trump the Republican, for whom would you vote?" 3% percent said they'd vote for Trump.
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