Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Multiple Simultaneous Catastrophes

Things have gone from weird to crazy. It is just about impossible to keep up with the news. We have at least three crises in the headlines -- a pandemic, a collapsed economy, protests against police violence -- and literally dozens of minor crises swirling through the columns of the back pages. The President is going looney-tunes, tweeting video of very fine people chanting "white power" and calling his colleagues "traitors" and "losers." He has been protecting Russia's bounty on American soldiers, and maybe he didn't know about it, and maybe that's because nobody told him and maybe it's because they told him and he wasn't listening. Or maybe he knew. Maybe he doesn't know if he knows or not.

But there is good news in this insanity as well. The coronavirus pandemic has clearly revealed problems that our society has been covering up for a long time, and this clown of a President has pushed the population to the point of wanting to do something about it. It turns out Americans, even comfortable middle-class white Americans, do not like the police strangling innocent citizens, and they also don't like the police gassing people, shooting them, slashing their tires, beating them with clubs. This has been going on for a long time but the corruption and racism has become so central and so obvious during Trump's term that decent people find themselves ashamed and sickened, to the point where they are willing to get out of their cozy living rooms and do something about it. There may be a temporally-limited burst of enthusiasm over Black Lives Matter initiatives, but the changes that are being implemented now will last for a long time.

Also, those statues and flags. To me, it's like those people who yell at immigrants in public: "This is America, talk English!" Only now, a century and a half later, Americans are saying to supporters of the Confederacy, "This is America, cut the racism!" Bout damn time.

I am tempted to say that the pandemic is the big story. It has touched our daily lives in a way that few political controversies have. The virus is amping up to hurricane level out there, killing people, crushing the economy, changing everything about the way we live. We're at forty thousand new cases a day now, still increasing.

But the pandemic has hit everywhere in the world, and it is not the big story in most places. It was a known quantity, a contagious respiratory disease, it required a coordinated campaign to stop it, and most countries in the world figured out a way to do that. There were lots of solutions, from shutdowns to contact-tracing and isolation to masks and distancing, and they have worked. While we are dying and dreading the next wave, some countries have zero cases and are going to the beach and the movies like normal.

So the big story is not the pandemic but the ineptness of the government that we relied on to manage it. I will not list all the ways they made the epidemic worse, but will echo the sentiments of some insightful analysts who say: they couldn't have done this badly by accident.

The polls are showing that Trump is unpopular and the Republicans are beginning to wonder if they should run somebody else for President. They are breaking from him on masks, even Sean Hannity is telling people the opposite of what the President says. Tomorrow the European Union is going to announce their new travel strategy and it looks almost certain that travel from the US will be restricted, if not banned. That isn't because we have a virus, it is because we got a virus and the official plan to fight it was "one day, like a miracle, it will disappear."


Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the Supreme Court didn't rule that h*sexuals have constitutional protection from discrimination. It simply interpreted a law as written rather than as the legislators intended it. ".

The Supreme Court ruled gays and transpeople have legal protection against employment discrimination.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "It is subject to amendment to properly restore it's intent.".

Yeah, good luck with that, LOL!

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "All soldiers in such places are well aware America has enemies who have them in their sights. "

And Putin has made it more likely they'll be killed by putting a bounty on their head which Trump has failed to respond to since March.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "AS for this latest sad media adventure in Putin obsession, it really doesn't seem feasible. The Taliban has never needed any extra motivation to kill Americans. They live for that! Why would Putin need to compensate them for fulfilling their stated purpose? Simply put, they have and would do that anyway.

Wrong. There are many times where a group like the Taliban would like to attack American troups but think the situation is a little iffy as to achieving success, or they are short of ammunition and weapons. No doubt with a $500,000 bounty on American soldiers they take up attacks on U.S. troops they wouldn't have had the bounty not been offered.

There you go again, siding with Putin over America's intelligence community, just like you did with Russia. These are all upstanding well-respected non-partisans, most of the Republicans, who are upholding the rule of law the best they can and you side with America's enemies. The bounty has already been paid out a number of times, this is happening.

Trump has had since march to respond to Putin's attack on U.S. troops and instead he's unilaterally given up U.S. advantage for nothing in return. He is Putin's puppet.

June 30, 2020 2:50 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Trump is a classic isolationist trying mightily to bring all troops home from hot spots so they won't have "to wonder whether they might be next.""

Read this book, The Authoritarians on decades of psychological research on followers and and leaders:


and see what happens to the world when isolationists are in power. Let's just say, it's not ideal.

And as for the gift to Putin of bringing thousands of troops out of Germany with no concession on his part? Germany is certainly no "hot spot" the troops there were in detente with Russia and under no threat, its completely peaceful there.

You have to ask yourself, who's side is Trump on?

You know he's hiding his income taxes because it shows he's indebted to Russia and in my opinion has been helping launder the proceeds of Russian crime through his connections at Deutsche Bank which has been fined uber millions in the past for Russian money laundering.

June 30, 2020 2:51 PM  
Anonymous Donald Trump said...

Mr. Putin, I understand you're killing our troops and I'm fine with that.

Is there anything else I could do for you sir?

June 30, 2020 2:51 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

"Trump is a classic isolationist"

To put it simply, the big problems we face are global problems and we solve that better by cooperating globally rather than by building a wall around our own little enclave and letting everything elsewhere go to hell.

That'll come back to bite you, just like ignoring the pandemic will (and is). Hospitalizations are soaring throughout the south and on the west coast, the death rate lags behind that for a few weeks - get ready, here it comes.

June 30, 2020 2:52 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "what's alarming I that you think unelected "senior U.S. officials" have a mire legitimate basis for determining what poses "a danger to the national security of the United States" than the elected President".

Trump has lied some 16,000 times, he's corrupt and puts himself before America every time like he just did with pulling troops out of Germany. The people you're encouraging us to ignore are professionals with hundreds of years of foreign policy, security, and intelligence experience between them. And you're suggesting we ignore the people in the know in favour of an uninterested, unprepared puppet of Putin???

Are you nucking futz???

June 30, 2020 2:52 PM  
Anonymous how did we ever get such a great Supreme Court? said...

after Randy made about 95% of the 200 comments on the previous thread, within an hour of a new comment, he had copy-and-pasted the last five to get rolling filling up the space to crowd out any rational thought

he's horrified by the idea that someone might have missed his brilliant bits of deceit

he worked so hard, those wonderfully immortal comments can't just disappear

virtually all alumni of mental institutions have extreme narcissistic syndrome accompanying their paranoid schizophrenia

"Are you nucking futz???"

are you kidding me?

the only one here who has required institutionalization is you

clearly, the cure has yet to be found

June 30, 2020 6:54 PM  
Anonymous the Supreme Court recalls the school board said...

Beyond the proven positive academic impact of expanding K-12 educational options, particularly to Black and Hispanic students, parental choice programs have positive social, emotional, and cultural impacts.

As America faces persistent life and death questions about racial and educational injustices, the multiple benefits of educational freedom heighten the importance of this week’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue.

In the case, the court held that state authorities cannot rely on so-called Blaine Amendments in their constitutions to prohibit families from using K-12 tuition-tax-credit-funded scholarships to help finance the attendance of their children at the private religious schools of their choice.

For about a decade, research has shown that Black and Hispanic students participating in privately funded tax credit scholarship programs and state-funded voucher programs graduate at a higher rate relative to their peers who attend public schools. A recent study conducted by education economists at Kennesaw State University in suburban Atlanta generated data revealing that 99% of Black and Hispanic students receiving a Georgia GOAL Scholarship graduate from high school, with their public school peers graduating at an 82% rate. Based on high school graduation rates alone, educational justice dictates that states create or expand educational choice programs.

But, in choosing a private school for their children, parents place much more emphasis on school climate and classroom discipline than on standardized test scores.

A landmark 2013 study, titled “More Than Scores: An Analysis of Why and How Parents Choose Private Schools,” found that 98.6% of surveyed parents of children receiving a Georgia GOAL scholarship were overwhelmingly satisfied with their private school choice.

The survey revealed that the top five reasons why parents chose a private school for their children are all related to school climate and classroom management, including “better student discipline” (50.9%), “better learning environment” (50.8%), “smaller class sizes” (48.9%), “improved student safety” (46.8%), and “more individual attention for my child” (39.3%). Only 10.2% of surveyed parents cited higher standardized test scores as one of the top five reasons they chose a particular private school for their child.

Obviously, parents understand that better private school learning environments enhance social and emotional outcomes.

June 30, 2020 7:04 PM  
Anonymous the Supreme Court recalls the school board said...

Perhaps this is why many public schools districts are urgently instituting “off the shelf” social and emotional learning (SEL) programs that attempt to replicate the organic social and emotional learning that occurs in private or religious schools attended by families who voluntarily choose to educate their children according to the high standards, values, and expectations of their respective school communities.

Public school districts are also implementing community-based education models, such as the Purpose Built Communities network, which, by offering counseling, therapy, wellness programs, and community partnerships to students and their families, attempt to realize the outstanding learning and behavioral outcomes for students who are fortunate enough to secure the funding to attend private religious schools.

Meanwhile, according to the latest 2018 National Assessment of Educational Progress achievement levels in U.S. history, private Catholic schools appear to outperform public schools in creating citizens, with 29% of students scoring at least “proficient” in U.S. history, versus 14% of public school students. In civics, 41% of Catholic students were at least proficient, versus 23% of public school students. The NAEP results echo recent studies (controlled for variables such as level of family wealth or parent educational achievement) showing that, as a whole, private schools exceed or equal, and never lag, the performance of public schools in instilling civic knowledge and fostering behaviors such as volunteering in one’s community.

At the end of the 19th century, states adopted Blaine Amendments preventing the use of taxpayer funds at sectarian institutions. Fortunately, with its Espinoza decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has limited the application of these invidious provisions, which lawmakers adopted to make it especially difficult for Catholic families to educate their children in parochial schools and to make it nearly impossible for formerly enslaved Africans and their religious leaders to create private Christian academies at which their children could receive a classical liberal education.

As President Trump observed in his remarks before signing his recent Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities, “School choice is the civil rights issue of the year, of the decade, and probably beyond,” encouraging “people who know they shouldn’t be opposing it” to join the movement. We agree.

If lawmakers truly believe that education is a pathway to equal opportunities and economic mobility, they should accept the fact that educational justice can only be achieved by providing parents with the funds required to send children from low- and middle-income families to the public, private, or religious schools of their choice.

An overwhelming majority of their constituents desire greater opportunities for access to learning, and America’s children deserve it

June 30, 2020 7:05 PM  
Anonymous NSA disagrees with the mainstream media, aka the PR branch of Elect a Drooling Geezer for President said...

WASHINGTON— The National Security Agency strongly dissented from CIA's assessment that Russia paid bounties for the killing of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, according to people familiar with the matter.

The disclosure of the dissent by the NSA explains why President Trump was never personally briefed on the threat.

The people familiar with the dissent by the NSA either declined or were unable to say why the agency differed from the Central Intelligence Agency about the strength of the intelligence showing operatives with Russia’s GRU intelligence agency paid bounties to the insurgent Taliban movement to kill Americans.

June 30, 2020 7:12 PM  
Anonymous time to stop TTF hippies said...

Many people think the chance to say “I told you so” is a source of pleasure. This isn’t necessarily the case. Sometimes one’s insight is more mournful than gratifying.

A case in point: Back in September 1982, in a note on the inaugural issue of The New Criterion, the late Hilton Kramer wrote: “We are still living in the aftermath of the insidious assault on the mind that was one of the most repulsive features of the radical movement of the 1960s. The cultural consequences of this leftward turn in our political life have been far graver than is commonly supposed.”

Indeed. A good index of the success of a cultural revolution is the ­extent to which it manages to render the ideas and values it set out to subvert not merely “problematic” but inert. A counterculture has really triumphed when it ceases to ­encounter significant resistance, when its values seem not merely victorious but inevitable.

That is where we are today.

America’s cultural revolution, launched in the late 1960s and never quite stopped, has always been a Janus-faced phenomenon. One face was the Boomers’ euphoric hedonism and disregard for the moral guardrails of tradition and authority — the “revolution” of easy sex and relentlessly bad taste that now defines our aesthetics and cultural arrangements.

The other face was dour and vicious, masking a raw hunger for power under a preening moralism. This side of the revolution could be detected in many countercultural phenomena, not least the juvenile activism and noisy readiness for ­violence that were such conspicuous features of the age.

Today, the revolution is presenting this second face to a complacent America.

In the late ’60s and ’70s, hundreds of bombs were detonated as various radical groups carried out their campaign against “Amerika.” According to The Los Angeles Times, “in California alone, 20 ­explosions a week rocked the state during the summer of 1970.’’

How many will we see in the summer of 2020? Not so long ago, the vicious radicalism of the 1960s seemed behind us. Now it seems to have come roaring back.

June 30, 2020 7:39 PM  
Anonymous time to stop TTF hippies said...

In 1968, Leonard Bernstein entertained the Black Panthers for a fundraiser in his Park Avenue duplex. Tom Wolfe famously satirized the episode in his book “Radical Chic.”

The Black Panthers were murderous thugs. But to a certain part of New York society, they were exciting moral fashion accessories. The Weathermen and Black Panthers have been reborn today as antifa and Black Lives Matter, a lavishly funded outfit, whose founders are self-confessed “Marxists” bent on destroying America.

But now, in 2020, even more than in 1968, the left-liberal establishment is tripping over itself to embrace the radicals.

Does that mean we have to accept statues and other monuments to our past being defaced, toppled, destroyed? Does it mean that we have to stand by as police stations are incinerated and Bobby Seale’s call to “barbecue some pork” — i.e., murder some police — is resurrected on our city streets?

In 1968, it was mostly fancy people like Bernstein and Susan Sontag who celebrated the Panthers and other radicals. There was still some resistance in the culture at large.

Today, the long march that commenced in the 1960s has proceeded wholesale through the schools, colleges and the mainstream press. It is now marching through the corporate world. Businesses as disparate as Facebook and Brooks Brothers have issued abject letters of surrender to the rioters and looters who invaded America’s major cities.

We are meant to believe that the riots and anarchy we are witnessing across the country is legitimate in response to the death of George Floyd. But Floyd’s death was merely the pretext for anti-civilizational lawlessness.

In 1939, Evelyn Waugh noted that “the more elaborate the society, the more vulnerable it is to attack, and the more complete its collapse in case of defeat.” He added: “At a time like the present, it is notably precarious. If it falls, we shall see not merely the dissolution of a few joint-stock corporations, but of the spiritual and material achievements of our history.”

I think this is true. Which is why, looking at the reprise of 1960s destructiveness on our streets, I am not inclined to say “I told you so,” but rather: “We must do something about this. Now.”

June 30, 2020 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Can't wait for November! said...

“We must do something about this. Now.”

So what you gonna do... "Make America Great Again?"


Sorry Charlie, most people don't want to go back to the 1950s.

June 30, 2020 8:38 PM  
Anonymous I can't wait for Biden's virtual convention said...

"So what you gonna do..."

a start would be to arrest those who destroy and vandalize

then, crack down on the violence and murders in Seattle and Minneapolis

then, a campaign explaining how Dems have never delivered on promises to black people and other minorities

painting Black Lives Matter on streets was a nice gesture

but Dem policies have ruined scores of black lives

Dems have run inner city schools that provide such poor education that blacks never have a chance to succeed

then, to make matters worse, Dems have been paid by teacher unions to oppose giving blacks a choice to go to a better school

Dems have run police depts full of racist cops who have allowed crime to flourish in black areas, causing many black deaths

Dems passed a crime bill in the 90s that ruined young black lives, sentencing them to permanent prison

Dems have run cities with no economic opportunities where blacks can't find a job, meanwhile bringing in illegal immigrants to take the few jobs available

so, what we could do is a massive campaign against the Dems who run inner cities for decades to the detriment of black lives

if you think black lives matter, vote out Dems!

June 30, 2020 9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blacks should swarm to the party that brought us the Willie Horton ad and "good people... on both sides."

Sounds like a plan.

July 01, 2020 9:34 AM  
Anonymous if you think black lives matter, vote GOP said...

no, they should stick with the party that has overseen racist inner city police forces, failing inner city schools, inner city economies that are disastrous with no opportunity

sure, they should stick with the party that prevents their kids from being able to move to better schools because the teachers' unions have bribed them

and, of course, they should stick with the party that produced a pandering crime bill in the 90s that resulted in permanent mass incarceration of a generation of young blacks for petty victimless crimes

they should stick with the party that wants to allow illegal immigrants to come in and take jobs from them

that wonderful Dem party that fought to maintain slavery, created Jim Crow and incarcerated servants, that created Confederate statues in the early 20th century, formed the KKK, stood in the doorways in the 50s to prevent black kids from going to school, and voted for George Wallace in the 70s

in 2020, scores of people ran for the Dem nomination but all the minority candidates were quickly dismissed because Dems wouldn't vote for them

Kamala Harris, Deval Patrick, and Corey Gardner were all passed over by Dem voters for some shriveled old white guy

they all were sharper than Biden and had better rhetorical and political skills


Dems think white people are more electable

"Blacks should swarm to the party that brought us the Willie Horton"

that came from HW Bush, a guy TTF was praising last year as a true statesmen

he was basically a RINO, which is why he was wasn't re-elected

"ad and "good people... on both sides.""

as you well know, the Charlottesville march was advertised as a demonstration about statues

the neo-Nazis hijacked the march but Trump was not referring to them

July 01, 2020 11:34 AM  
Anonymous Can't wait for November! said...

"that came from HW Bush, a guy TTF was praising last year as a true statesmen" [sic]

Everyone old enough to remember HW Bush knows is was the right the kept pushing for tougher prison laws, and blaming the left for not being tough enough on crime. The Republicans got exactly what they wanted when the pushed dems right for harsher prison laws.

Compared to the Orangutan who is in the oval office now, Bush was a true statesman - but that's not difficult bar to jump over.

July 01, 2020 3:40 PM  
Anonymous homosexual marriage is an inherently sado-masochistic arrangement that should be discouraged by any civilized society said...

HW Bush was a racist, Trump isn't

Bill Clinton pushed a crime bill through that incarecerated a generation of black men, Trump reformed it

Obama opposed school choice for inner city blacks, Trump has championed it

Trump hopes they will vote for him because he stopped illegal immigrants from taking their jobs and produced the lowest black unemployment in history a few months back

To this point, 71 percent more Americans have died in New York nursing homes than have died in the entire state of Florida, which not only has a larger population but a population that skews older. To this point, New York’s death rate has been ten times larger than Florida’s. So, naturally, American liberals are busy concocting a narrative that holds that the failures of the American response to coronavirus have been the fault of Trumpian nihilists in the Red States.

The “toxic imbecility” of Republicans is getting people killed, writes Max Boot. “Trumpism, not polarization, drives America’s disastrous coronavirus politics” says Ezra Klein. Some pundits who push this myth, Paul Krugman in particular, had even had the temerity to suggest that the country look to New York State for advice.

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but today it’s clear that NYC has been the key spreader of the infection nationally, and clear, too, that NYC was unable to flatten the curve.

Deaths per million:

New Jersey: 1,708.7

New York: 1,651.6

Connecticut: 1,212.2

Georgia: 264.2

Florida: 163.2

Texas: 86.1

There are numerous factors beyond our control that created this reality — perhaps the weather, or the population density, or centralized nature of the city, or whatever else researchers will uncover one day. There’s a reason why San Francisco recorded fewer than 50 coronavirus deaths and New York City has about 18,000, and it’s probably not the ideology of its mayors. But that works both ways around. There is simply no way that an open-minded person can arrive at the conclusion that red states bear some unique responsibility for this tragedy.

Let’s remember that initial national lockdown efforts were intended to flatten the curve so that hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed with COVID cases, not to shutter the economy in perpetuity (or until a Democrat wins the White House) to ensure that no one gets sick anymore. Other than the New York area, which is led by a governor who made perhaps the single most deadly policy mistake in the entire crisis, this goal has largely been achieved. In the United States, the death rate (the stat that matters more than any other) has been as low, or lower, than most major European nations:

Deaths per million:

Belgium: 854.0

UK: 657.7

Spain: 606.9

Italy: 575.3

Sweden: 523.7

France: 445.5

U.S.: 397.8

(All the foreign countries above, incidentally, have some form of socialized health-care system, which I’m constantly being assured by liberals would have mitigated the effects of coronavirus.)

Most nations that have done better than the United States in this regard (sans Germany) are far smaller, and have an easier time containing spread by shutting down borders; or are more authoritarian, with the kind of pliant populations and governments that some U.S. pundits seem to desire.

There was always going to be an accompanying spike with more testing and reopening, and states need to calibrate their reactions as the facts on the ground change. But, to borrow a phrase, this is primarily a question of science. The crude partisan tale we keep hearing regarding red states, on the other hand, is little more than a fiction.

July 01, 2020 4:13 PM  
Anonymous thankfully, Roberts has shown we need one more seat and the SCOTUS will be a campaign issue again!.... said...

In New York City, shootings have skyrocketed over the past few weeks to levels not seen since what we refer to as “the bad old days.” Teenagers are being senselessly killed in our streets. What is the Democratic Party’s answer to this? They are stripping a billion dollars from the $6 billion budget of the New York Police Department in a display of virtue signaling that will lead to bullet holes in black and brown bodies.

As Democrats across the country plot to defund the police and tear down statues of great Americans, as they cower to mobs that set up “autonomous zones” where people are raped and murdered, Joe Biden is hiding behind his mask. Every single time a racist or bigot says they support Donald Trump, the media demands the president denounce them. Why isn’t that same media demanding Biden denounce the Jacobin mobs destroying our cities?

Biden would have you believe he is the leader of the Democratic Party. He is no more the leader of the Democratic Party than Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson. He is a bobble-head version of a moderate Democratic Party that has long since shuffled off this mortal coil. Where once Blue Dog Democrats patrolled their party to protect police and law and order, now a progressive clown car runs roughshod over America’s cities.

Everyone must understand that if they vote for Biden, they are voting for the Democratic Party. That is a party that by and large on the state and local level has given over to Marxist ideologies that keep our streets unsafe, poorly educate our children, destroy jobs — like Biden’s pal Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did in killing the Amazon headquarters in Queens — and heap disdain upon heroic figures such as Teddy Roosevelt.

Biden isn’t going to change any of that. Uncle Joe from Scranton might love America, but his party demonstrably does not. Its official Twitter account alleges that Mount Rushmore is a tribute to white supremacy. In election after election, its stable elected officials, such as Joe Crowley and Eliot Engel, lose primaries to literal socialists. That’s what you pull the lever for if you pull the lever for Biden.

Democrats want us to believe that Biden will restore normalcy. What normalcy? The normalcy where nobody can go to a baseball game or a Broadway show? The normalcy where we wear masks for the rest of out lives because Dr. Anthony Fauci says so? The normalcy where small businesses are destroyed and everyone works for giant corporations as faceless as our masked citizenry? No, thanks.

We get it, Trump is uncouth. He says stupid stuff he shouldn’t say. He’s not careful. Fine. But he is not the candidate of a party hell bent on destroying American history and institutions, Biden is. The Democratic Party as currently assembled is a radical leftist organization and must be treated as such. It dons Kente cloths in performative woke displays of racial guilt. It points to foreign nations with never so much freedom as ours and ponders why can’t we be more like them?

Biden can’t hide forever. Even if he wins his campaign in absentia and becomes president, the moment will come when the socialists in his party will put bill after bill on his desk — defunding police, tearing down statues of Abraham Lincoln, letting men compete in women’s sports, punishing Americans for expressing their religious views — and he will sign each and every one with his million-dollar smile, a mere rubber stamp for the cackling mobs.

Biden is not the leader of the snowball of insanity hurdling down the mountain that is the Democratic Party. He is an empty facade, a final facile gesture to pride in America before his party tears it down, and maybe even him with it. Joe Biden owns this. He owns all of it. He is his party, and he is just as dangerous as they are.

July 01, 2020 4:35 PM  

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson has a perfect name for the mainstream media’s coverage of COVID-19: Panic Porn.

Take this headline: “COVID-19 hospitalizations in Texas hit another record Monday.”

“Hospitalizations of patients with the novel coronavirus in Texas reached an all-time high Monday after breaking records for nearly every day the previous two weeks,” the Fort Worth Star-Telegram wrote Monday.

The MSM have pumped out story after story about hospitals — and especially intensive care units — becoming jammed with COVID-19 patients. And the reports from early on in the pandemic have returned: Hospitals will soon become overrun with critically ill patients.

But are those “facts”? Are the reports complete? Do they take into account all factors that may be contributing to both the rise in positive tests for COVID-19 and the reason for hospitalizations? And what about the rising number of positive tests for the virus? What’s causing that? Are we even dealing with “facts”?

Mr. Berenson, who has been a shining beacon in the world of shoddy and biased reporting, says no. And he does something few MSM outlets do any more: He provides facts.

On Monday, Mr. Berenson quoted messages he’d received from J.B. Neiman, a managing partner and general counsel of a Texas-based health care company that owns 13 free-standing clinics, who got in touch because he “wants people to hear his story as opposed to the mainstream media.”

Here’s what Mr. Neiman said:

“In June, we tested over 2,231 patients (data through last Thursday). Positive rate is now close to 20% (was 4-6% in May). Vast majority of the cases are mild to very mild symptoms. Average age of the people getting tested in mid-30s.

“Very different patient (in terms of age) than we’ve seen before June. Most of these patients would not have met criteria that we previously had (and all the health facilities had) for Covid testing. Now with more testing kits we are able to test a broader group of patients.

“Clinically, we’ve had very few hospital transfers because of Covid. Vast majority of the patients are better within 2-3 days of the visit and most would be described as having a cold (a mild one at that) or the symptoms related to allergies. We’ve often provided a steroid shot and some antibiotics. By the time we have follow-up calls, most of the patients are no longer experiencing any symptoms. They often say the shot really made a difference.

“In terms of what is driving them to the ER — Roughly 1/2 have been told by their employers to get a test. They have a sneeze or a cough and their employer tells them to go get tested. The other 1/2 just want to know. They have mild symptoms (and some don’t have any symptoms but game the system and check a box that they have a symptom so they can get a test — they cannot get a test unless they present with symptoms. If they have no symptoms we send them away — which does happen.)

He continued:

“The average length of stay of Covid patients is 3-5 days. Much lower than the patients being seen in April and early May. Their symptoms are also milder. Most of the patients are not ending up in the ICU. The hospital ICUs are filled with really sick people with non-Covid issues. They didn’t come in earlier because they were scared and now they are super sick. From multiple sources at different hospitals — they have plenty of capacity and no shortage of acute care beds.

July 01, 2020 4:45 PM  

“No real data on breakdown of patients who have Covid but are not in the hospital because of Covid. Recognition that because all patients are tested for Covid you have some percentage of patients listed as Covid patients who are non Covid symptomatic and that the hospitalization rate is somewhat driven by hospitals taking their normal patients with other medical issues.

“Finally, heard several stories of how discharge planners are being pressured to put Covid as primary diagnosis — as that pays significantly better. Hospitals want to avoid the discussion but if they don’t they risk another shutdown. This may be an explanation for why there is a gap in hospital executives saying they have plenty of capacity and the increasing number of Covid hospitalizations. You open up your hospitals for normal medical care and you test everyone of those patients — the result is higher percentage of patients who have Covid — now.”

Then Mr. Neiman summed it all up:

“Overall, based on what we are seeing at our facilities, the above information is really a positive story. You have more people testing positive with really minimal symptoms. This means that the fatality rate is less than commonly reported,” he said

July 01, 2020 4:46 PM  
Anonymous bad news for Dems: America is getting great again and the death rate is falling said...

Companies in June continued to bring workers back from their pandemic furlough as the national economy slowly came back to life.

Private payrolls grew by 2.369 million for the month, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics.

The total actually represented a decline from the previous month, but last month saw an historic and dramatic upward revision to 3.065 million. ADP initially said May saw a loss of 2.76 million. However, the Labor Department two days later reported a gain of 2.5 million for May, a number that itself was far better than the Wall Street estimate of an 8 million loss. Now, it seems it was even higher in May than previously reported.


“it looks like an economic recovery began in June.” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics.

For the month, hiring was especially strong in the pivotal leisure and hospitality industry, which took the biggest hit as measures aimed at curbing the coronavirus spread meant shutting down most bars and restaurants across the country. The sector added 961,000, by far the biggest gain in any industry.

“Small business hiring picked up in the month of June,” said Ahu Yildirmaz, vice president and co-head of the ADP Research Institute. “As the economy slowly continues to recover, we are seeing a significant rebound in industries that once experienced the greatest job losses.”

In addition to the big gains in hospitality, construction — another hard-hit industry — added 394,000 and manufacturing rose by 88,000. The goods sector in total saw a net gain of 457,000 positions.

On the services side, which grew by 1.912 million, other big gainers were trade, transportation and utilities (288,000), education and health services (283,000), and the “other services” category (215,000). Professional and businesses services added 151,000 and financial activities, which includes Wall Street jobs, was up 65,000.

Small businesses added 937,000 to lead industries by size. Companies with 500 or more workers were up 873,000 while medium-sized firms added 559,000.

The ADP count comes the day before the Labor Department releases its official nonfarm payrolls count for June. Economists are looking for a gain of 2.9 million after May’s jump.

The volatile numbers point up how difficult estimating the jobs situation is amid an economy struggling to get back to normal following the coronavirus-inducted shutdown. The national unemployment rate was a 50-year low 3.5% prior to the shutdown and is now 13.3%. Later this week, that number will tumble further.

July 01, 2020 5:38 PM  
Anonymous Ruth Bader Ginsburg: don't stand in the doorways, don't block up the halls the times they are a-changin" said...


this is gonna make you kids sad

I just created a map that gives Trump the states he leads above the margin of error and then the tossups where the GOP generally winds up winning

Trump 293-245




that really smarts!


Let's check in on the TTF prediction that the red states which reopened two months ago would cause a massive viral explosion


sorting by deaths per million, it's pretty much the same list of lousies

nine of ten grim states are run by blue politicians

a couple of developments since our last check-in:

New Jersey has replaced New York as the leading land of death

and super-cautious Maryland replaced Pennsylvania in the top ten

of the 15 states with the lowest death rate, 11 are red states,

including Arkansas, which never locked down anything

and big whopping Texas

it's starting to look as though TTF's hoped-for rise in deaths will never happen

this is not gonna look good in November, guys

just don't want you to get your hopes up!!!!!!

July 01, 2020 6:01 PM  
Anonymous greeeeeeeat again !! said...

GREEN COVE SPRINGS, Fla. (AP) — A Florida sheriff says he will deputize every gun owner in his county to put down any violent protests his deputies can't handle alone.

Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels said he would protect any peaceful protests, but added that if anyone starts “tearing up Clay County, that is not going to be acceptable.”

“If we can't handle you, I'll exercise the power and authority as the sheriff and I'll make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in the county and I'll deputize them to this one purpose: to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility,” said Daniels, sporting a white cowboy hat as he stood in front of 18 deputies.

Daniels, who is African American, said in the video that his department has a “great relationship” with its residents, but “if you come to Clay County and think for one second we'll bend our backs for you, you're sadly mistaken.”

July 01, 2020 6:52 PM  
Anonymous Dems are going to be as sad as Eeyore in November said...

Is there anything more frightening to the American political left and their high media priests of the woke world than Black Americans who think for themselves and refuse to kneel?


Black people who become conservatives and dare question Democratic Party policies, from social programs to public education, are a threat to control. And so, they are demeaned by Democratic politicians and either ignored outright or marginalized as race traitors, sellouts and "Uncle Toms."

It's a way to humiliate them, shut them up and cancel them. And the party's handmaidens of the media play along.

But that's one reason why Larry Elder's stunning new film, "Uncle Tom: An Oral History of the American Black Conservative," is so important, especially now.

Elder, the prominent conservative radio talk show host, discussed his new movie on "The Chicago Way" podcast with WGN radio producer Jeff Carlin.

Elder is one of the producers and writers of the film, which was directed by Justin Malone.

"The 'Uncle Tom' movie simply asks a very simple question: Why can't we have an intelligent, healthy discussion within the Black community without a whole cadre of well-educated, bright, thoughtful Black people being maligned and discarded as sellouts?" said Elder. "What's prompting this?"

It is an inspiring and optimistic film, a series of interviews with well-known and not-so-well-known Americans who think for themselves and refuse to see a victim when they look in the mirror. You'll see the courageous American economist and philosopher Thomas Sowell.

But those who are less well known are perhaps even more compelling. You'll also witness the dignity of small businessman Chad O. Jackson. He's a contractor, not famous, but he wrestles with the big questions of politics and policy. After realizing he's a conservative, he gets grief from his family of Democrats.

Jackson refuses to be herded out of fear. And that makes him heroic.

Right now, at this time, "Uncle Tom" just might be the most important film out there. The woke world priests won't clamor to have it out on streaming services such as Netflix, because the left doesn't want to acknowledge that Black conservatives exist.

But you can rent it on UncleTom.com.

"The so-called war on poverty was launched in the 1960s," Elder tells us on "The Chicago Way."

"And what the welfare state has done, in my opinion, is incentivize Black women to marry the government, and allow men to abandon their financial and moral responsibilities to their families. We've gone from 25 percent of Black kids born outside wedlock in 1965 to nearly 70 percent now. You cannot attribute that to Jim Crow and racism. It has to do with bad government policy."

July 01, 2020 7:24 PM  
Anonymous Dems are going to be as sad as Eeyore in November said...

Black voters are overwhelmingly Democrats, and without them there would be no Democratic Party. So when Black conservatives publicly consider the damage that the liberal welfare state has done to the Black family, or when they question big-city public school systems that trap minorities and resist providing educational freedom, there is a problem.

And they're called "Uncle Toms."

"I have long since gotten over the idea that I should react emotionally when someone calls me a name," Elder said. "I now feel sorry that you have been so corrupted, by Hollywood, media, and academia, that I, Larry Elder, am your villain? Not the welfare state? Not bad economic policies? Not porous borders putting downward pressure on wages for Black and brown people, but I'm the bad guy?

"What's wrong with you, what's wrong with your thinking?" said Elder. "Who has indoctrinated you like that? That's my reaction."

"Uncle Tom" doesn't ignore American racism or tell us that bigotry vanished when Barack Obama was twice elected president. But it does deconstruct the insult of the title -- Elder contends that the Uncle Tom character from the famous novel was a hero -- and demonstrates how those who think independently are demeaned.

Dr. Ben Carson, a leading Black neurosurgeon who should be a cultural icon, is mocked by late-night talk show host Trevor Noah for not being able to "pass the Black test." Carson's precise manner of speaking is ridiculed. And Noah gets his audience to howl with glee.

Carson's sin? He's a member of the Trump administration, and so he can't possibly serve as a role model for American children.

Noah is a comic, not a famous brain surgeon. And the mocking laughter from the mouths of the audience demeans them all.

Carson also sinned against the left while making a speech and drawing a comparison between immigrants and African slaves. Carson was ridiculed, mercilessly, by media. But another prominent Black political figure made the same point about immigrants and slaves, yet was not mocked by the left.

His name?

Barack Obama.

"I don't expect people to love me," Elder said. "I feel the way Candace Owens does in the film where she says, 'I'm like an alarm clock.' It may tick you off in the morning, but you know you have to get up and do what you have to do. I'm not here to be popular. I would love to be loved. But I know that's not going to happen, because I'm telling people stuff that they don't want to hear."

July 01, 2020 7:29 PM  
Anonymous SCOTUS overturns KKK and TTF joint venture said...

Tuesday’s Supreme Court ruling in Espinoza v. Montana was a huge win for American families and supporters of school choice. The decision paves the way for granting students the freedom to attend religious schools using a state’s tax-credit scholarship funding.

Back in 2018, the Montana ­Supreme Court ruled that the state’s only private-school choice program was unconstitutional, ­because families could use tax-credit scholarship dollars to send their children to religious schools. The Supremes reversed that decision in a 5-4 ruling.

The Montana ruling, they held, unconstitutionally prevented families from using program funding to choose religious schools for their kids — a violation of the Free Exercise clause of the First Amendment. Excluding families from using program funding at religious schools, the majority argued, is discrimination by the government on the basis of religion.

The ruling built on precedent. In a 2002 case, the Supremes had held that voucher programs can be ­legally used to pay for religious schools. That’s because the funding goes to families, which can then choose to send their kids to religious or nonreligious private schools. It’s the same reason why publicly funded Pell Grants can be used at private universities with religious affiliations without violating the Establishment Clause.

Then, too, Montana’s private-school choice program is privately funded: Tax-credit scholarship funding never ends up in the tax collector’s hands — which means the money headed to religious organizations never crossed the government’s palm in the first place.

So much for the (sound) reasoning. Today’s decision means that private-school choice programs are forbidden from discriminating against religious families by ­excluding religious schools from participation. This has a few ­important implications.

First, Montana’s tax-credit scholarship program will resume operation. This also means that states like Maine and New Hampshire — which have private-school choice programs that prohibit families from using funding at religious ­institutions — will now have to ­allow participating families the choice of sending their children to religious private schools.

This decision also strikes a blow to the discriminatory “Blaine Amendments” found in 37 state constitutions. These amendments, which have often blocked families from using school-choice program funding to send their children to private schools, are rooted in the anti-immigrant and specifically anti-Catholic bigotry of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

As education scholar Matthew Ladner recently pointed out, “public schools in those days were pervasively religious, but ‘non-sectarian,’ meaning vaguely Protestant.” The Blaine Amendments were therefore used to favor the majority religious group, Protestants, over religious minorities such as Catholics (and Jews), by barring funding to their “sectarian” schools.

Some of American history’s most odious groups, including the Know-Nothings and the Ku Klux Klan, warned of a “Catholic Menace” and even fought to outlaw private schooling altogether in states like Oregon. The Klan, says Ladner, ­“approved of the curriculum in the public schools and wanted to make sure those Catholic kids became ‘real Americans,’ or in any case, what early 20th-century Klansmen viewed as ‘real Americans.’  ”

Although these groups succeeded in banning private schooling in 1922 in Oregon, the US Supreme Court thankfully struck down that discriminatory law in Pierce v. Society of Sisters in 1925, when Associate Justice James McReynolds famously stated that “the child is not the mere creature of the state.”

The US Supreme Court’s decision in the Montana case marks another step toward erasing the stain of anti-Catholic hatred written into the laws of many states. Religious liberty, parental rights and educational freedom all won at the court.

But the real winners are America’s children.

July 02, 2020 5:13 AM  
Anonymous I reeeeeeeeally like our Supreme Court.and the best is yet to come!!!!!!! said...

With the number of reported coronavirus infections rising in the U.S., the European Union on Tuesday adopted recommendations extending travel restrictions that effectively ban non-essential American business and leisure travelers.

While Europe’s ban on travel from countries with high infection rates appears sound on the surface, the data underlying its exclusion of U.S. travelers is misleading to the point of being false.

At a glance, the rate of U.S. infections (or “cases,” whether or not infections result in COVID-19 symptoms) is vastly higher than that of any European country except tiny ones like the Vatican City and Andorra. And who wants visitors from a plague hotbed?

And yet, the U.S. infection “case rate” obscures something crucially important that is being missed — or ignored — by the media on both sides of the pond: Despite the high U.S. rate, six major European countries have a higher per-capita death rate than the U.S., and a couple of others are on about the same level. (Maybe U.S. healthcare for COVID-19 patients is better, but that much better?)

What really explains the higher U.S. infection is twofold.

First, U.S. testing per capita has soared far above that of the major European countries. As with any other disease, whether infectious or not — heart disease, cancer, etc. — the more you test, the more you find. So, in banning travel from the U.S. while ignoring the causal link between increased testing and increased infections rates, the EU is in effect punishing the rapid expansion of testing in the U.S.

Second, as The Atlantic reported last month in article entitled “How Could the CDC Make That Mistake?” the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), under its controversial director Robert Redfield, is conflating antibody tests that indicate past infection with antigen (viral) tests showing current infection. That superficially scary U.S. infection rate thus includes antibody-positives, who actually make the most desirable foreign visitors because they won’t get sick on your soil and won’t be infecting your people. The commingling of the two kinds of tests, moreover, is made to order for double-counting, since a person who tests positive for the actual virus will later probably test positive for the antibody also.

So those articles you’ve been reading about U.S. case rates going back up (while deaths suspiciously stay flat or decline)? The best explanation may not be the easing of lockdown restrictions, as has been implied by innumerable scare headlines in the media. It may instead be the U.S. testing surge, plus case numbers misleadingly inflated by double-counting.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ashish Jha, the K. T. Li Professor of Global Health at Harvard and the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, said to The Atlantic when told what the CDC was doing. “This is a mess,” he said.

July 02, 2020 5:31 AM  
Anonymous I reeeeeeeeally like our Supreme Court.and the best is yet to come!!!!!!! said...

Whether it’s somehow a “mistake” as both he and article state is debatable, but either way, the U.S. government has effectively invited exaggerated COVID-19 numbers in multiple ways, including:

1. The CDC does not require COVID-19 positivity to declare a case as coronavirus

2. The CDC has conflated “death with” the virus and “death from” to the extent that the number of fatalities attributed to COVID-19 may be highly inflated.

3. The Medicare program that covers Americans over age 65 pays a 20% premium if a case is declared COVID-19, which creates a strong temptation for hospitals to overcount.

If it’s hard to conceive why European governments would forfeit badly needed American tourist dollars simply because of surging U.S. testing combined with a counting methodology that overstates case numbers, perhaps it’s because the EU has an additional, unacknowledged motive beyond public health, namely retaliation: Remember, President Trump blocked travel to the U.S. from all 26 member nations of the European Schengen Area in mid-March, before Europe blocked the U.S.

With summer travel season in full swing and the worst of the pandemic now behind both Europe and the U.S., time is running out for both sides to open their doors and start helping each other back to economic health.

July 02, 2020 5:33 AM  
Anonymous socialism is a Dem sickness said...

California was the first state to close down in March and has taken a very cautious approach to reopening. California on Wednesday reported 110 new deaths, more than any other state.

July 02, 2020 7:40 AM  
Anonymous here comes the economy, stupid! said...

"California on Wednesday reported 110 new deaths, more than any other state."

more evidence that blue state governance doesn't work

Nonfarm payrolls jumped by 4.8 million in June and the unemployment rate fell to 11.1% as the U.S. continued its reopening from the coronavirus pandemic, the Labor Department said Thursday.

Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been expecting a 2.9 million increase and a jobless rate of 12.4%. The report was released a day earlier than usual due to the July Fourth U.S. holiday.

Leisure and hospitality again accounted for the biggest jump, as the sector saw a 2.1 million gain, accounting for about 40% of the total growth.

Another big contributor to the decline of the jobless rate was a plunge in those on temporary layoff. That total fell by 4.8 million in June to 10.6 million after a decrease of 2.7 million in May.

July 02, 2020 8:50 AM  
Anonymous blue state government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem said...

The U.S. economy added millions more payrolls in June from May, as regions across the country eased social distancing restrictions and allowed more businesses to reopen. The net additions in payrolls topped consensus expectations.

Here were the main metrics from the Department of Labor’s report, compared to consensus estimates compiled by Bloomberg:

Change in non-farm payrolls: +4.8 million vs. +3.23 million expected

Unemployment rate: 11.1% vs. 12.5% expected

The June jobs report came following a massive upside surprise in May, during which the economy unexpectedly added a net 2.5 million non-farm payrolls in the initial print for the biggest gain on record, based on data extending back to 1939. A loss of more than 7 million jobs had been expected.

“We are in a whole new world of trying to model what data is going to be, because there’s not an economist in the world that’s ever gone through a forced economic shutdown,” Tom Essaye, Sevens Report Research founder, told Yahoo Finance’s The First Trade on Tuesday. “And that’s why a lot of these numbers are completely blowing past what the expectation is.”

July 02, 2020 9:06 AM  
Anonymous Can't wait for November! said...

Hundreds of Republicans who worked for former President George W. Bush have united to form a political action committee to help Democratic candidate Joe Biden beat President Donald Trump in November.

Karen Kirksey, director of the 43 Alumni for Biden super PAC and former USDA official under Bush, said the Republican Party had ”morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.”

In a news release, she said that the new super PAC was working to elect Biden because of “the urgent need to restore the soul of this nation.”

The super PAC will include senior aides and former cabinet secretaries, Reuters reported, but it hasn’t released the names of all its members or donors yet. An “about” page on its website lists officials who worked in the White House, Treasury, Education and Energy departments, the EPA and on the Bush political campaigns.

“We believe that a Biden administration will adhere to the rule of law, ensure equal protection for all Americans and restore dignity and integrity to the White House,” organizing committee member Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House and on both election campaigns, said in a statement. “This November, we are choosing country over party.”

The organization joins a growing number of conservative groups working against Trump, including The Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump. These groups have made waves by creating videos that attack Trump. However, 43 Alumni for Biden plans to take a different approach, opting for a pro-Biden message rather than an anti-Trump one.

“We just want to focus on the positives, and the positive message to us is we need a gentleman who actually acts like a leader and, again, restores dignity,” committee member Jennifer Millikin, who served in the General Services Administration under Bush, told The Hill. She also said that some of the names of the group’s high-profile members will be made public in the coming weeks.

The 43 Alumni for Biden group is calling on other Republicans to join, saying they don’t have to endorse the Democratic platform to help.

“This campaign is bigger than partisan politics,” the organization said. “We recognize that there may be policy differences among us, but we look forward to a time when civil, honest and robust policy discussions are the order of the day.”

July 02, 2020 9:31 AM  
Anonymous Rump fails to kill the first amendment, again, fortunately said...

A book by Donald Trump’s niece can be released as planned, an appellate judge ruled Wednesday, the latest defeat for family members hoping to rein in an explosive account scheduled to be published this month.

Judge Alan Scheinkman said Simon & Schuster can move forward with publishing Mary L. Trump’s “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” overturning a restraining order granted earlier this week that temporarily blocked the memoir. The publisher had argued that tens of thousands of copies had already been shipped, a similar line of reasoning that aided the publication last month of former national security adviser John Bolton’s book about his time in the White House.

Though the restraining order was lifted against Simon & Schuster, it remains in place for Mary Trump, the daughter of the president’s older brother, and the case against her will likely move ahead next week.

“We support Mary L. Trump’s right to tell her story in ‘Too Much and Never Enough,’ a work of great interest and importance to the national discourse that fully deserves to be published for the benefit of the American public,” the publisher said in a statement to The New York Times. “As all know, there are well-established precedents against prior restraint and pre-publication injunctions.”

An attorney for Mary Trump told The Washington Post that the ruling was “very good news” and called for the restraining order to be lifted against his client as well.

“We look forward to filing our brief [Thursday] in the trial court explaining why the same result is required as to Ms. Trump, based on the First Amendment and basic contract law,” the lawyer, Theodore Boutrous, said.

The book, called a “revelatory, authoritative portrait of Donald J. Trump and the toxic family that made him,” reportedly includes salacious details about the president. The Daily Beast also said it will disclose that Mary Trump was the source behind a Pulitzer Prize-winning story showing Trump inherited the equivalent today of more than $400 million from his father’s real estate empire through a series of tax schemes.

The judge on Wednesday wrote: “Whatever legitimate public interest there may have been in the family disputes of a real estate developer and his relatives may be considerably heightened by that real estate developer now being President of the United States and a current candidate for re-election.”

If published as planned, the book would be the latest hit to the Trump orbit. Bolton’s memoir included a series of damning claims about his former boss’s behavior. The book has already sold more than 780,000 copies, and Simon & Schuster has ordered another printing that will see a million copies in circulation.

July 02, 2020 9:38 AM  
Anonymous if Sleepy Creepy Joe is innocent, why not have Tara over for tea to swap swap stories with Jill ? said...

"Hundreds of Republicans who worked for former President George W. Bush have united to form a political action committee to help Democratic candidate Joe Biden beat President Donald Trump in November."

that will only help Trump since the Bushes are part of the deep state, along with Joe Biden, that voters rejected in 2016

"A book by Donald Trump’s niece can be released as planned, an appellate judge ruled Wednesday, the latest defeat for family members hoping to rein in an explosive account scheduled to be published this month.

Though the restraining order was lifted against Simon & Schuster, it remains in place for Mary Trump, the daughter of the president’s older brother, and the case against her will likely move ahead next week."

interesting argument that she broke an agreement, and has legal liability, but the publisher is OK to help her do so

this isn't a 1st amendment issue

The Supreme Court is denying Congress access to secret grand jury testimony from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation through the November election.

The justices agreed on Thursday to hear the Trump administration’s appeal of a lower court order for the material to be turned over to the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives. The high court’s action will keep the documents out of congressional hands at least until the case is resolved, which is not likely to happen before 2021.

The delay is a victory for Trump, who also is mounting a Supreme Court fight against congressional efforts to obtain his banking and other financial records. Those cases are expected to be decided in the coming days or weeks.

July 02, 2020 10:47 AM  

July 2 (Reuters) - Florida shattered records on Thursday when it reported over 10,000 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase in the state since the pandemic started, according to a Reuters tally.

Outbreaks in Texas, California, Florida and Arizona have helped the United States break records and send cases rising at rates not seen since April.

In June, Florida infections rose by 168% or over 95,000 new cases. The percent of tests coming back positive has skyrocketed to 15% from 4% at the end of May.

Florida, with 21 million residents, has reported more new daily coronavirus cases than any European country had at the height of their outbreaks.

To contain the outbreak, Florida has closed bars and some beaches but the governor has resisted requiring masks statewide in public or reimposing a lockdown.

Only one other state has reported more than 10,000 new cases in a single day. New York recorded 12,847 new infections on April 10, three weeks after the state implemented a strict lockdown that closed most businesses. While the state has relaxed many measures, it requires masks in public and mandates anyone arriving from 16 other U.S. states with high infections self-quarantine for two weeks.

Once the epicenter of the U.S. epidemic, New York saw cases rise by about 6% in June - the lowest rate in the entire country.



July 02, 2020 3:02 PM  

Jacksonville, Trump’s New Convention Site, Will Now Require Face Masks

Republicans moved their national convention to Florida to avoid social distancing measures and masks, but officials in Jacksonville are mandating new precautions as coronavirus infections surge.

July 02, 2020 3:11 PM  

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden very nearly survived his first press conference in three months without a single goof. Almost, but not quite.

At the very end of the question-and-answer session, asked by a reporter if he had been tested for “cognitive decline,” he answered, “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” Biden went on to say he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

Pretty snappy answer for a fellow thought by 38 percent of likely voters to be suffering a mental decline. Except, of course, that Biden’s response raised more questions than it answered.

Such as...where was he tested? Why, exactly, is he being “constantly tested”? Are his doctors worried about him? Most importantly, when will he release the results of those tests?

A columnist for The Washington Post ascribed concerns about Biden’s mental state to political gamesmanship, writing that “Fox News has been relentlessly pushing the line that Joe Biden might be suffering from dementia.” The columnist also categorized commentary about Biden’s near invisibility over the past few months as “the Trumpworld talking point that Biden is hiding in his basement.”

In other words, Biden’s disappearing act and his apparent mental challenges are figments of Fox News’ collective imagination.

Sorry, that doesn’t wash. I would like to remind WaPo readers that questions about Biden’s acuity have circulated for months, leading him to promise last September to publish his medical history. While he did indeed release some details of a physical check-up in December, that report did not include any appraisal of his cognitive capabilities.

At the time, The Washington Post quoted Stuart Jay Olshansky, a public health expert at the University of Illinois at Chicago who “analyzes the longevity of presidents,” as saying that Biden’s workout regimen was a good indicator that he was fit.

However, in that piece, Olshansky acknowledges that “the only test that hasn’t been done is the cognitive functioning test.”

The WaPo article further quotes the professor as saying, “Cognitive tests are typically not required unless problems are detected.”


Back again to Biden’s recent press event. It’s important for voters to know why Biden is being tested, by whom and why.

July 02, 2020 6:55 PM  

After all, it is not just Trump supporters who have questioned Joe Biden’s ability to navigate the rigors of the campaign trail, and the presidency. His competitors during the primary battle raised concerns, as have other Democrats and pundits on the Left.

It was Democratic contender Julian Castro who, during a testy and memorable debate moment, asked Biden whether he had already forgotten what he said two minutes earlier about health care. As one columnist wrote at the time about Castro’s insinuation that Biden’s memory was failing, “The elephant in the room has been addressed.”

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), also a rival, backed Castro up, saying “a lot of people” are concerned about Biden’s “fumbling.”

That was the debate in which Biden suggested parents should “have the record player on at night...”

In the poll in which nearly 4 in 10 likely voters thought Biden was experiencing some cognitive impairment, some 20 percent of Democratic likely voters and 30 percent of unaffiliated likely voters agreed with that assessment. Also, 61 percent of those polled think Biden needs to address the dementia issue publicly.

So, not just Fox News commentators and not just Trump supporters.

How else, after all, to explain Biden’s infrequent give-and-takes not only with reporters, but even with funders? Why else would a Democratic standard-bearer turn down an interview with the left-wing New York Times, as Biden did in April. Why is Jill Biden seemingly more likely to speak for the candidate than the candidate himself? Why are Democrats dumbing down their convention, so that it becomes a non-event? Why won’t they allow a fourth debate with President Trump?

A recent Zogby poll found that 55 percent of likely voters surveyed thought it was “much more” and “somewhat more likely” that Biden is in the early stages of dementia, while 45 percent thought it was less likely. That number included 56 percent of independents and 32 percent of Democrats.

More worrisome for Biden, perhaps, is that about 60 percent of young voters between the ages of 18 and 29 thought it likely that Biden is suffering early-onset dementia, along with 61 percent of Hispanics. The good news is that only 43 percent of blacks doubted Biden’s mental capacity.

Democratic strategists have repeatedly warned that Biden needs a huge turnout to win in November. It is nearly impossible to imagine he will achieve that if so many, even in his own party, doubt his ability to — quoting Cory Booker — “carry the ball across the finish line.”

Biden has a good deal going for him, including a largely sympathetic media, most of which is dedicated to his victory. He may be emboldened by the softball questions lobbed during his recent press event and decide to host more such encounters. That would be good for voters, and good for the country.

After all, Biden needs to flesh out his thinking on trade policies and an increasingly hostile China. He needs to explain why raising taxes will help our economy recover. And now, he absolutely needs to release the results of those “constant” tests of his mental acuity.

Last summer at the Iowa State Fair, Joe Biden said, “We choose truth over facts.” Actually, Mr. Biden, we the voters want both

July 02, 2020 6:56 PM  
Anonymous in the Sunshine State, the kids are alright!... said...

"July 2 (Reuters) - Florida shattered records on Thursday when it reported over 10,000 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase in the state since the pandemic started, according to a Reuters tally."

Amazing you have the nerve to bring that up

FLorida has 168 deaths per million residents

New Jersey has 1,715, New York has 1,678

get back to us when Florida gets anywhere close to a quarter of that

"Republicans moved their national convention to Florida to avoid social distancing measures and masks, but officials in Jacksonville are mandating new precautions as coronavirus infections surge."

actually, they moved because North Carolina wouldn't promise not to ban gatherings

Florida did

have you had your cognitive capability tested much lately?

they test Biden all the time

he scares Jill

July 02, 2020 7:04 PM  
Anonymous beware the violent left said...

Today, demonstrators descended on the Hamptons with pitchforks to attack estates there.

Also, federal law enforcement officials on Thursday arrested a man in Washington they call a “ringleader” in the recent attempt to destroy the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square near the White House.

Law enforcement sources say that Jason Charter was arrested at his residence Thursday morning, without incident, and charged with destruction of federal property. He was arrested by the FBI and U.S. Park Police as part of a joint task force.

These sources add that Charter has connections to Antifa and was in a leadership role on the night of June 22 when a large group of protesters tried to pull down the statue.

A screengrab of surveillance camera footage of Jason Charter, who the FBI accuses of destruction of federal property related to damage to monuments. (US District Court for DC court filing)

“They were very organized,” a federal law enforcement official said. “Charter was on top of the statue and directing people ... they had acid, chisels, straps and a human chain preventing police from getting to the statue.”

The FBI's criminal complaint against Charter attaches screengrabs of local news videos and accuses him of also being involved in the destruction of the Albert Pike Historical Statue in Washington this month.

Citing local news video, the FBI alleges that Charter is seen “standing over the toppled Pike Statue, pouring an unknown liquid onto the statue.”

The complaint said: “He is then observed waving others away from the statue, and squatting down behind the statue where his hands are not visible. Seconds later, the statue catches fire. Charter is seen standing over the flames as it burns.”

As for the events at Lafayette Park, the complaint says, “At the Jackson Statue incident, Charter is additionally seen wearing a red set of ski goggles and a yellow ventilator mask. Charter’s face is clearly visible at different times during each incident.”

The complaint also cites a tweet from a Twitter account with the name Jason Charter that says, "Tearing down statues of traitors to the nation is a service to this nation not a crime."

The complaint also says Charter participated in a June 26 protest at Lincoln Park in Washington – where demonstrators were calling for the removal of a statue of Abraham Lincoln -- and is “alleged to have assaulted” an individual who later filed an assault report with the police.

Charter is expected to make an appearance -- likely virtual -- in U.S. District Court in Washington on Thursday.

July 02, 2020 7:58 PM  
Anonymous debunking a TTF myth said...

A Henry Ford Health System study shows the controversial anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine helps lower the death rate of COVID-19 patients, the Detroit-based health system said Thursday.

Officials with the Michigan health system said the study found the drug “significantly” decreased the death rate of patients involved in the analysis.

The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized among the system’s six hospitals between March 10 and May 2 and found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died while 26% of those who did not receive the drug died.

Among all patients in the study, there was an overall in-hospital mortality rate of 18%, and many who died had underlying conditions that put them at greater risk, according to Henry Ford Health System. Globally, the mortality rate for hospitalized patients is between 10% and 30%, and it's 58% among those in the intensive care unit or on a ventilator.

“As doctors and scientists, we look to the data for insight,” said Steven Kalkanis, CEO of the Henry Ford Medical Group. “And the data here is clear that there was a benefit to using the drug as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients.”

The study, published in the International Society of Infectious Disease, found patients did not suffer heart-related side effects from the drug.

Patients with a median age of 64 were among those analyzed, with 51% men and 56% African American. Roughly 82% of the patients began receiving hydroxychloroquine within 24 hours and 91% within 48 hours, a factor Dr. Marcus Zervos identified as a potential key to the medication’s success.

“We attribute our findings that differ from other studies to early treatment, and part of a combination of interventions that were done in supportive care of patients, including careful cardiac monitoring," said Zervos, division head of infectious disease for the health system who conducted the study with epidemiologist Dr. Samia Arshad.

Other studies, Zervos noted, included different populations or were not peer-reviewed.

“Our dosing also differed from other studies not showing a benefit of the drug,” he said. "We also found that using steroids early in the infection associated with a reduction in mortality."

July 02, 2020 11:35 PM  
Anonymous homosexual marriage is an inherently sado-masochistic arrangement that should be discouraged by any civilized society said...

With five months until the election, things couldn’t look any worse for the president of the United States. His approval rating is down to 40%. People are getting tired of his antics and the insults he hurls at his opponents. The media is increasingly confident that, come November, the voters will elect a new chief executive.

This might sound like June 2020, but I’m actually referring to June 1948 — when President Harry Truman, a Democrat, was running to keep his job against Republican Thomas Dewey.

The similarities between the 1948 and 2020 elections are striking. Like President Trump, Truman often ruffled feathers with his salty language. At one point, Truman even described Dewey as a fascist, a term not taken lightly just three years after World War II.

Just as with Trump, the media described Truman as desperate and unhinged. They mocked him for the more than 8,000 empty chairs at a speech he gave in Nebraska — presaging the coverage of Trump’s recent speech in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Almost everyone thought Truman would lose, including the president’s mother-in-law. A Newsweek poll reported 50 out of 50 politicos predicting a Dewey victory.

But on Nov. 3, 1948, the world woke up to the stunning news that Truman had won. The experts were left struggling to make sense of how they got it so wrong.

Today, we’re seeing poll after poll showing Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden. In the echo chamber of cable news and social media, there’s a growing consensus that Trump is headed for humiliating defeat.

July 02, 2020 11:47 PM  
Anonymous homosexual marriage is an inherently sado-masochistic arrangement that should be discouraged by any civilized society said...

Are the pundits right, or are we moving toward another stunning win by a beleaguered incumbent? Could history be repeating itself?

The 1948 election warns us that an upset is very possible. There are two dynamics at work in 2020 that were decisive that fateful year.

The first is political staying power. Prior to 1948, the Democrats had won four straight presidential elections. Many observers assumed that they were due for a loss, especially with the GOP’s large gains in the 1946 midterm elections. The media, however, underestimated the strength of the Democrats’ New Deal coalition. While commentators were thinking in terms of political cycles and party turnover, they failed to consider the New Deal’s long-term appeal for its constituents.

Today’s pundits might be making the same mistake with Trump’s 2016 coalition. Throughout the Mueller investigation, the impeachment process, the pandemic, and record unemployment, Trump’s approval rating in the RealClearPolitics average has remained surprisingly consistent (around the mid-to-low 40s), showing that at least 4 out of 10 people support the president regardless of whatever the opposition throws up. That may not be sufficient to guarantee victory, but it’s a precious asset in a general election — especially with Democratic enthusiasm for Biden comparatively low.

The second factor is that people often vote for incumbent presidents based on certain intangibles (leadership skills or likability) despite the candidate’s perceived flaws or policy disagreements. The Washington Post alluded to this phenomenon after Truman’s victory: “The American people admire a man with courage even though they don’t always agree with him.” The voters might even give the opposing party control of Congress during the midterm elections to check that president, but they will still reelect a flawed incumbent because of their supposed charisma (see Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) or boldness (see Truman).

Like Trump, Truman was seen as a fighter who was not afraid to go against the political establishment. And like Biden, Dewey was an uninspiring candidate who, because of overconfidence, played it safe and limited his public appearances.

It is possible that in a dangerous and unpredictable world, voters will prefer a feisty and aggressive Trump over a lackluster Biden.

Despite all of this, Biden could still win in November. But if history can teach us anything, it is that the experts can get it wrong. We don’t even have to go back to 1948. Exactly four years ago (in June 2016), Hillary Clinton led Trump in the polls by 5 percentage points. The night before the election, the intelligentsia was still confidently predicting a Clinton win. The next day, Trump stunned the world

July 02, 2020 11:48 PM  
Anonymous Greek speaks about the consequences of the TTF advocated shutdowns said...

Leading epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University estimates that about 150-300 million or more people have already been infected by COVID-19 around the world, far more than the 10 million documented cases.

In an interview with Greek Reporter, the Greek American scientist warns, however, that the draconian lockdowns imposed in many countries may have the opposite effect of what was intended. “Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives,” he says.
0.05% to 1% is a reasonable range for what the data tell us now for the infection fatality rate, with a median of about 0.25%. The death rate in a given country depends a lot on the age-structure, who are the people infected, and how they are managed. For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%. For 45 to 70, it is probably about 0.05-0.3%. For those above 70, it escalates substantially, to 1% or higher for those over 85. For frail, debilitated elderly people with multiple health problems who are infected in nursing homes, it can go up to 25% during major outbreaks in these facilities.

The predictions of most mathematical models in terms of how many beds and how many ICU beds would be required were astronomically wrong. Indeed, the health system was not overrun in any location in the USA, although several hospitals were stressed. Conversely, the health care system was severely damaged in many places because of the measures taken.

Greek Reporter: Finally, you had stated in March that, regarding lockdowns, they may be “bearable for a time, but how can policymakers tell if they are doing more good than harm?” if they are protracted. “School closures,” you stated, ”may reduce transmission rates” but may also “diminish the chances of developing herd immunity.” Even more important, perhaps, is this point you made — “One of the bottom lines is that we don’t know how long social distancing measures and lockdowns can be maintained without major consequences to the economy, society and mental health.

“Unpredictable evolutions may ensue, including financial crisis, unrest, civil strife, war and a meltdown of the social fabric.” Your thoughts, please, on how many of these things have indeed come to pass in this country as you had feared.

Dr. Ioannidis: I feel extremely sad that my predictions were verified. “Major consequences on the economy, society and mental health” have already occurred. I hope they are reversible, and this depends to a large extent on whether we can avoid prolonging the draconian lockdowns and manage to deal with COVID-19 in a smart, precision-risk targeted approach, rather than blindly shutting down everything. Similarly, we have already started to see the consequences of “financial crisis, unrest, and civil strife.” I hope it is not followed by “war and meltdown of the social fabric.”

Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives, with the potential resurgence of tuberculosis, childhood diseases like measles where vaccination programs are disrupted, and malaria. I hope that policymakers look at the big picture of all the potential problems and not only on the very important, but relatively thin slice of evidence that is COVID-19.

July 03, 2020 6:06 AM  
Anonymous I wonder how many cognitive capability tests Joe Biden had this week? said...

What kinds of political vultures sit around bobbing their nasty little heads in search of rotten carrion after a human catastrophe?

Well, Democrats, of course! (Joe Biden is the first vulture in history to get hair implants on his pale, beady little head. Which only makes him look even more unfit for civilized company.)

Emerging from the worst economic collapse in U.S. history, the country last month posted the largest job expansion in U.S. history. But that was nothing according to Mr. Biden, who, along with President Barack Obama, presided over the slowest economic recovery in U.S. history.

“There’s no victory to be celebrated,” complained Mr. Biden.

“We are still down nearly 15 million jobs and the pandemic is getting worse, not better,” he said in a scripted, recorded video released by his campaign.

Again, this from the guy who oversaw the slowest recovery in U.S. history talking about the fastest recovery.

You start to see a pattern emerging here?

In this titanic struggle between humans and the Wuhan Virus, these people are rooting for the pandemic. Anything for their own personal, political gain. In other words, more dead Americans means more roadkill for them.

And while they are at it, why not gin up some riots. After all, these are the very same people who think nothing of stoking racial discord for their own benefit. Loot some stores, firebomb some police stations and terrorize people in their homes. Just more dead people for them to pick through!

The lawless governor of Virginia has conspired with the lawless mayor of Richmond to join the riots by pulling down statues on public property that hurt their feelings.

Actually, these statues don’t hurt Gov. Ralph Northam’s feelings. He could not care less about anyone’s feelings. He just needs to get ahead of the nearest mob.

Remember, this is the same guy who dresses up in blackface or wears a KKK hood just for fun. But he cannot remember which.

Either way, the picture of him in blackface or a KKK hood is all he or his family will ever be remembered for. Which perhaps is why he has such lust in his heart to take down the statues of men who were loved and revered in their own time.

It is a statue fixation he has. Compensating for something.

July 03, 2020 8:01 AM  
Anonymous STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES said...

A spokesman confirmed the diagnosis Thursday afternoon, describing the 73-year-old as “resting comfortably” at an Atlanta-area hospital after his symptoms became serious enough Wednesday to require care, but not a respirator.

Cain’s positive June 29 test came just over a week after he appeared at Donald Trump’s indoor campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Addressing speculation he may have picked it up at Trump’s campaign event, Cain’s team said in a statement they are unsure how or where he contracted the virus.

“We honestly have no idea where he contracted it,” HermanCain.com editor Dan Calabrese wrote on the site. “I realize people will speculate about the Tulsa rally, but Herman did a lot of traveling the past week, including to Arizona where cases are spiking. I don’t think there’s any way to trace this to the one specific contact that caused him to be infected. We’ll never know.”

Cain tweeted a photo of himself attending the event without a mask.

Six staffers working at the event tested positive the day of the rally and were sent home, and a reporter who covered the event later tested positive, though he’s unsure where, exactly, he’d come in contact with it.

On Wednesday ― just hours before he required medical intervention because of his worsening condition ― Cain sent a tweet hailing a Trump event in South Dakota where masks wouldn’t be mandatory.

“Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump,” he said. “PEOPLE ARE FED UP!”



July 03, 2020 8:03 AM  
Anonymous I wonder how many cognitive capability tests Joe Biden had this week? said...

Neither Mr. Northam nor the Richmond mayor were on hand as the statues were removed by crane this week along Monument Avenue. City Councilman Mike Jones attended the removal of the statue of Stonewall Jackson.

“It’s dope to see African Americans assist in taking them down but we didn’t have a voice in putting them up,” Mr. Jones told a blogger from a website called Courthouse News Service.

“They came down because black, white, Latinx — we all came together to make it happen.”

(Quick research on the Internet revealed “Latinx” is a newly invented “gender neutral” term for Latinos and Latinas. In addition to history and statues and freedom, our Virtue Czars are also determined to tear down gender.)

Anyone hoping that Mr. Biden — once he is done picking through the carcasses of the cratered economy and pandemic — might stand up for the rule of law would be hopelessly mistaken.

Asked about violent mobs tearing down statues, Mr. Biden said, “It’s always better to do it peacefully, but …”

“But???” Peacefully? Or lawfully? Oh, never mind.

There is a “distinction,” he said, between monuments to Thomas Jefferson and statues lawfully erected in the South to remember Confederate generals after the Civil War.

“I think it’s better,” he said, if the monuments are taken down lawfully.

“But I can understand the anger and anguish that people feel by having for years and years been under the statue of Robert E. Lee, if you’re an African American,” he said.

“But don’t expect if you have sitting in front of you after all these years and we finally — finally — are going through another phase of maybe responding to the systemic racism in America and what we’ve seen happen, is don’t be surprised if someone pulls down the statue of [Confederate President] Jefferson Davis.”

In other words, the man who wants to be commander-in-chief and oversee the Department of Justice — the highest executive in the land — would prefer that people obey the law and not tear down statues. But, you know, whatever.

Joe Biden may be a lot of things, but one thing he ain’t is Atticus Finch

July 03, 2020 8:03 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump's phone calls with world leaders are said to be so unhinged that US officials think the president is 'delusional' and a national security threat

The Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein on Monday painted a scathing portrait of President Donald Trump's conduct on the world stage, particularly as it relates to his conversations with other leaders.

Multiple sources described the US president as bullying and belittling allies while fawning over autocratic leaders.

Sources said that Trump behaved in a "near-sadistic" fashion with female leaders; that he talked to Russian President Vladimir Putin as if they're "two guys in a steam bath"; and that Turkey's president "took him to the cleaners."

Trump's behavior was said to be so unusual and erratic that it convinced several senior administration officials that the president was "delusional."

In some cases, Bernstein's CNN report said, Trump's actions led White House officials to conclude that the president posed a national security threat.

July 03, 2020 11:53 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Anonymous if Sleepy Creepy Joe is innocent, why not have Tara over for tea to swap swap stories with Jill?

Why on earth would anyone who's falsely accused invite the accuser over for tea?

Wyatt/Regina's brains don't work the way normal people's brains do, they're broken.

July 03, 2020 11:55 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Biden Accuser Tara Reade Gets Dumped By Her Lawyer As College Denies Her Claim Of Having “Secret Degree”

Joe Biden sex assault accuser Tara Reade and her lawyer have parted ways. Attorney Douglas Wigdor announced the split Friday just weeks after Reade, a former Senate sytaffer of Biden’s, hired the high-profile sex-harassment lawyer.

In a statement, the Manhattan litigator did not provide a reason for the decision but said it had nothing to do with veracity of Reade’s claims that presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden assaulted her in the 1990s. LOL, sure it doesn't.

July 03, 2020 11:57 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Florida shatters records with over 10,000 new COVID-19 cases in single day

(Reuters) - Florida shattered records on Thursday when it reported over 10,000 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase in the state since the pandemic started, according to a Reuters tally.

Outbreaks in Texas, California, Florida and Arizona have helped the United States break records and send cases rising at rates not seen since April.

In June, Florida infections rose by 168% or over 95,000 new cases. The percent of tests coming back positive has skyrocketed to 15% from 4% at the end of May.

Florida, with 21 million residents, has reported more new daily coronavirus cases than any European country had at the height of their outbreaks.

July 03, 2020 11:59 AM  
Anonymous Merrick Garland ... hardy-har-har and LOL said...

"Trump's phone calls with world leaders are said to be so unhinged that US officials think the president is 'delusional' and a national security threat"

"are said"

it's a typical rhetorical device by the liberal fringe

insinuating but easy to pull back when it's discovered to be a lie

btw, Randy is said to be emotionally unstable

"The Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein on Monday painted"

sorry, Carl

your 15 minutes were up way back 50 years ago

"Multiple sources described the US president as bullying and belittling allies while fawning over autocratic leaders."

"Multiple sources"

it's a typical rhetorical device by the liberal fringe

insinuating but easy to pull back when it's discovered to be a lie

"Trump's behavior was said to be so unusual and erratic that it convinced several senior administration officials that the president was "delusional.""


not a story until they are named, Carl

"In some cases, Bernstein's CNN report said, Trump's actions led White House officials to conclude that the president posed a national security threat."

such officials are a national security threat

they clearly believe their judgment is superior to the voters and are willing to do something about it

we don't choose leaders by coup

"Why on earth would anyone who's falsely accused invite the accuser over for tea?"

because he has said in the past, we should always believe the accusers

I remember ranting on this very blog that women have no motive to lie about sexual assault and never do

are you saying you were lying back then?

"Florida shatters records with over 10,000 new COVID-19 cases in single day"

what you morons don't understand is that every person who is infected and doesn't become seriously ill is another barrier to the spread of the virus to vulnerable populations

case rising without deaths rising is good news!

July 03, 2020 7:20 PM  
Anonymous Stick to the facts said...

"what you morons don't understand is that every person who is infected and doesn't become seriously ill is another barrier to the spread of the virus to vulnerable populations"

Uh, no stupid. The longevity of immunity offered by COVID-19 antibodies is as of yet unknown.

CDC reports:

"Having antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19 may provide protection from getting infected with the virus again. If it does, we do not know how much protection the antibodies may provide or how long this protection may last.

...Regardless of whether you test positive or negative, the results do not confirm whether or not you are able to spread the virus that causes COVID-19. Until we know more, continue to take steps to protect yourself and others."

July 03, 2020 7:50 PM  
Anonymous for millennia, society has known that two genders are necessary to make a marriage said...

thanks, genius

this is the same outfit that has changed advice on masks repeatedly

also, whether you can be infected by surfaces

whether singing in church is safe

we would run out of ventilators

that hydroxychloroquine had no benefit in treating COVID

if you get it, like other viruses, you will have immunity for some period of time, probably a long time

July 04, 2020 12:53 AM  
Anonymous And there you have it folks.... said...

the words of a student of Trump University Fake Medical School: "you will have immunity for some period of time, probably a long time"

Meanwhile, in the real world it will not be like a miracle and just go away.

"U.S. sets 7th record in 9 days for new cases

The United States tallied its largest single-day total of coronavirus infections Friday since the start of the pandemic, 57,497 confirmed cases, as President Trump attended a fireworks display at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota, where the crowds were not required to wear masks or practice social distancing.

Friday’s record, which comes a day after a peak of 55,220, is the seventh reported high in nine days. With the rate of new coronavirus cases rising in nearly 40 states, Fourth of July celebrations across the United States have been canceled or scaled back as anxious governors and mayors urge people to take a more restrained approach to the holiday...

Heading into the holiday weekend, at least 20 states set record highs for the average of new cases over seven days, with Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina tallying the highest number of infections.

Florida leads the nation with 9,488 new reported cases Friday — the 26th consecutive day it has set a record in its seven-day average. Meanwhile, scientists warn of a new coronavirus mutation, which doesn’t appear to make people sicker, but there’s concern it has made the virus more contagious..."


Yet our Rump scholar, the idiot, seems to believe all viruses are all the same.

July 04, 2020 6:24 AM  
Anonymous Evidence of climate change in Siberia said...

...Much of the world remains consumed with the deadly novel coronavirus. The United States, crippled by the pandemic, is in the throes of a divisive presidential campaign and protests over racial inequality. But at the top of the globe, the Arctic is enduring its own summer of discontent.

Wildfires are raging amid ­record-breaking temperatures. Permafrost is thawing, infrastructure is crumbling and sea ice is dramatically vanishing.

In Siberia and across much of the Arctic, profound changes are unfolding more rapidly than scientists anticipated only a few years ago. Shifts that once seemed decades away are happening now, with potentially global implications.

“We always expected the Arctic to change faster than the rest of the globe,” said Walt Meier, a senior research scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder. “But I don’t think anyone expected the changes to happen as fast as we are seeing them happen.”

Vladimir Romanovsky, a researcher at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks, said the pace, severity and extent of the changes are surprising even to many researchers who study the region for a living. Predictions for how quickly the Arctic would warm that once seemed extreme “underestimate what is going on in reality,” he said. The temperatures occurring in the High Arctic during the past 15 years were not predicted to occur for 70 more years, he said.

Neither Dallas nor Houston has hit 100 degrees yet this year, but in one of the coldest regions of the world, Siberia’s “Pole of Cold,” the mercury climbed to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) on June 20.

If confirmed, the record-breaker in the remote Siberian town of Verkhoyansk, about 3,000 miles east of Moscow, would stand as the highest temperature in the Arctic since record-keeping began in 1885.

The triple-digit record was not a freak event, either, but instead part of a searing heat wave. Verkhoyansk saw 11 straight days with a high temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 Celsius) or above, according to Rick Thoman, a climate scientist at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. The average June high at that location is just 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 Celsius).

This week, Ust’-Olenek, Russia, about 450 miles north of the Arctic Circle, recorded a temperature of 93.7 degrees (34.3 Celsius), about 40 degrees above average for the date. On May 22, the Siberian town of Khatanga, located well north of the Arctic Circle, recorded a temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit — about 46 degrees above normal.

Much of Siberia experienced an exceptionally mild winter, followed by a warmer-than- average spring, and it has been among the most unusually warm regions of the world during 2020. During May, parts of Siberia saw an average monthly temperature that was a staggering 18 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius) above average for the month, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.

“To me, these are kind of the key ingredients of things you expect in a warming climate,” Freja Vamborg, a senior scientist at Copernicus, said of the recent heat records, coupled with prolonged months of higher-than-average temperatures.

The persistent warmth has helped to fuel wildfires, eviscerate sea ice and destabilize homes and other buildings constructed on thawing permafrost. It allegedly even contributed to a massive fuel spill in Norilsk in late May that prompted Russian President Vladimir Putin to declare a state of emergency in the environmentally sensitive region...

July 04, 2020 7:05 AM  

"Meanwhile, in the real world it will not be like a miracle and just go away."

Don't worry about the fellow that wrote this. He will eventually graduate from high school. Eighth grade may take a couple of years but he's very popular with the teachers.

Did anyone mention miracles? The virus will eventually go away when enough people have been exposed, or a virus is developed.

Further, although the virus has spread among younger adults because they have not worn masks at parties and bars, the number are also inflated because we are testing so many more people than any other country and because we are conflating people who test positive for antibodies with new cases.

You could have found this out if you read a little more broadly. Don't just read what your two mommies tell you to. If you can still reach out to your teachers online, ask them for some suggestions.

"U.S. sets 7th record in 9 days for new cases"

As you like to ignore, the death rate is declining.

"President Trump attended a fireworks display at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota, where the crowds were not required to wear masks or practice social distancing."

probably safe there

their death rate per million comes in at 37th among the 50 states


"Heading into the holiday weekend, at least 20 states set record highs for the average of new cases over seven days, with Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina tallying the highest number of infections."

California is a prefect example of how the lockdowns are no value, and possibly exacerbate the situation. They were the first to lockdown and kept restrictions longer than anywhere else.

"Florida leads the nation with 9,488 new reported cases Friday — the 26th consecutive day it has set a record in its seven-day average."

they have, from the beginning, protected their most vulnerable citizens

Andrew Cuomo, whose ineptitude caused more deaths than anyone else in the US, says Florida residents who visit NY must quarantine if they visit

Ron Desantis, whose competence saved more lives than anyone else in the US, said that's fine as long as they aren't required to stay in nursing homes

the coronavirus was actually incubated in NY subways and seeded across America by New Yorkers fleeing Cuomo's land of death and horrors

"Meanwhile, scientists warn of a new coronavirus mutation, which doesn’t appear to make people sicker, but there’s concern it has made the virus more contagious..."


you probably won't understand this until yu get to high school and learn more about evolutionary theory but the lockdowns caused the prevalence of this mutation, which, outside f a few pockets, is now the most common in the US and Europe

by preventing spread of the less contagious form of COVID, the lockdowns made sure only the more contagious variant would survive

"seems to believe all viruses are all the same"

unless viruses are spread and sustained by the gay community, like AIDS, a vaccine is usually found

most confer immunity post-infection and the experts expect that will happen here

July 04, 2020 9:01 AM  
Anonymous Brett Kavanaugh...LOL!! We got something to laugh about! said...

The prevalence of immunity to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 may be much higher than previous research suggests according to an intriguing new study by researchers associated with Karolinska Institute in Sweden. In addition, a new German study by researchers associated with the University Hospital Tübingen in Germany reports that people who have been previously infected with versions of the coronavirus that cause the common cold also have some immunity to the COVID-19 virus. If these reports stand up to further scrutiny, it would be very good news because they suggest that the pandemic could be over sooner and ultimately be less lethal than feared.

In the Swedish study, researchers not only checked 200 participants for the presence of immunological proteins called antibodies produced in response to COVID-19 infections, but also for T-cells which are another virus-fighting component of the immune system. Detecting and evaluating T-cells is a bit trickier than measuring antibodies.

The Karolinska researchers, according to the accompanying press release, "performed immunological analyses of samples from over 200 people, many of whom had mild or no symptoms of COVID-19." The study tested COVID-19 patients, exposed asymptomatic family members, healthy blood donors who gave blood during 2020, and a 2019 donor control group.

"One interesting observation was that it wasn't just individuals with verified COVID-19 who showed T-cell immunity but also many of their exposed asymptomatic family members," said Karolinska researcher Soo Aleman. "Moreover, roughly 30 per cent of the blood donors who'd given blood in May 2020 had COVID-19-specific T cells, a figure that's much higher than previous antibody tests have shown."

"Our results indicate that roughly twice as many people have developed T-cell immunity compared with those who we can detect antibodies in," noted Karolinska Center for Infectious Medicine researcher Marcus Buggert.

Study co-author Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren told The Telegraph that if the study's findings are replicated, they would apply to any country. London, for instance, might have about 30 percent immunity and New York above 40 percent. If so, some parts of the U.S. are much closer to herd immunity than population-wide antibody testing currently suggests.

Herd immunity is the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease that results if a sufficiently high proportion of a population is immune to the illness. Some people are still susceptible, but they are surrounded by immune individuals who serve as a barrier, preventing the microbes from reaching them. Epidemiologists typically estimate that the COVID-19 threshold for herd immunity is around 60 to 70 percent.

Still the Swedish researchers caution, "It remains to be determined if a robust memory T cell response in the absence of detectable circulating antibodies can protect against [the virus]."

In a second study, German researchers analyzed blood samples of 365 people, of which 180 had had COVID-19 and 185 had not. When they exposed the blood samples to the COVID-19 coronavirus, they found, as expected, that blood from those who had had the illness produced a substantial immune response. More significantly, they also found that 81 percent of the subjects who had never had COVID-19 also produced a T-cell immune reaction, reports The Science Times. If the German study's results prove out, that would suggest that earlier common cold coronavirus infections may provide about eight in 10 people some degree of immune protection from the COVID-19 virus.

The findings in both of these studies are potentially very good news with respect to public health and the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here's hoping that future replications will validate them.

July 05, 2020 12:42 AM  
Anonymous oh no, did the libertards get it wrong again? said...


as cases rise, deaths continue to fall

this is terrific news!

immunity is climbing across the country without deaths rising

too bad for TTF

they were ghoulishly hoping

July 05, 2020 12:57 AM  
Anonymous She blinded me with science! said...

"as cases rise, deaths continue to fall
this is terrific news!"

Indeed it is fantastic news!

Due in no small part of course to the fact that they've stopped injecting people with hydroxychloroquine like IQ45 kept pushing - which actually caused higher death rates, and instead have started treating them with drugs like Remdesivir that actually work.

Funny how well science works when you actually follow it.

July 05, 2020 1:58 PM  
Anonymous She blinded me with science! said...

"Ron Desantis, whose competence saved more lives than anyone else in the US, said that's fine as long as they aren't required to stay in nursing homes"

We also know that Florida is hiding their true death numbers, and at least one Florida scientist was fired for refusing to manipulate the data:


"After USA TODAY Network first reported Jones' removal from her position in charge of the Florida COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard she created, she confirmed, as reported by CBS-12 in West Palm Beach that she was fired because she was ordered to censor some data, but refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen."

She provided no further details.

In an email last Friday to researchers and other data users, Jones warned that with her removal changes were likely coming to the accessibility and transparency of the dashboard data.

"They are making a lot of changes. I would advise being diligent in your respective uses of this data," she wrote.

Researchers who saw the email reacted with shock and dismay, suggesting it could be evidence that the Gov. Ron De Santis' government was censoring information to support the case for re-opening Florida."

Numbers out of Florida are known to be unreliable now. It may be years before we know the real numbers. The only conclusion you can draw from Florida numbers now is that they are likely to be worse than those actually reported.

July 05, 2020 2:08 PM  
Anonymous homosexuality never produces life, two of 'em ain't ever a marriage said...

"Indeed it is fantastic news!

Due in no small part of course to the fact that they've stopped injecting people with hydroxychloroquine like IQ45 kept pushing - which actually caused higher death rates, and instead have started treating them with drugs like Remdesivir that actually work."

actually use of hydroxychloroquine was limited to testing, although Andrew Cuomo, the blue state grim reaper, conducted quite a large test in NYC

turns out hydroxychloroquine lowers the death rate

A Henry Ford Health System study shows the controversial anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine helps lower the death rate of COVID-19 patients, the Detroit-based health system said Thursday.

Officials with the Michigan health system said the study found the drug “significantly” decreased the death rate of patients involved in the analysis.

The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized among the system’s six hospitals between March 10 and May 2 and found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died while 26% of those who did not receive the drug died.

Among all patients in the study, there was an overall in-hospital mortality rate of 18%, and many who died had underlying conditions that put them at greater risk, according to Henry Ford Health System. Globally, the mortality rate for hospitalized patients is between 10% and 30%, and it's 58% among those in the intensive care unit or on a ventilator.

“As doctors and scientists, we look to the data for insight,” said Steven Kalkanis, CEO of the Henry Ford Medical Group. “And the data here is clear that there was a benefit to using the drug as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients.”

The study, published in the International Society of Infectious Disease, found patients did not suffer heart-related side effects from the drug.

Patients with a median age of 64 were among those analyzed, with 51% men and 56% African American. Roughly 82% of the patients began receiving hydroxychloroquine within 24 hours and 91% within 48 hours, a factor Dr. Marcus Zervos identified as a potential key to the medication’s success.

“We attribute our findings that differ from other studies to early treatment, and part of a combination of interventions that were done in supportive care of patients, including careful cardiac monitoring," said Zervos, division head of infectious disease for the health system who conducted the study with epidemiologist Dr. Samia Arshad.

Other studies, Zervos noted, included different populations or were not peer-reviewed.

"Funny how well science works when you actually follow it."

you have apparently relied on studies that weren't peer-reviewed, or were otherwise misguided

that's how you "follow it"?


July 05, 2020 6:43 PM  

"We also know that Florida is hiding their true death numbers, and at least one Florida scientist was fired for refusing to manipulate the data"

yes, we know it because one disgruntled fired employee said so

and we're so desperate to exaggerate and alarm the country during the election that we'll grasp at anything!

"She provided no further details."

that's because there are none

"Researchers who saw the email reacted with shock and dismay, suggesting it could be evidence that the Gov. Ron De Santis' government was censoring information to support the case for re-opening Florida."


can you tell us which researchers "reacted with shock and dismay"

"Numbers out of Florida are known to be unreliable now."

typical liberal BS rhetoric

"known to be unreliable now"?

by whom

TTF is known is known to be full of crap

"It may be years before we know the real numbers. The only conclusion you can draw from Florida numbers now is that they are likely to be worse than those actually reported."

oh, there are other conclusions you could draw

here's one: the fired employee is lying

July 05, 2020 8:52 PM  

In the US, African Americans were experiencing the best economy we have ever seen: Unemployment for our racial group was the lowest in recorded history, black wages were rapidly increasing for the first time in decades, and people who’d been out of work long-term were being hired and suddenly able to take their families on vacations for the first time in years.

The Trump policies made it possible. Tax cuts and rocketing GDP growth meant companies were feeling financially stable for the first time in a decade and public confidence in our economy had never been higher. Trump’s re-election was on cruise control. Even Democrats were willing to admit that the chances of Trump losing were slim.

No one could have predicted what would happen next.

Since COVID-19, almost every economic benefit of the Trump presidency has evaporated. Unemployment has surged again — reaching numbers closer to the end of the Great Depression — and has impacted, as it has in every US downturn, African Americans the most. All this, coupled with the issues of race which still plague our country and the media’s incessant narratives of Trump “being racist.” In some cases, these wounds have been self-inflicted, as with Trump’s recent retweeting of a white-supremacy video that used racist language, which the president later claimed he hadn’t heard.

The black vote will be the swing vote this year. And right now, it’s looking like it’s Joe Biden’s for the taking. This is despite Biden’s history, which is riddled with policies that have historically and devastatingly disenfranchised African Americans. For example, the 1994 crime law, which Biden helped author when he was a senator, incentivized local police departments to lock up as many black people as possible, creating mass incarceration of African Americans, along with more prison cells and more aggressive policing. In addition, Biden was responsible for a provision in the 1986 crack law which came to be viewed as one of the most racially slanted sentencing policies on record: a rule that treated crack cocaine as significantly worse than powder cocaine and ended up disproportionately punishing African Americans and sending them to prison but sparing white Americans who typically used cocaine.

We also must not forget the racially charged language Biden has used numerous times, including the notion that if you don’t vote for him, “you ain’t black.”

July 05, 2020 9:30 PM  

But politicians on both sides of the aisle have used offensive language, and what counts more, in my view, are deeds not words.

I personally do not agree with everything President Trump says or does, and I often find myself on national TV as a conservative pundit saying exactly that. But I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that Trump has been one of the most impactful presidents for African Americans from a policy perspective — and that’s what matters.

His recent police-reform executive order, the First Step Act, released thousands of people from jail (90 percent of whom were black). He has promoted “opportunity zones” that incentivized private investment into marginalized communities, and also increased federal funding to historically black colleges and universities by 17 percent — a total exceeding $100 million, more than any president in history. Meanwhile, the Obama administration infamously removed a two-year Bush-administration program that annually funded $85 million directly to these prized institutions.

As I mention in my book, “Taken For Granted,” during the 2016 election Trump did something few Republicans had the courage to do — he targeted the black vote and spoke directly to African-American issues.

He was not afraid of saying the “wrong thing” (and, yes, he sometimes did) while achieving the ultimate goal of creating real dialogue and opportunity in communities largely ignored by both parties. In return, he received only 8 percent of the black vote generally, and 12 percent of black men. (By comparison, Romney earned 6 percent of the black vote.) But after three years in office, having delivered on so many issues for black voters, Trump’s support among black men had risen to 24 percent, according to one February poll.

Although the polls now look bad for Trump, I often remind people that polls don’t vote, and we are still four months from Election Day. At the same time, Trump cannot afford to sit on the sidelines or be complacent about the black vote.

President Trump and Republicans have delivered for the black community on tangible policies that have had a positive impact — something the Democrats never achieved.

Trump needs to remind African Americans about what he has accomplished and contrast it with Biden’s record of failure, mass incarceration and racially charged language. I often say black lives don’t matter to Democrats, black votes matter to them. And that party’s lack of targeted policies benefiting African Americans proves just how much they take their votes for granted.

July 05, 2020 9:30 PM  
Anonymous when will Dems apologize to blacks for failing inner city economies, failing inner city schools, and racist inner city police departments that they have overseen for decades? said...

As beaches were closed for the 4th of July and even Texas started to roll back towards COVID-19 lockdown, it sure seems like the goalposts have shifted. The purpose of public health policy went from slow the spread, to flatten the curve, and now seems to stop the spread altogether. Dr. Scott Atlas, a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, says the idea of preventing infection is not just unnecessary; it is irrational.

As much as Democrats and the media want to keep us locked down and scared, the current situation does not warrant any of this. According to Dr. Atlas, political leaders and policymakers need to take a much closer look at the data. He is quite optimistic about how state reopenings have progressed to date.

In an interview with Larry O’Connor, Dr. Atlas gives a detailed assessment of the data and provides a great perspective on what data we should use to hold leaders accountable. It isn’t rising case numbers. With more mingling and more testing, rising cases were inevitable.

O’Connor and Dr. Atlas got into a discussion about how misleading the case metric is. It merely means a positive test. In the context of COVID-19, where approximately half of the cases are asymptomatic, it is a meaningless statistic. Further, as testing has become proactive, or required in some cases, and more widely available, saying there is a new case doesn’t denote illness.

Instead, Dr. Atlas asserts there should be a laser focus on who is getting infected and the death rate. He looks at each state’s data several times per day, and right now, the trend is clear. People who have confirmed cases of COVID-19 are in the younger age groups who do not suffer from severe illness. He says low-risk infections are a positive thing that will help us progress towards population immunity.

The data shows Dr. Atlas that we are doing an excellent job of protecting the vulnerable and preventing unneeded deaths. He even says the hospitalization numbers are misleading. For example, approximately 25-30% of patients are in the hospital with COVID-19, not for it. They come in for another medical reason and are tested, but have no symptoms.

Similarly, he notes ICU statistics are misleading. Citing Texas, which he reviewed because they are at 90% capacity, he said only 15% of those beds are occupied due to COVID-19. Regular medical care resumed, and patients not suffering from COVID-19 occupy the vast majority of the beds.

Other encouraging statistics include the length of stay and mortality. The time a COVID-19 patient spends in the hospital is half of what it was early in the pandemic. The mortality rate is 25% of what it was. He attributes this to spread to lower risk populations and improvement in treatment. The latest news about hydroxychloroquine trials gives a reason for even more optimism. It may prevent hospitalizations if pushed to outpatient care on a broad scale.

July 06, 2020 5:54 AM  
Anonymous when will Dems apologize to blacks for failing inner city economies, failing inner city schools, and racist inner city police departments that they have overseen for decades? said...

Dr. Atlas attributes backtracking by several governors to fear and ignorance. Several failed to do what was required to protect vulnerable populations early in the pandemic and are doing political calculations.

He says public health experts are engaged in sloppy thinking among smart people. Instead, they should be lowering the level of fear people have by giving a realistic assessment of the severity of the disease for most people. COVID-19 has a 99% recovery rate. You might not know that if you watch CNN.

Finally, Dr. Atlas insists children need to go back to school. Children are not an infection risk, and data from across the globe supports his assertion. There is no science to require children to wear masks or socially distance. He says the education and socialization losses are far more dangerous for children than the threat of COVID-19.

Of course, he reiterated that the situation needs to be monitored as it is today, and those who are high-risk need to maintain precautions. Being cautious does not mean they need to stay locked at home. Appropriate distancing guidelines and masks for the high-risk population can be maintained.

Dr. Atlas brings a needed perspective on the way we view the pandemic. Maligned governors like Kemp in Georgia and DeSantis in Florida are managing their states effectively using the laser focus Dr. Atlas recommends. State and local leaders should held accountable.

That would be you, Andrew Cumomo.

July 06, 2020 5:54 AM  
Anonymous why are Dems not happy that the death rate from COVID is falling? said...

If all black lives mattered to Black Lives Matter, why weren’t they in Chicago last month when Mekhi James, a three-year-old black toddler, was shot and killed? Young Mekhi was just one of 100 people shot in Chicago over a single weekend.

Another was a 13-year-old girl who was killed inside her own home while showing her mom the latest dance move.

In addition to campaigning for the abolition of the police, a policy that would surely increase the number of such killings, BLM was busy in Tulsa protesting a president who has done more in his first three years as president to boost the prosperity of black people than Joe Biden did in eight years as vice president.

The leadership of BLM has made clear that only one thing will cause them to stop the looting and rioting — Trump's defeat.

But why?

Have Trump’s policies created more jobs for black people, Hispanics, and women than ever before? They did, at least until the global pandemic hit. Trump rarely passed up a chance to say how proud he was of that accomplishment.

Have Trump’s policies moved more black people from welfare to work than during Barack Obama’s eight years? Yes.

Did Trump sign landmark legislation to put more money, more regularly, into historic black colleges? Well, yes. Yes, he did.

Did Trump push through criminal justice reform so fewer black people go to prison for minor offenses? He did.

Is Trump bucking the powerful teachers unions to give black families more choices in deciding where to send their children to school? He absolutely is.

Yet Trump is somehow the problem. BLM wants Trump out of the White House in favor of Biden, who did none of these things during his six terms in the Senate and two terms as vice president. In fact, in many cases, Joe was part of the problem.

July 06, 2020 8:43 AM  
Anonymous why are Dems not happy that the death rate from COVID is falling? said...

As a senator, Biden led the charge for mandatory sentencing, which put more black people in prison for minor offenses.

The Obama-Biden administration’s answer to people trapped in poverty was free cellphones and more food stamps.

Obama-Biden’s economic policies led to a stagnating economy, fewer jobs, a low rate of black small-business startups, and a widening wealth gap between black people and just about everyone else.

It was Biden who talked about his opposition to court-ordered school busing using this kind of obvious dog-whistle language: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle." (Imagine if Trump were to say something like that!)

Even now, Biden continues to deny black families access to quality schools by siding with teachers unions against new charter schools and voucher programs.

And 10 years ago this week, Biden heaped praise upon his mentor, the late Ku Klux Klan leader and senator, Robert Byrd, as a "mentor," "friend," and "guide."

Despite all this, it’s Trump that BLM wants out and Biden they want in.

So is it really black lives that matter to Black Lives Matter?

Or is it the socialist economic policies that Biden has increasingly identified with since he started his campaign for president?

Until Trump became president, too many in both parties had largely given up solving the real problems of black Americans. Democrats attempted to buy their votes, and Republicans, reeling from constant partisan accusations of racism, seldom addressed black voters at all.

Neither approach has been acceptable to Trump, who has made regular appearances in the black community.

But instead of taking the Democrats' approach, Trump promised to create more jobs to close the wealth gap, find ways to encourage more black homeownership and black business startups, and give black families more choices as to where to send their children to school.

Then Trump did something few politicians have done in recent times, Republican or Democrat. He kept his promises.

Black Lives Matter isn’t primarily concerned with making black lives more prosperous, more independent, safer, or more full of hope and opportunity.

To find someone who’s actually worked to do those things, you have to look to Trump.

July 06, 2020 8:46 AM  
Anonymous And now for the rest of the story said...

‘A Seat at the Table’

Yet Kimbrough and others said the administration’s overall record with HBCUs has been mixed.

The White House under Trump has each year proposed steep cuts to higher education and scientific research. And some of those suggested cuts, such as the 2018 White House proposal to restructure and slash TRIO programs by 40 percent, would disproportionately affect HBCU students. Trump also has sought to eliminate the Strengthening Historically Black Colleges program.

Congress has ignored virtually all the Trump administration’s proposed cuts to higher education. TRIO programs, for example, which feature outreach and student services aimed at low-income and first-generation students, have seen budget increases in recent years.

The administration’s rhetoric also has at times angered students, faculty members and administrators at HBCUs.

Perhaps most notably, DeVos in 2017 upset many for what they said was a tone-deaf statement linking historically black colleges to her signature issue.

“HBCUs are real pioneers when it comes to school choice,” she said in a written statement. “They are living proof that when more options are provided to students, they are afforded greater access and greater quality. Their success has shown that more options help students flourish.”

Beyond his claim this week to have saved HBCUs, the Trump administration appears to have overbilled other purported achievements with HBCUs.

For example, last September Trump said he would lift restrictions on capital financing funds for faith-based HBCUs and seminaries. He said that move would free up funding for more than 40 colleges and seminaries.

But it wasn’t clear at the time if any colleges would receive new federal funding. Kimbrough said he has studied the issue and that Trump’s pledge had no impact on HBCUs.

Trump’s fanciful statements can be “useful hyperbole,” Kimbrough said. “Of course it’s not grounded in reality.”

Toldson said some of the administration’s achievements with HBCUs, including the hurricane loan cancellation, were in the works during the Obama administration.

He also cited federal data showing that HBCUs have seen declines in competitive grants to academic institutions during the Trump administration. Federal science and engineering support to HBCUs has been down for three straight years, the data showed, with a total decline of 17 percent since 2016.

The challenge for HBCU leaders and their advocates, Toldson said, is to balance the objective of having fair representation in Washington while maintaining the sector’s status as a “conscientious entity.”

So far, Murray thinks HBCUs have managed that balancing act.

“These students on our campuses need resources to complete their educations,” said Murray. “Our goal is to make sure our students and our schools have a seat at the table.”

July 06, 2020 12:11 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Data Shows Trump’s Attacks On Biden Aren’t Working

Axios reports:

President Trump built his political brand by stoking the nation’s culture wars, but search data is showing us how much harder it’s been for him to replicate that success while running against another white man in his 70s — and while there’s a coronavirus pandemic.

The big picture: Google Trends data shows Trump’s “Sleepy Joe” name-calling isn’t generating nearly the buzz “Crooked Hillary” (or “Little Marco”) did in 2016. Base voters who relished doubting President Obama’s birth certificate aren’t questioning Biden’s.

Other factors are working against Trump’s playbook. Tech platforms are increasingly moving to shut down hate speech and flag misinformation, killing the sources of some of Trump’s favorite conspiratorial material.

The New York Daily News reports:

Americans are searching for “Sleepy Joe” at just about a third of the rate that they searched for the negative moniker aimed at Hillary Clinton during the same period of 2016.

The data suggests that voters are not latching on to Trump’s negative campaign to make Biden more unpopular. That’s a cornerstone of Trump’s effort to win reelection in November because his own unfavorable ratings have been remarkably high throughout his presidency.

July 06, 2020 12:57 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump Rages That Fox Promotes “Suppression Polls”

The Huffington Post reports:

President Donald Trump said he’s done with Fox News after the network on Sunday showed him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in the polls. Trump claimed he was leading in “real polls” but did not cite any.

Trump has repeatedly attacked news agencies for reporting on polls unfavorable to him and even sent a “cease and desist” threat to CNN last month for broadcasting a poll that showed him trailing Biden by 14 points.

The Trump campaign also reportedly cut ties with some pollsters last month after internal polls were leaked. Those polls showed Trump trailing Biden in several swing states.

July 06, 2020 1:05 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

GOP Clueless On Trump’s Agenda For Second Term

The Hill reports:

Congressional Republicans say Trump spends too much time going after critics on Twitter and not enough time articulating his vision for a possible second term. They would prefer more contrasts between their party and Democrats on issues such as taxes and regulation — areas they think could be part of a winning formula in the fall.

Instead, Republican senators say there has been little discussion about what Trump’s second term would look like, other than the assumption he might have a chance to appoint another Supreme Court justice and fill other judicial vacancies.

A GOP senator, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said there’s been little direction from the White House about its agenda in the event of a second term. Asked if the president has described to Republican senators his agenda for after the election, the senator said, “No.”

Last month Trump gave a famously meandering word salad non-answer when Sean Hannity asked about his second term plans.

July 06, 2020 1:31 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump hasn't articulated his vision for a second term because the only thing he has in mind is enriching himself with wealth and power and punishing his enemies.

However many Americans die or are impoverished during that time is irrelevant to him.

He'll turn the United States into Russia with the help of Putin, Tony Perkins, Franklin Graham, and Mat Staver.

July 06, 2020 1:33 PM  
Anonymous Mike Panic said...

Soap was invented about 2800 BC. Yet supposedly omniscient jesus never mentioned it. In fact he said hand washing was totally unnecessary. How many lives could have been saved if the ignorant a*hole had just stated it was necessary?

July 06, 2020 1:53 PM  
Anonymous evanedwards said...

Forty lobbyists with ties to President Donald Trump helped clients secure more than $10 billion in federal coronavirus aid, among them five former administration officials whose work potentially violates Trump's own ethics policy, according to a report.

The lobbyists identified Monday by the watchdog group Public Citizen either worked in the Trump executive branch, served on his campaign, were part of the committee that raised money for inaugural festivities or were part of his presidential transition. Many are donors to Trump’s campaigns, and some are prolific fundraisers for his reelection.

Trump has no financial incentive to do anything about COVID-19.


July 06, 2020 3:13 PM  
Anonymous Donald Trump said...

I could let Russia pay the Taliban to shoot American troops in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes.

July 06, 2020 8:34 PM  
Anonymous blue state governors are not the solution to our problems, blue state governors are the problem said...

"President Trump built his political brand by stoking the nation’s culture wars, but search data is showing us how much harder it’s been for him to replicate that success while running against another white man in his 70s — and while there’s a coronavirus pandemic.

The big picture: Google Trends data shows Trump’s “Sleepy Joe” name-calling isn’t generating nearly the buzz “Crooked Hillary” (or “Little Marco”) did in 2016. Base voters who relished doubting President Obama’s birth certificate aren’t questioning Biden’s.

Other factors are working against Trump’s playbook. Tech platforms are increasingly moving to shut down hate speech and flag misinformation, killing the sources of some of Trump’s favorite conspiratorial material.

Americans are searching for “Sleepy Joe” at just about a third of the rate that they searched for the negative moniker aimed at Hillary Clinton during the same period of 2016.

The data suggests that voters are not latching on to Trump’s negative campaign to make Biden more unpopular. That’s a cornerstone of Trump’s effort to win reelection in November because his own unfavorable ratings have been remarkably high throughout his presidency."

the only fact in the previous post fantasizing about how excited everyone is about cognitively challenged Joe Biden is that people aren't googling Sleepy Joe as much as Crooked Hillary

but Hillary's Nixonian scandal was a multifaceted piece of skulduggery

much like the Monica affair, the Clintons always put on an entertaining scandal

what are you going to google about Biden?

pictures of his afternoon nap?

"The Trump campaign also reportedly cut ties with some pollsters last month after internal polls were leaked. Those polls showed Trump trailing Biden in several swing states."

remember how Hillary pitched a fit when Julian Assange wikileaked her internal polls?

campaigns generally try to keep their internal polls secret

July 06, 2020 9:48 PM  

"GOP Clueless On Trump’s Agenda For Second Term"

you mean other than finish remaking the courts, restoring an economy providing opportunity for minorities, reducing regulation, establishing school choice, finish building the wall, end US military involvement overseas, combat Chinese hegemony?

what else would he need?

"Congressional Republicans say Trump spends too much time going after critics on Twitter and not enough time articulating his vision for a possible second term. They would prefer more contrasts between their party and Democrats on issues such as taxes and regulation — areas they think could be part of a winning formula in the fall.

Instead, Republican senators say there has been little discussion about what Trump’s second term would look like, other than the assumption he might have a chance to appoint another Supreme Court justice and fill other judicial vacancies.

A GOP senator, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said there’s been little direction from the White House about its agenda in the event of a second term. Asked if the president has described to Republican senators his agenda for after the election, the senator said, “No.”"


another vague story without any named sources

"Last month Trump gave a famously meandering word salad non-answer when Sean Hannity asked about his second term plans."

maybe it's famous in Marxist circles

most people have no idea what you're talking about

"Trump hasn't articulated his vision for a second term because the only thing he has in mind is enriching himself with wealth and power and punishing his enemies."

sounds like a classic case of resentment

some people are more successful than you

get over it

"However many Americans die or are impoverished during that time is irrelevant to him."

not as many as Obama

"He'll turn the United States into Russia with the help of Putin, Tony Perkins, Franklin Graham, and Mat Staver."

oh yeah, we're becoming another Russia

btw, how again?

"Forty lobbyists with ties to President Donald Trump helped clients secure more than $10 billion in federal coronavirus aid,"

that's what lobbyist do

they have a constitutional right to

"Trump has no financial incentive to do anything about COVID-19."

the death rate is dropping daily

July 06, 2020 9:49 PM  
Anonymous Merrick Garland ... LOL !.. said...

The United States now has so few deaths due to COVID-19 that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported it is approaching the threshold for dipping below the level of an epidemic.

The CDC defines an epidemic as an outbreak from which the number of deaths per week exceeds a given percentage of total deaths within the nation. The number of deaths from COVID-19 has steadily declined since hitting its peak in early May after it began spiking in the second week in March.

That threshold death rate for COVID-19 and other diseases such as influenza and pneumonia fluctuates, ranging typically from 5 to 7 percent at the height of flu season. The CDC said the Wuhan flu death rate had, during the last week in June, become equal to the epidemic threshold of 5.9 percent, reaching its lowest point since the end of last year.

The agency saois the total number of deaths due to COVID-19 has been declining for 10 straight weeks, concluding with week 26 that ended June 27. This suggests the United States could be on the verge of not being considered in an epidemic.

July 06, 2020 10:00 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump job approval rating on the latest Gallup poll: 38%

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous "That's great news, it means Trump's sure to win in November!"

July 06, 2020 11:10 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "but Hillary's Nixonian scandal was a multifaceted piece of skulduggery"

Wyatt/Regina are delusional. Hillary was investigated several dozens of times, millions spent several dozen committees, and NOTHING was found. Not like the 12 counts of obstruction of Justice Robert Muller documented Trump doing.

I posted "GOP Clueless On Trump’s Agenda For Second Term"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "you mean other than finish remaking the courts, restoring an economy providing opportunity for minorities, reducing regulation, establishing school choice, finish building the wall, end US military involvement overseas, combat Chinese hegemony?".

He's destroyed the economy, he's not restoring it. He's reducing pollution regulations and increasing regulations on businesses Barr doesn't like, like abortion providers. "School choice" is a euphemism for destroying the free public school system and forcing poor black families to pay to educate their children. He isn't "combatting Chinese hegemony", he praised them for opening concentration camps for a Muslim minority and told the Chinse president "Make sure I win [in November.

I posted "Trump hasn't articulated his vision for a second term because the only thing he has in mind is enriching himself with wealth and power and punishing his enemies."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "sounds like a classic case of resentment". I have a wonderful life and want for nothing, there's no resentment, its concern for having an authoritarian dictator on our southern border. Not to mention all the people who will die and be impoverished by Trump's turning the United States into Russia.

I said "However many Americans die or are impoverished during that time is irrelevant to him."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "not as many as Obama".

Another one of your childish lies. 130,000 have died from Covid under Trump. A handful of Americans died from ebola under Obama. You just reflexively accuse Democrats of exceeding the disasters under Trump - there's no truth to it.

July 06, 2020 11:33 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

July 06, 2020 11:34 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Hey Wyatt/Regina, you spent a year and a half refusing to respond to my comments, now suddenly you are responding again. What happened to "I'LL NEVER RESPOND TO ANOTHER ONE OF PRIYA'S COMMENTS EVER AGAIN!!!!"?

Did Tony Perkins take off your leash? LOL!

July 06, 2020 11:35 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I said "He'll turn the United States into Russia with the help of Putin, Tony Perkins, Franklin Graham, and Mat Staver."

"oh yeah, we're becoming another Russia btw, how again?".

Trump and his lawyers arguing in court he can do anything he wants by asserting his whims are in the country's best interests. He's stacked the courts with terribly unqualified people who are loyal to Trump instead of the constitution, like Putin he's restricted the right to vote every possible way he can, he's fired all the top level government employees and replaced them with sycophants to do his bidding. He's fired all the Inspector Generals, and everyone who's investigating his wrongdoing, he's using the Justice Department to reward his friends and punish his enemies. Need I go on? Yes you say? Well, here you go, read this short online book about right wing authoritarians and see how similar it is to Trump's administration - its frickin scary.

I posted "Forty lobbyists with ties to President Donald Trump helped clients secure more than $10 billion in federal coronavirus aid," that's what lobbyist do they have a constitutional right to".

Its against the constitution for the president to use the government to enrich himself. Trump is profiting and ensuring his friends profit to the detriment of the American public.

I posted "Trump has no financial incentive to do anything about COVID-19."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the death rate is dropping daily".

That isn't going to last. You can't keep exponentially increasing the infection rate and have the death rate keep dropping. Hospitalizations are at record levels in Texas, Florida and several other states. The deaths will be documented in a couple weeks from now.

July 06, 2020 11:38 PM  
Anonymous Wesley said...

The authors of one of the academic papers most often trotted out to claim there is no racial bias in police shootings issued a full retraction following its repeated "misuse" by conservative pundits and not they made claims unsupported by their study.

July 06, 2020 11:53 PM  
Anonymous bkmn said...

If it's safe to mail Tax Refunds, Social Security checks, Stimulus Checks, Draft Registrations, Prescription Drugs, Passports, your Driver's License or the actual ID you'd use to VOTE...then it's safe to vote by mail.

July 07, 2020 12:05 AM  
Anonymous trangenderism is sexist and anti-woman: a gangrene on society said...

"Trump job approval rating on the latest Gallup poll: 38%"

the poll Randy refers to is not among likely voters and is a week old

the latest poll among likely voters, on July 5, gives Trump a 47% approval

given how the lopsided nature of CA, NY, and IL skews national polls, that's a probable victory against the 78 year-old guy surfing the web in his basement

"Hillary was investigated several dozens of times, millions spent several dozen committees, and NOTHING was found."

plenty was found

James Comey chose to not refer her for prosecution because he didn't want to interfere in the election

he left it to the voters to be the jury

they found her guilty

"Not like the 12 counts of obstruction of Justice Robert Muller documented Trump doing."

Randy would have us believe that Congress, which was so desperate to impeach Trump that they made up the crime, "contempt of Congress", had evidence of criminal obstruction of justice and didn't act

kinda puts the "duh" in dumb

the Trump second term agenda that makes Randy so mad:

finish remaking the courts, restoring an economy providing opportunity for minorities, reducing regulation, establishing school choice, finish building the wall, end US military involvement overseas, combat Chinese hegemony

"businesses Barr doesn't like, like abortion providers"

abortion providers should be prosecuted for murder and any statues of Margaret Sanger thrown in a polluted river with other racists

""School choice" is a euphemism for destroying the free public school system"

not according to the ultra-liberal Washington Post and the moderate Supreme Court (Brett Kavanuagh..LOL!)

"and forcing poor black families to pay to educate their children"

choice is forcing

very Orwellian

"I have a wonderful life and want for nothing, there's no resentment,"

suuure, that's why you sound so angry all the time

it's just a rant of joy!


"its concern for having an authoritarian dictator on our southern border. Not to mention all the people who will die and be impoverished by Trump's turning the United States into Russia."

when you believe things without any basis, that's insanity

I know your psych gave up and resigned, but you can find another one!

July 07, 2020 6:31 AM  
Anonymous trangenderism is sexist and anti-woman: a gangrene on society said...

"Another one of your childish lies. 130,000 have died from Covid under Trump. A handful of Americans died from ebola under Obama."

Andrew Cuomo didn't force nursing homes to house contagious Ebola patients

"You just reflexively accuse Democrats of exceeding the disasters under Trump - there's no truth to it."

any idea what the toll for Obama's economic ineptitude was?

"Blogger Priya Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author."

I know your psych gave up and resigned, but you can find another one!

"you spent a year and a half refusing to respond to my comments, now suddenly you are responding again. What happened to "I'LL NEVER RESPOND TO ANOTHER ONE OF PRIYA'S COMMENTS EVER AGAIN!!!!"?"

look at Randy plead and beg for mercy from the blinding light of truth

"Trump and his lawyers arguing in court he can do anything he wants by asserting his whims are in the country's best interests. He's stacked the courts with terribly unqualified people who are loyal to Trump instead of the constitution, like Putin he's restricted the right to vote every possible way he can, he's fired all the top level government employees and replaced them with sycophants to do his bidding. He's fired all the Inspector Generals, and everyone who's investigating his wrongdoing, he's using the Justice Department to reward his friends and punish his enemies. Need I go on?"

no need, we see that you don't know what you're talking about

"That isn't going to last. You can't keep exponentially increasing the infection rate and have the death rate keep dropping. Hospitalizations are at record levels in Texas, Florida and several other states. The deaths will be documented in a couple weeks from now."

that's what you said a month ago

hospitals are not, in fact, filled with patients put there because of COVID infections

"The authors of one of the academic papers most often trotted out to claim there is no racial bias in police shootings issued a full retraction following its repeated "misuse" by conservative pundits and not they made claims unsupported by their study."

really? give us a link

although, it's irrelevant

Americans are overwhelmingly resolved to eliminate racism in the inner city police departments that Dems have been overseeing for decades

"If it's safe to mail Tax Refunds, Social Security checks, Stimulus Checks, Draft Registrations, Prescription Drugs, Passports, your Driver's License or the actual ID you'd use to VOTE...then it's safe to vote by mail."

the election will be false

5% of all mail-in ballots are not completed by the voter

July 07, 2020 6:32 AM  
Anonymous hi, it's Merrick Garland again. Just checking to see if there are openings on the Supreme Court.... said...

"You can't keep exponentially increasing the infection rate and have the death rate keep dropping."

a completely ignorant statement

the more people that get COVID without getting sick, the lower the death rate goes

the case count is currently being inflated by including those with antibodies, who may have had mild unnoticeable symptoms months ago

July 07, 2020 9:01 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality is inherently sado-masochistic said...

Notice how we have heard very little in recent weeks regarding the possible remedy for some patients who contract the coronavirus?

The press had completely walked away from that subject, after successfully dismissing the possible benefits that had been touted by President Trump.

A new report has come out in the past week that shows there is now a possible life-saving aspect to administering the drug in the early stages of contracting the virus, and it becomes just another item on the ledger of media malpractice.

One of the consistently infuriating results of this nation being cast under the pall of a pandemic -- and that is a lengthy collection of grievances -- has been the media and its approach to the crisis.

Not only has there been conflicting reports, but the press itself has been remarkably inept in its ability to remain consistent, all while showing it has been very desirous to politicize the outbreak.

The assessment of President Trump’s reaction and performance has been a constant source of negativity, but much of it is either rooted in contradictions, or even mitigated by the press itself.

Has Trump done plenty worthy of criticism?

Obviously, yes. But who is looking at the press itself in the same fashion?

The media has been steeped in contradiction these viral months with the only constant being the scorn they heap on Trump.

The press scorched Trump over allegedly not taking action for over 70 days.

Yet while the administration began taking steps in January the press was still denying the seriousness of coronavirus well into February.

In January there was criticism over Trump not closing down travel and then when he did ban flights from China that month he was called a racist xenophobe.

Journalists complained they were not briefed enough on the administration’s response, then when the White House began holding daily briefings journalists called for their networks to stop carrying them.

This has been the practice of the press all the while, and their responsibilities are exposed in a variety of subjects concerning the coronavirus

July 07, 2020 11:34 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality is inherently sado-masochistic said...

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

It has been clear the media was on a mission to discredit the recommendation of this drug, all based on their desire to deliver a political hit as opposed to delivering public safety information.

They claimed the drug was unproven, while it has been on the market since the 1950s.

Trump was irresponsible recommending the drug designed to fight malaria, ignorant (or likely, ignoring) that HCQ serves over a dozen other off-label treatments.

They exaggerated the dangers in administering HCQ despite millions who take the drug daily.

It was said to be a high health risk when the most danger was seen in long term users, not the 5-day regimen recommended to fight COVID.

Trump was called ‘’reckless’’ for telling people to take an unproven medication when the non-medically-trained journalists failed to note it was only available under doctor supervision.

Now a doctor has reported after looking into over 2,500 cases they saw that giving early treatment of HCQ cut the mortality by 50 percent.

This was just as under-reported as the medical survey released months ago showing thousands of doctors worldwide who said they had the best success in treatments with HCQ.

July 07, 2020 11:36 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality is inherently sado-masochistic said...


Statistics are the crutch of the press; easy to compile and quickly digested by the audience.

They have been dutiful in detailing the number of cases nationwide and by state, as well as the death count.

What is less compiled is the rates.

We always hear about the spikes and the spread, but we have seen very little in the way of reporting on survivals.

As they breathlessly detail the mounting number of those infected we do not get a commensurate recognition that death rates are falling as a result.

Recently Katie Tur gave a report courtesy of the CDC that we could actually be experiencing an infection rate ten times higher than recorded.

This would be a result of people who contracted the virus but were asymptomatic.

As the report was delivered with alarm it is actually great news.

That means everything grave about the disease is diminished.

Herd immunity is being achieved, resulting in severe cases, hospitalizations, and death rates becoming ten times lower.

The death rate has been under 400 per million, and those are overwhelmingly seen in the elderly.

For every 200 deaths of those over the age of 50, there are around 20 in those younger than 50.

July 07, 2020 11:38 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality is inherently sado-masochistic said...


Remember when these medical devices were all the rage?

Rather telling that after weeks, or even months, of the press hyperventilating over the drastic need for these machines they have fallen out of the news cycle.

When the press was declaring the administration had dropped the ball on the ventilator supply they refused to note a number of executive orders had been passed to allow businesses more legal freedom for them to be mass-produced.

The press will not note that effort has either been wildly successful, or the need was severely over-hyped.

States and governors were loudly reported to be in need, but curiously there was light coverage when those same states shortly began sharing their surplus machines with others.

At one point there was a call for New York to receive thousands of the breathing devices, and President Trump was neglectful in failing to fill the need.

General Motors was one corporation compelled to join in the production effort, with an order for 30,000 of the machines to be produced through this fall.

It has not come close to fulfillment, and before the end of that same month, New York was donating its surplus machines to third world nations.

July 07, 2020 11:40 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality is inherently sado-masochistic said...

Medical Face Masks

The press has been more than willing to make the wearing of masks a high-priority political issue.

Journalists have taken to shaming the President, and anyone else of note, if discovered to have gone without the ‘’proper’’ face covering.

If only there was medical agreement found that was as ardent as the hectoring journalists.

Over time we have seen messaging from The CDC, the Surgeon General, Task Force physician Dr. Anthony Fauci, and even that favorite of the press corps, the WHO. on the ineffectiveness of wearing the masks.

Of course, we have seen almost as many conflicting reports, often from the same sources.

Here is what is never addressed -- with the press screeching about masks, and politicians and local governments mandating their use, if they are such a proven prevention aid then why are we not opening up the country right now?

Either these are a beneficial safeguard and we can operate without risk, or the benefits of these required masks are overblown and the social scolds can calm themselves down.

July 07, 2020 11:42 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality is inherently sado-masochistic said...

Crowd Gatherings

There has been no other coverage more blatant to expose the press in hysterical hypocritical outrage than the recent weeks of the public going out and about.

For months the general public had been shamed about leaving their homes, individuals were being arrested for opening their businesses, and protests against the stay-at-home orders were roundly criticized.

Then the Black Lives Matter protests erupted and the press forgot all about public distancing.

People who had to forego holding funerals for loved ones were forced to stay home and watch George Floyd become eulogized in THREE public services.

Now the press has swung all the way back to prevent gatherings, trying in vain to report on spikes in cases in many states while not daring to mention the protests.

The LA Times strained for weeks to explain how their stricter standards in California led to sharp rises in cases.

We saw the blatant press paradox take place within the same day last weekend.

On Sunday morning reports came about the irresponsibility of people in Arizona gathering to float down rivers with innertubes as COVID cases increased.

Then that same afternoon a massive street protest with thousands packed in for a gay pride rally took place and not a word of outrage was heard.

July 07, 2020 11:44 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality is inherently sado-masochistic said...

Despite these growing cases of media malpractice they continue to position themselves as the medical experts in this nation.

It is showing to be time that we stop swallowing their snake oil tonic without question.

July 07, 2020 11:44 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina "you spent a year and a half refusing to respond to my comments, now suddenly you are responding again. What happened to "I can't respond to Priya's comments because she's mentally ill and I don't want to make her crazy!"?

I guess you're not worried that your "effective argumentation" is going to make me crazy any more.

The truth is I've been eating their lunch for a year and half, making them look like fools and they finally decided it was stupid of them to not at least lie about what I'm saying.


July 07, 2020 12:48 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous calls transwomen like me a "gangrene on society" and "a virus". They're doing just what the Nazis did with the Jews, dehumanizing and demonizing us to encourage people to assault and murder us. If Trump is reelected, look for Tony Perkins, Mat Staver, Franklin Graham, and Wyatt and Regina Hardiman to advocate for increasing violence towards harmless lgbt people. They won't stop until they fulfill the christian bible's command that innocent gays be put to death.

I ask you - who does it hurt if I live as a woman and society treats me as woman?

There needs to be a reason for society to crush my freedom and life, there isn't one.

I posted "Trump job approval rating on the latest Gallup poll: 38%"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the poll Priya refers to is not among likely voters and is a week old the latest poll among likely voters, on July 5, gives Trump a 47% approval".

Wrong. The poll with him at 47% was from two months ago. The poll showing him at 35% was from yesterday.

Wyatt/Regina lies again.

I said "Hillary was investigated several dozens of times, millions spent several dozen committees, and NOTHING was found."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "plenty was found".

LOL, and you just can't think of anything, eh?


Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "James Comey chose to not refer her for prosecution because he didn't want to interfere in the election he left it to the voters to be the jury".

No, he said no prosecutor would bring charges and so he didn't. He talked about the investigation into her against Department policy but kept secret the investigation into Trump collusion with Russia - that was incredibly unprofessional and was enough to give Trump a narrow win on a technicality.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "they found her guilty"

Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump, Trump won on an electoral college technicality, the voters found her innocent and their will was that she be president.

July 07, 2020 1:05 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I said "Hillary was investigated several dozens of times, millions spent several dozen committees, and NOTHING was found. Not like the 12 counts of obstruction of Justice Robert Muller documented Trump doing."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Priya would have us believe that Congress, which was so desperate to impeach Trump that they made up the crime, "contempt of Congress", had evidence of criminal obstruction of justice and didn't act".

Robert Mueller laid out 100 pages of evidence of obstruction of justice in his 12 count indictment sent to congress. "Congress" didn't act because Republicans refused to hold Trump accountable for his crimes.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "abortion providers should be prosecuted for murder and any statues of Margaret Sanger thrown in a polluted river with other racists".

This comming from the people demanding the elderly die to help the economy and advocating for the execution of harmless lgbt people - you're no "pro-lifer". Forcing women to give birth is sexist and anti-woman.

I posted "School choice" is a euphemism for destroying the free public school system and forcing poor black families to pay to educate their children"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "choice is forcing very Orwellian".

There's no choice when you eliminate the free public school system, then your only "choice" is to pay money you don't have to educate your children. The average black family's net worth is 10% of the average white family's net worth. School "choice" is an Orwellian term for segregating education so only rich white people can afford it.

July 07, 2020 1:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "hospitals are not, in fact, filled with patients put there because of COVID infections".

Another lie by Wyatt/Regina:
Cases and hospitalizations soar in Arizona.
Coronavirus hospitalizations grow in more than 20 states
Coronavirus hospitalizations soar as Fauci warns U.S. is ‘still knee deep in the first...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said Americans are overwhelmingly resolved to eliminate racism in the inner city police departments"

You mean the liberal half of Americans are. Trump supporters, not so much. They're painting over "Black Lives Matter" statements, demanding monuments to slavery be left where they are, and shooting up black churches to start a race war. Trump's certainly not resolved to solving police racism, he eliminated all the programs Obama put in place to deal with police racism like consent decrees, and the 21st century task force on policing. Trump's doing everything he can to let police be as racist as ever.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) They claimed the drug was unproven, while it has been on the market since the 1950s.".

Another lie. They said it was unproven for Covid-19, not for malaria, they spoke the truth, unlike you.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Now a doctor has reported after looking into over 2,500 cases they saw that giving early treatment of HCQ cut the mortality by 50 percent.".

That's a lie. All the studies done show hydroxycholorquine increases the death rate in patients with Coronavirus.

I posted "If it's safe to mail Tax Refunds, Social Security checks, Stimulus Checks, Draft Registrations, Prescription Drugs, Passports, your Driver's License or the actual ID you'd use to VOTE...then it's safe to vote by mail."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said 5% of all mail-in ballots are not completed by the voter".

You keep claiming that but have never presented proof. Given that your motto is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie", no one should believe you on this and I certainly don't.

Voting by mail has been going on in several states for many years without a hitch. Now during the epidemic its the only ethical choice.

July 07, 2020 1:09 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Voting by mail has been going on in several states for many years without a hitch. Now during the epidemic its the only ethical choice.

Trump had a voter fraud commission that was going to allegedly find 3 million people voted illegally in 2016. Instead they found NOTHING and disbanded in disgrace.

Voter fraud is virtually non-existent but Republicans have used this boogey man to justify a vicious attack on voting rights and democracy.

Now with Covid-19 disproportionately affecting the black community Republicans want to force the black community to gather in large groups for hours upon hours knowing some of them will be injured and killed by COVID-19 in order to exercise their right to vote and possibly their last chance to vote if Trump succeeds in corrupting the election.

Trump offered favours such as dropping court cases against chinese firms while telling the Chinese president "Make sure I get reelected.". That's what he got impeached over Ukraine for and he's doing it at every opportunity now.

Moscow Mitch McConnell, pass those bills to protect the election and allow Americans the right to vote by mail!

July 07, 2020 1:09 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The average black family's net worth is 10% of the average white family's net worth.

Its not school choice when you can't afford any of the choices.

July 07, 2020 1:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

For a year and a half, Wyatt and Regina have been posting that they won't respond to me because I'm "a mental case", "nut job", and "insane" so as not to make me crazy or push me over the edge. They've told people not to listen to me because I'm supposedly mentally ill and suddenly they're done with that.

Apparently they no longer think I'm mentally ill, or near the edge so maybe they should apologize for saying that for a year and a half?

You owe me an apology, Wyatt/Regina. That's what a good honest person would do. So, how about it?

All I ask of you is that we treat each other fairly and you seek to destroy my life and crush me. That keeps your life from being as good as it could be, as well as mine. Don't let hate harm us both.

July 07, 2020 1:50 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Four Americans died in Benghazi and Republicans demanded a blameless Hillary Clinton be locked up for it. Endless hearings and committees and several million spent on them for four deaths.

Now 250 Americans are dying a day and Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous is saying this is not a problem in any way and Republicans are saying its not Trump's fault and he need do nothing to stop it.

The double standards could not be farther apart.

♫♪ And they'll know we are christians by our hypocrisy, by our hypocrisy... ♫

July 07, 2020 3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Niece’s Book: Trump Is “Ruthless Sociopathic Liar”

The Washington Post reports:

Donald Trump escaped his father’s scorn and ridicule, Mary Trump wrote, because “his personality served his father’s purpose. That’s what sociopaths do: they co-opt others and use them toward their own ends — ruthlessly and efficiently, with no tolerance for dissent or resistance.”

The president, Mary Trump wrote, is a product of his domineering father and was acutely aware of avoiding the scorn that he heaped on his older brother, called Freddy, Trump writes. “By limiting Donald’s access to his own feelings and rendering many of them unacceptable, Fred perverted his son’s perception of the world and damaged his ability to live in it.”

For her uncle Donald, “lying was primarily a mode of self-aggrandizement meant to convince other people he was better than he actually was,” Trump writes.

July 07, 2020 5:11 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

"Trump Is A Ruthless Sociopathic Liar”

So are Wyatt and Regina Hardiman. Tell us something we don't know.

Decades of psychological research show conservatives have a greater tendency to be ruthless sociopathic liars than liberals:


July 07, 2020 5:16 PM  
Anonymous WNY said...

I got $12,00. You got $1,200 (maybe).

Evangelical churches got $7.3 billion.

I pay taxes. You pay taxes.

Churches pay no taxes.

So much for the separation of church and state.

July 08, 2020 1:07 AM  
Anonymous Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale said...

LONDON — Ever since the coronavirus emerged in Europe, Sweden has captured international attention by conducting an unorthodox, open-air experiment. It has allowed the world to examine what happens in a pandemic when a government allows life to carry on largely unhindered.

This is what has happened: Not only have thousands more people died than in neighboring countries that imposed lockdowns, but Sweden’s economy has fared little better.

“They literally gained nothing,” said Jacob F. Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “It’s a self-inflicted wound, and they have no economic gains.”

The results of Sweden’s experience are relevant well beyond Scandinavian shores. In the United States, where the virus is spreading with alarming speed, many states have — at President Trump’s urging — avoided lockdowns or lifted them prematurely on the assumption that this would foster economic revival, allowing people to return to workplaces, shops and restaurants.

n Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson — previously hospitalized with Covid-19 — reopened pubs and restaurants last weekend in a bid to restore normal economic life.

Implicit in these approaches is the assumption that governments must balance saving lives against the imperative to spare jobs, with the extra health risks of rolling back social distancing potentially justified by a resulting boost to prosperity. But Sweden’s grim result — more death, and nearly equal economic damage — suggests that the supposed choice between lives and paychecks is a false one: A failure to impose social distancing can cost lives and jobs at the same time.

Sweden put stock in the sensibility of its people as it largely avoided imposing government prohibitions. The government allowed restaurants, gyms, shops, playgrounds and most schools to remain open. By contrast, Denmark and Norway opted for strict quarantines, banning large groups and locking down shops and restaurants.

More than three months later, the coronavirus is blamed for 5,420 deaths in Sweden, according to the World Health Organization. That might not sound especially horrendous compared with the more than 129,000 Americans who have died. But Sweden is a country of only 10 million people. Per million people, Sweden has suffered 40 percent more deaths than the United States, 12 times more than Norway, seven times more than Finland and six times more than Denmark....

July 08, 2020 9:17 AM  
Anonymous they don't call it a SUPREME Court for nothin'! said...

The Supreme Court is siding with the Trump administration in its effort to allow employers with moral and/or religious objections to opt out of providing no-cost birth control to women as unconstitutionally required by Obama's "Affordable" Care Act.

The high court on Wednesday said 7-2 the administration acted properly when it allowed employers who cite a religious or moral objection to opt out of covering birth control.

“We hold today that the Departments had the statutory authority to craft that exemption, as well as the contemporaneously issued moral exemption. We further hold that the rules promulgating these exemptions are free from procedural defects,” wrote the esteemed Justice Clarence Thomas.

As a result of the Obama-era health law employers were forced to provide birth control, at no charge to women, in their insurance plans- even if the employer had moral or religious objections.

This was a violation of their constitutional freedom of religion.

Stare decisis is now settled forever!

July 08, 2020 11:03 AM  
Anonymous for millenia, mankind has defined marriage as the union representing all the genders said...

"Wrong. The poll with him at 47% was from two months ago. The poll showing him at 35% was from yesterday."

Randy is lying

the Ramussen poll, which us the only poll of LIKELY voters, had Trump's approval at 47% on July 6

you can't really believe anything Randy says


the rest of what he says is not even worth addressing

he would be so humiliated that you run the risk of causing a mental breakdown and sending him back to the funny farm

July 08, 2020 11:11 AM  
Anonymous do the math, AND use your brain said...

"The high court on Wednesday said 7-2"

you read that right!




July 08, 2020 11:14 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the Ramussen poll, which us the only poll of LIKELY voters, had Trump's approval at 47% on July 6"

So it does. I wasn't able to find that when I made my last comment. It doesn't matter though, Rasmussen Reports leans heavily Republican and is historically inaccurate through its overweighting of Republican support.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the rest of what she says is not even worth addressing".

Bock bock bock, bock! Chicken! Wyatt/Regina acted brave but when push comes to shove they're afraid to address what I've written...because they know I'm right and I'll keep making them look like the liars and fools they are.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "she would be so humiliated that you run the risk of causing a mental breakdown and sending her back to the funny farm".

But you earlier responded to my comments, were you unafraid then your "effective argumentation" would send me to the funny farm?

Wyatt and Regina are unstable. Silent for a year and a half, then a brief bit of bravery to lie about a few of my comments and suddenly they're again back to being afraid to attempt to address my arguments.



July 08, 2020 12:18 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Stare decisis is now settled forever!"


Conservatives will ignore stare decisis the first time they want to rule based on their policy preferences instead of the law.

Conservative Justices Are The Real "Judicial Activists".

If we judge "judicial activism" by some objective standard such as, say, how often they vote to strike down laws passed by the citizens' elected representatives, the more conservative justices have done so significantly more than the more liberal justices.

"[Professor Geoffrey] Stone concludes that the moderately liberal justices apply an approach in line with “the original concerns of the Framers of the Constitution and in their distinctive understanding of the special responsibility of courts in our constitutional system,” while the Court’s conservatives’ “votes cannot be explained by any consistent theory of constitutional interpretation” but are instead driven by their own policy preferences.

July 08, 2020 12:20 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

US Again Breaks Single-Day Record With 60K+ Cases

The Wall Street Journal reports:

The U.S. reported over 60,000 new coronavirus cases, a single-day record, with infections continuing to rise rapidly in states such as Florida and Texas, while others expanded quarantine requirements on inbound travel and New York City stepped up testing.

The total number of cases in the U.S. neared three million Wednesday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Daily case numbers fell below 50,000 for several days before Tuesday, but public-health experts cautioned that fewer tests take place on weekends and that infections that are detected might not be reported until the following week.

July 08, 2020 12:22 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Four Americans died in Benghazi and Republicans went nuts over it and threatened to lock up Hillary Clinton who had nothing to do with it.

Now with 250 Americans dying ever day of COVID-19 Republicans yawn and tell us everything is fine.

July 08, 2020 12:24 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous, what happened?

First you ignore (mostly) my posts for a year and a half, then you spend a couple of days responding and now you're afraid to respond again - did Tony Perkins put your leash back on?

July 08, 2020 12:25 PM  
Anonymous evanedwards said...

Trump is running a primary campaign instead of a general election campaign, it will doom him.

July 08, 2020 12:46 PM  
Anonymous remembe Jeb Bush? the debates with Biden are going to be so fun said...

According to the poll conducted by the Washington based thinktank the Democracy Institute, President Trump is neck and neck with his rival Joe Biden on 47 percent. However, Mr Trump would win in the electoral college system by 309 to 229 delegates because he is on course to win the crucial swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where he outpolls Vice President Biden by 48 percent to 44 percent.

The findings come as the US President went to the iconic Mount Rushmore to make a speech attacking “the angry mobs” who want to erase America’s history.

He told the crowd of supporters: “There is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished. Not gonna happen to us."

According to the poll, the concerns over the effects of the protests appear to be boosting Mr Trump’s chances even though his campaign is believed to be flagging.

Given a choice between which phrases identified their views 71 percent chose “all lives matter” while 29 percent picked “black lives matter”.

Meanwhile, with statues of presidents and other historic figures being attacked and pulled down across the US, 74 percent said they disapproved of the actions while 77 percent disagreed with the assertion supported by many Democrat politicians that Mount Rushmore with the faces of four US Presidents carved on it “is racist”.

The poll showed that 59 percent approved of the President’s handling of the riots and protests but 40 percent want him to be tougher while 60 percent think Mr Biden has not been critical enough.

In addition, 67 percent prefer President Trump’s law and order message compared to 29 percent who want black community relations improved with the police.

Hopes that a black running mate for Vice President Biden will help seal the campaign for him have also been questioned in the poll with 79 percent saying it would make no difference.

And of greater concern for the Democrats is that Mr Trump is still polling strong with ethnic minority voters – 35 percent for black voters and 34 percent for Hispanics.

Worse still is Mr Biden’s mental health after some stumbling performances and public concerns that he may be suffering from the early stages of dementia have also had an impact.

According to the poll 55 percent believe he is suffering from cognitive problems and 44 percent say that it means they are less likely to vote for him while 58 percent think aged 77 he is too old to be President.

Patrick Basham, the director of the Democracy Institute, said: “Between now and Election Day, the factor that will most influence the final outcome will be the debates between President Trump and his Democratic opponent. Should Biden regain some of his past skill at coasting through such encounters with moderate, platitudinous comments delivered with a smile, a little humour, and an Everyman demeanour, he will retain a good chance of enjoying a very competitive election.

“But, should Biden have even one ‘senior moment’ during which he forgets what he’s saying, or where he is, or the question posed to him, his chances of beating Trump will be somewhere between slim and none.”

The poll also appears to confirm that President Trump is benefiting from “silent support” which means it is not showing up in a lot of polls and has made Biden the odds on favourite to win.

While 77 percent of Trump voters are “enthusiastic” compared to 43 percent of Biden voters, 66 percent of Trump voters would not admit how they are voting to a friend or relative compared to just one third of Biden backers.

But the US President comes out as top for strong leader 67 percent while Biden is seen as more likeable 60 percent.

July 08, 2020 3:48 PM  
Anonymous evanedwards said...

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Kathy Kraninger is facing calls to resign after her agency finalized a rule Tuesday that critics say will further expose vulnerable people to "debt traps" set by payday and car-title lenders.

Kraninger, who was nominated by President Donald Trump and confirmed by the Senate in 2018, "just stamped an official seal of approval on one of the worst practices of payday lenders—and now there's nothing stopping the industry from ruining families with 400% interest rates in the middle of a recession," said Jeremy Funk, spokesperson for consumer watchdog group Allied Progress.


July 08, 2020 4:48 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the debates with Biden are going to be so fun"

Just painting that rosy picture regardless of reality, eh?

The idea that the debates are going to be fun for you and Trump is laughable - Trump is clearly suffering from dementia. Even you know that even though you won't admit it.

Biden will shred Trump like Hillary did.

July 08, 2020 4:51 PM  
Anonymous MSNBC said...

Dr. Aileen Marty says her hospitals have treated patients for COVID-19 who are "asymptomatic as far as they can tell, but when we do chest x-rays on these people, 67% show lung damage."

"They may feel great, but they're not great."

July 08, 2020 5:04 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Republicans can try to pooh-pooh away the 130,000+ coronavirus deaths but beyond that many who survive have permanent lung and health damage.

July 08, 2020 5:05 PM  
Anonymous Donkeyland: poverty, illiteracy, and racist cops!... said...

look at Randy go

trying so hard to non sequitur away the low death rate

no one "pooh-poohs" away the deaths caused by blue state governors

it will be a central election issue

along with why decades of Dem control of inner cities has brought poverty, failing schools, dangerous streets, and racist police forces

time for the buck to stop in Donkeyland!

July 08, 2020 5:52 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "trying so hard to non sequitur away the low death rate".

250 people dying needlessly each day isn't a low death rate, especially given that you Republicans exploded over 4 dead at Benghazi. Its always a gigantic double standard with you gas lighters.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "no one "pooh-poohs" away the deaths".

You and Trump sure as hell have. Trump's latest messaging is that this is no big deal and Americans should get over it. And you are 100% behind Trump.

And then you have the nerve to call yourselves "pro-life".

July 08, 2020 7:42 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

So, schizophrenic Wyatt/Regina are back to responding to my comments.

Clearly, unlike they said earlier, they are not worried their responses "are going to be so humiliating to me that they're going to send me back to the funny farm".

You can't have it both ways you two. You can't be worried about "sending me to the funny farm" and when you keep responding to me.

Geez, make up your spinny minds!

July 08, 2020 8:00 PM  
Anonymous Pete Buttigieg said...

When freedom of religion is invoked as an excuse for discrimination, both freedom and religion are diminished.

July 08, 2020 8:39 PM  
Anonymous JackFknTwist said...

Think about it.......
The USA is in a place where pleading 'religious belief' can get you an exemption from the law.
Think about that for a moment.
Think of how deeply that worm of religion has burrowed into the body politic where it can subvert what has been decided to be the law.

You can forget 'equality before the law'.
You can forget 'no man is above the law'.
That is all just bogus.
If you plead a special case of religion you are not bound by the laws of the land.
And that is the American Supreme Court.

July 09, 2020 12:21 AM  
Anonymous Greta Thunberg said...

We are at the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!

July 09, 2020 12:38 AM  

President Trump defeated rival Joe Biden in 2020 primary vote turnout for key swing states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, even after Biden had essentially sewn up his Democratic Party's nomination.

Citing the strong turnout for Trump in the primaries, his campaign sees an enthusiasm and base intensity gap favorable for the president, as the Democratic Party has been locked in fierce internecine battle dating back to at least the 2016 presidential race.

In Pennsylvania, Trump earned 934,524 votes this year, compared to 914,904 for Biden, according to the Associated Press.

In Ohio, Biden earned 623,186 votes compared to a reported 682,843 for Trump.

In the supposed "blue wall" state of Wisconsin, Biden earned 581,611 votes compared to 616,705 for Trump, and though Democratic rival candidate Bernie Sanders earned 293,652 votes, those Sanders voters were not reliably loyal to the Democratic Party, as shown by 2016.

"In 2016, about 216,000 Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin voters backed the Vermont senator in the spring and Trump in the fall, according to an analysis of exit polling — well over twice the president's total margin of victory in those states, which were critical to his electoral vote win in the face of a decisive popular vote loss," reported NBC's Shannon Pettypiece.

In Florida, Trump won 1.163 million votes, compared to Biden's 1.077 million, although 397,091 Floridians voted for Sanders and 255,764 voted for other Democrats. Yet an ABC News/Washington Post poll found 15% of Sen. Bernie Sanders' 2020 supporters will vote for President Donald Trump's reelection, leading to questions of whether many Sanders primary voters would stay home for the general election.

The Biden campaign did not respond to request for comment.

"I think that there's a real excitement around the president," Boris Epshteyn, Trump 2020 campaign strategist and former Trump White House aide, said. "It's very important to report it correctly. And a lot of the media — overwhelming majority of the media — got it wrong in 2016. And they're doing it now."

The Trump campaign noted that the president attracted record-breaking support in 2020 primary election voting when compared to recent incumbent presidents of either party seeking re-election.

Trump received more votes than former President Barack Obama did in 2012 (the year Obama ran for re-election) in 23 of the 27 states which have held primaries in both 2020 and 2012.

In many cases, Trump received two or three times Obama's totals. Trump has also received more votes than former President George W. Bush when the Texan was seeking re-election in 2004.

July 09, 2020 9:34 AM  

Trump also has historic support within his own party, so far winning more than two million more votes than his total in the 2016 primaries — a new record for the most votes ever cast for an incumbent president.

Trump has also set dozens of records for votes cast for incumbent presidents in their respective state party primaries and has won more than 94% of all votes cast in the Republican primaries.

The Trump campaign also noted Biden’s vote share in Democratic primaries underwhelmed even after rival Sanders dropped out of the race.

Despite being unopposed by any active candidates, Biden earned barely half of the vote in some contests.

In his best primary, he received less than five of every six Democrat votes, with most states falling somewhere in between.

Notably, one of the two primaries held in late June was almost as bad for Biden as his first one as the presumed nominee two-and-a-half months ago.

“Joe Biden is not excited about his own candidacy," Epshteyn said. "He doesn't have the stamina to run a campaign, let alone the presidency. And it takes a lot of stamina. And you look what President Trump's putting in, you know, 20-plus-hour days working for this country, achieving so much for this country. What's Joe Biden going to be able to do between his sleep and his naps and wondering about what day it is? And I'm not trying to make fun of the guy. You just compare Joe Biden, you compare Donald Trump. Which person would you want run running a county, let alone a country, right? Joe Biden just doesn't have the stamina. He doesn't have the strength. He doesn't have the alacrity. He doesn't have what it takes to be president.”

July 09, 2020 9:34 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality: make no life, make no marriage said...

The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected efforts by Democrats in the House of Representatives to obtain Donald Trump's tax and financial records.

The decisions mark the first time that the nation’s highest court has directly ruled on a matter involving Trump’s personal dealings. Trump has been more secretive with his finances than any president in decades, refusing to release his tax records to the public even as he mounts a bid for reelection.

The case was decided on the final day of the Supreme Court’s term, which began last October and was extended past its typical end-of-June conclusion as a result of precautions taken against the spreading coronavirus.

The cases involved subpoenas issued by Democratic-led committees of the House of Representatives, which sought financial records from the president’s longtime accounting firm Mazars USA as well as his banks, Capital One and Deutsche Bank.

“Here the President’s information is sought not by prosecutors or private parties in connection with a particular judicial proceeding, but by committees of Congress that have set forth broad legislative objectives.” Roberts wrote.

“Congress and the President—the two political branches established by the Constitution—have an ongoing relationship that the Framers intended to feature both rivalry and reciprocity,” Roberts wrote.

The House Oversight Committee sought out the information in connection with investigations into claims made by the president’s former lawyer Michael Cohen that Trump inflated and deflated his assets to suit his needs.

The oversight panel is also investigating Trump’s failure to disclose a $130,000 hush money payment that he owed to the adult film actress Stormy Daniels on his 2017 disclosure form.

The financial services and intelligence committees issued two separate subpoenas to Deutsche Bank seeking information on the president and members of his family, including his children Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump.

A third subpoena, from the financial services committee, asked Capital One for a wide variety of information on 15 Trump businesses.

The financial services committee is investigating potential foreign money laundering. Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the intelligence committee, has said his committee’s investigation entails uncovering whether “any foreign actor has sought to compromise or holds leverage, financial or otherwise, over Donald Trump, his family, his business, or his associates.

The court has ruled these congressional committees have no right to see the President's personal tax and financial information.

July 09, 2020 10:51 AM  
Anonymous when will Dems apologize to minorities? said...

After announcing his candidacy for President of the United States over the July Fourth holiday, Kanye West opened up about his political beliefs in a Forbes interview, among them being that he is pro-life: “I am pro-life because I’m following the word of the Bible.”

He went on to say he believed, “Planned Parenthoods have been placed inside cities by white supremacists to do the Devil’s work.”

West is referring to the alarming racial eugenic goals that originated with Planned Parenthood’s Founder Margaret Sanger, which are still being pursued today as the single largest abortion provider in the US.

Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916, and spent her life working closely with eugenics leaders and even the KKK to eliminate the offspring of the poor and racially “undesirable.”

In a 1932 speech delivered to the New History Society titled, “My Plan for Peace” Sanger described her vision for a perfect America, in which the main objectives of Congress would be, “to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization, and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

Sanger partnered with black community leaders to found the “Negro Project,” which was advertised as a way to make safe contraception available to African-Americans. However, her own writing shows that she used black leaders to gain access and trust in the black community she targeted with her eugenics goals.

In a letter to Clarence Gable in 1939, Sanger wrote: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

It is undeniable that Sanger represents an evil movement in the early 20th century who advocated for the passage of frightening eugenics legislation during the progressive era.

West is pointing out the fact that Sanger’s original goals, to target the offspring of the poor, of minorities, and babies who are physically or mentally challenged, lives on today.

The vast majority of Planned Parenthood clinics remain in minority neighborhoods. According to the CDC’s Abortion Surveillance report, black women make up 34 percent of abortions in the United States, though they are only 13.4 percent of the U.S. population.

According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, more black babies are aborted than born alive in New York City each year.

Who better to drive home West’s point than the keynote speaker of the infamous 2017 Charlottesville rally, Richard Spencer, the notorious neo-Nazi and alt-right white supremacist. During his speech he explained how abortion advances white nationalist goals stating, “The people who are having abortions are generally very often black or Hispanic or from very poor circumstances.”

Despite Sanger's morally reprehensible legacy, the left continuously denies the disturbing history of Planned Parenthood’s racial eugenics goals.

Planned Parenthood describes Sanger as “a woman of heroic accomplishments” and “a true visionary”.

From 1966- 2015 Planned Parenthood presented an annual “Margaret Sanger Award” which they describe on their website as their “highest honor.” Recipients include former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

July 09, 2020 11:55 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Twitch Platform Suspends Trump For “Hateful Content”

The Verge reports:

Twitch has temporarily banned President Donald Trump, in the latest surprise and high-profile suspension from the streaming service. Trump’s account was banned for “hateful conduct” that was aired on stream, and Twitch says the offending content has been removed.

One of the streams in question was a rebroadcast of Trump’s infamous kickoff rally, where he said that Mexico was sending rapists to the United States. Twitch also flagged comments at Trump’s recent rally in Tulsa.

“Like anyone else, politicians on Twitch must adhere to our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. We do not make exceptions for political or newsworthy content, and will take action on content reported to us that violates our rules,” a Twitch spokesperson told The Verge.

Twitch reportedly has around 15 million daily users.

July 09, 2020 12:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Reddit Bans Largest Pro-Trump Forum For Hate Speech

The New York Times reports:

Reddit, one of the largest social networking and message board websites, on Monday banned its biggest community devoted to President Trump as part of an overhaul of its hate speech policies. The community or “subreddit,” called “The_Donald,” is home to more than 790,000 users who post memes and viral videos.

Reddit executives said the group, which has been highly influential in cultivating and stoking Mr. Trump’s online base, had consistently broken its rules by allowing people to target and harass others with hate speech.

“Reddit is a place for community and belonging, not for attacking people,” Steve Huffman, the company’s chief executive, said in a call with reporters. “‘The_Donald’ has been in violation of that.”

July 09, 2020 12:41 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump encouraged the Chinese president to build concentration camps for members of the Uighur minority.

"At the opening dinner of the Osaka G-20 meeting in June 2019, with only interpreters present, Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. According to our interpreter, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do," Bolton writes.

The book reportedly claims Trump was also willing to halt criminal investigations for dictators he liked; contradicted his own CIA and defended Saudi Arabia in the killing of a Washington Post columnist as a distraction tactic from a controversy involving his daughter; and spoke of executing journalists, whom he called scumbags.

"What the people who are [less-committed voters] will hear is Trump's former secretary of state Rex Tillerson called him a ... moron. Trump's former secretary of defence James Mattis said the only member of our military [Trump] respects is Colonel Sanders. Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton said that Trump asked the Chinese to help him win re-election....

July 09, 2020 12:44 PM  
Anonymous hi, it's Merrick Garland again. Just checking to see if there are openings on the Supreme Court.... said...

The head of a foundation honoring the famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass is rejecting the notion that systemic racism pervades America's police forces, suggesting instead there is more evidence of systemic racism in the liberal bastions of the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood.

Kevin McGary, the chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, questioned the claim that systemic racism prevails among police when so many minorities populate law enforcement's ranks.

Instead, he said that the description of systemic racism could be applied to the Democratic Party, which he said "started slavery and segregation and to this very day they actually encourage the black genocide of black babies."

He also said that "all of their upper echelon, meaning in the House and the Senate, are white, and has been for decades, many decades, probably forever."

"But if you're sincere you would immediately begin to march on Washington against the Democrat Party.

At the very least you would say, we want reparations, not from the U.S. in general but from the Democrat Party. They're the party that precipitated all this," he said.

Discussing the late founder of Planned Parenthood, McGary said that Margaret Sanger's "racial hatred towards blacks is unparalleled" and he said that "her organization specifically targets to this very day black babies" through its abortion programs.

McGary said that while black women of child-bearing age make up a small proportion of the population, a significant quantity, "over 90 percent in some estimates, of Planned Parenthood and affiliates are actually in the black community.


Why would you put all of your sites in the black community for a three percent demographic?

This makes no sense," he said.

Planned Parenthood has long defended its founder, Sanger, who was a proponent of the turn-of-the-century science movement known as eugenics that advocated breeding humans with superior qualities. Sanger's writings included statements such as “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective" and that "we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."

Planned Parenthood has said it does not believe Sanger's comments were meant to be racist.

McGary predicted that during the upcoming 2020 presidential election President Trump will secure a larger share of support from black voters than he earned during the 2016 election cycle.

July 09, 2020 12:52 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

So, Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous got up enough courage to respond to my posts for a couple of days. Then after my last detailed post they decided they'd had enough, stopped responding and reverted to their excuse that they don't want to "humiliate me and send me back to the funny farm".

I'm not surprised they didn't want to talk about my last detailed posts to them. I spoke about fairness, balance, and proportionality and they don't want to talk about that. They're all about fulfilling their own desires no matter how negatively it will affect those doing them no harm.

Me, my highest priority is maximizing the happiness for all in an equal and fair way. You treat me fairly and I'll treat you fairly. Wyatt and Regina broke the social contract repeatedly over 20 years and its up to them to come back in compliance before I am obligated to treat them, or Tony Perkins, Mat Staver, and Franklin Graham fairly.

July 09, 2020 1:09 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I ask you, who does it harm for me to live as a woman and for society to treat me as a woman?

There has to be a valid reason to destroy my freedom and crush my life. Wyatt and Regina Hardiman don't have one, they're all about creating the greatest gap possible between the quality of their lives and the (low) quality of the lives of innocent lgbg people even though crushing us does nothing to benefit them.

That's our caveman evolutionary psychology. A small portion of the population (maybe 30% or so) have a warlike tendency. They're open to dying and killing for ideology, good or bad. That maximally benefits a cave man tribe in an era where many tribes compete for resources with occasional warfare. But its counterproductive in a modern technological world where we need global cooperation to deal with existential threats like human caused global climate warming.

July 09, 2020 1:20 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

As COVID cases top 3 million, it's past time to end the catastrophic Trump presidency

Our country is living through a tragedy of unthinkable magnitude.

COVID-19 has hammered the world, but America — with 4.25% of the world’s population — has suffered a quarter of its cases and fatalities.

Other developed nations, such as Italy, Spain, France and the United Kingdom, have suffered greatly but have now managed to control the spread of the virus. Here, though we have the world’s most advanced economy and medical and scientific capabilities, COVID continues to run rampant. On Wednesday, led by surges in Texas, Florida, Arizona and California, America officially passed 3 million cases.

It is no secret why. America’s tragedy results from the largest failure of presidential leadership in our history. Donald Trump threw out the pandemic response playbooks left by his predecessors; weakened the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; refused to acknowledge the seriousness of the virus; promised its early disappearance; fantasized about miracle cures; and then, after a series of uninformed television briefings, chose to declare victory and pronounce the problem over.

He defied the warnings of public health experts and showed contempt for social distancing and wearing masks. He has created misunderstandings and sowed division by encouraging Americans to rebel against the reasonable public health measures put in place by their governors and mayors. He's trying to end insurance coverage for millions, and on Tuesday, as America set a record for new daily cases, he began to officially withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization.

An unhinged leader at a time of crisis

If that record of misjudgment, negligence, incompetence and lying was not enough, in his recent rallies in Tulsa and Phoenix, Trump knowingly exposed thousands of Americans to disease and death so that he could receive their applause. He acts more like the leader of an apocalyptic cult than a president.

America faces the gravest possible challenge, with an increasingly unhinged leader. Along with most other Americans, I have tried to comfort myself knowing that the election is coming and that Trump is virtually certain to be defeated. But it will be more than six months until former Vice President Joe Biden is sworn in as president. Having seen the past six months, it is frightening to contemplate how much more damage Trump would do in his final six.

July 09, 2020 2:53 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Transgender murders are 'rampant' in 2020

Elinor Aspegren, USA TODAY

The Human Rights Campaign has been tracking transgender homicides since 2013. This year is worse than all of them so far.

At least four transgender people have been murdered in the past week, including at least three Black transgender women, bringing the HRC's yearly count to 21 — nearly matching 2019's total of 27.

The organization has "never seen such a high number at this point in the year," and other advocates across the U.S. are horrified by the "rampant and repeated" murders.

"It is ridiculous that we have to continue to hashtag our friends' names and add them to a list of names to be memorialized every year, and that we expect it," Carter Brown, executive director of National Black Trans Advocacy Coalition, told USA TODAY.

He added, "We expect it because too many trans women of color are continuously being murdered and beaten with minimum or no consequence being brought to the assailants."

As a transgender woman, I can't fight Trump's policies by myself. I need all progressives to join us.

People of color and transgender people are most often victims of hate violence, according to a 2017 report from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs. In 2017, 71% of victims were people of color, 52% were transgender and 40% were transgender women of color.

But the number could be much higher as few transgender people report such incidents, Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, told USA TODAY last month, because of "a combination of stigmatization, marginalization and criminalization."

That anti-transgender stigma, especially transphobia towards Black transgender women, has roots in systemic racism and anti-transgender legislation, Brown said.

"The end result is Black trans people are denied access and protections within the justice system, housing system, healthcare system and employment," he said.

They added that discrimination is decreased when family, friends, community members, journalists, and politicians show support for transgender people.

"Historically, transgender people have been portrayed as monstrous villains," Westbrook said - [remember Wyatt and Regina calling transwomen "a gangrene" and "a virus"? They do it to encourage people to see as something to be destroyed and hope they act on it]

July 09, 2020 3:03 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Tony Perkins, Mat Staver, Brian Brown, and Franklin Graham have encouraged President Trump to wage war on innocent transgender women. The spike in murders of transwomen is an inevitable result of this christian hate campaign and is exactly what these people hoped would happen.

Evangelical christians such as the ones mentioned above traveled to Russia to help them craft their law banning free speech for lgbt people, effectively making it illegal to be gay in Russia.

Lgbt people in Russia are being horribly persecuted in Russia and many are murdered, particularly in the Russian province of Chechnya. Gangs of roving young men seek out and trap gays and lesbians and engage in hours long assaults and rapes when the victim is not outright murdered.

This is what Tony Perkins, Brian Brown, Mat Staver, and Franklin Graham want to bring to the United States. They were instrumental in bringing about this persecution and murder in Russia and now they are doing everything in their power to make the United States the same way.

The Democratic party is the party of morality and the rule of law. Vote Democratic if you value life and your democracy.

July 09, 2020 3:12 PM  
Anonymous for millenia, mankind has defined marriage as the union representing all the genders said...

"At least four transgender people have been murdered in the past week, including at least three Black transgender women, bringing the HRC's yearly count to 21 — nearly matching 2019's total of 27."

Elinor, could tell me how many of the 21 have been African Americans?

"calling transwomen "a gangrene" and "a virus"?"

no one here has ever called "transwomen" "a gangrene" and "a virus"

they used a metaphor describing an idea as "a gangrene" and "a virus"

if we are now saying that describing ideas in such a way is hate speech against people who hold such ideas, you have established a new frontier in intolerance

several notable writers and thinkers, including JK Rowling, issued a statement this week denouncing the totalitarian, intolerant nature of transgender advocates and other "progressives"

July 09, 2020 3:25 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous, what happened?

You said you weren't going to respond to my comments because you were afraid to humiliate me and send me back to the funny farm.

Clearly they are no longer afraid they'll humiliate me and send me back to the funny farm with their "effective argumentation", lol!

Sorry to disappoint you kids, but its been over 20 years since I stayed at the funny farm - you don't have what it takes to make me crazy :)

July 09, 2020 4:13 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "for millenia, [some of] mankind has defined marriage as the union representing all the genders"

For millennia same sex couples have been getting married and accepted by their tribes. This is good for gays and society.

I posted "[remember Wyatt and Regina calling transwomen "a gangrene" and "a virus"? They do it to encourage people to see as something to be destroyed and hope they act on it]"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "no one here has ever called "transwomen" "a gangrene" and "a virus" they used a metaphor describing an idea as "a gangrene" and "a virus""

Right, just like the Nazis never said the Jews literally were rats, they just used the rat metaphor to tell people how to think and feel about Jews.

There is no practical difference between calling transgenderism a gangrene and calling me, a transwoman, a gangrene or a virus. You can't destroy transgenderism without destroying me. And that's obviously what you and Tony Perkins want.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "if we are now saying that describing ideas in such a way is hate speech against people who hold such ideas, you have established a new frontier in intolerance"

Of course its hate speech to call transgender people "a gangrene", "a virus". We aren't hurting anyone and you seek to harm us. That's the definition of hate speech.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "several [lol!] notable writers and thinkers, including JK Rowling, issued a statement this week denouncing the totalitarian, intolerant nature of transgender advocates and other "progressives""

There is nothing totalitarian or intolerant about asking to be free to live our lives however we want as long as we are not hurting others. The totalitarian intolerance is all on the part of bigots like JK Rowling and you who seek to force us to "live in the shadows" and to deny us the same rights you have.

I ask you, who does it hurt if I live as a woman and society treats me as a woman?

July 09, 2020 4:14 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

So, Wyatt/Regina, are you going to respond to my comment above or allege you're ignoring it because you don't want to "humiliate me and send me back to the funny farm"?

Wyatt and Regina are ambivalent about responding to my comments. They hate the truth I tell and want to deceive readers with their lies, but they keep getting humiliated by MY responses to them.

July 09, 2020 4:16 PM  
Anonymous watch out for what''s amok said...

wow, narcissism is a powerful delusion!

here's a letter from Canadian health officials urging the idiot Canadian government to reopen schools and businesses


July 09, 2020 4:27 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Just think about how f'd up Wyatt and Regina's minds are: If I object to them calling transwomen "a gangrene" or "a virus", in their minds I am the intolerant one!

Christians like them have perverted the idea of tolerance into "You are not allowed to object to me abusing you."!

Its like my doctor said, these people who hate harmless lgbts are mentally ill!

July 09, 2020 4:29 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina, you've always said Canada is boring and no one cares about it. Why are you so interested now? Just kidding, I know its because you're desperate for something to poke me with.


Trump Death Clock


Estimated U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Due To POTUS Inaction

In January 2020, the Trump administration was advised that immediate action was required to stop the spread of COVID-19. According to NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, “there was a lot of pushback” to this advice. President Trump declined to act until March 16th. Experts estimate that, had mitigation measures been implemented one week earlier, 60% of American COVID-19 deaths would have been avoided. For further reading, click here.

July 09, 2020 4:34 PM  

Mandated mail-in voting and other extreme changes to the 2020 election in response to the COVID-19 pandemic could further undermine public confidence in the American electoral system.

Many states, most notably California, are pushing mass mail-in balloting. This move is driven by inflammatory rhetoric from largely left-leaning politicians and activists suggesting that voting in person is so dangerous that people will die from exercising the franchise.

This irresponsible rhetoric is likely to be gravely suppressive of the right to vote, as it could scare many citizens from voting in person.

Mail-in voting is a proven and significant threat to election integrity.

In 2005, the bipartisan Carter-Baker Commission noted that mail-in ballots “remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

The commission highlighted the risks of blank ballots mailed to wrong addresses, as well as voter intimidation outside controlled polling places and vote-buying schemes.

One of the main reasons the Carter-Baker Commission identified absentee ballot fraud as “the largest source of potential voter fraud” is simple: It poses fewer risks for a person filling out and mailing a fraudulent ballot.

By contrast, a person attempting “impersonation” fraud at a polling site must at least appear to cast the vote and, in consequence, may be found out and detained.

Mass mailing ballots to voters depends on voter registration rolls that are notoriously error-ridden.

A Pew Research Center report issued during the Obama administration years noted that “24 million — one of every eight — active voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate,” and more than “1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as active voters.”

There are significant voter list maintenance issues in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado and California, numbering into the millions of voters.

In Los Angeles County, which Judicial Watch sued in 2017 for noncompliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), registrations have not been scrubbed for more than 20 years.

There are 1.5 million inactive voters in the nation’s largest county, almost one fourth of all county registrations.

Stated differently, Los Angeles County, home of Hillary support, has more inactive voters than Kansas has actual voters.

California also has a ballot harvesting law that will necessarily lead to more fraud and voter intimidation, as activists roam neighborhoods chasing the millions of ballots put into the mails by California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the state.

Under a court settlement with Judicial Watch, Los Angeles County agreed to begin to clean up its rolls — but the inactive names are still on voting lists.

Incredibly, under the terms of Gov. Newsom’s initial vote-by-mail executive order, ballots would be sent to these inactive voters.

These unsecured live ballots — unmonitored by their original owners, who have moved or died — constitute a significant threat to the integrity of California’s elections and to the 2020 presidential race.

July 09, 2020 5:33 PM  

After this issue was identified in testimony before Congress, Gov. Newsom issued a subsequent order that inactive voters would not be sent ballots.

Nevertheless, other states have similar ballot integrity problems.

In 2019, it was found that one in seven counties in the United States have more registered voters than citizens over the age of 18.

Americans have been losing faith in the integrity of our electoral system for years.

A recent Gallup poll found that 59 percent of Americans do not have confidence in the honesty of elections, and a majority of Americans have lacked trust in the honesty of elections every year since 2012.

Flooding the mails with ballots is an invitation for voter fraud and chaos on Election Day.

There is a danger of votes being lost, tampered with and, frankly, not counted by overwhelmed election officials.

Even with the threat of contracting the coronavirus, there is no good reason to move away from the most secure method of voting — in person and in private.

If you can shop and protest, after all, you can vote in person.

It is now four months until Election Day, and the number of weekly deaths from the pandemic have plummeted.

Insisting on all-mail ballot elections seems less like a response to a health crisis and more like a partisan application of the immortal words of Rahm Emanuel: “Never allow a good crisis to go to waste.”

July 09, 2020 5:34 PM  
Anonymous blue state government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem said...

"a majority of Americans have lacked trust in the honesty of elections every year since 2012"

I remember that election

Barack the Corrupt used the IRS to stop the formation of advocacy groups that opposed him

China is doing the same in Hong King right now

July 09, 2020 5:37 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Barack the Corrupt used the IRS to stop the formation of advocacy groups that opposed him

A right wing conservative lie. This was investigated at the whining of conservatives and it was found there was no bias in the selection of groups targeted for review.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem"

When conservatives say this, what they mean is they want to take away your social security, medicare, and medicaid, that they want to force you to pay to educate your children and for police and fire support.

July 09, 2020 6:57 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "In 2005, the bipartisan Carter-Baker Commission noted that mail-in ballots “remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

They also noted that voter fraud was virtually non-existent and that even with mail in ballots the possibility of voter fraud was near zero.

The major point was the commission's call for nonpartisan professional and state oversight over elections. The panel noted that both the 2000 and 2004 elections were marred by partisan, campaign-affiliated officials who held roles in the Bush campaign and Florida and Ohio Secretary of State positions. Because the Secretary of State is responsible for certifying votes, these conflicts of interest were deemed by the panel as damaging to "confidence in elections.

Republicans have been using their partisan positions in oversight of elections to cheat. The governor of Georgia, for example, was in charge of managing the state election although he was a candidate. He took over half a million of eligible mostly black voters off the rolls, throughout hundreds of thousands of ballots, closed almost all polling places in districts that usually vote democratic and so on in order to steal the election from the rightful Governor of Georgia, Stacy Abrams.

Only a handful of cases of voter fraud have been found over the past decade despite hundreds of millions of votes cast. The fraud of "voter fraud" is just an excuse to prevent blacks, minorities, and young people from voting.

July 09, 2020 7:05 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Voting by mail has been going on in several states for many years without a hitch. Now during the epidemic its the only ethical choice.

Trump had a voter fraud commission that was going to allegedly find 3 million people voted illegally in 2016. Instead they found NOTHING and disbanded in disgrace.

Voter fraud is virtually non-existent but Republicans have used this boogey man to justify a vicious attack on voting rights and democracy.

Now with Covid-19 disproportionately affecting the black community Republicans want to force the black community to gather in large groups for hours upon hours knowing some of them will be injured and killed by COVID-19 in order to exercise their right to vote and possibly their last chance to vote if Trump succeeds in corrupting the election.

Moscow Mitch McConnell, pass those bills to protect the election and allow Americans the right to vote by mail!

July 09, 2020 7:07 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina, what happened? You were all eager to respond to my comments for a couple of days and now suddenly you've gone silent again.

You just don't like talking about fairness, balance, and proportionality, do you?

Its got to be everything for Wyatt/Regina and destroy the harmless transpeople. The trivial thrill that gives you doesn't justify destroying our lives and happiness. That's not a fair balancing of individual rights, that doesn't make for a good society.

About 30% of the population sees others as objects to be dominated and used while most of us value fairness above all else. Wyatt and Regina Hardiman are in the former category. These are people who should never be trusted and who need to be constantly supervised.

Remember, the Nazis voted in Hitler, just like Americans voted in Trump. There is no psychological difference between the tendencies of peoples who lead to the rise of Hitler and any other society.

July 09, 2020 7:17 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Carter Center Statement on Voting by Mail for 2020 U.S. Elections

ATLANTA (May 6, 2020) — The United States faces a series of critical challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic, including serious impediments to holding safe, secure, and inclusive elections in November. Many voters across the U.S. are likely to find themselves in areas where the pandemic has not abated and where the health risks involved in going to polling locations will be unacceptably high.

To address this threat, The Carter Center urges federal and state governments to expand access to vote-by-mail options and to provide adequate funding as quickly as possible to allow for the additional planning, preparation, equipment, and public messaging that will be required.

The Carter-Baker Commission found that where safeguards for ballot integrity are in place – for example in Oregon, where the entire state has voted by mail since 1998 – there was little evidence of voter fraud.

“I urge political leaders across the country to take immediate steps to expand vote-by-mail and other measures that can help protect the core of American democracy – the right of our citizens to vote,” said former President Carter.

July 09, 2020 7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a Senate majority in reach, Democratic candidates rake in massive donations

A group of Democratic challengers to incumbent Republican U.S. senators has once again posted massive fundraising numbers, raising the party's hopes of reclaiming the Senate from the GOP in the November election.

The Democrats' figures, which include donations between April and June, are all the more impressive for coming while the nation underwent a historic economic crunch because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, challenging Republican Sen. Steve Daines, reported raising $7.7 million in the year's second quarter. Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon raised $9 million over the same period in her contest against Republican Sen. Susan Collins. Former North Carolina state Sen. Cal Cunningham reported a $7.4-million haul in his bid against Republican Sen. Thom Tillis.

The fundraising spree has extended into typically deep-red South Carolina, where former state Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison amassed $13.9 million over the quarter in a showdown with prominent Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham. In Kentucky, former combat pilot Amy McGrath's campaign reported raising $17.4 million for the quarter in her challenge against GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

"Some of these Democratic challengers are raising crazy amounts of money for a single quarter," said Sheila Krumholz, executive director at the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks political spending. “The average winning Senate candidate last cycle spent a total of $15.7 million for the cycle."

The huge hauls are just the latest in a series of alarm bells for the GOP, whose leader, President Trump, significantly trails Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden in the polls and has flailed in recent months with his responses to a historic pandemic and an impassioned activist movement for Black lives.

In polling that only tests party affiliation, generic congressional Democratic candidates lead GOP candidates by more than 10 percentage points, according to an average by Real Clear Politics. The Democratic fundraising crush raises the prospect that the Republican Party might reprise its disastrous showing in the 2018 midterm, when Democrats took over the House of Representatives.

A "green wave" of Democratic cash in that midterm "was just far too much for Republican incumbents to overcome, and [Democrats] ended up picking up and flipping the House, and I think these are sort of the telltale signs we are seeing in the Senate as well," said Jessica Taylor, the Senate and governors editor at the nonpartisan Cook Report, which tracks elections.

Of the 35 Senate seats up for election this cycle, 23 are held by Republicans, giving Democrats multiple opportunities to pick up the three seats needed to claim a majority in the chamber.

Nathan Gonzales, editor and publisher of Inside Elections, a nonpartisan newsletter, thinks that “the biggest surprise is that these monster fundraising quarters are no surprise anymore," saying that Democrats overall have taken impressive fundraising loads in the last three years.

July 09, 2020 8:29 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous asked how Trump is turning the United States into Russia. As we see above, Trump is arguing he is above the law, that he can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and the Justice Department can't investigate the crime, arrest him, or even stop him from continuing to shoot people.

Dictators have "total authority" and "absolute immunity". Trump is arguing he has dictatorial powers to do absolutely anything he wants.

No past president has taken this extreme position. No past president has refused to provide any information whatsoever to the legislative branch. All past presidents provided a wide array of information to Congress in the normal course of business. Subpoenas were responded to and the executive branch has always cooperated with the legislative branch.

Trump has broken all those norms and traditions and is trying to seize dictatorial control of the United States. He's following in the path of Putin by attacking harmless lgbt people to win the support of bigoted Americans like Tony Perkins, Brian Brown, Mat Staver, Franklin Graham and Wyatt and Regina Hardiman.

July 09, 2020 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Merrick Garland ... LOL said...

"As we see above, Trump is arguing he is above the law, that he can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and the Justice Department can't investigate the crime, arrest him, or even stop him from continuing to shoot people."

actually, as Chief Executive, he can't be subject to investigation or arrest for any crime by the Justice Department because he runs the Justice Department

if the DOJ were to take any action against him, he could just fire everybody

Congress, instead, holds him accountable

I know your mind was blown long ago, but this isn't that complicated

"Dictators have "total authority" and "absolute immunity". Trump is arguing he has dictatorial powers to do absolutely anything he wants."

except for you, everyone knows that isn't true

"No past president has taken this extreme position."

well, yes they have

"No past president has refused to provide any information whatsoever to the legislative branch. All past presidents provided a wide array of information to Congress in the normal course of business. Subpoenas were responded to and the executive branch has always cooperated with the legislative branch."

not really

Trump provides information to the legislative branch all the time

it was only during the kangaroo court impeachment that he said they would have to take him to court

"Trump has broken all those norms and traditions and is trying to seize dictatorial control of the United States. He's following in the path of Putin by attacking harmless lgbt people"

ah, here we have, at last, some honesty

the real problem is that Trump doesn't support the gay agenda!

July 09, 2020 9:34 PM  
Anonymous Democrats are sick bloodthirsty racists said...

"Only a handful of cases of voter fraud have been found over the past decade despite hundreds of millions of votes cast."

as the Baker-Carter Commission noted, there is really no way to detect voter mail fraud

when people vote in person, everything is carefully monitored to make sure no intimidation is present

you can't do that by mail

"The fraud of "voter fraud" is just an excuse to prevent blacks, minorities, and young people from voting."

there's no reason blacks, minorities, and young people can't vote in person

"Voting by mail has been going on in several states for many years without a hitch."

5% of ballots aren't filled out by the voter


"Now during the epidemic its the only ethical choice."

if people can shop and protest live, they can vote live too

"what happened? You were all eager to respond to my comments for a couple of days and now suddenly you've gone silent again."

Bad Randy, your idea that everyone has to respond to everything you say is flat-out narcissism

believe it or not, you aren't the center of the world

honestly, if I gave your moronic comments the response they deserve, it would literally drive you insane!

"The United States faces a series of critical challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic, including serious impediments to holding safe, secure, and inclusive elections in November."

if one can protest for weeks on end, they can take a few minutes to vote

the booths could be moved outside to tents without sides

July 09, 2020 9:52 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I posted "As we see above, Trump is arguing he is above the law, that he can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and the Justice Department can't investigate the crime, arrest him, or even stop him from continuing to shoot people."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "actually, as Chief Executive, he can't be subject to investigation or arrest for any crime by the Justice Department because he runs the Justice Department".

That would be the "absolute immunity" that he argued in court he had. The Supreme Court ruled today he does NOT have absolute immunity.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "if the DOJ were to take any action against him, he could just fire everybody"

Like a dictator. There's a clear conflict of interest with the president firing Justice Department employees who investigate or testify against him. That's what the Inspectors General said and Trump fired them to, like a dictator.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Congress, instead, holds him accountable"

No, it certainly does not hold him accountable when Republicans are in the minority. Republicans argued before his senate trial that they would violate their oath to do fair and impartial justice, they said they were taking Trump's side from the start and throughout.

I posted "Dictators have "total authority" and "absolute immunity". Trump is arguing he has dictatorial powers to do absolutely anything he wants."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous siad "except for you, everyone knows that isn't true"

You're denying reality. The Supreme Court just settled the case about his tax records and said he does not have the "absolute immunity" he argued in court he has. During his impeachment and at a later court case Trump had his lawyers argue he can do anything he wants just by stating its in the country's best interests. His corrupt Attorney General Bill Barr argued the same thing before Congress and the media.

"No past president has taken this extreme position."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "well, yes they have".

Another reflexive childish lie. Go ahead, post a link to any past president arguing they had "absolute immunity" or "total authority" - its never happened before, Trump is destroying all the norms and traditions that have kept your democracy going. And you are pretty happy about it.

July 09, 2020 11:05 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I posted "No past president has refused to provide any information whatsoever to the legislative branch. All past presidents provided a wide array of information to Congress in the normal course of business. Subpoenas were responded to and the executive branch has always cooperated with the legislative branch."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "not really Trump provides information to the legislative branch all the time"

Yes really, he withholds ALL information. He provides NOTHING to Congress, he's refused to provide any information on what he's doing, has told every government employee they'll be arrested if they testify against him or provide information on his actions. This has never happened before.
Anonymous Democrats are sick bloodthirsty racists said...

I posted "Only a handful of cases of voter fraud have been found over the past decade despite hundreds of millions of votes cast."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said " as the Baker-Carter Commission noted, there is really no way to detect voter mail fraud".

They never said any such thing. They said the main finding was that having partisans in charge of the elections was destroying public confidence in the system. Their recommendations were all about addressing issues such as Republicans closing 95% of polling places in neighbourhoods that have historically voted Democratic.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "when people vote in person, everything is carefully monitored to make sure no intimidation is present you can't do that by mail".

That's the exact opposite of reality! The truth is Republicans have hired 500,000 people to got to polling places in neighbourhoods that typically vote Democratic to challenge voters on their right to vote. They are uniformed and carry guns, the whole intent is to intimidate people who have the right into leaving before voting. This absolutely does not happen when people vote by mail.

There are huge financial penalties and prison sentences for voter fraud. The idea that anyone is going to risk that to cast one false vote is nonsense. Trump's Voter Fraud Commission looked into this, found absolutely nothing and disbanded in disgrace.

Voter fraud simply does not happen. Republicans pretend voter fraud is a concern solely to prevent people from voting who typically vote Democratic. The whole Republican "voter fraud" schtick is an attack on democracy.

July 09, 2020 11:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I posted "The fraud of "voter fraud" is just an excuse to prevent blacks, minorities, and young people from voting."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "there's no reason blacks, minorities, and young people can't vote in person".

There most certainly are reasons. Republicans have implemented voter ID laws which disproportionately prevent blacks from voting as many don't have driver's licenses, or even a birth certificate that is needed to get a voter ID. Republicans have closed DMV's in black neighbourhoods to make sure any black person wanting a voter ID has a lengthy trip to multiple stops to get the ID. They have to take time off work, most have to take public transportation and spend days in line going back and forth.

In black neighbourhoods Republicans have closed 95% of polling places so the lines to vote in public are several hours long, thus forcing many to take more time off from work they can't afford and forcing many to leave without having a chance to vote.

Oh, believe me, there are plenty of reasons blacks, minorities, and young people can't vote in person. Republicans have put all manner of roadblocks in place to stop these typical Democratic voters from voting.

I posted "Voting by mail has been going on in several states for many years without a hitch. Every person in the state of Oregon has voted by mail for over 20 years with no voter fraud whatsoever"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "5% of ballots aren't filled out by the voter fraud!"

You've never presented any proof for that claim and given that your motto is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie" rational people have to assume you're lying.

July 09, 2020 11:07 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I posted "Now during the epidemic [voting by mail ]its the only ethical choice."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "if people can shop and protest live, they can vote live too"

People have to shop. There's no need for them to vote in person and good reason not to - avoiding lung/brain damage or death.

I posted "what happened? You were all eager to respond to my comments for a couple of days and now suddenly you've gone silent again."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "your idea that everyone has to respond to everything you say is flat-out narcissism"

That's the straw man logical fallacy - I never asserted that everyone has to respond to everything I say. That's just another reflexive childish lie on your part.

Wyatt/Regina/bas anonymous said "believe it or not, you aren't the center of the world"

I never suggested I was. You however seem to think you are as you demand society crush my freedom and destroy my life to give you a trivial temporary thrill.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "honestly, if I gave your moronic comments the response they deserve, it would literally drive you insane!".

Please. If you thought you could literally drive me insane, you wouldn't hesitate to do so. That would fulfill your sadistic personality and give you an opportunity to falsely allege lgbt people are mentally ill. No way would you pass that up if you thought you could bring it about. Go ahead, give it your best shot.

The Carter Centre said "The United States faces a series of critical challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic, including serious impediments to holding safe, secure, and inclusive elections in November."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "if one can protest for weeks on end, they can take a few minutes to vote the booths could be moved outside to tents without sides"

Protests are necessary to address historical systemic racism. Voting in person is not necessary and will be harmful to thousands including causing needless deaths. Republicans have forced line ups miles long with people in those lines for several hours - a perfect recipe for transmitting the coronavirus. Tents won't change that.

July 09, 2020 11:08 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

STUDY: Lockdowns Saved Up To 370,000 US Lives

Axios reports:

As many as 250,000 to 370,000 deaths may have been averted between March and May 15 as a result of the statewide stay-at-home orders enacted to mitigate spread of the coronavirus, a study published Thursday in Health Affairs projects.

Lockdown restrictions have largely been lifted, but the coronavirus pandemic keeps getting worse all across the country. New modeling suggests the outbreaks could lead to more than 200,000 deaths by the end of year.

[Imagine how many tens of thousands of other lives could have been saved if Trump had made the stay-at-home orders national!]

July 09, 2020 11:34 PM  
Anonymous German Chancellor Angela Merkel said...

You cannot fight the pandemic with lies and disinformation any more than you can fight it with hate or incitement of hatred. The limits of populism and denial of basic truths are being laid bare.

July 09, 2020 11:59 PM  
Anonymous greenmanTN said...

It's almost as if she's talking about someone but not saying their name...

July 10, 2020 12:00 AM  
Anonymous President complains in private about pandemic hurting him but couldn't care less about the rest of us said...

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said Thursday that partisanship is hurting the US response to Covid-19 in his latest blunt assessment of the country’s handling of the pandemic.

“You have to be having blindfolders on and covering your ears to think that we don’t live in a very divisive society now, from a political standpoint,” Fauci said on “Podcast-19,” FiveThirtyEight’s podcast on Covid-19.”I mean, it’s just unfortunate, but it is what it is. And you know, from experience historically, that when you don’t have unanimity in an approach to something, you’re not as effective in how you handle it. So I think you’d have to make the assumption that if there wasn’t such divisiveness, that we would have a more coordinated approach.”

His comments come as many states are pausing or rolling back their reopening plans while grappling with record-breaking spikes in the virus. At least 33 states have trended upward in average daily cases — an increase of at least 10% over the previous week.

Fauci said that some parts of the country are doing “really well” at managing the pandemic, including communities where people follow the public health guidelines and have opened gradually.

“But as a country, when you compare us to other countries, I don’t think you can say we’re doing great. I mean, we’re just not.”That message continues to be at odds with President Donald Trump, who boasted in an interview with Gray Television’s Greta Van Susteren that “we are in a good place” with the outbreak.”

"Dr. Fauci said don’t wear masks and now he says wear them. And he said numerous things. Don’t close off China. Don’t ban China. I did it anyway,” Trump said. “I didn’t listen to my experts and I banned China. We would have been in much worse shape.””We’ve done a good job,” he continued. “I think we are going to be in two, three, four weeks, by the time we next speak, I think we’re going to be in very good shape.”


Except we all remember on Feb 23, Trump was sent memo warning 2 million Americans could die from Covid, and 3 days later he said "we’re going to be pretty soon at only 5 people, and we could be at just 1 or 2 people over the next short period of time."

CDC reports today on cases in US at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html

64,771 New Cases*

991 New Deaths*

July 10, 2020 7:23 AM  
Anonymous How do I frackshuns? said...

Donald J. Trump

For the 1/100th time, the reason we show so many Cases, compared to other countries that haven’t done nearly as well as we have, is that our TESTING is much bigger and better. We have tested 40,000,000 people. If we did 20,000,000 instead, Cases would be half, etc. NOT REPORTED!

8:39 AM · Jul 9, 2020

I bet if Rump covers his eyes, he thinks you can't see him... at least 1/100th of the time.

No wonder he paid someone to take his SAT.

July 10, 2020 9:53 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous posted:

64,771 New Cases*

991 New Deaths*

So much for the "declining" death rate.

July 10, 2020 12:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Anthony Fauci Dismisses Trump’s “99% Harmless” Claim

The Hill reports:

Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, in an interview published Friday pushed back on President Trump’s claim that 99 percent of coronavirus cases are “harmless,” saying that it is “obviously not” the case.

“I’m trying to figure out where the president got that number,” Fauci told The Financial Times. “What I think happened is that someone told him that the general mortality is about 1 percent. And he interpreted, therefore, that 99 percent is not a problem, when that’s obviously not the case.”

Trump earlier this month said that 99 percent of coronavirus cases are “totally harmless,” a claim not backed by evidence. Previous estimates from experts have said about 80 percent of coronavirus cases do not require hospitalization and 20 percent do.

July 10, 2020 12:11 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Florida Sees Another 11K Cases, Hospitalizations Tripled

Orlando’s NBC News affiliate reports:

From Miami to Jacksonville and Tampa, hospitals in June and July have seen their numbers of coronavirus patients triple, with new patients outpacing those being discharged.

More than 45% of intensive care units in Florida hospitals were at capacity or had fewer than 10% of their beds available as of Thursday, the state Agency for Health Care Administration reported on its website.

Hospital networks are scrambling to hire more health care workers to expand their COVID units. Last week, hospitals in several cities announced they would again halt or reduce nonemergency procedures to free up space.

July 10, 2020 12:15 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Catholic Church Gobbled Up Billions In COVID Bailout

The Associated Press reports:

The U.S. Roman Catholic Church used a special and unprecedented exemption from federal rules to amass at least $1.4 billion in taxpayer-backed coronavirus aid, with many millions going to dioceses that have paid huge settlements or sought bankruptcy protection because of clergy sexual abuse cover-ups.

The church’s haul may have reached — or even exceeded — $3.5 billion, making a global religious institution with more than a billion followers among the biggest winners in the U.S. government’s pandemic relief efforts, an Associated Press analysis of federal data released this week found.

Houses of worship and faith-based organizations that promote religious beliefs aren’t usually eligible for money from the U.S. Small Business Administration. But as the economy plummeted and jobless rates soared, Congress let faith groups and other nonprofits tap into the Paycheck Protection Program.

July 10, 2020 12:26 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Again and again we see with Covid aid its disproportionately going to benefit Trump's friends who don't even need it while the people who do need it and whom it should rightfully go to suffer without.

July 10, 2020 12:28 PM  
Anonymous Gay Fordham Prep Grad said...

Now the US taxpayer has paid picked up the tab for the child rape settlements made in recent years. In some respects it is awe inspiring the true craven nature of the church

July 10, 2020 12:30 PM  
Anonymous friendlynerd said...

Meanwhile we are weeks away from the lifeline of millions of (ordinarily) working people being cut as the federal unemployment benefits expire and Republicans are arguing how inappropriate it would be to extend those benefits. While trying to take away health insurance. During a pandemic. I'm so tired.

July 10, 2020 12:33 PM  
Anonymous The_Wretched said...

Tax the churches.

That money should have gone to keeping citizens employed at actual jobs. We had more than a million new jobless claims per week since March. That's never happened before. And these loons are going to the front of the line and taking the cash.

July 10, 2020 12:37 PM  
Anonymous Uncle Mark’s face needs a mask said...

I go back to RI every summer (except this year), and every time I drive through the mansion-filled town of Newport, and it seems every time I go, more of them are being bought up by Salve Regina, a private, tax-free Catholic school. I remember how so many of the mansions were originally sold off because of the tax burden, only to have so much of the land bought up by the Catholic Church.

It makes my blood boil that they are privy to a bailout without ever paying taxes.

July 10, 2020 1:15 PM  
Anonymous Casper the Friendly Ghost said...

Did ANY of the paycheck protection money actually go to people who work for a living? So far it's all gone to religious groups--big no-no-- and con artists who are supporters of Trump.

July 10, 2020 1:16 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...



Hey, where'd you guys go?

Apparently they decided arguing with me wasn't going so well for them :)

But that's to be expected, I put fairness first, they don't, so of course I always come off as being more reasonable and as promoting the best for society.

July 10, 2020 2:15 PM  
Anonymous Nico Duran said...

As soon as I read that there would be no oversight of all these billions, I knew we(those who needed it) were f'd. I've never hated two groups of people in my life as the repukes and xstains(all varieties). The repukes claim that hard work will make you rich but they work hard to steal our money. The xstains claim that god provides for their needs but we see that their god is money and will steal it as well.

July 10, 2020 4:13 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump Craters To New Low On Coronavirus Response

Mediaite reports:

According to an ABC News/Ipsos poll published Friday, just 33 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing on the coronavirus, while a whopping 67 percent disapprove. That’s a drop of seven points from last month’s already low 41 percent approval, and the lowest score since the poll began in March.

In fact, it’s the lowest approval Trump has recorded in any poll since the pandemic began — and it’s not even close.

Until this week, the previous low point was 38 percent, which Trump hit several times in different polls. Earlier this week, another poll found Trump at 37 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval on his handling of the virus.

July 10, 2020 4:17 PM  
Anonymous I really love our Supreme Court and I;m amazed by the brilliance of the electoral college.. said...

Did you know that the lockdowns caused quite a few deaths? They did, and those deaths were needless. As a matter of fact, while vicious liberals ranted about the possible side effects of a malaria that has now been proven to reduce the death rate, they have ignored the horrendous side effects of the lockdowns!

Moreover, this failed strategy of blue state governors has been mostly paid for by the suffering of the working poor. Unlike Andrew Cuomo's friends who teleworked through a staycation, getting some quality time with the fam, the working poor only survived because of assistance programs implemented by the Trump Administartion.

That's not fair and not promoting what's best for society!!!!!!

The indirect effect of the pandemic—deaths caused by the social and economic responses to the pandemic, including lockdowns—appears to have taken a heavy toll. For instance, people delayed needed medical care because they were instructed to shelter in place, were too scared to go to the doctor, or were unable to obtain care because of limitations on available care, including a moratorium on elective procedures.

Inpatient admissions nationwide in VA hospitals, the nation’s largest hospital system, were down 42 percent for six emergency conditions—stroke, myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, appendicitis, and pneumonia—during six weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic (March 11 to April 21) compared with the six weeks immediately prior (January 29 to March 10). The drop was significant for all six conditions and ranged from a decrease of 40 percent for MI to 57 percent for appendicitis. No such decrease in admissions was found for the same six-week period in 2019. These emergency conditions did not become any less lethal as a result of the pandemic; rather, people simply died from acute illnesses that would have been treated in normal times.

Deaths from chronic, non-emergent conditions also increased as patients put off maintenance visits and their medical conditions deteriorated. In the second study of excess deaths, the five states with the most Covid-19 deaths from March through April (Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania), experienced large proportional increases in deaths from non-respiratory underlying causes, including diabetes (96 percent), heart diseases (89 percent), Alzheimer’s disease (64 percent), and cerebrovascular diseases (35 percent). New York City—the nation’s Covid-19 epicenter during that period—experienced the largest increases in non-respiratory deaths, notably from heart disease (398 percent) and diabetes (356 percent).


July 10, 2020 6:20 PM  
Anonymous I reeeeeeeeally like the Supreme Court we have and just adore the electoral college !!!!!!!.... said...

Cancer diagnoses were delayed for months as patients were unable to obtain “elective” screening procedures. For some, this will result in more advanced disease. Diagnosed cancer cases—normally treated with surgery or inpatient medical treatments—were treated with outpatient treatments instead. While some oncologists rationalized that the results might be just as good, physicians were clearly deviating from the standard of care.

The lockdowns led to wide unemployment and economic recession, resulting in increased drug and alcohol abuse and increases in domestic abuse and suicides. Most studies in a systematic literature review found a positive association between economic recession and increased suicides. Data from the 2008 Great Recession showed a strong positive correlation between increasing unemployment and increasing suicide in middle aged (45–64) people. Ten times as many people texted a federal government disaster mental-distress hotline in April 2020 as in April 2019.

As we consider how to deal with resurgent numbers of Covid cases, we must acknowledge that mitigation measures like shelter-in-place and lockdowns appear to have contributed to the death toll. The orders were issued by states and localities in late March; excess deaths peaked in the week ending April 11. Reopening began in mid-April, and by May 20 all states that had imposed orders started to lift restrictions. In June, as the economy continued reopening, excess deaths waned.

Our focus must be on ensuring that the health-care system can simultaneously treat Covid-19 and other maladies and reassuring patients that it is safe to seek care. Otherwise, today’s young physicians will have to start entering a new cause of death on death certificates—“public policy.”

July 10, 2020 6:21 PM  
Anonymous I wonder if there is any part of the Constitution that TTFers feel they can live with... said...

btw, add to the above that some hospitals went bankrupt because elective surgeries were delayed

all so blue state governors could try to destroy the economy before Trump's election

That's not fair and not promoting what's best for society!!!!!!

have you been worried about Merrick Garland?

afraid he might be suicidal?

don't worry

he's landed on his feet!!!!

he's now doing mock trials at a local Washington theater while America laughs at him

the comedy performance is only 25 a ticket but you scan probably do better at Goldstar

I hear there are lost of tickets available


We are thrilled to announce that the Virtual Mock Trial, hailed as "an hour of delicious fun that wedded law and theatre seamlessly" by MD Theatre Guide, will be broadcast for two encore presentations! If you missed it the first time, or want to revisit the fun again, you have two chances to see Judges Merrick B. Garland, Patricia A. Millett, Neomi Rao, and Amy Berman Jackson hear a case based on the events of A Midsummer Night's Dream argued by former White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and Abbe David Lowell from Winston & Strawn LLP.

There are two streaming dates: Friday, July 24 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, July 25 at 2 p.m. While this is a stream of a previously-recorded live broadcast, you will still be able to chat with other viewers and act as jury to vote live during the trial!

Tickets are $25, with free access for current students and summer law associates. Order online or by calling our helpful box office at 202.547.1122 from 12–6 p.m. Monday–Friday.

July 10, 2020 6:37 PM  
Anonymous foreign transgenders are running amok on America's blogs, posting lies and propaganda said...

WASHINGTON — President Trump commuted the sentence of his longtime friend Roger J. Stone Jr. on seven felony crimes on Friday, according to the White House, using the power of his office to help a former campaign adviser days before Mr. Stone was to report to a federal prison to serve a 40-month term.

Mr. Stone, 67, a longtime Republican operative convicted of obstructing a congressional investigation into Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign, has been openly lobbying for clemency, maintaining that he could die in prison.

Mr. Trump noted that Mr. Stone was persecuted and lashed out at the prosecutors, and the judge in his case. The real villains, he pointed out, were former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., whom he cited as spying on his campaign, as well as the people who investigated his associates, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey.

July 10, 2020 8:09 PM  
Anonymous by the end of Pence's 2nd term, there won't be a liberal judge left in America said...

On Thursday, the sad and pathetic US District Judge Emmet Sullivan asked the full DC Circuit Court of Appeals to revive the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Sullivan wants the appeals court to put it back in his hands so he can weigh the Justice Department's sensible request to dismiss Flynn's charge in May.

The appeals court says it will hear from Flynn's attorneys and from the Justice Department before July 20, at which point they can rule Sullivan out of line and then dismiss the case, once and for all.

July 10, 2020 8:28 PM  
Anonymous Kurt Eichenwald said...

Michael Cohen was sent back to jail because he wouldn't sign an agreement prohibiting him from writing his book about Trump. Welcome to the Soviet Union.

July 10, 2020 8:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

So Trump has commuted the sentence of his bag man Roger Stone. Stone was intimately involved in Trump's illegal actions and was a contact between Trump and wikileaks and the Russian government.

There are three prosecutors offices that are dealing with Trump criminal cases such as the disappearance of funds from Trump's inaugural committee and hush money payouts Cohen engaged in on Trump's behalf and so on. They are the Office of D.C., the Southern District of New York and the Eastern District of New York

Trump's corrupt attorney general Bill Barr has decapitated the D.C. prosecutors office and the Eastern District of New York prosecutors office and installed his personally chosen foot soldiers to undue the Trump related prosecutions. He attempted to do the same in the Southern District of New York where he clumsily announced the lawyer in charge was retiring only to have that lawyer say "the hell I am!"

Trump is using the Justice Department to help his friends evade justice and to attack his enemies. He is not acting in the interests of the nation, he is acting in his personal interests and with Barr's help is essentially making himself and his allies above the law.

Wyatt and Regina asked how Trump was turning the United States into Russia, this is a prime example. This is straight out of the dictator's handbook. Combine that with Republican led voter suppression and American democracy is under grave threat.

If you love your democracy, vote Democratic up and down the ticket!

July 10, 2020 9:26 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Roger Stone bragged about not talking about what he knew about the president in order to get a commutation. Trump hinted that if Trump kept quiet about Trump's criminal dealings he'd take car of him and he did.

Trump bribed Roger Stone to keep quiet about his criminal activities. Stone did and was rewarded by the president. This is the sort of thing that a president would normally be impeached over, but Republicans in the Senate have violated their oath to fair and impartial justice and announced they will let Trump violate the Constitution any way he wants.

The founding fathers never planned for both a corrupt president and a corrupt party in charge of the Senate. The Republican/Trump attacks on the rule of law and democracy are getting more common and bolder.

Republicans will force you into hours long line-ups to vote and delete you from the registered voter rolls, be prepared for that, this may be the last chance you get to vote if Trump wins. Check long in advance of the election to make sure you are still on the voter rolls so you can address it if they've removed you as a likely Democratic voter.

July 10, 2020 9:35 PM  
Anonymous Joe Biden said...

President Trump has once again abused his power, releasing this commutation on a Friday night, hopi9ng to yet again avoid scrutiny as he lays waste to the norms and values that make our country a shining beacon to the rest of the world. He will not be shamed. He will only be stopped when Americans make their voice heard at the ballot box this fall. Enough.

July 10, 2020 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Captain Clorox to the rescue said...

"In June, as the economy continued reopening, excess deaths waned."

How Orwellian.

Just how many of those deaths were "acceptable losses to maintain the economy" while the rest were "excess?" Care to explain that to the families of the dead?

The number of deaths are back on their way up, lagging, as expected, the massive increase in the number of cases - more than 80% over the daily peak in April. This is despite the fact that doctors now have things like convalescent plasma, better treatment regimens, and more PPE and equipment (including ventilators) to treat people with.

But hospitals in several states are at or near capacity since states have reopened, with the numbers jumping up so fast that the only sensible response was to close them back down again.

While most other countries did a hard shutdown and are now coming back out with much lower numbers of new cases, and tracking systems in place to catch and squash new outbreaks before they explode, many places in the US did "soft" shut downs and then opened back up again before meeting the CDC guideline of 14 contiguous days of decreasing case numbers.

Of course, Dear Leader won't even follow the basic CDC guideline of wearing a face mask, and has turned that most basic and effective tool of public health policy into a partisan political weapon. The new daily numbers have proven Rump is currently number one in the world for the worst pandemic response anywhere on the planet. His only hope is that the explosion of new cases in Brazil may at some point in a few months overtake the US, and make Rump only the second worst leader on the globe.

July 10, 2020 10:51 PM  
Anonymous Another Republican loses grip on reality said...

A Republican lawmaker in Louisiana has launched a strange new kind of attack ad in which he fights a piece of paper and a mask.

In a video released on Facebook, state Rep. Danny McCormick crumples a piece of paper with a mask mandate on it and hits it with a stick. Then, he battles a mask with a blowtorch and a chainsaw to show his opposition to mandates requiring face coverings to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“Masks aren’t bad,” McCormick said as he attacked the masks. “Mandates are.”

He also compared those who support mask mandates to Nazis.

“You see, the government needed a villain,” McCormick said in the video. “People who don’t wear a mask will be soon painted as the enemy just as they did to Jews in Nazi Germany.”

McCormick wears safety gear while handling the blowtorch and chainsaw to show his opposition to a safety mandate. Although he also opposes abortion, McCormick argues against mandatory masks by saying that “your body is your private property.”

And he spouts conspiracy theories about forced vaccinations and implanted tracking devices.

“If the government has the power to force you to wear a mask, they can force you to stick a needle in your arm against your will,” he said. “They can put a microchip in you. They can even make you take the mark. After all, it’s for the greater good.”

The “mark” is an apparent nod to the biblical “mark” or “number of the beast.”

McCormick told local ABC station KTBS that he doesn’t wear a mask in public because there’s no proof they work.

A local rabbi took issue with McCormick comparing the situation to Nazi Germany.

“It’s really belittling the experience of the Jewish people in Nazi Germany,” Rabbi Sydni Rubinstein of Agudath Achim Synagogue told KTBS. “There’s a huge difference between limited access to food and resources and wearing a little piece of cloth on your face.”

McCormick was set off by a mask mandate in Shreveport, where COVID-19 cases have been on the rise.

“This is not due to more testing in our area,” Mayor Adrian Perkins said this week, according to local NBC station KTAL. “Hospitalizations do not lie and our area is seeing an alarming rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations.”

July 10, 2020 10:58 PM  
Anonymous Republican Voters Against Trump said...

My new favorite YouTube channel:

Republican Voters Against Trump


Apparently there are some Republicans out there that have woken up from the Rump fever dream, spit out the Kool-Aid, sobered up, and will try to put the country back on the right path this fall. Many of them want to get rid of Rump's enablers in Congress too.

Finally, some Republicans who know how to behave as something other than a troll.

July 10, 2020 11:48 PM  
Anonymous Laurence Tribe said...

Trump commuting Stone in exchange for Stone not rolling on Trump is of course a quid pro quo. Is it politically incorrect in these circumstances to remind people, maybe in a whisper, that the Constitution defines "Bribery" as a "high Crime," automatically an impeachable offence?

July 10, 2020 11:50 PM  
Anonymous Robert Mueller...LOL!! said...

"Michael Cohen was sent back to jail because he wouldn't sign an agreement prohibiting him from writing his book about Trump. Welcome to the Soviet Union."

Cohen was released because of COVID threat. The government agreed to his request under certain conditions. Personally, as a libertarian, I think eh should be write about whatever he wants. But, most western democracies would have been more restrictive than us. Putin would poison him

"Stone was intimately involved in Trump's illegal actions and was a contact between Trump and wikileaks and the Russian government."

Trump had no illegal actions for Stone to be involved in

"There are three prosecutors offices that are dealing with Trump criminal cases such as the disappearance of funds from Trump's inaugural committee and hush money payouts Cohen engaged in on Trump's behalf and so on."

Crazed partisans are trying to find anything at all that they can use to stop Trump. They have no basis and he's not even been named the target of Vance's investigation.

"Trump is using the Justice Department to help his friends evade justice and to attack his enemies. He is not acting in the interests of the nation, he is acting in his personal interests and with Barr's help is essentially making himself and his allies above the law."

please tell us who the victims of Stone's "crimes" are

in California, they are releasing 9000 criminals from jail this week to fight the virus

tell us, bad Randy, what are your hypocritical thoughts on that?

"how Trump was turning the United States into Russia, this is a prime example."

dictators aren't big on pardoning people

give us an example of Putin doing so

Trump enacted a criminal justice reform to reverse the horrendous crime bill the corrupt Democratic sexual predator, Bill Clinton whipped up, which ruined the lives of swaths of young black males

because of Trump's actions, many minorities have been given a second chance that Clinton denied them

why didn't the august and righteous crusader for justice, Sir Barry Obama, do that?

"This is straight out of the dictator's handbook."

bad Randy's life of delusion is so sad

"Combine that with Republican led voter suppression and American democracy is under grave threat.

If you love your democracy, vote Democratic up and down the ticket!"

Trump's election was a victory for Democracy

people across the heartland were fed up with an ineffective elite that offered no hope

right now, a socialist group, Black Lives Matter, is destroying statues of the founding fathers of democracy

they want to install a dictatorship of the proletariat

we have conventions, a senile man's VP pick, debates, and a fall campaign where Biden will have to explain a lot of inexplicable things

look for a re-election

July 11, 2020 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Robert Mueller...LOL!! said...

"Roger Stone bragged about not talking about what he knew about the president in order to get a commutation. Trump hinted that if Trump kept quiet about Trump's criminal dealings he'd take car of him and he did.'

what criminal dealings?

"Trump bribed Roger Stone to keep quiet about his criminal activities. Stone did and was rewarded by the president. This is the sort of thing that a president would normally be impeached over, but Republicans in the Senate have violated their oath to fair and impartial justice and announced they will let Trump violate the Constitution any way he wants."

in our corrupt justice system, prosecutors often bribe lowlifes, like Michael Cohen, to make up stuff in exchange for leniency

no President would be impeached for using his pardon powers to let out someone they believed had been treated unfairly

Jerry Ford wasn't

"The founding fathers never planned for both a corrupt president and a corrupt party in charge of the Senate. The Republican/Trump attacks on the rule of law and democracy are getting more common and bolder."

if what you say is true, it's nothing that can't be cured by an election

that was the plan of the founding fathers

you need to read a little and get better informed, bad Randy of the Nuthouse

"President Trump has once again abused his power, releasing this commutation on a Friday night, hopi9ng to yet again avoid scrutiny as he lays waste to the norms and values that make our country a shining beacon to the rest of the world. He will not be shamed. He will only be stopped when Americans make their voice heard at the ballot box this fall. Enough."


who should they vote for vote for, Sleepy Joe?

July 11, 2020 11:02 AM  
Anonymous homosexual marriage is an inherently sado-masochistic arrangement that should be discouraged by any civilized society said...

"How Orwellian.

Just how many of those deaths were "acceptable losses to maintain the economy" while the rest were "excess?""

deaths are declining

although, all economic activity entails some risks

overall, more lives are saved by a robust and thriving economy

there was an analysis posted yesterday about all the excess deaths during the lockdowns from delaying and avoiding medical assistance

Just how many of those deaths were acceptable losses to destroy Trump?

Care to explain that to the families of the dead?

You know, the families arrested for attending the funerals of the people who died because they couldn't get medical help, while hundreds of thousands gathered without masks to support BLM and had three huge funerals for George Floyd

"The number of deaths are back on their way up, lagging, as expected, the massive increase in the number of cases"

simple ignorance

the case now won't produce the death rates of the Cuomo errors

"the only sensible response was to close them back down again."

that was never a sensible response

pandemics have never been combated this way before

the results of the lockdowns aren't encouraging

July 11, 2020 11:19 AM  
Anonymous Merrick Garland ... LOL said...

that's 200

have a nice day!

July 11, 2020 11:20 AM  

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