Tuesday, June 14, 2005

More CRC Nonsense

I have to admit they confuse me. The Ex-Recall group, aka CRC, has a link on their web site today to a story in the Washington Post about sexual molestation on school buses:
Last spring, a sixth-grade Montgomery County girl was thrown down in the back of her school bus by several older boys who, the girl said, grabbed her breasts and buttocks and feigned sex acts.

In December, a 6-year-old Frederick County girl was allegedly fondled by a middle-schooler while riding a bus to her gifted student program. Her mother said she didn't learn of the incident until May, when the driver told her.


Two months ago, an 11-year-old girl was allegedly attacked by two girls and three boys during a bus ride home from her elementary school, south of Richmond. The group, the girl said, held her down, groped her and penetrated her with an object. As School Bus Sexual Assaults Rise, Danger Often Overlooked

OK, that's three events, in three locations, one of which is Montgomery County. If you have kids who ride the bus, you've heard terrible stories. Maybe not this terrible, but kids on the bus were out of control when I was a kid and it appears they're even more out of control now.
A 2001 report commissioned by the American Association of University Women found that eight of every 10 students in grades 8 through 11 report having been sexually harassed at school, most often by peers. One-third of students surveyed said they were first harassed in grade school.

That sounds like it means in the whole country.
"I've never experienced the problems and the degenerate actions of kids as I have this past year," said bus driver Bob Baxley of Hagerstown, Md., who has been driving school buses for 12 years. He was driving during the alleged attack in Frederick. On the same bus, Baxley saw middle school boys describe sex acts to first-graders and one boy try to shove a condom into another child's mouth.

"Sexual harassment is a much more serious issue in public schools than most people have been willing to admit," said Robert Shoop, a professor at Kansas State University. "And it's much more likely to occur in unsupervised venues -- like buses or bathrooms."

--Another location heard from.

So this story talks about events in Germantown and Frederick, Maryland; Richmond, Virginia; the whole United States averaged together; Hagerstown, Maryland; and Kansas.

And who do you think the Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum blame?

Their intelligent conclusion:
Could it be the Fruit of MCPS Valueless Sex-Ed??

And then they ask:
And, Where is the BOE on all This???
Now, people, let me point out that Frederick, Richmond, the US, Hagerstown, and Kansas are really not part of Montgomery County, Maryland. The MCPS Board of Education probably feels bad about these things, but it is not their responsibility to see to it that schoolchildren in, say, Kansas, behave themselves. And I will be quite surprised to learn that kids in Kansas have been affected by the sex-education curriculum here in Montgomery County, Maryland. Quite surprised.

Let me also point out that the CRC's leaders are always -- always -- saying that the current curriculum is just fine. It was the new curriculum they objected to, they thought we oughta just stay with the old one. And the new one was never implemented -- so now it does appear that they're saying the curriculum they like is "Valueless." (Maybe that's what they like about it.)

Finally, mmm, what do you suppose they're implying with that last comment about Where is the BOE on all this??? You wouldn't think they'd have any ideas about, say, recalling the school board, would you? I mean, if it's their fault that kids in Hagerstown are stuffing condoms in one anothers' mouths, then we had better do something about that, right? If they haven't spoken out about sexual harassment in Kansas, I'm sure the reasonable thing is to throw the bums out.

These guys are unbelievable. People who can comprehend common sense need to stand together against this kind of reflexive judgment.


Blogger Kay2898 said...

Well I guess since the officers, etc., of Recall (CRC) got caught on that nutty bulletin board posting site that they maintained (although they told all it had nothing to do with them)with current recall the montgomery school board email addresses...they have to put their continued nonsense somewhere since when outed they promptly shut that site down.

Now did BOE cause the war in Iraq too? Or is that the headline feature of tomorrow's Recall (CRC) website?

Kay R

June 14, 2005 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have O.C.D. Kay?

June 17, 2005 12:37 PM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Well would you like someone to have things as you do..or do you like to throw out things just randomly to see if it sticks?

Kay R

June 17, 2005 12:52 PM  

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