Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ford Changes Their Mind

Earlier this week, Ford Motor Company gave in to the American Family Association's threat of a boycott. They agreed to AFA demands to stop advertising in gay media, and that some products stop having gay-oriented ads -- they could still advertise in gay publications, but they wouldn't show obviously gay couples and other cues. Ford also had agreed to drop funding for some gay organizations and events that they had sponsored.

Gay groups and right-minded people everywhere reacted extremely negatively to this, and Ford agreed to meet with a group of gay leaders. Today the company issued a letter, which can be read HERE. In it, Ford agrees to:
  • reaffirm their principles of nondiscrimination and inclusiveness
  • they said they would not place creative restrictions on the way "our brands could speak to gay and lesbian audiences"
  • continue to support nonprofit groups and events in the GLBT community
  • Not only Jaguar and Rover, but all Ford products will continue to advertise in gay and lesbian targeted publications

They defended their right to meet with the Family Blah Blah organizations, which is fair enough. As they say, "We expect to be measured not by the meetings we attend but by our conduct itself."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want facts I give you facts. You don’t want to read the facts I don’t care. If you had Facts you would post them on your site. You don’t have facts so you blame me. I call you a lie and you ask me to prove it. When I do, you change the subject. You deny your gay and yet you act so gay. Why do you call your self teach the facts if you have no facts to teach. You don’t even want to see the facts you just want everyone to go along with what you are preaching and attack any one who does not agree with you. And then you cry when you don’t get your way. Make up stuff and clamed a vast conspiracy is suppressing you. Poor poor little gay people life is so cruel to you.

December 14, 2005 7:07 PM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

anonymous said..."You deny your gay and yet you act so gay. "

"Make up stuff and clamed a vast conspiracy is suppressing you. Poor poor little gay people life is so cruel to you."

We get that you hate gays. We don't so you will not be changing our minds.

December 14, 2005 7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend passed this on to me, so I thought I would post it here:


As many of you may know, GLAAD and other LGBT civil rights organizations met with Ford Motor Company on Monday. Our meeting was the culmination of two weeks' worth of conversations -- beginning with a convening of movement leaders by GLAAD and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force -- to discuss widespread public speculation and media reports that Ford was cutting back on its advertising and marketing to the LGBT community in order to avoid a threatened boycott by a defamatory anti-gay religious-extremist group called American Family Association. Incensed by Ford's support for its gay and lesbian employees and its outreach to the LGBT market, the AFA had been threatening a boycott since early summer and had recently issued a public statement claiming success in their efforts to change Ford's policies.

Ford's letter today (which you can read at, along with GLAAD's release on Ford's decision and a joint statement issued by GLAAD and more than a dozen other LGBT organizations) repudiates the AFA's false claims of victory over the auto maker.

The letter from Ford VP Joe W. Laymon reaffirms Ford's "principles of nondiscrimination and inclusiveness," confirms that Ford's brands will continue to create advertising tailored to effectively reach the LGBT audience, confirms that Ford will continue to support LGBT community events, and announces that Ford will be running ads in LGBT publications in 2006 that include not only Jaguar and Land Rover, but all eight of Ford's vehicle brands.

Ford's letter has made it clear: intimidation and threats by a handful of anti-gay radicals will not dictate their policies, their marketing strategies and their relationship with the LGBT market and community. Their message today signals a strong commitment by Ford to fairness, to inclusion, and to a quality relationship with our community.

Ford did the right thing here, both for its brand and for its bottom line. When 90 percent of Americans support employment non-discrimination, when 80 percent support military service by gay Americans, when six out of 10 Americans favor legal protections for gay and lesbian couples, it's also clear that Ford's policies are in line with the values and the inclusion that most Americans support.

The events of the past two weeks offered us a golden educational opportunity. It's important for corporations and media companies alike to understand that these anti-gay groups with the deceptive names do not speak for America's families. These extremists want to define America by how many people they can leave behind. They want to define the family by how many people they can exclude from it. And as we've seen time and again, they seek to advance that agenda by threats and intimidation against companies, elected officials, judges, media outlets and anyone else who doesn't shun LGBT Americans and our families.

The Ford controversy underscored something else as well. The AFA's defamatory attacks have once again engaged our community, strengthened our unity and reminded each of us that our voices make a difference. Corporate America has been watching this case study unfold. They know of our community's loyalty, of our desire to support those who support us, and of the power of our community's voices. And they saw the leaders of our movement join together to amplify those voices -- a collaborative spirit that, as a new leader in this movement, has been immensely gratifying to experience and one I hope we will be able to build on in the months and years to come.

Make no mistake: Ford's stand today -- like those made by Microsoft, Wells Fargo and so many others before it -- sends a strong message to the rest of corporate America that there is never a reason to cave to the repugnant demands, threats and intimidation tactics of anti-gay extremist groups.

It is through your commitment to equality and your generous support that GLAAD has been able to effectively advocate on our community's behalf throughout the Ford controversy. Thank you for raising your voice, for standing together as a community, and for your continuing support of GLAAD.

Thank you!


P.S. Please take a moment today to send an e-mail or letter of thanks to Ford. Visit for more info!

December 15, 2005 7:26 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Dana said....Come to think of it, the phrase "act so gay" gives you away as either a middle schooler, or one with the mental age of a middle schooler

Really Dana you hear children in very early elementary grades using this phrase as well. They also call each other gay as if that is a horrible thing to be, etc.

Wonder where children that young learn to associate being gay as negative and something to be used as a name calling item and more? I remember when my youngest was in elementary school one could hear first and second graders saying this in hallways, etc.

That learned behavior comes from somewhere.

December 15, 2005 8:59 AM  
Blogger andrea said...

Anon- LISTEN TO ME- no one cares what you say- you are obviously a sad, sad person who gets some pleasure out of making stupid and/or hateful remarks. We all understand that-so go away now and do something useful.

December 15, 2005 9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys, this is "cool anon"

I hate to defend this "idiot anon" in any way, and his (or her?) suggestion that Jim is gay is laughable (look at his appearance- not exactly thin and neat).

Still, the phrase "act so gay", while a common expression among youth, is also a common expression (and one with a negative connotation) among twenty-something gays. Among kids, moreover, their parents didn't teach it to them, it is passed down like so many insults, from year to year but probably started in Hollywood.

As an insult, it is usually misconstrued as verbal bullying on gays but is actually usually directed at those who are not gay. This is much like calling someone "stupid" is not a direct attack on retarded people but a general insult.

December 15, 2005 9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anon- LISTEN TO ME- no one cares what you say- you are obviously a sad, sad person who gets some pleasure out of making stupid and/or hateful remarks. We all understand that-so go away now and do something useful."

If you guys don't care what "idiot anon" says, why do you keep responding to the posts? It makes me think it's a fabricated character set up as a punching bag. Much like "Aunt Bea" or "Dr Roger", TTF has more phony characters than the old Johnny Carson show.

December 15, 2005 9:27 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

anonymous said....This is much like calling someone "stupid" is not a direct attack on retarded people but a general insult.


Who uses the term retarded people?

December 15, 2005 9:27 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

anonymous said...It makes me think it's a fabricated character set up as a punching bag. Much like "Aunt Bea" or "Dr Roger", TTF has more phony characters than the old Johnny Carson show.

Much like Bush's WMD....

December 15, 2005 9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Much like Bush's WMD...."

More of Kay's phony rhetorical shifting. It's basically an admission on her part that she can't win an argument so she wants to start a different one.

December 15, 2005 9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


December 15, 2005 10:02 AM  
Blogger JimK said...

Blogger is a little screwy today -- Anon just posted the same one-word comment three times. I deleted two of them, hopefully did not change your intended "meaning," Anon.


December 15, 2005 10:11 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Anoymous said ....More of Kay's phony rhetorical shifting. It's basically an admission on her part that she can't win an argument so she wants to start a different one.

December 15, 2005 9:49 AM

Who knew you were obsessed with me so much? When should I start caring? You know I don't.

Hmm...seems to me many a question for you all to read the old proposed curriculum and tell us what you think is wrong with it has been asked. No answer..??????

Did not think so... as much as the "exgay factor" cannot be explained by you all either.

December 15, 2005 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hmm...seems to me many a question for you all to read the old proposed curriculum and tell us what you think is wrong with it has been asked. No answer..??????"

Kay, this is a question I've answered repeatedly. I didn't answer it again because it's not the original subject yesterday. It's actually irrelevant since the "old proposed curriculum" was rejected.

I did notice you say yesterday, and I think many of you say this, that the only thing that old proposed curriculum was to teach was that gay people exist. That's not true.

The suggested curriculum of Throckmorton that Dana sent me a couple of weeks ago is more fact-based. Do you, or any of you, have any objection to it, and, if so, what?

Also, Kay, you throw up a bunch of non sequiturs here and, now, if I object you say "Who knew you were obsessed with me so much?". This is pathetic. Stop playing word games and stop cluttering up the discussion with inanities. You are almost at the level of the "idiot anon". Maybe you're the perpetrator of this new character, now that you're anon-free guise has been outed.

December 15, 2005 10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"1) Who uses the word retarded? Well, for one, Alito did back in the 80's. Ok, that was then; maybe he's a little mroe sensitive now."

What's the correct term now? Also, Dana, did you ever use the term "retarded"?

"(2) Kay, I stand corrected. My younger son is a senior in high school, and my memory doesn't reach back beyond middle school. That was the first time I heard it, but that was six years ago. So, like most culture, it is simply filtering down."

Again, gays use the term, too. They talk of looking for someone who doesn't "act gay". What they're really looking for is a heterosexual.

"(3) Cool Anon, it is my surmise that "Aunt Bea" and company are just slightly more creative pseudonyms than "Anonymous." They are just one notch above you in not showing their name. Since you don't, either, unlike EH and OR, then you shouldn't talk."

maybe you're right. unless they pretend to have a different view, I guess it's no big deal.

"(4)Do you really think calling a straight perosn "gay" is not a general sign of disrespect? When I worked in Mississippi one of my staff complained to another that she was trying "to Jew her down." It wasn't directed at me, and she didn't even know the significance of what she was saying. But the use of the term was rude, crude and insulting. I find it hard to believe you wouldn't feel the same if some other stereotype that applied to you were used in your presence."

As they say in Rome, de gustibus non disputantum.

"(5) We have come to learn that most people we used to label as "stupid" are actually learning disabled. My son, for one, back before we made a diagnosis and were able to fix the problem. So I suggest you watch what you say."

No doubt. I think everyone should halt all insult and realize none of us are answerable for ourselves.

"(6) As for responding to "hateful Anon," I think of it simply as exercise, working on rhetorical skills for the time they will be called upon in more serious venues, such as CRC meetings, CAC meetings, House of Delegates, etc."

That's kind of like practicing lay-ups against a munchkin. Not very useful.

December 15, 2005 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Much like Bush's WMD...."

Did you see the CBS News poll released yesterday? Looks like U.S. voters are actually starting to move back toward supporting the President on the war. Iraqis, of course, continue to be grateful.

Well, there is good news for the jackass party. Hillary's presidential campaign looks in good shape. Whatever will we Republicans do?

December 15, 2005 11:14 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Also, Kay, you throw up a bunch of non sequiturs here and, now, if I object you say "Who knew you were obsessed with me so much?". This is pathetic. Stop playing word games and stop cluttering up the discussion with inanities. You are almost at the level of the "idiot anon". Maybe you're the perpetrator of this new character, now that you're anon-free guise has been outed.

Obsession s works like the above. Sorry "anon free" is on their own. But I find it fascinating that you think you have uncovered something. Who knew so little entertained you?

What's the matter "anon free" bothers you? One up for that "anon free." You go man....

December 15, 2005 11:20 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

anonymous said...Iraqis, of course, continue to be grateful.

Well not all those bombings attest to said to say.

December 15, 2005 11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"anonymous said...Iraqis, of course, continue to be grateful.

Well not all those bombings attest to said to say."

More solid thinking from Kay.

December 15, 2005 11:40 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

anonysmous said....More solid thinking from Kay.

Obsession works like the above. Does your world revolve around what I do...I guess so.

I am so honored.

December 15, 2005 11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I am so honored"

You should be. Maybe, with the year-end coming up, TTF should start giving an annual award to whoever makes the biggest contribution to the expansion of sexual variation knowledge among adolescents. I'd nominate you.

December 15, 2005 11:54 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Anonymous said...

You should be. Maybe, with the year-end coming up, TTF should start giving an annual award to whoever makes the biggest contribution to the expansion of sexual variation knowledge among adolescents. I'd nominate you.

Obsessions work like the above.

Want my autograph next?

December 15, 2005 11:59 AM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

anonymous said...Did you see the CBS News poll released yesterday? Looks like U.S. voters are actually starting to move back toward supporting the President on the war. Iraqis, of course, continue to be grateful.

Bush's Approval Rating Shows Rise on Iraq, Economy, Poll Finds
Dec. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Public approval of President George W. Bush's handling of the war in Iraq rose 4 percentage points to 39 percent after two recent speeches on his strategy for the conflict, though it remains below levels recorded at the start of the year, a USA Today/CNN/Gallup Organization poll shows.

The poll conducted Dec. 9-11 also found the president's overall approval rating improved by the same amount since mid- November, with 42 percent of U.S. adults saying they approved of the way he's handling the presidency.

In a sign that the improvement in Bush's standing isn't firm, the proportion of people who say they strongly disapprove of the president rose to 43 percent from 38 percent in an August survey and the share of those who strongly approve dropped to 22 percent from 25 percent, according to data released by the two news organizations.

Bush has given three addresses since Nov. 30 aimed at outlining his strategy in Iraq and acknowledging missteps in the conflict that began in March 2003. He gives a fourth speech Dec. 14, one day before elections for a new Iraqi parliament, a step that Bush identifies as key to stabilizing country so the U.S. can begin redeploying some of the 160,000 troops there.

In January, 42 percent of adults said they approved of Bush's handling of Iraq and it reached 50 percent in February. Fifty percent approved of how he was handling the presidency in the January survey.

The poll was based on telephone interviews with 1,003 adults nationally and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. The results are in line with polls conducted during the same period by the Associated Press/Ipsos Public Affairs and the New York Times/CBS News.

On other issues, 40 percent of Americans approve of Bush's handling of the economy, while 58 percent disapprove. When the question was asked Nov. 11-13, 37 percent approved of his handling of the economy and 61 percent disapproved, according to the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.

On the campaign against terrorism, 52 percent said they approved of the job Bush is doing and 46 percent disapproved. In mid-November, 48 percent said they approved and 49 percent said they disapproved.

December 15, 2005 12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's going on here, Kay? are you getting obsessed with me?

December 15, 2005 12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This website is so great. Hopefully, we can also start to end discrimination against other peoples too. I've been fat and sluggish my whole life and I'm sick of bigots calling me a lazy glutton. Just last winter, they found out laziness is caused by a gene. I'm sure it's true for liking to eat too. You don't have a choice. Does anyone ever remember choosing to be hungry and tired? No, that's just the way I am. Let's be accepting of the whole rainbow of humanity and stop attacking each other. Let's add it to the curriculum. Kids need to know obese and slothful people exist. Kids need to know people didn't choose this and it's not a disease- it's just another way to be.

Deep in my heart. I do believe. That we shall overcome. One day.

December 15, 2005 12:29 PM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Anonymous said...
what's going on here, Kay? are you getting obsessed with me?

Are you now letting us all know that you are all the anonymices on this blog?

December 15, 2005 12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"OK, let's see. The Iraqis are just thrilled with us. 80% want us out, and 43% believe it's ok to kill us to get us to leave."

Where do you get that from? I'd especially like to see the 43% number.

"Similarly, in our society it's acceptable for members of the group in question to use these generally questionable terms to refer to themselves or within themselves. E.g., the use of the "N word" in the black population. But not for others. That's the just the way it is, and I don't think it's so difficult to abide by that social etiquette."

Well, I think the point is most blacks would object to someone using the term "nigger". I don't think most gays would object to using the term "acts gay".

"Unfortunately, I have rarely come across many adversaries on this issue much more adept than you guys. Yes, "Idiot Anon" is a lay-up, and you guys are 6'jump shots."

Why, I oughta.

"I thought I already mentioned what I consider useful and what is not in Throckmorton's syllabus. If not, when I get the chance I will dig it out and respond. The problem is that I don't have Acrobat Writer on this computer, so if someone will convert it to a Word document (Jim?) that would simplify things greatly."

I didn't think Adobe could converted into Word. If Jim can do it, I'd be impressed. If you give me Throckmorton's e-mail, I'll write and ask him to send over a text document.

December 15, 2005 12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Actually, Anon"

Oh, neat. I have a friend. Maybe the people who run this site can expand their mission. Let's vote on it. Let's think of some other genetic behaviors that everyone's prejudiced against.


December 15, 2005 12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are you now letting us all know that you are all the anonymices on this blog?"

That's quite the logical leap, lady.

December 15, 2005 1:05 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Anon asked where that 43 percent number came from. It came from a survey of Iraqis reported about two months ago HERE. But the number was wrong, it's actually higher than that. Some results:

Forty-five per cent of Iraqis believe attacks against British and American troops are justified - rising to 65 per cent in the British-controlled Maysan province;

82 per cent are "strongly opposed" to the presence of coalition troops;

less than one per cent of the population believes coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in security;

67 per cent of Iraqis feel less secure because of the occupation;

43 per cent of Iraqis believe conditions for peace and stability have worsened;

72 per cent do not have confidence in the multi-national forces.


December 15, 2005 1:35 PM  
Blogger andrea said...

Nah, I know some of the anons- the ones who ID themselves- Orin and EH and I am pretty sure we have some CRCers including Johnny G and maybe some of the ladies of CRC and Wyatt is out there. So the mices can't all be the same- unless it is someone with many many personalities(like the Joanne Woodward movie)

December 15, 2005 2:08 PM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Not Wyatt again....We all know how he respects women.

December 15, 2005 2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ladies (?!?) are so much fun and trying so hard that I'm going to give you some hints to my identity later tonight. I have a meeting this afternoon (that's right, work.)


December 15, 2005 2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes (chuckle chuckle) everyone will be sitting on the edge of their seats until you get your housework done to come back.

From your signifcant other "anon free"

December 15, 2005 2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Adieu

One can wish.

snow white

December 15, 2005 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check out this survey. When asking the Iraqis what should be the goal of the new government, 57% said improving security and 10% said getting coalition forces out of Iraq. Pretty good from a region where children are taught from a young age that America is part of an evil Zionist conspiracy and must be destroyed.

Another part of the article talks about how the poll is more in line with the Bush version of events than the commonly held wisdom. The press always starts back-pedaling right before an Iraqi election when hard evidence of their propaganda is imminent.

December 15, 2005 4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to expand on the dialogue betwixt Dana and Gladys concerning bigotry aimed at certain biologically determined characteristics. Before I do that however, I want to make sure I'm not being insensitive. Of the major players and readers here, is anyone gay, lazy, stupid or fat?

swift genes

December 15, 2005 4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one can take the credit to the character I am righting but me. He is a fun character to do. When I first came on to this blog it was to get information. All I could get out of any one was insults and personal attacks. No facts to support your positions. All you have is your opinions you saw nothing wrong with the old curriculum. Even though a federal judge felt that it violated federal law. It violated state law as well. Though you probably deny that. Remember that MC hired a powerful law firm to defend the sex-ed curriculum. They studied it from front to back and told the school board to drop it they new it was not winnable. I guess the judge and the law firm are homophobes and gay as far as TTF is concerned. That is your response for everything you don’t like. From what I have gleaned from monitoring your website for the last couple of days. That is your MO and that is so gay.
If Jim is a short fat slob. I do not know. I never met him. But I have dealt with gay men so this description is not out of the ordinary, especially old queens. As for the Dr. well just because you had your dick chopped off does not make you a straight woman. A woman is a lot more than a gay man without a dick. I do not believe the man you clam is sleeping with you is straight, sorry Jim. I do not think you were born a HERMAPHRODITE. (The lay term for clarification.) To use people who were born with that birth defect to promote your mental condition is cruel. It hurts those people who really do have a problem. Though the mentally ill really cannot be held responsible for what thy do. I can hold any one who facilitates your fantasies responsible. As that is bad for you, and bad for society.

the study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge. The term is derived from the Greek episteme (“knowledge”) and logos (“reason”), and accordingly the field is sometimes referred to as the theory of knowledge.

The Irony of you picking this word was not lost on me JimK. It is what I have been asking for since my first blog. You just don’t have any. You new that, so you started attacking me. Not that I care. I have no respect for you. Why would I care what you think?

December 15, 2005 4:59 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Almost, Anon, but not quite.

It says "When asked to choose a priority for the new government due to be formed after this week's elections, 57% wanted to focus on restoring public security."

It was a forced-choice question. That means you choose one, and the answers add up to 100 percent. So if somebody asked you, "Which would you rather have, a million dollars, a Mercedes, or a Jaguar," and you took the million (with which you could of course buy any car you wanted, with some left over), it would not indicate that you didn't like the Mercedes, or the Jag.

In this case, they fear for their lives, and want security improved. Getting us out of there is actually more important than that for ten percent of the people.

You can imagine that, in this pre-election PR move, the survey organization was careful not to ask, Would you like the foreign troops to leave? They simply put it next to another item that you can be sure people will choose instead.

I understand the need for good news at this time, and have seen plenty of evidence of it being manufactured as needed.


December 15, 2005 5:11 PM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Anonymous said...
No one can take the credit to the character I am righting but me. He is a fun character to do. When I first came on to this blog it was to get information. All I could get out of any one was insults and personal attacks. No facts to support your positions. All you have is your opinions you saw nothing wrong with the old curriculum. Even though a federal judge felt that it violated federal law. It violated state law as well. Though you probably deny that. Remember that MC hired a powerful law firm to defend the sex-ed curriculum. They studied it from front to back and told the school board to drop it they new it was not winnable. I guess the judge and the law firm are homophobes and gay as far as TTF is concerned. That is your response for everything you don’t like. From what I have gleaned from monitoring your website for the last couple of days. That is your MO and that is so gay.
If Jim is a short fat slob. I do not know. I never met him. But I have dealt with gay men so this description is not out of the ordinary, especially old queens. As for the Dr. well just because you had your dick chopped off does not make you a straight woman. A woman is a lot more than a gay man without a dick. I do not believe the man you clam is sleeping with you is straight, sorry Jim. I do not think you were born a HERMAPHRODITE. (The lay term for clarification.) To use people who were born with that birth defect to promote your mental condition is cruel. It hurts those people who really do have a problem. Though the mentally ill really cannot be held responsible for what thy do. I can hold any one who facilitates your fantasies responsible. As that is bad for you, and bad for society.

the study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge. The term is derived from the Greek episteme (“knowledge”) and logos (“reason”), and accordingly the field is sometimes referred to as the theory of knowledge.

The Irony of you picking this word was not lost on me JimK. It is what I have been asking for since my first blog. You just don’t have any. You new that, so you started attacking me. Not that I care. I have no respect for you. Why would I care what you think?

Well anonymous there is no doubt about you now. Med check

December 15, 2005 5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


They obviously want us to leave just like we want to leave. But they don't want that more than they want the Baathists to remain out of power. The Shiites and Kurds are very happy we came. Most Sunnis are too if they can express themselves freely. 43% of Iraqis don't condone violence against coalition troops.

December 15, 2005 5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wanted to expand on the dialogue betwixt Dana and Gladys concerning bigotry aimed at certain biologically determined characteristics. Before I do that however, I want to make sure I'm not being insensitive. Of the major players and readers here, is anyone gay, lazy, stupid or fat?

swift genes"

Swift genes is a bigot. "Lazy" and "fat" are not nice. These things aren't choices and people shouldn't be attacked for them.


December 15, 2005 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To use people who were born with that birth defect to promote your mental condition is cruel. It hurts those people who really do have a problem. Though the mentally ill really cannot be held responsible for what thy do.

Anonymous are you speaking of yourself above? Do you want society to hold you responsible or because you are apparently mentally ill or just a hateful bigot who hates gays, etc.,
not hold
you responsible?

"anon free"

December 15, 2005 6:07 PM  
Blogger andrea said...

So is the most offensive anon- who posts the bigoted or insane stuff- saying that this is a just a persona- and "normally- you just post as one of the unnamed anons?

You say we are all gay which I do not find offensive but it would be a surprise to my husband of 22 years, my kids and any of the boyfriends I had before I was married. Do you think I was black when I supported civil rights or Burmese because I work with the US Campaign for Burma?
How about Sudanese when I protested on behalf of those being killed in Darfur? Do you even understand what I mean?

December 15, 2005 7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrear get of the soapbox. Great you’re a professional protester. I am sure the Burmese appreciate you waving a sign for them at one of the many protest carnivals that they have in D.C. and I am sure the Sudanese are appreciative of the great and noble sacrifices you have made for them. And if they don’t sing your glory for the next hundred years than they must not truly appreciate what you have gone through. Yes, I truly understand what you mean. I have no more interest in you than I do any of the other members of this site. If you have not been flowing along. Let me bring you up to speed before you make a bigger fool of your-self. You can be married to a member of the opposite sex, and have children and still be a homo, it just means that you are a homophobe. You are still gay. Based on TTF logic. Bigoted is the mission statement of this site that’s all you do is sit around and bad mouth people. So it is a little hypocritical for you to be calling me offensive. And so gay. Thought it has been entertaining the comebacks there great. Kay must be the brain of this outfit. Check out this zinger “Well anonymous there is no doubt about you now. Med check” I don’t know if it is the play on words, best zinger this year. And you can quote me. Jaguar is a gay car. Jim do you drive a Jag? Not that there is any thing wrong with that. Just asking. But I bet we can all agree that Dana Beyer,M.D. takes best in show on this site, for “The radical right’s favorite shrink, the worst political transphobe of them all’…” Oscar Wilder could not have said it better. What is your expertise in Doc? Why Dana Beyer and not Roberta Muldoon? Fascinating. I bet you like star trek. You shore has an interesting little chat room hears at TTF the fore days I have been flowing it have imprested with your depth of knowledge and understanding of complex issues. The wit and the Wisdom. I wish I had more time to spend here. Just kidding.

December 15, 2005 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said, Jaguar is a gay car

Can cars be gay?

"anon free"

December 15, 2005 9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anoymous said, You shore has an interesting little chat room hears at TTF the fore days I have been flowing it have imprested with your depth of knowledge and understanding of complex issues. The wit and the Wisdom. I wish I had more time to spend here. Just kidding.

Who could explain this diatribe above...Freud????

"anon free"

December 15, 2005 10:04 PM  
Blogger andrea said...

Bye, Anon- use the time you have to learn something- anything.

December 16, 2005 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor Andrea

hoping to get a little action going on the blog


December 16, 2005 11:05 AM  
Blogger andrea said...

Anon- what a laugh riot you are! I think your comment reveals your real motive for being here- but don't hold your breath.

December 16, 2005 1:52 PM  
Blogger Kay2898 said...

Well the CRC message board forum could use anonymous...badly.

December 16, 2005 2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

This website is so great.
Hopefully, we can also start to
end discrimination against other
peoples too. I've been fat and
sluggish my whole life and I'm
sick of bigots calling me a lazy
glutton. Just last winter, they
found out laziness is caused by a
gene. I'm sure it's true for
liking to eat too. You don't have
a choice. Does anyone ever
remember choosing to be hungry and
tired? No, that's just the way I
am. Let's be accepting of the
whole rainbow of humanity and stop
attacking each other. Let's add it
to the curriculum. Kids need to
know obese and slothful people
exist. Kids need to know people
didn't choose this and it's not a
disease- it's just another way to

Deep in my heart. I do believe.
That we shall overcome. One day."

Sorry, I've been out of town,
visiting family in the red state
heartland. I've got to say, I
never ran into an Adult Superstore
before. Like Anon's notes from
his trip to Las Vegas (in another
red state), these Adult
Superstores are located right
along the interstate and are open
24 hours/7 days a week with peep
shows, movies, sex toys, etc. I
guess those red staters never know
when they might need some of that
stuff so Lion's Den out of
Columbus, Ohio has 29 stores right
there for 'em.

Breaker Breaker One Nine. Yeah
hey there good buddy! May all
your ups and downs be between the

But I really wanted to reach out
to poor, misunderstood, "fat and
sluggish" (your own words) Anon.
I'm sorry for all that name
calling -- it must be a real

Chin up darlin' and try to
remember, "Sticks and stones and
pistol whippings while tied to a
fence post may break my bones but
words will never hurt me."

Take heart that there are no laws
on the books to prevent you from
marrying the person you love or
from adopting children. There are
no laws to keep you from making
medical decisions for your
spouse or to prevent inheritance
between the two of you. Compared
to gays, you should count your

And for your peace of mind during
this holiday season, F&SAnon, you
will be happy to learn that the
MCPS health education curriculum
already covers both "obesity"
and "sluggishness" (which they
refer to as "too tired") so rest
assured you will not be ignored
and marginalized in our public
schools. They even cover "Family
Traditions" and "Religious
Traditions" (including sacred
foods and ceremonies!) as they
relate to Nutrition and Fitness.
Amen for that, huh?

Oh and in case you want to check
out what I just said but are
feeling too sluggish to look for
the information yourself, let me
do you and all the fine readers of
this blog a favor.

You will find the MCPS Nutrition
and Fitness curriculum for grade
9th here:

And you will find the 29 store
locations of Lion's Den Adult
Superstores here:


December 19, 2005 2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That stuff makes it seem like there's something wrong with it. It makes sick when I hear of teachers attacking kids for not doing their homework when they're simply fat and lazy. The county needs to do more to support tired kids. Professional helpers should be assigned (tips included, of course). Equal access belongs to all of our kids.

December 19, 2005 3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's quite a sticky wicket for you.

Maybe one day you'll get "sick"
enough about it to get up and
actually do something about it.


December 19, 2005 4:44 PM  

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