Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Petitions Filed in Fight Over South Dakota Abortion Law

This was inevitable. South Dakota's draconian abortion law isn't going last much longer. And I doubt that the officials who put it into place will survive the next election, either. The Post has the story:
PIERRE, S.D. -- An abortion rights group Tuesday submitted more than twice the number of the signatures needed to hold a statewide vote in November on whether to repeal South Dakota's ban on abortion.

The Legislature earlier this year passed the strictest abortion law in the nation, banning all abortions except those necessary to save a woman's life. The law, scheduled to take effect July 1, makes no exceptions for rape or incest.

The measure was aimed at sparking a court fight that supporters hope will lead to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that established the right to an abortion.

The South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families said it turned in more than 38,000 signatures for a statewide referendum. The South Dakota secretary of state's office will check the validity of the signatures and determine whether the measure qualifies for the ballot.

Jan Nicolay, co-chairwoman of the South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families, said she believes it would be the nation's first statewide election on abortion since Roe v. Wade. Opponents of the ban decided to pursue a popular vote instead of filing a lawsuit.

"We would prefer this be dealt with by the people of the state of South Dakota and not spend a lot of money fighting a legal battle," Nicolay said. S.D. Abortion Ban Oppponents Petition

Remember? There was some monkey-business over the deadlines for filing petitions. It looks like these guys got them in on time.

They needed a little under 17,000 signatures to force a referendum. They submitted more than 38,000.

That oughta do it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a Showdown Against Abortion Rights in South Dakota

What are you gonna do about it?

June 01, 2006 9:38 AM  
Blogger Orin Ryssman said...

Anonymous writes,

There's a Showdown Against Abortion Rights in South Dakota

What are you gonna do about it?

The link is to some event sponsored by Planned Parenthood of Metro Wash., DC.

Hate to burst your bubble, but there is no showdown is called democracy in action. Pro-life activists would have done well to have read James Q. Wilson's piece in the Wall Street Journal in March, also found here,,filter.all/pub_detail.asp

because then perhaps they would have considered more carefully their strategy.

June 03, 2006 9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marriage may be illegal for a father and his daughter, but once this abortion ban becomes effective, when a father impregnates his daughter in South Dakota, she will have no choice but to carry her own half-sibling to term.

Sounds more like depravity in action than "democracy in action" to me.

Aunt Bea

June 03, 2006 6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orin said, "Hate to burst your bubble, but there is no showdown is called democracy in action."

A showdown is a decisive confrontation.

Mr. Round and his anti-choice buddies in the SD legislature drew the line in the sand, challenging the US Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision. They were enboldened to do so now because Roberts and Scalito are on the Supreme Court and they assumed the case would be decided there.

Now the pro-choice citizens of South Dakota have stepped up to Mr. Round's challenge with more than twice the number of signatures needed to hold a statewide vote on this legislation.

The showdown will be on election day.


June 05, 2006 7:09 AM  
Blogger andrea said...

Who is the woman in the blue suit in the photo with Bush?

June 06, 2006 3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harriet Miers, Supreme Disaster

June 06, 2006 11:50 PM  

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