Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Honorary Sodomite

Okay, the fight over the nondiscrimination bill is finished. Good.

I wanted to show you some more email from PFOX's web guy Gabriel. You remember he had some rude words in his first letter to Council member Duchy Trachtenberg. She responded to him with what looked like a stock "thank you for your interest" reply, which was more than I would have done, but whatever.

So he wrote back:
You are absolutely right in saying that everyone deserves to live with dignity. So what about the dignity of a woman in the privacy of a locker room or rest room? Why are you not on fire about that? Are you one of those lesbian militants who think they have a penis so it matters not who is in the bathroom with them? Your “legislation” is revolting and sets a dangerous precedent. Believe me when I tell you that the American people can only take so much stupidity from legislators and soon we will lose our patience with imbeciles such as yourself and God help you then... though, I am sure He will turn a deaf ear to you as you are doing to Him. This IS radical legislation. Can’t you think for yourselves? If those other alleged “100 U.S. jurisdictions” allegedly “covering 37% of this country’s population” (can anyone say BULLSHIT!), ALL DECIDED TO JUMP OFF A BRIDGE TO THEIR DEATHS, WOULD YOU DO THE SAME? Keep it up. Eventually it is the likes of you who will be on the losing end and the eternal joke will be on you!!

Sincerely Yours,
Gabriel Espinosa
Furryllama Media Productions

This is ... I don't know, I'm laughing but at the same time you just know there are people out there nodding in agreement.

Would you call this a threat? [S]oon we will lose our patience with imbeciles such as yourself and God help you then...

I would.

Especially the though, I am sure He will turn a deaf ear to you as you are doing to Him part.

Then, I don't know what happened, but he wrote again. Now he has some choice words about me, it looks like, for receiving and posting his first letter.

You really are a hypocrite. You leak my first email to the sodomites and yet you neglect to leak my response to your email. It is a sad state of affairs for Montgomery County having you as a legislator. You should resign. By the way, where did you dig up those alleged figures of yours?

>> In fact, over 100 U.S. jurisdictions have already passed similar legislation, covering 37% of this country’s population. This includes 13 states plus the District of Columbia.

Sincerely Yours,
Gabriel Espinosa
Furryllama Media Productions

That last part was a quote from her email to him.

As for the easy question, "where did you dig up those alleged figures of yours?" She might have "dug them up" on a link that we have had posted here all week: the Task Force web site.

I guess he's saying she should resign because she didn't leak enough of his email to the sodomites? Is that, like, in her contract or something?

First off, Duchy didn't leak anything to me. These are public documents, anybody can get them. Second, we did have his other emails, I just didn't bother to blog them -- the air was foul enough already. Anyway, he'll feel better now that I am posting them.

But the refreshing thing is being called a "sodomite."

The first time I heard that word actually used, not as a joke or making fun of some uneducated hillbilly, was at the first organizing meeting of the Recall Group, soon to be known as Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum. Another favorite word there was "deviants."

I've got to say, it looks to me like according to the dictionary the term sodomites is technically reserved for gay men, so I have to humbly decline the nomination, but I would gladly accept the title of Honorary Sodomite. I actually like the sound of that better than "straight ally," at least at the moment. It sounds like more fun.

With my best prom-queen wave, I blow a kiss and say "Thank you, Gabriel!"

Basically, it goes like this: whatever Gabriel Espinosa is, I want to be the opposite.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
This Gabriel guy sounds like another foamer at the mouth sort. Remember that guy at the first Recall hate fest who was so disgusting that even Michele and Johnny G tried to shut him up. He had some radio show and a large collection of gay porn. Looks like a good friend for Gabriel here(I understand the Archangel is protesting the use of his name) well, nuts abound in Recall land.

November 14, 2007 12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kind of vitriol and hate being spewed by this Gabriel character is so sad and pathetic. I can only hope that he gets into some serious psychoanalytic counseling soon before he does serious damage to himself and to the community at large. He is nasty, creepy, and sick! (Is he a resident of Montgomery County?) But then...so typical of the kind of hysteria, fear, and hate being spewed by people just like him. I was really shocked to see many CRC supporters at the Council meeting shouting the same kind of ignorant comments at the Council. A very, very sad commentary on the quality of those people. However...the more they expose themselves for what they are and what they believe, the more people in Montgomery County will be sickened and turned off by them.

November 14, 2007 1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to be an Honorary Sodomite, too. Has a better ring than married 25+ years, 4 kids, 5 grandchildren and devout Episcopalian.

Gabriel sounds like the type who is likely to fall out of the closet himself one day. Funny how they've been doing that lately.

November 14, 2007 5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thirteen U.S. senators want to suspend federal funding to groups that promote abortion, primarily Planned Parenthood. The senators sent a letter to key members of Congress who have the power to block the funds.

“We’re very encouraged to see the senators taking this strong stand that really would reflect what the majority of Americans would want," said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America.

In October, about 60 pro-life organizations asked Congress to suspend Planned Parenthood funding following a 107-count indictment against the group's Kansas affiliate.

Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., introduced a bill in the House on Thursday that would stop federal funding.

Dawn Vargo, an associate bioethics analyst, said: “Given these allegations of illegal practices on the part of Planned Parenthood, taxpayers should not be forced to fund an organization that may be engaged in criminal activity.”

November 14, 2007 6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Remember that guy at the first Recall hate fest who was so disgusting that even Michele and Johnny G tried to shut him up. He had some radio show and a large collection of gay porn."

No, I don't. Please elaborate.

November 14, 2007 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't why you're so tickled to be named a sodomite, but you may have jumped the gun. The letter writer spoke of plural "sodomites" so unless you're now thinking of yourself as a "we", like the Queen of England or something, he was probably speaking of an entire group. I can imagine who he might have been referring to but that's probably better left unsaid.

BTW, all homosexual acts are sodomy but there are non-homosexual acts that are also considered sodomy.

November 14, 2007 8:21 PM  
Blogger BlackTsunami said...

so kissing is sodomy? give me a break, will ya?

November 14, 2007 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, and it's not sexual either. To be sexual, it has to involve genitalia. Of course, gays have come up with some pretty disgusting stuff that doesn't involve genitalia but that's just gross and not sodomy.

Fascinating, uh?

November 15, 2007 6:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Anon.

Once again... your stupidiy and hate shine through. Congrats.

November 15, 2007 7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gay Men Earn 23% Less Pay Than Married Men

By Sasha on Friday, November 9th, 2007 in Salaries |
Bookmark: del.icio.us | reddit | digg

Are gay men discriminated against by employers? Yes, according to a new study which appears in the Journal of Labor Research.

The study, co-authored by Bruce Elmslie, professor of economics at UNH Whittemore and Edinaldo Tebaldi of Bryant University in Rhode Island, contains an in-depth analysis of wage and labor data collected by the U.S. Census in March 2004. The dataset represents over 91,000 heterosexual and homosexual couples.

According to the authors, gay men who live together earn 23 percent less than married men, and 9 percent less than unmarried heterosexual men who live with a woman. Discrimination is most pronounced in management and blue-collar, male-dominated occupations such as building and grounds cleaning and maintenance; construction and extraction; and production.
The authors also found that lesbians are not discriminated against when compared with heterosexual women. They conclude that while negative attitudes toward lesbians could affect them, lesbians may benefit from the perception that they are more career-focused and less likely to leave the labor market to raise children than heterosexual women. According to their study, 18.1 percent of lesbians have children, compared with 49.4 percent of straight women.
Within the study, the authors suggest that employer disapproval of the gay lifestyle, fears about offending customers and concerning the transmission of HIV/AIDS may be affecting hiring and salary decisions. While these are certainly plausible theories, the data they examined does not truly provide any information regarding these potential causes, and more research is needed to justify their assertions.

I believe this study raises more questions than it answers, but the data revealed remains of interest, regardless of the whys.

I’ve long been disturbed that even in 2007, salary and position inequalities still exist between men and women, but until now, I hadn’t realized that homosexual men were affected as well. Gay couples already face unique retirement challenges, and compensation inequities only exacerbate the issue.

November 15, 2007 7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "Of course, gays have come up with some pretty disgusting stuff that doesn't involve genitalia but that's just gross and not sodomy".
I encourage you, Mr./Ms./Mrs "Anonymous", to watch just one "Real Sex" program on HBO if you need an update on your side's sex practices! "People who live in glass houses, etc..." You are such a holier-than-thou hypocrite!

November 15, 2007 9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Jim is the one who said sodomy is homosexual. I was merely addressing his statement.

November 15, 2007 9:32 AM  
Blogger JimK said...

"Sodomite" is a term that is used to refer disparagingly to gay men, supposedly referring to a vague Bible verse that describes a bizarre mob scene that bears little resemblance to anything any real gay person has ever been involved in. The intention of the word is to accuse, to demean, purely.

I did not say "sodomy is homosexual," I just looked the word up and saw how it is used. And thinking about it, I'd rather shout "I am Spartacus," than sit by being some kind of remote, formal political ally while the nuts and idiots hurl abuse. Honorary Sodomite? I'll take it.


November 15, 2007 9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gay Men Earn 23% Less Pay Than Married Men

Guess this says it it better to be married or a women.

November 15, 2007 9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That guy at the first Recall hate fest" Andrea's talking about is Tres Kerns. Read his speech at the CRC's 2005 HateFest here

Or maybe she was talking about another "foamer at the mouth" who spoke for them that day, Delegate Don Dwyer. Read his HateFest speech here

The Sentinel reported on the CRC's reaction to their own HateFest:

On March 19, the group hosted a town meeting at Rockville's Johns Hopkins University campus. State Del. Don Dwyer (R-Anne Arundel), the program's final speaker, used the podium at the meeting to promote his personal campaign to spread "the hate of the homosexual activist."

The CRC seems to be distancing itself from the speakers they scheduled, in the wake of inflammatory statements made at the meeting.

"The CRC does not endorse any of the speakers or support their topics per se," explained Fisher. "... Several members of the CRC were uncomfortable with Del. Dwyer's talk and others felt that his and some of the other speakers' information needed to be out in the public for debate and awareness, even if it was controversial."

"As far as Mr. Dwyer goes, I thought we made it clear that the speakers should not have strong religious overtones," said Turner. "When he started his comments, I was a little taken aback. But a number of the members said they were glad he spoke the way he did."

Gabriel sure seems like he's the CRC's kinda guy, just like Tres Kerns and Don Dwyer.

November 15, 2007 10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gay Men Earn 23% Less Pay Than Married Men

Guess this says it it better to be married or a women.

Oh it does more than that, Anon. It illuminates one of the lies Peter Sprigg told at the CRC's HateFest:

Uh the next myth is that homosexuals are seriously disadvantaged by discrimination in our society. If this were true it would support the notion that homosexuals are in need of special protections under the law. However, by two of the most common measures of social disadvantage, education and income, it is not true. The research shows that homosexuals actually have significantly higher levels of educational attainment than the general public while their findings on homosexual incomes are at worst mixed. Here’s uh an a study from the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management which said QUOTE In contrast to studies of anti-discrimination laws for women and ethnic minorities, we have produced no evidence that employment protections for sexual orientation directly increase average earnings for members of same-sex households. END QUOTE

November 15, 2007 10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome, Jim!


November 15, 2007 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""That guy at the first Recall hate fest" Andrea's talking about is Tres Kerns. Read his speech at the CRC's 2005 HateFest here

Or maybe she was talking about another "foamer at the mouth" who spoke for them that day, Delegate Don Dwyer. Read his HateFest speech here"

Andreary said someone who spoke had a "radio show and a large collection of gay porn." She also said CRC "tried to shut him up."

Who was that?

Or did Andreary just make the whole thing up?

November 15, 2007 2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea was there that day and so was I. Where were you, checking out the stalls in the restroom?

The guy with the gay porn collection will reveal himself to you in his own words...all you have to do is follow the links and read the transcripts of the speeches that day.

I'll even make it easy for you. You can read all the speeches given that day right here

November 15, 2007 3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabriel Espinosa said...
"You are absolutely right in saying that everyone deserves to live with dignity...

...Eventually it is the likes of you who will be on the losing end and the eternal joke will be on you!!"

The feeling I walked away with was this:

Ha ha you suckers, you’re all going to hell forever!!

That sounds like what I would wish upon my worst enemies, and half of my family.

Thank God I’m not God.

But perhaps more importantly, that I have the ability to recognize that fact.

November 15, 2007 3:59 PM  
Blogger Tish said...

Can all of the TTF officers and Directors be Honorary Sodomites too? This is too charming. We need cards and lapel pins.

Tish - housewife, mother, carpool chauffeur, church choir soprano, bake sale queen and honorary sodomite.

November 16, 2007 9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
OH, Nutty, I never have to make anything up. I leave that to you and CRC. I don't give fake numbers like Theresa on opt-out or Michelle Turner on which why the State Board voted. CRC provides me with all the material over and over- Johnny Garza in his poignant "WE Love You" to the School Board, Tres Kerns - freakazoid, Don Dwyer who spoke his hate "in God's name" but who had the guts to agree with me afterwards that he couldn't be sure until the day he died if it was so(I am sure it was not), Steina Walter giggling nervously when she saw the condom video, Ruth Jacobs rambling at a number of Board meetings. Why lie when the truth is so much easier- esp. when CRC is the topic.

Who may actually been to the remains of Sodom in my various travels to the Dead Sea and the Israeli Desert.

November 16, 2007 10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Can all of the TTF officers and Directors be Honorary Sodomites too?"

I don't see why not. Maybe you can include in your introductory remarks whenever you testify before the MCPS Board.

"I never have to make anything up"

You're right. You never really say anything so you don't have to make anything up.

November 16, 2007 1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Tish said: "Can all of the TTF officers and Directors be Honorary Sodomites too?"

Anon said: "I don't see why not. Maybe you can include in your introductory remarks whenever you testify before the MCPS Board."

It would be infinitely better than saying you were from the CRC, PFOX, FLN etc., and thus admit by default that you are an "honorary" hateful bigot who’s god is pride and who lies in the name of Jesus to cover that fact.

Andrea- not anon said...
OH, Nutty, I never have to make anything up. I leave that to you and CRC.

-I don't give fake numbers like Theresa on opt-out or Michelle Turner on which why the State Board voted.
-Johnny Garza in his poignant "WE Love You" to the School Board,
-Tres Kerns - freakazoid,
-Don Dwyer who spoke his hate "in God's name" but who had the guts to agree with me afterwards that he couldn't be sure until the day he died if it was so(I am sure it was not),
-Steina Walter giggling nervously when she saw the condom video,
-Ruth Jacobs rambling at a number of Board meetings.

Why lie when the truth is so much easier- esp. when CRC is the topic.

A list of actual people with actual documentable facts (even if those facts are only to back up opinion), and then anonymous proves your point in the “effort” to refute it by saying, (and most ironically I might add):

“You're right. You never really say anything so you don't have to make anything up.”

Sometimes I wonder if Anon is really an ally who’s clever enough to know just how to make the other side look as-absolutely-stupid-as-possible.

Then I am reminded that they all seem to be equally supercilious, but more importantly, and most confoundingly, nearly all, always, in exactly the same way.

November 17, 2007 5:57 AM  
Blogger JimK said...

Emproph, over the years we have had a series of Anons, who differ very slightly from one another in what they say. We have been accused of making them up, but of course we don't. These are real people who seem to really believe this stuff.


November 17, 2007 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
Wow, N. anon, You spew bigotry, cut and paste stuff you know nothing about and obviously get angry because I can report on things I have actually seen and heard related to the actual issues and people involved. Your remarks are on the level of young grade schoolers- if you have no real rebuttal- you say something silly anyway.

November 17, 2007 1:12 PM  

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