Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hopefully, It Will Be One of Your Daughters Who Gets Raped First

I posted some letters to the County Council about the new gender identity nondiscrimination bill. People do get heated. There are lots of these letters, and of course they're public documents, once they've been sent to an elected official.

Listen, if you have an overly-gentle soul, if you can't handle harsh language and ugly thoughts, this is a good time to stop reading. If you're a kid, please stop now, don't read any further. Because some grown-ups have a really warped idea of right and wrong.

I assume that PFOX had something in their newsletter, or maybe on their web site, about this nondiscrimination bill, because their executive director wrote in, and several of their followers. They claim to be Friends of Gays, it's part of their name, but ... no, they are not friends of gay, lesbian, or transgender people.

There was a letter from a lady in Gaithersburg. The CRC can take credit for this one, she parrots their message very accurately.
I am writing to you about the above mentioned bill. It has come to my attention that this bill will allow transgender people to enter the opposite genders bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers. This is absolutely ridiculous!! How can a county pass a bill that will allow men to enter changing areas with little girls and women and women to enter changing areas with males!! This is an absolute way for pedophiles to reach their intended targets in a legal manner! It also is a way for other sexual predators to reach their intended targets in a legal way!!

I am outraged!!! I understand that parts of this bill are intended for non discriminatory housing units. This is fine, however, please read your bill carefully and make sure that you are not the subject of a public disaster. I have lived and worked in Montgomery County for 17 years. I will not be proud to be a resident here if you pass this bill.

I ask that on November 13th you vote NO to this bill.

Thank you,

Debbie Ohly

I'm assuming this is the same Debbie Ohly who provides sexual harassment training and diversity training for Montgomery General Hospital in Olney? I would be curious, you might say, to take one of her classes.

She's outraged because transgender people need to pee sometimes, and the sign on the door says Men or Women. And no matter what they do, somebody's going to think they went into the wrong room. And "this is absolutely ridiculous" ... yes, I'd agree with that, but we may not agree on what the word "this" refers to.

And the pedophiles. We mustn't forget the pedophiles. I'm sure there is a way to work them into this. But why'd she leave out terrorists? What if terrorists in drag went in to the ladies room to peek at naked pedophiles? That will happen, you know, if this bill passes.

One last one.

This one was written by the web developer for Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX).

This is done in about a 40-point font:
Bill 23-07

Allowing men who think they’re women into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms?


Hopefully, it will be one of your daughters who gets raped first!

Sincerely Yours,
Gabriel Espinosa
Furryllama Media Productions

Gabriel Espinosa from PFOX is hoping that Council members' daughters get raped, and supposedly this will be done because somebody couldn't discriminate against a transgender person.

I sort of apologize for the language. We usually steer away from that here, but I think you need to know what's going on. I don't really apologize, because it wasn't me saying it, this was a guy representing the decency that is PFOX.

People, there's one reason I'm posting these. This is the kind of stuff the County Council is getting. From their point of view, this is the way people in Montgomery County feel. How would they know any different? You didn't write or call, did you?

CLICK HERE for their phone numbers. Give them a call. Send them a nice, supportive letter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Espinosa's letter in which he stated: "Allowing men who think they’re women into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms?


Hopefully, it will be one of your daughters who gets raped first!" is a perfect example of the fear, hatred, bigotry, and piteous ignorance put forth by those who resort to such hysterical tirades in their attempts to influence Montgomery County's citizens and elected officials. I am waiting for the "Anonymous" CRCer who incessantely bleats and blabbers here to repudiate such reprehensible hate-filled and repulsive language...or else we will have no alternative but to think this also reflects the thinking of CRC.

November 07, 2007 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the letter regarding the "cross-dressing, pedophilic, terroristic illegal immigrant" stalking the Pool in Germantown.

Please keep us abreast.

November 07, 2007 1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note also the underlying misogny that pervades these attacks. There has not been one single letter to the editor or to the Council to my knowledge that is concerned about women in the men's locker rooms.

These people are too ignorant to recognize that if they had their way there would be far, far more men in the women's room than there will be with this legislation. And while no one knows what anyone's genitalia are in the women's rooms, they would be shocked by the very masculine-looking trans men who they are intent on forcing into the women's rooms.

November 07, 2007 1:07 PM  
Blogger Orin Ryssman said...

Jim writes,

Listen, if you have an overly-gentle soul, if you can't handle harsh language and ugly thoughts, this is a good time to stop reading. If you're a kid, please stop now, don't read any further. Because some grown-ups have a really warped idea of right and wrong.

LOL...please, spare me your faux sensitivity. Look, if the kiddies are mature enough for condoms, birth control pills and sensitivity lessons than they are old enough to read this sort of material. Really, from what I have been told by my 18-year-old it is not too much different than what passes for ordinary fair on MySpace etc.

Now if Mr. Espinosa wants to influence the course of public deliberations in a direction more to his liking than he should not have written what he did. He does not strike me as someone who aspires to be taken seriously...

Jim writes,

I would be curious, you might say, to take one of her classes. referring to Debbie Ohly's letter.

Well, I guess it might be interesting if one thinks of sexual harassment training as an opportunity to advance partisan political agendas instead of creating and maintaining an ethical and professional working environment for everyone. I suspect Debbie and I more closely hew to the latter understanding than the former.

November 07, 2007 1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

orin ryssman:

Mockery, belittlement and innuendo do not an argument or rebuttal make.

Do you have some facts to bring to the table, or is your agenda at least equally partisan as you accuse the poster's to be in the same breath you dismissed him as unserious?

Your post is as hysterical as the idiotic and violent drivel the OP is complaining about, but with even less foundation in actual fact; a feat, I might add, that I for one find impressive!

I ask again, do you have any reasons or facts to have a stance on that bill at all?

Talking down to another so boldly implies authority, so surely you've done the research yourself and know that the overwhelming majority of transgendered individuals, regardless of how inept they are at passing for the opposite sex, are incredibly passive, non-violent people?

You, having done research, to avoid talking out of your ass in a public forum, surely know even more facts pertinent to the current discussion than I likely do.

So let's hear 'em.

C'mon. Lets hear some concrete, scientific evidence from you, or any other idiot who thinks this kind of response to a bill of this nature is reasonable and desirable from even a single member of the society you live in.

November 08, 2007 5:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, Flutter!

November 08, 2007 10:42 AM  
Blogger Orin Ryssman said...

Flutter writes,

Mockery, belittlement and innuendo do not an argument or rebuttal make.

Huh??? Did you even read what I wrote? just in case, here is what I wrote,

LOL...please, spare me your faux sensitivity. Look, if the kiddies are mature enough for condoms, birth control pills and sensitivity lessons than they are old enough to read this sort of material. Really, from what I have been told by my 18-year-old it is not too much different than what passes for ordinary fair on MySpace etc.

I was simply stating my OPINION that children in our present day culture are not sheltered (though one could make the argument that they should be) and that Jim can cut the patronizing (infantilizing? hummm, maybe) drivel about "overly-gentle soul"'s. Once again, if they are old and mature enough for the full-throated contraceptive sex ed message than they can handle the "mean" things some will say in public forums like this one.

Mr. Teacher Man writes,

Right on, Flutter!

Some ideas are so foolish that only an intellectual would believe them.

Wow...three words...surely a "teacher" can put more than thre words together into a coherent thought, no?

November 08, 2007 11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just sent the following -

Hello All,

I have been a resident of Montgomery County, MD most of my life. I have always been pleased at what my country strives to do in terms of inclusiveness for all, regardless of income level, gender, race, ethnicty, or religious background.

I would like to lend my full support to bill 23-07.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

November 08, 2007 1:12 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Kaida, you make it look easy.

I hope they're getting a lot of email like this -- and phone calls, too.


November 08, 2007 1:22 PM  
Blogger Orin Ryssman said...

kaida writes,

I just sent the following -

Hello All,

I have been a resident of Montgomery County, MD most of my life. I have always been pleased at what my country strives to do in terms of inclusiveness for all, regardless of income level, gender, race, ethnicty, or religious background.

I would like to lend my full support to bill 23-07.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

Then JimK writes,

Kaida, you make it look easy.

I hope they're getting a lot of email like this -- and phone calls, too.

It is easy...very very easy and it is a shame that more do not avail themselves of the opporutnity to exercise their right to speak and be heard.

While Espinosa's letter will be ignored, I am certain those that have received Kaida's email will stand up and take they should.

Great email Kaida...short, positive and to the point...that is what public officials want.

November 08, 2007 5:55 PM  

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