Saturday, November 17, 2007

Republican Leader Shouts "Heil Hitler" During Council Session

I've been so busy the last few days, I haven't really been following all the news. I didn't get to the County Council meeting the other day, but somebody mentioned something in our comments, and now I see it was in The Gazette.

First, in case you just tuned in, the Montgomery County Council voted unanimously this week to ban discrimination on the basis of gender identity. The nuts really showed their colors on this one, the pro-discrimination groups boiled over with hatred. We've published a couple of their letters, well, we here at TTF have come to sort of expect this, but I think some Council members were surprised to see just how bizarre these people can actually be.

I had missed this part, reported in the Gazette:
The vote took just a few minutes, after an opening statement by Councilman Roger Berliner (D-Dist. 1) of Potomac, who was filling in for Councilman George L. Leventhal (D-At large) of Takoma Park, who was absent Tuesday following a car accident more than a week ago. No additional council comments were made before the vote, and most council members quickly left the room afterwards.

Nevertheless, several members of a packed audience yelled criticisms after council members.

‘‘Heil Hitler!” Adol T. Owen-Williams II, a Montgomery County Republican Central Committee member, shouted immediately after the vote from his third-row seat in the council chamber ‘‘Wait until little girls start showing up dead all over the county because of freaks of nature.”

Angry shouts from other protesters followed the council out of the room.

As approved, the bill would prohibit discrimination against transgenders in housing, employment, cable television service and taxi service. Council bans transgender bias; opponents plan to lobby for veto

That name, Adol T. Owen-Williams II, might ring a bell. That's the guy that then-Republican Board of Education member Steve Abrams reportedly assaulted last year at the Republican central committee meeting. Abrams switched to calling himself a Democrat after that -- does he still? I don't know, I haven't been keeping track. The Board is nonpartisan anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Think about this. This Republican leader thinks that discrimination against transgender people is necessary to prevent the murders of little girls.

Do you get that?

A person who used to physically be a man and is now a woman goes to a restaurant, they serve her a meal, and next thing you know, a little girl is dead. I personally can't figure out how that happens. A taxi driver gives a transgender person a ride and bam -- another dead little girl. And only the cutest ones, too.

All over the county, too, it doesn't just happen at the spot where the nondiscrimination takes place. It's spooky, I tell you.

When this starts, Nancy Grace is going to move to our county so she can report on this every day. This will be a career-maker for her.

I'll bet this rhetorical approach works for Adol's people, his "base." Because, see, it's as simple as this: Republicans are good people, and unlike Democrats they are opposed to murdering little girls. That's why they want to keep it legal to discriminate against transgender people. It's for the children.

Here's a question for you: was the "Heil Hitler" thing over the top? I think so, for a County Council meeting. I think they should reserve that sort of thing for their GOP Central Committee meetings and other special Party functions. Yes, they have freedom of speech and all, but basically we're a Blue county, most people here don't chant Heil Hitler at our official County meetings and such. The Gazette doesn't say how many people joined in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

“A person who used to physically be a man and is now a woman goes to a restaurant, they serve her a meal, and next thing you know, a little girl is dead. I personally can't figure out how that happens. A taxi driver gives a transgender person a ride and bam -- another dead little girl. And only the cutest ones, too.”

Don’t forget cable:

A transgendered person turns on the tv, BAM! Another little girl dead.

Clearly remote controls should now be considered lethal weapons in the hands of transgendered citizens.

November 17, 2007 11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea-not anon
I wrote to the Republican party of MC about this incident. I said while free speech is a hallmark of the US - this kind of language is really not acceptable -esp from an elected official. The answer was that the Gazette took the "remark" out of context and that the news in MC is whatever liberals want it to be. Then there was a paragraph worthy of N. Anon and Theresa on the bill that passed- "gender has now been erased in MC".

So now for Republicans here in MC there is a context where the Nazi rallying cry is acceptable? And before the creeps chime in, my dad and my uncles all fought in WWII.

My assumption is that as Hitler killed gay people- this "Adol" guy(the name ?)must have actually been saluting Hitler. As no republicans get elected here anyway, this won't get used in the election as it might. But what a proud day for CRC-to have such a man on your side.

November 17, 2007 12:58 PM  
Blogger Tish said...


I think that Berlin was the world center for gender studies before the Nazis took over. They destroyed a gender research center and valuable research which had to be replicated after the war. I think you are right, that Adol was saluting Hitler, who would never have allowed a bill this this one to stand.

Letters to the Gazette pointing out the Nazi party's history with gender studies might be in order, just to put the Republican position in perspective.

November 17, 2007 1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My assumption is that as Hitler killed gay people- this "Adol" guy(the name ?)must have actually been saluting Hitler."

Without consciously admitting it to himself of course.

If so, it’s an insight into Hitler’s mind. How “persecuted” he really felt by the existence of “the jews.”

BTW, does that term include people who are only half Jewish?

November 17, 2007 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Don’t forget cable:

A transgendered person turns on the tv, BAM! Another little girl dead."

That's almost as ridiculous as the idea that cable companies are keeping lists of transgenders and refusing to come install cable at their house. Truth is, they'll do anything to get a new subscriber.

The law wasn't passed because of any discriminaton that is taking place. It was passed to encode in government regulation an idea disagreed with by the majority of the population- that you can opt out of your gender if you agree to do so on an exclusive basis.

How hypocritical of Jim to unleash the tirade above when he so loudly protests the rhetoric of the other side. He knows full well that the protestor's complaint about the idea the County Council has pushed- that to segregate bathrooms by biological gender is discrimination. This is not discrimination of any kind.

I know, I know, jurisdictions that allow men who dress in an effeminate attire have reportedly found no problems. Then again, a few years back, the Catholic Church was reporting no problems when they let gay men work with young boys. The government, as well, encounters plenty of problems they don't report. Incidents of violence and gang activity in schools, for example, are rarely reported.

Common sense should prevail. If these guys who are transitioning are on the level, they should show some sensitivity to the public. If you encounter some establishment that doesn't let you use their restroom, find another one. It really isn't hard. We all occasionally encounter someone who won't let use their restroom for one reason or another. Sometimes they're being cleaned or they are out of order. Sometimes the proprietor is having a bad hair day. Big deal. Adapt.

You're good at that.

November 17, 2007 2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance that the guy that yelled this was implying that the council was acting in a dictatorial fashion, telling business owners how to run their business and offering to penalize those who don't act in accordance with their bizarre worldview?

November 17, 2007 2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“That's almost as ridiculous as the idea that cable companies are keeping lists of transgenders and refusing to come install cable at their house. Truth is, they'll do anything to get a new subscriber.”

EXACTLY! They’ll do anything. Including pretending to keep lists of transgendered persons whom they “wouldn’t” give service to, in order to convince the Montgomery County County-Council to enact an anti-discrimination law protecting transgendered persons.

We’re through the looking glass here people. The Montgomery County Cable industry is run entirely by Montgomery County citizens who are transgendered. And who does the Montgomery County Cable Industry run? They run the Montgomery County County-Council who enacted the transgender anti-discrimination law.

It all makes perfect sense.

November 17, 2007 2:55 PM  
Blogger Dana Beyer, M.D. said...

Hey, Anon, you think it matters what was percolating in the dark recesses of Adol's mind? He said, he was proud of saying it, non eo fhis dozen or more friends chastised him for saying it, and it wasn't taken out of context. You can see for yourself when it's replayed on Cable Channel 6.

The fact that cable is mentioned in this bill is because the issue came up, I believe with respect to race, during an earlier iteration. This bill does nothing more than extend the non-discrimination stature to include trans persons. So whatever was covered before, and whatever was excluded before, has not changed.

Tish, you're right, Berlin was the home of the scientific study of sexuality before the Nazis burned Hirschfeld's office and library and he fled to the US. His junior assistant, Harry Benjamin, took up his work and published the first scientific study and book in the US on transsexualism in 1966.

Anon, I personally have never, and I will not tolerate, discrimination directed against me. I won't tolerate it against others, including you, which is why I worked on this bill. I have as much right as anyone else to use the public and private facilities in this County.

Your claims that there is no discrimination and the implication girls have been murdered but not reported as such is slanderous.

Bathrooms have been segregated on the basis of gender for 100 years in this country, and they will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Though, as you've probably noticed, unisex/family bathrooms are becoming more common. To this day you have no clue about the genitals of anyone in any bathroom, and you won't when this bill becomes law, either.

And, yes, Jim, the Councilmembers have been absolutely appalled by the hate speech of Jimi, Regina, Theresa, Ruth, Espinosa, Mr. Martinis and Mr.Cadwalader, and Adol

November 17, 2007 2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
“Any chance that the guy that yelled this was implying that the council was acting in a dictatorial fashion, telling business owners how to run their business and offering to penalize those who don't act in accordance with their bizarre worldview?”

I think we can all rest assured that he thought it through just as thoroughly as you have.

November 17, 2007 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bathrooms have been segregated on the basis of gender for 100 years in this country, and they will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Though, as you've probably noticed, unisex/family bathrooms are becoming more common. To this day you have no clue about the genitals of anyone in any bathroom, and you won't when this bill becomes law, either."

I love how you spin this, I said bathrooms should be seperated by bilogical sex, you said bathrooms should seperated by gender... Spin, spin, spin... mislead and Deceive the public. This will cost your council members their jobs, Dana.

Thanks for giving us an issue where 80% of the public is on our side. It will be the downfall of gay movement in MC, count on it.


November 17, 2007 3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nancy Floreen’s answer when asked if men will now be allowed in women’s rooms

After voting for the Gender Identity Bill in the afternoon, Councilwoman Nancy Floreen had this encounter with one of our subscribers that evening.

"Last night, my husband attended the Montgomery County's Farm Bureau's Thanksgiving Dinner at the Agricultural Center at the Fair Grounds. This is an annual event which is attended by several hundred farmers and family members and is normally attended by one or two council persons. Nancy Floreen and Maryilyn Praisner were there last night. My husband asked Nancy in front of a large table of people very politely if people with his equipment would now be allowed in the women’s' restrooms, yes or no. She tried to give him some verbiage but he interrupted her and said, please, this question calls for a simple yes or no answer. She then said "yes", dead silence, then "no", dead silence, then "I don’t' know". God bless my husband. She appeared flustered by the exchange.”

This would be funny if so much weren’t at stake

November 17, 2007 3:42 PM  
Blogger Dana Beyer, M.D. said...

One more question for Theresa:

As the only semi-sane member of your group, I will ask you what it is your problem actually is right now? If you could sit down with the County Council, what would you ask for?

I know what some of your friends want, but, no, we're not going away. But I ask you -- what do you want?

I believe you know now that, as before, there is an infinitesimal chance of your being exposed to a woman with a penis in a hot tub at the Club.
That this law doesn't change that - it's silent on such circumstances - and will not embolden a pre-op trans woman to do something she wouldn't have done before anyway for personal and social reasons.
That if a dispute ever arises it will go before the Human Rights Commission.
That the HRC will not force club owners to welcome pre-ops into your sauna.
You're an engineer -- you know this.

So what do you want?

November 17, 2007 3:48 PM  
Blogger Dana Beyer, M.D. said...

Another question for Theresa, who, as an engineer, I would hope looks at a problem a little more thoroughly than she does this one.

Based on your most recent comment, it's now clear to me that you want to ban pre-op trans women from the women's room.

How are you going to police that?

And, much more importantly, will you tell me that you want all the hundreds of trans men in Montgomery County with vaginas to use the women's rooms? No one from your side has answered that question. Your "gotcha" about "biological sex" -- which you don't understand, and which I've explained here numerous times -- is nothing more than a statement about genitalia. So why not come out and say so clearly:
People with penises, regardless of their legal sex, their gender identity or expression, must use the men's room.
And people with vaginas, regardless of their legal sex, their gender identity or presentation, must use the women's room.
You think you can win this argument? All I have to do is roll out a dozen trans men to a press conference and we'll see which way the wind is blowing.

November 17, 2007 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theresa said bathrooms should be seperated [sic] by bilogical sex

Do you think there are only two biological sexes, Theresa? You didn't bother reading the Wikipedia entry on Intersexuality did you? If you had, you'd realize there are more than two biological sexes in humans.

In addition to the most common XX and XY chromosomal sexes, there are quite a few other possible combinations such as Turner syndrome (XO), Triple X syndrome (XXX), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), XYY syndrome (XYY), XX male, Swyer syndrome (XY female), and there are many other individuals who do not follow the typical patterns (such as individuals with four or even more sex chromosomes).

All of these people are forced to choose the door marked MEN or WOMEN. They choose the one that matches their appearance. What would you prefer they do, go pee in the bushes?

November 17, 2007 4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what about people who have parts of both genitalia? They have the same right to pee at a restaurant, and to use the public swimming pool and its locker/shower room as you do, Theresa.

November 17, 2007 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“My husband asked Nancy in front of a large table of people very politely if people with his equipment would now be allowed in the women’s' restrooms, yes or no."

That’s nothing, my husband once asked Nancy, on stage, in front of an entire restaurant, ever so politely, whether his big honking chunk of manhood would be allowed into women’s restrooms, or, if she worshiped Satan.
Anonymous said...

Nancy Floreen’s answer when asked if men will now be allowed in women’s rooms

How would Nancy Floreen, Maryilyn Praisner or anyone else for that matter, know whether Male to Female transgendered persons entered a women’s room without checking their genitals?

What kind of person would even expect Nancy Floreen, Maryilyn Praisner or anyone else for that matter, to check the genitals of someone who’s entering a bathroom?

And the wife is proud of her husband’s suggestion that there should be a genitalia patrol outside of every bathroom door in the county, just in case someone’s gender appears “questionable?”

Are these people raising children?

November 17, 2007 5:19 PM  
Blogger Dana Beyer, M.D. said...

I guess the question now for Theresa is what she meant when she said, "That would be funny if so much weren't at stake."

What's at stake, Theresa? Your refusal to recognize my existence? Adol's right to shout "Heil, Hitler"? The future of your little organization? Or is someone in your family transitioning or thinking of doing so and that has you all bent out of shape?

November 17, 2007 6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see someone at the mens room door asking men to drop their pants to check for livestock.
What woman would stand in the door way and ask another woman, are you really a woman? I think I would want a lot of money and a good insurance policy on both of those jobs.
I heard of a group of trans. people leaving markers on bathroom stalls telling others that they were there. I think that would be something for the trans. people of your town to do.
Sheila Coats

November 17, 2007 8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr./Ms./Mrs. "Anonymous" said:
"Thanks for giving us an issue where 80% of the public is on our side. It will be the downfall of gay movement in MC, count on it."
You wish! Please tell me what polls you or anyone else has taken that show that 80% of the public supports your wacko thinking and fear-driven bellowing. I am positive that you are not a Montgomery County resident. Delusional is putting it mildly.

November 17, 2007 8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the question now for Theresa is what she meant when she said, "That would be funny if so much weren't at stake."

Clearly at that point it would be a laugh riot. Personally I think she's missing out:

Anonymous said...

Theresa Rickman’s answer when asked if she’s stopped beating her wife.

After voting for the Masculine Passive Aggression Bill in the afternoon, Councilwoman Theresa Rickman had this encounter with one of TTF’s subscribers that evening:

"Last night, my husband attended the Montgomery County's Farm Bureau's Thanksgivin Dinner at the Agricultural Center at the Fair Grounds. This an annual event attended by several hundred farmers and family members and normally be attended by one or two council person. Theresa Rickman was there last night. My husband asked Ms. Rickman, front of a big ol’ table of people, real nice an all, if she has stopped beating her wife, yes or no. She tried to give him some verbiage but he done interrupt her and said, please, this question calls for a simple yes or no answer ma’am. She then said "yes", dead silence, and then, she says "no", dead silence agin, then, she done say "I don’t' know". God bless my husband. She appeared right flustered by the exchange.”

Why shucks, this might even be funny if it weren’t so much real life peoples at stake

Much better.

November 17, 2007 8:37 PM  
Blogger Dana Beyer, M.D. said...

Ms Coats has it right. There are far more men in the men's room with the other anatomy than there are women in the women's room with the other anatomy.

But they have always, and continue to, blithely ignore all the trans men. Theresa has never given me a response to that question.

November 17, 2007 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
Hey, thanks for the laugh, Theresa. Who knew CRCers had a sense of humor? I just thought you guys were damaged goods. I bet the County Council is really scared about the huge right wing groundswell in MC that will put them off the Council. Is it the same as the huge number of parents who opted their kids out of the human sexuality part of Health Ed?

Theresa, hopefully, you don't believe your own nonsense and just write junk in the hopes someone else(Nutty Anon) will buy it.

November 18, 2007 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
BIGOT Anon- If the only response someone can find to a vote they don't like is Heil Hitler and you can find some justification for that, you are truly the idiot I always suspected. Thanks for proving me right- again.

November 18, 2007 12:24 PM  

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