Tuesday, February 05, 2008

CRW Turns in Petitions

Word from the Board of Elections is that the Citizens for a Responsible Whatever turned in petitions with 15,600 signatures yesterday, trying to get a county referendum on the question of whether citizens want to make discrimination against transgender people legal again.

They needed to have 12,501 valid signatures by yesterday, and the Board is going to have to go through and check them all. They say that typically twenty percent of signatures are bad. If that is the case here, then the CRW will have turned in 12,480 valid signatures. Not enough.

This is a midway point. If they have half the required signatures now, then they can go ahead and keep collecting them. If they have 25,000 valid signatures by February 19th, then the issue will go on the November ballot.

Because of the large number of absentee ballots for the primary this year, the Board of Elections probably won't know how many of these signatures are valid until after the February 12th election. I suppose the CRW will just go ahead and keep robo-dialing, staging hoaxes, lying about the effect the bill will have, getting anybody to sign these things.

They've knocked themselves out to get the first half, and now have two weeks to get the same number again. They are telling people that this new law makes it legal for men to expose themselves in ladies rooms by claiming to be transgender -- these petitions are a nice, concise list of the names of stupid people in our county, all listed in one place.

It seems to me that now they are going to need back-up from the big Family Blah Blah groups or this is going to fizzle out -- doing all the could, it is not clear that they met the legal midpoint quota. If those groups start pouring money into this, trying to scare people into voting to allow gender-identity discrimination, it seems to me that an immediate and powerful response from the community will be necessary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They've knocked themselves out to get the first half, and now have two weeks to get the same number again."

Hey, weren't you saying just last week that there was no way they'd get 12,000 signatures turned in on time?

Clearly, you've been caught off guard. An energetic, all-out effort by TTF will be necessary to stop this.

It's now or never!

February 05, 2008 4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, AnonFreak.

Let's just wait and see what happens. I am sure that it will be brought to the media's attention, how much CRW(eirdos) lie in order to promote their Red Neck Agenda. Truth wins.

February 05, 2008 4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: "WASHINGTON (Feb. 5) - Mike Huckabee won the first contest declared on Super Tuesday, picking up all 18 national delegates awarded at West Virginia's state GOP convention."

"Let's just wait and see what happens."

That's what the TTFers in West Virginia thought- and look what happened!

TTF must remain vigilant. If they don't guys who consistently like to dress like girls will lose their hard-earned right to force business owners to let them use whatever bathroom they want.

It'll be, like, back to the dark aqes!

February 05, 2008 4:21 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Anon, I'm pretty close to cutting you off.


February 05, 2008 4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you see what's happenin', Jim. McCain and Huckabee have teamed up to fight TTF.

Huckabee won WV today because McCain supporters switched to him to stop Romney from getting good press while voters in other states could still vote. They made a deal that Huck would stay in and drain voters from Romney. McCain, in turn, would agree to make Huck VP and to appoint anti-TTF Supreme Court justices.

Only a strong TTF response can thwart these dastardly plans.

February 05, 2008 4:43 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

One more, Anon, and I'm going to start deleting your posts. You want to come here and express an opinion, debate the issues, make a point -- fine. You want to be a moron, I'm going to delete your comments and eventually ban you.


February 05, 2008 4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The county’s new law on public accommodations (and their facilities) is here. Public accommodations include public swimming pools, for instance. Facilities are bathrooms.


15,642 to be exact.

February 05, 2008 5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, exactly how often do you expect this to happen?

February 05, 2008 5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If those groups start pouring money into this, trying to scare people into voting to allow gender-identity discrimination, it seems to me that an immediate and powerful response from the community will be necessary."
Now there's a protest I'll fly in for...

Give Peace A Chance - John Lennon

February 05, 2008 5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My, my "Anonymous" - you must be both omnipotent and prescient when you tell us of the inner workings of the McCain campaign - a deal was made, huh? Would you care to divulge any more of your inside information about this? Also...no doubt, you will be able to affirm that absolutely every signature on your bigoted, unethical, and lying petition is valid. My hunch is that too many of the yokels you buffaloed into signing the thing aren't even legitimate residents of Montgomery County. But...what difference do mere technicalities like this mean to you? What goes around comes around...liars and cheaters ultimately loose.

February 05, 2008 5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CRW said...
""Adding wordage to the bill specifically exempting these private areas would have the responsible thing to do,” according to Jacobs."
Oh look, it’s everybody else’s fault. If only Montgomery County had added appropriate "wordage" to the bill, this whole thing would have just blown over.

February 05, 2008 6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, AnonFreak-- you are so silly.

Let's just wait to see what happens.

I am sure that, soon enough, you'll be eating your words just as you should be eating your lies.

February 05, 2008 6:22 PM  
Blogger BlackTsunami said...

hang in there guys,

it's not over yet.

February 05, 2008 8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
Oh, Jim- you said exactly what I thought- aside from all the fake signatures and the people not resident in MC- the CRW petition is a list of the stupid people in MC.

I try to avoid the Republican candidates but I read today that some of the people I hate(and moron Anon worships)like Druggy Limbaugh, Nasty Coulter and Stupid Hannity will not support McCain- COulter says she will support Hillary(which must make Hillart cringe).

February 05, 2008 9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"(and moron Anon worships)like Druggy Limbaugh, Nasty Coulter and Stupid Hannity"

TTF's hyperactive extrapolation dynamic is pretty entertaining.

For the record, I can't stand Limbaugh, thought Coulter was funny when she used to a regular on Bill Maher's PI show and have only seen Hannity for a few seconds when flipping through the news cable channel.

Not really a fan of these people, much less a worshipper.

February 06, 2008 7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Let's just wait to see what happens."

Are you happy now, Mr TM?

Hillary is resurgent. The McCain-Huckabee ticket looks set.

This is the worst case scenario for TTF. McCain can say he acted responsibly but always opposed the excesses of the Bush administration. Huck can help him with social conservatives, who happen to be the only conservative wing with actual political influence. Everyone has figured out that if Bill is sleeping in the White House again, he will be out-of-control.

Lack of vigilance- this is what caused the demise of all the great liberal regimes. From the Soviet Union to the Nancy Pelosi Congress, they all failed.

February 06, 2008 9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huckabee, in attempting to out-do the insane rants of Ron Paul, says he would eliminate the Internal Revenue Service if (fat chance) he is elected President. How bizzaro is that?? So-called "conservatives" like Anonymous and his/her/its ilk continue to strive to undo the democratic foundations of this country. The Greek comedy writers had a phrase for this kind of thinking and the people who espouse such irrational blather: "Cloud Cuckoo-Land".

February 06, 2008 9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, this is why we still need to focus on tolerance for minorities (real minorities, not pretend ones like 'ex-gays) in MCPS.

ROCKVILLE, Md. -- Police are investigating a possible hate crime at a local high school.

Officials found three nooses at Thomas Wootton High School in Rockville last week.

Police said someone tied the cords from Venetian blinds into nooses.

Investigators are trying to find out who did it.

February 06, 2008 9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"(real minorities, not pretend ones like 'ex-gays)"

Mr TM has hit on something. There is no such thing as ex-gays because there is no such thing as gays. Gays are simply bisexuals who have made the wrong choice.

If there were actually those who were incapable of relations with someone of the opposite gender, that would be disfunctional. (wink-wink, Mr Webster)

Score: Mr TM

February 06, 2008 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riiiight, AnonFreak. I have a fiancé whom I love very much and he loves me just much back.

All you do is sit around and think about my sex life with my fiancé... I would appreciate you staying out of my bedroom. You're such a pervert. Remember, AnonFreak, what goes around, comes around.

February 06, 2008 10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Teacher Man
You talk about marriage and adopting children.
Why did you hate your mother so much that you would even think of raising children with a mother! or which one of you will pretend to be the mother in the relationship.

February 06, 2008 12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You insultingly said: "Why did you hate your mother so much that you would even think of raising children with(sic) a mother!" and then added the idiotic remark: "which one of you will pretend to be the mother in the relationship".
Who plays the "mother" in any of the millions of heterosexual divorces where the child(ren) have been assigned to the father for custody?
Your own mother would be so humiliated and embarrassed to know she raised a son (or perhaps you are a daughter, who knows?) who is so ill-mannered, hateful, egotistical, and ignorant.

February 06, 2008 1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are not female, AnonFreak, we are both males. We will be two loving fathers who want the best for their child, just like any other parent. We are both looking forward to it!!
You're like an annoying little fly. Shoo, fly, shoo!

February 06, 2008 1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW- my mother and have have, and always had, a great relationship. My mother and I love each other fully and tell each other that every day (as do my father and I!). My parents are still married and love all of their children very much.

February 06, 2008 1:26 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

So once again Red Baron is making predictions as though they are fact, this time about Mcain and Huckabee's supposed plot to make Huckabee VP. Well we've seen how your predictions of certainty have worked out in the past, it wasn't too long ago you were insisting it was going to be "president Huckabee" and telling us exactly how the primaries were going to play out in several states in his favour. We all remember how that ended up, with you with egg all over your face, apparently you haven't learned your lesson.

Red Baron said "There is no such thing as ex-gays because there is no such thing as gays.".

Gays have existed across the millenia in roughly the same percentages across all societies as well as in the animal kingdom. There's no doubt that gays exist. So-called "ex-gays" if we were to take them at their word are then straight, not "ex-gay" and we know that no self-proclaimed "exgay" has completely replaced same sex attraction with opposite sex attraction.

Red Baron said "Gays are simply bisexuals who have made the wrong choice.".

No, plethysmograph testing has shown many men who are exclusively aroused by men, they are not bisexual. Bisexuals do not choose to be attracted to both sex and we do not choose who we fall in love with. Being with the the one you love is most certainly not the wrong choice, regardless of their gender.

February 06, 2008 1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."
- Emo Phillips

February 06, 2008 3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So once again Red Baron is making predictions as though they are fact, this time about Mcain and Huckabee's supposed plot to make Huckabee VP."

We do that for fun here in America. We don't take ourselves quite as seriously as you apparently do. It's obvious that no one has a crystal ball. The stuff I was saying is actually a theory that's been discussed quite a bit among the political pundits in the last week and Romney himself has been saying it.

Anyway, chill out and make your own prediction if you'd like. The pettiness you display seems to a part of the gay culture.

"Well we've seen how your predictions of certainty have worked out in the past, it wasn't too long ago you were insisting it was going to be "president Huckabee" and telling us exactly how the primaries were going to play out in several states in his favour. We all remember how that ended up, with you with egg all over your face, apparently you haven't learned your lesson."

Actually, if you'll look back, i was saying all along that Huckabee would put a scare into people but that McCain would eventually win it and make Huck his VP. I was saying that last summer. Still looks like a viable prediction if you ask me.

"Gays have existed across the millenia in roughly the same percentages across all societies as well as in the animal kingdom. There's no doubt that gays exist."

The "gays" of the past are mostly bisexual as are the animals. You have no idea about the consistency of percentages. Stop repeating unsubstantiated nonsense from propaganda websites.

"So-called "ex-gays" if we were to take them at their word are then straight, not "ex-gay" and we know that no self-proclaimed "exgay" has completely replaced same sex attraction with opposite sex attraction."

Well, ex-gay would included bi so that blows your theory. The therapy allows them to live a healthy and wholesome life but a sin committed will continue to tempt in this life.

Truth is, they always were bi, as are all who call themselves gay. The therapy helps them resist the temptation to make the wrong choice. It's AA for gay.

"No, plethysmograph testing has shown many men who are exclusively aroused by men, they are not bisexual."

Perhaps at that point in time. Someone who feels differently on different days is bi. There are all kinds of problems with those machines anyway.

"Bisexuals do not choose to be attracted to both sex and we do not choose who we fall in love with. Being with the the one you love is most certainly not the wrong choice, regardless of their gender."

Enough with the "devil made me do it" line. You make your own choices. Take responsibility and stop blaming Cupid.

February 06, 2008 3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you choose to be heterosexual, AnonFreak? Was there one day that you said to yourself, "Hmmm. Today I think I will be heterosexual."? I know that I sure did not think, "Hmm, today I think I will be gay."
You're gross, AnonFreak..and you constantly lie... and by constantly, I mean CONSTANTLY.

February 06, 2008 4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon and the CRW klan chose to be heterosexual just like Joyce Meyer did:

Interview With Joyce Meyer
May 19, 2005

KING: You believe it's a choice?
MEYER: I believe it's definitely a choice.
KING: So you chose heterosexuality?
KING: How did you choose it? Because I chose it, but I don't remember how I chose it. I mean, I'm heterosexual, but I don't know why I'm heterosexual.
MEYER: Yeah.
KING: I know that I'm heterosexual.
MEYER: Well, I think that that's the natural way that God intended us to be. I just followed the natural way that I was. I didn't have to consciously think, do I want to do this or don't I?
How's that for a definition of choice? Given that criteria, she could also claim that she chose to be white.

February 06, 2008 8:26 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

good catch, Emproph. Or how about this one?

MATTHEWS: How old were you when you chose to be heterosexual?
FALWELL: Oh, I don't remember that.
MATTHEWS: Well, you must, because you say it's a big decision.
FALWELL: Well, I started dating when I was about 13.
MATTHEWS: And you had to decide between boys and girls. And you chose girls.
FALWELL: I never had to decide. I never thought about it.

Quoted on Wonkette

February 06, 2008 8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason... I can't decide when I decided to be gay. I just always knew I was. I am eagerly awaiting for AnonFreak to tell us when s/he decided to be heterosexual. I bet it was a life-changing event. Interesting.

February 06, 2008 8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
OOH, Joyce Meyer and Jerry Falwell-well, I'm convinced now.

February 06, 2008 9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Did you choose to be heterosexual, AnonFreak?"

Heavens, no. It is the innate state of all humans. To resist it is a conscious choice.

February 06, 2008 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I would believe, AnonFreak, that resiting that God made me gay would be a (very poor) choice-- and as we have seen from the many, many horror stories of those who have made the poor choice of trying to resist accepting who they really are is just unhealthy immoral and sad (I am referring to the "ex-gays").

February 06, 2008 10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Did you choose to be heterosexual, AnonFreak?"

Heavens, no. It is the innate state of all humans.
Anon of course knowing the mind of God, and thus the conscious state of all seven billion (7,000,000,000) humans on the planet.

February 07, 2008 6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Jerry Falwell, this is a fun image:


February 07, 2008 6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anon of course knowing the mind of God, and thus the conscious state of all seven billion (7,000,000,000) humans on the planet."

As opposed to Improv, who wants to make his best guesstimate and teach that to students as fact.

The innateness of heterosexuality is perfectly obvious.

February 07, 2008 9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The innateness of heterosexuality is perfectly obvious.
Of course it is. As well as is the perfectly obvious innateness of homosexuality for those of us who are first hand eye witnesses to it.

February 07, 2008 11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If same-gender attraction, IN AND OF ITSELF, were not a sin, what problem would you then have with it?

February 07, 2008 11:36 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Red Baron said "Actually, if you'll look back, i was saying all along that Huckabee would put a scare into people but that McCain would eventually win it and make Huck his VP. I was saying that last summer.".

No, you were on and on about "President Huckabee's going to do this" and President Huckabee's going to do that". You talked as though it were a sure thing and now you're too embarrassed to admit how foolish you were so you're lying about what you said.

Red Baron said "The "gays" of the past are mostly bisexual as are the animals".

Wrong. Plethysmograph testing has shown that most men are not bisexual, they are either gay or straight.

Red baron said "Well, ex-gay would included bi so that blows your theory.".

No, exgay means no longer gay, straight in other words. A bi is not straight.

Red Baron said "The therapy allows them to live a healthy and wholesome life."

They would be living a healthy and wholsome life if they had never gone into the "therapy", The vast majority of gays who do come out feeling depressed, guilty, and anxious and just as gay as ever. Study after study has shown this.

Red Baron said "Truth is, they always were bi, as are all who call themselves gay.".

No, people who call themselves gay are gay, those who call themselves bi are bi, there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

Red Baron said "The therapy helps them resist the temptation to make the wrong choice.". No, the "therapy" destroys lives, leads to suicide and promiscuous sex. Gays who try this all or nothing approach frequently fail and when they do they are so devastated by the false belief that they will be eternally tortured they resort to promiscuous sex to ease the pain because they think if one gay sex act condemns you to hell a dozen won't make it any worse.

Red Baron said "Enough with the "devil made me do it" line. You make your own choices. Take responsibility and stop blaming Cupid.".

Straw man, I never said the devil made me do it. Did the devil make you attracted to the opposite sex? Do you remember a time when you had no sexual attractions, you weighed the pros and cons of gay versus straight, chose one and subsequently immediately became attracted to that sex? Of course not. So stop pretending to be an idiot. You know you didn't choose and neither does any gay or bisexual.

Red Baron said "The innateness of heterosexuality is perfectly obvious.".

As is the innateness of gayness.

February 07, 2008 5:50 PM  

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