Ted Haggard Comes Closer to the Truth
We watched with cynical fascination a few years ago when megapreaching gay-basher Ted Haggard, president of the 30-million-member National Association of Evangelicals, was outted by a male prostitute who had been having sex-and-meth meetups with him. Haggard went through a series of logical contortions, he was clearly busted but had rationalizations and excuses like you wouldn't believe. No, I mean it, you really wouldn't believe them.
Now in an interview in GQ, Haggard seems to be a little closer to dealing with the truth. It is fascinating to watch him maintain his grip on denial even as truth relentlessly surrounds him.
The article is well written, there are a few surprises in the introductory section, but the insights come later, on a camping trip, when Haggard opens up with the author of the article.
I understand why he feels that people are hateful, but I disagree with his conclusion. Ted Haggard has spent a lot of time with hateful people. He was fine when he was on the haters' side, everything seemed fine, but once they turned on him he realized ... they're hateful. It is not a fact that "people are, at their cores, hateful." It may be a fact though that certain religious groups, including Haggard's, are hateful at the core. Sadly for him that's all he knows.
Oh, and he says he didn't have "sex sex" with the prostitute. Meaning what? Is anal sex the only kind of "sex sex" between two men, or is there something else? I have never thought it made sense to say someone masturbated someone else -- masturbation is when you stimulate yourself. I'm assuming the prostitute used his hand to stimulate Haggard to orgasm. Raise your hand if you agree that that is not "sex sex." <Looking around the room> Just as I expected. Dude is still in denial, obviously.
And before the rabble begin clamoring, Bill Clinton was just as full of it. He also had "sex sex," whether he says so or not.
Later in the piece comes this stunning exchange:
It seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of sexual orientation. Sexual orientation does not mean that you are irresistibly drawn to have sex with every member of whatever sex attracts you. That is entirely off the point in a sad way. The guy appears to be bisexual -- so what?
This is creepy in that "a crowd of people turned away, but I just had to look" way. It's like the person with the least insight into Ted Haggard's mind is Ted Haggard. And at the same time he is going around as a wise man, a spiritual leader, advising people on how to live their lives.
I'm sure it is a major step forward for Ted Haggard to say, "if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual," he probably had to go through a lot of soul-searching to get to that point. He's making progress, he at least recognizes that bisexual people feel like him, sort of. But you don't have to be 21 to be bisexual. You don't have to have sex with anyone besides your spouse. A woman catches your eye, a man catches your eye, there's no harm in it.
You wonder if Ted Haggard will ever get to the point where he says, oh yeah, now I see, I'm bisexual, I am attracted sometimes to men, sometimes to women. You find yourself leaning forward expectantly, waiting for the words to come out, the obvious revelation that explains it all so simply. So far it does not seem he is capable of it. But he's getting so close.
Now in an interview in GQ, Haggard seems to be a little closer to dealing with the truth. It is fascinating to watch him maintain his grip on denial even as truth relentlessly surrounds him.
The article is well written, there are a few surprises in the introductory section, but the insights come later, on a camping trip, when Haggard opens up with the author of the article.
He says that despite popular perception, he was never a right-wing power broker in the vein of Jerry Falwell. His reported weekly chats with George W. Bush were usually just briefings with low-level White House staff. He was never a homophobe, either, he says, and though he supported a 2006 amendment outlawing gay marriage in Colorado, he was also in favor of a ballot measure that would have extended domestic-partner benefits to same-sex couples.
When I start to ask about Mike Jones, the escort who exposed him, he cuts me off.
"We never had sex sex," he says, glancing at the car to make sure that Elliott and Jonathan are asleep. "I bought drugs and a massage from him, and he masturbated me at the end of it. That's it."
But Ted's true sore spot, the thing that drains the life from his voice, is the way he and Gayle were treated by their church in the wake of the scandal. "Here I was, feeling like I'd wasted my life," Ted says. "And they just sent me away."
When Ted resigned from New Life, a board of church-appointed overseers presented him with a separation agreement that required him to cut off all contact with members of the church, stay away from the media, perform no ministry-related work, and move his family out of Colorado. As severance, the church would provide fourteen months' salary for him and Gayle (about $200,000) and assorted other benefits. Ted obediently signed the agreement, but he now believes it was excessively harsh treatment for a family in the midst of a major crisis—especially since, well, isn't providing mercy for sinners sort of the entire point of Christianity?
"I used to think the church was the light of the world," Ted says. "But I've completely lost my faith in it."
Ted's complaints about New Life are old news to anyone who's been following his saga, but tonight, when I ask him if he really means to say completely, he stops and looks at the sky already starting to lighten.
"You've got to understand, Kevin, people are, at their cores, hateful," he says, rising to stamp out the fire's embers and go to bed. "I don't want to believe that, but the facts have prevailed over my idealism." The Last Temptation of Ted
I understand why he feels that people are hateful, but I disagree with his conclusion. Ted Haggard has spent a lot of time with hateful people. He was fine when he was on the haters' side, everything seemed fine, but once they turned on him he realized ... they're hateful. It is not a fact that "people are, at their cores, hateful." It may be a fact though that certain religious groups, including Haggard's, are hateful at the core. Sadly for him that's all he knows.
Oh, and he says he didn't have "sex sex" with the prostitute. Meaning what? Is anal sex the only kind of "sex sex" between two men, or is there something else? I have never thought it made sense to say someone masturbated someone else -- masturbation is when you stimulate yourself. I'm assuming the prostitute used his hand to stimulate Haggard to orgasm. Raise your hand if you agree that that is not "sex sex." <Looking around the room> Just as I expected. Dude is still in denial, obviously.
And before the rabble begin clamoring, Bill Clinton was just as full of it. He also had "sex sex," whether he says so or not.
Later in the piece comes this stunning exchange:
For the first time since we've met, Ted isn't looking directly at me. "Here's where I really am on this issue," he half whispers. "I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual." After a weekend of Ted trying to convince me of his unambiguous devotion to his wife and kids, I'm at first too surprised to say anything.
"So why not now?" I ask finally.
"Because, Kevin, I'm 54, with children, with a belief system, and I can have enforced boundaries in my life. Just like you're a heterosexual but you don't have sex with every woman that you're attracted to, so I can be who I am and exclusively have sex with my wife and be perfectly satisfied."
"But what does it have to do with being 54?"
"Life!" he says. "We live an ordinary life."
It seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of sexual orientation. Sexual orientation does not mean that you are irresistibly drawn to have sex with every member of whatever sex attracts you. That is entirely off the point in a sad way. The guy appears to be bisexual -- so what?
This is creepy in that "a crowd of people turned away, but I just had to look" way. It's like the person with the least insight into Ted Haggard's mind is Ted Haggard. And at the same time he is going around as a wise man, a spiritual leader, advising people on how to live their lives.
I'm sure it is a major step forward for Ted Haggard to say, "if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual," he probably had to go through a lot of soul-searching to get to that point. He's making progress, he at least recognizes that bisexual people feel like him, sort of. But you don't have to be 21 to be bisexual. You don't have to have sex with anyone besides your spouse. A woman catches your eye, a man catches your eye, there's no harm in it.
You wonder if Ted Haggard will ever get to the point where he says, oh yeah, now I see, I'm bisexual, I am attracted sometimes to men, sometimes to women. You find yourself leaning forward expectantly, waiting for the words to come out, the obvious revelation that explains it all so simply. So far it does not seem he is capable of it. But he's getting so close.
Dana Milbank is calling for liberal columnists to confess their obsession with Sarah Palin and agree to go cold turkey and not mention her for the entire month of February.
I don't think his idea is going to fly:
"Sarah Palin was 16 when Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th president of the United States in 1981. On Feb. 4, the former governor of Alaska will give the keynote address at the opening of two days of festivities marking the late president's 100th birthday.
Her speech at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, Calif., "will draw parallels to today, while calling on young people to continue the Reagan revolution into the future," according to Young America's Foundation, the sponsor of the event.
Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, says she is considering a bid for the presidency in 2012. She considers herself a "Reagan conservative."
Former Vice President Dick Cheney will close out the festivities with a speech on Feb. 5. Cheney served in Congress, representing Wyoming, during the Reagan presidency.
In between the two speeches, event planners have scheduled a series of panels with Reagan authors, former Reagan administration officials and young conservative leaders. Young America's Foundation was founded at Vanderbilt University in 1969 with the aim of bringing more conservative speakers to college campuses.
"These special events kick off an entire year-long celebration of President Reagan's life, ideas and his relevance for today's times," the foundation said."
true dat!
"masturbation is when you stimulate yourself. I'm assuming the prostitute used his hand to stimulate Haggard to orgasm. Raise your hand if you agree that that is not "sex sex." Just as I expected. Dude is still in denial, obviously."
So by your logic above, Monica Lewinsky DID have sex with Bill Clinton.
Correct ? And thus Bill Clinton, a president and a lawyer, DID commit perjury... Correct ?
Just checking Jim...
I think Haggard simply meant that they didn't have intercourse. It's some kind of carnal experience but perhaps, in his mind, it's just "sex" and not "sex sex." So what?
"You wonder if Ted Haggard will ever get to the point where he says, oh yeah, now I see, I'm bisexual, I am attracted sometimes to men, sometimes to women."
It seems from what Jim posted that Haggard was acknowledging this.
Sounds like he means that he has temptations but he is fully capable of heterosexual actiivity and is now CHOOSING monogamy to be biblical.
"So by your logic above, Monica Lewinsky DID have sex with Bill Clinton. Correct?"
If you had bothered to read what Jim wrote: "And before the rabble begin clamoring, Bill Clinton was just as full of it. He also had "sex sex," whether he says so or not" you wouldn't have to ask that question.
Lots of people lie to themselves and others about their sex lives. The nation as a whole is much more forgiving than the people Haggard wanted to associate with -- conservative evangelical Christians -- that he nows sees as "people who are at their cores hateful."
Republican candidates hoping for some high-profile help on the campaign trail next year shouldn't look to George W. Bush.
The former president told C-SPAN he's done with politics and all its trappings.
"I don't want to go out and campaign for candidates," he told Brian Lamb in an interview airing this weekend. "I don't want to be viewed as a perpetual money-raiser."
Bush said he's not interested in making television appearances and made it clear that the C-SPAN sitdown was an anomoly.
"In spite of the fact that I'm now on TV, I don't want to be on TV," he said.
Bush said he doesn't think former presidents should resort to punditry, because they'll inevitably be asked to second-guess the decisions of the current Oval Office occupant.
"I think it's bad for the country, frankly, to have a former president criticize his successor," Bush said. "It's tough enough to be president as it is without a former president undermining the current president."
The 43rd president has kept a relatively low profile since leaving the White House two years ago this month. He reappeared last fall to promote his memoir, "Decision Points," and occasionally delivers paid speeches.
Bush said "being out of the press, at least in this stage of the post-presidency, is something that makes me very comfortable. It's somewhat liberating, frankly."
In a matter of WEEKS, Maryland state legislators will cast their votes on the Religious Freedom & Civil Marriage Protection Act (HB 175/SB 116).
Our opponents are wasting no time in their efforts to exclude gay and lesbian couples from marriage. The Christian Broadcasting Network just put out a video touting their efforts to prevent marriage in Maryland.
The opposition is well funded by out-of-state interests who plan to campaign against marriage equality in Maryland.
We need YOU to show legislators that Maryland residents want and need the protections of civil marriage.
Hundreds of pro-equality Marylanders are heading to the statehouse this coming Monday January 31st.
Why? Because LGBT equality matters and we plan to meet with our legislators face-to-face and share with them this message - equality does matter to everyone in the Free State. Will you join us?
CLICK HERE to join us at the statehouse at 5:00 PM Monday, January 31st.
Our grassroots supporters are our greatest strength. Many supporters have been making phone calls and sending emails, but we've got to keep up the work!
If we are going to achieve the major legislative victories we've all worked so hard to ensure, your legislators need to hear from you every week until we secure marriage for same-sex couples. Send an email to your legislator, TODAY!
It's important that we come out in force to the state capital on Monday. Join us in Annapolis and raise your voice, alongside other LGBT rights supporters on Monday, January 31st at 5:00 PM.
Americans who still doubt that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii may soon have access to a copy of his birth record, but it will cost them.
Tired of requests from so-called "birthers" asking to see Obama's birth certificate -- and hoping to make a dent in the state's projected $800 million budget deficit [after two terms under GOP Governor Linda Lingle] -- state legislators have proposed a bill that would offer a copy of the coveted document to anyone who asks and charge a $100 fee.
"If it passes, it will calm the birthers down," Rep. Rida Cabanilla said, according to The Associated Press. "All these people are still doubting it because they don't want the birth certificate from Obama. They want it from our state office."
Obama issued a certificate of live birth during his 2008 campaign, an official state document confirming that he was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. But for the next two years, Hawaii health officials continued to receive phone calls and e-mail requests asking for the records directly from the state, mostly from people who say they suspect Obama was born in Kenya or Indonesia and is therefore ineligible to be president.
Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie has said he wants to end the controversy by offering access to the birth record. But Hawaii cannot release it because of the state's privacy laws, something the proposed legislation, if enacted, would change.
The bill was introduced by Democratic legislators in Hawaii, who said they hoped it would have the added effect of bringing a little money into the state.
"If the people are so concerned about Barack Obama and if he was actually born in Hawaii, born in the United States, let them pay a fee of 100 bucks," said Rep. John Mizuno, according to KHON2 News in Hawaii. "We can certainly use the money, and we don't need to hear their complaining anymore."
Two years into Obama's presidency, birther conspiracy theories about his place of birth have abated somewhat, but continue to generate political controversy. Earlier this month, Minnesota radio host Mike Evans said he was a friend of Abercrombie's and claimed the governor told him he couldn't find Obama's birth records. Later, though, Evans said he "misspoke" and apologized.
"We need YOU to show legislators that Maryland residents want and need the protections of civil marriage.:
uh, problem: Maryland residents don't want and need that
"Hundreds of pro-equality Marylanders are heading to the statehouse this coming Monday January 31st."
Hundreds, you say?
That oughta scare the hell outta 'em!
"Why? Because LGBT equality matters"
"and we plan to meet with our legislators face-to-face and share with them this message - equality does matter to everyone in the Free State. Will you join us?"
no, but thanks for thinking of us
"Our grassroots supporters are our greatest strength."
oops! you might be in trouble
those guys are subject to a lot of, uh, distractions
"Many supporters have been making phone calls and sending emails, but we've got to keep up the work!"
why waste your time?
"If we are going to achieve the major legislative victories we've all worked so hard to ensure, your legislators need to hear from you every week until we secure marriage for same-sex couples."
that will waste A LOT of time!
"It's important that we come out in force to the state capital on Monday. Join us in Annapolis and raise your voice, alongside other LGBT rights supporters on Monday, January 31st at 5:00 PM."
come be part of the hundreds
meanwhile the legislators should be having a laugh over it at happy hour
unless they won office by a margin of victory in the hundreds
"Americans who still doubt that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii may soon have access to a copy of his birth record, but it will cost them."
yes, liberals believe anyone who stands by the Constitution should pay dearly for the affront
"Tired of requests from so-called "birthers" asking to see Obama's birth certificate -- and hoping to make a dent in the state's projected $800 million budget deficit -- state legislators have proposed a bill that would offer a copy of the coveted document to anyone who asks and charge a $100 fee."
if they sell 8 million, they're in business
more likely we'll buy one and pass it around
funny how it was simply a matter of principle to not release the certicficate until they could raise money
easy to see without looking too far, not much is really sacred
""If it passes, it will calm the birthers down," Rep. Rida Cabanilla said, according to The Associated Press. "All these people are still doubting it because they don't want the birth certificate from Obama. They want it from our state office.""
actually, what Obama has is not the real birth certificate
"Two years into Obama's presidency, birther conspiracy theories about his place of birth continue to generate political controversy."
well, tell us when the last time was that a President had a father who was not a U.S. citizen and the father made public statements attacking the U.S. and the President's grandmother said she saw him born in another country and the President's pastor of a quarter of a century changed the words of "God Bless America" to "God Damn America" and the President's wife said she was not proud to be an American until her husband won election and the President's first fundraiser in his political career was held at the house of a man who once bombed the Capitol
when did that ever happen before?
there's reason for some skepticism about the President's loyalties
he doesn't seem to have good associations
"more likely we'll buy one and pass it around"
And file more frivolous lawsuits the Supreme Court will refuse to hear.
"funny how it was simply a matter of principle to not release the certicficate until they could raise money"
It is currently a matter of Hawaii state law, not principle. It appears state's right are only sacrosanct to conservatives when conservatives agree with them. That Hawaii state law may be altered to help defray the cost of the unceasing demands to document Obama's birth made of Hawaii state health officials. Certainly Hawaii state health officials have more important things to attend to than all these frivolous birther requests, just like the Supreme Court does.
No one will pay a dime for the Certificate of Live Birth because, as former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams says:
"Certifications of Live Birth were given to people who were born at home, or to people who were born overseas and whose parents brought them back to the islands. If his parents were U.S. citizens, or if one parent was a U.S. citizen, as was the case with Obama, the family would apply for a Hawaiian birth certificate when the parents came back from overseas. That's normally how you would have gotten on [a Certification of Live Birth] in the 1960s."
The proposed law will not provide a copy of a "Certificate of Live Birth." It will provide a copy of a "birth certificate" for $100.
if there is one
big "if"
"Hawaii's health director said in 2008 and 2009 that she had seen and verified Obama's original vital records, and birth notices in two Honolulu newspapers were published within days of Obama's birth at Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu.
Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo again confirmed last week that Obama's name is found in its alphabetical list of names of people born in Hawaii, maintained in bound copies available for public view."
Ted Haggard is one big mess, but I completely get why. He has my sympathy, as does his wife.
A Feb. 8 hearing has been set on one of the most high-profile issues before the Maryland General Assembly this year: legalizing marriage between same-sex couples.
The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will take up a bill sponsored by Majority Leader Robert J. Garagiola (D-Montgomery) that removes a provision in current Maryland law limiting marriages to those between a man and a woman.
The hearing date signals that lawmakers may deal with the issue earlier in their 90-day session than is often the case with controversial bills. Committees typically do not vote on the same day that a hearing is held, but a majority of members on the Senate panel have already publicly expressed support for the legislation.
A vote on the Senate floor is expected to be close, but advocates of same-sex marriage believe the chances of passage this year have significantly increased.
In recent years, the Senate has been seen as a bigger hurdle for the legislation that the House, which tends to be more liberal on social issues. Both chambers are dominated by Democrats.
It’s official, Illinois has joined the states that have civil unions. Today, Governor Pat Quinn signed into law the Illinois Religious Freedom and Protection and Civil Union Act. The law was drafted by lawyers with the ACLU of Illinois. The new law gives Illinois couples, including same-sex couples, the right to enter into legal relationships which provide the basic legal protections and responsibilities currently offered only through marriage.
According to John Knight, director of the LGBT Project of the ACLU of Illinois, “Illinois is taking an historic step forward in embracing fairness and extending basic dignity to all couples in our state. We commend Governor Quinn for signing this bill.”
This measure was first introduced in 2007 by state Representative Greg Harris. It passed on 1 December of last year with the Illinois Senate approving the bill 32-24. The bill was pushed through due to the degradation of the Democratic and civil union-friendly majority that was in the state.
Jill Metz, the President of the ACLU of Illinois Board of Directors, stated “This new law reflects the triumph of hope and fairness over distortion and division.”
Between domestic partnerships, civil unions, and marriage equality laws, one third of the United States now recognizes some form of protection for same-sex couples. James Esseks, the Director of the ACLU LGBT Project, stated “Today marks yet another victory in the clear trend line of achieving fairness for families across the country.
Colleen Connell, the executive director of the ACLU, stated:
“We look forward to the day when Illinois joins other states across the nation by making marriage available for all Illinois citizens. This new law suggests that the day of complete fairness for lesbian and gay couples is not far away in the Land of Lincoln.”
The law takes effect on 1 June.
It should be noted that the march towards marriage equality for the entire country depends upon the dissolution of the law known as the Defense of Marriage Act. Should that come down, it then becomes impractical for any state to have anything other than same-sex marriage since same-sex couples could just go to Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Iowa or Washington, DC and simply get married there and return home.
What is more, the Prop 8 case could end up declaring many of these individual DOMA statutes and amendments unconstitutional, and if that were to happen, then it would could open the doors to further litigation and a simple push to end marriage bigotry across the country.
"It should be noted that the march towards marriage equality for the entire country depends upon the dissolution of the law known as the Defense of Marriage Act."
deviance won't be declared equal to marriage
you forget
we just had an election in which sanity prevailed
You have forgotten that right after the Nov. 2010 election, Obama's approval rating rose and remains above 50% while Congress's DISapproval rating stands at 69%.
"deviance won't be declared equal to marriage"
Is that some sort of reference to the practice of divorce,"Anonymous"?
no, I was referring to guys who live together to make it convenient to indulge their desire to rub themselves up against one another and want the arrangement to be considered a "marriage"
thanks for asking, since you were confused
a lot of people with below average IQs are afraid to ask questions
Thanks for sharing your definition of marriage: "[Two people] who live together to make it convenient to indulge their desire to rub themselves up against one another" but it's really TMI. Nobody cares to know what you and your spouse do in the privacy of your home.
actually, I said that was NOT "marriage"
you could try some training in reading comprehension but probably the only hope for a moron like you is a lobotomy followed up with regular electroshock treatments
homosexuality is deviant and such relationships don't meet the definition of marriage
that's probably TMI for someone of your limited brain capacity
hope your head didn't explode
"You have forgotten that right after the Nov. 2010 election, Obama's approval rating rose and remains above 50%"
that shouldn't have any effect on DOMA, unless you're saying Obama is a liar
he says he doesn't favor gay "marriage"
do you think our incompetent president is also a liar?
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