Another Transgender Woman Shot At on Dix St NE, DC
From Metro Weekly:
I'd say this is one lucky young lady, to be fired at at point-blank range with a semi-automatic gun and the guy misses.
Nobody but the murderer knows what happened when Lashai Mclean was killed on the 6100 block of Dix Street NE. We can't say in either case that the violence happened because of the victim's gender identity, but as they say a pattern is emerging, it is beginning to look that way. Pray this is the end of it.
Just 11 days after a transgender woman, Lashai Mclean, was shot and killed, another transgender woman, Tonya Harrell, says unidentified suspects fired shots at her in the 6200 block of Dix Street NE – one block from where Mclean was killed, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. None of the bullets struck Harrell, who managed to flee the scene uninjured, at approximately 2:45 a.m., Sunday, July 31.
MPD describes a single suspect in the July 31 shooting as “a black male, 17-19 years old, 5'6", 180 lbs, dark complexion.”
The MPD release describing the July 31 attack reads, “The victim was in the 6200 block of Dix Street NE when a suspect approached [her] on foot. … The suspect asked for change and without waiting for a reply pulled a semi-automatic handgun and shot at the victim, without hitting the victim.”
According to the release, due to similarities, MPD is looking at the two attacks as “a potential emerging pattern.” Police investigate Sunday morning shooting that targeted a transgender woman in Northeast
I'd say this is one lucky young lady, to be fired at at point-blank range with a semi-automatic gun and the guy misses.
Speaking with Metro Weekly Monday, Aug. 1, MPD Deputy Chief Diane Groomes said that while she can't confirm the Sunday shooting is related to the July 20 killing of Mclean, the circumstances are “identical.”
“When I heard what occurred, to me it kind of seems like an identical situation,” she said. “The facts were two people approach a transgender woman, in this case around 3 a.m., we do not know what words were said [to Mclean]; this one … approached Tanya and said, ‘Give me change.' When she walked away, one yelled at her and shoots at her.”
Nobody but the murderer knows what happened when Lashai Mclean was killed on the 6100 block of Dix Street NE. We can't say in either case that the violence happened because of the victim's gender identity, but as they say a pattern is emerging, it is beginning to look that way. Pray this is the end of it.
let's give trans the same protections as everyone else
no less, no more
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Anon, someone has been killed and another was shot at, not so far from where we live.
The completely irrelevant political things you posted here remind me of the homeless lady who has been sitting outside my workplace raving for the past few days. You go on and on, as if anyone cared. If you have something to say about violence against transgender people then I'm sure we would be glad to hear it.
I'll leave your first comment up, just because it is on-topic.
Why are these things happening in the same neighborhood? Is it a gathering area for transgender women? Is it part of the phenomenon of lgbt people being lured by chat lines into dangerous situations? Has the mpd said anything about this?
Robert, D.C. has a fairly high homicide rate. Outside of NW, a murder and assault in the same neighborhood over a short period is not uncommon.
I think if we allow police to focus on crime instead of furthering a lunatic fringe agenda, everyone would be safer.
Treating crime against some people as more significant than crime against others is as un-American as Barack Obama's policies.
Here's more information about the crimes to answer your questions, Robert.
From's article, Police Warn Potential Pattern in DC Trans Shootings:
"....The Northeast neighborhood is a known area for sex work, but is also said to be a general meeting place for trans people.
It should be noted that neither crime has yet been classified as a hate crime, and the police have not said that there is a definite link between the two shootings. However, police have warned trans citizens not go out alone in the area after dark.
“I’m very disturbed to learn that a second transgender victim in as many weeks has been targeted with gun violence on a stretch of Dix Street” Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) is quoted as saying. “In the wake of the first incident, I expressed concern about the possibility of it being a hate crime. This second incident increases that concern.”
Bias motivated crimes based on sexual orientation or gender identity have seen a sharp increase over the past few years, going from 35 in 2009 to 45 in 2010, according to the Metropolitan Police Department’s 2010 report on bias-related crimes."
And from Wash Times Police probe shooting pattern: Two transgender people targeted
"...The incident unfolded at about 2:45 a.m., when a man fired shots at a transgender woman but missed, police said. The man had approached the woman asking for change but pulled out a handgun and fired before she could respond.
The slaying two weeks ago of Myles “Lashay” Mclean, 23, played out in much the same manner.
Mclean was out July 20 in the 6100 block of Dix Street at about 4:30 a.m. when two men directly approached her and another person. One of the men started to ask a question, then pulled out a handgun and shot Mclean, police said.
The area where both women were targeted, near the city’s Eastern Avenue border with Prince George’s County, is a regular focus for joint-agency crackdowns on prostitution, said Prince George's police spokesman Cpl. Clinton Copeland.
Despite the area’s reputation, transgender people may go to hang out there for a variety of reasons, including to socialize, said Ruby Corado, a founding member of D.C. Trans Coalition.
“They can’t thrive during the day so they have to go to the times when they feel more comfortable,” she said, adding that the threat of harassment, ridicule or attack may drive transgender people to choose secluded or segregated locations to socialize.
Transgender community leaders say it can be dangerous to be openly transgender anywhere in the District.
“I think transgender people are generally at risk as they go through the city,” said Jason Terry, an organizer with the D.C. Trans Coalition.
Citing a recent survey of transgender people in the District, Mr. Terry said they have huge concerns for their own safety on a regular basis.
Crimes related to sexual orientation or gender identity jumped from 35 in 2009 to 45 in 2010, according to the Metropolitan Police Department’s 2010 report on bias-related crimes..."
As Svelte Brunette pointed out in this thread:
Its not suprising that transexuals have higher rates of death and suicidal thoughts given the wide-spread abuse we experience. Trans people are also much more likely to live in poverty than the general population which in itself is going to have a negative effect on health and well-being. Its common for a trans person to be fired after transitioning and trans people generally end up making significantly less money after transition than they did before.
Bad anonymous is like the schoolyard bully, assaulting his victim and then claiming the victim's distress is due to his own dysfunctional personality. Anti gays like bad anonymous abuse, attack, and demean LGBTs and then claim the distress resulting from that is proof that LGBTs should be oppressed.
nasty Priya:
I've never attacked, abused, assaulted or demeaned anybody
I know that in a former life and gender, you used to physically assault homosexuals to make yourself feel fine
but don't project
it's not nice
it's nasty
I've never assaulted any gays bad anonymous.
Bad anonymous said "I've never attacked, abused, assaulted or demeaned anybody".
LOL, you do that virtually every day here. You making that claim is just another example of your calling black white and up down.
"I've never assaulted any gays bad anonymous."
nasty priya, I distinctly remember you telling such a story here before
if you were lying, I'm not surprised
it is what nasty people do
"LOL, you do that virtually every day here."
well, then, you won't have trouble finding an example from today
please share it with the rest of us
"You making that claim is just another example of your calling black white and up down"
please share an example of my doing that, as well
Perhaps Anon *believes" he comes here to socialize and discuss civil rights he doesn't. He comes here to annoy and attack. When he refers to some of the regulars who comment here by name as "deviants" and worse, he's attacking, abusing, and demeaning them. He's done it for many years.
And when called on it, he feigns innocence, claiming "I've never attacked, abused, assaulted or demeaned anybody."
What a crock! That is one big fat lie and every long-term reader here knows it.
Anon said "let's give trans the same protections as everyone else
no less, no more"
Here's a better suggestion IMHO.
Let's give trans and gays the same *respect* as everyone else, no less, no more.
Bad anonymous said "I distinctly remember you telling such a story here before".
No you don't. I once told a story of how when I was in a period of denial and self-loathing I suggested to some friends we go beat up some gays - we never acted upon that. But of course a liar like you never resists an opportunity to fabricate a "reality" that suits your bigoted agenda.
You now remind me of who I was then. There's no reason for a heterosexual to be as obsessed with oppressing gays as you are, you do it because you are afraid to accept the gayness within you - you hate what you are and you seek to kill the gayness in society as a proxy for killing it in yourself.
You should also get a dictionary and look up the word virtually. I don't need to give any examples of the attacks, abuse, and demeaning you do virtually every day here, anyone who's been a reader here for more than a week is well familiar with the psychological violence you attempt to inflict every chance you get.
thanks to nasty priya and anon-b for affirming my point by declining to give an example of me of attacking, abusing, assaulting or demeaning LBGTs today, in spite of nasty priya's scurrilous assertion that I do that every day
what makes the lunatic fringe lie so habitually?
"he refers to some of the regulars who comment here by name as "deviants""
oh, I do not
I have referred to homosexual behavior as deviant behavior, and that's a fact
I have no idea what behavior you people engage in, and don't know at what point people become defined by the behavior they engage anyway
it's a judgment call and I haven't made it here
btw, every moral agent needs to have an opinion about what behavior is appropriate and what is not
if you don't, you are amoral
"Let's give trans and gays the same *respect* as everyone else, no less, no more."
respect is not something one is entitled to by law, and shouldn't be
we shouldn't have police investigating respect
as much as it chagrins liberals, government is not the answer to every problem and especially the imaginary ones
"The American Psychological Association (APA) placed itself squarely into the debate over same-sex marriage today.
The governing body of the APA’s 154,000 members voted 157-0 on a resolution in support of redefining marriage."
hopefully, some members will withhold their dues to this political organization
LOL, bad anonymous it just shows what an evil person you are when you have to take pride in not having abused, assaulted, or demeaned anyone TODAY.
Your reputation precedes you any regular reader of this blog is going to be laughing there head off at your pathetic denials of the obvious.
on TV, people in the nuthouses are always laughing when things aren't funny
is anyone else in the room with you, nasty priya?
"bad anonymous it just shows what an evil person you are when you have to take pride in not having abused, assaulted, or demeaned anyone TODAY"
hey, I not the one who made an "every day" crack
as "evil" as I am, I'll give you a break
did I abuse, assault ot demean anyone YESTERDAY?
give us an example, nasty priya
"Your reputation precedes you any regular reader of this blog is going to be laughing there head off at your pathetic denials of the obvious."
that laughter you hear is directed at your lack of simple spelling skills
in America, we spell "their head" this way:
is school free in Canada, nasty priya?
you could go to one
better late than never !!
There goes the spelling attack.
You've got him on the ropes now, girls!
hey, I not the one
hey, I not the one
hey, I not the one
"There goes the spelling attack.
You've got him on the ropes now, girls!"
this is a nice diversion for nasty priya from the inconvenient truth that she has yet to back up her scurrilous accusation against me
meanwhile, I'm having quite a lot of fun bouncing off the ropes
OK, nasty priya, let's make this interesting:
how about any "attacking, abusing, assaulting or demeaning LBGTs" in the last week?
really let me have it
after all, you see this behavior from me day after endless day
btw, I was just kidding about the spelling
I mean, c'mon, you spell 99% of 'em right
it's just the tricky ones like there and their and thar
after all, as the founding lesbian, Gertrude Stein, once observed:
"there's no there, there"
I'm getting the deja vu chills up and down my spine
I remember when nasty priya would come her and make a fool of herself daily
this is like relivin' some old hilarious times !!
what the deuce? my comment wasn't posted !
Enough of the cheap shots and ad hominem attacks, "Anonymous" (who posts under several phony names)!
If you can't post civilly you should take manners lessons or at least "go in peace" and find a blog site that reflects your nasty disposition. it possible for you to review such postings as "addressing the nasty one" et al.?
whoa, slow down, pardner
I only starting priya "nasty priya" after listening to her call me "bad anonymous" for years
I had just ignored it in the past but she reappeared and I just happen to feel like I should respond in her own style
I was probably born that way
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