Rick Perry - Anti-Gay Ironicist
You might have seen Rick Perry's latest campaign video. On YouTube so far it has 16,072 likes and 552,513 dislikes, which tells you something. Even one of his top strategists said the ad was "nuts".
Observers have noted a couple of strange things about this video, besides the fact that it is simply a bizarre statement to make. For instance, Perry is wearing almost the same jacket that Heath Ledger wore in Brokeback Mountain.
Here's Heath.
Here's Perry.
It has also been pointed out that the music in this video was composed by the gay American composer Aaron Copeland.
There have been rumors for years that Perry is gay, not that that means he is, but it does make it even stranger for him to embed gay dog-whistles in an anti-gay video.
Observers have noted a couple of strange things about this video, besides the fact that it is simply a bizarre statement to make. For instance, Perry is wearing almost the same jacket that Heath Ledger wore in Brokeback Mountain.
Here's Heath.
Here's Perry.
It has also been pointed out that the music in this video was composed by the gay American composer Aaron Copeland.
There have been rumors for years that Perry is gay, not that that means he is, but it does make it even stranger for him to embed gay dog-whistles in an anti-gay video.
Here's the funniest parody of that stupid ad so far!
"Jacket" ("Strong" Parody)
More parodies here
so very bizarre
certain clothing and music is now proprietary to the gay community?
I like the coat and don't think Heath Ledger putting it on contaminates it
Copeland is famous for incorporating American folk music into his so it may not really belong to him either, not to mention other homosexuals
if the manufacturer of this clothing and the publisher of this music only wants it bought by those who support the gay agenda, they should let us know
it would be like organizing a boycott against themselves
so very bizarre
in any case, I thought Perry's staff put together a nice commercial and didn't see a nutty thing in it
but I guess it takes one to know one
let us know what kind of "nutty" things you picked up on
anon, it was his own strategist who said it was "nuts."
Jim said "Even one of his top strategists" and "it is simply a bizarre statement to make"
this from a guy who thinks that you can't consistently wear certain jackets and oppose homosexual activity in the military
one of you craaazzy guys who think something Perry said was "nuts", please enlighten us as to what it was
we need a laugh
These anonymous comments are a parody of WMAL programming, right?
yet to hear any TTFer specify any "nutty" thing Perry said
I guess this is just another one of those things TTF says without thinking too hard
thinking can be stressful to those TTF guys
anon, don't put "nutty" in quotes as if someone here had used the word. Rick Perry's campaign strategist said the video was "nuts," that isn't a TTF opinion, that is the opoinion of one of Perry's top advisers.
You saying TTFers aren't of the opoinion that the ad is nutty
that's why Jim made the post
tell us what is so "nutty" about the ad
look, even TTF knows Perry is the real deal
It doesn't strike you as a little nutty to put on a gay caballero costume and play gay music and tell the world how anti-gay you are, when there have been rumors for years that you yourself are gay?
Even without the fabulous threads and tunes and gossip, the idea that a guy is going to run for president of the united states by promoting discrimination against a significant and well-loved subpopulation is nutty. It's a crazy way to throw away an election.
"It doesn't strike you as a little nutty to put on a gay caballero costume and play gay music"
as I've said, I don't think the clothes or the music is gay
I think the idea that any type of clothing or music is inherently gay is, well, nutty
"and tell the world how anti-gay you are,"
the only thing he mentioned about gays is that they don't belong in the military
that's not anti-gay since a strong and effective military benefits all our citizens, even the sexually deviant
gays are simply not suited for this type of service
and it is service- not an exercise of rights
"when there have been rumors for years that you yourself are gay?"
Perry? never heard he was gay
"Even without the fabulous threads and tunes and gossip, the idea that a guy is going to run for president of the united states by promoting discrimination"
hiring those best suited for carrying out specified duties is not discrimination
"against a significant"
"and well-loved"
"subpopulation is nutty. It's a crazy way to throw away an election."
don't know how to break it to you but gays rarely win elections when their "rights" are an issue
"the idea that a guy is going to run for president of the united states by promoting discrimination against a significant and well-loved subpopulation is nutty"
if they're so well-loved, why do they think they need discrimination laws to protect them?
say, you're not a nut, are you?
Anon, why would Christians need anti-discrimination laws to protect them? It doesn't mean they aren't accepted by the great majority of the population.
they don't need it, nor have they asked for it
There is sure no great movement to drop the religion clauses out of the bill of rights!
""when there have been rumors for years that you yourself are gay?"
Perry? never heard he was gay"
A clue for the ignorant.
A google search for "Rick Perry, gay" yields over seven and a half million hits.
Take off your hood, open your closed eyes, clean out your ears, and observe the world around you so you might learn about some of the many things you "never heard" or saw or know any facts about.
Perry's widely-mocked anti-gay campaign ad has so far received 636,425 "dislikes" on YouTube.
"There is sure no great movement to drop the religion clauses out of the bill of rights!"
why do you oppose freedom of religion?
lunatic fringe advocates have outdone themselves conflating rights and special protection, governmental action and social disapproval, religious belief and deviant desires
have they come to the point where they have deceived even themselves?
"Perry? never heard he was gay"
A clue for the ignorant.
A google search for "Rick Perry, gay" yields over seven and a half million hits."
doing google searches to find out if public figures are gay is not a regular routine for me
strange, I know
"Take off your hood, open your closed eyes, clean out your ears, and observe the world around you so you might learn about some of the many things you "never heard" or saw or know any facts about.'
I'm going to go ahead and stick with my policy of not looking for gay gossip- do you guys do that to try fulfill your sick fantasies?
"Perry's widely-mocked anti-gay campaign ad has so far received 636,425 "dislikes" on YouTube."
well, the media's on it
they probably are robo-liking it
Canada made good Monday on speculation that surfaced two weeks ago regarding the country's intentions to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol.
Speaking at a news conference in Ottawa, Canada's minister for the environment, Peter Kent, said the decision would save the nation some $14 billion in penalties that would accrue for failure to meet emissions targets agreed to by a previous government in the 1997 pact -- the first international accord aimed at reducing global emissions of planet-warming gases.
"As we have said, Kyoto -- for Canada -- is in the past," Kent said, according to a wire transcript forwarded by the environment ministry. Kent had just returned from global climate talks in Durban, South Africa. "As such," he continued, "we are invoking our legal right to formally withdraw from Kyoto."
"If these are the last weeks of Rick Perry's ridiculous presidential campaign, his desperation is turning him into a nasty clown indeed. By publicly attacking the gays and lesbians who have chosen to serve their country in uniform, the Texas Governor seems to have gained ground in Iowa. But at what cost did he win a few points that still leave him well below the top tier? His pollster and consultant Tony Fabrizio has been "outed," rightly or wrongly -- and worse still, the swinging closet door of the Republican Party has been flung open again. Who else will be found inside?
From the days of the Cold War, when reigning mischief-maker Roy Cohn was bedding boys and denouncing gays as "sissies," through the hidden homosexual history that leads from Marvin Liebman, co-founder of the National Review to Arthur Finkelstein, the ad man behind the Eighties conservative revival, to the defection of former "hit man" David Brock, to Ken Mehlman, the Bush-era party chairman who didn't dare (until recently) to speak of his own true nature, and even Karl Rove, who ran gay-baiting campaigns despite his own father's orientation, Republicans have repeatedly watched their own intellectual and political leaders embarrassed by what emerges from that capacious closet. In Fabrizio's case, he was pushed out by GOProud, an organization of right-leaning gays, when its leader Jimmy DeSalvia complained on a message board about the latest Perry ad, which says there's "something wrong" in America when gays can serve "openly" in the military but children cannot pray in public schools.
"I've just about had it with faggots who line their pockets with checks from anti-gay homophobes while throwing the rest of us under the bus," wrote DeSalvia on a public message board, specifying as follows: "I'm talking about Rick Perry's pollster/strategist." Although DeSalvia was quickly denounced for "outing" by his own board of directors, the damage had been done. A longtime friend of Fabrizio, speaking on background to The National Memo, said he was unaware of the consultant's alleged proclivities: "Tony has been a friend of mine for 30-plus years. I know he worked for the pro-marriage equality side in Florida when a constitutional amendment was on the ballot," said the friend. "I find it surprising but, as a libertarian, I don't care what he does in his free time."
Fair enough, although the straight supporters of GOProud, including Ann Coulter, never seem to have much to say when a politician like Perry openly attacks gays and lesbians to court evangelical voters. That is the reason that the Republican closet door keeps swinging open, with ugly and sometimes chaotic consequences. The "secrets" aren't really secret -- and every time a Republican politician attempts to use bigotry for political gain, the risk of outing is always there."
it's odd how gay "advocates" spin the incidences of homosexuals who infiltrate conservatives groups
it would be kind of like saying the CIA is hypocritical if a Russian spy was discovered working there
it's also interesting how these "advocates" expect all gays to support the position of the gay "advocacy" groups or else, well, there are no limits to the retaliation that will follow
did it ever occur to anyone that there are homosexuals who may actually believe that gays shouldn't change the definition of marriage or believe that homosexuals aren't a good fit for military service or believe that there is no need for anti-discrimination laws or hate crime protection?
broaden your horizons
there's a big world out there
Some people find fault like there is a reward for it.
Far too many people have no idea what they can do because all they have been told is what they can't do.
If you can only find fault with others, you are not stuck.
You can grow.
You can change.
You can be more than you are.
Tea Party loses GOP leadership race:
"Sen. Roy Blunt (Mo.), a veteran of Republican leadership circles, defeated Tea Party favorite Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) to become vice chairman of the Senate GOP conference.
He was elected to the fifth-ranking post in the GOP leadership by a secret-ballot vote of the conference at the Republican policy lunch Tuesday.
Johnson's defeat is a bitter pill for conservatives who hyped the race as an important opportunity to bring a fresh conservative voice to the leadership table.
Blunt ran a stealthy campaign and officially announced his decision to enter the race only last week. He declined to publicize the names of his supporters in contrast to Johnson who revealed endorsements from 14 colleagues.
“America is facing a critical moment when we’re going to decide who we’re going to be as a nation, and I believe this is a good way for me to continue to contribute to this historic date,” Blunt said in a statement last week.
He said his decision to run was motivated by “encouragement from a number of my colleagues.”
Senate aides insiders predicted Blunt's victory before the vote, speculating that he would not have officially announced his bid had he not already locked down the votes.
But Senate insiders and media observers anticipated a close race after Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a founding member of the Senate Tea Party caucus, and other influential conservatives backed Johnson.
Conservative activists favored Johnson, who earned a 91 percent scorecard rating from Heritage Action for America, a conservative advocacy group, over Blunt, who scored 64 percent.
Freedom Works and ForAmerica, two conservative activist organizations endorsed Johnson, as did Rich Lowry, the editor of National Review, and Erick Erickson, editor of RedState.com."
"Appeal No. 11-17255 involves an appeal of a ruling by Chief District Judge James Ware of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on September 19, 2011, allowing the public release of videotapes made of the civil bench trial in Perry v. Hollingsworth. This oral argument was heard on Dember 8th, 2011 in Courtroom One of the James R. Browning Federal Courthouse before Circuit Judges Reinhardt, Hawkins, and NR Smith."
Video of first hour
Video of second hour
all those youtube dislikes must not live in Iowa:
"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich continues to hold a strong lead in Iowa, according to a new poll released Tuesday. Meanwhile, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has moved into third place ahead of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Gingrich leads the field with 27 percent support while Texas Rep. Ron Paul comes in second with 17 percent. Perry has 13 percent, up from 7 percent in November, and Romney has 12 percent.
Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has 10 percent, former Pennsylvania Gov. Rick Santorum garners 7 percent support, and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman rounds out the field with 4 percent support.
The poll comes on the heels of Saturday night's debate in Des Moines, where Gingrich fended off numerous attacks from his rivals, and Romney came under fire for offering Perry a $10,000 bet.
Perry, who rocketed to the top of the field after his entrance in August but plummeted in the polls in the wake of several poor debate performances, has seen his numbers rise in Iowa as he blankets the state's airwaves with ads highlighting his faith and his anti-Washington credentials."
that's right, his ads are helping!
now, don't start yelping!
To the chagrin of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocates everywhere, the Penn State child abuse scandal has been cited in several arguments made against gay parenting and adoption by various pundits.
Previous efforts made to dissociate the two topics, however, went out the window earlier this week as Joseph Amendola, the attorney for Penn State's retired assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, inadvertently dropped the telephone number of a gay sex hotline when addressing the media.
Amendola announced that anyone who believes that Sandusky -- who has been charged with 40 counts of sexual abuse involving eight boys over a 15-year period -- is a child molester should call "1-800-REALITY." As reporters discovered, however, 1-800-REALITY is actually a gay sex line that advertises itself as "the hottest place for triple-X action."
The hotline also proclaims: "Get ready for bulging, bursting pleasure with horny gay, bi, and bi-curious studs. Just 99 cents per minute."
"Perry, who rocketed to the top of the field after his entrance in August but plummeted in the polls in the wake of several poor debate performances, has seen his numbers rise in Iowa as he blankets the state's airwaves with ads highlighting his faith and his anti-Washington credentials."
that's right, his ads are helping!"
That poll is here. It doesn't report the margin of error on its 517 likely voters.
Two other polls disagree as noted in HuffPo:
"One by one, the other candidates have, in rapid succession, risen to the challenge but failed to surmount it. In that storyline, we've gone from Michele Bachmann to Rick Perry to Herman Cain to -- now -- Newt Gingrich. And the movement up and down for these various candidates has been chiefly the result of the sorts of crash-and-burn errors that the media dearly loves to report on, from Bachmann's HPV debacle to Perry's brain freezes to Cain's alleged sexual harassment of his subordinates.
Now, the media waits in wonder for the story to repeat itself with Gingrich. Sure enough, the first sign of his presumed decline came yesterday when Reuters reported that a University of Iowa poll ("982 registered voters, margin of error +/-‐ 3.5 percent/277 likely Republican caucus goers, margin of error +/-‐ 6.0 percent") suggested that Newt's "support could be slipping." It wasn't the most convincing poll in the world, for a variety of reasons related to timing and sample size that are too complicated to expound upon at length, but it nevertheless shot around the world on social media, as the political press geared up for another turn at the flame-out feeding frenzy. And as luck would have it, Public Policy Polling ("555 likely Republican caucus voters from December 11th to 13th. The margin of error for the survey is +/-4.2%") came out today with another set of numbers that suggested the same thing.
So who benefits if Gingrich fades in Iowa? Not so fast, everyone who just said, "Mitt Romney." Via PPP:
There has been some major movement in the Republican Presidential race in Iowa over the last week, with what was a 9 point lead for Newt Gingrich now all the way down to a single point. Gingrich is at 22% to 21% for [Ron] Paul with Mitt Romney at 16%, Michele Bachmann at 11%, Rick Perry at 9%, Rick Santorum at 8%, Jon Huntsman at 5%, and Gary Johnson at 1%."
Trump bows out, again.
"When the announcement was made that Donald Trump was to serve as a debate moderator, it was almost universally hailed as a moment when the entire political discourse in our country had finally given up and skulked off to the dark end of the parking lot to huff gas and wait for the pretty colors to come. GOP elites, especially, were not happy. Charles Krauthammer called the debate "a joke," George Will asserted that refusing to participate was a test of presidential mettle, and Karl Rove beseeched the Republican National Committee "to step in and fix this." RNC Chair Reince Priebus eventually did so, citing concern over the fact that Trump had not been willing to rule out an independent run of his own for presidency.
Meanwhile, the rest of the candidates did what they could to get out of showing up, with responses to the invitation ranging from genial declinations (from Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann) to mockery (from Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul). That left Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich as the only participants and an angry Trump declaring that it was refusing to participate in his debate that was causing Mitt all of his misfortune in the polls."
personally, considering how many debates there have been, I think a debate moderated by Trump could have given some fresh revelations that could be helpful
reporters are obviously opposed to anyone crowding out their monopoly on the nation's thought processes (except, of course, for Chelsea Clinton) but I think most Americans would appreciate it
bring on Joe the Plumber
"Joseph Amendola, the attorney for Penn State's retired assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, inadvertently dropped the telephone number of a gay sex hotline when addressing the media"
looks like the end of arguments by the lunatic fringe that Sandusky wasn't gay
Dec 9, 2011:
"STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) - The wife of ex-Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky said Thursday her husband is innocent of the child sex abuse allegations made against him and that his accusers are making up their stories, including one suggesting she was home while Sandusky attacked a boy who screamed for help.
Dottie Sandusky's comments defending her husband were the first she has made since Sandusky was arrested last month and accused of molesting boys he met through a charity he founded for troubled youth. He faces more than 50 charges and has maintained his innocence.
She released the statement through her husband's lawyer a day after a grand jury report detailed claims of two new accusers, among them the testimony of one who said he cried out for her help while Sandusky assaulted him in a basement bedroom.
"I am so sad anyone would make such a terrible accusation which is absolutely untrue,'' she said. "We don't know why these young men have made these false accusations, but we want everyone to know they are untrue.''
Dottie Sandusky, who has raised six adopted children, said she has been "shocked and dismayed'' by the claims.
"I have been devastated by these accusations,'' she said. "Our children, our extended family and friends know how much Jerry and I love kids and have always tried to help and care for them. We would never do anything to hurt them.''
Dec 14, 2011:
"She’s standing by her “perv.”
Accused Penn State child molester Jerry Sandusky showed up for court yesterday with his dazed-looking wife, Dottie, by his side, vowing to “stay the course, to fight for four quarters.”
A bespectacled Dottie Sandusky, wearing a dressy blue blouse tightly wrapped under a large beige shawl, sat stone-faced with the couple’s four sons and other relatives in the front row of the packed courtroom.
Sandusky — charged with more than 50 counts of sexually abusing 10 boys over a 12-year period — waived his right to a hearing that would have forced his alleged victims to detail their shocking allegations against him.
Instead, he and his lawyer took to the courthouse steps to once again proclaim his innocence."
Dottie Sandusky believes her husband is a heterosexual who loves and cares for kids.
and yet he's probably a bisexual
I'm sure his trial will enlighten us with phone records about how much time he spent on the phone line his lawyer mistakenly gave out to reporters
no one is saying all homosexuals assault children but when gay advocates try to claim this guy, who only assaulted males, wasn't gay, well, we the jury are highly skeptical
" the phone line his lawyer mistakenly gave out to reporters"
That's right, it was a mistake, not an indication of Jerry Sandusky's sexual orientation.
"The phrase [1-800-REALITY] is one attorney Joseph Amendola says he has used for years to mean “get a life,” but the phone number is that of a sex line for gay and bi-curious men."
More information for the uninformed bigots who need it:
"Though there is no hard and fast profile of a pedophile, here are some general characteristics:
Popular with both children and adults.
Appears to be trustworthy and respectable. Has good standing in the community.
Prefers the company of children. Feels more comfortable with children than adults. Is mainly attracted to prepubescent boys and girls. Can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.
"Grooms" children with quality time, video games, parties, candy, toys, gifts, money.
Singles out children who seem troubled and in need of attention or affection.
Often dates or marries women with children that are the age of his preferred victims.
Rarely forces or coerces a child into sexual contact. Usually through trust and friendship. Physical contact is gradual, from touching, to picking up, to holding on lap, to kissing, etc.
Derives gratification in a number of ways. For some, looking is enough. For others, taking pictures or watching children undress is enough. Still others require more contact.
Finds different ways and places to be alone with children.
Are primarily (but not always) male, masculine, better-educated, more religious than average, in their thirties, and choose jobs allowing them greater access to children.
Are usually family men, have no criminal record, and deny that they abuse children, even after caught, convicted, incarcerated, and court-ordered into a sex offender program. The marriage is often troubled by sexual dysfunction, and serves as a smokescreen for the pedophile's true preferences and practices.
Are often, but not always, themselves victims of some form of childhood sexual abuse.
Even if the pedophile has no children, his home is usually child-friendly, with toys, books, video games, computers, bikes, swing sets, skateboards, rec room, pool, snacks - things to attract children to his home and keep them coming back. Usually the items reflect the preferred age of his victims.
A female pedophile usually abuses a child when partnered with an adult male pedophile, and is often herself a victim of chronic sexual abuse.
A pedophile can act independently, or be involved in an organized ring, including the Internet, NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association), and other pro-pedophilia groups. Some pedophiles recognize that their behavior is criminal, immoral, and unacceptable by society, and operate in secrecy. Some are quite open and militant about their practices and advocate the normalization of pedophilia under the guise of freedom of speech and press, and uses innocuous language like "intergenerational intimacy."
Pedo means "child" in Greek. Phile is a derivative of Greek, Latin, and French, meaning "love."
The Exclusive type of pedophile is attracted to children only. The Non-Exclusive is attracted to both children and adults.
A pedophile will not stop on his own, and will not turn himself in, because he does not take responsibility for his behavior and denies that he's doing anything harmful. He will abuse until he's caught.
...Pedophiles can be "treated" but never cured, because their sexual preference has always been, and always will be, children. Their urges will always be present. Therefore, treatment focuses on changing, curbing, or re-directing the acting-out behaviors of pedophiles."
Oh dear! GLSEN runs Gay/Straight Club seminars for 13 to 26 year olds. GLSEN even pays for transportation and accommodations for these weekend seminars! GLSEN also runs Activist Camps. GLSEN never mentions if the adults running these conferences, trainings & Activist
Camps have had background checks or other precautions performed on the adults working with minor children.
A teacher responds to Rick Perry's "strong" anti-gay ad.
"Texas Governor Rick Perry is apparently unfamiliar with the bill he signed into Texas law in 2003 mandating a "minute of silence" each morning during which "students may pray". Three classroom parties are permitted per year: Christmas, Easter, and the End of the Year. Let's see... concern over who is fighting for our country and protecting freedom around the globe, or lies about children's classroom Christmas parties? Poor Rick Perry. He just doesn't get it."
Did Rick Perry ever re-enlist during his military career like this gay soldier did?
"An officer who has the distinction of being twice discharged from the military under its now repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ban on openly gay service personnel will once again return to active duty, it has been announced.
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) confirmed the reinstatement of Petty Officer 2nd Class Jase Daniels, now 29, in a December 12 news release:
“The reinstatement of Petty Officer Daniels into the United States Navy underscores that all qualified and needed service members are now officially welcomed back into the ranks. The new policy and regulations in this post-repeal era make this historic occasion possible. We continue to work with our clients and the services to facilitate more reinstatements and help process applications for those discharged under DADT, who wish to serve their country again, whether it be on active duty, in the reserves, or in the guard,” said Army Veteran and SLDN Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis.
“This is a great day for Petty Officer Daniels. This also is a great day for the United States military. All qualified American men and women who want serve their country in the armed forces are now welcome to do so without regard to their sexual orientation. When Jase decided to sue the Navy in 2010 seeking a court order reinstating him on active duty, repeal of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ was uncertain. At the end of the day, a court order was not necessary in his case. I hope this is true for many others and that Jase is just one of many brave gay and lesbian former service members who will be quickly welcomed back into the services,” said M. Andrew Woodmansee, Daniels’ attorney at Morrison & Foerster.
Regarding his returning to active duty, Daniels said: “Today, I took an oath and affirmed to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. I am humbled as I am reinstated to the job I love and by the enormous support I have received on this momentous day. I look forward to returning to the Defense Language Institute and ultimately, my career in the military.”
Daniels entered the military in 2001, five months prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, and served with the Ceremonial Guard in Washington, D.C. He went on to complete Hebrew linguist training and was stationed at Fort Gordon, Georgia. It was at this time that Daniels became aware of his sexual orienation. Despite the military’s ban on open service he outed himself to his commander.
“Keeping the Navy’s core values of honesty and integrity – and very much naïve to the severity of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ – I provided my commander with a written statement, which resulted in the start of discharge proceedings,” Daniels said in the SLDN press release. He was discharged in 2005.
However, in 2006, Daniels received a letter recalling him to service. He served in Kuwait for a year with the U.S. Navey Customs Battalion Romeo — this is despite the DADT rule still being in effect at the time. He was then discharged a second time under the law."
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin just announced that in 30 days, less than half the time allowed, they have collected over 507,000 petition signatures to recall Governor Scott Walker.
"In just one month, more than 25,000 Wisconsinites have volunteered in our 42 field offices to circulate petitions amongst their friends, family and neighbors. More than 25,000 small dollar donors have contributed an average of $27 and more than 37,000 people have downloaded petitions off our website. Your enthusiasm and support has been amazing and it is what is fueling our people-powered campaign.
We need to keep this incredible momentum going. Scott Walker and his out-of-state billionaire oil buddies, Charles and David Koch, have spent more than $3 million to try and drown out the voice of the people that are fed up with their political games.
Thanks to Scott Walker's extreme agenda, Wisconsin now leads the nation in job losses. Wisconsin simply can't afford to have Scott Walker as governor any longer. This is where we make a stand for working, middle-class families all across America. Please make a grassroots donation of $10 or more right now."
Donate at http://www.WisDems.org
The latest from the Pew Research Center
Frustration with Congress Could Hurt Republican Incumbents
Jerry Sandusky is attracted to guys
he was put in a position where he could intimidate and coerce young guys
he's gay
his lawyer had the gay phone sex number in his file because they had to examine all the evidence against Sandusky
You are boring us, anon.
yeah, I'll bet I am
what is that feeling?
call it exasperation at an inconvenient truth
admit it, the Sandusky incident makes a powerful case against allowing gay adoption
it's too risky and the benefit of the doubt should belong to the welfare of the child
Tim Tebow has made praying cool- and public schools can't tolerate it
days of silence is fine for gays but students praying in the hall is going too far
"A suspension for four student-athletes at Riverhead High School went viral on Thursday as news broke that the students — who administrators say were creating an unsafe environment by blocking the halls — were emulating one of the most talked-about athletes in America over the past two weeks: Tim Tebow.
In an act known as "Tebowing" — according to Tebowing.com, "to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different" — the foursome was part of a larger group seen in a YouTube video kneeling in the halls of the school.
Tebow — a second-year quarterback who has led the Denver Broncos to six straight wins — is known for his devout Christianity and intensity on and off the field. The act has gained popularity as the Broncos have continued to pile up late-game wins."
GLSEN does background checks on all staff members and adult volunteers working with youth.
what happens if they find they have homosexual tendencies?
"Jerry Sandusky is attracted to guys"
Wikipedia reports: "Sandusky is married. He and his wife Dorothy "Dottie" (née Gross), whom he married in 1966, have six adopted children and took in foster children. One son, Jon Sandusky, is Director of Player Personnel for the Cleveland Browns. Another son, E. J. Sandusky, is an assistant football coach at West Chester University."
"he was put in a position where he could intimidate and coerce young guys"
He's a pedophile who put himself in a position of authority over children by creating The Second Mile Club.
Wikipedia reports: "The Second Mile is a nonprofit organization for underprivileged youth, providing help for at-risk children and support for their parents in Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1977 by Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant college football coach."
Jerry Sandusky followed a path often taken by pedophiles such as "Appears to be trustworthy and respectable. Has good standing in the community." and "Singles out children who seem troubled and in need of attention or affection." and "Finds different ways and places to be alone with children." and "Are primarily (but not always) male, masculine, better-educated, more religious than average, in their thirties, and choose jobs allowing them greater access to children."
Devout Catholic Jerry Sandusky was 33 years old when he founded The Second Mile organization for at risk children.
"he's gay"
He's been married to a woman since 1966. There is no evidence he's had any adult male sexual partners. All his victims were children. He's a pedophile.
"his lawyer had the gay phone sex number in his file because they had to examine all the evidence against Sandusky"
There is no source for this absurd claim because it's just another lie Anon made up.
"Sandusky is married"
every time there is a scandal and some conservative is found in some homosexual encounter, TTF always assumes they're gay
these people are almost always married
indeed, TTF has spent countless lines lamenting the tragedy of closeted gays married to unsuspecting women
and now, when it is convenient to the gay agenda: "Sandusky can't be gay, he's married!"
your self-mocking hypocrisy is a riot
"He's a pedophile who put himself in a position of authority over children by creating The Second Mile Club"
over children?
it's more specific than that
they were invariably male children
obviously, that's what he likes
"There is no evidence he's had any adult male sexual partners. All his victims were children. He's a pedophile."
news flash: you can be both gay and a pedophile
as a matter of fact, it's very common
"There is no source for this absurd claim because it's just another lie Anon made up"
I guess it's possible the lawye himself was homosexual but the most likely reason he had the number in his Sandusky file is that Sandusky is somehow associated with it
I'm sure Mitt Romney would bet ten thousand on it
Mitt Romney along with Newt Gingrich and all the rest of US millionaires need to have their tax rate raised to 36.9%.
he already pays more than 39.6%
his money is taxed to the corporations he owns whe they earn it and then he pays tax again when they distribute it to him
that's not to mention the employment taxes he pays for the privilege of employing people, the sales tax he has to pay whenever he spends any of his money, the tax he has to pay if he gives his money to his kids
also, there are several taxes on people at his income level already set to go up next year
it's not really fair when half of all Americans pay no income tax at all
it's unfair to attack those who pay for most of our public expenses and generate the economic that employs all of us
it's actually unAmerican
but then so is our first foreign President
A majority believes President Obama should not win reelection and his job approval stands at a new low, throwing into doubt his chances to earn reelection, according to a new AP/GfK poll.
More than half of those polled — 52 percent — said that President Obama should be voted out of office, a record high. Only 43 percent say he deserves a second term. Only 44 percent approve of the job Obama has done as president, with 54 percent disapproving.
Those numbers are a sharp decline from May, when 53 percent said Obama should be reelected. Only 38 percent of independents approve of the job the president is doing, and only 39 percent of all voters approve of Obama's handling of the economy.
Only 26 percent said the United States was headed in the right direction, and less than a third of respondents said they supported the president's signature healthcare reform legislation.
Barack Obama’s approval rating with young Americans who were crucial to his 2008 White House victory has declined to 46 percent, and a greater percentage see the president losing his bid for a second term than winning, a new poll finds.
The poll by the Institute of Politics at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, shows an “overall lack of enthusiasm” today among young voters for the presidential election compared with four years ago, John Della Volpe, the institute’s polling director, said during a conference call with reporters.
Only thirty percent of Americans age 18 to 29 predict that Obama will win the election next year. College students, who gave Obama some of his strongest support in 2008, now give the president a 45 percent approval rating, down from 60 percent in February, according to the poll.
Winning over this bloc is critical for the president. Voters under 30 backed Obama by a ratio of 2-1 in 2008 and volunteered their time to staff phone banks and canvass door-to- door to round up support.
Obama’s 46 percent approval with young people, down from 55 percent in February, is the lowest since the institute began polling about the administration in 2009. More than half of the respondents said they disapprove of the president’s job performance.
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Rick Perry is a double-dipper, collecting a salary and retirement benefits simultaneously, according to a personal financial disclosure form made public Friday.
The report filed with the Federal Election Commission shows that Perry is collecting his $7,700 monthly state pension in addition to his nearly $133,000 annual salary as governor. State law allows any employee to begin collecting retirement benefits if their years of military and state service plus their age adds up to more than 80.
To qualify, the 61-year-old Perry counted his five years in the Air Force and 24 years in public service in Texas, including as a part-time legislator, agriculture commissioner, lieutenant governor and governor.
Perry was required to file the disclosure form because he is a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
His decision to begin collecting retirement pay while on the public payroll will likely expose him to criticism from conservatives who complain that public sector employees are too generously compensated. The Republican comptroller of Texas said just this week that lawmakers need to review the pension system because it was burdening state finances.
The Texas Democratic Party condemned Perry's decision.
"When you start getting more money from your employer while also continuing to receive your salary, that's called a raise," spokesman Anthony Gutierrez said. "If Perry wants retirement benefits he should do us all a favor and actually retire. Giving himself a raise while thousands of teachers are losing their jobs is unconscionable."
More from the AP/GfK poll:
"Despite the soft level of support, many are uncertain whether a Republican president would be a better choice. Asked whom they would support next November, 47 percent of adults favored Obama and 46 percent Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. Against Gingrich, the president holds a solid advantage, receiving 51 percent compared with 42 percent for the former House speaker.
The potential matchups paint a better picture for the president among independents. Obama receives 45 percent of nonaligned adults compared with 41 percent for Romney. Against Gingrich, Obama holds a wide lead among independents, with 54 percent supporting the president and 31 percent backing the former Georgia congressman.
Another piece of good news for Obama: People generally like him personally. Obama's personal favorability rating held steady at 53 percent, with 46 percent viewing him unfavorably. About three-quarters called him likable."
More on that poll by Harvard's Institute of Politics:
"young Iowa voters who participated in two focus groups this week said the excitement they felt heading into the 2008 caucuses is absent this year...Two focus groups were held: one consisting of young Republican caucus-goers in their 20s; the other consisting of young Democrats and independents, most of whom voted for Barack Obama in 2008... Focus group participants indicated the magic and luster they felt before the 2008 Iowa caucuses is gone. The passion that inspired record turnouts four years ago seems all but lost as frustrated Obama, Hillary Clinton and Mike Huckabee voters are searching for someone to connect and believe in again – or a platform to rally behind...
A contrasting view was presented by young voters committed to Republican presidential candidates Ron Paul and Rick Santorum..."
"The new survey also shows former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney fairing best among potential Republican challengers in a general election match-up against President Obama, trailing the President by eleven percentage points (Obama: 37%, Romney: 26%)...
Job approval ratings continue to slide for President Obama as well as Democrats and Republicans in Congress. President Obama's job performance rating among America’s 18-29 year-olds is currently at the lowest point since IOP polling of the Obama administration began in the fall of 2009. Forty-six percent (46%) of Millennials approve of the job Obama is doing as president – a decrease of nine percentage points from Feb. 2011 IOP polling (55%) – with 51% saying they disapprove. Obama's job approval has also fallen among college students from 60% in February to 48% today. Views toward Democrats (33% approval; down from 45% in February) and Republicans in Congress (24% approval; down from 30% in February) have also slipped significantly over the same period.
In 2012 preview, Barack Obama holds moderate lead over "generic" Republican, but ahead of potential Republican challengers by double digits. With the general election under one year away, Barack Obama leads a proposed match-up against “the Republican Party’s candidate for President" by six percentage points (35%-29%), a smaller margin than found in February IOP polling (twelve percentage points; Obama: 38%-Republican: 26%). On college campuses, the match-up is a statistical dead-heat (Obama: 37%-Republican: 34%). When Obama is matched against specific candidates, he leads Mitt Romney by eleven percentage points (37%-26%) and Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry (39%-23%) by sixteen percentage points."
"The birther crusade continued this week in Georgia, with multiple men challenging President Obama's placement on the state's presidential ballot over lasting concerns that he is not a natural-born American citizen.
A total of five men filed complaints with the Office of the Secretary of State, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports, at least two of whom cited disbelief over Obama's long-form birth certificate as a primary reason.
Two of the complainants have brought on the legal help of Mark Hatfield, an attorney and Republican state lawmaker who has more extreme beliefs about the constitutional requirements for the office of president. According to the AJC, he believes the Founding Fathers intended a stricter set of rules requiring both presidential aspirants and their parents to have been born in the United States.
Hearings for the challenges have not yet been set.
Challenges such as these are fairly commonplace -- and roundly unsuccessful -- on the state level. A coalition led by "birth queen" Orly Taitz mounted a similar anti-Obama campaign in New Hampshire and eventually was shot down by state officials, despite having the support of some Granite State lawmakers.
Obama released his long-form birth certificate earlier this year, saying that continued distractions over his eligibility were unacceptable. He was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961."
"The rider attached by the GOP pushes back a rule that would further restrict the amount of respirable coal dust allowed in a mine's atmosphere and thereby reduce the amount of damage to miners' lungs. Mining interests have strongly opposed the new rule, arguing that it will needlessly raise costs for coal companies, and they've found plenty of allies among anti-regulatory Republicans in Congress.
The pending bill requires that the Government Accountability Office conduct an investigation into the methodology behind the Labor Department's new rule. The coal dust rule then can't go into effect until either the GAO's report is released or 240 days have passed. The rider was first pointed out on the Coal Tattoo blog.
Critics say the rider gives coal operators at least another 8 months to have unacceptably high levels of coal dust in their mines.
"Including this language in the bill will have the effect of sentencing more miners to die a painful and premature death, choking on their last breath," Phil Smith, spokesman for the United Mine Workers of America, said in an emailed statement.
"That may not be what the lawmakers who slipped this into the legislation intended, but it will be the effect."
Democrats said that they managed to fend off more than a dozen GOP riders that could have undermined workplace safety, but that the coal dust regulation was something on which they had to compromise. Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.), chairman of the House subcommittee on health and labor, had sought to scuttle the new rule entirely.
"We were able to block the most damaging part of the House proposal that would have prevented [the Mine Safety and Health Administration] from moving forward with issuing a final rule altogether," a spokesperson for Sen. Tom Harkin (D.-Iowa) told HuffPost in a statement. "We would have preferred no bill language on this issue as we believe the science supporting the rulemaking is sound."
According to Harkin's office, the new rule could still be implemented by the end of fiscal year 2012, despite the delay.
With black lung disease on the rise in certain areas of Appalachia, government officials for years have recognized the need to reduce the levels of coal dust in mines. The rule now being considered by the Labor Department would cut in half a miner's allowable exposure to coal-dust particles, potentially changing the way operators have to ventilate mineshafts.
Justin Feldman, worker health and safety advocate at watchdog group Public Citizen, said he worries that the GAO report might open the door to further delay.
"Afterwards, the industry will pressure them to reopen [public] comments and hold hearings on it," he said. "And the number of miners who die of black lung is much higher than the number that die in Massey-type disasters," referring to the 2010 explosion at the Upper Big Branch coal mine in West Virginia.
According to government data, some 10,000 miners have died from black lung disease in the last decade alone."
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