Monday, December 07, 2020

Enforce the Law: Lock Him Up

There isn't much of a chance that Trump's Supreme Court appointments will pay off and a crooked court will overturn the election, say by ruling that all mail-in ballots in all states are disqualified. We've learned not to say "they can't do that," but it is extremely unlikely. Even Trump's own judges that he appointed for lower courts have been ruling against him.

In the meantime of course Donald Trump is going to make everything as terrible as he can. He is gutting and reorganizing important departments, assigning terrible people to important positions, making enemies with powerful countries, hurrying up a bunch of executions oh and also adding new ways to kill people, new methods of execution, he has even made it easier to kill birds, of all things.

You remember the last time the Republicans had the White House, we got into some wars that were unjustified and extremely violent. We tortured people, we demolished entire cities -- the US committed war crimes on a grand scale, apparently in retaliation for the 9/11 terrorist attack, though that story falls apart pretty quickly. The joke at the time was that Dick Cheney is Satan, that was just the way we understood him, Satan himself in the White House conducting evil operations. Ha-ha.

And then when Obama came in, he did not prosecute anybody for any of it. He said some heartwarming stuff about looking forward instead of back, about building a better future and all that, and he let the Cheneys and Rumsfelds, the neocons who had engineered these terrible crimes, go back into society and write their books and lecture and advise Republicans. They still show up on TV pretty often, they made millions and lived in luxury instead of going to jail.

Now we have a President and administration who are criminals on every level. This administration is filled with narcissistic family members and gazillionaires who use the government as an arm of their business enterprises. Writing in the Washington Post last month, Barbara McQuade categorized the most salient of Trump's chargeable crimes into categories:

  • Obstruction of justice
  • Bribery
  • Conspiracy to defraud the United States
  • Campaign finance violations
  • Pre-presidency crimes - crimes that were committed or begun before he was President, and for which he cannot be charged while he is in office
  • Hatch Act violations

She notes that though his lies and inaction regarding the coronavirus pandemic resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, the cause-and-effect is indirect and probably not anything you can charge him with. He was elected to do a job and he didn't do it, and people died, the economy went to hell, our country lost its place in the international markets, millions of lives were traumatized and destroyed, but there does not seem to be a way to make the responsible person legally accountable.

Trump's presidency is sometimes described as "norm-breaking," and that is true but it is also extensively law-breaking. So for instance sharing highly classified state secrets with foreign agents is not actually illegal, because he's the President and can do that. Having his golf buddies running the Department of Veterans Affairs is not normal but there is apparently no law against it. But the lawbreaking is being documented, and the crimes are being investigated. The New York Times has run several long, detailed reports of the Trump family's financial crimes, and the New York Attorney General is quoted as saying, "We are going to be fine because we are ready. We've already researched the law. I and other Attorney Generals, we are ready"

It is nice to "maintain the peace" and "keep things on an even keel," and all of that, and we are looking forward to a new period of stability. But this is a country of laws and there is nothing reassuring or healthy in letting someone break the law egregiously for four years and then let bygones be bygones. If you or I did one of the things Trump and his appointees have done over the past four years we would be in jail, that's just a fact. Take one bribe, boom. Obstruct justice just one time, boom. He is already talking about running in 2024 and if it isn't him it will be one of his criminal family members, if we tolerate them this time. Their behavior is not going to be better next time, they have only let us see what their intentions are.

The great fear is that somebody who has Trump's criminal mindset but is also competent gets elected. Luckily for us Trump lost nearly every court case from the Muslim ban to the Georgia recount. But what if somebody was smart enough to pull those things off? What if they were not represented by somebody inept like Giuliani? Guaranteed, if we let these guys get off it will be much worse next time.

Joe Biden does not show much of an appetite for prosecuting his predecessor. But this isn't about being nice, isn't about a "smooth transition" or settling down the turbulence we have been experiencing. It is simply about enforcing the laws that our country is based on. Trump has demonstrated, simultaneously, the strength and weakness of our system. I looks like we will limp though one more election campaign but we realize that the system is designed with the expectation of decency and dignity. We can't go back and delete the tweets but the Trump crime syndicate has gotten rich through violations of the law and should face the consequences for our nation's sake.


Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Armed Trump Supporters March on Home of Michigan Secretary of State

The Washington Post reports:

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson had just finished wrapping string lights around her home’s portico on Saturday evening and was about to watch “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” with her 4-year-old son when a crowd of protesters marched up carrying American flags and guns.

About two dozen protesters chanted “Stop the Steal” and accused Benson, a Democrat and Michigan’s chief election officer, of ignoring widespread voter fraud — an echo of President Trump’s continued unfounded claims as he seeks to overturn the results of the election that President-elect Joe Biden won.

Although the group dispersed with no arrests when police responded just before 10 p.m. Saturday, Michigan state officials accused the group of “terrorizing” Benson’s family.

December 07, 2020 6:54 PM  
Anonymous AyJayDee said...

This kind of sh*t is how countries slide into authoritarianism. It’s not just when violent thugs start behaving in a threatening manner, but when they start really testing - and breaching - the boundaries between legal and illegal and abuse freedom and democracy in order to undermine both - with much of mainstream society tolerating it or just shrugging in response.

We can’t afford to rest just because Biden won the election, even when all of Trump’s corrupt attempts to challenge the results comes to an end. The Republicans will do everything they can to undermine his presidency and set us up for another pro-autocratic presidency, either under Trump himself or someone who’s like him, but smarter.

December 07, 2020 6:55 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Great article, Jim. You're absolutely right. There needs to be consequences for the corrupt behaviour of the Trump administration or Republicans will push it all they way to dictatorship next time. They came perilously close this time.

December 07, 2020 7:45 PM  
Anonymous have yourself a merry little Christmas said...

"There isn't much of a chance that Trump's Supreme Court appointments will pay off and a crooked court will overturn the election, say by ruling that all mail-in ballots in all states are disqualified."

that's true

makes one wonder why you won't shut up about it

"Even Trump's own judges that he appointed for lower courts have been ruling against him."

well, Trump has stocked the courts with excellent judges that will apply the Constitution

he'll be remembered for that

"In the meantime of course Donald Trump is going to make everything as terrible as he can."

Dems have spent the last four years filing temporary injunctions to stop everything Trump does

why can't they do it for a few more weeks?

they can but they are whining to distract from the fact that Dem are already at war

radical environmentalists, and socialists are already demanding Biden keep the promises

say what you will about Trump

he kept his promises

Dems rarely do

"You remember the last time the Republicans had the White House, we got into some wars that were unjustified and extremely violent."

I do remember that

all the Dem Senators, like Hillary and Joe B, were all in

"And then when Obama came in, he did not prosecute anybody for any of it."

well, it's self-interest

Obama knew he was planning some shady stuff himself so he didn't want to set any precedents

when you become President, you have an interest in protecting ex-Presidents

you know you'll be one someday

December 07, 2020 11:00 PM  
Anonymous Rick Snedeker said...

“What we are seeing today is this effort to turn religious freedom into religious privilege,” Rachel Laser, the president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told [Brownstein in an interview for the piece]. Religious institutions and individuals are being given “the right to wield religious freedom as a sword to harm others, and frankly to dial back social progress in light of our changing demographics and progress toward greater equality.”

December 08, 2020 12:07 AM  
Anonymous have yourself a merry little Christmas said...

"“What we are seeing today is this effort to turn religious freedom into religious privilege,” Rachel Laser, the president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told [Brownstein in an interview for the piece]. Religious institutions and individuals are being given “the right to wield religious freedom as a sword to harm others, and frankly to dial back social progress in light of our changing demographics and progress toward greater equality.”"

I used to know some of the guys at Americans United. They're extremists and if they had their way, religious expression would be absent from the public square. The Constitution doesn't have a right to protection from hearing religious ideas. Further, religious people have the same right to advocate for their preferences that everyone else does.

What specifically is being referred to by this vague and generalized statement?

Here's another excerpt from the same article:

"While most conservative analysts have cheered the Court’s moves in this area, centrist and liberal critics see the ingredients for a political explosion as the Court backs religious-liberty exemptions to laws on employee rights, health care, education, and equal treatment for the LGBTQ community."

employee rights: this is usually cited by homosexual advocates to mean churches who believe homosexuality is morally wrong should be forced to hire homosexuals. the same people think it's OK for the NY Times to fire people who supported any policy of the Trump administration

health care: this usually means the "right" to abortion; supposedly derived from the right to privacy, this right, which, as Amy Coney Barrett pointed out in her conformation hearings, has never been widely accepted and is, thus, not an unchangeable super-precedent; aside from the effects on the mother, abortion harms others. children are murdered

education: this is generally meant to push the idea that the government should only pay for the education of children whose parents want them to be indoctrinated in the philosophy of secular humanism. when government judges whether one religious viewpoint is better than another, that violates the establishment clause of the Constitution. no "sword to harm others" is present

equal treatment for the LGBTQ community: this means that government should endorse the idea that homosexuality is normal. that is inappropriate. to say that it us "harmful" if government doesn't do that is to assume that homosexuality is normal

the truth is that liberal groups since the time of the Warren Court have sought to suppress religious freedom

the latest example is lockdown orders that treat all commercial activity as more "essential" than worship services

we have a constitutional Supreme Court now

atheists are allowed to express their point of view

but so is everyone else

December 08, 2020 5:59 AM  
Anonymous have yourself a merry little Christmas said...

"Now we have a President and administration who are criminals on every level."

not really

"This administration is filled with narcissistic family members"

if narcissism were illegal, Obama and Hillary and Oprah would be serving life sentences

"and gazillionaires who use the government as an arm of their business enterprises."

if you think the millions Hunter made by selling access to Joe as VP is outrageous, you ain't seen nothin' yet

and he's not the only Biden relative that cashed in

"Writing in the Washington Post last month, Barbara McQuade categorized the most salient of Trump's chargeable crimes into categories:"

the Post?

should be good for a laugh

"Obstruction of justice"

ah, the assertions of Robert Mueller

but Mueller has a vastly expanded view of "obstruction" that would prevail in no court in the land

that's why when Trump was impeached, the obstruction charges weren't cited even though Congress knew about Mueller's report


no one has alleged Trump took bribes

this refers to Trump trying to get Ukraine to act in a certain way

Presidents do this all the time

it may be inappropriate in certain cases

but it's not illegal

again, Congress considered this in its impeachment articles and declined to cite it

that tells you all you need to know

"Conspiracy to defraud the United States"

that would be when the Obama administration leaked a false story and then used the resulting news reports as evidence to obtain FISA warrant to bug the Trump campaign

"Campaign finance violations"

every campaign has them

Obama's did

the FEC simply orders them to correct the violations

no one goes to jail over it

"Pre-presidency crimes - crimes that were committed or begun before he was President, and for which he cannot be charged while he is in office"

nothing to discuss here since no specific crime is mentioned

"Hatch Act violations"


such things have been present in every presidency

in short, there is nothing glaring to charge Trump with

Jim is simply expressing the last gasp of Trump Derangement Syndrome

"She notes that though his lies and inaction regarding the coronavirus pandemic resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths,"

that's a flat-out lie

Trump's action will save countless lives when a vaccine begins to be distributed to health care workers next Monday

meanwhile, the two people who caused more death than any others were:

1. Fauci, who in the early days of the pandemic told people not to wear masks

2. Cuomo, who forced nursing homes to admit contagious patients. nursing home residents represent over 100K of the 250K deaths

December 08, 2020 6:34 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Arizona GOP Calls On Trump Supporters To Die For Him

December 8, 2020 GOP Death Cult, Trump cultists

And they say it’s not a cult:

"The Arizona Republican Party escalated its rhetoric by urging people to fight to the death on behalf of President Donald Trump’s attempts to dispute the 2020 Election. The organization, headed by Chairwoman Kelli Ward, continues to dispute the certification of the results in court, even though Trump’s own legal team has never been able to produce evidence for his claim that the 2020 general election was tampered with by mass voter fraud."

Ward, you may recall, claimed that John McCain timed his brain cancer in order to hurt her run for the US Senate.

“This is what we do, who we are. Live for nothing, or die for something.” 🇺🇸 — Arizona Republican Party (@AZGOP) December 8, 2020

"The AZ GOP put out a casting call for martyrs over Twitter. This is truly bonkers and unbelievably dangerous. I've been saying all along about how *punitive* it is to be a Republican who just simply acknowledges electoral *reality*." - John Fetterman

I've been saying for a couple of years now that about 30% of conservatives are potentially willing to die for Trump due to our evolutionary psychology which gives them the psychological tendency to want to go to war with another tribe (liberals in this case). This is why we see mostly conservatives in the military and police forces - they're more willing to die for a cause(good or bad unfortunately) This helped one tribe survive over another back in cave man days but is counterproductive in our modern society where we need global unity to solve global problems. It behooves all conservatives (and a smaller percentage of liberals) to recognize this natural counterproductive tendency in themselves and to fight against it - for the benefit of us all.

December 08, 2020 12:39 PM  
Anonymous foreign trolls don't wish America well said...

"Blogger Priya Lynn said..."

no joke, Randy

no one cares what your fictitious character has to say

December 08, 2020 12:54 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Rick Snedeker said “What we are seeing today is this effort to turn religious freedom into religious privilege,” Rachel Laser, the president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told [Brownstein in an interview for the piece]. Religious institutions and individuals are being given “the right to wield religious freedom as a sword to harm others, and frankly to dial back social progress in light of our changing demographics and progress toward greater equality.”

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "I used to know some of the guys at Americans United. They're extremists and if they had their way, religious expression would be absent from the public square."

Ensuring the government enforces the First Amendment, separates church and state and makes all citizens equal in no way prevents anyone from expressing their religion publicly.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "The Constitution doesn't have a right to protection from hearing religious ideas."

No one said it did, liar. this is not about not wanting to "hear religious ideas" - its about you harming innocent lgbt people and women and entrenching your religious superiority in law.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Further, religious people have the same right to advocate for their preferences that everyone else does."

You don't have the right to make others second class citizens. Calling your war on lgbt people and women "advocating for conservative christian preferences" and "religious freedom" couldn't be more Orwellian and dishonest.

It does conservative christians no favours to wage an unjust war on innocent lgbt people and women. Please put your resources into making the world a better place instead of a worse one.

December 08, 2020 1:00 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "no one has alleged Trump took bribes"

Its always a flood of lies from these two. There are far more than allegations that Trump took bribes!

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "this refers to Trump trying to get Ukraine to act in a certain way Presidents do this all the time it may be inappropriate in certain cases but it's not illegal".

It most certainly was illegal! Trump broke the law by putting a hold on the defence aid Congress approved to help Ukraine fight Russian attacks. And presidents most certainly do NOT "do this all the time" - no past president has extorted a foreign government to help get them re-elected by opening a fake investigation into their opponent. Republicans only defence to this in Trump's impeachment was to support his dictatorial power grab by arguing Trump is above the law - "The president can do whatever he wants as long as he alleges its in the best interests of the country.".

Pathetic Wyatt and Regina are still absurdly trying to blame Dr. Fauci for the pandemic when it is obviously Trump's fault. He withheld how deadly it was for months making the pandemic much worse. He opposed all mitigation measures and encouraged people to make the pandemic worse by doing so as well and engaging in large unprotected gatherings.

Trump has turned Conservatives against masks and social distancing. He could have stopped this pandemic in its tracks if he had advocated for instead of opposing mitigation measures. He even expressed his support for the protesters in Michigan who conspired to kidnap and kill the Michigan governor because they opposed her mitigation measures.

By all expert accounts this explosion in the pandemic is the fault of Trump and his blindly allegiant followers. The pandemic can not be brought under control when the conservative half the country is trying to make it worse out of misguided loyalty to Trump.

Republicans exploded with rage over 4 deaths at Benghazi and demanded Hillary Clinton be locked up for it even though she wasn't responsible. Now they poo-poo thousands of deaths a day. Conservative hypocrisy knows no bounds.

December 08, 2020 1:21 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Rick Snedecker said "While most conservative analysts have cheered the Court’s moves in this area, centrist and liberal critics see the ingredients for a political explosion as the Court backs religious-liberty exemptions to laws on employee rights, health care, education, and equal treatment for the LGBTQ community."

Wyatt/Regina/Bad anonymous said "employee rights: this is usually cited by h*sexual advocates to mean churches who believe h*sexuality is morally wrong should be forced to hire h*sexuals."

That's a lie. No one has tried to force churches to hire gays. What's being opposed is anyone who wants to, being able to ignore anti-discrimination laws by claiming gayness is against their religion.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "health care: this usually means the "right" to abortion; supposedly derived from the right to privacy, this right, which, as Amy Coney Barrett pointed out in her conformation hearings, has never been widely accepted and is, thus, not an unchangeable super-precedent; aside from the effects on the mother, abortion harms others. children are murdered"

A zygote is not a child. It cannot feel, think, love or do anything we associate with being a person. It warrants no more moral concern than an ant on the ground. No entity, zygote or person has a right to another person's body. This is one of the pillars of justice. My body, my choice.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "education: this is generally meant to push the idea that the government should only pay for the education of children whose parents want them to be indoctrinated in the philosophy of secular humanism. when government judges whether one religious viewpoint is better than another, that violates the establishment clause of the Constitution. no "sword to harm others" is present"

Anyone who wants to enroll their child in public school can do so and the government pays for it. You demand that the anti-gay conservative christian religious viewpoint be entrenched in law to prevent gays from getting jobs, housing, and services; you demand that women be forced to give birth and oppose their equality- that's the "sword to harm others".

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "equal treatment for the LGBTQ community: this means that government should endorse the idea that h*sexuality is normal. that is inappropriate. to say that it us "harmful" if government doesn't do that is to assume that homosexuality is normal"

What a word salad. No, equal treatment means there can't be any bans on gay marriage and anti-discrmination laws apply to harmless lgbt people as well as christians.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the truth is that liberal groups since the time of the Warren Court have sought to suppress religious freedom"

Your "religious freedom" ends when it imposes on the equality of others. Constitutional freedoms are never absolute, individual equality and freedoms must be balanced - you immorally oppose the Constitution by demanding superiority in the law under the facade of "religious freedom".

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the latest example is lockdown orders that treat all commercial activity as more "essential" than worship services"

Commercial activity IS more essential than church. You can't compare a few people briefly spread out in a store to buy something the same as a Mass in a mega-church with thousands crammed shoulder to shoulder without masks for hours. Shutting down churches is the same as shutting down any other unnecessary mass gathering like a concert. Conservative churches have been vehemently opposing masks and other mitigation measures, they are part of the problem

December 08, 2020 1:43 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Poor, poor Wyatt and Regina Hardiman, reduced to begging readers not to read my posts.


Hey guys, how come you wouldn't respond to my posts for a year and a half, then you started responding again for a few months and now you've stopped again? This is pretty odd, you owe your fans an explanation. Is your church pulling your strings? That must suck!

December 08, 2020 1:50 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Robert Mueller presented to Congress a list of 12 criminal indictments for obstruction of justice by Trump. Because of a shaky Justice Department policy that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime it was up to Congress to impeach and convict Trump which Republicans refused to do.

Now that Trump is no longer president these charges cannot be left to the wayside. If Trump can get away with the obstruction of justice Mueller documented then any future president can do whatever he wants and any special council appointed to look into his wrongdoing can be ignored.

If Trump gets away without any consequences it sets the state for a smart future would be dictator to succeed where Trump failed.

December 08, 2020 3:22 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Labor Dept Rule Allows Anti-LGBTQ Discrimination By Federal Contractors On The Basis Of “Religious Liberty”

Slate reports:

On Monday, the Trump administration finalized a sweeping new regulation that allows federal contractors to discriminate against racial and religious minorities, women, and especially LGBTQ people in the name of protecting “religious liberty.”

It effectively abolishes critical workplace protections for these contractors that have been in place for decades, reframing religious freedom as a near-limitless license to discriminate. Monday’s move will force the Biden administration to waste countless hours and resources reversing this radical rewrite of federal law.

The rules restricting discrimination by federal contractors springs from Executive Order 11246, which President Lyndon Johnson signed in 1965. Johnson’s order barred discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. Presidents later added sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity to the list of protected traits.

Read the full article.

December 08, 2020 3:25 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Over 2000 people dying a day and Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous is trying to tell us Trump's been a big success at managing the pandemic and saved lives. Trump's handling of the pandemic has been a major disaster that's getting dramatically worse by the day.

At every step along the way Trump has mocked masks and social distancing, holding one super spreader mass gathering after another and praising conservatives who do the same.

Now at the worst possible time he's checked completely out of his job duties as president to focus solely on peddling the lie that there was massive voter fraud. Trump is killing thousands through his inaction and undermining American democracy.

December 08, 2020 3:56 PM  
Anonymous Nice suit there said...

At this point in time, Trump's attempt to use the court system to overturn the will of the voters has resulted in one win and fifty-one losses. Litigation score: 1-51

December 08, 2020 9:22 PM  
Anonymous Good Sportsmanship said...

“This is is not little league baseball. Everyone doesn’t get to go home with a trophy. Sometimes you lose and Donald Trump has lost,” Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.

To put it another way: elections have consequences.

December 08, 2020 10:08 PM  
Anonymous the times they are a-changin' said...

"elections have consequences"

yes, they do

which is why Dems won't be able to repeal the Trump tax cuts or place anyone they want on the Supreme Court and will lose gerrymandering debates across the land

on the other hand, I do agree with Mayor Bottoms, and the remark is quite humorous

Good Sportsmanship, though, has none!

December 09, 2020 11:45 AM  
Anonymous Craig Howell said...

The Washington Post is reporting this morning that a professional homophobe may be appointed by a Trump lackey to be the new head of the Voice Of America (VOA). An excerpt from the article:

"People at VOA said Tuesday that the leading candidate is Robert R. Reilly, a
former VOA director who is currently the director of the Westminster
Institute, a think tank in McLean, Va. that focuses on “threats from
extremism and radical ideologies.” Reilly, 74, has worked at the
conservative Heritage Foundation and served as a White House aide during
President Reagan’s first term.

"He is the author of several books, most recently “Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything,” which argues that widespread acceptance of gay culture could have harmful social effects."

The New York Times adds that Reilly may be hard to dislodge if he's appointed:

"Mr. Reilly may be harder to remove if language in the National Defense Authorization Act, a defense spending bill passed by the House, is signed into law that requires the U.S. Agency for Global Media’s chief executive to gain approval from an advisory board before replacing the head of a media network under their purview."

December 09, 2020 12:14 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The above is just yet another appointment of an extreme anti-gay figure to government and the judiciary by Trump. Trump has appointed one dreadfully unqualified person after another with the only qualification he wants being that they are viciously anti-gay.

At Voice Of America Reilly will then go on to promote second class citizenship for harmless lgbt people and encourage other countries to pass anti-lgbt legislation. As a government employee the first amendment requires him to be neutral and treat gays like everyone else rather than advocating against them. Wyatt and Regina Hardiman deceitfully trivialize this as "expressing religious ideas" when they "wield religious freedom as a sword to harm others" as Rick Snedeker said.

December 09, 2020 12:15 PM  
Anonymous gays love Judy Garland - here's a holiday ditty for them,,, said...

"The Washington Post is reporting this morning that a professional homophobe may be appointed to be the new head of the Voice Of America (VOA)."

and by "homophobe", Craig means someone who doesn't believe in the normalcy of homosexuality

gays need to accept that many people don't approve of homosexuality

if they don't, they may not like the result

"Blogger Priya Lynn said..."

no one cares about your fictitious character, Randy

maybe you can pretend to be a hookah-smokin' caterpillar!

at least then, someone might read what you post

December 09, 2020 12:25 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Dems...will lose gerrymandering debates across the land"

You can see Wyatt and Regina take a lot of delight in foiling democracy. Anti-democratic gerrymandering allows Republicans to win seats with a minority of the votes.

Research shows internet trolls like them are correlated with sadism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. You can sure see it in what they post.

These are just bad people determined to assert their destructive will on the majority of Americans who oppose them.

December 09, 2020 12:25 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Craig Howell posted "The Washington Post is reporting this morning that a professional homophobe may be appointed to be the new head of the Voice Of America (VOA)."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "and by "homophobe", Craig means someone who doesn't believe in the normalcy of h*sexuality"

Again Wyatt and Regina deceitfully trivialize this as being about a mere "belief" when the man will be waging war on harmless lgbt people by promoting entrenching in law second class citizenship for us.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous ominously said "gays need to accept that many people don't approve of h*sexuality if they don't, they may not like the result"

That's both a lie and a threat - "accept second class citizenship or we'll harm you even more severely."

No one gives a damn about bigots "not approving of h*sexuality". What we oppose is you using the facade of religious freedom to harm us with gay marriage bans and laws that prevent me from using the women's bathroom, or that protect christians from discrimination but not gays, or that allow medical professionals and first responders to refuse to help us.

You're welcome to "not approve of h*sexuality" all you want, what you don't have a right to do is to make us less than equal under the law. So stop dishonestly claiming this is about the former when its about the latter.

December 09, 2020 12:36 PM  
Anonymous NSAlito said...

Within a state, gerrymandering helps get control of the US House of Representatives and state legislatures.

For US Senate and the Electoral College*, the fact that low-population rural states get two senate seats means they have highly disproportionate influence.

Please note that California with ~40 million people, gets 2 US Senators.
Combined population of mostly-rural ID, UT, WY, MT, ND, SD, MN, WI, IA, NE, KS, OK, AR, and KY is just under 36 million, and get 48 seats in the US Senate.

December 09, 2020 2:20 PM  
Anonymous Conservatives oppose freedom said...

Texas School Suspends Openly Gay Teen For Wearing Nail Polish While Male

At Clyde High School and its sibling schools within the Clyde Consolidated Independent School District in Texas, girls may choose to wear nail polish to class or not, as they please. It’s a matter of course; it’s not seen as inappropriate for a girl to paint her nails.

But have a gay male student paint his nails, and suddenly the sky is falling.

That’s what happened to 17-year-old Trevor Wilkinson, a student at Clyde High School, who received an in-school suspension for daring to return from Thanksgiving break with a killer manicure.

From the school’s perspective, the problem could be fixed easily enough with a bit of nail polish remover. But from Wilkinson’s perspective, the problem isn’t his nail polish; it’s the school’s controlling, regressive, and discriminatory attitudes about masculinity.

Rather than back down, he created a petition and called on his school to get rid of the discriminatory and outdated gender rules in the school dress code:

As of yesterday, the petition had garnered over 115,000 signatures and counting.

The issue, Wilkinson contends, is that the dress code isn’t consistently implemented; there are different rules for male and female students, and gender norms are strictly enforced. While anybody can feel stifled by that pressure to conform, unsympathetic teachers and administrators can and do use selective enforcement to create a hostile environment for LGBTQ students, whose very existence is often seen as an affront to gender norms.

So from Wilkinson’s perspective, his brightly-colored nail polish is more than just a fashion statement. It’s deeply connected to his gay identity and his process of self-acceptance:

"The fact that I’m even painting my nails right now means so much to me and it shows my growth. I would not change who I am for the world and I’m learning to fully love myself and be comfortable in my own skin and sexuality and I think that is an amazing thing".

Wilkinson enjoys the support of his great-grandfather, who is also his legal guardian. Leroy Wilkinson says his great-grandson’s nails are harming no one, and the school should “just drop it” so students can get on with the business of learning, no matter the color of their fingernails.

Val Wilde

December 09, 2020 2:44 PM  
Anonymous Rep. Katie Porter said...

When I came to Congress, I knew I had a responsibility to pull back the curtain for the American people and expose corruption in real time. So, I'm filling you in on Senator McConnell's attempts over the last 8 days to tank a *bipartisan* COVID relief bill.

You may have heard that Democrats and Republicans have agreed upon spending $900 billion to fund another round of small business loans, support hospitals and essential workers, and help the 10 million people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own.

Everyone at the negotiating table - including Senate Rs- has agreed to a compromise. Except one. Mitch McConnell is refusing to bring it to the floor unless it wipse away all COVID related lawsuits filed that "allege injury or death" due to corporate negligence.

The lawsuits represent the worst of the worst examples of disregard for human life - cases filed on behalf of nursing home patients and grocery store workers who died because the company in charge of keeping them safe prioritized cutting costs over protecting them.

The same McConnell who said that President Trump is "100% within his rights" to pursue baseless lawsuits alleging election fraud is now refusing to pass urgently needed relief unless it strips those same rights from the most vulnerable among us. This must be exposed.

December 09, 2020 2:56 PM  
Anonymous Beth Stoneburner said...

Evangelicals Will Be Forever Known As the People Who Traded Principles for Power

Evangelicals expect criticism from people outside their circles. But there’s nothing quite so damning as a personal essay documenting the hypocrisy and misplaced priorities that drove one of their own out of the bubble — and out of Christianity altogether.

That’s what journalist Sarah Jones offers in a recent article for New York Magazine. She writes about how what we know today as “Trumpism” has roots that go back much further than 2016:

"To be Evangelical in the 1990s was to learn fear. The world was so dangerous, and our status in it so fragile. The fossil record was a lie, and scientists knew it.

"The predominantly white Evangelical world in which I was raised had created its own shadow universe, a buffer between it and the hostile world. Our parents could put us in Christian schools or homeschool us; if they did risk public school, we could take shelter with groups like YoungLife and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which would tell us to make the most of this chance to save souls. We had alternatives for everything; our own pop music, our own kids’ shows, our own versions of biology and U.S. history, and an ecosystem of colleges and universities to train us up in the way we should go: toward the Republican Party, and away from the left, with no equivocation."

"Whatever the cause, whatever the rumor, the fear was always the same. It was about power, and what would happen if we lost it. Certain facts, like the whiteness of our congregations and the maleness of our pulpits and the shortcomings of our leaders, were not worth mentioning. You were fighting for God, and God was not racist or sexist; He was only true. The unsaved hated this, it made them angry, and that was proof you were doing the right thing. If “owning the libs” has a discernible origin point, it’s here, in the white Evangelical church."

While evangelicals as a whole tend to be skeptical of authorities, Jones makes an important distinction: They are skeptical when they are not the ones with authority. The evangelical obsession with power is about hoarding as much of it to themselves as they can, even if it requires certain moral compromises along the way. And, as Jones points out, the compromises become far more hypocritical the higher up on the food chain you go.

"… For the politicians we backed, it shrank to a pinprick point: Ronald Reagan was divorced. What mattered instead to the Moral Majority was his opposition to abortion, his hippie-bashing, his ability to trade in euphemisms about “states’ rights.” Two Bush presidents later, thrice-married Trump gave Evangelicals the conservative Supreme Court of their dreams."

This may be the lasting legacy of the Christian Right: They claim to be all about values and faith… but they’ll easily give those up in exchange for a political hammer. There’s no amount of moral hypocrisy they won’t overlook for a Republican with power. Which means they never really cared about those morals anyway.

You can’t create loophole after loophole, then pretend you’re a group of people who take the rules seriously.

In the three decades since Reagan, evangelicals have built a voting bloc geared about two supposedly sacred “culture war” issues: abortion and LGBTQ rights. The Bible talks about refugees and poverty far more, but they’ve collectively decided to embrace anyone who pledges to make those two things harder for anyone to access, if not prohibit them outright.

Being known solely for what you’re against is not a good look. More and more Christians who grew up in this particular culture are realizing — and thankfully speaking out about — how rotten it truly is.

December 09, 2020 8:08 PM  
Anonymous gays love Judy Garland - here's a holiday ditty for them,,,, said...

"For US Senate and the Electoral College*, the fact that low-population rural states get two senate seats means they have highly disproportionate influence.

Please note that California with ~40 million people, gets 2 US Senators.
Combined population of mostly-rural ID, UT, WY, MT, ND, SD, MN, WI, IA, NE, KS, OK, AR, and KY is just under 36 million, and get 48 seats in the US Senate."

it's a recognition of different interests rather than sheer numbers

you could get a similar result by saying Texas with 29 million gets 2 Senators while liberal Vermont, NH, Maine, Hawaii, New Mexico with a combined 5 million gets 10 Senators

truth is, the founding fathers didn't think huge population centers should be able to suppress less populated areas with completely different interests

the only reason liberals think it's a problem is that they think we should have a huge centralized government

with a decentralized government, there's no issue

"At Clyde High School and its sibling schools within the Clyde Consolidated Independent School District in Texas, girls may choose to wear nail polish to class or not, as they please. It’s a matter of course; it’s not seen as inappropriate for a girl to paint her nails.

But have a gay male student paint his nails, and suddenly the sky is falling."

it's the hyperbolic mentality of lunatic fringe homosexual advocates that equates dress codes with falling skies

"The issue, Wilkinson contends, is that the dress code isn’t consistently implemented; there are different rules for male and female students,"

been that way since Adam was a pup

gender differences have consequences

people who defy gender go nuts

look at Randy!

"The fact that I’m even painting my nails right now means so much to me and it shows my growth."

sounds like someone needs counseling

serious counseling

"Evangelicals Will Be Forever Known As the People Who Traded Principles for Power"

not really

they'll be remembered as those who made a rational choice between two bad candidates

they chose protecting the Constitution for the benefit of posterity

the next forty years of SCOTUS decisions will be traced to their wisdom!

December 09, 2020 9:15 PM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

"the next forty years of SCOTUS decisions will be traced to their wisdom!"

forty years

forty years




and, to think, if Dems had been smarter and not nominated Hillary in 2016, it would all be different

funny how one stupid decision can determine the fate of civilization!

December 09, 2020 10:02 PM  
Anonymous Amanda Marcotte said...

Here's what Trump supporters really believe about the election and his coup attempt

As Greg Sargent writes at the Washington Post, "What Republican voters think, or say they think, about who really won matters less than the fact that, as a consequence, they actively want their elected representatives to subvert our democracy and keep Trump in power illegitimately."

Unfortunately, the belief that these folks are sincere in their claims that the election was "stolen" puts a glow of innocence on their actions. This leads many observers underestimate the seriousness of a situation where a large percentage of

Americans are actively supporting a coup. It also focuses attention away from what needs to be done to fight back. The "delusion" model of understanding Republican behavior suggests that education is the solution. That was thoroughly disproven in the Obama years, when even the release of his long-form birth certificate did little to discourage GOP voters from denying his legitimacy.

Instead, it's important to see those who support Trump's coup for who they are: People who have been radicalized, through racism hateful propaganda and a sense of perpetual grievance, against democracy. They aren't going to change their minds because of new facts, because the underlying belief — which is that they deserve to be in power, no matter what — is the problem here. It's a rising American authoritarianism, and we underestimate it at our peril.

December 09, 2020 11:30 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

NSalito said "For US Senate and the Electoral College*, the fact that low-population rural states get two senate seats means they have highly disproportionate influence.

Please note that California with ~40 million people, gets 2 US Senators.
Combined population of mostly-rural ID, UT, WY, MT, ND, SD, MN, WI, IA, NE, KS, OK, AR, and KY is just under 36 million, and get 48 seats in the US Senate."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "it's a recognition of different interests rather than sheer numbers"

There's no reason why the interests of 40 million Californians should have far, far less representation than the interests of residents of rural states. The majority should not be dominated by the minority - that's the essence of democracy.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "truth is, the founding fathers didn't think huge population centers should be able to suppress less populated areas with completely different interests"

There's no evidence rural areas are being suppressed. The reality is a minority of Americans are repressing the majority who favour gay equality and a women's right to choose. The electoral college system is antiquated and anti-democratic

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the only reason liberals think it's a problem is that they think we should have a huge centralized government"

That's a lie. Liberals think their votes should matter just as much as the votes of rural centres. That's the essence of democracy, which you clearly oppose.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "with a decentralized government, there's no issue"

There's a HUGE issue with 3000 Americans a day dying because the central government refused to take action and left it to the states. Trump is the most prominent and powerful man in the United States. It was his obligation to take control of the pandemic and mitigate it. Instead he did everything in his power to make it worse.

December 09, 2020 11:41 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Beth Stoneburner said "Evangelicals Will Be Forever Known As the People Who Traded Principles for Power"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "not really".


Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "they'll be remembered as those who made a rational choice between two bad candidates"

There was nothing rational about choosing a man who's told 20,000 lies to line his own pockets at the expense of the safety and security of the American people

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "they chose protecting the Constitution for the benefit of posterity"

They chose Republican attempts to destroy the constitution by arguing that Trump is above the law. They chose corruption and authoritarianism over the democratic Constitution.

December 09, 2020 11:45 PM  
Anonymous Constitution: est 1789, reaffirmed 2016 said...

"Here's what Trump supporters really believe about the election and his coup attempt"

liberals are infamous for trying to change the definition of words to further their agenda

challenging election results in court is not a "coup", by definition, because it depends on lawful means to seek redress of grievance

by arguing against the right of a candidate to do this, liberals undermine long-established democratic processes

these are processes Democrats have engaged in themselves many times

granted, Trump is being more aggressive than usual

that's his style

but there is no sign that either state legislators or judges fel\el intimidated in the least

liberals also undermine confidence with the obvious lie that no voter fraud occurred

some voter fraud occurs in every election

their legitimate argument should be there is no enough enough fraud to justify overturning or invalidating election results

I would guess that is correct but that's for the courts to determine

the courts are doing a fine job of handling this and Democrats should drop the hyperbole and let the courts do their job

"Blogger Priya Lynn said..."

Randy, no one cares what you say

you are persona non grata

December 10, 2020 6:48 AM  
Anonymous Constitution: est. 1789, reaffirmed 2016 said...

the lunatic fringe is pushing Biden to use dictatorial powers to work around the voter-elected legislative branch

he has embraced their efforts

goodbye, democracy:

WASHINGTON — Progressive lawmakers in "the squad" want to see President-elect Joe Biden use executive actions to cancel student loan debt, raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for federal contractors, declare climate change a national emergency and more.

Biden will likely have a tough time passing major legislation, even if Democrats win next month's Georgia runoffs and narrowly retake the Senate, so liberals are urging him to make use of the power of the office without involving Congress.

"We've all seen what it’s like trying to get meaningful legislation past Republicans in the Senate," Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., told NBC News. "We know that there is a lot that can be done at the executive level."

Omar, who has met with Biden transition officials and said she was "quite happy" to find them receptive to her ideas, submitted a list of potential executive actions that include some proposed by others on the left, such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

December 10, 2020 11:12 AM  
Anonymous homosexuality can't produce life, why would we call that a marriage? said...

"Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn"

imagine that...

one of the few Muslims in Congress, trying to undermine democracy

sent to Congress courtesy of the land of a thousand lakes and a racist police force

you feelin' Minnesota?

December 10, 2020 11:27 AM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

Biden isn't even been inaugurated yet, and we already have his first scandal!

It’s more than strange that Hunter Biden released a statement today in the form of an official press release from his father’s “Biden-Harris transition” operation, for the purpose of confirming he is under federal investigation for tax fraud.

“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” read his statement.

The statement had an addendum from his father: “President-elect Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.”

Sorry, that doesn’t wash.

For too long, Joe Biden has gotten away with cynically using sympathy for his druggie son to shield himself from scrutiny of his family’s shady moneymaking schemes.

But no longer is he a mere ­candidate.

Barring a miracle, Biden will be sworn in as president next month, and all the skeletons jumping around in his closet have grave ­implications for America’s national security.

When it comes to the Biden family’s business associations with Communist Party entities in China, it doesn’t get any more serious.

Damning evidence about the Bidens’ lucrative influence-peddling schemes overseas is on the laptop Hunter fecklessly abandoned at a Delaware Mac repair shop, which was handed to the FBI last December.

Further damning evidence emerged during the election campaign from Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, who was interviewed by the FBI on Oct. 23.

At the time, Bobulinksi said “Joe Biden and the Biden family is compromised” by the Chinese Communist Party. He revealed that the “big guy” referred to in an email on Hunter’s laptop as the recipient of 10 percent of a lucrative Chinese deal was none other than Joe Biden.

Bobulinski’s revelations and The Post’s stories about Hunter’s laptop were successfully suppressed during the election campaign by Big Tech and ignored by Biden’s media allies.

Just four days before the election, the Department of Justice confirmed that the FBI had been conducting a money-laundering investigation into Hunter since 2019, but the story barely caused a ripple.

So it is hard to believe that Hunter learned he was under federal investigation only “yesterday for the first time.”

Maybe the point of his statement was to head off an avalanche of damaging information emerging about the Biden family business and to frame the investigation merely as a tax probe.

But a money-laundering probe takes us to a sinister place in which payments from China were purchasing something of value from Hunter, and it wasn’t his expertise with a crack pipe.

Three reports this week point to serious concerns about China’s influence over the upcoming Biden administration and certain Democratic politicians.

December 10, 2020 11:53 AM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

The final report of the Senate Finance and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees, released Tuesday, details disturbing Biden family financial ties to China as well as Ukraine

A yearlong investigation by digital news outlet Axios reveals a political-intelligence operation run by China’s spy agency between 2011 and 2015, in which a spy developed “extensive ties with local and national politicians,” including Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee.

A video played by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in which a Chinese economics professor declared that China’s influence over American affairs via its friends on Wall Street had waned under President Trump but would be better than ever with Biden back in power.

You can go online to read the entire 87-page report by the Senate committees, titled “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns.”

It concludes: “Hunter Biden’s and his family’s financial transactions with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals raise criminal concerns and extortion threats.”

There is much disturbing material about Hunter’s lucrative gig on the board of Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian energy company.

But on China, our primary security threat, the report is more frightening.

“The records acquired by the Committees show consistent, significant and extensive financial connections among and between Hunter Biden, James Biden [Joe’s brother], Sara Biden [Joe’s sister-in law], Devon Archer [Hunter’s business partner], and Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime . . .

“These connections and the vast amount of money transferred among and between them don’t just raise conflicts-of-interest concerns, they raise criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns.”

The report also notes Joe’s denial that he ever spoke to Hunter about his business dealings.

Yeah, sure.

Then there is the Axios investigation that claims a Chinese spy named Christine Fang ingratiated herself with Democratic politicians in California, including Swalwell.

Fang helped Swalwell get elected in 2012, fundraised for him and “placed at least one intern in his office,” reports Axios. The relationship ended in 2015, when the FBI alerted Swalwell to Fang’s activities, after which she fled the country.

Swalwell, who has run Beijing’s lines on everything from North Korea to the coronavirus, yesterday laughably complained he was the victim of “law enforcement information weaponized” against him.

This is the same Swalwell who lied for years that Trump was a “Russian agent.”

Swalwell is a clear and present danger to American national security, with his access to classified information in his role on the Intelligence Committee. Are we supposed to take his word, or that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who placed him in that role, that nothing ­untoward has ­occurred?

The other alarming report this week came when Carlson aired part of a speech given in Shanghai two weeks ago by a prominent Chinese professor, Di Dongsheng, of Renmin University’s School of International ­Relations.

With remarkable candor, Di mapped out the way China has exploited its relationships with Wall Street and America’s “core inner circle of power and influence” to manipulate US domestic and foreign policy.

Trump’s election had temporarily disrupted China’s influence, Di said: “Wall Street couldn’t fix Trump.”

But a Biden administration would mean China could go back to business as usual, said Di, specifically pointing to Hunter’s business deals as the conduit serving China’s political interests.

“Trump has been saying that Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation . . . Who helped [Hunter] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals inside all this.”

If all of this isn’t grounds to appoint a special counsel to investigate the Biden family’s business dealings in China, nothing is.

After all, as Pelosi and Swalwell like to say: “No one is above the law.”

December 10, 2020 11:56 AM  
Anonymous Constitution: est. 1789, reaffirmed 2016 said...

"After all, as Pelosi and Swalwell like to say: “No one is above the law.”"

we need a special prosecutor appointed pronto!

before Joe "Il Duce" Biden takes power

December 10, 2020 1:23 PM  
Anonymous Ore Carmi said...

Heather Cox Richardson's letter tonight is again chock full of depressing examples of the depravity of Republicans. A few examples:

1. "Last week, Attorney General William Barr announced that he appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel in October to investigate the FBI agents who worked on the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. While the law about special counsels says they must come from outside the government, Barr claims to have found a loophole in that rule. Durham can be fired only for specific reasons such as conflict of interest or misconduct."
4. "The White House appears to be trying to sabotage the Biden administration not only by keeping the Biden team from information it needs, but by tying its hands and slowing it down. The day after the election, the Trump administration proposed a new rule requiring the new Department of Health and Human Services appointees to review most of the department’s regulations by 2023. The rule would automatically kill any regulations that haven’t been reviewed by then. This would mean that, just as the new administration is trying to fight the coronavirus, it would be slammed with administrative paperwork."

5. "Republican senators are also signaling that they intend to delay confirmations on Biden’s nominees, although in the past 95% of Cabinet nominees have had hearings before an inauguration, and 84% of those were approved within three days. "

This is so depressing. It seems that winning elections isn't enough. Republicans do everything they possibly can to make ruling impossible for Democrats. We're in for the fight of our lives to protect our governmental system from destruction in the name of sheer, meaningless power. Why can't Republicans be decent humans?

The whole letter, in case anyone's interested.

December 10, 2020 1:57 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Amanda Marcotte said "Here's what Trump supporters really believe about the election and his coup attempt"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "liberals are infamous for trying to change the definition of words to further their agenda challenging election results in court is not a "coup", by definition, because it depends on lawful means to seek redress of grievance"

Trump is demanding that courts and Republican legislatures declare him victor despite not getting as many votes - that's not at all lawful - that is a coup.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "by arguing against the right of a candidate to do this, liberals undermine long-established democratic processes these are processes Democrats have engaged in themselves many times".

Trump and his supporters demanding Republican politicians ignore the will of the people to declare Trump the winner is ant-democratic. No Democrat has done this. Imagine if Hillary had declared herself the winner in 2016 and used a flood of lies to try to pressure the courts into overturning the election!

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "granted, Trump is being more aggressive than usual that's his style"

Now who's changing the definition of words? A dictatorial power grab is far, far more than "more aggessive than usual".

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "but there is no sign that either state legislators or judges fel\el intimidated in the least"

17 Republican states joined Texas in demanding that all mail in ballots be thrown out - they are obviously being intimidated by Trump.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "liberals also undermine confidence with the obvious lie that no voter fraud occurred some voter fraud occurs in every election"

Trump and his supporters claim there was significant voter fraud that changed the results of the election. That's the lie that's undermining confidence.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "their legitimate argument should be there is no enough enough fraud to justify overturning or invalidating election results".

There is no practical difference between saying "there was no voter fraud" and "there were 4 fraudulent votes in the election out of 155 million cast". The big Trump lie is that there was significant voter fraud - why don't you condemn his lies?

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the courts are doing a fine job of handling this and Democrats should drop the hyperbole and let the courts do their job"

Republicans are throwing a flood of lies at the courts and the public and undermining confidence in the election results and threatening election officials. They are demanding that the results be overturned and Trump declared winner. You poo-pooing this attack on democracy shows you support this coup.

December 10, 2020 2:15 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "but there is no sign that either state legislators or judges fel\el[sic] intimidated in the least"

Tell that to the election officials getting death threats and having armed Trump supporters marching on their houses. Trump is praising these threats of violence and people legitimately fear for their lives.

And you lie to people and claim it isn't happening. You sick perverts.

You dictator supporting right wing authoritarians

December 10, 2020 2:21 PM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

"Heather Cox Richardson's letter tonight is again chock full"


who is that?

"Last week, Attorney General William Barr announced that he appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel in October to investigate the FBI agents who worked on the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. While the law about special counsels says they must come from outside the government, Barr claims to have found a loophole in that rule. Durham can be fired only for specific reasons such as conflict of interest or misconduct."

oh, that's so "depraved"...LOL

he could have just resigned ad then been appointed

Robert Mueller was FBI director, violating citizen rights, for years

"The day after the election, the Trump administration proposed a new rule requiring the new Department of Health and Human Services appointees to review most of the department’s regulations by 2023. The rule would automatically kill any regulations that haven’t been reviewed by then. This would mean that, just as the new administration is trying to fight the coronavirus, it would be slammed with administrative paperwork."

Biden won't mind filling out paperwork

he loves regulations

good for him to get a taste of his own medicine

"Republican senators are also signaling that they intend to delay confirmations on Biden’s nominees, although in the past 95% of Cabinet nominees have had hearings before an inauguration, and 84% of those were approved within three days. "

send some candidates acceptable to the Senators that won their elections, and you will have no problem

this is a representative democracy, not a monarchy

"This is so depressing. It seems that winning elections isn't enough."

Dems, who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome used all their resources on winning the Presidency

hence, they lost the Congress and have no power

what should depress you is how stupid your leaders are

"We're in for the fight of our lives to protect our governmental system from destruction in the name of sheer, meaningless power."

in a democracy, power comes from winning elections

Dems didn't win

"Why can't Republicans be decent humans?"

and, by "decent", you mean give Dems power they didn't earn at the ballot box


"The whole letter, in case anyone's interested."

I don't think anyone is

"Blogger Priya Lynn said..."

Randy, no one will read or respond to any of your comments

you're persona non grata

if you'd like to be persona grata, you have some work to do

December 10, 2020 2:38 PM  
Anonymous just think: Biden won't be able to put Merrick Garland on the court said...

"just as the new administration is trying to fight the coronavirus"

it's a well-known secret that Joe "wo wants to buy some influence" Biden has no plan to fight the coronavirus

he's just lucky Trump poured billions into research that devised a vaccine in less than a year

December 10, 2020 2:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Heather Cox Richardson said "Republican senators are also signaling that they intend to delay confirmations on Biden’s nominees, although in the past 95% of Cabinet nominees have had hearings before an inauguration, and 84% of those were approved within three days. "

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "send some candidates acceptable to the Senators that won their elections, and you will have no problem this is a representative democracy, not a monarchy"

Its not a democracy when the system is biased enough to allow Republicans to win with a minority of the votes. Democrats got millions more votes for Congress than Republicans did.

Ore Cami said "This is so depressing. It seems that winning elections isn't enough."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Dems, who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome used all their resources on winning the Presidency hence, they lost the Congress and have no power".

Congress hasn't been lost. Democrats got millions more votes for Congress than Republicans did. The system is biased in favour of Republicans. The people want Democrats in charge.

Ore Cami "We're in for the fight of our lives to protect our governmental system from destruction in the name of sheer, meaningless power."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "in a democracy, power comes from winning elections Dems didn't win".

Dems won the presidency and the House. Republicans only "won" the Senate because the system gives more weight to Republican votes than Democratic votes.

Ore Cami said "Why can't Republicans be decent humans?"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "and, by "decent", you mean give Dems power they didn't earn at the ballot box"

Democrats DID earn it at the ballot box by getting millions more votes for the presidency and Congress than Republicans did. Only Republican corruption allows them to retain power. THAT'S what she means by "Why can't Republicans be decent humans?"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "it's a well-known secret that Joe "wo wants to buy some influence" Biden has no plan to fight the coronavirus".

Trump mocked every attempt to mitigate the pandemic and held many super spreader events that made it worse. Joe Biden will put a stop to that and bring it under control.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "he's just lucky Trump poured billions into research that devised a vaccine in less than a year".

Trump didn't "pour billions" into research. He had nothing to do with this and Phizer developed its vaccine without being any part of the Trump pretend program for virus development. Trump has only harmed and done nothing to help.

December 10, 2020 3:16 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "h*sexuality can't produce life, why would we call that a marriage?"

Infertile heterosexual couples can't produce life, why would we call that a marriage? If that's a marriage so are same sex unions.

Val Wilde said "At Clyde High School and its sibling schools within the Clyde Consolidated Independent School District in Texas, girls may choose to wear nail polish to class or not, as they please. It’s a matter of course; it’s not seen as inappropriate for a girl to paint her nails.

But have a gay male student paint his nails, and suddenly the sky is falling."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "it's the hyperbolic mentality of lunatic fringe h*sexual advocates that equates dress codes with falling skies"

Its the anti-gay bigots who say a boy wearing nail polish means the skies are falling. Bigots like you oppose people's freedom to do what they want even though they aren't hurting anyone. There's no valid reason to oppose a boy wearing feminine items.

Val Wilde said "The issue, Wilkinson contends, is that the dress code isn’t consistently implemented; there are different rules for male and female students,"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "been that way since Adam was a pup gender differences have consequences".

There's no need for gender at birth to "have consequences" and "we've always done it that way" isn't a justification for continuing to do so. People have a right to whatever gender expression they want as they are not hurting anyone. Perverts like you seek to punish the innocent for no good reason.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "people who defy gender go nuts"

People who fight who they are go nuts. Look at Wyatt and Regina fighting their own same sex attractions - their lives are consumed with anger at those they resent who accept themselves.

December 10, 2020 3:32 PM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

international relief organizations recently said that the completely unnecessary lockdowns pushed by Dems will increase famine and poverty by 40% in 2021

people will die because of these political games by Dems

similarly, research has shown that the institutionalized elderly have shown rising dementia associated with COVID lockdowns

although, at least for the elderly, it was a necessary trade-off

now, the effect on school age children:

"WASHINGTON — As parents remain bitterly divided over the return of in-person classroom instruction, children faced a greater risk of abuse or neglect because their contact with the outside world has been significantly curtailed by school closures and other restrictive measures. Those are the findings of two separate studies published on Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The studies — along with other recent findings about learning outcomes, food insecurity and mental health — paint a grim picture of childhood development in the midst of a pandemic, leading UNICEF, the United Nations childhood agency, to warn of “a lost COVID generation” in a recent report.

Researchers blamed the increased risk of child abuse on factors including “heightened stress, school closures, loss of income, and social isolation.” They also suggested that “strengthening families’ economic supports” could help ease contributing stressors."

Schools should have never shut down

kids weren't at risk

Dems have a lot to answer for

December 10, 2020 4:27 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Battleground States Roast Paxton In Response Briefs

December 10, 2020 Trump Corruption, Trump cultists

CNN reports:

Each of the four battleground states targeted by a Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn President Donald Trump’s election defeat issued blistering briefs at the Supreme Court on Thursday, with Pennsylvania officials going so far as to call the effort a “seditious abuse of the judicial process.”

“Texas’s effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact. The Court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated,” wrote Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro.

December 10, 2020 8:48 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Moronic Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Democrats have a lot to answer for"

Trump is the most powerful and prominent man in the country. He was in charge of this and it is an absolute disaster with now 3000 people a day dying.

Trump strongly opposed all mitigation measures and encouraged all conservatives to do the same. This thing is out of control because of Trump and conservatives.

December 10, 2020 8:50 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "international relief organizations recently said that the completely unnecessary lockdowns pushed by Democrats will increase famine and poverty by 40% in 2021"

Oh really? Which ones?

Wyatt and Regina lie as prolifically as Trump - don't believe a word they say. The countries that have done the best with Covid employed lockdowns right away.

December 10, 2020 8:56 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Rep James Clyburn says the Trump administration may have deliberately tried to "conceal and destroy evidence that senior political appointees interfered" with the CDC's coronavirus response.

The allegations stem from a CDC staffer's testimony on Monday.

Like all government agencies, Trump has threatened employee jobs if they don't go along with his fictions about coronavirus.

December 10, 2020 9:56 PM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

the coronavirus, although very contagious, has never had a high mortality rate among otherwise healthy people under 65

and it seems to be mutating into a less deadly version, with about the same death rate as the flu

whenever a rational person brings this point up, the control freaks say we need to lock down because if this is going around in the general public, it will eventually get into the nursing homes

this argument in favor of lockdowns will vanish over the next month as every nursing home resident in America will be inoculated by the vaccines developed and paid for by the insight of our lame duck President

furthermore, schools should have never shut down as they have proven not to spread the virus

not only are school age children less likely to die from the disease, they are also less likely to have symptomatic cases and less likely to be contagious

recently, NYC closed the schools when the positivity rate in the city rose to 3.9% even though the positivity rate in schools was .9%

they have recognized their error and reopened

could someone let the rest of the idiot blue state governors in America know?

ten years from now, historians will cite the folly of lockdowns and the societal destruction they caused

Dems will go down as villains that caused much suffering and death

here's the search results from rise in poverty from COVID lockdowns

enjoy reading the 77 million hits, including a study by the World Bank:

here's the search results from school lockdowns from COVID, with 232 million hits, including the director of the CDC saying school is the safest place for kids

Democrats have a lot to answer for

Americans will let them know over the next few years

the defeat they suffered in the the 2020 election is just the beginning

never again will politicians push lockdowns and defunding the police!

December 11, 2020 5:49 AM  
Anonymous more needless suffering caused by despicable Dems and their beloved shutdowns... said...

We’ve all seen news reports indicating how hard it is these days to get a bed in an Intensive Care Unit, given the spiking numbers of cases of COVID-19. But if you think finding a spot in an ICU is tough, try getting a bed in an alcohol or drug rehab.

A new study finds that Americans locked away in their homes due to COVID-19 are turning to alcohol and drugs in greater numbers than ever, to cope with pandemic-related stress. One in three Americans has engaged in binge drinking since the pandemic began. The study defines binge drinking as taking as many as seven drinks in a single session.

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health, was based on interviews with almost 2,000 Americans in the first month of the pandemic.

Why are Americans drinking so much? The reasons are endless.

Human beings are creatures of habit, and we have seen most, if not all, of our routines kicked to the curb by COVID-19 lockdown regulations. Unfortunately, unintended consequences from the lockdowns have created even more societal ills than government officials ever imagined.

People are drinking too much and too often because they have lost their jobs or businesses, or fear they will soon be out of work.

They are under stress because they are spending far more time than usual with loved ones, and not everyone’s marriage or relationship was all that solid before the pandemic began.

Their finances are upside down and they fear that things won’t turn around anytime soon.

People are also suffering because their children are suffering. Therapists report that depression among children is off the charts, as they are missing their classrooms, their sports, their extracurricular activities, their friends, and their own routines.

Since no parent is happier than his or her least happy child, parents are suffering, too. Parents of school-age children may be binging slightly less than everyone else, but even they are drinking far too much.

Binge drinking has enormous social and economic costs. In the short term, it’s hard to get your work done, if you still have work, when you’re drunk. Moreover, the social cost of broken relationships due to alcohol and drug abuse will spiral in years to come, as a result of the binge drinking that’s going on right now. Children will pay the price for their parents’ divorces, fueled by COVID-related alcohol and substance abuse, for decades to come.

Binge drinking can also lead to tragedy, when intoxicated individuals get behind the wheel. As lockdown-related alcohol abuse increases, so does the likelihood that more innocent people will die. Will they be counted as COVID victims? No, but they should be.

December 11, 2020 7:24 AM  
Anonymous more needless suffering caused by despicable Dems and their beloved shutdowns... said...

Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs responded to the pandemic by moving most of their meetings online. Those who think they may have a problem with alcohol or other substances can search for the local Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous website in their communities and find both Zoom and face-to-face meetings.

There’s no shame in admitting the possibility of a problem with alcohol and drugs; the real shame is recognizing that one may have a problem and doing nothing about it.

Ironically, sober members of Alcoholics Anonymous may be among the mentally healthiest in our society these days, as they enjoy socialization through meetings and daily contact and support from other members. Twelve-step meetings combat the isolation that drinkers experienced when they were drinking and using drugs to excess.

The challenge is that most newcomers to 12-step programs can’t get the full experience of being in AA by participating in a Zoom call. What’s missing is the opportunity to meet seasoned members of those groups and have face-to-face conversations. Those discussions create a sense of trust and hope and inspire newcomers to return to additional meetings and move toward abstinence from drugs and alcohol.

In many regions of the country, face-to-face AA meetings are still taking place, so Zoom is not the only choice for the problem drinker who wants to find help. Again, a quick call to the local Central Office for Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous or any of the other Anonymous fellowships can get locations and times for face-to-face meetings as well as Zoom meetings.

Where face-to-face meetings still exist, members report a higher influx of newcomers than ever. The anecdotal experience of people in 12-step programs confirms what the new study on binge drinking during the pandemic reveals—that more and more people are seeking to drown their sorrows, but in doing so, are simply multiplying their problems. Which makes it harder than ever to find a bed in an alcohol or drug rehab, just when they are needed the most.

One day, we will look back on the shutdowns of our vital institutions—our schools, our churches and synagogues, our gyms, our libraries—and we will have to determine whether the suffering in terms of depression, alcoholism and drug addiction, failed marriages, and suicide was really worth the cost.

Perhaps government officials will explain, one day, why marijuana dispensaries and liquor stores were deemed “essential” and remained open from day one…while churches and synagogues were shuttered until they were only reopened by the U.S. Supreme Court.

By focusing primarily on the desire to arrest the pandemic, we may have caused far more human suffering than the novel coronavirus ever could have.

And I won’t drink to that.

December 11, 2020 7:25 AM  
Anonymous Gee, who could have guessed this would happen at churches? said...

RICHMOND, Va. (WVIR) - Governor Ralph Northam held a COVID-19 briefing Thursday, December 10, where he announced new COVID-19 restrictions.

Gov. Northam introduced the following restrictions that will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Monday, Dec. 14, and will be in place until at least January 31:

A modified stay-at-home order, with a curfew from midnight to 5 a.m. unless you have to travel for work.
Masks are now required for all indoor settings, as well as outdoors when you can’t maintain social distance.
Social gatherings are limited to 10 people. The restrictions on restaurants remain unchanged.
“I hear people talk about their rights, and I’m all about rights” Northam said. “But I think we need to talk about responsibility. I think all of us have a responsibility right now to look out for our fellow mankind.”

The new restrictions also address spectators at recreational sports. For indoor sports, there is a limit of 25 people per field. For outdoor sports, 2 guests per player will be allowed.

The governor is also encouraging Virginians to telework if they are able.

Northam also says they’re stepping up enforcement efforts of restrictions. The governor says about 90% of people are doing the right thing, but there are those who are not. When asked about enforcement of restrictions, he said it will be similar to what they’re already been doing with businesses.

COVID-19 vaccinations may start in Virginia as early as this weekend, pending FDA approval.

Northam says he doesn’t understand who flaunt the rules, especially since it is so easy to wear a mask and to stay home when you can.

When asked about some private schools being open when public schools are virtual, Northam says there is no one-size-fits-all solution and so he is continuing to let localities make those decisions.

Northam says a lot of COVID-19 cases are coming from in-person religious worshiping where folks didn’t follow mask-wearing or social-distancing rules. The commonwealth does not enforce restrictions in houses of worship.

“This year we need to think about what is truly the most important things. Is it the worship or the building?” Northam asked. “For me God is wherever you are. Worship with a mask on is still worship. Outside or online is still worship.”

In closing, Northam acknowledged that the holidays this year will look different, but looking ahead, he says he sees optimism and hope.

December 11, 2020 9:59 AM  
Anonymous homosexual "marriage" is sado-masochistic said...

Good news, the Dems are onboard to prevent transgender lunacy:

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) introduced legislation in the House on Thursday that would bar schools from receiving federal funding if they allow transgender girls and women and non-binary people to compete on sports teams consistent with their gender identities.

The bill — co-sponsored by Republican Rep. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma — was met with immediate outrage from lunatic fringe transgender activists who ranted that the legislation was “blatantly transphobic.”

The “Protect Women’s Sports Act” seeks to clarify that Title IX protections for female athletes are “based on biological sex,” Gabbard and Mullin said in a statement.

Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in educational programs that receive federal financial assistance. The new bill would bar schools from receiving such funds if they permit “a person whose biological sex at birth is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls.”

A similar bill was introduced in the Senate earlier this year by Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Georgia) and other Republicans. Loeffler is one of two Republican senators facing competitive runoff elections in Georgia in January.

December 11, 2020 10:43 AM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

"Northam says a lot of COVID-19 cases are coming from in-person religious worshiping where folks didn’t follow mask-wearing or social-distancing rules. The commonwealth does not enforce restrictions in houses of worship."

an outrageous and unconstitutional comment from a government official

there is no evidence this is true and, thus, represents bigotry

December 11, 2020 10:45 AM  
Anonymous gays love Judy Garland - here's a holiday ditty for them,,, said...

"immediate outrage from lunatic fringe transgender activists who ranted that the legislation was “blatantly transphobic."

maybe they can take it to the Supreme Court!


December 11, 2020 11:04 AM  
Anonymous Kavanaugh would like to meet your wife - alone said...

"an outrageous and unconstitutional comment from a government official"

Apparently, any comments you don't like are "outrageous and unconstitutional."

"Outrageous" because religious zealots can't handle reality infringing on their beliefs, and quickly have a case of "the vapors" when it intrudes, and "unconstitutional" because you obviously have no idea what that word means, but you think it will somehow advance your argument.

"maybe they can take it to the Supreme Court!"

They'll have to stand in line behind Rump and 17 Republican AGs trying to overthrow the will of the electorate.

Republicans have given up on democracy and are ripe and ready for full-blown dictatorship. Funny how often they slandered Obama with that term.

Why do they hate the Constitution so much?

December 11, 2020 11:24 AM  
Anonymous Constitution: est. 1789, reaffirmed 2016 said...

"Apparently, any comments you don't like are "outrageous and unconstitutional."

"Outrageous" because religious zealots can't handle reality infringing on their beliefs, and quickly have a case of "the vapors" when it intrudes, and "unconstitutional" because you obviously have no idea what that word means, but you think it will somehow advance your argument."

you're getting yourself tied up into rhetorical knots

I think it's "outrageous and unconstitutional" when a government official makes a derogatory comment about a religious institution without any evidence that the comment is true

that's actually the definition of bigotry

look it up

"They'll have to stand in line behind Rump and 17 Republican AGs trying to overthrow the will of the electorate."

yes, they will

but there is no reason to believe the court will rule in the favor of lunatic fringe transgender activists

the attack on the idea of gender has gone far enough and everyone is beginning to see the folly in it

"Republicans have given up on democracy and are ripe and ready for full-blown dictatorship. Funny how often they slandered Obama with that term."

well, Dems are already trying to get Biden to ignore he legislature elected by the voters and rule by executive order

Republicans are following the rules designed to protect democracy from voter fraud

I'd agree that their case is not strong, but there is nothing undemocratic about the process

"Why do they hate the Constitution so much?"

a funny thing to say about a party that restored the courts to constitutional originalism

the way to attack a written document is to reinterpret its language

nothing else would qualify as an attack

and I don't have to ask why you hate the Constitution

I know

it's because the freedom and rights it enumerates interfere with your agenda

it's not complicated

liberty is not equality in school

December 11, 2020 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Republicans aren't the solution. Republicans are the problem. said...

"I think it's "outrageous and unconstitutional" when a government official makes a derogatory comment about a religious institution without any evidence that the comment is true"

Outbreaks at churches have been documented at least since May, and video evidence of maskless churches gatherings can be seen on the news. A number of pastors and church goers have gotten ill and some of them have died. There is no evidence the gov is lying about this, and he has access to more state medical data than you do.

He is a far more credible source of info than you are.

"well, Dems are already trying to get Biden to ignore he legislature elected by the voters and rule by executive order"

Can you be more specific? I have no idea what you're bloviating about on that one.

"Republicans are following the rules designed to protect democracy from voter fraud"

No, they're trying to overturn the outcome of an election they didn't like with accusations of voter fraud, but not any actual evidence. Republicans wrote the rules and help passed them in many states for reducing voter fraud. They've been doing that for years. Now they want to change the rules after the vote. Somehow that strikes me as undemocratic at least, if not unconstitutional.

"a funny thing to say about a party that restored the courts to constitutional originalism"

That's what Christian Dominionist keep trying to tell people so they don't recognize Republicans are stacking the courts with people who will put religion above the law and the Constitution. Religious states aren't known for doing well in the long run. Iran is a good example.

"the way to attack a written document is to reinterpret its language
nothing else would qualify as an attack"

Yeah, I'm sure you'll be happy when the "constitutional originalists" make it possible to go back to counting slaves as 3/5ths of a person.

"and I don't have to ask why you hate the Constitution"

I don't hate the Constitution at all - I'm a huge fan of it - especially the part about separation of church and state. The problem is that conservatives think it only applies in one direction - namely that of the state imposing religions on people. Conservatives have no problems imposing their religious beliefs on other citizens, and getting the government to enforce those beliefs - for example idea vehemently expressed by some religious zealots that gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry.

It's fine for you to believe that. It's not fine for you to get the government to coerce other people to believe that.

"liberty is not equality in school"

Indeed, that's why many children are still bullied in school. LGBTQ people are frequently the targets of Christian activists and bullies. Religious zealots relish their liberty to harass, condemn, and marginalize LGBTQ people at every opportunity - making it difficult for them to get jobs, or change their names, or even just exist in the public sphere. They have well-funded campaigns to demonize and denigrate LGBTQ people.

LGBTQ people are at liberty to fight back and make sure they are afforded the same opportunities religious people are granted.

The Constitution is there to protect ALL US citizens - not just the religious majority. That's the part you hate about the Constitution.

"Constitutional Originalism" is just a propaganda smokescreen.

December 11, 2020 1:23 PM  
Anonymous Disenfranchising millions of voters isn't a good look for Republicans said...

"liberty is not equality in school"

This statement reveals a lot.

It shows that at a fundamental level you don't actually believe in equality, or "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..."

Your insistence for governmental intrusions into the lives of LGBT people belies your underlying insecurities, and your desperate need to use the power of the state to enforce your sense of "superiority."

But your insecurities, and those of other religious zealots like you are not enough reason to infringe on the lives and liberties of LGBT people.

December 11, 2020 1:56 PM  
Anonymous Constitution: est 1789, reaffirmed 2016 said...

There are two kinds of bias in the media. First there is the kind we regularly see from many – not all – outlets in broad daylight, which includes openly rooting for one political party while echoing rapid-response opposition research against another. And then there is the more invisible, insidious variety — the bias of omission.

If teaching a class in the latter, as it pertains to the bombshell admission that President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has been under grand jury investigation for "tax affairs" by the U.S. attorney's office in Delaware, then the bias of omission absolutely has been applied in the most blatant manner.

To be clear, omission-bias is when an outlet or publication purposely suppresses or outright ignores a newsworthy story that is carried by others. In this case, the "others" initially was an exclusive in the New York Post, which was dismissed immediately by other media outlets and by Democrats as Russian disinformation or a smear campaign by the Trump administration.

And not just dismissed, either. The story was outright banned from public discourse by social media giant Twitter, which limited its members from sharing a New York Post report on Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine and China. This New York Post report wasn't just the usual "he-said, she-said" hearsay that we once saw on a daily basis as it pertained to alleged Russian collusion and the Trump campaign. It contained actual emails from Hunter Biden's own laptop.

As a result, Twitter went through the Orwellian exercise of locking the New York Post's Twitter account while initially demanding that the country's oldest newspaper delete its original tweet or stay in social-media lockdown for the foreseeable future. The locked accounts also extended to those who shared the Post's reporting, a list that included White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who said at the time that Twitter "essentially" had her at "gunpoint" by locking her out of her account with its 5.7 million followers. The Trump campaign account at the time also was locked for committing the same “crime,” as were several prominent conservatives for sharing the story.

So, while the novel "1984" was playing out as nonfiction in 2020 leading up to Election Day, the media mostly yawned in not defending the New York Post in any capacity. In fact, the coverage was very much the opposite:

December 11, 2020 5:59 PM  
Anonymous Constitution: est 1789, reaffirmed 2016 said...

And then there was the exchange between President Trump and CBS’s Lesley Stahl shortly before a contentious "60 Minutes" interview regarding the anchor's refusal to broach the Hunter Biden story. “This is the most important issue in the country right now?” Stahl asked Trump when he broached the topic.

“It’s a very important issue to find out whether a man’s corrupt who’s running for president, who’s accepted money from China, and Ukraine, and from Russia,” Trump replied. “Take a look at what’s going on, Leslie, and you say that shouldn’t be discussed? I think it’s one of the biggest scandals I’ve ever seen, and you don’t cover it.”

“Well, because it can’t be verified,” Stahl shot back. “I’m telling you —”

“Of course it can be verified,” Trump retorted. “Excuse me, Leslie, they found a laptop —”

“It can’t be verified,” Stahl repeated.

Well, it's difficult to verify anything when you don't bother to check under the hood in the first place, right? Because that's exactly what happened here, except that the cake was baked with a condemnation of the few who decided to pursue the story.

Taxpayer-funded NPR summed up the pious perspective at the time with an explanation that still lives in infamy on Twitter. "We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories. And we don't want to waste the listeners' and readers' time on stories that are just pure distractions," wrote NPR's managing editor for news on Oct. 22.

For the past four years, and even post-Mueller report, American viewers and readers were inundated with stories of purported Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. The Eric Swalwells and Adam Schiffs of the world were booked hundreds of times on cable news with claims that President Trump was an agent of Putin.

Then a real story with actual evidence hit: Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop, texts and witnesses close to Biden, including business partner Tony Bobulinski going on the record.

But an election was coming. And, so, the media mantra apparently became: Protect the candidate at all costs. Dismiss the story as an "alternative facts," "right-wing media" fantasy.

Gallup and the Knight Foundation have found that 84 percent of Americans believe the media bears the blame for the divide in this country.

Just one-in-ten believes social media has a positive impact on the country.

If looking for a textbook reason for that finding of overwhelming, disturbing sentiment, look no further than the way the Hunter Biden story was handled before the 2020 election.

December 11, 2020 5:59 PM  
Anonymous There are a LOT of Republicans that need to apologize for their attacks on democracy as well said...

The Orlando Sentinel’s editorial board issued an apology Friday for endorsing Rep. Michael Waltz, one of the Republican members of Congress supporting President Donald Trump’s baseless crusade to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The apology, a highly unusual one from a newspaper, comes a day after Waltz joined eight other Florida Republicans in supporting a Texas lawsuit asking the U.S. Supreme Court to toss election results in four states where Trump lost to President-elect Joe Biden.

"We apologize to our readers for endorsing Michael Waltz in the 2020 general election for Congress.

We had no idea, had no way of knowing at the time, that Waltz was not committed to democracy.

During our endorsement interview with the incumbent congressman, we didn’t think to ask, “Would you support an effort to throw out the votes of tens of millions of Americans in four states in order to overturn a presidential election and hand it to the person who lost, Donald Trump?”

Our bad."

The editorial board added that “some variation of that question will be asked of anyone running for Congress in the future, particularly Republican candidates whose party is attempting to upend the way we choose a president.”

Waltz defended the lawsuit on Thursday and propped up Trump’s unfounded claims that there was widespread voter fraud in the election.

“For those who are saying this is threatening democracy,” he told The Daytona Beach News-Journal on Thursday, “I think ignoring them or sweeping them under the rug is bad for our democracy and restoring the confidence by working through these issues is what’s good for a democracy. And I think that’s exactly what we should do,”

The Orlando Sentinel’s editorial board said it endorsed Waltz ahead of the November election because of his good working relationship with Democrats. It should have taken his missteps more seriously, the board wrote Friday.

"We were impressed this year, as we were in 2018, with Waltz’s seeming pragmatism, though less impressed with his willingness to crash a congressional hearing during Trump’s impeachment proceedings.

We should have taken that hyperpartisan, juvenile lapse in judgment more seriously, given it more weight. Because it really was a red flag, a sign that Waltz’s loyalty isn’t to the Constitution but to a president whose flaws are deep, profound and dangerous."

December 12, 2020 1:20 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Fox Poll: Majority Say Things Are Worse Under Trump

Fifty-five percent of voters in the the poll said they believe the U.S. is worse off now than it was four years ago.

December 12, 2020 12:04 PM  
Anonymous JackFknTwist said...

"We promised you to have an early vaccine. We have now delivered on the promise in record time."

No, there is no "WE", royal 'we' or otherwise.
The BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine was developed by two Turkish medical scientists living and working in Germany, then it was produced and trialed by Pfizer and brought to production by Pfizer.

No, no money from Trump's fantasy 'Warp Speed' was used by Pfizer, the company did it from their own resources.
There is no 'we'.
Trump claiming credit is a delusion. Trump can claim that the uncontrolled spread of death, with a 9/11 figure of death every day, that he can claim.
"It's a democrat hoax to prevent me being elected."
"I didn't say anything about the virus because I didn't want to scare people."
"It will all be gone by Easter"

Yeah, I know I am repeating things, but Trump trying to take credit now nauseates me.
He caused the pandemic to get out of control.
He can take credit for the lack of preparedness and for the hundreds of thousands of deaths, nothing else.

Meanwhile, Trump's busy losing over 50 court cases and busy executing prisoners before Biden can save them.
Trump is a pervert.

December 12, 2020 12:57 PM  
Anonymous Nice suit there said...

Current Trump score in the courts: 1 win, 58 losses.

Can he reach sixty before he runs out of steam?

I don't know if anyone has ever lost fifty-eight court cases in three weeks before.

December 12, 2020 4:51 PM  
Anonymous No Trophy for You said...

"This Court has allowed [President Trump] the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff 'asks that the Rule of Law be followed. It has been."

- Judge Brett Ludwig
Appointed three months ago by Donald Trump

December 12, 2020 5:18 PM  
Anonymous Justin Amash said...

The election fraud hoax will go down as one of the most embarrassing and dishonourable episodes in American political history, and countless Republican officials went along with it and promoted it.

December 12, 2020 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Jamie Raskin said...

The Republican party today is like a massive religious cult surrounding an organized crime family headed by a deranged narcissist.

December 12, 2020 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Hemant Mehta said...

The U.S. Ranks 24th in Global Ranking of Nations Promoting Freedom of Thought

For the ninth straight year, Humanists International has released its annual “Freedom of Thought Report” describing serious cases of discrimination and persecution against atheists around the world. You can download the report right here by clicking on the “Download the 2020 Key Countries” link.

As you’d expect from anything released in 2020, there’s a lot of bad news. The report says that blasphemy is a criminal offense in at least 68 countries, religious courts settle cases in 48 countries, atheists are prohibited from holding at least some elected offices in 26 countries, and there is open harassment and violence against atheists in 12 countries.

" Our findings show that the overwhelming majority of countries fail to respect the rights of humanists, atheists and the non-religious. For example, there are laws that deny atheists’ right to identify, revoke their right to citizenship, restrict their right to marry, obstruct their access to or experience of public education, prohibit them from holding public office, prevent them from working for the state, or criminalize the expression of their views on and criticism of religion. In the worst cases, the state or non-state actors may execute the non-religious for leaving the religion of their parents, may deny the rights of atheists to exist, or may seek total control over their beliefs and actions."

In some cases, nations even blamed the pandemic on sin, implying that atheists were somehow to blame for COVID because they rejected God’s divinity.

The worst nations in the world when it comes to freedom of thought are, in order, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The best include Belgium, the Netherlands, and Taiwan.

The United States ranks 24th on that list of 141 nations, an improvement from 32nd last year. We scored lower due to “official symbolic deference to religion,” infrequent but recurring and widespread social marginalization against the non-religious, and “discriminatory prominence… given to religious bodies, traditions or leaders.”

Still, despite any social stigma against atheists, there’s very little legal opposition to our existence. When it exists, it’s not enforceable. Hopefully, with a new Democratic administration, the worst faith-based actions of our country will end. Either way, though, the U.S. is hardly a model of free speech and religious freedom for the rest of the world because we’ve allowed right-wing Christians to dictate policy and had to fight to stop them from creeping closer to a theocracy. The Supreme Court is now controlled by a conservative super-majority that has already shown unnecessary deference to religion. It’ll take a lot to fight back.

December 12, 2020 6:54 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The state of Texas asked the Supreme Court to break the law and throw out the election results in four battleground states. A majority of Republican congressmen and 17 other Republican states joined in this attempted coup.

Its scary to think how close Republicans came to ending American democracy. If four Republican judges had wanted to establish a Trump dictatorship it would have happened.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous says Trump "has a right to exhaust all his legal appeals", but Trump has gone far beyond legal appeals to demanding that people break the law and throw out millions of democratically cast votes for no reason.

Republicans are still doing everything the can, legal and not, to overturn the will of the people. They stand for no principles beyond seizing and maintaining power over the majority.

December 12, 2020 7:01 PM  
Anonymous John Harwood said...

Trump's presidency has been a gift to Russia. He undermined NATO, withheld military aid to Ukraine, abandoned commitments to democracy/human rights. Excused Putin's crimes, yielded to Russian troops in the Mideast, dismissed 2016 election interference as a hoax.

Now Trump's been voted out by Americans, but he's still serving Russia.

He's devoting his final days in office - and suggesting he might devote his post-presidency, to a long standing Russian objective: destroying faith in U.S. elections.

December 12, 2020 7:27 PM  
Anonymous August J. Pollak said...

Approximately 15 seconds after Biden is elected President of the United States, the Republican party and the majority of the American news media will suddenly realize that the debt is a problem again.

December 12, 2020 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Adam Schiff said...

During impeachment, Republicans said "let the voters decide."

Now that the voters have decided and Trump has lost,

Republicans are suing to overturn the election.

It's clear it was never about the voters, our constitution, or our democracy.

Only staying in power.

December 12, 2020 9:24 PM  
Anonymous Shawn Johnson said...

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Jill Karofsky to Trump campaign attorney Jim Troupis:

"In this state, we accept the will of the voters and they spoke."

"You want us to overturn this election so that your king can stay in power."

December 12, 2020 10:02 PM  
Anonymous The Biggest Loser still runs the Republican Party said...

A Wisconsin Supreme Court justice came right out and said it Saturday when she blasted Donald Trump’s attorney over a lawsuit challenging state election results that “smacks of racism.”

Justice Jill Karofsky also slammed the legal action as “not normal,” and as an assault on a “legitimate election” that has failed to produce a single case of fraud.

“What you want is for us to overturn this election so that your king can stay in power,” said Karofsky. “That is so un-American.”

Karofsky attacked lawyer James Troupis in a virtual hearing on a case filed by the lame-duck president and Vice President Mike Pence seeking to jettison all absentee ballots in two counties — Dane and Milwaukee — that voted for Joe Biden.

The counties are the “most urban, nonwhite, largest counties” in the state that “voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden,” Karofsky’s colleague Justice Rebecca Dallet said.

Karofsky said to Troupis that the lawsuit has singled out two counties of 72 in the state, “targeted because of their diverse populations, because they’re urban, I presume, because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of racism.”

She added: “I do not know how you can come before this court and possibly ask us for a remedy that is unheard of ... to say to 227,000 of our fellow Wisconsinites: ‘Your vote doesn’t matter.’”

And she wasn’t finished.

“This not normal,” Karofsky continued. “It is not normal for us to be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their voice in this election.”

This case is “not about election fraud,” the judge added. “It is not about anyone in this state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election.”

Karofsky asked Troupis to provide a single case of fraud in the Wisconsin election, which the lawyer was unable to do. He only said that the votes were cast in an “illegal form,” referring to absentee ballots. He admitted the ballots were used statewide, and not just in the two challenged counties.

Karofsky pointed out that the absentee ballot forms were exactly the same as they were in 2016 when Trump won the state, and he did not object to the ballots then.

In a ruling earlier this month, Justice Brian Hagedorn said that one of the suits calling for the “court-ordered disenfranchisement of every Wisconsin voter” without credible evidence “would appear to be unprecedented in American history.”

Trump also lost a federal case in Wisconsin Saturday. U.S. District Judge Brett Ludwig, a Trump appointee, dismissed the suit asking the court to order the Republican-controlled Legislature to name Trump the winner over Biden. The judge said Trump’s arguments “fail as a matter of law and fact.”

December 14, 2020 1:14 AM  
Anonymous gays love Judy Garland - here's a holiday ditty for them,,,, said...

“This not normal,”

what id not normal is the extent of mail voting

it is not normal that it was so extensive that one candidate was winning after in-person and another comes out ahead when the mail ballots are counted

a bipartisan commission in 2005, headed by Jimmy Carter, who regularly asks me to send in money to help Joe Biden, found that mail voting is that biggest risk for fraud in the American voting system

so, it's not surprising that when mail votes come in so overwhelming for one candidate that they completely flip the election, that the other side would challenge

there is no doubt that Dems would do the same as Trump is doing

they have spent years trying to undermine faith in our system by saying bit the 2000 and 2016 presidential elections were illegitimate

in 2000, they claimed Bush only won because the courts wouldn't allow another recount

in 2016, they claimed foreign agents took over the election and manipulated the results

and now they accuse Trump of attacking democracy?

December 14, 2020 5:23 AM  
Anonymous gays love Judy Garland - here's a holiday ditty for them,,,, said...

"The United States ranks 24th on that list of 141 nations, an improvement from 32nd last year. We scored lower due to “official symbolic deference to religion,” infrequent but recurring and widespread social marginalization against the non-religious, and “discriminatory prominence… given to religious bodies, traditions or leaders.”"

so, this group thinks that atheists are only free to think if:

1. the government doesn't defer to the beliefs of the majority of Americans

2. social marginalization against atheists is not only infrequent but non-existent

3. government doesn't recognize the prominence of its citizens' religious beliefs

the idea that atheists aren't free to think unless all opposition is banned is not only ridiculous, it's pretty pathetic

December 14, 2020 5:33 AM  
Anonymous government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem said...

"Anonymous John Harwood said..."


"The BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine was developed by two Turkish medical scientists living and working in Germany, then it was produced and trialed by Pfizer and brought to production by Pfizer.

No, no money from Trump's fantasy 'Warp Speed' was used by Pfizer, the company did it from their own resources.
There is no 'we'.
Trump claiming credit is a delusion."

actually, Trump guaranteed the purchase of 50 million does without knowing if it worked yet

that paid for it

there are also several other vaccines coming out that did take government funding and which will make the vaccine available faster and cheaper

"Trump can claim that the uncontrolled spread of death, with a 9/11 figure of death every day, that he can claim."

ah, let's talk about who is to blame

Anthony Fauci, at the onset, assured everyone the virus was not communicable and that masks were useless

had he not, the virus might have been stopped in the early stages

the virus was mostly spread across America by New Yorkers fleeing the Big Apple

between a third and a half of deaths were in nursing homes

the mistakes made by Cuomo were many including forcing nursing to take contagious patients, failure to close the subway until May, closing parks and telling people to stay inside apartment buildings that circulated the virus through common ventilation systems

then, there's the responsibility of the gay community

they pushed through HIPPA privacy provisions so that no one would know they are gay when they get AIDS

this has greatly hindered the likelihood that people will find out when they are exposed to COVID

""It's a democrat hoax to prevent me being elected."
"I didn't say anything about the virus because I didn't want to scare people."
"It will all be gone by Easter""

none of these statements contributed to the spread of the virus

Trump supported vaccine research with billions

he also advocated targeted shutdowns and keeping schools open

common wisdom now but the Dems relentlessly attacked him not forcing a national shutdown

"Trump trying to take credit now nauseates me."

get some Dramamine

history won't be kind to Dems

"Outbreaks at churches have been documented at least since May, and video evidence of maskless churches gatherings can be seen on the news. A number of pastors and church goers have gotten ill and some of them have died."

if anecdotal is permitted to determine policy, you could discriminate against any group

"There is no evidence the gov is lying about this, and he has access to more state medical data than you do.

He is a far more credible source of info than you are."

are you saying he has some evidence to back up his generalization?

he's free to release it

of course, then it would have to exist

actually, he is making bigoted statements without facts to back him up

this is an unconstitutional violation of the right to the free exercise of religion

most churches that are meeting live are providing physical distancing between families and requiring masks inside

"Can you be more specific? I have no idea what you're bloviating about on that one."

oh sure

Bernie, Elizabeth, and the squad have all been pressuring Biden to rule by Executive Order rather than work with Congress

the reports are so rampant, you can use google to educate yourself

December 14, 2020 6:14 AM  
Anonymous Nice suit there said...

OK, looks like that's it, there are no pending court cases trying to overturn the election. Looks like they won't make sixty losses.

Final score (as far as we know) for Trump/Republican legal attack on America: 1 win, 59 losses.

The one win was when a court agreed that observers should have been able to stand closer. An insignificant number of votes were rejected.

That is sixty chances the Republicans had to show evidence of something awry with the election. Many of these judges were appointed by Republicans, and a good number of them were appointed by Trump himself. This was the great "accomplishment" of this administration, filling the courts with so-called "conservative judges." It was the one campaign promise he kept. And yet there was not even enough evidence to convince a judge who was put in place to support the president, fifty-nine times.

December 14, 2020 9:23 AM  
Anonymous sayonara, gay agenda! said...

"That is sixty chances the Republicans had to show evidence of something awry with the election. Many of these judges were appointed by Republicans, and a good number of them were appointed by Trump himself. This was the great "accomplishment" of this administration, filling the courts with so-called "conservative judges." It was the one campaign promise he kept. And yet there was not even enough evidence to convince a judge who was put in place to support the president, fifty-nine times."

all of which shows the judiciary is healthy and functioning

it is, in fact, filled with originalist judges

only called "conservative" because liberals oppose the Constitution

you are the ones that made up the idea that the judges were seated to hand Trump the election

instead of acting like you have something to crow about, you should be apologizing to the judges you slandered, starting with Amy Coney Barrett

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is quietly using the final days of Trump's administration to make one last push to transform the judiciary and seal the president’s legacy.

In just four years, Trump has outpaced previous presidents and selected more than 1 in every 4 federal judges, including one-third of the Supreme Court. And these judges were picked with a unique formula: young and ideologically originalist.

“These appointees to the bench serve life tenure and, as a result, they will be shaping jurisprudence in our country for the next two generations,” said Leonard Leo, a originalist legal advocate and top adviser to the Trump administration on selecting judges.

Leo said Trump’s 229 appointees are largely “young,” “extremely talented” and ready to “enforce the structural limits on government power contained in our Constitution.”

On Friday, McConnell teed up a new round of votes on judicial nominees. The Senate is slated to vote Monday on Thomas Kirsch, a 46-year-old U.S. attorney, to fill the seat vacated by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, whom Republicans confirmed to the Supreme Court the week before the 2020 election.

The move embodies the McConnell-era Senate, a well-oiled machine for confirming originalist judges, with Democrats all but powerless to stop it.

Still, some will try. The progressive judicial group Demand Justice plans to purchase advertisements to appear in Washington, D.C., opposing the lame-duck confirmations, according to a source familiar with its plans.


December 14, 2020 9:58 AM  
Anonymous sayonara, gay agenda! said...

The oriigalist movement will retain a strong voice in the courts — including on economic issues like protecting business owners and restricting federal authority to regulate and on cultural issues like assuring gun rights, preserving a role for religion in politics and limiting abortion and voting rights.

“It's going to have a significant consequence in terms of judicial decisions for years to come,” Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said, calling the judges “solid conservatives” who are “mostly young.”

“One of the things that Republicans like is constitutional judges. And the Trump administration has delivered mightily in that regard,” he said. “It's one of his best achievements.”

But Trump is in some ways a bystander in his own legacy. The legwork in finding and elevating these judges was done by McConnell in tandem with figures like Don McGahn, Trump’s first White House counsel, and Leo, the former executive vice president of the Federalist Society, a network of conservative lawyers and advocates.

Trump gets a briefing book and briefing on each judge, managed by the White House counsel's office and staff secretary. “Occasionally, he'll ask a question about a particular nominee or someone's background,” said Leo, who stepped down from his position at the Federalist Society a year ago.

McConnell paved the way for the Trump-era project by refusing to fill many vacancies during President Barack Obama’s last two years — including Merrick Garland.


Trump “deserves enormous credit” for his judges, Leo said, “but it would not have happened without an excited, engaged and willing Republican Senate, and at the center of that a majority leader who has made judicial selection and the transformation of the federal judiciary a priority.”

While the Supreme Court got outsized attention, Trump was reshaping the circuit courts, which have the last word in most federal cases. Trump’s impact there has been dramatic.

In less than four years, Trump has named 53 circuit judges — nearly as many as the 55 that Obama appointed in his eight years. Trump’s judges have flipped the majority to Republican appointees on numerous circuits.

Challenges are predicted to LGBTQ rights and abortion access.

Biden will take office next month with the opportunity to re-balance the courts in his image. He said little about his plans in the campaign, other than to promise to put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court.

But the Georgia runoffs loom over his ambitions. If Democrats win both seats, they’ll capture control of the Senate and determine who can be considered. If Republicans hold one or both, McConnell will decide who gets a vote and who doesn’t.

The Dems will have to compromise, which the GOP hasn't had to do the last four years.

December 14, 2020 10:05 AM  
Anonymous Alternate facts, alternate electors... don't worry,they're "constitutional!" said...

White House adviser Stephen Miller may have outdone himself Monday in pushing Donald Trump’s desperate bid to overturn an election he has already lost.

As Electoral College electors in 50 states and the District of Columbia meet to formally select Joe Biden as the new president, Miller told “Fox & Friends” that “an alternate slate of electors” was hard at work to undo the results.

“As we speak today, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we’re gonna send those results up to Congress,” Miller said in an interview, posted to Twitter. “This will ensure that all our legal remedies will remain open. That means if we win these cases in the courts, that we can direct that the ultimate slate of electors be certified.”

On the Fox News Republican-friendly morning show, Miller continued to push Trump and GOP allies’ baseless claims that the election was rigged ― even after losing lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Nevada and Texas. The Texas challenge was tossed by the Supreme Court on Friday.

Trump and his backers have launched approximately 50 legal actions to contest the election, stirring the president’s base but defying reality.

Asked to explain the elector plan further, Miller said:

“You have an alternate slate of electors in a state like say, Wisconsin, or in a state like Georgia, and we’ll make sure that those results are sent up side by side to Congress, so that we have the opportunity, every day between now and Jan. 20, to say that slate of electors and the contested states is the slate that should be certified to uphold a fair and free election and an honest result,” Miller said, per Mediaite, which called the initiative “wacky.”

The votes from the Electoral College will be counted in a session of Congress on Jan. 6, with lame duck Vice President Mike Pence presiding.

December 14, 2020 12:54 PM  
Anonymous JackFknTwist said...

Trump has raised over $200 million since election day allegedly for recounts.

From New York Times this morning:
(In a way I'm delighted to see the Deplorables being ripped off, but I hate to see Trump Inc, grifting his way into obscurity,)

"Only if a donor gives more than $6,000 do any funds go to Mr. Trump’s formal ‘recount’ account.”

Trump has realized that trying to steal the presidency is more lucrative than actually being president, so he won’t stop. We are witnessing one of the greatest grifts in the history of the presidency."

December 14, 2020 1:10 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Justice Jill Karofsky also slammed the legal action as “not normal,” and as an assault on a “legitimate election” that has failed to produce a single case of fraud.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "what id not normal is the extent of mail voting"

The pandemic was not normal. Mail in voting was necessarily increased for this reason. "Not normal" does not mean the election was fraudulent, every election is "not normal" compared to the last.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "it is not normal that it was so extensive that one candidate was winning after in-person and another comes out ahead when the mail ballots are counted"

There is nothing unusual or unexpected or untoward about this. Trump constantly disparaged mail in voting so mostly Democrats took advantage of it.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "it's not surprising that when mail votes come in so overwhelming for one candidate that they completely flip the election, that the other side would challenge"

Despite looking desperately the Trump camapaign has not come up with any examples of actual voter fraud. It is shocking attack on democracy that they continue to challenge the vote despite this.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "there is no doubt that Dems would do the same as Trump is doing"

Absolutely not. Despite the massive multi-pronged Russian attack to elect Trump Democrats DID NOT contest the 2016 election. The Trump/Republican attack on democracy is unprecidented.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "they have spent years trying to undermine faith in our system by saying bit the 2000 and 2016 presidential elections were illegitimate"

The 2016 election was decided by less than 540 votes and Republicans stopped the recount - something that never happened to Trump. It is the consensus of the entire American Intelligence community that Russia interfered in 2016 to help elect Trump. All the attacks on elections were by Republicans, Democrats have done nothing of the sort.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "in 2016, they claimed foreign agents took over the election and manipulated the results"

You lie, at no point did Democrats claim that the Russians changed the actual vote count. The Russian interference was a massive disinformation campaign intended to change how people voted. And it did.

December 14, 2020 1:25 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said ""The BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine was developed by two Turkish medical scientists living and working in Germany, then it was produced and trialed by Pfizer and brought to production by Pfizer.

Good anonymous said "No, no money from Trump's fantasy 'Warp Speed' was used by Pfizer, the company did it from their own resources.
There is no 'we'.
Trump claiming credit is a delusion."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "actually, Trump guaranteed the purchase of 50 million does[sic] without knowing if it worked yet that paid for it"

The Pfizer vaccine was already paid for before Trump ordered 50 million "does" you lying idiot, payment won't happen until delivery. When Pfizer offered to sell the government 100's of millions more doses Trump rejected the offer out of spite and now the U.S. will have to wait until July to get more from Pfizer.

Good anonymous posted "Trump can claim that the uncontrolled spread of death, with a 9/11 figure of death every day, that he can claim."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "ah, let's talk about who is to blame Anthony Fauci, at the onset, assured everyone the virus was not communicable and that masks were useless"

You lie. He said to save mask for health care workers early on when there was a shortage and most certainly never said it wasn't communicable.

If badmouthing masks was the cause of the problem then its all the fault of Trump who has mocked the use of masks all along while Fauci, a far less prominent figure, started early on advising everyone to wear masks.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the virus was mostly spread across America by New Yorkers fleeing the Big Apple"

The virus was spread and continues to be spread by conservatives angrily opposing masks, social distancing and bans on large gatherings. Trump demanded this of his followers and they delivered.

December 14, 2020 2:12 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the mistakes made by Cuomo..."

Get off it already. You can't blame this on a minor figure like Cuomo who Trump kept in the dark about the seriousness of this. Trump is the most prominent and powerful man in the United States, it was up to him to be a leader and deal with this and he failed miserably.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "then, there's the responsibility of the gay community they pushed through HIPPA privacy provisions so that no one would know they are gay when they get AIDS this has greatly hindered the likelihood that people will find out when they are exposed to COVID".

Absolute nonsense. No one is prevented from notifying anyone that they have been exposed to COVID. What prevented this was Trump's failure to implement a national testing and tracing strategy early on (or at all). Now the virus has exploded beyond the ability of government to track and trace.

Trump said ""It's a democrat hoax to prevent me being elected."
"I didn't say anything about the virus because I didn't want to scare people."
"It will all be gone by Easter""

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "none of these statements contributed to the spread of the virus".

They ALL contributed to the spread of the virus by ensuring the public didn't know and didn't take the virus seriously. Seriously, how stupid do you think people reading your comments are?!

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Trump advocated targeted shutdowns and keeping schools open".

Trump most certainly never advocated any shutdowns, targeted or otherwise. He adamantly opposed any sort of shutdown and encouraged violence against politicians calling for shutdowns. Keeping schools open only made the pandemic worse!

December 14, 2020 2:13 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous posted "Outbreaks at churches have been documented at least since May, and video evidence of maskless churches gatherings can be seen on the news. A number of pastors and church goers have gotten ill and some of them have died."

Wyatt/Regina bad anonymous said "if anecdotal is permitted to determine policy, you could discriminate against any group".

Statistics back this up. Those places that have mandated masks have done far better than those that have not. There's obviously a massive conservative backlash to trying to get the pandemic under control or even acknowledgement of its existance.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "most churches that are meeting live are providing physical distancing between families and requiring masks inside"

That's a lie. Its been one prominent church leader after another angrily denouncing the use of masks and social distancing. Over and over we see churches holding massive gatherings without masks and social distancing - its never seen the other way around.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Bernie, Elizabeth, and the squad have all been pressuring Biden to rule by Executive Order rather than work with Congress".

Trump did this more than any president before him and you were fine with it - typical Republican hypocrisy.

Biden can't work with a Republican controlled Senate. Since Obama Republican policy has been to prevent a Democratic president from accomplishing anything, including implementing policies Republicans have previously advocated for. Republicans are unconditionally opposed to working with Biden, he can't change that.

December 14, 2020 2:13 PM  
Anonymous Jared Holt said...

It's a very dark time in America when the very function of democracy is under active threat:

ABC News - Due to "credible threats of violence," the Michigan legislature's office buildings will be closed on Monday as the state's 16 elector's meet.

December 14, 2020 5:14 PM  
Anonymous homosexuality never produces life, two of 'em ain't ever a marriage said...

Cases of Democratic voter fraud continue to roll in while TTFers say there is NO proof of voter fraud:

More than 1,700 Georgians were singled out for illegally casting two ballots in 2020 elections — including last month’s hotly contested presidential race -- but their fraudulent votes weren't canceled out, according to state election officials. And so far, none of the cheaters has been prosecuted, raising concerns about continued fraud as Georgia prepares to vote again in twin U.S. Senate runoff elections next month.

The majority of double voters were Democrats who cast an absentee ballot either by mail or drop box and also voted in person on Election Day, officials said, which is a felony under state law.

The highest share of offenders were from Fulton County, which includes Atlanta -- many of whom were allowed to cast a second ballot by poll workers, officials said.

Hundreds of workers assigned to county poll sites were recruited and trained by the Democrat-run Georgia chapter of the ACLU and a minority-owned temp agency run by Democrat donors.

Before the election, the ACLU urged anyone “threatened with prosecution” over double-voting allegations to contact the chapter for legal assistance. It is now signing up poll workers for the Jan. 5 runoff races. And the temp agency, Happy Faces Personnel Group, remains under contract with the county to supply workers for that critical election, despite complaints from poll managers and poll watchers that its recruits were “highly partisan." The Georgia runoffs will determine control of the Senate.

Though the number of suspected double-voting felons is the largest in state history, no cases have been referred to the state attorney general for criminal investigation

December 14, 2020 9:23 PM  
Anonymous Houston, the miracle has landed said...

Liberals, Dems, and TTFers demolished the idea of expertise this year. Again and again, the make assertions, backed up by unnamed "experts", that later prove dead wrong. In may, the "experts" said it would be a miracle for a vaccine to be ready this year. Trump said the miracle would happen.

Welcome to the miracle!

The first COVID-19 vaccine has just been administered in New York.

Those who only consume Trump via the news outlets, on the other hand, are shocked. The media and the so-called experts assured listeners that Trump was wrong, that a vaccine would not arrive in 2020. “There is just no way,” they declared.

CBS, one of the least trustworthy news agencies still around, wasn’t buying it at all. In May, Norah O’Donnell explained:

"The president said today he that he wants the nation to return to normal, with or without a vaccine. Still, he says a vaccine will be ready by the end of the year - a timeline experts say is unlikely."

Well, that “timeline expert” is clueless. What the f is a “timeline expert”, anyway?

NBC, an even less trustworthy outlet than CBS, ran a full article debunking Trump’s claim that the United States would see a vaccine by December. Trump would need a miracle, the network said:

“Experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off,” NBC News writes, “and that anything less would be a medical miracle.”

A medical miracle, huh? Sounds like quite the achievement for a president.

“Trump’s own top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci,” the Trump hit piece goes on, “told the Today show that January 2021 is the earliest a vaccine could be ready, but cautioned that that timeline is ‘aspirational.'”

Even Fauci, the “expert,” was wrong. Hard to fathom.

If 2020 has proven anything, it’s how little the term “expert” means anymore. Clearly, our public health experts are lost, striking out at every at-bat.

Similarly, pollsters came into the year with some credibility, only to predict an upcoming “Blue Wave” that never happened.

We should all be thrilled the vaccine has arrived and an end to this horrible virus is en route. Unfortunately, though, many Americans have lived the past 10 months in dire fear, as those they trust told them they are years away from normalcy and safety.

December 15, 2020 6:49 AM  
Anonymous It's time for The Biggest Loser to leave office before he declares Martial Law said...

"More than 1,700 Georgians were singled out for illegally casting two ballots in 2020 elections — including last month’s hotly contested presidential race...

The majority of double voters were Democrats who cast an absentee ballot either by mail or drop box and also voted in person on Election Day, officials said, which is a felony under state law."

That's odd, a few months ago, the Cheato Benito was telling people to do exactly that:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Thursday that people who vote early by mail should show up at their local polling places on Election Day and vote again if their ballots haven’t been counted, a suggestion that experts said would lead to chaos, long lines and more work for election officials during a public health crisis.

In a series of tweets, Trump encouraged voters to go to their polling site to “see whether or not your Mail In Vote has been Tabulated (Counted). If it has you will not be able to Vote & the Mail In System worked properly.”

But information on whether a ballot has been counted is typically not available right away. In several states, absentee ballots aren’t even counted until after polls close. What can be checked is whether an absentee ballot has been received, and in some cases, whether it has passed a security review and will be submitted for counting.

So is this proof of voter fraud or proof there are people stupid enough to believe what Rump says and act accordingly?

December 15, 2020 7:53 AM  
Anonymous Fauci is a heck of a lot smarter than you are said...

“Trump’s own top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci,” the Trump hit piece goes on, “told the Today show that January 2021 is the earliest a vaccine could be ready, but cautioned that that timeline is ‘aspirational.'”

Even Fauci, the “expert,” was wrong. Hard to fathom."

Look at the calendar.

Fauci was a little over two weeks off.

It will be months before most people actually get the vaccine.

Get a grip.

December 15, 2020 7:57 AM  
Anonymous It's a real shame we don't have more Republicans that can acknowledge reality said...

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan on Monday said fellow Republicans who continue to deny the reality of President Donald Trump’s election loss are an embarrassment to their party.

Speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper after President-elect Joe Biden officially secured the electoral votes required to become president, Hogan admonished party members, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), for their ongoing refusal to accept the results.

“It’s just getting ridiculous at this point,” Hogan said. “This election is over. The president had every opportunity to provide some kind of evidence of widespread voter fraud. We haven’t seen any.

“All the court cases are done ― the Supreme Court refused to hear the case because there wasn’t any factual evidence ― and now, the states all across America, the Electoral College has voted.”

Hogan, a frequent critic of Trump, was one of the first Republican officials to acknowledge Biden’s win. He said last month that his fellow Republicans were afraid to criticize the president for fear of retribution.

“I understand at the beginning maybe some people had some concerns about some of the allegations, but now we are several steps down the road,” Hogan said Monday. “They’re out of runway. We just have to acknowledge: This is embarrassing us. It’s an affront to our democratic process, and it’s diminishing the presidency.

“It’s bad for our party, bad for the country and it weakens our position in the world.”

December 15, 2020 8:02 AM  
Anonymous Republicans aren't the solution. Republicans are the problem. said...

The fringe right-wing lawyer who filed the court challenge to Donald Trump’s election loss in Georgia has called on the president’s supporters to stock up on “Second Amendment supplies” — presumably firearms and ammunition — to prepare for what he apparently envisions as an apocalyptic future.

“Our leader is Donald Trump, not Biden,” attorney Lin Wood tweeted Sunday.

“Make sure you have PLENTY of water, food, flashlights & batteries, candles, radio, 2nd Amendment supplies, & a plan to meet with leaders of your communities,” he urged. He included a photo of Trump with the caption: “I’m still your president.”

Wood has called on Trump to declare martial law in a bid to wrest the White House from the electorate. The lawyer’s theory is that Americans working with Venezuela, China, Serbia, Canada, Venezuela, Cuba, the CIA, billionaire philanthropist George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, and state and local officials from both parties rigged the presidential election.

Wood has filed several lawsuits challenging Joe Biden’s win, including one in his home state of Georgia, which was touted by Trump before it went down to defeat.

Wood said at a press conference earlier this month that Trump called to tell the attorney “he knows he won this election.” The president said, ‘Lin, I didn’t lose it. I won it,’” Wood recounted.

Recently pardoned former National Security Advisor and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and Atlanta-based attorney L. Lin Wood joined a growing list of President Donald Trump’s devotees calling for martial law ­and having the military oversee a new presidential election. Both Flynn and Wood tweeted their support for the effort to undermine the will of the American electorate, with the latter saying a U.S. civil war caused by China was inevitable. Attorneys noted that a former top U.S. intelligence official in Flynn was openly signing his name onto a military coup.

The movement stems from a full-page ad in the Washington Times that was taken out by a prominent Tea Party leader in Ohio who calls his group the We the People Convention (WTPC). The ad erroneously claimed that Democrats “staged a four-year long coup” and illegally stole the election from President Trump, using ahistorical comparisons to actions taken by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.

“Culminating in this corrupt and provably fraudulent current election planned to illegally and unconstitutionally deny the American people their most sacred honor, right and privilege—which is the right to elect their Representatives!” the ad stated. “There is no doubt that this attempted stealing of these elections again ‘is a case of rebellion…in fact, a clear, flagrant, and gigantic case of rebellion’ that requires exercising extraordinary authority to preserve our Union.”

The ad concluded with an ominous threat of violence if Joe Biden’s victory is permitted to stand.

“It is time to honor your oath, Mr. President. It is time for you to boldly act to save our nation as Lincoln did,” the group wrote. “We the People will support a national re-vote. We will also have no other choice but to take matters into our own hands, and defend our rights on our own, if you do not act within your powers to defend us.”

Wood, who has filed several lawsuits challenging Biden’s victory and is recently known for representing accused murderer Kyle Rittenhouse, was the first to show his support for WTPC, tweeting a link to the ad Tuesday morning and expressly calling for the president to declare martial law.

December 15, 2020 8:10 AM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

btw, with the ruling of the Electoral College, Mitch McConnell congratulated Joe Biden and thanked Trump and Pence for their accomplishments

the Washington Post, on its editorial page this morning, gave Trump credit for hastening the production and manufacture of the vaccine

TTF's turn

December 15, 2020 11:01 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump Retweets Kraken’s Call To Imprison Georgia Gov

December 15, 2020 Trump cultists, Trump Lies

Mediaite reports:

President Donald Trump has defended his retweeting of specious, outlandish and controversial tweets before, simply by saying that he was putting it out there.

He didn’t necessarily agree with the “white power” chant in a video he promoted, for instance. He just thought it was worth seeing by his 80+ million Twitter followers.

Nonetheless, the outgoing president still sits in a bully pulpit. When he promotes the concept of putting in jail state officials, ostensibly over baseless and unproven claims of voter fraud? It’s a big deal.

It doesn't get any more dictatorial than calling for people to be imprisoned to overturn the will of the people yet Wyatt and Regina Hardiman continue to claim Trump isn't a threat to democracy. They are zealots for whom there is nothing Trump could do that they wouldn't defend. Now they're moving from "there was some fraud but not enough to change the results" to backing Trump's bid to end American democracy.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Cases of Democratic voter fraud continue to roll in while TTFers say there is NO proof of voter fraud:

More than 1,700 Georgians were singled out for illegally casting two ballots in 2020 elections — including last month’s hotly contested presidential race -- but their fraudulent votes weren't canceled out, according to state election officials."

You lie. The votes weren't cancelled out because they weren't fraudulent. This was all tried in court over 60 times and each time the courts found there was no merit to the Trump allegations of voter fraud.

Note how Wyatt/Regina's lie goes further than that they say the 1700 allegedly illegal votes were all by Democratic voters when they were actually a combination of votes for both parties.

Wyatt and Regina lie as much as Trump does, they are just like Trump.

December 15, 2020 11:56 AM  
Anonymous I will thank him to leave said...

George Conway, the anti-Trump attorney and husband of former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, went after the outgoing president on Monday over his continued refusal to acknowledge defeat in the 2020 election.

Earlier in the day, Joe Biden secured enough Electoral College votes to officially succeed Donald Trump as the next president. On CNN, anchor Anderson Cooper asked Conway what Trump’s silence on the news said to America.

It said “three things about the president” — that Trump is “delusional,” that he’s malevolent, and that he’s running a scam on the American people, Conway said.

“If he can’t have the presidency, he doesn’t want anyone else to have the presidency undamaged, and he’s seeking to undermine the next administration,” he continued.

Conway highlighted how the Trump campaign filed a new lawsuit in New Mexico on Monday that challenged the election results.

“It makes absolutely no sense to bring this lawsuit,” said the attorney, a founding member of the Lincoln Project, the group of Republicans disaffected by the Trump era. “New Mexico has only five electoral votes and he’s down by 74. He lost New Mexico by 100,000 votes, 11%. And today, the electors of New Mexico and 49 other states cast their votes. No court is going to give relief at this point. The lawsuit is just a joke. It’s crazy.”

Cooper pointed out that “continuing the frivolous lawsuits” gave Trump cover to “the grift” of receiving donations from supporters who believe in his baseless conspiracy theories. So far, Trump has reportedly raised more than $200 million to fight the election results and, because of the nature of the PAC to which they have been donating, usual strict political spending rules do not apply.

Trump “needs to convince himself and his supporters for his own psychological needs that he actually won the election,” Conway concluded. “That’s where you get back to the point where he’s delusional and he can’t see the truth from his own lies and fantasies.”

December 15, 2020 11:56 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The truth is that there has only been about four or five fraudulent votes in the presidential election and as I recall it they were all cases of Trump supporters doing it.

December 15, 2020 12:00 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "raising concerns about continued fraud as Georgia prepares to vote again in twin U.S. Senate runoff elections next month.".

Based on the presidential election there isn't the slightest concern about fraud in the upcoming Georgia election. The real concern is the same one there was with the presidential election - voter suppression by Republicans,

In the 2020 election Republicans carried out a massive multi-pronged campaign of voter suppression which ranged from purging eligible voter rolls to closing polling places in black neighbourhoods. Biden won by 7 million votes and it would have been by 7 million more if not for Republican suppression of the minority vote.

Now Republicans are doing it again in Georgia, doing everything they can, without regard for its legality, to prevent black people from voting in Georgia

Republicans are the only threat to democracy. Their policies declining popularity with the majority of Americans means they can no longer win elections democratically. So they cheat as much as possible and back a would be dictator's attempt to destroy democracy.

December 15, 2020 12:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

In my previous post I mentioned that Biden would have won by 14 million votes if not for massive voter suppression by Republicans.

Biden was leading in the polls by an average of 8 to 10 percentage points. He won the popular vote by 4 or 5 percentage points instead of the 8 or 10 that was predicted. The difference between the polls and the election results is the percentage of Biden voters Republicans managed to keep from casting a ballot.

December 15, 2020 12:11 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Republican anti-woman anti-gay policies are increasingly disliked by the majority of Americans. They cling to power by suppressing the vote of minorities and other typical Democratic voters, gerrymandering, and a biased electoral college system that favours Republicans.

Americans don't want Republican rule but the increasingly anti-democratic party's corrupt behaviour keeps forcing them on the country.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "h*sexuality never produces life, two of 'em ain't ever a marriage".

So, then an infertile heterosexual couple can't be a marriage either, gotchya.

The vast majority of Americans disagree with you and that number grows every year. Its immoral for a privileged minority like you to continue to force on the majority of Americans an unjust war on harmless lgbt people under the facade of "religious freedom".

December 15, 2020 12:19 PM  
Anonymous gays love Judy Garland - here's a holiday ditty for them,,, said...

TTF began when certain radicalized citizens of Montgomery County were horrified at a movement to recall the school board

now, a movement is growing to recall the governor of California over excessive lockdown restrictions

December 15, 2020 1:07 PM  
Anonymous Hemant Mehta said...

Trump Will Get Rid of Religious Freedom Protections at Ten Federal Agencies

As it heads for the exits, the Trump administration is still making sure Christian bigotry is at the forefront of everything they do. Yesterday, they loosened restrictions that, until now, made sure religious groups receiving taxpayer money to provide social services don’t shove their religion in the faces of the people they’re supposed to be helping.

Here’s what the new rules would do:

Right now, faith-based service providers have to refer clients elsewhere if the people say they feel uncomfortable with their religious affiliation. That’s now gone.

Right now, any clients are required to be told about their religious freedom rights. They’re told they don’t have to participate in any religious activities, they are entitled to go to an alternative service provider, and they can file a complaint if necessary. That’s now gone.

Right now, if clients receive a voucher for social services, there must be a secular provider in addition to any religious providers. That requirement is now gone… which means there may be no secular options for some people.

Finally, to quote Americans United for Separation of Church and State President and CEO Rachel Laser, “the rules are paving the way for providers to refuse to provide key services and opening the door to discrimination in taxpayer-funded programs.”

“The federal government should prioritize the best interests of people in need, not the interests of service providers who are choosing to receive billions of taxpayer dollars to deliver government services. Instead, the Trump administration is opening the door to government-sponsored discrimination, potentially allowing taxpayer-funded, faith-based providers to use religious litmus tests to turn people away or refuse to provide services. LGBTQ people, women, religious minorities and the nonreligious will bear the burden of these rules."

American Atheists also condemned the new rules, which will go into effect on January 16, which ironically happens to be “Religious Freedom Day.”

“Once again, the Trump Administration is hijacking Religious Freedom Day to strip away religious freedom protections from everyday Americans in order to favor religious special interests. The irony is palpable,” said Alison Gill, Vice President for Legal and Policy at American Atheists.

“No person in need should be forced to worship as a religious service provider does or convert to that religion simply to access basic, taxpayer-funded services,” said Nick Fish, president of American Atheists. “The common-sense protections the Obama Administration put in place were not an ‘attack’ on religious freedom. These new regulations, on the other hand, are.”

All of this comes a week after the Department of Labor instituted new regulations that would allow religious discrimination in federally funded workplaces, a move that will likely affect LGBTQ people and non-Christians.

The Biden administration can undo all this — and they should — but it won’t (can’t) happen overnight. Which is why the Trump administration is making sure the rules go into effect just days before Biden’s inauguration.

December 15, 2020 3:34 PM  
Anonymous American Atheists said...

“This is a parting ‘gift’ from the lame-duck Trump administration to its Christian nationalist allies, who lobbied hard for these changes."

December 15, 2020 3:36 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

VA Gov Candidate Urges Trump To Declare Martial Law

“Not my President and never will be. The American people aren’t fools. We know you cheated to win and we’ll never accept these results.

“Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never. It’s not over yet. So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede.

“President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn.” – Virginia state Sen. Amanda Chase, who is running for governor, posting to her Facebook page.

Over half of Republican Congress members and 17 other states supported the state of Texas' illegal demand that the votes in four swing states be thrown out. The Republican party has backed the authoritarian's attempt become dictator. And Wyatt and Regina Hardiman keep telling readers there's nothing to worry about and Trump/Republicans aren't fascist.

December 15, 2020 3:50 PM  
Anonymous defund the Dems said...

Breaking news:

the faltering Biden has named a homosexual to its cabinet


December 15, 2020 4:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Coalition Of Christian Hate Groups And Cultists Call On State Legislatures To Declare Trump As “Lawful Winner”

Evangelical christians, united by their desire to harm innocent lgbt people, are now demanding state legislatures, ignore the election results and declare Trump the winner. We can't allow a minority of right wing authoritarians to violate the will of the people,

December 15, 2020 4:28 PM  
Anonymous The evangelicals are fear mongering again said...

It could have been worse, he could have named a Catholic priest to his cabinet.


Think about the children!

December 15, 2020 4:31 PM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

"It could have been worse, he could have named a Catholic priest to his cabinet."

that would be risky

the Roman Catholic church has, for years, tolerated homosexuals who wanted to hide out as priests even though the Roman Catholic church believes homosexuality is immoral

but certain homosexuals think it's the perfect cover story since priests take a vow of celibacy

the types who do that are subject to engage in abusive behaviors

they are sick puppies

homosexuals try to invade every facade of life

then, when they act out, lunatic fringe gay advocates act like it's some triumphant win for their side

lunatic fringe gay advocates are also sick puppies

December 15, 2020 6:53 PM  
Anonymous when will TTF thank Trump for the vaccine? said...

true dat

homosexuals sneak in to, pretending to be believers, and then abuse young boys

and lunatic fringe gay advocates chalk up a "W" and high five

lunatic fringe gay advocates are sick, sick puppies

December 15, 2020 8:25 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous is right that many gays are attracted to the priesthood. This is because they have been taught their same sex attractions are unacceptable and the priesthood appears to these young men the solution to a problem they can't accept - society's non-acceptance of gays.

The young man thinks that by becoming a priest he has a cover story for his lack of interest in women, the priesthood appears to be a solution to the problem of their same sex desires. They probably have the best of intentions in wanting to be a priest but being abstinent for a life time is an unrealistic boundary for most people so inevitably the priest finds he can't suppress his same sex desires and he can't act on them openly with an adult, so he seeks to hid his sexuality by sexually assaulting adolescent males who are readily available to him because as a priest he is often left alone in charge of young males.

The Catholic church attracts self loathing gay men with its promise of respectable celibacy and then turns them into sexual predators by forcing them to keep their desires hidden and giving them no appropriate outlet for them.

If the Catholic church wants to stop gay priests from molesting young males it needs to allow priests to marry who they want regardless of gender.

Evangelical christians demand gays follow unrealistic boundaries. Inevitably most can't abide by this and for the religious gays it makes them feel that they are damned for even a monogamous relationship so they feel its no worse to be promiscuous, they're already going to hell.

When we as society set unrealistic boundaries for people we make things worse. Gay marriage is good for gays and good for society. Banning gay marriage makes things worse for everyone.

December 15, 2020 8:30 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The conservative extremists on the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that churches in Colorado and New Jersey don't have to limit home many people are allowed in.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the government can't act in the best interests of its citizens during a pandemic when it is vital that gathering sizes be minimized.

This is an attack on the First Amendment that now has the government favouring religion over the best interests of the public.

Six of the nine Supreme Court Justices have been appointed by Republican presidents despite the Republican presidential candidate losing the popular vote in every election but one since Reagan. The American election system is clearly broken. Its time to stop the privileged minority from dictating to the majority.

December 15, 2020 8:37 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "h*sexuals try to invade every facade of life".

What they mean by this is that there should be no place in society where gays are allowed. They want to society to completely deny to gays housing, employment and all goods and services, and as they've said "force gays to live in society's shadows".

They wage this war on harmless lgbt people and then euphemistically call it "expressing their viewpoint" and "religious freedom".

My hate for them is understandable and justified - they seek to harm me when I harm no one. Their hate for me, who wishes them fairness, equality and maximum happiness is not justified, there's no rational reason for it. They are just bad people.

Sign onto the social contract Wyatt/Regina, renounce your unjust war on us and we can be friends and work together for our mutual benefit.

December 15, 2020 8:49 PM  
Anonymous watch out for AOC, she's hoppin' mad! said...

hey, kids

did you hear Merrick Garland is a finalist for Attorney General?

I, for one, would love to see it

he's a moderate

I heard Bernie tonight being interviewed on NPR

he is seething that Biden has named no progressives to his cabinet

and he's not voting for that damn stimulus bill unless there are stimulus checks included

says Trump agrees with him

guys and gals, the GOP is going to be the least of Biden's problems!


December 15, 2020 9:04 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump is silent on Russians hacking into Treasury and other departments.

....and he's not a tool of Russia, yeah, right...

December 15, 2020 9:33 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the GOP is going to be the least of Biden's problems!"

Fool, the Republican party is the biggest problem facing Biden and the United States today - Republicans have backed Trump's stab at becoming a dictator.

As Steve Schmidt said "The Republican party is an organized conspiracy for maintaining power."

December 15, 2020 10:36 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The organization responsible for accrediting U.S. prisons runs a "corrupt" process that puts a "rubber stamp" on dangerous facilities while taking in millions from private prisons according to a report from Sen. Elizabeth Warren

December 15, 2020 11:30 PM  
Anonymous Mehdi Hasan @mehdirhasan said...

Trump tried to steal an election in front of our eyes - & still won't concede! His supporters rampaged through DC & stabbed people! Election officials got death threats!

But yeah, those of us who warned of authoritarianism are the ones who got it wrong & were alarmist. Gotcha

December 15, 2020 11:39 PM  
Anonymous blue state governors are not the solution to our problems, blue state governors are the problem said...

"Trump tried to steal an election in front of our eyes - & still won't concede!"

VP Al Gore, in 2000, didn't conceded the election until December and filed endless lawsuits challenging the results

was he trying to steal an election in front of our eyes?

"His supporters rampaged through DC & stabbed people! Election officials got death threats!"

everyone has fringe supporters

ever hear of antifa and BLM

the nut that shot a GOP Congressman at a baseball game a couple of years ago was a Dem supporter

we generally have two feasible choices in our system and the nuts have to go somewhere

"But yeah, those of us who warned of authoritarianism are the ones who got it wrong & were alarmist. Gotcha"

you think filing lawful suits contesting election results is authoritarian

so when the incumbent VP did it in 2000, I guess we should put him in the dictator hall of fame

mehdi, you're a riot!

December 16, 2020 5:48 AM  
Anonymous heterosexuality is how life is perpetuated and it has a privileged status said...

Last week an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal by Joseph Epstein provoked a heated debate over the use of the honorific “Dr.” by future first lady Jill Biden when the writer suggested that only medical doctors should use the courtesy title, rather than anyone with a doctorate. The op-ed drew considerable backlash, with widespread support expressed across news outlets and among the punditry for her use of the prefix. Yet, a close examination of media coverage of Jill Biden over the course of this year suggests that for all their outrage, some of the very media outlets most critical of the op-ed have themselves consistently omitted her preferred title.

The debate over whether all doctorate holders should be referred to as “Dr.” isn’t new. In 2018 some news outlets, including NPR, declined to use the prefix in referring to Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford. In the words of NPR’s standards editor at the time, “the idea is that for most listeners a 'Dr.' practices medicine.”

Nor is the debate over “Dr. Biden” itself a new one. Her use of the title prompted a similar debate when she became the second lady in 2009, with journalists noting that her predecessor Lynne Cheney also held a doctorate but chose not to use the honorific. The Washington Post’s copy desk chief was quoted at the time as saying, “My feeling is if you can’t heal the sick, we don’t call you doctor” – Epstein’s words almost verbatim. The Los Angeles Times clarified to its readers that “newspapers, including The Times, generally do not use the honorific ‘Dr.’ unless the person in question has a medical degree”; as such, the Times declined to address Biden this way.

In the past week, the Washington Post ran a series of articles arguing that PhDs should be addressed as “Dr.” Yet just three years ago the Post ridiculed White House adviser Sebastian Gorka for using the title despite only having a PhD. The piece was headlined, “Sebastian Gorka likes to be called ‘Dr. Gorka.’ He gets his way only in conservative media.” The Post noted that “mainstream news outlets generally refuse to attribute the ‘Dr.’ prefix to anyone who is not a medical doctor.”

December 16, 2020 7:00 AM  
Anonymous Dem monopoly control of inner cities has led to poverty and racism said...

unfortunately, we have to wait until January 20 before we can impeach Biden!

December 16, 2020 7:41 AM  
Anonymous on the advice of experts, for the first time in history, we quarantined the healthy instead of the sick - it didn't go well said...

President Donald Trump is considering pushing to have a special counsel appointed to advance a federal tax investigation into the son of President-elect Joe Biden.

Trump — angry that out-going Attorney General William Barr didn't publicly announce the ongoing, two-year investigation into Hunter Biden — has consulted on the matter with White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone and outside allies.

December 16, 2020 8:01 AM  
Anonymous Americans should have equal protection under the law; special protections for L or B or G or B or T is wrong!... said...

"unfortunately, we have to wait until January 20 before we can impeach Biden!"

yeah, calling his sleazy wife "Dr Jill" is an act defrauding the United States of America

December 16, 2020 8:04 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Mehdi Hasan said "Trump tried to steal an election in front of our eyes - & still won't concede! But yeah, those of us who warned of authoritarianism are the ones who got it wrong & were alarmist. Gotcha"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "VP Al Gore, in 2000, didn't conceded the election until December and filed endless lawsuits challenging the results"

That's an entirely different situation. In 2000 only 540 votes separated the two, there was no clear winner unlike this past election where its obvious. Gore's lawsuits were to continue counting the votes, Trump's lawsuits are demanding to illegally throw out all the votes in 4 swing states. Trump is authoritarian, Gore was most certainly not.

Mehdi Hasan said "His supporters rampaged through DC & stabbed people! Election officials got death threats!"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "everyone has fringe supporters ever hear of antifa and BLM the nut that shot a GOP Congressman at a baseball game a couple of years ago was a Dem supporter we generally have two feasible choices in our system and the nuts have to go somewhere"

The incidents by Democratic supporters have been rare, the incidents involving Trump supporters are frequent and there is a widespread base of support for Trump that wants to violently overthrow the government, like the conspiracy to kidnap and kill the Michigan Democratic governor. The intelligence community has concluded year after year that American right wing fanatics are the greatest threat to the United States, even more so than Islamic terrorism.

December 16, 2020 12:03 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Americans should have equal protection under the law; special protections for L or B or G or B or T is wrong!".

Christians are protected from discrimination, lgbts are not. Its christians who have special rights.

If you want Americans to have equal protection then you need to demand that christians be stripped of their special right protecting them from discrimination or lgbts need to be given the same right.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "yeah, calling his sleazy wife "Dr Jill" is an act defrauding the United States of America"

So, monogamous Jill is sleazy, but promiscuous, adulterous Trump is not - gotchya. Wyatt and Regina are so hypocritical and so most Republicans.

December 16, 2020 12:09 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

No one gives a damn about Hunter Biden Wyatt/Regina. He isn't president and won't be working for the president unlike the illegal nepotism going on under Trump.

Attorney General Bill Barr followed Justice Department policy in not talking about an ongoing investigation, unlike Comey who traitorously publicly discussed the investigation into Hillary's email server but not the investigation into Trump campaign collusion with Russia thus throwing the election to Trump.

December 16, 2020 12:13 PM  
Anonymous The evangelical unjust war on lgbts is driving kids from religion said...

#1 Religious Identity For Young Adults: “None”

The Christian Post reports:

The most common religious identity among young adults in the U.S. is “none,” and the majority of Americans don’t believe it’s necessary for a person to believe in God to be moral and have good values, a new survey has found.

Released Tuesday, AEI’s Survey Center on American Life investigating contemporary religion in the U.S. found that among young adults (age 18 to 29), the most common religious identity today is none. More than one in three (34%) young adults are religiously unaffiliated.

December 16, 2020 12:16 PM  
Anonymous Hemant Mehta said...

Denny’s Server Quits After Customers Cite “Religious Exemption” to Wearing Masks

In a disturbing video from September, now going viral on Reddit, a woman working at a Denny’s in Franklin Park, Illinois quits on the spot after two customers enter without masks and demand to be seated anyway because of their “religious exemption” to the requirement.

“Roger, I’m not working for this s**t anymore. These guys won’t put their masks on, I’m sick of feeling like this,” the employee says, as the man recording again accuses her of “discriminating” against them. “I’m not discriminating against you.”

“I’m sorry you can’t come in here without a mask, the governor said ‘no mask, no service,'” the manager tells the two men, repeating the words on public health signs posted all around the Denny’s front entrance.

“Sir, the Civil Rights Act says we can claim a religious exemption for not wearing a mask, we’re not sick,” the patron tells the manager. “OK, then you have lost our business.”

That’s not how religious exemptions work. That’s also not how the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which they cite, works.

December 16, 2020 12:49 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Corrupt Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous keeps trying to falsely blame Dr. Fauci and Andrew Cuomo for the destruction the pandemic is reeking on the country when its obvious the cause of this problem is conservatives spitting all over mitigation measures. Its been a flood of conservatives doing things like the above incident.

Trump is the most powerful man in the United States and he has set the destructive standard conservatives now follow. 3000 Americans are dying a day because of Trump's failure to act and exacerbation of the pandemic.

Trump could have stopped this in its tracks if he had issued a national mask mandate and national testing and tracing.

December 16, 2020 12:53 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

QAnon Freaks Vow To Start Own Party Over McConnell Acknowledging Biden's Win

December 16, 2020 Extremists, Trump cultists

Newsweek reports:

Followers of the radical movement who believe President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against satanic pedophiles, as well as pushing baseless claims that the election was rigged, were dismayed at the Senate Majority Leader and accusing him of being a traitor.

Others said they will now leave the GOP or even form a new political party all together. Jason Sullivan, former social media consultant for Roger Stone, even formally announced the launching of the Great American Party (GAP) in the wake of McConnell’s comments about Biden.

Read the full article, which includes raging posts from QAnon “influencers” with tens of thousands of followers.

December 16, 2020 2:09 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

PolitiFact Lie Of The Year: COVID Denial (Led By Trump)

PolitiFact reports:

President Donald J. Trump fueled confusion and conspiracies from the earliest days of the coronavirus pandemic. He embraced theories that COVID-19 accounted for only a small fraction of the thousands upon thousands of deaths. He undermined public health guidance for wearing masks and cast Dr. Anthony Fauci as an unreliable flip-flopper.

Influential TV and radio opinion hosts told millions of viewers that social distancing was a joke and that states had all of the personal protective equipment they needed (when they didn’t).

It was a symphony of counter narrative, and Trump was the conductor, if not the composer. The message: The threat to your health was overhyped to hurt the political fortunes of the president.

Read the full article. Watch the clip.

Lies infected America in 2020. The very worst were not just damaging, but deadly. PolitiFact’s 2020 Lie of the Year: Coronavirus downplay and denial.

December 16, 2020 2:33 PM  
Anonymous yeah, those of us who warned of authoritarianism are the ones who got it wrong & were alarmist. Gotcha said...

Another GOP Rep Calls On Trump To Impose Martial Law

The Washington Post reports:

On Facebook, North Carolina state Sen. Bob Steinburg (R) paraphrased a conservative commentator to make a radical suggestion: President Trump should declare a national emergency, suspend civil rights and remain in power over his baseless claims of election fraud.

Asked by a local TV station on Tuesday whether he stands by those sentiments, Steinburg doubled down, insisting that nefarious forces had corrupted President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

“There’s something going on here bigger than what anybody is willing to talk about,” Steinburg told WRAL Tuesday evening. “I don’t like conspiracy theories at all. But something is going on here that’s bigger than meets the eye.”

Read the full article. Steinburg last appeared on JMG in 2013 when he backed a bill that would have made Christianity the official religion of North Carolina. In August, Facebook removed a batshit COVID conspiracy claim from his page.

North Carolina GOP lawmaker urges Trump to suspend civil liberties to keep power: ‘Invoke the Insurrection Act’

— Earle Kimel (@earlekimel) December 16, 2020

December 16, 2020 2:38 PM  
Anonymous The pandemic is the fault of conservatives said...

KS Mayor Quits After Death Threats From Covidiots

NBC News reports:

A Republican mayor in western Kansas announced in a letter to city officials and on social media Tuesday that she is resigning, effective immediately, because of threats she has received after she publicly supported a mask mandate.

Mayor Joyce Warshaw of Dodge City said she was concerned about her safety after being met with aggression, including threats via phone and email, after she was quoted in a USA Today article on Friday supporting the mandate.

Warshaw told NBC News on Tuesday that “threats, accusations and actions” toward her and her family from those in the community forced her to step down.

December 16, 2020 2:40 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

GOP Strategist Steve Schmidt: I’m Now A Democrat

The Hill reports:

Longtime GOP strategist Steve Schmidt announced that he is registering as a Democrat after nearly 30 years with the Republican Party. Schmidt made the announcement during an episode of the “Battleground” podcast published Monday.

“I spent 29 years as a Republican, I’ve spent two and a half as an independent, and later this afternoon I will register as a member of the Democratic Party,” Schmidt told Plouffe.

Because in America today, it’s only the Democratic Party—which is the oldest political party in the world—that stands for the ideas and ideals of American liberty.

Schmidt worked on John McCain’s campaign and was memorably played by Woody Harrelson in the movie Game Change.

December 16, 2020 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Ann Kah said...

The longer people refuse to take COVID precautions, the longer I am a virtual prisoner in my own home.

I'm fed up with people who think the virus is an entity that is subject to political pressure.

December 16, 2020 3:41 PM  
Anonymous Evangelical Tony Perkins promotes dictatorship said...

Christian Activists Sign Letter Falsely Declaring Trump Winner of Election

By Hemant Mehta

Proving once again that conservative Christians believe lying is a part of their faith, a number of right-wing religious activists have signed a letter falsely declaring Donald Trump to be the “lawful winner of the presidential election.”

According to Right Wing Watch, the letter was “organized by the Conservative Action Project, an advocacy arm of the secretive Council for National Policy network.”

Written before the Electoral College voted, but with signatures being updated even after that official vote took place, the letter reads:

"The evidence overwhelmingly shows officials in key battleground states — as the result of a coordinated pressure campaign by Democrats and allied groups — violated the Constitution, state and federal law in changing mail-in voting rules that resulted in unlawful and invalid certifications of Biden victories.

There is no doubt President Donald J. Trump is the lawful winner of the presidential election. Joe Biden is not president-elect."

None of that is true. That evidence doesn’t exist. No judge — even ultra-conservative ones — have found justification for these claims. It’s unclear if the signers believe this because they’re dumb, willfully ignorant, wannabe tyrants, or some combination of all of those things.

But just for the record, some of the people who signed onto this letter include Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, L. Brent Bozell, III of the Media Research Center, Ed Martin of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, and Kelly Monroe Kullberg of the American Association of Evangelicals (AAE).

Even outside of politics, their careers are spent spreading lies. No wonder they see no problem promoting irrational conspiracy theories in defense of a fellow moral monster. Their faith certainly doesn’t teach them otherwise.

December 16, 2020 6:37 PM  
Anonymous Warren Gunnels said...

Federal Minimum Wage in 2009: $7.25/hr
Federal Minimum Wage in 2020: $7.25/hr

Wealth of billionaires in 2009: $1.27 trillion
Wealth of billionaires in 2020: $3.88 trillion

Oh, but how - oh how- will all the "job creators" survive if they have to pay workers $15 an hour?

December 16, 2020 10:37 PM  
Anonymous JackFknTwist said...

I take some joy in the fact that Trump has not travelled abroad to meet any world leaders (I think) since he found out about Macron, Merkel, Trudeau and Princess Anne all laughing at him behind his back.

He's never recovered from being seen as a laughing stock.

December 16, 2020 11:22 PM  
Anonymous homosexuality never produces life, two of 'em ain't ever a marriage said...

"The longer people refuse to take COVID precautions, the longer I am a virtual prisoner in my own home.

I'm fed up with people who think the virus is an entity that is subject to political pressure."

Ann, get out of the house

you're safety is completely under your control

wear a mask

stay six feet away from people you don't know

you won't contract COVID

it's all up to you

December 16, 2020 11:38 PM  
Anonymous homosexuality is inherently sado-masochistic said...

"Even outside of politics, their careers are spent spreading lies."

that's an opinion, Hemant

after all, the transgenders who frequent this page could be said to spend their lives spreading the lie that they aren't the gender that is physically obvious

just like religious beliefs, this claim is not empirically verifiable

funny how that doesn't disturb a guy like you

usually, all you believe are your eyes

and eyes just tell you lies

maybe your intense opposition to religious belief has a deeper explanation

"Federal Minimum Wage in 2009: $7.25/hr
Federal Minimum Wage in 2020: $7.25/hr

Wealth of billionaires in 2009: $1.27 trillion
Wealth of billionaires in 2020: $3.88 trillion

Oh, but how - oh how- will all the "job creators" survive if they have to pay workers $15 an hour?"

Warren, you mistakenly believe all wealth and property are communal and should be divvied up equally among all peoples, regardless of effort and talent

that belief is called Marxism and has led to great suffering everywhere it is accepted

under capitalism, which has created the utopia we live in, people transact numerous individual negotiations over wages and compensation

"I take some joy in the fact that Trump has not travelled abroad to meet any world leaders (I think) since he found out about Macron, Merkel, Trudeau and Princess Anne all laughing at him behind his back.

He's never recovered from being seen as a laughing stock."

Mr F'n Twist

those four of those all have their own problems: Merkel is detested by Germans, Trudeau has a history of racism and scandal, Princess Anne is pathetic figure who slept with Camilla's fiancee while her brother slept with Camilla

I don't think Trump spends much time thinking about those losers

but enjoy your fantasy world

do you wear VR googles much?

December 17, 2020 5:35 AM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

"As it heads for the exits, the Trump administration is still making sure Christian bigotry is at the forefront of everything they do. Yesterday, they loosened restrictions that, until now, made sure religious groups receiving taxpayer money to provide social services don’t shove their religion in the faces of the people they’re supposed to be helping."

Hemant, you're a mess

religious groups always believe that they should share a message that has helped them so it can help others

to call that "shoving it in the faces of the people they’re supposed to be helping" is a biased statement based on your deep fear that religion may be true

for one thing, religious organizations are providing those services, it's not just a supposition

the government funds plenty of secular organizations to provide the same services

the reason people flock to the religious organizations is that they are better at helping people

"Right now, faith-based service providers have to refer clients elsewhere if the people say they feel uncomfortable with their religious affiliation. That’s now gone."

it should be gone

secular organizations aren't required to send people to religious organizations if they are uncomfortable with their godless orientation

the rule is biased against religious belief, which is unconstitutional

"Right now, any clients are required to be told about their religious freedom rights. They’re told they don’t have to participate in any religious activities, they are entitled to go to an alternative service provider, and they can file a complaint if necessary. That’s now gone."

it should be gone

it's ridiculous to require this

it implies that profession of religious belief is coercive

the rule is biased against religious belief, which is unconstitutional

"Right now, if clients receive a voucher for social services, there must be a secular provider in addition to any religious providers. That requirement is now gone… which means there may be no secular options for some people."

so, if there are only religious organizations providing help, there should be no help?

the rule is biased against religious belief, which is unconstitutional

"Finally, to quote Americans United for Separation of Church and State President and CEO Rachel Laser, “the rules are paving the way for providers to refuse to provide key services and opening the door to discrimination in taxpayer-funded programs.”"

Rachel, like you, is biased by a deep fear that religion may be true

“The federal government should prioritize the best interests of people in need, not the interests of service providers who are choosing to receive billions of taxpayer dollars to deliver government services. Instead, the Trump administration is opening the door to government-sponsored discrimination, potentially allowing taxpayer-funded, faith-based providers to use religious litmus tests to turn people away or refuse to provide services. LGBTQ people, women, religious minorities and the nonreligious will bear the burden of these rules."

I don't know what you imagine is going on but virtually all religious organizations providing government funded social services help anyone regardless of their religious beliefs

your problem is you think there is a right to not hear others profess their beliefs

"American Atheists also condemned the new rules, which will go into effect on January 16, which ironically happens to be “Religious Freedom Day.”"

no one stops atheists from making their absurd profession that there is no God

why should religious believers not have the same right to free speech?

religious freedom is not synonymous with protection from hearing the views of others

December 17, 2020 6:00 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Anna said The longer people refuse to take COVID precautions, the longer I am a virtual prisoner in my own home.

I'm fed up with people who think the virus is an entity that is subject to political pressure."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Ann, get out of the house you're safety is completely under your control wear a mask stay six feet away from people you don't know you won't contract COVID it's all up to you"

The mask and distancing is no guarantee, the fewer infected people she comes in contact with the less likely she is to get Covid. Its most certainly not "all up to you", everyone needs to wear masks and social distance if this is to be gotten under control.

December 17, 2020 11:43 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "h*sexuality is inherently sado-masochistic.

You consider my husband and me two gay men, how do you figure our loving supportive relationship is sado-masochistic?

Hemant Mehta said "Even outside of politics, their careers are spent spreading lies."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "that's an opinion, Hemant"

No its not Wyatt/Regina. Several surveys show conservative politicans lie far more often than Democrats. Trump has filed and lost 60 lawsuits telling lies about the election, how many did Hillary file after she lost? NONE.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "after all, the transgenders who frequent this page could be said to spend their lives spreading the lie that they aren't the gender that is physically obvious".

Its not physically obvious, people perceive me as a woman and that wouldn't change with my cloths off. Who does it harm if I live as a woman and society treats me as a woman? My relationship with my husband is good for me and good for society.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "usually, all you believe are your eyes and eyes just tell you lies".

I can't believe you just used "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"!!!! LOL!

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "maybe your intense opposition to religious belief has a deeper explanation"

No, its two things, first your highest priority is to make the lives of people like me worse so of course I oppose you and the religion that motivates you. Second, your religion is based on the greatest injustice the human mind can conceive - infinite torture for finite crimes. Christianity and Islam are an afront to morality.

Warren Gunnels said

"Federal Minimum Wage in 2009: $7.25/hr
Federal Minimum Wage in 2020: $7.25/hr

Wealth of billionaires in 2009: $1.27 trillion
Wealth of billionaires in 2020: $3.88 trillion

Oh, but how - oh how- will all the "job creators" survive if they have to pay workers $15 an hour?"

"Warren, you mistakenly believe all wealth and property are communal and should be divvied up equally among all peoples, regardless of effort and talent that belief is called Marxism and has led to great suffering everywhere it is accepted"

No, what Warren believes is what all fair people believe, society should help everyone do well, not just the wealthy. Warren believes that there should be equality and fairness in society's priorities, this should not be about the rich taking all the profits the labour of the far less well off creates.

December 17, 2020 12:23 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "under capitalism, which has created the utopia we live in, people transact numerous individual negotiations over wages and compensation"

You mean a utopia for the extremely wealth, for the rest of us not so much. After 11 years the wealth of the poorest workers hasn't changed at all while the wealth of the billionaires has tripled. These needs to be addressed. The workers are creating the wealth the billionaires keep all to themselves.

Wyatt and Regina Hardiman said "gender has consequences".

You can see the subtext here - "I will dictate to you how you must live and if you deviate from that I will seek to make every facet of society attack you." - a common right wing authoritarian.

Who does it harm if I live as a woman and society treats me as a woman? Why do Wyatt and Regina hate freedom?

Hemant Mehta said "As it heads for the exits, the Trump administration is still making sure Christian bigotry is at the forefront of everything they do. Yesterday, they loosened restrictions that, until now, made sure religious groups receiving taxpayer money to provide social services don’t shove their religion in the faces of the people they’re supposed to be helping."

religious groups always believe that they should share a message that has helped them so it can help others".

The problem here is that this has the appearance of coerced conversion and many times is actual coercion - accept my religion or there's the threat you won't get the services you need. The First Amendment prohibits the government from favouring your religion and when you provide government services and "share a message" you and the government are violating the First Amendment

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the reason people flock to the religious organizations is that they are better at helping people".

Oh, you mean like sending thousands of bibles to areas hit by earthquakes? Give me a break!

December 17, 2020 12:24 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Hehmant Mehta said "Right now, faith-based service providers have to refer clients elsewhere if the people say they feel uncomfortable with their religious affiliation. That’s now gone."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "it should be gone".

Wyatt and Regina don't believe in the First Amendment's separation of church and state, they are hell-bent on forcing their miniority viewpoints on everyone.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "secular organizations [providing government services] aren't required to send people to religious organizations if they are uncomfortable with their godless orientation".

Which one would they send them to? Picking anyone would be favouring one religious viewpoint over others and a violation of the First Amendment.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "the rule is biased against religious belief, which is unconstitutional"

No, the rule prevents you from forcing your religious beliefs on others while you represent the government. No group in American society is more privileged and has more power than evangelical christians and the scumbags you are you demand even more of an iron fist over us.

Hemant Mehta said "Right now, any clients are required to be told about their religious freedom rights. They’re told they don’t have to participate in any religious activities, they are entitled to go to an alternative service provider, and they can file a complaint if necessary. That’s now gone."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "it should be gone it's ridiculous to require this it implies that profession of religious belief is coercive".

It IS coercive when somone needs government help and the first thing they hear from you is "I have this great religion you should join". That's a threat in that situation

December 17, 2020 12:25 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Hemant Mehta said "Right now, if clients receive a voucher for social services, there must be a secular provider in addition to any religious providers. That requirement is now gone… which means there may be no secular options for some people."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "so, if there are only religious organizations providing help, there should be no help?"

No, if there is only a religious source the goverment will provide a secular alternative to avoid violating the First Amendment.

Hemant Mehta said “The federal government should prioritize the best interests of people in need, not the interests of service providers who are choosing to receive billions of taxpayer dollars to deliver government services. Instead, the Trump administration is opening the door to government-sponsored discrimination, potentially allowing taxpayer-funded, faith-based providers to use religious litmus tests to turn people away or refuse to provide services. LGBTQ people, women, religious minorities and the nonreligious will bear the burden of these rules."

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "I don't know what you imagine is going on but virtually all religious organizations providing government funded social services help anyone regardless of their religious beliefs".

That's a lie. The Salvation Army, for example, won't help anyone in a same sex relationship unless they end it. That's coercing people getting goverment services to live by your religion to get them.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "your problem is you think there is a right to not hear others profess their beliefs".

Liar, he believes no such thing. We believe you can profess your religious beliefs til the cows come home but that the goverment must not promote your religion above others or non-religion.

"American Atheists also condemned the new rules, which will go into effect on January 16, which ironically happens to be “Religious Freedom Day.”"

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "no one stops atheists from making their absurd profession that there is no God why should religious believers not have the same right to free speech?"

Secular government service providers aren't trying to coerce people to become atheists, while you are trying to coerce non-believers to your religion. That's why these restrictions on government proselytization are needed.

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "religious freedom is not synonymous with protection from hearing the views of others".

No one said it was, this is about the government not coercing people into joining a religion. Trump eliminated those rules as another gift of power to an already too powerful evangelical minority.

December 17, 2020 12:30 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "no one stops atheists from making their absurd profession that there is no God why should religious believers not have the same right to free speech?"

Atheists providing government services under the proselytization rules aren't allowed to coerce people to leave their religion, by the same token you are not allowed to coerce people to join your religion.

This kind of lie you tell regularly, falsely claiming not having the government force your religion on others is denying your right to free speech, shows how deeply despicable you two are.

December 17, 2020 12:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

December 17, 2020 12:49 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Seriously, look at Wyatt/Regina's response, one dishonest reply after another and then they despicably say they're "sharing a message that has helped them so it can help others".

Back in January 2019 there were several posts by believers talking about how they were tormented by the fear of going to hell. So many people spend their lives in fear and torment because christians and muslims threaten them with eternal torture. This is a message that damages far more than it helps.

When Wyatt and Regina say people criticizing proselytization in the provision of government services are doing so "based on your deep fear that religion may be true" this is what they are referring to - being scared of being eternally tortured for finite crimes.

Christianity and Islam are deeply immoral philosophies, just look at how their first response to justifiable criticisms is to try to torment people with the fear of eternal torture. How sickening that they euphemistically refer to this as "sharing a positive message" when its a message of coercion and threat.

You two disgust me. But I'll still accept you back into the fold, just sign the social contract and renounce your war on harmless lgbt people.

December 17, 2020 12:52 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I guarantee you if it was a muslim group providing government services and telling people who needed the services they need to join Islam or an Atheist group demanding that you become an atheist to get service christians like Wyatt/Regina would be screaming bloody murder.

Then there'd be none of this "let it go, they're just sharing a message that has helped them so it can help others" B.S. YOU hypocrites!

December 17, 2020 1:16 PM  
Anonymous And wyatt and Regina sayi there's nothing dictatorial about Trump said...

Trump Adviser Tells CNN President Is Throwing ‘F***ing Temper Tantrum,’ Threatening Not to Leave White House on Inauguration Day

President Donald Trump is convinced he won the 2020 election and is now telling aides that he is considering not leaving the White House on January 20th, which is mandated by the Constitution since Joe Biden will be inaugurated as the next president that day.

On Erin Burnett Out Front, the CNN host reported that Trump appears to have flip-flopped on accepting the reality of his defeat and now adamantly believes a number of conspiracy theories that falsely claim he won the 2020 election.

“Sources tell CNN that the president has pulled a 180, no longer privately, quote/unquote, ‘getting the joke,’ not that it was ever funny,” host Erin Burnett explained. “He used to privately accept the reality that he lost the election, but now, no. He’s now starting to believe his own lies, that the election was stolen.”

“He now believes that, so much so, that Trump has told some advisers that he may not leave the White House on Inauguration Day,” she added.

In fact, there is no legal scenario in which Trump remains in office, or in residence in the White House, beyond January 20th, as Biden has won the Electoral College after all 50 states and the District of Columbia certified their votes. Entering or remaining in any restricted building violates 18 US Code § 1752, which recommends a punishment of a fine or imprisonment of up to one year.

However, even with Trump’s inner circle, there is a recognition that Trump’s rantings about the election are effectively meaningless at this point.

“One adviser telling CNN, quote, ‘He’s throwing a f***ing temper tantrum. He’s going to leave. He’s just lashing out,'” Burnett reported. “Okay. That description is the behavior of a person not right in the mind. Let’s just say it is like it is. Temper tantrums, lashing out, talking about not leaving the White House. Trump is not 4, right? He’s 74. And despite his increasingly deranged delusions, he’s still has the power to instill fear and sycophancy in others.”

December 17, 2020 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Marc E. Elias said...

BREAKING: Federal Court DISMISSES Republican challenges to Georgia's use of drop boxes, processing of absentee ballots prior to election day and signature match procedures. 1st of 3 cases brought by GOP to suppress the vote in upcoming Senate run-off.

December 17, 2020 1:58 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Republicans know they can't win a free and fair election so again they're doing everything they can get away with to stop people from voting.

If not for the vast Republican voter suppression Biden would have won the presidential election by 14 million instead of 7 million votes.

December 17, 2020 2:01 PM  
Anonymous Salman Rushdie said...

"Respect for religion" has become a code phrase meaning "fear of religion". Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect.

December 17, 2020 3:13 PM  
Anonymous BeaverTales II said...

Here’s proof that tax cuts for the rich don’t boost the economy

So much for trickle-down economics espoused by Ronald Reagan and others

Governments shouldn’t be worried that raising taxes on the rich will harm their economies when deciding on how to pay for COVID-19. Our new research on 18 advanced economies shows that major tax cuts for the rich over the past 50 years have pushed up inequality but have had no significant effects on economic growth or unemployment.

These findings shed new light on a debate that has long divided policymakers, with one side claiming higher taxes on the rich could raise revenue and reduce inequality, and the other arguing that low taxes on the rich are the best route to wider economic prosperity.

Since the 1980s, many countries have legislated major tax cuts for the rich. For instance, the two Reagan tax cuts in the U.S. reduced top rate taxes substantially in 1982 and 1987. In the U.K., taxes on the rich dropped significantly under the Thatcher administration, with major tax cuts in 1979 and 1988.

Falling taxes on the rich have coincided with a period of rising inequality, especially at the top of the income distribution as the graph below shows. This trend has been most severe in the Anglo-Saxon countries. The U.S. really stands out, with over one-fifth of pre-tax national income now going to the richest 1% of individuals.

December 17, 2020 3:18 PM  
Anonymous BeaverTales II said...

"The Nazi Party in its early years was defined by 2 was nationalistic and anti-semitic. Hitler found his speeches could draw crowds."

Pre-WW2 Germany was bankrupt and demoralized. The nationalism created a sense that the German nation was being 'stolen' from its 'rightful' owners. The anti-semitism created a convenient scapegoat out of a group that was easily othered.

Today, LGBT, immigrants and black folk are also easily othered. The 'rightful owners' are upper caste white Xtians who founded the country on the backs of stolen land and slavery, and now have created a caste of serfs to fund their extravagant lifestyles and do low wage menial work, while keeping the economy ramped up on religion and populist consumerism in pursuit of a materialistic and unsustainable lifestyle that created a prison of debt that is almost inescapable.

December 17, 2020 3:22 PM  
Anonymous Steven Beschloss said...

If we don't hold Trump accountable once he's no longer protected by presumed immunity, we will be dealing with another version of Trump one day, but a smarter and ultimately more dangerous one.

December 17, 2020 3:24 PM  
Anonymous Thsi freedom hurts no one said... A federal judge has struck down Ohio's policy prohibiting transgender residents from correcting the gender marker on their birth certificate,clearing the way for individuals to alter the document to reflect their gender identity.

December 17, 2020 3:27 PM  
Anonymous Hemant Mehta said...

Australian Victims Speak Out Against Christian Drug/Alcohol Rehab Center

You know the story won’t end well when it involves a religious rehab clinic.

In Sydney, Australia, some people have been ordered by the courts to spend time in the Healing House, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. But a new report from ABC Investigations finds that it’s basically a faith-based torture chamber for people who simply wanted to get better.

Healing House founder Meredith Raymonde discussed speaking in tongues in a now-deleted YouTube video.

Said one victim whose bail was dependent on going to the Healing House:

“It was an absolute nightmare. I was mentally more sound in jail. I asked to go back to jail.“

What’s wrong with the place? First, there’s the literal filth:

“When I first walked in [to the Healing House] I was just gobsmacked. The filth and the dirt in the place was just unbelievable,” [former resident Francis Loy] said.

“There were kids running around. There were flies stuck to all the benches in the kitchen. There was plates and dish washing that hadn’t been washed and half-eaten meals, half-cooked meals. The fridges were disgusting.“

That’s disgusting, but that’s not a religion-specific problem. Those were separate:

At least seven residents were reluctantly baptised in one of the bathrooms at the Healing House. A number of them have told ABC Investigations they felt they didn’t have a choice. One of them is a Muslim.

The centre has no staff, nor any qualified medical or mental health professionals on site. Residents are instead fed a daily diet of fringe religious teachings and bizarre online videos as part of a “Christ-centered Structured Recovery Model.”

If it’s “Christ-centered,” that’s usually code for a lack of any supporting evidence that shows the methods work. In fact, not only is the place unregulated, the people in charge have no qualifications. They’re just Christian and think that gives them power to do whatever they want no matter how harmful it may be.

The drug and alcohol rehabilitation sector is unregulated. It means there is no oversight, no requirement to uphold certain standards and no minimum qualifications for staff.

In a statement to ABC Investigations, NSW Police said they “do not conduct checks as offenders are referred to the programs by the courts.”

The NSW Attorney General, the NSW Chief Magistrate and the Federal assistant Minister for charities have declined to comment.

In other words, the clinic was given the benefit of the doubt because it’s faith-based and it turned out the Christians in charge couldn’t be trusted. If the police can’t take action, it’ll be up to the courts to make sure no faith-based, non-regulated clinic is ever offered to people as an option.

The founder of the place, Meredith Raymonde, wouldn’t speak to reporters and shut down her YouTube channel. But the other board members — Fini de Gersigny, Dr. Seinyenede Onobrakpor, and Amra Sehic — haven’t defended their actions either. Why do they enjoy hurting so many people in the name of Jesus? When are they going to apologize? Why haven’t they quit?

December 17, 2020 3:48 PM  
Anonymous Hemant Mehta said...

FL Pastor Who Opposed Sunday Alcohol Sales Arrested for Something So Much Worse
By Hemant Mehta
December 17, 2020

In 2017, Santa Rosa County in Florida approved an ordinance allowing for the sale of alcohol on Sundays. But one of the main opponents was William Dalton Milam, the pastor of Olivet Baptist Church in Milton.

Milam clearly didn’t want sin entering his community.

He should’ve been looking in a mirror instead. On Monday, Milam, 62, was arrested on charges of child pornography.

… [Milam] was arrested Monday on two counts of promoting sexual performance of a child and 25 counts of possession of child pornography.

[The Florida Department of Law Enforcement] said agents received a tip about Milam from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which led them to a computer address traced to Milam’s home. Authorities say a search warrant led agents to multiple devices containing child pornography, some depicting children as young as 3 engaged in sex acts.

Disturbing on all levels. With a separate dash of Christian hypocrisy.

I know this isn’t a new kind of story but it’s worth repeating that the same pastors who rail against immorality and indecency are so often guilty of those same “sins.” If anything, they go even further — criminal, in this case — because they make the mistake of putting all sins in the same basket. This man was a monster. Who knows how many children were left alone in his presence, over many years, because he was a Christian pastor?

December 17, 2020 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Dennis Lurvey said...

These people believe biblical law is superior to man's law, and in the bible sex with a child is not a sin. Neither is rape, beating your wife or your slave, or killing a gay person. This is not the end of child sex.

December 17, 2020 4:02 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Romney Rips Trump’s “Inexcusable Silence” On Russian Hacking

Mediaite reports:

Senator Mitt Romney is the rarest of breeds currently serving in the U.S. Senate: an elected Republican willing to criticize President Donald Trump. The latest example came on Thursday afternoon after news broke of a massive cyberattack reportedly carried out by Russia.

Romney was mocked when, during his 2012 bid for the White House, he named Russia as the greatest geopolitical threat facing the United States. The junior senator from Utah was also the only Republican in the senate to vote for Trump’s removal during the impeachment trial of 2020.

December 17, 2020 7:30 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Fox Host: Masks Are Worn By “Virtue Signaling Elites”

December 17, 2020 Covidiots, State Television

“You walk around in your daily life, how do people treat masks? They don’t treat so much as a protective mechanism.

“They treat it as a virtue signal that they’re better, more scientific minded, smarter than you.

“This is running rampant, and it really is the dividing line in our society now — the elites versus everyone else they view as the little people.” – Fox News host Will Cain.

Look at the destructive attitude Trump has created. Masks are far more effective when everyone is wearing them. When half the population won't we can't get this pandemic under control.

December 17, 2020 7:35 PM  
Anonymous Paganheart said...

I'd rather be a "virtue signaling elite" than a plague rat whose selfishness and stupidity is literally killing people.

December 17, 2020 7:37 PM  
Anonymous Robert Conner said...

"...elites versus everyone else"

Yeah a*hole, those elite nurses and doctors and respiratory therapists and EMT's and technicians with their uppity college degrees and science, risking their lives to save the lives of idiots who should be sent to churches to die instead of admitted to hospitals. What a bunch of despicable virtue signalers those healthcare personnel are, trying to take care of other people! Who ever heard of such liberal nonsense!

December 17, 2020 7:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

National Security Experts Warn Trump “Is Promoting Terrorism”

The president’s post-election incitement expands on a tactic he has long used: stochastic terrorism.

In the waning days of his presidency, Donald Trump is engaged in a deliberate campaign of terrorism aimed at Americans who oppose him politically. That description of his actions is neither a metaphor nor hyperbole—it is the assessment of veteran national security experts, whose view of the political violence being stoked by the outgoing president is echoed by law enforcement and political leaders. As Trump has pushed a litany of lies and conspiracy theories claiming that the 2020 election was “stolen” from him through “massive fraud,” he has stirred his most extreme supporters into menacing public officials, election workers, and his Democratic and Republican critics alike. Over the past four years, numerous perpetrators of threats and violence have directly invoked the president and his rhetoric, and recent gatherings by far-right groups in support of Trump’s efforts to reverse his election defeat have led to beatings, stabbings and a shooting.

Trump is using a tactic known as “stochastic terrorism,” says Juliette Kayyem, a national security expert and former assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security. It’s a method of political incitement that provokes random acts of extremist violence, in which the instigator uses rhetoric ambiguous enough to give himself and his allies plausible deniability for any resulting bloodshed. Violent threats or attacks linked to the rhetoric usually generate muted denials and equivocal denunciations, or claims to have been “joking,” as Trump and those speaking on his behalf have routinely hidden behind.

Previously discussed in obscurity among counterterrorism specialists and national security wonks, the concept of stochastic terrorism first drew wider attention in 2018 when Kayyem cited it in reference to Cesar Sayoc, a fervent Trump supporter who sent mail bombs to CNN and nearly a dozen Democratic figures, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. Since then—and particularly since Trump’s defeat in November—the president’s willingness to encourage violence for political purposes has become only more evident, according to Kayyem. She says Trump’s behavior should be called out for what it is: “He is promoting terrorism.”

More at the link above

December 17, 2020 8:50 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump also attacked the news media as “the enemy of the people,” sparking violent threats and plots against journalists.

When pressed in a fall presidential debate to denounce the violent far-right group known as the Proud Boys, Trump infamously responded that they should “stand back and stand by.”

December 17, 2020 8:55 PM  
Anonymous Howard Fineman said...

Trump in the end will be shown to have been the most damaging Cold War traitor since the Rosenbergs, looking the other way (at least) as Putin ransacked our security, politics and economy. Were Trump not president he'd be prosecuted for treason.

December 17, 2020 9:46 PM  
Anonymous more on that non-existent voter fraud said...

Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro published a lengthy report Thursday outlining several examples of voting irregularities that are “more than sufficient” to swing the outcome of the election in President Trump’s favor.

The 36-page report “assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states” and concludes that “patterns of election irregularities ... are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election, strategically game the election process in such a way as to ... unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.”

The six dimensions of voting irregularities in the report include: outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.

All six of those voting issues were present in at least two key states, according to the report, and a total of six battleground states experienced multiple examples of the other dimensions.


December 17, 2020 10:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Voter fraud is non-existence. Every election is different from the last, saying it is ("irregularities") is certainly not proof of election fraud.

Trump tried over 60 times in court to prove voter fraud and was laughed out of court each time.

The real problem was the massive multi-pronged voter suppression efforts by Republicans.

If it were not for Republican voter suppression Biden would have won by 14 million votes instead of 7 million.

Biden is the clear undisputed winner of the election. Hillary never started a single lawsuit over the 2016 election, Trump over 60 to try and overturn democracy.

December 18, 2020 11:42 AM  
Anonymous Sashineb said...

Evangelical Christian Tony Perkins, the leader of an anti-LGBT hate group, who claimed that God uses natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding to punish gays and their supporters, had his own house destroyed by a flood.

December 18, 2020 12:00 PM  
Anonymous Pfister Fawcett-Majors said...

One of the very first things the Trump Administration did was get in touch with fundamentalists and work on revising and accelerating LGBT discrimination. I pointed this out to my family. We're no longer speaking. They think I should shut up about and be glad I don't get executed for sodomy.

December 18, 2020 12:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

"They think I should shut up about and be glad I don't get executed for sodomy."

That's certainly how right wing authoritarians like Wyatt and Regina Hardiman think. Wait, I take that back, they actually think gays should be executed:

"in the U.S., you can be executed for doing nothing in Iran, you have to commit a serious crime, like h*sexuality"

December 18, 2020 12:11 PM  
Anonymous gays love Judy Garland - here's a holiday ditty for them,,,, said...

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy demanded that science bend to humankind's aspirations. Before a joint session of Congress, JFK insisted that by the end of the decade the United States would land a man on the moon and return him safely to the earth. Soon after at Rice University, JFK declared, "the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward.”

In a defiant declaration challenging the politics and science of the day, Kennedy affirmed, “We choose to go to the Moon.” A half-century later, America has triumphed again. This time in an unprecedented private-public partnership intent on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s Moon Shot is Operation Warp Speed, and it is a multi-faceted effort that – less than a year ago – committed to create, test, and distribute an effective vaccination for COVID-19. The first vaccines were shipped out Sunday of this week and the first vaccination was administered on Monday, to an ICU nurse in New York City.

What usually takes up to ten years, America’s innovative bio-pharmaceutical companies accomplished – the design and testing of a new vaccine – in less than ten months. Nothing short of remarkable – miraculous really – in the history of science and medicine.

By now we are all familiar with the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency use authorization for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine (and myriad other companies are right behind Pfizer with effective vaccines ready for market). As I write these words, the first shots are being administered to frontline health-care workers. For the first time during the COVID-19 crisis, I can state with confidence that the end of the pandemic is finally in sight.

We have – once again – bent science to our will. However, the vaccine will not save us from the coronavirus. No, more than 300 million Americans being vaccinated will save us. For that, our supermarket chains – America’s grocers and pharmacies – must be prepared to do their crucial part of Operation Warp Speed. If the ten-month timeline from vaccine development to FDA approval was a medical miracle, a robust distribution plan to make sure all Americans are vaccinated will be no less a miraculous feat. And again, America’s private sector is ready.

December 18, 2020 1:43 PM  
Anonymous gays love Judy Garland - here's a holiday ditty for them,,,, said...

In a recent interview with CNBC, Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen “expressed confidence about the distribution of coronavirus vaccines at its pharmacies,” saying that the grocer was “ready and anxious to get started.” The Food Institute has described how neighborhood grocery stores will operate as the central providers of COVID-19 vaccinations. “Supermarkets are working to secure storage materials for the vaccines, and other medical gear required for administering shots.”

A major component of Operation Warp Speed is distribution of the vaccine. Therefore, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has partnered with America’s grocery and pharmacy chains— such as Kroger, Albertsons, Walgreens and CVS—to provide the infrastructure to dispense the coronavirus vaccines.

Grocers are cornerstones of many communities and they have already served as important hubs for COVID-19 testing. Kroger, for instance, is the nation’s largest supermarket chain operating nearly 2,000 pharmacies in 37 states. Therefore, the fact that HHS and America’s public health community are depending upon grocery stores and pharmacies, like Kroger, to carry the load of vaccine distribution makes perfect logistical sense and will be the decisive factor in defeating the coronavirus pandemic. In a statement on vaccine distribution, HHS Secretary Alex Azar stated, “The vast majority of Americans live within five miles of a pharmacy, and our new agreement with pharmacy partners across America is a critical step toward making sure all Americans have access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines.”

The COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and health protocols have changed how we shop. America’s grocery stores have been innovative and sensitive by improving and adapting how they serve their neighbors. Supermarkets, like many in the private sector, have invested enormous resources to make stores safe for their customers and staff. For example, Kroger has invested more than $1 billion since the beginning of the pandemic to “reward associates and safeguard associates, customers and communities,” and the supermarket chain has made over 100,000 new hires during the pandemic – many of which were furloughed due to the pandemic. These investments in new hires and safety and health practices are why the grocer/pharmacy sector is well-positioned to help successfully distribute the COVID-19 vaccination to the American public.

America is halfway through its ‘COVID-19 Moon Shot’ – we made it to the moon so to speak but now we must safely return to earth. Operation Warp Speed’s development of the vaccine is a remarkable scientific achievement. However, for that achievement to be truly historic, America’s grocery stores and pharmacies are ready to deliver the vaccine to 328,000,000 Americans.

Operation Warp speed demonstrates the very best of American innovation. The Trump administration, the American bio-pharmaceutical industry, medical professionals, and America’s supermarkets, grocers, and pharmacies have all risen to the enormous task of defeating an invisible enemy.

The end is in sight.

December 18, 2020 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Joe Biden and his family are not above the law said...

"Operation Warp speed demonstrates the very best of American innovation. The Trump administration, the American bio-pharmaceutical industry, medical professionals, and America’s supermarkets, grocers, and pharmacies have all risen to the enormous task of defeating an invisible enemy."

true dat

let's hope nothing like this happens during the Joe Loser administration!

the loser-team that Joe Loser is putting together won't be doing any moonshots!

December 18, 2020 1:48 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The Pfizer vaccine didn't get any money from Trump's program.

Pfizer did it all on their own.

Trump hid the severity of the pandemic from the public and let it spread far beyond what it would have otherwise. Trump condemned every mitigation measure and held large gatherings with no masks and no social distancing. He convinced all his followers to attack any attempt to lessen the impact of the virus - this is all Trump's fault.

Infections are increasing at a exponential rate while Trump not only does nothing but tries to actively make it worse so Biden has a harder time getting it under control

If Trump had warned the public back in January and implemented a national mask mandate and national testing and tracing, hundreds of thousands of Americans wouldn't have died.

December 18, 2020 2:26 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The Republican Party has embraced American fascism, an anti-democratic ideology that is unique to our country, and is engrained deeper in our collective consciousness and our history than most of us have been taught.

In 1861 the rich plantation owners of the South were able to mobilize the entire region to fight the Civil War. It was a movement so violent, that Union soldiers were forced to stay in Southern states for years after the Confederate Army surrendered in order to uphold democracy.

The Confederacy's repudiation of equality is outlined in its founding documents, including Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens outlined the the new nation's rejection of equality on the basis of white racial superiority. His country promised wealth and possibility, but only for a few white men.

It is equality that makes a democracy possible. Without it, the strong can crush the weak and impose their will on the rest of society. That is how fascist governments are structured, that is how the Confederacy came to be, and that is what Trump's Republican party is embracing now.

Southern slaveholders were fascists

In order to justify the institution of slavery as humane and just, rich Antebellum Southern planters and politicians (they were almost invariably one in the same) started rejecting democracy and equality in the mid-1800s. Instead they decided their society should be built on a strict order, with the plantation owner on top and the slave on the bottom.

The Southern Watchman declared in 1857:

"Vulgar democracy and licentious 'freedom' is rapidly supplanting all the principles of contintutional 'liberty'! When shall the American people perceive that all our difficulties arise from the absurdities of deciding that the 'pauper' and the 'landholder' are alike competent to manage the affairs of a Country, or alike entitled to vote for those who shall?"

It was clear to the Southern slaveholders that a sense of equality — or any attempts by the state to create equality — could disrupt their rule. So in an attempt to keep power with power they took equality out of the equation. They also starved their government coffers, much like the agenda of our modern GOP. The result was a society with crushing inequality not just between black and white, but the planter class and white, small-scale farmers.

December 18, 2020 2:36 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The United States fought the Civil War to end slavery and preserve democracy on this continent. "The Cause" the doomed Confederacy fought for — that it raised private militias for — was the right to violently preserve an unequal society completely captured by a ruling class imposing its will on everyone else. This is the origin of American fascism.

Officially, the Civil War ended in 1865, but Union soldiers left the South 11 years later. Once they were gone, Southern fascists were able to organize their region's society in the anti-democratic way they wanted to, creating the Black Codes, Jim Crow, poll taxes and poll tests. This is how fascism — a mass movement to enforce the social order of white supremacy — has been allowed to grow within a democracy for generations since the Civil War.

Consider what has happened just before the election.

President Donald Trump has openly talked about refusing to accept the outcome of the Noveember elections if he doesn't win. He is not the only one in his party who has suggested they will not respect the will of the people. On Wednesday in his debate against Sen. Kamala Harris, Vice President Mike Pence dodged a question about the peaceful transfer of power, refusing to reject Trump's stance in favor of democracy. Trump was elated.

That very night, on Twitter, GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah insisted that democracy is not a necessary part of this American experiment (it is). Instead, he argued, our government should strive for peace, prosperity and liberty — but for who? Without democracy there is only liberty for the strong, rich and violent. That is what we know from observing undemocratic countries around the world and through history.

Just hours after Lee's tweet, on Thursday, the FBI arrested 13 men in connection with a domestic terrorist plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Whitmer, a Democrat, has agitated armed right-wing groups in her state by enforcing public health regulations during the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump counts the violent individuals in these groups among his supporters. In fact, just before these charges were announced Trump called Whitmer, "the lockup queen" on Fox News. This after referring armed protesters in Michigan as "fine people" who were just a little angry.

December 18, 2020 2:36 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

In a press conference following the news, Governor Whitmer said Trump was complicit in the threat on her life. She drew a direct line between Trump's refusal to denounce armed white supremacist groups at the first presidential debate. In doing so she was repudiating America's most virulent form of fascism. That is what white supremacy is. Because of the legacy of the Confederacy, in our country white supremacy and fascism are inextricably linked.

The militia groups threatening to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, and the marchers carrying Confederate flags in Charlottesville back in 2017, are all participants in this history. Their ideology is derived from the mass movement to overthrow the US government in the Antebellum South, just like the ideology of today's neo-Nazis is derived from Adolf Hitler's mass movement to take over the world. Both groups are just as fascist today as they were in the past, even if they lack the support they had before.

In part because of our refusal to acknowledge this history, American fascism is lodged so deeply into our system that we are still fighting it on multiple fronts — voter suppression, right-wing terrorism and racial injustice. That same denial has permitted men like Donald Trump and Sen. Mike Lee to delude themselves into thinking they have some kind of commitment to freedom when they are, in fact, carrying on that fascist history. It's time we all acknowledged that.

December 18, 2020 2:37 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Study: Republican Men More Likely To Dig Cuckolding

Sexuality researcher Justin Lehmiller writes:

For my book “Tell Me What You Want,” I studied the sexual fantasies of 4,175 Americans from all 50 states. I asked my participants to report how often they fantasized about hundreds of different people, places and things — including cuckolding.

A majority of heterosexual men (52 percent) said they had fantasized about watching their partner have sex with someone else. Heterosexual men who identified as Republican were the most likely to report having had a cuckolding fantasy at some point — and they fantasized about it more often than Democrats.

Fewer than half of Democratic straight men (49 percent) reported having ever fantasized about cuckolding, and 19 percent said they fantasize about it often. By contrast, nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of heterosexual Republican men reported having had this fantasy, and 30 percent said it is a frequent fantasy.

December 18, 2020 2:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Pastor accused of paying teen boys to perform sex acts with wife, Michigan cops say

Rev. Stricjavvar 'Strick' Strickland, a prominent Kalamazoo pastor is accused of paying teenage boys, between 15 and 17 years old, to perform sex acts with his wife while he watched and pleasured himself, media outlets in Michigan report.

December 18, 2020 2:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Republicans are so hypocritical, saying gay sex is shameful, while they engage in all kinds of kinky sex.

Of course those conservatives who are most anti-gay are regularly exposed for having gay sex themselves.

Let it go guys,accept yourselves and others. We'll all be better off for it. Whatever kinky stuff you're into is okay as long as you aren't hurting others.

December 18, 2020 2:43 PM  
Anonymous gender has consequences said...

Transgender, transgender

you have no complaint

you are what you are, and you ain't what you ain't

so listen up, buster

listen and learn and learn

you're still what you were

on the day you were born

The Republican Party is poised to win the House majority in 2022, boosted by the rare combination of President Trump’s ouster and down-ballot victories that put the GOP in command of the decennial redrawing of district boundaries.

House Republicans flipped nearly a dozen Democratic-held seats in the Nov. 3 elections, a surprising gain that left them a handful shy of the majority. With such a thin margin, there is loose speculation redistricting could effectively deliver Republicans the speaker’s gavel before a single Democratic incumbent is defeated. The GOP preserved control of key state legislatures and governor’s mansions, a crucial advantage in the partisan battle over reapportionment.

Trump’s defeat was another stroke of good fortune for House Republicans. Historically, the party that holds the White House loses seats in midterm elections. That has held true for Democratic and Republican presidents going back to Ronald Reagan’s first midterm in 1982, with the exception of 1998 and 2002. President-elect Joe Biden presents an immediate challenge for House Democrats heading into the 2022 midterm elections.

December 18, 2020 3:21 PM  
Anonymous ha-ha!... said...

that's right!


December 18, 2020 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Americans should have equal protection under the law; special protections for L or B or G or B or T is wrong!... said...

For a damaging story about a Democrat to be true, DNA must be found on a blue dress. There must be Blue Dress Proof™. It’s not enough to have a witness and a victim. It’s not enough to have a computer, a cache of validated emails, thousands of affadavits signed under the threat of perjury. There must be actual DNA, videotaped evidence. If the bad guy is a Democrat, there must be Blue Dress Proof.

For a damaging story about a Republican to be true, nothing has to be true at all. Third-hand hearsay about hookers and pee, a smile on a face, or a sarcastic tweet or phrase taken out of context can make even the most absurd conclusion be portrayed as fact and conveyed as truth in perpetuity. If the bad guy is a Republican, no proof is needed.

Hunter Biden, the China-compromised (to the tune of a request of 10 million smackers), Russian oligarch–payoff taking, crack pipe–smoking, naked-picture havin’ Democrat has been given every benefit of the doubt. The media and technology companies forbade mentioning the story before the election. No one who watched CNN or NBC or MSNBC or read the New York Times or the Washington Post knew about the story. Those on Twitter whose tweets weren’t throttled or blocked outright were called names by the media. The story, which had witnesses, corroboration, and evidence, was deemed a conspiracy theory.

It’s all true. The DOJ and FBI knew it was all true, and, shockingly, the intelligence agencies that leaked like 30-year-old sieves throughout the Trump administration miraculously learned how to keep a secret for over a year. They stayed mum through the primaries. They were quiet through the presidential election while sitting on a laptop full of emails, images, and texts of Biden corruption.

Since everyone has the memory retention of a fart due to the internet turning humans into mindless clickers, I thought it would be good to refresh everyone’s memories about the media during the Clinton years. Bill Clinton was president 20 years ago. An Arkansas guy, he rose above his station and through intellectual brilliance and not a little viciousness blew through the ranks in politics to become the 42nd president of the United States.

Bill was known to be a cad and in some cases an “aggressive” date. None of the women he’s (allegedly) raped has been taken seriously by the #MeToo movement even today. No woman assaulted by Clinton back in the day was taken seriously either.

Hillary Clinton knew a meal ticket when she had one, and like all good feminists attached herself to Bill like a fungus. She would not let go no matter the stories. They had an understanding. Feminists loved Bill Clinton. They defended him. Gloria Steinem wrote a big op-ed in the New York Times defending Bill.

December 18, 2020 4:45 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Here's a one hour video responding to J.K. Rowling's anti-trans blog posts. Its a compassionate analysis of her claims and concerns which refutes her highly misleading claims and provides the sources to back it up. Its well worth your time. The videographers say this of their video:

"We're not saying JK Rowling is a bad person, she has fallen into a gender critical echo-chamber as is evidenced by her blog post which is transphobic. It's filled with missing information, it entirely lacks sources and people are just trusting what she is saying which is very damaging indeed.

We're not saying that you need to listen to us, we are just strongly encouraging you to do your own research. We have cited everything below. We can sit here and talk until we are blue in the face but if you still after watching this entire video don't think transwomen should be seen as women or feel that they are just predatory men you are relying on arguments that are deeply flawed. You are trusting half truths and you are giving in to fearmongering and that is your choice. Shout about it if you want, its your freedom of speech but don't then get annoyed when people call you out for being a bigot or being trans exclusionary because that is what you are doing."

December 18, 2020 5:13 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous said "Americans should have equal protection under the law; special protections for L or B or G or B or T is wrong!"

How typical of you to falsely claim you want equal protection under the law when you're promoting unequal protection under the law.

Christians are broadly protected from discrimination by law, lgbt people are not. Christians have special protections, lgbt people are denied equal protection under the law.

LGBT people deserve the same right to marry and be free from discrimination as christians.

December 18, 2020 5:18 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Look at Wyatt/Regina/bad anonymous trying to spin Trump's massive loss as a win.


Early voting is way up in Georgia, way beyond the records already set in the presidential election. Historically this is a good sign for Democrats and a bad sign for Republicans (no wonder they've doubled down on voter suppression). :)

December 18, 2020 5:22 PM  
Anonymous The pandemic is the fault of christian conservatives said...

At Least 75 People Have COVID After NC Church’s In-Person Christmas Concert

By Hemant Mehta

The First Baptist Church of Hendersonville in North Carolina held an in-person Christmas celebration two weekends ago. The Asheville Citizen Times spoke with some attendees who said “the church was crowded, many people were not wearing masks and choir members, without masks, were singing shoulder to shoulder.”

You know how this story ends.

Because of the arrogance, ignorance, and downright stupidity of these anti-science Christians, at least 75 people (and counting) have tested positive for COVID as a direct result of this event.

According to local health officials:

The Henderson County Department of Public Health has identified a COVID-19 cluster associated with a holiday celebration event at First Baptist Church, Hendersonville over the Dec. 5 weekend.

To date, the Health Department has identified 75 individuals who have tested positive as a result of the event. The Health Department is working to identify any additional close contacts of these individuals.

75 is the baseline. It’s only going to get higher.

December 18, 2020 6:08 PM  
Anonymous This is Trump's America (Russia) said...

Feds Elevate Alarm At Russian Hacking: “Grave Risk”

The Associated Press reports:

Federal authorities expressed increased alarm today about a long-undetected intrusion into U.S. and other computer systems around the globe that officials suspect was carried out by Russian hackers. The nation’s cybersecurity agency warned of a “grave” risk to government and private networks.

The hack compromised federal agencies and “critical infrastructure” in a sophisticated attack that was hard to detect and will be difficult to undo, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said in an unusual warning message. The Department of Energy acknowledged it was among those that had been hacked.

December 18, 2020 6:19 PM  
Anonymous Trump is creating as big a disaster as he can for Biden said...

Pentagon Ordered To Halt Biden’s Defense Briefings

Politico reports:

The tension between the Trump administration and President-elect Joe Biden’s team spilled out into the open on Friday, as officials traded accusations over the status of a series of Defense Department transition meetings that a Biden spokesperson called “invaluable” for national security.

Biden spokesperson Yohannes Abraham directly contradicted acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller’s claims that the two teams “mutually agreed” to pause the interviews until after the holiday, after Axios reported that Miller had abruptly ordered a department-wide halt to cooperation with the transition team.

Read the full article.

BREAKING: Trump’s Acting, sycophant Defense Secretary Christopher Miller has ordered Pentagon officials to stop cooperation with Biden’s transition team, in order to sabotage his presidency before it even starts.#TraitorTrump

December 18, 2020 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Jenna Hope said...

Rachel's show last night said White House Administration has suddenly cut the shipping of Pfizer's Covid19 vaccines by 30-37% for each state without warning or explanation! The vaccines were sitting on the shelves! Then they spread the lie that Pfizer's have problem in production! Rachel suggested the orange fool was revenging because Pfizer says "despite being disparaged, scientists delivered". State officials are all frustrated because the promise didn't come through.

December 18, 2020 6:33 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Just another example of trying to harm the country to limit the good Biden can do.

December 18, 2020 6:34 PM  
Anonymous Ragnar_Lothbrok said...

Biden should do a loud public announcement directing immediate shipment, payable Jan 20

December 18, 2020 6:35 PM  
Anonymous Laura Bassett said...

Pfizer says the Trump Administration has stopped giving them directions on where to send the vaccines, so the vaccines are just sitting there. They simply do not give a sh*t.

December 18, 2020 6:36 PM  
Anonymous Boreal said...

A Christmas Carol is a heartwarming story on how the 1% must be supernaturally terrorized into being decent human beings.

December 18, 2020 6:45 PM  

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