Tuesday, May 10, 2005

These Geniuses Don't Like Us

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:
Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye

Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?

Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.

Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.
[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

May 13, 2005 1:16 AM  
Blogger JimK said...

And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

May 14, 2005 9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your all a bunch of freaks!

May 14, 2005 7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

May 14, 2005 7:47 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

May 14, 2005 10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over in his grave! ;-)

1:16 AM

JimK said...
And the award for Most Stupid Errors in One Comment goes to .......... drumroll ........

--Anonymous! For his comments on "These geniuses don't like us."

9:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Your all a bunch of freaks!

7:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey JimK... Are you gay? Are any of your children gay? Do any of your children even attend public shool in Maryland? - Your just a concerned citizen... riiiiiight!

7:47 PM

JimK said...
Sometimes I think that different comments signed "Anonymous" are written by different people.

This time, I think they're all the same person, all three times. Pretty sure.

10:22 PM

Ah, this is refeshing. Last week a federal judge ruled against the curriculum. It was a hasty thing, whatever, we lost.

I could be sitting around moping, I guess.

But how can anybody mope, when there's bright shiny stuff like this around? A blog, rather decently named Republicans and Conservatives for America, has decided that, well, they've decided they don't like us.

Ah, see? I feel better already.

Listen to the cheerful, thoughtful things they say:Have you read the news? Homosexuality is perfectly normal. It's a fact. That is what the founders of "TellTheTruth.org" would have you believe. And the right wing, conservative agenda is preventing them from teaching it in our schools! Judge's Ruling Against Sex-Ed Program Grabs National Eye
Man, you gotta admit, these Republicans and Conservatives for America really do their homework, don't they? They even got our name ... uh ... did they mean us?

It becomes apparent that they did.
According to TellTheTruth.org… "Across the nation and in our own back yard, religious extremists are attempting to impose individual religious beliefs on all of our children, and to dictate what our children learn about themselves, their bodies, and about the people around them."

This quote was in response to a judge's order on Thursday evening to halt a new public school sex-education curriculum. These people are sick, no mincing words here. According to them it is their right to impose a sexually perverted and anti-religious doctrine on our children at an age when most of them still can’t keep their shoes tied for a full school day. Don't people of faith pay taxes like the pagans?
Woo-hoo! Republicans and Conservatives for America roll a perfect strike. All the pins are flyin' everywhere! Have another root beer, fellers. Us sick, anti-religious perverts are shamed -- shamed, I tell you! O, this is my worst moment.

In case you didn't come in through our home page, that quote appears over there, and has been there since probably last December. We (TellTheTruth.org) have an uncanny way of responding to things months before they happen. That's why we're all rich. We just invest in the market the way it's going to be in a few months, and then just sit around and wait, and then count all our money. This is s-o-o-o-o easy, I can't tell you.

I'll even admit -- I knew a long time ago that Republicans and Conservatives for America were not going to like me. Months ago, if you'd asked me, I could've told you.
"This has national significance because Montgomery County is a wealthy, influential school district and the lid has been ripped off an agenda that has crept into schools nationwide," said Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Family Institute, an affiliate of the conservative organization Concerned Women for America.
Yes, Robert Knight, we know him. We heard him speak. If you call it that.

He's quoted here because he's an expert, and a concerned woman, apparently.
This shows that parents, even in a very liberal area, can fight back and win," Knight added, noting that he knew of no other case in the country where a sex-ed program has been restrained by a federal judge."

I applaud the people of Montgomery County and thank them for their diligence. The concept of making this deviance a norm in today’s society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled.[Note: I am not responsible for the random placement of quotation marks. This is cut and pasted from the Republicans and Conservatives for America blog.]

OK, people, there it is: Republicans and Conservatives for America have issued their ultimatum. Making this deviance a norm in today's society (any more than has already become acceptable) must be quelled. Cuz, y'know? The amount that has already become acceptable is just about the right amount of deviance. Like, I think too much deviance can be a bad thing, don't you? But this amount ... perfect for Republicans and Conservatives for America.

--OK, hold it. One word. Some people are thinking this judge's ruling is the end of this. No, it's not -- it may be a learning experience for some of us, and especially I am hoping that MCPS' lawyers are staying up late going back over their notes and figuring out how they let this one get away from them.

We need to look carefully at the teacher resources, that is clear, and at any other thing that the extremists will find to pick at in order to advance their agenda. But this county ain't flippin' over quite that easy. And if these guys think they're going to dog-pack us to death with this inanity, they'd better think twice. Cuz we're gonna have a whole lotta fun before this game's over.
posted by JimK at 3:07 AM on May 10 2005

Anonymous said...
I've found it interesting that after reading a good portion of your blog material that your participants are quite skilled at stating half-truths. I was directed to an article headline posted on teachthefacts.org which read "AMA: No Evidence that Abstinence Sex Ed Works"
this was highly misleading. If you were truly trying to be "balanced" in your approach to sex-ed why not tell the whole story? Here's the rest of the article from a "mainstream" doctor:

"But the AMA delegates, who represent state medical societies as well as medical specialty societies, softened the language. Rather than saying the AMA is opposed to abstinence-only sex education programs, the new policy states that the AMA only supports programs that are evidence-based.

The change in wording was brokered by Billie Jackson, MD, a Macon, Ga., dermatologist who describes herself as a mother of teens. She says that there is evidence that an abstinence-only program in Jessup, Ga., “is effective and there is also evidence that an abstinence-based program in Washington, D.C., is effective. So, I think that in some communities, abstinence-based programs do work and so children should be told that they can just say no. And as physicians we should support programs that work.”

After reading much of the material on this site I find the overall tone to be that of an anti-religious extremist who thinks that they know what's better for someone else’s kids than their very own parents. Have you considered that the reason that many parents object to the material is because they are educated and smell a rat when they see one.

BTW. What makes you think you're more informed on the issues than the people fighting your efforts?

Also, I noticed a background image from the scopes trial on this site which reminds me of the evolutionary belief system. Hmmm. Isn't "gayness" anti-evolutionary? How can they reproduce via natural means to create more like-minded individuals through natural selection? Darwin would be rolling over