Sunday, July 26, 2009

Extry! Extry! Pro-Family-Values Republican Caught in Affair with Intern!

I think the always-provocative and entertaining Ed Brayton at Science Blogs says it best, so I'm just going to copy and paste his post here.
If I told you that Paul Stanley was caught having an affair with a winsome young blond girl, you probably wouldn't be shocked. Of course, you'd probably be thinking I was talking about the lead singer of KISS. If I told you that Paul Stanley was a God-fearing and gay-hating family values Republican state senator from Tennessee, you'd probably be even less shocked. Par for the course these days, isn't it?

The young girl, McKensie Morrison, was a legislative intern in Stanley's office when the married senator with two children started doing the mattress mambo with her. She's now 22 years old and was, obviously, even younger when this all began. Stanley went to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to report he was being blackmailed by Morrison's boyfriend -- then admitted to them that he was having an affair with her.

Oh, you might wanna set your irony meters for their highest possible level (which is "Bill O'Reilly" on mine):
"When you're married, there's a commitment there," Stanley said last year, while discussing legislation to prohibit gay people from adopting children.

In fact, Stanley was the bill's chief sponsor and he introduced the bill in the legislature. And a few days ago he issued a statement saying that it was unfair to speculate that he might have cheated with the young lady because he was the real victim here:
Unfortunately, I am the victim and a witness to a crime in an ongoing investigation. At this time, I have been advised by authorities and the District Attorney's office not to comment. There is already misinformation being inferred regarding this matter which I look forward to clearing up at the appropriate time.

But then the local media got a copy of the affidavit from the investigating officer in the case, which notes that Stanley admitting not only to a sexual relationship with her, but to taking some apparently explicit pictures of her:
During an interview with Stanley, he advised Morrison was an intern in his legislative office. Stanley subsequently advised he had developed a sexual relationship with Morrison, during her internship. During the interview, Stanley acknowledged taking a photograph(s) of Morrison in Stanley's apartment.

The punchline: Republicans are actually breathing a sigh of relief after finding out he was cheating with a woman and not a man.

Another Family Values Republican Sex Scandal

I'll just add a word here. Nobody's perfect, even good people do bad things sometimes. This guy's private life is none of my business, and though I have an opinion about these things I wouldn't judge him for his adultery. But it really is a different situation when this same guy who is destroying and disrespecting his own family leads the campaign to deny the right to establish a family to people who dream of it.


Blogger Unknown said...

JimK: ...I have an opinion about these things..."

I don't. In fact I'm not experiencing unmitigated glee as we speak. Like all liberals, I'm a moral relativist. James Dobson has me pegged:

Interview With Dr. James Dobson
November 22, 2006

KING: If the left gets glee, Doctor, does the right get glee over sexual peccadilloes on the left?

DOBSON: That's very possible. We're all inclined to look at other people. But it's interesting to me that those, again, on the more liberal end of the spectrum are often those who have no value system or at least they say there is no moral and immoral, there is no right or wrong. It's moral relativism.
Wait, I'll do it...

Sociopathanon: But improv, all liberals are moral relativists.

July 27, 2009 12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But it really is a different situation when this same guy who is destroying and disrespecting his own family leads the campaign to deny the right to establish a family to people who dream of it."

Not really. Apples and oranges, my friend.

btw, improv seems to have a rich fantasy life

keep that conversation going with yourself, pal

you'll tend to get the answers you want

July 27, 2009 7:20 AM  
Anonymous David S. Fishback said...

I, for one, am not a moral relativist. While many human beings have weaknesses, when people cheat on the commitments they make to their spouses regarding sexual fidelity, they are acting immorally. Why? Not because I believe that God necessarily set up a rule against adultery, but because the infidelity is a violation of the Golden Rule.

Likewise, if Senator Stanley was preying on an impressionable teenager, his relationship would be immoral even if he were not married.

On the other hand, it is absurd to say that a faithful, monogamous relationship between two gay men or two lesbian women is in any legitimate sense of the word "immoral."

July 27, 2009 10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some of Priya's fellow subjects have had to answer to her highness:

LONDON (July 27) -- Sorry Ma'am — we just didn't see it coming.

A British newspaper reported Sunday that a group of eminent economists have apologized to Queen Elizabeth II for failing to predict the financial crisis.

The Observer newspaper reported that a letter has been sent to the Queen after she demanded, during a visit to the London School of Economics last November, to know why nobody had anticipated the credit crunch.

According to the newspaper, the letter says that says "financial wizards" who believed that their plans to manage risky debts and protect the financial system were infallible were guilty of "wishful thinking combined with hubris."

Signatories to the three-page letter include Tim Besley, a member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee and historian Peter Hennessy.

July 27, 2009 4:08 PM  
Anonymous Robert said...

It's worth noting that Gay and Lesbian members of our nation's armed forces, if they are blackmailed as this senator was, do not have the luxury of going to the authorities. They will be discharged dishonorably and lose their careers and benefits, and risk being charged with a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Where's the moral relativism here?

July 27, 2009 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not really worth noting, Robert

it's sad and we should try to help these people if we can but allowing them to stay in the military is not the answer

July 27, 2009 7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, "Anonymous"...have we actually read your offer to help those GLBT military personnel who are discharged because of who they are and not for what they have done? ("we should try to help these people if we can")

Does that mean that you are going to contribute your money and time to support their cases when they take the Government to court for violating their Constitutional rights as citizens of the United States?

July 27, 2009 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, no one has a constitutional right to serve in the military but the government should pay for reparative therapy and fund research into a cure for those afflicted with same sex attraction

maybe, at some time in the future, there will be hope for those suffering from homosexual impulses, allowing them to overcome their problems and giving them the possibility of military service

July 28, 2009 9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And maybe, just maybe, you - "Anonymous" - will grow out of your own homophobia and hatred of anything or anyone who is not just like you. The liklihood of either happening is as far-fetched as believing that you are capable of overcoming your obsession with other people's lives.
Get some therapy for your illness so that you can repair your life in line with the teachings of your religion as preached by Jesus Christ!

July 28, 2009 10:01 AM  
Anonymous Robert said...

Anonymous, you say these things just to be inflammatory, shame on you. It's almost as bad as, say, kissing in public (see later post).

It does get old, dear, and you learn less about what other people think; we, as well, learn less about what you think.

July 28, 2009 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's almost as bad as, say, kissing in public (see later post)."

I hope you and Dio aren't making plans.

Sounds like you guys don't want a cure for same sex attraction to be found.

Isn't that whole "misery loves company" mentality a little selfish?

July 28, 2009 11:13 AM  
Anonymous Robert said...

I think there should be a national Troll-in: people could gather in the dark of their cellars and write anonymous comments on other people's blogs designed to irritate decent people and interrupt discussion, for incomprehensible reasons.

Just imagine the step forward for Troll Civil Rights, if Americans see that Trolls are just people too, simply much more annoying.

Thing about the outrage in all the anti-Troll organizations, which espouse their trollophobia for some sort of twisted 'religious' reasons.

Some people say, 'I don't hate trolls, I just don't like it when they flaunt it so much.' I say, go for it Trolls of America, flaunt all you want.

We're Trolls, we're here, get used to it.

July 28, 2009 1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, if you and Dodo do attend the kiss-in together, here's some advice from the organizers:

"no blatant French kissing, or licking, or anything that appears crass or sloppy, nor should there be any removal of clothing, grinding, or groping"

keep that in mind

they don't want you acting gay

July 28, 2009 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Robert said...

The Troll-in could be held under bridges across the country. But we wouldn't want the participants to flaunt their trollery, so they could only leap out and mildly alarm children, rather than actually frighten them, or cart them away and eat them.

Sweetheart, you are really getting tiresome. I myself am only a troll-in-training, but you are the full-fledged animal. Come now, you could be the leader of the Troll Rights Movement in America. Be bold, be courageous, stand for what you believe in. With your provocative anonymity, you have failed to do so yet.

July 28, 2009 3:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Diogenes: “And maybe, just maybe, you - "Anonymous" - will grow out of your own homophobia and hatred of anything or anyone who is not just like you. The liklihood of either happening is as far-fetched as believing that you are capable of overcoming your obsession with other people's lives.”

Get some therapy for your illness so that you can repair your life in line with the teachings of your religion as preached by Jesus Christ!”

With God as their ego, their true love is pride, the worst sin of all, as it leads to all other sins. Feeling superior to others is the antithesis of the Golden Rule that Jesus taught as being paramount.

From White Stone Journal: Overweening pride, arrogance, haughtiness: these have been the stuff of tragedy. Vanity, fussiness, delicacy: the stuff of comedy. These are all forms of self-delusion, and paper-thin masks over rotting features. Pride and vanity refuse the truth about who we are and substitute illusions for reality. While vanity is mostly concerned with appearance, pride is based in a real desire to be God, at least in one's own circle.
It’s striking how susceptible some heterosexual Christians are to the notion that their heavenly “reward” will be based on hating what they were already designed to hate---same-sex intimacy/sex.

Christians like Sociopathanon receive their reward when they come to places like this and debase the rest of us.

Matthew 6:5: And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

Minimal effort, eternal gain. Imbecilic doesn’t begin to cover it.

For the record, I hate and feel pride too, but I’m not so blind as to consider either to be love.

And to pre-empt, if God is Love, then the expression of the Golden Rule is loving God first.

July 28, 2009 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

Extry! Extry! Pro-Family-Values Republican Caught in Affair with Intern quits "to focus my full attention on my family and resign my Senate seat effective August 10."

July 29, 2009 9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Sanford, John Ensign, and perhaps Chip Pickering: Summer 2009 may go down as the season of Republican sex scandals. But if you look at the long history of political sex scandals, I think Democrats win both in quantity and (low) quality.

"The Kennedys, Clinton, Spitzer. For sheer volume and creativity, no group of Republicans can out perform them, so to speak," says one Republican strategist.

I am not going to defend the Summer Sex Scandals 2009 men. But, the GOP is not even nipping at the heels of Democrats when it comes to such matters.

Consider this generation of cheaters: Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, John Edwards, Jim McGreevey, Gary Condit, or before them, Gary Hart and even Franklin Roosevelt. As one former Bush administration official says, "Republicans had a lot of catching up to do."

Of all political sex scandals, Bill Clinton and his affair with an intern in the Oval Office, had a huge influence on values. A whole generation of teenagers were taught by their president that oral sex is OK, even if intercourse is not. "No Republican ever had that kind of sexual impact," said the GOP strategist

Whatever your political persuasion, it's very disappointing and embarrassing when we have another elected official caught with his pants down.

Having worked in the Majority Whip's office when Republicans controlled Congress, I interacted with members often and never got the sense that they were sleazy. Single women who work on the Hill – especially if you work on the floor -- know the members of Congress who are cheaters and womanizers. We would avoid them and protect each other from their lecherous advances.

Those experiences, however, didn't disillusion me about politicians in general because the proportion of married members of Congress who hit on single women seemed to be the about the same as in every workplace. Granted, you'd like to have your elected officials held to a higher standard, but men are men, and there will always be a certain percentage who are cheaters, no matter how high their position.

July 30, 2009 6:39 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

Nice cutting and pasting, Anon, or should I say thanks for stopping by, Miss Miller. But why only look at 2009 for the GOP and go all the way back to FDR for the Democrats? Does that sound either fair or balanced to you? If so, your spin is crystal clear.

Why did you omit the 2008 stranger soliciting done by Senator Craig in the Minneapolis Airport bathroom and the intern soliciting done by Representative Foley and the hooker soliciting done by Representative David Vitter?

And if you're looking for GOP sex scandals in 2009, why did you omit State Senator Paul Stanley, the subject of this blog thread?

Some more of the GOP sex scandals Ms. Miller omitted can be found at: Republican Sex Scandals

July 30, 2009 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Democrat scoundrels tend to be at a higher level because those types are more likely to succeed in the Jackass Party

Clinton was President

Edwards was a VP nominee

Spitzer and McGreevey were governors

Republicans have a quality control system that weeds out the bad apples before they get too much power

it's not just sex scandals either

Democrats are always trying to raise taxes and are always being caught not paying their own

and these Congressional Democrats, now in control, are pushing through 7 billion in defense spending that our bipartisan Defense Secretary says is unnecessary

Democrats are sleazy and disgusting, through an through

July 30, 2009 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Democrat scoundrels tend to be at a higher level because those types are more likely to succeed in the Jackass Party

Clinton was President

Edwards was a VP nominee

Spitzer and McGreevey were governors

Republicans have a quality control system that weeds out the bad apples before they get too much power

it's not just sex scandals either

Democrats are always trying to raise taxes and are always being caught not paying their own

and these Congressional Democrats, now in control, are pushing through 7 billion in defense spending that our bipartisan Defense Secretary says is unnecessary

Democrats are sleazy and disgusting, through an through

July 30, 2009 9:44 AM  

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