Catholic Spokesman Caught Lying
Bruce Garrett, writing at Truth Wins Out made a good catch today. The Washington Post had an op-ed today by the ever-venomous Bill Donohue of the Catholic Defense League.
Here, Bruce can tell you:
So The Post got caught publishing made-up numbers. You try to imagine the kind of mind that takes the statement "X percent of men have had sex with another man" and turns it into "X percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old." I think Garrett is right here, it's somebody who doesn't expect their readers to go to the source and look it up.
Here, Bruce can tell you:
The Washington Post dug itself a little deeper into the gutter the other day (I guess that’s still possible), when it allowed Bill Donohue, of the One Man Catholic Defense League, to repeat in its pages one of the older and more enduring lies in the kook pew’s arsenal…Alfred Kinsey was the first to identify a correlation between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of minors. In 1948, he found that 37 percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old.
This is why I own a copy of Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior In The Human Male. Nobody but other sex researchers, and those of us with an interest in fact checking the bigots, actually takes the trouble to go through its page after page after page after page of dry, meticulously documented tables. Which makes it an easy book for the bigots to to lie through their teeth about. In fact, Kinsey said no such thing as, happily, some of the comments to that Washington Post column are pointing out. What Kinsey discovered, was that 37 percent of all males had some overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm, sometime between adolescence and old age.
Notice the difference? It’s not even 37 percent actually had sex when they were teenagers. But never mind that for a moment. If having had gay sex with a teenager, when you yourself were also a teenager makes you a pedophile (and yes, remarkably, some of them will insist even that is so), then tell me what percentage of the heterosexual population are also pedophiles? Is everyone who ever took a roll in the hay with their high school sweetheart a pedophile now? The line to register as a sex offender is going to be a tad long then. Maybe we can all just check a box off during the next census. How The Game Is Played…(continued)
So The Post got caught publishing made-up numbers. You try to imagine the kind of mind that takes the statement "X percent of men have had sex with another man" and turns it into "X percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old." I think Garrett is right here, it's somebody who doesn't expect their readers to go to the source and look it up.
"What Kinsey discovered, was that 37 percent of all males had some overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm, sometime between adolescence and old age."
Could this possibly be true now, much less in 1948?
Give me a break.
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Anon, that comment was not remotely related to the content of this post.
Maybe you would like to follow up on the previous comment -- doesn't thirty seven percent seem kind of high?
I actually wrote the previous comment.
Since no one else seemed interested, I thought it might be interesting to note that Obama has now had as long as Reagan did before he turned around a much worse economy than Obama inherited and Obama is projecting more of the same as long as we can see down the road.
This continued economic uncertainty will result in more pressure on the Post to write stories that grab readers attention, as they struggle for survival in the digital age. And more cases like the one that is the subject of this post.
See how it all ties?
But, I do agree with myself. I just don't believe 37% of males in America have "had some overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm". Even less so in 1948.
Thirty-seven percent sounds about right when you consider that the number of conservative homophobes who have "had some overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm, sometime between adolescence and old age" yet who remain closeted as they vote and say the most horrible things about gays, is quite high. Here are some of the latest:
Senator Larry Craig
Representative Mark Foley
Pastor Ted Haggard
NARTH quack George Rekers
State Senator phorizRoy Ashburn
State Representative and McCain Presidential Campaign State Chairman Bob Allen
National Chairman of Young Republicans Glenn Murphy Jr.
Next time Anonymous attends a meeting with fellow conservatives, he might have fun trying to guess who are the 37% of closeted homophobes in the room.
Any recent studies comfirming this dubious study from 1948?
Don't know what the guys you mention have said in the past but merely opposing laws extending special protection to deviants is not the same as saying "the most horrible things about gays".
I thought it might be interesting to note that Obama has now had as long as Reagan did before he turned around a much worse economy than Obama inherited
You are entitled to your opinions, Anon, but not to your own facts.
The US unemployment rate was 7.5% when Reagan was inaugurated in Jan 1981. It climbed to 9.8% by July 1982 and continued climbing to 10.4% in February 1983, before beginning to drop to 10.3% in March 1983. The US unemployment rate didn't get back below 10% until July 1983.
it was 10.8% in January 1983 and began dropping
this was 17 months after the Democratic controlled Congress passed his economic package
Looks like we were both off. The highest unemployment rate during Reagan's time was December 1982 when it reached 10.8%.
Here are the US monthly unemployment rates during each month of Reagan's Presidency:
1981-01-01 7.5
1981-02-01 7.4
1981-03-01 7.4
1981-04-01 7.2
1981-05-01 7.5
1981-06-01 7.5
1981-07-01 7.2
1981-08-01 7.4
1981-09-01 7.6
1981-10-01 7.9
1981-11-01 8.3
1981-12-01 8.5
1982-01-01 8.6
1982-02-01 8.9
1982-03-01 9.0
1982-04-01 9.3
1982-05-01 9.4
1982-06-01 9.6
1982-07-01 9.8
1982-08-01 9.8
1982-09-01 10.1
1982-10-01 10.4
1982-11-01 10.8
1982-12-01 10.8
1983-01-01 10.4
1983-02-01 10.4
1983-03-01 10.3
1983-04-01 10.2
1983-05-01 10.1
1983-06-01 10.1
1983-07-01 9.4
1983-08-01 9.5
1983-09-01 9.2
1983-10-01 8.8
1983-11-01 8.5
1983-12-01 8.3
1984-01-01 8.0
1984-02-01 7.8
1984-03-01 7.8
1984-04-01 7.7
1984-05-01 7.4
1984-06-01 7.2
1984-07-01 7.5
1984-08-01 7.5
1984-09-01 7.3
1984-10-01 7.4
1984-11-01 7.2
1984-12-01 7.3
1985-01-01 7.3
1985-02-01 7.2
1985-03-01 7.2
1985-04-01 7.3
1985-05-01 7.2
1985-06-01 7.4
1985-07-01 7.4
1985-08-01 7.1
1985-09-01 7.1
1985-10-01 7.1
1985-11-01 7.0
1985-12-01 7.0
1986-01-01 6.7
1986-02-01 7.2
1986-03-01 7.2
1986-04-01 7.1
1986-05-01 7.2
1986-06-01 7.2
1986-07-01 7.0
1986-08-01 6.9
1986-09-01 7.0
1986-10-01 7.0
1986-11-01 6.9
1986-12-01 6.6
1987-01-01 6.6
1987-02-01 6.6
1987-03-01 6.6
1987-04-01 6.3
1987-05-01 6.3
1987-06-01 6.2
1987-07-01 6.1
1987-08-01 6.0
1987-09-01 5.9
1987-10-01 6.0
1987-11-01 5.8
1987-12-01 5.7
1988-01-01 5.7
1988-02-01 5.7
1988-03-01 5.7
1988-04-01 5.4
1988-05-01 5.6
1988-06-01 5.4
1988-07-01 5.4
1988-08-01 5.6
1988-09-01 5.4
1988-10-01 5.4
1988-11-01 5.3
1988-12-01 5.3
1989-01-01 5.4
the Keynesian mini-comeback is over
taxes need to be cut and a credible long-term spending reduction plan needs to be formulated
What a great idea. Let's go back and repeat the same mistakes so in 30 years we can have this fun with a staggering recession again!!
if we could have another 27 years like 1980-2007, I think we'd put up with one year of recession
we'll just have to remember not to elect a Democrat just because the recession happens to begin in the middle of a fall presidential campaign
it's clear a Dem can't get us out of recession
but they are skilled at propoaganda if we ever need that!
One wonders wether those who question the percentage of teen boys who have had some sex with other boys know anything about the Boy Scouts of America and the good, ol' campouts!?
With that in mind, maybe we should brand the B.S.A. as a pedophile organization.
"But, I do agree with myself. I just don't believe 37% of males in America have "had some overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm". Even less so in 1948."
C'mon, now, "Anpnymous" can't possible be that naive or maybe you spent your youth playing with the Girl Scouts of America??
that last comment would seem a candidate for deletion
The comment is on-topic, it does not contain vulgarities, I don't know why I'd delete it. The implications about Boy Scout camp-outs are interesting, if scandalous, maybe someone would like to fill us in on what goes on at Boy Scout camp-outs.
And I don't think a commenter can defame someone named "Anonymous" on the Internet, do you?
oh, I don't think he defamed me but I find the implication that the Boy Scout campouts are essentially homosexual activties offensive
I never made it past Webelos myself- we became a counterculture generation during my time and Boy Scouts didn't seem cool
I did go on some as a father, though, and while some of the other adults took the whole scouting thing a little too seriously, I saw no hint of any homosexual activity
indeed, the Boy Scouts have been persecuted by lunatic fringe gay advocates for not allowing homosexuals in the organization
btw, anybody find any replicated studies confirming the ludicrous Kinsey finding?
I doubt that the Kinsey numbers will hold up. The fact is, whether Kinsey was right or wrong, this Catholic guy flat-out lied in the Post about what he said.
perhaps he was mistaken or, perhaps, you yourself missed something in the "page after page after page after page of dry, meticulously documented tables"
who knows?
the real point is, no one was paying much attention anyway
btw, any idea what percentage of gays have had sex with males under 17?
wow must you stain everything you touch or comment on ?
what a horrible twisted person this anon is :
"One wonders wether those who question the percentage of teen boys who have had some sex with other boys know anything about the Boy Scouts of America and the good, ol' campouts!?
With that in mind, maybe we should brand the B.S.A. as a pedophile organization."
and I agree with the other anon, that comment which suggests that family oriented boy scout and girl scout campouts have some perverted twist. Makes you wonder what sort of twisted childhood that other anon had....
Lets just defame the girl scouts, defame the boy scouts but Jim will just let those comments stay.
Jim didn't your kids every do boy scouts or girl scouts ?
I guess not, or you would have more of an idea that is it is really just moms and dad organizing together to provide fun outdoor experiences for their kids.
I ran a girl scout troop. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. We did overnights. I took my brownie troop white water rafting .. just class iii at harpers and it was a ball. Overnights ? well there was the struggle to get the fire going and the samoas and the kids telling each other ghost stories and the moms trying to figure out how to pitch the second tent as the thunder is rumbling and the 15 girls run screaming into the other tent and the moms going "what did we get ourselves into"....
or the overnights at the baltimore science center with the fire drills in the middle of the night in 30 degree weather and scambling to find a sleeping bag for the kid that forget one. or the horseback riding trip where the one horse runs off with little brownie on back or the real live native indians and the peace circle. or the national buidling museum or the challenger center or all the truly wonderful activities that girl scouts organize and have available for their leaders to choose from....
It was making memories of the funny kind, of the lovely kind, of the laugh out loud do you remember that kind....
it was exhausting for me the troop leader... with the tents all over the front yard and the coordination and the planning... and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Because it is what life is really all about.
and you just let someone piss all over that jim.
shame on you.
how in the world did you turn out that way you did ?
Theresa, both my kids were in Scouts and I was a den leader for both Cubs and Boy Scouts. That doesn't mean I am going to censor comments about those organizations on this web site. Little thing I like, I call it "freedom of speech" and it's more than a Constitutional amendment, it's a good idea. It's based on the principle that if everyone can express their views freely, the group will be able to come to the best consensus. I try to keep people on topic here (not well enough, I know) and will delete personal attacks and inappropriate linguistic crudeness, based on my own judgment, but I don't delete comments because I disagree with them.
you want to consider a new category for deletion: despicable
we all accept a limitation on free speech when it comes to kids
let's face it: gays hate the idea of normal happy childhood and yearn to attack it
you can guess the rest
There's a simple obvious problem with deleting things that are "despicable:" it's subjective. I might find your ideas despicable, and you might find mine despicable, and if one of us is censoring the discussion on that basis there will be no discussion.
Of course I reserve the right to make subjective judgments, I do not "make rules" here, the only rule is this: don't piss me off. On the other hand, I try to be careful to allow diverse viewpoints to be expressed, even though I am sometimes lobbied by both sides to step in and stop it.
actually, I agree with you, Jim
my off-handed remark about deleting the comment was actually more to express how despicable I felt the remark was
btw, did you see widespread homosexuality at Boy Scout events you were involved in? sounds like you have a basis for chiming in
Again...naivete and denial!
It was never suggested that the Boy Scout campouts are "essentially homosexual activties" That is the Anonomi's interpretation.
"and while some of the other adults took the whole scouting thing a little too seriously, I saw no hint of any homosexual activity" (as if pubescent boys are going to engage in explorative sex in front of adult eyes!! What you can't see under the flaps of a tent is what goes on there!)
Furthermore, your comment: "let's face it: gays hate the idea of normal happy childhood and yearn to attack it" is much more despicable than the mere suggestion that sexual activities do take place among inquisitive boys. And you bemoan: "wow must you stain everything you touch or comment on ?" There's a bit of irony in that statement.
"the Boy Scouts have been persecuted (sic.) by lunatic fringe gay advocates for not allowing homosexuals in the organization"
Your knee-jerk, ignorant,demeaning, and self-righteous judgmental attacks against homosexuality and gays is what is repulsive, especially given the fact that far more so-called "family values" heterosexuals commit sexual offences against children. Hypocrite!
creepy anon said:
"One wonders wether those who question the percentage of teen boys who have had some sex with other boys know anything about the Boy Scouts of America and the good, ol' campouts!?
With that in mind, maybe we should brand the B.S.A. as a pedophile organization."
noble anon said:
"I find the implication that the Boy Scout campouts are essentially homosexual activties offensive"
creepy anon said:
"It was never suggested that the Boy Scout campouts are "essentially homosexual activties""
the silent majority of TTF blog readers are thinking:
what a creep!
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