Thursday, December 28, 2017

Gallup: Most Admired Man and Woman

Christmas Eve we learned that President Trump is eliminating fines for nursing homes that abuse and neglect their patients. They call this "deregulating," and to Trump and his supporters it is obvious why this sort of thing is good for the country. America is just getting better and better.

Why did America make this terrible choice for President? The answer seems to have to do with racism, mainly, or what they like to call "identity politics," since that sounds nicer and you can blame "both sides" for it, which is important these days. Apparently most white people were freaked out by having a black President, and wanted to un-do all the things the previous administration had accomplished, like preventing nursing homes from abusing patients. And minorities did not turn out to vote in sufficient numbers to refute them. And so now we have world-class laziness in the White House, sexual harassment and hypocrisy, nepotism, a ring of criminals, a family profiting like crazy on the back of the US government, the one percent rewarding themselves freely at the treasury, never mind treason and subservience to Russia. The President is inarticulate, poorly-informed, illiterate, boorish.

People, it's depressing, am I right?

Will America make this kind of stupid choice again? This is a harder question. The Trump administration is undermining American education and Republicans are implementing voter-suppression laws wherever they can to make sure their stupid people get elected again. The Republican party is lining up behind Trump's authoritarian positions and the news media are still afraid to call a lie a lie. Lying about everything and calling the media "fake news" is The American Way of Life now, and the longer it goes on, the longer people hear it, the less they feel the will to fight it. Kids are growing up in this climate, thinking this is normal, and they are reaching voting age.

So it was heartening to get some good news this week from Gallup:
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years. The pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles
This isn't good news because I agree with Obama and Clinton politically. Actually, I barely do. They are much more centrist and accommodating than I would prefer.

It makes me happy to know that Americans still overall admire somebody who can behave with dignity, who can express a complex thought with humor and clarity, somebody who can consider the other person's point of view as well as their own. Americans actually still appreciate somebody who is informed with facts and surrounded by experts, who can make tough decisions and then hold the line, somebody who has a set of principles that guide their decision-making process and can also negotiate and compromise to get their principles implemented in policy.

Gallup says:
Trump's unpopularity is holding him back from winning the most admired distinction. The incumbent president is the usual winner, since he is arguably the most prominent figure in the country -- but when the president is unpopular, other well-known and well-liked men have been able to finish first.
Maybe next time we choose leaders we will elect someone we actually admire. Let's elect better people next time, okay?


Blogger Priya Lynn said...

You really are great at what you do Jim. These posts sooo hit the nail on the head, I doubt anyone else could do it as well as you do.

And you're right, this is about racism. Trump has no core political principles, he adopts whatever he thinks will win him the most favour. He doesn't give a damn about being president and trying to help the country, his sole motivation is to get back at Obama for making fun of him at the White house correspondents dinner.

There's no other way to explain moves like you cite of removing regulations to prevent abuse at nursing homes. Trump doesn't give a damn how badly his actions hurt people as long as it has the effect of spitting on anything Obama has done. And there's a shameful amount of Americans who back him because they hated having a black president.

December 28, 2017 12:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Ever the sore loser and always convinced that there’s a conspiracy against him, Christian fascist Roy Moore has filed a lawsuit in an attempt to stop the certification of the election he lost for Jeff Sessions’ old Senate seat. The reason? Voter fraud, of course.

Hee Hee! He's taking this loss really hard, that delights me!

December 28, 2017 12:49 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump Dismantling New Regulations on Offshore Oil Rigs

Donald Trump doesn’t just want there to be more offshore drilling for oil, he wants that drilling to be as unregulated as possible. That’s why he’s now dismantling the new regulations put in place after the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010 to help prevent it from happening again.

After taking office, the Trump administration immediately began making plans to relax certain offshore drilling rules implemented after the 2010 disaster.

As part of those regulatory rollback efforts, the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), which regulates offshore drilling, has developed a proposal that it estimates will save the industry more than $900 million over the next 10 years. The proposed changes would reverse safety measures that offshore oil and gas companies consider burdensome, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

The BSEE sent its proposal to the White House Office of Management and Budget earlier this month for review, but the proposal has yet to be made public, according to the newspaper.

Among the new regulations to be done away with is a requirement that data from offshore oil rigs be transmitted in real time to regulators for review. Because what possible good could come from a second set of eyes looking at the data when the first set allowed a massive oil spill to take place? That’s just crazy talk! It also does away with a regulation that requires oversight agencies to certify the companies that do work like install the blowout preventers that failed on the Deepwater Horizon.

Gee, do you think it’s a coincidence that the man Trump picked to head the BESE, Scott Angelle, was also a member of the Board of Directors of Sunoco Logistics? Regulations cost them money and cut into their profits, but it also helps prevent environmental disasters and incidents like the Deepwater Horizon, which killed 11 people and spilled millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. When Trump says he’s in office to fight for the “forgotten man,” he meant the oligarchs who want to make even more money by putting the environment and public health at greater risk. But it’s okay, I’m sure the swimming pools at their estates in the Hamptons are pristine, and isn’t that what really matters?

If there's another disaster and it could have been prevented if the former regulations were still in place, then Trump should be held criminally responsible. At what point do the Republicans in congress say "enough of this shit" and decide to put their country ahead of their fealty to the Fearless Leader? Rhetorical question, I know.

This is the shit that they love to roll around in. Money is good and the environment is bad. The rich are the country. Those that suffer really aren't the country.

And $900 million savings from the regulations over the next 10 years industry-wide is a fraction of what BP paid out and still has to pay out. So that will be the next step ... absolving oil companies of the costs of their screw-ups and making the taxpayers pay for it?

December 28, 2017 1:14 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

More than 80% of Obamacare Clients Are in Trump States

Now that the signup period for health insurance purchased through the ACA health care exchanges is over, the Associated Press has analyzed the signups and found that more than 80% of those who signed up for health insurance are in states that voted for Trump.

Now many of those people obviously did not vote for Trump, but this fits a pattern of red states being the ones with the highest rates of poverty and highest need of social services that the people they vote into office are always trying to cut. But there’s also a correlation between people who need social services also being the most prone to emotional manipulation, particularly fear and bigotry, in the manner that Trump tapped into so successfully. They point to immigrants and “globalists” as the reason those voters are poor and a great many of them, especially uneducated white men, fall for it hook, line and sinker.

This is why we've seen so many stories of people who voted for Trump having their relatives deported and now being terrified that he's going to eliminate the Obamacare that they need to stay alive. Republican politicians are good at one thing, conning the public.

December 28, 2017 1:20 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump wants to blindly repeal pollution regulations so more places like Flint Michigan can put lead in drinking water, damage the brains of children, and get away with it.

December 28, 2017 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guys, I've been on holiday hiatus but I came across a really funny story and thought of TTF

the real genius of the tax bill, which goes into effect a couple of days from now, is that it gives a tax break to most of the states but does so by raising taxes on a minority of states that went for Hillary, the states full of liberals who always want to raise taxes on everyone else

well, the governor of NY has figured this out and he is livid

watching him rant on the news shows today has been a source of much merriment among the 80% of Americans getting a tax cut

it's just so funny!!

Governor Andrew Cuomo on Thursday raged about the "devilish" GOP tax reform, and how the new $10,000 cap on state and local tax deductions is an attack on blue states

"One of the really devilish things in the bill, is they eliminate the deductibility of state and local taxes, which sounds like a mouthful, but what it says is up until now, for over 100 years, you paid a state tax, you paid a local tax, you deducted that from your federal tax. They're eliminating that. So you're now paying two taxes -- you pay a tax to the state, or a tax to the local government. And then the federal government taxes that tax," the governor ranted

what do you mean "you pay a tax", Andrew?

only the states with high taxes controlled by liberals will

everyone else is getting a tax break, which will zoom the economy!!

"And it happens to occur coincidentally on only blue states. Only Democratic states."

"The Senate has no senators from Democratic states, blue states. This tax provision hits the blue states by eliminating the state and local tax deductibility, and uses that money to finance the tax cut in the red states," he steamed "This is the most partisan, divisive legislation we have ever seen."

"There's always politics in the crafting of legislation," he said, lividly. "But this was an egregious obnoxious -- what the Senate is saying is: Because we have no senators from the blue states, we don't care. So let's pillage the blue to give to the red. That has never been done in this nation before... You wanna hurt New York? You wanna hurt California? They're the economic engines. How are you going to grow the economy after you put a dagger in the heart of New York and California? It is all politics, all the time."

you should know, Andrew

we're all laughing

December 28, 2017 7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one more, and I'm gone until the new year:

the media lied about the tax bill in an effort to convince most Americans their taxes would go up.

then, they took surveys of people who opposed the GOP bill based on the false information supplied by the media

then, the media talked again and again about how unpopular the Republican plan was and how it was going to weaken Republican candidates in 2018

then, the bill passed, and unsurprisingly, it turned out to be dramatically better for Americans than the elite media had described

in fact, the tax cuts will be the 2018 proving ground of media liberal bias and dishonesty

CBS News just provided a vivid example of the false impressions created by the liberal news media’s lies

they interviewed three families about how they expected the GOP tax bill to affect them

then they had a CPA tell them, on camera, what they would actually be paying in taxes next year

of course, after months of convincing most Americans their taxes would go up, the three families either expected to be paying more in taxes or to not save any money

of course, it turned out that all three families would pay less under the GOP tax cuts than under current law

a North Carolina single mother with an income slightly under $40,000 who didn’t think she would be affected will keep about $1,300 more per year under the GOP bill

two college teachers in Rhode Island with a joint income of over $150,000 a year thought they would pay more taxes, but they will actually pay about $650 less under the GOP tax cut

the biggest surprise in the CBS report was the impact the tax cuts would have on a California couple with three children, a small business, and earning an income of approximately $300,000

the family believed that because California is a high-tax state, that capping state and local tax deductions would really hurt them

instead, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will save them nearly $13,000 in taxes

the look on the three families faces as they learned how much they would be saving was remarkable to behold

the gap between the news media falsehoods and the dramatically better reality of the GOP tax cuts will have three huge effects on the 2018 campaign:

1. The American people will be positively surprised and pleased by the degree
to which Republicans kept their word and actually put more money in taxpayer pockets

2. The news media’s dishonesty will be vivid at a personal level; People will be able to compare their personal experience with the news media's fake reporting and endless bias; As the truth sinks in, the ability of the liberal media to shape opinion will decline even further

3. Democrats who voted against the bill will live to regret it as people look at their family budgets and realize Democrats in the House and Senate wanted Washington bureaucrats to have more money, rather than hard-working Americans; This will certainly be a losing proposition for the 10 Senate Democrats up for re-election in states President Trump won in 2016

In fact, the stage is being set for a definitive election.

Do you want higher taxes, bigger bureaucracy, more power in Washington, and a smaller economy with lower take-home pay and fewer jobs? If yes, vote Democrat, because that is what they stand for and will continue to vote for next year.

If you want a bigger economy, more jobs, more take-home pay, less power with Washington bureaucrats, and lower taxes with more money in your pocket, then vote Republican.

If Republicans can learn to tell the truth better than the elite media and Democrats lie, the GOP will win an astonishing victory in 2018.

December 28, 2017 7:17 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Year One: Even Worse Than Predicted

When Donald Trump was elected president I predicted a parade of horrible things happening and, for once, I was actually being optimistic. I agree with Eugene Robinson — the first year was even worse than I imagined.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words “very fine people” to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be “taking names” of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world’s biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up “alternative facts” as the basis for major decisions?…

"By all accounts, the president spends hours each day watching cable news, buoyed by the shows that blindly support him — “Fox & Friends,” “Hannity,” a few others on Fox News — and enraged by those that seek to hold him accountable. His aides have had to shorten and dumb down his daily briefings on national security in an attempt to get him to pay attention. Members of his Cabinet try to outdo one another in lavishing him with flowery, obsequious praise that would embarrass the Sun King.

Trump and his enablers have waged a relentless war against truth in an attempt to delegitimize any and all critical voices. He wields the epithet “fake news” as a cudgel against inconvenient facts and those who report them. Can a democracy function without a commonly accepted chronicle of events and encyclopedia of knowledge? We are conducting a dangerous experiment to find out."

But he’s still been worse than I feared, though not nearly as bad as I think he’s going to get. Being questioned, investigated, coming up against the limits of his power, and having people not just believe his lies? Those are all things that trigger his worst pathologies and they are all at play now. The closer Mueller gets, the more unhinged Trump will become. It’s all going to culminate in a massive eruption at the end. He’s gonna blow and we’re all going to be covered in the ash of the eruption.

December 28, 2017 11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"it's just so funny!!

Laughing at others' misfortunes does not make America Great except to Trump supporters.

December 29, 2017 8:32 AM  
Anonymous Blue Snowman said...

I am glad that Eugene Robinson made this statement. I have also been saying, "This is worse than I expected." I never anticipated this level of incompetence and malevolence in the presidency. During Obama's terms it was unthinkable that America would turn fascist. People seemed decent, they looked out for one another, they complained about the government but they always have. I did not see the signs that the American people wanted to tear down our democracy and replace it with ignorance and authoritarianism.

I think the surprise is to see how the Republican Party has responded. At first I thought, like many others, that they would at least try to compensate for the overt racism of the administration. But now they are climbing over each other to kiss Trump's ass and prove they are more hateful and greedy than the other guy.

Robinson's editorial will be reproduced in future history books, at least in countries where they have not destroyed their educational systems and people still "believe in" history.

December 29, 2017 10:11 AM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

10. Due process and rule of law were restored to college campuses

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos finally restored the rule of law to college campuses and put an end to disastrous campus courts. Prior to her much-needed rule change, campuses across the country declared that secret proceedings, bereft of due process, were the best way to handle sexual assault allegations. That kangaroo system, justifiably gutted by DeVos, resulted in predators who were allowed to avoid law enforcement, victims who never received justice, and innocent people who were denied basic rights such as jury trials and access to attorneys.

December 29, 2017 2:26 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

9. The worldwide leader in sports is in deep trouble

ESPN is in deep trouble, and it doesn't have cord-cutting to blame. Unaffordable content deals, unpopular programming choices, and seemingly nonstop left-wing politics have severely damaged the network's financial prospects and its relationships with viewers. The worldwide leader can recover, but only if its executives finally accept responsibility for the network's mounting woes.

December 29, 2017 2:26 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

8. Persecution of religious minorities continues across the globe

In the U.K., Jews were targeted in record numbers in 2017. Just weeks ago, a synagogue in Sweden was firebombed. Throughout India, Christians continue to be targeted by violent religious extremists. In North Korea and China, totalitarian atheist governments regularly imprison and torture those who openly worship and proselytize. And in the Middle East, Muslims remain the No. 1 target of radical jihadists hell-bent on purging from the Earth anyone who rejects the authority of the Islamic State's caliphate.

December 29, 2017 2:27 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

7. The Iran deal's facade collapsed

Despite the Obama administration's assurances that Iran would be a reliable partner for peace, the opposite has proved true. By deliberately funding and fomenting terror against the U.S. and its allies in the region, Iran has shown that it cannot be trusted, and the Obama administration's claims about the peaceful intentions of the top terror sponsor on Earth had no basis in reality.

December 29, 2017 2:28 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

6. We still know nothing about what motivated the Vegas shooter

Months after the deadliest mass shooting in American history, we don’t know why the gunman fired on a crowd of innocent concertgoers. If law enforcement authorities have any leads or theories, they're not sharing them with citizens eager for answers. Perhaps the feds don't have a clue, either. Either way, it's shocking that, months later, the country is still in the dark about what happened.

December 29, 2017 2:29 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

5. Thanks to James Comey, the FBI's reputation is in tatters

This year we learned that the FBI's top ranks were infested with political actors eager to use the agency to settle scores. Not only did former Director James Comey abscond with confidential documents, he leaked them to his friends and the press, then refused to give those documents to Congress. In addition, his top deputies — those responsible for investigating both Hillary Clinton and Trump — were sharing text messages about how important it was to defeat Trump. One of these Comey deputies even mused about deploying a secret “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of the White House. Comey's biggest accomplishment wasn't equitable enforcement of the law; it was the corrupt politicization of the agency's leadership ranks and the destruction of its reputation.

December 29, 2017 2:30 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

4. Islamic State was crushed in Raqqah and Mosul

A year ago, the Islamic State wasn't just on the rise in the Middle East, it was firmly in charge, with wide swaths of the region under its control. But in October, U.S.-backed forces completed the total liberation of Raqqah, the Islamic State's Syrian capital. That followed the liberation of Mosul, a major Iraqi city captured by the Islamic State in 2014. In less than a year, Trump and his national security team accomplished what the previous administration suggested was impossible.

December 29, 2017 2:32 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

3. The stock market boomed

The stock market, following a lost decade of equity returns, came roaring back over the last year. Although New York Times columnist Paul Krugman predicted after Trump's election that the stock market would “never” recover, the exact opposite has happened, with the Dow Jones industrial average repeatedly posting record highs throughout the year.

December 29, 2017 2:33 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

2. The economy roared

The U.S. economy came roaring back in 2017. GDP growth is strong and steady, and the unemployment rate now approaches lows not seen since the early 2000s. The economy has added over 1.9 million payroll jobs this year. Consumer confidence is at a 17-year high. The 2017 economic recovery is nonetheless a major story widely ignored by the political press.

December 29, 2017 2:34 PM  
Anonymous top ten under-reported stories of 2017 said...

1. “Russian collusion” charges were a dud

Despite a year's worth of investigation into the matter, zero independently verifiable evidence of alleged illegal collusion between Donald Trump and the Russian government has been offered to the public. In fact, there's far more evidence that President Obama's Department of Justice colluded with a shady DNC-funded outfit — Fusion GPS — to cook up a pretext for spying on the administration's political opponents. The anti-Trump collusion hand played by Trump's detractors is so far a complete bust. The real story is a journalistic jackpot that for some reason nobody wants to claim.

December 29, 2017 2:35 PM  
Anonymous the fat lady sang, it's over said...

the most gay friendly President, like ever, has ended the AIDS crisis

The White House has fired the members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA), the council’s executive director, Kay Hayes, confirmed on Friday.

The council, which still had 16 members, was then completely decimated with a letter sent through FedEx on Wednesday, the Washington Blade first reported.

“Current members of Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) received a letter informing them that the Administration was terminating their appointments” on Dec. 27, 2017, Hayes said in a statement sent via email.

“They were also thanked for their leadership, dedication and commitment to the effort.” the statement read.

A red ribbon in recognition of World AIDS Day hangs from the North Portico of the White House in Washington, D.C.

PACHA is a federal advisory committee created in 1995 with the goal of “providing information, advice, and recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services regarding programs, policies, and research to promote effective treatment, prevention, and cure of HIV disease and AIDS.”

with the AIDS crisis over, their services are no longer needed

December 29, 2017 3:15 PM  
Anonymous Captain Obvious said...

"of course, after months of convincing most Americans their taxes would go up, the three families either expected to be paying more in taxes or to not save any money"

You conveintly left out the part where the media told us that while income taxes my go down in the short term, these cuts go away in a few years. Meanwhile, the corporate tax cuts were given no such sunset provision. When you complain about the "lying media," it works best if you don't lie about it yourself, even if it is just by omission.

It was no secret that red politicians put an extra tax on the blue states. This is what we have come to expect from "the party of personal responsibility." For all they complain about corporations being "doubly taxed," they had little hesitation to do it to people in predominantly blue states. Every time I think conservatives have reached maximum hypocrisy, they open a whole new warehouse.

One day, all the stupid people that keep voting for Republicans will wake up and realize that it actually hasn't been raining money on them like Trump promised, it's just another "golden shower."

For my next job I'll be looking into hiring myself out as a self-employed consultant. After all, people are corporations too. (TM)

If enough people do it, we can explode our deficit even further.

December 29, 2017 4:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

So, Trump fired the entire Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.

But, hey, he's the most gay friendly presidential candidate ever, amirite?

December 29, 2017 5:06 PM  
Anonymous year's over now said...

picking through the political wreckage of 2017 is no small task

if there are any winners from this year-long political root canal, they’re too inconsequential to mention (Doug Jones in Alabama, maybe?) while the list of losers is packed with prestigious names

however, when history sorts out the biggest losers of this “Year Of The Train Wreck,” the name on top of the list will be. . .

Sir Barry Obama

yeah, I know — he was just named Gallup’s “Most Admired Man” yesterday, but everything you need to know about the validity of that honor is that the “Most Admired Woman” award went to Hillary Rodham Clinton


’nuff said.

his name has rarely been in the news in 2017, but his policies were always in the headlines

the economy, for example

it’s hard not to notice the stock market’s performance since Trump’s win: A 250-point jump the next day, and up more than 6,000 points (more than 30 percent!) since Election Day

not Inauguration Day

no, the markets merely needed to know that Sir Barry's policies were ending for the rally to start

they were right!!!!!!!!!!

the economy has grown twice as fast under Trump than it ever did during any year of the bad Barack administration

Sir Barry reigned for eight years, doubled the national debt — and the economy grew at a pathetic 1.5 percent his last two years in office

every day of over-the-top economic news in 2017 was a reminder of just how badly the Barackster under-performed as president

same with foreign policy

Trump’s boldness in Syria, North Korea and at the U.N. — and the collapse of ISIS — are direct hits to the Obomba legacy

Barry spent months dancing around phony red lines over chemical attacks on children in Syria

with just one missile barrage to put Syria’s Bashar Assad back in his box and blow up Sir Barry’s legacy of fecklessness

Kim Jong Un desperately attempt to bring back the “brilliance” of Barack’s “Strategic Patience”

missiles he fired and nukes he tested in 2017 are all products of years of Obomba policy

Iran? “Obama the Bureaucrat” was the guy so desperate to get a deal down on paper that he would literally ignore drug-running by an international terrorist organization to do so

this is why the Sir Barry's legacy was the single biggest loser of 2017:

if you haven’t read the devastating Politico piece by Josh Meyer on how the bad Barack administration quashed investigations into crimes by Hezbollah as part of the Iran-deal push, don’t worry: historians will

the biggest front-page story of 2017: the partisan corruption of federal law enforcement under the bad Barack administration.

we may never know if Trump colluded with the Putin regime to win the 2016 election, but we already know that pro-Hillary/anti-Trump politics corrupted the Barack Hussein O Justice Department’s response

partisan FBI agents, one with a wife working for a Democratic oppo-research firm targeting Trump; a suspicious surge in the intel community of “unmasking” requests focused on the Trump campaign; and perhaps most disturbing, reports that the infamous “Russia dossier” was used by a Democratic DOJ to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign

that story alone could be enough to damage a political legacy

for Sir Barry Hussein Obama it was just one story in a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad year: 2017

December 29, 2017 5:16 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "top ten under-reported stories of 2017

3. The stock market boomed

2. The economy roared".

The stock market and economy having been booming since 2010 when Obama turned the Bush recession around. Trump the Joke when he was running for president said the huge run up in the stock market under Obama was a bubble about to burst, funny how now that its doing the same thing with him as president it isn't a bubble about to burst.

Same thing for booming economy under Obama - At the time Trump said all the economic indicators showing low unemployment, huge job growth, and big economic gains were fake but now that the economy is doing basically the same with him as president the same economic indicators measured the same way by the same people are real.

It takes about a year for an incoming presidents policies to start having an effect and Trump just passed his first major economic legislation so it'll be another year for him to have had an effect on the economy.

The present booming economy is just a continuation of Obama's good management.

December 29, 2017 5:18 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Hey Wyatt,

Merry Saturnalia!

And don't forget - a big party in the middle of winter is the reason for the season!

December 29, 2017 5:20 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

2017 is on pace to be the hottest year on record.

Prior to that 2016 was the hottest year on record.

Prior to that 2015 was the hottest year on record

Prior to that 2014 was the hottest year on record.

This is shocking! Global warming models don't predict each year will be warmer than the last, they predict that there will be some years that are warmer followed by some years that are cooler with the long term average temperature increasing in a zig-zag but overall upward rising graph of temperature over time. A continually rising line on the graph for four years straight is much worse than climate scientists have anticipated.

Even Wyatt/bad anonymous accepts the reality of global warming now.

He will keep denying reality though because to him doing so is a marker of being a member of his anti-liberal tribe. They're not pro-conservative anymore, they now define themselves as against whatever liberals are for.

And to that tribe admitting liberals are right about global warming is worse than leaving an uninhabitable planet for their offspring.

December 29, 2017 5:41 PM  
Anonymous to Captain Oblivious said...

"You conveintly left out the part where the media told us that while income taxes my go down in the short term, these cuts go away in a few years"

except, conveintly (love your new "word"), if the GOP still holds Congress at that time, ten years from now, they won't go away

and everyone knows it

"Meanwhile, the corporate tax cuts were given no such sunset provision"

you see, Captain Oblivious, it's actually obvious why

it will politically be much easier to extend the individual rates than the corporate ones


"When you complain about the "lying media," it works best if you don't lie about it yourself, even if it is just by omission."

oh, do tell us what I lied about

"It was no secret that red politicians put an extra tax on the blue states"

no, it isn't

but it was pricelessly entertaining watching Andrew Cuomo combust with rage about it

this is the most brilliant part of the tax plan

California and New York will no longer be subsidized when they over-tax their citizens to waste money on things like bullet trains to 'cisco

they can eliminate the "injustice" easily - by cutting their budget and their tax rates

"for all they complain about corporations being "doubly taxed," they had little hesitation to do it to people in predominantly blue states"

Captain Oblivious, you don't understand the concept of double taxation

I'm gonna help you out:

when a corporation makes a hundo, it is taxed on it

when it is distributed to the owners as a dividend, the same hundo is taxed again

the same income taxed twice BY THE SAME ENTITY - the Feds

in the case of the individual tax, you are taxed once by the Feds

that won't change

the Feds simply aren't going to subsidize state taxes after they get too high

basically, the result is that certain states have very high rates and give their residents excessive benefits subsidized by the rest of us

and it's appropos because the rich liberals in these high-tax states are always advocating higher taxes for the rest of us

they should be happy to make a bigger contribution - if they've been telling the truth and they think taxes should be higher

what are they complaining about?

they're getting just what they proposed

December 29, 2017 5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One of the really devilish things in the bill, is they eliminate the deductibility of state and local taxes, which sounds like a mouthful, but what it says is up until now, for over 100 years, you paid a state tax, you paid a local tax, you deducted that from your federal tax. They're eliminating that. So you're now paying two taxes -- you pay a tax to the state, or a tax to the local government. And then the federal government taxes that tax. And it happens to occur coincidentally on only blue states. Only Democratic states.The Senate has no senators from Democratic states, blue states. This tax provision hits the blue states by eliminating the state and local tax deductibility, and uses that money to finance the tax cut in the red states. This is the most partisan, divisive legislation we have ever seen. There's always politics in the crafting of legislation. But this was an egregious obnoxious -- what the Senate is saying is: Because we have no senators from the blue states, we don't care. So let's pillage the blue to give to the red. That has never been done in this nation before... You wanna hurt New York? You wanna hurt California? They're the economic engines. How are you going to grow the economy after you put a dagger in the heart of New York and California? It is all politics, all the time."

the august and dignified Sir Andrew the Cuomo


glad to hear you get it, Sir Cuomo!!

December 29, 2017 5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"he's the most gay friendly presidential candidate ever, amirite?"

you're rite

seeing the AIDS crisis over, he got rid of that commission that stigmatized homosexuaks

Trump's gaycool!!

December 29, 2017 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you know that in his homeland, Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama has a beer named after him?

December 29, 2017 10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."

The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"

And God said that it was good.

On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."

The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"

And God, again said that it was good.

On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."

The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live
for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"

And God agreed it was good.

On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."

But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"

"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."

So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play
and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service. If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch.

December 30, 2017 9:14 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Politifact: Yep, Trump Lied About His Bill-Signing Record

President Donald Trump is known for boasting about his achievements. But is he correct that he’s enacted more legislation than any other president?

At a West Palm Beach fire station on Dec. 27, Trump said, “You know, one of the things that people don’t understand — we have signed more legislation than anybody. We broke the record of Harry Truman.”

According to calculations by — a nonpartisan website that collects congressional and other governmental data — Trump actually ranked last in legislation signed among post-World War II presidents in their first calendar year who took office on the regular four-year cycle (as opposed to those who were elevated to the presidency after a death or resignation).

All told, Trump’s statement is “nonsense,” said Max J. Skidmore, a University of Missouri-Kansas City political scientist who has written several books on the presidency. “Trump has signed only one major piece of legislation, barely working that into his first year.” We rate the statement False.

It takes about a year for an incoming president's policies to start having an effect on the economy, so given that Trump has just passed his first major piece of legislation Americans can thank Obama for the booming economy of the last 8 years.

December 30, 2017 12:00 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I do not like your lying ways.

I do not like your hate for gays.

I do not like your grabbing rump.

I do not like you Mr. Trump!

Hat tip to Dr. Seus

December 30, 2017 12:10 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

December 30, 2017 12:28 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

December 30, 2017 12:34 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

(in after-tax income)

U.S.A. --------------------------- CANADA

$7.25---------MINIMUM WAGE--------- $10.45
10% --------UNIONIZATION RATE-------- 30%
$4,316 avg. ---HEALTH COSTS--------- FREE


December 30, 2017 12:37 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

"Lying is second nature to him. More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, sort of true, or at least ought to be true."

Tony Schwartz, ghostwriter, "The Art of the Deal"

I'd say that's just like Wyatt/bad anonymous but I have no doubt Wyatt knows he's lying. After all, Wyatt said "Most people lie all the time" - no doubt he was thinking of himself when he said that.

December 30, 2017 12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s been a bad year for global warming propagandists, but fear not: Here comes a polar vortex to make it worse for them.

The unrelenting Arctic blast arrived on Christmas Eve and it remains the holiday houseguest from Hell that won’t leave: Record-breaking cold and snowfall are tormenting the eastern half of the country, and it’s only getting worse. Americans are ringing in the New Year while shivering under the lowest temperatures in 70 years, and the first day of 2018 could set record lows everywhere east of the Rockies.

Folks are being warned about the health risks associated with sub-zero temperatures, which could last beyond the first week of the year and stretch as far south as east Texas. It’s even too cold for the most intrepid thrill-seekers: Cities are canceling the Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s Day due to inhumane air and water temperatures.

It marks a frustrating end to a dreadful year for climate-change activists, who have been frozen out of the Trump Administration. After Trump’s election, environmentalists prophesied the end times, labeling the president and his advisors “anti-science” and bracing for catastrophe. Climate scientists and bureaucrats at scientific agencies reached out for counseling, seeking ways to cope with life under the Trump regime; many have resigned “in disgust.”

But for once, the climate crowd’s “dire” predictions came true. Our “Denier-in-Chief” wasted no time dismantling Obama’s climate change legacy by appointing climate skeptics to fill top cabinet posts, exiting the Paris Climate Accord, repealing the Clean Power Plan, scrubbing government websites of climate change references, and promoting American fossil-fuel use abroad. If this wasn’t bad enough for them, now the climate crowd is trying incoherently to explain to frigid Americans—who are muttering “global warming, my ass” under their double-wrapped scarves—how this frigid weather is actually caused by greenhouse gas emissions.

Never one to miss an opportunity to incite his foes, President Trump sent out this tweet Thursday night:

In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!

January 01, 2018 1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump’s tweet—one of his most popular social-media missives of the year—did exactly what he wanted it to do: Torch the mob.

Reporters, politicians, and environmentalists exploded with rage, ridiculing Trump for not understanding the difference between “weather” and “climate.” Keep in mind, this doublespeak is from the same armchair climate experts who blamed every destructive weather event this year—from hurricanes to wildfires to droughts—on anthropogenic global warming. Now, they are hand-waving away the most brutal cold snap in decades as nothing more than a normal appearance by Old Man Winter.

On Friday morning, the Weather Channel posted a world map, purporting to show how North America is an anomaly in an otherwise toasty world, and trolled the president by claiming “there is a difference between weather and climate. Short-term cold snaps will continue to occur in a warming world.” (The map was widely shared on social media, yet failed to make a convincing case that warming is significantly and uniformly impacting the planet right now: in fact, the map showed virtually no temperature change in the southern hemisphere and the tropics, and steep temperature drops in North America. Far from the “global warming” climatologists have tried to convince us is happening.)

An accompanying article warned that “a single weather event like a heat wave cannot be linked to climate, but long-term trends are better indicators of a changing climate.” This is the same weather site that posted numerous articles linking 2017’s extreme weather events to climate change, including this article that claimed winters will become “shorter and warmer.”

The New York Times, which has an entire section devoted to climate change news and often searches for the thinnest reed to connect some human tragedy to manmade climate change, scoffed that Trump appears “unaware of the distinction between weather and climate.” Science blogger Phil Plait tweeted that Trump would “literally fail grade school science. He doesn’t know the difference between weather and climate.”

But the climate propagandists can’t quite get their spin together. Is the deep freeze just weather, or is it due to climate change?

The always-charming Chelsea Handler called Trump a “dumbass” and claimed “global warming doesn’t only mean extreme heat; it means extreme weather. Hot and cold.” One climate scientist quoted in USA Today said the frigidity proves climate change is real: “We can still expect periods of very cold temperatures, snowstorms, and even days of record low temperatures,” the University of California’s Zack Labe told the paper. “However, climate change continues to shift the odds towards more periods of warmer weather and less so for colder weather.” Huh?

The Environmental Defense Fund offered its explainer on how record snowfall is evidence of global warming. “It may seem counterintuitive, but more snowfall during winter storms is an expected outcome of climate change. That’s because a warmer planet is evaporating more water into the atmosphere. That added moisture means more precipitation in the form of heavy snowfall or downpours.”

Talk about covering all your bases. EDF also took the common route of climate propagandists: don’t believe your lying eyes. It only feels colder. “Winters in the U.S. have warmed a lot since the 1970s—making what used to be a typical winter feel even more frigid nowadays.” Just remember that when your eyelids are frozen shut next week.

This mess of unscientific, emotional rants by the climate change crowd is typical of how it responds to any challenge to its dogma: Detractors are belittled, goal posts are moved, reversals on previous views are accepted without question. The scientifically-illiterate media plays along, rarely stopping to examine evidence or challenge glaring hypocrisies.

There is also a chance this cold snap portends a global cooling period that some scientists now predict. If that happens, we might all be huddled near the furnace, wondering why we ever feared global warming in the first place.

January 01, 2018 1:20 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "it’s been a bad year for global warming propagandists...There is also a chance this cold snap portends a global cooling period that some scientists now predict.".

Stop pretending Wyatt, we all know not even you believe this. 99% of climatologists say the planet is warming, only a rare kook says it might cool. There is no scientific debate about this.

We've been over this time and time again, a localized temporary cold snap means nothing, what matters is the global average temperature over time. And 2017 is on pace to be the hottest year on record. Just like 2016 was. Just like 2015 was. Just like 2014 was.

This is unprecedented warming. No global warming models predict each year being warmer than the last, they all predict a warmer year(s) followed by cooler years with an overall upward trend over time. That we should see four record hot years in a row doesn't even leave you with any doubt that global warming is real.

So, stop trolling and pretending you don't believe it - we know you do.

January 01, 2018 2:33 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The USA makes up 3% of the planet's surface area. I know you think there's no world beyond the borders of the USA but that's not the case.

The Arctic is unnaturally warm while this very tiny temporary localized cold snap is going on. The North pole was actually warmer than parts of Southern Canada and Northern U.S.

Global warming has pushed the jet stream farther south bring arctic air with it and warmer than normal temperatures to the Arctic.

January 01, 2018 2:39 AM  
Anonymous starting off 2018 with a slam dunk! said...

"Stop pretending, we all know not even you believe this. 99% of climatologists say the planet is warming, only a rare kook says it might cool. There is no scientific debate about this"

to say the "planet is warming" doesn't really require any scientific expertise

the stats speak for themselves, and are easy to read

the issue is how significant the increase has been, what's caused it, whether it's likely to continue to rise, what should be done about it, can life adapt to the changes, et al

and, yes, there are scientists who think it might cool

"We've been over this time and time again, a localized temporary cold snap means nothing,"

oh, I'd agree that scientifically it means nothing

politically, it's a different story

the problem for global warming alarmists is that during 2017, they pointed to several localized events they say do mean something

you can't have it both ways: localized events either mean something or they don't

trying to argue both is one of the ways the alarmists are losing the argument

"what matters is the global average temperature over time. And 2017 is on pace to be the hottest year on record. Just like 2016 was. Just like 2015 was. Just like 2014 was."

the amounts are trivial and the temperatures had paused for 16 years prior to that

the were paused, year after year after year, for sixteen years

it was an unprecedented pause

"This is unprecedented warming"


"No global warming models predict"

the models haven't been reliable

"each year being warmer than the last,"

for four years

big deal

they had paused for a longer period

"The Arctic is unnaturally warm while this very tiny temporary localized cold snap is going on. The North pole was actually warmer than parts of Southern Canada and Northern U.S.

Global warming has pushed the jet stream farther south bring arctic air with it and warmer than normal temperatures to the Arctic."


an uneducated rube, Priya first argues that the cold snap is localized phenomena that doesn't mean anything

then, Priya asserts that the cold snap is caused by global warming

the idiocy of some imbeciles is so self-focused they don't even realize how stupid they make themselves look

January 01, 2018 4:47 PM  
Anonymous congrats to starting off the year with a slam dunk said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

January 01, 2018 4:52 PM  
Anonymous congrats to congrats to starting off 2018 with a slam dunk! said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

January 01, 2018 5:56 PM  
Anonymous congrats to congrats to starting off 2018 with a slam dunk! said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

January 01, 2018 6:00 PM  
Anonymous TD to start off 2018 right!! said...

"There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service"

hate to break it to you, but the public really wouldn't have thanked you

indeed, we'd appreciate it if you'd keep your lunacy between you and your shrink

"Politifact: Yep, Trump Lied About His Bill-Signing Record

President Donald Trump is known for boasting about his achievements. But is he correct that he’s enacted more legislation than any other president?"

who the hell cares?

what difference does it make?

"It takes about a year for an incoming president's policies to start having an effect on the economy"

this is a generalization that isn't true in the current specific economy, if it ever was

poor uneducated fool

thinks that Trump can only affect the economy by proposing legislation

Priya's ignorance is, frankly, breathtaking

this claim of delayed effect, while sometimes correct to some limited extent, was extrapolated to ridiculous lengths by Obama, who spent most of his term claiming the poor economy under his watch was George Bush's fault

at the 2012 convention, Bill Clinton said, about the economy, that no one could have fixed "the damage we found" when we got to the White House

putting aside the fact that Bill wasn't part of the Obama administration, Clinton apparently thought the Democratic delegates were so stupid as to believe that the economy is kept in a china closet in the White House, to be discovered by incoming Presidents

economic stats that the government compiles are public knowledge and any President surprised by economic conditions when HE arrives is incompetent

now, Priya would have us believe that Obama's policies took eight years to affect the economy and that, coincidentally, it happened the moment his predecessor was elected

if you'd like to know the truth, Priya, just ask

we'll explain to you and you won't have to pay all that money for a college education like the rest of us did

"Blogger Priya Lynn said...
I do not like your lying ways.

I do not like your hate for gays.

I do not like your grabbing rump.

I do not like you Mr. Trump!

Hat tip to Dr. Seus"

sad when someone can't even spell the name of their literary influences

we are impressed that you attained a third grade reading level, Priya

based on your comments here, I had no idea you were that advanced

"DECEMBER 30, 2017 12:10 PM
Blogger Priya Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

DECEMBER 30, 2017 12:28 PM
Blogger Priya Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author."

there is no rest for the wicked, who are in a perpetual quest to cover up their lies

January 01, 2018 9:54 PM  
Anonymous GOOOOAAAALLLLLL!!!!! said...

"December 30, 2017 12:10 PM

Comment deleted
This comment has been removed by the author.

December 30, 2017 12:28 PM
Comment deleted
This comment has been removed by the author.

December 30, 2017 12:34 PM"

to think, Priya spent 18 long minutes on that first post


what a psycho!!

Priya is like another Rosemary Woods

January 01, 2018 10:02 PM  
Anonymous Democrats gaze into abyss said...

Some 1.5 million Americans will see the New Year behind bars, so it’s hardly a travesty of justice that Katherine Rogers, a 62-year-old first-time offender from New Hampshire, got probation last week for misdemeanor assault.

On the other hand, Rogers certainly knows the law: She’s a former local prosecutor and six-term Democratic member of the state legislature. Adding to the incongruity, earlier in 2017 she was named “Humane Legislator of the Year” for her efforts at curbing cruelty to animals.

Rogers’ empathy doesn’t extend all the way to conservatives, however. During a recount after the 2016 election, she was sitting next to a Republican observer named Susan Olsen, a conservative activist known for her staunch support for the Second Amendment. When Olsen asked if the ballots could be moved closer, Rogers punched her in the head.

Olsen believes Rogers was trying to provoke a physical response, to discredit the gun rights movement and disrupt the recount. Judge Kristin Spath wasn’t so sure. She seemed to think Rogers just lost it. Spath accepted a guilty plea, but sentenced the defendant to probation, provided she abides by the law for a year and attends anger management classes in the next 90 days.

What could be a better symbol of the year in politics than Democrats lashing out in blind anger over how events unfolded electorally in 2017? It began before Donald Trump’s inauguration, and continued unabated for 12 months.


The Women’s March on Washington was highlighted by pop singer Madonna dropping several “f-bombs” and telling the crowd: “Yes, I’m angry. … Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House!”

When it was her turn at the microphone, actress Ashley Judd compared Trump to Hitler, accused the president of harboring sexual fantasies about his daughter, and compared menstruation (favorably) to Trump’s “thinning hair.”


Betsy DeVos, Trump’s choice as secretary of education, was confirmed on a tie-breaking vote by VP Mike Pence. During her confirmation hearings, DeVos was treated shabbily by Democratic senators, including Elizabeth Warren, who refused to shake her hand, and Al Franken, who called her “the most incompetent” Cabinet nominee he’d ever seen. On an earlier appearance on MSNBC, Franken revealed that attacking her was a pre-arranged Democratic strategy aimed at the president. This posturing had its desired effect. All year, DeVos was heckled any time she visited a public school — and plenty of private ones too.


When Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer spotted Hilary Califano, the wife of former Democratic Party wise man Joseph A. Califano Jr., at upscale Italian restaurant Sette Mezzo, he didn’t inquire about the pasta. He made a scene.

“She voted for Trump!” he shouted, according to Mrs. Califano. “How could you vote for Trump? He’s a liar!”


The Democratic National Committee all but designated itself the Profanity Party. After Chairman Tom Perez began using a common potty word in speeches, the DNC put it on T-shirts. “Tom is angry,” explained spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa, “and he’s angry because Donald Trump continues to stick it to the American people.”

Perez wasn’t alone. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand used the f-word three times in a single interview, while Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke began using foul language in speeches and interviews.

The obvious paradox is that one of the traits liberals say they most detest about Trump is his crudeness. “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster,” philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once warned in writing about good and evil. “And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”

January 01, 2018 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Democrats gaze into abyss said...


Comedian Kathy Griffin, a Democratic donor and Al Franken pal, was photographed holding a grisly and realistic-looking prop: the severed head of President Trump.


After a Bernie Sanders devotee opened fire at a baseball diamond where Republican members of Congress were practicing, a shocking number of liberal activists took to social media to assert that grievously wounded Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise got what he deserved. Sanders , a week later, was urging his supporters to continue their “political revolution” and to “act in an unprecedented way.”


The White House response to the violence at a Charlottesville rally of racists revealed to Democrats not that Trump was tone-deaf or in over his head as president, but rather that his administration was staffed by white supremacists. Yes, that phrase again, which also cropped up repeatedly among Democrats and in the media in September after Trump’s Twitter feud with San Juan’s mayor and his verbal attack on NFL players who sit during the national anthem.


When Trump called the widow of fallen Special Forces soldier La David Johnson, Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson listened in on the call and then told the press that Trump had botched it by not remembering the soldier’s name and by saying that “he knew what he signed up for.” The narrative was, yet again, racism (Johnson was black) and sexism, of course, and that the commander-in-chief had picked another fight with a Gold Star family.


Democratic anger became a circular firing squad when Donna Brazile told fellow party members to “go to hell” after they objected to her unflattering revelations about the DNC.


The president was back in opponents’ gunsights as the tax bill passed Congress.

Did Trump bring a lot of this on himself? Undoubtedly. If the opprobrium was directed only at the 45th U.S. president, 2017 wouldn’t have been such an ordeal. But progressives’ anger is much broader than that.

“The main difference is that I hate people now,” Katha Pollitt in Nation also wrote. “Well, not all people, of course. Just people who voted for Trump.”

That’s a lot of people, 62 million of them, and a lot of hate to be directing at your fellow Americans.

There’s a better way, which liberals once knew.

January 01, 2018 10:43 PM  
Anonymous more on sleazy Dems said...

more and more, the term "Democratic Party" is an orwellianism

Comedian Rosie O’Donnell, in a tweet, offered millions in cash to senators who vote against the Republican tax plan

her tweet called specifically on Republican Sens. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Susan Collins of Maine

she offered $2 million to each senator to vote no

she then followed up telling Ms. Collins specifically to call if she wanted to negotiate

offering money to a lawmaker in exchange for changing a vote, or voting a particular way, is illegal

January 02, 2018 11:40 AM  
Anonymous more on sleazy Dems said...

President Trump on Tuesday wisely suggested the Department of Justice must finally act to investigate longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin after the State Department last week released emails belonging to her, including some marked classified that were found on the laptop of her husband, a predatory sex offender

the State Department last Friday released parts of 2,800 emails that belonged to Abedin but were recovered by the FBI on the laptop of her husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, during an investigation into his sexting with a young female high school student

the Daily Caller website on Sunday said that Abedin forwarded sensitive work emails to her private Yahoo account – and some of the messages contained passwords for her government laptop

Yahoo accounts were hacked in 2014 by Igor Suschin, a former Russian intelligence agent.

January 02, 2018 11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


January 02, 2018 2:58 PM  
Anonymous another fun story!~! said...

you know, if you're a liberal, 2018 is not shaping up to be your year

the former, and legendarily popular, Rep. Michele Bachmann said that she is considering running for the Senate seat being left by Democratic pervert Al Franken

"I've had people contact me and urge me to run for that Senate seat. ...And the only reason I would run is for the ability to take these principles into the United States Senate and be able to advocate for these principles," Bachmann said

see what I mean?

that can't be good for the gay agenda

Franken is resigning on Tuesday after multiple accusations of slobbering sexual assault and groping

his successor, the wan and tepid Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith (D), is scheduled to be sworn in on Wednesday

see what I mean?

what's the chance she'll be elected by intelligent human beings?

Franken's ignomonious departure sets up a special election in 2018 for the remainder of his term

then, a second election, for a full six years, will be held in 2020

well, maybe you can find someone in 2020

you're toast in 2018

Smith has said she will run for the remainder of Franken's term in 2018

hahaha, try and stop her!!

January 02, 2018 4:12 PM  
Anonymous just gettin' started said...

If we learned one thing this past year, it’s that the Mayans do not have a lock on failing to predict the Apocalypse. Democrats do. From the moment President Donald J. Trump hit 270 electoral votes, through net neutrality repeal and tax cuts, Democrats have predicted that the world would end.

There have been hilarious hyperbolic reactions to every Trump tweet, and each piece of lint that flutters through the Oval Office. The Democrat reaction to every single move by the Trump Administration amounts to, “We’re all gonna die”.

Remember the mass deportation of Mexicans? Neither do I. Yet we were all gonna die. In Southern Wackyfornia everyone thought that their maids and nannies were going to be rounded up because Trump was a racist.

Remember the mass deportation of Muslims? Neither do I. Yet we were all gonna die. During the March of the Week Spectacular that occurred early in 2017, Democrats clogged airports to protest the 90-day visa hold – a policy enacted merely to ensure the safety of Americans.

Remember how Trump’s election empowered hate groups to go and beat innocent minorities, and that we were all gonna die? Neither do I. What I do remember is the leftist group ANTIFA, whose very name epitomizes the phrase “unintended irony”, beating the crap out of innocent Americans and starting riots every chance they got – oh, but usually to shut down free speech. It was so bad in Berkeley that even the Washington Post couldn’t ignore the truth.

Remember how Trump is Hitler and Steve Bannon is a white nationalist – and that we we're all gonna die? Neither do I. I never quite understood how Trump could be Hitler given his staunch support of Israel, and having the courage to do what no other President did by acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Meanwhile, the Left remains determined to divide the country via identity politics.

Remember how we were all going to lose our healthcare and, literally, we were all gonna die? Neither do I. The spineless Republdemocrins couldn’t get their act together to repeal and replace Obummercare. They did manage to do the right thing, and repeal the requirement forcing Americans to buy a product. Nevertheless, Democrats were terrified that their heavily-subsidized health insurance would be taken away, leaving them wandering the streets, cold and hungry, begging for change to afford health care.

Remember how the Dow Futures tanked the night of the election, and the stock market was going to crash and we were all gonna die. Neither do I. I’m too busy counting my shillings from 2017’s 23% increase in the S&P 500.

Remember how Reagan, er, Trump was going to blow us all up in a nuclear war with the Soviet Union North Korea, and that this time we most certainly were all gonna die. Neither do I. What I do recall is the first President in a generation not caving to the extortive demands of Dictator Weeble, while making it clear to the entire world that America would fight strength with strength, and that President Apology BowToHisBetters was no longer in charge.

January 02, 2018 4:42 PM  
Anonymous just gettin' started said...

I was not a Trump supporter and, to be frank, I’m still not wild about him because he isn’t consistently standing up for Conservative and Libertarian values. However, he fulfilled his promise to Ted Cruz and nominated a proper textualist to the Supreme Court. He signed a monumental tax law which, if corporations behave as expected, should result in hundreds of billions of dollars being poured into the economy via capital spending and increased shareholder dividends. He is strong on Israel – the only democracy in the Middle East and a lifelong friend and ally of the United States. His recognition of Jerusalem, and Ambassador Nikki Haley’s courageous vote to support it in the UN, along with a $285 million cut in UN support, are big wins.

There have been no chemical weapons used in Syria since the U.S. cruise missile attack in April – demonstrating the weakness of Obama’s “red line” policy. ISIS has been dealt repeated setbacks. Trump got Saudi Arabia to back off its goods blockade to Yemen, which was dealing with a humanitarian crisis.

Americans have put their confidence behind the President in regards to the economy. The consumer confidence index, the manufacturing index, the industrial production index, construction spending, e-commerce retail sales, real manufacturing and trade industries sales, and countless other metrics are rising. This is all based on optimism. Very little policy has actually been implemented. GDP growth in a non-crisis or recovery economy is where it should be – 3.2%.

The biggest win, however, is repeatedly exposing fake news. The utterly disingenuous news media has been repeatedly disgraced. They aren’t even pretending anymore. Never in American history has the media been as transparently partisan, and they are paying for it.

Finally, normal Americans have someone who doesn’t look down on them. One can argue that Trump is unpredictable, inexperienced, has made countless errors, and the White House is a disaster – and all of those arguments hold water. However, there is no denying that Trump is what the average America needs – a fighter.

As for the Democrats, their world has certainly ended, but for the rest of America, we’re just getting started.

January 02, 2018 4:42 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Shorter Wyatt/bad anonymous:

"So what if the average temperature for the entire year over the entire surface of the planet has been the hottest ever for the last four years straight, on 3% of the planet for the past week its been colder than average - checkmate!"


January 02, 2018 6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sad

badly embarrassed, Priya doubles down on stupidity

January 02, 2018 10:05 PM  
Anonymous ding dong, the clown is gone said...

badly perverted Senator Al Franken's resignation took effect Tuesday, weeks after he announced from the Senate floor that he would step down after the majority of his Democratic colleagues in the Senate pressured him to do so in order to elect Doug Jones

multiple women disclosed that Franken inappropriately touched them and/or forcibly french- kissed them without consent

"I write to resign my seat as a United States Senator for the State of Minnesota effective at 1 pm Eastern Standard Time on January 2, 2018," Franken wrote in his letter to Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton

Franken denies some of the allegations against him, and recalls the other instances differently

widely adored former Congressman Michele Bachmann said Tuesday she's considering running for Franken's former Senate seat, saying that she's praying about the decision

Franken's interim replacement, the obscure Democratic Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, will be sworn in on Wednesday

laughably, she plans to run for the seat in a November special election against the formidable Bachmann

January 03, 2018 7:58 AM  
Anonymous he'll poke you in the eye, conk you on the head, you knuckleheads said...

it's a win-win!!!!!!

the Senate is greatly improved

and the chances of a Three Stooges reboot in Hollywood have gone up

way up!!

January 03, 2018 8:06 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Is There Nothing This Magical President Can’t Do?

Trump’s obsession with dishonest self-aggrandizement took another step up this week when he took credit for the fact that no one died in commercial air travel in the world last year. Because his mere presence magically ensures that all jet engines work perfectly and no pilots make mistakes.

"Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!"

And by “very strict” he means that he has done nothing — absolutely nothing — on this issue whatsoever. He wants to privatize air traffic control, but Congress hasn’t done anything with a bill to do that. When asked what specifically Trump had done to make the skies safer, White House spokesman Raj Shah said he had “raised the bar for our nation’s aviation safety and security.” That’s gibberish. A lie. He’s done not one single thing that could even remotely be considered as a policy change on airline security. And even if he had, that would have nothing to do with flights in other countries, which also had no crashes.

This is just like his boasting about the economy doing well - he had done nothing that could affect the ecnomy in a positive way. His only "accomplishment" is to have repealed pollution regulation which will harm economic growth in the long run due to increased worker sickness and medical costs. The current economic performance is due to Obama's actions, not Trump's inaction.

We’ve just never seen anyone like this in the White House, a man with an ego so utterly insatiable that he has to take credit for everything good that happens anywhere. I’m surprised he isn’t claiming to have healed every kid who goes into remission from cancer or survives a dangerous operation. In Trump’s head, life is one long story and he’s the hero, always.

January 03, 2018 11:49 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump to Set Record for Lies in First Year in Office

Donald Trump loves to claim that he’s done more of (fill in the blank) than anyone in history. He’s almost always lying when he does so, which makes it ironic that he’s going to shatter all previous records by telling his 2000th lie during his first year in office.

"With just 18 days before President Trump completes his first year as president, he is now on track to exceed 2,000 false or misleading claims, according to our database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.

As of Monday, the total stood at 1,950 claims in 347 days, or an average of 5.6 claims a day."

Some of those are repeats, of course, but that makes them even worse. In Trumpworld, no matter how many times he has shown to be lying about something, he’ll go on telling that same lie all day, every day, until the end of the world, as long as it suits his immediate purposes (just like Wyatt/bad anonymous). And the moment it doesn’t, he’ll tell the exact opposite life 5 seconds later with a completely straight face and call it fake news when you point out that he’s now contradicting himself (just like Wyatt/bad anonymous). All politicians lie, bu we have never seen anyone lie as constantly, as pointlessly, or as shamelessly as Trump. And we can only hope that we never do again.

But therein lies the problem. He’s setting a new status quo with all of this. He’s laying down the tracks for future politicians to follow. After all, it worked, right? He got elected president being this way. This becomes the new normal. And that’s terrifying.

January 03, 2018 11:54 AM  
Anonymous the trouble with normal is it only gets worse said...

"Trump’s obsession with dishonest self-aggrandizement took another step up this week when he took credit for the fact that no one died in commercial air travel in the world last year. Because his mere presence magically ensures that all jet engines work perfectly and no pilots make mistakes."

who the hell cares?

what difference does it make?

things went better with him around

that's all we need to know

"This is just like his boasting about the economy doing well - he had done nothing that could affect the ecnomy in a positive way. His only "accomplishment" is to have repealed pollution regulation which will harm economic growth in the long run due to increased worker sickness and medical costs. The current economic performance is due to Obama's actions, not Trump's inaction."

oh, sure

and Obama was so kind that he planned for the economy to return to normal growth at just the moment his successor was elected

Sir Barry Hussein O was a swell guy!!

"We’ve just never seen anyone like this in the White House, a man with an ego so utterly insatiable that he has to take credit for everything good that happens anywhere"

virtually all politicians do that

"In Trump’s head, life is one long story and he’s the hero, always"

who the hell cares?

what difference does it make?

virtually all politicians do that

"With just 18 days before President Trump completes his first year as president, he is now on track to exceed 2,000 false or misleading claims, according to our database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.

As of Monday, the total stood at 1,950 claims in 347 days, or an average of 5.6 claims a day."

who the hell cares?

what difference does it make?

virtually all politicians do that

btw, how did Bill Clinton do?

we know Hillary and Obama were notorious for lying

George W didn't lie much but he just lost interest in trying to rally Americans to anything

"All politicians lie, bu we have never seen anyone lie as constantly, as pointlessly, or as shamelessly as Trump. And we can only hope that we never do again.

But therein lies the problem. He’s setting a new status quo with all of this. He’s laying down the tracks for future politicians to follow. After all, it worked, right? He got elected president being this way. This becomes the new normal. And that’s terrifying."

talk about gibberish...

you say he’s laying down the tracks for future politicians to follow but you just got finished saying all politicians lie

so, he's not laying down any tracks, he just may be riding a little faster

he doesn't like like a politician, he lies like a real estate salesman

guess why?

American decided it preferred a person who lied to defend his cause rather than someone like Hillary, who lies to enrich herself

so Trump has created no normal

Bill Clinton is one who laid tracks for the world of status quo leaders sexually harassing women

prior to him, such a person would have resigned in disgrace

he stuck it out, creating a new normal where men harassed women knowing that if worse came to worse, they could just ride it out

on behalf of America's women, thanks for the new normal, Bill

January 03, 2018 2:43 PM  
Anonymous happy days are here again, America is great again!! said...

President Trump has made a significant down payment on his campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy, a shift long sought by conservatives that could eventually bring the workforce down to levels not seen in decades, shifting growth to the more efficient private sector!

at the end of September, all Cabinet departments except Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs and Interior had fewer permanent staff than when Trump took office in January — with most shedding many hundreds of employees!

the diminishing federal footprint comes after Trump promised in last year's campaign to "cut so much your head will spin," and it reverses a boost in hiring under the incompetent Barack Obama!

the falloff has been driven by an exodus of civil servants, a diminished corps of political appointees and an effective hiring freeze!

the drastic spending cuts Trump made in the spring — which would slash more than 30 percent of funding at some agencies — also has triggered a spending slowdown!

the White House is now warning agencies to brace for even deeper cuts in the 2019 budget it will announce early next year!

this will lower the federal deficit to pay for the new tax law!

one probable casualty: a pay raise that federal employees think they should receive because Trump's oversight has the economy humming!!

not this time!!!

The administration's effort so far to reshape the workforce of nearly 2 million civil servants marks a welcome culture shift!!!!

Federal workers are realizing that their jobs could be zeroed out amid buyouts and early retirement offers that already have prompted hundreds of their colleagues to leave!!!!!

many government workers chafed as supervisors laid down new rules they said are aimed at holding poor performers and problem workers to account!!!!!!

a hiring freeze technically lifted in the spring has been kept in practice at most agencies, hollowing out many offices!!!!!!!!

January 03, 2018 5:59 PM  
Anonymous evidence up in smoke!! said...

Firefighters were called to put out a fire Wednesday at the Chappaqua, New York, home of former President Bill Clinton and former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, police said.

January 03, 2018 6:13 PM  
Anonymous it's gonna be fun said...

you don’t want to admit it, Donald Trump had a pretty good first year in office...

from appointing a conservative judicial rock star in Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court, to appointing 12 circuit judges, to rolling back or cutting over 1,500 regulations, to getting a tax bill signed before Christmas, Trump made headway on his agenda despite being hampered by the albatross around his neck, the fake Russia-collusion investigation!!!!!!!!!

here's some fun we're gonna have with liberals in 2018:

Trump will instruct Secretary of the Treasury Mnuchin to change the charity regulations to require tax-exempt hospitals to post their prices for care and make changes should requiring that anything over $20 million in revenue will not be treated as tax exempt unless the providers post prices, have complete cost transparency, and can provide real evidence that at least 10 percent of their care is charitable - if they won't post prices, they will have their tax-exempt status withdrawn

this one change would have a stunning effect on costs of health care!!!!!!

Trump will issue an executive order to the departments in January, instructing them to cut staff and spending by 10 percent by the end of the second quarter of 2018, June 30; you can't actually drain the swamp unless you starve the beast and dismantle the administrative state

Trump will announce a plan for shutting down the Department of Energy, breaking up any useful parts into the Departments of Commerce, Interior and Defense

then Trump will announce that he, with great fanfare, will implode the building himself, making a speech regarding the breaking apart and destruction of the progressives’ administrative state and the devolving of power out of D.C.

once the building is leveled, we will build a Liberty Park on top of it

Trump will continue dismantling the regulatory state in 2018

while no one was really watching, he slashed or delayed more than 1,500 regulations in 2017, saving taxpayers more than $8 billion dollars, and started removing the shackles from our economy

Trump will continue his appointments of young Federalist Society judges to the federal bench, seeking to appoint judges who are still in their 40s so that, a generation from now, they are still in place, quietly and methodically killing the beast of big government, piece by piece

Trump will lay the groundwork for a long-term fund that not only addresses our infrastructure needs but also brings welfare reform

he’ll begin the process of responsible energy exploration on federal lands and, out of that, based on a percentage of royalties from the energy companies, will come that infrastructure fund

Trump will announce a new program: All able-bodied men and women on welfare will now be a part of the great rebuilding of American infrastructure - roads will be built, bridges repaired, inner cities brought back to life, and we will significantly cut welfare spending

Trump will make it very clear that if there is no wall, there is no DACA - and by “wall” it must be the full $21.6 billion to build 1,000 miles of a 40-foot wall - And by “DACA reform” it must mean, at a minimum, no more chain migration

Trump will cut the more than $550 million in taxpayer dollars that go annually to Planned Parenthood

Trump will appoint another Neil Gorsuch type to SCOTUS when Justice Kennedy likely retires next summer

January 03, 2018 6:42 PM  
Anonymous Eye Roll said...

Sure anon, let's see if this incompetent nut is able to stay in office. If so, then I'm sure he will do all these things. (Just like he is keeping transgender people out of the military.)

That will really show those liberals!

January 03, 2018 7:40 PM  
Anonymous I love to gloat said...

I guess your eyes are rolling around trying to see if there's a brain in there

"let's see if this incompetent nut"

classic lunatic fringe redefinition of English

GDP growth has doubled over Obama's average, the judiciary is being remade with judges who believe in the Constitution, the individual mandate has been eliminated, the Arctic has been open to provide us with energy independence, marginal corporate tax rates have been slashed, taxes on rich liberals in blue states have been raised, stock market has risen 25%, the SCOTUS has a new conservative star, the Federal work force and regulations have been slashed, he has successfully called out the fake news mainstream media, unemployment is the lowest on 15 years...

and to someone with rolling eyes, that's "incompetent"!!

"is able to stay in office"

why wouldn't he?

because of the imaginary collusion Hillary colluded with Russian agents to devise?


thanks for the laughs!!

January 03, 2018 8:39 PM  
Anonymous I love to gloat said...

oh yeah, he also destroyed ISIS, stopped Syria from using chemical weapons, recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, got China to impose sanctions on North Korea...

man-o-man, that's incompetent!!

January 03, 2018 8:56 PM  
Anonymous I love to gloat said...


he did all that stuff

but he couldn't repeal Obamacare so he must be incompetent


President Trump has perfected the art of antagonizing his opponents with provocative tweets. He demonstrated this skill recently in declaring that the tax reform act, by repealing the Obamacare mandate, had effectively repealed Obamacare.

Repeal of the Obamacare mandate fundamentally changes the political dynamics in the real world far from Washington, DC.

Last year, an estimated 15 million Americans would have dropped out of Obamacare if they could. Now they can. Another 6.5 million paid a fine rather than sign up for coverage. This means that more than 20 million people directly benefit from the repeal of the mandate.

Most of these people would prefer to buy insurance that meets their needs, but the Obamacare mandate did more than say that people had to buy insurance. It said they had to buy a very comprehensive and expensive set of benefits. Especially for young people, it was often far more insurance than they needed and far more costly than they could afford.

The reality is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to health insurance. Different people have different needs and preferences.

This reality will create a demand for a variety of insurance options to meet a variety of needs. Some people will prefer more comprehensive coverage and higher premiums. Others will opt for less coverage and lower premiums. All will be covered against catastrophic events but day-to-day coverage will vary.

Sooner or later, Congress will begin offering ideas to meet this demand. One proposal introduced last year would allow insurance companies to offer a variety of options so long as they offered at least one plan with the full Obamacare coverage. Once those plans are available, they will find plenty of eager buyers.

As younger Americans consider the alternatives, they will certainly take advantage of the fact that we live in an era of rapid technological innovation. Self-monitoring of their own health is leading millions to make better lifestyle choices. The ability to conduct EKG's on your smartphone is already here and soon people will be taking x-rays on the mobile devices.

Whether or not these innovations technically repeal all of Obamacare is really beside the point. They will accomplish something far more important -- bringing down the cost of health care while improving the health of the nation.

January 04, 2018 8:12 AM  
Anonymous it's like your worst nightmare, it keeps getting worse and worse said...

here's some fun we're gonna have with liberals in 2018:

Trump will instruct Secretary of the Treasury Mnuchin to change the charity regulations to require tax-exempt hospitals to post their prices for care and make changes should requiring that anything over $20 million in revenue will not be treated as tax exempt unless the providers post prices, have complete cost transparency, and can provide real evidence that at least 10 percent of their care is charitable - if they won't post prices, they will have their tax-exempt status withdrawn

this one change would have a stunning effect on costs of health care!!!!!!

Trump will issue an executive order to the departments in January, instructing them to cut staff and spending by 10 percent by the end of the second quarter of 2018, June 30; you can't actually drain the swamp unless you starve the beast and dismantle the administrative state

Trump will announce a plan for shutting down the Department of Energy, breaking up any useful parts into the Departments of Commerce, Interior and Defense

then Trump will announce that he, with great fanfare, will implode the building himself, making a speech regarding the breaking apart and destruction of the progressives’ administrative state and the devolving of power out of D.C.

once the building is leveled, we will build a Liberty Park on top of it

Trump will continue dismantling the regulatory state in 2018

while no one was really watching, he slashed or delayed more than 1,500 regulations in 2017, saving taxpayers more than $8 billion dollars, and started removing the shackles from our economy

Trump will continue his appointments of young Federalist Society judges to the federal bench, seeking to appoint judges who are still in their 40s so that, a generation from now, they are still in place, quietly and methodically killing the beast of big government, piece by piece

Trump will lay the groundwork for a long-term fund that not only addresses our infrastructure needs but also brings welfare reform

he’ll begin the process of responsible energy exploration on federal lands and, out of that, based on a percentage of royalties from the energy companies, will come that infrastructure fund

Trump will announce a new program: All able-bodied men and women on welfare will now be a part of the great rebuilding of American infrastructure - roads will be built, bridges repaired, inner cities brought back to life, and we will significantly cut welfare spending

Trump will make it very clear that if there is no wall, there is no DACA - and by “wall” it must be the full $21.6 billion to build 1,000 miles of a 40-foot wall - And by “DACA reform” it must mean, at a minimum, no more chain migration

Trump will cut the more than $550 million in taxpayer dollars that go annually to Planned Parenthood

Trump will appoint another Neil Gorsuch type to SCOTUS when Justice Kennedy likely retires next summer

January 04, 2018 8:15 AM  
Anonymous are you ready for the wall? said...

Democrats should try to cut deals with the White House. The goal would not be to let Trump wiggle off the hook, but rather to win tangible rewards for providing the Republicans with needed votes on government funding and the debt ceiling.

In such negotiations, the Democrats’ mantra should be: Human beings are more important than money or symbolism.

A prime example is the deal that the president keeps saying he wants — trading statutory protection for the Dreamers in exchange for funding his cherished border wall.

Referring to the initials of the executive order (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) protecting the Dreamers, Trump said in a holiday interview with Michael Schmidt of the New York Times, “I wouldn’t do a DACA plan without a wall. Because we need it. We see the drugs pouring into the country. We need the wall.”

Beginning with the 2015 campaign kickoff when Trump noted that Mexican rapists were pouring across the Rio Grande, the wall has embodied Trumpism. The Trumpian vision is a beautiful solar-powered wall (presumably with Ivanka’s boutiques at the base.)

If congressional Democrats can win lifelong legal protection for the nearly 800,000 Dreamers in exchange for, say, a $10 billion down payment on the wall, it would be a deal worth making. $10 billion is chump change compared to the nearly $1 trillion in cuts embedded in the GOP tax bill.

Trump would chortle that he won the most glorious victory since Gen. George Patton crossed the Rhine. Trump’s triumphalism would be difficult to take. Far worse, though, would be immigration roundups of the Dreamers if Trump refused to extend the executive order beyond March 5.

Schumer and Pelosi can't protect the Dreamers by just backing more funding for border security without a wall. A choice has to be made in the face of a recalcitrant White House. Remember that people — the Dreamers — trump money for a metaphorically ugly wall.

Checkmate. Trump wins.

January 04, 2018 8:32 AM  
Anonymous the smirkster said...

"GDP growth has doubled over Obama's average, the judiciary is being remade with judges who believe in the Constitution, the individual mandate has been eliminated, the Arctic has been open to provide us with energy independence, marginal corporate tax rates have been slashed, taxes on rich liberals in blue states have been raised, stock market has risen 25%, the SCOTUS has a new conservative star, the Federal work force and regulations have been slashed, he has successfully called out the fake news mainstream media, unemployment is the lowest on 15 years...

oh yeah, he also destroyed ISIS, stopped Syria from using chemical weapons, recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, got China to impose sanctions on North Korea..."

I appreciate that "I love to gloat" tried his best to list the myriad accomplishments of our President in his first year

but he's clearly incompetent, having missed several:

more military spending, cuts for the United Nations, more troops to Afghanistan, arms for Ukraine, getting tough with North Korea, decertifying the terrible Iran deal, yes to the job-producing Keystone pipeline, no to the horrible Paris climate agreement, and higher consumer confidence

next time, "I love to gloat", check in with someone who is competent


January 04, 2018 10:40 AM  
Anonymous it's a chiller tonight ! said...

2018 looks to be a bad, bad year for global warming alarmists

after they spent 2017 blaming several localized events on global warming, they are now scrambling to explain the frigid snow-bomb gripping swaths of North America

worse, NASA has issued a new study that the seas won't really rise that much after all

turns out that the ice loss in the Antarctic is being ameliorated by a compensating snow accumulation on the continent, caused by increased precipitation

while there will still be a small rise in sea levels, they now say the predicted catastrophic rise won't happen for "centuries", if ever

thanks, NASA

I think we will use up our fossil fuels long before that

now, get working on a warp drive to take us to other planets!!


January 04, 2018 10:56 AM  
Anonymous do some research, please said...

"WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is going after legalized marijuana. Sessions is rescinding a policy that had let legalized marijuana flourish without federal intervention across the country.

An announcement is expected Thursday.

The decision comes days after California began selling recreational marijuana.

Sessions compares marijuana to heroin and blames it for spikes in violence."

This malicious creep has got to go.

Can someone find out if he ever dated teens?

I hear that's a thing in Alabama

January 04, 2018 11:06 AM  
Anonymous send the key to the moon said...

Justice Department officials are taking a fresh look at Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she served as secretary of State, The Daily Beast has learned.

An official at the Justice Department described it as an effort to gather new details on how Clinton and her aides handled classified material. Officials’ questions include how much classified information was sent over Clinton’s server; who put that information into an unclassified environment, and how; and which investigators knew about these matters and when. Officials have questions about immunity agreements that Clinton aides may have made.

Officials there are acutely aware of demands from President Donald Trump that they look into Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of State—and that they lock up her top aide, Huma Abedin.

January 04, 2018 12:07 PM  
Anonymous those lucky sea biscuits !!!! said...

it's looking to be a GOP year

They've got the luck of the Irish!

An official of the Virginia State Board of Elections pulled out the name of David Yancey from a blue and white stoneware bowl on Thursday, breaking a tied race that is pivotal to control of the house of delegates.

The outcome in favor of Mr. Yancey, the Republican incumbent, means that the house remains in his party’s hands, 51 seats to 49.

The random drawing, a species of political unicorn that attracted attention well beyond Virginia, was conducted in the Patrick Henry Building near the State Capitol in Richmond shortly after 11 a.m. Each candidate’s name was written on strips of paper, inserted into film canisters and mixed together in the handmade bowl, made by the potter-in-residence at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Steven Glass.

The Democratic challenger, Shelly Simonds, a sad school board member in Newport News, had suggested to Mr. Yancey before the drawing that they agree to forgo a second recount, no matter who won.

Control of the speakership on opening day brings with it a bag of political goodies. These include control over committee assignments and the house’s rules, which will determine which bills make it to the floor, amplifying Republican influence over a chamber that is nearly equally divided.

Virginia Democrats have hoped that under Ralph Northam, the governor-elect and a Democrat, thwarted liberal priorities would break through a logjam of Republican control of both houses of the General Assembly.

Before Thursday’s drawing, some Democrats grumbled that in pursuing a court case, Ms. Simonds had caused the cancellation of an earlier tiebreaker drawing on Dec. 27, giving up the chance for the race to be settled before the vote for speaker. Ms. Simonds went to court to ask for reconsideration of one ballot that tied the race, after a first recount on Dec. 19 gave her a one-vote victory.

“Republicans win either way tomorrow,” a reporter on a conference call with Ms. Simonds said Wednesday.

“I thought it was right to ask the court to reconsider,” Ms. Simonds said. “This is bigger than just this election.”

January 04, 2018 12:31 PM  
Anonymous I'm a climatologist, I'm married to a palm reader said...

more bad news for warming alarmists

2018 is a bad, bad year for them:

turns out that not only is increased precipitation dumping more snow on Antarctica, cancelling out the effect of ice loss on sea levels, but the ocean floor is also sinking to accommodate the new increased water volume

so Al Gore can breathe easy

his multiple beach-front properties appear safe

the bottom of the ocean is more of a "sunken place" than it used to be.

in recent decades, melting ice sheets and glaciers driven by climate change are swelling Earth's oceans

along with all that water comes an unexpected consequence — the weight of the additional liquid is pressing down on the seafloor, causing it to sink

consequently, predictions of sea-level rise have been incorrect since 1993, underestimating the effect of growing volume of water in the oceans, according to a new study

seems we get regular reports about what the "consensus" of scientists didn't think about


January 04, 2018 1:14 PM  
Anonymous drill, baby, drill said...

in a MASSIVE rollback of the OBAMA administration’s energy policy, President Trump’s Interior Department on Thursday opened nearly all of the nation’s coastal waters to offshore drilling, representing yet another defeat for environmental groups

on a conference call with reporters, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said he would open 25 of 26 planning areas off America’s coasts to drilling

waters off the West and East coasts, in the Gulf of Mexico, and off Alaska’s shores will be opened to oil exploration

only one area, the North Aleutians Basin near Russia, will be left alone

“We’re going to become the strongest energy superpower,” Mr. Zinke said

about 90 percent of total U.S. offshore acreage could now be opened for drilling

by contrast, the Obama administration had cordoned off about 94 percent of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf as part of its broader effort to limit fossil fuel development

Mr. Zinke said in 2008, the Interior Department pulled in $18 billion in offshore drilling leases. By 2016, that had fallen to just $2.6 billion

“We can do better,” the secretary said

the plan is already causing weeping and wailing among environmental groups

state officials in Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, California and elsewhere have raised objections to oil exploration off their coasts

Mr Zinke will consider exempting the states if they repay the Treasury

environmental groups say this is just the latest in a series of steps taken by the Trump administration to turn over America’s lands and waters to the fossil fuels industry

“If the Interior Department’s five-year oil and gas leasing plan moves forward, extractive companies will have access to drill off nearly every coast in the United States. This puts coastal communities and economies, marine wildlife, public health, and the climate at an unimaginable risk,” said Mary Sweeters, a climate campaigner with the leading environmental group Greenpeace. “For federal agencies and government officials to greenlight more oil and gas development while our communities are still recovering from massive fires, devastating droughts, and destructive superstorms is immoral and reckless.”

Mr. Zinke said the proposal will be open for the next 60 days, and that he’s willing to meet with anyone, including governors, who has concerns. He also said he’s open to a one-on-one meeting with Mr. Scott to discuss Florida’s specific concerns.

“Florida is going to have a say,” the secretary said.

January 04, 2018 2:07 PM  
Anonymous in a celebratory mood..~...~..~...~~~~~~ said...

President Trump applauded the Dow Jones Industrial Average surpassing 25,000 points Thursday morning and attributed the high figure to his administration killing various regulations

"Dow just crashes through 25,000. Congrats to me! Big cuts in unnecessary regulations continuing," Trump tweeted Thursday morning

Al Franken resigned over sexual misconduct

the Dow Jones opened Thursday at 24,964 points and passed the 25,000 mark within 10 minutes

Trump tweeted late Wednesday the Dow Jones was growing at a faster rate than skeptics had believed it would

"Stock Market had another good day but, now that the Tax Cut Bill has passed, we have tremendous upward potential. Dow just hit 25,000, a number that few thought would be possible this soon into my administration. Also, unemployment went down to 4.1%. Only getting better!" he wrote.

January 04, 2018 4:07 PM  
Anonymous i need pasta with every meal - thatza right!! said...

this one is going to tick off certain TTFers

the NY Times is now conceding that the CONSENSUS of economists is that Trump is responsible for the current economic boom because he has cut regulations and committed to not issuing new ones

thatza right!

there's a CONSENSUS on the matter!


"The Times reported in a front page feature Monday that there is now an emerging consensus in the business world, and even among economists, that “a wave of optimism has swept over American business.” And that wave is bringing with it “the sort of investment in new plants, equipment and factory upgrades that bolsters economic growth, spurs job creation — and may finally raise wages significantly.”

What’s even more astonishing is that as the story’s headline concedes, this impending boom is being directly caused by “The Trump Effect.” American businesses aren’t, as The Times points out, merely happily anticipating the cut in corporate tax rates provided by the reform bill passed last month by Congress. What’s really fueling the upturn, according to The Times, is “the Trump administration’s regulatory pullback.”"

now, who's been saying that all along?

hint: two letters, starts with "m", ends with "e"

the educated understand these things

more to make you sad:

January 04, 2018 4:36 PM  
Anonymous Eye Roll said...

Nobody is surprised if business is happy. They are being permitted to operate at maximum corruption now. The "regulations" that Trump is negating are laws that protect, among other things, consumers. Of course businesses appreciate that -- they can screw us any way they want now.

January 04, 2018 5:31 PM  
Anonymous piercing eyes that gaze into the future said...

eyes still rollin' around looking a brain, I see

"Nobody is surprised if business is happy"

no, i didn't say they were

what apparently has surprised Dems is that GDP is back to normal after the Obama doldrums, unemployment is the lowest in years, and the stock market is at a all-time high

several Dems predicted a stock market crash as soon as Trump is elected

"they are being permitted to operate at maximum corruption now"

business no doubt has some corrupt people

but it's nowhere near as pervasive as in the Dem party

"The "regulations" that Trump is negating are laws that protect, among other things, consumers"

a Dem ruse

we have a capitalist society

if businesses don't serve their customers, the customers will take business elsewhere

"0f course businesses appreciate that -- they can screw us any way they want now"

over-regulation has screwed businesses long enough - and that result were obvious

you must be a government worker or a non-profit bee

everyone else works for a business or owns one

and wants the concern they spend their life on to do well

blessedly, that's most voters

January 04, 2018 8:29 PM  
Anonymous Eye Roll said...

several Dems predicted a stock market crash as soon as Trump is elected

Please provide a link to that. (Of course there aren't any.)

While Trump was talking about "draining the swamp" most Democrats understood that Goldman Sachs and their colleagues would see a payday like never before if he was elected. And it has been much worse than anyone imagined.

That's funny, isn't it, you don't hear "drain the swamp" any more, since the inauguration.

we have a capitalist society

Interesting argument. Can you please point to the chapter and verse of the Constitution that says that companies should do whatever will ensure investment, regardless of their effects on the people of the country?

No? I don't see it either. If anything, the Constitution was intended to counter the effects of greed, not amplify them.

January 04, 2018 10:44 PM  
Anonymous I feel bad. I'm engaged in a battle of wits with an unarmed man said...

have your rolling eyes detected any gray matter in that cranium yet?

mr 2018 said:

"several Dems predicted a stock market crash as soon as Trump is elected"

dizzy from rolling vision said:

"Please provide a link to that. (Of course there aren't any.) *hiccup*"

any simple internet search will show several examples

here's your favorite cable show, MSNBC:

"While Trump was talking about "draining the swamp" most Democrats understood that Goldman Sachs and their colleagues would see a payday like never before if he was elected. And it has been much worse than anyone imagined.*hiccup*"

Goldman Sachs is based in NY

the swamp is in DC, you idiot

the Federal workforce has been cut, and it's only beginning

"That's funny, isn't it, you don't hear "drain the swamp" any more, since the inauguration *hiccup*"

that is funny, because i hear it frequently

you must only read the mainstream fake media

mr 2018 said:

"we have a capitalist society"

dizzy from rolling vision said:

"Interesting argument *hiccup*"

what's really interesting is that you've never previously heard it

yeah, it's a system where people try to make money by serving others

if they fail to do that, they don't make money

unregulated, it works very well

"Can you please point to the chapter and verse of the Constitution that says that companies should do whatever will ensure investment, regardless of their effects on the people of the country? *hiccup*"

sure, when you show me when I said that

"No? I don't see it either. If anything, the Constitution was intended to counter the effects of greed, not amplify them. *hiccup*"

Can you please point to the chapter and verse of the Constitution that says that?

No? I don't see it either

January 04, 2018 11:38 PM  
Anonymous roll 'em around and they soon fall out said...

"While Trump was talking about "draining the swamp" most Democrats understood that Goldman Sachs and their colleagues would see a payday like never before if he was elected. And it has been much worse than anyone imagined.*hiccup*"

strange that a Dem sympathizer would have the nerve to mention Goldman Sachs

you're talking about the place that gave hundreds of thousands to the Clinton Foundation and paid Hillary hundreds of thousands more to give them secret speeches

maybe Mr Blurry Sight hasn't heard about that

OK, roll your eyes around to this article from Mother Jones about Hillary's Goldman Sachs problem:

January 04, 2018 11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eye Roll said...

a name that will live in idiocy...

January 04, 2018 11:50 PM  
Anonymous Eye Roll said...

Sorry to step on your talking points, but giving a paid speech at a place is not the same as giving the company carte blanche to rifle the Treasury.

Government Sachs and the Trump Administration

January 05, 2018 7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey blurred vision, did you realize $994,795 that Goldman Sachs donated $994,795 to Obama's campaign?

and there were so many Goldman Sachs men in the Obama administration that they should have had their own department?

Clinton taking hundreds of thousands from Goldman Sachs in fees and "donations" may seem like a "talking point" to you, but to most people it seems like a conflict of interest

you should see a doctor about those eyes

anyway, this all irrelevant

bottom line: the CONSENSUS of economists agree that the GDP is growing at historic rates again and unemployment is virtually non-existent

that benefits everyone

the kind of class warfare you advocate isn't even in vogue in Communist countries anymore

if you want some friends, try Venezuela

they are currently suffering the effects of your kind of "thinking"

January 05, 2018 9:35 AM  
Anonymous Eye Roll said...

You keep saying this but you're gonna need a link there, smart guy. All I see is stuff like this:

Out of 42 top economists, only 1 believes the GOP tax bills would help the economy

37 of 38 economists said the GOP tax plans would grow the debt. The 38th misread the question.

Economists see slower growth for U.S. than Trump does

Oh here you go: Economists revise up US growth forecast for this year. Includes this: "Economists are largely optimistic about growth prospects over this year as the economy is set to be boosted by huge tax cuts, estimated to be about $2.5tn over the next decade. They are expected to lift growth in the short term but at the expense of the health of public finances, with increased chances of a cyclical recession."

January 05, 2018 10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You keep saying this but you're gonna need a link there, smart guy"

actually, I don't need anything

you are delusional that you the grand inquisitor with the presumption of wisdom and truth

but little that you say holds up to examination

just yesterday, you were demanding a link for Dems that predicted a stock market collapse when Trump became President

that's actually commmon knowledge, and I graciously provided one of the many links available to anyone

so, here, I'll do it again but the rhetorical game of liberlas lies is getting old:

this is a story in the NY Times about the "Trump Effect"

an excerpt:

"business executives are largely convinced that the cost of complying with rules diverts money that could be invested elsewhere. And economists see a plausible connection between Mr. Trump’s determination to prune the federal rule book and the willingness of businesses to crank open their vaults. Measures of business confidence have climbed to record heights during Mr. Trump’s first year."

while, it's true that they then go on with a bunch of propaganda about how there will be all these horrific effects in the long-term, it still remains that only a couple of weeks ago, they were saying the consensus of economists was that Obama was the reason the economy was doing so great

so, the liberals are again seen changing their story when they turn out to be wrong

of course, 2018 is the year America discovers how misled they have been by liberals

first, they will discover they got a tax cut when liberals argued their taxes would go up

and then, they will discover that the Russian collusion hoax was completely fabricated by the Dems as a way to bring down the President

come November, they will have had their fill of Dems

All I see is stuff like this:

Out of 42 top economists, only 1 believes the GOP tax bills would help the economy

37 of 38 economists said the GOP tax plans would grow the debt. The 38th misread the question.

Economists see slower growth for U.S. than Trump does

Oh here you go: Economists revise up US growth forecast for this year. Includes this: "Economists are largely optimistic about growth prospects over this year as the economy is set to be boosted by huge tax cuts, estimated to be about $2.5tn over the next decade. They are expected to lift growth in the short term but at the expense of the health of public finances, with increased chances of a cyclical recession."

January 05, 2018 10:41 AM  
Anonymous Eye Roll said...

This story certainly does not say that "the CONSENSUS of economists agree that the GDP is growing at historic rates again and unemployment is virtually non-existent". You made that up.

And the other link I wanted, which you didn't produce -- you were just lying when you said "several Dems predicted a stock market crash as soon as Trump is elected". In your imagination perhaps the stereotype of "Dems" said that. But in reality, no.

I am not going to argue with you. You are not serious about the issues. If you are successful at provoking liberals then that's fine for you, you can call that success. I am not going to debate a liar.

January 05, 2018 11:07 AM  
Anonymous pity the lying sack of #$@% said...

"This story certainly does not say that "the CONSENSUS of economists agree that the GDP is growing at historic rates again and unemployment is virtually non-existent". You made that up."

actually, I didn't

the phrase was from another article which I pasted and which referenced the NY Times story

nevertheless, their phrase was a correct characterization of the Times story

the Times said:

"economists see a plausible connection"

they didn't say "some" or "certain" economists

they said this is what "economists" say

we have another poster here, who is even stupider than you, as if that were possible, who claims that a "consensus" of economists say that the current economy is the work of Barack Obama

the Times story shows the lie in that

"And the other link I wanted, which you didn't produce -- you were just lying when you said "several Dems predicted a stock market crash as soon as Trump is elected". In your imagination perhaps the stereotype of "Dems" said that. But in reality, no."

you can't be serious, you lying sack of crap

here's the link which I provided to you at 11:38pm yesterday:

now, do you have any more lying you would like to do?

"I am not going to argue with you."

yes, that's probably your best strategy at this point

you're making yourself look pretty stupid arguing with facts

"You are not serious about the issues."


"If you are successful at provoking liberals then that's fine for you, you can call that success."

thanks, there's also that whole thing about being right as well

"I am not going to debate a liar."

well, glad to hear you're going to stop talking to yourself

as any psych will tell you, that's progress

we wish you success in your future endeavours

my advice: stick to the facts, and you'll be alright

this lying you do just comes back to bite you on the ass

January 05, 2018 11:29 AM  
Anonymous dum da-dum dum dum said...

the Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of State

FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., where the foundation was started, have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at least one witness in the last month, and law enforcement officials said additional activities are expected in the coming weeks

the officials said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes

the probe will also examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use and whether the foundation complied with applicable tax laws

One witness recently interviewed by the FBI described the session as “extremely professional and unquestionably thorough” and focused on questions about whether donors to Clinton charitable efforts received any favorable treatment from the Obama administration

January 05, 2018 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Eye Roll said...

Anon, this story says nothing about what "Dems" predict. Some economists said the market would decline under Trump. There is no mention of any "Dems" saying anything.

Good bye.

January 05, 2018 11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"this lying you do just comes back to bite you on the ass"

Just like all the lies Trump's tainted GOP tell will come back and bite a whole lotta asses.

January 05, 2018 11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anon, this story says nothing about what "Dems" predict. Some economists said the market would decline under Trump. There is no mention of any "Dems" saying anything."

gee, I had no idea that you would deny that CNBC was staffed with Dems or that they didn't run this story a couple of days before the election to promote Hillary's election

I mean, that's denial with a capital "D" if you're looking for it in the DSM

OK, here's a Vox article that says Dems were saying that and names some names:

an excerpt:

"A lot of predictions were upended when Donald Trump won the presidency. But one of the most interesting was the idea that a President Trump would cause a stock market collapse — or at least a sharp decline. As the liberal economist Justin Wolfers argued at the end of September, after analyzing market movements during a presidential debate, “Wall Street fears a Trump presidency. Stocks may lose 10 to 12 percent of their value if he wins the November election.”

“The market,” Wolfers concluded, “prefers the Democrat and believes that Mr. Trump is a unique threat to prosperity.”

From Wolfers to Mark Cuban to Bill Maher, this looming stock-market dive was yet one more reason Trump would be bad for the country — or so Democrats told themselves."

"Good bye"

well, if you ever find that brain your eyes are rolling around looking for, do let us know

and stop talking to yourself

people will think you're crazy

January 05, 2018 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah, that pain in your ass?

it's those lies that came back to bite you

see a doctor

he'll give you a shot in the deriere for it

January 05, 2018 1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

try and lie your way outta this one

In the months following President Trump’s election, more has been revealed about Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. More has come out about the FBI’s bias in the investigation, and more reporting has shed light on former FBI director James B. Comey’s manipulative nature. So, does the Clinton email matter need a fresh look? Yes.

Before Trump’s election, we didn’t know about FBI deputy counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok or his role in changing Comey’s Clinton testimony from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless”; we didn’t know that he was not apolitical and that he would reveal his anti-Trump bias in texts to others; we didn’t know, as recent reports now confirm, that the FBI believed there was evidence that laws were broken when Clinton and her aides improperly transmitted classified information; and we didn’t know that Comey had drafted an exoneration of Clinton before she was even interviewed by the FBI. And, oh, by the way, when Clinton was eventually interviewed, her statements were not recorded and she was not under oath. Hmm.

There are plenty of fair questions about whether favoritism and a willful desire to ignore material violations of the law occurred during the Clinton email investigation. As I’ve written before, if an assistant secretary of state had done what Clinton did, they would have been prosecuted. And in Clinton’s case, she specifically warned State Department employees against doing exactly that. Some suggest that none of this is relevant because Clinton lost, but America doesn’t work that way.

January 05, 2018 3:02 PM  
Anonymous tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick... said...

A federal judge has denied a bid by the private investigation firm Fusion GPS to prevent the House Intelligence Committee from obtaining the firm’s bank records, as part of a congressional probe into the funding and creation of a so-called dossier containing a variety ofinaccurate and salacious claims about President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia.

U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon ruled Thursday that the House panel’s work appeared to be legitimate. He also rejected Fusion GPS’ claims that confidential information about its clients and sources would be in jeopardy of being leaked if the committee obtained the banking records it is seeking.

“The Subpoena at issue in today’s case,” Leon wrote in a 26-page opinion, “was issued pursuant to a constitutionally authorized investigation by a Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives with jurisdiction over intelligence and intelligence-related activities — activities designed to protect us from potential cyber-attacks now and in the future. The Subpoena seeks the production of records that have a ‘reasonable possibility’ … of producing information relevant to that constitutionally authorized investigation.”

January 05, 2018 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two senators are asking the Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into Christopher Steele, the author of a controversial opposition research dossier on President Trump.

Sens. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.) sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray asking that they investigate if the former British intelligence agent lied to federal authorities.

"I don’t take lightly making a referral for criminal investigation. But, as I would with any credible evidence of a crime unearthed in the course of our investigations, I feel obliged to pass that information along to the Justice Department for appropriate review,” Grassley said in a statement.

Graham added that "after reviewing how Mr. Steele conducted himself in distributing information contained in the dossier and how many stop signs the DOJ ignored in its use of the dossier, I believe that a special counsel needs to review this matter."

The letter is the first known criminal referral from any of the congressional investigations into Russia's election interference.

As part of their request, the two senators passed along a memo tied to "certain communications between Christopher Steele and multiple U.S. news outlets." They did not publicly release the memorandum, which is classified.

Grassley's office, in announcing their request, noted that it's standard for the committee to notify the Justice Department when it "comes across what appears to be credible evidence of a criminal violation that warrants further investigation by appropriate authorities based on information from any source, public or non-public."

The referral comes days after the latest public back-and-forth between Grassley and Fusion GPS, the research firm that hired Steele to compile the controversial dossier.

The firm and Steele have been a major target of Grassley, who has sent a flurry of letters trying to find out the extent of the FBI's contact with Steele as well as who Steele's sources are.

The dossier has become a flashpoint in the Russia investigations, with senators questioning whether the document was the starting point for the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign.

Some of the allegations in the dossier have been shown to be false, while others have remain unproven.

"Maybe there is some innocent explanation for the inconsistencies we have seen, but it seems unlikely. In any event, it’s up to the Justice Department to figure that out," Grassley added in his statement.

Steele, a former British intelligence officer, rocketed into the political spotlight in early 2017 after the Wall Street Journal reported that he was the author of the Trump dossier.

The FBI reportedly agreed to pay Steele to continue investigating Trump's ties to Moscow.

But those payments never materialized after Steele's identity was compromised.

CNN reported last last year that special counsel Robert Mueller has spoken to Steele as part of his investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

January 05, 2018 6:10 PM  
Anonymous Left Feeled said...

You do recognize this as pure abuse of power, right?

January 05, 2018 6:12 PM  
Anonymous say hello to the Weiner said...

no, I'd call it a fulfillment of duty

this ex-spy for a foreign government conspired with Russians and the Hillary campaign to produce a false dossier of allegations against Trump, providing the Obama administration an excuse to bug the campaign of its rival

if it turns out he committed perjury, as these Senators believe, he'll be locked up with Huma, who last week it was discovered had exposed classified information, and Hillary, whose Foundation is again under investigation, and Comey, who sent classified information to a friend after leaving office

they can say hello to Huma's husband

January 06, 2018 8:19 AM  
Anonymous it's alarming how charming I feel said...

it's only Three Kings Day and it's already turning out to be a bad, bad year for global warming alarmists

first, NASA released a study that snow accumulation is cancelling out ice loss in the Antarctic

then, a study showed the sea floor sinks to accommodate increase volume, also ameliorating any sea rise

now, it looks like an ice age will begin in about 3 years and last for thirty

oh well, they'll have to find something else to be alarmed about

the Earth is approaching a "mini ice age" as the planet's temperature is likely to start dropping in 2021, scientists say

a group of scientists is warning that the Earth will, in a little over a decade, be hit by a "mini ice age" that will freeze major rivers

the startling prediction is based on a mathematical model of the Sun's magnetic energy which also suggests that Earth's temperature will start dropping in 2021

the plummeting temperature will then lead to something called the "Maunder minimum", which refers to a previous mini ice age that occurred between 1646 and 1715, turning London's Thames into a frozen river

the latest research, led by professor Valentina Zharkova at Northumbria University, is built on a previous research on the movements of two magnetic waves produced by the Sun, which shows rapidly decreasing magnetic waves for three solar cycles that will begin in 2021, and last for as many as 33 years

the two magnetic waves will become increasingly offset during Cycle 25, which peaks in 2022, and then, during Cycle 26 between 2030 and 2040, the waves will become out of sync, causing reduction in solar activity by as much as 60 percent

"In cycle 26, the two waves exactly mirror each other — peaking at the same time but in opposite hemispheres of the Sun," Zharkova said,"Their interaction will be disruptive, or they will nearly cancel each other. We predict that this will lead to the properties of a 'Maunder minimum'."

the new research paper on the findings was published this year in Astronomy & Geophysics.

Zharkova told Sky News that the downward impact on global warming will last until 2050s when the Sun's two magnetic waves become active again.

January 06, 2018 8:29 AM  
Anonymous shoot out in November 2018 at the OK Corral said...

2018 is a midterm election year, and typically the party that holds the White House gets thrashed in the midterms. But just the opposite will happen this year for several reasons.

The first reason is that tax reform is going to work spectacularly with Trump’s deregulation to finally restore booming economic growth of four percent a year or more. Just like President John F. Kennedy’s tax cuts in the 1960s and President Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts in the 1980s, the critical tax rate cuts in the 2017 tax reform legislation will result in skyrocketing investment, flooding job creation, surging wages, swelling labor supply, rocking business expansion, rolling business creation and booming growth.

That will result in part because tax reform cuts taxes on the middle class and working people directly, which the Democrat-controlled media has strived mightily to keep secret. Even bigger for middle class and working people is the cut in the federal corporate rate from 35 to 21 percent.

Experience and the latest economic studies confirm that roughly 80 percent of corporate income taxes are actually paid by workers in the form of lost wages and jobs. That’s because in today’s global economy, capital is freer than families are to move across international borders.

Besides the tax cuts, the boom will also result from the expensing of capital investment (immediate deduction, replacing depreciation over many years), territoriality in taxation of overseas investment, and repatriation (bringing back to America trillions held overseas by American companies). Investment will flow into America, just as it did under Kennedy and Reagan.

This economic boom will boost Republican candidates by November, all the more because not one Democrat voted for the tax reform. The boom will also rapidly nullify any increase in the deficit, with further help from spending restraint, further boosting Republicans.

Democrats will surely be hurt when voters realize that they and their media lied to them about tax reform. Blue collar workers and the middle class will see their taxes decline, and the fabrications about over 80 percent of the tax benefits going to the top 1 percent will be disrobed.

The realization that Democrats and their media were wrong about tax reform and Trump’s deregulation will spread across America. Voters will see that they don’t understand economics and consequently aren’t able to represent working people and the middle class, who want jobs and higher wages. For over 200 years, Americans have voted for economic growth, not the Democratic Party’s model of higher taxes and redistribution trying to buy votes.

The sharp contrast between Trump’s boom and Obama’s stagnation over the last decade will help Republicans and hurt Democrats. The economy never really recovered from the steep 2008-09 recession, even though the American historical record has been the steeper the recession the stronger the recovery. The Democratic record of less than two percent average real growth is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

Trump’s energy deregulation will further boost the boom, as America takes its place as the world’s number one producer of oil, natural gas and coal. Democratic extremism over debunked and falsified global warming hysterics will further sink Democrats, while Republicans will ride even faster growth.

Democratic failure will affect even blue states, which will suffer continued stagnation as Democrats resist cutting radically high taxes. State tax revolts will further benefit brave and articulate Republicans, even in these places.

January 06, 2018 8:46 AM  
Anonymous brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

Spent all day walking on water

maybe the new ice age is already here!!

January 06, 2018 10:29 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump's False Claim of Credit for Aviation Safety

No one died in a commercial-jet accident in 2017, but there’s no reason to believe the president had anything to do with that.

Every president likes to take credit when things go well and pass along blame when they go poorly, but no president is as willing to take that pattern to its brazen extreme like Donald Trump.

Last year was a landmark in commercial aviation—the safest year since the advent of widespread passenger-jet travel. Not a single person died in commercial passenger jet crash anywhere in the world in 2017, according to an organization that tracks aviation safety. Tuesday morning, the president announced he deserved credit for that:

The president’s claim can’t withstand even slight scrutiny. The 2017 milestone is worth celebrating, but changes in statistics like air safety are achieved over long time scales, and given the small number of crashes involved, minor deviations in the number are unlikely attributable to any specific presidential action—especially one take in the just under a year Trump has been in office.

But the problems with Trump’s claim don’t end there. First, the statistic involved is crashes worldwide. American aviation has already been extremely safe. No U.S. airline has had a fatality since 2009, when a commuter turboprop crashed near Buffalo, New York, and there hasn’t been a fatal passenger jet accident since 2006, when a plane crashed during takeoff in Lexington, Kentucky. (Foreign carriers have had fatal accidents in the United States, like the 2013 Asiana Airlines crash landing at San Francisco that killed three people.) Trump wishes to take credit for what’s happened overseas—matters both beyond the control of American power, and given the small sample size, also a product of good luck.

Second, it’s hard to find any evidence to back the president’s assertion that he has “been very strict on Commercial Aviation.” In fact, it’s hard to find any evidence that Trump has affected aviation at all. If anything, Trump has promised to loosen regulations on aviation. Meeting with airlines executives in February 2017, Trump complained of a “regulatory morass that’s a disaster” and said he’d loosen “burdensome regulations.” In June, the president proposed privatizing air-traffic control, though that idea was more related to moving jobs off the federal payroll than safety concerns. In September, responding to the president’s call for regulations to cut, an industry panel recommended the FAA scale back or eliminate dozens of safety rules.

But as with many of the president’s priorities, there’s been little actual action on this front. The administration did not report any changes to Federal Aviation Administration regulations in fiscal year 2017, which ended in September, and an FAA list doesn’t show any major new or proposed rules affecting commercial aviation during the Trump administration. The air-traffic control push stalled out amid opposition from Republicans.

The president’s tweet is, once again, circumstantial evidence of his copious television watching—his Tuesday missives closely track stories on Fox News—though he denies he consumes TV. That denial is about as credible as his claiming any credit for a safe 2017 in air travel, which is to say it’s about as credible as an airline’s promise of gourmet dining in coach at 39,000 feet.

January 07, 2018 1:39 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Shorter Fatuous Wyatt/bad anonymous:

"So what if the average temperature for the entire year over the entire surface of the planet has been the hottest ever for the last four years straight, on 3% of the planet for the past week its been colder than average - checkmate!"


January 07, 2018 1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are new economic developments (i.e. facts) just in 2018:

■ Manufacturing expanded in December at the fastest pace in 14 years. Measure of production increased to 65.8, the strongest since May of 2010. The gauge of new orders increased to 69.4, the strongest since 2004. Sixteen of 18 industries reported growth in December. Tim Fiore, Chairman of the ISM manufacturing business survey committee, said, “With a report like this, I can’t do anything but smile.”

■ Goods-producing jobs (manufacturing and construction) were up by 600 percent in President Trump’s first year in office versus Obama’s last year. That’s 500,000 new jobs under Trump versus about 80,000 under Obama. This comes on the heels of the manufacturing jobs report from November showing 40,000 new jobs, the most ever in one month.

■ ADP just reported 250,000 new private-sector jobs in December, far above expectations of 190,000.

■ Job cut announcements in 2017 were at the lowest level since 1990.

■ The Dow passed 25,000 for the first time in history.

■ Apple is set to bring at least $200 billion held offshore back to the United States in response to the new tax law. How many new jobs, raises and bonuses will be created by $200 billion from just one company? By the way, why didn’t Obama try to get this offshore money back to the country? Did he also believe that was impossible? Did Obama even care?

■ In response to Trump’s new tax law, Jet Blue just announced $1,000 bonuses to all 21,000 crew members.

■ Southwest and American Airlines announced $1,000 bonuses for their combined 180,000 employees.

■ Nationwide Insurance announced bonuses for their 29,000 employees, plus increases to 401(k) matching for 33,000 employees.

Why didn’t Obama champion tax cuts for corporations if that would result in companies rewarding their employees? Did he also think that was impossible? Did he even care?

The Trump economy is exploding. These are developments over just the past few days — proving, once and for all, that Obama and his liberal supporters were wrong about everything.

It’s time for Obama and his liberal supporters to cry “Uncle.

January 07, 2018 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Priya, you won't save face by repeating the same irrelevant and discredited things

no one is scandalized if Trump takes credit for the agency he's running

no one disagrees that the planet is warmer

the issue is the consequences envisioned by ignorant alarmists

three developments last week indicated that they won't be severe at all

further, you have repeatedly cited specific events as being caused by AGW and then attacked rational people for noting that other specific events indicate otherwise

you need to acknowledge your errors and apologize for them, to gain any credibility

doubling down on the Queen Jackass routine won't do it

When will Barack Obama and his liberal supporters finally cry “uncle”?

Obama was clearly the worst president in modern history.

I’m not talking using the power of the IRS to target, intimidate, persecute and destroy his political opponents (such as yours truly).

I’m not talking about agreeing to the worst, most one-sided deal in U.S. history — the Iran agreement.

I’m not talking about trying to please the terrorist mullahs of Iran by forcing the FBI to stand down and not arrest the worst Hezbollah drug and human traffickers.

I’m not talking about handing terrorist state Iran hundreds of millions in foreign cash in an unmarked cargo plane to disguise a ransom payment.

I’m not talking about using the National Security Agency, the Department of Justice and the FBI to spy on Donald Trump and the Trump campaign. Or to illegally “unmask” Trump officials caught in wiretaps. Or to illegally obtain warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act against Trump based on a fraudulent dossier paid for by the Hillary campaign.

I’ll let history and the special counsels of the Trump administration determine Obama’s legacy and potential criminal liability.

I’m talking only about the economy. Obama was the worst economic president in America’s history. And what he did to the American working class and middle class is an unforgivable sin.

Wasn’t it Obama who said manufacturing jobs were gone forever? Here’s the quote. “When somebody says … that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh, uh, no answer to it … what magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he (Trump) doesn’t have an answer.”

This was Obama’s attitude with the lives and livelihoods of American citizens at stake.

January 07, 2018 2:20 PM  
Anonymous cock-a-doodle-doo !! said...

goooood mornin', TTF

here's a little meditation on global warming from our junior nation to the north:

"It is so cold that the downtown scalpers in Toronto are selling tickets for next year’s March of the Penguins, which it is anticipated will start in Buffalo and terminate just off the Toronto Islands. David Attenborough will MC.

“Colder than when Mike Harris was Premier,” says a local Liberal. Up here folks are tending — a curious turn I agree — to a more lukewarm stance on the crucial climate/weather distinction. So too, in other ice-embalmed regions of the country and continent. There are mutters from icicled lips of “this is not what we were promised.” A like sentiment prompted a little-attended (it was too cold) labour protest recently that featured plaintive cries of: What do we want? Global Warming! When do we want it? Now.”

Of course the absolutely hopeless global warming skeptics are making great fun of all this, taunting the faithful, mocking the past predictions of snow-free winters, glaciers melting in 30 years, the fading industry of ski resorts. In equally bad form, they call up all the hot summer days of years past when even the TV meteorologists or “weather specialists” as they delight to call themselves, marked every humid breeze, every tilt upwards of a degree, the start of forest fires, the demands on air conditioning as “yet another sign,” another proof of the incontestable fact of our ever-heating globe. Not so much talk during those torrid days of the great cleavage between Climate and Weather. For some reason on hot days it is not thought necessary to make the distinction. Scientific scruple, I guess.

Fortunately, the Jesuitical mandarins of Pembina and Greenpeace and Sierra, assisted by the sovereign intellects of Bill Nye (your smarmy weather guy), Neil Young, Prince Charles and the concentrated brain power of the entire Green Party (Elizabeth May Inc.) are on the case: batting away their simplistic mockeries and confounding them with whole buckets of settled science and clips from We Day. And reminding everyone that they have long ago “rebranded” Global Warming so it does not mean that anymore. It’s Climate Change now, up, down, across and around. Climate Change, meteorology’s ToE (Theory of Everything).

We are fortunate to have such guardians, to direct us away from our senses, and beckon us back on the road to faith. Climate Change can cause cold temperatures, too, they intone. And wet weather. And dry. Hurricanes and cyclones. Droughts and floods. In fact, any variety of weather whatsoever can be traced, if you but model hard and often enough, keep the grants flowing and the contradictions unexamined, to the One Holy Underlying Theory of All Weather. Climate Change, everything proves it. It’s the scientific method at its best.

So ignore the frigid moment. All is unfolding as it should. As soon as our Climate Superheroes, Mr. Trudeau and Ms. McKenna, bring in the new, higher carbon dioxide tax — reminder: it is NOT a carbon tax, no tax on soot — temperatures will rise, summer will return, and with another 20 or 30 dollars a ton, by next year Newfoundland will be indistinguishable from Tahiti in the golden days under a Polynesian sun."

January 08, 2018 7:20 AM  
Anonymous Trumpettes foolishly ignore facts of effects of climate change, imperiling us all said...

Annual Anomalies of Global Average Surface Temperature (1891 - 2017, preliminary value)

"The annual anomaly of the global average surface temperature in 2017 (i.e. the average of the near-surface air temperature over land and the SST) was +0.39°C above the 1981-2010 average (+0.75°C above the 20th century average), and was the 3rd warmest since 1891. On a longer time scale, global average surface temperatures have risen at a rate of about 0.73°C per century.

Five Warmest Years (Anomalies)

1st. 2016(+0.45°C), 2nd. 2015(+0.42°C), 3rd. 2017(+0.39°C), 4th. 2014(+0.27°C), 5th. 1998(+0.22°C)"

As the eastern U.S. freezes, Sydney bakes at 117 degrees — the hottest in eight decades

"In the northeastern United States, temperatures dipped far into the negatives this week.

The streets of Boston were flooded with icy waters that carried dumpsters away. Cars in nearby Revere, Mass., were nearly buried in frozen floodwaters. Wind chills in parts of New Hampshire could hit 100 degrees below zero (That’s not a typo, as the New York Times points out).

In Australia, however, it’s summer — and a remarkably hot one. So hot that part of a freeway in Victoria on Australia’s southeastern coast was “melting.” Several hundred miles northeast, in the greater Sydney area, Australians spent Sunday in the most sweltering heat in nearly 80 years.

Such is the extreme weather greeting 2018 from opposite ends of the globe. As winter in the United States brought a historic “bomb cyclone” that unleashed heavy snow and days of bone-chilling winds to the East Coast, summer in Australia, particularly in the south and southeastern parts of the country, is delivering a “catastrophic” heat wave, with record temperatures hovering in the triple digits (Fahrenheit) and fires scorching thousands of acres of dry lands....

Boston breaks flood record set by Blizzard of '78

"It's official, Boston broke its flooding record Thursday with the highest ever recorded tide since 1921.

The National Weather Service reported Boston set a new record of 4.88' MHHW (or 15.16' MLLW) on Jan. 4, 2018, beating out the previous record of 4.82' MHHW (or 15.10' MLLW), which was set during the Blizzard of '78...."

January 08, 2018 7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look at that

Another poster on TTF (Teach the Fake), that thinks weather and climate are the same when it's hot, and when you're not, it's not

In 1998, Forbes magazine discovered that a writer at The New Republic had “fictionalized his reporting to improve upon reality.” Ultimately, Stephen Glass became forever known as a “Fabulist” for having made up scores of stories for a myriad of major magazines.

Shamed and fired, he retreated from the literary world. A few years later, Jayson Blair, a reporter at the New York Times, was fired when it was discovered he fabricated and plagiarized multiple stories. In the aftermath, the managing and executor editors at the Times resigned.

Both scandals rocked the news and journalism communities, yet what a difference 15 years and a threat to the political status quo make, as Michael Wolff becomes the new international darling of fabulist reportage with “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

The story is meant to be an exposé of a chaotic Trump White House, filled with whiney, gossipy aides who think the president dumb and churlish. Even Ivanka Trump is a turncoat, but a dumb one (of course). The books ends up as graffiti, paying homage to every fabulous fantasy of a cosmopolitan smart-set drowning in their fear and loathing of the president.

Rushed to publication after its target complained it was chock-full of falsehoods and untruths, we learn on page 10 of the prologue that … it’s chock-full of not the truth. Mr. Wolff admits in this note he’s not sure what’s true and what isn’t. He explains, being generous, that he’s leaving it to the reader to decide. He also confesses he, “settled on a version of events I believe to be true.”

Mr. Farhi relays a story from 2004, wherein a writer at the New Republic explains, “Much to the annoyance of Wolff’s critics, the scenes in his columns aren’t recreated so much as created — springing from Wolff’s imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events…”

He reiterated his version of the truth on “Meet the Press” Sunday. Asked if he regretted the errors, he didn’t answer and instead insisted people should, “Read the book, see if you don’t feel like you are with me on that couch in the White House, and see if you don’t feel alarmed.” The facts and truth don’t matter, we are essentially told. Trust the fabulist to make you feel alarmed, because feelings are what’s important. Just don’t ask if anything is real.

Mssrs. Glass and Blair would be proud. And Brian Williams perhaps should feel equally vindicated, as he truly believed he was shot at in Iraq and a dead body floated by him in New Orleans. My, how history could change.

January 08, 2018 7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jennifer Rubin’s column at the Washington Post provides a Trump-hater primer on why Wolff’s book is important, even if it is false. Because, you see, “…it has the power to change others’ behavior and perception of the president and the White House… First, Trump is going to be doubly suspicious of even his closest allies. Ivanka Trump mocking his hair? Jared Kushner trying to grab credit? He was paranoid before; now one should expect him to trust virtually no one in the White House.”

Ms. Rubin then giddily imagines how no one of quality will want to work in the White House, and can barely contain her excitement about how this book will negatively affect the president’s relationships with our allies. Not because anything is true, but simply because the claims are in a book.

The willingness of Trump-haters to believe anything negative about the president bodes well for Trump fabulists, and has taken on pathological proportions. Consider the “Gorilla Channel” hoax. An obviously satirical story on Twitter presented as an excerpt of the Wolff book went viral as many “verified” smart-set liberals and Trump-haters swallowed it whole. The premise? “It described how the president, on his first night in office, had complained that White House televisions did not carry "the gorilla channel" and that Trump spent hours a day watching gorilla programming his staff subsequently produced to satisfy his simian appetite,” reported Politico. For 17 hours a day, no less.

Those caught blushed sheepishly and made excuses. Having learned nothing, they then went right back at it, lauding and contemplating the importance of Mr. Wolff’s Trump exposé.

Mr. Wolff and his book are important, but not for the reasons liberals think. “Fire and Fury” isn’t about the truth of what’s transpiring inside the White House or about Donald or any other Trump. The book itself and the ensuing coverage are confessions that liberals and their media have abandoned reality for a fantasyland of fear, madness and victimhood because, pathetically, it makes them feel better.

In Stephen Glass’ fictionalized memoir “The Fabulist,” when asked why he did it, his protagonist responds, “I lied because I wanted people to love me.” Mr. Wolff must be quite pleased; he is no doubt loved, by everyone who hates the president.

January 08, 2018 7:39 AM  
Anonymous Typical Trumpette response said...

More lying opinions and not a single fact.

Nothing to see, no surprises here.

January 08, 2018 7:44 AM  
Anonymous Evidence of TTF's troll's willful lying, marching lockstep with his hero Trump said...

Who "thinks weather and climate are the same"?

It isn't TTF.

It's the Pussy Grabber you fully support, the one this TTFer calls a greedy lying idiot who constantly confuses weather with climate:

Trump Tweets About the Bitter Cold and Global Warming, Confusing Weather and Climate

Donald J. Trump✔

In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!

7:01 PM - Dec 28, 2017

Easily proving your hero, the greedy lying idiot, is a two-faced liar:

Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course:
The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.

January 08, 2018 8:12 AM  
Anonymous stable and ingenious said...

"More lying opinions and not a single fact.

Nothing to see, no surprises here"

if you're talking about Wolff's book, the fact is: you're right

"Evidence of TTF's troll's willful lying,"

Priya's the TTF troll and Priya has become afraid to say much

"marching lockstep with his hero Trump"

the "lockstep" is a lying implication that Trump is fascist

yet, he has yet to defy a court order or overrule Congress

truthfully, he's too lazy and desires to be liked too much to become a dictator

as far as "hero", Trump is no one's "hero"

he's a blank slate with no convictions other than that he wants to be seen as the greatest

you, actually, can work with that and conservatives have done the best job manipulating him so far

not long ago, he was a Democrat and might have run as one except the corrupt CLinton machine made that too troublesome so he converted to the GOP

"Who "thinks weather and climate are the same"?"

that would be Priya, who said the current polar vortex is explained by global warming

Priya also said the warm weather of the last 4 years is due to AGW, ignoring the 16 years prior to that

"It isn't TTF"

it is unless you are disavowing the hateful lying bigot called Priya

if so, let us know and I'll stop calling that the TTF position

"It's the Pussy Grabber"

he says females allow him to grab their vagina but there's no proof of that

it's interesting that you say he lies about everything but this

"you fully support,"

oh, I support him when he supports positions I believe in

in that sense, I'm a TTF supporters as well

and you are an athletic supporter,

that hasn't been washed recently

"the one this TTFer calls a greedy lying idiot who constantly confuses weather with climate:

Trump Tweets About the Bitter Cold and Global Warming, Confusing Weather and Climate

Donald J. Trump✔

In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!"

oh, he's just fighting fire with fire

you morons confuse weather and climate constantly, when you think it proves your point

why shouldn't he?

"Easily proving your hero, the greedy lying idiot, is a two-faced liar:

Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course:
The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall."

Trump's a liar?

very good, how long did it take you to figure that out?

January 08, 2018 2:38 PM  
Anonymous Time to face facts said...

1. Priya Lynn is not the TTF troll who sings the pussy grabber greedy lying idiot's praises. That's you.

2. 2017 Shatters Records With $306 Billion In Damages From Climate-Linked Disasters

January 08, 2018 3:54 PM  
Anonymous I moved on her like a bitch! said...

"he says females allow him to grab their vagina but there's no proof of that"

Look who flunked anatomy.

Vaginas are internal structures and ungrabbable.

You probably can't even name the related and grabbable external structures but the slang word your hero the pussy grabber uses for them is "pussy."

Billy Bush says there were 8 witnesses to Trump’s ‘Access Hollywood’ comments"

January 08, 2018 4:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

January 08, 2018 4:49 PM  
Anonymous start making sense said...

"2017 Shatters Records With $306 Billion In Damages From Climate-Linked Disasters"

by definition, damages are for specific events and can't be climate-linked

they are weather-linked

you guys are talking in circles

"Billy Bush says there were 8 witnesses to Trump’s ‘Access Hollywood’ comments""

there are a hundreds of millions of witnesses to his comments

there was a tape

that's not the point

the point is, he brags about everything

if you think he lies about everything else, why do you think he's telling the truth about this?

January 08, 2018 5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear two cases challenging a Mississippi law that allows businesses and government employees to deny services to LGBT people based on their religious beliefs.

The court’s refusal to hear the case leaves intact the law, known as H.B. 1523, that says the state government will not take any discriminatory action against persons who don’t believe in same-sex marriage, homosexuality and transgenderism.

January 08, 2018 5:27 PM  
Anonymous the White House is celebrating said...

Oprah Winfrey is "actively thinking" about running for president, two of her close friends told CNN Monday.

The two friends, who requested anonymity in order to speak freely, talked in the wake of Winfrey's at the Golden Globes Sunday night, which spurred chatter about a 2020 run.

Some of Winfrey's confidants have been privately urging her to run, the sources said.

One of the sources said these conversations date back several months.

The Democratic race for president won't officially begin until after the 2018 midterms, but many potential candidates are already jostling for position and making trips to Iowa.

"President Winfrey" was the talk of the entertainment world after Winfrey accepted the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes. And the "Oprah for president?" possibility was a top story on morning TV.

The touchstone of her speech was the #MeToo movement. But her hopeful message -- "A new day is on the horizon" -- could have doubled as a campaign rallying cry.

Many liberal-leaning celebrities and viewers certainly heard it that way. And that may have been exactly what Winfrey wanted.

January 08, 2018 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""Billy Bush says there were 8 witnesses to Trump’s ‘Access Hollywood’ comments""

yes, but that still doesn't prove Trump grabbed the women"

And Trump saying he didn't grab these women's pussies doesn't prove anything either.

But we don't have only Trump's words on this, we have the words of his victims.

President Trump and accusations of sexual misconduct: The complete list

"if you think he lies about everything else, why do you think he's telling the truth about this?"

Because there are numerous corroborating witnesses to Trump's pussy grabbing and I find those many women to be believable.

Do you think women are liars, Regina?

Even yourself?

January 08, 2018 6:00 PM  
Anonymous Stupid is as stupid does said...

"by definition, damages are for specific events and can't be climate-linked"

By whose definition?

Who thinks the disappearance of Tangiers Island in the Chesapeake Bay is not due to climate change sea level increase?

Raise your hand.

That's what I thought. Nobody.

Except for the Turlocks living on it.

Residents of shrinking US island reject 'climate victim' label

January 08, 2018 6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And Trump saying he didn't grab these women's pussies doesn't prove anything either"

well, he said he did

the point is he lies, so he might be bragging

"But we don't have only Trump's words on this, we have the words of his victims"

victims? most if those are accusing him of trying to kiss them

the others, it's not clear whether there was consent

"President Trump and accusations of sexual misconduct: The complete list"

doesn't prove much

"Because there are numerous corroborating witnesses to Trump's pussy grabbing and I find those many women to be believable."

corroboration is not someone else who remembers hearing a story

corroboration would be someone who saw it happen

there is no such corroboration

"Do you think women are liars"

obviously, no

all women tell the truth all the time

unless they are contradicting other women or accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct

other than that, all women always tell the truth

have you heard of a guy named David Brock?

"David Brock represents almost everything wrong with politics.

The career of the silver-haired smear artist has come full circle with a report in the New York Times that Brock directed $200,000 from his political action committee empire into an effort to encourage women to go public with accusations of sexual offenses against President Trump — and that one of Brock’s most devoted donors kicked in even more.

In her memoir of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton wrote: “I didn’t think many Americans would believe that I’d sell a lifetime of principle and advocacy for any price.” But what was she doing when, shortly after leaving the White House, she feted Brock at her home in New York and encouraged her network of donors to fund the work of a confessed “hit man”

Brock’s sales pitch to mega-donors such as George Soros and Susie Tompkins Buell has always been, essentially, that the right wing weaponized propaganda and that the only answer is to take a gun to the knife fight. But Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)was on target in 2016 when he said of Brock: “I don’t think you hire scum of the Earth to be on your team just because the other side does it.”"

"Who thinks the disappearance of Tangiers Island in the Chesapeake Bay is not due to climate change sea level increase?

Raise your hand.

That's what I thought. Nobody."

coastlines and islands are constantly changing

the seas aren't rising that much, and new research shows they may not

but, no matter, no one has filed for damages on Tangiers

over 309 billion was not paid for climate-related damages

it was for weather-related damages

January 08, 2018 9:14 PM  
Anonymous more Dem trouble said...

by 2020, many African Americans may be voting for Donald Trump

Trump is pushing school choice, which would be a godsend for inner city black families whose kids are trapped in dangerous and failing public schools

in the last year, black unemployment dropped to the lowest rate in history

it has taken less than one year of Trump regulation-cutting, cracking down on illegal immigration, and just the prospect of tax reform, to create the best employment prospects for African-Americans in history, according to employment data just released

the unemployment rate remained 4.1 percent for a third straight month, the lowest level since 2000, the Labor Department said Friday

the unemployment rate for African-Americans reached a record low of 6.8 percent in December

January 08, 2018 9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


the lowest in history!

the formula is simple:

when the economy accelerates, employers compete for employees and wages increase

the stronger the economy, the harder it was to get good employees

conversely, when growth is weak, as it was during most of the Obama presidency, employees compete for jobs and wages stagnate

President Trump’s regulatory rollback is driving an economic surge few anticipated

tax reform promises to accelerate that growth by encouraging business investment and eliminating the perverse incentives that drive companies, jobs and investments to other countries

the true test for these pro-growth policies is whether they result in a more participatory economy, in which workers’ incomes meaningfully increase over the long run

the early results are promising

January 08, 2018 9:47 PM  
Anonymous floating up with the tide said...

the left’s proposed solution to wage stagnation has been for government to mandate increased wages by more than doubling the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour

that causes employers to eliminate jobs and reduce hours to offset their increased costs

to increase wages without these unintended consequences, you need economic growth

Dems once knew that

JFK referred to economic growth as the “tide that lifts all boats”

yet no Democrats voted for tax reform in December

Nancy Pelosi warned of “Armageddon”

Bernie Sanders called it “a disaster”

Elizabeth Warren claimed Republicans were “just delivering one gut punch after another to hardworking people”

that “gut punch” turned out to be bigger paychecks

after the GOP passed its tax bill, major U.S. employers including AT&T , Bank of America , Boeing , Wells Fargo , Fifth Third Bank, Comcast NBC Universal and Sinclair Broadcasting immediately committed to investing billions in growth, special bonuses or higher wages

Wells Fargo and Fifth Third are voluntarily increasing their base wages to $15 an hour

businesses compete for the best employees

if you want the best, you pay the going rate

with regulatory relief, tax cuts and the increased business that comes from economic growth, employers now have the resources to bid up wages

competition will spread those increases without the unintended consequences of a dramatic minimum-wage increase

that competition kicked in almost immediately as more than 100 diverse businesses, including Wisconsin-based Associated Bank , North Carolina-based BB&T Corp oration, Pennsylvania-based PNC Financial Services Group , New Jersey-based OceanFirst Financial Corp. , Georgia-based Sun Trust Banks, Minnesota-based US Bank, the Bank of Hawaii , and South Carolina-based Nephron Pharmaceuticals announced pay hikes for workers within two weeks of the tax bill’s passage

both the competition for employees and the associated wage increases will continue—if government stays out of the way

wage growth doesn’t come from government mandates

it comes from policies that get the economy moving

it’s just unfortunate that it took so long for us to elect political leaders who understood that

January 08, 2018 9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calm down, Regina.

You're foaming at the mouth again.

"corroboration would be someone who saw it happen

there is no such corroboration"

The women who say Trump grabbed their pussies without their consent most certainly do corroborate Trump's claims or boasts if you prefer of pussy grabbing.

Quit lying.

There's plenty of corroboration.

January 08, 2018 10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

obviously not, because he said he did it with consent

how many on your list said that, Horace?

January 08, 2018 10:52 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

"corroboration would be someone who saw it happen there is no such corroboration"

Wrong. On the Access Hollywood tape Trump said he doesn't even wait for consent, he just does it. Trump said he sexually touches/kisses women without asking, 16 women have corroborated Trump's statement by saying he sexually touched/kissed them without asking.

Good anonymous said "The women who say Trump grabbed their pussies without their consent most certainly do corroborate Trump's claims or boasts if you prefer of pussy grabbing.

Quit lying.

There's plenty of corroboration."

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "obviously not, because he said he did it with consent".

Really Wyatt? That's what your going with, a blatant lie? Trump said on the tape "I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.""

He clearly said he kisses them and "grabs them by the pussy" without waiting for consent. Now that 16 women have come forward and said this is what Trump did to them that is undeniable corroboration of Trump's own words - he's an admitted sexual predator. There's obviously a lot of women Trump touched without waiting for consent that didn't want to let him do it.

January 08, 2018 11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"obviously not, because he said he did it with consent"

Show us the quote of Trump saying "I only grab pussies with consent."

< Crickets Commence Chirping >

You can't stop lying can you, Regina?

As Priya Lynn and others have noted repeatedly, what Trump said on that Access Hollywood was:

"I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

That any woman supports Trump, a man who feels entitled to grab any woman's pussy because of his "star status" just like Harvey Weinstein did, is disgusting, Regina.

Hopefully your daughters will teach you that women are no longer expected to just sit there and take "anything" powerful men want to do to them whenever they feel like it and "not even wait" for consent.

January 09, 2018 7:41 AM  
Anonymous Bullshit detector said...

GOP bullshit: "black unemployment dropped to the lowest rate in history"

Those numbers are fake.

Reality: 19 times Trump called jobs numbers ‘fake’ before they made him look good

January 09, 2018 7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"JFK referred to economic growth as the “tide that lifts all boats”

yet no Democrats voted for tax reform in December"

"Economic growth" does not equal "tax reform," especially not tax "reform" that gives huge cuts to the already rich and underfunds the safety net.

No wonder Trump's tax reform polls poorly.

January 09, 2018 8:01 AM  
Anonymous You're Right, I'm Left said...

I think the "consent" comment was referring to Trump's statement: "And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." In the Trump universe, "letting you do it" is consent.

January 09, 2018 8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, letting you do it implies consent

in the real world, such things are rarely so blatant as some formal verbal request

further, of the 13 women mentioned yesterday, only two said there was any contact with genitalia, and neither used any description that sounded like "grabbing"

obviously, Trump has delusions that he is a babe magnet and it's kind of pathetic, but it's bragging more than anything

to his credit, he did this privately and didn't drag this kind of talk into the public vernacular as desperate opponents have

on Monday night, constitutional law professor Alan Dershowitz said now that the left "couldn't criminalize political differences" in regard to President Trump, "they're trying to pathologize, to psychiatrize political differences"

Dershowitz said it is tyrannical governments that use the power of psychiatry and not the merits to debate their political opponents

"They're trying to say, 'Oh maybe we can't get him on crime but we're going to show that he has mental problems, that he's disturbed.' The guy on CNN today was talking about he has Alzheimer's and he should be subjected to a neurological exam," Dershowitz said.

"That is so dangerous," he added.

"That is what they did in the former Soviet Union," Dershowitz said. "I represented some dissidents in the Soviet Union who were sent to mental hospitals. They did it in China. They did that in apartheid South Africa."

"Look, I taught law and psychiatry for 25 years at Harvard. I co-edited the textbook on law and psychiatry. And the first rule of psychiatry is you do not diagnose based on political grounds," Dershowitz declared.

"the 25th Amendment is totally irrelevant to what is going on. It was designed for somebody who had a stroke or was involved in a serious accident and was incapacitated and requires the vice president, the cabinet, two-thirds of each House of Congress. It's a fool's errand.
But it was a pervasive way that tyrannical governments use the power of psychiatry to try to not answer the merits. We don't want to debate the merits. He's crazy.

The American Psychiatric Association has said it is wrong for any psychiatrist ever to diagnose anybody without them examining them.

Look, I taught law and psychiatry for 25 years at Harvard. I co-edited the textbook on law and psychiatry. And the first rule of psychiatry is you do not diagnose based on political grounds. If you don't like somebody, vote against them. I voted against Donald Trump. I voted for Hillary Clinton."

January 09, 2018 8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"yes, letting you do it implies consent"

That's what Harvey Weinstein thought, just like Trump.

And you.

January 09, 2018 9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"January 09, 2018 7:41 AM

Anonymous Bullshit detector said...

GOP bullshit: "black unemployment dropped to the lowest rate in history"

Those numbers are fake."

you might try some self-detection

here's what CNBC, hardly a GOP promoter, says:

"Unemployment among black workers is at its lowest since at least the early 1970s, when the government began tracking the data.

The black unemployment rate of 6.8 percent in December was the lowest since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking it in 1972, a year in which the rate ranged from 11.2 percent to 9.4 percent. In the 45 years the data has been tracked, the unemployment rate for black or African-American workers aged 16 years and older has never fallen below 7 percent."

you read that right

the unemployment rate for African-American workers aged 16 years and older has NEVER fallen below 7 percent


not until Trump had been President for a year

""Economic growth" does not equal "tax reform,""

it did for JFK

"especially not tax "reform" that gives huge cuts to the already rich"

JFK's was a capital gains cut

he personally benefited, btw, but no one minded

"and underfunds the safety net"

no changes were made to the safety net

if, by "underfund", you mean increase the deficit, it remains to be seen but even the worst projections are only a fraction of the deficits that Obama ran

didn't hear anyone complain about underfunding the safety net then

"No wonder Trump's tax reform polls poorly"

oh, the public has been misinformed by the liberal-entertainment-media complex

they think their taxes are going up

when they find out they were lied to, they won't be happy with Dems

January 09, 2018 9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That's what Harvey Weinstein thought, just like Trump"

it was everyone thinks

Trump, even if his accusers are completely accurate and truthful, was nothing like Weinstein

more like Franken

kind of pathetic but "predator" takes it too far

and let's not forget what the NY Times recently revealed:

David Brock, the silver-haired smear artist has cdirected $200,000 from his political action committee empire into an effort to encourage women to go public with accusations of sexual offenses against President Trump — and one of Brock’s most devoted donors kicked in even more

January 09, 2018 9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy the facts;

40: That's the average -- AVERAGE -- seat loss for the president's party in midterm election since 1962 when the president's approval rating is under 50%. Trump's approval rating in the Gallup weekly tracking poll released Monday afternoon? 37%.

12: That's the average Democratic lead in the generic congressional ballot as of late December. ("If the election were today, would you vote for a Republican or a Democrat to represent you?") That's worrisome when you compare it to where the generic stood in other major wave elections. At this time in the 2014 election, a very good election for Republicans, Democrats had a nearly 2 point edge on the generic ballot. In 2006, the midterm election where Democrats won back control of Congress, the party's generic ballot edge was only 10 points.

3: There have only been three midterm elections -- 1934, 1998 and 2002 -- in the last century where the president's party didn't lose House seats. In all three of those elections there were major extenuating circumstances -- Great Depression, Clinton impeachment and September 11 terrorist attacks -- that upset the historical trend. Short of that sort of cataclysm, however, the president's party usually gets walloped.

0: Exactly none of the past five presidents have seen their job approval numbers go up in the year before their first midterm election. (Shout out to Republican pollster Lance Tarrance for this data point!). President Obama went from +13 in approval in 2009 to +1 in 2010. Ronald Reagan went from +18 in 1981 to -3 in 1982. You get the idea. Barring a massive unforeseen event, it's very unlikely Trump's approval rating gets much better between now and November.

January 09, 2018 11:28 AM  
Anonymous brave new world said...

yes, all you say is true

also, true is that Trump has a way of upending expectations and historical patterns

at the time he was elected, for example, no one had ever been elected with such a low approval rating

we'll see

there could be an unexpected major event - say an attack by North Korea - that could affect voters

one more wild card is that Dems are seriously clueless

if they went more moderate, at least in appearance, and acted as better citizens, they'd have a better shot

right now, they are doubling down on leftist class warfare, are threatening to shut down the government to help illegal immigrants, and plan to run on calling for Trump's impeachment

none of which will inspire voters

and, if things continue to roll as they are, it's hard to see Americans killing the goose laying the golden eggs after sufferings eight years of the Obama doldrums

January 09, 2018 12:56 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

"I think the "consent" comment was referring to Trump's statement: "And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." In the Trump universe, "letting you do it" is consent."

Wyatt/Regina said "yes, letting you do it implies consent in the real world, such things are rarely so blatant as some formal verbal request"

Its attitudes like that that are responsible for the flood of sexual harassment, assaults, and rapes we are now hearing about. Clearly men need to stop thinking they don't need clear consent before they initiate sexual contact.

Obviously when a wealthy and famous man like Trump says he can "do anything", doesn't ask for consent from a woman and doesn't wait to start "grabbing them by the pussy", fondle their breasts or kiss them there are going to be a few women who accept that and many who don't.

Its absurd to claim that a man can repeatedly throughout his life upon first seeing a women do whatever he wants; kiss, fondle, and touch their genitals without asking for consent and never encounter a woman who objects.

Clearly many women Trump has done this to object(as was inevitable) - Trump is an admitted sexual predator and many women have corroborated his admission.

Wyatt/Regina said "further, of the 13 women mentioned yesterday, only two said there was any contact with genitalia, and neither used any description that sounded like "grabbing"".

Oh, so as long as he didn't cross the magic line of grabbing three women by the pussy its okay? You're f'ed up.

As we've seen by the harassment, denigration, and death threats Trump's accusers have suffered, it takes a brave woman to come forward and talk about being sexually assaulted by a powerful man who they fear could swamp them in court with his money and get a judgment requiring them to pay. Most women are afraid of this and remain silent about being sexually assaulted. Where there are 16 women willing to come forward and admit being sexually assaulted by Trump there are obviously many more that are afraid to.

Trump admitted himself that he has throughout his life sexually touched women regularly without waiting for consent or any hint of it. Its preposterous to claim he's done this without ever encountering women who weren't okay with it.

Trump is an admitted sexual predator and 16 women have corroborated his admission.

January 09, 2018 1:14 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

NJ Prison Officials to Allow Book on the Racist Justice System to Inmates

"I’ve said many times that I think Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow is one of the most important books written in the last couple decades in this country. The story it tells of the racist nature of our mass incarceration system is horrifying. Prison officials in New Jersey were apparently so upset about it that they refused to allow it to be sent to inmates.

"New Jersey corrections officials say a bestselling book on mass incarceration and racial discrimination will now be available to inmates at all state correctional facilities, following a ban that had withheld the book from some facilities.

The announcement came on Monday after the state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union questioned why at least two prisons had banned The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, an acclaimed 2010 book about discrimination against African Americans in the criminal justice system.

The pressure group argued the ban amounted to unconstitutional censorship of speech on issues of public concern, which is entitled to special protection under the first amendment."

I’m glad they overturned that decision and will allow the book into the prisons. And I hope the renewed attention to the book will lead to more people reading it. It’s an incredibly important book, documented in extraordinary detail, that shows the racist nature of our criminal justice system from top to bottom. If you haven’t read it, please do."

January 09, 2018 1:16 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Racists like Wyatt/Regina try to deny that there is racism in the justice system. When presented with a study that shows similarly situated black defendants get 20% longer prison sentences than white defendants the rote liars claimed that was because blacks are poorer and couldn't afford as good of lawyers, even though they knew the study controlled for income so that couldn't account for the longer sentences blacks got.

January 09, 2018 1:17 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina said "also, true is that Trump has a way of upending expectations and historical patterns at the time he was elected, for example, no one had ever been elected with such a low approval rating".


LOL! Trump has never "upended expectations and historical patterns".

He wasn't elected due to any action on his part, it was due solely to Comey going against FBI policy and talking about re-opening the investigation into Hillary's emails just before the election and hiding the investigation into Trump, the anti-democratic electoral college, and Russia paying a thousand person troll farm to target key states and counties with fake news attacking Hillary and praising Trump.

Trump has been exactly the sort of president people expected based on his past behavior - erratic, moronic, ego as big as a mountain and as fragile as glass, easily manipulated, uninformed, ill read, dangerous, and an epic train wreck for the past year.

Normally the party in power's approval is directly linked to the economy. Despite inheriting a booming economy from Obama that he hasn't been able to screw up yet Trump has had record low approval ratings during his first year in office - this shows just how badly the American public (accurately) sees him as president.

January 09, 2018 1:36 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "Billy Bush says there were 8 witnesses to Trump’s ‘Access Hollywood’ comments""

Wyatt/Regina said "yes, but that still doesn't prove Trump grabbed the women again, you think he lies about everything but this why?"

Simple, its a matter of what the incentive is to lie. If a statement makes a person look better or denies a negative about him/herself that person has an incentive to lie and so for the chronic liar their claim is questionable.

If a statement makes a person makes a person look worse or acknowledges a negative about him/herself that person does not have an incentive to lie and so for the chronic liar that is more likely to be a true statement.

Trump has an incentive to look good so when he claims he's a "very stable genius" we have reason to doubt him.

Similarly, he has no incentive to make himself look bad so when he claims he sexually touches women without consent we have reason to believe him because this makes him look bad and he has no incentive to make himself look that way.

In other words, absent coercion, when a person with opportunity says "I did not steal that money", we have good reason to be skeptical. When a person with opportunity says "I did steal that money", we have much less reason to be skeptical.

Trump is much more believable when he says "I sexually assault women" than he is when he says "I am a very stable genius"

January 09, 2018 2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Trump has a way of upending expectations and historical patterns

at the time he was elected, for example, no one had ever been elected with such a low approval rating"

No one had ever been elected with so many Putin fake-news generating bots working on their behalf either.

Meanwhile, the electoral environment this year is like no other in recent memory. Of course, a lot of things in this country seem to be unlike anything in recent memory. But politically speaking, Democrats are far more enthusiastic about voting than Republicans, and liberals are more politically engaged than conservatives. And Democrats are recruiting like gangbusters while Republicans are running for the exits.

In special elections, Democrats have been overperforming the presidential results from both 2012 and 2016 in election after election. In 2017, Democrats flipped 14 Republican-held state legislative districts in special elections—and the Alabama Senate seat (!)—while Republicans flipped just three.

January 09, 2018 2:56 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Justin Trudeau wasn't born, he appeared in a puff of smoke when two feminists made a wish at the same time.

January 09, 2018 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one, Priya.

And thank you, Senator Feinstein, for the unspun version of GPS Glenn Simpson's testimony the GOP tried to keep American citizens from reading.

January 09, 2018 3:50 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Thanks for keeping up the resistance Good anonymous when I haven't been that active here. : )

January 09, 2018 4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The talks, held on Tuesday, were the first in two years and led to the announcement that North Korea would send a delegation to the Olympics in Pyeongchang later this year.

Mr Moon said he wanted to show Mr Trump his gratitude.

Mr Moon told reporters on Wednesday: "I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks.

January 10, 2018 12:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina posted "Mr Moon told reporters on Wednesday: "I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks.".

Moon is being diplomatic because he wants U.S. military backup. Like virtually everone around the world he knows he can manipulate Trump by appealing to his massive and fragile ego.

Trump had nothing to do with these talks, the truth is he impeded them with his bellicose talk and opposes them and is now incredibly proposing making a "limited" first strike on North Korea which will end in disaster. Yep, he's that stupid.

January 10, 2018 1:07 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump's "Spiritual Adviser:Send Me a Month’s Salary

Paula White, Donald Trump’s chief “spiritual adviser,” is, even by the standards of prosperity gospel con artists, extraordinarily audacious. She’s telling her followers to send her an entire month’s salary or God will make sure they suffer the consequences for their lack of faith.

“Each January, I put God first and honor Him with the first of our substance by sowing a first fruits offering of one month’s pay. That is a big sacrifice, but it is a seed for the harvest I am believing for in the coming year. And God always provides!” White explains on her website.

She explained the difference between the tithe, usually 10 percent of earnings, and the first fruit donation.

“The difference between tithe and first fruit, first fruit is all of it,” she told congregants at the New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, according to the Orlando Sentinel. “All of what? Well, if you want to bring God all of one day’s salary, one week’s salary or one month’s salary, that’s between you and God. … I try to bring a month’s salary, but at the very least every year I give God a week’s salary.”

Wouldn’t you love to know how she “gives” that month’s salary? She can’t give it to God because he has no fixed address. To whom does she give it? I bet she gives it to herself, to her own ministry. But then she tells others to give their own salaries to whom? To her, which more than makes up for it. And if they don’t…well, something bad is going to happen.

“It is the basis or underlying support for your success in 2018. It is GOD’S PRINCIPLE OF FIRST FRUITS. All Firsts belong to God. When you honor this principle it provides the foundation and structure for God’s blessings and promises in your life, it unlocks deep dimensions of spiritual truths that literally transform your life! When you apply this everything comes in divine alignment for His plan and promises for you. When you don’t honor it, whether through ignorance or direct disobedience there are consequences,” White warns.

Oooh, consequences. Her big bad buddy is going to punish you if you don’t send her money. This is the prosperity gospel con game with a little mafia intimidation along with it — “That’s a beautiful life you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it. If you’ll just give me a few thousand dollars, I’ll make sure you have the protection you need.” And this from a woman who is on her third marriage, who cheated on her first husband with her second husband and is now married to the keyboardist from Journey. Hey, that sounds a lot like Trump, doesn’t it? No wonder they get along. Not only do they run the same con, one religious and one secular, but they behave the same way.

As Trump always says - He hires the best people!

January 10, 2018 1:08 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I'd like to wish a heartfelt congratulations to my husband Ward who recently became an ordained minister. :)

January 10, 2018 2:05 PM  
Anonymous let's conflate TTF with facts said...

minister of what?

On Sunday, Hollywood offered a show of support for the #MeToo movement on the Golden Globes red carpet and stage. But the next day, a famous French actress joined 100 women in denouncing the movement, as well as its French counterpart, #Balancetonpore, or “Expose Your Pig.” Catherine Deneuve and women from the entertainment, publishing and academic fields argued that the movements, in which women and men have used social media as a platform for describing sexual misconduct, have gone too far by publicly prosecuting private experiences and created a totalitarian climate. The letter states that while rape is a crime, being “insistent or clumsy flirting is not a crime, nor is gallantry a chauvinist aggression.” They say that #MeToo movement has led to a campaign of public accusations that put undeserving people in the same category as sex offenders, and those accused have no chance to defend themselves. They also claim that the movement goes against sexual expression and freedom.

“This expedited justice already has its victims, men prevented from practicing their profession as punishment, forced to resign, etc., while the only thing they did wrong was touching a knee, trying to steal a kiss, or speaking about ‘intimate’ things at a work dinner, or sending messages with sexual connotations to a woman whose feelings were not mutual,” the letter, which was translated from French to English by The Times, states.

January 10, 2018 3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vive la France and progressive President Macron!

January 10, 2018 4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Priya Lynn's husband, Ward, for his stellar achievement!

Your pride in him is evident Priya Lynn. I'm so happy for you both.

January 10, 2018 4:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

January 10, 2018 4:28 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina said "minister of what?".

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. We've both been devout members for many years now.

May you be touched by his noodley appendage.

Wyatt/Regina said "“This expedited justice already has its victims, men prevented from practicing their profession as punishment, forced to resign, etc., while the only thing they did wrong was touching a knee, trying to steal a kiss, or speaking about ‘intimate’ things at a work dinner, or sending messages with sexual connotations to a woman whose feelings were not mutual,”".

I have yet to hear of any examples of men who are victims of false accusations.

Clearly there is a vast and widespread problem with men taking sexual liberties with women. Its not okay to try to "steal a kiss" or as Wyatt/Regina so euphemistically puts it "touch a knee" - that's sexual assault.

Trying to minimize people like Trump sticking his tongue down the throat of women, grabbing their breasts or genitalia without a hint of consent by calling it "touching a knee" only encourages this type of abuse.

Its not okay for men to invite a co-worker to dinner and then try to initiate a sexual encounter with her. Its not okay for men to approach co-workers with sexual advances.

The days of this sort of thing need to be over. Men as a group need to re-think everything they've assumed is okay to do with women they work with.

January 10, 2018 4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. We've both been devout members for many years now"

OK, great...

they say you can never be any more than what you worship, which probably explains why you're such a noodle-brain

roll your eyes around and see if I'm not right

"Men as a group need to re-think everything they've assumed is okay to do with women they work with"

that happened over 25 years ago during the Clarence Thomas hearings

I worked in an office at the time and remember how, suddenly, everything changed in America

then, Bill Clinton came along and made sexual misbehavior great again

this is why the most egregious current examples are Democrats

Bill was always their role model

truthfully, Trump was a Democrat during the Clinton years and that's where he picked up a lot of his nasty habits

still, Deneuve us right

what's going on now is a totalitarian over-reaction and conflates the minor with the major

it will soon blow over

already, Minnesotans say they want Franken back

January 10, 2018 8:56 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I said "Men as a group need to re-think everything they've assumed is okay to do with women they work with"

Wyatt/Regina said "that happened over 25 years ago during the Clarence Thomas hearings I worked in an office at the time and remember how, suddenly, everything changed in America then, Bill Clinton came along and made sexual misbehavior great again".

LOL, nothing changed after the Clarence Thomas Hearings. He was rewarded for being a sexual predator by being appointed to the supreme court. Perhaps if he'd have been rejected as he should have been that might have been the start of something - it wasn't. You don't remember anything accurately from the time, you're the definition of "confirmation bias".

Wyatt/Regina said "this is why the most egregious current examples are Democrats".

Nope. They're Republicans like Trump, Bill O'reilly, Roger Ailes, the Catholic Church,

Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.

Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.

Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester.

Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.

Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

January 11, 2018 1:44 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

LOL, and how could I forget sexual predator Roy Moore who was embraced by a shameful number of Republicans throughout the States.

January 11, 2018 1:53 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Costa Rica To Comply With International Court Ruling For Same-Sex Marriage, Many Other Nations Pending

The BBC reports:

The Inter-American Court Of Human Rights has ruled that same-sex marriages should be recognised. The court’s rulings apply to countries which have signed the American Convention on Human Rights. Some of the signatories already recognise same-sex marriages while others recognise same-sex civil unions. But others, such as Bolivia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Paraguay and Peru do not recognise either and will be expected to change their laws.

The court was established by the regional body, the Organization of American States (OAS), and signatories to the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights are bound by its rulings. The judges issued the ruling in response to a motion brought by Costa Rica. The Central American government asked the court to give its opinion on whether it had an obligation to extend property rights to same-sex couples. The court ruled that it did.

The Costa Rican government also wanted to know whether it should allow transgender people to change their name on their identity documents. Again, the court ruled that it should. Costa Rica’s Vice-President Ana Helena Chacón welcomed the court’s ruling, saying it would be adopted “in its totality”.

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice".

January 11, 2018 2:12 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina said "Priya has become afraid to say much".

I'm not afraid to talk, its just that I have less desire to do so.

Years ago when I was depressed and angry I couldn't get enough of beating up people on the internet. I was angry and depressed anyway so engaging in contentious arguments didn't make me feel any worse. Back then I really wanted to rub people's faces in their wrongness, I wanted to serve them up some serious whoop-ass and make them eat it every day.

Now I'm happier than I've ever been so I'm a lot less inclined to get involved in dealing with moronic assholes who are losing anyways and harsh my buzz. Nowadays I'm enjoying life a great deal so, yeah, I don't care to involve myself as much with angry, depressed, and hateful people like Wyatt and Regina.

So, Wyatt/Regina might feel like this means they've won, but they're really the biggest losers because they're still the unhappy people they've always been and they've failed to prevent my happiness which they so desperately wanted to do.

Hee Hee!

January 11, 2018 2:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

In a new Quinnipiac poll 66% of Americans say the economy is "excellent" or "good". 49% of respondents say Obama is more responsible for the economy compared to 40% who say Trump is.

Of course the majority of Americans have it right - the present economy is the Obama economy. The concensus of economists is that it takes about a year for an incoming presidents policies to start having an effect. As Trump hadn't passed any major legislation until a few weeks ago, it will be a year from now before Trump can truthfully claim any credit for the current economic performance.

All Trump has done up until now is temporarily repeal regulations that protect the air, water, food, land, and medicine. Research shows that in the long run this harms the economy through increased worker sickness and increased medical costs.

Normally a president's favourability is tied directly to the economy. Trump's favourability polls are the worst ever recorded for a president in his first year despite the excellent Obama economy. Americans can see he's hostile, stupid, ill-informed, erratic, easily manipulated, and lazy. Its no surprise that the majority of Americans see Trump is a disaster and the current excellent economy is due to Obama.

January 11, 2018 4:53 PM  
Anonymous the Trump effect said...

"In a new Quinnipiac poll 66% of Americans say the economy is "excellent" or "good". 49% of respondents say Obama is more responsible for the economy compared to 40% who say Trump is"

it doesn't matter what they think until November

it doesn't matter what Priya thinks..ever

"Of course the majority of Americans have it right - the present economy is the Obama economy"

only in wackster Canada is 49% a majority

in properly educated countries, the 51% who don't say Obama is more responsible for the economy is a majority

"The concensus of economists is that it takes about a year for an incoming presidents policies to start having an effect"

wonder what a concensus is?

if Canada needs some help with literacy programs for their citizens who can't grasp English, they should ask

Priya has said this about the consensus of economists and has been unable to provide documentation so I think we can safely conclude it's a lie and not merely a misunderstanding

on New Year's Day, the NY Times, not exactly a Trump boosting publication, ran an article stating that economists believe the economy is booming due to the "Trump effect", a reduction of burdens placed on businesses

that's documentation!!

"As Trump hadn't passed any major legislation until a few weeks ago, it will be a year from now before Trump can truthfully claim any credit for the current economic performance"

not according to economists

just ask the NY Times

btw, Trump belongs to the executive branch

his only power is to vet legislation, he has nothing to do with "passing" anything

we elected a GOP majority to do that, thank you!

"Trump's favourability polls are the worst ever recorded for a president in his first year"

how about that?

in November 2016, he had the worst favorability ratings of any major party candidate in history and he won the MAJORITY of states


ever resourceful, he arranged for help from the Russians

what makes you think the Russians can't do it again?

January 11, 2018 6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sooner did Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, unilaterally release the testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson than liberals and their advocates in the media were claiming victory. Look, they argued, the Donald Trump investigation was completely justified because the infamous “dossier,” according to Simpson, had been corroborated by the FBI.

It was a dramatic moment. Also, as far as we know, untrue.

What we do know is that in the middle of a contentious campaign for the presidency, Democrats paid Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump. The resulting, largely fictitious “dossier” was then used not only as fodder for the Obama administration’s investigation into its political opponents but also to spread unsubstantiated rumors about Trump to the press.
We also know Christopher Steele, a former British spy, gathered information for the dossier from a hodgepodge of rumors from Russian sources that, according to Simpson’s own testimony, were never substantiated by the firm. Steele called the collection of rumors “raw” and “unverified.”

Simpson told Congress, in his prevaricating and often defensive testimony, that Steele allegedly went to the FBI because he believed the Kremlin had the goods on Trump. The Russians, he claimed, were blackmailing the candidate with evidence of sordid sexual escapades. More significant, the Trump team had colluded with the Russians in hacking emails of Democrats during the campaign and were working on a quid pro quo basis. It was like calling 911 when witnessing a potential crime, Steele noted.

Well, almost immediately, one of the most repeated and significant claims backing this testimony had to be walked back.

Simpson told Congress “an internal campaign source,” a “whistle-blower” within the Trump organization, had corroborated some of the information in the dossier for the FBI. This was a bombshell (if true) because it meant that there was a legitimate source substantiating those assertions. So even the dossier’s most shocking tales could be treated seriously by the FBI and used as a pretext to investigate Trump’s organization in the middle of a political campaign.

Soon after the transcript was released, however, NBC News’ Ken Dilanian‏, who has a close relationship with Fusion, reported that sources in the firm were correcting Steele, who’d mischaracterized a meeting with a Trump source. No, there was no “walk-in” from the Trump campaign, as Steele had maintained in his testimony.

This is hardly surprising. Those who bought, compiled and spread the Trump dossier’s rumors have been walking back its claims for a while. And that’s likely one of the reasons Democrats have been scrambling to retroactively diminish its importance in any investigation.

January 11, 2018 7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In fact, Simpson’s description of Steele’s reasons for approaching the FBI aren’t even true. In the dossier, Steele alleges to be offering extensive evidence of a “conspiracy between Trump’s campaign team and the Kremlin.” In his deposition in a libel case late last year, however, the former spy says it was merely “possible” that collusion had taken place and the dossier reflects “limited intelligence.”

We see a similar downgrading of the dossier’s significance and veracity in Simpson’s own testimony. “The question that is asked generally is whether it’s credible,” he explained. “You don’t really decide who’s telling the truth.”

Well, now that Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, is filing a pair of lawsuits — one in federal court against Fusion GPS and the other in New York against BuzzFeed — the truth may take on some renewed importance. Add to that the fact that Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham asked the Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into Steele’s inconsistencies, and surely we can look forward to more clarifications and walkbacks in the future.

This is likely what prompted Feinstein to release the transcripts — which, incidentally, excluded not only a number of important contextual exhibits from Simpson’s testimony but also redacted all sorts of relevant information about the players in the case.

It doesn’t matter. At some point, we’re going to learn the whole story. And if it turns out that the political party in power used a dossier filled with raw, unsubstantiated information to spy on its opponents, it’ll be a massive scandal

January 11, 2018 7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"in properly educated countries, the 51% who don't say Obama is more responsible for the economy is a majority"

Thank you for the lovely example of contortionist lying.

I'll let Quinnipiac explain it to you.

"President Donald Trump is intelligent, American voters say 53 - 44 percent, one of his lowest scores since Inauguration day, but voters say 69 - 28 percent that he is not level-headed and 57 - 40 percent that he is not fit to serve as president, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

Grading President Trump's first year in office, 39 percent of voters give him an "F," while 17 percent give him a "D." Trump gets an "A" from 16 percent of voters, a "B" from another 16 percent and a "C" from 11 percent of voters, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh- pe-ack) University Poll finds.

In an open-ended question, allowing any answer, 69 voters (not percent) describe Trump's first year in office as a "disaster," followed by 62 voters who say "chaotic," 44 voters who say "successful," 28 voters who say "horrible," 27 voters who say "great," 26 who say "good," 24 who say "terrible," 24 who say "embarrassing" and 23 who say "interesting."

Of the 43 words used at least five times, 25 words are negative, 10 are positive and 8 words are neutral, such as "interesting" or "different."

American voters give Trump a negative 36 - 59 percent job approval rating, compared to a negative 36 - 44 percent score in a January 26, 2017, post-inaugural poll. In his first year as president, Trump's rating ranges from a low negative 33 - 61 percent approval August 2 to a negative 42 - 51 percent score February 7.

"It's been a very tough Freshman year for President Donald Trump, by any measure," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"Considered an intelligent person with a really bad report card, filled with far more 'F's' than 'A's' or 'B's', the president is a long way from the Dean's list in the eyes of voters."

President Trump's grades on most character traits are down significantly since his first post-inaugural poll January 26, 2017, as voters say:

63 - 34 percent that he is not honest;
59 - 39 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
59 - 38 percent, that he does not care about average Americans;
59 - 39 percent that he is a strong person;
65 - 32 percent that he does not share their values.

Bright Economic Outlook - With Credit to Obama

A total of 66 percent of American voters say the nation's economy is "excellent" or "good," up from 63 percent December 19 and the highest positive rating for the economy since the Quinnipiac University Poll first asked this question in 2001. Another 33 percent say the economy is "not so good" or "poor."

Trump's policies are helping the nation's economy, 37 percent of voters say, as 29 percent say his policies are hurting the economy and 30 percent say these policies are not making much difference.

But 49 percent of voters say former President Barack Obama is more responsible for the state of the economy, while 40 percent say Trump is more responsible.

President Trump can hang his hat on the economy, but must share the hat rack with President Barack Obama, as two-thirds of the country see the economic picture as excellent or good," Malloy said.

A total of 73 percent of voters say their personal financial situation is "excellent" or "good," while 26 percent say "not so good" or "poor."

Only 24 percent of voters say Trump policies are helping their personal financial situation, while 26 percent say his policies are hurting them and 47 percent say his policies are not making a difference. "

January 11, 2018 7:26 PM  
Anonymous the Trump effect said...

I noted, based on the poll numbers presented:

"the 51% who don't say Obama is more responsible for the economy is a majority"

another anon, who will remain moronymous said:

"Thank you for the lovely example of contortionist lying.

I'll let Quinnipiac explain it to you"

then the moronymous pastes a bunch of other poll numbers, irrelevant to the one I deduced

but, in the middle of it all:

"But 49 percent of voters say former President Barack Obama is more responsible for the state of the economy"

meaning, be definition, that 51% don't say former President Barack Obama is more responsible for the state of the economy

sorry, pal, those are the facts

I know it's hard for the advocates of Teach the Fake (TTF) to see that

and the poll numbers, as I mentioned don't matter until November

the media has deceived Americans

they will be educated by then

January 11, 2018 9:39 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

January 12, 2018 7:21 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

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January 12, 2018 7:43 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

January 12, 2018 7:45 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/Regina said ""Who "thinks weather and climate are the same"?"that would be Priya, who said the current polar vortex is explained by global warming".

The Polar Vortex is anomalous when you consider the decades prior which saw it much farther north - that's climate, not weather.

Wyatt/Regina said "Priya also said the warm weather of the last 4 years is due to AGW, ignoring the 16 years prior to that".

LOL, I"m not ignoring them. Compare the past four years to the 16 years prior to that - the past four are hotter, the world's getting hotter.

Go one better, look at the past 200 years, the temperature trend is still upwards - Duh!

January 12, 2018 7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"JANUARY 11, 2018 9:39 PM
Blogger Priya Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

JANUARY 12, 2018 7:21 AM
Blogger Priya Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

JANUARY 12, 2018 7:43 AM
Blogger Priya Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author."

sometimes you start to think maybe, just maybe, Priya is making progress on recovering from mental issues

then, you see this


"The Polar Vortex is anomalous when you consider the decades prior which saw it much farther north - that's climate, not weather"

there's no reason to think it's permanently shifted

and no rationale for attributing it to global warming

according to research by scientists at Northumbria, the world will enter a mini-ice age in three years which will last for over three decades, based on solar activity

"Compare the past four years to the 16 years prior to that - the past four are hotter, the world's getting hotter"

but four years is not a long enough period to establish a pattern

especially, when year after year during that pause in global warming, you insisted it was too short a period to draw conclusions from

face it, you simply are trying to squeeze a square peg in a round hole

"Go one better, look at the past 200 years, the temperature trend is still upwards - Duh!"

it's up

but not that much, and unlikely to be caused by human activity

after all, vehicles that use fossil fuels haven't been widespread for 200 years

and for decades after WWII, temperatures didn't increase while the number of cars exploded

btw, just a reminder:

Priya will often plop a name or two on when responding to one of my comments

if I choose to respond to that, I'm not confirming Priya's choice of name

I post anonymously and neither confirm nor deny any personal information

January 12, 2018 8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Letterman's new show starts today. His first guest is Sir Barry himself:

former President Barack Obama says the same innovations in technology that helped make his historic election possible have now evolved to exacerbate the nation’s political divides, keeping many Americans inside partisan "bubbles" of their own making

in a typically long-winded interview, Obama tells David Letterman that social media and the increasing personalization of many Americans’ information streams has led to the reinforcing of biases

"One of the biggest challenges we have to our democracy is the degree to which we don’t share a common baseline of facts," the 44th president told Letterman for his new Netflix series, "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction"

"What the Russians exploited but it was already here is we are operating in completely different information universes. If you watch Fox News, you are living on a different planet than you are if you listen to NPR," Obama continued

well Russians didn't exploit this to any greater degree than any number of other interested parties

but Obama is basically right about the different information universes

I try to read a lot from both sides but partisan lunatics like TTFers generally confine themselves to their own bubbles and rarely consider other points of view unless they are filtered by their media handlers

suggestion: read the WSJ editorial pages every day

at a minimum, I always read that and the Washington Post - I don't watch cable news much, including FOX, but I usually listen to NPR every day

open your minds, people

that's what Barry wants

January 12, 2018 9:04 AM  
Anonymous cheeseburger in paradise said...

Minority leader Nancy Pelosi’s “Five Guys” joke about immigration reform has offended her Democratic colleagues.

“The 'five white guys' I call them, you know,” the California congresswoman said Thursday, referring to a group of legislators working on a solution to the President’s end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

“Are they going to open a hamburger stand next or what?”

The five white guys in question are White House chief of staff John Kelly, Maryland Democrat Rep. Steny Hoyer, California House Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois and Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas.

Hoyer was less than pleased with his party leader’s jibe, and said that he found it “offensive.”

“That comment is offensive. I am committed to ensuring DREAMers are protected and I will welcome everyone to the table who wants to get this done,” he said in a statement.

Emails may offer personalized content or ads. Learn more.

A bipartisan group of senators, including Durbin and Arizona Republican Jeff Flake, announced Thursday that they had reached an “agreement in principal” on a solution, though the details of the plan are unknown.

Trump has said that the deal MUST, MUST include funding for his proposed border wall with Mexico, which he said Mexico would pay for.

January 12, 2018 10:15 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Russia-linked hackers are trying to infiltrate the Senate, cyber firm says

The Russians are begining an assault on the U.S. Senate in a bid to influence the upcoming 2018 elections. The Trump administration has encouraged this by failing to do anything to punish Russia for its massive and unprecidented influence effort on the 2016 election that tipped the election to Trump.

The Trump administration is unconcerned at this point about Russian attacks on American democracy, thinking the Russians are going to help Republicans again. Maybe they will, and maybe this will blow up in Republicans faces.

January 12, 2018 6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's espionage

the Trump administration, like all other administrations, has several agencies charged with combating it

and, hopefully, we're trying to "hack" the Russian legislature

the Trump administration is trying to clear the way for the CIA and NSA and others to get more reliable data

the fiasco in North Korea, where we were blindsided by the progress they made is a short period, is likely because we have restricted the activities of our intelligence agencies

face it, they made the progress they did because of Russian help

there's no other explanation

January 13, 2018 8:57 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep me away

I must follow him
Ever since he touched my hand I knew
That near him I always must be
And nothing can keep him from me
He is my destiny

I love him, I love him, I love him
And where he goes I'll follow, forever, and ever
And side by side together, I'll be with my true love
And share a thousand sunsets together beside him

I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away
Away from my love

I love him, I love him, I love him
And where he goes I'll follow, forever, and ever
And side by side together, I'll be with my true love
And share a thousand sunsets together beside him

I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away
Away from my love


January 13, 2018 3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Russians are begining an assault on the U.S. Senate in a bid to influence the upcoming 2018 elections"

yeah, you're misspelling on purpose now, right?

no one could be that stupid

if you read the linked article, the "assault" consists of tracking to hack into computers and access information

kind of what spies always do

from every country

"The Trump administration has encouraged this by failing to do anything to punish Russia for its massive and unprecidented influence effort on the 2016 election that tipped the election to Trump."

more misspelling


if we start trading "punishments" with every country that spies on us, we'll wind up isolated and the world will be more dangerous

the best strategy, already being followed, is to fight fire with fire

January 13, 2018 6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last Sunday, I got up and asked Alexa the temperature and she said 6

I thought, no global warming

then, I just asked Alexa the temp today and she said 12

I guess the alarmists were right after all

the globe, it is a-warmin'

areb-areb-areb, that's all, folks!!

January 14, 2018 7:57 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump Supporters:

Eventually, when this all crashes, when he is forced out of office because of all his Treasonous activity, you will not be forgiven.

Voting For Donald Trump says more about you than it says about Donald Trump - it was a character test.

And you failed.

January 14, 2018 4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Eventually, when this all crashes, when he is forced out of office because of all his Treasonous activity,"

he actually has never been shown to have committed treason

funny how some people demand scientific evidence to confirm that gays shouldn't adopt but no evidence at all to accuse the President of treason

let's just refer to that as bias

"you will not be forgiven"

voting has often been the choice of the lesser of evils

problem is, not making a choice is actually making one

Trump was the right choice over Hillary, who didn't support our constitution

"Voting For Donald Trump says more about you than it says about Donald Trump - it was a character test."

you're right

it took courage to make the right choice because Trump has virtually no redeeming personal qualities

but you had to recognize that Hillary would have been more appealing - and popular - she also would have caused further degradation of our country's institutions

"And you failed."

failed to make the easy, sleazy Hillary choice

Hillary's the one who enabled the guy who made sexual predatory behavior great again

if someone can figure a way to get Trump out, that's fine

as long as his replacement is Pence

January 14, 2018 10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Maryland pastor on Sunday denounced President Trump’s “shithole countries” comment before God, his congregation and Vice President Pence.

Worshipers at the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Largo, Maryland, said the Vice President grew visibly red-faced as the Rev. Maurice Watson called Trump out for his vulgar comments last week about Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations.

“I stand today as your pastor to vehemently denounce and reject any such characterizations of the nations of Africa and of our brothers and sisters in Haiti,” Watson told his congregation as Pence looked on.

“And I further say: Whoever made such a statement, whoever used such a visceral, disrespectful, dehumanizing adjective to characterize the nations of Africa, whoever said it, is wrong. And they ought to be held accountable.”

Worshipers jumped to their feet and applauded during the sermon.

Watson never mentioned Trump by name, but his reference was clear to everyone including Pence, who listened with his wife.

Watson said he felt "led by God to do it" and noted many of his congregants come from Haiti or African nations.

According to reports, Trump told lawmakers during an Oval Office meeting that he preferred immigrants from places like Norway over “shithole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations.

January 16, 2018 7:10 AM  
Anonymous Welcome to Trumplandia... said...

"Ku Klux Klan fliers — and the hatred they represent — can’t be ignored

Light or darkness?

That’s an important question when it comes to America’s festering racism.

The white supremacists and neo-Nazis who marched on Charlottesville, the cowardly racists posting anonymous fliers on college campuses, the social media trolls derailing any civil discussion anywhere — what do they all want?


Why else would someone come to a suburban neighborhood in Northern Virginia and drop racist and anonymous Ku Klux Klan fliers on driveways in the dark of night on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend?

Homeowners on Aurora Court in Leesburg woke up to those fliers. One of the neighbors in the enclave of bisque- and putty-colored homes went up and down the street, removing the missives — which were strangely packaged in plastic zip-top bags weighed down with handfuls of birdseed — before the rest of the street saw them. It could be the same KKK group that has been targeting small towns all over Virginia in what one KKK “imperial wizard” described as a big membership drive.

“I’ve never seen anything like this here. It’s not what this place is like,” one distressed resident said.

That’s what the woman in the smart parka and chic sunglasses said, too. She’d spent time in Austria.

“I lived in Vienna. Nothing like this there,” she said.

She is a worldly, 68-year-old grandmother who is the boss at a tech company and who traveled the globe as a military wife. She couldn’t give me her name, she said, because she’s a government contractor.

In her experience, giving “immature minds” attention is counterproductive.

“That’s what they want, they want you to write about it,” she told me on her driveway, where one of the disgusting fliers had landed. It said, “On Martin Luther King Day, you are honoring a communist alcoholic pervert.”

She said she believes the administration is fueling incidents like this. But she also believes the fliers are a stunt that doesn’t represent what most Americans are really like. If the media stops covering these incidents, it will deprive them of the oxygen they need to get their message out.

I remember when I lived in New Orleans decades ago, a neighborhood on the northern shore of Lake Pontchartrain — very similar to this one in Northern Virginia — awoke to fliers from the KKK. Editors debated whether to cover it, worried about giving a megaphone to hatred vs. ignoring festering ugliness.

I don’t think the paper covered it. I only found mention of the incident a couple of years later, when a local pastor was honored for organizing a community alliance against racism after it happened.

For 20 years after that, no media in the area reported on a similar incident. Because it didn’t happen? Or it was happening and we were ignoring it?..."

January 16, 2018 7:19 AM  
Anonymous ...where racism rules supreme said...

"...Flash forward to 2017 and 2018, and stories just like the one in The Washington Post — reporting on the incident over the weekend and quoting law enforcement agencies that are investigating it — are appearing all over the country. Google “KKK fliers.” From Maine to Washington, California to Florida, they’re becoming as popular as those impossibly cheap carpet cleaning coupons you can’t get away from.

The Southern Poverty Law Center found 329 fliering incidents on nearly 250 college campuses since March 2016. My colleague Joe Heim wrote about how hate groups are making an unprecedented push to recruit on college campuses.

“I think it isn’t surprising at all that this is happening right now. I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner,” said one of the Aurora Court neighbors who found the racist flier.

“I think these people are emboldened,” he said.

The other night, he and his wife were at the local Wegmans. He saw a Hispanic family in the crosswalk and watched as a car drove past them and the driver spewed nasty stuff at the family, telling them something like, “Trump will get rid of you.”

“This is something I have never seen before. But there it was, invoking his name right there,” the man said. “That tells you what’s happening and where this is coming from.”

This guy should know. He’s a 46-year-old who works in the intelligence community for the federal government and is a world traveler. He said he couldn’t have his name in the paper. But he wanted me to know he’s got some perspective on this.

“I’m from Georgia,” he said. “And I’ve never seen a KKK flier before this.”

The degree — rather than the existence — of President Trump’s racism took up most of the national conversation over the weekend.

Some cowardly birdbrain dropping Ku Klux Klan fliers in a quiet, suburban neighborhood may not be earth-shattering news. Yes, maybe it’s just a kid who wants to make the papers. It’s probably not a national security issue, and it certainly doesn’t define the character of that street, that neighborhood, the state or our country.

But it is thriving in the darkness, growing and emboldening. Whoever left those fliers truly believed there was fertile ground for those seeds of hatred.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that,” Martin Luther King Jr. taught us.

So we have to keep shining that light. It’s too late to think that darkness will make any of this go away."

January 16, 2018 7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dr. King's dream is our dream, it is the American dream, it's the promise stitched into the fabric of our nation, etched into the hearts of our people and written into the soul of humankind. It is the dream of a world where people are judged by who they are, not how they look or where they are from,"

Donald Trump, January 15, 2018

"Worshipers at the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Largo, Maryland, said the Vice President grew visibly red-faced as the Rev. Maurice Watson called Trump out for his vulgar comments last week about Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations"

please. how many worshipers said this? is this description something they came up with or were they egged on by the biased press?

NY Times reporter: "excuse me, sir, how did Mike Pence react to the pastor's sermon, did he get red-faced or anything?"

person trying to attend church in peace: " I looked over and he looked like his face may have been a little red, but maybe it was the sun coming through the stained glass"

I've sat in worship services near Mike Pence several times, and preachers often make statements that may challenge the congregation. That's what preachers do. I've never seen Pence look angry.

Trump's statement has been denounced roundly and bipartisanly, and I'm quite sure it's not one Pence would make.

Are there any pictures of this allegedly red-faced Pence?

"According to reports, Trump told lawmakers during an Oval Office meeting that he preferred immigrants from places like Norway over “shithole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations."

unfortunately, there has not been a complete and accurate quote, in context, produced

while the characterization of some immigrants is clearly objectionable, it is worth noting that he didn't make it publicly, or with any press present

so, even if the quote is completely accurate, he not trying to lead Americans to this view

and his point, to the four lawmakers present, may have been that we should encourage a more diverse group of immigrants and not just floods of people fleeing troubled societies

as for the next two posts about flyers from the KKK being passed out in Loudoun County, I'd say it would only be worth press coverage if there's any indication those flyers were having success in recruiting new racists

the KKK is fringe group that really deserves no attention

there is a liberal press, however, that would love to see the KKK thrive

the politicians they support need racism to be alive and well so they can use it to secure support from voters

January 16, 2018 8:41 AM  
Anonymous How soon they forget said...

"there is a liberal press, however, that would love to see the KKK thrive"

Liberal press? You mean Trump with his America First motto borrowed from the 1920s KKK :

Where did Donald Trump's America First slogan come from? Sinister history of President's buzz phrase is revealed

The new US president has repeatedly uttered the slogan as part of his policy focus on putting the interests of his country above all else.

But history reveals the phrase has a dark history.

Trump said in his inauguration speech: “From this day forward it’s going to be only America first. America first.”

Historian Susan Dunn has highlights the phrase's disturbing roots in American fascism.

The America First Committee was founded in 1940 and opposed US involvement in World War II.

It had 800,000 members across the country – but that included the notoriously anti-Semitic Henry Ford and Avery Brundage.

Former US Olympic Committee chairman Brundage once banned two Jewish runners from participating in relay final and he was removed from the committee alongside Ford.

But that did not stop allegations of anti-Semitism after a speech given by one of the AFC’s most famous spokesmen Charles Lindbergh.

He suggested in 1941 that Jews should be opposing war “in every possible way for they will be among the first to feel its consequences”.

Lindbergh continued: “Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.”

The speech was labelled anti-Semitic with New York Times columnist Dorothy Thompson accusing him of being “pro-Nazi”.

Decades later in 2000 the phrase was used by Pat Buchanan as a slogan for his Reform Party presidential run – but he was branded a “Hitler lover” by Trump who was seeking the nomination himself at the time.

NPR’s Ron Elving said: “Assuming he is aware of at least some of that history, Trump is demonstrating his confidence that his adoption of a phrase can supersede its past.”

And now look what Trump has morphed into:

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville

January 16, 2018 1:39 PM  
Blogger David Nu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

July 28, 2018 7:47 AM  
Blogger David Nu said...

Trump has no centre political standards, he embraces whatever he supposes will win him the most support. He doesn't care the slightest bit about being president and endeavouring to encourage the nation. Please share all latest Trump news

July 28, 2018 7:49 AM  

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