Thursday, December 13, 2007

CR-Whatever Compiling List Gullible People

I am just looking at this flyer put out by the Citizens for a Responsible Whatever, shaking my head. They are trying to get signatures for a referendum to repeal the new bill that makes it illegal to discriminate against people because of their gender identity.

If you're like me, you will be wondering why it is that they want to keep discrimination legal.

Here's their explanation -- this sentence is bolded and underlined in the flyer:
The County has with its collective official pen just erased biological distinctions between a man and a woman.

Let's say evolution has been working on the planet for three and a half billion years. That's a rough estimate, but it gives you the idea. Sexual reproduction first appeared a little more than a billion years ago, male and female organisms. Homo sapiens -- "biological men and women" -- have been around for about 200,000 years, as far as anybody can tell.

Now erased.

The Montgomery County Council is made up of a generally progressive group of elected officials, put into office by the citizens of the county to represent them. The Council felt unanimously that it would be worthwhile to prevent discrimination against people who don't fit standard stereotypes of gender expression. There aren't very many transgender people out there, maybe a thousand in the whole county, but they do get treated badly, and there are other degrees of gender identity nonconformity that are targeted for discrimination -- effeminate men, masculine women, and even extremely macho men and extremely feminine women. Whatever, gender identity is not going to be a dimension that you can use for deciding whether to hire somebody, pick them up in your taxi, serve them in your restaurant, etc.

That doesn't seem like a big deal to me, does it to you? The law already existed, protecting people on the basis of their skin color, their ethnic background, their religion, their sex, and other things, the county just added something to it.

To the CR-whatever, this amounts to "erasing biological distinctions between a man and a woman."

Listen, most of us are unambiguously male or female. We feel like what we look like. The County Council didn't erase that or change it in any way.

Some people don't fit the standard pattern. Some people really do feel, persistently over decades of living, that their mind and their body are mismatched. The County Council didn't cause this to happen, it has always happened. It's not a big deal, except to the person who feels that way, and they have to choose whether to live as others expect them to, or to live as they feel. What do you think is the right choice there? That's an easy one, I think everybody understands that it is not an evil thing, it's a good thing to be true to your heart, to express yourself as you really are, if it doesn't hurt anything or anybody. I think everybody understands that living a lie is not morally superior or good for you.

Look around, see the effect of this law: nothing. Nobody erased any distinction. There are still men and women, and this law doesn't change them or redefine them or anything else. There were already, and still are, people who blur the boundary or cross over it, and this law doesn't redefine them or anything else. It just says that in some cases you can't discriminate against them.

They say they need 25,000 valid signatures to get this on the ballot. If they do that, it will mean that 25,000 people who live here believe that the Montgomery County Council has the power to "erase biological distinctions between men and women," and has done that.

They are looking for 25,000 people who will believe anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The County has with its collective official pen just erased biological distinctions between a man and a woman."

Wow, the pen truly is mightier than the scalpel.

December 13, 2007 3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea-not anon
Nah, CRC is just dumber than dirt.

December 13, 2007 7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you're like me, you will be wondering why it is that they want to keep discrimination legal."

TT-False again. Pretending to not understand life.

Using "discrimination" as a blanket vice.

Some "discrimination" based om physical characteristics has been temporarily banned to ameliorate certain harsh social conditions faced by a large segment of society. Groups like TT-False manipulate this situation to try to get government to endorse controversial behavior. Their goal is the end of social conventions.

"Discrimination" based on voluntary behavior is called freedom of association.

December 13, 2007 10:55 PM  
Blogger BlackTsunami said...

behavior? so you are pushing the lie that homosexuality is based on sexual intercourse rather than sexual orientation. the two are not alike.

also, there is a difference between freedom of association and denying someone a job or a house because you do not like their sexual orientation. again, the two are not alike

December 13, 2007 11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"behavior? so you are pushing the lie that homosexuality is based on sexual intercourse rather than sexual orientation. the two are not alike."

Behavior? I was talking about the expressing something incompatible with your biology, as the MCPS bill states. That's the behavior I'm talking about. Pretending you're female when you are male. And I'm not in favor of banning this behavior. I just don't think government should protect it from the risk of social disapproval.

Can you guys get your stupid story straight, btw? Why do you say transgenderism and homosexuality are different in argument and then use them interchangeably yourself? Could it be that all your arguments are shameless falsehoods?

"also, there is a difference between freedom of association and denying someone a job or a house because you do not like their sexual orientation. again, the two are not alike"

Actually, they're not. Economic relationships require interaction.

December 14, 2007 1:12 AM  
Blogger BlackTsunami said...

actually we do not use the term "interchangeably." that is something you obviously interpreted in your straw man argument.

and i don't know what you mean by the comment about pretending to be male when you are female. That is your interpretation, which by the way, is NOT backed by any credible medical or psychiatric information.

December 14, 2007 7:51 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Bell-quake said "Groups like TTF manipulate this situation to try to get government to endorse controversial behavior. Their goal is the end of social conventions.".

Cut the hyperbole, TTF is trying to end discrimination on the basis of gender identity, not trying to end social conventions - that's absurd. The governement isn't endorsing any behavior controversial or not, its protecting those who are women inside from discrimination on the basis of who they are.

Bell-quake said ""Discrimination" based on voluntary behavior is called freedom of association.".

So, then you'd be in favour of discrimination based upon the voluntary behavior of religion.

Feeling like a woman when you have male genitals or being same sex attracted is not a voluntary behavior so by your own definition such discrimination is not justified, but discrimination on the basis of religion is. If you're all for freedom of association then people should have the right not to hire or rent to Christians.

December 14, 2007 12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bell-quake said...
"TT-False again. Pretending to not understand life.
Can you guys get your stupid story straight, btw?
Could it be that all your arguments are shameless falsehoods?"

You’re confusing your stupid stories and falsehoods with the reporting of your stupid stories and falsehoods. It’s a common theme amongst your type.

"The real issue with these people is not their specific faiths. It's their addiction to thinking they are right. It's an addiction to believing they have a corner on the market of truth. In other words, it's an addiction to a "made-truth," that is, to a belief that the truths they've created in their minds are indeed absolute truths and that everyone else must be made to believe in the same truths lest they perish.

They are addicts. And like other addicts, they do not respond to logic or sound arguments. Like other addicts, in order to feel good, they must believe that their made-truth is the only reality, and they must, therefore, defend that truth against any outside influence. Like other addicts, anyone who threatens to keep them from believing their made-truths is seen as a threat to their own good feelings - or in other words, to be opposed to their brand of made-truth is to be a threat to their personal value as humans, and thus they will attack with ferocity anyone who even questions their veracity."

December 14, 2007 3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
Thanks, Emproph- now I understand why theresa and N. anon get so upset when I say they are liars. They think they are telling the truth with the stories they make up. So they are deluded and addicted to their problem- not just run of the mill liars. Not that I think any better of them for it- but I like the explanation for the total lack of recall and illogic they display.

December 14, 2007 7:02 PM  

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