Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chicago's Talking About Us

The Chicago Tribune took a stab yesterday at writing about our current Montgomery County controversy regarding the gender identity nondiscrimination law. It's pretty long, and I'm not sure I can select passages that represent the twists and turns this piece takes. It starts by talking about our friend Maryanne.
WASHINGTON — Maryanne Arnow has learned not to cringe at the stares and whispers that follow her whenever she leaves her house.

Arnow, 42 and a resident of Montgomery County in Maryland, was born male. But on her birthday five years ago, she said, she realized she didn't fit in her own skin, and she began transitioning that day. Now living as a woman, she wears make-up and dresses, paints her toenails and worries about how her long hair looks.

She also struggles to pay her bills, because she can't find a job. She said she was fired by the country club where she cooked when her bosses found out she was switching her gender, and now no one will hire her. "Everyone is worried what the other employees will think," she said. "It's just sad."

The lawmakers of Montgomery County, a wealthy and generally liberal enclave outside Washington, D.C., responded to such stories by enacting a measure earlier this year that forbids discrimination based on gender identity. Thirteen states and about 90 municipalities have similar protections, including Illinois, which passed its law in 2005. Chicago has had a similar policy in place since 2002.

What was different in Montgomery County was what happened next. A group called Maryland Citizens for Responsible Government launched a campaign called "Not in My Shower" to repeal the measure through a voter referendum. Last month, a judge ruled that the county must put the question on the ballot in November.

Proponents of the bill have promised to appeal. If they fail, this will be the first time voters decide the fate of gender-identity legislation. Transgender protections trigger backlash, referendum

So far this is all right, I don't see them taking sides, do you?
This potential precedent has groups on both sides of the issue watching closely. Transgender rights advocates say it is dangerous to allow the majority to decide which minorities deserve rights. Conservative activists view the Maryland fight as a test case for overturning transgender protection laws nationwide.

"These laws have been passed mostly without controversy," said Chris Edelson, state legislative director for the Human Rights Coalition. "The concern is that people will say, 'Let's repeal these laws.' "

TheNot in My Shower campaign is not focusing on whether gender change is immoral but asserts that cross-dressing men could use women's restrooms and locker rooms, and possibly assault the women. "Our concern is this would leave the door wide open for an individual to dress as a woman, giving him access to private areas," said Michelle Turner, a spokeswoman for Not in My Shower.

The ordinance's supporters say transgender individuals have never been accused of harassing anyone this way. But that has not dissuaded opponents from making their case, sometimes vividly.

One of the group's fliers shows a gaggle of happy kids and a mom in a pool. "It's pool time!" the flier says. "But who will you and your children see in the showers? ... Your fines could actually be as high as $5,000 for failing to accept a man in a dress as a female or for complaining about indecent exposure when the male undresses right next to a young girl in the female locker room."

I love it that they're calling the shower-nuts "Not in My Shower." It's got a real ring to it, don't you think?

Our top-secret surveillance experts have important evidence that some officers of Not in My Shower actually have unisex bathrooms in their own homes!

Obviously there is a culture war going on. It's fading somewhat, as tolerance and good-heartedness win out on nearly every front, but there are persistent pockets of bigots out there who demand that everybody should be like them. So you can't stop fighting, you can't loosen up, you have to stop them. Just a few years ago they almost took over this country, it's true their influence has weakened but they're still out there, we even have them in blue Montgomery County.

There's a lot more, if you're following this controversy you should click on the link and read the rest. Looks like there's a huge free-for-all in their comments section, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While visiting the Montgomery County Fair on Monday, I had the misfortune of being confronted by an intimidating member of the Citizens for Rotten Government in front of their booth.
After asking whether I was a voter in M.C., the "gentleman" thrust a printed sheet in my face with the admonition that: "I know you will vote against allowing transgenders to use women's rest rooms in Montgomery County." The sheer audacity of his remark left me speechless...all I could do was crumple up the sheet and toss it back into his face and walk on. The C.R.G.ers continue to spout their immoral distortion of the intent of the anti-discrimination measure!
Then, yesterday, I read Jim's blog about the Chicago Tribune article on the situation here in M.C. I read all of the printed responses to the article, most of which exhibited complete ignorance of the situation here in M.C. but who were quite anxious to pass judgement on our citizens. I was completely stunned at the anti-transgender, homophobic, and bigoted, ignorant remarks posted there.
The thought that crossed my mind was: We do not need to be worry about being brought down by external terrorists - we have them right here in the U.S.
They are the small- minded people whose concept of democracy is a perverted mixture
of anti- democratic ideas and theocratic double-talk, combined with ignorance, fear, and hatred of people who are different from the majority of us, who are eroding the foundations of our democratic society and its belief in "equal justice for all" and belief in the dignity of all people.
I am concerned that the campaign to distort the meaning of the anti-discrimination measure exhibited so far by the zealots from C.R.G. might actually resonate with too many voters unless we exert more effort to counter the lies, distortions, and hate spouted by C.R.G. Complacency on the part of those of us who support equal rights for all of our citizens cannot guarantee support for this referendum question.

August 13, 2008 10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
Oh, no, Showernuts at the county fair! that is worse than pig poop! Oh, well, I think they know the look of disgust on my face when I get near them- the showernuts- not the pigs.

August 13, 2008 3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PFOX comes to the Arlington County Fair each year. I'm not real clear on why.

I wonder about PFOX. Do they only operate in our area? I know they've made a big fuss about the NEA not having them at their convention.


August 13, 2008 4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh, no, Showernuts at the county fair! that is worse than pig poop! Oh, well, I think they know the look of disgust on my face when I get near them- the showernuts- not the pigs."

Oh no!

I think you've got it, Andrea.

Every once in a while, a TTF member develops an unhealthy interest in fecal matter. (I know. I know. I'm just a bigot.)

My advice, Anje, is go see your friend who's a mental health professional. You know, the one that psychoanalyzed John Edwards and Ted Haggart with such brilliantly original insight.

Maybe the good doctor can figure you out too.

"While visiting the Montgomery County Fair on Monday, I had the misfortune of being confronted by an intimidating member of the Citizens for Rotten Government in front of their booth.
After asking whether I was a voter in M.C., the "gentleman" thrust a printed sheet in my face with the admonition that: "I know you will vote against allowing transgenders to use women's rest rooms in Montgomery County." The sheer audacity of his remark left me speechless...all I could do was crumple up the sheet and toss it back into his face and walk on. The C.R.G.ers continue to spout their immoral distortion of the intent of the anti-discrimination measure!"

You know, I think this whole story is just a lie. No one "thrust" anything in his face. He wasn't "speechless" to hear someone say they know he will vote with the majority. He didn't throw any crumpled up paper at anyone's face.

It's all a lie.

"Then, yesterday, I read Jim's blog about the Chicago Tribune article on the situation here in M.C. I read all of the printed responses to the article, most of which exhibited complete ignorance of the situation here in M.C. but who were quite anxious to pass judgement on our citizens. I was completely stunned at the anti-transgender, homophobic, and bigoted, ignorant remarks posted there."

You lived on this planet long?

"The thought that crossed my mind was: We do not need to be worry about being brought down by external terrorists - we have them right here in the U.S.
They are the small- minded people whose concept of democracy is a perverted mixture
of anti- democratic ideas and theocratic double-talk, combined with ignorance, fear, and hatred of people who are different from the majority of us, who are eroding the foundations of our democratic society and its belief in "equal justice for all" and belief in the dignity of all people."

Well, if you feel that's what life has been like, you must be very worried.

So then, you think leaving the law has it has always been will be the equivalent of being brought down by terrorists?

You might want to get the name of the mental health professional that Andrea has been talking to.

"I am concerned that the campaign to distort the meaning of the anti-discrimination measure exhibited so far by the zealots from C.R.G. might actually resonate with too many voters"

Watch out! You're starting to develop a grip on reality.

"unless we exert more effort to counter the lies, distortions, and hate spouted by C.R.G. Complacency on the part of those of us who support equal rights for all of our citizens cannot guarantee support for this referendum question.

Please don't exert yourself.

August 13, 2008 11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a really great tactic, Anon, suggesting everyone who disagrees with you should see a mental health professional. When you have nothing to say to defend your fellow homophobes' behavior, the anonymous personal attack is always a good fallback position, right? I mean, we wouldn't want you to exert yourself.

Another "Anonymous" fan

August 14, 2008 7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"suggesting everyone who disagrees with you should see a mental health professional"

Not everyone, fan.

Just those abnormally attracted to excretory metaphors and, especially, those who believe that opposing special protection for guys who wear girls' clothes is the equivalent of terrorism.

You gotta admit, regardless of your position on the special protection bill, that RT is crazy. The evidence would hold up in any court in the land.


August 14, 2008 8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh brother, Sybil.

Who is it that comes here day after day and demonstrates an obsessively 'abnormal attraction' to things like excretory metaphors ? You, that's who. You have been demonstrating your obsessive need to put LGBT citizens down for months. You want to repeal Bill 23-07, which will keep discrimination in housing and employment legal here in Montgomery County even though the bill does not apply to accomodations that are distinctly private or personal like bathrooms.

Shame on you.

August 14, 2008 9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who is it that comes here day after day and demonstrates an obsessively 'abnormal attraction' to things like excretory metaphors ?"

Today, that would be Andrea. It's a phenomena that pops up from time to time in the TTF community. She needs help before it gets out of control. She apparently talks to a mental health professional so that's a start.

"You been deminstrating your obsesive need too putt LGBT citizens doun for mounths. You want to repeel Bill 23-07, witch whill keep discriminashon in howsing and employmant legil hear in Mongomery Conty even thow the bill not apply to acomodashens that are distinckly privet or persanal like bathruums."

Caunt Bea Normal, I oppose any special protection for guys who dress like girls. Anyone who wants to discourage such behavior should be free to so by refraining to associate with such a person.

I only bring up bathrooms when TTF tries to lie and say that the bill wouldn't impact that area. The bill does but that is only one of its many egregious elements.

August 14, 2008 9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, "Anon-deluxe), but everything I said about my experience at the Fair is TRUTH! (Where you actually there to observe this confrontation?)
I know it is difficult, if not impossible for you to recognize truth when you are confronted with it...but, unlike you, I am not in the habit of lying...even more so in a public forum (unlike you, I have respect for myself)! He and I did exactly what I said!!
You and your CRG buddies are piteous and immoral people. You will resort to any unethical language and behavior to force your irresponsible and hateful ideas on other people. And on top of all of that...you actually believe you are funny! Fortunately too many people who recognize this site are all too aware of your sniveling and unctuous blabber. Begone...you are a pox on humanity!

August 14, 2008 3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, unlike "Anon-Deluxe) snort, snort - I am not in the habit of not signing my comments. I omitted it by error in my response to his calling me a liar.


August 14, 2008 3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous - why don't you go back to your job at PFOX or Focus on the Family or whatever right-wing wacko group hired you to be the resident troll on this blog site?
An "Anonymous" fan

August 14, 2008 3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"everything I said about my experience at the Fair is TRUTH!"

No. You're lying.

No one "thrust" a printed sheet in your face. They may have handed it to you.

You weren't speechless at his audacity. You no doubt had quite a lot to say.

You didn't toss a crumpled sheet of paper at his face. If you had, he'd probably had you arrested, as you should have been.

You may have seen a CRG member at the fair. You may have even exchanged thoughts.

The rest of your story is a about as likely as Georgia attacking Putin's peeps unprovoked.

You're using the TTF fascist strategy.

August 14, 2008 5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Anonymous , what did you think about Regina's story last year about the "gay activists" assaulting the poor persecuted "ex-gays" at last year's Arlington Fair? The right-wing blogosphere went to town with that one.

Did you buy Theresa's "cross-dresser in the ladies' locker room" story?

In my own experience to the two of them, given the way that they have treated me personally, I myself take what Regina and Theresa have to say with a grain of salt (or, to be honest, the entire salt lick).

Your response to RT, on the other hand, doesn't come across as doubting or questioning, but rather as ranting; it's a little over the top. Feeling less able to show how much smarter than the rest of us you are, and just reverting to name-calling? Maybe you need a time-out.

Always yours,


August 14, 2008 5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither fascists nor shower nuts are known for being inclusive. Fascists in Germany didn't like people who were non-Aryan so they enacted laws to limit non-Aryans' freedoms, put them in concentration camps, gas chambers, incinerators and mass graves so they wouldn't have to "associate" with people they considered to be degenerate. It took a World War to end their reign.

Closer to home, we have the shower nuts who do not like people who are non-straight and do not want to associate with them. We already know they will lie to keep oppressive laws on the books. Who knows how far they'll go?

On the other hand, TTF is about freedom and equal rights for all citizens, regardless of age, race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, handicap, national origin, or marital status.


August 14, 2008 6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great synopsis, mom.


August 14, 2008 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"On the other hand, TTF is about freedom and equal rights for all citizens, regardless of age, race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, handicap, national origin, or marital status."

When people are forced to hire people they don't think will do a good job. When they are forced to house people who don't share their values. When they are forced into transactions with those the government wants them to transact with.

That's not freedom anywhere but fictional worlds dreamed up by George Orwell.

That's a cultural revolution.

Ask Chairman Mao for some tips.

And go shopping for some plain gray straight jackets.

August 14, 2008 7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your response to RT, on the other hand, doesn't come across as doubting or questioning, but rather as ranting; it's a little over the top."

You call the response to RT ranting?

Look, Robert, you and I both know he's lying.

Hopefully, he'll come clean and not make you guys look any worse.

August 14, 2008 7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For myself, RT, I believe you wholeheartedly.

Just ignore the electronic pseudobully. He/she/it is just trying to goad us into saying something CRG can use. That's what he/she/it gets paid for.


August 14, 2008 7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea- not anon
having been at the Fair today(and seen but avoided the showernuts)- there is the need to be careful of where one walks if you go to see all the animals. Is that an unnatural interest in fecal matter?- I think it is MN anon and its friends who have the big interest in bathrooms and what they imagine goes on there- pretty sure Ruth brought it before the School board more than once .
And MN anon- my surgeon can't help you- he doesn't do brain transplants.

August 14, 2008 8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that was a surgeon?

I thought it was some psychological expert the way he tosses around opinions about everyone's secret thought life.

How disappointing!

Another person whose opinion TTFers cling to that doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.

August 14, 2008 9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anon-Deluxe" Your psychotic delusional response to a factual situation is a bit scary! You come to this site to play out your own inadequacies by transferring your own shortcomings onto other people. It is you who are living the lie! I recommend that you read M. Scott Peck's "People of the Lie" in which he perfectly describes people like you. That might be a good first step in regaining any sanity and mental health you might have had at one time in your sad life.
You may call me a liar as much as you want to but that doesn't change the truth of what happened in front of the CRG booth at the county fair. You can create any scenario that fits your distorted sense of reality but it doesn't make you the expert - as if you were involved in the situation. Perhaps you were the one who was there spreading misinformation about 23-07? That might explain your bizarre rantings in your feeble attempt to get you off the hook for your rude and reprehensible behavior.
Your attacks against me (not to say your repugnant attacks on others here) will henceforth be ignored because you are not worth the time and I sentence you to the "time-out corner" to regain your lost adult composure.
Get a life troll!

August 14, 2008 9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's really interesting is that someone could read RT's comments and then believe they could get any mileage out of saying my response is a rant.

"You may call me a liar as much as you want to"

Oh, good. Because I think it's obvious you made up the whole thing to impress your fellow lunatics.

Everyone else thinks so too.

August 15, 2008 12:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

anon-deluxe said...

"Everyone else thinks so too."

How is it even possible to think for everyone else?

August 15, 2008 4:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon can only ever speak for itself and it's the only one who has expressed doubts about RT's experience at the fair with the shower nuts. Reasonable people know RT is telling the truth because RT is not the only person to report such behavior on the part of the shower nuts. The shower nuts shout their fear and hatred without compunction at anyone who dares to disagree with them because they think they have God on their side. We already know these zealots got into an argument with Mike Knapp on Primary Election Day, their gimmie cap wearing, cigarette smoking supporter suggested Andrea should have been aborted, and one of their crazy lady supporters yelled and screamed at Tish at a Giant store, etc.

Anon-deluded, like other shower nuts is not a reasonable person. AD comes here day after day, night after sleepless night, acting as if its a psychiatrist, medical doctor, theologian, philosopher, investigator, geneticist, and altruist who knows everything about everything.

August 15, 2008 7:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weppy Ruth, the CRC/CRG/Showernuts official expert, is not a psychiatrist but claims and is used as their excuse for their BS "knowledge" about gay people. I am sure my surgeon has as much right and knowledge to give his opinion as Ruthie- and he doesn't do it in public forums as an "expert".

Correction,Aunt Bea- little baseball cap guy just screamed at me to leave, shoved me and claimed the police told him on his cell phone that I had to leave( I wonder if his cell phoine tells him other stuff). It was strange old white haired guy who yelled that I should be aborted. I was glad to see that the right wing is not united in its anti-abortion stance.

August 15, 2008 10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ernst the Anonymous loses the argument, by Rigby's corollary.

August 15, 2008 5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the first person witness correction, Andrea.

August 15, 2008 9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ernst the Anonymous loses the argument, by Rigby's corollary."

looks like our unstable slimeball has delusions of grandeur

hey, U.S., yer buddy, Caunt Bea Known, posts here anonymously

has does the bald corollary work fer fer?

August 16, 2008 11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go again.


August 16, 2008 3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I put up a comment, I take responsibility for my words by signing my name, unlike the various anonymi who don't. Even when I go too fast and forget to sign, I come back and point out which comments are mine.

Anon couldn't do that to save its soul. Anon has launched yet another name calling session from the shadows on our friend and teacher, Robert, who is open and honest day after day in his posts here. Thank you, Robert.

Anon, you should be ashamed of yourself for acting like a cowardly bigot.

August 17, 2008 10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bea.

I will caution everyone who blogs here to remember that anyhing they write in cyberspace can persist for years, and be used by opponents. Certainly, statements I have made on this blog have been quoted on the CRC website, and personal information shared years ago (when I was more trusting and naive) with Regina Griggs have been the subject of an attempt to discredit me and TTF on the CRC website. All groups in this exchange have acquired information from what their writers thought were private communications.

As for Anonymous, as much as I enjoy teasing him, I've come to the conclusion that he has other motives than the obvious, narcissistic, pleasure of annoying people on this blog. I've convinced that his general purpose is to provoke genuine people into posting statements that can be used against them or TTF; he may be aid for this, he may be a volunteer, or he may just have taken it on. I hate to sound paranoid, but I've been burned. There seems to be something about opposition to LGBT people that leads otherwise kind people to all sorts of underhanded methods.


August 17, 2008 11:49 AM  

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