Friday, September 10, 2010

Comments Disappearance Explained

Lately comments have been mysteriously disappearing here, and I just figured out why. Blogger recently added a new feature, a spam filter, and apparently there are particular words or phrases that trigger it inappropriately. Comments marked as spam are saved in a folder that I have access to, and I can release them.

So if your comments disappear, please send an email to info at and as soon as I see it I will publish your comment. Hopefully they will improve this feature over time -- we do get spam occasionally, and everything in this folder so far is a legitimate comment, deleted erroneously.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's a plot by Duchy


September 10, 2010 2:52 PM  
Anonymous stats don't lie said...

"(Sept. 10) -- President Barack Obama accused Republicans of playing political games, and asked voters to give a Democratic-controlled Congress more time to crank up the economic recovery."

oh, sure, Barry

take all the time you need

and could you and your wife put off jet-setting around the world until the unemployment rate returns to, say, the worst it was during the eight years of George W's administration?

here some stats for you to shoot for:

unemployment in each December of the George Bush presidency

2001 5.7
2002 6.0
2003 5.7
2004 5.4
2005 4.5
2006 4.4
2007 4.9
2008 7.2

now, for you, Barry

December 2009 10
August 2010 9.6

maybe you should give Dubya a call and ask him what to do

so, Barry, you would have us believe that though Republicans are in the minority in the House and the Senate and don't hold the White House, they are still able to control the economy and mess it up so your buddies can't win in November?

if they're that good, we need them running America

September 11, 2010 8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, and she's also responsible for the GOTPers sitting on their asses for two years, refusing to pass jobs creating legislation while faking concern with deficits when we know they believe what Cheney verbalized, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter."

And now Ohio's GOP Senator "Voinovich said he could no longer support efforts by Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky to delay the vote on a package of small-business incentives in hopes of winning the right to offer additional GOP amendments. Most of the proposed amendments “didn’t have anything to do with the bill,’’ anyway, Voinovich said, and amounted merely to partisan “messaging.’’

“We don’t have time for messaging. We don’t have time anymore. This country is really hurting,’’ Voinovich said."

September 11, 2010 8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"maybe you should give Dubya a call and ask him what to do"

And there we have it! LOLOL!! Some fool wants to go back to the misleadership of George W. Bush!

The only thing Duby knows how to do is drive the US economy off a cliff into a freefall ala Thema and Louise!

Here's a handy chart about the unemployment rate during the last year of Bush's eight year term in office:

It climbed higher every month from May to January while GOTPers claimed "our economy is sound."

Obama has created more jobs in less than 2 years in office than George Bush created in all 8 years of his Presidency and Bush took an economy that was showing a surplus and left it with over a trillion dollar deficit.

Review the bikini graph of job losses here:

Thanks for admitting the truth, Anon. You are so delusional that you imagine George W. Bush actually had any of his "Missions Accomplished" and you wrongly believe he did good things for employment and the economy in this country.

The truth is that all Dumbya did was bankrupt us during his 8 year spending spree.

Good luck selling a return to George W. Bush's policies to voters this year!

September 11, 2010 8:56 AM  
Anonymous LOL when I think of Dems voting Obama said...

as I showed above, Bush keep unemployment half of what Obama has while maintaining deficits that were a fraction of Obama's

and you don't "leave" someone with a deficit

it's a year to year thing and Obama can propose a more balanced budget anytime

compared to Obama's, Bush had balanced budgets

September 11, 2010 11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

obama has spent more so far then all 8 years of the bush presidency combined.

bush didn't run trillion and 1/2 dollar deficits that's obama.
Bush was running 500 billion dollar deficits (also terrible).
Bush added about 4 trillion to the deficit during all 8 years of his administration which Obama has already MATCHED in 20 months.

wikipedia is not a very conservative source ....

September 11, 2010 1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice you didn't want to talk about this graph offered at the Wikipedia page you mentioned. What does this graph show? That since 1940, 5 of the 6 Democratic Presidents have lowered the "US Federal Debt as a Percent of GDP" while only 3 of 6 Republican Presidents have been so successful. On the flip side, this graph also shows that once FDR spent enough stimulus money on WWII to finally end the Great Depression, 3 of 6 GOP Presidents have left office with "US Federal Debt as a Percent of GDP" rising, but no Democratic President has.

History demonstrates that since 1940, every Democratic President has left the National Debt as a Percent of GDP lower than when they took office. Only half the GOP Presidents since 1940 have managed that feat.

Here's another graph showing "Income Growth Rates 1948-2005."

It shows that when there's a Republican in the White House, income grows nearly five times as fast for the richest as it does for the poorest (1.9% vs. 0.4%. But when there's a Democrat in the White House, these Income Percentile growth rates ranged from 2.1% to 2.6% across all income levels. In other words, the GOP moves income to folks who are already top earners while starving the lower and middle class, but Democrats enable income percentiles to grow more equally and more greatly across all income levels. Even the richest do better under Democrats (2.1% increase) than under the GOP (1.9% increase).

Rich wage earners, middle class wage earners, and poor wage earners all improve their earnings under Democratic Presidents, but this is not true under GOP Presidents.

History demonstrates that since 1948, Democratic Presidents have improved earnings across all income percentiles better than GOP Presidents have.

Voters should remember it's the Democratic Party that produces the highest increase in income across the board while the GOP only produces big increases in income to fat cats.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

September 11, 2010 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

URL of Income Growth Rates 1948-2005 graph:

September 11, 2010 4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A small group of six Christian activists led by Randall Terry took part in an anti-Muslim demonstration outside the White House on Saturday. One of the protesters reportedly ripped pages out of the Koran.

"Part of why we're doing that, please hear me: the charade that Islam is a peaceful religion must end," said Terry, well-known for his antics as an anti-abortion rights activist.

Andrew Beacham, who described himself as the leader of a Tea Party group from Indiana, ripped pages from an English paperback version of the Koran, then placed the ripped pages in a plastic trash bag.

"The only reason I will not burn it at the White House is because to burn anything on the Capitol grounds is a felony," Beacham said, according to AFP.

Terry dismissed concerns that Sept. 11 was being politicized, saying that he wouldn't "let the tail wag the dog."

September 11, 2010 5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama blew it on the the whole Koran-burning thing

instead of using the entire military apparatus to pressure someone into not exercising their freedom of speech, he should have appealed to Muslim masses to understand that we are a diverse nation and any one of can say whatever we want

he should have suggested they consider adopting the same policy

ironic that a few weeks ago, the elite was saying we can't blame all Muslims for 9/11

but now endorsing the idea that one guy and his church of 50 represent all Americans

once again, Obama is not equipped for the position he's in

"SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Sept. 12) - A series of raucous tea party rallies around the country on Sunday focused on the Nov. 2 election.

"We are your everyday, average, churchgoing families, we represent the majority of people in this nation, and we're ready to take back our government," said Pam Pinkston of Fair Oaks, Calif., one of about 4,000 people to attend Sacramento's "United to the Finish" gathering.

Thousands of tea party activists also turned up at rallies in Washington, D.C., and St. Louis to spread their message of smaller government and focus their political movement on the pivotal congressional elections in November.

Several thousand people marched along Pennsylvania Avenue from the Washington Monument to the Capitol, many carrying signs reading "Congress You're Fired" and "Let Failures Fail" and "Impeach Obama."

"It wouldn't bother me to make a clean sweep," said Michael Power of Decatur, Ala., endorsing term limits for members of Congress. "There are some good ones, but we can lose those."

Leslie and Gary Morrison of Redding drove 150 south to the former McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento with their dog Phoebe, just two weeks after flying to Washington to attend a large rally hosted by conservative commentator Glenn Beck. They said they liked the feeling of solidarity at the tea party events.

"This is a way to get people focused before the election," Leslie Morrison said. "And it's a way to get the tea party's true numbers seen."

Many attending the various rallies wore red, white and blue clothing and carried yellow flags with the picture of a snake coiled above the inscription "Don't Tread On Me."

In Sacramento, speakers railed against health care reform, the economic stimulus and President Barack Obama while standing in front of a 12-foot plastic replica of the Statue of Liberty.

In St. Louis, crowds packed the area between the Gateway Arch and the Mississippi River while a band dressed in powdered wigs and 18th century clothing belted out KISS's "I Want to Rock 'N Roll All Night."

Organizers say the events intended to call attention to what they describe as big government run amok."

September 12, 2010 7:34 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

Anon asserted:

“Instead of using the entire military apparatus to pressure someone into not exercising their freedom of speech”

How can you possibly make statements like this and not expect people to wonder what kind of drugs you have been ingesting?

Most of our entire military apparatus is still stuck in Bush’s War of Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. If there really HAD been an effort to stifle his speech, you can rest assured Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Fox News would have filled the airwaves of how Obama was trying to take away the country’s First Amendment rights, and you would have been pasting those diatribes here on the TTF blog. Yet Jones kept making his Quran burning threats on a daily basis

Meanwhile, the FBI was protecting Rev. Jones from death threats.

“he should have appealed to Muslim masses to understand that we are a diverse nation and any one of can say whatever we want”

That might have played better in the Muslim world if we hadn’t spent the last 50 years overthrowing governments in the Middle East that weren’t supportive of our oil interests, and propping up less-than-benign dictatorships. Many Muslims rightly view us as the reason they don’t have the freedoms we enjoy here. ('%C3%A9tat )
As a nation, we have often talked about spreading democracy throughout the world, but our record for actually doing such has been pretty splotchy since WWII.

Anon rambled:

“ironic that a few weeks ago, the elite was saying we can't blame all Muslims for 9/11

but now endorsing the idea that one guy and his church of 50 represent all Americans”

It is hardly ironic that many people around the world have said we can’t blame all Muslims for 9/11. That was the responsibility of a few dozen at most, perhaps just 50, out of an estimated population of 1.5 BILLION. Even Iran stopped chanting “Death to America” after 9/11 and started with “Death to the terrorists.” That was until of course, Bush labeled them part of an “Axis of Evil.”

September 13, 2010 1:23 AM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

The actions of a few belligerent ultra-conservative Wahhabi Muslims have set in motion the course of events for the last 9 years, and the actions of a few belligerent ultra-conservative Christians are dominating the tone of the current discourse. It is not hard to imagine that is this type of inflammatory rhetoric on both sides has fanned the flames of centuries of wars between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

There a millions and millions and millions of moderate Muslims, Christians, and Jews all over the planet, but it is the disrespect, anger, vitriol, threats and counter-threats of the most conservative on both sides that makes the news, drives the political discourse, and cleaves populations into evermore distrustful categories of “us” and “them.” Given enough time, insults, threats, and small incidents of violence, it is inevitable that these will grow into a larger conflagration, with each side blaming the other for being the ultimate cause of the problem.

When in reality, the ultimate cause of the problem is people with intransigent beliefs entirely unwilling to acknowledge that we are far more alike than we are different. If we had been born into the same circumstances they were, we would almost certainly believe, behave, and feel exactly the same way they do.

The discourse is dominated by people on both sides who believe that they are absolutely right, and the other side is absolutely wrong. But the fact of the matter is both sides are only partially right, and both are also partially wrong. Until we can all acknowledge our own fallibility, and each other’s dignity, the animosity is doomed to continue.

We cannot expect Muslims to think we aren’t all Christians like Terry Jones, unless we can show them by our own example that we do not think all Muslims want to fly planes into our buildings. The conservative media in the Muslim world is playing up Terry Jones and the Park51 / Cordoba House activists as “proof” of Christian American hate of the Muslim world. Meanwhile conservative media here in the U.S. has renamed this community center with a prayer room as the “Ground Zero Mosque” and painted is as “disrespectful” and an “affront” to the people who died there – completely ignoring the fact the there were Muslims among the dead, and I’m not referring to the terrorists. The conservative media has stoked up a lot of anger over the “Ground Zero Mosque,” even though it isn’t at ground zero. ( )

It’s enough to make you want to put all the conservatives from both sides on a small island and let them and their gods battle it out. Let the rest of us live in peace.


September 13, 2010 1:24 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, represents Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum, the Family Leader Network [where Martha Schaer sits on the Board of Directors and now she wants to join the BOE she has sued], and the Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays. John Garza, of Garza, Regan & Associates of Rockville, Maryland, is acting as local counsel.

Montgomery educators were forced to defend their new sex curriculum that promotes anal sex, homosexuality, bisexuality and transvestitism despite strong opposition from several pro-family groups. The controversial new curriculum was adopted as a result of pressure by homosexual advocacy groups.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented, “This is another example of our public school system being used as an indoctrination arm of homosexual advocacy groups. Promoting the use of condoms in anal and oral sex not only violates Maryland law and court decisions, but endangers the health of any student who tries it. Moreover, teaching students that homosexuals are ‘born that way’ is contrary to the rulings of the Maryland’s highest court and court decisions of other states as well. ”

“The bottom line — this school system is guilty of educational malpractice,” said Thompson.

**This challenge to the new sex education curriculum has been in litigation for six years, meandering through the Federal District Courts, Maryland Administrative Panels and finally winding up in front of Judge Rowan III.** Initially, a Federal District Court enjoined the county schools from implementing the curriculum in 2005 because the lesson plan criticized religious “fundamentalism. [Yeah, that 10 day TRO was the CRC's only bit of "good news" in the entire 6 years of litigation they pursued.]”

However, following the federal court ruling and injunction, the county board merely omitted the anti-religious references, and began teaching the controversial health curriculum to all 8th and 10th grade classes. [And gave PFOX and CRC each a seat on a 15 member (reduced from 27 member) Citizen Advisory Committee.] The current case involves a judicial appeal of the final State Board decision under a Maryland law that allows final administrative denials to be challenged in the state circuit court..."

September 13, 2010 8:31 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

Well, that's the second half of my comment. I wonder where the first half went!

September 13, 2010 8:35 AM  
Blogger JimK said...

It should be there now.


September 13, 2010 8:40 AM  
Anonymous Aunt Bea said...

Thanks, Jim. I see I put the first half on the next thread down, which is where the second half belongs too. I will copy the second half and move it to join it's first half on the next thread.

September 13, 2010 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all you Republicans out there, get out and vote for Murphy tomorrow

O'Malley's better than a lukewarm Republican

but if Murphy gets the nomination, he'll likely win

September 13, 2010 10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases."

That sounds like a stern headmistress dressing down some sophomores who have been misbehaving. But it's actually from a letter sent Thursday from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to Karen Ignagni, president of America's Health Insurance Plans -- the chief lobbyist for private health insurance companies.

Sebelius objects to claims by health insurers that they are raising premiums because of increased costs imposed by the Obamacare law passed by Congress last March.

She acknowledges that many of the law's "key protections" take effect later this month and does not deny that these impose additional costs on insurers. But she says that "according to our analysis and those of some industry and academic experts, any potential premium impact ... will be minimal."

Well, that's reassuring. Er, except that if that's the conclusion of "some" industry and academic experts, it's presumably not the conclusion of all industry and academic experts, or the secretary would have said so."

regardless of how many, this is another sign of a developing full fledged socialist government where dissent is not tolerated

much like when the President, Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs try to control the speech of some small-time preacher, it's getting scary when high government officials say they have "zero tolerance" for certain types of speech

this ambiguous threat is inaapropriate and Sebelius should be called on to step down

we need to throw them out in November, people

September 13, 2010 12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases."

That sounds like a stern headmistress dressing down some sophomores who have been misbehaving. But it's actually from a letter sent Thursday from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to Karen Ignagni, president of America's Health Insurance Plans -- the chief lobbyist for private health insurance companies.

Sebelius objects to claims by health insurers that they are raising premiums because of increased costs imposed by the Obamacare law passed by Congress last March.

She acknowledges that many of the law's "key protections" take effect later this month and does not deny that these impose additional costs on insurers. But she says that "according to our analysis and those of some industry and academic experts, any potential premium impact ... will be minimal."

Well, that's reassuring. Er, except that if that's the conclusion of "some" industry and academic experts, it's presumably not the conclusion of all industry and academic experts, or the secretary would have said so."

regardless of how many, this is another sign of a developing full fledged socialist government where dissent is not tolerated

much like when the President, Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs try to control the speech of some small-time preacher, it's getting scary when high government officials say they have "zero tolerance" for certain types of speech

this ambiguous threat is inaapropriate and Sebelius should be called on to step down

we need to throw them out in November, people

September 13, 2010 12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the financial improprieties at NOW are not the only area where Duchy is doing a Nixonian stonewall and, after complaining about CRC lawsuits, Dana hypocritically brings a lawsuit for a million times more

Duchy and Dana are just the types of sleazy politicians we need out of our government:

"MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md., July 7-- According to a lawsuit filed by Dana Beyer, the policy advisor to Councilmember Duchy Trachtenberg of Montgomery County Maryland, Beyer and Trachtenberg have refused to answer questions from the county's Ethics Commission because they both claim to be "protected by legislative privilege.'

Beyer's lawsuit asks Montgomery County to pay Beyer $4 million for "emotional distress" and $1 million in economic damages in response to an Ethics Commission investigation into Beyer's possible violations of county ethics laws.

Beyer CLAIMS that the county's Ethics Commission is investigating her solely because she is transgender and therefore treating her differently. Formerly known as Wayne Bernard Beyer, she is suing under the county's new non-discrimination law, which now includes "gender identity" as a result of Trachtenberg's sponsorship of a gender identity bill which became law despite the request for a referendum by Montgomery County residents who wanted to vote on the proposed law but were blocked from voting on it by Beyer, whose actions in the matter were the subject of the ethics violations Beyer was found to engage in."

4 million? that's some pretty expensive emotions...

September 13, 2010 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, the preceding was copied from the Citizens for Responsible Government blog, it is not a news story.

September 13, 2010 2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just curious

any facts wrong in it?

seems to match the facts, as I remember them

if you find anything in it untrue, please let us know

September 13, 2010 3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, the comment at 2:43 was made on TTF

factual comments, however, are news regardless of the source

Dana and Duchy refuse to answer questions and were found to be unethical by the ETHICS COMMISSION of Montgomery County

September 13, 2010 3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

November 17, 2009

the creepy section of cyberspace, know as TTF

this post was made:

"Dana Beyer, Senior Assistant to Montgomery County Councilwoman Duchy Trachtenberg and candidate for Maryland state Delegate, held a press conference today to announce that she has filed a complaint with the county's Human Rights Commission against the county Ethics Commission."

after hypocrtically decrying a settlement of mere thousands made by the county to CRG, Beyer files multi-million dollar lawsuit

I don't think anyone will vote for Dana

September 13, 2010 3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish Barry and Joe had told Americans but they voted for them that they don't think economic recovery has anything to do with jobs. They were just talking about a lot of interesting construction sites:

"Vice President Biden wasn't talking about jobs when called this the "summer of recovery." He was talking about construction projects.

That's the explanation top White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee gave when asked about the more than 280,000 jobs lost over the past three months.

"The vice president was talking about the summer of recovery in reference to the Recovery Act, that you would see the creation of a series of infrastructure and other projects ramping up over the summer," Goolsbee said. "And you did see that."

The declaration by the Obama administration in June that 2010 would mark the "summer of recovery" has drawn ridicule from Americans as the election nears with unemployment hovering well above 9 percent for 16 consecutive months.

Goolsbee said it would be "unfair" to suggest the "summer of recovery" was undermined by the jobs numbers"

September 13, 2010 6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Right, and she's also responsible for the GOTPers sitting on their asses for two years, refusing to pass jobs creating legislation while faking concern with deficits"

uh, could you specify what legislation you are referring to?

you passed a failure of a stimulus bill long ago

and how about the brilliant "Cash for Clunkers" program?

you passed that too

it was responsible for destroying hundreds of thousands of used cars and a 10% increase in the price of used cars

thanks to Barry

no big deal if you leave your White House in a limo to embark on your jet-setting vacations but lower income folks usually have to buy used cars and they're paying a lot more for them

but Michelle just says "let 'em eat cake, baby!!"

"And now Ohio's GOP Senator "Voinovich said he could no longer support efforts by Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky to delay the vote on a package of small-business incentives in hopes of winning the right to offer additional GOP amendments. Most of the proposed amendments “didn’t have anything to do with the bill,’’ anyway, Voinovich said, and amounted merely to partisan “messaging.’’"

sounds very dramatic except Obama only proposed these pseudo-pro-business measures to try to pretend he's Republican a little more than a week ago so there's been no large delay

and Obama has managed to slip some harmful pro-union crap in the bill as well

again, what bills did Republican refuse to pass, whilst sitting upon their ass?

I guarantee you:

when the Tea Party take over of the GOP is complete, no one will be sitting on their ass

a lot of incumbents will be looking for jobs and find out things are not looking good for the lobbying industry

September 13, 2010 6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

September 13, 2010 8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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September 13, 2010 8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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September 13, 2010 8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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September 13, 2010 8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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September 13, 2010 8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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September 13, 2010 8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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September 13, 2010 8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

September 13, 2010 8:22 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Anon, this post was about comments disappearing due to a new feature in Blogger.

It would have been easy enough for you to tell readers to go read How Obama Thinks, by Dinesh D-Souza, reprinted from Forbes.

Don't try to monopolize this space with your cut-and-paste idiocy.


September 13, 2010 8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, I thought the disappearing comment topic had pretty much exhausted itself

go out and vote against the Apple ballot tomorrow

it's got maggots in it

September 13, 2010 9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet the candidates on the Apple Ballots get more votes than the stealth candidate, Martha the Showernut!

September 14, 2010 6:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

voted for Schaerr this morning

not one other individual was voting at 7:45 so I assume my vote has a lot of weight

go, Apple ballot!

go jump in a lake!

September 14, 2010 8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking about maggots...have you done a self-inspection lately?

September 14, 2010 9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will Maryland be the only state left behind that didn't jump on the Tea Party Express?

if so, we'll catch up later

September 14, 2010 9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see how many GOP incumbents get voted out by tea baggers who go on to lose their general election.

It's like Ross Perot all over again!

September 14, 2010 12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"tea baggers who go on to lose their general election"

this is the common wisdom among the Beltway who is proved wronger and wronger every day

it's more unlikely now than ever

people are looking to make the election a referendum on the whole current Democratic Party's philosophy of government

it will take quite a bit to put anyone else on the defensive


Democrats think they can portray Sharron Angle as a wild-eyed nut because she wants to eliminate the Department of Education that Jimmy Carter created

they are oblivious to the fact that most Americans agree that education is a local matter

they thought Rand Paul was toast for saying he didn't agree with the the Civil Rights Act

he's leading the polls

the Tea Party has future stars like Nikki Haley and Mark Rubio

and most of them would rather the Dem stay in than some lukewarm Republican hybrid

go to a Tea Party rally sometime

fewer Americans are buying into the Democrats' attempt to demonize them every day

September 14, 2010 2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The record shows that the Tea Baggers are more interested in defeating fellow-Republicans for whatever nefarious schemes and goals they have in mind than in making "the election a referendum on the whole current Democratic Party's philosophy of government".

Seems like they "dislike" the Republicans as much as anybody, especially those Republicans who believe and know that progress can only be made when there is civility and a willingness to work together to deal with America's problems.

"Just Say No" is hardly a nostrum, equivalent to quack medicine, for solving those problems.

September 15, 2010 2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Tea Party believes in lower marginal tax rates, smaller government, liberatarianism...

the only thing they say "no" to is the opposite

what's confusing you?

September 15, 2010 2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No confusion here, "Anonymous"
The Tea Bagger agenda of "lower marginal tax rates, smaller government, liberatarianism..." is a blue-print of disaster for this country.

I'm sure there are millions of misinformed citizens who somehow believe that life was glorious in the 18th century...but this is the 21st century and those misinterpretations of how wonderful life was when government was smaller and we had no taxes to pay for the services that we have come to demand are nothing more than ignorance about history and an attempt to run away from the pressures of a highly-developed industrialized society.

There's not a lot of support for the idea of reducing this country to some third-rate power. If it is smaller government, low to no taxes, and "libertarianism" you are looking for, I suggest you do some research on the feasibility of applying for citizenship in the Republic of Fiji.

September 15, 2010 11:38 PM  

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