FRC, St. Timothy's Beat Up Girl Scouts
For some reason, I am getting the biggest kick out of the Nutty Ones trying to badmouth and boycott the Girl Scouts. It is so perfectly backwards, to take an organization that does good things for little girls and try to get people to stop buying their cookies.
The Girls Scouts of America will accept transgender girls on a case-by-case basis. The Girls Scouts of America do not have anything to do with Planned Parenthood.
The Family Research Council is telling people not to buy Girl Scout cookies. FRC monkey-monk Tony Perkins said on his radio show (listen at RightWing Watch):
I think most companies would send you home if you came to work in a t-shirt with any kind of political, religious, or ideological message on it. Well, the Family Research Council can get on a high-horse about it if they want, that's just what they do. Let's just see how many people turn away that little neighbor girl at the door, how many people will decline those cookies on the basis of this kind of silly story.
This Cathy Ruse, quoted by Perkins, posted about the Girl Scouts. She said;
It is not clear how the Girl Scouts express this "support for abortion." Nearly a year ago, the official GSA Facebook page posted an announcement addressing the accusations:
Read the rest, they counter the lies point by point.
And this, from the GSA's Frequently Asked Questions page:
But you wouldn't want anything distracting like the truth get in the way. Down in Chantilly, Virginia, St. Timothy's Catholic Church is getting in on the act:
Is this how grown-ups act?
The impressive thing is that these groups, including this Catholic church, are proving how morally superior they are by trying to undermine one thing in the world that really is good for girls. A statement on the Girl Scouts' Facebook page says:
And this is who the Family Research Council and St. Timothy's select to complain about. Actual child molesters out there, criminals and terrorists, liars, predators, pirates, and the Family Research Council and St. Timothy's choose to complain about the Girl Scouts.
You kind of have to love the absurdity of it.
The Girls Scouts of America will accept transgender girls on a case-by-case basis. The Girls Scouts of America do not have anything to do with Planned Parenthood.
The Family Research Council is telling people not to buy Girl Scout cookies. FRC monkey-monk Tony Perkins said on his radio show (listen at RightWing Watch):
As sweet as the girls are, a lot of that cookie dough goes to straight to the group's political agenda. When they aren't partnering with Planned Parenthood, they're promoting sexual "diversity." Last year, the Girl Scouts decided to admit boys who dress as girls--which shouldn't come as a surprise, says FRC's Cathy Ruse, since they have a cross-dresser in their front office. And that's not all. "Earlier this month, a Girl Scout Employee... made the mistake of stopping by the office to do extra work on her own time in a T-shirt [that said] 'Pray to End Abortion.' A supervisor ordered her to turn the shirt inside out or leave the office. She left, for good." So, says Cathy Ruse, should we all.
I think most companies would send you home if you came to work in a t-shirt with any kind of political, religious, or ideological message on it. Well, the Family Research Council can get on a high-horse about it if they want, that's just what they do. Let's just see how many people turn away that little neighbor girl at the door, how many people will decline those cookies on the basis of this kind of silly story.
This Cathy Ruse, quoted by Perkins, posted about the Girl Scouts. She said;
When our sweet little neighbor in her brown camp uniform came knocking on our door this year, we had to say no. I told her mother that I didn’t want to hurt Katie’s feelings, but I couldn’t support the Girl Scout cookie sale anymore because I’d learned too much about the organizers’ agenda, primarily their support for abortion and partnership with Planned Parenthood.
It is not clear how the Girl Scouts express this "support for abortion." Nearly a year ago, the official GSA Facebook page posted an announcement addressing the accusations:
This week, an online publication by the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute alleged that Girl Scouts, by participating in an event at the United Nations earlier this month, helped to distribute Planned Parenthood information as a part of the experience. We had adults and GSUSA media staff on the ground at the event and know this information to be false. We took steps to ensure that our fact-finding was comprehensive and complete, and we are communicating with you so that you have up-to-date information in the event you receive inquiries surrounding this issue...
Read the rest, they counter the lies point by point.
And this, from the GSA's Frequently Asked Questions page:
Q: Does GSUSA have a relationship with Planned Parenthood?
A: No, Girl Scouts of the USA does not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood.
Q: Did GSUSA distribute a Planned Parenthood brochure at a United Nations event?
A: No, we did not. In 2010, GSUSA took part in the 54th Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations. Our participation in that conference was the subject of numerous internet stories and blogs that were factually inaccurate and troubling. Girl Scouts had no knowledge of the brochure in question and played no role in distributing it.
But you wouldn't want anything distracting like the truth get in the way. Down in Chantilly, Virginia, St. Timothy's Catholic Church is getting in on the act:
Several Girl Scout troops in Chantilly, Va., have been banned from meeting at a local Catholic church and a neighboring school.
St. Timothy Catholic Church said that scouts won’t be allowed to meet or wear their uniforms on church property. The edict also applies to the adjacent St. Timothy School, which enrolls students from preschool to eighth grade.
According to the Arlington Diocese, the pastor did not believe the National Girl Scouts membership to the World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts aligned with the message of the church, stemming from a perceived connection between WAGGGS and Planned Parenthood.
The Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital said its parent/national organization is not WAGGGS, but instead Girl Scouts of the USA, which does not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood. Girl Scout Troops Banned From Va. Church
Is this how grown-ups act?
The impressive thing is that these groups, including this Catholic church, are proving how morally superior they are by trying to undermine one thing in the world that really is good for girls. A statement on the Girl Scouts' Facebook page says:
Our Mission in Girl Scouting is to build girls of courage, confidence and character - who make the world a better place. We continue to be proud of our girls and look forward to showing the world what our girls can do.
And this is who the Family Research Council and St. Timothy's select to complain about. Actual child molesters out there, criminals and terrorists, liars, predators, pirates, and the Family Research Council and St. Timothy's choose to complain about the Girl Scouts.
You kind of have to love the absurdity of it.
Girl Scout Cookie Sales Go Hi-Tech
The official Girls Scout Cookie Season starts January 20 and ends March, 25, 2012. During this 100th anniversary year, the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles' local troops will take their cookie sales hi-tech.
For the first time in the Los Angeles County area, cookie booths will be able to accept credit cards using a secure credit card reader that attaches to a smart phone, allowing troops to accept debit and credit cards, email receipts and even refund money to customers on-the-spot right from a smart phone.
"Many customers would love to buy Girl Scout Cookies, but many can only buy one or two boxes because they only have a certain amount of cash on them, or they have to walk by the booth entirely because they have none on hand," said David Corey, Director of Retail and Product Sales. "We have obtained 1,000 of these devices to start for the troops. We hope that this will open up Girl Scout Cookies to new customers, increase the number of boxes per customer from the loyal patrons that come out every year to the booths, and teach the girls about credit cards and the importance of good credit―because Girl Scout Cookies really is financial literacy in action."
Credit card readers aren't the only hi-tech offering that Girl Scouts are using for their cookies sales this year, there's also the Little Brownie Bakers Girl Scout Cookie Locator app. The app lets customers easily locate a cookie booth near them where they can purchase the famous cookies. The Little Brownie Bakers Girl Scout Cookie Locator app works on iPhones, BlackBerrys and Android phones. The app is free and available through iTunes or by simply dialing **GSCOOKIES (**472665437) from your mobile phone.
The annual Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest financial literacy program for girls in the nation. Started at a local event in Oklahoma in 1917, the program now is the leading business and entrepreneurial program run by girls, funding activities, community service and leadership projects during the year. The Cookie Program also helps girls who participate build leadership and money management skills, as well as teaches them business ethics. In 2010, over three million girls sold 198 million boxes to support Girl Scouting. To mark the Girl Scouts’ 100th anniversary, a new member of the Girl Scout Cookie family has been added―Savannah Smiles, a lemony delight cookie that pays homage to Girl Scout founder, Juliette Gordon Low who was born in Savannah, Georgia.
Hmmmmmmm.....if a group is doing things you don't believe in/don't like, then why should you purchase their fundraising items?
Not sure what Jim is hoppin' mad about here....
Surprise, surprise.
Look who doesn't like the Girl Scouts of the USA, which was chartered by the US Congress 38 years after it was founded in 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low just because they admit all girls, transgender and cisgender.
The GSUSA's mission is:
"Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place."
The GSUSA aims to empower girls:
"In Girl Scouts, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Through a myriad of enriching experiences, such as extraordinary field trips, sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardships, girls grow courageous and strong. Girl Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others."
But of course our local showernut would rather kneejerk react to the USGSA's acceptance of trans girls and forget about all the good this American institution does to help ALL girls grow up to become women of courage, confidence, and good character.
What a moron you are. Bill 23-07 didn't lead to any problems with trans women in public bathrooms and admitting trans girls into the Girls Scouts will not lead to any problems there either. Enjoy your irrational fears while knowing lots of people, your neighbors included, are buying lots of Girl Scout Cookies to support and celebrate what GSUSA does for ALL girls.
You are such a moron I bet you didn't even know your hero, President Ronald Reagan, honored Juliette Low, the founder of Girls Scouts:
"On December 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill naming a new federal building in Savannah in honor of Juliette Low. It was the second federal building in history to be named after a woman."
Off subject, do you believe kids in public schools should be made to stand up during the national athemn ?
in elementary ?
in middle school ?
in high school ?
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