Speed, Computers, Security, Nobody Knows What's Going On, Get on with your life
Asked about sanctions against Russia for interfering with the US Presidential election, here is what President-elect Donald J. Trump said (with Don King standing beside him holding an American flag):
I think we ought to get on with our lives, I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what's going on. We have speed, we have a lot of other things, but I’m not sure we have the kind, the security we need.And that is how it's going to be.
Conservatism turned toxic: Donald Trump’s fanbase has no actual ideology, just a nihilistic hatred of liberals
Trump's victory was the result of decades of right-wing hate rhetoric, curdling into a totally negative worldview
The horror show that was the 2016 election will be examined and reexamined for years, and depending on how bad things get, quite likely decades to come. There were, of course, a lot of factors: Cultural change, economic change, racism, liberal complacency after Barack Obama, the FBI manipulating the election, the Russian government manipulating the election, hatred of feminism and so on.
But it’s also important to notice that Donald Trump’s election is the culmination of decades of right-wing media teaching its audience that liberals are subhuman scum, and that hating liberals — whatever their stereotype of a “liberal” looks like — is far more important that minor concerns like preventing war or economic destruction.
Friday morning, the phrase “preparing for Trump” started trending on Twitter. It appears to have started with liberals tweeting out an article by Peter Dreier laying out a 10-step process to resist Trump’s attempts to turn our government into a kleptocracy at best, and a fascist state at worst. But of course the meme was soon taken over by right-wingers eager to exclaim how excited they were about the Trump presidency.
But what’s fascinating is how few of them, had anything positive to say about Trump and his coming presidency, despite their apparent love of the Great Orange Grimace. On the contrary, the contributions of Trump supporters on the thread were almost exclusively negative: They are gleefully certain that he will rain destruction on the heads of the hated liberals.
Trump’s fans on Twitter don’t seem to think that he’ll improve the economy or foreign relations or anything at all, really. In fact, they seem wholly opposed to the concept of improvement. Their worship of the man lies with their belief that he’s an agent of destruction, who will hurt people they have been trained by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to believe are evil.
This notion that liberals don’t have real jobs offers a good example of how long this kind of rhetoric has been circulating. Anecdotally, I can say that I’ve been accused by right wingers of not having a job for my entire career, very often in response to pieces I wrote as part of my paid employment. The fact that the article they’re complaining about disproves the very premise of their argument doesn’t really register. The idea that liberals — especially women and people of color — are all a bunch of lazy people on the dole (which the United States doesn’t even have, in any meaningful sense) isn’t about facts or reality. It’s just a stereotype that’s widely adopted to dehumanize liberals.
That, I suspect, goes a long way towards explaining the paradox that confounds so many liberal journalists and pundits: How can lower-income white people who rely heavily on the social safety net, especially in places like Appalachia, keep on voting for candidates whose avowed aim is to take it away? As Sarah Kliff at Vox discovered during her recent exploration of Kentucky, it’s because many of these voters believe that when politicians like Trump talk about ending government benefits, they don’t actually mean their government benefits. Repeatedly, Kliff spoke to voters who dismissed the idea that Trump would end Obamacare, which they relied on, despite his loud and frequent promises to do just that.
“I guess I thought that, you know, he would not do this, he would not take health insurance away knowing it would affect so many people’s lives,” one woman told Kliff.
When someone else — someone perceived as liberal — uses government assistance, it’s “welfare,” a sure sign that person is lazy and just needs to get off their butt and go find a job. But when conservatives need government programs, then they’re just hard-working people who need a little lift. That’s the perverse logic wrought by decades of dehumanizing rhetoric towards “liberals.”
Under the circumstances, it’s understandable that many people are arguing that we need more empathy and communication across partisan lines in this country. And clearly we do! The problem is that such efforts are almost always one-sided: Liberals are instructed to reach out to conservatives and practice empathy for them, as evidenced by the series of preachy articles published in the wake of the election, urging urban liberals to get out of their supposed bubbles and talk to conservatives in the heartland.
The irony in all this is that the reason pundits ask this of liberals and not conservatives is because they know liberals are likely to listen. Everyone understands, on some level, that asking conservatives to reach out to liberals will be met with a bunch of guffaws, a profane invitation to perform anatomically difficult feats and more stereotypes about how liberals are a bunch of useless welfare sucks.
While liberals certainly say nasty things about conservatives, the level of dehumanization that goes the other way simply isn’t there. After Obama was elected in 2008, liberals didn’t spend all their time on social media gushing about the pain he was likely to inflict on conservatives. Liberals don’t paint conservatives as a bunch of lazy good-for-nothings, or suggest that we literally eliminate them from society. They’re far more likely to share articles about how to make nice over Christmas dinner — a duty that appears to fall solely on the shoulders of left-leaning family members — than they are to dismiss half the country as subhuman monsters.
Perhaps the most surprising thing about Trump’s election is that we’re surprised at all. Conservatism has, over the decades, curdled into an ideology of hatefulness and destruction, with no real interest in building up much beyond the bank accounts of the already wealthy. One can read a billion think-pieces about Trump’s divergence from traditional conservatism, but the reality is that “traditional” conservatism doesn’t exist anymore, outside a few enclaves of (ha ha) coastal elites. Conservatism as practiced by most Republicans is an ideology built on one single principle: Pissing off the liberals. And no one excels at that more than Donald Trump.
When the subject of the FBI and Russia colluding to manipulate the election Trump wants very badly to change the subject. And all he has is a bunch of gibberish to attempt to do so.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "carbon isn't a pollutant".
That's the kind of simple minded stupidity that sums up the thinking of global warming deniers like Wyatt/bad anonymous.
They are wilfully stupid.
They hide from the obvious fact that its a matter of proportion - some CO2 in the atmosphere is okay, but too much is a problem.
Its just like saying water is not a pollutant, that its necessary for life, but that doesn't stop a flood of too much water from drowning you. Just because a certain amount of a substance is not harmful does not mean a great deal more of it is also not harmful.
You need a certain amount of salt to live but at a certain point more doesn't benefit you, it kills you.
Ditto for CO2.
In this thread at October 12, 2016 10:21 PM Good anonymous said "Thanks, Priya Lynn, and welcome back!"
Wyatt/bad anonymous responded "yes, you are welcome to mumble to yourself you continue to be subject to shunning"
Wyatt's previous comment where he said he was going to ignore my posts was deleted because he got "dispassionate" again.
Just watch Wyatt/bad anonymous now be unable to restrain himself yet again and go back on his claim that he was going to ignore me.
why did religious voters vote for someone as despicable as Donald Trump?
he promised to protect religious liberty and his opponent promised to abolish it
so far, he looks to be keeping his promises
2017: the year the TTF agenda went down in flames
don't feel bad
at least he's the gay friendliest president ever
for TTF, comeuppance is coming!
Seagulls gonna get your coconuts man.
LOL, in his first post on this thread Wyatt/bad anonymous tried to troll me. Just like I said, he says he's going to ignore me but he can't.
"Seagulls gonna get your coconuts man"
don't get it, cinco
maybe it requires a physics degree
here's a story in the Post today about all the scientists who have been shut out of the climate change discussion because the scientific establishment has closed down any dissent or actual scientific discussion
they say that warming, while real, is slight and actually beneficial
hey, that's what I've always said!
I figured it out without a degree
I must be an effin' genius:
here, here, I say
anon, the science guy is most indisputably an effing genius
bloody right
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "here's a story in the Post today about all the scientists who have been shut out of the climate change discussion because the scientific establishment has closed down any dissent or actual scientific discussion they say that warming, while real, is slight and actually beneficial".
LOL, "all the scientists" actually amounts to less than 1% of climatoligists with most of those "scientists" being people without any expertise in climatology paid by the fossil fuel industry to sew confusion and doubt. These are the same people who deny that smoking is harmful.
Its like you have 99 medical doctors telling you you're sick and you need medical treatment and one chiropractor telling you you're fine and not to worry - who are you going to listen to?
If you're Wyatt/bad anonymous you'll ignore reality and die.
Given the natural variability of the climate (as I've often said) we should not expect that global warming will mean each year will be warmer than the last. As the natural climate has cooler and warmer periods and global warming doesn't erase this what we expect to see with global warming is the warmer years are warmer than usual and the cooler years aren't as cool as usual.
Despite this the past decade has been the warmest on record, 2014 was the warmest year ever, then 2015 was, and now 2016 is set to be another warmest year ever on record. Sea levels are rising at an accelerating pace as glaciers and ice sheets in Greenland and the north decline at faster than predicted rates. The North Pole is 50 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal. No rational, honest, informed person would ever claim that global warming is not real and not a serious problem. The data are overwhelming and 99% of climatoligists agree with this.
Another incurable, ugly disease: Far-right populism
The year 2016 has been scarred by a persistent contagion - the resurgence of far-right populism.
This past year has been marked, or more accurately, scarred by another persistent contagion - the resurgence of far-right "populism", which has infected nations on disparate continents on such a scale that we're confronting what constitutes, in effect, a hate pandemic.
The use of the benign-sounding term - "populism" - has had the largely intended effect of diluting the sinister character of a malevolent "nationalist" crusade defined by hate, ignorance, intolerance and an incoherent allegiance to flamboyant demagogues who not only embrace these qualities, but embody them.
"Alt-right" is another more palatable phrase in vogue these days to describe the dangerously unpalatable nexus of xenophobia, overt racism, and anti-intellectualism that has metastasised like an ugly, insidious and incurable disease.
Whatever the genial label, United States President-elect Donald Trump is the global movement's titular leader given the outsized attention he attracts and deftly exploits to generate more attention and disciples.
Absurdly, Trump denies harbouring any sympathy for the wretched political pathogen he has helped resuscitate and foment. His long, now familiar ledger of notorious deeds and words, however, indict him.
So do many of his loyal, fervent supporters, who not only share but also revel in their often profane attachment to Trump's signature illiteracy, jingoism, and, above all, naked bigotry.
Predictably, there have been attempts - including by "progressive" voices - to absolve Trump voters of their culpability in not simply extolling, but violently channelling the odious beliefs of a racist they have elected president.
And by any objective measure, Trump is a racist. His racism is plain to see and hear. To suggest that Trump voters were motivated principally by their sense of alienation from, and objection to, a "rigged" political and economic system - although inviting - strikes me as conveniently exculpatory.
To accept this reasoning is to argue implicitly that Trump's supporters are deaf and blind to his overarching, racially infused message that America's "greatness" can only be recaptured if the white establishment reasserts its primacy over the social, cultural, economic, and political life of the US.
The necessary corollary to this is that America's greatness is being thwarted by racial and ethnic groups - insert Hispanics or African-Americans here - who drain or rob the country of its defining entrepreneurial spirit by gaming the immigration and social welfare systems.
In this daft context, Muslims and refugees pose an even greater, existential threat to America's future prosperity and wellbeing. As such, they are suspect and must be monitored and, if need be, barred from entering the US, lest they conspire to destroy it from within.
A cursory grasp of US history reveals the legacy of fear of the "other", hate, discrimination, and an abiding sense of exceptionalism that informed and spawned a rabid reactionary like Trump.
Trump adroitly tapped into these impulses with the enthusiastic aid of a still dominant "elite" media that is obsessed with polls and celebrates stupidity and celebrity, thirsts for real or manufactured conflict and has traditionally promoted racist caricatures of Muslims and Arabs because it's good for business.
The proof of this is that in the lead up to and during the presidential election, the growing disparity between the uber rich and perpetual poor, climate suicide and a litany of other substantive issues merited little, if any, notice.
Instead, the campaign "coverage" featured a daily diet of cheap, vacuous sloganeering about walls and bans, infantile tit-for-tat insults and recriminations, all the while providing a megaphone to a cavalcade of made-for-TV white nationalists such as Anne Coulter.
As this horrid year comes to a blessed close, we should take some solace in knowing that the ebb and flow of history has proved that time for Trump and his equally rancid "populist" acolytes will inevitably pass.
In the meantime, it is up to the rest of us to resist and limit, as best we can, the damage that will surely be done.
North Carolina is no longer classified as a democracy
She got girls, girls all over the world
She got men every now and then
But she can't make up her mind
On just how to fill her time
But the only way she can unwind
A. C. D. C.
She's got some other lover as well as me
A. C. D. C.
She's got some other women as well as me
She's got some other women as well as me
She's got funk but they call her a punk
She got zing you wanna see her ding-a-ling
Well lesbian it together
I'll guess she'll be in it forever
You've got to take it now and ever
A. C. D. C.
She's got some other lover as well as me
A. C. D. C.
She's got some other women as well as me
She's got some other women as well as me
She got girls, girls all over the world
She got men every now and then
But she can't make up her mind
On just how to fill her time
The only way she can unwind
A. C. D. C.
She's got some other lover as well as me
A. C. D. C.
She's got some other women as well as me
She's got some other women as well as me
She's got some other women as well as me
A. C. D. C.
Some other woman as well as me
A. C. D. C.
Some other woman as well as me
A. C. D. C.
Some other woman as well as me
On Sunday NBC News reported that the intelligence community is very upset that Donald Trump has chosen to “impugn the integrity of U.S. intelligence officials,” saying that it’s “contrary to all that is sacred to national security professionals who work day and night to protect this country.” This was, of course, in response to Trump’s dismissive comments regarding the intelligence community’s apparent conviction that the Russian government had interfered in the election on Trump’s behalf, leading President Obama to order a full review of the matter before he leaves office.
On Fox News, Trump called the whole story “ridiculous,” saying, “It’s just another excuse. I don’t believe it. Every week it’s another excuse. We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College.” (That is a lie, obviously.) These comments were in addition to the stunning statement released by the Trump transition team that said, “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.” The CIA understandably feels that’s a tad unfair, since it’s now known that Vice President Dick Cheney went out to Langley in order to personally twist arms and “stovepipe” the intelligence report on Iraq.
This is shaping up to be a very bad start to the relationship between the new administration and his intelligence community. But then, Republicans have been dissing CIA analyses for decades now so the agency should be used to it. From the 1950s-era Committee on the Present Danger to the 1970s Team B, national security hardliners often complained the CIA was underestimating military Soviet might. In the 1980s, when intelligence analysts insisted that the Soviets were in economic and military decline, and again in the 1990s and early 2000s, when they warned of the rise of Islamist terrorism, the hawks always rejected their analysis. This played out most recently during the run-up to the Iraq war.
That’s not to say that those on the far right are totally hostile to the CIA. They just don’t like the intelligence-gathering side of it. They absolutely love the covert-action side of it. Trump is a perfect example of that. Here he was tweeting about the CIA in response to the release of the Senate Torture Report back in 2014:
Donald J. Trump ✔
These Islamists chop Americans’ heads off and want to destroy us. We should be applauding the CIA, not persecuting them.
1:51 PM - 11 Dec 2014
The left, it should be noted, has generally been more hostile to the assassinating, torturing, overthrowing covert side of the agency and at least neutral on the intelligence-gathering side. It’s one of the great divides in our post-World War II political history.
Today we have an incoming GOP president facing off with the CIA over an an intelligence assessment concerning Russia. This time it’s about possible interference in the election with intent to install this same president in office. which certainly puts a strange new twist on the old story. Still, the dynamics aren’t all that different.
It's important to keep all this in mind as we try to assess what happened here. Donald Trump is now the president and he is stupid and he's crazy. Even if you think that Putin is actually a very nice guy who just wants to make the world a better place, I still wouldn't trust Trump. And frankly, I don't know why anyone thinks Putin is ok either. They seem like two sides of the same macho authoritarian card to me.
I guess it's possible that all the stuff about Putin carpet bombing his own countrymen in the Chechen province and his repression of dissent and kleptocracy on such a scale it's rumored he's the richest man in the world is just western propaganda. But we know for a fact that Donald Trump is a violent, simple-minded, corrupt con man so why would anyone put their faith in him as the instrument of world peace?
it's time for NY resolutions
maybe TTF will resolve to not be such traitorous morons
Obama, as his grand finale, is showing his true colors
right now, he's saying any Islamic nut who wants to can settle here
but, somehow, he condemns Jews for settling in the West Bank
and he is striking back against Russia, who he claims installed Trump
and saying Hillary is the rightful winner of the election
doesn't take a Metternich to see he is building a case for a coup d'état
not to worry: the military will never support him
but he's the first Benedict Arnold in the White House
he is anti-American:
and anti-Christian:
"On Sunday NBC News reported that the intelligence community is very upset that Donald Trump has chosen to “impugn the integrity of U.S. intelligence officials,” saying that it’s “contrary to all that is sacred to national security professionals who work day and night to protect this country.”"
are intelligence agencies sacred?
not in America
all sides have always felt free to criticize them
it's called freedom of speech
but you have to wonder about the media
like why is this very specific quote attributed to "the intelligence community"?
who said it?
and why is that person considered a spokesman for the intelligence community?
just one of those little tricks the MSM uses to manipulate readers
knowing most will just pass by this report without skepticism
I don't know if Russia actually did what was accused
but they aren't accused of much
they didn't hack voting machines
and, unlike the MSM, they didn't deceive the public
no one has found any of the wikileaks to be false
so, Russia stands accused of telling the truth about Hillary
how dastardly!!
"he promised to protect religious liberty and his opponent promised to abolish it"
Your @$$hole promised to protect religious liberty and to "Absolutely" require Muslims to register.
Guns kill many more Americans than Muslims do and it would produce much more safety to the American populace to register all gun owners and their weapons than to register Muslims.
In fact it's mostly white males who kill with guns so every white male gun owner should be registered, photographed and fingerprinted so when yet another one goes postal, we can track him down and make him pay for his crime.
"maybe TTF will resolve to not be such traitorous morons"
You spin like a dreidel to ignore your traitorous Putin Praising Pu--y Predator President-Elect.
Of course your pussy grabber would praise Putin for helping him win the White House as the CIA and FBI have now both confirmed.
Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
FBI agrees with CIA assessment that Russia meddled in the US election to help Trump win
"I don't know if Russia actually did what was accused"
That's right you don't because the evidence is TOP SECRET, and not for morons like you.
However, the CIA and FBI have the evidence of Putin's interference in the election, evidence your traitor pussy grabbing Putin Praiser refuses to hear by refusing to attend briefings to learn about, proving like you, @$$hole Trump believes ignorance is bliss.
Here's your PPPPPE's advice for what you both can do
"Guns kill many more Americans than Muslims do"
actually, guns don't kill anyone
they are inanimate objects
radical Muslims have not only killed many people, they are encouraged to do it by their religious leaders
religious liberty in the Constitution applies to U.S. citizens
if there is a religion whose foreign adherents hold largely anti-American views, we are justified in exercising caution when deciding whether to let them in
"and it would produce much more safety to the American populace to register all gun owners and their weapons than to register Muslims"
there is no empirical evidence that is so
places in America with the strongest gun control are the most dangerous places
"In fact it's mostly white males who kill with guns so every white male gun owner should be registered, photographed and fingerprinted so when yet another one goes postal, we can track him down and make him pay for his crime"
I don't know what fantasy world you live in but those who go postal are usually apprehended now
"You spin like a dreidel to ignore your traitorous Putin Praising President-Elect."
as I've stated many times, Trump was not my choice for President
I thought he was preferable to giving the Clinton crime syndicate control of the White House, but that's hardly a glowing endorsement
"Of course Trump would praise Putin for helping him win the White House as the CIA and FBI have now both confirmed.
Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
FBI agrees with CIA assessment that Russia meddled in the US election to help Trump win"
ah, you toss out a lot of nebulous terms: "help", "try to help", "meddle"
let's be specific:
all Russia has been accused of is releasing truthful information about Hillary
if they did that, and I don't know that they did, I don't see a problem
"That's right you don't because the evidence is TOP SECRET, and not for morons like you."
oh, do you have access to TOP SECRET information?
because there are people that do and don't agree with the finding
you have a new President coming and all the excesses of the Obama years will be reversed
the gay agenda is going down in flames, as is all the rest of the liberal agenda
so, keep up with the vile rants
it helps to keep the American people informed about what type of people Dems are
"oh, do you have access to TOP SECRET information?
because there are people that do and don't agree with the finding"
And who are these "people" are you refer too? Giuliani's New York office FBI agents who do his bidding and threaten to undermine Comey if he doesn't make their bogus allegations public 10 days before the election?
They can, in the immortal words of our Putin Praising Pussy Predator President Elect himself, "go fuck themselves" too.
Happy New Year!
"keep up with the vile rants
it helps to keep the American people informed about what type of people Dems are"
Oh that's choice.
Thanks for your support of TTF's Vigilance blog as a blog that "helps to keep the American people informed."
"And who are these "people" are you refer too? Giuliani's New York office FBI agents who do his bidding and threaten to undermine Comey if he doesn't make their bogus allegations public 10 days before the election?"
well, I'm not talking about the ones who do Obama's bidding, who simply can't accept that Dems lost because they lost touch with Americans
Dems have gone back and forth
FBI seizes Hillary home server, they're horrible
FBI oversteps its authority in August and says Hillary shouldn't be prosecuted for her crimes, they're wonderful
FBI tells Congress that it needs to examine new e-mails of Hillary's found on the laptop of a former Dem star, who was revealed to be a major league pervert targeting underage girls, they're horrible
FBI says Russia interfered in the election to help Trump, they're wonderful
we all need to keep in mind that this interference Russia is accused of was simply telling the truth about Hillary
she denied nothing
Americans actually don't want to elect under false assumptions, and the source of the truth is irrelevant
"They can, in the immortal words of our Putin Praising Pussy Predator President Elect himself, "go **** themselves" too"
at this point, these are your words
are you expecting us to believe you never used this phrase before?
you seem strangely attracted to it
"Happy New Year!"
you're stating the obvious now
it's going to be a very happy new year for Americans and sad for those who hate America
keep up with the vile rants
it helps to keep the American people informed about what type of people Dems are
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "actually, guns don't kill anyone".
This one statement really sums up the stupidity of Wyatt/bad anonymous's posts.
And as far as Islamic killings go, 10 times as many Americans are killed by right wing christian extremists as muslim extremists. But of course you don't hear Putin Praising Pussy Predator Elect calling to surveil and stop christian extremists.
When will Republicans do the right thing and say "Christian terrorism"?!?!
Fox News Quite Upset About Virtually Non-Existent Food Stamp Abuse
Food stamp fraud is “at an all-time high,” screams Fox News, with the on-screen graphic asking if it’s time to end the program completely. An all-time high, people! A millionaire got them, and a state lawmaker, so we should just let everyone else starve.
"Food stamp fraud is at an all-time high, with cases this year including a state lawmaker and even a millionaire.
According to the USDA, $70 million of taxpayer money was wasted in 2016 due to food stamp fraud.
On “Fox & Friends” Tuesday, Abby Huntsman discussed the issue with New York City Councilman Joe Borelli and 2008 Clinton campaign adviser Jehmu Greene.
“The SNAP program…has been ripe [sic] with problems almost since its inception,” said Borelli, who argued that the program’s costs are out of control."
OMG! $70 million! Okay, let’s do a little math. In 2014, the last year for which numbers are available, we spent $74 billion on the food stamp program. $70 million of that was fraudulent. That’s less than one-tenth of one percent. But by all means, let’s let children starve to stop that miniscule fraud from happening, then let’s go declare another war that costs $3 trillion, billions and billions of which can’t be accounted for.
This is typical hyperbole for Fox "News" and Republicans, take a rare exception of a problem and claim its the overwhelming majority of cases.
it's almost 2017
and this is new year is gonna be sooOOoooooOOOOoooo happy!!!
it's great again time!!!
Per year the average American pays $37 for the Food Stamp program and $4000 for corporate welfare.
If you still think the left side is the problem, congratulations...YOU are part of the problem.
If ignorance is bliss Trump is the happiest man on the planet.
The rate Trump is going Russia will have troops on US soil by mid April to help Americans with that Black Lives Matter issue.
Benedict Trump is more committed to helping Putin Make Russia Great than he is to strengthening the United States.
According to Mother Jones there is credible evidence that Russia has been cultivating Trump for years and has good blackmail material on him, (underaged girls?) and that's why they support him- he's the puppet.
Vlad and Donnie sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Putin is playing Trump like a fiddle. Trump is, as Putin calls him, "a useful idiot"
Europe is just one tweet away from being destroyed. Putin only needs to say a small praise and Dear Donald goes off to spend the next few days pleasuring himself, all the while the Russian army gets it's marching orders.
Washington Post Editorial Board Voices “Darker Suspicions” About Trump’s Bromance With Putin
Mr. Trump has been frank about his desire to improve relations with Russia, but he seems blissfully untroubled by the reasons for the deterioration in relations, including Russia’s instigation of an armed uprising in Ukraine, its seizure of Crimea, its efforts to divide Europe and the crushing of democracy and human rights at home.
Why is Mr. Trump so dismissive of Russia’s dangerous behavior? Some say it is his lack of experience in foreign policy, or an oft-stated admiration for strongmen, or naivete about Russian intentions. But darker suspicions persist. Mr. Trump has steadfastly refused to be transparent about his multibillion-dollar business empire.
Are there loans or deals with Russian businesses or the state that were concealed during the campaign? Are there hidden communications with Mr. Putin or his representatives? We would be thrilled to see all the doubts dispelled, but Mr. Trump’s odd behavior in the face of a clear threat from Russia, matched by Mr. Putin’s evident enthusiasm for the president-elect, cannot be easily explained.
All of Donald Trump’s known conflicts of interest in one place
"When Americans talk about corruption in politics, they usually mean the outsize influence corporations and the wealthy can exert in politics through campaign donations.
But President-elect Donald Trump’s administration risks a much more direct type of corruption, where the end goal is not donations to a reelection campaign but personal enrichment for the president himself. Trump’s massive business empire — towering skyscrapers and sprawling golf courses, menswear and furniture, and his licensing of his personal “brand” around the world — promises endless entanglements of business and politics.
And we do not know the extent of the problem. Trump refuses to release his tax returns or disclose information about his debts. He’s structured and nested his companies to make it difficult to determine who owns something as simple as a helicopter. For every obvious conflict, there could be many more that aren’t even public."
For the first time in American history the FBI director colluded with the Russians to interfere in a democratic election to benefit the candidate they favoured. And even then Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million.
Trump will go down in U.S. history as the most illegitimate president ever.
US Department of Homeland Security, NCCIC, Federal Bureau of Investigation report: GRIZZY STEPPE -- Russian Malicious Cyber Activity
This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyber activity by RIS as GRIZZLY STEPPE.
Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors. However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This determination expands upon the Joint Statement released October 7, 2016, from the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security.
This activity by RIS is part of an ongoing campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure entities, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations leading to the theft of information. In foreign countries, RIS actors conducted damaging and/or disruptive cyber-attacks, including attacks on critical infrastructure networks. In some cases, RIS actors masqueraded as third parties, hiding behind false online personas designed to cause the victim to misattribute the source of the attack. This JAR provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations, suggested actions to take in response to the indicators provided, and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government....
Donald Trump on Russian Hacking: ‘We Ought to Get on with Our Lives’
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I don't know if Russia actually did what was accused".
Yes you do. There is no doubt about it at this point. But of course you won't admit the obvious truth when it isn't helpful to your anti-american agenda.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "but they aren't accused of much they didn't hack voting machines and, unlike the MSM, they didn't deceive the public"
If there were any examples of the media (other than Fox news) deceiving the public you would have posted it. You didn't make that post because the non-Fox media didn't lie like you and Fox news.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "no one has found any of the wikileaks to be false so, Russia stands accused of telling the truth about Hillary how dastardly!!".
No one found any of the wikileaks to be true and some of it was proven to be false with a newsweek journalist coming foward and revealing his words were put in an email that was made to look like it was from Hillary. So, while we don't know any of it was true we know at least some of it was false.
Many of the things the Russians hacked from Democrats were no different than what would have been found in Republican emails. The intelligence community found that Republicans had been hacked as well, but none of that was leaked as they only wanted to hurt one side.
So, to suggest somehow there was nothing wrong with the Russian hacking and leaking because maybe some of it was true is obviously not the case as only one side was defamed. If this were a "fair" dissemination of hacked info the Republican stuff would have been leaked as well. It wasn't because it was a crooked deal encouraged by the Russian puppet Trump.
So, the fact of the matter is that we know for sure some of the Russian/wikileaks hacks of alleged Hillary/Democrat emails were falsified and we don't know any of it was true.
That's Wyatt/bad anonymous's childish logic for you:
"I haven't been made aware that any of its false so that proves its all true.".
Addendum to blog post:
"I just want them to be sure, because it's a pretty serious charge, and I want them to be sure," Trump told pool reporters Saturday in Florida, where he is ringing in the new year.
"If you look at the weapons of mass destruction, that was a disaster, and they were wrong. And so I want them to be sure," he continued.
"I think it's unfair if they don't know. And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else."
"I also know things that other people don't know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation," Trump responded when asked why he doubts intelligence reports of Russian hacking, according to a pool reporter.
When asked what Trump knows that other people don't know, Trump responded, "You'll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday."
"December 31, 2016 4:45 PM Anonymous Nasty Woman said..."
look, kids
it's New Year's Eve at the nasty woman house
"US Department of Homeland Security, NCCIC, Federal Bureau of Investigation report: GRIZZY STEPPE -- Russian Malicious Cyber Activity"
first thing to notice here is that the name of the operation is misspelled, indicating this account is likely to be heavily edited, if not outright false
This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document provides technical details"
soo....where are they?
"regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyber activity by RIS as GRIZZLY STEPPE."
so, it basically includes all espionage done by computer, an activity every government in the world is involved with, including the U.S.
"Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors. However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This determination expands upon the Joint Statement released October 7, 2016, from the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security."
ah, so there is a Director of National Intelligence on Election Security?
interesting, it seems like all should be coming from that individual
who is he? is his name Van Jones?
"This activity by RIS is part of an ongoing campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure entities, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations leading to the theft of information."
sounds like the type of activity that investigative journalists in the U.S. and foreign medias engage in every day
liberals usually love that
of course, to be fair, Obama has consistently held a Nixonian view regarding journalists and freedom of the press, trying to prosecute and jail journalists who uncover embarrassing information about his administration
just another delightful little anti-constitutional aspect of the Barry O era
well, it's 2017
the year when the gay agenda comes flaming to the ground
well, Putin has always opposed the gay agenda
in Russia, you can be jailed for proposing something like the MCPS gay curriculum
you guys will just have to try harder to beat him next time
start building now cause it's gonna be hard to overcome the young constitutionalist SC justices Trump will appoint
but, maybe, in a few decades, you can try to get gay "marriage" legalized again
remember, no pain, no gain
you just have to be eternally vigilant
Wyatt/bad anonymous two days ago:
"at least he's the gay friendliest president ever"
Wyatt/bad anonymous today:
"well, it's 2017 the year when the gay agenda comes flaming to the ground".
And he tries to claim he's not just a big old troll.
Trump Is A Traitor
From The Boston Globe, December 12, 2016:
"Why does Trump publicly reject these intelligence agency conclusions and the bipartisan proposal for a congressional investigation? As president-elect, he should have a strong interest in presenting a united front against Russia’s interference with the electoral process at the core of American democracy."
"There are several possible explanations for Trump’s position. They are not mutually exclusive. First, he may be trying to shore up his political standing before the Electoral College vote on Monday. Second, he may be attempting to undermine the credibility of US intelligence agencies in advance of his taking office so that he can intimidate them and have a freer hand in reshaping the intelligence product to suit his objectives. Third, he may be testing his ability to go over the heads of intelligence professionals and congressional critics and persuade the American public to follow his version of the truth about national security threats. And finally, he may be seeking to cover up evidence of involvement or prior knowledge by members of his campaign team or himself in the Russian cyberattack."
"In each case the president-elect is inviting an interpretation that his behavior is treasonous. The federal crime of treason is committed by a person “owing allegiance to the United States who . . . adheres to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort,” and misprision of treason is committed by a person “having knowledge of the commission of any treason [who] conceals and does not disclose” the crime. By denigrating or seeking to prevent an investigation of the Russian cyberattack Trump is giving aid or comfort to an enemy of the United States, a crime that is enhanced if the fourth explanation applies — that he is in fact seeking to cover up his staff’s or his own involvement in or prior knowledge of the attack."
"the year when the gay agenda comes flaming to the ground"
Keep dreaming. We're not going to take radical right-wing conservatives sitting down. They will be opposed every step of the way. We've done it before, and we can do it again.
"well, Putin has always opposed the gay agenda
in Russia, you can be jailed for proposing something like the MCPS gay curriculum"
Sounds like your kind of nirvana. How come you haven't moved there yet, comrade? You don't meet his standards for entry?
"you guys will just have to try harder to beat him next time"
Gee thanks Captain Obvious. Who would have ever thought of that?
"but, maybe, in a few decades, you can try to get gay "marriage" legalized again"
Counting chickens before they've hatched again. Loved how you regaled us with stories of McCain's and Romney's "inevitable" wins every time they went up a point in the poles.
Tell us again your pearl-clutching stories of how marriage and our society will be destroyed when the gays get married. Gay people couldn't get married under the Bush reign, and our economy collapsed. Now, thanks to Obama, they can and the economy has been slowly but steadily recovering. There are now more people working than before the Bush recession:
And minimum wages just went up in a number of cities. You taking any bets on whether the Rumpster will screw it up or not?
"Keep dreaming. We're not going to take radical right-wing conservatives sitting down. They will be opposed every step of the way. We've done it before, and we can do it again."
uh, when did you do it?
the era of leftist redefinition of our constitution is over
that's a lock
things not in the Constitution, like the right to kill viable unborn children or right to marriage without gender diversity, will no longer be approved as "rights" by scheming of old radicals
"Sounds like your kind of nirvana. How come you haven't moved there yet, comrade? You don't meet his standards for entry?"
oh, I don't find the Russian way of life appealing but I pointed out long ago that his opposition to the gay agenda and our acquiescence in it would lead to his success
throughout history, nations that condoned homosexuality have always declined
restoration of originalist SCOTUS will make America great again
"Gee thanks Captain Obvious. Who would have ever thought of that?"
not the liberals of 2016
they thought they could just nominate some wife of scandal-ridden former President and she could sit back, avoid interviews and press conferences, not travel to places like Michigan and Wisconsin, take blacks and union workers for granted, and just phone it in
you need to get off your arse and put in a little effort
"Counting chickens before they've hatched again."
don't you see?
they're already pecking around the yards of the nation
"Loved how you regaled us with stories of McCain's and Romney's "inevitable" wins every time they went up a point in the poles."
that old game where you make stupid misspellings to get people to feel sorry for you is not going to work anymore
"Things not in the Constitution, like the right to kill viable unborn children or right to marriage without gender diversity, will no longer be approved as "rights" by scheming of old radicals"
No, you are one-hundred-eighty degrees wrong.
The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
You have all rights until the Constitution takes them away. They used to call it "freedom."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said " things not in the Constitution, like the right to kill viable unborn children or right to marriage without gender diversity, will no longer be approved as "rights" by scheming of old radicals".
Obviously the right to same sex marriage is in your constitution, under the ninth and fourteenth amendments . The enumeration of any rights in this document does not disparage unenumerated rights which are retained by the people. Hilarious how bigots like you claim to know your constitution but still erroneously think if a right isn't mentioned in it it doesn't exist.
And the 14th amendment requires equal treatment under the law. The specious argument you rely on that gays have the same right to an opposite sex marriage that straights do was rejected by the supreme court in Loving vs Virginia where the same argument was made that everyone had a right to marry within their own race. That argument has failed both times its been used because the bill of rights doesn't apply to groups of people, it applies to individuals and demands that if Alice can marry Tom then Fred must also have the right to marry Tom.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "oh, I don't find the Russian way of life appealing but I pointed out long ago that his opposition to the gay agenda and our acquiescence in it would lead to his success throughout history, nations that condoned homosexuality have always declined".
Obvously no truth to that. Putin succeeded before he started targeting gays. His success now is due to suppressing democracy and killing journalists and politicians who oppose him, you know, the thing Trump said he admired about Putin. And the Roman empire was flourishing while gays were accepted and entered decline once the christians took over and started persecuting gays.
The truth is throughout history nations that have persecuted gays have always declined.
Man created god in his own image...petty, imperfect, bitter, hateful, and contradictory.
Colossians 3:22
"Slaves, obey your masters."
1. There is not a sentence in the New Testament which expressly forbids the having and the holding of a slave.
2. There is not a sentence in the New Testament which by fair and just interpretation, according to the rules of grammar, gives ground for the logical inference that the simple holding of a slave or slaves is inconsistent with Christian profession and Christian character.
Its pretty bad when a Canadian has to explain the American constitution to Wyatt/bad anonymous.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "they thought they could just nominate some wife of scandal-ridden former President and she could sit back, avoid interviews and press conferences, not travel to places like Michigan and Wisconsin, take blacks and union workers for granted, and just phone it in".
There were no Hillary scandals. All the REpublicans ever had after decades of digging and multi-millions spent was innuendo and vague unsupported assertions of some sort of wrongdoing. Unlike with Trump who admitted to multiple sexual assaults, raped a child, used bankruptcy laws to abscond with billions of investors and small business peoples dollars, discriminated against blacks in housing and has dozens more scandals brewing.
Obviously Hillary was a better candidate than Trump - she was more popular by 3 million votes.
The FBI and Russia colluded to interfere with the democratic U.S. election and install an illegitimate president.
Trump will go down in American history as the most illegitimate U.S. president ever.
"uh, when did you do it?"
While the priest were "playing" with kids and blaming the gays.
It was how we got 23-07 passed as well as gay marriage.
Now that thouseands of gay couples all around the country have gotten married, gays are serving openly in the military, the skies haven't fallen, the rapture hasn't happened, and none of the other catastrophes conservatives screamed about ever occured, it's gonna be a lot harder to convince regular people to pull rights out from under them. No doubt the talibangelicals will still try, but like prohibition, it's gonna be hard to put the genie back in the bottle.
Wow, when Wyatt posts you sure can feel the hate he has for non-self-loathing gays!
This one is dedicated to wannabe heterosexual Wyatt/bad anonymous:
The Diary of Wyatt Wimp
Late again today, he'd be in trouble though he'd say he was sorry, he'd have to hurry out to the bus
Wyatt was so sad, he'd never had a girl that he could care for, and if he was late once more, he'd be out
Don't be afraid, just knock on the door,
Well he just stood there mumblin and fumblin'
Then a voice from above said-
Wyatt wimp,this is your life,
Go out and find yourself a wife,
Make a stand and be a man,
And you will have a great life plan
Wyatt met a girl, she was small and she was very pretty, he thought he was in love, he was afraid
Asks her for a date, the café dowm the street tomorrow evening, his head was reeling, when she said Yes, O K
Don't be afraid, just knock on the door,
Well he just stood there mumblin' and fumblin'
Then a voice from above said-
Wyatt wimp,this is your life,
Go out and find yourself a wife,
Make a stand and be a man,
And you will have a great life plan
Wyatt, this is it, he asks the girl if maybe they could marry, when she says gladly,
Wyatt cries
Everybody's at the church, when Wyatt rushes in and says Now here comes my wife,for the rest of my life, and she did
Don't be afraid, just knock on the door
Well he just stood there mumblin' and fumblin'
Then a voice from above said
"Wyatt Wimp, this is your Ann
Go out and find yourself a man
Make a stand and be a man
And you will have a great life plan"
Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt
Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
(Wyatt Wimp, Wyatt Wimp, Wyatt Wimp, Wyatt Wimp)
"No, you are one-hundred-eighty degrees wrong.
The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
You have all rights until the Constitution takes them away. They used to call it "freedom.""
here we have a TTFer who's become completely unhinged
I know we're cancelling Obamacare
but someone has to make some psychiatric care available to get Dems over this period of transition
don't be shocked but we'll just call it reparative therapy
"While the priest were "playing" with kids and blaming the gays."
you mean when gays infiltrated the catholic church because it was so lenient toward homosexuality and they abused the position?
"It was how we got 23-07 passed as well as gay marriage."
now, cinco
that was when you had the President on your side
you ain't never tangled with an opponent that holds a royal flush (White House, Congress, SCOTUS, most state legislatures, most governor mansions)
frankly, you're screwed
"Now that thouseands of gay couples all around the country have gotten married,"
stop trying to get sympathy by misspelling
"gays are serving openly in the military, the skies haven't fallen, the rapture hasn't happened, and none of the other catastrophes conservatives screamed about ever occured,"
kinda like global warming, huh?
yeah, things are going great
you have heard the nation is dangerously divided, right
why don't go where the water tastes like wine?
you could jump in the water and stay drunk all the time
"it's gonna be a lot harder to convince regular people to pull rights out from under them."
No doubt the talibangelicals will still try, but like prohibition, it's gonna be hard to put the genie back in the bottle."
well, you did it with just five people (SCOTUS)
why in Earth do you think we can't do the same?
President-elect Donald J. Trump, expressing lingering skepticism about intelligence assessments of Russian interference in the election, said on Saturday evening that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking, and that the information would be revealed “on Tuesday or Wednesday.”
Speaking to a handful of reporters outside his Palm Beach, Fla., club, Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump cast his declarations of doubt as an effort to seek the truth.
“I just want them to be sure because it’s a pretty serious charge,” Mr. Trump said of the intelligence agencies. “If you look at the weapons of mass destruction, that was a disaster, and they were wrong,” he added, referring to intelligence cited by the George W. Bush administration to support its march to war in 2003. “So I want them to be sure,” the president-elect said. “I think it’s unfair if they don’t know.”
He added: “And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”
When asked what he knew that others did not, Mr. Trump demurred, saying only, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”
Mr. Trump, who does not use email, also advised people to avoid computers when dealing with delicate material. “It’s very important, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way, because I’ll tell you what, no computer is safe,” Mr. Trump said.
“I don’t care what they say, no computer is safe,” he added. “I have a boy who’s 10 years old; he can do anything with a computer. You want something to really go without detection, write it out and have it sent by courier.”
""It was how we got 23-07 passed as well as gay marriage."
now, cinco
that was when you had the President on your side"
The President had and still has nothing to do with the fact that every elected official in Montgomery County Maryland, where 23-07 was passed into law, is a Democrat no matter who you vote for.
""US Department of Homeland Security, NCCIC, Federal Bureau of Investigation report: GRIZZY STEPPE -- Russian Malicious Cyber Activity"
first thing to notice here is that the name of the operation is misspelled, indicating this account is likely to be heavily edited, if not outright false"
Nice spin but my typo does not make the FBI report FAKE NEWS, the crap you usually read. Click on the link and see for yourself, moron:
ALTHOUGH PRESIDENT Obama’s sanctions against Russia for interfering with the U.S. presidential election came late, his action on Thursday reflected a bipartisan consensus that penalties must be imposed for Moscow’s audacious hacking and meddling. But one prominent voice in the United States reacted differently. President-elect Donald Trump said “it’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things.” Earlier in the week, he asserted that the “whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on.”
No, Mr. Trump, it is not time to move on. U.S. intelligence agencies are in agreement about “what is going on”: a brazen and unprecedented attempt by a hostile power to covertly sway the outcome of a U.S. presidential election through the theft and release of material damaging to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The president-elect’s dismissive response only deepens unanswered questions about his ties to Russia in the past and his plans for cooperation with Vladimir Putin.
For his part, Mr. Putin seems to be eagerly anticipating the Trump presidency. On Friday, he promised to withhold retaliatory sanctions, clearly hoping the new Trump administration will nullify Mr. Obama’s acts. Then Mr. Trump cheered on Twitter: “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) — I always knew he was very smart!”
For any American leader, an attempt to subvert U.S. democracy ought to be unforgivable — even if he is the intended beneficiary. Some years ago, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned of a “cyber-Pearl Harbor,” and the fear at the time was of a cyberattack collapsing electric grids or crashing financial markets. Now we have a real cyber-Pearl Harbor, though not one that was anticipated. Mr. Obama has pledged a thorough investigation and disclosure; the information released on Thursday does not go far enough. Congress should not shrink from establishing a select committee for a full-scale probe.
Mr. Obama also hinted at additional retaliation, possibly unannounced, and we believe it would be justified to deter future mischief. How about shedding a little sunshine on Mr. Putin’s hidden wealth and that of his coterie?
Mr. Trump has been frank about his desire to improve relations with Russia, but he seems blissfully untroubled by the reasons for the deterioration in relations, including Russia’s instigation of an armed uprising in Ukraine, its seizure of Crimea, its efforts to divide Europe and the crushing of democracy and human rights at home.
Why is Mr. Trump so dismissive of Russia’s dangerous behavior? Some say it is his lack of experience in foreign policy, or an oft-stated admiration for strongmen, or naivete about Russian intentions. But darker suspicions persist. Mr. Trump has steadfastly refused to be transparent about his multibillion-dollar business empire. Are there loans or deals with Russian businesses or the state that were concealed during the campaign? Are there hidden communications with Mr. Putin or his representatives? We would be thrilled to see all the doubts dispelled, but Mr. Trump’s odd behavior in the face of a clear threat from Russia, matched by Mr. Putin’s evident enthusiasm for the president-elect, cannot be easily explained.
"For any American leader, an attempt to subvert U.S. democracy ought to be unforgivable"
for all American voters, a party's plea that they lost because some actors revealed the truth about them when they had the right to create a false impression
is unforgivable
democracy doesn't run on deception and hypocrisy
America needs a new second political party in 2017
"Some years ago, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned of a “cyber-Pearl Harbor,” and the fear at the time was of a cyberattack collapsing electric grids or crashing financial markets."
well, that continues to be a concern
but the election was nothing like that
"Now we have a real cyber-Pearl Harbor,"
ah, we've moved on
a couple of weeks ago, the embarrassing disclosures about how hypocritical Dems are was "another 9/11" according to the media
next, it's likely to be called a cyber-Holocaust
hint: it's not working, dumb dems
"Mr. Obama also hinted at additional retaliation, possibly unannounced, and we believe it would be justified to deter future mischief. How about shedding a little sunshine on Mr. Putin’s hidden wealth and that of his coterie?"
if there's something to tell, by all means, do so
this has been pretty well gone over by the media, however
it's no secret, just like Hillary's hypocrisy was not new
maybe, it's thoroughness
"Mr. Trump has been frank about his desire to improve relations with Russia, but he seems blissfully untroubled by the reasons for the deterioration in relations, including Russia’s instigation of an armed uprising in Ukraine, its seizure of Crimea, its efforts to divide Europe and the crushing of democracy and human rights at home."
right or wrong, Trump's position is that the U.S. should act only when it's interests are at stake and not become the champion of rights for Russian citizens, who largely support Putin anyway
obviously, that appeals to Putin but that doesn't make it wrong
and, frankly, Dems have a long history of supporting the same concept
"Nice spin but my typo does not make the FBI report FAKE NEWS, the crap you usually read"
nice spin but what the typo shows is you didn't cut and paste but, instead, cut and altered
you deny this?
we're in a new era now
the gay agenda is going down in flames
Anon says "they lost because some actors revealed the truth about them". First of all, there was nothing in the DNC emails that hurt Hillary. No scandals, no big secrets beyond ordinary inside-politics and you know, code-worded Satanic human-trafficking in babies for sex. The DNC was shown to have favored Hillary over Bernie, but that's just what political parties do -- you can be sure that RNC emails would have revealed a tizzy as Trump bullied his way to the top. But actors did not reveal the truth about them, so we did not see that.
And that's the point. We don't know what the RNC said. We don't know what Trump's income is or what business entanglements he has. In this election we knew every private detail of Hillary's life and absolutely nothing about Donald's.
None of her details hurt her, but the preponderance of details, the chanting of the "email" mantra, brought her down. I bet most Americans believe that Hillary's private server had been hacked, because all the "email" talk was a dull roar that obscured everything else. You kept hearing that there was a problem with emails, but I guarantee you cannot find one American who knows what the problem actually was supposed to be. Classified information? Do you know what the "C" stands for? Hint: not "Classified." After all those hearings, no wrongdoing was found, but the air was poisoned politically, which was the point.
In this election you had an unprecedented imbalance in information about the candidates. You could read Hillary's staff planning fundraisers and talking about cooking, you could go through her tax forms and see where her money came from and where it went, the Clinton Foundation paperwork was transparent and complete. But Trump was the first presidential candidate in modern history to withhold his tax information, so nobody knows what his "business interests" are, or who he is beholden to. His party's servers were hacked and information was saved secretly, probably for their blackmail value, but in the short run the imbalance counted against Clinton. And the Trump Foundation is a high-dollar shell game, we can see externally visible signs of illegal activity but nobody knows what goes on inside it.
None of this matters now. America has elected a small-time gangster and reality-TV star to run the country, and now we will see how it plays out. He will be in violation of the Constitution the moment he swears the oath of office but you can bet the GOP Congress will not want to slow things down by impeaching him. Their corporate owners are calling for action and now that they have a president who will sign off on corruption they will be happy to screw the people and push their bills through without resistance.
In a sense this did happen because "some actors revealed the truth about" one candidate and not the other. Let's see how this plays out for America.
"there was nothing in the DNC emails that hurt Hillary"
actually, there was a hypocritical contempt for the common American, and especially groups that were her constituents, that may have made the difference where she lost the election - in the rustbelt
not to mention, the conspiracy to stack the deck against Bernie, and the media feeding them debate questions
but, you're right, it was probably not the key factor is her loss - so why the hysteria about the idea that Russia may have leaked some irrelevant facts?
it's another 9/11!! it's another Pearl Harbor!! it's a bird, it's a plane...no, it's the gay agenda going down in flames
"And that's the point. We don't know what the RNC said."
what difference does that make? you said it didn't damage Hillary
"We don't know what Trump's income is or what business entanglements he has."
try and read the filings he made with the FEC
it has that
what you really want to know is how much he gave to charity and how he reduced his taxes
to use as part of a demagoguery against his economic proposals
he had no obligation to release them
glad he didn't
"In this election we knew every private detail of Hillary's life and absolutely nothing about Donald's."
neither is true
"You kept hearing that there was a problem with emails, but I guarantee you cannot find one American who knows what the problem actually was supposed to be."
oh, it's that she exposed national security to risk by taking outside the required environment
lower level employees do that inadvertently all the time and the full weight of government prosecution falls on them
personally, I think the intelligence community is a little insane about this but, by justice, she should be prosecuted
she certainly be trusted with the information a president is privy to
"In this election you had an unprecedented imbalance in information about the candidates."
not really
"But Trump was the first presidential candidate in modern history to withhold his tax information, so nobody knows what his "business interests" are,"
everyone knows his business interests are
his projects are public, he has filed FEC reports as required by law
"He will be in violation of the Constitution the moment he swears the oath of office"
haha!! do tell us how?
"Their corporate owners are calling for action"
Hillary spent most of her time kissing up to big money donors
one of the reasons
Look how the Putin Praising Pussy Predator President Elect Bully in Chief tries to bring those who voted against him around to his side.
Donald J. Trump ✔
Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!
8:17 AM - 31 Dec 2016
He should take his own advice and you know the rest.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "for all American voters, a party's plea that they lost because some actors revealed the truth about them when they had the right to create a false impression".
As we discussed before, none of the leaks of alleged DNC emails have been proven to be true and some have certainly been proven to be fabricated. So, its the Russians and Republicans who created the false impression.
Good anonymous said "Some years ago, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned of a “cyber-Pearl Harbor,” and the fear at the time was of a cyberattack collapsing electric grids or crashing financial markets."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said"well, that continues to be a concern but the election was nothing like that".
Actually it was. Trump worked with the Russians to promote hacking that has weakened the U.S. and opened it up to more serious cyberattacks in the future.
Good anonymous said "Mr. Obama also hinted at additional retaliation, possibly unannounced, and we believe it would be justified to deter future mischief. How about shedding a little sunshine on Mr. Putin’s hidden wealth and that of his coterie?"
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "if there's something to tell, by all means, do so this has been pretty well gone over by the media, however it's no secret, just like Hillary's hypocrisy was not new".
The media ignored the Russian/Trump hacking for the most part, instead spending more times on the fake controversy over Hillary's emails which contained nothing of concern than on all the other issues combined. The media largely ignored Trump's corruption.
Good anonymous said "Mr. Trump has been frank about his desire to improve relations with Russia, but he seems blissfully untroubled by the reasons for the deterioration in relations, including Russia’s instigation of an armed uprising in Ukraine, its seizure of Crimea, its efforts to divide Europe and the crushing of democracy and human rights at home."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "right or wrong, Trump's position is that the U.S. should act only when it's interests are at stake and not become the champion of rights for Russian citizens, who largely support Putin anyway obviously, that appeals to Putin but that doesn't make it wrong and, frankly, Dems have a long history of supporting the same concept".
Wrong. It most certainly is in the U.S. interest to prevent hacking intended to harm it and subvert its democracy. Trump wants to sweep that under the rug because the traitor is in league with the Russians in order to enrich himself. Under no circumstances have the Democrats worked with the Russians to harm the States like Trump has.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "the gay agenda is going down in flames".
Three days ago he was saying "Trump is the most gay friendly president ever".
Obviously his comments are intended solely to provoke, he's not motivated by any principle or truth. And yet he claims not to be a troll.
Good anonymous, really impressive job you did of laying out the truth in your comment at January 02, 2017 10:39 AM!
You're kicking Wyatt/bad anonymous's ass!
"what you really want to know is how much he gave to charity and how he reduced his taxes"
Not really, I know he doesn't give anything to charities, and that he pulls every trick possible to keep from paying taxes.
No, actually, I want to know who pulls his puppet-strings. Vladimir Putin, for instance, is the richest man in the world. How much does Trump owe him personally, or, indirectly through the Russian government, Russian banks, Russian investors? What was the figure for Bank of China -- $700 million that Trump owes them? How is he going to be able to propose and pass policies that are good for America but are going to get his own ass handed to him financially? He's not. Washington is a city where money talks, and Trump is the embodiment of devotion to Mammon in its sleaziest, most vulgar sense. He cheats the people who work for him, to make an extra buck, and you can bet he will kiss ass wherever he has to, if he himself will personally profit. It would have been important for the American people to know who controls him.
I guess we'll find out.
Wyatt/bad anonymous selectively quoted Good anonymous "there was nothing in the DNC emails that hurt Hillary"
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "actually, there was a hypocritical contempt for the common American, and especially groups that were her constituents, that may have made the difference where she lost the election - in the rustbelt".
Wrong. As good anonymous explained to you there was nothing in Hillary's emails that wouldn't have been found in Republican emails and this one sided reporting dishonestly slanted election coverage. This created a false impression of a controversy that dishonestly hurt her. And as I've pointed at, a Newsweek journalist pointed out that one of the emails allegedly from Hillary that showed this "contempt" was actually written by him and forged to look like it was written by Hillary. We don't know if any of the alleged hacked DNC emails were true but we certainly know some of it was faked.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "not to mention, the conspiracy to stack the deck against Bernie, and the media feeding them debate questions but, you're right, it was probably not the key factor is her loss - so why the hysteria about the idea that Russia may have leaked some irrelevant facts?".
There was no conspiracy, that was a non story, the DNC preferred Hillary just as the RNC preferred anyone but Trump. Once again the once sided coverage due to the leaks created the false impression that the DNC had done something wrong and the RNC hadn't. The Russian/Trump leaks weren't irrelevant, they helped create a false narrative in the media that dishonestly hurt Hillary, so yeah, it was a big deal.
Good anonymous said "And that's the point. We don't know what the RNC said."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "what difference does that make? you said it didn't damage Hillary".
No, he said they found no scandals, nothing serious, just mundane stuff but that was used to "raise questions", spread innuendo, and create a one sided false impression that Hillary was involved in wrongdoings and the RNC wasn't. That most certainly dishonestly hurt Hillary.
Good anonymous said "We don't know what Trump's income is or what business entanglements he has."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "try and read the filings he made with the FEC it has that what you really want to know is how much he gave to charity and how he reduced his taxes to use as part of a demagoguery against his economic proposals he had no obligation to release them glad he didn't".
The FEC filings don't provide a lot of key information about his business dealings. If they did he'd have no reason not to release his income tax returns. He didn't release them because he is hiding his sleazy dealings. While he had no legal obligation to release his tax returns he had a moral one as he'd promised to do so prior to running, excoriated Romney for not releasing his income tax filings, and for the past several decades all presidential candidates released their's as a show of good faith - Trump has no good faith. You're glad he didn't release his taxes because you know the dirty dealings would have justifiably hurt him in the election. You're happy to have your candidate win through dishonest means.
And it wasn’t a matter of demagoguery against his economic proposals, he regularly contradicted himself on what he was proposing, refused to release details to give the public a chance to evaluate his plans, and what he did release was absolutely shredded by economists as radically increasing the debt and harming the economy.
Good anonymous said "In this election we knew every private detail of Hillary's life and absolutely nothing about Donald's."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "neither is true".
Oh, please. The media spent almost all of its coverage on innuendo and “raising questions” about whether or not Hillary was responsible for any wrongdoings when they had nothing of substance. In the meantime they largely ignored Trump’s scandals and corruption.
Good anonymous said "You kept hearing that there was a problem with emails, but I guarantee you cannot find one American who knows what the problem actually was supposed to be."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said “oh, it's that she exposed national security to risk by taking outside the required environment
Oh, please. She didn’t do anything that Colin Powel hadn’t done and the Bush adminstration deleted 6 million emails from the time they were in office. The main concern of the public was not the trumped up idea that she risked security, it was that maybe there was some sort of scandal or wrondoing which no one could specifically point out. There wasn’t a single email that anyone could point to that “risked national security”, it was all a tempest in a teapot that unfortunately lead the public to wrongly believe “something” bad had gone on.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said “lower level employees do that inadvertently all the time and the full weight of government prosecution falls on them personally, I think the intelligence community is a little insane about this but, by justice, she should be prosecuted”.
An outright lie. No one has ever been prosecuted for non-events such as Hillary has been accused of. If there was any truth to that claim Hillary would have been prosecuted by the pro-Trump FBI. They didn’t charge her because they couldn’t trump up a case against her enough to do so.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said “she certainly be trusted with the information a president is privy”.
She never put any important information at risk, she did the same thing Colin Powel and Condoleeza Rice did. Trump on the other hand has spoken in public about intelligence breifings he’s received and is a loose cannon who will tweet out confidential information if he thinks it makes him look good or the people opposing him look bad, or just to get publicity. Hillary is a dedicated public servant with decades of experience behind her and terrific judgment while Trump is a spoiled man-child.
Good anonymous said "In this election you had an unprecedented imbalance in information about the candidates."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said “not really”.
LOL! Only a truly ignorant and dishonest person like you would say that in light of the obvious rampant slanting of the coverage on the candidates.
Good anonymous said "But Trump was the first presidential candidate in modern history to withhold his tax information, so nobody knows what his "business interests" are,"
Wyatt/bad anonymous said “everyone knows his business interests are his projects are public, he has filed FEC reports as required by law”.
If that was true he’d have no reason not to release his tax information. Obviously he won’t release it because he’s hiding his scandals and corruption.
"Not really, I know he doesn't give anything to charities, and that he pulls every trick possible to keep from paying taxes"
well, those are the only two things you could find out from his tax returns that aren't already known
"No, actually, I want to know who pulls his puppet-strings. Vladimir Putin, for instance, is the richest man in the world. How much does Trump owe him personally, or, indirectly through the Russian government, Russian banks, Russian investors? What was the figure for Bank of China -- $700 million that Trump owes them? How is he going to be able to propose and pass policies that are good for America but are going to get his own ass handed to him financially? He's not. Washington is a city where money talks, and Trump is the embodiment of devotion to Mammon in its sleaziest, most vulgar sense. He cheats the people who work for him, to make an extra buck, and you can bet he will kiss ass wherever he has to, if he himself will personally profit. It would have been important for the American people to know who controls him."
you can't find anything like that out from a tax return
it doesn't list assets
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "you can't find anything like that out from a tax return it doesn't list assets".
You most certainly can find out those sorts of things from a tax return. Money deducted from income as interest costs on loans, income from russian sources, and on and on.
There's a reason why Trump hasn't released his tax returns - he has A LOT to hide.
Cynthia said "While the priest were "playing" with kids and blaming the gays."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "you mean when gays infiltrated the catholic church because it was so lenient toward homosexuality and they abused the position?"
The reason why gays are attracted to the priesthood is that it doesn't allow priests to marry. Some religious gays want desperately to reject their same sex attractions as their church has asked them to and believe that the priesthood provides them with a respectable way to hide their lack of attraction to women and a solution to their gayness. Of course as young men/boys they don't have the foresight to see its not going to work. So, for many they find after time becoming a priest hasn't solved their self-loathing problem they learned from christianity and the boundaries placed on them by bigoted christians are unrealistic and can't be lived within. So, as its not acceptable to get into an open long term relationship with an adult male they feel they have to continue to hide who they are and unable to resist their attractions unfortunately abusing adolescent boys looks like the only option for temptations not every human can be realistically asked to ignore.
So, while the gays seeking escape in the priesthood are ultimately responsible for the sexual abuse, its the unrealistic boundaries set for gay males by the bigoted Catholic church that has deceived them and driven them to this. What for many are unliveable boundaries are the problem, not the gays who are sucked into a life that makes sexually molesting children look like a more acceptable alternative to having a long term monogamous relationship with a man.
Now watch Wyatt/bad anonymous fail to ignore my posts as he said he was going to and show he can't restrain himself.
"Apparently, you don't file many tax returns as a business owner.
Reviewing Trump's NY State 1995 tax return indicates numbers on it were derived from his 1995 Federal Return, Form 1040 and its attachments, which included: 1040 Schedule C Profit or Loss from Business, 1040 Schedule D Capital Gains and Losses, 1040 Schedule E Supplemental Income and Loss, and Federal Form 4797 Sale of Business Property, which would tell Americans plenty about both his assets and his debts."
apparently you don't know what you're talking about
those are all accounts of income
his assets and liabilities aren't listed
they are, however, on his FEC filings
but those are already available to the public
"They were fees paid for the honor of having the first female US Presidential candidate impart her wisdom to some Wall Street corporations,"
they likely paid for access to the White House
there's no telling what was talked about
Hillary has refused to release transcripts or disclose what went on
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "apparently you don't know what you're talking about those are all accounts of income his assets and liabilities aren't listed".
It is you who doesn't know what he's talking about. Many of his assets and liabilities produce income and expenses and so are listed on his income tax returns.
If Trump wasn't hiding things in his income tax returns he would have released them.
There's all manner of sleazy dealings associated with the Russians Trump's income tax returns are hiding.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "they likely paid for access to the White House there's no telling what was talked about".
Absolutely not. Republicans spent decades, millions of dollars of public money and dozens of inquiries in an attempt to find dirt on Hillary. If there was anything to be found they'd have discovered it. There was no wrongdoings whatsoever by Hillary - the Republicans proved that.
"Hillary has refused to release transcripts or disclose what went on"
You are really are living deep inside the bubble aren't you!
WikiLeaks Claims To Release Hillary Clinton's Goldman Sachs Transcripts
"...Now everyone can judge for themselves whether Clinton's words were transformative, Shakespearean, or just sort of mundane.
And it turns out they weren't actually speeches in the traditional sense. Instead, they appear to be extended Q-and-A's with Goldman Sachs executives, sometimes taking questions from others as well.
The entire transcripts are below...."
And here's a link (also showing the URL) to the actual WikiLeaks page entitled HRC Paid Speeches you just claimed have not been released by Hillary.
Duh, she didn't have to, you moron. WikiLeaks released them along with everything else the Russians hacked in their sustained attempts to throw the election to your Putin Praising Pussy Predator President Elect.
Obviously there was nothing untoward or illegal in any of those wall street speech transcripts, just like all the other computer data the FBI searched on her server.
And you don't even remember those speeches had been released.
You should get your head out of your bubble more often, you just might learn something you didn't know, especially when you come here where commenters on Vigilance TeachTheFacts.
Let's remember two things. 1.No candidate has ever been asked to release the transcripts of their private speeches. It only came up because the Republicans wanted to make it look like she would enact policies that were friendly to the company. 2.Donald Trump has brought Goldman Sachs into his cabinet and will look out for them very thoroughly.
"they likely paid for access to the White House"
And now your Putin Praising Pussy Predator President Elect is giving Wall Street CEOs White House passes and keys.
But that's OK with you!
Not to mention that Ivanka Trump and her brothers are running Trump's businesses and acting as advisors to Trump on government business. Ivanka even sat on on a photo op with Trump and the Japanese government representatives showing if they want access to government they need to do beneficial things for Trumps businesses.
A president by tradition divests him or herself of all their businesses and investments and has them run by a blind trust to avoid any conflict of interest. Obviously with Trump's children running his businesses that is anything but a blind trust as Trump is being advised daily on the impact of his government policy decisions and executive actions on their effect on his businesses.
Trump's known conflicts of interest runneth over
"When Americans talk about corruption in politics, they usually mean the outsize influence corporations and the wealthy can exert in politics through campaign donations.
But President-elect Donald Trump’s administration risks a much more direct type of corruption, where the end goal is not donations to a reelection campaign but personal enrichment for the president himself. Trump’s massive business empire — towering skyscrapers and sprawling golf courses, menswear and furniture, and his licensing of his personal “brand” around the world — promises endless entanglements of business and politics.
And we do not know the extent of the problem. Trump refuses to release his tax returns or disclose information about his debts. He’s structured and nested his companies to make it difficult to determine who owns something as simple as a helicopter. For every obvious conflict, there could be many more that aren’t even public."
"You are really are living deep inside the bubble aren't you!"
hmmm...I guess should pay more attention to the tale of Hillary
I'd hate to be in a bubble
"WikiLeaks Claims To Release Hillary Clinton's Goldman Sachs Transcripts"
oh, wait a minute
didn't you say, just today, that no one has proved the wikileaks were accurate?
were you just saying something when you don't think it's true?
is that lying?
"And here's a link (also showing the URL) to the actual WikiLeaks page entitled HRC Paid Speeches you just claimed have not been released by Hillary"
so, you're saying wikileaks are released by Hillary? or does she just confirm they're right? WTF are you saying?
"Duh, she didn't have to, you moron. WikiLeaks released them along with everything else the Russians hacked in their sustained attempts to throw the election to your Putin Praising Pussy Predator President Elect"
oh, I see
but you seem to beagreeing with the veracity of the speeches
you do realize my point was not anything to do with the content of the speeches but that the exorbitant fees represented payment for influence, not a speech
just like the foreign contributors to the Clinton Foundation
the Clintons left the White House broke
and a couple of decades later are worth hundreds of millions
what service did they provide in exchange for this compensation?
the sold influence for a certain wealthy elite
"Let's remember two things. 1.No candidate has ever been asked to release the transcripts of their private speeches. It only came up because the Republicans wanted to make it look like she would enact policies that were friendly to the company. 2.Donald Trump has brought Goldman Sachs into his cabinet and will look out for them very thoroughly."
let's remember one thing:
Trump didn't receive any payments from Goldman Sachs for doing nothing
"And we do not know the extent of the problem. Trump refuses to release his tax returns or disclose information about his debts"
you fool, you won't know this from his tax returns
the FEC filings he's already done are more informative
the real goal in seeking the returns is to create class warfare stories for the media
he was smart not to release them
if you think it should be required, write your congressman
you won't get far
2017: a year all decent people are looking forward to
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
"didn't you say, just today, that no one has proved the wikileaks were accurate?
were you just saying something when you don't think it's true?
is that lying?"
No, I said nothing about the accuracy of wikileaks at all, you liar. In fact the word "accurate" only occurs twice in this blog thread above this comment, once in your comment and once in Priya Lynn's comments made on DECEMBER 30, 2016 at 1:20 PM .
But you said:
"no one has found any of the wikileaks to be false
so, Russia stands accused of telling the truth about Hillary
how dastardly!!
DECEMBER 30, 2016 8:46 PM "
"all Russia has been accused of is releasing truthful information about Hillary
DECEMBER 31, 2016 10:10 AM "
"we all need to keep in mind that this interference Russia is accused of was simply telling the truth about Hillary
DECEMBER 31, 2016 11:36 AM "
So you believe every word the Russians leaked through WikiLeaks is the god's honest truth.
WikiLeaks published the transcripts of Hillary's speeches at Goldman Sachs and they were no big deal, nothing like McMahon's $7 million cabinet seat.
"you do realize my point was not anything to do with the content of the speeches but that the exorbitant fees represented payment for influence, not a speech"
Hillary got $ 225K per speech, and after making a cool $7 million contribution to Trump's campaign, McMahon got a cabinet seat.
I haven't yet checked for the rest of the billionaires your Pro-Putin Pussy Predator President Elect's Wall Street cabinet to see how much they may have contributed to the campaign before winning their cabinet seats, have you?
Good anonymous said "And we do not know the extent of the problem. Trump refuses to release his tax returns or disclose information about his debts"
Wyatt/bad anonymous said"you fool, you won't know this from his tax returns the FEC filings he's already done are more informative".
LOL, you moron! Trumps income tax returns will show deductions for interest payments as business expenses. Obvously the FEC filings are NOT more informative or there'd be no reason for him not to release his income tax returns. He won't release them because they will expose his ties to Russia, non existant charitable donations, and corruption.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "he was smart not to release them".
LOL, Wyatt trips up again! Obviously you also realize Trump is hiding his corruption and ties to Russia if you think he was smart not to release them.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "didn't you say, just today, that no one has proved the wikileaks were accurate?".
No, I said that. So much for your claim that you're going to ignore me.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "you do realize my point was not anything to do with the content of the speeches but that the exorbitant fees represented payment for influence, not a speech just like the foreign contributors to the Clinton Foundation".
Baseless lies. Hillary NEVER took money and gave favours in return. Republicans spent millions in public dollars with dozens of committees and were unable to come up with the slightest evidence of any wrongdoing. If Hillary was guilty of a tiny fraction of what you and they claim she'd have been charged with multiple crimes. She wasn't because there was nothing there.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "the Clintons left the White House broke
and a couple of decades later are worth hundreds of millions what service did they provide in exchange for this compensation?"
You grossly exagerate on both counts. They were well paid for speeches, public appearences, books and earned a great deal of money on investments. But it certainly was no where remotely close to "hundreds of millions".
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "the sold influence for a certain wealthy elite".
Extremely thoroughly investigated and not a shred of evidence that that ever took place. Unlike with Trump who donated to Pam Bondi's campaign and in return she dropped the investigation into Trump university. That's quid pro quo, something you'll never find with Hillary.
It’s fairly common for national leaders to extend best wishes to the public as one calendar year ends and another begins. President Obama said via Twitter, for example, “It’s been the privilege of my life to serve as your President. I look forward to standing with you as a citizen. Happy New Year everybody.”
Donald Trump had a related message of his own, but take a moment to appreciate the not-so-subtle difference between the president-elect’s message and that of the current president.
As 2016 comes to a close, world leaders appear just as eager to start fresh in the new year. President-elect Donald Trump, however, couldn’t let this year go without taking another dig at his critics.
“Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!” he tweeted Saturday morning.
Note, there’s nothing to suggest Trump’s Twitter feed was hacked by an intemperate child trying to make the president-elect look petty or intentionally ridiculous. This sentiment reflects Trump’s actual New Year’s sentiment.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) joked in response to Trump’s message, “This is the exact same tweet my nephew sent when he won middle school class treasurer. Word for word. Uncanny.”
A day earlier, Politico reported that Trump “ejected from his West Palm Beach golf course one of his most critical biographers, Harry Hurt III, who had been preparing to play in a foursome with billionaire mega-donor David Koch.” Apparently, Trump is still bothered by a 1993 book about him, and he argued with the author about the biography’s accuracy after Hurt tried to congratulate Trump for his election victory.
Do you ever get the feeling Trump doesn’t care about moving past old conflicts in order to help bring people together?
Ron Brownstein recently explained in The Atlantic that the president-elect really isn’t making any effort to “reconcile the country” after a contentious and divisive campaign.
[T]hrough his tumultuous transition, Trump has made little attempt at national reconciliation. At his post-election rallies, he has continued to launch sweeping denunciations of the news media; he’s regularly directed disparaging tweets toward voices critical of him (an Indiana union leader, Bill Clinton, the cast of Broadway’s Hamilton) and belittled the intelligence community’s conclusions about Russian hacking; he’s made the inflammatory and unfounded accusation that “millions of people … voted illegally”; and he’s claimed “a historic electoral landslide victory” – even though his electoral college margin ranked in the bottom fourth of elections to date, and even though he lost the popular vote by more votes than any winner ever. […]
Simultaneously, Trump has appointed a Cabinet and White House staff that braid the competing factions of the Republican Party, but offer virtually no outreach to voters beyond them.
This, of course, was before Trump wrapped up his self-congratulatory tour – the president-elect, without exception, limited his events to “red” states – and extended New Year’s wishes to his “many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do.”
The night he won the election, Trump declared, “Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division; [we] have to get together.” But it’s important to understand what he thinks that means: for the president-elect, the task of uniting Americans means he’ll gladly welcome his detractors who are now willing to embrace Donald J. Trump and accept his awesomeness.
Or as the Washington Post’s Philip Bump put it, “Past presidents have similarly entered office to lead a divided nation. For Trump, the path to unity is narrow: Stop complaining about him and unify around him.”
The question is what the president-elect – who received nearly 3 million fewer votes than his opponent and won thanks in part to intervention from the FBI director and a Russian espionage operation – is prepared to do to cultivate support from those who didn’t vote for him.
As recently as New Year’s Eve, the answer seems surprisingly straightforward: nothing.
"exorbitant fees represented payment for influence, not a speech"
McMahon paid seven million dollar and got herself cabinet seat.
She really wanted it and with a big fat campaign check to Donnie-boy, she got it.
That looks like some mighty big influence, especially in those tiny little Donnie-boy hands.
"...Trump who donated to Pam Bondi's campaign and in return she dropped the investigation into Trump university. That's quid pro quo, something you'll never find with Hillary."
That's right Priya Lynn.
A$$hole Anon is just fine with our Pro-Putin Pussy Predator President Elect having bought off Bondi and with selling a cabinet seat to McMahon, while claiming Hillary "sold influence," proving at least one of Donnie-boys' supporters is a lying liar.
Sinful even.
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" is the ninth (respectively the eighth according to the Catholic and Lutheran count) of the Ten Commandments, which are widely understood as moral imperatives by legal scholars, Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post-Reformation scholars.
The white Christian evangelical community has irrevocably tarnished themselves by voting for the Pro-Putin Pussy Predator Devil. They can never again claim to be in support of moral values, or to be moral people themselves.
Listen to Little Donnie tell you where you can go and what you can do all by yourselves.
Unless you're a multimillionaire or have some cushy banker job, Trump can't possibly benefit you nor your pocket book.
Wyatt, you lost too, it just hasn't hit you yet.
Trump is having trouble paying his transition team. Obviously he's no where near as rich as he claims. In fact one journalist investigating Trump says that Trump owes more than he has in assets.
Trump Shuttle: Failed
Trump Airlines: Failed
Trump Casinos:Failed
Trump Estates: Failed
Trump Vodka: Failed
Trump University: Failed
Trump Game: Failed
Trump Marriages: Failed
Outsourced jobs: 33,218
Illegals hired: 44,912
Illegals paid $1.50/HR: 2612
Bankruptcies: 4
Vietnam Deferments: 5
Loan Defaults: 726
Lawsuits defending: 1978
Remind me again: What makes him such a terrific leader & great businessman?!!??
Hacking the American election is an act of war. The fact that Donnie is disinterested in daily updates on information already obtained regarding the Russian interference in the election means that he is failing in his primary duty to keep the United States safe.
And here's Trump doing what Wyatt/bad anonymous claims makes Hillary a criminal, selling access to the president elect and his family. No surprise that Wyatt/bad anonymous demonstrates his hypocrisy yet again.
Republicans Eliminate Office of Congressional Ethics
House Republicans are following in Donald Trump’s footsteps in completely disregarding all ethics and anti-corruption standards. They took a secret vote to eliminate the Office of Congressional Ethics and strip its successor of all independence.
The corruption in the Trump administration that has already started is going to be astounding!
Its already one scandal after another with Trump and his Republicans. And he hasn't even taken office yet!
Michael Voris, a self loathing gay reminiscent of Wyatt/bad anonymous recently claimed"God gave my mom cancer to make me stop being gay" and he praised the lord for that. Only a few weeks prior to that he declared that the problem of rape by priests was due to single mothers “feminizing” their sons.
Wyatt/bad anonymous falsely claimed that the Catholic's church sexual abuse of children was solely the fault of gay priests, not the church. As I explained earlier, the real cause is a church that sets unrealistic boundaries for most gay individuals and this encourages gay men to become priests in order to hide their lack of attraction to women and vainly hope becoming a priest will be a solution to their gayness. In time they find they cannot live up to the demand that they refrain from sex and the church teachings make them think secretly sexually abusing adolescent boys is a preferable alternative to having an open monogamous relationship with a man. And in trying to absolve the church of responsibility Wyatt/bad anonymous ignores the Church's decades long attempts to cover up sexual abuse by refusing to report the abuse to the authorities and quietly moving offending priests to new parishes where the church knew they would continue their rapes and sexual assaults.
It is the perverted teachings of anti-gay christians that is the problem, not gay men.
In an abrupt reversal Tuesday afternoon, House Republicans dropped a proposal to gut an ethics office overseeing them.
LOL, apparently the Republicans realized that even they couldn't spin enough lies to make eliminating the independent Office of Congressional Ethics look like a good thing.
Donald Trump was given an opportunity Tuesday to declare that the buck stopped with him -- that House Republicans' behind-closed-doors move to kneecap an independent ethics office ran afoul of his long-stated goal of "draining the swamp."
Instead, he issued a thoroughly Trumpian statement about it. In a pair of tweets, Trump allowed himself to be all things to both sides of the argument and took nary a stand on much of anything.
Here are the tweets:
Donald J. Trump ✔
With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it
10:03 AM - 3 Jan 2017
Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump
........may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance! #DTS
10:07 AM - 3 Jan 2017
This statement is a neat little trick. It allows Trump to at once: (a) Claim that he was critical of the decision to rein in the independent Office of Congressional Ethics, and (b) Sympathize with the members who view themselves as having legitimate beefs with the office by allowing that it might be "unfair."
Some media outlets will cover it as Trump repudiating the move by House Republicans, but that's not really what he's saying. In fact, Trump isn't really saying much of anything here. He's not saying what House Republicans did was wrong; he's saying it was mis-prioritized. And he's not endorsing its actions either, but he's allowing that the office might have been unfair. It's choose your own adventure.
Spinning like a top while Donnie-boy's tiny hands gyrate and gesticulate.
He can tell himself were to go and what to do.
That's "WHERE to go" for the typographically challenged.
Prior to the reversal on the ethics office one Republican tried to spin its toothless replacement as a good thing which "increased transparency" even though the replacement had no authority to act on anything and could no longer make any of the complaints it heard public.
There's a typical Republican for you!
you know, I hate to state the obvious
but even if there is proof Russia hacked DNC computers,
it doesn't follow that they leaked the stuff to Julian Assange
and why would they?
they have a propaganda arm, RT, broadcasting in downtown DC
if they had leaked it there
it would have been seen as gallant journalistic work
the kind the media does every day
I see Nasty Woman is now blended with "Priya Lynn"
are they the same?
I guess to be safe I shouldn't respond to either
nasty and vile
no more conversations until we achieve some irreducible standard of civilized discourse
You will not be missed.
> > > tiny hands aflutter < < <
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "it doesn't follow that they leaked the stuff to Julian Assange".
17 U.S. intelligence agencies say they did. There isn't any doubt about this any longer.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I guess to be safe I shouldn't respond to either".
Yes Wyatt, you should stop posting all together just like you've promised you'd do multiple times.
Back on topic:
Let's be sure we always make it clear that when Trump criticized the Republican move to eliminate the Office of Congressional Ethics, he was complaining about the timing of the move, not the idea of eliminating the office itself.
Obviously Republicans are planning a flood of unethical behavior. Good governance, non-corruption, having transparent and fair elections--these are standards the typical conservative Republican politician resists as impediments to his power.
G.O.P. - Graft Oppression Persecution
Republican voters elected a billionaire that is appointing other billionaires to fix the system that made them billionaires . Voters like you a special kind of stupid, aren't you Wyatt?
Republican Charles Krauthammer:
"Donald Trump, the man who defied every political rule and prevailed to win his party’s nomination, last week took on perhaps the most sacred political rule of all: Never attack a Gold Star family. Not just because it alienates a vital constituency but because it reveals a shocking absence of elementary decency and of natural empathy for the most profound of human sorrows — parental grief.
Why did Trump do it? It wasn’t a mistake. It was a revelation. It’s that he can’t help himself. His governing rule in life is to strike back when attacked, disrespected or even slighted. To understand Trump, you have to grasp the General Theory: He judges every action, every pronouncement, every person by a single criterion — whether or not it/he is “nice” to Trump.
Vladimir Putin called him brilliant (in fact, he didn’t, but that’s another matter) and a bromance is born. A “Mexican” judge rules against Trump, which makes him a bad person governed by prejudiced racial instincts…
This is beyond narcissism. I used to think Trump was an 11-year-old, an undeveloped schoolyard bully. I was off by about 10 years. His needs are more primitive, an infantile hunger for approval and praise, a craving that can never be satisfied. He lives in a cocoon of solipsism where the world outside himself has value — indeed exists — only insofar as it sustains and inflates him."
It’s the same thing with his relationship to the truth. Like Wyatt/bad anonymous, It doesn’t matter whether what he says is true, it only matters whether it serves his purposes.
Trump received only 46% of the popular vote and eked out a narrow Electoral College win. R Senate candidates only received 42% of total votes for senators cast, meaning D's received 58% of senate votes. House of Representative R candidates received 49% of votes cast, meaning D's and others received 51%. Yet Republicans "won" the presidency, the house, and the senate.
Democracy is dead in the States.
There are many Nasty Women around but only one @$$hole Anon, though you try to make is seem like you are many.
For example in this thread alone, these @$$hole commenters are all you:
warming up by the bonfire
anon, the science guy
Cedric, the rah rah guy
Real fake news
looking forward to 2017?
if the truth gets told
enjoying the flaming rants
I saw Hillary in the woods
I feel like Tony the Tiger
dr zhivago
I live in a land hysterical
don’t get above your raisin’
it’s 2017 now
remember, this is for posterity
it’s 2017!!!!!!
Hillary can’t get speaking fees anymore, maybe they were bribes
modern sounds in political discourse
2017 is here, have another beer
gingerbread boy
upper crustier rhetoric
No wonder you like Donnie-Boy so much.
You act like a spoiled brat just like he does and no doubt are equally as under-endowed as Donny-Boy himself, who changes his mind like Barbie changes clothes.
Like this:
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "no more conversations until we achieve some irreducible standard of civilized discourse".
This from some one who takes delight in advocating that bigoted students stick the heads of LGBT children in toilets filled with urine and feces. This from someone who has cheered on the imprisonment and execution of innocent LGBT people.
Yes, you're a fine one to be asking for "civilized discourse".
Go phoque yourself Wyatt.
well, you two seem excited that I'm not going to make posts
but I didn't say that
simply said I wouldn't converse with you
as we can see when "Nasty Woman" repeatedly repeats with delight something Trump said years ago in private, once you get down and splash around in the vile concoction of the sewers, you become part of it
you two have fun
you're in your element
There are many more Nasty Women beside Priya Lynn and I.
And Thousands [of us] Are Knitting ‘Pussy Hats’ For The Women’s March On Washington
Some Nasty Men are knitting 'Pussy Hats' too!
Despite major changes in the American religious landscape in recent decades, the Congress’s Christian majority has barely wavered in the last 50 years.
The Republican-majority, 115th Congress was sworn in on Tuesday, just weeks before the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump. The incoming Congress remains disproportionately white, male and Christian ― much more so than the general American public.
According to a new analysis by Pew Research Center, nearly 91 percent of the 115th Congress is Christian. That’s significantly higher than the 75 percent of American adults who identify as Christian, and just slightly less than the 95 percent of Congress members who identified as Christian in 1961.
A whopping 99 percent of Republicans in the House and Senate ― all but two ― are Christian. Eighty percent of Democrats in Congress are Christian. And apart from Jewish Republicans Lee Zeldin of New York and David Kustoff of Tennessee, all other non-Christian members of Congress are Democrats, including newly-elected Hindu representatives Ro Khanna, D-Calif. and Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill. The 115th Congress’s freshman class also includes five new Jewish members and Buddhist Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, D-Hawaii.
The 115th Congress as a whole includes 30 Jewish members, three Buddhists, three Hindus, two Muslims and one Unitarian Universalist. Among Christian groups, nearly 56 percent of Congress is Protestant; 31 percent is Catholic; 2.4 percent is Mormon; and less than one percent is Orthodox Christian.
Representation of Protestants, Catholics and Jews in Congress is greater than in the general public, while Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus are slightly underrepresented. Most stark, however, is the underrepresentation of the religiously unaffiliated who make up roughly a quarter of the American public but less than one percent of Congress. Just one member of the 115th Congress ― Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz. ― identifies as religiously unaffiliated.
Ten members, all of them Democrats, declined to state their religious affiliation.
While religious diversity in Congress remains roughly the same as in previous years, the 115th Congress is set to be the most racially diverse in history. The number of women of color will increase from 33 in the 114th Congress to 38. And record numbers of Hispanics, Asian-Americans and black lawmakers are joining the congressional ranks, gearing up to fight the good fight in 2017.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "as we can see when "Nasty Woman" repeatedly repeats with delight something Trump said years ago in private, once you get down and splash around in the vile concoction of the sewers, you become part of it".
This from some one who takes delight in advocating that bigoted students stick the heads of LGBT children in toilets filled with urine and feces. This from someone who has cheered on the imprisonment and execution of innocent LGBT people.
There's nothing we've said that's remotely as vile as what you've said - the sewer is YOUR home.
Go phoque yourself Wyatt.
Wyatt/bad anonymous's attitude really is incredible - in his twisted immoral world its wrong to condemn repeated sexual assaults if the perpetrator hasn't admitted to doing it recently.
In Wyatt's twisted immoral world using swear words while promoting justice is intolerable but assaulting, imprisoning, and executing innocent LGBT people is a good thing.
He truly is twisted and evil.
"Most stark, however, is the underrepresentation of the religiously unaffiliated who make up roughly a quarter of the American public but less than one percent of Congress"
it's no surprise that people without beliefs or convictions don't rise to leadership positions
if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything
there's no excuse for religious quotas
Americans choose our leaders by merit
and in such a system, Christians will tend to dominate
there's a reason the Judeo-Christian leads the world
or did
and it's gonna be great again
"no more conversations until we achieve some irreducible standard of civilized discourse"
Oh, you mean when you can denigrate LGBT people by name calling, insinuating they're all a bunch of paedophiles, and the cause of major catastrophes throughout history again with impunity?
I guess it's just not fun being a bully when you have to take it to, and not just dish it out.
The "Golden Rule" basically says treat others in the way that you would like to be treated yourself. What it doesn't say explicitly is that if you treat people badly, they are likely to treat you the same way, whether you would like them to or not. But most people figure that out by second grade.
You have never been one for civilized discourse Anon. There are years of posts to go back and review if the things you have said slipped your memory. You can delude yourself into thinking you are being civilized only because your entire underlying premise is that all of us LGBT folks are sub-human, and not deserving of equal treatment.
This is America, and you are free to believe that if you like, and you are free to say all sorts of nasty things here within Jim's tolerance limits. When you exceed those, there are terabytes of Internet space out there where you can post anything you like.
I frequently hold back a lot of the things I might say here, even though they would make you look bad, because I don't like how it would make me sound - namely like you. But I just might be persuaded to make an exception for you.
Wyatt/bad anonymous's attitude really is incredible - in his twisted immoral world its wrong to condemn repeated sexual assaults if the perpetrator hasn't admitted to the recent times he's done it.
In Wyatt's twisted immoral world using swear words while promoting justice is intolerable but assaulting, imprisoning, and executing innocent LGBT people is a good thing.
He truly is twisted and evil.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything".
All the non-religious people I know stand for fairness first. That means "Do whatever you want, but hurt no one".
Wyatt, Its a shame you don't stand for anything - you have no moral compass.
Remember, Wyatt/bad anonymous says "There are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
Yes, for Wyatt so very, very many of those situations.
In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion in the prosperous democracies. The most religious societies are the most socially dysfunctional (Aral and Holmes; Beeghley, Doyle, 2002).
Research shows non-religious people are more ethical
Topalli and his colleagues published research in the journal Theoretical Criminology in an article titled With God on My Side: The Paradoxical Relationship Between Religious Belief and Criminality Among Hardcore Street Offenders.
The research found that criminals use christianity to justify or further their crimes.
In its 2008 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth the Josephson Institute found that students from non-religious schools had the lowest cheating rate, 47% compared to 63% attending religious schools.
A study published in the journal Current Biology testing the behavior of Christian, Muslim, and atheist children has found that religious kids are meaner and less generous.
The research shows that someone (like Wyatt/bad anonymous )that sees him or herself as being a moral person for devoutly practicing a religion might be less concerned about their actual behavior. In light of this, it is not so surprising that children who identified as religious did not feel as compelled to share, since they believed themselves to be a good person independent of their behavior. On the other hand, an atheist child might be more concerned about the morality of their acts, since it is their behavior that tells them they are a good person, and not the following of rituals or prayer.
from Twitter "Charles Manson removed from prison and temporarily hospitalized, may be ploy so #Trump can appoint to his cabinet."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said in his last comment "Most stark, however, is the underrepresentation of the religiously unaffiliated who make up roughly a quarter of the American public but less than one percent of Congress"...it's no surprise that people without beliefs or convictions don't rise to leadership positions...Americans choose our leaders by merit".
Wyatt/bad anonymous would have us believe that the only reason for a group to be underrepresented in Congress is because they are not good leaders, not because there is any discrimination or they might hide their lack of religiosity to avoid being discriminated against.
Women and blacks are also underrepresented in Congress. According to Wyatt/bad anonymous's logic the only possible reason for this is that they are immoral/incompetent as congress people are supposedly chosen by merit and so men and white people dominate because they are more moral and competent than women and blacks.
Wyatt/bad anonymous is a bigot.
Yet another PPPPPE lie was to offer to tell some supposed secret he knows about the Russian hacking (from his Russian insider buddy Paul Manafort maybe ??), and then he reneged like he reneged on his promised December press conference:
"...Trump’s style has always been, as with his taxes, to postpone and postpone and finally renege on any promises...."
Intelligence official denies Trump's claim that briefing on Russian hacking was delayed
"President-elect Donald Trump mocked US intelligence officials on Tuesday in a tweet claiming his briefing on Russian cyberattacks was delayed, and once again cast doubt on their claims that Russia interfered with the presidential election.
"The 'Intelligence' briefing on so-called 'Russian hacking' was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!" Trump said on Twitter.
However, a senior US intelligence official immediately refuted Trump's claim, saying the briefing with the heads of the NSA, CIA, DNI and the FBI was "always" scheduled for Friday, NBC News reported.
Last week, Trump said he agreed to meet with intelligence officials about Russia's involvement in the hacks, although he added it was "time to move on."
He also claimed he would reveal insider information about the cyberattacks on Tuesday or Wednesday, although a member of Trump's team told CNN Trump would not be following through.
At least one lawmaker slammed Trump's Tuesday night tweet.
"Really wish we saw more PEOTUS respect for our intelligence professionals," Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia said on Twitter. "Proves the need for Congress to give the American people a timely bipartisan probe."
The FBI, CIA, and the Director of National Intelligence concluded in December that Russia interfered with the election in part to help Trump secure the presidency, with Russian president Vladimir Putin possibly being personally involved.
As punishment, President Barack Obama announced last week a new round of sanctions against Russia, including the removal of 35 intelligence Russian officials from the US. Trump has consistently questioned the allegations against Russia.
Tuesday's tweet was another example of Trump's dismissive attitude toward the intelligence agencies he'll soon be working with. Last month, the president-elect brushed off concerns he wasn't attending his traditional daily intelligence and national security briefings."
"I get it when I need it," Trump said."..."
No he doesn't.
Your PPPPPE refuses to attend the Presidential Daily Briefings prepared for him, preferring to get these briefings when something changes, which happens every minute of every day.
remember when China hacked and made public the personnel files of millions of government employees?
remember Barry's response?
that's right: nothing
now, he accuses Russia of hacking DNC political e-mails and releasing them
Barry's response?
throw the book at 'em
btw, Julian Assange says "hacking" Podesta e-mail wasn't tricky
his password was "password"
maybe Barry should grow up:
Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin any "winning" president ever has.
He's the most illegitimate president in U.S. history.
Rachel Maddow Exposes Massive Corruption with Trump and Indonesian Leader
"Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin any "winning" president ever has."
this is fake news
the U.S. did not hold a popular election for President
had it, Hillary may have lost by even more than she did the electoral college election
there's no way to know
the U.S. did not hold a popular election for President
LOL, so much for Wyatt/bad anonymous claiming he's going to ignore me and "no more conversations until there's civil discourse".
And of course its true that Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin any "winning" president ever has".
Remember, Wyatt/bad anonymous says "There are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
Yes, For Wyatt there are so very, very many of those situations.
Wyatt/bad anonymous claims to be a christian but he doesn't stand for anything other than a nihilistic hatred of liberals
"Oh, you mean when you can denigrate LGBT people ... insinuating they're all a bunch of paedophiles?"
this is fake news
what some here have done is point out that a policy that allows biological males to use the girls' room opens the opportunity for abuse but no one here has insinuated that ALL LGBT individuals are pedophiles
Wyatt/bad anonymous has regularly insisted all LGBT people are mentally ill and going to destroy society. Its not much of a stretch from that to him thinking all LGBT people are pedophiles.
While he may not have said exactly "they're all a bunch of paedophiles" he certainly has insinuated that (and worse) over and over again.
Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin any "winning" president ever has.
He's the most illegitimate president in U.S. history.
Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump in the election. Morally speaking she is the winner of the 2016 election.
And just to prove (as if there was any doubt) Wyatt/bad anonymous is lying when he claims Hillary didn't win the popular vote:
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Clinton received nearly 2.9 million more votes than President-elect Donald Trump, giving her the largest popular vote margin of any "losing" presidential candidate.
Donald Trump is the most illegitimate president in U.S. history.
I didn't think even Wyatt/bad anonymous was stupid enough to claim (3 times)he was going to ignore me.
He should have known he can't restrain himself.
Unless you're a multimillionaire or have some cushy banker job, Trump can't possibly benefit you nor your pocket book.
Wyatt, you lost too, it just hasn't hit you yet.
Swampity swamp swamp:
Trump Taps Goldman Sachs Advisor To Head SEC
He's already appointed a number of Goldman Sachs people to his cabinet.
And Wyatt/bad anonymous keeps trying to tell us Hillary is the one in the pocket of Wallstreet!
No one is cozier to WallStreet than Trump!
Republican voters elected a billionaire that is appointing other billionaires to fix the system that made them billionaires . Voters like you a special kind of stupid, aren't you Wyatt?
""Oh, you mean when you can denigrate LGBT people ... insinuating they're all a bunch of paedophiles?"
this is fake news"
No it isn't. It is very real.
Wiki reports about Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act:
"Indiana, unlike neighboring Illinois, does not have a state-wide anti-discrimination ordinance, and the majority of the state does not have local ordinances against discrimination against LGBT people. When a reporter asked Speaker of the House Brian Bosma whether it would be against the law for a business to put up a “no gays allowed” sign, he stated that "it would depend" on whether the business was in "a community that had a human rights ordinance."[24][25]"...
After the bill's signing, a restaurant owner called Ryan called Indianapolis radio to say that his Christian belief in "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" means he should be able to turn away same-sex couples.[51]
Within a week of the bill being signed into law, Memories Pizza, a family-owned business in Walkerton, became the first business to publicly announce that they would refuse to cater a same-sex wedding as a result of the law.[52][53] The owners stated that "if a gay couple or a couple belonging to another religion came in to the restaurant to eat, they would never deny them service... they just don't agree with gay marriages".[54
So depending on the religious person, Indiana's RFRA laws allow them to at least completely refuse serving LGBT folks with some of the services they provide to non-LBGT folks (no catering but yes feeding) or even to completely deny LGBT folks entry into the business establishment itself.
This is the very definition of "denigrate LGBT people."
""Trump lost the popular vote by the largest margin any "winning" president ever has."
this is fake news
the U.S. did not hold a popular election for President"
You moronic bubble head.
Saying the same lies over and over again will not make them true.
Even your PPPPPE himself tweeted: "I won the popular vote"
Except he didn't. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes and we Nasty Women will never let him or you forget that fact.
You can both GO FUCK yourselves!
"remember when China hacked and made public the personnel files of millions of government employees?"
No I don't.
Let's see you come up with one reputable source telling us where China supposedly made these stolen personnel files "public."
Try the Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Personnel_Management_data_breach
You can even try the GOP House Oversight Committee report but there is no information about the hacked OPM personnel data being made public anywhere in that report.
The GOP HouseOversight Committee report does state: "The intelligence and counterintelligence value of the stolen background investigation information for a foreign nation cannot be overstated, nor will it ever be fully known."
Why not? Because what the Chinese stole has not been made public, you lying sack of scum.
If you think otherwise, prove it.
Provide a reputable source proving the Chinese made the OPM personnel files they hacked "public"
Put up or shut up.
Either way, you know what you can go do to yourself.
NOAA challenged the global warming ‘pause.’ Now new research says the agency was right
It may have been the most controversial climate change study in years.
In the summer of 2015, a team of federal scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published a blockbuster paper in Science that appeared to wipe away one of global warming doubters’ favorite arguments. The skeptics had for years suggested that following the then-record warm year of 1998 and throughout the beginning of the 21st century, global warming had slowed down or “paused.” But the 2015 paper, led by NOAA’s Thomas Karl, employed an update to the agency’s influential temperature dataset, and in particular to its record of the planet’s ocean temperatures, to suggest that really, the recent period was perfectly consistent with the much longer warming trend.
This didn’t merely surprise some scientists (who had been busily studying why global warming had appeared to moderate its rate somewhat in the early 21st century). It actually led to a congressional subpoena from Rep. Lamar Smith, chair of the House Committee on Science, who charged that “NOAA’s decision to readjust historical temperature records has broad national implications” and requested more information on why NOAA had made the dataset adjustment, including data and communications from the scientists involved.
That controversy is likely to be stirred anew in the wake of a new study, published Wednesday in Science Advances, that finds the NOAA scientists did the right thing in adjusting their dataset. In particular, the new research suggests that the NOAA scientists correctly adjusted their record of ocean temperatures in light of known biases in some observing systems — and indeed, that keepers of other top global temperature datasets should do likewise.
“We pretty robustly showed that NOAA got it right,” said study author Zeke Hausfather, a Ph.D. student at the University of California-Berkeley and a researcher with Berkeley Earth, a nonprofit consortium that has reanalyzed the Earth’s temperatures. “There was no cooking of the books, there’s no politically motivated twisting of the data.”...
"No it isn't. It is very real."
no, you're lying
no one here has insinuated that ALL LBGTs are all pedophiles
cinco was making FAKE NEWS
"So depending on the religious person, Indiana's RFRA laws allow them to at least completely refuse serving LGBT folks with some of the services they provide to non-LBGT folks (no catering but yes feeding) or even to completely deny LGBT folks entry into the business establishment itself."
this is FAKE NEWS
RFRA laws only allow discrimination when providing a service would constitute participation in activities against one's religion
"He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes"
this is FAKE NEWS
there was no popular vote
simply counting who turned out to participate in another type of election, with different rules affecting who will turn out, is disingenuous
January 04, 2017 3:02 PM Anonymous Nasty Woman said...
"remember when China hacked and made public the personnel files of millions of government employees?"
No I don't.
"Let's see you come up with one reputable source telling us where China supposedly made these stolen personnel files "public.""
rather than that, I'll note that you think it's fine for China to hack our government's files as long as they don't put it in the paper
why does Obama throw the book at Russia and ignore China's hacking?
I think we all know the answer to that
"NOAA challenged the global warming ‘pause.’ Now new research says the agency was right"
well, I've got news for you:
that's what the research set out to find
the climate science/government grant complex has already "adjusted" most historical records
now that the years of pause are a couple of years back, they are starting to rewrite that history as well
deciding what result you want ahead of time skews scientific research
It may have been the most controversial climate change study in years.
Anon, you're being dumber than usual today.
"Trump lost the popular vote" is not fake news. Our country elects candidates through the electoral college but we also count the popular vote, and he lost that count by nearly three million. It's not a lie, and your insistence that there was no popular vote is just plain dumb. We know how the electoral college works, but the people's votes get counted, and that is what we call the popular vote, and he did not win it. Maybe if we held a popular election he would have campaigned differently and won the majority of votes, but we didn't, and he didn't. Nearly three million more people voted for Hillary than for Don. As a winner, he is the biggest loser ever.
The double-reverse on "fake news" is a sad thing for an intelligent person to try to hang an argument on. Most news has some inaccuracy in it, and some bias. The grocery-store tabloids have always had "Elvis abducted by aliens," or maybe you remember "Hitler spotted in Argentina." There has always been yellow journalism, a term that goes back to the start of the twentieth century. Somebody with a printing press has always figured out how to sell sensationalistic, made-up or exaggerated news stories to stupid people. Fake news is not a new invention.
During this election cycle the Internet reached its peak destructive power when it was discovered that the kind of people who support Trump will believe anything that is consistent with what they believe already. Anything bad about Hillary or some professors or black people or science, make it over-the-top batshit unbelievable and the Trump base will re-blog that thing by the millions. In the meantime, not only is Trump's following being led away from anything resembling objective reality, but four-hundred pound programmers are making thousands of dollars on clicks, eating pizza in their mom's basement, making up shit for stupid people to share. It's a win-win for the profit motive and fascist politics, and a big loss for reason and democracy.
I get it, people like you who believe that crap think it's funny to call the New York Times and the Washington Post "fake news," it takes away the sting. You are not sure if the fake news is that Hillary is trafficking babies for sex at Comet Ping Pong, or that she is not. So smear shit on all the media, and then you don't have to distinguish. Your attempted twisty-turny with fake news, though, makes you look like an idiot. I'm just saying.
""Trump lost the popular vote" is not fake news."
actually, it is
we didn't hold a popular election
we held fifty-some different elections, where each state voted for representatives to an electoral college, which would elect the President
in states where the outcome seemed a foregone conclusion, millions may have decided not to vote, reasoning that their vote wouldn't have any effect
foremost among these states is California, where there wasn't even a Republican nominee for the Senate
so, to add these different elections together and say that is a nationwide popular vote is disingenuous
it would like whichever football team scores the most points all season should get the Lombardi trophy
"Our country elects candidates through the electoral college but we also count the popular vote,"
well, by "we", you must mean the media
it isn't used for anything other than media stories
Hillary won't get a trophy or anything
she doesn't deserve one
"and he lost that count by nearly three million"
to lose you have to play
"It's not a lie, and your insistence that there was no popular vote is just plain dumb"
other than call it a name, you've not explained why what I'm saying is wrong
"We know how the electoral college works, but the people's votes get counted,"
yes they do, they count toward electing state representatives
"Maybe if we held a popular election"
thanks for admitting we didn't have a popular election
"he would have campaigned differently"
maybe he or she would have, but the important issue is that different people would have chosen to vote
"and won the majority of votes, but we didn't, and he didn't."
actually, he won the most votes in most of the fifty-some elections
in the most populated state, California, he lost by a particularly large margin because there was little reason for the GOP citizen to vote
"As a winner, he is the biggest loser ever."
that would seem to apply more to Obama, who won the electoral vote twice but has no legacy and set his party back decades
"The double-reverse on "fake news" is a sad thing for an intelligent person to try to hang an argument on."
well, cheer up
the fake news originally was applied to the liberal bias at Facebook
here's something really sad:
the President has been making up FAKE NEWS:
he said "Russia hacked the election"
this is completely false
the truth is wikileaks uncovered some TRUE information about Hillary and made it public
the American people read it and decided to act on it
wikileaks say the information did not come from Russia
this is no different than when the NY Times got a hold of Trump's tax returns and disclosed them
or when the Washington Post got a hold of video of Trump having a private conversation with a journalist prior to a taping and published
Union Maid
Words and Music by Woody Guthrie
There once was a union maid, she never was afraid
Of goons and ginks and company finks and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid.
She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called,
And when the Legion boys come 'round
She always stood her ground.
Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union,
I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union.
Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union,
I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die.
This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies,
She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys.
She always got her way when she struck for better pay.
She'd show her card to the National Guard
And this is what she'd say
You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me;
Get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary.
Married life ain't hard when you got a union card,
A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Let's hear it for the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA)!
"The union negotiated a compromise with Dolan: any Rockette not wanting to take part in the inaugural is free to stay home, with no threat to her employment."
“This is not a Republican or Democratic issue — this is a women’s rights issue,” Mary said. “This is an issue of racism and sexism, something that’s much bigger than politics.”
So you repeat your lies some more.
You can't even make your own words stay true for more than a day, specifically "no more conversations until we achieve some irreducible standard of civilized discourse"
You know what you can go do.
"So you repeat your lies some more.
everything I said was the truth
so were the disclosures from wikileaks
and you are fully aware of that
as long as Dems continue to deny truth, they will have no hope
""It's not a lie, and your insistence that there was no popular vote is just plain dumb"
other than call it a name, you've not explained why what I'm saying is wrong"
The TRUTH is Hillary got nearly 3 million more votes from American voters than your racist, xenophobic, pussy grabber elect.
"the truth is wikileaks uncovered some TRUE information about Hillary and made it public"
Russia delivered John Podesta's emails to Assange with John Podesta's pasta recipes included and Assange readily published them, protecting his source as always.
Remember this?
"Anonymous said
London-based hackers reportedly working in support of the website WikiLeaks as part of "Operation Payback" have turned their keyboards on Sarah Palin, launching a cyber-attack targeted at her fundraising arm SarahPAC, as well as the former Alaska Governor's personal credit card information.
"No wonder others are keeping silent about Assange's antics," Palin emailed ABC News, which originally reported the hacking attempt. "This is what happens when you exercise the First Amendment and speak against his sick, un-American espionage efforts."
Sarah Palin took aim at WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, last month in a Facebook post slamming the website's disclosure of classified information. The former Alaska governor questioned why Assange had not been "pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?" Assange responded in an op-ed this week, writing that Palin had encouraged him to be "hunted down like Osama bin Laden." Palin then took issue with this mischaracterization of her quote in a tweet Wednesday.
SarahPAC aide Rebecca Mansour told ABC News Wednesday that the tech team at SarahPAC had been able to shield the site from the hacking attempts and that Palin herself was prepared for the strike.
"[T]he governor voiced her opinion knowing full well that she was speaking out against a shady disreputable organization with no regard for laws or human life," Mansour told ABC News. "This is how they operate. The world should not be intimidated by them."
The people behind "Operation Payback" better hope that they leave a difficult trail to trace. The last person that tried to hack Sarah Palin's information has been sentenced to a year in jail, though the new attackers' disruption of Visa and Mastercard websites will probably make them much larger targets.
DECEMBER 09, 2010 1:06 AM "
Thanks for so easily demonstrating How WikiLeaks' Julian Assange went from pariah to paragon in the eyes of some conservatives like you.
Here's the URL
"The TRUTH is Hillary got nearly 3 million more votes from American voters"
in an electoral college elections where millions of voters knew their vote wouldn't matter
that's not a popular vote, even if media outlets try to portray it that way
anon said:
"the truth is wikileaks uncovered some TRUE information about Hillary and made it public"
nasty said:
"Russia delivered John Podesta's emails to Assange"
beside the fact that this doesn't counter anon's statement, show me where Obama has said this precisely
I don't think he has
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
"that's not a popular vote, even if media outlets try to portray it that way"
Your PPPPPE, who thinks he IS the media and who also feels entitled to grab pussies whenever and wherever he feels like it, himself tweeted: "I won the popular vote"
And you can both go fuck yourselves..
it doesn't matter what that moron Trump says
we didn't have a popular vote
he might not realize the difference
Cybersecurity: President Obama's decision to expel Russian diplomats for interfering with the U.S. election is starting to look like "Alice in Wonderland"-style justice: sentence first, verdict afterward. Even some liberals are starting to wonder if the evidence against Russia holds water.
Late last week, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued a joint report that supposedly tied the Russian government into the release of hacked Democratic National Committee documents.
But it didn't provide any such evidence. Instead, it simply listed tools used to carry out the attack, and asserted that Russia must have been the ones who used them.
Then it devoted eight of the report's 13 pages to offering tips on how to prevent future cyberattacks.
The problem is that the code identified in the report is "an outdated malware developed by Ukrainians that can be downloaded online," according to the conservative news site the Daily Caller. In other words, anyone could have used it.
The story quotes WordFence CEO Mark Maunder as saying that "there is nothing in the IP data that points to Russia specifically."
Jeffrey Carr, writing for the liberal site The Intercept, also blasted the DHS/FBI report, saying that it "adds nothing to the call for evidence that the Russian government was responsible for hacking the DNC."
He goes on to say that "this entire assignment of blame against the Russian government is looking more and more like a domestic political operation run by the White House that relied heavily on questionable intelligence generated by a for-profit cybersecurity firm with a vested interest."
Liberal columnist Matt Taibbi writes that "nothing quite adds up" with the Russian hacking story and admits that, based on the little we know, it could just be "a cynical ass-covering campaign, by a Democratic Party that has seemed keen to deflect attention from its own electoral failures." Taibbi rightly complains that journalists are running with a story based on nothing more than the word of "secret assessments of intelligence agencies."
Added to these concerns is the fact that the mainstream press has been incredibly irresponsible in reporting on Russian actions during the election campaign. The Washington Post, for example, has all but retracted a bombshell story claiming that Russia conducted a sophisticated propaganda campaign to help Trump.
On Friday, the Post offered up another bombshell — that Russia had infiltrated the U.S. electricity grid using the same malware they'd used to hack into the DNC. The story generated a huge response, but it, too, turned out to be false.
A utility company in Vermont found the code on a laptop that wasn't in any way connected to the electric grid. Nor is there any evidence that Russia planted the malware on that particular laptop.
Meanwhile, WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, stated emphatically over the weekend that Russian hackers were not the source of the DNC documents that his group posted in the run-up to the election.
"We have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party," Assange told Fox News' Sean Hannity.
The bottom line is that we still don't know precisely what happened or why with the DNC hack. All we do know is that Democrats — from President Obama on down — have an obvious vested interest in blaming Russia, even if there's little actual evidence to support those accusations."
Anon, the fact that nobody wants to talk to you does not mean you won, and it does not mean that you are right. You are arguing straw-man points and it is not worth anybody's time to try to refute them again and again.
Hillary Clinton got nearly three million more points than Donald Trump in the national election. Legally that does not matter, and it may only be a grain of hope for liberals to cling to, but it is still a fact. Your strident idiocy has gone from pitiful to irritating.
well the inconvenient, and irritating, truth is that probably wouldn't be so if we had held a popular
millions more would have likely voted
Hillary didn't win a popular vote, there's nothing that should encourage you about the situation
maybe this will help:
It doesn't matter if the fact is consoling or not, and it does not matter what kind of system we use to select a president. The cold hard fact is, when all the votes were counted, Clinton had nearly three million more than Trump. Spin it how you want, he won because of the way the electoral system gives more weight per vote in less populated states.
LOL, So much for Wyatt/bad anonymous's insistance "no more conversations until we achieve some irreducible standard of civilized discourse" - he's been responding the the Nasty Women left and right!
I knew Wyatt was stupid but I didn't think he was so stupid as to not know he couldn't restrain himself.
And just to prove (as if there was any doubt) Wyatt/bad anonymous is lying when he claims Hillary didn't win the popular vote:
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Clinton received nearly 2.9 million more votes than President-elect Donald Trump, giving her the largest popular vote margin of any "losing" presidential candidate.
Even with the FBI and Russia colluding to interfere in the election to favour Trump and Republican politicians wide spread suppression of minority voters (who typically vote Democrat) Trump still lost the popular vote! Imagine if there had been a fair election!
Donald Trump is the most illegitimate president in U.S. history.
Imagine if atheists gave gifts to the Christians in their lives like god gives gifts:
Here, have this gift! It's free! But only if you do what I tell you for the rest of your life and give me 10% of your income or I will torture and kill you. But it's your choice!
"Knock Knock".
"Who's there?"
"Its Jesus, let me in."
"So I can save you."
"Save me from what?"
"From what I'll do to you if you don't let me in."
"It doesn't matter if the fact is consoling or not,"
well, you're the one that brought it up
"and it does not matter what kind of system we use to select a president."
the system does affect who decides to vote
if we held a popular vote, there is no doubt more people would have voted
whether that would have helped Hillary or Trump is open to speculation but there's a strong case that Trump would have been
I know that upsets you because thinking America is really liberal and was screwed by the system is always appealing to leftists, who have trouble succeeding by argumentation
"The cold hard fact is, when all the votes were counted, Clinton had nearly three million more than Trump"
well, that's terribly disingenuous because no participants, candidates or potential voters were making decisions based on a grand total
it's like saying the team who hits the most home runs should be World Champions but they are screwed by the World Series system
"Spin it how you want,"
the spin is all yours, ballerina
"he won because of the way the electoral system gives more weight per vote in less populated states"
not true
it's likely he'd have won a popular vote
Two Corinthians walk into a church and slap the F*K out of Wyatt/bad anonymous...
Jefferson Davis - President Confederate States of America:
"[Slavery] was established by decree of almighty god...it is sanctioned in the bible in both Testaments from Genesis to Revelation....it has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts."
Shorter Wyatt/bad anonymous:
"If Trump had won the popular vote then Hillary wouldn't have won the popular vote so ignore that Hillary won the popular vote.
If a guy is in a raping mood and all that's standing between him and a woman he wants to rape is an unlocked restroom door with 'Women' written on it, that door isn't going to stop him.
Transgender people are already at significantly higher risk of experiencing discrimination, assaults, rapes, hate-crimes, and being murdered. Ignorant, bigoted a-holes like Wyatt/bad anonymous seek only to make it worse.
If you're the guy running around calling everyone else a pervert, chances are the pervert is, in fact, you.
Face it Wyatt.
Gospel singer has her radio show (and possibly TV show) cancelled after going on anti-gay rant
Just remember... when Jesus closes a door... he opens a window. And shoves you out. Praise da Lawd!
There's still some good happening in the States : )
House Republicans revive obscure rule that allows them to slash the pay of individual federal workers to $1
Since all Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell was able to do in 2016 was obstruct Congress, let Congress lower his pay to $1 for 2016 and have him refund the rest of the tax payer money we wasted on paying him to do nothing but obstruct.
The American intelligence community now knows there is no significant doubt that Russia was behind the hacking of Democratic party computers. One of the reasons for establishing who is responsible is to deter future attacks by showing they know who is responsible. Trump by undermining the intelligence community's ability to attribute the attack to Russia is going to have negative implications on the community and the U.S. ability to try and deter future cyber attacks. One of the things the U.S. wants to do is convince its potential adversaries they know who is behind the attack and so to have the incoming president say its doubtful Russia is responsible makes it much harder to deter Russia in the future and also North Korea, China, and others. One of the things that the States has to do to deter these type of attacks is send a message to its adversaries that there are repercussions for this sort of attack so there have to be some kind of sanctions. Whether Trump tries to overturn the sanctions Obama put on or continue putting pressure on Russia will have a big impact on how much effort Russia will put into hacking the U.S. in the future.
Trump is undermining the security of the United States.
"The American intelligence community now knows there is no significant doubt that Russia was behind the hacking of Democratic party computers"
this is 2017
I assume most computers are hacked on a regular basis
I also would assume all intelligence services are doing this to the extent possible
I hope America is
there is no accusation of destruction of data or malicious viruses here, just seeking intelligence
and the DNC files don't have classified status
and, if they hacked the files, it still doesn't follow that they leaked them
read Obama's words
he's playing political games
"One of the reasons for establishing who is responsible is to deter future attacks by showing they know who is responsible"
"attack" is actually a strong word for information gathering
here's a story about a real attack by people who direct the f word at Trump (lovely company to be in):
17 intelligence organizations say Russia hacked and leaked the information.
There is no real doubt about this.
The hack was intended subvert the States Democratic election and it did.
There is no other word for it than an attack.
And Trump is a traitor.
In this thread at October 12, 2016 10:21 PM Good anonymous said ""Thanks, Priya Lynn, and welcome back!"
Wyatt/bad anonymous responded "yes, you are welcome to mumble to yourself you continue to be subject to shunning"
Wyatt's previous comment where he said he was going to ignore my posts was deleted because he got "dispassionate" again.
Wyatt/bad anonymous is incapable of staying true to his word.
At January 03, 2017 2:38 PM Wyatt/bad anonymous said "no more conversations until we achieve some irreducible standard of civilized discourse".
Like the spoiled child he is Wyatt/bad anonymous can't restrain himself.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Clinton received nearly 2.9 million more votes than President-elect Donald Trump, giving her the largest popular vote margin of any "losing" presidential candidate.
Donald Trump is the most illegitimate president in U.S. history.
casual readers may have noticed a certain derangement in the comments here
it's not isolated, liberals all over have been reduced to ranting, cursing, blubbering...
here a university professor explains how the left lost it's mind:
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "there is no accusation of destruction of data or malicious viruses here, just seeking intelligence and the DNC files don't have classified status".
WOW! That's something even for the machiavellian Wyatt/bad anonymous. In his twisted immoral mind private information on your personal computer isn't classified. So, any of you friends of Wyatt(if he has any), when you're visiting Wyatt feel free to take any information you find in his home or on his computer without his knowledge and permission and use it against him, make it public, whatever - its all okay with him!
I got news for you Wyatt, that's a CRIME across the U.S. and when a foreign government does it its a CRIME called ESPIONAGE.
Regardless of what Russian sympathizing traitors like you and Trump think.
Wyatt/bad anonymous actually tries to trivialize serious crimes by euphemistically calling it "information gathering"!
You're a traitor Wyatt/bad anonymous. A twisted immoral traitor!
John McCain on the Cyber attacks on the Democrats:
"I think that in the broadest context it is an act of war but you respond differently to different acts of war. Espionage is an act of war but you don't go to war over it you don't go into confict. So it fits the definition of an act of war but it doesn't mean that all of a sudden you start shooting.".
Several senators expressed concern that Russia might be escalating a path towards war with the United States. "These acts of war need to be deterred not just in the cyber domain but by use of sanctions".
Traitors like Wyatt/bad anonymous who trivialize and sanction these acts of war by euphemistcally referring to them as "information gathering" embolden Russia, North Korea, China and other potential adversaries to escalate cyber attacks against the States.
One of the things the States has to do to deter these types of attacks is acknowledge their seriousness and send a message to its adversaries that there will be repercussions for this kind of act of war.
Russian sympathizers like Trump and Wyatt/bad anonymous are hurting the United States security.
This is a time for vigilance in the United States. When a new president comes into office the country's adversaries will test the U.S. Trump needs to realize he has to rely on the intelligence agencies, they will be his troops in the fight to defend the U.S.
The intelligence professionals throughout any democratic government are dedicated and regret that they only have one life to lose for their country. The U.S. has lost many officers in the nations defence and the contempt Trump has shown for the intelligence community probably won't get any better because he has shown his cards and how he beliefs, his staff believes the same thing and his belief that he can re-engineer the CIA and other branches of the intelligence community to do his bidding will only weaken American defences and may lose lives of U.S. citizens.
The facts are unassailable and they're plain for everybody to see. Russia was behind these hacks and it was an attempt to affect the American political process and the election. Putin ordered this, he was behind this and trying to deny, justify, trivialize, ignore or sanction this harms the United States.
Trump doesn't understand what intelligence is in terms of the intelligence community's scope anc its depth of collection. Trump is the consumer of the intelligence communty's information and makes policy and gets guidance from that. The CIA does not tell the government what to do, he is going to have to make those decisions and if he does not believe the content of the material that is given to him (especially when he sees the magnificient and very deep collection they do) and he thinks fake news/conspiracy sites like Infowars should be his principle source of intelligence it is going to be to the detriment of the United States.
remember when Planned Parenthood was caught callously selling body parts of killed children?
we now have a Congress that cares
PP is going out the same window as Obamacare
we have a well-known secret plan to attach it to the reconciliation bill:
the long arc of history bends toward justice
did anyone ever stop to think that Julian Assange released the e-mails so, regardless of his source, he's the one who leaked them?
so why isn't Obama placing sanctions on Ecuador which is giving refuge to and protecting this "attacker"?
we all know why
"remember when Planned Parenthood was caught callously selling body parts of killed children?'
Nobody but you deplorable supporters of your pro-Putin Pussy Predator President Elect think that happened.
What actually happened is the Texas grand jury indicted the folks who made the bogus film, moron. The grand jury found no wrong-doing on the part of Planned Parenthood.
Is it possible for you to speak any truth or must you constantly lie all the time?
You are deplorable.
”there is no accusation of destruction of data or malicious viruses here, just seeking intelligence”
Wow, did you figure that out by yourself, Einstein?
But what did Russia do with the intelligence it stole? Some of it they still have (RNC data) and some of it they dumped (DNC data) on WikiLeaks for the purpose of throwing the US election to your pro-Putin Pussy Predator President Elect Asshole.
But we all now know about Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
And you GOPers were loving Comey for a day or two when it appeared the FBI did not agree with the CIA's assessment, but then:
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
So then all you deplorables went back to hating Comey again.
”read Obama's words
he's playing political games
I have read them and unlike you, understood them to mean he accepts the assessments of the CIA and FBI that Russia interfered with the US election to help your PPPPPEAsshole win the election and that the US should make Russia pay for their interference, which is why Obama deported some Russian diplomats and imposed sanctions.
Meanwhile, your PPPPEAsshole says things like “there’s nothing to see here, we should just move on, the election is over.”
You can both go fuck yourselves.
And lookie here.
Former CIA Director Won’t Advise Donald Trump Anymore
James Woolsey had publicly split with Trump on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
Washington (CNN) US intelligence has identified the go-betweens the Russians used to provide stolen emails to WikiLeaks, according to US officials familiar with the classified intelligence report that was presented to President Barack Obama on Thursday.
In a Fox News interview earlier this week, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange denied that Russia was the source of leaked Democratic emails that roiled the 2016 election to the detriment of President-elect Donald Trump's rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, US intelligence has received new information following the election that gave agencies increased confidence that Russia carried out the hack and did so, in part, to help Trump win.
Included in that new information were intercepted conversations of Russian officials expressing happiness at Trump's win. Another official described some of the messages as congratulatory.
Officials said this was just one of multiple indicators to give them high confidence of both Russian involvement and Russian intentions. Officials reiterated that there is no single intercepted communication that qualifies as a "smoking gun" on Russia's intention to benefit Trump's candidacy or to claim credit for doing so.
Vice President Joe Biden said in an interview with PBS NewsHour that an unclassified version of an intel report provided to him will be released "very shortly" and will "lay out in bold print what" the US knows about the hacking.
"I think it will probably confirm what a lot of the American people think," he said, adding that it would "state clearly" the Russians involvement in the hacking.
In response to the interview, Trump tweeted on Wednesday, "Julian Assange said "a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta" - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!"
Trump has been publicly skeptical of Russia's involvement in the hacking, as well as has been publicly deriding the US intelligence community for its unanimous conclusion that Russia hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals to interfere in the US presidential election.
Officials told CNN there's been a disconnect between Trump's remarks about the intelligence community and his behind-the-scenes behavior when he's present at private intel briefings.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "remember when Planned Parenthood was caught callously selling body parts of killed children?". He also previously said "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
This is one of those oh so many situations where he thinks its appropriate to lie.
Planned Parenthood never sold "body parts of killed children". What liars like Wyatt/bad anonymous dishonestly claimed was the selling "body parts of killed "children"" was a small charge they asked for for the costs of storing and transporting aborted fetal tissue to be used in medical research. Research that benefits all Americans into treatment for alzheimers, cancer, and many other diseases. As Good anonymous pointed out, this was all investigated and the report showed that Planned Parenthood wasn't guilty of any wrongdoing.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "did anyone ever stop to think that Julian Assange released the e-mails so, regardless of his source, he's the one who leaked them?".
Irrelevant. The Russians gave the hacked information to Wikileaks with the knowledge and desire that they would be leaked to harm Hillary and support their preferred candidate Donald Trump.
In addition to the Democratic party the Russian cyber attack also targeted the White House, the State Department, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Intelligence agencies have also captured information showing Russian government officials celebrating Trump's win as a victory for Russia and congratulating each other for the outcome. The intelligence agencies have also found the people and the link between the hacking and the Russian government getting the documents to Wikileaks.
There are many examples of Russian editing of the Trump campaign and policies. Where ARE the staunchly anti-communist Republicans who just allowed this band of traitors to hand your country over to Russia???
A sociopath, a pathological liar, a B.S. artist, and a con man all walk into a bar.
And the bartender says: "Pay up front, Trump."
The opponents of full equality like Wyatt/Bad anonymous are people who by nature have unhappy lives. They have no desires other than to force others to have lives more unhappy than theirs. They despise anyone who has the courage to be who they are. In other words, "Misery love company". This obsession with LGBT folks is the only way they can shadow box their fears, taking the focus off their obsessions.
Nazis Celebrate As Republican Darling Ann Coulter Cites White Supremacist Code For A Famous Passage From Hitler’s Mein Kampf
The fourteen words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” A second 14-word slogan is also often cited: “Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.”
Coulter has always been at the vanguard of right wing punditry. Since Trump got elected a lot of Republicans are not even bothering with a fig leaf or veneer over their Nazi tendencies anymore.
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and [forcibly] convert them to christianity" - Ann Coulter.
Third lien on Trump hotel brings alleged unpaid bills to over $5 million
"Workers from AES Electrical apparently went all out to make sure Donald Trump could open his luxury hotel on the day he wanted.
In the frenzied final six weeks of work at the hotel, while Trump touted the project on the campaign trail, AES of Laurel, Md., claims it assigned 45 members of its staff to work 12-hour shifts for nearly 50 consecutive days to get the lights, electrical and fire systems prepared on time.
“We had people there well over 12 hours a day for weeks because they had a hard opening of Sept. 12 and you can’t open if the lights don’t work and the fire alarms don’t work and the fire marshal can’t inspect it,” said Tim Miller, executive vice president of AES. “There is a lot of work that went into that hotel, and it didn’t happen by accident.”
Trump got his wish: The hotel was ready enough that on Sept. 16 he held a campaign event there honoring veterans, which was carried live on national television. He touted the hotel as having been completed “under budget and ahead of schedule” and said that when it opened officially the following month it would be “one of the great hotels anywhere in the world.”
But around the same time, Miller said, the Trump Organization and its construction manager, Lendlease, stopped paying AES. Three days before Christmas, AES filed a mechanic’s lien with the D.C. government alleging that it was out almost $2.1 million. “Merry Christmas and a happy new year to us,” Miller said.
The AES filing brings the total of allegedly unpaid bills on the hotel to more than $5 million. Washington-area plumbing firm Joseph J. Magnolia Inc. and Northern Virginia construction company, A&D Construction, are seeking $2.98 million and $79,700 respectively....
...Miller said he considered not discussing the issue publicly because he does not want to make a political issue out of it. AES had a $17 million contract with the Trumps, and all but the final $2 million had been paid, Miller said.
“The majority of that [final] work was done in the last 45 days or so before the hotel opened, and it required a tremendous amount of manpower and effort on our part to get that done because it was a crunch to get the hotel open,” he said.
Miller said he simply did not want the company, family-owned and founded 32 years ago, to have to eat the costs. The hotel’s total price tag was around $212 million. Trump claims he is worth $10 billion.
“We’re not in this for any sort of political reasons,” Miller said. “We have no ax to grind, political or otherwise. We’re a business. We have 700 employees that we pay every week. We have bills. We are effectively financing this work, and we don’t think it’s right. That’s really it.”"
The intelligence has only gotten stronger since the October 7th revelation that Russians were behind the election hacking of the DNC, White house, Joint Chiefs of Staff and various American businesses. Its now clear that it went beyond hacking of computers and included a multi-faceted campaign of disinformation, propaganda, fake news, and use of social media. It also included the use of RT, the Russian government propaganda station that was part of the entire Russian government campaign to interfere in the election. What's particularly disturbing about that is Trumps selection of National Security Adviser Mike Flyn flew to Moscow to Moscow in December 2015 for the tenth anniversary gala of RT and was sitting at the dinner table next to Vladimir Putin.
This isn't just about attacking one party. The problem is what we've seen from Trump, a desire not just to be willfully ignorant, his unwillingness to listen to the briefing themselves, but its almost purposeful in nature, you see a disparagement at a level which is extraordinary. People who work in the intelligence community just like people who work in the military, the State Department, and journalists who work around the world, they risk their lives and the lives of their families and they do this for country. You have a man who has never risked anything in his entire life sitting on his ivory throne talking about this without any true understanding and a willingness to be as ignorant as absolutely possible is simply outrageous.
This is about using ignorance as a badge of honour and the idea that if I have more intelligence it somehow makes me less capable and the less that I have the more capable I am. This is standard anti-intellectual conservatism that is harming the United States and that Trump epitomizes. Trump is both saying nothing is good enough and then when there is reliable reporting of what is happening based on intelligence sources he calls that "politics" and attacks journalists and others for dealing with it. He is setting up a catch 22 where you're damned if you don't provide overwhelming evidence and damned if you do provide it.
Trump claimed there was doubt about the Intelligence communities findings because:
"The Democratic Natinal Committe would not allow the FBI to study or see its compter info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia....So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of computer servers?"
Once again, Trump, who claims to know more about hacking than the intelligence community demonstrates his ignorance. The experts didn't need physical inspection of DNC servers because it already had the relevant forensic data in a process called upstream collection. That is how the FBI was able to tell the DNC it had been hacked. Add that to the long list of valuable lessons Trump needs to learn from the intelligence briefings he says he doesn't need.
Its pretty clear Trump is conducting a misinformation campaign against the American Intelligence community. He doesn't like the answer the community is giving him so he's trying to say the people giving him the answer cannot be believed (just like Wyatt/bad anonymous is doing) and that makes Americans less safe.
Russia is running a shooting war in Europe right now, the first great power shooting war on the European continent since 1945. 10,000 people dead hundreds of thousands displaced. They are systematically interferring in the politics of the countries in the band between Germany and Russia substituting pro-western, pro-democratic reasonably honest governments with more authoritarian and more corrupt governments that tilt in Russian interests.
They interferred in the British election in the summer of last year, they're playing the French and German elections right now. They are very clear they want to break up both NATO and the European Union. Its believed they were supporting the Scottish seperatists to break up the United Kingdom. Scotland is where the British have their major nuclear base and an independent Scotland would not be a nuclear power so if Scotland exited the United Kingdom Britain would cease to be a nuclear power that could stop Russia. That is the context in which they've tried to reshape the politics of the United States but, hey, Wyatt/bad anonymous says its just harmless "information gathering" so don't worry about it.
There's no mystery here, Trump campaigned as a candidate sympathetic to the Russian point of view on issues like Ukraine, like Syria, like the breakup of NATO, like the breakup of the European Union - Russian foreign policy in every case and a violation in some cases of 70 years of American foreign policy. Of COURSE Russia liked Trump and of course they tried to help him.
This past election has resulted in the United States essentially swiching sides in a war because that's what Putin is after. Regardless of who was in power Americans have lived for a very long time with a sense of safety because they believed their president was the most powerful person in the world. With the president elect deferring national security decisions to the leader of Russia that means Vladimir Putin in a couple of weeks will be the most powerful person in the world. I doubt anyone voting for Donald Trump was voting for that.
But, nothing to worry about Wyatt/bad anonymous says, "there is no accusation of destruction of data or malicious viruses here,", its just harmless "information gathering".
Wyatt/bad anonymous is a traitor like Trump.
January 6, 2017 BBC reports
Huge Antarctic iceberg poised to break away
"A long-running rift in the Larsen C ice shelf grew suddenly in December and now just 20km of ice is keeping the 5,000 sq km piece from floating away.
Larsen C is the most northern major ice shelf in Antarctica.
Researchers based in Swansea say the loss of a piece a quarter of the size of Wales will leave the whole shelf vulnerable to future break-up.
Larsen C is about 350m thick and floats on the seas at the edge of West Antarctica, holding back the flow of glaciers that feed into it.
Researchers have been tracking the rift in Larsen C for many years, watching it with some trepidation after the collapse of Larsen A ice shelf in 1995 and the sudden break-up of the Larsen B shelf in 2002.
Last year, researchers from the UK's Project Midas reported that the Larsen C rift was growing fast.
But in December the speed of the rift went into overdrive, growing by a further 18km in just a couple of weeks. What will become a massive iceberg now hangs on to the shelf by a thread just 20km long..."
Intelligence Report Concludes That Vladimir Putin Intervened In U.S. Election To Help Donald Trump Win
Read the full declassified report here.
"...Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump....
....We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him....
...In an apparent effort to push back on the idea that Putin deliberately aided him, Trump said in a statement on Friday that hackers also targeted the Republican National Committee, but failed to breach their server because of superior “hacking defenses.” That’s not what the declassified version of the report indicates. “Russia collected on some Republican-affiliated targets but did not conduct a comparable disclosure campaign,” the report’s authors wrote. "
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