Child Abuse
The Nutty Ones don't quite know what to do about the Penn State scandal. They would love to use it against gay people, but Jerry Sandusky is about as straight as you get, a macho, married football coach.
Here's one approach to it, a recent blog post by the Eagle Forum's Roger Schlafly -- the guy who started Conservapedia. He thinks it's terrible to require people to report crimes against children when they witness them, says it goes against our values: "We are not a nation of snitches."
This will get fascinating. You know what he's talking about, don't you? "Spare the rod, spoil the child" is not, you know, politically correct these days, what with the liberals and all acting like there's something wrong with beating your own kid.
Here's what he's talking about. This is a video of Aransas County, Texas, family law Judge William Adams beating his daughter with a belt. Click "Play" only if you have a strong stomach, it is graphic and heartbreaking.
Some of us see the behavior in this video as abuse, and some don't. Some people think this is a normal way to raise a child, beating some sense into them now and then. Personally, I cannot watch it.
When we talk about "child abuse" we usually mean one of two things, in fact it is kind of interesting that we don't strongly differentiate between them. We might mean sexual abuse, which includes any kind of sexual interaction with a child at all, and we might mean violence. And by violence I mean to include confinement and severe restrictions and other harsh forms of punishment.
Sexual abuse has a very narrow gray area. A child might sit on your lap innocently, and in some other instance alarms should sound. I hate it that the world has gotten to the point where you can't give a kid a hug, but there are times when you just can't. In general, there are forms of affectionate behavior that are reseved for adults, children do not understand them, engaging in sexual behavior with a child is never acceptable. The gray area is very small, and I think almost everyone agrees on where the boundaries lie.
Violence against children is actually more controversial. I hope that everyone who watches that video agrees that the father is out of line. This is not child-rearing, it is assault and battery against a helpless victim. But I doubt we would find much agreement about a parent who occasionally throws a kid over their knee and pops them one on the butt. I don't know the percentages, but I think most parents have done that, at least once. I'm not taking a position on it, I'm just saying that a lot of people find a dispassionate and rare spanking acceptable and not abusive.
Raising your voice to a child can be abusive, yelling at them, telling them they're no good or ugly, stupid. This is a kind of violence that you hate to see but there is no law against it.
At some point parents have to be granted the right to make decisions about how to raise their children. You and I don't have to agree with it, you see people all the time saying things to their kids that you would not say, you see parents on the Metro for instance, smacking their kids around and yelling at them, and it is something you have to tolerate up to a point.
And that point falls in a big gray area. I personally think it is outrageous to hit a child in the face, but I see it all the time. There may be no bruises, no broken bones, it does not qualify legally as assault and there is nothing you can do about it, parents have the right. I call it abuse, you might not, the law supports the parent's right to make the judgment.
The Eagle Forum is defending the right of parents to assault their children without interference. They believe that mandatory reporting of child abuse is an attack on "the autonomy of the family."
The logic here is fascinating, it is incredible to see Schlafly actually arguing in support of Jerry Sandusky:
It seems that in defending a parent's right to assault their child violently, the Nutty Ones are backed into a corner where they have to defend child molesters from charges of sexual assault, as well. I don't know how many of them really want to go there, but the Eagle Forum has never had trouble finding followers -- leaders of the Citizens for Responsible Whatever, here in Montgomery County, Maryland, have met with the group.
There will be laws against assault and laws against sexual abuse, and those laws should protect the weak from exploitation and mistreatment. The idea that Mike McQueary should have kept his mouth shut when he walked in on an adult raping a child in the shower is absurd. McQueary had the responsibility to stop the abuse and to call in the law to ensure that it didn't happen again.
It is going to be interesting to see how this plays out, how they will manage to defend one form of abuse and not another.
Here's one approach to it, a recent blog post by the Eagle Forum's Roger Schlafly -- the guy who started Conservapedia. He thinks it's terrible to require people to report crimes against children when they witness them, says it goes against our values: "We are not a nation of snitches."
The mandatory reporting law is a direct attack on the autonomy of the American family. Many parents have practices that provoke the disapproval of others. All it takes is one anonymous call to CPS, and a govt social worker will knock on the door and threaten to put the kids in foster care. There is no due process. The upshot is that know-nothing social workers are redefining how American children are to be reared, and this is a change for the worse.
And it is only going to get worse, as the Democrats want to expand the mandatory reporting. Mandated reporting of suspicion
This will get fascinating. You know what he's talking about, don't you? "Spare the rod, spoil the child" is not, you know, politically correct these days, what with the liberals and all acting like there's something wrong with beating your own kid.
Here's what he's talking about. This is a video of Aransas County, Texas, family law Judge William Adams beating his daughter with a belt. Click "Play" only if you have a strong stomach, it is graphic and heartbreaking.
Some of us see the behavior in this video as abuse, and some don't. Some people think this is a normal way to raise a child, beating some sense into them now and then. Personally, I cannot watch it.
When we talk about "child abuse" we usually mean one of two things, in fact it is kind of interesting that we don't strongly differentiate between them. We might mean sexual abuse, which includes any kind of sexual interaction with a child at all, and we might mean violence. And by violence I mean to include confinement and severe restrictions and other harsh forms of punishment.
Sexual abuse has a very narrow gray area. A child might sit on your lap innocently, and in some other instance alarms should sound. I hate it that the world has gotten to the point where you can't give a kid a hug, but there are times when you just can't. In general, there are forms of affectionate behavior that are reseved for adults, children do not understand them, engaging in sexual behavior with a child is never acceptable. The gray area is very small, and I think almost everyone agrees on where the boundaries lie.
Violence against children is actually more controversial. I hope that everyone who watches that video agrees that the father is out of line. This is not child-rearing, it is assault and battery against a helpless victim. But I doubt we would find much agreement about a parent who occasionally throws a kid over their knee and pops them one on the butt. I don't know the percentages, but I think most parents have done that, at least once. I'm not taking a position on it, I'm just saying that a lot of people find a dispassionate and rare spanking acceptable and not abusive.
Raising your voice to a child can be abusive, yelling at them, telling them they're no good or ugly, stupid. This is a kind of violence that you hate to see but there is no law against it.
At some point parents have to be granted the right to make decisions about how to raise their children. You and I don't have to agree with it, you see people all the time saying things to their kids that you would not say, you see parents on the Metro for instance, smacking their kids around and yelling at them, and it is something you have to tolerate up to a point.
And that point falls in a big gray area. I personally think it is outrageous to hit a child in the face, but I see it all the time. There may be no bruises, no broken bones, it does not qualify legally as assault and there is nothing you can do about it, parents have the right. I call it abuse, you might not, the law supports the parent's right to make the judgment.
The Eagle Forum is defending the right of parents to assault their children without interference. They believe that mandatory reporting of child abuse is an attack on "the autonomy of the family."
The logic here is fascinating, it is incredible to see Schlafly actually arguing in support of Jerry Sandusky:
Penn State officials have been charged with a crime for not reporting a similar allegation against Sandusky in 2002. The entire case hinges on the memory and credibility of McQueary, but now he has changed his story and says that he reported it to the police. There is no physical or other hard evidence of abuse. According to Sandusky, the child involved will testify that McQueary is lying about what he claimed to have seen.
Meanwhile, the legal, financial, spiritual, and emotional toll of false accusations is enormous.
It seems that in defending a parent's right to assault their child violently, the Nutty Ones are backed into a corner where they have to defend child molesters from charges of sexual assault, as well. I don't know how many of them really want to go there, but the Eagle Forum has never had trouble finding followers -- leaders of the Citizens for Responsible Whatever, here in Montgomery County, Maryland, have met with the group.
There will be laws against assault and laws against sexual abuse, and those laws should protect the weak from exploitation and mistreatment. The idea that Mike McQueary should have kept his mouth shut when he walked in on an adult raping a child in the shower is absurd. McQueary had the responsibility to stop the abuse and to call in the law to ensure that it didn't happen again.
It is going to be interesting to see how this plays out, how they will manage to defend one form of abuse and not another.
"The Nutty Ones don't quite know what to do about the Penn State scandal"
there's no one who doesn't work for Penn State who has this trouble
"They would love to use it against gay people, but Jerry Sandusky is about as straight as you get, a macho, married football coach"
your hopeless gender stereotypes aside, Sandusky was sexually attracted to others of his gender and engaged in sexual activity with them
he is, thus, a homosexual
a weakness for pink tutus and quiche is not necessary to qualify as suffering from same gender attraction
as far as "using" it against other homosexuals, only a person who commits a crime is responsible for it but in granting access to children, the welfare of the child is more important than the "rights" of the adult
anon, do you actually think Jerry Sandusky is gay?
Here is the context of this horrid video:
"do you actually think Jerry Sandusky is gay?"
sounds like it at this point
he'll have his day in court, obviously, but, unless there is some horrible misunderstanding, it seems he was attracted to males and acted on the attraction
that's homosexual
maybe TTF can write Merriam-Webster and have them change the definition of homosexual to "males who are attracted to consenting adults of their own gender and like girly stuff"
right now, however, that's not the definition
Sandusky is a homosexual
Interesting. Two questoins.
Do you believe he was attracted to adult males?
Do you think all gay men are attracted to boys?
someone who doesn't make up their definitions
TTFers probably have a lot of trouble with that concept
every time they're faced with an inconvenient truth, they try to get away with changing definitions of commonly used words
"Two questoins"
one question
what's a questoin?
"Do you believe he was attracted to adult males?"
don't know
"Do you think all gay men are attracted to boys?"
any time you see "all" in a question, the answer will usually be no
I wouldn't be surprised if most gays are attracted to teen males, especially older teens
I'm guessing that attraction to 10-year-olds, as in Sandusky's case, is rarer
who knows?
maybe this guy was abused by a homosexual when he was ten
doesn't change the fact that he has a male-male attraction affliction
meanwhile, we may have another case of a homosexual in college sports molesting students
let's hope it doesn't turn out that there is as much homosexual abuse in college sports as there was in the Catholic church:
"Syracuse men's basketball assistant coach Bernie Fine was placed on administrative leave Thursday night after police launched an investigation into allegations by a former team ball boy who said Fine molested him during the 1980s and '90s.
The University said in a statement that athletic director Daryl Gross placed Fine on leave, at chancellor Nancy Cantor's request, “in light of the new allegations and the Syracuse City Police investigation."
Earlier Thursday, ESPN reported that the alleged victim, Bobby Davis, said Fine began molesting him in 1983, when Davis was entering seventh grade. He said the abuse continued after Davis became a ball boy the next year and lasted until he was in his mid- to late 20s. Davis said the abuse occurred at Fine's home, at Syracuse basketball facilities and on road trips, including once at the 1987 Final Four.
Davis told ESPN he went to Syracuse police in 2003 but was told by a detective that the statute of limitations had expired. Davis added that he was told police would investigate if he knew of other boys who had been molested. Davis said he had no direct knowledge of such cases.
A relative of Davis, however, told ESPN that Fine also molested him during the period Davis alleges he was molested. The second man said news coverage of the recent Penn State sex abuse scandal inspired him to come forward."
Ok, so youre not sure if Sandusky is attracted to men, and there is no evidence he is, but you declare he is homosexual. And you dont seem to think that all/most gay men are attracted to children, though they may find teenage boys attractive in the same way that straight men find teenage girls appealing.
It does not sound like he has anything in common with other gay men. But you say he's one of them. You're on your own there.
He has everything in common with other pedophiles.
"Ok, so youre not sure if Sandusky is attracted to men, and there is no evidence he is, but you declare he is homosexual"
the definition of homosexual isn't "someone attracted to men"
it's "someone attracted to their own gender"
"And you dont seem to think that all/most gay men are attracted to children, though they may find teenage boys attractive in the same way that straight men find teenage girls appealing"
exactly, I think homosexuals mirror heterosexuals in that regard
"It does not sound like he has anything in common with other gay men. But you say he's one of them. You're on your own there."
well, he does have something in common: he is attracted to his own gender
you play all these rhetorical shenanigans because you think that if Sandusky is classified a homosexual, that implies other homosexuals will abuse children
that would be a fallacious conclusion just as it would be fallacious to extrapolate the behvior of heterosexual pedophiles to other heterosexuals
where your real problem is, however, is that homosexuals commit abuse at higher rates than heterosexuals
unfortunately for you, the facts are against you so you're on your own here
"He has everything in common with other pedophiles."
so many of which commit homosexual pedophilia
anon, as I have said, if you want to call him gay or homosexual, you can, it will serve your need to demean a population of people who have nothing to do with the atrocities that Sandusky commits. But he has nothing in common with ordinary gay men, and classifying him as that does not give any understanding into the situation at all, but only confuses it.
"if you want to call him gay or homosexual, you can,"
it's not a matter of personal preference but definitional truthfulness
unfortunately, the gay advocacy groups have decided to assault the English language every time they have a tricky situation to explain
"it will serve your need to demean a population of people who have nothing to do with the atrocities that Sandusky commits"
it doesn't demean them any more than heterosexuals are demeaned when a heterosexual does the same thing
"But he has nothing in common with ordinary gay men,"
hopefully, that is true but the uncomfortable fact is that homosexual pedophilia represents a much higher portion of total pedophilia cases than homosexuals make up a portion of the general population
"and classifying him as that does not give any understanding into the situation at all, but only confuses it"
only in your imagination
making things difficult for the gay agenda is not the definition of "confusing"
should we replace the Democrats and Republicans with the Occupants and Tea Partiers?:
"MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- Occupy Memphis member Mallory Pope had just finished telling a group of about 75 tea party followers Thursday night that politicians should not allow themselves to be influenced by lobbyists and unions when she received an unexpected invitation.
"It sounds to me that y'all ought to be joining us," said Jerry Rains, a 64-year-old computer programmer and tea party member. "You have a lot of the same goals we have, which is to take our country back."
Pope and fellow Occupy Memphis protester Tristan Tran had a lively, sometimes strained and confrontational, but mostly civil discussion with members of the Mid-South Tea Party at a municipal meeting hall outside Memphis.
The factions saw eye-to-eye on some issues and clashed on others. And, while the young speakers didn't change many minds, they did earn praise from the tea party members for their passion, honesty and courage."
"the uncomfortable fact is that homosexual pedophilia represents a much higher portion of total pedophilia cases than homosexuals make up a portion of the general population..."
If that is true, it is because the preponderence of child molesting is done by straight men. Here is a good discussion of the topic, at the Psychology department of UC Davis:
Only one researcher reports that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexuals to molest children. That researcher is Paul Cameron. Quote: "Cameron's claims hinge on the fallacious assumption that all male-male molestations are committed by homosexuals." The so-called research was published in Psychological Reports, which is a journal that will publish anything if you pay the fee. This discussion also looks at other ways Cameron inflated his numbers. Read the article, anon.
"the fallacious assumption that all male-male molestations are committed by homosexuals"
that's not fallacious
it's defintional
when in doubt, look it up
from Merriam Webster:
homosexual: of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex
Psychologists to not consider men who molest boys to be homosexual by definition, but you are free to use the term as you wish, Peter Sprigg would be proud of you. Jerry Sandusky does not appear to be gay, he is not attracted to men, he is a child molester, but since his victims are boys you can twist the dictionary definition of homosexual to fit him. You are on your own there, you and Humpty Dumpty can use words to mean whatever you want them to mean.
"you are free to use the term as you wish"
I'm not using it as I wish but aqs itis defined
and I'm not twisting anything
you are
Sandusky forced boys to have sex with him because he wanted them to
that was a homosexual act
any other assumption is ridiculous
as for your statement:
"he is not attracted to men"
you have no basis for this statement
while I agreed that I don't know that for sure, it remains the most likely explanation for his behavior
the simplest explanation is that he didn't think he could discreetly get away with seeking adult male partners but thought he could intimidate young kids into doing what he wants and keeping quiet about it
if so, he was close to being right
at his age, his secret, which is that he was attracted to males, may have easily gone to the grave with him
this is a good article. I really do not understand how this guy was not caught sooner. the cover up must have been enormous, the payoffs rampant.
I ran a girl scout troop for years, and we made heart valentines cards one year with pictures of the brownies. the same roll of film (this was years ago) had some pictures of my younger 3 and 5 years old naked in the tub. that resulted in a visit to my home by the cops !
so how many people knew about this guy and did nothing.....
and I am still not kidding about adopting some Iranian principles in cases of child abuse.
I am curious, how do TTF'rs feel about Jessica's law ? are you so very twisted that you don't support it ?
Once again, "Anonymous" need to take your blinders off and stop looking for "reliable" supportive studies that support your own ignorance and prejudices.
" seems he was attracted to males and acted on the attraction
...that's homosexual"
"Sandusky was sexually attracted to others of his gender and engaged in sexual activity with them...he is, thus, a homosexual"
"maybe this guy was abused by a homosexual when he was ten
...doesn't change the fact that he has a male-male attraction affliction"
"where your real problem is, however, is that homosexuals commit abuse at higher rates than heterosexuals"
"the uncomfortable fact is that homosexual pedophilia represents a much higher portion of total pedophilia cases than homosexuals make up a portion of the general population"
Again...referring to the above cited study, "":
"Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.
To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation."
"Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147)."
Interesting article on should read it at sometime during your recovery from homophobia.
All teachers in Virginia are mandated reporters.
"Film processors are mandated reporters of child abuse in Alaska, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Carolina."
"In approximately 18 States and Puerto Rico, any person who suspects child abuse or neglect is required to report. Of these 18 States, 16 States and Puerto Rico specify certain professionals who must report but also require all persons to report suspected abuse or neglect, regardless of profession.6 New Jersey and Wyoming require all persons to report without specifying any professions. In all other States, territories, and the District of Columbia, any person is permitted to report. These voluntary reporters of abuse are often referred to as "permissive reporters.""
Those 18 states are "Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah."
Unfortunately, McCleary did not become a "permissive reporter," but if PA had had such a child abuse report requiring law on its books, McCleary would have been required to report the account of what he saw in 2002 to the municipal police, not just the campus cops. There should be no excuse for any adult who sees child abuse to fail to report it to the police.
I think this child abuse reporting requirement and Jessica's law should become federal laws. I also think DOMA should be repealed, Prop 8 should be overturned, Gov. Walker should be recalled, and officials should stop denying OWS protesters their constitutional rights to free speech and assembly. If a corporation can have all the free speech it wants, so can every red blooded American citizen, especially in public places.
"McALLEN, Texas - The Texas family law judge whose daughter secretly videotaped him savagely beating her in 2004 has been suspended as a judge by the Texas Supreme Court.
According to an order signed Tuesday by the clerk of the state's highest court, Aransas County court-at-law Judge William Adams is suspended immediately with pay pending the outcome of the inquiry started by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct earlier this month.
The Associated Press reports that the order makes clear that while Adams agreed to the commission's recommended temporary suspension and waived the hearing and notice requirements, he does not admit "guilt, fault or wrongdoing" regarding the allegations. His attorney did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
Adams' now 23-year-old daughter Hillary Adams uploaded the 2004 video of her father beating her repeatedly with a belt.
According to the AP, Adams won't be charged for beating his daughter because statute of limitations has run out."
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