Destroying America
Don Trump is too confused to know what he is doing in Washington, beyond being a cranky old man. But that's okay, as he is not the one running things. Steve Bannon spelled out the plan at CPAC this week. The Post:
This is not okay. Good Americans complain because the government is slow, unresponsive, expensive. Politicians are self-centered and vain ... lots to complain about. But you can drink the water in most places, you can eat the food without getting poisoned. You can drive on the highways. You can walk in the park without fear. In America anyone can grow up to be President. You can say what you want, even if you're Milo Yiannopoulos. Some of us actually loved our country, and hoped to work together to make it better.
Do you think this is what the people in flyover land were hoping for, when they voted for Trump? Deconstruction?
RealClearPolitics quoted Bannon further:
By the way, Bannon doesn't know what "deconstructed" means. It's kind of a fancy word from literary criticism and semiotics. Bannon is using that word because it sounds so much more refined that "destroyed." Voters will cheer you on when you "deconstruct" their country, not so much when you destroy it.
You broke it, America, you bought it.
Atop Trump’s agenda, Bannon said, was the “deconstruction of the administrative state” — meaning a system of taxes, regulations and trade pacts that the president and his advisers believe stymie economic growth and infringe upon one’s sovereignty.So ... now they have told us exactly why they selected the nightmarishly worst people for every cabinet position. They want to destroy the government.
“If you look at these Cabinet nominees, they were selected for a reason, and that is deconstruction,” Bannon said. He posited that Trump’s announcement withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership was “one of the most pivotal moments in modern American history.” Bannon: Trump administration is in unending battle for ‘deconstruction of the administrative state’
This is not okay. Good Americans complain because the government is slow, unresponsive, expensive. Politicians are self-centered and vain ... lots to complain about. But you can drink the water in most places, you can eat the food without getting poisoned. You can drive on the highways. You can walk in the park without fear. In America anyone can grow up to be President. You can say what you want, even if you're Milo Yiannopoulos. Some of us actually loved our country, and hoped to work together to make it better.
Do you think this is what the people in flyover land were hoping for, when they voted for Trump? Deconstruction?
RealClearPolitics quoted Bannon further:
Every business leader we've had in is saying not just taxes, but it is -- it is also the regulation. I think the consistent, if you look at these Cabinet appointees, they were selected for a reason and that is the deconstruction, the way the progressive left runs, is if they can't get it passed, they're just gonna put in some sort of regulation in -- in an agency.Trump signed an executive order requiring that agencies rescind two regulations for every one they initiate. This EO will be declared unconstitutional, but the concept is at the heart of the Bannon/Trump agenda. They want to neutralize the government so that it does not protect the country's resources, medicines, foods. It is easy to understand: regulations cost corporations money. I am not being cynical, that is the whole explanation.
That's all gonna be deconstructed and I think that that's why this regulatory thing is so important. Stephen Bannon: Core Of Trump's Platform Is "Deconstruction Of The Administrative State"
By the way, Bannon doesn't know what "deconstructed" means. It's kind of a fancy word from literary criticism and semiotics. Bannon is using that word because it sounds so much more refined that "destroyed." Voters will cheer you on when you "deconstruct" their country, not so much when you destroy it.
You broke it, America, you bought it.
He yelled ‘Get out of my country,’ witnesses say, and then shot 2 men from India, killing one
Studies show school vouchers result in poorer performance
President Bannon's plan is to blindly destroy as much government and regulations as possible with no consideration for the reasons why they are there in the first place. He's really planning to implement anarchy. The United States will become a third world country if he succeeds.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Clinton received nearly 2.9 million more votes than President-elect Donald Trump, giving her the largest popular vote margin of any "losing" presidential candidate.
Even with the FBI and Russia colluding to interfere in the election to favour Trump and Republican politicians wide spread suppression of minority voters (who typically vote Democrat) Trump still lost the popular vote! Imagine if there had been a fair election!
Donald Trump is the most illegitimate president in U.S. history.
White House adviser asked FBI to dispute Russia reports
WASHINGTON (AP) — White House chief of staff Reince Priebus asked a top FBI official to dispute media reports that President Donald Trump's campaign advisers were frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents during the election, a White House official said late Thursday.
The official said Priebus' request came after the FBI told the White House it believed a New York Times report last week describing those contacts was not accurate. As of Thursday, the FBI had not stated that position publicly and there was no indication it planned to.
The New York Times reported that U.S. agencies had intercepted phone calls last year between Russian intelligence officials and members of Trump's 2016 campaign team.
Priebus' discussion with FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe sparked outrage among some Democrats, who said he was violating policies intended to limit communications between the law enforcement agency and the White House on pending investigations.
"The White House is simply not permitted to pressure the FBI to make public statements about a pending investigation of the president and his advisers," said Michigan Rep. John Conyers, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee.
A 2009 memo from then-Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department is to advise the White House on pending criminal or civil investigations "only when it is important for the performance of the president's duties and appropriate from a law enforcement perspective." When communication has to occur, the memo said, it should involve only the highest-level officials from the White House and the Justice Department.
The White House official would not comment when asked if the administration was concerned about the appropriateness of Priebus' communications with McCabe. The official was not authorized to disclose the matter publicly and insisted on anonymity.
The FBI would not say whether it had contacted the White House about the veracity of the Times report.
CNN first reported that Priebus had asked the FBI to weigh in on the matter.
Trump has been shadowed by questions about potential ties to Russia since winning the election. U.S. intelligence agencies have also concluded that Russia meddled in the campaign to help Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Last week, Trump fired national security adviser Michael Flynn because he misled Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials about his contacts with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. Flynn, who was interviewed by the FBI about his contacts, is said to have talked with the ambassador multiple times during the transition, including about U.S. sanctions policy.
Still, Trump and his advisers have denied contacts with Russian officials during the election. Last week, Trump said "nobody that I know of" spoke with Russian intelligence agents during the campaign.
Priebus alluded to his contacts with the FBI over the weekend, telling Fox News that "the top levels of the intelligence community" have assured him that the allegations of campaign contacts with Russia were "not only grossly overstated, but also wrong."
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said Priebus' comments opened the door for FBI Director James Comey to discuss the bureau's investigation publicly.
"If the White House chief of staff can make public claims about the supposed conclusions of an FBI investigation, then Director Comey can come clean with the American people," Wyden said.
Justin Shur, a former Justice Department public corruption prosecutor, said it was imperative that Justice Department investigations not be swayed by political considerations.
"As a general matter, investigations and prosecutions should be about gathering the facts and the evidence and applying the law," Shur said...
Maybe I'm crazy but shouldn't possible treason be investigated as thoroughly as a blow job?
Caitlyn Jenner's video message
Thanks Cait!
Trail of Death since election day -
people who were involved in exposing Trump ties to Russia:
Nov 8 Krivov
Dec 16 Chandelon
Dec 19 Karlov
Dec 20 Polshikov
Dec 26 Erovkin
Jan 9 Melanin
Feb 20 Churkin
Dearest Nasty woman Priya Lynn,
You are not crazy!
And HELL YES the recorded evidence of TREASON should be investigated!
Thanks Nasty woman.
Nasty woman said "Caitlyn Jenner's video message
Thanks Cait!".
Like a few other LGBTs Caitlyn didn't realize that when Trump said "I'll protect you from a hateful foreign ideology" he didn't mean that he'd protect LGBTs from a hateful domestic ideology.
72% of respondents on a Fox news poll rate Trump's performance as poor
Russian flags waved, confiscated during President Trump's CPAC remarks
Trump told CPAC attendees on Friday that it's time to "stand up for the American flag," but a different red, white and blue flag was seen in the audience during the president's remarks.
According to multiple sources, people were seen waving Russian flags with "TRUMP" written on them. The flags were then confiscated by CPAC staff.
"A section of people in the back of #CPAC2017 waving Russian flags -- a staffer just came and demanded they all be handed over," says POLITICO's Tim Alberta.
The flag display comes after former national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned amid reports that he had discussed sanctions with Russian officials. The wave of reports that Russia hacked the 2016 election have also sparked continued questions around the Trump administration's potential ties to Russia.
The FBI on Friday reportedly rejected a White House request to debunk stories about alleged communications between Russian operatives and people within President Trump's inner circle.
George Takei Verified
@George Takei
Learn from our past. Please.
It's not about bathrooms... as it was never about water fountains.
3:28 PM - 23 Feb 2017
Thanks, George!
In December, Spicer said barring media access is what a ‘dictatorship’ does. Today, he barred media access.
"White House press secretary Sean Spicer barred reporters from several large media outlets from participating in a scheduled press briefing Friday. Two months ago, in a panel discussion, he insisted that open access for the media is “what makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship.”..."
Absolutely, freedom of the press is what makes a democracy a democracy versus an unAmerican dictatorship.
The Lead CNNVerified account
.@jaketapper: The White House does not value an independent press. There is a word for that: un-American.
“The White House does not seem to respect the idea of accountability. This White House does not seem to value an independent press. There is a word for that line of thinking,” Tapper concluded.
“The word is un-American.”
3:22 PM - 24 Feb 2017
"So ... now they have told us exactly why they selected the nightmarishly worst people for every cabinet position. They want to destroy the government."
you finally figured that out?
very good, TTF
that only took about two months
the Federal government needs to be replaced with local governments that have more accountability
there are few areas where the Big Brother structure of unresponsive vast national bureaucracies are justified
"You can say what you want, even if you're Milo Yiannopoulos."
that's true
even gay spokesmen like this guy and TTF are entitled to their opinion
"Do you think this is what the people in flyover land were hoping for, when they voted for Trump?"
yep, I think so
they want North Carolina and Texas to decide their bathroom policies without Washington's oversight
I know that's discouraging for Beltway boosters like TTF but America will be stronger when the government is controlled by the people rather than the other way around
"Trump signed an executive order requiring that agencies rescind two regulations for every one they initiate. This EO will be declared unconstitutional,"
"regulations cost corporations money. I am not being cynical, that is the whole explanation."
not cynical, just ignorant
whatever costs corporation money costs us all money
regulations are appropriate at times but when they become part of a national structure, they become capricious and redundant justification's for some career civil servant's employment
better at a local level where the regulators have to face the regulatees
"By the way, Bannon doesn't know what "deconstructed" means. It's kind of a fancy word from literary criticism and semiotics."
well, gay advocacy groups are experts at redefining the English language
so, I know you hate to see anyone else get in the water
"You broke it, America, you bought it."
oh good, we own our own country again
first step to making it great again
to renovate any creaky old structure, you gut it and then rebuild
"Destroying America"
aka destroying the mindset that the inside-the-beltway bureaucracy is America
The people inside the Beltway spend their days working to support the Constitution. Flyover folks might see it as a big, sluggish bureaucracy but it's our bureaucracy, and it's the law of the land. Slimming it down is not objectionable, and we have had leaders who have said they wanted to do that -- they almost invariably end up making it bigger.
The current administration wants to throw out the Constitution altogether. That is what the "deconstruct the administrative state" comments are about. It is important to us as Americans that they fail at that.
"The current administration wants to throw out the Constitution altogether"
this is a complete fabrication
the Obama administration lost more constitutional challenges than any administration in history
the Trump administration has nominated an originalist as a SCOTUS nominee
"The people inside the Beltway spend their days working to support the Constitution"
the "people inside the Beltway" are in a perpetual struggle to reinterpret the Constitution to fit their own agenda
trying to change something until it fits your won agenda is not supporting it
by definition
ask George Orwell
The "administrative state" is that enterprise that administers the Constitution of the United States of America. As the country has grown to 300-million people-plus, the administration of the once-simple document has gotten very complicated.
There is nothing "unconstitutional" about going to court to try to do something, and then obeying the court's order. That's how it works. The limits of consitutional authority should always be tested and validated. That is "working with" the Constitution, not "deconsructing" it.
E. J. Dionne said this pretty well in The Post this morning, talking about Bannon at CPAC:
But then came the third: the “deconstruction of the administrative state.” Bannon explained that officials who seem to hate what their agencies do — one thinks especially of Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, who has sued it repeatedly to the benefit of oil and gas companies — were “selected for a reason, and that is deconstruction.”
Thus did Bannon invoke the trendy lefty term “deconstruct” as a synonym for “destroy.”
This is a huge deal. It reflects a long-standing critique on the right not just of the Obama and Clinton years but of the entire thrust of U.S. government since the Progressive Era and the New Deal. Critics of the administrative state — “the vast administrative apparatus that does so much to dictate the way we live now,” as Scott Johnson, a conservative lawyer and co-founder of the Power Line blog, put it in 2014 — see it as unconstitutional because regulatory agencies make and enforce rules based on authority they claim was illegitimately ceded by Congress.
The Trump administration has the right to go to the courts, or to go to Congress to trim down the executive branch, if they have a different vision. But when they appoint -- as they admit they have -- leaders who hate the groups they lead, they are unapologetically undermining -- destroying -- the Constitutional structure that comprises our government. The Founding Fathers anticipated greed and power struggles, but they had George Washington, they could not have imagined that someday the people would elect a traitor for that job, who would intentionally fill positions with the very worst people.
"The "administrative state" is that enterprise that administers the Constitution of the United States of America"
this is false
under the Constitution, the laws of the United States are enacted by Congress and administered by an elected representative of the people, called the President
the rest of the administrative state serve at the pleasure and convenience of the President, to assist him
whether the EPA has a legitimate role, or what that role would be, is not determined by unaccountable, life-long career government workers
sorry, you may have to look elsewhere for employment
"There is nothing "unconstitutional" about going to court to try to do something,"
when you are repeatedly taken to court on the constitutionality of you actions and lose, there's something wrong
when you're a constitutionally trained lawyer from an Ivy League school of law, it's more than ignorance
it's a willful attack on the Constitution and failure to keep you vow to defend the Constitution
"E. J. Dionne said this pretty well"
well, he's an apologist for the big government view, but he's not actually the best at it
"The Trump administration has the right to go to the courts, or to go to Congress to trim down the executive branch, if they have a different vision. But when they appoint -- as they admit they have -- leaders who hate the groups they lead, they are unapologetically undermining -- destroying -- the Constitutional structure that comprises our government."
well, not if they are approved by Congress
the EPA was not set up by the Constitution but by Congress and if they want to appoint someone to wind down its mission, that's their prerogative..under the Constitution
"The Founding Fathers anticipated greed and power struggles, but they had George Washington, they could not have imagined that someday the people would elect a traitor for that job, who would intentionally fill positions with the very worst people."
they are only the "worst" if you assume these agencies have been operating in the best manner previously
democratically, under the Constitution, we have decided that may not be so
sorry, you milk cow may be running out
Wait, what? Did you say "under the Constitution"? Why yes, you did. The chief executive is not on his own, he is "under the Constitution."
Va. man charged with hate crime after using Muslim slurs, biting victim’s face, police say
WTG Pussy Grabber!
"The chief executive is not on his own, he is "under the Constitution.""
that's correct
the chief executive defends the Constitution
yes, normally
Obama tried to destroy the Constitution
and it was an issue
Americans elected Trump, more than anything else, to nominate Neil Gorsuch
they elected a GOP Congress to approve him
we like the Constitution
"regulations cost corporations money. I am not being cynical, that is the whole explanation."
not cynical, just ignorant
whatever costs corporation money costs us all money"
You are the ignorant one here Anon. Having the corporation clean up its own mess at the source is far, far cheaper than the taxpayer cleaning up their mess after has spread throughout the environment, killed wildlife and possibly people, and made the air and water unfit for life.
The EPA was formed just a few years after Cuyahoga river caught fire for the umpteenth time. The EPA is what kept our air looking like what Beijing's does. Yeah, they have fewer regulations, it's cheaper for corporations to make money there, but the hidden cost is the thousands of people that die every year from air pollution.
It probably would have cost the corporations several million dollars a year more to dispose of their nuclear waste properly. But since they didn't, the US taxpayer is forking over about 2 BILLION a year for at least 25 years to keep that waste from seeping into the Columbia River and making millions of acres of wheat farms and orchards radioactive. Those fields are all in the desert - they will bake off into crumbly dust in one summer if they aren't irrigated by Columbia River water.
You may be fine with Strontium 90 in your bread and apples, but it won't be for very long.
The consumer pays for the pollution one way or another. The cheapest place to pay for it is at the source when it is created. It may not be common sense, but it's a simple fact.
Something got deleted in the above post - the nuclear waste site I am referring to above is in Hanford Washington. The 2 billion per year is only for the Hanford site. We have no idea how much the US taxpayer will have to pay to store or clean up the rest of the nuclear waste corporations are producing.
John DeanVerified account
I have expertise on this matter. Push back on an FBI investigation of the White House is better known as a COVER UP:
The Trump White House just inflicted a serious wound on itself
Burn On, Big River
There's a red moon rising
On the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake
There's a red moon rising
On the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake
There's an oil barge winding
Down the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake
There's an oil barge winding
Down the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake
Cleveland city of light city of magic
Cleveland city of light you're calling me
Cleveland, even now I can remember
Cause the Cuyahoga River
Goes smokin' through my dreams
Burn on, big river, burn on
Burn on, big river, burn on
Now the Lord can make you tumble
And the Lord can make you turn
And the Lord can make you overflow
But the Lord can't make you burn
Burn on, big river, burn on
Burn on, big river, burn on
"Having the corporation clean up its own mess at the source is far, far cheaper than the taxpayer cleaning up their mess"
not saying we should let corporations pollute the environment
1. regulations have gone far beyond that
2. better handled at the local level
we have a bunch of bureaucrats not accountable to the constituents they are supposedly protecting (and I don't mean the noisiest, most radical elements)
and, yes, Jim is ignorant when he doesn't realize that higher costs of regulations are borne by the consumer not the corporation
As a presidential candidate, Trump promised to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans from discrimination. But on Wednesday his administration rescinded a directive issued under President Obama that required schools to allow students to use whichever bathroom they chose.
Either way it cost nobody a dime but you better carry your birth certificate with you if you want to pee in a public bathroom.
It's already one of the largest agencies but on Tuesday, the Department of Homeland Security released two memos calling for a huge increase in the number of immigration agents; the deputizing of local law enforcement agencies to enforce immigration laws; and expanded use of “expedited removals,” a deportation procedure that skirts the court system.
Those quaint little checks and balances in the US Constitution can go eff themselves, eh?
Does the Presidential CEO think he's going to pay for all those additional immigration agents with tax cuts for his wealthy pals?
And since when does hiring a huge increase in the number of immigration agents qualify as dismantling the regulatory state?
I just remembered something
Cinco, you never answered my inquiry last week about what crime that Duggar guy committed and what you thought would be the appropriate punishment for the heinous crime
tell us what ya think...
don't worry
if it's stupid, we won't insult you
"As a presidential candidate, Trump promised to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans from discrimination"
how about you provide us with an exact quote?
"But on Wednesday his administration rescinded a directive issued under President Obama that required schools to allow students to use whichever bathroom they chose"
by what stretch of the imagination is this a Federal issue?
"Either way it cost nobody a dime but you better carry your birth certificate with you if you want to pee in a public bathroom"
the gay lunatic jackasses say this all the time but has there ever been a case where someone had to show their birth certificate to pee?
"Those quaint little checks and balances in the US Constitution can go eff themselves, eh?"
actually, maintaining borders and immigration is specifically given to the chief exec in the constitution
"Does the Presidential CEO think he's going to pay for all those additional immigration agents with tax cuts for his wealthy pals?"
no, he's cutting way back on the EPA, DOEd, and DOEnergy
among other things
"And since when does hiring a huge increase in the number of immigration agents qualify as dismantling the regulatory state?"
national security is a duty given to the executive branch by the constitution
sheesh, have you read it?
1. Trump and his team carelessly threw together a Muslim ban and bungled its implementation.
2. The ban was struck down in the courts, which is what Trump’s hand-picked acting attorney general warned him might happen, right before he fired her.
3. Trump told intelligence officials to give him information that justifies what he intends to do regardless of the facts.
4. The Department of Homeland Security instead told Trump the truth.
5. The White House responded by saying it wanted an alternative truth.
The mind reels.
"Trump and his team carelessly threw together a Muslim ban and bungled its implementation"
they never banned Muslims
although the EO you refer to was careless and bungled
"The ban was struck down in the courts,"
this particular court has majority Obama appointees and has the highest rate of cases overturned by the SCOTUS
"which is what Trump’s hand-picked acting attorney general warned him might happen, right before he fired her"
hand-picked? she was an Obama-ite staying on until the Senate stopped dragging its feet on approving Trump's AG
"The mind reels"
that's common among TTFers
their minds function a leeetle below average
"how about you provide us with an exact quote?"
In fact I'll show you three different exact quotes from three different sources.
Back in April 2016, on NBC’s “Today” show at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, Candidate Trump said that when people go to the restroom, they should “use the bathroom they feel is appropriate.”
In his acceptance speech at the 2016 RNC he said, "This time, the terrorist targeted the LGBTQ community. No good, and we’re going to stop it. As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. Believe me."
And once in the White House, in January 2017: “President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the White House said in a statement. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”
you can see he never said the Federal government would be involved in enforcing bathroom gender rules
it's actually not "oppressive" or "violent" to expect people to use the bathroom of their gender, rather than their imaginary gender
bathroom owners can make their own rules but in no case would those rules be "oppressive" or "violent", by definition
Trump merely said what he would do in his bathrooms
he's the most gay-friendly president, like, effer
"hand-picked? she was an Obama-ite staying on until the Senate stopped dragging its feet on approving Trump's AG"
The Senate was not dragging its feet when the nominee they had to consider was the same guy they'd already rejected for a simple judgeship: Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He’ll Now Be Trump’s Attorney General.
How soon they forget. Yes, Yates worked for Trump at his request:
Trump asks some 50 senior Obama appointees to stay on
Before she was fired, Sally Yates said a White House counselor was ripe for Russian blackmail
Michael Flynn Resigns: Sally Yates Played a Role in Showing Him Out
"you can see he never said the Federal government would be involved in enforcing bathroom gender rules"
And I never said that either.
I said, "As a presidential candidate, Trump promised to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans from discrimination"
And then you asked "how about you provide us with an exact quote?", never once mentioning the "federal government" or any "rules."
I provided 3 full quotes from 3 different sources, 2 from Trump himself and 1 from Trump's White House, quotes that prove exactly what I said: "Trump promised to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans from discrimination."
Asked about Trump's claim that the media is the “enemy of the people,” Bush warned that an independent press is essential to democracy and that denouncing the press at home makes it difficult for the United States to preach democratic values abroad.
“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy,” Bush said. “We need an independent media to hold people like me to account.
“Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive and it's important for the media to call to account people who abuse power, whether it be here or elsewhere,” he added.
Bush noted that during his presidency, he sought to persuade people like Russian President Vladimir Putin to respect a free press.
“It's kind of hard to tell others to have an independent free press when we're not willing to have one ourselves,” Bush said.
Lauer sought to pin Bush down on his position on Trump's travel ban, which Bush refused to endorse.
Instead, he offered a defense of religious freedom, warning that the terror threat is not a religious war but an ideological one.
“I think it's very important for all of us to recognize one of our great strengths is for people to be able to worship the way they want to or to not worship at all,” Bush said. “A bedrock of our freedom is the right to worship freely.”
“I understood right off the bat that this was an ideological conflict and people who murder the innocent are not religious people — they want to advance an ideology and we have faced those kinds of ideologues in the past,” he added.
"I provided 3 full quotes from 3 different sources, 2 from Trump himself and 1 from Trump's White House, quotes that prove exactly what I said: "Trump promised to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans from discrimination"
not one of those quotes said that
he said "violence and oppression from a foreign ideology" in his one actual quote where he promised "protection"
he feels the Federal government should involved in threats to security from foreign threats
having to use the bathroom of your gender is not discriminatory, oppressive, or violent
you're just lying
"Asked about Trump's claim that the media is the “enemy of the people,” Bush warned that an independent press is essential to democracy and that denouncing the press at home makes it difficult for the United States to preach democratic values abroad"
it's absurd to say that one can't complain about the abusive behavior of the press without threatening democracy
when the press distorts and misrepresents, they deserve to be denounced
you would never say freedom of speech was infringed because someone argued with something you said
why would you say it about the press?
you may have noticed Obama's complaints about FOX news
he was wrong but it wasn't a threat to freedom of the press
however Obama's attempts to prosecute reporters for publishing leaks was actually a threat to freedom of the press
"Bush noted that during his presidency, he sought to persuade people like Russian President Vladimir Putin to respect a free press"
when Trump starts murdering, or even arresting, reporters, get back to us
you may remember that Dinesh D'Souza was arrested and jailed on petty political charges after he wrote a book critical of Obama
that was actually a threat to freedom of the press
"Lauer sought to pin Bush down on his position on Trump's travel ban, which Bush refused to endorse.
Instead, he offered a defense of religious freedom, warning that the terror threat is not a religious war but an ideological one.
“I think it's very important for all of us to recognize one of our great strengths is for people to be able to worship the way they want to or to not worship at all,” Bush said. “A bedrock of our freedom is the right to worship freely.”"
Trump banned immigrants from certain countries, not certain religions
anon says "it's absurd to say that one can't complain about the abusive behavior of the press without threatening democracy"
Calling the press "the enemy of the people" is not the same as saying they get things wrong sometimes. This is not how you complain about somebody.
It's like the online article saying that TTF is part of "THE UNDETECTED WAR TO DESTROY CIVILIZATION". They have it in caps.
This community's sense of humor may be a little quirky, but, come on, "WAR TO DESTROY CIVILIZATION"?
The press may be the enemy of certain people, for instance certain criminals and crooked politicians, but Trump is transparently trying to make people doubt the truth, so he can get away with lying, deceiving, and saying stupid shit. And a lot of dim people will go along with him. Like anon here.
NBC NEWS/WSJ Poll: President Trump holds record low approval rating
"he said "violence and oppression from a foreign ideology" in his one actual quote where he promised "protection"
he feels the Federal government should involved in threats to security from foreign threats"
There were two quotes with the word "protect" or "protection" in it.
Here's the one you like to skip over:
His White House also said “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”
"having to use the bathroom of your gender is not discriminatory, oppressive, or violent"
That's your opinion, and here's my opinion on the matter: Being forced to pee with the gender some OB/GYN put on your birth certificate rather than who you know yourself to be is oppression.
However our individual opinions of bathroom use has no bearing on what Trump said which was:
"Candidate Trump said that when people go to the restroom, they should “use the bathroom they feel is appropriate.”"
And now, he's decided that is not the case for trans students in our pubic schools.
So if there's a rise in teen suicide among TQI students, we'll know who to blame for it won't we?
"And now, he's decided that is not the case for trans students in our pubic schools"
no, he's acknowledged that he doesn't run the public schools
in areas under his purview, which at the time was his business properties, he said he would allow people to use any bathroom they want to
but he doesn't own every business property in the country nor does the Federal government run public schools
"So if there's a rise in teen suicide among TQI students, we'll know who to blame for it won't we?"
oh yeah, it's the bathrooms that cause that
of course, in areas that have tried to accommodate these confused people by setting aside a separate bathroom they can use, the activists go ranting with outrage
they actually care more about an agenda than individuals
suicide is likely caused by social ostracism and the approach of lunatic fringe gay activists and the totalitarianism of the gay agenda is not likely to get everyone feeling warm and fuzzy about trans
""So if there's a rise in teen suicide among TQI students, we'll know who to blame for it won't we?"
oh yeah, it's the bathrooms that cause that"
No, it's not the bathrooms.
It's the hate.
We now live in the time when there are those among us who are proud to MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN.
Another Wave Of Bomb Threats Hits Jewish Community Centers, Schools
This is the fifth wave of threats the community centers have received since the start of the new year.
"We now live in the time when there are those among us who are proud to MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN"
and that would be the liberal-media-entertainment complex who has painted a misleading caricature of our President to divert from their failures to deliver on the promises they've made to their core constituents
this has emboldened a demented, and very small, segment of our society
Trump has never uttered an anti-Semitic word, has thrived in a metropolis with the largest Jewish community in the country, is an old friend of the current President of Israel, has strong support in Israel, and has vowed to wipe out the anti-Jewish forces in the Mideast
so, tell us how Trump has caused this wave of bomb threats
the liberal-media-entertainment complex would have us believe they stabd against bigotry when they are actually inciting it
"so, tell us how Trump has caused this wave of bomb threats"
As a Trump supporter, perhaps you can figure out how support for Trump and hatred work together so we end up with incidents like these.
A High School Defaced With ‘Trump’ and Swastikas
Swastikas, ‘Go Trump’ graffiti deface children’s playground
And a little closer to home, Bethesda Magazine reported back in December 2016, Year in Review: Hate Incidents Roil County Known for its Inclusion
And there are reports of Trump supporters reaping what other Trump supporters have sewn: a swastika painted on one Trump supporter's front door and swastikas painted on cars parked in one Trump supporter's driveway.
And yet as hate and anti-semitic swastikas multiply here in Montgomery County, there has not yet been a single incidence of trouble between genders as a result of the County Council's addition of gender identity to it's non-discrimination law.
Some Vigilance readers may notice a difference in reactions to the effects of supporting inclusion vs. exclusion.
Transgender sister of inauguration singer Jackie Evancho wins injunction in bathroom lawsuit
"As a Trump supporter, perhaps you can figure out how support for Trump and hatred work together so we end up with incidents like these"
well, as I've stated many times, I'm not a Trump supporter
but I do defend him against the lies of the liberal-media-entertainment complex
because those lies are damaging our society
Trump has said and done nothing to lead anyone to believe he is anti-Semitic
and yet there seem to be anti-Semitic miscreants who believe he is
the morons saw it in the media
the lying media has caused these people to believe they just won an election and are ascendant
and lying trash like you repeats it
this is apparently emboldening these people to do these things
hopefully that's what's happening and this is not just liberals planting people
in any case, it's not Trump's fault
"Trump has said and done nothing to lead anyone to believe he is anti-Semitic"
That's your opinion.
Others in the know disagree with you, and so do I.
Trump hired and keeps an anti-semite in his inner circle.
FOX News: Ex-wife accused Trump campaign CEO Bannon of anti-Semitic statements
The Trump White House felt no need to mention one single Jew on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Haaretz: Report: White House Blocked Holocaust Statement That Explicitly Mentioned Jews
"yet there seem to be anti-Semitic miscreants who believe he is [anti-Semitic]"
Yes, anti-semitic miscreants and others make up his deplorable base.
"lying trash like you repeats it"
I suggest you look deep inside yourself and figure out why you feel the need to resort to personal attacks over discussions of differences of opinion.
The fact you resort to nasty personal attacks as often as you do shows you to be exactly the type of person who would be inclined to commit a hate crime in my opinion.
me: "Trump has said and done nothing to lead anyone to believe he is anti-Semitic"
you: "That's your opinion.
Others in the know disagree with you, and so do I."
well, how about some explanation other than a vague hunch?
you: "Trump hired and keeps an anti-semite in his inner circle.
FOX News: Ex-wife accused Trump campaign CEO Bannon of anti-Semitic statements"
that's it? one of his advisors' ex-wife says the advisor made anti-Semitic statements?
this is causing a wave of anti-Semitic attacks across America?
divorces do get nasty, you hear all kinds of things
and you might want to consider getting help
you: "The Trump White House felt no need to mention one single Jew on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Haaretz: Report: White House Blocked Holocaust Statement That Explicitly Mentioned Jews""
you seriously think Trump thinks he could make people think something called a Holocaust happened without Jews?
you might want to consider getting help
me: "yet there seem to be anti-Semitic miscreants who believe he is [anti-Semitic]"
you: "Yes, anti-semitic miscreants and others make up his deplorable base."
uh, that's both a truth and a lie
be like saying "pedophiles and others make up TTF's supporters"
surely, a nice fellow like you doesn't to tell a truth that's also a lie
me: "lying trash like you repeats it"
you: "I suggest you look deep inside yourself and figure out why you feel the need to resort to personal attacks over discussions of differences of opinion."
uh, are you going to tell us that you're not lying trash?
uh, didn't you call me a Trump supporter?
that's a nasty personal attack
uh, didn't you call Trump an anti-Semite without cause?
that's a nasty personal attack
"The fact you resort to nasty personal attacks as often as you do shows you to be exactly the type of person who would be inclined to commit a hate crime in my opinion."
sounds like a nasty personal attack
I think your opinion just indicted you
you see, you have believed a lie and repeated it because you are angry that your side didn't the election
people like you are causing a breakdown of civility and emboldened evil elements in our society
what would you call a person who did that?
you might want to consider getting help
I wonder if this piece of trash who spreads vicious lies about Trump and sees nothing wrong with exploiting the Holocaust for political reasons realizes that one of Trump's closest advisors is an orthodox Jew who is married to his daughter, who converted to Judaism herself, and that Trump's grandchildren are being raised as orthodox Jews.
And, somehow, he thinks he can sustain the charge that Trump is anti-Semitic. When his most beloved child could herself be a victim of these acts of hate?
Offensive doesn't begin to cover the current state of the Dem party..
yes, he might want to look deep inside himself to determine what twisted part of him feels that advancing a political agenda by lying is worth the damage and danger being done to real people by his lies
"You didn't click the link and read the article"
actually, I did
it's hearsay and he denies it
"That was a rather poor attempt at spinning some fake news here.
I did not say nor do I "think" any such thing."
well, explain how you think that not mentioning "one single Jew on Holocaust Remembrance Day" makes Trump anti-Semitic
because that was one of two rather pathetic attempts you made at that
"Proofreading can improve your writing.
I suggest you try it."
a nice fellow like yourself making another personal attack?
"You march in lockstep with him and blame "the lying media" for reporting truths about him he'd rather not have reported"
oh, he's mostly right about the media, unfortunately
they misrepresent and sometimes just make stuff up
still, I'm far from a supporter of that psycho
"The press did it's job, dug into the story, and reported the facts"
in that case they did
still, they haven't been responsible, or even truthful, most of the time
"You remember the free press don't you?
It's enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution as follows:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"
your implication that Trump has violated anyone's right to print, or say, anything is a lie
Trump has made no law and taken no action abridging the freedom of the press
he's within in his rights to not engage with media members who lie about him or misrepresent him
Obama, on the other hand, actually tried to prosecute reporters for printing stories
"When she has blood relatives with the Nazi concentration camp numbers burned into their skin, I'll talk to Ivanka about what it means to be a Jew."
oh, OK, you are biased, bigoted and hateful to a convert
still, doesn't Trump relationship with her would indicate a lack of anti-Semitism?
does his son-in-law and grandkids qualify as real Jews to you?
basically, through this whole conversation you have made no plausible connection between Trump and a rise in anti-Semitism
blather on, but you can't deny being societal gangrene
"You didn't click the link and read the article"
hey, have you looked deep inside yet, to figure out why you are so comfortable lying about others and inciting hatred?
let us know what you come up with
ever see The Shining with Jack Nicholson?
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