Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Opposition Party

This week Don Trump and his right-hand man, Steve Bannon, have decided to label the media as "the opposition party." This makes sense from their point of view, and in fact it may be a more profound observation than they realize.

I have said on this blog many times that when history is written about our era, the main topic will be the media. The newspapers and networks take sides, often without seeming to realize it, nudging our understanding to favor one conclusion or another. Simultaneously blogs and social media have given a media voice to every citizen and the roar from the bleachers has occasionally overpowered the commercial media but the almighty dollar wins in the end. The story of our times will be about who got to tell the story.

There have been plenty of times when I have thought of the media as "the opposition party." When our suburban county of a million good, decent people was attacked by a dozen or so rightwingers over a sex-ed class, the media turned their cameras on the small group and amplified their narrow-mindedness in a way that made it seem that they were a significant force in our bluest-of-blue community. What should have been a simple adjustment to a health curriculum became a "culture war," due entirely to the presence of the media. So I get that.

At any moment, in any place, there are an infinite number of things going on. We choose, as social beings, to focus our attention on the details that are relevant to us. And we interpret those details in whatever way serves our needs. A single thing may be a blessing, a threat, or we might ignore it. When something happens right in front of us we interpret it and deal with it.

Some things happen where we can't see them. We only hear about them. And that's where the media come in.

Have you ever seen something happen, and then read about it in the paper or seen it on TV? It's shocking, isn't it! The media have to boil an event down to a narrative, they have to make a story out of it, and that means they focus on certain facts and ignore others. That's just how it is, they do the same thing we do as individuals and groups, they make a story out of an infinite sea of information -- but they might not make the same story we would make if we had been present. We give up the ability to control our attention in exchange for some condensed information about events that we do not personally witness.

Part of living in the modern world is understanding the media. You cannot take a media representation as a truth, it is only a story. It may contain facts, and you need to know something about the source and the topic in order to evaluate that. If you are not sure about how to understand the original incident that is reported, you might want to look at alternative tellings of the story. Reading about an event or seeing it on TV is not the same as being there, and actually -- this is important -- "being there" is not the same for you as for some other person. I mean, you know this already, but it is important that two people can attend the same event and see it two entirely different ways. This phenomenon is magnified when one of the observers has a TV camera and sponsors who want the numbers to be big.

The media have loved Don Trump. He is everything that draws a big audience, flashy, brash, personable. He says the craziest things and expresses ideas that are so obviously wrong-headed that you just want to see what will happen next. Remember when Charlie Sheen went off the rails? Don Trump is like that all the time, and the TV cameras and newspapers love it. There is always a story, some crazy thing will come out of his mouth.

But the media, like the rest of the country, had an epiphany that Tuesday night when we watched the returns coming in, and those red states did not turn blue. It turns out that the requirements for reality TV and the requirements for being President of the United States of America are different. Who woulda thought? The media, pursuing their own business goals, pushed this charismatic lunatic out in front of us hundreds of times through the campaign. Jimmy Fallon patted his hair, Saturday Night Live made him the host, CNN cut into their regular programming to show his antics of the moment. MSNBC obsessed with him, even the "liberal" talk-shows talked about nothing else for months. They're just trying to sell soap, but people sitting at home forget that.

Don Trump is a media creation. He is an ordinary, vulgar, hometown gangster in real life, but you put a camera on him and he is every bit the equal to Snooki or Honey Boo Boo, or Dog the Bounty Hunter. He's good TV, the media lifted him and he rode that wave of attention right into the White House. But as President he is a buffoon. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He is a clown. The media still love him, the story sells a lot of soap, but the story line has changed. Where it was "Brash Millionaire Takes on the World" it is now "Ignorant Bigot Signs Executive Order Screwing Millions of Innocent People," "Thin-Skinned Old Man Argues Against Proof About How Big His Stuff Is." The media still love him, but now they are loving pointing out the character defects that they aggrandized in the past as lovable quirks.

So, yeah, the media have become the opposition party for him. We have a noble narrative of journalists investigating and checking public figures, but they don't really do that very much, or very well. These days they report tweets, if somebody doesn't call them with leaks. What we call "the media" are mostly huge corporate entities that serve their stockholders, and there is neither a mechanism or incentive for them to be truthful, honest, thorough, or fair. They aren't for you or against you, they sell soap.


Anonymous Two weeks in said...

Good people are stepping up to fight against the hateful injustice this administration brings.

Without the American Constitutionally guaranteed free press we wouldn't know the good people of America are stepping up to fight this administration's unAmerican policies.

From the ACLU The ACLU says it got $24 million in donations this weekend, six times its yearly average

To the Koch Brothers Koch network condemns Trump ban on refugees and immigrants

It appears the left and right are starting to come together to fight the Trump/Bannon xenophobia and the destruction of our American democracy and ideals.


Sign up for Weekly Action Checklist for Democrats, Independents, and Republicans of Conscience here

January 30, 2017 8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Good people are stepping up to fight against the hateful injustice this administration brings"

could we get some specifics here?

I personally disagree with some things and find Trump to be a disturbed guy personally

but what has been "hateful and unjust"?

January 30, 2017 8:51 AM  
Anonymous it's not easy being green said...

Jan 29 (Reuters) - Many of President Donald Trump's core political supporters had a simple message on Sunday for the fiercest opponents of his immigration ban: Calm down.

The relaxed reaction among the kind of voters who drove Trump's historic upset victory - working- and middle-class residents of Midwest and the South - provided a striking contrast to the uproar that has gripped major coastal cities, where thousands of protesters flocked to airports where immigrants had been detained.

In the St. Louis suburb of Manchester, Missouri, 72-year-old Jo Ann Tieken characterized the president as bringing reason into an overheated debate.

"Somebody has to stand up, be the grown up and see what we can do better to check on people coming in," she said. "I'm all for everybody to stop and take a breath. Just give it chance."

By executive order on Friday, Trump banned immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries - Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen - and temporarily halted the entry of refugees.

(Note: an expansion banning immigration from Canada is under consideration after Justin Trudeau said terrorists are welcome there)

In the electoral strongholds for Trump, residents seemed nonplussed about the uproar flashing across their television screens. They shrugged off concerns about botched execution, damage to foreign relations and legal challenges across the country.

In New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other cities, Trump's action set off an outpouring of anger.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, evoked an image of the Statue of Liberty weeping. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York teared up himself on camera as he seethed over the "mean-spirited and un-American" immigration ban.

Veterans in government agencies, including the Homeland Security and State departments, blasted Trump's team for what they called slipshod planning and scant interagency communication, criticism the White House rejected.

At airports, security officials also struggled to consistently enforce vague rules.

But allegations of operational or administrative blunders may do little to dampen enthusiasm for a president who rose to power on a populist and protectionist platform, political analysts said.

Louise Ingram, a 69-year-old retiree from Troy, Alabama, said she forgave the new administration a few "glitches," such as widespread confusion over treatment of green card holders, as it moved to protect U.S. citizens from attacks.

"I'm not opposed to immigrants," she said. "I just want to make sure they are safe to come in."

January 30, 2017 9:09 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"could we get some specifics here?"

Did you click the links?

Try it, you might learn something like:

"INDIAN WELLS, Calif. — Leaders of the influential Koch network on Sunday expressed opposition to President Trump's ban on refugees and immigrants from Muslim-majority countries, saying the executive order is not in keeping with their aims to build a free and open society.

“We believe it is possible to keep Americans safe without excluding people who wish to come here to contribute and pursue a better life for their families,” said Brian Hooks, the president of the Charles Koch Foundation, who is co-chairing a weekend conference of donors who help finance the Koch operation.

“The travel ban is the wrong approach and will likely be counterproductive,” he added. “Our country has benefited tremendously from a history of welcoming people from all cultures and backgrounds. This is a hallmark of free and open societies.”..."


"In the weeks after the Nov. 8 election, when Donald Trump secured a surprise victory to become president of the United States, the American Civil Liberties Union received so much money in online donations — more than $15 million — that an official with the 100-year-old organization called the flood “unprecedented in our history.”

That was before Trump had even sworn the oath of office.

Eleven days ago he did just that, then spent his first week as president signing executive orders and making good on some of his campaign promises, spurring massive protests across the country and the world — about women’s rights, the environment and what Trump calls his “extreme vetting” of travelers to the U.S. from seven predominantly Muslim nations.

Amid the swift and intense backlash, the ACLU seems once again to be benefiting directly.

This weekend alone, the civil liberties group received more than $24 million in online donations from 356,306 people, a spokesman told The Washington Post early Monday morning, a total that supersedes its annual online donations by six times...."

Or here if your prefer the FOX News versions but you'll have to cut and paste the URLs into your browser:

Or you can just hang out in your bubble, blinking and scratching yourself and wondering WTF is going on.

January 30, 2017 10:04 AM  
Anonymous a second chance said...

"Or you can just hang out in your bubble, blinking and scratching yourself and wondering WTF is going on"

a comment that epitomizes why rational discussion of the facts is not really possible at TTF

yes, I saw from your post before that the ACLU has gotten donations and that the Koch brothers disagree with Trump's decision to temporarily ban immigrants from the seven countries Obama designated as sources of terrorism

I'm still waiting to see specific examples of "hateful injustice", as you termed it

go ahead, try again

January 30, 2017 10:38 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The people who said paying someone to bake a cake would end religious freedom just banned a religion.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "a comment that epitomizes why rational discussion of the facts is not really possible at TTF".

LOL, this coming from someone who's philosphy is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie" and who constantly pretends one instance of isolated localized cooling/lack of warming proves global warming isn't happening.


January 30, 2017 12:12 PM  
Anonymous A litte curiosity easily yields "specifics." Here's one from Dulles Airport said...

Chris Van Hollen
January 28 at 9:09pm ·
It is outrageous that a 5 year old boy -- an American citizen and Maryland resident -- was detained for more than 4 hours this evening at Dulles airport. He was held despite the fact that we gave the authorities advance notice of his arrival earlier today and, when I called later in the evening, they refused to say whether he had been released or was still in custody. Shame on you, Donald Trump. And thank goodness for the federal judge who upheld the rule of law and temporarily blocked the implementation of Trump’s removal order. We must remain vigilant and fight back.


STAND UP TO BULLIES who feel as entitled to run over individuals' rights as they do to GRAB WOMEN'S PUSSIES!

January 30, 2017 1:12 PM  
Anonymous fight the powers that be said...

"A litte curiosity easily yields "specifics.""

well, I inquired and you seem to be having trouble coming up with much

let's see:

"Here's one from Dulles Airport said...

Chris Van Hollen
January 28 at 9:09pm ·
It is outrageous that a 5 year old boy -- an American citizen and Maryland resident -- was detained for more than 4 hours this evening at Dulles airport. He was held despite the fact that we gave the authorities advance notice of his arrival earlier today and, when I called later in the evening, they refused to say whether he had been released or was still in custody."

well, the announcement and implementation was clearly imcompetent, and I actually don't favor the ban anyway, but this hardly qualifies as "hateful injustice"

a four hour delay at the airport?

sounds like typical government bureaucracy

but not out of the ordinary in modern times

again, Trump plays the liberal left for suckers by inducing them to the type of hype that just solidifies his hold on his base of supporters

you know, the ones in the majority of states that got him into the White House

"Shame on you, Donald Trump."

oh, please...

"And thank goodness for the federal judge who upheld the rule of law and temporarily blocked the implementation of Trump’s removal order."

this judge actually said that Trump will likely prevail

his ruling was just temporary

"We must remain vigilant and fight back"

if you ever find any actual "hateful injustice", sounds like you're ready


interesting how liberals love government power, except when it comes to enforcing the border

January 30, 2017 2:01 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Remember when Wyatt/bad anonymous said there'd be "No more conversations" with the nasty women?

Typical Wyatt/bad anonymous - a constant stream of lies.

January 30, 2017 2:41 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "interesting how liberals love government power, except when it comes to enforcing the border".

Another Republican lie - Obama deported more illegal immigrants than an American president in history. Net immigration into the U.S. from Mexico has been negative as more mexicans are moving back to Mexico than coming in. But that's how Republicans got elected, by lying about reality loudly and constantly and fooling the public.

January 30, 2017 2:44 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The Russia/wikileaks hacking campaign was designed to split the Democratic Party so that as president, Clinton would have to spend enormous amounts of time dealing with domestic discord driven by Republicans and progressives tricked into believing that the Democratic National Committe had rigged her nomination. For example, as part of the campaign, Russian hackers obatined emails from the DNC that were sliced into small bits and put out on the internet through participants in the propaganda effort. In many of these instances the real documents were misrepresented. For example, Wiklileaks released a number of May 2016 emails on the eve of the Democratic convention that made it appear as if the DNC was solely pulling for clinton; in many online postings, the date was removed so readers would have no idea unless they searched for the original document that they were written at a time when Sanders could not possibly have won the nomination.

January 30, 2017 2:45 PM  
Anonymous to tell the truth said...

time for "teach the facts" to promote a few

you might even serve some socially beneficial role

here's the facts about Trump's EO on refugees and immigration:

January 30, 2017 2:57 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Remember when Wyatt/bad anonymous claimed he wasn't a Trump supporter?

Who did he think he was fooling! Non Stop lies from that boy.


January 30, 2017 3:01 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Oh that's right.

From your view inside the bubble, it is apparently not "hateful injustice" to haul a 5 year old kid off an airplane and make him wait for hours to be reunited with his mother.

To you bubble dwellers it is perfectly 100% patriotic red, white, and true blue American "enforcing the border" to detain a 5 year old American citizen boy because your Pro-Putin Pussy Predator President is afraid that kid might be a terrorist.

Sorry to have to be the one to straighten out your apparently crossed eyes, but outside the bubble in which you choose to reside, detaining US citizen children without their parents or legal representation as they pass through international US airports is considered by all the airport protesters and their supporters to be unnecessisarily "hateful injustice."

January 30, 2017 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Pesky omitted fact ahead:

January 30, 2017 3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the ban is being applied even to green-card holders. This is madness. The plain language of the order doesn’t apply to legal permanent residents of the U.S., and green-card holders have been through round after round of vetting and security checks. The administration should intervene, immediately, to stop misapplication. If, however, the Trump administration continues to apply the order to legal permanent residents, it should indeed be condemned."

Read more at:

That little boy detained at Dulles was a US citizen and Maryland resident.

Our president should be "condemned" for allowing permanent residents to be detained.

I am proud that locally elected Democrats went to Dulles to try to help.

Trump didn't.

The Pussy Grabber's failure to speak up about this "hateful injustice" of detaining a child citizen is sickening.

January 30, 2017 3:22 PM  
Anonymous Right wing thugs said...

Trump-Era Political Violence Begins As Liberal Activists Are Beaten, Hospitalized

January 30, 2017 3:50 PM  
Anonymous Canadian white nationalist thug said...

Fox News ✔

Suspect in Quebec mosque terror attack was of Moroccan origin, report shows
9:40 AM - 30 Jan 2017


Timothy Johnson

Actually the suspected gunman is a white Canadian who liked Donald Trump on FB. Care to issue a correction?

Timothy Johnson
Alexandre Bissonnette
3:00 PM - 30 Jan 2017

January 30, 2017 5:03 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

If you voted for the President because you believe in fiscal conservatism, you should be furious that your tax dollars are going to build a wall that will have zero impact on the effects of immigration.

If you hate the left because of "Political Correctness," you need to be asking yourself if you're okay with the President censoring communications from MULTIPLE government organizations like the National Park Service, the EPA and more.

If you voted because you hated Secretary Clinton's email server, I expect you to be calling your representatives to ask why Steve Bannon and others continue to use their unsecured personal emails and why your president is still using an unsecured Android device.

If you believe that fertilized eggs are people but refugee children are not, you need to stop acting like your concerns are religious.

If you voted because you believed they would better protect you against terrorists, you need to ask yourself why it's okay that your president just took away $130 million in anti-terror funds from New York with his punishment of Sanctuary Cities.

If you are angry that your insurance is too expensive, you should ask why your senators are repealing ACA without a replacement, an action that will leave 20 million people without insurance at all.

If you believe the Clinton Initiative
provided unequal treatment to countries that supported their foundation, you should be livid that your president has moved to block visas from Muslim countries like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, but not places where he has business ties like Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

This is an opportunity to prove that you voted for the reasons you told me you did. I am taking you seriously, and I am taking you literally.

January 30, 2017 6:27 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "interesting how liberals love government power, except when it comes to enforcing the border".

Trump has just made the United States an even bigger target. He's played right into the terrorists' hands. Him banning Muslims is going to be ISIS's biggest recruitment tool ever, it reinforces their preferred narrative that the U.S. is at war with Islam and all Muslims.

Trump has made the States less safe than it was. That's what happens when you're a moron and you think like an eight year old.

January 30, 2017 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AP: Trump's voter fraud expert registered in 3 states

January 30, 2017 9:05 PM  
Anonymous deport TTF said...

"Sorry to have to be the one to straighten out your apparently crossed eyes, but outside the bubble in which you choose to reside, detaining US citizen children without their parents or legal representation as they pass through international US airports is considered by all the airport protesters and their supporters to be unnecessisarily "hateful injustice.""

yes, thanks for straightening us all out

now, everyone can see what you mean by "hateful injustice"

a lot of casual readers might have mistakenly believed something horrible must have happened

like when Bill Clinton hunted down Elian Gonzalez and had soldiers surround him, guns drawn, to forcibly send him back to Communist hell

or when millions of kids who are murdered in their mother's womb because their lives are kind of inconvenient

January 30, 2017 9:29 PM  
Anonymous winter bonfire said...

the emancipation of America from the gay agenda will go through Congress, not executive order

tonight, Trump will announce the new Supreme Court justice, who will uphold the legislation and the Constitution

just think, not long ago the entire political and business establishment attacked Indiana for allowing freedom of conscience for its religious citizens

now, Mike Pence leads the Senate, and religious freedom is set to become the law of the land

and the gay agenda has gone down in flames:

January 31, 2017 5:58 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"and the gay agenda has gone down in flames:"

You wish!

But once again you are


White House says LGBT protections for federal workers will remain

"The White House vowed Tuesday to keep the Obama administration protections extended to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers, a statement said, apparently responding to reports that the orders would be reversed.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the White House said in a statement. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”..."

January 31, 2017 8:44 AM  
Anonymous winner bonfire said...

oh, as I've said, Trump is the most gay-friendly Prez ever

what you fail to recognize is that the gay agenda is not the same as "gay-friendly"

Trump will continue to hire gays in government jobs

but he will also defend the right of Americans to decline to participate in activities that violate their religious beliefs

so loud-mouth blowhard gay advocacy organizations, like TTF, will not be able to impose their views on America

but, at the same time, gays won't be persecuted

unless you think people being free to think homosexuality is immoral amounts to persecution

if so, your view is going down in flames

along with TTFery and Obamaism

January 31, 2017 9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy Scouts To Allow Transgender Children To Join

"“As one of America’s largest youth-serving organizations, the Boy Scouts of America continues to work to bring the benefits of our programs to as many children, families and communities as possible.

“While we offer a number of programs that serve all youth, Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting are specifically designed to meet the needs of boys. For more than 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America, along with schools, youth sports and other youth organizations, have ultimately deferred to the information on an individual’s birth certificate to determine eligibility for our single-gender programs. However, that approach is no longer sufficient as communities and state laws are interpreting gender identity differently, and these laws vary widely from state to state.

“Starting today, we will accept and register youth in the Cub and Boy Scout programs based on the gender identity indicated on the application. Our organization’s local councils will help find units that can provide for the best interest of the child.

“The BSA is committed to identifying program options that will help us truly serve the whole family, and this is an area that we will continue to thoughtfully evaluate to bring the benefits of Scouting to the greatest number of youth possible – all while remaining true to our core values, outlined in the Scout Oath and Law.”

January 31, 2017 10:45 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

DeVos questionnaire appears to include passages from united sources

"President Trump’s nominee for education secretary, in written responses to questions from senators, appears to have used several sentences and phrases from other sources without attribution — including from a top Obama administration civil rights official.

The responses from nominee Betsy DeVos were submitted Monday to the top Democrat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which is voting Tuesday morning on her confirmation.

In answering a set of questions from Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on how she would address bullying of LGBT students, DeVos wrote: “Every child deserves to attend school in a safe, supportive environment where they can learn, thrive, and grow.”

That sentence is almost identical to language used by Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division under President Barack Obama, in a news release announcing the administration’s controversial guidance to schools on how to accommodate transgender students.

“Every child deserves to attend school in a safe, supportive environment that allows them to thrive and grow,” Gupta said in the May 2016 release.

Trump transition officials who have handled DeVos’s nomination did not respond to questions sent Tuesday morning about the questionnaire..."

Do NOT look behind the curtain while yet another cheat is nominated for a cabinet seat by the Pro-Putin Pussy Predator.


January 31, 2017 11:10 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "the gay agenda has gone down in flames...oh, as I've said, Trump is the most gay-friendly Prez ever".

Typical trollish behavior. He'll say whatever he thinks at the time will rile good people even if what he says now contradicts what he said five minutes ago. The truth never enters into it, its not even a consideration for Wyatt, the only thing he considers is "Will this support my immediate desire to offend the people I hate". That's why he's done a flood of 180 degree flip-flops on his position of the alleged "gay friendliness" of Trump

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "what you fail to recognize is that the gay agenda is not the same as "gay-friendly"".

Another trollish coment - obviously you can't be gay friendly if you don't support the right of gays to marry and have the same protections from discrimination that christians have.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "but he will also defend the right of Americans to decline to participate in activities that violate their religious beliefs".

Baking a cake or selling flowers for a wedding is in no way participating in a gay wedding. If it is then the owner of a gun store participates in the murder the buyer of the gun uses to kill someone.

Being required to back the same wedding cake for a gay couple that you would do for a heterosexual couple is a trivial or insubstantial restriction on the freedom of bigots. As such it does not interfere with actual religious conduct or beliefs.

January 31, 2017 12:03 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "so loud-mouth blowhard gay advocacy organizations, like TTF, will not be able to impose their views on America but, at the same time, gays won't be persecuted".

No one on the pro-family side has tried to impose their views on anti-gay bigots. Its the anti-marriage bigots who are trying to force gays to live according to their rules. It IS persecution to deny gays the same right to marry the partner of their choosing that heterosexuals have, or to deny the protection from discrimination that christians have. Bigots like Wyatt/bad anonymous think that if they decline to murder LGBT people that justifies any abuse short of that they choose to heap on LGBT people - it doesn't.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "unless you think people being free to think homosexuality is immoral amounts to persecution".

No one is opposed to bigots believing whatever they want about gays despite bigots like Wyatt's constant claims to the contrary. What bigots don't have the moral right to do is to deny gays the same rights everyone else has. Being denied superiority to LGBT people is not somehow discrimination against religious bigots.

January 31, 2017 12:10 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Hate crimes against Muslims up 600% in CANADA since Trump announced his run.

January 31, 2017 12:11 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Trump can pretend to be pro-LGBT because he knows damn well that his judicial nominees will happily do all the dirty work for him and he can just shrug and say, "Well I guess these very smart judges have determined that LGBTs don't have the right to marry and just aren't protected in the constitution."

January 31, 2017 12:40 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Trump's letting Obama's executive order on LGBT people means nothing given that he's promised to sign the Orwellian titled "First Amendment Defence Act" which will let any business, individual, or government employee discriminate against LGBT people. For example, a governor could say "Gay marriage is against my religion" and order all his clerks to refuse to process any gay marriage licenses thus banning gay marriage in his state.

January 31, 2017 12:50 PM  
Anonymous fat and happy said...

"Do NOT look behind the curtain while yet another cheat is nominated for a cabinet seat"

you people are simply insane

Betsy DeVos basically voices sympathy for gays and you attack her for plagiarism?

I think news releases from the Justice Department are in the public domain

go ahead and lift them at will and do whatever you want with them

we, the taxpaying public, paid for them

January 31, 2017 1:17 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"Betsy DeVos basically voices sympathy for gays and you attack her for plagiarism?"

Man, you really reside deep with that bubble!

The link you once again failed to click went to a WaPo article.

They didn't attack her for anything.

They reported a fact that instead of coming up with her own responses, she copied someone else and failed to give due attribution to the actual author.

Her cluelessness regarding the need to attribute borrowed thought and words form someone else alone makes clear she is unqualified to head our Department of Education.

She didn't even bother to run her own writing through a free on-lin plagiarism checker.


January 31, 2017 1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They didn't attack her for anything.

They reported a fact that instead of coming up with her own responses, she copied someone else and failed to give due attribution to the actual author.

Her cluelessness regarding the need to attribute borrowed thought and words form someone else alone makes clear she is unqualified to head our Department of Education."

OK, can we say your remark is an attack? (verbal, of course)

no one needs to attribute words from a government news release

especially one so generic

don't know if you're on the payroll of a public school, but DeVos is bringing school choice to America, so get over it

the dangerous hellholes called public schools that liberals have trapped the children of their most faithful supporters in are on the way out

in 2020, appreciative inner city voters will turn out for Trump

January 31, 2017 1:50 PM  
Anonymous the coconut tree said...

"Man, you really reside deep with that bubble!"

I guess when you're really, really nasty

normal rational thought appears to be a bubble

I guess that's what the nut house is for

January 31, 2017 3:09 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

That's awkward of Sessions to tell Sally Yates she was obligated to say "no" if she believed the president's order were unlawful, and then to support terminating her when she does exactly that.

Take yourself and your pointless personal insults out to the woodshed with your Pro-Putin Pussy Predator President and you can both GO FUCK YOURSELVES.

And take Sessions with you too!

January 31, 2017 4:09 PM  
Anonymous legal eagle scout said...

I guess you're going to claim you aren't nasty and nutty

talk about fake news

if she thinks the order was unlawful, she doesn't belong in the Justice Dept

she doesn't understand the law

January 31, 2017 4:19 PM  
Anonymous a million pieces said...

at long last, we have a replacement for Antonin Scalia

tonight, the gay agenda took a hit

and has been blown to smithereens!

if only you guys had been vigilant and found a qualified candidate instead of assuming you could install a bimbo in the White House just because her husband was once President

a collossal error

January 31, 2017 8:48 PM  
Anonymous whatever gets you through the fright said...

that's right


like, whatever


like, whatever

January 31, 2017 10:36 PM  
Anonymous the gay agenda is glum today said...

On Monday, Acting up Attorney General Sally Yates ordered the Department of Justice not to defend a Presidential order. And Trump, quite predictably, fired her. That is, after all, what he’s famous for.

This martyrdom was very well received by people who opposed the order. Paeans were written to the duty of public officials to stand up against illegal and immoral orders from above. It looks to me much less heroic: The left finally has its very own Kim Davis.

Davis was the Kentucky county clerk who was sent to jail when she refused to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals. (Because she was elected, she could not be fired.) Davis had every right, and a moral duty, to refuse to issue a document she found morally abhorrent. What she didn’t have a right to do was to refuse while continuing to hold a job in which issuing such documents was a legal requirement. She chose her principles, and faced the consequences.

Yates, however, served at the pleasure of the president, and no longer holds that job; she was quite easy to fire, so the comparison to Davis is not perfect. But as with Davis, the appropriate action for her to take was to resign a position she could not in good conscience carry out, not to brazenly defy her boss.

But wait. Isn’t Yates’s ultimate duty to the Constitution? OK, sure. But if her stance were in defense of the law, she would have cited … you know … the law. Instead, in her letter telling the department to not enforce the executive order, she wrote: “At present, I am not convinced that the defense of the Executive Order is consistent with these responsibilities nor am I convinced that the Executive Order is lawful.” That sounds awfully like legal weasel words for “It’s probably lawful, but I don’t think it should be.”

Someone in her position who was standing on the law -- an acting attorney general who has had several days and a large staff with which to consider this question -- would cite legal authority in raising her concerns.

February 01, 2017 6:30 AM  
Anonymous that's right...glum said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

February 01, 2017 6:32 AM  
Anonymous unglum said...


what a cry for help!

the nasty girl keeps telling us how sad she is

and it's not hard to see why:

if your life centers on the gay agenda

the present is glum

and the future looks dismal

February 01, 2017 6:37 AM  
Anonymous an invitation across the nation - dancin' in the streets said...

25 years from now, people will be saying they remember where they were when they heard the gay agenda was blown away by the nomination of Neil Gorsuch.

It doesn't matter what you wear,

as long as you are there.

C'mon, every guy grab a girl,

everywhere around the world

February 01, 2017 7:21 AM  
Anonymous get along, doggies said...

gee, if only Barry had been able to replace Scalia

haha, it shoulda tried harder to get along with Congress

February 01, 2017 7:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ellen explains it

February 01, 2017 7:26 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"haha, it shoulda tried harder to get along with Congress"

Mitch McConnell is the one who refused to work with the President.

We have it on video tape and unlike you bubble dwellers, we will never forget.

You know where your Pro-Putin Pussy Predator President wants you to go and what he wants you to do.

February 01, 2017 8:37 AM  
Anonymous ring ding jr time said...

"Mitch McConnell is the one who refused to work with the President"

haha, sure

we believe you

you may remember how many Congressmen president-elect Obama reached out to during his transition period

that's right, folks -


he actually had no idea what he was doing

he'd never had a real job

contrast with Trump

never met a person he didn't want to yak up

February 01, 2017 8:55 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "
tonight, the gay agenda took a hitand has been blown to smithereens!".

My, my, my, isn't that special? Just yesterday Wyatt/bad anonymous flip-flopped and was trying to tell us Trump was gay friendly (the gay friendliest presidential candidate ever he claimed several times).

Wyatt's a troll, he only posts to provoke he has no overriding principles he adheres to and the truth is something he has no regard for.

Conservative Justices Are The Real "Judicial Activists".

If we judge "judicial activism" by some objective standard such as, say, how often they vote to strike down laws passed by the citizens' elected representatives, the more conservative justices have done so significantly more than the more liberal justices.

"[Professor Geoffrey] Stone concludes that the moderately liberal justices apply an approach in line with “the original concerns of the Framers of the Constitution and in their distinctive understanding of the special responsibility of courts in our constitutional system,” while the Court’s conservatives’ “votes cannot be explained by any consistent theory of constitutional interpretation” but are instead driven by their own policy preferences.

February 01, 2017 11:14 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump spokesliar Kellyanne Conway:

"femininity is replacing feminism as a leading attribute for American women… if women really want to be taken seriously in the workforce these days, looking feminine is a good way to start.”

February 01, 2017 11:34 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Reuters Issues New Guidance On Trump Reporting: We Don’t Know What His Attacks On Journalism Will Be

Whoa. Reuters Editor-in-Chief Steve Adler writes to his staff:

The first 12 days of the Trump presidency (yes, that’s all it’s been!) have been memorable for all – and especially challenging for us in the news business. It’s not every day that a U.S. president calls journalists “among the most dishonest human beings on earth” or that his chief strategist dubs the media “the opposition party.” It’s hardly surprising that the air is thick with questions and theories about how to cover the new Administration.

So what is the Reuters answer? To oppose the administration? To appease it? To boycott its briefings? To use our platform to rally support for the media? All these ideas are out there, and they may be right for some news operations, but they don’t make sense for Reuters. We already know what to do because we do it every day, and we do it all over the world.

To state the obvious, Reuters is a global news organization that reports independently and fairly in more than 100 countries, including many in which the media is unwelcome and frequently under attack. I am perpetually proud of our work in places such as Turkey, the Philippines, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Thailand, China, Zimbabwe, and Russia, nations in which we sometimes encounter some combination of censorship, legal prosecution, visa denials, and even physical threats to our journalists.

We respond to all of these by doing our best to protect our journalists, by recommitting ourselves to reporting fairly and honestly, by doggedly gathering hard-to-get information – and by remaining impartial. We write very rarely about ourselves and our troubles and very often about the issues that will make a difference in the businesses and lives of our readers and viewers.

We don’t know yet how sharp the Trump administration’s attacks will be over time or to what extent those attacks will be accompanied by legal restrictions on our news-gathering. But we do know that we must follow the same rules that govern our work anywhere.

Ian Millhiser:

"Reuters instructs its reporters to cover Trump as it does other authoritarian regimes".

February 01, 2017 12:26 PM  
Anonymous ka-ching said...

this is getting fun now:

February 01, 2017 1:30 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"Trump spokesliar Kellyanne Conway:"

Get the name right.

It's Kellyanne Conjob.

< wink wink >

February 01, 2017 3:08 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

About year ago...

Why Donald Trump would have the same problems as Democrats on Medicare drug prices

JANUARY 26, 2016
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump stunned the health care world Monday night with his call for Medicare to negotiate drug prices — an idea that’s straight out of Hillary Clinton’s and Bernie Sanders playbooks, and one that other Republicans won’t touch.

But as much as Trump is trying to make it sound like a common sense solution, health care analysts say he’d run into the same pitfalls that Clinton or Sanders would if they actually tried to write the idea into law.

At a rally in Farmington, N.H. on Monday, Trump declared that the Medicare program could “save $300 billion” a year if it negotiated drug prices. “We don’t do it. Why? Because of the drug companies,” Trump said, according to the Associated Press....."

Here's what we got:

After meeting with pharma lobbyists, Trump drops promise to negotiate drug prices

...Today, after a meeting with pharmaceutical industry lobbyists and executives, he abandoned that pledge, referring to an idea he supported as recently as three weeks ago as a form of “price fixing” that would hurt “smaller, younger companies.” Instead of getting tough, Trump’s new plan is that he’s “going to be lowering taxes” and “getting rid of regulations.”

New drugs are generally covered by patent monopolies, so drug companies have a lot of pricing power; other companies can’t produce the same drug without paying royalties, so there’s little competition. But most countries use their nationalized health care systems to negotiate a good deal on drug prices. Manufacturing pills is cheap, so it’s usually still profitable for a company to sell medicine at a pretty steep discount.

The United States doesn’t have a nationalized health care system, but we do have Medicare for senior citizens, and since the USA is a very large country, that’s still a huge potential bulk purchaser. But a 2003 law written by congressional Republicans and signed by George W. Bush prohibits the federal government from using that negotiating power.

As recently as January 11, President-elect Trump was promising to revisit this policy.

“Pharma has a lot of lobbies, a lot of lobbyists and a lot of power. And there’s very little bidding on drugs,” he said at a press conference at Trump Tower in Manhattan. “We’re the largest buyer of drugs in the world, and yet we don’t bid properly.”

Today he apparently changed his mind...

Let's hear it for the great negotiator!


February 01, 2017 3:44 PM  
Anonymous hee-haw said...

"< wink wink >"

get the description right:

"Let's hear it for the great negotiator!"

oh brother

the guy has been President less than two weeks

I don't think Dems yet realize why they lost control of government at every level

it's because Americans think they're a bunch of jackasses

February 01, 2017 3:50 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Bitch said...

"the guy has been President less than two weeks"

Get the description right.

The Pro-Putin Pussy Predator Orange Asshole has been President less than two weeks. but he's already ousted the most senior intelligence and military officials as regular members of the National Security Council and appointed Steve ALT-RIGHT Bannon, who has no military experience whatsoever, on that key panel.

And now Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon: 'No doubt' the US will be at war with China in the next few years

We see who are the jackasses that are going to get our soldiers and maybe even citizens killed in unnecessary unfunded wars while giving huge tax breaks to the richest of the rich and spending money like drunken fools.

Been there, done that.

February 01, 2017 6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"President less than two weeks. but he's already ousted the most senior intelligence and military officials as regular members of the National Security Council and appointed Steve Bannon, who has no military experience whatsoever, on that key panel"

your new-found concern for the country's military is very touching but Trump seems to have plenty of military experience represented in his administration

certainly more than any other President of our generation

"And now Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon: 'No doubt' the US will be at war with China in the next few years"

China is very aggressive because being so has served their interest

they'll back down if resisted

they have a lot to lose

"We see who are the jackasses that are going to get our soldiers and maybe even citizens killed in unnecessary unfunded wars"

eight years of Obama's pansiness has the world teetering on the brink of war

a strong U.S. is really the only hope

"while giving huge tax breaks to the richest of the rich and spending money like drunken fools"

the richest of the rich pay for most things in our society

and Trump has already announced plans to cut 10 trillion from the deficit

"Been there, done that."

last 8 years, Dems have been there and screwed the country up

February 01, 2017 6:44 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

It's not just China your Pro-Putin Pussy Predator Orange Asshole President and his Pro-Putin Secretary of State are screwing up.

Ukraine clashes leave several dead and test Trump's Russia stance

Trump reportedly accuses Australian PM of seeking to export next ‘Boston bombers’

He's like a bull in a china shop as he learns diplomacy is nothing at all like running a business.

Meanwhile, trouble continues with Earth's climate as new records are topping old records.

It's non-natural.

‘Beyond the extreme’: Scientists marvel at ‘increasingly non-natural’ Arctic warmth

"The Arctic is so warm and has been this warm for so long that scientists are struggling to explain it and are in disbelief. The climate of the Arctic is known to oscillate wildly, but scientists say this warmth is so extreme that humans surely have their hands in it and may well be changing how it operates.

Temperatures are far warmer than ever observed in modern records, and sea ice extent keeps setting record lows.

2016 was the warmest year on record in the Arctic, and 2017 has picked up right where it left off. “Arctic extreme (relative) warmth continues,” Ryan Maue, a meteorologist with WeatherBell Analytics, tweeted on Wednesday, referring to January’s temperatures.

Veteran Arctic climate scientists are stunned.

“[A]fter studying the Arctic and its climate for three and a half decades, I have concluded that what has happened over the last year goes beyond even the extreme,” wrote Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo., in an essay for Earth magazine.

At the North Pole, the mercury has rocketed to near the melting point twice since November, and another huge flux of warmth is projected by models next week. Their simulations predict some places in the high Arctic will rise over 50 degrees above normal...."

But you can keep holding your breath and turning blue all you want while you delude yourself there's no trouble with climate going on.

It won't change the facts.

February 02, 2017 7:36 AM  
Anonymous The Obvious said...

Never mind that it does appear he told the president of Mexico we were going to invade their country.

Mexico? Are you kidding?

February 02, 2017 7:43 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

And let's not forget

Egged on by Bill O’Reilly Donald Trump Threatens to Invade Chicago

Like any two-bit strongman, @realDonaldTrump will use security challenges, real and imagined, to expand central government control.

February 02, 2017 8:34 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"tonight, Trump will announce the new Supreme Court justice, who will uphold the legislation and the Constitution"

Which constitution, Nazi Germany's?

EXCLUSIVE: Trump's Supreme Court pick founded and led club called 'Fascism Forever' at his elite all-boys Washington prep school

Interesting facts noted in the Georgetown Preparatory 1985 yearbook notes for Neil Gorsuch:

"President of the Yard, Student Government: English Class Representative 1, Border Council Member 2; Executive Council Member 3; Forensics 1, 2, 3 (National Champion), 4 (Vice President); International Relations Club 2 (Co-founder); 3 (Vice President), 4 (President of O.A.S.); Dramatics 2 (The Odd Couple); How to win by a landslide 3,4; YES 4; "Lousy Spanish Student" 2, 3, 4; Fascism Forever Club (Founder and President) 1, 2, 3, 4; Believer in The Wold According to Ward; Committee to reform The Beast (President) 2, 3, 4; "The carrousel ride is over" (or is it?) 4; I am not an alkie; I never wrote a debate case!"

February 02, 2017 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's what I like to see:

a silent and glum TTF blogosphere

I guess you guys bitterly regret backing Hillary...

just think what Biden or Jerry Brown would have done to Trump

oh well, maybe in fifty years or so, Dems will make a comeback!!

February 02, 2017 7:04 PM  
Anonymous cage's silent symphony said...

well, you're just to morose to vent any more

what's the point?

am I right?

here's a little poetry to lighten the mood:

Sunset is an angel weeping,
holding out a bloody sword.

No matter how I squint I cannot
make out what it's pointing toward.

Sometimes you feel like you've lived too long.

Days drip slowly on the page.

You catch yourself,
pacing the cage...

February 02, 2017 7:24 PM  
Anonymous The Obvious said...

Anon, what's your guess, how long is Trump going to last? A month? He's nearly halfway there, chances are good he makes it.

February 02, 2017 7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure. What do you think?

February 02, 2017 8:01 PM  
Anonymous The Obvious said...

Jan 20 - Feb 20? I'd say better than even odds he might make that.

February 02, 2017 8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you may be right

we shall see

February 02, 2017 9:46 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Trump loses suit over golf club memberships
Judge orders president's Jupiter, Fla. country club to pay nearly $6 million to members who tried to resign.

"oh well, maybe in fifty years or so, Dems will make a comeback!!"

Empty Iowa House seat filled

"DAVENPORT -- Monica Kurth, a retired educator and counselor who said she would make education a priority, won a special election Tuesday night to fill the vacant District 89 seat in the Iowa House, defeating Republican Mike Gonzales by a big margin.

Kurth, a Democrat who has been active in local politics for years, was making her first bid for public office and her victory was the second for local Democrats in about a month.

In December, Sen. Jim Lykam, D-Davenport, won a special election to fill the seat left vacant when Sen. Joe Seng died last September...."

Fifty years, huh?


February 03, 2017 8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fifty years, huh?


Dems won a seat in the Iowa legislature?

if that's a "comeback", I rest my case

just think, last year at this time, Dems thought they had it made

if only they hadn't fallen under the influence of the Clinton crime syndicate

if only...

February 03, 2017 8:39 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman says The GOP will be gone in 50 months at this rate said...

Confronted with talking to constituents about health care, these GOP lawmakers chose to hide

"Polling shows that Obamacare is more popular than ever — according to a spate of recent polls, more Americans are now in favor of the health care law than opposed to it. That’s making things pretty awkward for congressional Republicans, who continue to push ahead with their plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act now that Trump is in office.

Some members of Congress are even hiding from constituents trying to ask them questions about the future of their health care coverage.

On Tuesday, a small group of constituents went to Sen. Tom Cotton’s (R) office in Arkansas to try to meet with staff — and were met with a locked door and a staffer speaking through an intercom, saying that the senator’s staff wouldn’t be taking any meetings with constituents...

...The video of Cotton’s staff hiding behind the locked door came amid news that a meeting scheduled for Wednesday between the senator’s staff and the progressive advocacy group Ozark Indivisible was also abruptly canceled, according to a representative for the group...

...Cotton isn’t the only member of Congress who appears to be ducking his constituents in recent days.
Also on Wednesday, Rep. Peter Roskam’s (R-IL) office canceled a meeting with constituents about Obamacare after a staffer learned a reporter was present.
“I am flabbergasted that Peter Roskam and his staff would turn us away,” Sandra Alexander, who organized the meeting, said. “They didn’t have the courtesy to listen to us. We are a peaceful group.”

Alexander and a group of about 16 constituents showed up for a pre-scheduled meeting to express their concerns about the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, according to the Aurora Beacon-News. But they were reportedly chastised by the office for bringing too many people and inviting the press. When Alexander told the staffer that the reporter didn’t have to attend, the staffer walked away without rescheduling the meeting...

...Over the weekend, Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) also tried to avoid her constituents.

Comstock’s office invited people in her district to “mobile office hours” at two local grocery stores, saying on the invitation that she’d be there to answer questions about “issues important to you.” Dozens of constituents went to the stores to ask Comstock about the GOP’s Obamacare replacement plan and Trump’s recent immigration order. But Comstock never showed...

...Another Virginia representative, Dave Brat, is getting confronted by constituents wherever he goes. He told a meeting of conservative groups over the weekend, “Since Obamacare and these issues have come up, the women are in my grill no matter where I go.”..."

You better believe it, chicken shits.

Nasty women constituents are mad as hell and will not stop contacting our elected officials, whose salary we pay with our taxes, until they listen to us and attend to what we have to say.

Hiding behind locked doors and staffers in their big fancy offices our tax dollars also pay for won't get them reelected.

February 03, 2017 9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nasty women constituents are mad as hell and will not stop contacting our elected officials,"

that oughta scare the hell outta 'em

will that be you and those 16 other constituents?


security should be able to handle it

"whose salary we pay with our taxes,"

actually, most taxes are paid by the wealthy and successful people you resent so much

I'd say the pittance you paid would probably be enough to pay for cleaning the carpets in Betsy DeVos' new office at the Education Dept and maybe carryout pizza to thank the staff for helping her move in

"until they listen to us and attend to what we have to say"

that's gonna be a problem

most people tend to avoid nasty women

go ask Ashley Judd

February 03, 2017 9:53 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Trump Takes Propecia, A Hair-Loss Drug Associated With Mental Confusion, Impotence
Everything you need to know about the new disclosure.

"go ask Ashley Judd"


You go ask her whatever you want and then take your Pussy Grabber's advice and go fuck yourself.

Well, if you aren't taking Propecia too.

February 03, 2017 10:05 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Kellyanne Conway Literally Fabricated A Massacre To Justify Trump’s Immigration Ban
Um, the “Bowling Green Massacre” never happened.

Look at all that hair.

Maybe she takes Propecia too.

February 03, 2017 10:21 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"I'd say the pittance you paid would probably be enough to pay for cleaning the carpets in Betsy DeVos' new office at the Education Dept and maybe carryout pizza to thank the staff for helping her move in"

Oh Billionaire Betsy can afford her own damn carpet cleaning and pizza.

After all, she and her family have already paid nearly a million dollars to get Grab Our Pussy Senator's votes to name her Secretary of Education though she and no one in her family has ever attended or worked in any public school.

Here’s How Much Betsy DeVos And Her Family Paid To Back GOP Senators Who Will Support Her

February 03, 2017 10:36 AM  
Anonymous not nasty said...

"Trump Takes Propecia, A Hair-Loss Drug Associated With Mental Confusion, Impotence
Everything you need to know about the new disclosure"

uh, have you ever heard of HIPPA

someone here has committed a felony

"You go ask her whatever you want"

I don't need to ask her anything

just giving you direction

"Oh Billionaire Betsy can afford her own damn carpet cleaning and pizza."

of course she could

but we're having you pay for it instead

anyone as accomplished enough to be nominated for a Cabinet post will have paid much more in taxes in one year than you'll pay your entire life

and they got more where that came from

they're probably eatin' in a fancy dining car

probably drinking coffee and smoking big cigars

and that's what tortures you

"After all, she and her family have already paid nearly a million dollars to get Senator's votes to name her Secretary of Education"

putting her money where her mouth is

more than you can ever say about a Democrap

"though she and no one in her family has ever attended or worked in any public school."

revelation: Dept of Education isn't about public schools

it's about insuring quality education is available to Americans

that hasn't been happening in public schools for a while

"Here’s How Much Betsy DeVos And Her Family Paid To Back GOP Senators Who Will Support Her"

we all owe her a debt of gratitude

February 03, 2017 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

""Trump Takes Propecia, A Hair-Loss Drug Associated With Mental Confusion, Impotence
Everything you need to know about the new disclosure"

uh, have you ever heard of HIPPA

someone here has committed a felony"

Oh poor widdwe scaredeycat -- click phobic you.

No worries, this Nasty Woman will tell you who committed the "felony" -- it was the pussy grabber's long haired doctor himself!

How about that?

"In a snicker-worthy disclosure by President Donald Trump’s longtime personal physician, readers of The New York Times learned Thursday that the leader of the free world takes a small daily dose of the drug finasteride ― otherwise known as Propecia ― which is used to treat male-pattern baldness.

The revelation by Dr. Harold N. Bornstein that the president uses a prostate-related drug to grow scalp hair was not previously known publicly, according to the Times story, and appears to explain why Trump has a very low level of prostate specific antigen, or PSA, a marker sometimes used to diagnose prostate cancer. The newspaper said it had four telephone conversations with Bornstein, whose office is in Manhattan, about Trump’s overall health.

Bornstein, 69, said he takes finasteride himself and credited it with helping maintain his own shoulder-length hair. “[Trump] has all his hair,” Bornstein said. “I have all my hair.”

Bornstein, who said he hasn’t seen Trump since his ascension to the presidency, first came on the public radar in December 2015, when he released a four-paragraph letter extolling Trump’s health..."

No doubt you will be the first to press charges against Dr. Bornstein for the felony he committed.

February 03, 2017 2:32 PM  
Anonymous they're coming to take her away said...

yeah, he committed a felony

the story was already well known

a lot of jackasses think privacy laws don't apply to presidents

but they do

just like the confidentiality of tax returns

everyone should feel completely free to lie about their health

it's a right guaranteed under the law

you, for example, claim to be in good mental health

but that's not true

is it?

February 03, 2017 3:40 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

The House voted 235-180 to roll back an attempt by the Social Security Administration to block disability recipients with mental disorders like schizophrenia and severe anxiety from owning guns.

Sure, not only am I a white Christian married heterosexual, but I am in good enough mental health, even while menstruating, to buy a gun!

You must be sooooo relieved!

February 03, 2017 4:35 PM  
Anonymous Making America Great Again said...

The FCC is stopping 9 companies from providing federally subsidized Internet to the poor

Eric Trump’s business trip to Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,830 in hotel bills

February 03, 2017 6:16 PM  
Anonymous Lefty DeVos said...

"The House voted 235-180 to roll back an attempt by the Social Security Administration to block disability recipients with mental disorders like schizophrenia and severe anxiety from owning guns"

is that the SSA's job?

"Sure, not only am I a white"

what are nasty liberals so obsessed with what race everyone is?


seriously? is this the usual nasty woman?

"married heterosexual,"


you might want to keep quiet and let your husband do the talking

you're making your family look bad with your flighty dingbat nastiness

"but I am in good enough mental health,"

everyone in the nuthouse says that

"The FCC is stopping 9 companies from providing federally subsidized Internet to the poor"

is internet access a new government entitlement?

nasty liberals are still trying to come up with the money to clean the new office of Betsy DeVos

we have to set priorities

"Eric Trump’s business trip to Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,830 in hotel bills"

in America, we protect the President's family

it's not fair to ask them to sit home every like a couch potato to save money

the real question is why it costs the Secret Service so much to protect someone

lately, reports have been floating that it costs a million a day to protect Melania and Barron in Manhattan


Trump is actually on this and will cut such costs drastically

he's already questioned Air Force One costs

I mean, c'mon

Betsy DeVos needs a clean carpet

February 04, 2017 7:38 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"Trump is actually on this and will cut such costs drastically"

Reality check time:

Trump Has 2 Events This Weekend — And Both Benefit His Businesses
The president will attend the Red Cross Ball at his Mar-A-Lago estate, and a Super Bowl party at his Palm Beach golf resort.

GOLDMAN’S BOY: Trump Signs Off On Huge Wall Street Giveaway

One of the Donald Trump administration’s first orders of business on the economy will scuttle a rule protecting retirees from being scammed out of $17 billion a year by their own financial advisers. The Obama administration approved the regulation last year. The rule established a “fiduciary duty” for money managers, requiring them to operate retirement accounts in the best interests of their clients. The Trump team’s repeal will allow financial professionals to steer retirees into expensive or poor-performing products that carry economic benefits and perks for the advisers and their firms, without disclosing such conflicts of interest.

His book should have been titled, The Art of the Steal.

February 04, 2017 8:35 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

We see the big bad chicken shit bully woke up hurling personal insult bullshit this morning. Trying to rule by fear like Donny Boy, huh?

Sorry asshole, but you and your tiny hands don't scare me or my family.

""Sure, not only am I a white"

what [sic] are nasty liberals so obsessed with what race everyone is?"

"White" is not a race, it's the color of my skin.

People come in a variety of colors but all people are members of the same race -- the human race.

Why (not what) are bully pussy grabbers so obsessed with human variations like skin color and sexual orientation when we are all God's creations?

A true Christian would know better.

February 04, 2017 9:12 AM  
Anonymous early one mornin', the sun was shining said...

the only thing I insulted was your demeanor

it's not a speculative opinion but an evident fact

I thought you were going for that effect

the only people in our culture obsessed with skin color are liberals

on one else would say "I'm a white so-and-so"

no one else thinks it's relevant

just those who've tried to exacerbate racial tension for political gain

that's you

and, I guess, that's an insult

early in the mornin'

February 04, 2017 10:01 AM  
Anonymous Christian Nasty Woman said...

The Pope Video 02-2017 Welcome the needy

February 04, 2017 10:24 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"the only thing I insulted was your demeanor"


This morning you insulted me, my faith, my husband and my family, eagerly demonstrating what a deplorable troll you truly are.

Here's Donny Boy once again telling you what you can go do

February 04, 2017 10:35 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

BREAKING: Ontario to "provide life-saving care" to foreign kids whose surgeries were cancelled due to Trump's Muslim ban.

#WeAreCanada #WelcomeToCanada

February 04, 2017 11:16 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump is taking credit for the same unemployment numbers he denounced as "Phony" throughout his campaign.

During his campaign Trump said the unemployment numbers of under five percent were made up to make Obama look good and the "real" unemployment rate was 42%. Now suddenly when the January unemployment report comes out looking exactly the same as it has during the past year or two under Obama its "suddenly" real.

Its widely accepted amongst economists and other experts that it takes about a year after a president takes office for his or her policies to take effect and start affecting the economy. So, for the next year or so, you can thank Obama for the economies performance and look at the numbers in January 2018 to see how Trump's policies are doing.

February 04, 2017 11:55 AM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Trump is trying to claim success for a botched raid on Al Qaeda in Yemen that resulted in a Navy SEAL being killed and civilian casualties. To try and back up Trump's claim the administration posted video they said proved the success of the raid. The only problem is the video was originally posted in 2007 and is still online at the SITE Intelligence Group website.

The flood of alternative "facts" from the Trump administration never ends.

February 04, 2017 12:32 PM  
Anonymous digby said...

Just don't use the F-word:

by digby



Sarah Rose

In the US Holocaust Museum.
I'm shook.

12:13PM - 30 JAN 2017

February 04, 2017 1:19 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

Here is an interesting video for people to enjoy. It appears to be a segment from an upcoming documentary:



February 04, 2017 3:30 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Without a genital inspection there's no distinguishing a transman from a biological man.

February 04, 2017 10:55 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Excellent informative video, Cynthia. Thanks for bringing it to Vigilance.

February 05, 2017 9:35 AM  
Anonymous cincomatic said...

yeah, thanks a whole bunch

now go smooch a rabid doberman

February 05, 2017 1:36 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...


Bitching that paying for birth control "goes against your religious beliefs" while expecting non-christian taxpayers to pay for your churches.

It is a very convenient kind of religious freedom that lets you pick and choose the laws you'd like to follow while simultaneiously ensuring that you can still dictate how everybody else lives their lives - Keeping the State out of church, but not vice versa.

February 05, 2017 3:37 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

ISIS has been celebrating Trump's move to ban Muslims from the U.S.

ISIS sees Trump as an ideal enemy for propaganda purposes, the former and current members of the group said, believing that his campaign's heated rhetoric about Muslims will help the extremist group with recruitment by reinforcing its central narrative that the U.S. and the West are at war with Islam."

Trump has made the U.S. seem as evil as ISIS tells its cult members it is.

February 05, 2017 4:44 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

"now go smooch a rabid doberman"

Wow, it's like you're channeling Jesus there!

Which passage of the Bible is that from?

February 05, 2017 8:51 PM  
Anonymous "laughter is the best medicine" the Joker said...

it was a joke, cinco

you've heard of humor, right?

you should check it out sometimes

I could point you to passages of scripture that would tend to indicate God has a sense of humor and wants us to as well

here's a line from one of my favorite poets (not scripture):

"heart and humor and humility will lighten up your load"

and on a more serious note: try to avoid rabid Dobermans altogether

February 06, 2017 9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

typo alert

the correct line is

"heart and humor and humility will lighten up your heavy load"

also, what about that Lady Gaga performance last night?

February 06, 2017 9:49 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Supporters of President Trump rally in Portland ME

February 06, 2017 11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

give it up, you nasty woman

the despicable day of ant-family forces is over

and not only is it over, it's rapidly disappearing into the foggy ruins of time

get out of the way, if can't lend a hand

the times they are a-changed

February 06, 2017 11:17 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

If you don't like this Nasty Woman, go find another place to write your right wing comment crap.

Your said you wouldn't stick around repeatedly and yet have utterly failed to follow through.


Here's Donny Boy once again telling you what you and your little hands can go do!

Nasty Facts ahead:

Poll: Trump's approval rating sinks to record low after second week in office

"With two weeks as president of the United States under his belt, Donald Trump's approval rating continues to sink to new record lows, according to numbers released by Gallup over the weekend.

Gallup, a polling center that has tracked the job approval of every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower, reports that 42 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump has done so far, a new low for any president after two weeks in office.

Trump's disapproval rating is now at 53 percent.

For comparison, former President Barack Obama's approval rating during his second week in office was 65 percent, while George W. Bush enjoyed a rating in the mid to high fifties in early 2001...."

And now go ahead and tell us Gallup does FAKE POLLING.

"Bright and early Monday morning, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to express his frustration with polling numbers on his policies. He specifically compared “any negative polling” to the CNN, ABC and NBC election polls and labeled them all “fake news.”..."

What a sore loser you support!

February 06, 2017 11:46 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "it was a joke".

You've claimed you don't hate LGBT people. But those who don't hate LGBT people don't joke about harming, imprisoning, and killing them. Your "jokes" show where your heart truly is - you take delight in the thought of LGBT people being attacked, imprisoned, and murdered.

You are a loathsome hateful troll.
You are evil.

February 06, 2017 12:24 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I could point you to passages of scripture that would tend to indicate God has a sense of humor and wants us to as well"

While most christians would agree that their god wants them to have a sense of humour, Very few would accept that their god wants them to joke about harm coming to innocent people, that's not the kind of "sense of humour" their god wants anyone to have.

Most American christians believe that christianity is fundamentally about goodness, that's why most of them have come to the conclusion that their god doesn't condemn LGBT people despite anti-gay christians' attempts to say the bible says he does.

Wyatt/bad anonymous may claim to be a christian, but he's not the sort of christian that believes christianity is fundamentally about goodness. Wyatt believes christianity is about getting revenge on people he doesn't like. There's no goodness in Wyatt's heart.

February 06, 2017 12:34 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "You said you wouldn't stick around repeatedly and yet have utterly failed to follow through."

That's typical Wyatt, his word means nothing. He doesn't care what the truth is, he'll say anything even if it completely contradicts what he said five minutes ago as long as it suits his immediate purpose of promoting his hate-filled agenda or antagonizing good people. Remember, this is a child who's philosophy is:

"there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".

February 06, 2017 12:40 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Brian Schatz
Verified account

The last three days have been the BUSIEST IN CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD HISTORY. By almost double. This is working. Keep it up and please RT.

Keep it up Nasty Women!

Keep calling Congress and register your displeasure with the pussy grabber's unAmerican policies and cabinet nominees!

To be connected to your member of congress, call the Capitol Switchboard Operator 202 224-3121

February 06, 2017 1:15 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

"it was a joke, cinco"

No, and I hate to take over Captain Obvious' job here, but "now go smooch a rabid doberman" is just the "non curse word" way of saying "Go F___ yourself," or "Bite my shiny metal a$$." It's just an intentionally derisive way of dismissing someone.

I'm sure it made you smile, but that doesn't make it funny - just like all the folks laughing when Trump did his imitation of a physically handicapped man didn't make that funny either.

But this is the kind of behavior we've come to expect from Christians; and wasn't kill me only makes me stronger. So, as you haven't killed me yet, I suppose I should thank you for making me stronger.

"you've heard of humor, right?

you should check it out sometimes"

I've been a HUUUUGE fan of humor since my childhood. If you haven't heard of them, Google Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, Eddie Izzard, Keegan-Michael Key, and Steven Wright - THOSE folks are FUNNY!

"I could point you to passages of scripture that would tend to indicate God has a sense of humor and wants us to as well"

Why don't you point us to some passages of scripture that show us how God treated eunuchs?


February 06, 2017 1:58 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

typo correction:

The awkward "wasn't" above was supposed to be "what doesn't."


February 06, 2017 2:02 PM  
Anonymous what a buncha kidders said...

"If you don't like this Nasty Woman, go find another place to write your right wing comment crap"

and you complain about Trump's narcissism?

isn't called chutzpah?

"Your said you wouldn't stick around repeatedly and yet have utterly failed to follow through"

I said I wouldn't address comments made by you

only your narcissism leads you to believe that means I "wouldn't stick around"

it wasn't a notarized agreement so I changed my mind


for you, perhaps

I know I make you look rather stupid

"The last three days have been the BUSIEST IN CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD HISTORY. By almost double. This is working."

working in what way?

the nominees are being confirmed, the policies are being enacted

which scares you to death because soon everyone will see clearly how Dems' policies
have screwed up minorities and the working poor

"No, and I hate to take over Captain Obvious' job here, but "now go smooch a rabid doberman" is just the "non curse word" way of saying "Go F___ yourself," or "Bite my shiny metal a$$." It's just an intentionally derisive way of dismissing someone."

it's a humorous contrast to "oh thank you so much for posting that wonderful link"

get over yourself

"I'm sure it made you smile, but that doesn't make it funny - just like all the folks laughing when Trump did his imitation of a physically handicapped man didn't make that funny either"

Trump made fun of the disability

I didn't make fun of your sexual confusion, which I guess it what makes you think you should be treated as a victim

"But this is the kind of behavior we've come to expect from Christians; and wasn't kill me only makes me stronger. So, as you haven't killed me yet, I suppose I should thank you for making me stronger."

I've actually never stated on this blog what, if any, religious beliefs I have

"I've been a HUUUUGE fan of humor since my childhood."

good, in the words of Riggo: lighten up Sandy baby

"Why don't you point us to some passages of scripture that show us how God treated eunuchs?"

offhand, I can only think of one and God treats them like everyone else

you seem to think you deserve special protection as a victim

now, go do a belly flop in a pool of hot magma

just kidding

February 06, 2017 2:38 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I've actually never stated on this blog what, if any, religious beliefs I have...I can only think of one and God treats them like everyone else".

LOL, Wyatt/bad anonymous contradicts himself in a few sentences. Also, he earlier said he believes his god wants people to have a sense of humour. Those are statments of his religious beliefs

Wyatt has ranted on and on about his religious beliefs for years so obviously its an absurd lie for him to claim he's never stated his religious beliefs on this blog.

Just like I said, Wyatt couldn't care less about the truth and he'll contradict what he said 30 seconds earlier if it suits his immediate purpose of pushing his hateful agenda or antagonizing good people.


February 06, 2017 2:56 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

February 06, 2017 3:02 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

That was sure something, LOL!

Just imagine how incredibly f'd up Wyatt/bad anonymous's sense of reality must be that he'd actually claim he's never stated what, if any, (snort!) religious beliefs he has and think anyone even slightly familiar with his postings isn't going to think he's an idiotic liar.


February 06, 2017 3:04 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Reminds me of the time Wyatt/bad anonymous laughably said "I never speak unless spoken to"!

February 06, 2017 3:05 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I said I wouldn't address comments made by wasn't a notarized agreement so I changed my mind".

LOL! As if a notarized agreement would keep you from going back on your promise!

We all know there isn't anything, any affirmation, swear, contract, or promise that you wouldn't go back on if it suited your immediate purpose.


February 06, 2017 3:12 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

"you seem to think you deserve special protection as a victim"

You seem to think you have the ability to read minds.

Get over yourself.


February 06, 2017 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You seem to think you have the ability to read minds"

just reading your words and interpreting them is a perspicuous manner

you compared me joking with you to Trump mocking someone's disability

my big crime is just not thinking of you as disabled

"Get over yourself"

don't really think about myself that much

too boring

here's a fun old song lyric for you:

"it was so hard to see
when my eyes were on me"

or how about the poetry of ED:

"how dreary to be somebody
how public like a frog
to tell your name the livelong day
to an admiring bog"

February 06, 2017 3:41 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"Sanders on Trump: 'This guy's a fraud'

February 06, 2017 4:13 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

"just reading your words and interpreting them is a perspicuous manner"

"Perspicuous" Wow, who let you play with the thesaurus?

"you compared me joking with you to Trump mocking someone's disability"

Nope. Just saying they both weren't funny. I congratulate you for trying to read. Just don't try to read too much into things.

"my big crime is just not thinking of you as disabled"

I don't know what your big crime is. You've been absolutely fastidious about not revealing any personal information that might lead folks to you, just like many other criminals trying to hide their tracks.

If I ever get to the point of being disabled, it will be due to something like a car accident, bone, nerve, or tissue damage, or something like Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's.

It's not a crime, but it is clear from your years of sociopathic posts, that you don't even think of me a person. Disability has nothing to do with it. I don't mind. You are a useful foil for educating the public.

"don't really think about myself that much"

<<>> <<>> <<>>


Oh, it's for you Anon. It's your narcissism calling. It begs to differ.


February 06, 2017 4:24 PM  
Anonymous svelte_brunette said...

Darn it! It took out my phone rings!

Let see if this gets through:

(((Ring!))) (((Ring!))) (((Ring!)))


February 06, 2017 4:26 PM  
Anonymous Watch it tonight! said...

Nat Geo Just Developed A Groundbreaking Educational Resource About Gender

February 06, 2017 4:28 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "don't really think about myself that much"

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha! Stop! You're cracking me up! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

February 06, 2017 5:32 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Now, that's humour!

February 06, 2017 5:37 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...


It looks like the White House that can't take a joke either!

the "...eerily accurate caricature was only made worse in the eyes of President Trump because the performer was a woman.

Sources close to the president told Politico that Spicer’s portrayal by a woman was particularly troublesome. “Trump doesn’t like his people to look weak,” one Trump donor said..."

🖤 @sarahhyland87

@JohnFugelsang @Nick_Offerman Someone suggested @Rosie play Bannon on #SNL & I am here for it!
11:18 PM - 6 Feb 2017

O'Donnell replied:

available - if called i will serve !!! …
11:19 PM - 6 Feb 2017

See who looks weak now!


February 07, 2017 11:15 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The media is portraying Trump and his closest people as the buffoons they are. You can see steam coming out of Trump's...wherever - its only a matter of time until he has an aneurysm LOL!

February 07, 2017 11:45 AM  
Anonymous ol' siam sam said...


the evil NEA is defeated:

February 07, 2017 1:46 PM  
Anonymous said...

You voted for Trump because Clinton was going to be in Wall Street's pocket. Trump wants to repeal Dodd-Frank and eliminate the Fiduciary Rule, letting Wall Street return to its pre-2008 ways.

You voted for Trump because of Clinton's emails. The Trump administration is running its own private email server.

You voted for Trump because you thought the Clinton Foundation was "pay for play." Trump has refused to wall off his businesses from his administration, and personally profits from payments from foreign governments.

You voted for Trump because of Clinton's role in Benghazi. Trump ordered the Yemen raid without adequate intel, and tweeted about "FAKE NEWS" while Americans died as a result of his carelessness.

You voted for Trump because Clinton didn't care about "the little guy." Trump's cabinet is full of billionaires, and he took away your health insurance so he could give them a multi-million-dollar tax break.

You voted for Trump because he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. American consumers will pay for the wall via import tariffs.

You voted for Trump because Clinton was going to get us into a war. Trump has provoked our enemies, alienated our allies, and given ISIS a decade's worth of recruiting material.

You voted for Trump because Clinton didn't have the stamina to do the job. Trump hung up on the Australian Prime Minister during a 5pm phone call because "it was at the end of a long day and he was tired and fatigue was setting in."

You voted for Trump because foreign leaders wouldn't "respect" Clinton. Foreign leaders, both friendly and hostile, are openly mocking Trump.

You voted for Trump because Clinton lies and "he tells it like it is." Trump and his administration lie with a regularity and brazenness that can only be described as shocking.

Let's be honest about what really happened.

The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned. Trump is a grifter and the American people were the mark. Now that you know the score, quit insisting the con-man is on your side.

February 07, 2017 2:00 PM  
Anonymous A New Low for the Pussy Grabber & Co. said...

VP Casts Tie-Breaker For Cabinet Post

"Vice President Mike Pence cast the deciding vote Tuesday for President Donald Trump’s pick for education secretary ― the first time a vice president’s tie-breaking vote has been used for a Cabinet confirmation.

Betsy DeVos garnered a 50-50 tie from senators, with all 48 Democrats in the chamber and two Republicans voting against her..."

Your so-called President must be so proud.

February 07, 2017 2:10 PM  
Anonymous Ginormous! said...

Yeah, that 50-50 Senate tie with the first ever VP tie-breaker win for a cabinet position is YUUUUGE just like his hands

February 07, 2017 2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned. Trump is a grifter and the American people were the mark. Now that you know the score, quit insisting the con-man is on your side."

actually, the majority of voters in the majority of states voted for Trump because he promised to appoint judges who will protect the Constitution and he promised to support policies that the liberty of Americans

so far, he's kept his promises

today's promise kept is our new Education Secretary who will support quality educational options for all citizens instead of look out for the interests of teacher unions

February 07, 2017 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people are jumping out of windows at NEA headquarters

America's youth scored a victory today

evil liberals with mercenary motives lost

February 07, 2017 2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"people are jumping out of windows at NEA headquarters"

You wish but all you are doing is lying.

Take your fake news elsewhere.

TTF sees right through you and your lies just like we have since day one.

And don't forget, we beat CRC and PFOX at everything they tried to do.

The 3 million strong NEA will outlast Betsy's reign by decades.

February 07, 2017 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, the NEA's has failed at everything but enriching themselves

now, that's over

and we all have Harry Reid to thank

that's why you evil people can't stop progress, because he changed the rules

we should reward him with something nice

I know: ambassador to North Korea

February 07, 2017 3:08 PM  
Anonymous He's all yours said...

Donald Trump has praised the leadership style of North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-un, for the “amazing” way he murders political rivals.

During a Republican political rally in Iowa at the weekend, he repeated his assertion that Muslims should not be allowed to enter the US before turning his attention to the North Korean despot, who has carried out frequent purges of officials.

“You’ve got to give him credit. How many young guys - he was like 26 or 25 when his father died - take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden... he goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss,” said Mr Trump, known for his own less than subtle style of leadership in the American version of The Apprentice.

“It’s incredible. He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. This guy doesn’t play games.”
His comments appear to be a reference to the disappearance of Jang Song Taek, who married the sister of Kim's father and predecessor as supreme leader, Kim Jong-Il.

He was accused of being a counter-revolutionary, was stripped abruptly of all his posts and his image digitally removed from regime photographs. North Korea announced his execution following conviction by a special military tribunal.

Mr Trump's comments came days after Pyongyang claimed it had detonated a hydrogen bomb for the first time – a claim treated with scepticism by many analysts.
The nuclear test was followed by celebrations in North Korea.

The US responded by sending a nuclear-capable B-52 long-range bomber on a low-level flight over South Korea in a show of strength.

This was not the first time Mr Trump has been complimentary about an enemy of the US. He recently accepted praise from Vladimir Putin, returning the sentiment by saying it was a “great honour to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond”.

February 07, 2017 4:04 PM  
Anonymous He can't keep himself from lying said...

"false statement" = lie

February 07, 2017 4:08 PM  
Anonymous immigrant wins said...

February 07, 2017 4:23 PM  
Anonymous ah, the wistful thoughts said...

I bet the NEA bitterly regrets supporting Hillary Clinton

once school choice is in place, all the ridiculous over-the-top union benefits teachers get will be gone forever

and, to think, virtually anyone else would have beaten Trump

the what-ifs are huge


February 07, 2017 6:53 PM  
Anonymous they can't keep themselves from lying said...

here's 16 big lies told by TTF since Trump was elected:

February 07, 2017 6:57 PM  
Anonymous a big fat TTFer said...

why, oh why, did I do it?

why did I trust the Clintons?

I won't get fooled again...


February 07, 2017 7:00 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...


Ooooh yeah, that was cheap.

It only cost her and her husband $47 million in campaign contributions to Grab Our Pussy Party candidates/

That boils down to just under $1 million per vote to buy her "the influence" she so proudly told us she was buying.

DeVos Bragged that Her Family was Biggest GOP Funder of Soft Money, After Giving $47 million "We Expect a Return on Our Investment"

"The DeVos family is a major funder of the Republican party. In a 1997 op-ed that DeVos wrote for the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call, she pointedly admitted, “my family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican party.” She also said that she decided to stop taking offense at the suggestion that they were buying influence and simply concede the point, admitting “we expect a return on our investment,” to make America reflect their vision for it. DeVos has served as chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party and was the finance chairwoman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Using, the American Federation of Teachers calculated in 2017 that Dick and Betsy DeVos gave over $47 million in campaign donations since 2000."

February 08, 2017 7:00 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"why did I trust the Clintons?"

I'll let Wikipedia remind you.

President Clinton oversaw a very robust economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first term and cut defense spending, which contributed to a rise in revenue and decline in spending relative to the size of the economy. These factors helped bring the federal budget into surplus from fiscal years 1998-2001, the only surplus years after 1969. Debt held by the public, a primary measure of the national debt, fell relative to GDP throughout his two terms, from 47.8% in 1993 to 31.4% in 2001.

February 08, 2017 7:02 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Grab Our Pussy Senators vote to NOT hear the words of Coretta Scott King about Jeff Sessions

Shame on Senate Pussy Grabbers for refusing to hear testimony about Session's racist actions from King's widow via Senator Warren.

February 08, 2017 7:23 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Below is the full text of the letter from King so you can see exactly what Mitch McConnell thought the Senate shouldn't hear.

"I write to express my sincere opposition to the confirmation of Jefferson B. Sessions as a federal district court judge for the Southern District of Alabama. My professional and personal roots in Alabama are deep and lasting. Anyone who has used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens should not be elevated to our courts. Mr. Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters. For this reprehensible conduct, he should not be rewarded with a federal judgeship.

I regret that a long-standing commitment prevents me from appearing in person to testify against this nominee. However, I have attached a copy of my statement opposing Mr. Sessions' confirmation and I request that my statement as well as this be made a part of the hearing record.

I do sincerely urge you to oppose the confirmation of Mr. Sessions. "

February 08, 2017 7:40 AM  
Anonymous future so bright, America's gotta wear shades said...


oh, Coretta couldn't bother to show up but here's what she wanted to say?

must be real important

is it notarized?

maybe it's fake if we don't have tape of her saying it

did you know the Dems are in really big trouble?

yep, they have ten Senators up for re-election in 2018 in states won by Trump

and yet nasty women want them to obstruct the things voters in those states care about


we could have 72 GOP senators in a couple of years:

why, oh why, did they do it?

why did they trust the Clintons?

February 08, 2017 11:39 AM  
Anonymous history prof extraordinaire said...

"President Clinton oversaw a very robust economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first term and cut defense spending, which contributed to a rise in revenue and decline in spending relative to the size of the economy. These factors helped bring the federal budget into surplus from fiscal years 1998-2001, the only surplus years after 1969. Debt held by the public, a primary measure of the national debt, fell relative to GDP throughout his two terms, from 47.8% in 1993 to 31.4% in 2001."

let me remind you of Newt Gingrich's Contract with America

in the first mid-term election of Clinton's presidency the GOP gained control of Congress by guaranteeing a balanced budget

Clinton was opposed but lost because Hillary had so screwed up with her plan for national health insurance

Bill had no choice but to do the bidding of Newt and serve as the face for continuing the error of reaganomics, which didn't end until head of the gays, Barney Frank, took over a key Congressional committee in 2006 and screwed up the economy by pushing risky loans on the housing industry

Bill was a failure and the head of the gays screwed up the economy

and now you know the facts

why, oh why, did they do it?

why did they trust the Clintons?

February 08, 2017 11:48 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"in the first mid-term election of Clinton's presidency the GOP gained control of Congress by guaranteeing a balanced budget

Clinton was opposed but lost because Hillary had so screwed up with her plan for national health insurance"

Oh brother!

Clinton did not run, most certainly was not "opposed," nor did he lose in the 1994 mid-term election.

In 1996, Clinton went on to win his second term against Bob Dole and then the GOP tried to impeach him over his sexual conduct, but the only people who lost their jobs were extra-marital-pussy-grabbers GOP Speakers of the House Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston.

Who saved the House Speaker's Chair for the Grab Our Pussy Party? None other than the Grab Our Pussy Party's hero "serial child molester," Denny Hastert.

Tell us did Denny finish his jail term yet?

After that, you can follow your boss man's with the tiny hands orders: GO FUCK yourself!

February 08, 2017 1:16 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"immigrant wins"


Not only did an IMMIGRANT win!

But a WOMAN...a NASTY WOMAN won!

That 71 year old Gaithersburger better cough up the dough his comments cost her, mach schnell.

February 08, 2017 1:36 PM  
Anonymous history prof extraordinaire said...

"Clinton did not run, most certainly was not "opposed," nor did he lose in the 1994 mid-term election"

his party did, in fact, lose control of Congress

he did have budget surpluses until he was forced to join the Reagan revolution to survive

and he was opposed to the GOP's Contract with America, which included balancing the budget

he won a second term because he had become a Reagan Democrat

"the GOP tried to impeach him over his sexual conduct"

actually, he was impeached

he narrowly avoided conviction because most surmised he didn't much term left so why create any further turmoil

he was guilty of perjury

you can continue to lie, but it's of no use

we all remember it

February 08, 2017 1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But a WOMAN...a NASTY WOMAN won!"

Melania is not nasty is any sense

she is graceful and dignified

try it

it's not hard

February 08, 2017 2:48 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Obviously the chicken shit didn't click the link to see that "graceful and dignified" NASTY WOMAN scowl on that third Trump's wife's face.

Melania Trump Scowling at Trump at Inauguration

February 08, 2017 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Brrrrr.... said...

D.C. just broke a 117-year old high temperature record by 6 degrees

February 08, 2017 3:44 PM  

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