It means he's a twittiot who was wrong when he thought running the USA had much in common with running a for profitt corporation.
It also means he was wrong when he said he would:
"We’re going to have insurance for everybody… There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us. [People covered under the law] can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better."
Trump just said "We have come up with a solution that's really really I think, very good. Now I have to tell you it's an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated."
Maybe Trump didn't know, but plenty of other people know and have known for decades.
"..."I mean, this is the president of the United States. We have been debating health care in this country for 30 years, and he says, ‘Gee, who knew how complicated it was?’” Sanders said. “He’s maybe the only person in this country who doesn’t know how complicated it is to provide health care for the American people.""
Trump's an f'n idiot. Everyone in the states knew American health care was complicated. That's why Republicans have been screaming for eight years about replacing Obamacare but have nothing but a one page document that says "placeholder".
"It means he's a twittiot who was wrong when he thought running the USA had much in common with running a for profitt corporation.
It also means he was wrong when he said he would:
"We’re going to have insurance for everybody… There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us. [People covered under the law] can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.""
it doesn't mean much of anything other than he's going to care before acting
Obamacare is an obvious disaster
Trump wants everyone covered, which is not happening now, years after the ACA was enacted in a clear rebuke to the voters in America
he's not settling for less
since he's on your side of the entitlement v. freedom issue, I don't understand why you don't wish him well
I have more libertarian tendencies myself
"Last week it was a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis.
This week, we see HATE continues to grow Second Jewish Cemetery Desecrated in Philadelphia"
until the entertainment-media-liberal complex stops reporting that neo-Nazis won the 2016 election, these miscreants will be emboldened by thinking they are ascendant
if TTF had a conscience, they would stop promoting this idea
"Last week, the Times of Israel reported In long-awaited statement, Trump says anti-Semitism is ‘horrible’"
why would they await that? the implication is offensive - that there was some doubt that the American President thought otherwise
"Bernie Sanders On Trump’s Discovery That Health Care Is ‘So Complicated’: LOL"
Bernie never thought it was complicated either
just put everyone on Medicaid and take everyone's money away is his solution
considering his position in the Senate, it would be remarkable if he hadn't met with the Russian ambassador
Sessions last year had more than 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, including the British, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, Australian and German ambassadors, in addition to Kislyak
Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. before the presidential election last year, his spokeswoman confirmed, raising questions about whether he misled senators who inquired about the Trump campaign's ties to Moscow.
Sessions was asked during his confirmation hearings by Sen. Al Franken what he would do if he learned that "anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign," Sessions replied:
"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."
Top Republicans said Thursday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should recuse himself from investigations of whether Russia interfered in the presidential 2016 election at the Justice Department and FBI.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said during an appearance on MSNBC Thursday morning that Sessions should bow too maintain “the trust of the American people.”
Minutes later, House Oversight and Government Reform committee chairman Jason Chaffetz joined McCarthy’s call, tweeting that “AG Sessions should clarify his testimony and recuse himself.”
The calls from two of the House’s most prominent Republicans follow revelations that Sessions met with the Russian ambassador during election season. Under oath in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee for his confirmation hearing in January, Sessions had said that he had not met with any Russian officials.
“I don’t have all the information in front of me, I don’t want to prejudge, but I just think for any investigation going forward, you want to make sure everybody trusts the investigation,” McCarthy said. “I think it’d be easier from that standpoint” for Sessions to recuse himself.
it's a little hard to see why we're having an investigation into contacts with the Russian government as opposed to say, the Chinese government or the Indian government or the British government or the Israeli government
all intelligence agencies do their best to hack other governments and Russia is not a major power and not currently in conflict with us
we need to get over our irrational fear of Russia
we're much stronger than them, and now that Obama is gone, we're smarter than them too
if nothing else, Trump knows how to play the game of thrones
despite TTF allegations that Trump has unleashed a wave of pent-up anti-Semitism that was previously undetected in America, a new poll shows jews have the highest favorability rating of any religious group in America: 67%
by continually alleging that Trump was elected by appealing to anti-Semitism in America, despite orthodox Jews in his immediate family, TTF and the rest of media-liberal-entertainment complex have emboldened these miscreants to engage in hate crimes
decent Americans are sickened by TTF and the rest of media-liberal-entertainment complex
Decent Americans are sickened by the repeated images of Jewish cemeteries desecrated, swastikas painted on public buildings, and repeated news stories of bomb threats to Jewish community centers.
but the new twist here is the rise caused by media-liberal-entertainment complex's attempt to blame trump, which is making these miscreants believe they are ascendant and a part of the establishment now and, thus, can get away with it
TTF and the media-liberal-entertainment complex need to acknowledge their role and repent of it
It would be easy for the President to clear it up. He has taken every opportunity to tolerate rather than denounce anti-Semitism and Nazism. There is no doubt that he has encouraged these things.
I dare him to stand up in public and use the phrase "domestic white terrorism."
"It would be easy for the President to clear it up. He has taken every opportunity to tolerate rather than denounce anti-Semitism and Nazism. There is no doubt that he has encouraged these things."
no doubt?
try no indication or evidence at all
if there is, put it up
"I dare him to stand up in public and use the phrase "domestic white terrorism.""
I haven't heard anyone use that term
I dare you to admit that you are lying and, by doing so, encouraging hate crimes
Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearings by falsely claiming he hadn't had any meetings with the Russians.
Sessions must resign. There must be an independent, bipartisan, outside commission to investigate the Trump political, personal and financial connections to the Russians.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "don't read anything by Priya but..."
LOL, Wyatt/bad anonymous doesn't have the self control to keep his promise not to respond to my comments.
We all know there is no promise, oath, pledge, affirmation, agreement, contract, or commitment, notarized or not, that Wyatt won't break - his word means nothing. After all this is a child whose motto is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
worse, they were counting on Hillary letting in 12 million illegals to vote for them
now, they're even losing the rust belt union worker and the inner city minorities who have wised up that identity politics and political correctness won't make for a better life for anyone
mocking the widow of a Navy Seal on Tuesday night is a new low
no, Hollywood, Americans doesn't need you to tell us how to think
you can't even read the right envelope
no, TTF, America doesn't need you to tell us the facts
You shall not take the name of the LORD Bannon in vain.
Remember Benghazi, to keep it holy.
Honour thy Billionaires and your Bankers.
You shall not kill, blame the military instead.
You shall not commit adultery.*
You shall steal from the taxpayer.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.*
You shall covet women's pussy & thy daughter.
*Some conditions apply. Mandatory for all citizens with the exception of: Republicans, Trumpanzees, Fox "News", and assorted fascists, racists, bigots, etc.
Even with the FBI and Russia colluding to interfere in the election to favour Trump and Republican politicians wide spread suppression of minority voters (who typically vote Democrat) Trump still lost the popular vote! Imagine if there had been a fair election!
Donald Trump is the most illegitimate president in U.S. history.
"During Sessions’s confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) asked him what he would do if it came out that anyone associated with the Trump campaign had contact with the Russians in the course of the 2016 campaign. Sessions said, “Sen. Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities.” That wasn’t the truth, since he participated in discussions."
Correct. Mr. Sessions' claim to be unaware of any contacts between "anyone associated with the Trump campaign" and Russians was not the truth.
That statement is one example of Mr. Sessions committing perjury before the US Senate.
"He continued, “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I am unable to comment on it.”"
Except now we know he most certainly did have "communications with the Russians," making this the second example of Mr. Sessions committing perjury before the US Senate.
"considering his position in the Senate, it would be remarkable if he hadn't met with the Russian ambassador"
Nice attempt at spinning more fake news, Mr. LyingTrumpSupporter.
Show us proof other members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, like maybe its chairman, John McCain, met with the Russian Ambassador last summer while we Nasty Women listen for the < crickets chirping >
"His spokeswoman argues that when they spoke, Sessions was not acting as a surrogate, but rather, in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. But The Post’s reporting has so far found no senators on that panel who met with Kislyak last year."
I would have thought in 2017 - or maybe I just hoped in 2017 - we would be done arguing about birth certificates... but obviously we're not.
Seventeen-year old Mack Beggs, a junior at Euless Trinity who was born a girl and is now in the process of becoming a boy, wins the girls' state wrestling tournament Saturday. So the argument has started again.
Mack wanted to wrestle against the boys. The UIL says he had to wrestle the girls. And that's not fair for anybody involved in this argument.
Mack has been taking testosterone and it shows. There's a reason we have rules in sports against steroids, and it was an incredibly unfair advantage for him. It was also unfair to the girls who had to wrestle him.
The question is, "When does a girl become a boy, and when does a boy become a girl?" or "When can you play games against those you identify with and not what a piece of paper says you are?"
That answer is way above my pay grade. But someone has to find a better answer than what we're being given now.
As I said when I wrote about Missouri football player Michael Sam, I'm not always comfortable when a man tells me he's gay. I don't understand his world. But I do understand he's a part of mine. And I am saying the same thing now about Mack Beggs.
Transitioning is a struggle I cannot imagine. It is a journey I could not make... and it is a life that too many cannot live.
The problems that Mack Beggs is facing and dealing with now remind me again that I don't have any problems. He needs our support, and he does not need a group of old men in Austin telling him who to wrestle because of a genetic mix-up at birth.
We have argued long enough about birth certificates. It's an argument that needs to end. You don't have to understand – I myself don't understand. But Mack Beggs is not the problem so many people make him out to be. He's a child simply looking for his place in the world, and a chance to compete in the world.
Do we really not have the simple decency to allow him at least that? Because it seems to me it's the very least we can do.
I'm sure Vladimir is just tickled pink that DJT is going to begin a massive military build-up
must be blackmailing him
it's enough to make TTF and Russians barroom buddies again
remember when Bernie honeymooned in Moscow because it was a workers' paradise?
remember when Barack Obama told the Russians (he thought mic was off): don't worry, after I win the election by fooling the American people, I'll give you whatever you want
how about it, TTFers?
you going to stand with Vladimir against the U.S. military buildup?
Anon, I am on the brink of blocking you. If you want to discuss current events on this blog then you will be civil. Nobody would shed a tear if I blocked your IP number.
what do you think about these current event topic?:
is Trump just planning a big military buildup so he can give it all to Czar Putin, who is blackmailing him and secretly defeated Hillary because she wouldn't buildup and give him all the weapons?
is Trump just pretending to be pro-Israel and like his orthodox Jewish daughter while he's secretly coordinating attacks on synagogues and jewish community centers?
is Trump secretly rounding up journalists and torturing them? because I keep hearing Dems and RINOs say he's violating freedom of the press
Anon, the Dems aren't doing anything at this time. The GOP controls the government and if they want to assure the deconstruction of the admininstrative state they have the power to execute now, or to stop the destruction. Of course the Democrats complain but they can't do anything except plan for the next election.
I don't care if you want to see the government destroyed, that is your right and I wouldn't block you for that. Obviously lots of people oppose America right now, and maybe it is time for a decade or two of lawlessness and anarchy. I disagree, but you have the right to that opinion.
When you come into my living room you will address people according to their correct gender. Maybe in your peer group this kind of thing is considered unbelievably funny, like four-year-olds who have learned the wonderfully hilarious word "butt," but you're in my living room now and I'm not putting up with it.
Jeff Sessions is an honest man. He did not say anything wrong. He could have stated his response more accurately, but it was clearly not intentional. This whole narrative is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election that everyone thought they were supposed to win.
The Democrats are overplaying their hand. They lost the election and now, they have lost their grip on reality. The real story is all of the illegal leaks of classified and other information. It is a total witch hunt!
Overall, statistics show a 55 percent rise in hate crimes in New York City since 2016.
As another wave of bomb threats hit Jewish community facilities across the country, police say anti-Semitic incidents in New York City have nearly doubled in the first two months of the year.
From Jan. 1 through Feb. 26, there were 35 reported anti-Semitic incidents in the city, compared to 18 reported incidents during the same time period last year, the New York Police Department said. That’s a 94 percent increase.
Overall, NYPD statistics show a 55 percent rise in hate crimes since last year, although the city said crime in general is down 9.7 percent.
Hate crimes spiked in 2016 as well, and city and state officials blamed the surge on the hateful rhetoric used during the presidential campaign.
“Based on the timing and the extraordinary increase we’ve been seeing, not only in New York but around the nation, you have to conclude that the presidential campaign was the major factor,” NYPD spokesman Stephen Davis told Bloomberg...
"“Based on the timing and the extraordinary increase we’ve been seeing, not only in New York but around the nation, you have to conclude that the presidential campaign was the major factor,” NYPD spokesman Stephen Davis told Bloomberg..."
hard to argue with that
the media's misrepresentation of the Trump campaign emboldened these elements, making them think they were ascendant and had won an election
if the press started telling the truth, it would do a world of good
Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, joined former national security adviser Michael Flynn in a meeting at Trump Tower with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December, according to the New York Times. This meeting had not been previously disclosed, even though Flynn’s communications with Kislyak over President Barack Obama’s sanctions led to Flynn’s resignation, while his meeting with Sen. Sessions has resulted in the Attorney General’s recusing himself from all investigations into President Trump's ties to Russia.
It is common and not improper for transition officials to meet with foreign officials. But all meetings between Trump associates and Russians are now significant as the F.B.I. investigates Russian interference in the American election and whether anyone close to Mr. Trump’s campaign was involved.
The meeting in December came at a crucial time, just as the Obama White House was preparing to sanction Russia and publicly make its case that Moscow had interfered with the 2016 election.
What is now becoming clear is that the incoming Trump administration was simultaneously striking a conciliatory pose toward Moscow in a series of meetings and phone calls involving Mr. Kislyak.
“They generally discussed the relationship and it made sense to establish a line of communication,” Ms. Hicks said. “Jared has had meetings with many other foreign countries and representatives — as many as two dozen other foreign countries’ leaders and representatives.”
The Trump Tower meeting lasted 20 minutes, and Mr. Kushner has not met since with Mr. Kislyak, Ms. Hicks said.
When first asked in January about Mr. Flynn’s contacts with Mr. Kislyak, the White House said that there had been only a text message and phone call between the men at the end of December, and that both came before the United States imposed sanctions. That was quickly contradicted by news reports.
Mr. Flynn’s story then began changing, and the White House eventually acknowledged the two men had discussed the sanctions and how the two countries could move past the acrimony once Mr. Trump was in office.
Barack Obama (surprise, surprise) has now created a constitutional crisis
someone in his administration authorized a wire tap on Trump campaign officials
under our laws, that should only be done when there is probable cause to believe a felony has been committed
for a sitting President to wire tap the other party's nominee for President should have an extremely high bar of evidence and some need that made it immediately imperative, because of the potential for abuse
Good anonymous said "This meeting had not been previously disclosed,"
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "why would it be?".
Because he was asked under oath if he had had any contact with the Russians you bozo. He lied under oath. The only acceptable course of action is resignation, then prosecution.
He would insist on nothing less for anyone else in such a situation.
If the meetings were innocent as he has since claimed he would have said when asked he had met with the Russians for whatever innocuous reason. He didn't which demonstrates mens rea (knowledge of guilt) - he knew what he did was criminal so he didn't reveal it when asked.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Barack Obama (surprise, surprise) has now created a constitutional crisis someone in his administration authorized a wire tap on Trump campaign officials".
Wyatt/bad anonymous also said "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
Priya, you shouldn't call someone a bozo when you dress like a clown
the remark I made referred to Jared Kushner, an orthodox Jew being attacked by Dems
I assume you're talking about Sessions
he met with a foreign ambassador while a Senator
not unusual
he probably meant as a rep of the campaign
fortunately, dues to your lies and rabid anti-Americanism, you'll never set foot on this land you're so obsessed with
btw, it turns out that someone named Juan has been threatening Jewish institutions and trying to frame his girlfriend for it
we should find out if he's met with the 7 anti-Jewish governments whose citizens Trump wants to temporarily ban
"NEW YORK, March 3 (Reuters) - Prosecutors in New York charged a 31-year-old man in Missouri on Friday with making at least eight bomb threats against, officials said.
Juan Thompson was arrested on Friday morning in St. Louis and is due to appear there in court later in the day, prosecutors said in a statement. He was charged with cyberstalking an ex-girlfriend, whose name he is accused of using to make the threats"
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "oops, I read a Priya post by "mistake"".
LOL, After repeatedly insisting he was ignoring me Wyatt/bad anonymous can't control himself - he's a child.
We all know there is no promise, oath, pledge, affirmation, agreement, contract, or commitment, notarized or not, that Wyatt won't break - his word means nothing. After all this is a child whose motto is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
Wyatt/bad anonymous said ""a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions" yeah, Jim is pretty intolerant of different viewpoints but he doesn't say much".
By Wyatt/bad anonymous's "logic" if you criticize someone for saying blacks are inferior to whites you're a bigot.
It does not make one a bigot to refuse to tolerate bigotry.
projection [pruh-jek-shuh n] verb
Wyatt/bad anonymous defending himself against his own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in him while attributing them to Jim.
has anyone ever had a dog who barks at the door when a visitor knocks?
but when the visitor comes in, the dog wags its tail and snorts and jumps around and tries to get close, so excited to get attention
this is how it is on those rare occasions when Lambent Anon actually reads a priya comment and responds
priya gets so excited for any attention, it's just so sad
obviously, priya is devastated that usually no one will address the stupid comments that priya makes
let's give priya some attention one more time
for the sake of charity
some TTFer said:
"bigot |ˈbiɡət| noun
a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions"
Lambent Anon replied:
"yeah, Jim is pretty intolerant of different viewpoints but he doesn't say much"
priya foolishly said:
"by Lambent Anon's "logic" if you criticize someone for saying blacks are inferior to whites you're a bigot"
well, priya, as anyone who has read the comments knows, Lambent Anon has never made a racist comment here and was not referring to Jim criticizing any other position of his
people here criticize virtually everything Lambent Anon says and he seems to revel in it
Lambent Anon's point is that, under the definition posted by the TTFer, Jim is being intolerant when he deletes comments where Lambent Anon refers to you by your actual gender rather than your hallucinatory one
debate is not intolerant, neither is disagreement
but trying to eliminate debate and disagreement is
I will say, Jim generally only is intolerant on this one topic
I think Dana Beyer put him up to it before slinking away in disgrace after losing multiple elections and being investigated for ethics violations
Dana, you may remember, was also intolerant, trying to stop a petition drive by bullying the petitioners
but Jim's intolerance is not that big a deal
but it was the nearest instance of intolerance to the definition being posted
well, hope you enjoyed this little exchange
I think it will be a cold day in hell before you get another response to any other of your inane comments
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "[I have] never made a racist comment here".
LOL, Sure, just like you've never lied on here. Wyatt/bad anonymous's motto is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie.
And of course he entirely missed the point. I wasn't accusing him of saying blacks were inferior to whites:
He had said ""[bigot]a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions" yeah, Jim is pretty intolerant of different viewpoints".
Of course by that "logic" if you won't tolerate anyone saying blacks are inferior to whites you're a bigot.
It does not make one a bigot to refuse to tolerate bigotry. Jim is not a bigot for refusing to tolerate Wyatt's bigotry.
Speaking of lies, I like how Wyatt/bad anonymous keeps pretending his comments are made by different people:
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "some TTFer said: "bigot...".
That "some TTFer" said he was ignoring me as did the person in the previous comment who referred to "some TTFer" - obviously the same person. But its okay in Wyatt/bad anonymous's mind because "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I think it will be a cold day in hell before you get another response to any other of your inane comments".
LOL, sure, just like when you said "yes, you are welcome to mumble to yourself you continue to be subject to shunning".
In Wyatt/bad anonymous's delusional world responding to my comments is not responding to my comments.
Just remember dear readers, whenever Wyatt/bad anonymous accuses others of being intolerant its him defending himself against his own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in him while attributing them to others.
Wyatt/bad anonymous often refers to his previous comments as though he is talking about a different person in order to pretend he isn't all alone on here in his bigotry.
Poor, poor lonely Wyatt - its hard to have no friends or supporters, isn't it Wyatt?
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "debate is not intolerant, neither is disagreement but trying to eliminate debate and disagreement is I will say, Jim generally only is intolerant on this one topic".
In the bigot's hateful, delusional world comments whose sole purpose is to offend are the equivalent of "debate and disagreement".
Jim is wholeheartedly behind debate and disagreement and in no way restricts that on this blog - all good and honest readers here can agree with that. That he may delete comments solely intended to offend is to be commended. The bigot is the person making those comments solely intended to offend.
Not just Sessions but Trump son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner, along with foreign policy advisers Carter Page and J.D. Gordon, all met with Kislyak last year—after Trump himself, and most top administration officials, strenuously denied any such meetings.
Michael Flynn had to resign as national-security adviser over his own conversations with Kislyak, and his lies about it. It’s clear this issue will continue to erode the already-shaky foundation of the Trump administration.
Rumors of the White House collaborating with Russia won’t be going away anytime soon now that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been caught lying to Congress about meeting with a Russian ambassador.
A growing number of Republicans agree that Sessions must recuse himself from the DOJ’s investigation into Russia’s alleged meddling in the U.S.’s election. Even Representative Jason Chaffetz, who as House Oversight chair has gone out of his way to avoid investigating the White House’s ties to Russia, called on Sessions to step aside from that particular issue.
Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says he has yet to see “any purpose or reason” for Sessions to recuse himself. The White House said Sessions is still perfectly capable of conducting the DOJ’s Russian probe, arguing – perplexingly – that Sessions was “100 percent straight” with Congress.
Eventually, on Thursday afternoon, Sessions did recuse himself from the investigation.
The official White House story on Sessions’s meeting with Kilsyak has already changed in the hours since the story broke. Initially, it was said that Sessions lacked a “strong recollection” of what he discussed with Kilsyak. That evolved to an insistence that Sessions did not discuss campaign issues with Kilsyak. Later, that was amended to say their conversation included “superficial comments” about the election, but nothing of “substance.”
The administration has further argued that Sessions chatted with Kilsyak in an official capacity as a part of the Senate Armed Services committee. Still, it is highly unorthodox for a senator to welcome an ambassador/spy into his private office for a one-on-one conversation – that is not how the Armed Services committee typically conducts business.
The old D.C. expression “The cover up is worse than the crime” has already been used to describe dealings within the current administration, and it seems especially relevant now. It’s possible that Sessions’ meetings with Russian officials were far from nefarious, but then why lie about these meetings to Congress in the first place?
The bottom line is that Sessions needs to resign. The White House can try to spin it, but there’s no excuse for the attorney general, a man tasked with ensuring that justice prevails, to perjure himself to Congress. Not only does it send a message that it’s okay to lie in government hearings, but it tarnishes the entire reputation of the Justice Department when a man who appears to lack integrity is at the helm.
U.S. intelligence agencies concluded last year that Russia had interfered in the election with the goal of helping Trump win. The FBI is investigating ties between Trump associates and Russia.
listen to the sound of the gay agenda clanking to the ground said...
"More fake news and no source for your last bogus claim.
Educate yourself"
be specific, nasty
educate me on which of my claims were bogus
"Despite early denials, growing list of Trump camp contacts with Russians haunts White House"
talking to Russians is not a crime in our country
neither is not disclosing it to reporters
Sessions may have not understood the question in his case, during the hearings, but since a wrong answers were about an completely legal and benign activity, so what?
btw, the Republican controlled Congress needs to investigate Obama's activities and abuse of the presidency for political activity
in 2008, he used the IRS to harass organizations set up to oppose his re-election and won a close race
his illegal activity probably was enough to tip the race
the latter wasn't true of Nixon in 72 but his aides went to jail and he had to be pardoned for similar activity
Dinesh D'Souza wrote a book about Obama's radical roots and agenda
he was arrested and prosecuted and jailed on trumped up charges
the reason Putin probably got mad is that Obama didn't pay him royalties on the technique
now, it turns out Obama was wiretapping the Trump campaign
we need to get to the bottom of this
luckily, we have the numbers to investigate and bring him to justice
the article is simply an account of Mark Levin's case, which he documents with sources, including the Wash Post, NY Times, et al
Obama submitted a request to wiretap the Trump campaign, and when it was denied, came up with a rationale to do it at Trump Towers with a justification involving other tenants but with the ability to bug other tenants, including Trump
this will all be investigated by Congress
Obama has a history of hostility toward the Constitution
this needs to be exposed so it can be rejected by decent American citizens
"You may spin all you want but everyone knows what else Comey did in October 2016:
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns"
he had no choice but to do that since when Obama told him to announce that he wouldn't recommend charges against Hillary, he told Congress he would inform them if any new information came to light
which it did when it turned out Hillary friend and extreme pervert Anthony Weiner, under investigation for exposing himself to minors, had tens of thousands of Hillary e-mails on a server the FBI had seized in its investigation of him
you may remember he had announced in August he wouldn't recommend a trial for Hillary even though that's not a call for an FBI director
ordinarily that would be made by the AG
but it couldn't because reporters had found the AG had had a secret meeting with Hillary's husband
you may also remember that shortly before the election, Comey again inappropriately cleared Hillary
no it isn't but it's important to remember the meetings were proper because that's part of the whole Dem lie: the Trump campaign was working with the Russians
no evidence at all of that
"It's the perjury in front of his fellow Senators"
if he had mistakenly said he had forgot to pick up his dry cleaning, no one would care
Anon has a good point. Just about everybody in the Trump White House lied to cover up normal, everyday things. Yeah, that's probably it.
And also, the previous President met with the ambassador from Russia too, so there. Oh, and Schumer, don't forget the picture of Charles Schumer eating ice cream with Putin fourteen years ago. The rational conclusion from all of this is that Democrats are actually Russian spies.
kind of goes without sayin' but these idiots here are usually loathe to admit it
"Just about everybody in the Trump White House lied to cover up normal, everyday things"
whoops, that's not what Lambant Anon said
we haven't heard Sessions explanation although it's only the Franken inquiry that raises a question
the other one was easily understandable
still, no one would be charged with perjury unless there was an attempt to hide a potentially criminal act, for would they be recalled to a new hearing
you may recall that Hillary committed acts that military personnel are usually prosecuted for, on the other hand, but no charges were pressed
"And also, the previous President met with the ambassador from Russia too, so there."
yeah, just like Sessions
he was an elected American official
meeting with people like Sessions and Obama is why the Russian ambassador is here
"Oh, and Schumer, don't forget the picture of Charles Schumer eating ice cream with Putin fourteen years ago. The rational conclusion from all of this is that Democrats are actually Russian spies."
probably not
but it's more rational than saying Trump is
Obama is the closest thing we've had to Nixon since the 70s
he didn't believe in the Constitution or democracy
Hey Amerikanski, that was not ice cream, those were Krispy Kreme donuts. Any real American would have gotten that right. How were we to know, you were with the Russians too?
"we haven't heard Sessions explanation although it's only the Franken inquiry that raises a question"
No, it was Senator Sessions' own perjurious reply to Senator Franken during his confirmation hearing before the Senate as previously cited above:
"Sessions was asked during his confirmation hearings by Sen. Al Franken what he would do if he learned that "anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign," Sessions replied:
"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it.""
Franken did not ask Sessions about his own contact with Russians.
Instead, Sessions offered an unprompted lie about his own contact with Russians during the course of the campaign, saying "I did not have communications with the Russians" of his own volition.
"still, no one would be charged with perjury unless there was an attempt to hide a potentially criminal act, for would they be recalled to a new hearing"
"considering his position in the Senate, it would be remarkable if he hadn't met with the Russian ambassador"
If he met with the Russians due to his position as a Senator, why did he use campaign funds to cover his expenses?
"Jeff Sessions Used Political Funds for Republican Convention Expenses
The Trump administration says Attorney General Jeff Sessions was acting as a then-U.S. senator when he talked to Russia’s ambassador at an event during last year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, but Mr. Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records..."
I suggest we start those in the tangled web of relationships between Team Trump and Russia: Trump, Flynn, Sessions, Kushner, Manafort, Stone, Page, Gordon, Tillerson, etc."
I know it's hard for bunch of losers (literally) to comprehend
but we aren't at war with Russia
there is really not much of a relationship between most of these guys and Russia
but, if they were, that would be great
we need to have a working relationship with countries like Russia
on the other hand, Dems have the back of radical Muslims
those guys are actually at war with us and would like to destroy us
while Russia basically would like to be our partners
internally, they have some bad things happening
but Putin has the support of the people and he hasn't threatened us
and if Trump is secretly in their pocket, he has a funny way of showing it
he's announced an arms buildup they can't possibly match and has reaffirmed our commitment to NATO (that was actually trying to scare them into paying their fair share)
this fantasy case you're trying to build looks worse by the day
"The chairman of the committee, Senator Chuck Grassley, is another member of the Grab Our Pussy party,"
we don't need to hear your fantasies
keep it clean
this a family blog
otherwise I'll report you to Jim, the guy that wants civil conversations here
"which is why there will need to be a Special Prosecutor"
Grassley is perfect for this investigation
you would have to have a special prosecutor if there was a crime to investigate
nothing alleged is illegal
congress can investigate for the purpose of considering whether legislation is needed
they aren't a court of law
"If he met with the Russians due to his position as a Senator, why did he use campaign funds to cover his expenses?"
you people are so pathetically desperate
the mingling with tons of other people at a cocktail reception where Sessions bumped into the ambassador is really some trivial occurrence
it wasn't a meeting at all
the whole thing probably slipped his mind
because, just like all the rest of the stuff discussed here, it wasn't that important
They wrote "Mr. Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records"
Perjury is clearly heard on the videotape when Sessions told Franken, " I did not have communications with the Russians."
I read the Journal everyday and their lead editorial yesterday was that Sessions was guilty of only ineptitude for not realizing the Dems are on a "feeding frenzy"
they also mentioned in the editorial that after all this time, there are no salient facts in the Russian controversy
"They wrote "Mr. Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records""
oh, OK, explain this "crime" to me
"Perjury is clearly heard on the videotape when Sessions told Franken, " I did not have communications with the Russians.""
not clear at all
one sentence pulled out of hours-long testimony couldn't ever be
the chairman of the committee will decide is there is some credible evidence of perjury
it's settled
he said there wasn't
btw, I think Franken could still talk Hollywood into a Three Stooges remake
he's perfect for it
just like you'd perfect for a remake of "whatever happened to Baby Jane?"
Dems pushing the narrative of troubling ties to Russia lose all credibility by wholly ignoring the far deeper and more troubling relationships the Clintons and their closest aides have maintained with Russian government officials for years, including while they were in public office. Unlike the revelations so far concerning Russian ties in the Trump camp, the Clinton deals involved hundreds of millions of dollars and enormous favors that benefitted Russian interests.
Bill and Hillary Clinton received large sums of money directly and indirectly from Russian officials while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Bill Clinton was paid a cool $500,000 (well above his normal fee) for a speech in Moscow in 2010. Who footed the bill? An investment firm in Moscow called Renaissance Capital, which boasts deep ties to Russian intelligence. The Clinton Foundation itself took money from Russian officials and Putin-connected oligarchs. They also took donations from: •Viktor Vekselberg, a Putin confidant who gave through his company, Renova Group • Andrey Vavilov, a former Russian government official who was Chairman of SuperOx, a research company that was part of the “nuclear Cluster” at the Russian government’s Skolkovo research facility • Elena Baturina, the wife of the former Mayor of Moscow, who apparently gave them money through JSC Inteco, an entity that she controls
Then there is the glaring fact that the Clinton Foundation also scored $145 million in donations from nine shareholders in a Canadian uranium company called Uranium One that was sold to the Russian government in 2010. The deal required the approval of several federal government agencies, including Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The deal allowed Rosatom, the Russian State Nuclear Agency, to buy assets that amounted to 20 percent of American uranium. Rosatom, by the way controls the Russian nuclear arsenal.
Equally troubling: some of those donations were hidden and not disclosed by the Clintons. President Obama required the Clinton Foundation to disclose all contributions as a condition of Hillary Clinton becoming Secretary of State. But that did not happen. The only reason the hidden donations ever came to light is because we uncovered them by combing through Canadian tax records.
Everyone got what they wanted in this deal: the uranium investors made a nice profit; the Russians acquired a strategic asset; and the Clinton Foundation bagged a lot of money.
Hillary Clinton says she was not involved in the decision to approve the sale of Uranium One. As proof, the Clinton campaign in 2015 trotted out her former aide, Assistant Secretary of State Fernandez, to say publicly that we should take his word for it that she was not involved in approving that deal. But as we now know from the leaked Podesta emails, Fernandez was all too eager to help Podesta kill the story, while getting other favors from Podesta. That raises questions about the veracity of his comments.
It seems strange that while some in Congress are eager to investigate the activities of General Mike Flynn and his contacts with Russia, they have no interest in looking into a transaction in which the Clinton Foundation received a staggering $145 million. It’s that kind of inconsistency that saps all credibility from those raising these issues.
Beyond the Clintons themselves, there is also the troubling case of one of their closest aides, John Podesta. He served as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman. Podesta didn’t just have conversations with Russian officials. He went into business with the Russian government while he was advising Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
In 2011, John Podesta joined the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited. Two months after he joined the board, the Russian government invested one billion rubles (approximately $35 million) into the company. The money came from a Russian government investment fund called Rusnano. What is Rusnano? It is a fund started in 2007 by Vladimir Putin and has been described by Russian Education and Science Minister Andrei Fursenko as “Putin’s Child.”
According to State Department cables leaked via Wikileaks, technology venture funds like Rusnano were considered a national security concern by U.S. officials because they could serve a “dual use” in their investments. That is, their investments in civilian technologies could have a military application.
In short, John Podesta was business partners with the Russian government and Vladimir Putin. When John Podesta went to the White House in January 2014 to serve as counselor to President Obama, he failed to disclose his board membership in one of the Joule entities on his financial disclosure form. According to the Podesta emails, Podesta transferred his 75,000 shares in the company to an LLC controlled by his family. But as the Wall Street Journal notes, the Podesta emails reveal he remained actively engaged in company business after that fact.
None of the individuals in Trump’s orbit who have Russian ties—Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and General Mike Flynn—are serving in the Trump White House. Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, John Podesta would certainly have played a central role. Would the same people who are currently sounding the alarm bells about Russian influence in American politics have cared? I doubt it.
And how do you know these things, Anon? Let me tell you. You know because it wasn't a big secret that they lied to Congress about. It is okay to know Russians. Russia is a big powerful country, a big market and a powerful force in the world. The people you are talking about have connections all over the world. Nobody is complaining that Trump and his crew knew some Russians.
And btw, really -- Hillary? You are still talking about Hillary Clinton?
The problem is that Trump and his associates lied to the public and to official investigators about their connections to Russia. At this point it seems credible that the President of the United States is being blackmailed or otherwise is an agent of a foreign government.
Also note that, though of course the Democrats are shocked like every thinking person, there is nothing much they can do but sit on the sidelines eating popcorn. Of course they complain but they have no power in the federal government. Republicans chair the committees and are going to have to show that they have some ethical sense, if they do, by investigating and removing spies and foreign agents from the White House. You can't blame the Democrats for this any more than it makes sense to talk about a former candidate named Hillary Clinton who is now a private citizen.
Yeah, you don't follow FOX and you're not a Trump supporter, you just post FOX opinions and think like Trump.
The appearance earlier this week of Teleprompter Trump didn't raise his approval rating any (Trump remains at 43% Approval rating since he gave his speech on 2/28/17).
It takes a bit more than beating opponents to be an actual President of the United States of America American's can be proud of, a bit more than Trump possesses and all the money in the world can't buy it for him.
"A former adviser to Donald Trump's presidential campaign has suggested the billionaire had a back channel to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the election.
Roger Stone, who reportedly remains "a confidant to Trump" following the campaign, said he had a "perfectly legal" way of communicating with Mr Assange, whose organisation released thousands of hacked emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta.
One of a series of profanity-filled tweets Mr Stone sent during an argument on Twitter said: "you stupid stupid b***h - never denied perfectly legal back channel to Assange who indeed had the goods on #CrookedHillary [sic]"
In another tweet to the same person, he said: "bring it! Would enjoy crush u in court and forcing you to eat s**t - you stupid ignorant ugly b***h ! [sic]"
Mr Stone has called the FBI's investigation into whether there was improper contact between the Trump campaign and Russian officials a "witch hunt."
He suggested the FBI was monitoring his communications and told CBS News: “Sure they’ll get my grocery lists, they may get the emails between my wife and I, but here’s what they won’t get — any contact with the Russians."
He denied any connection to Russia and refuted allegations he knew WikiLeaks were going to publish emails stolen from Mr Podesta, adding: "It's a witch hunt. I know it is."
Two months before WikiLeaks began publishing new emails from Mr Podesta everyday, Mr Stone tweeted: "Trust me, it will soon the Podesta's time in the barrel. #CrookedHillary"
US intelligence officials concluded "with high confidence" Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the hacks of the Democratic National committee to help Mr Trump win the election.
It is not the first time Mr Stone has admitted to having "back channel communication" with Mr Assange.
Last year, he told CBS4 News: "I do have back-channel communication with Assange, because we have a good mutual friend.
"That friend travels back and forth from the United States to London and we talk. I had dinner with him last Monday."
However, he denied he had met or spoke to Mr Assange.
At the time, the Clinton campaign released a statement to say: “It is disturbing that Roger Stone, a longtime Donald Trump confidante, has confirmed the fact that he has “back-channel communications” with Wikileaks, an organisation that is working with the Russian government to affect the American presidential election.”"
head of National Intelligence under Obama appeared on Meet the Press and said there is absolutely no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia
not a Trump supporter - at least not a political supporter
I would agree with him in his dispute with the media and the establishment of career government employees, who are out to bring down the guy who is going to cut back on their budgets
you continue to use a vile term which makes you a piece of trash
a reporter says Comey said it was false?
let us know when he's willing to publicly go on record
it's interesting that every media story says Trump has no evidence while the same is true of the stories of collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign but media never points that out
there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians
Clapper confirmed that yesterday
why is the media not mentioning that?
we're in a crisis because two long-time power centers - the media and the bureaucracy - are at war with the voters of America over who this country belongs to
"Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey on Sunday said that President Trump is likely correct that there was surveillance on Trump Tower for intelligence purposes.
“I think he’s right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general — at the Justice Department,” Mukasey told ABC’s “This Week.”"
you know, the attorney general who met Bill Clinton in secret right before the decision on whether Hillary should be indicted was made
"you continue to use a vile term which makes you a piece of trash"
And you continue to support the actual piece of trash whose language I use here sometimes.
If Trump is correct and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones then Trump must have committed a very serious crime, maybe even treason.
Why? Because NO president can order a wiretap on his own, not even yours. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap.
Obviously this was not a very well thought out conspiracy theory on the Groper-In-Chief's part as it taints himself badly.
Clapper said “There was no evidence of that included in our report. We had no evidence of such collusion.” Past tense, talking about a report from January.
"And you continue to support the actual piece of trash whose language I use here sometimes"
uh, I don't support him, as I've said and you continue to lie about
Trump made use of the term is private, which most males have probably done
he apologized, said he wasn't proud of it, and has still not done so publicly
as opposed to trash like you who revel in repeating it
liar and trash
your family must be so proud
"If Trump is correct and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones then Trump must have committed a very serious crime, maybe even treason"
either that, or Obama was abusing the powers of his office for political purposes
remember, his director of intelligence says that there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia
"Why? Because NO president can order a wiretap on his own, not even yours. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
they were turned down once, when they focused on Trump, and went to plan B: saying they needed to monitor Trump's neighbors
oops, maybe mistakenly they'd pick up Trump too
these things happen (wink-wink)
remember, all these leaks must have a source
"The November election winner intended this conspiracy theory to divert attention from his campaign's many meetings and own deals with the Russians"
there's no evidence of "deals" or even "many meetings"
the meetings were normal, and there weren't "many"
"and to undermine the credibility of US intelligence agencies"
all 17?
talk about government inefficiency
"Clapper said “There was no evidence of that included in our report. We had no evidence of such collusion.” Past tense, talking about a report from January"
it was before January when Obama would have had to justify his wiretap of Trump
there was no justification
in 2012, Obama stopped the formation of organizations that would have worked against his election by using the IRS
Ask Trump campaign advisor Rudy, who told Fox News "I know that from former agents. I know that even from a few active agents."
Or ask Trump campaign advisor Roger Stone who told CBS4 News: "I do have back-channel communication with Assange, because we have a good mutual friend.
"That friend travels back and forth from the United States to London and we talk. I had dinner with him last Monday."
It's a new week and President Incompetent is trying for yet another new "reset."
"Trump enters week seven of his presidency the same as the six before it: enmeshed in controversy while struggling to make good on his campaign promises. At a time when White House staffers had sought to ride the momentum from Trump’s speech to Congress and begin advancing its agenda on Capitol Hill, the administration finds itself beset yet again by disorder and suspicion.
At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements."
Especially vexing to him "is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.
Trump’s team is trying again to reboot this week"
"there needs to be a purge of everyone hired by Obama"
Thanks for yet another laugh but I sincerely doubt Rudy's "active" and "former" FBI agent leakers were hired by Obama!
guess that Russia-Trump thing is all wrapped up now, haha! said...
say what you will, Trump plays good defense
for months the story the media-liberal-entertainment complex has been trying to imply is that Russia hacked the election, the Trump campaign colluded - and it must be true because the FBI, the Justice Dept, et al were feverishly investigating it
now, with a couple of tweets, he has them all denying the whole story
wow, you can't overstate the brilliance of the move
What do we know about the allegation at the heart of the matter: Did Trump, his campaign aides or his associates collude with Russians to influence the 2016 campaign?
The answer is, we know nothing. After all the investigating, after all the talk, after all the yelling — the public knows nothing. There may be people at the highest levels of U.S. government secrecy who know the answer, but even that is not clear at the moment.
The most definitive statement of the current situation came Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted that he does not know of any evidence that proves collusion, or even points toward collusion.
"Does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials?" NBC's Chuck Todd asked Clapper.
"We did not include any evidence in our report … that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians," Clapper answered. "There was no evidence of that included in our report."
"I understand that, but does it exist?" Todd asked.
"Not to my knowledge," Clapper said.
"If it existed, it would have been in the report?" Todd asked.
"This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government," Clapper responded. "But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion."
Q28. Which comes closer to your view of the investigation into contacts between Russians and Trump campaign associates – [ROTATED: an independent special prosecutor should be appointed to handle the investigation, (or) Congress is capable of handling the investigation itself]? (ASKED MARCH 2-4. RESULTS BASED ON 715 INTERVIEWS. SAMPLING ERROR: +/- 3.5 PERCENTAGE POINTS.)
March 1-4 2017
Independent special prosecutor should be appointed 65%
"Which comes closer to your view of the investigation into contacts between Russians and Trump campaign associates – [ROTATED: an independent special prosecutor should be appointed to handle the investigation, (or) Congress is capable of handling the investigation itself]? (ASKED MARCH 2-4. RESULTS BASED ON 715 INTERVIEWS. SAMPLING ERROR: +/- 3.5 PERCENTAGE POINTS.)
March 1-4 2017
Independent special prosecutor should be appointed 65%
Congress is capable of handling 32%
No opinion 3%"
how would they know any different?
the media has mislead them
Clapper, Obama's director of national intelligence, stated flatly on Meet the Press Sunday: there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia
amazing revelation after all this hubbub and no mention in the media
should have been a headline
assuming the papers are there to tell the truth
the Post and NY Times stories: Trump has no evidence that Obama personally ordered him wire tapped
"Here Are The Official Photos Showing Trump’s Inauguration Crowds Were Smaller Than Obama’s Trump has accused the media of manipulating photographs in order to show the size of the crowd at his inauguration was much smaller than Obama’s. Photos released Monday by the National Park Service show otherwise."
we're having a crisis of government with the bureaucracy and media lying and at war with the voters over who owns this country
and you're still arguing about the how big the inauguration crowd is?
"... Continuing his habit of early-morning (Trump Dump) tweets while watching cable news, Trump, apparently responding to a Fox News segment, blamed Obama for freeing “122 vicious prisoners” from the U.S. military detention facility who went on to engage in terrorism.
Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump 122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision! 7:04 AM - 7 Mar 2017
Unlike Trump, the Fox News segment did not attribute that number to his predecessor, only reporting that a former detainee killed in a U.S. airstrike on Yemen this month was released by Obama in 2009, the Pentagon announced Monday.
Experts including Miami Herald journalist Carol Rosenberg, who has reported on Guantanamo for years, immediately debunked the tweet, noting that it was actually Bush who released nearly all of the 122 detainees. Obama released only nine of them, according to September U.S. intelligence reports.
Carol Rosenberg ✔@carolrosenberg Wrong POTUS, @realDonaldTrump. Your intel agencies report shows Bush released 113 of the 122 re-engagers from Gitmo. 7:15 AM - 7 Mar 2017
Kenneth Roth ✔@KenRoth Wrong! 113 were released by Bush, only 9 by Obama, according to US Director of Naitonal Intelligence. … … 7:25 AM - 7 Mar 2017..."
History will describe Guantanamo as an atrocity and I for one am glad that Obama made a commitment to clean it up.
After years of solitary, torture, and confinement, yeah, some of them were pissed off. If Americans had been treated like that and then retaliated against the criminals who had tortured them, you would call it heroism. So STFU anon.
while the media obsesses over who has ever talked to a Russian at a cocktail party, Wall Street booms and cheers as Trump moves to make America a place to locate your business
Remember the old joke about the definition of a paranoid -- someone who knows all the facts?
Well, we're all paranoids now because -- since Tuesday's, unprecedented in size and scope, Wikileaks document dump of massive cyber spying by the CIA -- everything we ever thought in our wildest imaginations is true... and then some.
The question about whether President Trump was tapped has been reduced to a joke. The real questions are how often and from how many places. The answer would probably shock us, if we were ever to learn the truth. (And did President Obama know what they were doing? Either that or the CIA, FBI or NSA wasn't telling him. You decide.)
Oh I'm sure they've dropped the toxic topic of Russian influence in the 2016 US Presidential election over at those right wing rags you read -- FOX News, Breitbart, Washington Moonie Times, etc.
I guess you missed Rod Rosenstein's confirmation hearing yesterday.
"...Rod Rosenstein, if appointed as deputy attorney general, could soon become the ultimate decider on the most politically sensitive subject in Washington.
His confirmation hearing on Tuesday turned into a proxy war over the Trump administration's ties to Russia.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from any investigation into the election and Russian officials, leaving the tough questions for his deputy.
Rosenstein's three-hour hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee focused less on his record as a 27-year Justice Department veteran and more on his superiors.
"How can you investigate your boss?" asked Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, pointing out that the attorney general could end up a witness in any investigation involving Russia.
Blumenthal and other Democrats say there's only one way to guarantee public confidence in the Russia investigation — by naming an independent prosecutor to lead it.
Rosenstein, who has a long history in cases involving public corruption and national security, refused to make that commitment. He said he doesn't have all the facts.
"Senator, I don't know the details of what — if any — investigation is ongoing, but I can certainly assure you that if it's America against Russia, or America against any other country, I think everyone in this room knows which side I'm on," Rosenstein said...
Of course, no one's sure about where loyalties lie with every member of Team Trump, especially with Donnie Boy himself idolizing Putin, the bully, the way he does.
"the fact that they could come up with this stuff means they were conducting illegal surveillance of their opponent"
Wow, that is the same old lying spin yet again and still wrong as always.
There was no surveillance of anyone's "opponent" in the 2016 US Presidential election by Americans.
Russia however, hacked the DNC and Assange's Wikileaks gladly published those Russian hacks.
Those were the Wikileaks Donnie Boy loved a few months ago.
Jim reported in the post above that Ms. Mensch, who wrote the HeatStreet article so badly misrepresented by the Brietbart article Trump read that caused him to make an utter fool of himself publicly yet again, told us:
"FOX: Well original sourcing and reporting on this you mentioned came from you, from the BBC, and the Guardian all say they've got sources as to these FISA warrants, or FISA warrant, singular. Now the former DNI Director James Clapper appeared on the Sunday shows yesterday. He says if it existed, he would know about it and he categorically denied it. What do you make of that?
Mensch: Well I don't know that he categorically denied what I reported which was a FISA warrant on communications between two Russian banks. He was being asked about the President's accusation that President Obama had targeted a warrant politically at him or at Team Trump and at Trump Tower. There's no such FISA warrant and it would be impossible to get one and indeed, I faithfully reported that the couple of times that Director Comey apparently went to the court and asked for a warrant that named Mr. Trump, he was turned down flat. So I think you heard DNI Clapper, former DNI Clapper denying that there was a politically motivated, targeted FISA warrant at Donald Trump. And I haven't reported that to my knowledge nor has anyone else.
FOX: Yeah, my remembrance of his discussion was that he was asked if there was such an order.
Mensch: Yes.
FOX: So but is it possible that the DNI wouldn't know about it?
Mensch: Um I don't know because I don't, honestly, I don... I try not to bluff when I don't know things.
FOX: Good for journalists, we should stick with what we know
Mensch: I believe he has, but such an order, does that mean no FISA warrant of any kind, which I think would be really hard for a DNI to deny or confirm. I think that would be kind of illegal even. But I think what he was saying is there's no order of a politically targeted FISA court warrant that was aiming directly at Trump Tower and the political campaign."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I seem to recall that Obama wanted to let them all go".
What you "recall" and reality are very rarely remotely related.
Obama wanted to bring the prisoners to the U.S. for trial and close Guantanimo, not let them go - you know, follow the rule of law and all that stuff you Republicans hate so much.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I see Russia is no longer being talked about".
LOL, that news has not and will not go away. Trump can say stupid things and distract from it a bit for a short period of time but its going to continue to hurt him and possibly bring down his presidency.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Dems got themselves so worked up about Russia, they overlooked one big thing the fact that they could come up with this stuff means they were conducting illegal surveillance of their opponent".
Nonsense. Flynn's collaborating with the Russians came to light due to normal surveillance of Russian operatives, there was nothing illegal about it. Same with all the other contacts between the Trump campaign/administration, it was normal surveillance of Russian intelligence personnel that uncovered the Trump/Russia connections.
It means he's a twittiot who was wrong when he thought running the USA had much in common with running a for profitt corporation.
It also means he was wrong when he said he would:
"We’re going to have insurance for everybody… There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us. [People covered under the law] can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better."
Last week it was a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis.
This week, we see HATE continues to grow Second Jewish Cemetery Desecrated in Philadelphia
Last week, the Times of Israel reported In long-awaited statement, Trump says anti-Semitism is ‘horrible’
Bernie Sanders On Trump’s Discovery That Health Care Is ‘So Complicated’: LOL
Trump just said "We have come up with a solution that's really really I think, very good. Now I have to tell you it's an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated."
Maybe Trump didn't know, but plenty of other people know and have known for decades.
"..."I mean, this is the president of the United States. We have been debating health care in this country for 30 years, and he says, ‘Gee, who knew how complicated it was?’” Sanders said. “He’s maybe the only person in this country who doesn’t know how complicated it is to provide health care for the American people.""
Trump's an f'n idiot. Everyone in the states knew American health care was complicated. That's why Republicans have been screaming for eight years about replacing Obamacare but have nothing but a one page document that says "placeholder".
"It means he's a twittiot who was wrong when he thought running the USA had much in common with running a for profitt corporation.
It also means he was wrong when he said he would:
"We’re going to have insurance for everybody… There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us. [People covered under the law] can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.""
it doesn't mean much of anything other than he's going to care before acting
Obamacare is an obvious disaster
Trump wants everyone covered, which is not happening now, years after the ACA was enacted in a clear rebuke to the voters in America
he's not settling for less
since he's on your side of the entitlement v. freedom issue, I don't understand why you don't wish him well
I have more libertarian tendencies myself
"Last week it was a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis.
This week, we see HATE continues to grow Second Jewish Cemetery Desecrated in Philadelphia"
until the entertainment-media-liberal complex stops reporting that neo-Nazis won the 2016 election, these miscreants will be emboldened by thinking they are ascendant
if TTF had a conscience, they would stop promoting this idea
"Last week, the Times of Israel reported In long-awaited statement, Trump says anti-Semitism is ‘horrible’"
why would they await that? the implication is offensive - that there was some doubt that the American President thought otherwise
"Bernie Sanders On Trump’s Discovery That Health Care Is ‘So Complicated’: LOL"
Bernie never thought it was complicated either
just put everyone on Medicaid and take everyone's money away is his solution
if Bernie's so smart, why didn't win?
oh, that's right
the Clintons conspired against him
otherwise, he might be Presley of the US now
Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose
considering his position in the Senate, it would be remarkable if he hadn't met with the Russian ambassador
Sessions last year had more than 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, including the British, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, Australian and German ambassadors, in addition to Kislyak
Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. before the presidential election last year, his spokeswoman confirmed, raising questions about whether he misled senators who inquired about the Trump campaign's ties to Moscow.
Sessions was asked during his confirmation hearings by Sen. Al Franken what he would do if he learned that "anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign," Sessions replied:
"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."
Top Republicans said Thursday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should recuse himself from investigations of whether Russia interfered in the presidential 2016 election at the Justice Department and FBI.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said during an appearance on MSNBC Thursday morning that Sessions should bow too maintain “the trust of the American people.”
Minutes later, House Oversight and Government Reform committee chairman Jason Chaffetz joined McCarthy’s call, tweeting that “AG Sessions should clarify his testimony and recuse himself.”
The calls from two of the House’s most prominent Republicans follow revelations that Sessions met with the Russian ambassador during election season. Under oath in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee for his confirmation hearing in January, Sessions had said that he had not met with any Russian officials.
“I don’t have all the information in front of me, I don’t want to prejudge, but I just think for any investigation going forward, you want to make sure everybody trusts the investigation,” McCarthy said. “I think it’d be easier from that standpoint” for Sessions to recuse himself.
it's a little hard to see why we're having an investigation into contacts with the Russian government as opposed to say, the Chinese government or the Indian government or the British government or the Israeli government
all intelligence agencies do their best to hack other governments and Russia is not a major power and not currently in conflict with us
we need to get over our irrational fear of Russia
we're much stronger than them, and now that Obama is gone, we're smarter than them too
if nothing else, Trump knows how to play the game of thrones
despite TTF allegations that Trump has unleashed a wave of pent-up anti-Semitism that was previously undetected in America, a new poll shows jews have the highest favorability rating of any religious group in America: 67%
by continually alleging that Trump was elected by appealing to anti-Semitism in America, despite orthodox Jews in his immediate family, TTF and the rest of media-liberal-entertainment complex have emboldened these miscreants to engage in hate crimes
decent Americans are sickened by TTF and the rest of media-liberal-entertainment complex
Decent Americans are sickened by the repeated images of Jewish cemeteries desecrated, swastikas painted on public buildings, and repeated news stories of bomb threats to Jewish community centers.
yes, they are
always have been when things like that happen
but the new twist here is the rise caused by media-liberal-entertainment complex's attempt to blame trump, which is making these miscreants believe they are ascendant and a part of the establishment now and, thus, can get away with it
TTF and the media-liberal-entertainment complex need to acknowledge their role and repent of it
It would be easy for the President to clear it up. He has taken every opportunity to tolerate rather than denounce anti-Semitism and Nazism. There is no doubt that he has encouraged these things.
I dare him to stand up in public and use the phrase "domestic white terrorism."
"It would be easy for the President to clear it up. He has taken every opportunity to tolerate rather than denounce anti-Semitism and Nazism. There is no doubt that he has encouraged these things."
no doubt?
try no indication or evidence at all
if there is, put it up
"I dare him to stand up in public and use the phrase "domestic white terrorism.""
I haven't heard anyone use that term
I dare you to admit that you are lying and, by doing so, encouraging hate crimes
Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearings by falsely claiming he hadn't had any meetings with the Russians.
Sessions must resign. There must be an independent, bipartisan, outside commission to investigate the Trump political, personal and financial connections to the Russians.
Resignation, then prosecution.
He would insist on nothing less for anyone else in such a situation.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "considering his position in the Senate, it would be remarkable if he hadn't met with the Russian ambassador".
If this was unremarkable he wouldn't have lied about it under oath. There is only one appropriate course of action:
Resignation then prosecution.
Lock him up!
Lock them up!
Lock him up!
Lock them up!
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President pussy grabber’s transition team called off a plan for an ethics course for his senior White House staff and appointees.
The program was first put into place in 2000, and the transition teams for former Presidents Obama and George W. Bush received the training.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "don't read anything by Priya but..."
LOL, Wyatt/bad anonymous doesn't have the self control to keep his promise not to respond to my comments.
We all know there is no promise, oath, pledge, affirmation, agreement, contract, or commitment, notarized or not, that Wyatt won't break - his word means nothing. After all this is a child whose motto is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
Way to go man-child!
poor liberals
locked out of every branch of government at every level, without even the numbers to have any influence
they have no idea what hit 'em
worse, they were counting on Hillary letting in 12 million illegals to vote for them
now, they're even losing the rust belt union worker and the inner city minorities who have wised up that identity politics and political correctness won't make for a better life for anyone
mocking the widow of a Navy Seal on Tuesday night is a new low
no, Hollywood, Americans doesn't need you to tell us how to think
you can't even read the right envelope
no, TTF, America doesn't need you to tell us the facts
you can't even tell a girl from a boy
Republican Ten Commandments:
You shall have no other gods before Money.
You shall not make idols unless they're of Trump.
You shall not take the name of the LORD Bannon in vain.
Remember Benghazi, to keep it holy.
Honour thy Billionaires and your Bankers.
You shall not kill, blame the military instead.
You shall not commit adultery.*
You shall steal from the taxpayer.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.*
You shall covet women's pussy & thy daughter.
*Some conditions apply. Mandatory for all citizens with the exception of: Republicans, Trumpanzees, Fox "News", and assorted fascists, racists, bigots, etc.
Hate Crime Charge For Man Who Shouted “You Live In Trump Country” During Gay Bashing
As if we needed yet another example of the hate and violence Trump has promoted against minorities.
" they were counting on Hillary letting in 12 million illegals to vote for them "
Spoken like the Trump Brown Noser you are!
"Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump
In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally
3:30 PM - 27 Nov 2016"
Sweet Nasty woman, we all know the truth, don't we:
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Clinton received nearly 2.9 million more votes than President-elect Donald Trump, giving her the largest popular vote margin of any "losing" presidential candidate.
Even with the FBI and Russia colluding to interfere in the election to favour Trump and Republican politicians wide spread suppression of minority voters (who typically vote Democrat) Trump still lost the popular vote! Imagine if there had been a fair election!
Donald Trump is the most illegitimate president in U.S. history.
As if any person in the country illegally is going to risk going to prison and then getting deported just to vote, let alone millions of them.
Get real!
Yes, we know the truth, Nasty Sister PL.
"During Sessions’s confirmation hearing, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) asked him what he would do if it came out that anyone associated with the Trump campaign had contact with the Russians in the course of the 2016 campaign. Sessions said, “Sen. Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities.” That wasn’t the truth, since he participated in discussions."
Correct. Mr. Sessions' claim to be unaware of any contacts between "anyone associated with the Trump campaign" and Russians was not the truth.
That statement is one example of Mr. Sessions committing perjury before the US Senate.
"He continued, “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I am unable to comment on it.”"
Except now we know he most certainly did have "communications with the Russians," making this the second example of Mr. Sessions committing perjury before the US Senate.
"considering his position in the Senate, it would be remarkable if he hadn't met with the Russian ambassador"
Nice attempt at spinning more fake news, Mr. LyingTrumpSupporter.
Show us proof other members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, like maybe its chairman, John McCain, met with the Russian Ambassador last summer while we Nasty Women listen for the
< crickets chirping >
"His spokeswoman argues that when they spoke, Sessions was not acting as a surrogate, but rather, in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. But The Post’s reporting has so far found no senators on that panel who met with Kislyak last year."
"you can't even tell a girl from a boy"
I have to tell you it's an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that gender identity could be so complicated.
Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Investigations
Hansen Unplugged
I would have thought in 2017 - or maybe I just hoped in 2017 - we would be done arguing about birth certificates... but obviously we're not.
Seventeen-year old Mack Beggs, a junior at Euless Trinity who was born a girl and is now in the process of becoming a boy, wins the girls' state wrestling tournament Saturday. So the argument has started again.
Mack wanted to wrestle against the boys. The UIL says he had to wrestle the girls. And that's not fair for anybody involved in this argument.
Mack has been taking testosterone and it shows. There's a reason we have rules in sports against steroids, and it was an incredibly unfair advantage for him. It was also unfair to the girls who had to wrestle him.
The question is, "When does a girl become a boy, and when does a boy become a girl?" or "When can you play games against those you identify with and not what a piece of paper says you are?"
That answer is way above my pay grade. But someone has to find a better answer than what we're being given now.
As I said when I wrote about Missouri football player Michael Sam, I'm not always comfortable when a man tells me he's gay. I don't understand his world. But I do understand he's a part of mine. And I am saying the same thing now about Mack Beggs.
Transitioning is a struggle I cannot imagine. It is a journey I could not make... and it is a life that too many cannot live.
The problems that Mack Beggs is facing and dealing with now remind me again that I don't have any problems. He needs our support, and he does not need a group of old men in Austin telling him who to wrestle because of a genetic mix-up at birth.
We have argued long enough about birth certificates. It's an argument that needs to end. You don't have to understand – I myself don't understand. But Mack Beggs is not the problem so many people make him out to be. He's a child simply looking for his place in the world, and a chance to compete in the world.
Do we really not have the simple decency to allow him at least that? Because it seems to me it's the very least we can do.
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I'm sure Vladimir is just tickled pink that DJT is going to begin a massive military build-up
must be blackmailing him
it's enough to make TTF and Russians barroom buddies again
remember when Bernie honeymooned in Moscow because it was a workers' paradise?
remember when Barack Obama told the Russians (he thought mic was off): don't worry, after I win the election by fooling the American people, I'll give you whatever you want
how about it, TTFers?
you going to stand with Vladimir against the U.S. military buildup?
looks like Trump has painted TTF into a corner
oh well, at least he's the gay-friendliest Presley ever!!
Anon, I am on the brink of blocking you. If you want to discuss current events on this blog then you will be civil. Nobody would shed a tear if I blocked your IP number.
Moron's Comments Will Be Deleted
And morons will be blocked.
current events?
why sure, Jim
what do you think about these current event topic?:
is Trump just planning a big military buildup so he can give it all to Czar Putin, who is blackmailing him and secretly defeated Hillary because she wouldn't buildup and give him all the weapons?
is Trump just pretending to be pro-Israel and like his orthodox Jewish daughter while he's secretly coordinating attacks on synagogues and jewish community centers?
is Trump secretly rounding up journalists and torturing them? because I keep hearing Dems and RINOs say he's violating freedom of the press
just curious where the Dems go from here...
Anon, the Dems aren't doing anything at this time. The GOP controls the government and if they want to assure the deconstruction of the admininstrative state they have the power to execute now, or to stop the destruction. Of course the Democrats complain but they can't do anything except plan for the next election.
I don't care if you want to see the government destroyed, that is your right and I wouldn't block you for that. Obviously lots of people oppose America right now, and maybe it is time for a decade or two of lawlessness and anarchy. I disagree, but you have the right to that opinion.
When you come into my living room you will address people according to their correct gender. Maybe in your peer group this kind of thing is considered unbelievably funny, like four-year-olds who have learned the wonderfully hilarious word "butt," but you're in my living room now and I'm not putting up with it.
I never refer to anyone by anything other than their actual gender.
I'm a stickler for that
Let me put it this way. There is one rule on this blog: don't piss me off.
You're pushing it.
you oughta join in on the discussion, it might help with your anger issues
how about current events?
that's what Jimmy Fallon leans on
I never refer to anyone by anything other than their actual gender.
I'm a stickler for that
bigot |ˈbiɡət|
a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions
projection [pruh-jek-shuh n]
defending oneself against one's own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others
big nut |ˈbiɡ nut|
a person who thinks their delusions are opinions
"a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions"
yeah, Jim is pretty intolerant of different viewpoints but he doesn't say much
"I never refer to anyone by anything other than their actual gender.
I'm a stickler for that"
what could that statement possibly mean?
It means the person who said it is a bigot.
if you define anyone who doesn't concur with a desired delusion as a bigot
well, I guess we're going on one of the adventures in redefining English that TTF is known for
Statement from President Donald J. Trump
Jeff Sessions is an honest man. He did not say anything wrong. He could have stated his response more accurately, but it was clearly not intentional. This whole narrative is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election that everyone thought they were supposed to win.
The Democrats are overplaying their hand. They lost the election and now, they have lost their grip on reality. The real story is all of the illegal leaks of classified and other information. It is a total witch hunt!
Jewish Cemetery In New York Vandalized Amid Rash Of Anti-Semitic Acts
It’s the third such incident in recent weeks.
Anti-Semitic Crimes Up 94 Percent In NYC Since This Time Last Year, NYPD Says
Overall, statistics show a 55 percent rise in hate crimes in New York City since 2016.
As another wave of bomb threats hit Jewish community facilities across the country, police say anti-Semitic incidents in New York City have nearly doubled in the first two months of the year.
From Jan. 1 through Feb. 26, there were 35 reported anti-Semitic incidents in the city, compared to 18 reported incidents during the same time period last year, the New York Police Department said. That’s a 94 percent increase.
Overall, NYPD statistics show a 55 percent rise in hate crimes since last year, although the city said crime in general is down 9.7 percent.
Hate crimes spiked in 2016 as well, and city and state officials blamed the surge on the hateful rhetoric used during the presidential campaign.
“Based on the timing and the extraordinary increase we’ve been seeing, not only in New York but around the nation, you have to conclude that the presidential campaign was the major factor,” NYPD spokesman Stephen Davis told Bloomberg...
"“Based on the timing and the extraordinary increase we’ve been seeing, not only in New York but around the nation, you have to conclude that the presidential campaign was the major factor,” NYPD spokesman Stephen Davis told Bloomberg..."
hard to argue with that
the media's misrepresentation of the Trump campaign emboldened these elements, making them think they were ascendant and had won an election
if the press started telling the truth, it would do a world of good
Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, joined former national security adviser Michael Flynn in a meeting at Trump Tower with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December, according to the New York Times. This meeting had not been previously disclosed, even though Flynn’s communications with Kislyak over President Barack Obama’s sanctions led to Flynn’s resignation, while his meeting with Sen. Sessions has resulted in the Attorney General’s recusing himself from all investigations into President Trump's ties to Russia.
"This meeting had not been previously disclosed,"
why would it be?
Ask FBI Director Comey.
It is common and not improper for transition officials to meet with foreign officials. But all meetings between Trump associates and Russians are now significant as the F.B.I. investigates Russian interference in the American election and whether anyone close to Mr. Trump’s campaign was involved.
The meeting in December came at a crucial time, just as the Obama White House was preparing to sanction Russia and publicly make its case that Moscow had interfered with the 2016 election.
What is now becoming clear is that the incoming Trump administration was simultaneously striking a conciliatory pose toward Moscow in a series of meetings and phone calls involving Mr. Kislyak.
“They generally discussed the relationship and it made sense to establish a line of communication,” Ms. Hicks said. “Jared has had meetings with many other foreign countries and representatives — as many as two dozen other foreign countries’ leaders and representatives.”
The Trump Tower meeting lasted 20 minutes, and Mr. Kushner has not met since with Mr. Kislyak, Ms. Hicks said.
When first asked in January about Mr. Flynn’s contacts with Mr. Kislyak, the White House said that there had been only a text message and phone call between the men at the end of December, and that both came before the United States imposed sanctions. That was quickly contradicted by news reports.
Mr. Flynn’s story then began changing, and the White House eventually acknowledged the two men had discussed the sanctions and how the two countries could move past the acrimony once Mr. Trump was in office.
why? he's not the one who made the inane statement that it should be
this is one of those rhetorical devices that Dem politician and the media-liberal-entertainment complex uses
"not previously disclosed"
"not clear"
"not available for comment"
or I heard this from a Dem congressman this week:
"we don't have evidence of Trump campaign collusion with the Russians yet.."
based on what?
Dems' hope and desire for something to explain away their election loss
that's what
Barack Obama (surprise, surprise) has now created a constitutional crisis
someone in his administration authorized a wire tap on Trump campaign officials
under our laws, that should only be done when there is probable cause to believe a felony has been committed
for a sitting President to wire tap the other party's nominee for President should have an extremely high bar of evidence and some need that made it immediately imperative, because of the potential for abuse
there was none
this is how dictators in other countries act
if allowed, this would compromise our democracy
it's what Nixon had to be pardoned for
Good anonymous said "This meeting had not been previously disclosed,"
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "why would it be?".
Because he was asked under oath if he had had any contact with the Russians you bozo. He lied under oath. The only acceptable course of action is resignation, then prosecution.
He would insist on nothing less for anyone else in such a situation.
If the meetings were innocent as he has since claimed he would have said when asked he had met with the Russians for whatever innocuous reason. He didn't which demonstrates mens rea (knowledge of guilt) - he knew what he did was criminal so he didn't reveal it when asked.
Hypocrite Jeff Sessions Called For A Special Counsel After Loretta Lynch Met With Bill Clinton
By his own standard Sessions must be investigated for crimes beyond lying under oath.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Barack Obama (surprise, surprise) has now created a constitutional crisis someone in his administration authorized a wire tap on Trump campaign officials".
Wyatt/bad anonymous also said "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
oops, I read a Priya post by mistake
Priya, you shouldn't call someone a bozo when you dress like a clown
the remark I made referred to Jared Kushner, an orthodox Jew being attacked by Dems
I assume you're talking about Sessions
he met with a foreign ambassador while a Senator
not unusual
he probably meant as a rep of the campaign
fortunately, dues to your lies and rabid anti-Americanism, you'll never set foot on this land you're so obsessed with
btw, it turns out that someone named Juan has been threatening Jewish institutions and trying to frame his girlfriend for it
we should find out if he's met with the 7 anti-Jewish governments whose citizens Trump wants to temporarily ban
"NEW YORK, March 3 (Reuters) - Prosecutors in New York charged a 31-year-old man in Missouri on Friday with making at least eight bomb threats against, officials said.
Juan Thompson was arrested on Friday morning in St. Louis and is due to appear there in court later in the day, prosecutors said in a statement. He was charged with cyberstalking an ex-girlfriend, whose name he is accused of using to make the threats"
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "oops, I read a Priya post by "mistake"".
LOL, After repeatedly insisting he was ignoring me Wyatt/bad anonymous can't control himself - he's a child.
We all know there is no promise, oath, pledge, affirmation, agreement, contract, or commitment, notarized or not, that Wyatt won't break - his word means nothing. After all this is a child whose motto is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".
Wyatt/bad anonymous said ""a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions" yeah, Jim is pretty intolerant of different viewpoints but he doesn't say much".
By Wyatt/bad anonymous's "logic" if you criticize someone for saying blacks are inferior to whites you're a bigot.
It does not make one a bigot to refuse to tolerate bigotry.
projection [pruh-jek-shuh n]
Wyatt/bad anonymous defending himself against his own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in him while attributing them to Jim.
No one has been more tolerant of Wyatt's bigotry than Jim. He is patient to a fault.
The hypocrisy of bigots like Wyatt/bad anonymous:
"If you're intolerant of my bigotry you're a bad person but I'm not a bad person for being intolerant of minorities in the first place."
has anyone ever had a dog who barks at the door when a visitor knocks?
but when the visitor comes in, the dog wags its tail and snorts and jumps around and tries to get close, so excited to get attention
this is how it is on those rare occasions when Lambent Anon actually reads a priya comment and responds
priya gets so excited for any attention, it's just so sad
obviously, priya is devastated that usually no one will address the stupid comments that priya makes
let's give priya some attention one more time
for the sake of charity
some TTFer said:
"bigot |ˈbiɡət|
a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions"
Lambent Anon replied:
"yeah, Jim is pretty intolerant of different viewpoints but he doesn't say much"
priya foolishly said:
"by Lambent Anon's "logic" if you criticize someone for saying blacks are inferior to whites you're a bigot"
well, priya, as anyone who has read the comments knows, Lambent Anon has never made a racist comment here and was not referring to Jim criticizing any other position of his
people here criticize virtually everything Lambent Anon says and he seems to revel in it
Lambent Anon's point is that, under the definition posted by the TTFer, Jim is being intolerant when he deletes comments where Lambent Anon refers to you by your actual gender rather than your hallucinatory one
debate is not intolerant, neither is disagreement
but trying to eliminate debate and disagreement is
I will say, Jim generally only is intolerant on this one topic
I think Dana Beyer put him up to it before slinking away in disgrace after losing multiple elections and being investigated for ethics violations
Dana, you may remember, was also intolerant, trying to stop a petition drive by bullying the petitioners
but Jim's intolerance is not that big a deal
but it was the nearest instance of intolerance to the definition being posted
well, hope you enjoyed this little exchange
I think it will be a cold day in hell before you get another response to any other of your inane comments
and keep rockin' that clown suit
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "[I have] never made a racist comment here".
LOL, Sure, just like you've never lied on here. Wyatt/bad anonymous's motto is "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie.
And of course he entirely missed the point. I wasn't accusing him of saying blacks were inferior to whites:
He had said ""[bigot]a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions" yeah, Jim is pretty intolerant of different viewpoints".
Of course by that "logic" if you won't tolerate anyone saying blacks are inferior to whites you're a bigot.
It does not make one a bigot to refuse to tolerate bigotry. Jim is not a bigot for refusing to tolerate Wyatt's bigotry.
Speaking of lies, I like how Wyatt/bad anonymous keeps pretending his comments are made by different people:
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "some TTFer said: "bigot...".
That "some TTFer" said he was ignoring me as did the person in the previous comment who referred to "some TTFer" - obviously the same person. But its okay in Wyatt/bad anonymous's mind because "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I think it will be a cold day in hell before you get another response to any other of your inane comments".
LOL, sure, just like when you said "yes, you are welcome to mumble to yourself you continue to be subject to shunning".
In Wyatt/bad anonymous's delusional world responding to my comments is not responding to my comments.
Just remember dear readers, whenever Wyatt/bad anonymous accuses others of being intolerant its him defending himself against his own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in him while attributing them to others.
Wyatt/bad anonymous often refers to his previous comments as though he is talking about a different person in order to pretend he isn't all alone on here in his bigotry.
Poor, poor lonely Wyatt - its hard to have no friends or supporters, isn't it Wyatt?
Don't despair Wyatt, you can always learn to stop hating your gayness and find a nice man to settle down with.
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Wyatt/bad anonymous said "debate is not intolerant, neither is disagreement but trying to eliminate debate and disagreement is I will say, Jim generally only is intolerant on this one topic".
In the bigot's hateful, delusional world comments whose sole purpose is to offend are the equivalent of "debate and disagreement".
Jim is wholeheartedly behind debate and disagreement and in no way restricts that on this blog - all good and honest readers here can agree with that. That he may delete comments solely intended to offend is to be commended. The bigot is the person making those comments solely intended to offend.
turns out that Juan Thompson, the creep who has been calling in bomb threats to Jewish centers is an ex-reporter for Intercept, a left-wing magazine
he hates Trump and once wrote a story about being abused at a Trump rally that was later proven to be fabricated
is the moron who said Trump caused all this still reading?
btw, where are all the calls for Intercept to denounce anti-Semitism?
Not just Sessions but Trump son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner, along with foreign policy advisers Carter Page and J.D. Gordon, all met with Kislyak last year—after Trump himself, and most top administration officials, strenuously denied any such meetings.
Michael Flynn had to resign as national-security adviser over his own conversations with Kislyak, and his lies about it. It’s clear this issue will continue to erode the already-shaky foundation of the Trump administration.
Rumors of the White House collaborating with Russia won’t be going away anytime soon now that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been caught lying to Congress about meeting with a Russian ambassador.
A growing number of Republicans agree that Sessions must recuse himself from the DOJ’s investigation into Russia’s alleged meddling in the U.S.’s election. Even Representative Jason Chaffetz, who as House Oversight chair has gone out of his way to avoid investigating the White House’s ties to Russia, called on Sessions to step aside from that particular issue.
Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says he has yet to see “any purpose or reason” for Sessions to recuse himself. The White House said Sessions is still perfectly capable of conducting the DOJ’s Russian probe, arguing – perplexingly – that Sessions was “100 percent straight” with Congress.
Eventually, on Thursday afternoon, Sessions did recuse himself from the investigation.
The official White House story on Sessions’s meeting with Kilsyak has already changed in the hours since the story broke. Initially, it was said that Sessions lacked a “strong recollection” of what he discussed with Kilsyak. That evolved to an insistence that Sessions did not discuss campaign issues with Kilsyak. Later, that was amended to say their conversation included “superficial comments” about the election, but nothing of “substance.”
The administration has further argued that Sessions chatted with Kilsyak in an official capacity as a part of the Senate Armed Services committee. Still, it is highly unorthodox for a senator to welcome an ambassador/spy into his private office for a one-on-one conversation – that is not how the Armed Services committee typically conducts business.
The old D.C. expression “The cover up is worse than the crime” has already been used to describe dealings within the current administration, and it seems especially relevant now. It’s possible that Sessions’ meetings with Russian officials were far from nefarious, but then why lie about these meetings to Congress in the first place?
The bottom line is that Sessions needs to resign. The White House can try to spin it, but there’s no excuse for the attorney general, a man tasked with ensuring that justice prevails, to perjure himself to Congress. Not only does it send a message that it’s okay to lie in government hearings, but it tarnishes the entire reputation of the Justice Department when a man who appears to lack integrity is at the helm.
"someone in his [Obama's] administration authorized a wire tap on Trump campaign officials"
Thanks for your totally fake news bullshit.
Show us your source for this latest bogus claim, it'll be fun!
Since you seem to have forgotten, here's what happened.
Remember this??
USA TODAY Oct. 21, 2016: Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
How about this?
AP NEWS Dec. 16, 2016: Official: FBI backs CIA conclusion on Russian hacking motive
WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is supporting the CIA's conclusion that Russia interfered in the presidential election with the goal of supporting Republican candidate Donald Trump...
U.S. intelligence agencies concluded last year that Russia had interfered in the election with the goal of helping Trump win. The FBI is investigating ties between Trump associates and Russia.
Try to keep up.
I'm keeping up fine
someone in Obama's administration authorized a wiretap of a private citizen, Gen Flynn
remember, Obama was running the government
you do realize his phone was tapped, right?
there is no evidence Gen Flynn committed a felony
there are constitutional protections against this
there has to be a good reason and it needs to be requested by the executive branch and approved by the judicial branch
who is Obama's administration did it?
if he committed no crime, this is an abuse of government power to harass the political opposition
Obama pioneered this in 2012 when he had the IRS harass his political opponents
now, this
by the way, the intelligence agencies believe Russia hacked Hillary's computer
surprise: she's not exactly Josephine IT Security
the further extrapolation, that they leaked the information, is unproven
More fake news and no source for your last bogus claim.
Educate yourself
Hiring known dictator lobbyists like Manafort and Stone for his presidential campaign was Trump's choice.
Despite early denials, growing list of Trump camp contacts with Russians haunts White House
"More fake news and no source for your last bogus claim.
Educate yourself"
be specific, nasty
educate me on which of my claims were bogus
"Despite early denials, growing list of Trump camp contacts with Russians haunts White House"
talking to Russians is not a crime in our country
neither is not disclosing it to reporters
Sessions may have not understood the question in his case, during the hearings, but since a wrong answers were about an completely legal and benign activity, so what?
btw, the Republican controlled Congress needs to investigate Obama's activities and abuse of the presidency for political activity
in 2008, he used the IRS to harass organizations set up to oppose his re-election and won a close race
his illegal activity probably was enough to tip the race
the latter wasn't true of Nixon in 72 but his aides went to jail and he had to be pardoned for similar activity
Dinesh D'Souza wrote a book about Obama's radical roots and agenda
he was arrested and prosecuted and jailed on trumped up charges
the reason Putin probably got mad is that Obama didn't pay him royalties on the technique
now, it turns out Obama was wiretapping the Trump campaign
we need to get to the bottom of this
luckily, we have the numbers to investigate and bring him to justice
the fate of our democracy is at stake
President Donald Trump revealed his predecessor Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower before Election Day in a Twitter message on Saturday morning:
"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"
Oh yeah, I see your news orange head fake.
For a Trump non-supporter, you sure swallow his bullshit hook, line and sinker.
Trump, citing no evidence, accuses Obama of ‘Nixon/Watergate’ plot to wiretap Trump Tower
Yeah, Breitbart bullshit galore.
Click those links in that Breitbart article to see what bogus bullshit fake news spin you are buying into.
Or don't and continue to enjoy life inside the bubble as it bursts all around.
the article is simply an account of Mark Levin's case, which he documents with sources, including the Wash Post, NY Times, et al
Obama submitted a request to wiretap the Trump campaign, and when it was denied, came up with a rationale to do it at Trump Towers with a justification involving other tenants but with the ability to bug other tenants, including Trump
this will all be investigated by Congress
Obama has a history of hostility toward the Constitution
this needs to be exposed so it can be rejected by decent American citizens
Obama did not submit any such request.
Comey's FBI submitted the revised FISA request.
You may spin all you want but everyone knows what else Comey did in October 2016:
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns
have we all considered these "meetings" Jeff Sessions had with the Russian amabassador?
the first was mingling at a cocktail party set up by the Obama White House to promote some agenda item
the White House invited Sessions along with many other legislators and officials
the whole event was covered by the press
the other is when the ambassador requested a meeting at the Senate
just wanted to meet with someone who could be a contact in the new administration
how dastardly...
he didn't sneak in through the window and the meeting is public record
just like the four meetings the ambassador had at the White House last year
Charles Grassley has told the Dems on his committee that Sessions won't be brought in but can clarify the context of his remarks in writing
too bad, despite all the illegal activity of the Obama administration, you lost the election
there's always the 22nd century
maybe you can try for a Dem comeback then
It's not the meetings.
It's the perjury in front of his fellow Senators and the cover up.
"Obama did not submit any such request.
Comey's FBI submitted the revised FISA request."
obviously, Obama didn't personally do it
he had his employee Comey do it
"You may spin all you want but everyone knows what else Comey did in October 2016:
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns"
he had no choice but to do that since when Obama told him to announce that he wouldn't recommend charges against Hillary, he told Congress he would inform them if any new information came to light
which it did when it turned out Hillary friend and extreme pervert Anthony Weiner, under investigation for exposing himself to minors, had tens of thousands of Hillary e-mails on a server the FBI had seized in its investigation of him
you may remember he had announced in August he wouldn't recommend a trial for Hillary even though that's not a call for an FBI director
ordinarily that would be made by the AG
but it couldn't because reporters had found the AG had had a secret meeting with Hillary's husband
you may also remember that shortly before the election, Comey again inappropriately cleared Hillary
"It's not the meetings"
no it isn't but it's important to remember the meetings were proper because that's part of the whole Dem lie: the Trump campaign was working with the Russians
no evidence at all of that
"It's the perjury in front of his fellow Senators"
if he had mistakenly said he had forgot to pick up his dry cleaning, no one would care
it's not really the perjury
"and the cover up"
what cover up?
more nasty lies
Anon has a good point. Just about everybody in the Trump White House lied to cover up normal, everyday things. Yeah, that's probably it.
And also, the previous President met with the ambassador from Russia too, so there. Oh, and Schumer, don't forget the picture of Charles Schumer eating ice cream with Putin fourteen years ago. The rational conclusion from all of this is that Democrats are actually Russian spies.
"Lembant Anon has a good point"
kind of goes without sayin' but these idiots here are usually loathe to admit it
"Just about everybody in the Trump White House lied to cover up normal, everyday things"
whoops, that's not what Lambant Anon said
we haven't heard Sessions explanation although it's only the Franken inquiry that raises a question
the other one was easily understandable
still, no one would be charged with perjury unless there was an attempt to hide a potentially criminal act, for would they be recalled to a new hearing
you may recall that Hillary committed acts that military personnel are usually prosecuted for, on the other hand, but no charges were pressed
"And also, the previous President met with the ambassador from Russia too, so there."
yeah, just like Sessions
he was an elected American official
meeting with people like Sessions and Obama is why the Russian ambassador is here
"Oh, and Schumer, don't forget the picture of Charles Schumer eating ice cream with Putin fourteen years ago. The rational conclusion from all of this is that Democrats are actually Russian spies."
probably not
but it's more rational than saying Trump is
Obama is the closest thing we've had to Nixon since the 70s
he didn't believe in the Constitution or democracy
Hey Amerikanski, that was not ice cream, those were Krispy Kreme donuts. Any real American would have gotten that right. How were we to know, you were with the Russians too?
all the waitresses are
someone send lawyers, guns and money
"we haven't heard Sessions explanation although it's only the Franken inquiry that raises a question"
No, it was Senator Sessions' own perjurious reply to Senator Franken during his confirmation hearing before the Senate as previously cited above:
"Sessions was asked during his confirmation hearings by Sen. Al Franken what he would do if he learned that "anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign," Sessions replied:
"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it.""
Franken did not ask Sessions about his own contact with Russians.
Instead, Sessions offered an unprompted lie about his own contact with Russians during the course of the campaign, saying "I did not have communications with the Russians" of his own volition.
"still, no one would be charged with perjury unless there was an attempt to hide a potentially criminal act, for would they be recalled to a new hearing"
Perjury is a criminal act.
"Sessions offered an unprompted lie about his own contact with Russians"
oh, that could easily be understood, just based on what you excerpted here, to mean contact as a surrogate of the campaign
"Perjury is a criminal act"
sure, Bill Clinton can tell you that
he can also tell you he did it on a very serious matter and got off
"Perjury is a criminal act"
so is illegal immigration, and yet you want to let 12 million perpetrators be US citizens just so they can vote Democraptic
"Perjury is a criminal act"
well, a crime needs intent and the chairman of the committee who held the hearings says he doesn't think Sessions intentionally lied
Obama will investigated for his illegal acts
then incarceration
lock him up
for the protection of society!
then incarceration
lock him up
for the protection of society!"
Let's investigate and lock several hims up.
I suggest we start those in the tangled web of relationships between Team Trump and Russia: Trump, Flynn, Sessions, Kushner, Manafort, Stone, Page, Gordon, Tillerson, etc.
"a crime needs intent and the chairman of the committee who held the hearings says he doesn't think Sessions intentionally lied"
The chairman of the committee, Senator Chuck Grassley, is another member of the Grab Our Pussy party, which is why there will need to be a Special Prosecutor now that Sessions has recused himself "from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States."
"considering his position in the Senate, it would be remarkable if he hadn't met with the Russian ambassador"
If he met with the Russians due to his position as a Senator, why did he use campaign funds to cover his expenses?
"Jeff Sessions Used Political Funds for Republican Convention Expenses
The Trump administration says Attorney General Jeff Sessions was acting as a then-U.S. senator when he talked to Russia’s ambassador at an event during last year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, but Mr. Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records..."
"Let's investigate and lock several hims up.
I suggest we start those in the tangled web of relationships between Team Trump and Russia: Trump, Flynn, Sessions, Kushner, Manafort, Stone, Page, Gordon, Tillerson, etc."
I know it's hard for bunch of losers (literally) to comprehend
but we aren't at war with Russia
there is really not much of a relationship between most of these guys and Russia
but, if they were, that would be great
we need to have a working relationship with countries like Russia
on the other hand, Dems have the back of radical Muslims
those guys are actually at war with us and would like to destroy us
while Russia basically would like to be our partners
internally, they have some bad things happening
but Putin has the support of the people and he hasn't threatened us
and if Trump is secretly in their pocket, he has a funny way of showing it
he's announced an arms buildup they can't possibly match and has reaffirmed our commitment to NATO (that was actually trying to scare them into paying their fair share)
this fantasy case you're trying to build looks worse by the day
"The chairman of the committee, Senator Chuck Grassley, is another member of the Grab Our Pussy party,"
we don't need to hear your fantasies
keep it clean
this a family blog
otherwise I'll report you to Jim, the guy that wants civil conversations here
"which is why there will need to be a Special Prosecutor"
Grassley is perfect for this investigation
you would have to have a special prosecutor if there was a crime to investigate
nothing alleged is illegal
congress can investigate for the purpose of considering whether legislation is needed
they aren't a court of law
"If he met with the Russians due to his position as a Senator, why did he use campaign funds to cover his expenses?"
you people are so pathetically desperate
the mingling with tons of other people at a cocktail reception where Sessions bumped into the ambassador is really some trivial occurrence
it wasn't a meeting at all
the whole thing probably slipped his mind
because, just like all the rest of the stuff discussed here, it wasn't that important
"nothing alleged is illegal"
The WSJ clearly disagrees with you.
They wrote "Mr. Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records"
Perjury is clearly heard on the videotape when Sessions told Franken, " I did not have communications with the Russians."
"The WSJ clearly disagrees with you"
weren't we talking about the Russian allegations?
I read the Journal everyday and their lead editorial yesterday was that Sessions was guilty of only ineptitude for not realizing the Dems are on a "feeding frenzy"
they also mentioned in the editorial that after all this time, there are no salient facts in the Russian controversy
"They wrote "Mr. Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records""
oh, OK, explain this "crime" to me
"Perjury is clearly heard on the videotape when Sessions told Franken, " I did not have communications with the Russians.""
not clear at all
one sentence pulled out of hours-long testimony couldn't ever be
the chairman of the committee will decide is there is some credible evidence of perjury
it's settled
he said there wasn't
btw, I think Franken could still talk Hollywood into a Three Stooges remake
he's perfect for it
just like you'd perfect for a remake of "whatever happened to Baby Jane?"
have fun dreaming of perjury charges
maybe in the 22nd century
I guess that deconstructs the TTF argument
they can take another shot at it in the 22nd century
you know, in the next ice age
what's being deconstructed?
the elite that delude themselves into thinking they are so knowledgeable
but who's knowledge has no practicable effect
read all about it:
Dems pushing the narrative of troubling ties to Russia lose all credibility by wholly ignoring the far deeper and more troubling relationships the Clintons and their closest aides have maintained with Russian government officials for years, including while they were in public office. Unlike the revelations so far concerning Russian ties in the Trump camp, the Clinton deals involved hundreds of millions of dollars and enormous favors that benefitted Russian interests.
Bill and Hillary Clinton received large sums of money directly and indirectly from Russian officials while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Bill Clinton was paid a cool $500,000 (well above his normal fee) for a speech in Moscow in 2010. Who footed the bill? An investment firm in Moscow called Renaissance Capital, which boasts deep ties to Russian intelligence. The Clinton Foundation itself took money from Russian officials and Putin-connected oligarchs. They also took donations from:
•Viktor Vekselberg, a Putin confidant who gave through his company, Renova Group
• Andrey Vavilov, a former Russian government official who was Chairman of SuperOx, a research company that was part of the “nuclear Cluster” at the Russian government’s Skolkovo research facility
• Elena Baturina, the wife of the former Mayor of Moscow, who apparently gave them money through JSC Inteco, an entity that she controls
Then there is the glaring fact that the Clinton Foundation also scored $145 million in donations from nine shareholders in a Canadian uranium company called Uranium One that was sold to the Russian government in 2010. The deal required the approval of several federal government agencies, including Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The deal allowed Rosatom, the Russian State Nuclear Agency, to buy assets that amounted to 20 percent of American uranium. Rosatom, by the way controls the Russian nuclear arsenal.
Equally troubling: some of those donations were hidden and not disclosed by the Clintons. President Obama required the Clinton Foundation to disclose all contributions as a condition of Hillary Clinton becoming Secretary of State. But that did not happen. The only reason the hidden donations ever came to light is because we uncovered them by combing through Canadian tax records.
Everyone got what they wanted in this deal: the uranium investors made a nice profit; the Russians acquired a strategic asset; and the Clinton Foundation bagged a lot of money.
Hillary Clinton says she was not involved in the decision to approve the sale of Uranium One. As proof, the Clinton campaign in 2015 trotted out her former aide, Assistant Secretary of State Fernandez, to say publicly that we should take his word for it that she was not involved in approving that deal. But as we now know from the leaked Podesta emails, Fernandez was all too eager to help Podesta kill the story, while getting other favors from Podesta. That raises questions about the veracity of his comments.
It seems strange that while some in Congress are eager to investigate the activities of General Mike Flynn and his contacts with Russia, they have no interest in looking into a transaction in which the Clinton Foundation received a staggering $145 million. It’s that kind of inconsistency that saps all credibility from those raising these issues.
Beyond the Clintons themselves, there is also the troubling case of one of their closest aides, John Podesta. He served as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman. Podesta didn’t just have conversations with Russian officials. He went into business with the Russian government while he was advising Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
In 2011, John Podesta joined the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited. Two months after he joined the board, the Russian government invested one billion rubles (approximately $35 million) into the company. The money came from a Russian government investment fund called Rusnano. What is Rusnano? It is a fund started in 2007 by Vladimir Putin and has been described by Russian Education and Science Minister Andrei Fursenko as “Putin’s Child.”
According to State Department cables leaked via Wikileaks, technology venture funds like Rusnano were considered a national security concern by U.S. officials because they could serve a “dual use” in their investments. That is, their investments in civilian technologies could have a military application.
In short, John Podesta was business partners with the Russian government and Vladimir Putin. When John Podesta went to the White House in January 2014 to serve as counselor to President Obama, he failed to disclose his board membership in one of the Joule entities on his financial disclosure form. According to the Podesta emails, Podesta transferred his 75,000 shares in the company to an LLC controlled by his family. But as the Wall Street Journal notes, the Podesta emails reveal he remained actively engaged in company business after that fact.
None of the individuals in Trump’s orbit who have Russian ties—Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and General Mike Flynn—are serving in the Trump White House. Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, John Podesta would certainly have played a central role. Would the same people who are currently sounding the alarm bells about Russian influence in American politics have cared? I doubt it.
And how do you know these things, Anon? Let me tell you. You know because it wasn't a big secret that they lied to Congress about. It is okay to know Russians. Russia is a big powerful country, a big market and a powerful force in the world. The people you are talking about have connections all over the world. Nobody is complaining that Trump and his crew knew some Russians.
And btw, really -- Hillary? You are still talking about Hillary Clinton?
The problem is that Trump and his associates lied to the public and to official investigators about their connections to Russia. At this point it seems credible that the President of the United States is being blackmailed or otherwise is an agent of a foreign government.
Also note that, though of course the Democrats are shocked like every thinking person, there is nothing much they can do but sit on the sidelines eating popcorn. Of course they complain but they have no power in the federal government. Republicans chair the committees and are going to have to show that they have some ethical sense, if they do, by investigating and removing spies and foreign agents from the White House. You can't blame the Democrats for this any more than it makes sense to talk about a former candidate named Hillary Clinton who is now a private citizen.
Well, there you have it folks, the musings of one who chooses life inside the bubble spending a lonely Saturday evening alone at the Vigilance blog.
Hopefully you stayed up late enough to get a few laughs at the elite yet delusional orange cheetos' expense:
Weekend Update on Donald Trump's Wiretapping Accusation - SNL
Are you kidding?
More FOX opinion crap?
Yeah, you don't follow FOX and you're not a Trump supporter, you just post FOX opinions and think like Trump.
The appearance earlier this week of Teleprompter Trump didn't raise his approval rating any (Trump remains at 43% Approval rating since he gave his speech on 2/28/17).
It takes a bit more than beating opponents to be an actual President of the United States of America American's can be proud of, a bit more than Trump possesses and all the money in the world can't buy it for him.
Donald Trump campaign adviser suggests he had a back channel to WikiLeaks
He denies he knew WikiLeaks were going to publish emails stolen from Clinton campaign and calls FBI investigation a 'witch hunt'
"A former adviser to Donald Trump's presidential campaign has suggested the billionaire had a back channel to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the election.
Roger Stone, who reportedly remains "a confidant to Trump" following the campaign, said he had a "perfectly legal" way of communicating with Mr Assange, whose organisation released thousands of hacked emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta.
One of a series of profanity-filled tweets Mr Stone sent during an argument on Twitter said: "you stupid stupid b***h - never denied perfectly legal back channel to Assange who indeed had the goods on #CrookedHillary [sic]"
In another tweet to the same person, he said: "bring it! Would enjoy crush u in court and forcing you to eat s**t - you stupid ignorant ugly b***h ! [sic]"
Mr Stone has called the FBI's investigation into whether there was improper contact between the Trump campaign and Russian officials a "witch hunt."
He suggested the FBI was monitoring his communications and told CBS News: “Sure they’ll get my grocery lists, they may get the emails between my wife and I, but here’s what they won’t get — any contact with the Russians."
He denied any connection to Russia and refuted allegations he knew WikiLeaks were going to publish emails stolen from Mr Podesta, adding: "It's a witch hunt. I know it is."
Two months before WikiLeaks began publishing new emails from Mr Podesta everyday, Mr Stone tweeted: "Trust me, it will soon the Podesta's time in the barrel. #CrookedHillary"
US intelligence officials concluded "with high confidence" Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the hacks of the Democratic National committee to help Mr Trump win the election.
It is not the first time Mr Stone has admitted to having "back channel communication" with Mr Assange.
Last year, he told CBS4 News: "I do have back-channel communication with Assange, because we have a good mutual friend.
"That friend travels back and forth from the United States to London and we talk. I had dinner with him last Monday."
However, he denied he had met or spoke to Mr Assange.
At the time, the Clinton campaign released a statement to say: “It is disturbing that Roger Stone, a longtime Donald Trump confidante, has confirmed the fact that he has “back-channel communications” with Wikileaks, an organisation that is working with the Russian government to affect the American presidential election.”"
have fun dreaming of perjury charges
maybe in the 22nd century
MARCH 04, 2017 4:57 PM
Anonymous i am a rock, i am an iiiiiceberg said...
I guess that deconstructs the TTF argument
they can take another shot at it in the 22nd century
you know, in the next ice age
March 04, 2017 6:08 PM"
What's the matter hahahaha?
Why aren't you laughing today?
You Trump supporters sure are quiet all of a sudden.
Has the pussy cat got your tongue?
Well you know what they say - Silence is golden.
The ultimate guide to Donald Trump’s Russia connections
not really a Trump supporter myself
did something happen that upset Trump supporters?
seems like they're doing fine to me
you seem to want some comments on the posts
I'll see if I can get to them at some point later
of course, i'll have to read them first
wait for it...
Look what you missed:
Well you know what they say - Silence is golden.
something you missed
head of National Intelligence under Obama appeared on Meet the Press and said there is absolutely no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia
so, why was the Trump campaign wiretapped?
Why is a Trump supporter like you spreading the pussy grabber's very own fake news?
FBI Director James Comey Asked DOJ To Refute Trump’s Wiretapping Claim
He said the president’s allegation was false.
not a Trump supporter - at least not a political supporter
I would agree with him in his dispute with the media and the establishment of career government employees, who are out to bring down the guy who is going to cut back on their budgets
you continue to use a vile term which makes you a piece of trash
a reporter says Comey said it was false?
let us know when he's willing to publicly go on record
it's interesting that every media story says Trump has no evidence while the same is true of the stories of collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign but media never points that out
there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians
Clapper confirmed that yesterday
why is the media not mentioning that?
we're in a crisis because two long-time power centers - the media and the bureaucracy - are at war with the voters of America over who this country belongs to
"Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey on Sunday said that President Trump is likely correct that there was surveillance on Trump Tower for intelligence purposes.
“I think he’s right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general — at the Justice Department,” Mukasey told ABC’s “This Week.”"
you know, the attorney general who met Bill Clinton in secret right before the decision on whether Hillary should be indicted was made
and then she told the FBI director to do her job
yeah, that one
her and Obama were as tight as Donald and Ivanka
funny how everyone's focus is not on whether it happened
but whether Obama personally ordered it
this gets more Nixonian by the day
"you continue to use a vile term which makes you a piece of trash"
And you continue to support the actual piece of trash whose language I use here sometimes.
If Trump is correct and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones then Trump must have committed a very serious crime, maybe even treason.
Why? Because NO president can order a wiretap on his own, not even yours. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap.
Obviously this was not a very well thought out conspiracy theory on the Groper-In-Chief's part as it taints himself badly.
The twittiot intended this conspiracy theory to divert attention from his campaign's many meetings and own deals with the Russians and to undermine the credibility of US intelligence agencies.
This is as far from making America great as possible.
Clapper said “There was no evidence of that included in our report. We had no evidence of such collusion.” Past tense, talking about a report from January.
"And you continue to support the actual piece of trash whose language I use here sometimes"
uh, I don't support him, as I've said and you continue to lie about
Trump made use of the term is private, which most males have probably done
he apologized, said he wasn't proud of it, and has still not done so publicly
as opposed to trash like you who revel in repeating it
liar and trash
your family must be so proud
"If Trump is correct and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones then Trump must have committed a very serious crime, maybe even treason"
either that, or Obama was abusing the powers of his office for political purposes
remember, his director of intelligence says that there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia
"Why? Because NO president can order a wiretap on his own, not even yours. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap."
they were turned down once, when they focused on Trump, and went to plan B: saying they needed to monitor Trump's neighbors
oops, maybe mistakenly they'd pick up Trump too
these things happen (wink-wink)
remember, all these leaks must have a source
"The November election winner intended this conspiracy theory to divert attention from his campaign's many meetings and own deals with the Russians"
there's no evidence of "deals" or even "many meetings"
the meetings were normal, and there weren't "many"
"and to undermine the credibility of US intelligence agencies"
all 17?
talk about government inefficiency
"Clapper said “There was no evidence of that included in our report. We had no evidence of such collusion.” Past tense, talking about a report from January"
it was before January when Obama would have had to justify his wiretap of Trump
there was no justification
in 2012, Obama stopped the formation of organizations that would have worked against his election by using the IRS
in 2016, it was this
guess what's going down in flames?
that's right!
the gay agenda
"remember, all these leaks must have a source"
You bet they must have a source.
Ask Trump campaign advisor Rudy, who told Fox News "I know that from former agents. I know that even from a few active agents."
Or ask Trump campaign advisor Roger Stone who told CBS4 News: "I do have back-channel communication with Assange, because we have a good mutual friend.
"That friend travels back and forth from the United States to London and we talk. I had dinner with him last Monday."
when someone leaks a private phone conversation, that means someone taped it
there needs to be a purge of everyone hired by Obama
It's a new week and President Incompetent is trying for yet another new "reset."
"Trump enters week seven of his presidency the same as the six before it: enmeshed in controversy while struggling to make good on his campaign promises. At a time when White House staffers had sought to ride the momentum from Trump’s speech to Congress and begin advancing its agenda on Capitol Hill, the administration finds itself beset yet again by disorder and suspicion.
At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements."
Especially vexing to him "is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.
Trump’s team is trying again to reboot this week"
"there needs to be a purge of everyone hired by Obama"
Thanks for yet another laugh but I sincerely doubt Rudy's "active" and "former" FBI agent leakers were hired by Obama!
oh, he has an accomplishment virtually every day
today, his rescission of the transgender crap from Obama caused the SCOTUS to send the case back to a lower court to reconsider
if it ever comes back, we'll have justice Gorsuch up and running
nice to hear you can still laugh
what did you do?
look in the mirror?
key members of Congress said today they will investigate the Obamaites' tap of Trump Tower
say what you will, Trump plays good defense
for months the story the media-liberal-entertainment complex has been trying to imply is that Russia hacked the election, the Trump campaign colluded - and it must be true because the FBI, the Justice Dept, et al were feverishly investigating it
now, with a couple of tweets, he has them all denying the whole story
wow, you can't overstate the brilliance of the move
and to put the cherry on America's cake:
the SCOTUS has sent back a transgender bathroom case and said the lower court must reconsider within the parameters of Trump's guidelines
a whole agenda just crashed to the ground
oh well, there's always the 22nd century
What do we know about the allegation at the heart of the matter: Did Trump, his campaign aides or his associates collude with Russians to influence the 2016 campaign?
The answer is, we know nothing. After all the investigating, after all the talk, after all the yelling — the public knows nothing. There may be people at the highest levels of U.S. government secrecy who know the answer, but even that is not clear at the moment.
The most definitive statement of the current situation came Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted that he does not know of any evidence that proves collusion, or even points toward collusion.
"Does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials?" NBC's Chuck Todd asked Clapper.
"We did not include any evidence in our report … that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians," Clapper answered. "There was no evidence of that included in our report."
"I understand that, but does it exist?" Todd asked.
"Not to my knowledge," Clapper said.
"If it existed, it would have been in the report?" Todd asked.
"This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government," Clapper responded. "But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion."
those TTFers
they have such a great sense of humor
they're probably as loud as the rest of us
Yeah, you got us, anon. We would laugh but we really feel stupid.
You were right all along.
well, I may have been right all along but you guys were left all along
OK, I accept your gracious concession
try and be civil from here on out
Grassley investigating British spy that Obama's FBI paid to dig up dirt on Trump
Here Are The Official Photos Showing Trump’s Inauguration Crowds Were Smaller Than Obama’s
Trump has accused the media of manipulating photographs in order to show the size of the crowd at his inauguration was much smaller than Obama’s. Photos released Monday by the National Park Service show otherwise.
Q28. Which comes closer to your view of the investigation into contacts between Russians and Trump campaign associates – [ROTATED: an independent special prosecutor should be appointed to handle the investigation, (or) Congress is capable of handling the investigation itself]? (ASKED MARCH 2-4. RESULTS BASED ON 715 INTERVIEWS. SAMPLING ERROR: +/- 3.5 PERCENTAGE POINTS.)
March 1-4 2017
Independent special prosecutor should be appointed 65%
Congress is capable of handling 32%
No opinion 3%
"Which comes closer to your view of the investigation into contacts between Russians and Trump campaign associates – [ROTATED: an independent special prosecutor should be appointed to handle the investigation, (or) Congress is capable of handling the investigation itself]? (ASKED MARCH 2-4. RESULTS BASED ON 715 INTERVIEWS. SAMPLING ERROR: +/- 3.5 PERCENTAGE POINTS.)
March 1-4 2017
Independent special prosecutor should be appointed 65%
Congress is capable of handling 32%
No opinion 3%"
how would they know any different?
the media has mislead them
Clapper, Obama's director of national intelligence, stated flatly on Meet the Press Sunday: there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia
amazing revelation after all this hubbub and no mention in the media
should have been a headline
assuming the papers are there to tell the truth
the Post and NY Times stories: Trump has no evidence that Obama personally ordered him wire tapped
"Here Are The Official Photos Showing Trump’s Inauguration Crowds Were Smaller Than Obama’s
Trump has accused the media of manipulating photographs in order to show the size of the crowd at his inauguration was much smaller than Obama’s. Photos released Monday by the National Park Service show otherwise."
we're having a crisis of government with the bureaucracy and media lying and at war with the voters over who owns this country
and you're still arguing about the how big the inauguration crowd is?
of course you are
your other lies aren't looking too good right now
an investigation into Russia hacking Hillary may turn up the 30 thousand e-mails she deleted
Obama spied on journalists, congressmen, and, probably, Trump too
he couldn't help it
he was born that way
Hey Wyatt, your tin-foil hat has obviously fallen off and satellite signals from major league baseball are affecting your brain.
You need to put your tin-foil hat back on so you stop believing laughable ideas like Obama personally ordered a wire tap of the Trump campaign.
Wyatt/bad anonymous is getting as unhinged as Trump.
Reasearch showsnations with higher average intelligence are more liberal, monogamous, less religious, and have lower income inequality.
And as I've previously posted here, research also shows less religious societies have less societal dysfunction.
Research shows gayness correlated with higher intelligence
Donald Trump Falsely Blames Barack Obama For Releasing Guantanamo Detainees
"... Continuing his habit of early-morning (Trump Dump) tweets while watching cable news, Trump, apparently responding to a Fox News segment, blamed Obama for freeing “122 vicious prisoners” from the U.S. military detention facility who went on to engage in terrorism.
Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!
7:04 AM - 7 Mar 2017
Unlike Trump, the Fox News segment did not attribute that number to his predecessor, only reporting that a former detainee killed in a U.S. airstrike on Yemen this month was released by Obama in 2009, the Pentagon announced Monday.
Experts including Miami Herald journalist Carol Rosenberg, who has reported on Guantanamo for years, immediately debunked the tweet, noting that it was actually Bush who released nearly all of the 122 detainees. Obama released only nine of them, according to September U.S. intelligence reports.
Carol Rosenberg ✔@carolrosenberg
Wrong POTUS, @realDonaldTrump. Your intel agencies report shows Bush released 113 of the 122 re-engagers from Gitmo.
7:15 AM - 7 Mar 2017
Kenneth Roth ✔@KenRoth
Wrong! 113 were released by Bush, only 9 by Obama, according to US Director of Naitonal Intelligence. … …
7:25 AM - 7 Mar 2017..."
I seem to recall that Obama wanted to let them all go
was that just fake news?
did he really want Gitmo open to safely keep suspected terrorists away from the US population?
tell us the whole story
How nice of you to show your support for President Incompetent Liar.
The whole story is that the pussy grabber once again lied.
He tweeted this lie: "122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield."
The truth is 113 were released by the Bush Administration and only 9 were released by Obama.
gee, I just asked what you were talking about and your response is vile and angry epithets
so how many total prisoners did Obama release in total?
and you're saying Obama, of the total, only nine released prisoners were vicious killers who later engaged in terrorism, right?
to me that sounds like a lot
how could Obama be so stupid?
or was he secretly a radical Islam supporter?
was he afraid if he said "radical Islam" that the Great Pumpkin wouldn't visit his pumpkin patch?
just start slowly and explain to us how Obama didn't release that many terrorists...
only nine
I think Trump may have tricked you guys again
"and you're saying Obama, of the total, only nine released prisoners were vicious killers who later engaged in terrorism, right?"
Only 9 of the prisoners Obama released from Guantanamo "reengaged" however 113 of the prisoners Bush released from Guantanamo reengaged.
That's 5.6% of Obama's releasees vs. 17.6% of Bush's.
I'm not saying it. I am relaying what the Director of National Intelligence reported in their Summary of the Reengagement of Detainees Formerly Held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Link clicking phobics version:
"Detainees Transferred:
693 Total
532 Pre-22 January 2009
161 Post-22 January 2009
Confirmed of Reengaging:
122 of 693 (17.5%) Total
113 of 532 (21.2%) Pre-22 January 2009
9 of 161 (5.6%) Post-22 January 2009"
Trump didn't trick anybody except you.
All 100 US senators call on Trump admin to take action against JCC bomb threats
Anti-Defamation League Offices, Jewish Community Centers Targeted In New Round Of Bomb Threats
March 7, 2017 3:18 PM
"Only 9 of the prisoners Obama released from Guantanamo "reengaged""
dude, you've got a screw loose
"I'm not saying it. I am relaying what the Director of National Intelligence"
what? are you saying he's lying?
he keeps coming up. on Sunday, he cleared Trump of all collusions with Russia charges
"Detainees Transferred:
161 Post-22 January 2009
Confirmed of Reengaging:
9 of 161 (5.6%) Post-22 January 2009"
that's horrible
you bragging about this?
"Trump didn't trick anybody except you."
he tricked you and the director into admitting Obama released none terrorists
"All 100 US senators call on Trump admin to take action against JCC bomb threats"
what do they want him to do?
he can't arrest all leftist journalists
although, they've already made a arrest involving a number of these threats
sounds like the Feds are on it
"Only 9 of the prisoners Obama released from Guantanamo "reengaged""
there you have it, folks
the topsy-turvy world of TTF
where they brag about letting terrorists go free
"Detainees Transferred:
161 Post-22 January 2009
Confirmed of Reengaging:
9 of 161 (5.6%) Post-22 January 2009"
no wonder we have such terrorism problems
Obama puts 'em up in tropical digs with three square meals a day to chillax and get tanned and rested
AND THEN LET'S 'EM GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
History will describe Guantanamo as an atrocity and I for one am glad that Obama made a commitment to clean it up.
After years of solitary, torture, and confinement, yeah, some of them were pissed off. If Americans had been treated like that and then retaliated against the criminals who had tortured them, you would call it heroism. So STFU anon.
"History will describe Guantanamo as an atrocity"
oh yeah, history'll be all over this one
the Carribbean atrocity
rum runners and torture
"and I for one am glad that Obama made a commitment to clean it up"
doublin' down!
like your style
he bragged about lettin' terrorists go, and he meant every word!
"After years of solitary, torture, and confinement, yeah, some of them were pissed off"
yeah, they were ticked off that we have such nice tropical locales in the cool hemisphere
"If Americans had been treated like that and then retaliated against the criminals who had tortured them, you would call it heroism"
so, you brag about Obama lettin' terrorists go
"So STFU anon"
why sure, whatever you say..
I'm gonna just .... STFU
"Only 9 of the prisoners Obama released from Guantanamo "reengaged""
what could that statement possibly mean?
"So STFU anon"
looks like someone's having a bad hair day!
good morning, TTF!
while the media obsesses over who has ever talked to a Russian at a cocktail party, Wall Street booms and cheers as Trump moves to make America a place to locate your business
it's the economy, stupid
"he tricked you and the director into admitting Obama released none terrorists"
"looks like someone's having a bad hair day!"
He has "a bad hair day" every day.
poor TTF
well, glad to see they're still reading it all
I see Russia is no longer being talked about
the latest is the media is saying Trump met with the Russians because at some campaign event the Russian ambassador attended and shook Trump's hand
have you had enough?
or are you thirsty for more?
Remember the old joke about the definition of a paranoid -- someone who knows all the facts?
Well, we're all paranoids now because -- since Tuesday's, unprecedented in size and scope, Wikileaks document dump of massive cyber spying by the CIA -- everything we ever thought in our wildest imaginations is true... and then some.
The question about whether President Trump was tapped has been reduced to a joke. The real questions are how often and from how many places. The answer would probably shock us, if we were ever to learn the truth. (And did President Obama know what they were doing? Either that or the CIA, FBI or NSA wasn't telling him. You decide.)
"I see Russia is no longer being talked about"
Oh I'm sure they've dropped the toxic topic of Russian influence in the 2016 US Presidential election over at those right wing rags you read -- FOX News, Breitbart, Washington Moonie Times, etc.
I guess you missed Rod Rosenstein's confirmation hearing yesterday.
"...Rod Rosenstein, if appointed as deputy attorney general, could soon become the ultimate decider on the most politically sensitive subject in Washington.
His confirmation hearing on Tuesday turned into a proxy war over the Trump administration's ties to Russia.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from any investigation into the election and Russian officials, leaving the tough questions for his deputy.
Rosenstein's three-hour hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee focused less on his record as a 27-year Justice Department veteran and more on his superiors.
"How can you investigate your boss?" asked Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, pointing out that the attorney general could end up a witness in any investigation involving Russia.
Blumenthal and other Democrats say there's only one way to guarantee public confidence in the Russia investigation — by naming an independent prosecutor to lead it.
Rosenstein, who has a long history in cases involving public corruption and national security, refused to make that commitment. He said he doesn't have all the facts.
"Senator, I don't know the details of what — if any — investigation is ongoing, but I can certainly assure you that if it's America against Russia, or America against any other country, I think everyone in this room knows which side I'm on," Rosenstein said...
Of course, no one's sure about where loyalties lie with every member of Team Trump, especially with Donnie Boy himself idolizing Putin, the bully, the way he does.
Dems got themselves so worked up about Russia, they overlooked one big thing
the fact that they could come up with this stuff means they were conducting illegal surveillance of their opponent
just like Nixon
someone's going to jail
and they're looking for a fall guy
howzabout Loretta Lynch?
"Tuesday's, unprecedented in size and scope, Wikileaks document dump of massive cyber spying by the CIA"
Trump, who just last October said "Wikileaks, I love Wikileaks" likely doesn't love Wikileaks so much now that it's his CIA they are hacking into.
But I'm sure the Pussy Grabber Donnie Boy's Russian Comrades love it!
"the fact that they could come up with this stuff means they were conducting illegal surveillance of their opponent"
Wow, that is the same old lying spin yet again and still wrong as always.
There was no surveillance of anyone's "opponent" in the 2016 US Presidential election by Americans.
Russia however, hacked the DNC and Assange's Wikileaks gladly published those Russian hacks.
Those were the Wikileaks Donnie Boy loved a few months ago.
Jim reported in the post above that Ms. Mensch, who wrote the HeatStreet article so badly misrepresented by the Brietbart article Trump read that caused him to make an utter fool of himself publicly yet again, told us:
"FOX: Well original sourcing and reporting on this you mentioned came from you, from the BBC, and the Guardian all say they've got sources as to these FISA warrants, or FISA warrant, singular. Now the former DNI Director James Clapper appeared on the Sunday shows yesterday. He says if it existed, he would know about it and he categorically denied it. What do you make of that?
Mensch: Well I don't know that he categorically denied what I reported which was a FISA warrant on communications between two Russian banks. He was being asked about the President's accusation that President Obama had targeted a warrant politically at him or at Team Trump and at Trump Tower. There's no such FISA warrant and it would be impossible to get one and indeed, I faithfully reported that the couple of times that Director Comey apparently went to the court and asked for a warrant that named Mr. Trump, he was turned down flat. So I think you heard DNI Clapper, former DNI Clapper denying that there was a politically motivated, targeted FISA warrant at Donald Trump. And I haven't reported that to my knowledge nor has anyone else.
FOX: Yeah, my remembrance of his discussion was that he was asked if there was such an order.
Mensch: Yes.
FOX: So but is it possible that the DNI wouldn't know about it?
Mensch: Um I don't know because I don't, honestly, I don... I try not to bluff when I don't know things.
FOX: Good for journalists, we should stick with what we know
Mensch: I believe he has, but such an order, does that mean no FISA warrant of any kind, which I think would be really hard for a DNI to deny or confirm. I think that would be kind of illegal even. But I think what he was saying is there's no order of a politically targeted FISA court warrant that was aiming directly at Trump Tower and the political campaign."
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I seem to recall that Obama wanted to let them all go".
What you "recall" and reality are very rarely remotely related.
Obama wanted to bring the prisoners to the U.S. for trial and close Guantanimo, not let them go - you know, follow the rule of law and all that stuff you Republicans hate so much.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I see Russia is no longer being talked about".
LOL, that news has not and will not go away. Trump can say stupid things and distract from it a bit for a short period of time but its going to continue to hurt him and possibly bring down his presidency.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Dems got themselves so worked up about Russia, they overlooked one big thing the fact that they could come up with this stuff means they were conducting illegal surveillance of their opponent".
Nonsense. Flynn's collaborating with the Russians came to light due to normal surveillance of Russian operatives, there was nothing illegal about it. Same with all the other contacts between the Trump campaign/administration, it was normal surveillance of Russian intelligence personnel that uncovered the Trump/Russia connections.
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