Sunday, March 26, 2017

Rape at RHS

By now you know that there was a violent rape last week in the high school a few blocks from where I live, and you know at least one of the rapists was an "illegal immigrant," which is a loaded term used for undocumented foreign residents. It is not clear what the status of the other one is, but both have been in the country less than a year.

The Post has written about the response to the incident:
One caller threatened to burn down Rockville High School. Another vowed to show up to “shoot the illegals.” Hundreds more have weighed in with emails, calls or tweets bashing immigrant students, assailing school policies, demanding the ouster of the superintendent.

The anger and vitriol that flooded a suburban Maryland school system have not let up in the days since a 14-year-old girl was allegedly raped by two classmates who are undocumented immigrants, fueling the contentious national immigration debate. Threats and safety concerns follow Rockville High rape case
Photographs of the police report were circulated online, which I presume is not a fake though it could be -- I found it on the Twitter site @nia_4trump, charmingly titled "Nia RussianBot" -- and the rape as reported was indeed violent.

My kid went to that school, and he and his friends really can't imagine it -- they describe Rockville as being very safe. I remember back-to-school nights, and there were always a lot of Spanish-speaking parents there, they wanted to learn how to support their children's education in their new country; the school was recently rebuilt, it is a big, clean place, well organized and well run.

Montgomery County Police issue an annual report on crime; the latest year covered is 2015. You can read that report HERE. To put the Rockville High School rape in perspective, in 2015 the MoCo Popo received reports of 278 rapes, using a new FBI definition: "penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim." The number jumped from the year before because they changed the definition. There was also a category "sex offense - sex assault," with another 138 incidents reported.

That's about four hundred reported sexual assaults in a population of approximately a million people every year. Every one of those events was traumatic to some person -- a majority or rapes and sexual assaults are never reported, so this obviously underestimates the actual problem. The point, by the way, is not to trivialize or attempt to "justify" any particular incident.

But it leads to a question: assuming there are 400 reported rapes a year in Montgomery County, what is your opinion about the other 399 of them? There were hundreds of "emails, calls, and tweets bashing immigrant students" regarding this one -- where is the outrage when American citizens rape women in our county?

These are not people who are committed to opposing rape -- which, by the way, is a great cause and a very difficult problem to solve.

For these angry people the issue is that the perpetrators are foreign.

I wonder how many of those people tweeting and calling and sending angry emails have ever been to another country. It is a humbling experience to try to buy something when you don't know what it's called, or to try to figure out what to eat when you have no idea what the stuff on the menu is. And paying for something, you look at some strange bills and coins in your hand as the locals become impatient. When you travel you realize it's a big world out there and there are lots of ways for people to be, and our way is just one of them.

It is impossible for us to imagine growing up in a Central American country that is a theater for international violence, with murderous gangs supported and armed by one government or another as the world tries to maintain strategic advantage in the region -- you can't imagine that, random murder, random violence, arbitrary authority. When we use the word "immigrant" we are talking about someone who has decided to leave a culture they know, who has moved to a place where they have to look at the bills, the coins, and learn a new language, a new way to cross the street. Mainly these are people who left a dangerous place to establish a hopeful new life in America.

Our American immigrants cannot be typified as criminals. In fact, a few months ago the New York Times had an interesting story that said:
But several studies, over many years, have concluded that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States. And experts say the available evidence does not support the idea that undocumented immigrants commit a disproportionate share of crime. Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes
The first of those links, a paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, theorizes that "the process of migration selects individuals who either have lower criminal propensities or are more responsive to deterrent effects than the average native." The fact is, immigrants commit fewer crimes per person than native-born American citizens. By far.

Somebody that would rape a woman or girl is a bad hombre, no matter where he's from. It isn't something that happens accidentally, it doesn't come from a lack of judgment; one person decides to overpower another and violate their body in a humiliating and personally devastating way. This is what jails are for, someone who does this should be "taken off the streets." I see that the guy is saying he didn't do it, and okay, that's cool, this is America; bring your evidence, the state will bring theirs, and a jury of ordinary people will decide. I don't think the prison system works very well but there is one argument for it, and that is that some bad people need to be removed from public society because they are a danger to innocent people.

I would love to see a real movement spring up to end rape. Not something to blame people, not something that urges women to dress modestly and hide indoors at night, more than punishment after the fact, a movement that gets to the bottom of the kind of culture that results in thousands of rapes every year. And actually there is no chance of this happening, no chance that the United States is going to dig out the roots of rape when we have a President who brags about molesting women and presents himself in every way as the poster child for rape culture. Rape is a serious problem that requires hard analysis and strategic planning, and we are not very far along in taking it seriously.

It is human nature to prefer your own group. We are more comfortable around people who are similar to us, who share our way of talking, our sense of what's funny, what's interesting -- that's just how people are. And in a state of war people almost certainly demonize and dehumanize their enemy, "they" are at war with "us," and we support "us," so "they" are stupid, ugly, immoral, wrong. Doesn't matter which side you're on, both sides of any war do that.

It is pathological to demonize and dehumanize people just because they are different from you. Mature human beings should have the sense of self and the objectivity to recognize that the world is a big place and there are all kinds of people in it. There can be "us" and "them" without "them" being despicable in every way. This blog has been here now for more than twelve years, and if there is a single theme through it all, it is stated in this paragraph.

To be clear, the issue at RHS is rape, it is not immigration. A crime was committed, suspects were apprehended, and the criminal justice system is on the case. The people who are protesting, sending nasty emails, when Sean Spicer and Fox News talk about this case, they are not sympathizing with the young lady who was violently attacked. They are focusing on this case because an undocumented foreigner committed it. And the issue is not that undocumented foreigners are dangerous, or that they commit more crimes than "us" native-born citizens, because they don't; the issue is that foreigners are different from "us." The reaction to the Rockville rape is not rational, it is racist. People are seizing on this tragedy to reinforce a stereotype that is not accurate.


Blogger Priya Lynn said...

This is why a number of the Tea Baggers (aka "Freedom Caucus) in the house gave Trump a hearty FU:

When the balky hardliners of the house freedom Caucus visited the White House earlier this week, this was Steve Bannon's opening line, according to the people in the conference room:

"Guys, look. This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill".

Bannon's point was: This is the Republican platform. You're the conservative wing of the Republican party. But people in the room were put off by the dictatorial mindset. One of the members replied: "you know the last time someone ordered me to do something, I was 18 years old. And it was my daddy. And I didn't listen to him either".

It was a hard lesson for Bannon - persuading members of congress is completely different from running a web site.

In other reports complaints Bannon and the WH lobbying team kept insisting they (the House Reps) had to "take one for the team."

Meanwhile, for reasons unknown, the party leadership was ignoring their (political) left flank and didn't even notice how as they kept making AHCA more and more evil, for every one Tea Bagger vote they got or were close to getting, they were losing 2-3 of the moderate GOPers. Rumors were the bill would've lost by 60 votes or more.

The meetings Donald attended were no better. The House Reps attending could tell the president had absolutely no idea what was in the bill -- he just wanted it passed, no matter the damage or cost to the American people, so he could have a 'win' to brag about. As they spoke to him for particular 'asks' for the bill, he'd promise anything the person speaking to him was asking for, even if it contradicted what others had asked, meaning the House Republicans knew they were being lied to, and that Donald was trying to do them what he did to the American voters: Promise the moon, but deliver nothing.

That's one of the more interesting (and scary) things to come out of this debacle: Republicans who met with him and are speaking off the record to the press are saying that Trump truly had little idea what was in the bill. He just wanted a victory. Even the Republicans in Congress are realizing it's impossible to make any kind of deal with a man whose word is worthless and every promise a complete lie.

March 26, 2017 1:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

White House aides and former Trump transition officials are now purging their phones because they expect to be subpoenaed in one of the many Trump/Russia investigations going on

What's that the conservatives always like to say?: "If you've got nothing to hide you've got no reason to worry about the authorities looking at your conversations."

Lock them up!

Lock them up!

Lock them up!

Lock them up!

March 26, 2017 1:50 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

they are breaking the law because they have been told to preserve those records because of the investigations.

March 26, 2017 1:52 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "Who thinks failing miserably and hoping a program blows up is "delivering the goods."


Not only do they hope Obamacare blows up, Republicans are taking every step the can to sabotage it so that it does blow up. They've blocked the part of the Affordable Care Act that provides insurers with security so that they won't suffer big losses thus discouraging insurers from participating in Obamacare, they repealed the individual mandate that insures healthier people sign up so that the risk pool is worse and premiums are higher, they blocked the medicaid expansion in many states which weakens the Affordable Care Act and raises the cost of individual premiums, they blocked advertising informing people the sign up period is in effect thus reducing the number of new sign ups and again weakening Obamacare and increasing premiums.

And yet, despite Republican moves to date to weaken Obamacare and raise the cost of premiums the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the program is in no danger of failing - much to the chagrin of Republicans seeking to destroy it and thus harm millions of Americans and kill tens of thousands of them.

Make no mistake about it, The Affordable Care Act would never explode if left as Obama made it, if it does it will be entirely due to Republican sabotage. Republicans own it if Obamacare explodes.

March 26, 2017 1:53 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

White House aides and former Trump transition officials are now purging their phones because they expect to be subpoenaed in one of the many Trump/Russia investigations going on

Gee, didn’t we hear from Trump and his people how horrible it was to erase records, like Hillary Clinton’s emails? That was pretty much the whole basis of those “lock her up” chants they all loved so much. Funny how things change, isn’t it?

When Hillary deleted her emails it wasn't due to the imminent threat of being investigated, it was just normal day to day routine. She wasn't legally required to and instructed to retain them due to an investigation involving them unlike the situation with Trump's people.

March 26, 2017 1:55 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Remember when former CIA Director James Woolsey was an adviser to Trump during the campaign and a member of the transition team? He suddenly quit the team after a brief stint and now he tells a story to the Wall Street Journal with all kinds of dark implications for Trump and Michael Flynn.

March 26, 2017 1:59 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

As the prospect of a loss became more real on Friday, the frustations of Republican lawmakers loyal to the leadership began to boil over. "I've been in this job eight years, and I'm wracking my brain to think of one thing that our party has done that's been something positive, that's been something other than stopping something else from happening," Representative Tom Rooney of Florida said in an interview. "We need to start having victories as a party. And if we can't, then its hard to justify why we should be back here."

March 26, 2017 2:00 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump, Ryan budgets will kill more Americans per year than all Muslim extremist attacks combined

March 26, 2017 2:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

So Michael Flynn held a meeting with Turkish officials where they discussed illegally kidnapping a critic of the Turkish government and spiriting him to Turkey to avoid U.S. extradition laws. Guess who else was at that meeting? House intelligence committee chairman Devin Nunes! No wonder Nunes has been shirking his oversight duties of the White House to unjustifiably fill in Trump on the work of the Intelligence committee that's supposed to be investigating him! Nunes obviously is trying to sabotage the work of the committee to provide cover for Trump - he must be terminated as committee chairman! He's obviously involved in the Trump corruption!

March 26, 2017 2:16 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump is averaging five lies a day

March 26, 2017 2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priya!

March 26, 2017 3:45 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Days Trump not under investigation as president of the United States:


And the pussy-grabber said if you are under FBI investigation you are not qualified to be president.

March 26, 2017 4:04 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

REPORT: Trump Told GOP House Reps To “Forget About The Little Shit” Details In The Failed Trumpcare Bill

Donald Trump had heard enough about policy and process. It was Thursday afternoon and members of the House Freedom Caucus were peppering the president with wonkish concerns about Trumpcare —the language that would leave Obamacare’s “essential health benefits” in place, the community rating provision that limited what insurers could charge certain patients, and whether the next two steps of Speaker Paul Ryan’s master plan were even feasible—when Trump decided to cut them off.

“Forget about the little shit,” Trump said, according to multiple sources in the room. “Let’s focus on the big picture here.” The group of roughly 30 House conservatives exchanged disapproving looks. Trump wanted to emphasize the political ramifications of the bill’s defeat; specifically, he said, it would derail his first-term agenda and imperil his prospects for reelection in 2020.

The lawmakers nodded and said they understood. And yet they were disturbed by his dismissiveness. For many of the members, the “little shit” meant the policy details that could make or break their support for the bill—and have far-reaching implications for their constituents and the country.

March 26, 2017 4:24 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump did not care about the details because he ONLY wanted to dismantle what has Obama's name on it...plain and simple!!

Donald Trump HATES Obama, people will need to accept this as Donald is a petty man who did not get the better of Obama while in office.

This is what he was aiming for and if it takes down 24 million American people so be it; Trump would have stuck it to Obama...

March 26, 2017 5:00 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

In the meantime there are widespread protests in Russia against corruption.

Putin is the greatest current threat to democracy. And Trump loves him and wants to help Putin implement his anti-democratic agenda.

March 26, 2017 5:06 PM  
Anonymous shut up, Priya said...


March 26, 2017 5:06 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Just soak it all in Wyatt/bad anonymous - you know you love it!

March 26, 2017 5:16 PM  
Anonymous Priya, shut up said...


March 26, 2017 5:53 PM  
Anonymous Obama will go to jail said...

March 26, 2017 5:59 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt, you need to put your tin-foil hat back on - the signals from Major League Baseball's satellite are twisting your brain again.


March 26, 2017 6:27 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous also said:

"Hillary, btw, will be on trial the reason her IT director was given immunity last week is that Hillary is going to be indicted"

Wyatt continues his lifelong and incredibly brave battle against reality...

March 26, 2017 6:34 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Fox News Banned In Canada

Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may no broadcast...any false or misleading news.". The provision has kept Fox news and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a modle for liberal democracy and freedom.

March 26, 2017 7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Pat Buchanan, at RCP from the outside looking in:


If true...

...raises the question....

...seems to have been...

Could this official have known....

This looks like.....

So far....

...could prove to be..."

Let us know when you have something real to actually say, Pat, instead of fake news to amplify.

You know, something like what Nunes told the Pussy Grabber when he went flying to the White House and held 3 press conferences in 2 days to NOT say to the American people what he had rushed right over to tell the Pussy Grabber he had learned.

It was up to Schiff to tell us that there was more than just circumstantial evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Buchanan and Nunes seem to like to forget Comey told us last Monday his bureau is investigation collusion.

Lock 'em up

Lock 'em up

Lock 'em up

March 27, 2017 8:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Let us know when you have something real to actually say, Pat, instead of fake news to amplify"

perhaps, you should say that to Comey

who has been investigating for 8 months and found nothing

who has been investigating but claims he wasn't surveilling

if Nunes is disqualified because of bias, so is Schiff

and Nunes did expose how Obama surveilled the Trump team without a FISA order

there is so much more to find out about that, and not much more to find out about Russia

meanwhile, it was a good week for conservatives, whose SCOTUS nominee looks assured of nomination and will probably be around for decades

double bonus: Chuck Schumer is squandering the 60 vote requirement when no one will blame the GOP for going nuclear

from the Dem perspective, he should have saved it for when there was an actual case, so the GOP wouldn't have cover

now, with it gone, everything else will be easier

and a lot was learned from the Health care crash

now that Trump knows he has no hope with the hard core, he will be free to make deals by getting moderate Dems, who want to be re-elected, together with moderate Repubs

March 27, 2017 8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comey is the head of the FBI.

Pat Buchanan is a washed up never won an election he ran for politician.

You seem to think what each of them has to say on the Russian mess Trump's team should be treated in the same way.

Thanks you for clearly demonstrating your problem for all to see.

Buchanan knows nothing but gladly spins.

Comey spins nothing but knows a lot.

And now Nunes has decided to cancel the meeting that had been scheduled for tomorrow, to dig deeper into what Comey and other in the intelligence area have to say about this mess.

No doubt you'd prefer Nunes invite Pat Buchanan to testify about his spin instead bringing Comey in to testify about known facts.

Friday President Pussy Grabber blamed the Democrats for his failure to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Now he's blaming the tea party/freedom caucus.

He will never blame himself for his absolute failure, yet everybody knows where the buck stops.


It sucks to be a Trump supporter.

March 27, 2017 10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


who has been investigating for 8 months and found nothing"


Pay attention to what Comey said last Monday.


March 27, 2017 10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



March 27, 2017 10:43 AM  
Anonymous he can do the jailhouse rock said...

since you highlighted it, I suppose you think the following is significant:


the only part that is definitive there is that Russian interference is referred to as a foregone conclusion

the rest is "whether there was any"

and others in the intelligence community have already confirmed there is no evidence of collusion

what Comey was particularly cagey about is whether Obama had access to incidental interception of Trump campaign communication

indeed, here's something you didn't highlight:


this is the crime that inches closer and closer to Obama

it looks as though Obama directed that he receive incidental interception of unmasked Trump campaign communication and ordered it disseminated so broadly in the intelligence community as to make it likely to leak to the media

if proof of this is produced, Obama will be tried

March 27, 2017 11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah leakers like the FBI agents who fed information to Giuliani and others in Trumplandia.

"...RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: And I think it's going to surprise us too that you're going to hear about the next two days. I mean, I'm talking about some pretty big surprises.

FOX: I heard you say that this morning. What do you mean?

GIULIANI: You'll see.

FOX: All right. Stay tuned. Rudy Giuliani, you're lucky because we got to go. I'm out of time. I'm like I keep pressing you.


GIULIANI: We're not going to -- we're not going to -- we're not going to go down and we're certainly not going to stop fighting. We've got a couple things up our sleeve that should turn this around in a way -- even the liberal polls will get to see it..."

March 27, 2017 12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, I mean whoever wiretapped Michael Flynn and released his personal phone calls to the press

it was either Obama or one of his minions

March 27, 2017 12:21 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "no, I mean whoever wiretapped Michael Flynn and released his personal phone calls to the press it was either Obama or one of his minions".

No one wiretapped Flynn, his conversation with the Russian ambassador was picked up because the Russian ambassador was under routine surveillance. Every authority in American intelligence has confirmed Obama had nothing to do with any surveillance that coincidentally captured Trump and his team collaborating with the Russians to diminish western democracies including the U.S.

March 27, 2017 12:44 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trumpcare failed because it was a terrible piece of legislation. It would have thrown 24 million people off insurance and raised deductibles for millions more — and the savings would’ve gone to pay for tax cuts for millionaires. It broke virtually all of Donald Trump’s campaign promises, and was opposed not just by Democrats but also by Republicans.

Here, for instance, is what Michael Needham, head of the very conservative Heritage Action, wrote: “It is an awful bill that will impact millions of Americans’ lives and is opposed by nearly every serious conservative health care analyst. This legislation is a policy, process, and political disaster.”

Or take the statement released by Rep. Mo Brooks, a conservative Republican from Alabama. “I will vote against the American Health Care Act because it has more bad policy than any bill I have ever faced,” he said.

Virtually every element of it would make the problems it claims to solve not just worse, but much worse. But the bill also failed because the GOP simply isn’t prepared to govern:

Republicans would be wise to reflect deeply on what happened here. As Jonathan Chait writes, “Republicans have spent eight years fooling themselves about Obamacare. They have built a news bubble that relentlessly circulates exaggerated or made-up news of the law’s shortcomings and systematically ignores its successes.” Their attacks on Obamacare have been opportunistic and cynical in ways that made its replacement nearly impossible — having promised better coverage for more people, they were flummoxed by the fact that none of their plans achieved, or even attempted, that outcome.

Big policy change is hard. The modern Republican Party has built itself in opposition. Paul Ryan won fame designing budgets that were never meant to pass, and by criticizing Barack Obama. Donald Trump established himself as a political force through his leadership of the crackpot birther movement. This is a party that has forgotten how to do the slow, arduous work of governing. Perhaps it’s worse than that. This is a party, in many ways, that has built its majority upon a contempt for the compromises, quarter-loaves, and tough trade-offs that governing entails. They need to learn from this defeat, or they are doomed to repeat it, and repeat it, and repeat it.

In the interviews Trump is giving today, it is clear he has somehow convinced himself tax reform will be easier. It won’t be. And soon, Republicans will have to raise the debt ceiling, and pass their appropriations bills, and, if they’re going to hold to any of Trump’s budget proposals, find 60 votes to bust the budget caps. And they’re going to do all of that with the myth of Ryan’s policy genius and Trump’s dealmaking skill shattered.

Trump doesn't have the patience for it, or the discipline to actually learn about the policies he’s advocating for. All he cares about is getting a “win,” whether what is “won” is actually a good idea or not. And given the content of this bill, Ryan’s previously undeserved reputation as a policy wonk should provoke nothing but laughter.

March 27, 2017 12:45 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Comey who has been investigating for 8 months and found nothing".

That's a lie. Comey has said he won't comment on what he's found, not that he hasn't found anything (which of course shows the partisanship of his willingness to talk about the investigation into Hillary but not Trump).

The ranking Democratic member of the house intelligence committee has confirmed that he has seen more than the circumstantial evidence that the Trump team colluded with Russian agents to influence the election.

March 27, 2017 12:51 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump’s ‘Pact’ Not to Talk Business With Sons

Donald Trump’s refusal to take the steps necessary to avoid obvious conflicts of interest is a perfect recipe for corruption. After putting his sons in charge of his companies, they swore that they wouldn’t talk about business. That lasted all of a few weeks.

March 27, 2017 12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priya

March 27, 2017 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Unfit mother opposes the adoption of her child by same sex parents

A court has allowed a four-year-old girl to be adopted by a same-sex couple despite her birth parents’ opposition on the basis of their Catholic faith. The girl was taken from her birth mother at four days old due to the mother’s long history of drug use and conviction for the manslaughter of her infant son seven years earlier.

March 27, 2017 2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priya

March 27, 2017 2:35 PM  
Anonymous we're getting a bill together for Canada as well said...

President Trump handed a bill to German Chancellor Angela Merkel for about $400 billion -- money Germany owes NATO -- during their White House meeting earlier this month, according to a British newspaper.

Trump has been outspoken about NATO countries not meeting their pledge to spend at last 2 percent of GDP on defense. He raised the issue publicly in the joint press conference he held with Merkel on March 17.

“I reiterated to Chancellor Merkel my strong support for NATO, as well as the need for our NATO allies to pay their fair share for the cost of defense,” Trump said at the joint press conference. “Many nations owe vast sums of money from past years, and it is very unfair to the United States. These nations must pay what they owe.”

The Times of London reported Sunday that Trump had gone a step further and told officials to calculate how much German defense spending had fallen short of the target since 2002 -- when former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder committed to higher defense spending. The bill was then handed to Merkel during their private meeting, The Times reported, to the tune of more than 300 billion U.K. pounds – about $374 billion.

Trump's colorful move was described as “outrageous” by a German minister.

March 27, 2017 3:31 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "President Trump handed a bill to German Chancellor Angela Merkel for about $400 billion -- money Germany owes NATO".

Germany doesn't owe NATO any money, that's a tired lie Trump tells. While Germany doesn't currently spend 2% of GDP on defence, that's its own money it would be spending, no one is spending the difference on behalf of Germany. It doesn't owe money to NATO or anyone else for defence bills.

Further, the Trump administration has denied any pretend bill for defence spending was given to the German Chancellor.

March 27, 2017 3:55 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The bumbling failure of Trumpcare shows the Republicans are incapable of governing on their own.

Republicans only know how to block progress, they don't know how to get anything done on their own.

If Republicans want to get anything done they're going to have to rely on the Democrats to lead the way.

March 27, 2017 3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priya

March 27, 2017 7:12 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Your wish is my command Wyatt/bad anonymous.

March 27, 2017 7:30 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump built his own prison

He's barely been in office for two months and he’s already cut off every possibility for success.

March 27, 2017 7:32 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

As I noted earlier, if Republicans want to accomplish anything they'll need Democrats to lead the way.

Unfortunately for them, Democrats are in no mood to help the floundering Republicans


March 27, 2017 7:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

White supremacist kills black man to make a statement

In an exclusive interview with the Daily News, Jackson acknowledged the crime, and said he wanted to discourage white women from getting romantically involved with black men. “I didn’t know he was elderly,” told The News, adding he rather would have killed “a young thug” or “a successful older black man with blonds… people you see in Midtown. These younger guys that put white girls on the wrong path.”

Jackson, an Afghanistan war veteran, was also charged with murder as a hate crime.

Republican Attorney General Jeff Sessions was asked if this was a hate crime and refused to answer. Sessions has a well documented background as a racist. The black community was horrified at his nomination for Attorney General.

March 27, 2017 7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priyo

March 27, 2017 8:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump demands credit for defeating unpopular Trumpcare bill

WASHINGTON DC — Following the last-minute cancellation of a vote on the Republican “Trumpcare” bill, President Trump has questioned why he isn’t being lavished with praise for singlehandedly defeating the deeply unpopular legislation.

March 28, 2017 12:08 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

And that's not all, Priya Lynn.

We should show TrumpSupportingAnon that his pussy grabbing President misses Hillary being around to deflect all the criticism being leveled at his stupid choices almost just as much as TrumpSupportingAnon does:

"...In a pair of evening tweets, Trump wrote that the “Trump Russia story is a hoax” and listed a string of alleged financial and other connections the Clintons have had over the years with Russia. He asked why the House Intelligence Committee is not investigating the former president and former secretary of state.

Donald J. Trump ✔
Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech....
9:26 PM - 27 Mar 2017

Donald J. Trump ✔
@realDonaldTrump to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!
9?35 PM - 27 Mar 2017

Trump’s tweets come just hours after the White House announced that Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, had agreed to be questioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which also is conducting a broad inquiry into Russian election interference. The committee is expected to ask Kushner about his communications with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak as well as with the chief executive of a Russian state-owned bank.

The House panel is chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), a close Trump ally and a leader of his presidential transition team. Democrats are calling on Nunes to be recused from overseeing what is supposed to be an independent congressional investigation into Russian interference in the election, though Nunes on Monday denied any wrongdoing and said he would not step down."


March 28, 2017 8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are not at war with Russia and most of our establishment, right and left, have felt that growing entanglement and ties with them serves to move them toward a more civil society

most Dems were popping the cork and partying when this all began

so most Americans of any considerable wealth these days have dealings with Russian companies, most of which have ties to their government

so Trump is right

bringing up Hillary is not make a charge against her but simply to demonstrate that doing business with Russia is merely a normal part of our global involvement

it doesn't imply collusion or endorsement of Putin

but suddenly the left feels this is the only card they have to play to stop Trump

sadly for them, they're right

"Trump’s tweets come just hours after the White House announced that Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, had agreed to be questioned"

agreed? can't they subpoena anyone they want?

"by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which also is conducting a broad inquiry into Russian election interference"

so, why is this some big story?

I assumed most members of his campaign will eventually testify before the committee

"The House panel is chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), a close Trump ally and a leader of his presidential transition team. Democrats are calling on Nunes to be recused from overseeing what is supposed to be an independent congressional investigation into Russian interference in the election,"

and who could possibly be independent?

certainly not Dems who have already decided what occurred, without any evidence at all

we don't have any Representatives that didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton

even if some maverick GOPers who didn't support Trump have made so many presumptive statements that they couldn't be called independent

truth time: the GOP controls Congress so the GOP runs the committee, they have Dem participation on the committee to check any bias

"though Nunes on Monday denied any wrongdoing and said he would not step down."

the White House had proof that Trump was surveilled

it was embedded in confidential information

he went to a secure location on the WH grounds to view it

what doing would be wrong?


stop whining

Dems lost in November, move on

March 28, 2017 9:09 AM  
Anonymous Hey, how's that Repeal and Replace idea going for ya? said...

The pussy grabber won the presidency in November in spite of losing the popular vote to Hillary and is losing it now, BIGLY.

The pussy grabber's approval rating is lower than any US President at this point in his presidency.

Not only has his daily tracking approval rating dropped to 36% at Gallup, his weekly average approval rating 2 months into his term now stands at a measly 39%.

TSA and his fellow Trump supporters must be so proud.

PS. Trump's hands *are* tiny -- 7.25 inches!

March 28, 2017 10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's more information about this crime in Rockville.

It has been reported the victim had texted "their client the day before the incident and agreed to have sex with him, according to court papers filed Monday.

The girl also texted “explicitly compromising images of herself” to him, the attorneys asserted in the court filing.

“This was a consensual act. It was preplanned,” said David Wooten, an attorney for Jose Montano, 17.

Wooten’s comments echo those made last week by an attorney for the other suspect in the case, Henry Sanchez Milian, 18. “All parties were willing participants,” that attorney, Andrew Jezic, said again Monday."

Also, the father of one of the suspects has been taken into custody by ICE.

Rockville City Council heard testimony about Rockville being a sanctuary city, and all public comments supported the move. -- Father of Maryland high school rape suspects arrested by ICE. Mar. 28, 2017, Doug McKelway reports from Rockville.

March 28, 2017 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Comment from a gay man:

"[the anti-gay] really have nothing resembling compassion or empathy, do they?

They have no idea how incredibly terrifying it is to go through your adolescence having to constantly stress about living a lie and being extremely diligent in doing so to avoid rejection by your friends, family, and peers, and to prevent yourself from being the target of merciless bullying.

They have no idea how ostracizing it is to never feel like you can be honest with anyone, and thus, that nobody really knows you, because some of the most important parts of the adolescent experience, i.e. developing romantic and sexual feelings, are things that you are taught to feel ashamed about and cannot express, unlike the rest of your peer group.

They have no idea how stressful it is to have to pretend that you have heterosexual feelings to fit in, even though you don't, and to have to find ways to reject heterosexual advances towards you and to find excuses to tell your friends for doing so.

They have no idea how many families they've torn apart through their "traditional values" because parents are ashamed, embarrassed, or disgusted at having an LGBT child, and how many children their actions have driven to suicide.

I would like to say that they have no idea that they are the ones responsible for this, but I'm sure that they are, and the most evil thing about it is that they think they're doing humanity and us a favour out of "love."

And somehow they're convinced that we're the ones who have a perverted, sick, twisted view of what LOVE is.

I hate these people so much that even a long stream of four letter words couldn't begin to express it."

March 28, 2017 6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priya

March 28, 2017 7:32 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

On the campaign trail Trump repeatedly said about his planned Obamacare replacement "Everyone will be covered.".

On Jan 15, 2017 he said "We're going to have insurance for everybody".

And then he releases his Trumpcare turkey which would throw 24 million Americans off insurance.

Really, there is no bigger bullsh*ter than the pussy grabbing Putin puppet.

March 28, 2017 8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priya

March 28, 2017 8:54 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

NEW YORK CITY: Subway Rider Threatens To Kill Iranian Couple Because “Trump Is In The House”

The racist threat fits within a citywide trend of rising hate incidents, particularly on the subway, since President Trump’s election. Data from the first two months of 2017 show a 55 percent jump in hate crimes across the five boroughs, as well as a 340 percent increase in reported hate crimes on the subway.

March 28, 2017 9:05 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Obviously lots of mentally deranged people on the subway feel liberated by Donald Trump.

March 28, 2017 9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

March 29, 2017 7:50 AM  
Anonymous double down said...

"The two antiabortion activists who mounted a hidden-camera investigation against Planned Parenthood officials have been charged with 15 felony counts of violating the privacy of health-care providers by recording confidential information without their consent"

suddenly, the focus of our society is that protecting the ability of liberals to deceive others is more important than truth

so, Hillary is found to be a hypocrite and liar but the focus is how everyone must have colluded to expose her

notice that no one has denied any of the wikileaks that came out

and these guys, it's a crime that they were taped doing things like selling body parts of unborn children

why do you never see anyone prosecuted for violating the privacy of anti-abortion activists?

why is there no outcry about incidental interception of Trump campaign officials being unmasked and leaked?

the new double standard:

for conservatives, anything is justified to find out the truth about them

for liberals, anything is justified to protect their ability to conceal the truth about them

March 29, 2017 11:02 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "notice that no one has denied any of the wikileaks that came out"

That's a lie. One of the emails allegedly by Hillary that Wikileaks put out was not actually written by her. That email said some unflattering things about religious people if I remember correctly. A journalist for Newsweek or Time came forward and said it was he who wrote the text in the fake Hillary email. There were other alleged Hillary emails that were faked as well.

Some of the wikileaks dump on Hillary may have been true, but some of it was definitely faked as part of the Russian disinformation campaign and espionage to help elect the pussy grabbing Putin puppet.

You never see anyone prosecuted for violating the privacy of anti-abortion extremists because liberals don't do that sort of thing, conservatives do.

There's been no outcry about the incidental interception of talk by Russians about Trump people because its trivial and normal for that sort of thing to happen.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "the new double standard: for conservatives, anything is justified to find out the truth about them for liberals, anything is justified to protect their ability to conceal the truth about them".

Its been well and repeatedly documented that conservatives lie far more often than liberals and Trump is the epitome of that having told an average of four lies every day he's been in office. Its conservatives who made up the story about planned parenthood selling baby parts when the truth is that they charged a small fee for the storage and transportation of fetal tissue to researchers who use it find ways to treat things like alzheimers, heart disease, etc. that benefit all Americans. Wyatt/bad anonymous the conservative has repeatedly told this lie.

The truth is:

For conservatives, anything, any lie, any crime is justified to take a woman's control of her body away from her.

The videos were heavily edited to create the false impression that planned parenthood had done something wrong but nationwide investigations made it clear that Planned Parenthood had done NOTHING wrong, the only people who broke the law are the people who made the fraudulent tapes.

Far from "doing anything to conceal the truth", the plaintiffs stayed within the law and pressed charges to prevent the misrepresentation of what Planned Parenthood does.

The "conservatives" here broke the law in order to deceive the public. They deserve every bit of punishment they get.

March 29, 2017 11:54 AM  
Anonymous Bits borrowed from WaPo said...

You know things are looking grim for President Trump and Trump supporters when he and they start tweeting and bitching about Hillary Clinton again. Monday evening he sounded trapped and wounded: “Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech.” Well, perhaps it is because she is not president, did not hold back her tax returns, did not constantly cheer for Vladimir Putin, did not hire a host of pro-Putin flunkies and did not have aides who lied about contact with Russian officials.


March 29, 2017 12:00 PM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

March 29, 2017 12:27 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

The Cultivated Myth of Obamacare’s ‘Death Spiral’

Republicans have carefully and systematically created a myth that Obamacare is in a “death spiral” and is going to “implode” or “explode,” forcing everyone to realize the need to get rid of it. PolitiFact debunks this…oh hell, let’s call it what it is, a lie.

“Death spiral” is a health industry term built around three components:

*Shrinking enrollment;

*Healthy people leaving the system;

*Rising premiums.

Specifically, a death spiral occurs when shrinking enrollment leads to a deteriorating risk pool (or when healthy people leave the plan due to the cost). That leads to higher premiums for the people remaining in the insurance pools, which causes enrollment to shrink even further, continuing the cycle until the entire system fails.

The latest government figures show enrollment in the Affordable Care Act is slightly down from last year. Through Jan. 31, 2017, some 12.2 million people were signed up for coverage through a federal or state marketplace, which is a decrease of 500,000, or 4 percent, from the same point last year…

But experts say the enrollment decline isn’t an indication the health care law is in a death spiral. There is no direct connection, they said, showing that the declining enrollment is causing premiums to increase.

Why not? Because federal government subsidies in the form of tax credits are largely shielding customers from feeling the premium increase.

March 29, 2017 12:30 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

As we have reported, premiums are increasing. But that isn’t affecting the cost for most consumers, due to built-in subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. The subsidies cap premium prices at a certain percentage of income for anyone below 400 percent of the federal poverty level (in 2016 that would be $47,520 for a single person).

Among the people who have signed up so far for 2017, 81 percent will receive a subsidy.

Data also shows no uptick in healthy people leaving the health insurance market.

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reports the share of people signing up for health care in the low-risk demographic — ages 18-34 — remains about the same in 2017 as it was in 2016, at 26 percent of enrollees.

“There is no data to indicate a drop in the number of younger enrolled, although the announced policy not to enforce the IRS penalty, if not reversed, could result in a decline over time,” said John Rother, president and CEO of the National Coalition on Health Care.

Conversely, if the Republican replacement bill had passed, that would have led inevitably to such a death spiral because it would have eliminated the mandate (thus allowing mostly healthier, younger people to leave the insurance market entirely), eliminating the subsidies and eliminating health insurance for 14 million people in just the first year alone. The result would be dramatically rising premiums, far larger than either the rate of inflation under the ACA or the even higher rate of inflation before it was passed. It literally would have caused the very problem Republicans claimed it would have solved.

March 29, 2017 12:31 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous posted "You know things are looking grim for President Trump and Trump supporters when he and they start tweeting and bitching about Hillary Clinton again. Monday evening he sounded trapped and wounded: “Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech.” Well, perhaps it is because she is not president, did not hold back her tax returns, did not constantly cheer for Vladimir Putin, did not hire a host of pro-Putin flunkies and did not have aides who lied about contact with Russian officials.


Also, when the chairman of the house intelligence committee demonstrates he's an advocate for the executive branch he's supposed to be overseeing as one of the "checks and balances" and he then shuts down the investigation into Trump and Russia with the approval of the Speaker of the House you know Republicans are terrified of what's going to be exposed about Trump's collusion with Russia if the investigation goes forward.

Sally Yates, the former Attorney General, had said that her testimony before the committee was going to contradict what the Whitehouse had said about Russian interference in the election. No coincidence that Nunes cancelled the meeting where she was supposed to speak with no rescheduled date for the testimony to take place.

And Wyatt/bad anonymous absurdly claims Republicans "will do anything to get to the truth".

And I'm the queen of England.

March 29, 2017 12:41 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump Signs Order to Allow Labor Law Violators to Screw Employees

President Obama signed an executive order urging the General Services Administration not to award contracts to companies with a history of violating labor laws and cheating their employees out of wages. Trump just signed a bill reversing that order.

Six days after taking the oath of office, President Trump announced “the hour of justice for the American worker has arrived.”

“It’s time to restore the civil rights of Americans to protect their jobs, their hopes, and their dreams for a much better future,” Trump told congressional Republicans at their annual retreat.

Congressional Republicans applauded Trump’s sentiment — and, shortly thereafter, voted to allow companies that routinely violate their workers’ rights to receive federal contracts again. On Monday, Trump signed that measure into law.

Specifically, Republicans voted to repeal the Obama administration’s Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces executive order. That rule discouraged the General Services Administration from awarding federal contracts to companies with a history of stealing their employees’ wages, violating workplace safety standards, and/or illegally discriminating in hiring or pay. The order also required contractors to provide their employees with “the necessary information each pay period to make sure they are getting paid what they are owed.”

Now, companies will once again be free to underpay their workers, or evade safety regulations without fear of losing access to Uncle Sam’s deep pockets.

Just another example of Trump’s fake populism and feigned concern for American workers.

March 29, 2017 1:09 PM  
Anonymous Maryland is for crabs, not fracking said...

Maryland Senate approves fracking ban; governor to sign bill

Maryland's Senate approved a ban on fracking in the state, a bill Gov. Larry Hogan has pledged to sign.

Senators voted 35-10 Monday to approve the legislation that prohibits drilling for natural gas known as hydraulic fracturing. Earlier, the House of Delegates had approved the same bill 97-40.

Earlier this month, Hogan announced his support of the legislation.

Maryland would join Vermont as the only states that ban fracking through legislation. Vermont does not have the shale formations containing natural gas where fracking could be done but Maryland has it in the western part of the state.

New York, which also has shale gas, banned it by executive order.

"This vote confirms the power of participant democracy," Ann Bristow, a resident of Garrett County in Western Maryland and a member of a state commission that studied fracking told The Washington Post. "Never believe when someone tells you that an organized movement can't produce change against overwhelming odds. We are proving otherwise."....

March 29, 2017 1:28 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good for Maryland!

March 29, 2017 1:40 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Things Donald Trump has accomplished so far as President:

1) Frowned at mean German lady
2) Made the big truck go honk honk
3) Golf

March 29, 2017 1:41 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

House majority - Republicans

Senate majority - Republicans

President - Republican

Can't pass their own bill - Dems fault

Trump is such a pussy that I'm shocked he hasn't choked to death from grabbing himself.

March 29, 2017 1:49 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

That labour executive order Trump signed that allows federal contractors to screw employees? It also allows them to discriminate against LGBT people.

But but, he's such a friend to the LGBTQ community - better than Hillary Clinton.

March 29, 2017 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, priya

March 29, 2017 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Pro-Choice said...

"shut up, priya"

That's eleven times in three days.

Stop embarrassing yourself and go hang out at Theresa's blog for shower nuts.

Either that or go *eff* yourself with your tiny hands.

Take your pick.

March 29, 2017 2:58 PM  
Anonymous psssh, it happens said...

what's the matter, pro-choice?

are you telling me to shut up?

I don't read Priya's comments and no one comments on these voluminous Priya posts

they just take up space

best to just say "sht uo"

March 29, 2017 3:30 PM  
Anonymous Pro-Choice said...

"are you telling me to shut up?"

You can apparently read, however, comprehending what you read appears to be difficult for you.

In case you haven't noticed, Priya Lynn will not shut up just because you tell her to.

If you don't have anything to say in response to Priya Lynn's most excellent comments, I again suggest you go find Theresa's blog for shower nuts.

You'll fit right in over there.

"Either that or go *eff* yourself with your tiny hands.

Take your pick. "

March 29, 2017 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip -- slippery when wet said...

President Donald Trump is closing out the month of March by hitting record low approval ratings two times in the same week.

According to a new Gallup poll released on Wednesday, Trump's job approval is now 35 percent -- his lowest since taking office.

The president's latest historic dip comes only two days after Trump hit his previous lowest approval number of 36 percent this past Monday.

Trump's numbers have been in sharp decline throughout March -- he entered the month hovering around a 43-45 percent, and has since fallen nearly 10 percentage points to 35 percent.

Unlike most presidents, Trump didn't get the luxury of going through what many call a "honeymoon period" of his presidency. Instead, Trump entered the White House with a sub-50 percent approval rating and has been falling in favorability ever since.

The new White House administration has been caught up in controversy after controversy since taking office, and March was no exception. This month alone the president failed to deliver on his campaign promise of repealing and replacing Obamacare, the FBI revealed they are investigating campaign ties to Russia, and earlier in the month the president accused his predecessor -- former President Barack Obama -- of wiretapping his campaign.

March 29, 2017 4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senate Intelligence Committee to start Russia probe interviews next week

The Senate Intelligence Committee will begin as soon as Monday privately interviewing 20 people in its ongoing investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 election as well as potential ties to the Trump campaign, its leaders said Wednesday.

Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said that “if there’s relevance” to those and other interviews that he and Vice Chairman Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) anticipate scheduling, “they will eventually be part of a public hearing.”

The two leaders stood side by side to update reporters about their investigation in a rare joint news conference Wednesday on Capitol Hill, called just as the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation appeared to be grinding to a halt...

March 29, 2017 5:55 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Businesses have added jobs at a nearly 2.5 times faster rate under Democrats than under Republicans, on average

March 29, 2017 7:00 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Canada ranks as second best country in the world

The United States slips from fourth place to seventh place with the election of the pussy grabbing Putin puppet.

March 29, 2017 9:44 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

This is a great article I get the health care plan you want you guys get to keep Obama care it's a great idea

March 30, 2017 12:00 AM  
Anonymous Better idea said...

March 30, 2017 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

...Here’s what happened. In a remarkable moment, one key witness, Clinton Watts, a senior fellow at the George Washington Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, bluntly informed Sen. Marco Rubio, who serves on the Intelligence Committee, that as one of Trump’s presidential primary opponents, Rubio “suffered from” Russian disinformation efforts. (Although Watts wasn’t specific about those efforts, later in the day Rubio charged that Russian hackers have conducted unsuccessful cyber attacks on his former presidential campaign staffers.)

According to Watts (who was backed up by other witnesses who testified), the Russians have been using “active measures,” which are built on propaganda tactics that date back to Soviet times, to spread disinformation, fear, confusion, and chaos in multiple democratic countries, including the United States.

These efforts include the use of visible Kremlin propaganda outlets, such as RT and Sputnik, to publish false news stories and conspiracy theories. Russian actors then deploy social media bots to spread these false stories far and wide. In the U.S., Watts said, the goal has been to provoke the Trump into repeating them or retweeting them to his millions of followers.

In a moment that stunned the hearing room, Watts flatly stated that the president himself has become a cog in such Russian measures. When asked by Oklahoma Republican James Lankford, who appeared visibly dismayed, why, if Russians have long used these methods, they finally worked in this election cycle, Watts’ answer was extraordinary.

“I think this answer is very simple and is one no one is really saying in this room,” he said. Part of the reason, he went on, “is the commander in chief has used Russian active measures at times against his opponents.”

To buttress the claim that Trump (unwittingly or not) aided Russian disinformation efforts, Watts cited several instances. Among them: Trump’s citation of an apparently false Sputnik story at an October 2016 campaign appearance; his ongoing denial before and after the campaign of U.S. intelligence of Russian interference in the election; his claims of voter fraud and election rigging, which Watts said was pushed by RT and Sputnik; and Trump’s questioning of the citizenship of former President Barack Obama and even his primary rival Ted Cruz.

Watts added that one of the reasons such tactics are working is that Trump and/or his surrogates have repeated some of the claims, further spreading them through social media accounts that are owned both by real people and bots. Thus, the disinformation is kept alive and gradually becomes more real and plausible. “Part of the reason active measures work is because they parrot the same lines,” Watts said.

Republicans on the committee today seemed to be grappling with the enormity of what this could mean — and, crucially, that this threat should not be seen through a partisan prism. Rubio questioned Watts about a series of such false news stories and hoaxes, including claims that a thousand Muslims had burned down the oldest church in Germany while shouting “Allahu Akbar,” that migrants had raped a German girl, and that the European Union planned to ban snowmen as racist. (If you’ve ever spent time on alt-right social media, there’s a familiar ring to these stories: they are exactly the sort of thing that gets spread and recycled, and reverberate as supposed evidence of the nefariousness of say, Muslims, or the overreach of “political correctness.”)....

March 30, 2017 5:05 PM  
Anonymous Amerikanski said...

Hee hee, except for the fact that the Democrats are powerless. Of course they don't like Trump and complain about everything and think he's a crook and an idiot -- it doesn't freakin' matter, because the Republicans own the House, the Senate, and the White House. Democrats can say anything, they can oppose anything Trump proposes and they will, but they aren't in charge. There are enough Republicans to vote in any kind of asshole legislation they want. It doesn't matter if the Democrats think Trump is in with the Russians, it isn't their problem, they cannot solve it.

It's the GOP that has to figure out what to do now that they have lined up behind a traitor. They don't want to impeach him because it makes them look bad, and because it wouold be nice if he would sign their bills, though they like the sound of "President Pence."

Popcorn-poppin' progressives are sitting along the sidelines watching as Republicans have to face the truth about their own guy and deal with him. He is a traitor and he is intentionally weakening out country so that Russia can have more power in the world. He is making enemies of every ally we have, gutting the State Department, appointing the worst people he can find for cabinet positions, pitting groups of citizens against one another, erasing the regulations that make our government run and keep our people safe and prosperous.

But it is the Republicans' problem, you can't blame the Democrats for this one.

March 30, 2017 8:55 PM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

March 30, 2017 10:12 PM  
Anonymous decades said...

no one will take his offer

because there's nothing to tell

even if the worse the Dems fantasize were true, it's not traitorous

we are not at war with Russia

here in the land of freedom of thought and expression, it is perfectly permissible to suggest that we work with the Russians

Trump did, in open public, it was widely discussed, and he acknowledged it

and Americans elected him

oh, but you say: it's illegal to hack Hillary to find out what a lying hypocrite she is

oh, but I say: give me break

every corporation, every intelligence agency in America and abroad, and now it appears Obama himself, has hacked us

meanwhile, with the cover of all this Russia distraction, the conservative movement scores victory after victory

the walls close in on the gay agenda


Neil Gorsuch has a big grin on his face

he'll have it for decades

March 31, 2017 12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Democrats have completely lost their mind. They are insane with bitter regret that they were foolish enough to back Hillary Clinton's candidacy...

...And as they tossed in agony at night, unable to shake the notion that it all could be different if they hadn't been so stupid.

Talk about stupid. Hillary lost the election so if her supporters had not voted for her, the only difference is the pussy grabber might not have had to repeat the Putin manufactured fake news intended to disrupt the 2016 election that "millions of illegals voted."

It's also possible had Hillary voters not voted for her that maybe the pussy grabber might have won the popular vote instead of losing it to Hillary by nearly three million votes.

Nothing else would be different. The pussy grabber and/or his campaign would still be under FBI investigation for "collusion with Russia," the pussy grabbers polling numbers would still be underwater, and different factions within GOP Congressional members under Paul Ryan would still be producing epic failures like their seven-years-in-the-making repeal and replace ACA fiasco.

"the walls close in on the gay agenda"

Ya think?

North Carolina has found out anti-LGBT discrimination doesn't pay.

March 31, 2017 8:37 AM  
Anonymous Single Payer said...

Obamacare may turn out to be unworkable, indeed doomed, but it is having a profound effect on the zeitgeist: It is universalizing the idea of universal coverage.

Acceptance of its major premise — that no one be denied health care — is more widespread than ever. Even House Speaker Paul Ryan avers that “our goal is to give every American access to quality, affordable health care,” making universality an essential premise of his own reform. And look at how sensitive and defensive Republicans have been about the possibility of people losing coverage in any Obamacare repeal.

A broad national consensus is developing that health care is indeed a right. This is historically new. And it carries immense implications for the future. It suggests that we may be heading inexorably to a government-run, single-payer system. It’s what Barack Obama once admitted he would have preferred but didn’t think the country was ready for. It may be ready now.

Don’t be surprised if, in the end, single-payer wins out. Indeed, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if Donald Trump, reading the zeitgeist, pulls the greatest 180 since Disraeli “dished the Whigs” in 1867 (by radically expanding the franchise) and joins the single-payer side.

March 31, 2017 9:39 AM  
Anonymous “When you are given immunity, that means that you probably have committed a crime.” said...

Trump says ex-adviser Mike Flynn should ask for immunity, cites 'witch hunt'

Michael Flynn: People Granted Immunity ‘Probably Have Committed A Crime’

"...“The very last thing that John Podesta just said is ‘No individual too big to jail.’ That should include people like Hillary Clinton,” he said. “I mean, five people around her have been given immunity, to include her former chief of staff.”

Then, he said:

“When you are given immunity, that means that you probably have committed a crime.”

Flynn ― who also led “Lock her up” chants at the Republican National Convention ― was referring to the investigation into Democratic candidate Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was U.S. secretary of state.

She was not charged with a crime...

March 31, 2017 9:49 AM  
Anonymous try it!! said...

"Talk about stupid. Hillary lost the election so if her supporters had not voted for her, the only difference is the November victor might not have had to repeat the Putin manufactured fake news intended to disrupt the 2016 election that "millions of illegals voted.""

it's likely millions of illegal did vote

we have very loose voter registration and they had high motivation

ask any criminal investigator, motivation plus opportunity equals crime

the pedophile rapist pig's good wife was not the only choice

during the primaries, you also had O'Malley and Sanders - not to mention if Democrats hadn't so overwhelmingly succumbed to the Clinton crime syndicate, other worthy Dems would have gotten in - Jerry Brown or Joe Biden would have cleaned Trump's clock

"It's also possible had Hillary voters not voted for her that maybe the November victor might have won the popular vote instead of losing it to Hillary by nearly three million votes"

the pedophile rapist pig's good wife didn't win the popular vote

we didn't have one, so there was no reason for Trump supporters to turn out in some very populated states

"Nothing else would be different. The November victor and/or his campaign would still be under FBI investigation for "collusion with Russia,""

actually, they wouldn't

just like the pedophile rapist pig's good wife is not being prosecuted for mishandling classified data and taking payments from foreign governments while Secretary of State

not to mention, the charges against the Trump campaign are motivated by politics rather than anything quaint, like evidence

so, if he lost, they wouldn't have been made

"the November victor polling numbers would still be underwater,"

anyone else but the pedophile rapist pig's good wife would have beaten Trump so, no

that the pedophile rapist pig's good wife couldn't beat the major party nominee with the worst favorability ratings in history says something about her qualifications


"and different factions within GOP Congressional members under Paul Ryan would still be producing epic failures like their seven-years-in-the-making repeal and replace ACA fiasco"


if a qualified Dem was in the WH, they would have kept passing the bill they had passed dozens of times before

you really are stupid, aren't you?

"Ya think?"

yes, I do

you should try it

"North Carolina has found out anti-LGBT discrimination doesn't pay"

actually, tourism is up in NC since passage of the bill

again, thinking: you should try it!

"Obamacare may turn out to be unworkable, indeed doomed, but it is having a profound effect on the zeitgeist: It is universalizing the idea of universal coverage"

actually, you're right about that

the biggest problem with Obamacare is that it was a fancy attempt to appease conservatives

similarly, the biggest problem with last week's bill was it was a fancy attempt to appease liberals

half-baked compromises don't work well here

we should have a national referendum: either single payer universal national health insurance or get the government out of it

you guys would probably win, unfortunately

but we need to move on

"Don’t be surprised if, in the end, single-payer wins out. Indeed, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if Donald Trump, reading the zeitgeist, pulls the greatest 180 since Disraeli “dished the Whigs” in 1867"

oh, I wouldn't be surprised at all

you notice how fast he gave up

“When you are given immunity, that means that you probably have committed a crime.”

the pedophile rapist pig's good wife's aides were given immunity by investigators

that's because crimes were committed

Flynn requested immunity and was turned down

because no crimes were committed

see the difference

again, thinking: you should try it!

March 31, 2017 10:53 AM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

"it's likely millions of illegal [sic] did vote"


Prove it and good luck because the fact is There have been just four documented cases of voter fraud in the 2016 election

Nobody won "the popular vote

we didn't have one, so there was no reason for Trump supporters to turn out in some very populated states"


Except President Putin Pal Pussy Grabber, your idol, disagrees with you:

"Donald J. Trump ✔

In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally
3:30 PM - 27 Nov 2016"

"not to mention, the charges against the Trump campaign are motivated by politics rather than anything quaint, like evidence"

Your news sources tell you "charges against the Trump campaign" have been filed?

You need another news source, not another Russian propaganda echo chamber like Breitbart, InfoWars, etc.

"According to two members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and committee chairman Richard Burr (R-NC), hundreds of Russian trolls were paid in 2016 to generate fake news stories about Clinton and target them at voters in key states in an effort to swing the election for Trump.

"There were upwards of a thousand paid internet trolls working out of a facility in Russia, in effect taking over a series of computers which are then called a botnet, that can then generate news down to specific areas," Warner said.

While he indicated investigators were still trying to figure out exactly what places the trolls were targeting, Warner mentioned they were exploring possible targeting of three states that helped swing the election for Donald Trump: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin."

And when the FBI gets to the bottom of all those Russian/Trump campaign collaborations directing these fake news stories, you'll be singing a new tune.

Weekend page turner:

US Department of Homeland Security NCCIC and FBI Joint Analysis Report
GRIZZLY STEPPE - Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

Enjoy life inside the bubble and have a great weekend!

March 31, 2017 3:24 PM  
Anonymous just for kicks ! said...


Prove it"

I said it was LIKELY

I explained the rationale

Dems fight hard against enforcing legal requirements to vote because, let's face it: criminals represent a substantial large part of their base


Except victor in November disagrees with you:

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote"

I hate to break it to you, he's a moron

of course, you cite him as a source

"Your news sources tell you "charges against the Trump campaign" have been filed?"

I didn't say anything about "filing"

Dems have a tendency to think nothing happens unless the government certifies it

the term "charge" doesn't only apply to legal action, you moron

"You need another news source, not another Russian propaganda echo chamber like Breitbart, InfoWars, etc"


a child of the media-liberal-entertainment complex has the chutzpah to make a crack like this

as has been noted frequently here, I expose myself to plenty of contrary sources

unlike the average TTFer, who only wants to hear sources that pat them on the head and say "good boy"

"According to two members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and committee chairman Richard Burr (R-NC), hundreds of Russian trolls were paid in 2016 to generate fake news stories about Clinton and target them at voters in key states in an effort to swing the election for Trump."

propaganda is nothing new for them and they aren't the only ones who do it

I guess these Senators are shocked, just shocked

"And when the FBI gets to the bottom of all those Russian/Trump campaign collaborations directing these fake news stories, you'll be singing a new tune"

Prove it and good luck because the fact is there is not a shred of evidence indicating this is true

and, even if it were, fakes news is not illegal

it's covered under freedom of speech

and, it's often in the nuances so discussion and light is the answer, not repression

"Enjoy life inside the bubble and have a great weekend!"

funny how someone who regularly subjects himself to the verbal abuse here could be accused of living in a bubble

I guess true nuts will believe anything

enjoy your pat on the head by the media-liberal-entertainment complex

and have fun fantasizing about the pedophile rapist pig you admire so much

talk about having you head in the sand and your ass up in the air, ready for a nice swift kick!

March 31, 2017 4:35 PM  
Anonymous ha-ha said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

March 31, 2017 4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""And when the FBI gets to the bottom of all those Russian/Trump campaign collaborations directing these fake news stories, you'll be singing a new tune"

Prove it and good luck because the fact is there is not a shred of evidence indicating this is true"

Ah yes, the bubble dweller continues to spin and spew.

Here you go -- my sources and not a "medial-liberal-entertainment complex" among them:

March 31, 2017 5:38 PM  
Anonymous said...

Judge approves $25 million Trump University settlement

A judge has approved an agreement for President Donald Trump to pay $25 million to settle lawsuits over his now-defunct Trump University.

The decision Friday by U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel in San Diego ends nearly seven years of legal battles with customers who claimed they were misled by failed promises to teach success in real estate.

The ruling settles two class-action lawsuits and a civil lawsuit by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

Trump had vowed never to settle but said after the election that he didn’t have time for a trial, even though he believed he would have prevailed. Under terms of the settlement, he admits no wrongdoing.

Attorneys for the customers say thousands will get at least 90 percent of their money back.

There's no "medial-liberal-entertainment complex" here either, just facts.

Have a great weekend!

March 31, 2017 6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Here you go -- my sources and not a "medial-liberal-entertainment complex" among them:"

that Russia tries to interfere in elections, including ours, is a given

no evidence is needed

we try to as well, although with less success

what's new is that they oppose the Dems

they usually are bosom buddies

but what there is nary a shred of evidence of is that Trump colluded with them

his campaign staff had normal contacts during the transition

Dems have pathetically pumped this story without basis

yeah, Sessions shook hands with the Russian ambassador at a cocktail with hundreds of people

ooooooo...the dastardly fiend

March 31, 2017 8:16 PM  
Anonymous the Russians must have done it said...

March 31, 2017 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Wednesday, March 01, 2017 11:38PM
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- As the gay community was rising, then activist Harvey Milk saw the need to create something that would symbolize that community. Milk approached a young artist and sewer from Kansas to fulfill his message of hope.

The rainbow flag started out as a symbol of pride for the gay community. The journey to create it started in 1972, when a young Gilbert Baker took up sewing after settling in San Francisco.

"I had to look like David Bowie and Mick Jagger every single moment of my life, but I had no money," said Baker. "I had to learn how to sew and to be able to express myself."

It was Milk who asked Baker to create something that would take the place of the dreadful pink triangle used decades ago by the Nazis to identify homosexuals.

Baker knew it had to be a flag. "Flags are about power," he said. "Flags say something. You put a rainbow flag on your windshield and you're saying something."

Milk paid $1,000 for Baker's work, which started in 1978.

"Organic, hand-dyed, big mess -- cotton. Oh my God, you don't even want to know," he said. "Stitch, stitch, stitch on a little Singer. It's midnight you know."

Each color of the rainbow flag stands for something. "Pink is for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sun," Baker told ABC7 News. "Green for nature, turquoise for magic, blue for serenity and purple for the spirit. I like to think of those elements as in every person, everyone shares that."

In 1994, New York City was remembering the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Riot. Baker created a mile-long rainbow flag carried by 5,000 people.

Baker now wonders what to do with it. "I have a mile-long flag, at the last minute I cut it up with scissors and handed it off to people," he said. "I would say you're from London take this to London, Cuba, or Hong Kong and that's how it really spread internationally."

In 1997, one of his greatest achievements was getting the city of San Francisco to permanently fly it in the predominately gay Castro District.

Another memorable moment for Baker was meeting then president Barack Obama.

As an artist today, his creations always have a social message. Baker continues to work on the flag and its message of diversity.

Baker has never called his creation "his flag." He's quick to remind us that it's "our flag."

Gilbert Baker, Rainbow Flag Creator, Dead at 65

"Gilbert Baker, an artist and activist credited with creating the LGBT community's iconic rainbow flag, died Thursday night in his sleep at his home in New York City. He was 65.

Baker, who taught himself how to sew after leaving the Army, had the idea to create the first rainbow flag as a symbol to unite San Francisco's LGBT community; other rejected symbols included a pink triangle and the Greek letter Lambda, San Francisco Gate reports.

"I decided that we should have a flag, that a flag fit us as a symbol, that we are a people, a tribe if you will," Baker said at the Museum of Modern Art in 2015. "And flags are about proclaiming power, so it's very appropriate."

The flag made its debut at the 1978 Gay Freedom Day Parade as an eight-colored banner, with each color representing a certain meaning...

Just five months after the flag's debut, the assassination of San Francisco supervisor Harvey Milk propelled the rainbow pride flag's status as the rallying symbol for the community...

To honor Baker, San Francisco mayor Ed Lee hung a rainbow flag at half-staff from the city's United Nations Plaza..."

April 01, 2017 12:02 AM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

"but what there is nary a shred of evidence of is that Trump colluded with them

his campaign staff had normal contacts during the transition

....yeah, Sessions shook hands with the Russian ambassador at a cocktail with hundreds of people"


That's a big cocktail!

You think these investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 elections by the FBI and the House and Senate intelligence committees, from which Sessions found it necessary to recused himself, are about Sessions and are done finding and reviewing all the evidence?


The White House sure is working mightily hard to destroy the House Intelligence Committee's investigation, led by Trump-supporter Rep. Nunes:

"Today my staff director and I reviewed materials at the White House. It was represented to me that these are precisely the same materials that were provided to the Chairman [Nunes] over a week ago. While I cannot discuss the content of the document, if the White House has any concern over these materials, they should have been shared with the full committees in the first place as a part of our ordinary oversight responsibilities.

"Nothing I could see today warranted a departure from the normal review procedures, and these materials should now be provided to the full membership of both committees. The White House has yet to explain why senior White House staff apparently shared these materials with but one member of either committee, only for their contents to be briefed back to the White House."
-- Representative Adam Schiff

"The fact of the Watergate cover-up is not nearly as interesting as the step into making the cover-up. And when you understand the step, you understand that Richard Nixon lied. That he was a criminal."
-- Bob Woodward

April 01, 2017 8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The White House has yet to explain why senior White House staff apparently shared these materials with but one member of either committee"

it was because he was the Chair of the committee


Adam would like to have the power to drive the political discussion and frame the conversation in his way but, unfortunately, his party lost big time because they backed the second in the Clinton crime syndicate for President

decisions have consequences, Adam

but funny how evidence comes out to show Trump was right and the media-liberal-entertainment complex was wrong

and the problem for supposedly impartial Dems is not what the evidence shows but how it became known

again, we see truth is not valued by the liberal left

as for "drip, drip, drip", all your articles simply center around Democrats trying to raise a ruckus to derail the President

you may want to find something else to commit your waking hours to

like making America great again

maybe then you'll win an election again

to reiterate:

Russia hacked the email of a Presidential campaign

nothing new

there is not a shred of evidence Trump coordinated with them in any way

if that actually had occurred, it's not a crime anyway, so there's nothing to cover up

we aren't at war with Russia

we have freedom of speech here

oh, one more thing:

this new thing where Russia supposedly made up fake news to make Hillary look bad

our country is and always has been subject to stories that are false

even before the internet, there were pubs like National Enquirer

it's not against the law and the way to fight it is with truth

Dems should drop their war against truth

April 01, 2017 9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 01, 2017 10:03 AM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, cover-up, drip said...

Devin Nunes Was Supposed To Probe Collusion. Instead He’s Committing It.
The House Intelligence Committee chief is openly cooperating with the White House on an investigation involving Trump’s campaign.

"WASHINGTON ― Evidence of collusion has already surfaced in the House Intelligence Committee’s probe of the 2016 election.

No, not between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, but between Trump’s White House and the chairman of the House committee that’s supposed to be doing the investigating.

Both California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes and the White House initially denied that his newly discovered information purportedly supporting an unfounded Trump “wire tapping” claim had come from the White House. Now, both have decided they’d rather not discuss it.

“It’s not in our interest to talk about the process,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Friday. “What occurred between Chairman Nunes in coming here was both routine and proper.”

Spicer’s various iterations of “no comment” came as published reports named Nunes’ sources as White House officials from the National Security Council. Indeed, the reports show that the agency ― charged with coordinating U.S. military, intelligence and diplomatic efforts around the world ― had employees instead focusing on undoing political damage to Trump from his evidence-free tweet.

Spicer, on Thursday and Friday, denied that NSC staff members were acting specifically to look for such evidence. Rather, they found the information “in the ordinary course of their work,” Spicer said.

On Thursday, Spicer announced that the White House was inviting both House and Senate intelligence committee leaders to look at the evidence for themselves ― an invitation that appeared to come just as The New York Times was publishing its story revealing the names of two NSC staffers who worked with Nunes...."

April 01, 2017 10:11 AM  
Anonymous Amerikanski said...

Why would Russia want to influence our Presidential election, anyway? It's not that they want us all to start speaking Russian, they don't really want the US to become a kind of Russian state. The best they could hope for is to weaken the US in the world so they can assert their influence farther and wider.

For instance, they might like the US to appoint an unmotivated amateur to be Secretary of State, and to emasculate the US State Department by failing to make hundreds of important appointments, so that our diplomatic connections are neglected or severed. Russia would like us to weaken NATO and damage our strategic alliances with countries such as Australia, England, Korea, Germany, and Mexico. Russia would love to see us break the international trade agreements that open up world markets to American products. They would love to see the factionalization of American society as ethnic, cultural, racial, and religious groups fight among themselves -- the American "melting pot" has produced a very powerful alloy of cultures for hundreds of years, and Russia cannot like that. The Russians would want to ensure that half of American society -- the female half -- is kept out of boardrooms and public life, denigrated by officials and treated like noisy ornaments at best. They would like to see Americans choking in polluted air, sickened by unregulated products, and without access to health care. They would like to see American education dumbed down, like to see our public school systems shut their doors, love to see colleges and universities "privatized" so that American oligarchs can set the curriculum, rather than honest academic curiosity.

Our media and politicians will say that a domestic mass murderer was "inspired by ISIS," and that is enough to make them an "Islamic terrorist," even when they are born in the USA and have never spoken to a terrorist. It doesn't matter if Trump was on the phone with Putin through the campaign, Putin knew what he wanted and worked to get it, and Trump knew what the Russians wanted, as well, and he is making sure they get it. Of course his campaign worked with the Russians, and of course they did it in darkness, and of course the Republicans on the intelligence committees and in Congress would prefer not to find ugly facts that will tarnish their brand. There is no doubt that Bannon is a student and fan of Russian chaotic ideology, of the belief in playing the two extremes against the middle to induce a state of "nonlinear war," all sides against all other sides. And there is no doubt that Russia is getting what they want out of this Presidency.

April 01, 2017 10:35 AM  
Anonymous jailhouse rock said...

"Drip, drip, cover-up, drip"

new adventures in disingenuous use of English

by "cover-up", they mean...what?

that Trump, who asked for an investigation of Obama surveillance of the opposition political party's campaign had provided to the Chair of the committee, whom he had asked for this investigation, evidence of this surveillance?

by "collusion", they mean to tell the truth

Obama's abuse of executive branch powers to surveil the opposition is the scandal here

the Trump campaign contacts with Russia were common and necessary and should have been expected

the one crime that has been revealed in all this hubbub is that someone in the intelligence community tapped incoming NCS director Flynn's phone and leaked classified intelligence to the press

someone will go to jail for that, and it may turn out to be Obama

April 01, 2017 10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why would Russia want to influence our Presidential election, anyway?"

isn't that obvious?

we'd like to influence who leads them too

in the case of Trump, they favored him because he advocates partnering with them internationally and doesn't favor interfering in their internal policies

Trump made this perfectly clear in the campaign and there was much discussion of it, including at the debates

and Americans elected him President

get over it

as for the rest of the article, it's pretty funny

let's have a couple of laughs:

"The Russians would want to ensure that half of American society -- the female half -- is kept out of boardrooms and public life, denigrated by officials and treated like noisy ornaments at best"

hmmm..if they think females in government make a country strong, why are there none in the Russian government?

"They would like to see Americans choking in polluted air, sickened by unregulated products, and without access to health care"

have you heard of Chernobyl?

"They would like to see American education dumbed down, like to see our public school systems shut their doors, love to see colleges and universities "privatized" so that American oligarchs can set the curriculum, rather than honest academic curiosity"

oh yeah, it's obvious they want to monopolize academic curiousity


say, are you a plant to make TTF look stupid?

if so, nice work!

April 01, 2017 11:08 AM  
Anonymous the real scandal said...

The U.S. intelligence official who “unmasked,” or exposed, the names of multiple private citizens affiliated with the Trump team is someone “very well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world,” a source said on Friday.

Intelligence and House sources with direct knowledge of the disclosure of classified names said that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Nunes now knows who is responsible -- and that person is not in the FBI.

For a private citizen to be “unmasked,” or named, in an intelligence report is extremely rare. Typically, the American is a suspect in a crime, is in danger or has to be named to explain the context of the report.

“The main issue in this case, is not only the unmasking of these names of private citizens, but the spreading of these names for political purposes that have nothing to do with national security or an investigation into Russia’s interference in the U.S. election,” a congressional source close to the investigation said.

The unmasking of Americans whose communications apparently were caught up in surveillance under the Obama administration is a key part of an investigation being led by Nunes, who has come under fire from Democrats for focusing on that aspect.

Nunes has known about the unmasking controversy since January, when two sources in the intelligence community approached him. The sources told Nunes who was responsible and at least one of the Trump team names that was unmasked. They also gave him serial numbers of reports that documented the activity.

This was long before Trump sent out his now famous March 4 tweets that then-President Barack Obama “wiretapped” his campaign during the election.

Nunes had asked intelligence agencies to see the reports in question, but was stonewalled.

He eventually was able to view them, but there was only one safe place to see the documents without compromising the sources’ identities -- the old executive office building on White House grounds, which has a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) required to view classified or top secret reports. The White House did not tell Nunes about the existence of the intelligence reports, but did help him gain access to the documents at his request, the source said.

The White House, meanwhile, is urging Nunes and his colleagues to keep pursuing what improper surveillance and leaks may have occurred before Trump took office. They’ve been emboldened in the wake of March 2 comments from former Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas, who on MSNBC suggested her former colleagues tried to gather material on Trump team contacts with Russia.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Friday her comments and other reports raise “serious” concerns about whether there was an “organized and widespread effort by the Obama administration to use and leak highly sensitive intelligence information for political purposes.”

“Dr. Farkas’ admissions alone are devastating,” he said.

April 01, 2017 11:17 AM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, cover-up, drip said...

"the one crime that has been revealed in all this hubbub is that someone in the intelligence community tapped incoming NCS director Flynn's phone and leaked classified intelligence to the press"

Look at TrumpSupportingAnon spin after just a few days ago claiming:

"it looks as though Obama directed that he receive incidental interception of unmasked Trump campaign communication and ordered it disseminated so broadly in the intelligence community as to make it likely to leak to the media"

No, it did not look like that.

There is no evidence Obama did any such thing!

What are you, a Russian bot pushing more Putin propaganda?

Here's what it is:

Trump administration reportedly sought to block Sally Yates from testifying on Russia


Because "...As acting attorney general, Yates played a key part in the investigation surrounding Flynn, who was ousted after revelations that he had discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

Yates and Brennan had made clear to government officials by Thursday that their testimony to the committee would probably contradict some statements that White House officials had made, according to a person familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity...

In January, Yates warned [White House Councel Donald] McGahn that statements White House officials, including Vice President Pence, had made about Flynn’s contact with the ambassador were incorrect and could therefore expose the national security adviser to future blackmail by the Russians..."

April 01, 2017 11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fox New source better have a good lawyer.

You left out a few parts with likely more easily found at the URL above:

"The U.S. intelligence official who “unmasked,” or exposed, the names of multiple private citizens affiliated with the Trump team is someone “very well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world,” a source told Fox News said [delete "said"] on Friday.

Intelligence and House sources with direct knowledge of the disclosure of classified names
told Fox News said [delete "said"] that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Nunes now knows who is responsible -- and that person is not in the FBI...

... a congressional source close to the investigation
told Fox News said [delete "said"].

Stay as misinformed as you wish.

April 01, 2017 11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is no evidence Obama did any such thing!"

former Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas, on MSNBC, suggested her former colleagues tried to gather material on Trump team contacts with Russia

is a witness evidence?

the NY Times reported last month, before anyone had realized the implications of the Obama effort, that Obama had spread unmasked information to all intelligence agencies, increasing the odds of a leak

both Nunes and Schiff have reviewed the evidence on the White House grounds

the rest of the committee has been invited to, as well

I guess if your hero doesn't know what the definition of is is, the definition of evidence is a little slippery too

"Trump administration reportedly sought to block Sally Yates from testifying on Russia"

and by "block", the media means disagrees with Dems on the order of the witnesses' testimony

Dems are pushing to have certain witnesses appear in a certain order so they can control the narrative and the news cycle

unfortunately for them, they lost the election by making stupid decisions so they don't have the power to do anything but make unfounded accusations

April 01, 2017 11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Fox New source better have a good lawyer"

good point

the Dems are desperate and will stop at nothing to cover up the Obama surveillance scandal

April 01, 2017 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, cover-up, drip, double down, drip said...

"ormer Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas, on MSNBC, suggested her former colleagues tried to gather material on Trump team contacts with Russia"

Thanks, Putin Bot, for spreading more malicious lies about US officials.

I'm sure Putin thanks you for your efforts to undermine America.

Russia Wins When Sean Spicer Repeats Wiretapping Claims, Evelyn Farkas Says
The former Obama official fired back Friday after Spicer claimed again that she’d uncovered evidence of Barack Obama spying on Donald Trump."

"WASHINGTON ― Evelyn Farkas, who served as the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia until 2015, blasted White House press secretary Sean Spicer Friday after he peddled a conspiracy theory about her role in gathering information on connections between President Donald Trump and Russia.

Spicer spent much of his Friday press conference repeating a claim that has become popular in conservative circles in recent days: that Farkas “revealed” that the administration of former President Barack Obama was spying on Trump, as the new president has repeatedly claimed without evidence.

Farkas replied to Spicer in a tweet:

"EvelynFarkas @EvelynNFarkas
Amen, Brother. Who benefits from this fake news? R-U – S – S – I –A. @hardball …
2:25 PM - 31 Mar 2017"

A Snopes investigation has already debunked Spicer’s talking point, noting that Trump supporters appear to be conflating a Farkas appearance on MSNBC with a New York Times report quoting current officials.

The Times published its story, which described efforts to protect intelligence on Russia’s role in the election, on March 1. Farkas appeared on the channel to discuss it on March 2. She described her own attempt to urge Washington figures, particularly people working on Capitol Hill, to gather information prior to Trump’s inauguration, for fear that political motivations would lead the new team to compromise intelligence-gathering.

Two days later, Trump tweeted that Obama tapped his phones in Trump Tower.

The president and his supporters have been scrambling to justify that assertion since then...."

April 01, 2017 1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Evelyn Farkas, who served as the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia until 2015, blasted White House"

this is similar to the NY Times not realizing the implications of their story about Obama spreading unmasked information on Trump to myriad intelligence agencies

they didn't stop to think at the time how Nixonian this was

so now, the fact that Farkas thinks her activities were just routine is further indication how nonchalant Obama's administration was about their abuses

"The president and his supporters have been scrambling"


according to liberals, everyone's always "scrambling" to respond to their inane and baseless accusations

really don't think a anyone's too worried about the Dems

they control none of the levers of government

unless you consider the media a branch of government

April 01, 2017 1:36 PM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

Liberal Democrats like FBI Director Comey?

"FBI Director James Comey, in an extraordinary House hearing meant to clear the air on a host of allegations relating to the 2016 campaign, confirmed publicly for the first time Monday that the bureau is probing Russian meddling in the race including possible “links” to the Trump team – while disputing the president’s claim that his predecessor wiretapped him.

The FBI director was called to testify alongside National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers for a public session of the House intelligence committee. Comey’s testimony could serve to fuel tensions with the White House, which maintains there’s no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

Comey was careful in his testimony not to confirm any details of what the bureau’s Russia investigation has uncovered or dismissed, saying he could not comment further since the probe is “open” and “ongoing.”

But he used his opening statement to address head-on the probe that has been the subject of news reports for months. He noted while the FBI normally would not confirm ongoing investigations, he could make an exception for such “unusual” circumstances.

“I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

He added that this probe will “include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed.”...

Comey used his appearance to effectively knock down a series of allegations Trump tweeted earlier this month about supposed wiretapping conducted against him by his predecessor.

“I have no information that supports those tweets, and we have looked carefully inside the FBI,” Comey said, adding that the same is true for the Department of Justice.

Asked about Trump’s suggestion that the prior administration was engaged in McCarthyism, Comey responded, “I try very hard not to engage in any isms of any kind, including McCarthyism.”

He further clarified that “no president” could unilaterally wiretap anyone..."

And don't forget:

Now you can blame Fox and Breitbart media for reporting the same facts as the NYTimes.

How unAmerican of you to put your trust into partisanship always crowing the "GOP controls Congress."

April 01, 2017 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Drip, drip, drip"

do let us know when the first drip will hit

we like to be ready

"Liberal Democrats like FBI Director Comey?"

I think he likes being the center of attention

someone needs to tell him: if you want to run a branch of government, in America, you need to be elected

oh, he's very clever at making statements to get attention

notice he didn't say there's any evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump

of course, even if there were, he'd have to explain what law that would break

notice that he doesn't deny Obama surveilled the opposition party's campaign

he only denies that Obama personally snuck up to Trump Tower and placed a tap on Trump's phone

don't think anyone ever thought he had

"He further clarified that “no president” could unilaterally wiretap anyone...""

and, yet, it has since been demonstrated that this one could

in the last year, Obama changed the rules concerning incidental interception and masking identities of private citizens

"Now you can blame Fox and Breitbart media for reporting the same facts as the NYTimes"

the NYTimes, a branch of the Democratic Party, goes far beyond "reporting the facts"

as far as propaganda, their skills exceed the Russians

"How unAmerican of you to put your trust into partisanship always crowing the "GOP controls Congress.""

Americans believe that voters elect our government

they elected the GOP

April 01, 2017 3:11 PM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

"do let us know when the first drip will hit

we like to be ready"

Oh poor baby with tiny hands.

Can't take the drip, drip, drip because you voted for the man whose campaign is under FBI investigation?

Maybe you'll find dryer commenters over at Theresa's blog for shower nuts.

Maybe you'll even find some golden showers over there!

"notice that he doesn't deny Obama surveilled the opposition party's campaign

he only denies that Obama personally snuck up to Trump Tower and placed a tap on Trump's phone"

You must get dizzy with all that spinning you do, Komrade.

Look what you missed:

"Comey used his appearance to effectively knock down a series of allegations Trump tweeted earlier this month about supposed wiretapping conducted against him by his predecessor.

“I have no information that supports those tweets, and we have looked carefully inside the FBI,” Comey said, adding that the same is true for the Department of Justice."

The FBI and DOJ have found NO INFORMATION to support Donnie Boy's diversionary tactic that is splattering all over him and his supporters.

The trumpster lied about being wire tapped by Obama to try to draw attention away from the fact his campaign was under FBI investigation, when we all know how Tiny Hands feels about presidential politicians under FBI investigation and now he is one himself.

So he continues to spin to try to distract Americans' attention from the fact that Director Comey publicly announced:

"the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

The presidential campaign of your idol, the pussy grabbing Putin pal, is under FBI investigation.

Two Congressional committees are investigating the Trump campaign too, one partisan in the gerrymandered lopsided House and one bi-partisan in the more even Senate.

And when Yates finally testifies publicly, we'll find out what Pence had to so with all of it.

I have a feeling this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better for the lying conspiracy theorists Putin helped put in the White House.

April 01, 2017 4:43 PM  
Anonymous the future for them Dems is grim said...

brilliant anon:

"do let us know when the first drip will hit

we like to be ready"

malicious moron-anon:

"Oh poor baby with tiny hands"

good idea, fat ass

when you looking really stupid, just throw out a non sequitur

at least then you can pretend you said something so profound no one understood you

"Can't take the drip, drip, drip"

amazingly, like all other people with a grip on reality, I have yet to hear a single drip

"because you voted for the man whose campaign is under FBI investigation?"

show where someone has said Trump is under FBI investigation

I did vote for him, reluctantly, just to keep the SCOTUS free from the gay agenda

looks like it's working

"Maybe you'll find dryer commenters over at Theresa's blog for shower nuts"

never seen it

what's the address?

"Maybe you'll even find some golden showers over there!"

I can see why you like the pedophile rapist pig so much

you're kind of a pig yourself

brilliant anon:

"notice that he doesn't deny Obama surveilled the opposition party's campaign

he only denies that Obama personally snuck up to Trump Tower and placed a tap on Trump's phone"

malicious moron-anon"

"You must get dizzy with all that spinning you do, Komrade.

Look what you missed:

"Comey used his appearance to effectively knock down a series of allegations Trump tweeted earlier this month about supposed wiretapping conducted against him by his predecessor.

“I have no information that supports those tweets, and we have looked carefully inside the FBI,” Comey said, adding that the same is true for the Department of Justice.""

didn't miss a thing

Comey is carefully parsing his words

he's been asked about the incidental interception and unmasking

he takes the fifth

"The FBI and DOJ have found NO INFORMATION to support Donnie Boy's diversionary tactic that is splattering all over him and his supporters"

really? because Nunes and Schiff have looked at the evidence

the head of the DOJ says the leaking will be investigated and prosecuted

"The trumpster lied about being wire tapped by Obama"

he almost immediately explained his term was meant to include generalized surveillance

you stick to a legalized interpretation because it suits your political agenda

"to try to draw attention away from the fact his campaign was under FBI investigation,"

if he wanted to draw attention from that, he could ask "investigated for what?"

there's no actual answer

"when we all know how Tiny Hands feels about presidential politicians under FBI investigation"

you mean when the pedophile rapist pig's good wife was guilty of mishandling classified information but Comey decided not to recommend prosecution because she was running for President?

"and now he is one himself"

he's actually President, not a candidate

"And when Yates finally testifies publicly, we'll find out what Pence had to so with all of it"

Yates is part of the discredited Obama administration the voters of America rejected

before we find out what Pence had to do with all of it, we'll have find out what "all of it" is

nothing that has been alleged is illegal

and that's apart from the fact that the alleged is unproven

"I have a feeling this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better"

yes, the future does look mighty grim for the Dems

"for the lying conspiracy theorists Putin helped put in the White House"

how ironic that someone who maintains, without evidence, that the Russians installed a Manchurian candidate in the White House would call anyone else a conspiracy theorist


April 01, 2017 5:16 PM  
Anonymous what a barrel of cossack monkeys said...

April 01, 2017 5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing is known now about Russian activities and preference for Trump that wasn't known prior to the election

Obama himself said Russia has always tried to influence our elections

the lies currently being told by Democrats are undermining our democracy

since it's apparent that the GOP is split, America can eliminate the Democratic party and still have two major candidates for every election by making two parties out of the GOP

the future is in sight

April 02, 2017 4:29 AM  
Anonymous What an interesting new drip said...

The White House, apparently after reconsidering Trump's expressed support for Flynn seeking an immunity deal, continues its own leaking.

WASHINGTON, April 1 (Reuters) - Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, failed to disclose payments from a Russian television network and a second firm linked to Russia in a February financial disclosure form, according to documents released by the White House on Saturday.

In a financial disclosure form signed by Flynn on March 31, the former White House official listed speaking engagements to Russian entities, including the Kremlin-funded RT TV and Volga-Dnepr Airlines.

The form does not say how much Flynn was paid but the speeches are in a section titled "sources of compensation exceeding $5,000 in a year."

The speeches were not included in a form that Flynn signed electronically on February 11, which the White House also released on Saturday.

The discrepancy on reporting income linked to Russia could add to Flynn's legal woes. The retired general, who was forced to resign after only 24 days, is under scrutiny for his contacts with Russian officials in a wider investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

He has requested immunity if he testifies before the intelligence committees of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, his lawyer, Robert Kelner, said on Thursday.

Flynn was forced out on Feb. 13 for failing to disclose talks with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak about U.S. sanctions on Moscow and misleading Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations, which occurred before Trump took office.

April 02, 2017 8:42 AM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Bigotry made people vote for Trump

April 02, 2017 12:47 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

A judge rules Trump may have incited violence … and Trump again has his own mouth to blame

April 02, 2017 1:04 PM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

"CBS News has learned that U.S. investigators are looking into whether Trump campaign representatives had a role in helping Russian intelligence as it carried out cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political targets in March 2016.

This new information suggests that the FBI is going back further than originally reported to determine the extent of possible coordination. Sources say investigators are probing whether an individual or individuals connected to the campaign intentionally or unwittingly helped the Russians breach Democratic Party targets.

In March 2016, both Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton had emerged as their parties’ most likely nominees.

According to a declassified intelligence assessment, it was in March when Russian hackers “began cyber operations aimed at the U.S. election.” In May, U.S. officials say the Russians had stolen “large volumes of data from the DNC.”

Starting in June, websites like Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks began posting the hacked documents.

In August, Trump confidant Roger Stone tweeted about Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

“Trust me, it will soon the Podesta’s time in the barrel,” Stone tweeted.

Then on Oct 7, WikiLeaks began publishing Podesta’s personal emails. It was the same day the Department of Homeland Security and director of national intelligence publicly accused Russia of carrying out the cyberattacks.

Now, one year after the Russian operation began, sources say the FBI’s investigation is nowhere near over. It involves dozens of agents in Washington, New York and London. The NSA and CIA are also gathering intelligence from inside Russia.

Despite his denials, investigators believe the operation was authorized by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself and it involved both cyberattacks and information warfare.

According to testimony on Friday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, 15,000 operatives worldwide participated in spreading false news stories and conspiracy theories online. Those activities are also part of the FBI’s investigation - including who paid for them.

Law enforcement sources say one theory is that Trump associates could have been motivated by money. But sources tell us the FBI wants to get the investigation absolutely right so that the public will trust the result, whatever that turns out to be."

April 02, 2017 2:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The All-Male Republican Photo Op Isn’t a Gaffe. It’s a Strategy.

President Trump ran a campaign of aggrieved masculinity, appealing to men who felt their rightful place in society has been taken from them by a stream of immigrants stealing their jobs, women who don’t need husbands to support them, and members of minority groups who don’t work as hard but still get special treatment.
Continue reading the main story

Mr. Trump oozes male entitlement, from his brash insistence that he’s the best at everything despite knowing very little about anything to his history of crass sexism.

Mr. Trump promised he would make America great again, a slogan that included the implicit pledge to return white men to their place of historic supremacy. And that is precisely what these photos show.

Mr. Trump promised he would make America great again, a slogan that included the implicit pledge to return white men to their place of historic supremacy. And that is precisely what these photos show.

For liberal women, this latest all-male photo is a visualization of our worst fears realized. For many Trump supporters, though, it’s evidence of a promise fulfilled.

April 02, 2017 5:46 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Americans’ right to protest is in grave danger under Trump, United Nations warns

The right to protest is fundamental to American democracy. The country was born, after all, out of decades of civil disobedience by people angry about taxation without representation. (In Washington, FWIW, we are still angry.)

But according to United Nations human rights investigators, this very basic principle is under attack. Over the past few months, on the heels of a fresh wave of organizing by liberals, at least 19 states have introduced measures that would criminalize peaceful protest.

April 02, 2017 6:47 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "because you voted for the man whose campaign is under FBI investigation?"

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "show where someone has said Trump is under FBI investigation.

Wow, you really are in a battle with reality. Comey verified that the Monday before last. Trump's minions have been trying to distract from that every since by pretending they've got evidence Obama wire tapped Trump tower - they're terrified of what's going to be revealed.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "notice that he doesn't deny Obama surveilled the opposition party's campaign he only denies that Obama personally snuck up to Trump Tower and placed a tap on Trump's phone".

Everyone in the intelligence community has said there is no evidence the Obama administration had anything whatsoever to do with surveilling the Trump campaign or administration. Obviously when people deny Obama had anything to do with this they are not simply denying that he didn't personally perform the surveillance, we deny he orderd it or had anything to do with innitiating it through anyone.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Comey is carefully parsing his words he's been asked about the incidental interception and unmasking he takes the fifth".

That's a lie. Comey said there is no evidence a crime was committed and so has nothing to report. He most certainly didn't say he wasn't talking because it might incriminate him.

April 02, 2017 7:47 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "The FBI and DOJ have found NO INFORMATION to support Donnie Boy's diversionary tactic that is splattering all over him and his supporters"

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "really? because Nunes and Schiff have looked at the evidence the head of the DOJ says the leaking will be investigated and prosecuted".

That's a strawman. Good anonymous said there is no information to support the pussy grabbing Putin puppets claim Obama wire tapped him, not that the FBI and DOJ wouldn't investigate and prosecute leaks. More standard misrepresentation and deception from Wyatt/bad anonymous.

Good anonymous said "The trumpster lied about being wire tapped by Obama"

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "he almost immediately explained his term was meant to include generalized surveillance you stick to a legalized interpretation because it suits your political agenda".

Another lie on your part. What Good anonymous was saying and what all intelligence agencies have said is that there is no "generalized surveillance" of Trump or his people by Obama, not merely that physical wires weren't tapped into. The broader claim by Trump is what has been denied by the FBI and DOJ.

April 02, 2017 7:48 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "to try to draw attention away from the fact his campaign was under FBI investigation,"

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "if he wanted to draw attention from that, he could ask "investigated for what?" there's no actual answer".

Wow, you really are a bone-headed liar. The FBI made it clear they were investigating whether or not the Trump campaign collluded with Russian espionage aimed at tipping the election to Trump. Try not to make your lies so painfully obvious next time.


Good anonymous said "when we all know how Tiny Hands feels about presidential politicians under FBI investigation"

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "you mean when the pedophile rapist pig's good wife was guilty of mishandling classified information but Comey decided not to recommend prosecution because she was running for President?".

Comey didn't recommend prosecution because Hillary didn't do anything wrong. She used a private server just like Colin Powel, Condoleeza Rice, and Mike Pence. She didn't "mishandle" any classified information. Comey the partisan hack broke DOJ policy to cast an unjustified cloud over Hillary 10 days before the election but didn't similarly reveal the investigation into Trump and his campaign. If he had been honest he'd have revealed the investigation into both or neither. Comey intentionally rigged the election for Trump.

April 02, 2017 7:48 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "And when Yates finally testifies publicly, we'll find out what Pence had to so with all of it"

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Yates is part of the discredited Obama administration the voters of America rejected before we find out what Pence had to do with all of it, we'll have find out what "all of it" nothing that has been alleged is illegal".

Lies. It most certainly was illegal for Russian to steal DNC informationa and if Trump or his poeple colluded with Russian attempts to interfere in the election that is illegal as well. Yates is beyond reproach, unlike the racist Putin croney Jeff Sessions.

Good anonymous said "for the lying conspiracy theorists Putin helped put in the White House"

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "how ironic that someone who maintains, without evidence, that the Russians installed a Manchurian candidate in the White House would call anyone else a conspiracy theorist".

Oh, but there is evidence. Putin has undermined Russian democracy to make himself a dictator and interferred in elections around the world to undermine Western Democracies. Putin invaded sovereign Ukraine and is supporting the brutal Assad regime in Syria to the benefit of ISIS. Its no coincidence that Trump ordered the Republican party to remove from its platform support for weaponry to for Ukraine to defend itself against Russia. Its downright bizarre and indefensible that Trump has praised Putin non-stop despite Putin's assasination of opponents in Russia and members of the Russian press who've criticized him. Trump's son said a disproportionate amount of Trump's assets are in Russia and that they are doing a lot of business there. Trump's son-in-law met with the head of a Russian bank that is under investigation for ties to Russian crime syndicates and under sanction for money laundering and being Putin's slush fund to manipulate countries around the world. And let's not forget Trump on camera asking Russia to hack Hillary's emails.

April 02, 2017 7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priya

the drip said:

"According to testimony on Friday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, 15,000 operatives worldwide participated in spreading false news stories and conspiracy theories online. Those activities are also part of the FBI’s investigation - including who paid for them"

who gave this testimony?

if true, the FBI is violating someone's constitutional rights

"spreading false news stories and conspiracy theories online" is protected free speech

if something false is said, the only appropriate response of a democratically constitutional government is to make sure those who want to tell the truth are safe to do so

if the FBI is investigating someone's exercise of free speech, they are harassing someone unconstitutionally

elections in a democracy often involve one side saying the other is making false statements

the issue is settled at the ballot box not by a criminal investigation

Democrats are advocating a banana republic mentality

technically, hacking into someone else's computer is illegal but, unless it's classified information at issue, the charge is pretty hollow

everyone in our society is using the internet to spy on everyone else

face reality

April 02, 2017 8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""According to testimony on Friday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, 15,000 operatives worldwide participated in spreading false news stories and conspiracy theories online. Those activities are also part of the FBI’s investigation - including who paid for them"

who gave this testimony?

I posted the URL.

If you don't know who gave the testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, that's your own lazy ass fault.

if true, the FBI is violating someone's constitutional rights

And where did you go to law school, Trump U?

You are claiming the Senate Intelligence Committee compelled testimony that is violating someone's constitutional rights proving you are no lawyer and are severely misinformed.

I'd suggest you face reality but you are obviously clueless about what reality is and too lazy to bother to find out.

April 02, 2017 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Great job, Priya Lynn!!

You have once again reduced the Trump supporting anonymous troll to telling you to "shut up" because he is unable to rebut your cogent points.

April 02, 2017 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you don't know who gave the testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, that's your own lazy ass fault"

well, you apparently don't either

because you read uncritically, just accepting everything the media says

it's why you're so messed up in the head

to accept testimony without asking the source, as you do, makes you a stupid imbecile

how does it feel to be a stupid imbecile?

"You are claiming the Senate Intelligence Committee compelled testimony that is violating someone's constitutional rights proving you are no lawyer and are severely misinformed"

you can't even read

I didn't say that

the Senate can ask for testimony from anyone about anything

it's because their job is to consider if situations justify the formulation of some type of legislation

they aren't a criminal court, so the question of rights is not relevant

but I you look back, I said the FBI criminally investigating who is making up "fake stories" about the President's party is a violation of their right to free speech

making up "fake stories" is free speech and allowing that to happen unhindered is vital to any democracy

now, see how patiently and reasonably I explained to you what a stupid imbecile you are?

do I get a "thank you"?

"I'd suggest you face reality but you are obviously clueless about what reality is and too lazy to bother to find out"

oh, my credentials on looking at all sides and every fact is well-established

as a matter, you kids are forever suggesting I should only go to blogs where everyone agrees with me

that's what you do and, well, idiocy loves company

"Great job, Priya Lynn!!

You have once again reduced the Trump supporting anonymous troll to telling you to "shut up" because he is unable to rebut your cogent points"

well, I don't read Priya's crap

but Priya needs to be told to shut up

no one responds to anything Priya says

and Priya hogs up the room on the blog

Priya is hateful and vile and will never step on American soil because of it

Priya, shut up

April 02, 2017 11:55 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "Great job, Priya Lynn!!

You have once again reduced the Trump supporting anonymous troll to telling you to "shut up" because he is unable to rebut your cogent points.".

Thanks sweet nasty woman. Wyatt always posts lies and bullsh*t but his last few posts were particularly stupid even for him.

April 03, 2017 3:24 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "making up "fake stories" is free speech and allowing that to happen unhindered is vital to any democracy".

That's classic Wyatt/bad anonymous, a drooling fan of lies and bullsh*t!

You know you can't take seriously anything he says when he says crap like that and "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".


April 03, 2017 3:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut up, Priya

April 03, 2017 6:12 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Great comments, Priya Lynn!

Way to keep the Trump supporting TTF Troll bubble dweller from being able to disprove a word you post!

April 03, 2017 6:34 AM  
Anonymous i see chagrin, again said...

at last

after years and years of a couple dozen posts daily

finally, finally, someone other than brilliant anon has a comment on something Priya says

but, sadly, even that revolves around brilliant anon as the subject

it's obvious Priya has nothing worthwhile to say, that Priya's only worth revolves around brilliant anon, who won't read or respond to anything Priya says

how sad!

Priya should just shut up

April 03, 2017 10:27 AM  
Anonymous old ronald said...

oh, it's nice that after more than a decade of furious posting, someone has finally read and responded to a couple of Priya's posts

even if the topic was really about brilliant anon

at least someone has acknowledged Priya's EXISTENCE...

that's a start

of course, when your friend is a drip, weeeellll, nuff said..

April 03, 2017 10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one of the most significant events of the past week is that Adam Schiff went to the White House and viewed the evidence that Obama spied on Trump's campaign and his mood and statements have completely shifted since

Dems have unproven allegations about Trump, the GOP has evidence about Obama:

April 03, 2017 11:00 AM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

For someone who claims he's ignoring me Wyatt/bad anonymous sure spends a lot of time fretting over me posting.

Perhaps it was me exposing Wyatt/bad anonymous's unhappiness and wasted life over being a self-loathing promiscuous gay that has him so angry at me or maybe its just that I've exposed his lying so frequently, or he's furious over his impotence in the face of my facts and logic but he sure puts a lot of energy into "ignoring" me.

And for someone who says he's happy Trump won and is oppressing LGBT people he sure has been hostile and bitter since the election!

Perhaps that's because he's looking back over the life he's wasted warring against the part of himself he can't accept and realizing its all been for nothing, he's realizing the American Pyschiatric Association was right - gays who positively accept their sexual orientation are happier and better adjusted than those who do not.

When you sum it all up Wyatt/bad anonymous is bitter because he resents my being happy being who I am when he's sacrificed his happiness to please the anti-gay society he identifies with.

I pity him.

Its never too late to come out of the closet and apologize for your efforts to harm innocent LGBT people Wyatt. The vast majority of us will forgive you and welcome you into the community.

April 03, 2017 1:25 PM  
Anonymous here it comes - dems 19th nervous breakdown said...

If you’re stressed out about this whole Russian nonsense, relax – Donald Trump didn't do anything wrong, and he's not going be impeached, arrested, or ritually disemboweled. When the truth comes out and it explodes in the Democrats’ soft, girlish hands, we’ll all be laughing and toasting their humiliation with Stoli shots.

How do I know this with utter certainty? Because it's all so glaringly obvious, and it’s the only scenario that fits the facts. As Hugh Hewitt says, this scandal has three silos. The first silo is the question of whether the Russians somehow “hacked our election.” The second silo is whether any Trump people “colluded” with the Russians. The third silo, the one patriots care most about since it’s the one that isn’t a ridiculous fantasy, is whether anyone in Obama's administration used our intelligence apparatus to spy on his and Hillary’s political opponents. The answers are “No,” “No,” and “Yes.” The end results are going to be a stronger Trump, weaker Democrats, and various Obama minions exploring new career opportunities in the exciting fields of license plate-making, large-to-small rock transformation, and artisanal pruno distilling.

April 03, 2017 1:31 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"one of the most significant events of the past week is that Adam Schiff went to the White House and viewed the evidence that Obama spied on Trump's campaign and " said:

Adam Schiff Verified account

Viewed docs today at White House invitation. Here are my thoughts:

"Today my staff director and I reviewed materials at the White House. It was represented to me that these are precisely the same materials that were provided to the Chairman [Nunes] over a week ago. While I cannot discuss the content of the documents, if the White House had any concern over these materials, they should have been shared with the full committees, in the first place as a part of our ordinary oversight responsibilities.

Nothing I could see today warranted a departure from the normal review procedures, and these materials should now be provided to the full membership of both committees. The White House has yet to explain why seiner White House staff apparently shared these materials with but one member of either committee, only for their contents to be briefed back to the White House."

You would be wise to avoid the fake news creators and spinners at Breitbart and Townhall.

April 03, 2017 2:25 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "If you’re stressed out about this whole Russian nonsense, relax – Donald Trump didn't do anything wrong, and he's not going be impeached, arrested...".

LOL, talk about whistling past the graveyard! Like you, Hewitt is in deep denial of reality.

April 03, 2017 2:55 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

More bad news for Wyatt/bad anonymous:

Survey: 20 Percent of Millennials Identify as LGBTQ

GLAAD's third annual Accelerating Acceptance report surveyed 2,037 U.S. adults ages 18 and over last November in partnership with Harris Poll. The report revealed 20 percent of the youngest respondents (18-34) identify as LGBTQ, a notable increase from 12 percent of Generation X (ages 35-53) and 7 percent of the baby boomer generation (52-71). The survey also found that acceptance and understanding of the community has reached historic levels, particularly among young people.

An additional finding was that millennials are moving away from identifying within traditional binaries such as "man/woman" and "gay/straight." According to the report, 12 percent of millennials identify as either transgender or gender-nonconforming, compared to 6 percent in Generation X.

When asked whether she expects the percentage of people who identify as LGBTQ to continue to rise in future generations, GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said "absolutely."

Trump's election is a setback to be sure but there's no denying the long term trend is in favour of equal treatment for LGBT people. Even Wyatt can see that and that's why he's so bitter despite Trump's win.

April 03, 2017 2:58 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

75% of Germans back same sex marriage

The arc of history is long but it bends towards justice.

April 03, 2017 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

Breitbart fake news creator and spinner Kurt Schlichter claimed "Russians didn’t hack the election. Liberals use the word “hacked..."

Who else uses that word?

FBI Director Comey used the word "hack" many times in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

Such as:

"We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm...

"The hacked documents would be in exchange for a Trump administration policy that de-emphasizes Russia's invasion of Ukraine and instead focuses on criticizing NATO countries for not paying their fair share...

"Later in July and after the convention, the first stolen emails detrimental to Hillary Clinton appear on WikiLeaks. A hacker who goes by the moniker, Guccifer 2.0, claims responsibility for hacking the DNC and giving the documents to WikiLeaks. A leading private cyber security firms including Crowdstrike, Mandiant and ThreatConnect review the evidence of the hack and conclude with high certainty that it was the work of APT 28 and APT 29 who are known to be Russian intelligence services.

The U.S. intelligence committee also later confirms that the documents were in fact stolen by Russian intelligence and Guccifer 2.0 acted as a front. Also in late July, candidate Trump praises WikiLeaks, says he loves them and openly appeals to the Russians to hack his opponents emails telling them that they will be richly rewarded by the press.

On August 8th, Roger Stone, a long time Trump political advisor and self-proclaimed political dirty trickster, boasts in his speech that he has communicated with Assange and that more documents would be coming, including an October surprise. In the middle of August, he also communicates with the Russian cut out Guccifer 2.0 and authors a Breitbart piece denying Guccifer's links to Russian intelligence..."

You know how to use Ctrl F to search for a word in a document, don't you?

Check it out yourself if you dare.

April 03, 2017 3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Dems' omit suicide by blocking Gorsuch

Adam Schiff has gone glum and quiet since viewing the evidence of Obama's calumny

btw, the documents have a routing sheet to show who circulated the unmasked information

it was Susan Rice

April 03, 2017 3:16 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

Typical misleading Wyattt/bad anonymous comment, Schiff can't comment on the content of the classfied documents he read.

But contrary to your attempt to mislead, he did say there was nothing in them to support the claim that Obama "surveilled" the Trump campaign.

Give it up, you've got nothing to distract from the Trump/Russia collusion and investigations.

April 03, 2017 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Breitbart fake news creator and spinner Kurt Schlichter claimed "Russians didn’t hack the election. Liberals use the word “hacked..."

Who else uses that word?

FBI Director Comey used the word "hack" many times in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee."

typical of the deceitful in which Dems are destroying their careers

the word "hack" is not an issue

someone most definitely hacked Hillary's e-mail

the issue is the phrase "hacked the election"

it is used so that people who don't pay attention will be misled into thinking Russia changed the result of the voting

no one "hacked the election"

Dems are liars

Obama spied on Trump's campaign and " said:

Adam Schiff Verified account

Viewed docs today at White House invitation. Here are my thoughts:

"Today my staff director and I reviewed materials at the White House. It was represented to me that these are precisely the same materials that were provided to the Chairman [Nunes] over a week ago. While I cannot discuss the content of the documents, if the White House had any concern over these materials, they should have been shared with the full committees, in the first place as a part of our ordinary oversight responsibilities.

Nothing I could see today warranted a departure from the normal review procedures, and these materials should now be provided to the full membership of both committees. The White House has yet to explain why seiner White House staff apparently shared these materials with but one member of either committee, only for their contents to be briefed back to the White House."

the statement Nasty Woman posted

you notice nowhere in it, or since, has Schiff denied that Obama surveilled Trump's campaign

he was overwhelmed by the evidence

someone has committed a felony and is going to jail

April 03, 2017 3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April 03, 2017 4:09 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Lying liar Wyatt/bad anonymous said "the word "hack" is not an issue someone most definitely hacked Hillary's e-mail the issue is the phrase "hacked the election" it is used so that people who don't pay attention will be misled into thinking Russia changed the result of the voting no one "hacked the election Dems are liars".

Democrats have never claimed Russians hacked into voting machines and changed the tally of votes despite constant Republican lies that that was what was being claimed. When people say Russia hacked the election they are referring to their espionage into DNC conmputers in order to create propaganda to discredit Hillary and benefit Trump.

There is no doubt that that happened and so it is true the election was hacked. Also, Russians had 1000 paid trolls spreading fake news during the election focused on Dem states Trump needed to turn to win the electoral college on a technicality. There is no doubt they influenced the few voters in key states necessary to vote against Hillary and thus tip the election to Trump.

There is no doubt that without Russian espionage, disinformation and fake news Hillary would be president today.

Lying liar Wyatt/bad anonymous said "you notice nowhere in it, or since, has Schiff denied that Obama surveilled Trump's campaign he was overwhelmed by the evidence someone has committed a felony and is going to jail".

Of course it will come as no surprise to regular TTF readers that Schiff did in fact deny that Obama surveilled the Trump campaign.

"Schiff emphasized to reporters that Nunes had brought forth no evidence to suggest that there was ever a wiretap of Trump Tower, as the president has repeatedly alleged without evidence. Several top officials, including FBI Director James Comey, have publicly refuted the explosive allegation".

So, pitiful Wyatt/bad anonymous is repeating a tired old oft debunked lie to try to distract from the fact that Trump and his people are under three investigations for colluding with Russia to rig the election.

And they did. And Trump is the most illegitimate president ever having lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes and only winning on a technicality due to Russian interference and FBI director Comey's partisanship.

April 03, 2017 4:32 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

On CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, host Jake Tapper asked Schiff if Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) was attempting to distract from the Russia investigation with claims that members of Trump’s transition team were subjects of “incidental” collection during routine surveillance targeting suspected foreign spies.

“I would tell people, whenever they see the president use the word ‘fake,’ it ought to set off alarm bells,” Schiff told Tapper, suggesting the president’s tweets signal where there’s real controversy.

“[Trump’s] tweets tell the story, and the story is ‘Look over there at leaks,’ and ‘Look over there at anything the Obama administration, we can claim, did wrong on incidental collection or anything else ― but whatever you do, under no circumstances look here at me or at Russia,’” Schiff continued. “I think that’s really what’s going on.”

April 03, 2017 4:46 PM  
Anonymous Nasty woman Priya Lynn said...

And contrary to Wyatt/bad anonymous's lies about the Trump investigations and Schiff's characterization of them:

Adam Schiff says there's "more than circumstantial evidence" of Trump-Russia collusion

And don't forget there is LOTS of circumstancial evidence as well of Trump campaign collusion with Russia to hack the election. Circumstancial evidence IS evidence admissible in a court of law and people have been convicted of crimes based on the weight of circumstancial evidence alone that was convincing and impossible to dismiss as coincidence.

April 03, 2017 4:50 PM  
Anonymous reparative therapy is making a comeback! said...

oh, wow!!

I just read the last two posts by Priya.

I had no idea Priya was doing flat-out LYING!!

Schiff has not asserted the Obama didn't surveil since Schiff reviewed the evidence.

Priya blatantly lied by posting statements he made prior to that.

Also, lying? Susan Rice, who has denied that incidental interception of Trump officials was taking place has now been revealed as the one who coordinated the effort.

The remaining question is whether she will get immunity and reveal that Obama ordered her to do it...

Meanwhile, there is, as yet, no evidence to indicate that Trump's campaign coordinated the hacking of Hillary's emails. The contacts with Russians was customary and to have been expected. All incoming administrations do that kind of thing. As such, there aren't circumstantial in any sense.

Trump innocent, Obama guilty.


April 03, 2017 8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) announced on Friday that she’ll back Chuck Schumer’s plan to launch a filibuster against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch has exemplary credentials, a Boy-Scout-esque record of personal conduct, and he sailed through his confirmation hearings unscathed, leaving Democrats with zero legitimate reasons to keep him off the court. But instead of raising the white flag of bipartisanship, they’ve decided to embrace an illegitimate reason to use the last iota of power voters left to them to filibuster Gorsuch’s nomination.

Their filibuster is built on the argument the Supreme Court seat Gorsuch would fill was “stolen.”

If the seat was stolen, why weren’t voters mad? Why didn’t they punish the thieves by voting them out of office?

Stolen. That’s the word reflecting off the walls of the left-wing echo chamber this week. That’s the mainstream media consensus —the seat was “stolen” from President Barack Obama and Judge Merrick Garland by Republicans. Thieved by those GOP buccaneers! The New York Times editorial board called it “stolen.” So did Time magazine, the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, and MSNBC. Sens. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and Jeff Merkely (D-Ore.) also agree the seat was “stolen.”

Either these media outlets and senators are ignorant of the Constitution, or they are lying to push their agenda. Either way, the seat was not “stolen.” The idea they’re peddling is basically that Mitch McConnell watched Ocean’s Eleven one too many times, assembled a crack team of ne’er-do-well GOP senators, broke into Obama’s ultra-secure vault 20 stories below the White House, and stole Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court seat. But let’s be real: Mitch McConnell is no George Clooney, and he didn’t steal anything.

The Liberal anger that has erupted over the nomination of Judge Gorsuch is not anger at an act of theft; it’s anger at the U.S. Constitution and its checks and balances. The Constitution is unambiguous about this check of the legislative branch over the executive branch:

“He [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint … judges of the Supreme Court.”

What happened? Obama got checked, and Liberals can't handle it.

Why did it happen? Because elections have consequences.

President Obama's agenda was a job-killing, economy-wrecking, let's-do-everything-that-ruined-Europe nightmare from the moment he took office in 2009. As a result, by 2015 Democrats had lost 68 seats in the House and 14 seats in the Senate or roughly a quarter of their seats in each House of Congress.

Democrats spent eight years losing the support of American voters, yet they continued to operate under the delusion that the American people were clamoring for more leftism. In reality, American voters were fed up with it. President Obama infamously relied on the "stupidity of the American voter" when he peddled the famous “keep your plan, keep your doctor" lie to pass Obamacare, according to the bill's chief architect. He tore off a chunk of Article One and ran away with it when he overreached on executive orders. He stiff-armed the Senate when he unilaterally entered into a deal with Iran. And he made a direct promise to infringe on the enumerated powers of Congress when he said he'd use his pen and phone to push his agenda through.

In short, Obama's entire presidency was about sailing Dukes-of-Hazzard-style over Constitutional checks and balances while voters kept sending more Roscoe P. Coltrane Republicans to stop him.

Finally, it caught up with him. The Republicans were able to use their Constitutional power to check the out-of-control executive branch. It wasn't theft. It was simply the fact that — as Obama himself once said — 'elections have consequences." In this case, the Senate elections had the consequence that President Obama didn’t get Senate consent to appoint another Supreme Court justice in the last year of his presidency.

April 03, 2017 8:39 PM  
Anonymous sleeping like a baby said...

Republicans achieved, through Constitutional methods, what voters sent them to Washington to achieve.

If the seat was stolen, why weren't voters mad? Why didn’t they punish the thieves by voting them out of office?

Are we to believe that after Senate Republicans "stole" a Supreme Court seat from Obama and Garland, Americans were so outraged that they not only voted to allow the GOP to stay in control of the Senate, but also voted for the GOP to stay in control of the House, and they gave the GOP control of the executive branch and by extension the Supreme Court?

Now, Democrats would love to use Constitutional checks and balances to keep Gorsuch off the Supreme Court, but they can't because voters stripped them of so much Constitutional power.

So, instead of acknowledging their left-wing agenda is unpopular, they've decided to be outraged at the Constitution's checks and balances — just as they were outraged at the Electoral College after the election.

Here's where it really gets ridiculous: At the same time Democrats are venting this outrage at the Constitution, they are, paradoxically, treating the Senate cloture rule as sacrosanct. That's right! Exercising a constitutional power is theft, but we must all genuflect to a Senate rule that has been the guiding light of our nation since 1974. Do Democrats think the average American voter doesn't care that much about the Constitution but is a purist when it comes to Senate rules?

Harry Reid didn't seem to think so when he used the so-called nuclear option to ram through Obama nominees for political positions in the government.

The original copy of Senate Rule XXII isn’t on display at the National Archives Museum protected by armed guards and ten feet of bulletproof glass. There's a reason for that.

If McConnell uses the nuclear option, D.C. swamp monsters might have nightmares that the minority party in the Senate no longer wields the power of an eternal filibuster. But the average American will sleep just fine.

April 03, 2017 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susan Rice going to jail, Gorsuch will be our new tying vote by Friday, Adam Schiff's consoling himself with a bottle of vodka....

looks like America's getting great again!

April 03, 2017 10:04 PM  
Anonymous a dream TTFer said...

Can you imagine what Gorsuch will do to the gay agenda?

It gives me the willies!!

April 03, 2017 10:07 PM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

"Susan Rice going to jail"

Au contraire

The person who calls 911 to report the crimes is not the one who ends up in jail.

"At the same time Democrats are venting this outrage at the Constitution, they are, paradoxically, treating the Senate cloture rule as sacrosanct. "

So sleeping like a baby with tiny baby hands thinks the Democrats are talking about cloture?

You are so misinformed you must be watching FOX News, just like your hero, Donnie Boy of the seven and a quarter inch Tiny Hands attached to his recently noted 6'3" height, who this morning tweeted about his favorite news show - Fox and Friends.

Read on and sleep tight.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) argued on Monday that Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick, should not be nominated in the midst of a “looming” constitutional crisis.

The Connecticut Democrat explained at a Senate confirmation hearing on Monday that he would be voting against Gorsuch after “deliberating carefully and deeply.”

“I am still angry about the treatment of [President Barack Obama’s nominee] Merrick Garland,” Blumenthal noted. “My Republican colleagues have said if the shoe were on the other foot, we would have done the same. It would have been as wrong if we had [refused to give Garland a hearing] as it was when they did.”

“But my vote is not about Merrick Garland,” he continued. “It is about Neil Gorsuch and it is about the constitutional crisis that may well be looming as a potential threat to our democracy.”

Blumenthal pointed out that FBI Director James Comey has testified that the agency is investigating ties between President Trump’s associates and the Russian interference in the U.S. elections.

“The independence of our judicial branch has never been more threatened or more important,” the senator declared, citing impeachment proceedings against President Richard Nixon. “The possibility of a Supreme Court needing to enforce a subpoena against the president of the United States is far from idle speculation. It has happened before in United States vs. Nixon.”

Sweet dreams!

April 03, 2017 10:46 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I just read the last two posts by Priya.".

LOL, after you spent the last two days ranting about how you "won't read or respond to anything Priya says", " I don't read Priya's crap", "no one responds to anything Priya says". And in the months prior to that you said it would be "a cold day in hell before I respond to another one of Priya's posts".


Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I had no idea Priya was doing flat-out LYING!! Schiff has not asserted the Obama didn't surveil since Schiff reviewed the evidence. Priya blatantly lied by posting statements he made prior to that.".

Upon re-reading the link I posted Wyatt/bad anonymous is correct that the comments in the article were made before Schiff looked at the classified material that Nunes implied meant Trump's allegations of Obama wire-tapping Trump tower were true. So, I didn't lie, I was mistaken.

But of course that's irrelevant as Nunes said himself there was nothing illegal about the material he had seen at the white house and that it was normal business. That Schiff didn't feel the need to repeat after seeing the classified material that there was no evidence that Obama "wire-tapped" Trump in no way supports the idea that Schiff thought the material supported Trump's allegation. Nunes didn't say there was any evidence in the material to support Trump's allegation and Schiff obviously felt no need to re-state that there no such supporting evidence was presented. This was just normal day to day operations of surveilling Russian operatives and it may not have even been that Trump's people were talking to the Russians under surveillance, it may simply be that the Russians mentioned Trump or some of his people. There was nothing unusual, illegal, or improper about this and even Nunes isn't alleging that there was and has in fact since walked back his first comments and said there was nothing illegal about the incidental references to Trump staff in the surveillance.

April 04, 2017 1:48 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Also, lying? Susan Rice, who has denied that incidental interception of Trump officials was taking place has now been revealed as the one who coordinated the effort.".

An obvious lie. Susan rice never denied that there was incidental interception of Trump's people and obviously no one "coordinates" incidental data collection. The fact that it was incidental is proof that it was unplanned.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "the remaining question is whether she will get immunity and reveal that Obama ordered her to do it...".

LOL, unlike Flynn, she's in no need of immunity and won't be asking for it. This was normal routine business, there was nothing illegal or improper about it and Republicans trying to imply there was won't change that fact.

What Wyatt/bad anonymous is trying to spin as Susan Rice "coordinating an effort to incidentally (snicker!) intercept" Trump campaign people is much more simple than that.

When Mike Flynn was fired H.R. Mcmaster came on as his replacement. Unlike Flynn he has a vast background in intelligence work and is highly respected in the community. He tried to fire Ezra Cohen-Watnik who was a very junior person to be appointed to Senior director for intelligence. The people previously in that position all had more than 12 years military and intelligence experience. When Mcmaster tried to fire Cohen-Watnik he ran crying to Steve Bannon and Jarrod Kushner who appealed to Trump and Trump forced Mcmaster to keep Cohen-Watnik on. Cohen-Watnik had vastly less experience than ever person who had that job before. What was he doing there? What's he still doing there? And of course Cohen-Watnik was one of the white house staffers who gave Nunes confidential information to try to give cover to Trump's absurd claim that Obama "wire-tapped" him.

April 04, 2017 1:49 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Cohen-Watnik is being cited today by conservative outlets as a source for ALLEGATIONS that former Obama Nationa Security Advisor Susan Rice asked for names of U.S. persons associated with the Trump campaign to be unmasked in U.S. intelligence reports. There's nothing illegal, or improper, or even unexpected about a national security adviser unmasking those names, also no allegation that Susan Rice leaked those names if she did have them unmasked, no any allegations that she made any of those intelligence documentations public. By making those allegations about Susan Rice the national security council under trump seems to be operating at a political level to try to shape a conservative friendly "alternative" to the Trump/Russia scandal, one that stars the Obama administration as the villains instead of Vladimir Putin.

This is weird and dangerous that the national security council is being used for this now. The National Security Council is being used to manage and politically shape the scandal around the Russian attack on the election last year and the Trump campaign's potential contact with Russia. It was to be expected that there would be a political effort to shape the response to that scandal or even to shape the way the intelligence about those matters is received, circulated, and politicized. But who thought that would be run out of the national security council. This is a terrible opportunity cost for the important things the National Security Council should be worrying about, like North Korea's recent threat to attack the U.S. with Nuclear bombs and the upcomming critical meeting with China that's being organized by the president's unqualified 36 year old son-in-law.

Its very strange and worrying that the heavily experienced and deeply respected General Mcmaster wanted to get rid of the unqualified Cohen-Watnik and the president wouldn't let him. It shows that the Trump admin isn't relying on deeply experienced and respected people to get information and shape policy. Cohen-Watniks inexperience has lead him down a path with Chairman Nunes which just throws up smoke and keeps anyone from getting to the real issues and is diverting the U.S. from the important national security issues it faces around the globe. Its very worrying that the Senior Director For Intelligence is involved in political smoke-making and political diversions rather than worrying about the other stuff the National Security Council has to do. Its one thing to have political hacks doing that sort of stuff it is another thing to have national security staff at the highest levels doing it instead.

April 04, 2017 1:50 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

The National Security Council could be used to stick their hands in the middle of an ongoing investigation where they shouldn't be and there is some history of that for example with Oliver North during Iran-Contra. There is risk with inexperienced staffers on the National Security Council as they may not fully appreciate what they should and should not be doing because it could disrupt the investigations by the FBI.

The reason for this bullsh*t starts with a tweet from Trump making the huge allegation that Obama "wire-tapped" him, that there is illegal, unconstitutional, and politically motived surveillance. That's a big allegation! In any other world the president would have turned to his national security advisor and said "I just saw this on TV and it seems kind of crazy but get me the director of the FBI, and CIA, and DNI, and National Security Agency, I want to figure out if there's any truth to this" and it would have been handed off to the proper staff, looked into and we'd know what's going on. Instead we have a president tweeting and then him requesting Congress investigate the executive branch when he could have figured it out in a ten minute meeting. And then you've got the National Security Council feeding information back to Congress. It is confusing the issue and diverting the U.S. from the real issues. Equally important, it makes U.S. allies worried that the U.S. isn't focused on important issues like Korea and China being more aggressive.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Susan Rice going to jail,".

Riiiiight, just like you assured us Hillary was going on trial and would be indicted.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Meanwhile, there is, as yet, no evidence to indicate that Trump's campaign coordinated the hacking of Hillary's emails. The contacts with Russians was customary and to have been expected. All incoming administrations do that kind of thing. As such, there aren't circumstantial in any sense.".

April 04, 2017 1:50 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

If the contacts with the Russians were "customary and to have been expected" then why did Sessions, Flynn, and Jared Kushner either lie about them or fail to acknowledge them? If there was nothing improper about the meetings then there was no reason to lie about them taking place. You only lie about that if the meetings were in fact improper. And Kushner revealed a couple of his meetings with Russians during the transition but he kept secret his meeting with the head of a Russian state owned bank. The head of that bank was a graduate of the KGB spy school in Russia and was appointed to his position by Putin despite having no background in banking that would merit such a high level appointment. Further, the bank is the target of U.S. sanctions as it is State run and has been used to funnel money to Russian Oligarchs in return for favours to Putin. Kushner said retroactively that it was just a trivial "meet and greet" but the head of the Russian bank said Kushner was promoting his businesses in the meeting - why the discrepancy in their stories? Why did Kushner not reveal this meeting until after a U.S. media organzation found out it took place and published the fact? What's he hiding?????. The circumstantial evidence is pretty damning!

Contrary to Wyatt/bad anonymous's claim that there was "no evidence that Trump's campaign coordinated the hacking of Hillary's emails", there is too. And of course the investigations aren't into simply whether Trump's campaign coordinated the hacking of Hillary's emails, they are into the broader question of whether or not Trump coordinated the hacking of the election with Russia.

Trump called for Russia to "find" Hillary's emails in public and on TV. So, that is evidence Trump coordinated the election hack with the Russians. And of course as I posted earlier, Adam Schiff has looked at classified information and said unequivocally there's "more than circumstantial evidence" of Trump-Russia collusion

In addition to whats already been mentioned there is LOTS of other circumstancial evidence as well of Trump campaign collusion with Russia to hack the election. Circumstancial evidence IS evidence admissible in a court of law and people have been convicted of crimes based on the weight of circumstancial evidence alone that was convincing and impossible to dismiss as coincidence

April 04, 2017 1:51 AM  
Anonymous crystal blue persuasion said...

"Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) argued on Monday that Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick, should not be nominated in the midst of a “looming” constitutional crisis"

there is no constitutional crisis involving Trump

there might be if Dems had any influence, but alas

Trump has not been accused of violating any laws and he is not a target of investigation

further, while Trump chose Gorsuch, he hadn't met him before interviewing him and there are no ties between the two

so, Dems will have a new line every day until Friday but they are incensed that the GOP will change the rules so they can't filibuster

they are squandering their last bit of power on a lost cause

Gorsuch will soon be ruling on the gay agenda

again, Trump had the highest unfavorability ratings in history and would have lost to any respectable candidate

instead, Dems nominated the wife of one of the few President to be impeached and a Secretary of State who showed she couldn't be trusted with the nation's confidential information

how stupid can one group of people be?

one constitutional crisis that may come up, however, is whether it is appropriate for a President to investigate the nominee of the opposite party during an election

this opens all kinds of threats to our democracy and Congress should probably consider a legislative remedy

there was, however, a crime committed by someone in the Obama administration

the incoming NSC director's phone was tapped and the information leaked to the press

that is a felony!!

we now know Susan Rice was an accomplice in this crime

if intentionally, we'll find out, and she will go to jail

she won't get off like Hillary, whose husband met with the attorney general to work out a deal and, being discovered, the attorney general had to delegate her duties, improperly and without precedent, to the FBI director, who said there was a case against Hillary but he didn't recommend prosecuting it because it would disrupt the election

having that scenario get Rice off is implausible

April 04, 2017 6:55 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

And once again, Priya Lynn, I compliment you on having done another great job laying out the facts and exposing the spin from the White House and others who should be working for all of us instead of coordinating with Russia to destabilize America's democracy.

You go, girl!

April 04, 2017 7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week, former FBI agent Clint Watts described how Russians used armies of Twitter bots to spread fake news using accounts that seem to be Midwestern swing-voter Republicans.

"So that way whenever you're trying to socially engineer them and convince them that the information is true, it's much more simple because you see somebody and they look exactly like you, even down to the pictures," Watts told the panel, which is investigating Russia's role in interfering in the U.S. elections.

In an interview Monday with NPR's Kelly McEvers, Watts, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, says the Russian misinformation campaign didn't stop with the election of President Trump.

"If you went online today, you could see these accounts — either bots or actual personas somewhere — that are trying to connect with the administration. They might broadcast stories and then follow up with another tweet that tries to gain the president's attention, or they'll try and answer the tweets that the president puts out," Watts says.

Watts, a cybersecurity expert, says he's been tracking this sort of activity by the Russians for more than three years.

"It's a circular system. Sometimes the propaganda outlets themselves will put out false or manipulated stories. Other times, the president will go with a conspiracy."

One example, he says, is Trump's claim that he was wiretapped at Trump Tower by the Obama administration. "When they do that, they'll then respond to the wiretapping claim with further conspiracy theories about that claim and that just amplifies the message in the ecosystem," Watts says.

"Every time a conspiracy is floated from the administration, it provides every outlet around the world, in fact, an opportunity to amplify that conspiracy and to add more manipulated truths or falsehoods onto it."

Watts says the effort is being conducted by a "very diffuse network." It involves competing efforts "even amongst hackers between different parts of Russian intelligence and propagandists — all with general guidelines about what to pursue, but doing it at different times and paces and rhythms."

The White House has blamed Democrats for the allegations of Russian interference in the U.S. election, saying the theory is a way to shift the blame for their election loss. But Watts says "it's way bigger" than that. "What was being done by nation-states in the social media influence landscape was so much more significant than the other things that were being talked about," including the Islamic State's use of social media to recruit followers, he says."

Another illegal Trump voter sentenced to jail

April 04, 2017 7:48 AM  
Anonymous streams of sunlight into darkened corners said...

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova said Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Other official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election.

April 04, 2017 10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once a story starts hurting the Dems, reporters drop it.

The media’s biased coverage of Obamagate continues to shift. First, reporters feigned outrage that Trump would dare to say that the saintly Barack Obama had spied on him. Never mind that Trump’s assertion sparked off their own reporting — reports clearly based on criminal leaks from Obama aides spying on Trump. But now reporters are pursuing a new line of attack against Trump, which can be translated as: Yes, Obama spied on you — and good for him. Take a look at this headline from a column at Slate magazine hastily run after the revelation that top Obama aide Susan Rice had snooped on Trump and his associates: “I Hope Susan Rice Was Keeping Tabs on Trump’s Russia Ties.”

Look how far the progressive champions of “civil liberties” have fallen. These are the same liberals who call Nixon a monster for having justified political espionage on specious national security grounds. Could anyone imagine Slate running a column lauding Richard Nixon for spying on Daniel Ellsberg?

How did we find out about Susan Rice’s role in Obamagate? Not from the mainstream media at first, but from a pro-Trump blogger named Mike Cernovich, who says he found out about the Rice story from a disgruntled staffer at a publication unwilling to publish it. In other words, he pulled a Matt Drudge. On Sunday night, Cernovich wrote that he had “been informed that Maggie Haberman has had this story about Susan Rice for at least 48 hours, and has chosen to sit on it in an effort to protect the reputation of former President Barack Obama.”

Haberman works at the New York Times. Now that the story is out, what is Haberman tweeting and re-tweeting? One links to a Max Boot tweet, which says, “Are Trump aides breaking the law by rooting around in intel database for political purposes?” Another links to a “meaty explainer” saying that Rice’s spying on Trump was justified.

The partisan gall of the media is impossible to overstate here. After Trump’s tweets, reporters hectored him for having “no proof” of spying and demanded that he furnish them with it. Now that he and Devin Nunes give them proof, they suddenly don’t want it — and accuse them of political espionage.

Susan Rice, by the way, knew this story was coming. Two days ago, she re-tweeted a comment by former Hillary Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri that said: “Here’s what’s happening. Trump NSC staff cherry picks intel which appears to back up Trump and leaks it to Fox so Trump can retweet it.”

April 04, 2017 10:54 AM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"Other official sources"

Official sources like Ezra Cohen-Watnik maybe?

The 10:07 AM comment above is brought to you by Carlson Tucker's Daily Beast, at least the first four paragraphs of that trash.

Tucker cut his teeth at FoxNews, home of pussy grabbers who pay to shut up the victims of their own sexual assaults to "protect their children."

At any rate, the standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, which is a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

The news about Rice also sheds light on the strange behavior of Nunes in the last two weeks. It emerged last week that he traveled to the White House last month, the night before he made an explosive allegation about Trump transition officials caught up in incidental surveillance. At the time he said he needed to go to the White House because the reports were only on a database for the executive branch. It now appears that he needed to view computer systems within the National Security Council that would include the logs of Rice's requests to unmask U.S. persons, provided to him by Ezra Cohen-Watnik, Trump's Senior Director For Intelligence.

April 04, 2017 11:11 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Good anonymous said "And once again, Priya Lynn, I compliment you on having done another great job laying out the facts and exposing the spin from the White House and others who should be working for all of us instead of coordinating with Russia to destabilize America's democracy.

You go, girl!".

Thanks sweet nasty woman. I greatly appreciate your impressive posts as well as I'm sure the readers of TTF also do.

April 04, 2017 12:20 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Trump has not been accused of violating any laws and he is not a target of investigation".

Lies as is standard procedure for Wyatt/bad anonymous. Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary's emails and did so on TV for all Americans to see. He has been accused of colluding with Russian espionage to win the election and along with his entire campaign team is under three investigations, the FBI, the House, and the Senate intelligence committees.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "the incoming NSC director's phone was tapped and the information leaked to the press that is a felony!! we now know Susan Rice was an accomplice in this crime.".

I assume you're talking about Flynn rather than Cohen-Watnik as there's no stories about Cohen-Watnik being caught up in incidental surveillance, so you're lying as usual. Flynn's phone was NOT tapped. Routine surveillance of the Russian ambassador caught him talking about sanctions, it was incidental collection, he was NOT targeted and Susan Rice had nothing to do with it. Rice's alleged request to unmask some people referred to in intelligence documents was routine business, there was nothing illegal, improper, or unexpected about it.

Now watch Wyatt/bad anonymous who has all the self control of a five year old respond to this despite his constant ranting about how he's ignoring me.


April 04, 2017 12:30 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

And now for some good news:

Environmental groups file multiple lawsuits to stop Trump from dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency

Perhaps the most telling quote showing Trump's attitude towards the environment was when he was asked about the destruction he was causing to the environment. Trump responded "As far as the environment goes we can keep a little bit of it but we can't let it get in the way of business".

Trump thinks the environment is an optional feature for people and 99% of it can be destroyed with no repercussions for humans. That's a weapons grade level of stupidity. Everything legally possible must be done to stop Trump from performing vast irreparable damage to the planet that is our only home.

Republicans - setting fire to the home we all live in in order to spite liberals.

April 04, 2017 12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary's emails and did so on TV for all Americans to see"

Priya, who comes from a place with a royal sovereign, right on the money, has great difficulty understanding the concept of free speech. Here in America, you can say anything you want. It's not a crime.

"He has been accused of colluding with Russian espionage to win the election and along with his entire campaign team is under three investigations, the FBI, the House, and the Senate intelligence committees."

Accused? No, he hasn't. And there is no evidence of it.

"Rice's alleged request to unmask some people referred to in intelligence documents was routine business, there was nothing illegal, improper, or unexpected about it."

She specifically asked for Trump campaign communications to be compiled. What she did is probably illegal. You have to provide a reason to invade the communications of private citizens. There is none.

"all the self control of a five year old respond to this despite his constant ranting about how he's ignoring me"

interesting comment


I don't usually read or respond to your inane remarks but will free to do so whenever I care to

if you don't like it, you should just shut up

no one else responds to you and I rarely even read your crap

liberals say everyone who says something that makes them look stupid is "ranting"

everyone is who reacts to their existence in anyway is "scrambling"

other than false characterizations, they don't have much


straight from the nuthouse

April 04, 2017 1:03 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

She specifically asked for Trump campaign communications to be compiled.


Let's see your source for that whopper.

Don't tell me, Fox & Friends, Breitbart, InfoWars, Stormfront??

"no one else responds to you "

In other words, reading comprehension/retention continues to be too difficult for you.

I have complimented Priya Lynn a couple of times in this thread alone and on other threads too, complimenting her on her good work of presenting facts and backing them up with reputable sources.

Just because I don't argue with her, does not mean there's no response.


straight from the nuthouse"

Back track a bit, Ha Ha comment maker.

You were the first to post hahahahahaha's here on Vigilance as I recall.

Everyone but you seems to know imitation, even of your inane ha-ha comments, is the sincerest, and often unintended form of flattery.

April 04, 2017 2:13 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

I said "Trump called for Russia to hack Hillary's emails and did so on TV for all Americans to see"

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Here in America, you can say anything you want. It's not a crime.".

That's what you call willful stupidity folks. Obviously the right to free speech isn't absolute in the U.S., you most certainly can be charged with a crime for some speech. It most certainly is criminal to speak with Russian agents to coordinate espionage aimed at hacking the U.S. election.

I said "He has been accused of colluding with Russian espionage to win the election and along with his entire campaign team is under three investigations, the FBI, the House, and the Senate intelligence committees."

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Accused? No, he hasn't. And there is no evidence of it.".

Oh, poor pathetic Wyatt, your weak lies won't help you.

While he hasn't been charged with a crime (yet) many good honest people have accused him of criminal collusion based on the evidence so far. The head of the house intelligence committee investigating Trump campaign collusion who has looked at much of the evidence says himself there's "more than circumstantial evidence" of Trump-Russia collusion. In a subsequent post I will post some of the YUGE volume of circumstancial evidence as well.

I said "Rice's alleged request to unmask some people referred to in intelligence documents was routine business, there was nothing illegal, improper, or unexpected about it."

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "She specifically asked for Trump campaign communications to be compiled. What she did is probably illegal. You have to provide a reason to invade the communications of private citizens. There is none.".

That's an allegation by conservative news sites famous for fake news - don't get your hopes up. Reason for the surveillance was already given through courts and proper channels, Rice doesn't need any further reason to review what was legally collected. It was routine business, there was nothing illegal, improper, or unexpected about it.

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "I don't usually read or respond to your inane remarks but will free to do so whenever I care to".

LOL, you spent the past three days ranting about how you'd never respond to my comments, that there was nothing of importance in them and so on. Obviously contrary to your claims you find my comments so interesting and compelling that you have no choice but to try (pathetically) to dispute them.


You repeatedly said "it'll be a cold day in hell before I respond to another one of your comments". I of course knew and told you you couldn't restrain your immature self but you were so lacking in self-awareness you couldn't see your own weakness. Just more in a long history of Wyatt/bad anonymous adamantly insisting he would do one thing without fail and then later regularly failing to live up to his promise.


April 04, 2017 2:32 PM  
Anonymous Trump White House, Home of the Whopper said...

ProPublica fact-checks Spicer after he claims Trump trust docs were never altered

April 04, 2017 2:33 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump has vigorously denied that he or his associates were in contact with Russia during the election - that was obviously a huge lie. There are oh so many entanglements between Trump, his people and Russia. It cannot be a coincidence that Trump has lavished effusive praise on Putin who has attacked democracies around the world and sought to increase Russian influence and diminish U.S. influence.

Here is only a taste of the circumstantial evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to hack the U.S. election. Remember that circumstantial evidence is admissible in a court of law and many defendents have been convicted based on the weight of interconnected circumstantial evidence alone.

Nov. 9, 2013 | While in Moscow for his Miss Universe competition, Trump meets with Russian businessmen, including real estate developer Aras Agalarov, an ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Before the pageant, Trump said to MSNBC, "I do have a relationship" with Putin.

May 2014 | Trump tells a group at the National Press Club that while he was in Moscow, he spoke with Putin "indirectly and directly."

July 2015 | At a town hall in Las Vegas, Trump tells an audience that he knew Putin. "I don't think you'd need the sanctions. I think that we would get along very, very well," he said.

July 2016 | In news conferences and tweets, Trump says he has “nothing to do with Russia,” and "I don't know who Putin is. ... I've never spoken to him." He also tweeted, “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia.” Trump has not released his tax returns, so that can't be verified. At the same time, at a news conference, Trump encouraged the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton's email.

Nov. 10, 2016 | Two days after the election, a Russian official tells a reporter in Moscow that the Kremlin had been in contact with Trump’s campaign. Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks denies it, saying, “There was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign.”

April 04, 2017 2:34 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

2006 | Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, who has close ties to Putin, becomes Paul Manafort's client. He invests in Manafort's Cayman Islands fund, which bought assets primarily in Ukraine and Russia. (Later in court, Deripaska accuses Manafort and Rick Gates of defrauding him out of $19 million.) Read more

2006 | Manafort signs a $10 million annual contract with Deripaska to secretly advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to an Associated Press report. He also proposed a strategy to undermine anti-Russian opposition in former Soviet republics. Before the March 2017 story, Manafort and the Trump administration had said Manafort never worked for Russian interests.

March 2016 | Trump hires Manafort as senior adviser and he becomes de facto campaign manager on June 20. Although Manafort said he had cut his ties with Yanukovych's party in 2014, colleagues in Kiev and Moscow said he continued to work for the party and did not officially close his business in Kiev until April 2016. Read more

Aug. 19, 2016 | Manafort, whose role at this point had been eclipsed by Stephen K. Bannon and Kellyanne Conway, resigns after a New York Times story alleges that he received $12.7 million in secret cash payments from Yanukovych's party between 2005 and 2012.

March 21, 2017 | A Ukrainian lawmaker releases documents alleging that Manafort laundered payments from Yanukovych's party using offshore accounts in Belize and Kyrgyzstan.

Dec. 10, 2015 | Michael Flynn is paid more than $45,000 by Russian-government-backed RT for his participation in a Moscow panel honoring the news agency. At a related gala, he sat at the table of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Also in 2015, he was paid more than $22,000 by Russia-related entities for two speeches in Washington.

April 04, 2017 2:35 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

December 2016 | Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak meet at Trump Tower for 20 minutes. This was just before the Obama administration sanctioned Russia for interfering in the 2016 election. Neither reveals this meeting to the public and the Whitehouse denies any contact took place until independent media report on it. Then Flynn, Kushner, and the Whitehouse acknowledge the meeting took place.

Dec. 29, 2016 | Flynn places five phone calls to Kislyak, who was being monitored by U.S. intelligence agencies. The same day, President Obama announces the sanctions. Putin chooses not to retaliate.

Jan. 12, 2017 | Post columnist David Ignatius reveals that conversations took place between Flynn and Kislyak. On Jan. 15, Vice President Mike Pence says on "Face the Nation" that Flynn had assured him that he and Kislyak did not discuss sanctions.

Jan. 24, 2017 | Flynn tells FBI interviewers that he did not discuss sanctions with Kislyak, contradicting transcripts from intelligence officials who monitored the calls

Feb. 8, 2017 | Flynn tells a Post reporter that he did not discuss sanctions with Kislyak. The next day, he waffles; a spokesman says Flynn "couldn't be certain that the topic never came up." Also that day, Pence learns from a Post story that the White House knew in January that Flynn and Kislyak had discussed sanctions.

March 7, 2017 | Flynn files paperwork to register as a foreign agent because of lobbying work potentially benefiting Turkey. Days later it is revealed that his lawyers twice alerted the White House counsel during the transition that Flynn may need to register, meaning the nation's top national security voice was also being paid to represent the interests of a another country.

April 04, 2017 2:35 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

March 28, 2017 | The Post reports that the Trump administration unsuccessfully tried to block Yates from testifying in a House Intelligence Committee hearing after her lawyer told the Justice Department that her testimony would probably contradict statements by White House officials. Committee chair and former Trump adviser Devin Nunes canceled the hearing.

March 2016 | Carter Page is hired by the Trump team. In an interview with Bloomberg News, he says he owns shares of Gazprom and that his stock portfolio had suffered since the United States and Europe imposed economic sanctions on Russia.

Sept. 26, 2016 | Page leaves the campaign after reports that during his Moscow visit, he had met with Igor Sechin, head of state-owned Russian oil giant Rosneft, and other high-ranking Russian officials. Page denied meeting "any of those guys.

an 10, 2017 | In a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Jeff Sessions’s nomination to serve as attorney general, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) asks about a CNN report on Russian ties to the Trump campaign that had come out that day. During Sessions's answer, he says, "I did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it." Read more

Jan. 17, 2017 | Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) asks Sessions in a letter: "Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after Election Day?" Sessions responded, "no." Read more

March 1, 2017 | The Post reveals Sessions's two meetings with Kislyak. The next day, Sessions reverses his previous statements and — over Trump's objection — says he will recuse himself from investigations related to the campaign.

April 04, 2017 2:36 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

2015 | Jared Kushner, his brother and a friend start Cadre, a real estate company. Among its investors is Russian tech investor Yuri Milner. Read more

December 2016 | Kushner, Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak meet at Trump Tower for 20 minutes just as the Obama administration was preparing to sanction Russia, according to the New York Times. Kushner sent a deputy to another meeting that month. Later, at Kislyak's request, Kushner met for about half an hour with Sergey N. Gorkov, chief of Vnesheconombank, which is on the U.S. sanctions list. Read more

Jan. 20, 2017 | Dasha Zhukova, wife of oligarch and Putin friend Roman Abramovich, attends the inauguration as a guest of Ivanka Trump.

2008 | Donald Trump Jr. tells a real estate conference, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” according to trade publication eTurboNews. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

October 2016 |Trump Jr. visits France to speak to an obscure think tank with ties to Russia.

March 17, 2017 | Reuters reports that 63 people with Russian passports or addresses have invested nearly $100 million in seven Trump properties in South Florida. Years earlier a Russian agent buys real estate from Trump Sr. during a real estate market downturn for aproximately $50 million more than Trump Sr. paid for it a couple of years earlier. The agent never lives in the property and Trump later praises him and Russia. Was this a payoff in return for favours?

April 04, 2017 2:37 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

March 20, 2017 | During the House hearing with FBI Director James B. Comey, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) says Trump Jr. has visited Russia six times.

Rex Tillerson Secretary of state and former chief executive of ExxonMobil. Tillerson developed extensive ties in Russia during his tenure with the oil giant.

2011 | Tillerson and Sechin sign the first in a series of deals as part of a landmark “Strategic Cooperation Agreement” that involved drilling in the Russian Arctic and the Black Sea. The agreements led to Tillerson having several direct interactions with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

April 2012 | Tillerson and Sechin, then deputy prime minister, go on a publicity tour touting the ExxonMobil-Rosneft cooperation.

June 2012 | Tillerson and Sechin are in attendance when Putin inaugurates a new presidential commission on fuel and energy and the three meet again in Moscow later that year. A video shows Putin and Tillerson toasting each other with champagne.

2013 | Tillerson is awarded the “Order of Friendship” by Putin.

Roger Stone Longtime Trump friend, adviser and political consultant, former business partner of Paul Manafort. Stone claimed to have communicated indirectly with WikiLeaks before the website published emails that the intelligence community said were stolen by Russian agents.

April 04, 2017 2:37 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Aug. 10, 2016 | In a speech to a Florida Republican group, Stone said he'd been in contact with WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange through mutual friends.

Aug. 21, 2016 | Stone tweets "Trust me, it will soon be Podesta's time in the barrel," referring to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. WikiLeaks released a trove of Podesta's emails in October.

March 11, 2017 | Stone admits corresponding via Twitter on Aug. 14 with Guccifer 2.0, a hacker involved in the WikiLeaks releases.

J.D. Gordon Former Trump campaign adviser. The Republican strategist resisted adding anti-Russia language in the GOP platform and met with Kislyak at the convention

July 18, 2016 | Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak speaks with Page and campaign adviser J.D. Gordon following a panel at the Republican National Convention, where Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) had also met Kislyak.

July 2016 | During the convention, a delegate’s proposal regarding U.S. support for Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed rebels is softened before inclusion in the GOP platform. Campaign chairman Paul Manafort told NBC in August that the change “absolutely did not come from the campaign.”

March 2017 | Gordon says that he had advocated for the Russia-friendly change in platform, believing it to match Trump’s views, and he had consulted about the matter with “campaign policy colleagues” before the convention.

April 04, 2017 2:38 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Michael Caputo Adviser to the Trump campaign for the New York primary. The public relations executive was once paid to improve Putin's image in the United States.

Michael Cohen Longtime Trump Organization lawyer who became personal counsel to the president following the inauguration. In late January, Cohen met with a Ukrainian lawmaker and agreed to ferry a Russian-backed peace plan for Ukraine to the White House

January 2017 | Felix Sater, Michael Cohen and Andrii V. Artemenko meet in a luxury hotel in Manhattan to discuss a peace deal for Ukraine that would have favored Russia. Sater later said he thought Cohen would hand the peace deal proposal to Flynn himself.

George Papadopoulos Sergei Millian, a key source for the "dossier" compiled by a former British spy, told certain individuals during the campaign that he was in touch with Papadopoulos, a campaign adviser. Papadopoulos met with foreign leaders and gave an interview criticizing U.S. sanctions on Russia.

March 21, 2016 | In a meeting with The Washington Post's editorial board, Trump reveals that George Papadopoulos is one of his foreign policy advisers. Trump describes Papadopoulos as "an energy and oil consultant," and says he's "an excellent guy."

Russian business interests. Historically, oligarchs have used relationships with foreign business leaders for political gain. The list of Russian businesspeople with whom Trump and his associates have relationships includes tech investor Yuri Milner, developer Aras Agalarov, aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, bank directors Viktor Vekselberg, Vladimir Strzhalkovsky and Sergey N. Gorkov, and Igor Sechin, head of the state-owned oil giant Rosneft, which is under U.S. sanctions.

Ties to Team Trump - Trump, Manafort, Flynn, Page, Kushner, Trump Jr., Tillerson, Ross, Caputo, Gates

April 04, 2017 2:39 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Russian hackers - The GRU, Russia’s military intelligence organization, is thought to have begun cyber operations aimed at influencing the U.S. presidential election by March 2016, according to the U.S. intelligence community. The GRU hacked the Democratic National Committee and also the personal email accounts of Democratic Party officials and political figures. By May, 2016, the GRU had stolen large volumes of data from the DNC. The GRU relayed that material to WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy organization, the intelligence community concluded. Guccifer 2.0. is an online persona linked to the GRU and used perhaps by more than one individual to publicize hacked materials. Analysts are skeptical Guccifer 2.0 conducted the actual hacking, but agree with officials that the name was used as a front to disclose materials online.

Ties to Team Trump - Stone

Felix Sater - A Russian-American former Trump business partner, Sater tried to help get a deal for a Trump Tower in Moscow in 2005 and again in 2015. He also escorted Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump around Moscow in 2006 and helped bring a pro-Russia peace plan for Ukraine to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in January. Trump has frequently said he doesn't remember Sater.

Ties to Team Trump - Trump, Flynn, Trump Jr., Cohen

Andrii V. Artemenko The Ukrainian politician met with Trump's personal lawyer in New York to try and broker a pro-Kremlin peace deal for Ukraine.

Ties to Team Trump - Trump, Cohen

April 04, 2017 2:40 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Trump and his people are obviously deep in the pockets of Putin and Russia. Its obvious why Trump and them are working to advance Russian anti-democratic interests, destroy NATO and the European Union, and diminish U.S. standing, and influence in the world.

April 04, 2017 2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Let's see your source"

I posted it this morning. Rice confirmed the report on MSNBC this morning, although she claims she didn't do it for political purposes.

"I have complimented Priya Lynn a couple of times in this thread alone"

sure, as soon as I said no one responds to Priya, you went out of your way

but, no one's fooled

Priya has been posting here for over a decade with no response

"Everyone but you seems to know imitation, even of your inane ha-ha comments, is the sincerest, and often unintended form of flattery"

oh, they flatter me here all the time

they say my superior intelligence is an unfair advantage

but, I'm the only thing that distinguishes this blog from thousands of other leftist propaganda sites

April 04, 2017 3:03 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "sure, as soon as I said no one responds to Priya...Priya has been posting here for over a decade with no response" just after he responded at length to a number of my posts.

Looks like Wyatt/bad anonymous is schizophrenic - he alternates between claiming he doesn't respond to my posts and responding to them.


Yesterday he said "it's obvious Priya has nothing worthwhile to say, that Priya's only worth revolves around brilliant anon, who won't read or respond to anything Priya says" and today he keeps responding to my posts. Obviously he does find them worthwhile, very worthwhile.

Wyatt doesn't know if he's coming or going.


April 04, 2017 4:31 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "oh, they flatter me here all the time they say my superior intelligence is an unfair advantage".

They do, do they? That seems a wee bit unlikely given the incredible stupidity of your comments in this thread. Show us you're not lying, quote one of those and give us the date/time and thread it appears in.

As Wyatt/bad anonymous says "there are many situations where its appropriate to lie".


April 04, 2017 4:38 PM  
Anonymous Nasty Woman said...

"She specifically asked for Trump campaign communications to be compiled.


Let's see your source for that whopper.

Don't tell me, Fox & Friends, Breitbart, InfoWars, Stormfront??"


"I posted it this morning. Rice confirmed the report on MSNBC this morning"

What I see you posted this morning was a URL to the very conservative that referred to "Adam Housley’s Fox News segment."

Spectator and Fox News are not very different from my guesses of " Fox & Friends, Breitbart, InfoWars, Stormfront."

It's all conservative media.

Susan Rice did not confirm any right wing "report" claiming she had specifically asked for Trump campaign communications to be compiled.

That's flat out lie.

You can watch the video yourself of Andrea Mitchell's interview of Susan Rice at the URL below:

April 04, 2017 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, I listened to it earlier

she said a month ago she never had anything to do with unmasking incidentally uncovered communications

now, she says it wasn't "political" when she did it

but the question to ask is why she lied about it

further, why did the same people keep getting incidentally intercepted?

and, isn't it coincidental that Obama changed the rules just in time to allow her to do this?

it's all a bit much

April 04, 2017 11:45 PM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "she said a month ago she never had anything to do with unmasking incidentally uncovered, she says it wasn't "political" when she did it but the question to ask is why she lied about it".

Bullsh*t. As was explained in the Andrea Mitchell interview unmasking subjects in intelligence reports is routine and often necessary to understand the repercussions of those reports. For example if she reads in an intelligence report "American #1 offered to sell bombs to Russia" she needs to unmask the person's name so she can tell if its just some kook making the claim who does not need to be taken seriously, or if its a person with real power and connections who would be someone to be concerned about. Further, she can't unmask names herself, she has to make the request to intelligence agencies and they decide if she needs to know the names and only releases them if they deem it necessary. She can't, as fake right wing news sites falsely claimed, tell them "Unmask Trump, unmask Flynn, and so on. When she gets the raw intelligence reports she does not know if any of them involve Trump or his people. She would only find out the unmasked names were Trump or his people after making the unmask request if they were incidentally mentioned. There's obviously nothing political about it. No way did she deny that she does this as a normal part of her job.

Wyatt/Bad anonymous said "further, why did the same people keep getting incidentally intercepted?".

Your "feelings" about how often certain people are incidentally intercepted is not in any way a valid tally on how often it actually happens. If the same Trump people are incidentally intercepted frequently its due to the routine surveillance of Russian targets the government has always done and Trump people having so many contacts with Russian targets(as I posted earlier). If Trump people are more frequently picked up incidentally its because they are involved with Russians WAY more than is normal or to be expected, or they should be - something sleazy is going on with these Trump people (once again as I documented earlier).

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "and, isn't it coincidental that Obama changed the rules just in time to allow her to do this?".

Oh bullsh*t. Obama didn't change any rules. This is all normal routine business that is in no way illegal, improper, or unexpected. The wet behind the ears Trump people are desperate to distract from Trump/Russia investigations and stupidly think they've found something of consequence when they look at actions of Obama officials because they are ignorant of how government works.

April 05, 2017 1:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Thursday, the Obama administration finalized new rules that allow the National Security Agency to share information it gleans from its vast international surveillance apparatus with the 16 other agencies that make up the U.S. intelligence community.

With the new changes, which were long in the works, those agencies can apply for access to various feeds of raw, undoctored NSA intelligence. Analysts will then be able to sift through the contents of those feeds as they see fit, before implementing required privacy protections. Previously, the NSA applied those privacy protections itself, before forwarding select pieces of information to agencies that might need to see them.

The updated procedures will multiply the number of intelligence analysts who have access to NSA surveillance, which is captured in large quantities and often isn’t subject to warrant requirements. The changes rankled privacy advocates, who oppose a broadening of surveillance powers.

April 05, 2017 5:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poll: Majority feels Devin Nunes should recuse himself from the Russia investigation

"The turbulent congressional investigation into Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 election has some questioning those in leadership positions -- namely House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes.

A new AOL News poll finds that nearly two-thirds of people surveyed think the congressman should recuse himself from the official investigation.

Of those polled, 61 percent said they feel Nunes should recuse himself, while 35 percent of respondents said they do not think the Nunes should recuse himself. Four percent said they were unsure.

Earlier this week, members of two watchdog groups asked for a preliminary investigation into the possibility that Nunes violated House ethics rules. Both Democracy 21 and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington wrote a letter to Office of Congressional Ethics Chairman Doc Hastings and co-chair David Skaggs about Nunes' public announcement that President Trump or his aides may have been 'incidentally' surveilled by U.S. intelligence agencies.

The California Republican, who was also a member of Trump's transition team, received immediate backlash for his decision to release the information without consulting head Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee and for protecting the source he met at the White House to obtain the information."

April 05, 2017 7:04 AM  
Anonymous Half-truths = lies said...

"oh, I listened to it earlier

she said a month ago she never had anything to do with unmasking incidentally uncovered communications

now, she says it wasn't "political" when she did it

but the question to ask is why she lied about it"

Well if you listened to it earlier and still came up with those comments, apparently you not only have a reading comprehension problem, but a listening comprehension problem as well.

Priya Lynn, however, as usual, got it right and I suggest you read it slowly so perhaps you will understand.

"As was explained in the Andrea Mitchell interview unmasking subjects in intelligence reports is routine and often necessary to understand the repercussions of those reports. For example if she reads in an intelligence report "American #1 offered to sell bombs to Russia" she needs to unmask the person's name so she can tell if its just some kook making the claim who does not need to be taken seriously, or if its a person with real power and connections who would be someone to be concerned about. Further, she can't unmask names herself, she has to make the request to intelligence agencies and they decide if she needs to know the names and only releases them if they deem it necessary"

And to continue the Atlantic article Anonymous posted the first three paragraphs of at 5:59AM:

Anon ended with "The changes rankled privacy advocates, who oppose a broadening of surveillance powers."

But there was no period after powers, there was a dash and the Atlantic piece continued as follows:

"—especially on the cusp of Donald Trump’s inauguration. Trump and Mike Pompeo, the president-elect’s nominee for CIA director, have made it clear that they think overzealous civil-liberties protections should be cleared away in favor of stronger surveillance laws.

But while the changes may subject more Americans to warrantless surveillance, the last-minute timing of the announcement actually might have been designed to cut future privacy losses. Susan Hennessey, a Brookings fellow and the managing editor of Lawfare, says firming up the changes before Trump takes office makes it harder for the incoming president to encroach even further on civil liberties.

I spoke with Hennessey, who was previously an attorney in the NSA general counsel’s office, about the lasting effects of the new intelligence-sharing procedures. A transcript of our conversation follows, lightly edited for clarity and concision.

Kaveh Waddell: First off, what do these changes mean for the intelligence community? Has a lack of information-sharing among agencies been holding back investigations?

Susan Hennessey: The origin of these changes dates back, honestly, to just after 9/11. There was this identified issue of “stovepiping”: Intelligence wasn’t being shared frequently or fast enough. Some modifications have already been made throughout the years.

Under Executive Order 12333 as it previously existed, NSA analysts had to make an initial determination and apply a set of privacy rules before sharing raw signals-intelligence information with other parts of the intelligence community. After this change, it doesn’t necessarily have to be an NSA analyst that makes that determination—that information can be shared with other parts of the intelligence community...."

Half-truths and lies are not helpful to American security.

April 05, 2017 7:21 AM  
Anonymous Pro-Putin President Pussy Grabber rolled back protections for women in the workplace said...

April 05, 2017 7:33 AM  
Anonymous Drip, drip, drip said...

Q: "further, why did the same people keep getting incidentally intercepted?"

A: Because the same people continued either being in contact with or being discussed by Russians who were being monitored by US Intelligence agencies for interference in the 2016 US presidential election.

"it's all a bit much"

A bit much?

Is that what Putin/Trump supporters like you call it when the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed for all or only when fellow GOPers get investigated for it?

In spite of all the chaos and smoke the right wing media and Trump White House are kicking up, which may lead to the recusal of Nunes from his own investigation, the investigations by the FBI and Senate continue.

April 05, 2017 9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gallup: Affordable Care Act Gains Majority Approval for First Time

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Fifty-five percent of Americans now support the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a major turnaround from five months ago when 42% approved and 53% disapproved. This is the first time a majority of Americans have approved of the healthcare law, also known as Obamacare, since Gallup first asked about it in this format in November 2012.

Since the ACA's passage without a single Republican vote in its favor, the law has been a significant political issue in each of the past four national elections. Republicans' opposition to the ACA helped them win control of the House in 2010, control of the Senate in 2014 and the presidency last year. However, Republicans' plan to repeal and replace the healthcare law foundered last month, as House leaders' replacement bill ran into stiff opposition within the party.

Republicans, Democrats and independents are all more likely to approve of the ACA now than in November, a few days after Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election left Republicans in control of the legislative and executive branches. Independents have led the way in this shift toward approval, increasing by 17 percentage points compared with 10-point changes for both Republicans and Democrats. When including "leaners" (independents who lean toward either the Republican or Democratic Party) in the totals for both major party groups, Democratic approval has increased by 16 points, compared with eight points for Republicans.

Although the ACA never garnered majority support in Gallup polling before this month, nearly half of Americans (48%) approved of it the first time the current version of the question was asked in November 2012. In response to a previous version of the question that asked whether Americans thought passing the healthcare law was a good thing or a bad thing, 49% said it was a good thing when the question was first asked in early 2010. However, support was a few percentage points lower each of the next two times it was asked..."

April 05, 2017 9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't miss your water until your well runs dry.

April 05, 2017 10:00 AM  
Blogger Priya Lynn said...

Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Their filibuster is built on the argument the Supreme Court seat Gorsuch would fill was “stolen.”

If the seat was stolen, why weren’t voters mad? Why didn’t they punish the thieves by voting them out of office?".

They did. Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million, Trump won the electoral college on a technicality.

Also, only 20% of Americans can name a single supreme court justice, this is not a very important thing to the vast majority of Americans. Further, just because people voted for a particular candidate in no way means they voted for everthing that candidate advocates. That's a constant lie from Republicans - that everything they want to do is supported by the public who voted for them and that they have a mandate to do whatever they want. Note how Republicans destroyed internet privacy by allowing internet service providers to sell the browser history of users, something that 74% of Americans oppose and only 12% support. Or when they repealed an Obama law that restricted gun sales to severely mentally ill people. 80% of Americans opposed that but Republicans did it anyway under the assertion that the public voted for them and therefore supports it.

April 05, 2017 12:41 PM  

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