Thanks, Justin, for showing Ivanka how it's done. said...
Justin Trudeau Picked The Perfect Broadway Show For Ivanka Trump To See
Obviously, she’s already been to “Hamilton.”
Ivanka Trump joined Justin Trudeau at the theater Wednesday to see a critically acclaimed Broadway musical about human kindness and welcoming foreigners in need. She attended “Come From Away,” at the invitation of the Canadian prime minister hours after a federal court blocked a revised travel and immigration ban her father, President Donald Trump, had introduced.
The story, written by Canadian couple Irene Sankoff and David Hein, centers around the town of Gander in Canada, which welcomed thousands of airline passengers whose planes were grounded during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The small town of 10,000 individuals cared for stranded travelers for days.
The New York Times’ Michael Paulson reported that the attendance of the first daughter daughter was a surprise. She sat between Trudeau and Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Also in attendance was a delegation of 600 individuals the Canadian consulate general in New York had invited, the Times said.
Hours earlier, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked her father’s second attempt at an executive order that targets refugees and immigrants from six Muslim-majority nations.
Trudeau told reporters that Ivanka Trump was a fan of the show, which opened on Broadway at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater on Saturday.
I went to this show when it was at Ford's Theater, not long ago
you will remember that those passengers were stranded because dangerous Muslim radicals were welcomed here and used the opportunity to murder and destroy
we are the hope of the world and Trump isn't changing that
he's doing his best to protect everyone in our land, including the millions who have settled here legally from other countries to make a better life
one is his wife, so the allegation that he wants us to not welcome foreigners is a complete lie
a temporary ban on those from a few dangerous places until we figure out how to weed out dangerous people is really not unreasonable
the person who wrote the comment above is a piece of crap
not a metaphor, or a figure of speech, but a real piece of crap
the type of crap that is dividing our society with hyperbole and lies
"looks like someone delivering on his campaign promises"
It looks like that to you does it?
I guess you missed what your president the promise maker himself said about keeping his campaign promises on Tucker Carlson's show last night.
In the face of a barrage of scrutiny from what he has deemed the “fake news,” President Donald Trump on Wednesday night turned to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson for refuge and attempted to repair some self-inflicted political wounds in the battle over health care reform.
Far from giving the president a chance to knock softball questions out of the park, however, the Fox News host confronted Trump about inconsistencies between his campaign pledges and the House Republican bill to repeal and replace Obamacare recently endorsed by the White House. In a stunning admission, Trump appeared to openly acknowledge that he knows the proposed legislation, dubbed by some as Trumpcare, would devastate his voters and actually do the exact opposite of what he promised voters during the campaign.
“This bill has as one of its centerpieces a tax cut for investors that would primarily benefit people making over $250,000 a year,” Carson said. “They’ve already done pretty well in the past 10 years, as you know,” he said to Trump, adding a “Bloomberg analysis showed that counties that voted for you — middle-class and working-class counties — would do far less well under this bill.”
“Oh, I know,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “I know. It’s very preliminary.”
The Bloomberg analysis Carlson referenced found that taxpayers in counties that voted for Hillary Clinton in the election would receive a disproportionate share of the tax cut compared with those in counties that voted for Trump. According to Bloomberg, there are hundreds of counties with people that voted for Trump in which not a single person would benefit from Trumpcare’s massive tax cut.
Carlson asked Trump about this.
“Maybe this isn’t consistent with the message of the last election,” Carlson said, alluding to Trump’s frequent campaign promises to implement a “terrific” replacement to Obamacare. The president revived his over-the-top campaign rhetoric at a political rally in Nashville, Tennessee on Wednesday night, saying his health care bill “will get rid of Obamacare and make health care better for you and for your family.”
But responding to Carlson’s critique about the apparent contradiction between his rhetoric and his proposed legislation, Trump simply responded, “a lot of things aren’t consistent.” He went on to say, “These are going to be negotiated. We’ve got to go to the Senate;we’ll see what happens in the Senate.”
"a temporary ban on those from a few dangerous places until we figure out how to weed out dangerous people is really not unreasonable"
It is totally unreasonable.
Saudi Arabia is not on the list of nations Trump wants to ban from traveling to the US yet fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.
"According to "the Google," the "piece of crap" was written by Rebecca Shapiro, a Jewish writer you are calling a piece of crap you anti-Semite.
you're a real anti-Semite"
I had no idea
please explain for the reading audience why you say that
if you don't have a brain of your own, maybe a neighbor could lend theirs for long enough to explain yourself
you could elaborate on things like what is the definition of an anti-Semite to you and why you think disagreeing with any Jewish person is anti-Semitic
I think everyone would get a kick out of reading some, uh, creative writing...
"It is totally unreasonable.
Saudi Arabia is not on the list of nations Trump wants to ban from traveling to the US yet fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia."
oh, I agree
as matter of fact, people from that part of the world always tell me that all the real dangerous nuts over there are in Saudi Arabia
I just meant the general idea was reasonable
you're right, the specifics are pretty stupid
as a matter of fact, the general idea is probably stupid too but it's not unreasonable
certainly not as unreasonable as all the activist judges that keep ruling it unconstitutional
However, this great land is the nation that enshrines FREEDOM OF RELIGION in our Constitution, which is why the first ban as well as its "watered down" version were deemed to be unconstitutional.
"you could elaborate on things like what is the definition of an anti-Semite to you and why you think disagreeing with any Jewish person is anti-Semitic"
Oh you disagreed with a point or two she made and should have stopped there.
But then you went on to say "the person who wrote the comment above is a piece of crap."
That is not disagreeing with her, that is personally denigrating her.
"Multiple judges have ruled it to be unconstitutional because that's what it is"
actually, it isn't and the most liberal of lawyers agree it will be upheld by even a SCOTUS prior to the Gorsuch confirmation
"The lying twittiot in chief you support and several of his minions have made clear the purpose of both versions of this bill is to BAN MUSLIMS from certain countries from entering the US.
However, this great land is the nation that enshrines FREEDOM OF RELIGION in our Constitution, which is why the first ban as well as its "watered down" version were deemed to be unconstitutional."
to more precise, the Constitution says the government of the US should not ban or endorse a religion being practiced by a US citizen
that's not to say that if large numbers of members of a certain religion from other countries have an antagonistic view of the US that the government can't take precautions
entry into this country is not an entitlement
we want to let in others, that's made us stronger
but there needs to be some consideration of safety
and the Constitution gives that discretion to the President
the SCOTUS will uphold Trump, and it will likely be unanimous
let's give you an analogy
the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech for US citizens
yet, no one would say we can't take into account a person's statements when deciding whether to let them in
what if they said their purpose was to overthrow the US?
again, I'm not arguing that Trump's policy is wise, or desirable
I'm actually in favor of having as open a border as possible within our capacity to absorb
as a libertarian I have, in the past, favored mostly open borders although, as the campaign progressed and the discussion ensued over the last year or so, I have moved slightly to a more pragmatic view- not much, but slightly
there is need for common sense
"Oh you disagreed with a point or two she made and should have stopped there.
But then you went on to say "the person who wrote the comment above is a piece of crap."
That is not disagreeing with her, that is personally denigrating her.
The difference is clear."
well, that's an argument that my comments weren't civil
I could understand your point
I'd argue that I was responding to comments so offensive that a little incivility was called for
but you'd have an argument
but you still haven't explained how I could be anti-Semitic to someone whose identity I wasn't aware of
"“I refuse to allow anyone to use me and my horrific sexual assault to cause harm and discrimination to others.”
The Seattle runner who was assaulted in a public women’s restroom last week is using a familiar battle cry to denounce an organization that tried to use her attack story for its political agenda.
The Just Want Privacy campaign used Kelly Herron’s bathroom attack story and images of her injuries in an email blast to solicit donations and support for their efforts to get Initiative 1552, a petition that would restrict transgender people’s bathroom access, on the Washington state ballot.
“To the people behind I-1552, I say ‘not today, motherf***ers,’” Herron said in a statement released Tuesday. “I refuse to allow anyone to use me and my horrific sexual assault to cause harm and discrimination to others.”
Gary Steiner, a 40-year-old registered sex offender in Arizona, allegedly attacked Herron after she stopped to use a public restroom during her run through Seattle’s Golden Gardens Park last weekend.
Herron fought back hard against her attacker, using tips she learned from a self-defense workshop just three weeks earlier. She was able to lock Steiner in the restroom while she waited for police to arrest him.
“I fought for my life screaming (‘Not today, M**F**er!’), clawing his face, punching back, and desperately trying to escape his grip ― never giving up,” Herron wrote on Instagram after her attack.
When she learned that the Just Want Privacy campaign used her attack to promote its efforts to ban transgender people from restrooms, she took a stand.
“What they are doing is not correct,” Herron told local news station KIRO 7.
“What that man did to me was to me,” she added. “We fought it out. There is no question about the wrongness of it... now my face is being used to raise money for discrimination. It’s bull.”
Herron said in her statement that Initiative 1552 wouldn’t have prevented her attack. She argued that the initiative targets and harms transgender individuals and demanded that Just Want Privacy refund any money they raised using her story.
Now, the Washington Won’t Discriminate campaign is using Heron’s statement to fundraise and raise awareness for its own fight against I-1552.
The Just Want Privacy campaign issued a statement on Tuesday apologizing for using Herron’s story.
“Since many of the volunteers that comprise this campaign are themselves survivors of sexual assault, the last thing we want to do is make anyone feel exploited,” Just Want Privacy said in a statement posted to Facebook on Tuesday. “If our actions have inadvertently failed in this effort, we are sincerely sorry.”
The campaign’s communications director Kaeley Triller Haver told KIRO 7 that Just Want Privacy is not an anti-transgender group and only aims to protect women’s safety.
But their petition specifically targets transgender people and would force transgender people to use locker rooms and bathrooms based on their gender at birth rather than the gender with which they identify...
...Read Herron’s full statement against I-1552 here."
Good, now her lawyers have proof the shower nuts stole Herron's image and story, used both without her permission and admitted "the last thing we want to do is make anyone feel exploited... "If our actions have inadvertently failed in this effort, we are sincerely sorry.”
History will record that once upon a time there was something that called itself #TheResistance, and it was President Trump’s bestest buddy because it provided him the cover to ruthlessly dismantle everything Barack Obama and Team Libfascist tried to build. Whining, virtue signaling, and figuratively choosing to die on strategically insignificant hills while dressed like lady parts; these were its methods. Yet instead of defeating him, it only made Donald Trump stronger, and helped ensure his crushing of its members’ liberal dreams.
See, the problem for #TheResistance is that it is composed of stupid people who think they are smart people, parochial bigots who consider themselves open-minded cosmopolitans, and meritocrats who really didn’t merit anything except contempt. They refuse to see that their hero Obama left in his miserable wake a country on the verge of being torn apart, and a teetering legacy built of wishes and fraud that is collapsing before our eyes. When Trump is done, it will be like The One had never even been there. History will label Obama “The Zero” – zero accomplishments, zero achievements, zero return on America’s eight-year investment in fake hope and change for the worse.
All that will remain of President Obama’s reign, besides a few cheesy biographies straining to place him up there with those real presidents on Mt. Rushmore, will be the lingering stench of his utter failure.
Breathe it in, normals. It smells like victory.
Every day Trump gets stronger; every day #TheResistance gets weaker – and more embarrassingly pathetic. One by one, these liars’ memes are falling apart. One by one, the Obamacronies are being dismissed from their D.C. sinecures and replaced with competent patriots – a nice change from the last eight years of rule by a pack of smug, genderfluid Tracey Flicks.
Savor their pain as their hopes for some sort of deus ex scandalabra rescue from Election Day’s cruel accounting crumble, leaving them with nothing but ashes and the certain knowledge that every regulatory power grab and legislative ploy they thought was locked-in is going to be herded to the kill floor and converted into hamburger. Make mine animal style, with a side of the free market and a tall, icy glass of liberal tears.
Say goodbye to the regulations that impoverish our miners, to the codes that skyrocket our electric bills in the name of the weird liberal weather religion, and to rules declaring that puddle in your backyard one of the “waters in the United States” and allowing some bureaucrat with a clipboard and a sneer to tell you where you can and can’t build a tool shed. Slowly but surely, it’s all going away.
"White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said this is not a take-it-or-leave-it budget. He told The Washington Post that the “message we’re sending to the Hill is, we want more money for the things the president talked about, defense being the top one, national security. And we don’t want to add to the budget deficit. If Congress has another way to do that, we’re happy to talk to them about it.”"
"He should ask a much more important question: How many more Trump campaign people made deals with the Russians or other US enemies like Flynn, Trump's first choice for National Security Advisor, did?"
that questions has been answered
you just don't like the answer
that's not the same as not getting one
btw, once Trump had been elected, there is nothing wrong with his NSA to discuss upcoming relations with other countries and provide assurances
indeed, it was an obligation
the important question is this: why was Flynn's conversation, which were leaked, in government possession to begin with?
the Director of NI said there was no evidence of collusion with the Russians so why was Flynn surveilled
the only logical explanation would be that it was incidental to another investigation but, by law, incidental information is supposed to be redacted
And now Trump's diversion from his team's Russian problems -- to accuse Obama of putting a "tapp" on his wire has morphed into accusing the British GCHQ of doing it for Obama, apologizing for it, and doubling down again.
Logical explanations have nothing to do with anything in this White House and staff does, which too often turns out to be an embarrassment to every American citizen.
The morphing headlines are all about the twittiot's ego and delusions which are damaging our relations with one of our strongest allies.
Britain’s GCHQ Denies ‘Ridiculous’ Claim It Helped Wiretap Trump
White House: No apology to British government over spying claims
Britain: White House says it won’t repeat claims that a British agency wiretapped Trump
Trump stands by unsubstantiated claim that British intelligence spied on him
Donald Trump fuels diplomatic row with Britain after apology from US officials over GCHQ wiretapping claims
Trump Aides Said to Apologize to U.K. for Repeating Spying Claim
"The morphing headlines are all about the twittiot's ego and delusions which are damaging our relations with one of our strongest allies"
it's not all that bad
for one thing they need us
the other thing is that he is so consistent and ubiquitous in his contempt for others that no one feels singled out
and, finally, all his cabinet ameliorates his rants and has the opportunity to play a "good cop/bad cop" game
it's actual a common situation in the business world
the top guy is unreasonable and irrational and heavy lifters below him smooth things over
we'll all, including our allies, come out ahead in the long run
right now, his endgame goals are to get the NATO allies to commit to paying more for the common defense so we can eventually cut our military budget (don't laugh - he's pulled this kind of thing off in the business world many times), and to get China to take down North Korea's nuclear threat, and to use Russia to wipe out radical Islamic terror - all of which would save American lives
As former CBO director Douglas Elmendorf summarized the impact in recent testimony, “I’m baffled that anyone could have watched last year’s election campaign, seen the frustration and anger of many working Americans, and concluded that the most important thing they could do for our country is to make health care unaffordable for tens of millions of Americans of modest means who can afford care now, while cutting taxes for the richest Americans.”
Trump appears to be aware of this, except when he isn’t. In an interview with the president, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson cited a Bloomberg analysis that Trump-backing counties would do “far less well under this bill” than those where voters supported Hillary Clinton.
“Well, I know,” Trump replied, then added, “We will take care of our people or I’m not signing it.” Two days later, Trump proclaimed himself “100 percent behind” the “great plan.”
And then there is Trump’s “budget” — in quotes, because it is a particularly bare-bones document that does not include his proposal for a massive tax cut. The latest version of his tax plan would cost $6.2 trillion over the decade, according to the Tax Policy Center, and, again, be heavily tilted toward the richest Americans. Even leaving taxes aside, Trump’s proposals would hurt the voters whose interests he pledged to protect: cuts to job training, college aid, housing assistance, heating costs, rural development, meals for shut-ins and after-school programs for low-income students. “Draconian, careless and counterproductive,” said one House lawmaker — not a Democrat, but Kentucky Republican Hal Rogers, former Appropriations Committee chairman.
there is a direct relationship between liberals wanting sanctuary city policies, endorsing Obama bringing thousands and thousands of underage kids here by encouraging them to come (in many cases young adult males with no supervision which some of us have been screaming about for years), Montgomery County sanctuary policies, and what eventually happened.
It was actually kind of inevitable. These kids are allowed to stay in highschool until they are 21. Twenty ONE !
the kids arrive with no education so now you have 14 year olds in classes with 18 year olds.
I can certainly point to policies that you supported that directly contributed to this.
Please point at a policy that I supported that would contribute to "every girl who gets raped by some white boy".
This is your fault TTF, you and every single bleeding heart liberal.
Trump was right.
I hope that mom sues Montgomery County council, and every single person on it individually and personally.
No personal admission of guilt TTFrs ?
Perhaps you should go try to pitch your sanctuary city policies to this girls mom.
Theresa, please remind readers where TTF took a stand on sanctuary cities -- give us that link.
The fact is, America is a "failed state" when it comes to respecting the rights of women -- you may have heard the term "rape culture" to describe our way of life. That isn't talking about some immigrants from Central America, those are privileged white males that are described by that term. If you would like to take a strong feminist stance and help society evolve away from traditional sexism toward a state where women are treated equitably, then I'll get in line behind you.
But if you just want to talk about TTF as if they do the all things that you think stereotypical liberals do, you're on your own.
And as you know (because you make it a point to stay well-informed), immigrants commit fewer crimes than citizens, per capita. They're a good risk. Sometimes bad things happen but that does not support a case for prejudice against entire populations of people who want to partake of the opportunity that the US offers.
There are tons of sites showing that close to 20% of the US prison population are in the US illegally.
I personally have a friend whose sibling was hit by an illegal immigrant (driving uninsured, without a license) and is now an invalid.
You are telling me that I am not a champion of women's rights ?
ME ?
Really ?
I have a double major computer science/ME from Vanderbilt. I was the first person male or female to do that.
I work in a male oriented world. My customers are engineers... for the most part male. I am as a rule the only female in the meeting most of the time.
And you know what, I have NEVER not once found my gender to be a problem in my role. If anything, I get more of a free pass ....
These guys see their sisters, their moms, their daughters... this has been true my entire career.
They are as nice as can be.
You keep making up this crap about females not being able to succeed, when more females graduate from college than men....
I am in the business world, and I don't see it. Sorry !
Meanwhile, let's get back to the facts of this RAPE, shall we ?
Do you believe that encouraging tons of young adult males, with very little education, to come to the US where they have very little supervision, and sticking them in classrooms with our kids is a good idea ?
that's a yes or no question.
Stop diverting and stick to the facts, teach the "FACTS"
These two Hispanic males had both not been in the country very long - they came during Obama's encouragement of them to do so. There were 17 and 18, in highschool with a 14 year old. They took turns gang raping her in the bathroom in the morning.
What about this is NOT Obama's fault for letting this kids in the country to start with ?
What about this is NOT MCPS fault for not checking citizenship and legal residency before putting 18-21 year old MEN with NO ADULT supervision with our 14 year old GIRLS ?
Do you have a 14 year old daughter in a public highschool in Rockville ?
This was completely predictable.
I hope you say your prayers tonight and I hope you ask God for forgiveness.
She's smart. She worked her butt off, and she never ever gave up.
She will make more than my other two, almost definitely.
You know why ?
She worked harder for it.
It's amazing how that turns out some times.
I make more than my siblings because I worked harder. My husband makes more than his siblings because he worked harder for it. My daughter will make more than her siblings because she worked harder for it.
Call it a type A thing.
Guess what ?
My daughter doesn't see her sex as a disadvantage either.
The only people that see their sex as a disadvantage are the females that are lazy and want to use it as an excuse.
that's how I see it.
And it happens to be true.
And with that I am going to sleep.
I have to work tomorrow.
And I am very optimistic about my company and our future prospects.
After all, Trump won.
Thank God for that.
And boy do I hope he tracks down every single one of these DACA kids and puts their butts on a boat home.
"New research suggests immigrants are committing fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.
President Trump has labeled undocumented immigrants with higher crime rates, but new data from The Sentencing Project and the Cato Institute appears to cast doubt on the veracity of those claims.
The Sentencing Project, a criminal justice research group, reports that "foreign-born residents of the United States commit crime less often than native-born citizens."
The Sentencing Project, a criminal justice research group, reports that "foreign-born residents of the United States commit crime less often than native-born citizens."
The Cato Institute found there were 2 million U.S.-born citizens in American jails but only 123,000 undocumented immigrants and 64,000 foreign-born documented residents.
Immigration reform has been a priority for President Trump, who began his campaign for president by labeling many immigrants as "rapists" and drug dealers. Trump's 2018 budget seeks to increase funding to Homeland Security to pay for his proposed border wall and executive orders on immigration.
The Sentencing Project study even goes so far as to suggest that increased immigration "may have contributed to the historic drop in crime rates" since 1990."
"I can certainly point to policies that you supported that directly contributed to this."
Do it, Theresa. Show us what you come up of TTF support for sanctuary cities.
Here what TTF actually supported and what MCPS won thanks to TTF's support and in spite of your work against it:
As you well know, MCPS now has such a curriculum and it is no longer scripted.
TTF also supported adding "gender identity" to the MoCo non-discrimation law, which is now law, once again in spite of your best efforts to continue to allow such discrimination to continue.
Sorry, Theresa, about your losses against the highly successful TTF, but congratulations on your daughter's success. My son the bartender is highly successful too, if "making an enormous amount of money" is your measure of success, and I'm just as proud of him and his HS diploma as you seem to be of your daughter and her law degree.
"New research suggests immigrants are committing fewer crimes than U.S. citizens"
as we should expect
there are fewer immigrants than natural-born citizens in the US
as far as the rate, it should be near-zero for immigrants, as we should only be letting in those properly vetted, whereas natural born citizens have rights and belong here permanently, regardless of their propensity for crime- we don't expel or exile citizens, but we should exclude new problems
this whole TTF line of reasoning is faulty
"Here what TTF actually supported"
as this current post by Jim demonstrates, TTF's advocacy goes far beyond the MCPS sex ed curriculum
"and what MCPS won thanks to TTF's support....
As you well know, MCPS now has such a curriculum and it is no longer scripted.
TTF also supported adding "gender identity" to the MoCo non-discrimation law, which is now law, once again in spite of your best efforts"
yes, and education in MCPS has been declining since
accepting the non-scientific gay curriculum as fact has caused a culture of degradation of truth and replacement of truth with the exaltation of advocacy
with trumps new EO focusing on reporting alien crimes, we are going to get more of these numbers all the time.
"Even the pro-sanctuary Denver Post could not ignore two recent cases where an ICE detainer request was ignored and illegal aliens were released by the Denver jail and then arrested for homicide only weeks later. One case was a hit-and-run accident that left a young woman dead, and the second was a brutal murder at a light rail stop."
so, today Comey says he has been investigating links between the Trump campaign and Russia since three months before the election
but no one has done any surveillance?
give us all a break
the whole story is ridiculous
the Director of National Intelligence says that as of January 20, 2017, there was NO, that would be ZERO, evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign
and yet the FBI director says he had been investigating this for five and a half months prior to that
so why would the FBI be investigating if there is nothing to indicate any collusion?
while Dumbocrats have focused on whether Obama personally came over and tapped Trump Tower, the issue remains that a sitting government of the United States was conducting a criminal investigation of its challenger in an election, AND THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THE MATTER UNDER INVESTIGATION
this situation is typical of autocratic regimes and Obama is the one with autocratic intentions
is this the first election where the FBI was conducting a criminal investigation of both of the candidates of the two major parties during a presidential election?
Russian interference in our election? they no doubt tried but, really, they don't have that much power
our intelligence agencies, on the other hand, could use their considerable power to control the government
"every so-called solution to global warming subverts rather than enhances human freedom and advances the power of the state to regulate energy, industrial activity, and individual behavior That seems a potentially greater threat to the future of human welfare than even climate change. Václav Klaus, the former president of the Czech Republic, made this same point when he declared: “What is at risk is not the climate but freedom.”
So of course the GOP controlled House of Representatives, the GOP controlled US Senate, and the FBI are investigating this ridiculous attack on our democracy by Putin's Russia.
"the Director of National Intelligence says that as of January 20, 2017, there was NO, that would be ZERO, evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign"
What else did Clapper say?
Clapper said, however, that he still agrees with that report’s conclusion that Russian President Vladimir Putin had developed a “clear preference” for Trump and that the release of Democratic operatives’ emails stolen by Russian computer hackers was part of an effort to support the Republican candidate. An unclassified version of the report was made public Jan. 6, two weeks before Trump assumed the presidency.
Read more here:
And today we learn:
"...Under questioning from Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas), FBI Director James Comey and Adm. Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, said nothing has changed since they issued their Jan. 6 report on Russian interference in the election.
The report found that senior Russian officials, including Putin, wanted to undermine the U.S. democratic process, hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and help Trump's campaign.
Comey and Rogers declined to provide details on how the intelligence community reached that assessment.
"They wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her and help him," Comey said, adding that officials had reached that conclusion by December. ..."
"The FBI director confirmed the existence of an investigation into possible ties between associates of President Donald Trump and Russian government officials.
James Comey’s formal confirmation of the probe on Monday follows months of news reports quoting anonymous government officials discussing the FBI-led, multi-agency probe into communications between Trump allies and Moscow in the lead-up to the 2016 election. Comey is the first to publicly confirm those reports.
“I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey told the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”
The FBI has been investigating links between the Trump team and Russian officials since July, Comey told the House panel ― meaning the probe was underway during the height of an alleged effort by Moscow to tip the scale in favor of Trump during the 2016 election. He declined to speculate on how long it would take to conduct the investigation, but suggested that it wasn’t nearing completion. The eight-month period in which the investigation has been ongoing is a “fairly short period of time” for a counterintelligence investigation, he said.
The House Intelligence Committee is one of two congressional committees investigating Moscow’s role in last year’s presidential race.
The intelligence community publicly shared its assessment in January that the Russian government hacked Democratic entities and operatives and released damning information with the goal of helping Trump win the election. But the assessment did not indicate whether Trump and his campaign team were aware of or complicit in Moscow’s operations..."
we all realize Hillary was hacked because she was careless with information
yes, we all realize that Hillary said many things in private that she would never say in public - she was a hypocrites
but there is understandable reasons why Russia preferred Trump so there is really no reason to think Trump colluded with them
even if you believe he has that capacity, there was no need or reason for that
but given the lack of evidence, the big story here is that an administration was using the law enforcement agencies of the government to investigate the nominee of the other party
"...When asked at the hearing about the tweet, which came from the White House official account, Comey swiftly knocked it down.
"It certainly wasn't our intention to say that today because we don't have any information on that subject," he said.
Comey had testified that the FBI is investigating possible illegal "coordination" between Trump's campaign and Russian authorities during the 2016 campaign.
He said U.S. officials made no effort to determine if Russian hacking and leaks of Democratic Party emails had affected voters on Election Day, however.
Both Comey and Rogers said they stood by a Jan. 6 report by the U.S. intelligence community that said Russian President Vladimir Putin had approved the meddling in an effort to hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to help Trump..."
"Donald Trump Exposed As A Hopeless Conspiracy Theorist By Basically Everyone Who Matters"
what are you talking about?
the FBI director just confirmed yesterday that the administration of Barack Obama was doing a criminal investigation of the GOP nominee during the general election
it's no longer a theory
"It's a scandal"
yes, it is
if Obama gets away with this, like it did when he used the IRS against his opponents in 2012, democracy is in trouble
"Let’s Revisit All Those Times Trump Surrogates Said You Can’t Elect Someone Under FBI Investigation I’m old enough to remember when such things were disqualifying."
yes, Hillary should have resigned
I'm sure most Dems wish she had at this point
"It's another scandal"
it always is with the Clintons
could you imagine if she'd been elected?
"Poll: President Trump's approval rating sinks to lowest point ever"
big news (ROFL!!)
he got elected with the worst approval ratings ever
the media that reports this actually has worse ratings than him
wonder why you rarely hear about that..
"It's yet another scandal"
well, who would have guessed it?
a TTFer f's around with the definition of a word
do you what the definition of is is?
can the English language survive Dems' rage over their historic defeat in November?
"Both Comey and Rogers said they stood by a Jan. 6 report by the U.S. intelligence community that said Russian President Vladimir Putin had approved the meddling in an effort to hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to help Trump..."
big news (ROFL!!)
no one other than Putin denies that
and now, no one can deny that the Obama administration was investigating the campaign of the opposing political party
2:36 PM: Comey says: "I promise you we will follow the facts wherever they may lead."
""Both Comey and Rogers said they stood by a Jan. 6 report by the U.S. intelligence community that said Russian President Vladimir Putin had approved the meddling in an effort to hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to help Trump..." one other than Putin denies that"
Is that what they tell you WITH NO EVIDENCE at Fox News?
President Twittiot, who you support, blames the Russian story on "the Democrats" WITH NO EVIDENCE in one of his lying tweets:
He's also, WITH NO EVIDENCE, called the Russian story "fake news."
Panama Papers Putin and Trump's attitudes about this story makes them appear to be thick as thieves and totally UNAmerican.
One can only wonder how much Russia has invested in Trump WITH NO EVIDENCE, which we may never have until the Twittiot's tax forms get released, perhaps compelled by a "real" judge.
Regarding his "fake news" claims about Britain spying WITH NO EVIDENCE on his paranoid self, your Twittiot watched a "so-called" judge on Fox News:
"Well TTFrs. This is directly a result of Montgomery county's sanctuary city policies."
Well Shower Nuts. This is directly a result of your efforts to prevent marriage equality and to continue discriminating against LGBT people.
"Still think unaccompanied 17-21 year young adult males with no parental supervision to speak of, should be in the public high schools with your kids ?
Still think unaccompanied Texas State Chairs of the Pussy Grabber's campaign and Texas State Senators should be allowed access to your kids?
"Really ?
You did this. Are you going to write an apology to the young girls mother ?
Really ?
You did this. Are you going to write an apology to all the mothers of the young children this Republican has purchased for sexual gratification?
2:36 PM: Comey says: "I promise you we will follow the facts wherever they may lead."
""Both Comey and Rogers said they stood by a Jan. 6 report by the U.S. intelligence community that said Russian President Vladimir Putin had approved the meddling in an effort to hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to help Trump...""
you seem to be talking about something different than I, which is part of the insidious Dem effort to deceive America
an intelligence report is not evidence, although it was hopefully base on some
but, the thing there is no evidence for is that Trump and his campaign worked with the Russians to hack Hillary's computer and leak the information
"President Trump blames the Russian story on "the Democrats" WITH NO EVIDENCE"
evidence? they've been pushing the story in full public view
as if this were some kind of new extraordinary phenomenon when, in fact, the Russians have always done this
and, also in full public view, they have repeatedly blamed their well-deserved defeat in November on this
the only thing they claim to have evidence for is that Russians hacked Hillary's computer
but, so could any fairly competent hacker
she was as sloppy with her campaign communications as she was with our national intelligence
the Director of NI said there is no evidence Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians
Comey said he has no idea if any Russian actions affected the election
but we all know, Comey affected it more than anyone else
when the story about Trump's lewd comments were the focus of the election, he announced he was reopening the investigation of Hillary
this changed the trajectory of the race
she might have caught up, though
but in the final stretch, she went home to rest and Trump barnstormed the Midwest
and that was the ballgame
as Hillary acknowledged before the election, the wikileaks didn't affect anything because all they revealed had already been "baked into the cake"
"One can only wonder how much Russia has invested in Trump WITH NO EVIDENCE, which we may never have until the November victor's tax forms get released, perhaps compelled by a "real" judge"
if there was any evidence, they could be subpoenaed
but tax returns are private information
btw, individual tax returns likely won't revealed how much someone "has invested in Trump"
"Regarding his "fake news" claims about Britain spying WITH NO EVIDENCE"
actually, this demonstrated that information could be obtained without a FISA order
also, it was revealed today that a British spy did give information on Trump to the FBI
so, I guess it's not fake, huh?
"Paul Manafort faces fresh accusations in Ukraine after document find
Documents = Evidence!
Drip drip drip"
hmmm, finally, today, a shred of evidence of ..what?
look, I realize that Hillary really screwed you guys over
and I realize that Dems will probably never hold power again in your lifetimes (unless science comes up with something that extends your lifespan into the 22nd century)
and I realize it might have all been different if you had not fallen into the trap of supporting someone who only gained her public experience not by her own merit but by being victimized by her infamous and misogynistic husband
and I realize her carelessness and sense of entitlement cost you your chance to have the government control your life from cradle until grave
but you have to move on and stop whining about how the Clintons messed everything up
there's work to do
you need to rant and make jackasses of yourself so much that you ensure GOP dominance of all levels of government to infinity and beyond
we're counting on you
btw, that Neil Gorsuch looks like a real winner, as opposed to that loser Obama nominated
for years, Washington has been a boom town through good times and bad for the rest of the country
it was done by sucking the lifeblood out of the heartland with confiscatory taxes to pay for dubious government workers
so, while guys in Indiana had to take three menial jobs to make ends meet, building cranes filled the skies in DC and restaurants turned the crowds away in the Penn Quarter
the new Trump budget turns the tables
I recently heard some liberal whine that cutting the National Endowment for the Arts will only save each taxpayer 46 cents
and I thought: well, if only 10% of Americans voluntarily gave 4 dollars and sixty cents to the Endowment, it would replace that
but, as we all know well, not even 10% of Americans really care about the Endowment that much
The 2016 election was just a month away when Steve Curtis, a conservative radio host and former Colorado Republican Party chairman, devoted an entire episode of his morning talk show to the heated topic of voter fraud.
“It seems to me,” Curtis said in the 42-minute segment, “that virtually every case of voter fraud I can remember in my lifetime was committed by Democrats.”
On Tuesday, Colorado prosecutors threw a wrench into that already dubious theory, accusing Curtis of voter fraud for allegedly filling out and mailing in his ex-wife’s 2016 ballot for president, Denver’s Fox affiliate reported.
Curtis, 57, was charged in Weld County District Court with one count of misdemeanor voter fraud and one count of forgery, a Class 5 felony, according to local media.
The case is the only voter fraud investigation related to the 2016 election that has resulted in criminal charges in the state, the Colorado secretary of state’s office told Denver’s ABC affiliate.
Curtis has not entered a plea. If convicted, he could face more than a year of prison time and a $5,000 fine. His attorney, Christopher Gregory, declined to comment on the case when reached by The Washington Post Tuesday night.
Voter fraud was an explosive issue throughout the election. Republicans have long insisted, with little evidence, that the practice is rampant, and have passed legislation in some states making it harder to vote. As a candidate, Donald Trump repeatedly claimed with no evidence that the election was “rigged” against him because of fraud, threatening to reject the results if they weren’t to his liking.
After Trump entered the White House, he continued to allege widespread voter fraud, claiming again without evidence that between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes were cast. Within days of taking office, he called for a “major investigation.” So far, the probe has not materialized in any meaningful way.
Officials in Weld County, Colo., said they learned of Curtis’s allegedly fraudulent ballot when his ex-wife, Kelly Curtis, called the local elections office in October asking how she could cast a vote by mail in Colorado from her new home in South Carolina, Fox 31 reported.
An election worker reportedly told her the office had already received her ballot. Per Fox 31:
“I was just completely stunned. I thought there had to be some kind of mistake,” said Kelly Curtis.
That’s when verification judges for the Weld County Clerk and Recorder’s Office got involved. “We compared her (ballot) signature just to the signatures on her registration,” said Weld County Clerk and Recorder Carly Koppes, who quickly determined the signatures didn’t match but noted the ballot was sent from Steve Curtis’s home in Firestone, Colo.
The Weld County district attorney’s office opened an investigation, filing a criminal complaint on Feb. 1, the Denver Post reported.
In court Tuesday, Curtis’s attorney reportedly asked the judge to impose a gag order to prevent prosecutors from discussing the case. The judge rejected the request, according to Fox 31. Curtis is due back in court in May.
Curtis served as chairman of the Colorado Republican Party from 1997 to 1999. In 2011, he made a brief reentry into state politics when he oversaw the advisory board for the Denver Tea Party Patriots, ABC 7 reported.
He hosts a talk radio show on KLZ-AM (560) The Source, a station based out of Aurora, Colo. Airing weekdays from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., “Wake Up! with Steve Curtis” bills itself as “aggressive political, social, and spiritual dialogue” that aims to “unmask those right under our noses or across the country, who are trying to undermine or destroy our game plans and, most importantly, our constitutional powers.”
On his Oct. 6 show, Curtis delved into what he called the “sordid history” of voter fraud with guest Kevin Collins, author of “The Dirty Locked Away History of the Democrat Party.”
During the segment, titled “Voter Fraud and Other Democratic Misbehaviors,” Curtis and Collins alleged that the practice was essentially unique to Democrats.
“Voter fraud is not an easy crime to commit,” Collins said at the beginning of the show. “It needs a certain cadre of devoted criminal Democrats to carry it out.”
Curtis agreed. There was “something about being a Democrat,” he said, that made people prone to criminal behavior. At multiple points, the two brought up fraudulent mail-in ballots and “double voting” specifically. They predicted a crackdown on voter fraud if Trump became president but expressed concerns that their votes wouldn’t be counted in the upcoming election.
“I expect any day now that I’m going to be getting my ballot in the mail,” Curtis said. “This is one year I’m gonna jump right on it. I’m gonna make sure that if I get hit by a bus in the next 30 days that my vote for Donald Trump is already in the system.”
You'd much rather bitch about Hillary than face facts like these:"
instead of posting a link, tell us what you think the relevant facts are
as far as Hillary, you're the ones who keep bringing her up
the whole story is whining about Hillary's loss and blaming on the Russians, who merely acted as they always do and didn't seem to have had any effect
and, btw, this whole stance by the Dems is an attempt to validate dishonesty and hypocrisy
the whole case is that Russians uncovered certain secrets about Hillary and publicized them, as if a presidential campaign is entitled to maintain its dishonesty
and as if exposing their dishonesty is heinous
basically, Dems are ceding the moral high ground to the Russians
the Dems have not once denied any of these wikileaks
how have we come to believe that telling the truth is an attack on America?
oh, and one more thing, the only elements that use the word "bitch" like you do are homosexuals and convicts
Senator Collins: "First, let me start by thanking Director Clapper ad Director Brennan for your many years of service to your country. I also want to say that I appreciate the work that has been done by the intelligence community to produce this report, and I accept its findings. I do think it is important that we understand more fully the extent of Russian intrusions into the electoral process to try to shape public opinion. And it is important to underscore two points that have been brought out already. That there is no evidence that the voting totals were manipulated or changed or that emails that were released were manipulated or changed. Is that correct, Director Clapper?
Director Clapper: Correct.
Senator Collins: The unclassified documents were hacked by the Rations [Russians?]. But it does not go into detail over whether data was stolen from this systems and whether information came from networks used by Republican candidates, whether that included the Trump Campaign. Could you give us a fuller understanding of the hacking on the Republican side? Was the Trump campaign, for example, hacked by the Russians? Or if Mr. Comey is the better person for this.
Director Comey: "I want to be thoughtful about what I say in an open setting. There was evidence that there was hacking directed at state level organization, stat-level campaigns and the RNC. But old domains of the RNC, email domains that they were no longer using. The information was harvested from there but it was also - old stuff. None of that was released. We did not develop any evidence that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked."
Senator Collins: "Did - does it depend on an assessment that the Russians covertly collected information from primarily Democratic sources but some Republican sources as well, but only chose to release these derogatory information from Democratic sources?
"as far as Hillary, you're the ones who keep bringing her up"
Clearly a lie with evidence plain to see right here on this thread in the 27 times her name has been mentioned.
Anyone can ALT F see for themselves.
"the whole case is that Russians uncovered certain secrets about Hillary and publicized them, as if a presidential campaign is entitled to maintain its dishonesty"
The case as presented by the intelligence community is that Russia hacked all sorts of political entities but only published ANYTHING about the Democrats and kept the GOP's secrets for them as Comey stated on Jan. 10, 2017.
"oh, and one more thing, the only elements that use the word "bitch" like you do are homosexuals and convicts
which are you?"
So how many homosexuals and convicts do you hang out with?
And where do you come up with your bullshit?
I think you emulate the man you support with all your heart and soul and make your stupid claims up out of whatever bullshit report you see on some lying site like Townhall, Brietbart, and Fox News just like he does.
Verb bitch (third-person singular simple present bitches, present participle bitching, simple past and past participle bitched)
1. (intransitive) To behave or act as a bitch. 2. (intransitive) To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected. All you ever do is bitch about the food I cook for you! 3. (transitive) To spoil, to ruin. [quotations ▼]
Synonyms (make derogatory comments): badmouth, slag off (UK), snipe (complain spitefully): gripe, grumble, kvetch, moan, piss and moan, sniff at, whine, whinge See also Wikisaurus:complain
"By JEFF HORWITZ and CHAD DAY 1 hour ago WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago and proposed an ambitious political strategy to undermine anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics, The Associated Press has learned. The work appears to contradict assertions by the Trump administration and Manafort himself that he never worked for Russian interests..."
well, I don't limit my sources of information in the way most TTFers do
but, based on what you posted, the only evidence is that the Russians hacked Hillary's computer
and even that is not necessarily conclusive information, although it would seem logical to assume they did it because, like any competent intelligence agency, THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE THIS WHEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY
and the sloppiness of Hillary's IT structure provided that opportunity
"Senator Collins: I do think it is important that we understand more fully the extent of Russian intrusions into the electoral process to try to shape public opinion"
first of all, Susan, it is not "intrusive" of Russia to try and shape public opinion. we are the greatest economic and military power in the world and our politics affects them directly so while they don't deserve a vote, they have a right to their opinion and to try to persuade the voters they are right
"And it is important to underscore two points that have been brought out already. That there is no evidence that the voting totals were manipulated or changed or that emails that were released were manipulated or changed. Is that correct, Director Clapper?
Director Clapper: Correct"
there you have it. even if the Russians did what was alleged, that was nothing dishonest. the vote wasn't interfered with and the information released was true.
it's a sad day when America starts to believe the truth is an attack on us
"Senator Collins: The unclassified documents were hacked by the Russians?"
notice this was said by Collins, not the witness
"But it does not go into detail over whether data was stolen from this systems and whether information came from networks used by Republican candidates, whether that included the Trump Campaign. Could you give us a fuller understanding of the hacking on the Republican side? Was the Trump campaign, for example, hacked by the Russians? Or if Mr. Comey is the better person for this.
Director Comey: "There was evidence that there was hacking directed at the RNC. But old domains of the RNC, email domains that they were no longer using. The information was harvested from there but it was also - old stuff. None of that was released. We did not develop any evidence that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked.""
so, the Trump campaign's data was not hacked
"Senator Collins: "Did - does it depend on an assessment that the Russians covertly collected information from primarily Democratic sources but some Republican sources as well, but only chose to release these derogatory information from Democratic sources?
Director Clapper: "That's correct.""
but, as Comey stated, the RNC information was old, not recent
"Clearly a lie with evidence plain to see right here on this thread in the 27 times her name has been mentioned"
the whole story is about her, whether you mention her name or not
you guys apparently think of her as Voldemort
but, no matter
she's the alleged victim of this fictitious Russian-Trump connection
so, when you bring it up, it's her alleged victimization you're referring to
to talk about this without mentioning her is like talking about terrorism without mentioning Islamic radicals
"The case as presented by the intelligence community is that Russia hacked all sorts of political entities but only published ANYTHING about the Democrats and kept the GOP's secrets for them as Comey stated"
doesn't the mainstream media do the same to the GOP all the time?
besides, Comey said the RNC information was dated
"So how many homosexuals and convicts do you hang out with?"
oh, I've been acquainted with both
I've noticed they both love to use the term "bitch"
now, you aren't answering the question
which are you?
"Verb bitch (third-person singular simple present bitches, present participle bitching, simple past and past participle bitched)"
oh, we all know what it means
that doesn't make it part of a decent person's vocabulary
just gays and convicts
oh yeah, the Stones once did a song with that title but they were trying to shock
you should probably head for this section more often
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago"
won't defend this but, on the other hand, it's not that unusual
at least he wasn't working for the US government at the time
there are worse actors than Russia on the international scene and they were paying Bill Clinton for speeches and making special contributions to the Clinton campaign while Hillary was Sec of State
"but, as Comey stated, the RNC information was old, not recent"
Yeah, the Russian hackers didn't even try very hard to make their hacking look even handed, no doubt expecting the candidate they were hoping to help into the White House would be grateful for their assistance and not threaten to even investigate.
"she's the alleged victim of this fictitious Russian-Trump connection
so, when you bring it up, it's her alleged victimization you're referring to"
If it is a fictitious Russian-Trump connection, then what is it you think the FBI, the House Intelligence Committee, and Senate Intelligence committees are investigating?
Did you think that hearing yesterday was about the loser of the 2016 electoral college yet winner of the popular vote?
Nope, it's the people who worked on the campaign of the winning Twittiot they are investigating.
Our intelligence agencies are investigating the Russian criminals who broke into various American internet accounts including Yahoo and only published some of what they found in their unAmerican unDemocratic effort to get their preferred person into the White House.
"that doesn't make it part of a decent person's vocabulary"
That's some stunning self-unawareness right there!
OK, I'll just stick to quoting your indecent pussy grabbing Twittiot, the man you adore and support unconditionally.
""And it is important to underscore two points that have been brought out already. That there is no evidence that the voting totals were manipulated or changed or that emails that were released were manipulated or changed. Is that correct, Director Clapper?
Director Clapper: Correct"
there you have it. even if the Russians did what was alleged, that was nothing dishonest. the vote wasn't interfered with and the information released was true."
You are lying just like your Twittiot did yesterday and Comey already shot this bullshit down.
"President Trump tweeted Monday that FBI Director James B. Comey and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers had testified to a House Intelligence Committee hearing that "Russia did not influence electoral process."
Not really.
When asked at the hearing about the tweet, which came from the White House official account, Comey swiftly knocked it down.
"It certainly wasn't our intention to say that today because we don't have any information on that subject," he said.
Comey had testified that the FBI is investigating possible illegal "coordination" between Trump's campaign and Russian authorities during the 2016 campaign.
He said U.S. officials made no effort to determine if Russian hacking and leaks of Democratic Party emails had affected voters on Election Day, however..."
The FBI has not investigated the question "did Russian hacking and leaks of Democratic Party emails affected voters on Election Day" so of course they have no evidence of it, so far.
However, the FBI is investigating possible illegal "coordination" between the Trump campaign and Russians, and if they find there was such illegal coordination, then it may be up to the FBI or some other agency to try to determine what, if any, effect on American voters such illegal "coordination" with the Russians may have had.
"Yeah, the Russian hackers didn't even try very hard to make their hacking look even handed, no doubt expecting the candidate they were hoping to help into the White House would be grateful for their assistance and not threaten to even investigate"
or Trump's team was smart enough to know how to protect their data
just another little incompetency that made Hillary unfit for the White House
the wisdom of the American people proven again
"If it is a fictitious Russian-Trump connection, then what is it you think the FBI, the House Intelligence Committee, and Senate Intelligence committees are investigating?"
I would imagine it's either due diligence or an investigation ordered by Obama to harass the GOP. As you may have heard, the Director of National intelligence said there was no evidence of such a connection when he left office in January. And, yet, Comey says he's been investigating this since last summer. So, either the DNI is lying or this charge being investigated is fictitious.
Can you imagine any other possibilities?
If so, please share.
"Did you think that hearing yesterday was about the loser of the 2016 electoral college yet winner of the popular vote?"
A popular vote wasn't held for anyone to win.
You idiot. You didn't know that?
"Nope, it's the people who worked on the campaign of the winning ticket they are investigating."
It's about alleged interference in our election process by a foreign power. You may have forgotten, I'm sure you'd like to, but Hillary was one of the two nominees of the major parties in that election. You know - the laughable candidate.
btw, I want to personally thank you for supporting her nomination. It was a big help!
"Our intelligence agencies are investigating the Russian criminals who broke into various American internet accounts"
Yeah, that's technically illegal but campaign information is not classified (unlike much of the material Hillary made available to the Russians on her personal hard drive), but there are millions in this country who have hacked our computers. That includes most of corporate America and our own intelligence agencies, both of whom continually monitor our computers, so this is kind of a hollow complaint.
"including Yahoo and only published some of what they found in their unAmerican unDemocratic effort to get their preferred person into the White House."
Actually, revealing truth for voters to consider so you can get your preferred person into the White House is the essence of democracy. What's so embarrassing is for a major political to complain that someone telling the truth about it is nefarious. You guys are making Putin look like a good guy.
"I'll just stick to quoting your indecent &@%#&&@#%&, the man you adore and support unconditionally."
What a surprise: a lying TTFer!
While I'd much prefer someone else be in the White House, I'll say this for Trump: he said this privately not shouting from the rooftops like you.
You should try to become decent. What have you got to lose?
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
"The FBI has not investigated the question "did Russian hacking and leaks of Democratic Party emails affected voters on Election Day" so of course they have no evidence of it, so far"
also, it wasn't investigated because telling truths inconvenient to certain candidates is not illegal, even if you don't tell the same truths about their rival
that's the job for Hillary's supporters
like when they publicized a private conversation Trump had with a reporter
"However, the FBI is investigating possible illegal "coordination" between the Trump campaign and Russians,"
the DNI said there was none
he said it while this investigatin was ongoing
"and if they find there was such illegal coordination,"
while there is no reason to believe any coordination took place, it really wouldn't be illegal if it did
absent payments or bribes or voter fraud, I don't think there are legal ramifications
"then it may be up to the FBI or some other agency to try to determine what, if any, effect on American voters such illegal "coordination" with the Russians may have had"
not really
the FBI is supposed to be impartial, not a determiner of why people voted how they did
"....With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked...."
When asked if he felt vindicated after the Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes rushed up to the White House to share a leak with him (and the media) which says that some Trump transition officials were incidentally surveilled and "unmasked" by intelligence agencies: "I somewhat do. I must tell you I somewhat do. I very much appreciated the fact that they found what they found, I somewhat do."
He feels "somewhat" vindicated that Devin Nunes broke every protocol to hold a news conference designed to give the president cover for his manic 4 AM tweet two weeks ago.
Unfortunately for him, Nunes is a moron and has opened a Pandora's Box by saying that the intercepts had nothing to do with Russia and implying that there are other FISA warrants out there that picked up conversations with Trump officials. If he hadn't said that one might have assumed that these were the kind of incidental routine intercepts of conversations with foreigners that don't require a FISA warrant. He seems confused.
One thing is now crystal clear. Nunes cannot run the House intelligence committee investigation. As a member of Trump's transition team he should have recused himself from the beginning. Now he's so obviously tainted that he made the best cast yet for an Independent commission and/or a special prosecutor. He should not be given any more access to intelligence reports. After spending the whole day on Monday ragging on leaks to James Comey he just went out and held a press conference hurling charges based upon a ... leak.
this is what has been the story from the beginning
that, after they were turned down by FISA for tapping Trump, they got approval to tap others that might "incidentally" intercept Trump communications and then didn't follow protocols to mask the identity of the communication incidentally intercepted
Today's intelligence leak was committed by Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif, the GOP Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and former executive member of the Trump transition team himself.
Obama conducted surveillance that "incidentally" captured Trump communication and the identity of the incidentally captured communications was not masked - as required by law
and Obama forwarded the information to all the intelligence agencies to make sure it survived his departure
Obama has a history of ignoring the law when he feels it's unfair
hence, when he disagreed with Citizens United, he took matters into his own hands and had the IRS harass groups that opposed him
he probably won in 2012 because of his illegal actions
now, this
frustrated with wikileaks revelations of Hillary, he decides he'll do his own surveillance and find something to leak about Trump
Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner for doing nothing and all-around big Dem hero, may be subject to criminal prosecution
I'm sure this feller Buchanan knows what he's talkin' about and I bet he's just as fair and neutral as ya can get. But gee willikers, the funny thing is them Democrats ain't doin' nothin' at all. They don't have any power an' all they're doin' is sittin' along the sidelines munchin' popcorn an' watchin' them-there Republicans eat each other alive. I don't think it even occurred to the Democrats to git them Republicans in thick with the Russians, that there's a heck of a knee-slapper, the Repuglicans done that their own self.
Yer gonna have a hard time blamin' the Demmycrats fer anything when they don't have the goshdurn majority of just about anything in Washington, no comittee or nuthin'. That'there Trump fella, that New York billionaire real-estate gangster that everybody likes so durn much, the fella with the fancy hair, is jest-about every day shittin' in his own nest, as we say out here. Kinda funny how cityfolk behave sometimes.
"...this line item accounting for just 0.004 percent of the federal budget is not what’s breaking the bank.
Participation in the arts leads to higher grade-point averages and SAT scores, as well as improvements in math skills and spatial reasoning. Do we want students who are less likely to drop out of school and more likely to have academic success, particularly in math and science? Music and art deliver, especially for students likely to get lost in an education assembly line that can be more Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall” than about creative thinking and problem solving. Creativity finds cures for diseases, creates companies such as Apple and Microsoft and, above all, makes our culture more livable.
Many children get their only access to music and the arts via grants made by the NEA — 40 percent of which go to high-poverty neighborhoods, while 36 percent reach underserved people, such as veterans and those with disabilities. In fiscal 2016, NEA grants went to nearly 16,000 communities, in every congressional district in the country.
But if the decision is to be made on purely economic grounds, consider the case laid out by advocates Earle I. Mack, Randall Bourscheidt and Robert L. Lynch in a recent op-ed in the Hill: The arts are a $730 billion industry, representing 4.2 percent of our gross domestic product — more than transportation, tourism and agriculture. The nonprofit side of the arts alone generates $135 billion in economic activity, supporting 4.1 million jobs. President Trump rightfully wants to end the U.S. trade imbalance, but the American arts generated a $30 billion trade surplus in 2014, on the strength of $60 billion in exports of various arts goods.
...40 percent of NEA funds are now channeled directly to states, to be matched and distributed, with the rest going directly to communities, arts councils, arts organizations and select individuals. This has empowered localities to offer real participation to those who otherwise would have no avenue to music or the arts.
I truly want the government to stop wasting my tax money. I want it to stop funding things that don’t work and things that get funded only because they are some congressman’s pet project or have a powerful lobby behind them. To some, it may seem as though the $147.9 million allocated to the NEA in fiscal 2016 is money to be saved. But to someone such as me — for whom an early interest in music and the arts became a lifeline to an education and academic success — this money is not expendable, extracurricular or extraneous. It is essential.
If it seems unusual that a conservative Republican would advocate for music and the arts, don’t be so surprised. The largest increase in arts funding ever came under President Richard Nixon, and when budget hawks thought about cutting the minuscule funding of the NEA in the 1980s, it was no less than President Ronald Reagan who stepped in to make sure those in our poorest neighborhoods continued to have access to this road to academic success and meaningful way to express their creative gifts.
I’m for cutting waste and killing worthless programs. I’m not for cutting and killing the hope and help that come from creativity."
"I'm sure this feller Buchanan knows what he's talkin' about"
you're right about that!
"and I bet he's just as fair and neutral as ya can get"
well, he'll tell you his view and explain why he holds it, as opposed to, say, the Washington Post, which makes a pretense of objectivity
I'd say Buchanan has integrity that exceeds the mainstream media
"But gee willikers, the funny thing is them Democrats ain't doin' nothin' at all. They don't have any power an' all they're doin' is sittin' along the sidelines munchin' popcorn an' watchin' them"
what they're doing is making a bunch of unproven statements to imply that Trump won the election by working with the Russians
and Buchanan is right, they will lose in the long-run
pretty much already have
after a seven month investigation, there is still not a shred of evidence indicating the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians
furthermore, it looks like the Obama administration unmasked incidental interception of Trump communications and disseminated throughput the intelligence community
the original interception was, technically legal
the unmasking and dissemination of unmasked surveillance is criminal activity
someone's going to jail -
and it may be Obama
"Yer gonna have a hard time blamin' the Demmycrats fer anything when they don't have the goshdurn majority of just about anything in Washington, no comittee or nuthin'"
that's true but they can still get the media to publish their lies
it's up to the American people to put dishonest media outlets out of business
don't think it won't happen
"President Huckabee writes:"
sounds like the Endowment can count on getting that $4.60 from Mike
it's nice he likes their work
maybe he could become their spokesman
sounds like he makes a good case for the value of their programs
he should encourage everyone to contribute and stop supporting confiscation from tax payers
Robin Hood wasn't a founding father
"How'd you like this morning's Nunes apology to House Intelligence Committee for his lousy "judgement call" yesterday?"
oh, committee members, congressional or otherwise, always complain that the chair doesn't keep them in the loop
it's not always practical to do so
he showed great magnanimity apologizing in the face of their whining
"I hope he'll apologize to the American people too, don't you?"
I think Americans are grateful he's found out what Obama was up to
Majorities of Americans don't think Congress is capable of handling this investigation, most likely thanks to stunts by GOPers who control Congress like Nunes.
"Among Republicans, a majority feel Congress can handle the investigation, but a sizable 43% support the call for a special prosecutor, as do majorities of Democrats (82%) and independents (67%). Overall, the poll finds that 65% would rather see a special prosecutor handle the investigation, while 32% think Congress is capable of handling it."
"Majorities of Americans don't think Congress is capable of handling this investigation, most likely thanks to stunts by GOPers who control Congress like Nunes"
this poll didn't include the news that Obama likely reviewed surveillance of Trump
as a matter of fact, the mainstream media really has not told Americans that yet
they've yet to have explained to them that some intelligence agency had intercepted Gen Flynn's calls and failed to properly mask them and leaked them to the press
or that the Obama administration was investigating Trump during the election
or that Obama's DNI said there was no evidence of collusion while his FBI director says they have been investigating Trump since last summer
and, yet, they both say they weren't surveilling the Trump campaign
but, what kind of investigation wouldn't surveil the suspects?!?
the Dems have made up a crock of lies
and who, in our polarized country, could possibly be impartial enough to avoid an appearance of conflict?
"most likely thanks to stunts by GOPers who control Congress like Nunes"
earlier in the week, Dems were singing the praises of Nunes when he was spilling out all kinds of details that bolstered their lies but now that he has uncovered facts that Obama likely had access to intercepted communication from the Trump campaign, they say he was dastardly to reveal it, and needs to be replaced
again, Dems are calling truth a "stunt" and an "attack"
embrace the truth, Dems:
- Obama thought he was above the law and acted accordingly,
- there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia,
- Hillary lost because she was incompetent and embraced the leftist extreme
remember, whoever or however, the leaks from Julian Assange were truth
and Dems argue that telling the truth is an attack on them
which, of course, it is
because the truth is so damning to Democrats
the truth is they are crass, corrupt, hypocrites who deserve the political fate that's befallen them
"President Donald Trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating from American voters, his worst score ever, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.
Today's job approval rating compares to a negative 41 - 52 percent approval rating in a March 7 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.
President Trump is losing support among key elements of his base: Men disapprove 43 - 52 percent, compared to a 49 - 45 percent approval March 7; Republicans approve 81 - 14 percent, compared to 91 - 5 percent two weeks ago; White voters disapprove 44 - 50 percent, compared to a narrow 49 - 45 percent approval March 7. Disapproval is 60 - 31 percent among women, 90 - 6 percent among Democrats, 60 - 31 percent among independent voters and 75 - 16 percent among non-white voters.
American voters' opinions of some of Trump's personal qualities hit new lows: 60 - 35 percent that he is not honest, compared to 55 - 39 not honest March 7; 55 - 40 percent that he does not have good leadership skills; 57 - 40 percent that he does not care about average Americans; 66 - 30 percent that he is not level-headed; 66 - 30 percent that he is a strong person; 59 - 36 percent that he is intelligent; 61 - 35 percent that he does not share their values. "Although taking a beating, he keeps on tweeting to the point where even his fiercely loyal base appears to be eroding," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
"Most alarming for President Donald Trump, the demographic underpinnings of his support, Republicans, white voters, especially men and those without a college degree, are starting to have doubts."
A total of 73 percent of American voters say President Trump and his Administration make statements without evidence to support them "very often" or "somewhat often."
Only 25 percent of American voters say Trump is more honest than most of the previous presidents, while 48 percent say he is less honest and 24 percent say he is about as honest.
Trump is even with the media, but lower than the courts and intelligence agencies, in winning American voters' trust: A total of 34 percent of voters say they can trust Trump to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time;" A total of 52 percent of voters say they can trust the courts to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time;" A total of 51 percent of voters say they can trust U.S. intelligence agencies to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time;" A total of 34 percent of voters say they can trust the media to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time."..."
"...Voters give Trump a negative 36 - 57 percent favorability rating, his lowest net score since he was elected.
Trump gets a negative 42 - 48 percent approval rating for the way he is handling the economy, down from a 49 - 41 percent positive score March 7. Opinions on other issues are: Disapprove 58 - 34 percent of the way he is handling foreign policy; Disapprove 50 - 42 percent of the way he is handling terrorism; Disapprove 54 - 34 percent of the way he is handling the federal budget; Disapprove 60 - 38 percent of the way he is handling immigration issues. Wiretapping Trump Tower
American voters do not believe 70 - 19 percent that former President Barack Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during the 2016 presidential election. Republicans are divided as 41 percent believe it and 39 percent don't believe it. Every other party, gender, age, education and racial group listed disbelieves this claim by wide margins.
Trump "truly believes" the wiretapping claim, 48 percent of voters say, while 42 percent say he does not believe it.
From March 16 - 21, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,056 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and the nation as a public service and for research.
Visit or
Call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter @QuinnipiacPoll.
Comey resists but NSA & CIA will give up Obama said...
Congressional investigators expect a “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week.
Classified intelligence showing incidental collection of Trump team communications, purportedly seen by committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and described by him in vague terms at a Wednesday afternoon news conference, came from multiple sources, Capitol Hill sources said. The intelligence corroborated information about surveillance of the Trump team that was known to Nunes, sources said, even before President Trump accused his predecessor of having wiretappedhim in a series of tweets posted on March 4.
Unless Obama is pardoned by President Trump, he will likely do time in prison. Sad end for such an historic figure.
The intelligence is said to leave no doubt the Obama administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump, according to sources.
The key to that conclusion is the unmasking of selected U.S. persons whose names appeared in the intelligence, the sources said, adding that the paper trail leaves no other plausible purpose for the unmasking other than to damage the incoming Trump administration.
The FBI hasn’t been responsive to the House Intelligence Committee’s request for documents, but the National Security Agency is expected to produce documents to the committee by Friday. The NSA document production is expected to produce more intelligence than Nunes has so far seen or described – including what one source described as a “smoking gun” establishing the spying.
Nunes’s intelligence came from multiple sources during a span of several weeks, and he has not shared the actual materials with his committee colleagues. However, Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., has been briefed on the basic contents of the intelligence described by Nunes.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo is also sympathetic to the effort to determine, with documentary evidence, the extent of any alleged Obama administration spying on the Trump team, sources said.
Uh huh, one guy says he saw this "evidence." And then instead of doing his Constitutional duty and sharing information with his committee members, he ran to tell the subject of the investigation what he had found.
Everybody is waiting to see what he says, because you never know which Trump guys were scheming with the Russians when the feds were listening in, but remember ol' Amerikanski says it's gonna be bullshit.
Of course now we're used to a President who blunders into stupid situations, doesn't know the rules, doesn't follow them even when he knows about them -- but only a few months ago it wasn't like this.
he happens to be the "one guy" heading the investigation
"And then instead of doing his Constitutional duty and sharing information with his committee members,"
well, give us a good laugh and show us that part of the Constitution
"he ran to tell the subject of the investigation what he had found"
actually, the investigation Nunes is conducting is whether Russia tried to influence our election
Congress doesn't conduct criminal investigations, they gather information to help make informed decisions when passing legislation
I thought you said you'd read the Constitution
and Trump is not the target of any investigation, other than the one Comey says the FBI is conducting
Comey, btw, may have committed perjury when he said Obama didn't surveil Trump
after the press and Dems had repeatedly called trump a liar, Nunes owed it to trump to inform him that evidence has turned up he was right
"Everybody is waiting to see what he says, because you never know which Trump guys were scheming with the Russians when the feds were listening in,"
oh, remember, the Feds couldn't get a warrant to listen in about the Russians
Obama found some other excuse to tape other parties he knew would be in contact with Trump so he could conveniently get an unmasked copy with trump on it
this was illegal, and he's going to jail
perhaps, he'll write a book about his prison experience when he gets out
he could call it "Orange is the new black"
"but remember ol' Amerikanski says it's gonna be bullshit"
someone told me you eat bullshit
that true?
"but only a few months ago it wasn't like this"
in India?
Obama broke rules whenever he didn't get his way
let me know if you want a recap
and, for heaven's sake, read the friggin' Constitution before you make any more stupid comments
In creating the Congress, the Constitution empowers it to pass laws and regulations. The reach of the Constitution in establishing law is greater than the few pages it is written on.
Here's the thing, anon. Unlike the current guy, Obama knew what the rules were and he followed them. He wasn't going to peek at activities in a campaign that didn't even involve him, out of curiosity. It is quite likely that Trump and his associates were caught up in some illegal or treasonaous activities, very likely, and that might have come up under Obama's term, but you're not going to find him using the intelligence community to manipulate political outcomes. Dream on.
Some of your pussy grabbing friends you hang out with, we presume??
Yesterday was the GOP's big day now that they control 2/3 of the US government, a day they've been working toward for seven years, the repeal of the ACA on the seventh anniversary of its passage by the Pelosi-controlled House in 2010, and they still didn't have their votes together?
"In creating the Congress, the Constitution empowers it to pass laws and regulations. The reach of the Constitution in establishing law is greater than the few pages it is written on."
Well, you're right about that, Mr Ski. The whole hearing thing is not even mentioned in the Constitution but its logical that they should do some investigating to base their decisions on.
But, outside impeachment proceedings, they don't conduct criminal trials. So, this talk that Nunes has "tipped off a witness" makes no sense.
"Here's the thing, anon. Unlike the current guy, Obama knew what the rules were and he followed them."
See, I think you're wrong about that. One of the distinctives of his presidency is that he was frustrated that he couldn't get his way by following the rules and he usually reacted by breaking them. Hence, you have a guy who lost more constitutional challenges in the SCOTUS than any other President, even though he had a law degree and was a constitutional scholar. Most egregiously, he disagreed with the Citizens United ruling and rather than suck it up, he took matters into his own hands by harassing non-profit groups that opposed him in 2012, by using the IRS to question their filings. It was a close election and that may have swung it by preventing these groups from operating.
"He wasn't going to peek at activities in a campaign that didn't even involve him, out of curiosity."
But, he did more than that. He leaked the information to the press.
He was angry that Hillary's campaign communications had been leaked but Trump's hadn't. He had access to tools to fix that but his actions were illegal.
Again, he didn't like the circumstances and did whatever was required to change them.
Isn't that what all criminals do?
"It is quite likely that Trump and his associates were caught up in some illegal or treasonaous activities, very likely,"
Oh, that's highly unlikely. Whatever else you can say about Trump, and there's a lot, I think everyone believes that he really does want to make America great again. He may be misguided in many ways, but he wouldn't do anything to sell us out to some third-rate economic power. He sees life as a bunch of deals and his overtures to Putin are just a prelude to screwing him over - that's what he does to everyone, he really doesn't have any friends. But, he does want to do what's in America's best interests. He thinks of us as his private company now. In his mind, he's the proprietor of our nation. Pretty messed up, sure, but a perspective that doesn't mesh with treason.
"and that might have come up under Obama's term, but you're not going to find him using the intelligence community to manipulate political outcomes. Dream on."
I appreciate that you've expressed your opinion here with civility (are you really a TTFer?), but I think you are having a dream if you think that.
Someday soon, the Dems will wake up, like Dorothy is her bedroom in Kansas, and wonder: was Obama's term all just a dream?
"Yesterday was the GOP's big day now that they control 2/3 of the US government, a day they've been working toward for seven years, the repeal of the ACA on the seventh anniversary of its passage by the Pelosi-controlled House in 2010, and they still didn't have their votes together?
that's what the Post said this morning
hate to disappoint you kids, but yesterday wasn't Congress' last day
yesterday, someone cited a Quinnipiac showing only 1% of Americans trusted government to do the right thing
Obamacare was devised by an advisor is said the Americans were too stupid to understand they were being duped
Obama lied about what it do
American voters didn't want Obamacare, and the Democrats who passed it using tricky maneuvers admitted they hadn't read it
its mandate to force Americans to buy health insurance is clearly unconstitutional but John Roberts wiffed by saying it was a tax, something even Obama disagreed with
and now this
wondered who that 1% is that thinks government can be trusted to do the right thing?
"ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME" was the choice of 1% of the total sample, Democrats, Independents, Men and Women, while 3% of Republicans said they do trust government to do the right thing "almost all of the time."
"MOST OF THE TIME" was the choice of 16% the total sample with Republicans choosing that answer 25% of the time and Democrats choosing it 15% of the time.
"SOME OF THE TIME" was the choice of 56% of the total sample with Republicans choosing that answer 50% of the time and Democrats choosing it 65% of the time.
In total then 73% of the total sample responded they trust government to do the right thing at least some of the time, as did 78% of Republicans and 81% of Democrats.
The monthly anomaly of the global average surface temperature in February 2017 (i.e. the average of the near-surface air temperature over land and the SST) was +0.44°C above the 1981-2010 average (+0.86°C above the 20th century average), and was the 2nd warmest since 1891. On a longer time scale, global average surface temperatures have risen at a rate of about 0.80°C per century.
"yesterday, someone cited a Quinnipiac showing only 1% of Americans trusted government to do the right thing"
anon wannabe:
"No, that's not what Quinnipiac reported, you liar.
15. How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right; almost all of the time, most of the time, only some of the time, or hardly ever?
"ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME" was the choice of 1% of the total sample,
In total 73% of the total sample responded they trust government to do the right thing at least some of the time"
news flash to anon-wannabe:
when you trust someone to do something SOME OF THE TIME, that's not "trust"
that's a gamble
heck, almost everyone does something right SOME OF THE TIME
even Hillary did that
say, are you a plant to make TTF look stupid
if so, nice work!
"The monthly anomaly of the global average surface temperature in February 2017"
yes, and March has been coller than average
no matter
everyone agrees that the plant has warmed somewhat over the last 150 years, as we've moved further away from the Ice Age
questions remaining:
- by how much?
- what will be the implications?
- is it caused by human activity?
- even if it isn't, is there anything we can do about it?
- even if it isn't, is there anything we should do about it?
certain elements of our society want very badly to destroy the United States and replace it with a one-world government so they exaggerate and skew the answers to these unknowns
The chair of the House Intelligence Committee says that the Obama administration surveilled Donald Trump's transition aides and Trump himself following November's election. If true, it warrants a major investigation.
"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions the intelligence community ... collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.
Nunes immediately came under intense criticism from congressional Democrats for his revelations. What's both hilarious and sad is that these are the very same Democrats who have been nearly silent as a series of illegal leaks from the intelligence bureaucracy have made their way into the mainstream media, in a transparent attempt by unnamed intelligence officials to damage Trump's presidency.
Nunes, speaking Wednesday and citing only "sources," was careful to note that the surveillance of Trump aides appeared to be both legal and "incidental" — that is, not part of a directed spying operation on Trump.
Of course, that appears to be literally true. But it's also irrelevant. Democrats and the media keep mentioning the word "incidental" as if it exonerates what now appears to be a domestic spying operation against Trump directed from the Obama White House.
"Incidental" doesn't mean unintentional. Take as an example the leaks of former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's conversations in late December with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Those talks have been treated as sinister, with the Washington Post even suggesting that they were a violation of the Logan Act, a possible serious crime.
But U.S. intelligence gatherers could quite easily get an "incidental" trove of material on Flynn, simply by getting a surveillance warrant on someone they knew he was likely to talk to. Presto! The information on Flynn talking to the target becomes "incidental," rather than targeted. Still, the intent was clear.
The fact is, as Nunes revealed, this appears to be a pattern of surveillance put in place by the Obama administration and possibly officials in the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency to elude any appearance of a domestic spying operation on a political foe, which would be a serious crime.
Some of President Trump's calls with foreign leaders have likewise been leaked. By whom? For what purpose? This is clearly illegal behavior, and calls into question the reliability and loyalty of the entire intelligence community. Why are the Democrats not furious at this, as they would be if it were one of their own who was targeted?
Nunes was careful to note that the surveillance activities did not appear to be related to the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russia in the last election. So the question remains: What were they doing?
We know that the investigation into Trump's campaign and Russia is real, since it was confirmed earlier this week by FBI Director James Comey himself. Comey, during his testimony, was clear and emphatic in saying President Trump's explosive tweets of two weeks ago accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower had no basis in fact.
"I have no information that supports those tweets," Comey told the committee. Besides, Comey added, no president could order a wiretapping operation against a specific citizen. That takes a court order.
True enough. But again, wiretapping is a term that to the government means one thing: The gathering of information from a specific telephone. What about a warrant for surveillance of a third party in order to catch a party unnamed in the warrant?
Back when they thought it might destroy Trump, the New York Times, Britain's Guardian, the BBC and McClatchy News Service all reported on President Obama's expanded use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to investigate Trump's team.
This isn't far-fetched at all. As John Nolte of the Daily Wire has noted, "In order to spy on James Rosen of Fox News, Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder named him as a criminal co-conspirator and, quite incredibly, a flight risk. This gave the Obama administration 'legal' access not only to Rosen's emails but Rosen's parents' phone records."
And the BBC's Paul Wood added a chilling note, reporting that a FISA judge had approved surveillance of Trump in October, just three weeks before the election: "A lawyer — outside the Department of Justice but familiar with the case — told me that three of Mr. Trump's associates were the subject of the inquiry. 'But it's clear this is about Trump,' he said."
Does anyone doubt, having done it before, that the Obama administration wouldn't do it again? And did the FBI's Comey, playing cute with his wording around the term "wiretapping," possibly commit perjury in his testimony to Congress?
Regardless, it warrants a deep investigation. Who in the federal government was collecting information on Trump's aides and why? Was it for political reasons? Or part of a plan to undercut his presidency from the very beginning? Why haven't the leaks been stopped?
No one right now has all the answers. But the pattern suggests a surveillance program that would be a far more serious breach of the law than Watergate ever was. It's time the American people found out.
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has backed down from his dramatic assertion that Donald Trump and his aides were "monitored," by U.S. spies — a claim the Republicans have cited this week in emails to loyalists.
Rep. Devin Nunes told reporters Friday he can't be sure whether conversations among Trump or his aides were captured in the surveillance that has become a source of controversy since Nunes made it public in two news conferences this week.
"He said he'll have to get all the documents he requested from the (intelligence community) about this before he knows for sure," his spokesman, Jack Langer, said earlier.
Nunes continued to refuse to say how he had learned about the surveillance, including whether his source was in the White House.
Langer asserted that Nunes did not explicitly say Trump was spied on when he briefed reporters Wednesday that he was "very concerned," that "the intelligence community incidentally collected information about American citizens involved in the Trump transition."
As for Trump's assertion that Obama wiretapped him, Nunes repeated Friday what he has said previously, telling reporters, "That didn't happen."
However, Nunes on Wednesday had left an impression — widely repeated in the news media — that the conversations of Trump and his aides were picked up by American spies.
"I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show the president-elect and his team were at least monitored and disseminated out," Nunes told reporters.
Unidentified voice: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.
Trump: I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.
Unidentified voice: That’s huge news there.
Trump: No, no. Nancy. No this was— And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’ I took her out furniture– I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.
Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.
Trump: Whoa!
Bush: Yes. Yes, the Donald has scored!
Trump: Whoa!
Bush: Whoa, my man!
Unidentified voice: Wait, wait you’ve got to look at me when you get out and be like ... will you give me the thumbs up? You’ve got to put the thumbs up.
Trump: Look at you. You are a pussy.
Unidentified voice: You’ve got to get the thumbs up. You can’t be too happy, man.
Trump: Alright, you and I will walk down.
Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.
Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s her. It’s her.
Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Unidentified voice: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.
[crosstalk and chuckling]
Unidentified voice: Yeah those legs, all I can see is the legs.
Trump: Oh, it looks good.
Unidentified voice: Come on, shorty.
Trump: Oh, nice legs, huh?
Bush: Oof, get out of the way, honey. Oh, that’s good legs. Go ahead.
Trump: It’s always good if you don’t fall out of the bus. Like Ford. Gerald Ford, remember?
Bush: Down below. Pull the handle.
Trump: Hello. How are you? Hi.
Arianne Zucker: Hi Mr. Trump. How are you? Pleasure to meet you.
Trump: Nice seeing you. Terrific, terrific. You know Billy Bush?
Bush: Hello, nice to see you. How are you doing, Arianne?
Zucker: I’m doing very well, thank you. [To Trump] Are you ready to be a soap star?
Trump: We’re ready, let’s go. Make me a soap star.
Bush: How about a little hug for the Donald? He just got off the bus.
Zucker: Would you like a little hug, darling?
Trump: Okay, absolutely. Melania said this was okay.
Bush: How about a little hug for the Bushy? I just got off the bus. There we go. Excellent. Well, you’ve got a nice co-star here.
Zucker: Yes. Absolutely.
Trump: Good. After you. Come on, Billy. Don’t be shy.
Bush: As soon as a beautiful woman shows up, he just, he takes off on me. This always happens.
Trump: Get over here Billy.
Zucker: I’m sorry, come here.
Bush: Let the little guy in here, come on.
Zucker: Yeah, let the little guy in. How you feel now? Better?
Bush: It’s hard to walk next to a guy like this.
Zucker: I should actually be in the middle.
Bush: Yeah, you get in the middle. There we go.
Trump: Good, that’s better.
Zucker: This is much better. This is—
Trump: That’s better.
Bush: Now, if you had to choose, honestly, between one of us: me or the Donald? Who would it be?
Trump: I don’t know, that’s tough competition.
Zucker: That’s some pressure right there.
Bush: Seriously, you had to take one of us as a date.
Zucker: I have to take the 5th on that one.
Bush: Really?
Zucker: Yup. I’ll take both.
Trump: Which way?
Zucker: Make a right. Here we go. [inaudible]
Bush: Here he goes. I’m going to leave you here. Give me my microphone.
oh, I had just gotten home and thought I'd check in with this festival of fools
tried a new BBQ place last night, moved on to hear a pretty high quality cover band and then went somewhere to watch the end of the basketball games - Wisconsin Florida was major drama
the night wind didn't blow me out, it sucked me on
Every liberal and conservative think tank hated AHCA, albeit for different reasons. Medical provider groups hated it. The AARP hated it—even before the Congressional Budget Office estimated that 64-year-olds with $26,500 annual incomes would see their average net individual insurance premiums go from $1,700 to a $14,600. Republicans tried to patch this up. Too late. This 760 percent premium increase was politically immolating.
This was a baffling error. Everyone in health policy knew this assessment was coming. Did Speaker Ryan or the White House run these numbers? If not, did they understand their own legislation? If so, did they simply hope that no one would find out? Ryan’s spin of the CBO report—that it vindicated his argument that the AHCA would drive down costs—was laughable. The real takeaway was that 24 million fewer Americans would be insured, and those that remained would see their premiums increase as their coverage worsened.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Obama did "incidentally" intercept communications of the Trump team".
That's a lie. Obama had nothing to do with the surveillance on the Russian operatives Nunez was referring to. He didn't order it (he couldn't) and he wasn't involved in it.
And as Nunez has since admitted, there is no evidence that the surveillance of Russian operatives resulted in the intercept of Trump's people's communications - it only acknowledges that the names of some of Trumps people or Trump came up in the Russian surveillance. I.E. the surveilled Russians were recorded talking about Trump and/or his team. It could even have been a reference to a newspaper report discussing Trump and his people. Nunez had no evidence that the surveillance of Russian bad guys resulted in the incidental recording of Trump and/or his people. He was forced to admit that.
And even if Trump and/or his people were incidentally recorded due to the surveillance of Russian criminals that merely raises the important question of why Trump and/or his people were communicating so frequently with Russian bad guys.
Anyway you slice it Trump was lying when he claimed Obama put a "tapp" on his phones in Trump tower.
Well so far Trump's presidency has been every bit of the slow motion train wreck I thought it would be - this guy's incompetence is hilarious!
The Trump campaign/administration ties to Russia just keep getting more tangled and deeper, its a non-stop stream of suspicious and sleazy looking activities on Trump's and his people's parts. That combined with Trump's unwillingness to do any real work, jaw-dropping ignorance of the job he's trying to do and a cavalier disregard amongst him and his people for the law make it look like he's not likely to last through his scheduled 4 year term.
Publicly accessible White House visitor log is kaput under Trump said...
"...The "Making Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness Act" — or MAR-A-LAGO Act — would require the Trump administration to disclose the names of anyone who visits the White House or "any other location at which the President or the Vice President regularly conducts official business."
The legislation, introduced in the House and Senate on Friday, calls for the creation of a publicly available database to be updated every 90 days.
Democrats say the move is necessary after a page featuring visitor access records has said "this page is being updated" ever since Trump took office — and remains unchanged. In addition, they want the public to know who has been visiting Trump's private club in Florida, known as Mar-a-Lago — the namesake of the bill — because he conducts presidential business there.
"He basically moved the office of the presidency," said Richard Painter, the former ethics czar for the George W. Bush administration and vice chair of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW. "Under those circumstances, in which taxpayers are paying for you to do government work and for your Secret Service protection, they're entitled to know what private parties are moving in and out of there."
CREW introduced the concept of a publicly accessible White House visitor log in 2009, when they sued the Obama administration to create one. The last White House maintained those logs for the next seven years, jotting down the names of more than 6 million visitors.
According to a CREW spokesman, the organization is currently weighing its options for an administration still in its infancy, as the logs are "a key component of government transparency."
But Trump has shown no indication that he plans to continue the practice in either Washington, D.C., or at Mar-a-Lago — dubbed his "Winter White House" — a place where anyone can gain access with the purchase of a $200,000 membership fee..."
You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on."
"Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump ObamaCare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. Do not worry! 10:37AM - 25 March 2017"
Who thinks failing miserably and hoping a program blows up is "delivering the goods."
This is why a number of the Tea Baggers (aka "Freedom Caucus) in the house gave Trump a hearty FU:
When the balky hardliners of the house freedom Caucus visited the White House earlier this week, this was Steve Bannon's opening line, according to the people in the conference room:
"Guys, look. This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill".
Bannon's point was: This is the Republican platform. You're the conservative wing of the Republican party. But people in the room were put off by the dictatorial mindset. One of the members replied: "you know the last time someone ordered me to do something, I was 18 years old. And it was my daddy. And I didn't listen to him either".
It was a hard lesson for Bannon - persuading members of congress is completely different from running a web site.
In other reports complaints Bannon and the WH lobbying team kept insisting they (the House Reps) had to "take one for the team."
Meanwhile, for reasons unknown, the party leadership was ignoring their (political) left flank and didn't even notice how as they kept making AHCA more and more evil, for every one Tea Bagger vote they got or were close to getting, they were losing 2-3 of the moderate GOPers. Rumors were the bill would've lost by 60 votes or more.
The meetings Donald attended were no better. The House Reps attending could tell the president had absolutely no idea what was in the bill -- he just wanted it passed, no matter the damage or cost to the American people, so he could have a 'win' to brag about. As they spoke to him for particular 'asks' for the bill, he'd promise anything the person speaking to him was asking for, even if it contradicted what others had asked, meaning the House Republicans knew they were being lied to, and that Donald was trying to do them what he did to the American voters: Promise the moon, but deliver nothing.
That's one of the more interesting (and scary) things to come out of this debacle: Republicans who met with him and are speaking off the record to the press are saying that Trump truly had little idea what was in the bill. He just wanted a victory. Even the Republicans in Congress are realizing it's impossible to make any kind of deal with a man whose word is worthless and every promise a complete lie.
Good anonymous said "Who thinks failing miserably and hoping a program blows up is "delivering the goods."
Not only do they hope Obamacare blows up, Republicans are taking every step the can to sabotage it so that it does blow up. They've blocked the part of the Affordable Care Act that provides insurers with security so that they won't suffer big losses thus discouraging insurers from participating in Obamacare, they repealed the individual mandate that insures healthier people sign up so that the risk pool is worse and premiums are higher, they blocked the medicaid expansion in many states which weakens the Affordable Care Act and raises the cost of individual premiums, they blocked advertising informing people the sign up period is in effect thus reducing the number of new sign ups and again weakening Obamacare and increasing premiums.
And yet, despite Republican moves to date to weaken Obamacare and raise the cost of premiums the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the program is in no danger of failing - much to the chagrin of Republicans seeking to destroy it and thus harm millions of Americans and kill tens of thousands of them.
Make no mistake about it, The Affordable Care Act would never explode if left as Obama made it, if it does it will be entirely due to Republican sabotage. Republicans own it if Obamacare explodes.
Gee, didn’t we hear from Trump and his people how horrible it was to erase records, like Hillary Clinton’s emails? That was pretty much the whole basis of those “lock her up” chants they all loved so much. Funny how things change, isn’t it?
When Hillary deleted her emails it wasn't due to the imminent threat of being investigated, it was just normal day to day routine. She wasn't legally required to and instructed to retain them due to an investigation involving them unlike the situation with Trump's people.
Remember when former CIA Director James Woolsey was an adviser to Trump during the campaign and a member of the transition team? He suddenly quit the team after a brief stint and now he tells a story to the Wall Street Journal with all kinds of dark implications for Trump and Michael Flynn.
looks like someone delivering on his campaign promises
he doesn't owe anyone so he can do that
it's a first
we have a massive debt
this had to happen sooner or later
if we do it now, we'll have a room for emergencies
he's putting the priority on keeping us free and saving social security
your problem is?
Justin Trudeau Picked The Perfect Broadway Show For Ivanka Trump To See
Obviously, she’s already been to “Hamilton.”
Ivanka Trump joined Justin Trudeau at the theater Wednesday to see a critically acclaimed Broadway musical about human kindness and welcoming foreigners in need. She attended “Come From Away,” at the invitation of the Canadian prime minister hours after a federal court blocked a revised travel and immigration ban her father, President Donald Trump, had introduced.
The story, written by Canadian couple Irene Sankoff and David Hein, centers around the town of Gander in Canada, which welcomed thousands of airline passengers whose planes were grounded during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The small town of 10,000 individuals cared for stranded travelers for days.
The New York Times’ Michael Paulson reported that the attendance of the first daughter daughter was a surprise. She sat between Trudeau and Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Also in attendance was a delegation of 600 individuals the Canadian consulate general in New York had invited, the Times said.
Hours earlier, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked her father’s second attempt at an executive order that targets refugees and immigrants from six Muslim-majority nations.
Trudeau told reporters that Ivanka Trump was a fan of the show, which opened on Broadway at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater on Saturday.
I went to this show when it was at Ford's Theater, not long ago
you will remember that those passengers were stranded because dangerous Muslim radicals were welcomed here and used the opportunity to murder and destroy
we are the hope of the world and Trump isn't changing that
he's doing his best to protect everyone in our land, including the millions who have settled here legally from other countries to make a better life
one is his wife, so the allegation that he wants us to not welcome foreigners is a complete lie
a temporary ban on those from a few dangerous places until we figure out how to weed out dangerous people is really not unreasonable
the person who wrote the comment above is a piece of crap
not a metaphor, or a figure of speech, but a real piece of crap
the type of crap that is dividing our society with hyperbole and lies
"looks like someone delivering on his campaign promises"
It looks like that to you does it?
I guess you missed what your president the promise maker himself said about keeping his campaign promises on Tucker Carlson's show last night.
In the face of a barrage of scrutiny from what he has deemed the “fake news,” President Donald Trump on Wednesday night turned to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson for refuge and attempted to repair some self-inflicted political wounds in the battle over health care reform.
Far from giving the president a chance to knock softball questions out of the park, however, the Fox News host confronted Trump about inconsistencies between his campaign pledges and the House Republican bill to repeal and replace Obamacare recently endorsed by the White House. In a stunning admission, Trump appeared to openly acknowledge that he knows the proposed legislation, dubbed by some as Trumpcare, would devastate his voters and actually do the exact opposite of what he promised voters during the campaign.
“This bill has as one of its centerpieces a tax cut for investors that would primarily benefit people making over $250,000 a year,” Carson said. “They’ve already done pretty well in the past 10 years, as you know,” he said to Trump, adding a “Bloomberg analysis showed that counties that voted for you — middle-class and working-class counties — would do far less well under this bill.”
“Oh, I know,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “I know. It’s very preliminary.”
The Bloomberg analysis Carlson referenced found that taxpayers in counties that voted for Hillary Clinton in the election would receive a disproportionate share of the tax cut compared with those in counties that voted for Trump. According to Bloomberg, there are hundreds of counties with people that voted for Trump in which not a single person would benefit from Trumpcare’s massive tax cut.
Carlson asked Trump about this.
“Maybe this isn’t consistent with the message of the last election,” Carlson said, alluding to Trump’s frequent campaign promises to implement a “terrific” replacement to Obamacare. The president revived his over-the-top campaign rhetoric at a political rally in Nashville, Tennessee on Wednesday night, saying his health care bill “will get rid of Obamacare and make health care better for you and for your family.”
But responding to Carlson’s critique about the apparent contradiction between his rhetoric and his proposed legislation, Trump simply responded, “a lot of things aren’t consistent.” He went on to say, “These are going to be negotiated. We’ve got to go to the Senate;we’ll see what happens in the Senate.”
According to "the Google," the "piece of crap" was written by Rebecca Shapiro, a Jewish writer you are calling a piece of crap you anti-Semite.
you're a real anti-Semite.
not a metaphor, or a figure of speech, but a real piece of anti-Semite
the type of anti-Semite that is dividing our nation with hate crimes and white nationalism
"a temporary ban on those from a few dangerous places until we figure out how to weed out dangerous people is really not unreasonable"
It is totally unreasonable.
Saudi Arabia is not on the list of nations Trump wants to ban from traveling to the US yet fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.
"According to "the Google," the "piece of crap" was written by Rebecca Shapiro, a Jewish writer you are calling a piece of crap you anti-Semite.
you're a real anti-Semite"
I had no idea
please explain for the reading audience why you say that
if you don't have a brain of your own, maybe a neighbor could lend theirs for long enough to explain yourself
you could elaborate on things like what is the definition of an anti-Semite to you and why you think disagreeing with any Jewish person is anti-Semitic
I think everyone would get a kick out of reading some, uh, creative writing...
"It is totally unreasonable.
Saudi Arabia is not on the list of nations Trump wants to ban from traveling to the US yet fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia."
oh, I agree
as matter of fact, people from that part of the world always tell me that all the real dangerous nuts over there are in Saudi Arabia
I just meant the general idea was reasonable
you're right, the specifics are pretty stupid
as a matter of fact, the general idea is probably stupid too but it's not unreasonable
certainly not as unreasonable as all the activist judges that keep ruling it unconstitutional
"certainly not as unreasonable as all the activist judges that keep ruling it unconstitutional"
Multiple judges have ruled it to be unconstitutional because that's what it is.
The lying twittiot in chief you support and several of his minions have made clear the purpose of both versions of this bill is to BAN MUSLIMS from certain countries from entering the US.
However, this great land is the nation that enshrines FREEDOM OF RELIGION in our Constitution, which is why the first ban as well as its "watered down" version were deemed to be unconstitutional.
"you could elaborate on things like what is the definition of an anti-Semite to you and why you think disagreeing with any Jewish person is anti-Semitic"
Oh you disagreed with a point or two she made and should have stopped there.
But then you went on to say "the person who wrote the comment above is a piece of crap."
That is not disagreeing with her, that is personally denigrating her.
The difference is clear.
You're welcome.
"Multiple judges have ruled it to be unconstitutional because that's what it is"
actually, it isn't and the most liberal of lawyers agree it will be upheld by even a SCOTUS prior to the Gorsuch confirmation
"The lying twittiot in chief you support and several of his minions have made clear the purpose of both versions of this bill is to BAN MUSLIMS from certain countries from entering the US.
However, this great land is the nation that enshrines FREEDOM OF RELIGION in our Constitution, which is why the first ban as well as its "watered down" version were deemed to be unconstitutional."
to more precise, the Constitution says the government of the US should not ban or endorse a religion being practiced by a US citizen
that's not to say that if large numbers of members of a certain religion from other countries have an antagonistic view of the US that the government can't take precautions
entry into this country is not an entitlement
we want to let in others, that's made us stronger
but there needs to be some consideration of safety
and the Constitution gives that discretion to the President
the SCOTUS will uphold Trump, and it will likely be unanimous
let's give you an analogy
the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech for US citizens
yet, no one would say we can't take into account a person's statements when deciding whether to let them in
what if they said their purpose was to overthrow the US?
again, I'm not arguing that Trump's policy is wise, or desirable
I'm actually in favor of having as open a border as possible within our capacity to absorb
as a libertarian I have, in the past, favored mostly open borders although, as the campaign progressed and the discussion ensued over the last year or so, I have moved slightly to a more pragmatic view- not much, but slightly
there is need for common sense
"Oh you disagreed with a point or two she made and should have stopped there.
But then you went on to say "the person who wrote the comment above is a piece of crap."
That is not disagreeing with her, that is personally denigrating her.
The difference is clear."
well, that's an argument that my comments weren't civil
I could understand your point
I'd argue that I was responding to comments so offensive that a little incivility was called for
but you'd have an argument
but you still haven't explained how I could be anti-Semitic to someone whose identity I wasn't aware of
"You're welcome."
what a relief
Kelly Herron Slams Group Using Her Attack In Anti-Transgender Bathroom Campaign
"“I refuse to allow anyone to use me and my horrific sexual assault to cause harm and discrimination to others.”
The Seattle runner who was assaulted in a public women’s restroom last week is using a familiar battle cry to denounce an organization that tried to use her attack story for its political agenda.
The Just Want Privacy campaign used Kelly Herron’s bathroom attack story and images of her injuries in an email blast to solicit donations and support for their efforts to get Initiative 1552, a petition that would restrict transgender people’s bathroom access, on the Washington state ballot.
“To the people behind I-1552, I say ‘not today, motherf***ers,’” Herron said in a statement released Tuesday. “I refuse to allow anyone to use me and my horrific sexual assault to cause harm and discrimination to others.”
Gary Steiner, a 40-year-old registered sex offender in Arizona, allegedly attacked Herron after she stopped to use a public restroom during her run through Seattle’s Golden Gardens Park last weekend.
Herron fought back hard against her attacker, using tips she learned from a self-defense workshop just three weeks earlier. She was able to lock Steiner in the restroom while she waited for police to arrest him.
“I fought for my life screaming (‘Not today, M**F**er!’), clawing his face, punching back, and desperately trying to escape his grip ― never giving up,” Herron wrote on Instagram after her attack.
When she learned that the Just Want Privacy campaign used her attack to promote its efforts to ban transgender people from restrooms, she took a stand.
“What they are doing is not correct,” Herron told local news station KIRO 7.
“What that man did to me was to me,” she added. “We fought it out. There is no question about the wrongness of it... now my face is being used to raise money for discrimination. It’s bull.”
Herron said in her statement that Initiative 1552 wouldn’t have prevented her attack. She argued that the initiative targets and harms transgender individuals and demanded that Just Want Privacy refund any money they raised using her story.
Now, the Washington Won’t Discriminate campaign is using Heron’s statement to fundraise and raise awareness for its own fight against I-1552.
The Just Want Privacy campaign issued a statement on Tuesday apologizing for using Herron’s story.
“Since many of the volunteers that comprise this campaign are themselves survivors of sexual assault, the last thing we want to do is make anyone feel exploited,” Just Want Privacy said in a statement posted to Facebook on Tuesday. “If our actions have inadvertently failed in this effort, we are sincerely sorry.”
The campaign’s communications director Kaeley Triller Haver told KIRO 7 that Just Want Privacy is not an anti-transgender group and only aims to protect women’s safety.
But their petition specifically targets transgender people and would force transgender people to use locker rooms and bathrooms based on their gender at birth rather than the gender with which they identify...
...Read Herron’s full statement against I-1552 here."
Good, now her lawyers have proof the shower nuts stole Herron's image and story, used both without her permission and admitted "the last thing we want to do is make anyone feel exploited... "If our actions have inadvertently failed in this effort, we are sincerely sorry.”
Contribute to fight shower nuts and I-1552 here
History will record that once upon a time there was something that called itself #TheResistance, and it was President Trump’s bestest buddy because it provided him the cover to ruthlessly dismantle everything Barack Obama and Team Libfascist tried to build. Whining, virtue signaling, and figuratively choosing to die on strategically insignificant hills while dressed like lady parts; these were its methods. Yet instead of defeating him, it only made Donald Trump stronger, and helped ensure his crushing of its members’ liberal dreams.
See, the problem for #TheResistance is that it is composed of stupid people who think they are smart people, parochial bigots who consider themselves open-minded cosmopolitans, and meritocrats who really didn’t merit anything except contempt. They refuse to see that their hero Obama left in his miserable wake a country on the verge of being torn apart, and a teetering legacy built of wishes and fraud that is collapsing before our eyes. When Trump is done, it will be like The One had never even been there. History will label Obama “The Zero” – zero accomplishments, zero achievements, zero return on America’s eight-year investment in fake hope and change for the worse.
All that will remain of President Obama’s reign, besides a few cheesy biographies straining to place him up there with those real presidents on Mt. Rushmore, will be the lingering stench of his utter failure.
Breathe it in, normals. It smells like victory.
Every day Trump gets stronger; every day #TheResistance gets weaker – and more embarrassingly pathetic. One by one, these liars’ memes are falling apart. One by one, the Obamacronies are being dismissed from their D.C. sinecures and replaced with competent patriots – a nice change from the last eight years of rule by a pack of smug, genderfluid Tracey Flicks.
Savor their pain as their hopes for some sort of deus ex scandalabra rescue from Election Day’s cruel accounting crumble, leaving them with nothing but ashes and the certain knowledge that every regulatory power grab and legislative ploy they thought was locked-in is going to be herded to the kill floor and converted into hamburger. Make mine animal style, with a side of the free market and a tall, icy glass of liberal tears.
Say goodbye to the regulations that impoverish our miners, to the codes that skyrocket our electric bills in the name of the weird liberal weather religion, and to rules declaring that puddle in your backyard one of the “waters in the United States” and allowing some bureaucrat with a clipboard and a sneer to tell you where you can and can’t build a tool shed. Slowly but surely, it’s all going away.
how Obama spied on Trump without intelligence agencies knowing it:
"White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said this is not a take-it-or-leave-it budget. He told The Washington Post that the “message we’re sending to the Hill is, we want more money for the things the president talked about, defense being the top one, national security. And we don’t want to add to the budget deficit. If Congress has another way to do that, we’re happy to talk to them about it.”"
you just can't get any more reasonable...
am I right, people?
"He should ask a much more important question: How many more Trump campaign people made deals with the Russians or other US enemies like Flynn, Trump's first choice for National Security Advisor, did?"
that questions has been answered
you just don't like the answer
that's not the same as not getting one
btw, once Trump had been elected, there is nothing wrong with his NSA to discuss upcoming relations with other countries and provide assurances
indeed, it was an obligation
the important question is this: why was Flynn's conversation, which were leaked, in government possession to begin with?
the Director of NI said there was no evidence of collusion with the Russians so why was Flynn surveilled
the only logical explanation would be that it was incidental to another investigation but, by law, incidental information is supposed to be redacted
why wasn't it?
"the only logical explanation "
Oh brother.
And now Trump's diversion from his team's Russian problems -- to accuse Obama of putting a "tapp" on his wire has morphed into accusing the British GCHQ of doing it for Obama, apologizing for it, and doubling down again.
Logical explanations have nothing to do with anything in this White House and staff does, which too often turns out to be an embarrassment to every American citizen.
The morphing headlines are all about the twittiot's ego and delusions which are damaging our relations with one of our strongest allies.
Britain’s GCHQ Denies ‘Ridiculous’ Claim It Helped Wiretap Trump
White House: No apology to British government over spying claims
Britain: White House says it won’t repeat claims that a British agency wiretapped Trump
Trump stands by unsubstantiated claim that British intelligence spied on him
Donald Trump fuels diplomatic row with Britain after apology from US officials over GCHQ wiretapping claims
Trump Aides Said to Apologize to U.K. for Repeating Spying Claim
Trump baffles Britain and Germany
"The morphing headlines are all about the twittiot's ego and delusions which are damaging our relations with one of our strongest allies"
it's not all that bad
for one thing they need us
the other thing is that he is so consistent and ubiquitous in his contempt for others that no one feels singled out
and, finally, all his cabinet ameliorates his rants and has the opportunity to play a "good cop/bad cop" game
it's actual a common situation in the business world
the top guy is unreasonable and irrational and heavy lifters below him smooth things over
we'll all, including our allies, come out ahead in the long run
right now, his endgame goals are to get the NATO allies to commit to paying more for the common defense so we can eventually cut our military budget (don't laugh - he's pulled this kind of thing off in the business world many times), and to get China to take down North Korea's nuclear threat, and to use Russia to wipe out radical Islamic terror - all of which would save American lives
you'd like that, right?
As former CBO director Douglas Elmendorf summarized the impact in recent testimony, “I’m baffled that anyone could have watched last year’s election campaign, seen the frustration and anger of many working Americans, and concluded that the most important thing they could do for our country is to make health care unaffordable for tens of millions of Americans of modest means who can afford care now, while cutting taxes for the richest Americans.”
Trump appears to be aware of this, except when he isn’t. In an interview with the president, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson cited a Bloomberg analysis that Trump-backing counties would do “far less well under this bill” than those where voters supported Hillary Clinton.
“Well, I know,” Trump replied, then added, “We will take care of our people or I’m not signing it.” Two days later, Trump proclaimed himself “100 percent behind” the “great plan.”
And then there is Trump’s “budget” — in quotes, because it is a particularly bare-bones document that does not include his proposal for a massive tax cut. The latest version of his tax plan would cost $6.2 trillion over the decade, according to the Tax Policy Center, and, again, be heavily tilted toward the richest Americans. Even leaving taxes aside, Trump’s proposals would hurt the voters whose interests he pledged to protect: cuts to job training, college aid, housing assistance, heating costs, rural development, meals for shut-ins and after-school programs for low-income students. “Draconian, careless and counterproductive,” said one House lawmaker — not a Democrat, but Kentucky Republican Hal Rogers, former Appropriations Committee chairman.
"use Russia to wipe out radical Islamic terror"
Given their track record of losing the nearly 10 year war against the mujahideen in Afghanistan, you are either kidding or delusional.–Afghan_War
you are aware, right, that Russia lost against the mujah-whatever because we helped their enemies
btw, five ninth circuit judges have filed a rare dissent saying that the ruling against Trump's travel ban is completely wrong:
Well TTFrs.
This is directly a result of Montgomery county's sanctuary city policies.
Still think unaccompanied 17-21 year young adult males with no parental supervision to speak of, should be in the public high schools with your kids ?
Really ?
You did this.
Are you going to write an apology to the young girls mother ?
Sure, if you will write an apology letter to every girl who gets raped by some white boy.
there is a direct relationship between liberals wanting sanctuary city policies, endorsing Obama bringing thousands and thousands of underage kids here by encouraging them to come (in many cases young adult males with no supervision which some of us have been screaming about for years), Montgomery County sanctuary policies, and what eventually happened.
It was actually kind of inevitable. These kids are allowed to stay in highschool until they are 21. Twenty ONE !
the kids arrive with no education so now you have 14 year olds in classes with 18 year olds.
I can certainly point to policies that you supported that directly contributed to this.
Please point at a policy that I supported that would contribute to "every girl who gets raped by some white boy".
This is your fault TTF, you and every single bleeding heart liberal.
Trump was right.
I hope that mom sues Montgomery County council, and every single person on it individually and personally.
No personal admission of guilt TTFrs ?
Perhaps you should go try to pitch your sanctuary city policies to this girls mom.
I am sure she will very supportive.
Theresa, please remind readers where TTF took a stand on sanctuary cities -- give us that link.
The fact is, America is a "failed state" when it comes to respecting the rights of women -- you may have heard the term "rape culture" to describe our way of life. That isn't talking about some immigrants from Central America, those are privileged white males that are described by that term. If you would like to take a strong feminist stance and help society evolve away from traditional sexism toward a state where women are treated equitably, then I'll get in line behind you.
But if you just want to talk about TTF as if they do the all things that you think stereotypical liberals do, you're on your own.
And as you know (because you make it a point to stay well-informed), immigrants commit fewer crimes than citizens, per capita. They're a good risk. Sometimes bad things happen but that does not support a case for prejudice against entire populations of people who want to partake of the opportunity that the US offers.
are you kidding me ?
Illegal immigrants commit a greater percentage of the crimes than US citizens, by FAR !
There are tons of sites showing that close to 20% of the US prison population are in the US illegally.
I personally have a friend whose sibling was hit by an illegal immigrant (driving uninsured, without a license) and is now an invalid.
You are telling me that I am not a champion of women's rights ?
ME ?
Really ?
I have a double major computer science/ME from Vanderbilt. I was the first person male or female to do that.
I work in a male oriented world. My customers are engineers... for the most part male.
I am as a rule the only female in the meeting most of the time.
And you know what, I have NEVER not once found my gender to be a problem in my role. If anything, I get more of a free pass ....
These guys see their sisters, their moms, their daughters... this has been true my entire career.
They are as nice as can be.
You keep making up this crap about females not being able to succeed, when more females graduate from college than men....
I am in the business world, and I don't see it. Sorry !
Meanwhile, let's get back to the facts of this RAPE, shall we ?
Do you believe that encouraging tons of young adult males, with very little education, to come to the US where they have very little supervision, and sticking them in classrooms with our kids is a good idea ?
that's a yes or no question.
Stop diverting and stick to the facts, teach the "FACTS"
These two Hispanic males had both not been in the country very long - they came during Obama's encouragement of them to do so.
There were 17 and 18, in highschool with a 14 year old.
They took turns gang raping her in the bathroom in the morning.
What about this is NOT Obama's fault for letting this kids in the country to start with ?
What about this is NOT MCPS fault for not checking citizenship and legal residency before putting 18-21 year old MEN with NO ADULT supervision with our 14 year old GIRLS ?
Do you have a 14 year old daughter in a public highschool in Rockville ?
This was completely predictable.
I hope you say your prayers tonight and I hope you ask God for forgiveness.
This is your fault.
"The fact is, America is a "failed state" when it comes to respecting the rights of women"
what a load of crap!
TTF is having a nervous breakdown
not hard to figure out why
Oh and BTW. My daughter is now an attorney.
She's already making an enormous amount of money.
You know why ?
She's smart. She worked her butt off, and she never ever gave up.
She will make more than my other two, almost definitely.
You know why ?
She worked harder for it.
It's amazing how that turns out some times.
I make more than my siblings because I worked harder. My husband makes more than his siblings because he worked harder for it. My daughter will make more than her siblings because she worked harder for it.
Call it a type A thing.
Guess what ?
My daughter doesn't see her sex as a disadvantage either.
The only people that see their sex as a disadvantage are the females that are lazy and want to use it as an excuse.
that's how I see it.
And it happens to be true.
And with that I am going to sleep.
I have to work tomorrow.
And I am very optimistic about my company and our future prospects.
After all, Trump won.
Thank God for that.
And boy do I hope he tracks down every single one of these DACA kids and puts their butts on a boat home.
Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes
Theresa said:
Well TTFrs.
This is directly a result of Montgomery county's sanctuary city policies.... did this...."
Who boy replied:
"Theresa, please remind readers where TTF took a stand on sanctuary cities -- give us that link."
There is no such link.
TTF has never taken a stand on sanctuary cities.
Another Trump supporting liar exposed.
U.S.-born citizens commit more crime than immigrants, new studies show
"New research suggests immigrants are committing fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.
President Trump has labeled undocumented immigrants with higher crime rates, but new data from The Sentencing Project and the Cato Institute appears to cast doubt on the veracity of those claims.
The Sentencing Project, a criminal justice research group, reports that "foreign-born residents of the United States commit crime less often than native-born citizens."
The Sentencing Project, a criminal justice research group, reports that "foreign-born residents of the United States commit crime less often than native-born citizens."
The Cato Institute found there were 2 million U.S.-born citizens in American jails but only 123,000 undocumented immigrants and 64,000 foreign-born documented residents.
Immigration reform has been a priority for President Trump, who began his campaign for president by labeling many immigrants as "rapists" and drug dealers. Trump's 2018 budget seeks to increase funding to Homeland Security to pay for his proposed border wall and executive orders on immigration.
The Sentencing Project study even goes so far as to suggest that increased immigration "may have contributed to the historic drop in crime rates" since 1990."
"I can certainly point to policies that you supported that directly contributed to this."
Do it, Theresa. Show us what you come up of TTF support for sanctuary cities.
Here what TTF actually supported and what MCPS won thanks to TTF's support and in spite of your work against it:
" a 21st century sex education curriculum for MCPS students. While continuing to stress the importance of abstinence for teens, we support a new curriculum that will expand upon the old one by providing our students with current knowledge about how to protect themselves, based on the latest science and advice from the medical and scientific communities. Also, based on mainstream science, we support a new curriculum that recognizes that sexual orientation is not a choice, and that homosexuality is not a disease. "
As you well know, MCPS now has such a curriculum and it is no longer scripted.
TTF also supported adding "gender identity" to the MoCo non-discrimation law, which is now law, once again in spite of your best efforts to continue to allow such discrimination to continue.
Sorry, Theresa, about your losses against the highly successful TTF, but congratulations on your daughter's success. My son the bartender is highly successful too, if "making an enormous amount of money" is your measure of success, and I'm just as proud of him and his HS diploma as you seem to be of your daughter and her law degree.
"New research suggests immigrants are committing fewer crimes than U.S. citizens"
as we should expect
there are fewer immigrants than natural-born citizens in the US
as far as the rate, it should be near-zero for immigrants, as we should only be letting in those properly vetted, whereas natural born citizens have rights and belong here permanently, regardless of their propensity for crime- we don't expel or exile citizens, but we should exclude new problems
this whole TTF line of reasoning is faulty
"Here what TTF actually supported"
as this current post by Jim demonstrates, TTF's advocacy goes far beyond the MCPS sex ed curriculum
"and what MCPS won thanks to TTF's support....
As you well know, MCPS now has such a curriculum and it is no longer scripted.
TTF also supported adding "gender identity" to the MoCo non-discrimation law, which is now law, once again in spite of your best efforts"
yes, and education in MCPS has been declining since
accepting the non-scientific gay curriculum as fact has caused a culture of degradation of truth and replacement of truth with the exaltation of advocacy
with trumps new EO focusing on reporting alien crimes, we are going to get more of these numbers all the time.
"Even the pro-sanctuary Denver Post could not ignore two recent cases where an ICE detainer request was ignored and illegal aliens were released by the Denver jail and then arrested for homicide only weeks later. One case was a hit-and-run accident that left a young woman dead, and the second was a brutal murder at a light rail stop."
Oh for heaven's sake.
Go post your Brietbart and Fox fake news crap on your own blog, Theresa.
So far we know:
FBI Director: "No information that supports" Trump's wiretap tweet.
House Intel Chair: No "physical wiretap of Trump Tower."
FBI Director: "No President could" order a wiretap.
NSA Director: "Nonsense" British Intelligence involved in any wiretap.
FBI Director: Investigating possible links between Trump associates, Russia.
FBI Director "No way to give" timetable for when U.S.-Russia investigation done.
so, today Comey says he has been investigating links between the Trump campaign and Russia since three months before the election
but no one has done any surveillance?
give us all a break
the whole story is ridiculous
the Director of National Intelligence says that as of January 20, 2017, there was NO, that would be ZERO, evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign
and yet the FBI director says he had been investigating this for five and a half months prior to that
so why would the FBI be investigating if there is nothing to indicate any collusion?
while Dumbocrats have focused on whether Obama personally came over and tapped Trump Tower, the issue remains that a sitting government of the United States was conducting a criminal investigation of its challenger in an election, AND THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THE MATTER UNDER INVESTIGATION
this situation is typical of autocratic regimes and Obama is the one with autocratic intentions
is this the first election where the FBI was conducting a criminal investigation of both of the candidates of the two major parties during a presidential election?
Russian interference in our election? they no doubt tried but, really, they don't have that much power
our intelligence agencies, on the other hand, could use their considerable power to control the government
the latter is a bigger threat to our democracy
"every so-called solution to global warming subverts rather than enhances human freedom and advances the power of the state to regulate energy, industrial activity, and individual behavior That seems a potentially greater threat to the future of human welfare than even climate change. Václav Klaus, the former president of the Czech Republic, made this same point when he declared: “What is at risk is not the climate but freedom.”
"the whole story is ridiculous"
So of course the GOP controlled House of Representatives, the GOP controlled US Senate, and the FBI are investigating this ridiculous attack on our democracy by Putin's Russia.
"the Director of National Intelligence says that as of January 20, 2017, there was NO, that would be ZERO, evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign"
What else did Clapper say?
Clapper said, however, that he still agrees with that report’s conclusion that Russian President Vladimir Putin had developed a “clear preference” for Trump and that the release of Democratic operatives’ emails stolen by Russian computer hackers was part of an effort to support the Republican candidate. An unclassified version of the report was made public Jan. 6, two weeks before Trump assumed the presidency.
Read more here:
And today we learn:
"...Under questioning from Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas), FBI Director James Comey and Adm. Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, said nothing has changed since they issued their Jan. 6 report on Russian interference in the election.
The report found that senior Russian officials, including Putin, wanted to undermine the U.S. democratic process, hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and help Trump's campaign.
Comey and Rogers declined to provide details on how the intelligence community reached that assessment.
"They wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her and help him," Comey said, adding that officials had reached that conclusion by December. ..."
you don't need to be Einstein to figure that out
you also don't need to be Einstein to understand why
Trump was discussing an isolationist vision of our foreign policy
and that's what the Russians want
but Russia has always had a view about which President would be in their best interest
doesn't everyone
more often then not, historically, that's been the Dem
so we've established this, which was always obvious
but why was Trump being investigated?
and how could that investigation have not included surveillance?
"The FBI director confirmed the existence of an investigation into possible ties between associates of President Donald Trump and Russian government officials.
James Comey’s formal confirmation of the probe on Monday follows months of news reports quoting anonymous government officials discussing the FBI-led, multi-agency probe into communications between Trump allies and Moscow in the lead-up to the 2016 election. Comey is the first to publicly confirm those reports.
“I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey told the House Intelligence Committee. “That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”
The FBI has been investigating links between the Trump team and Russian officials since July, Comey told the House panel ― meaning the probe was underway during the height of an alleged effort by Moscow to tip the scale in favor of Trump during the 2016 election. He declined to speculate on how long it would take to conduct the investigation, but suggested that it wasn’t nearing completion. The eight-month period in which the investigation has been ongoing is a “fairly short period of time” for a counterintelligence investigation, he said.
The House Intelligence Committee is one of two congressional committees investigating Moscow’s role in last year’s presidential race.
The intelligence community publicly shared its assessment in January that the Russian government hacked Democratic entities and operatives and released damning information with the goal of helping Trump win the election. But the assessment did not indicate whether Trump and his campaign team were aware of or complicit in Moscow’s operations..."
you keep saying the same thing
yes, we all realized that Russia preferred Trump
we all realize Hillary was hacked because she was careless with information
yes, we all realize that Hillary said many things in private that she would never say in public - she was a hypocrites
but there is understandable reasons why Russia preferred Trump so there is really no reason to think Trump colluded with them
even if you believe he has that capacity, there was no need or reason for that
but given the lack of evidence, the big story here is that an administration was using the law enforcement agencies of the government to investigate the nominee of the other party
it's a scandal
And with that, we conclude the TTF blog. Thanks to everyone who shared.
Remember, let's think carefully out there!
Donald Trump Exposed As A Hopeless Conspiracy Theorist By Basically Everyone Who Matters
Kellyanne Conway claimed the president had more information than the rest of us on wiretapping. He doesn’t.
It's a scandal.
Let’s Revisit All Those Times Trump Surrogates Said You Can’t Elect Someone Under FBI Investigation
I’m old enough to remember when such things were disqualifying.
It's another scandal.
Poll: President Trump's approval rating sinks to lowest point ever
It's yet another scandal
Trump lie-tweeted (L-I-E not a typo) Congress today and then:
Comey rejects tweet by President Trump that Russia did not influence outcome of election
"...When asked at the hearing about the tweet, which came from the White House official account, Comey swiftly knocked it down.
"It certainly wasn't our intention to say that today because we don't have any information on that subject," he said.
Comey had testified that the FBI is investigating possible illegal "coordination" between Trump's campaign and Russian authorities during the 2016 campaign.
He said U.S. officials made no effort to determine if Russian hacking and leaks of Democratic Party emails had affected voters on Election Day, however.
Both Comey and Rogers said they stood by a Jan. 6 report by the U.S. intelligence community that said Russian President Vladimir Putin had approved the meddling in an effort to hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to help Trump..."
Visualization of Trump vs. Obama Approval Rating
Source: RealClearPolitics. Refreshed daily.
"More right wing crap from and a FOX News talking head.
The answer to Andrew Napolitano's question. "Did Obama spy on Trump" is no."
I thought TTF was closed
"Donald Trump Exposed As A Hopeless Conspiracy Theorist By Basically Everyone Who Matters"
what are you talking about?
the FBI director just confirmed yesterday that the administration of Barack Obama was doing a criminal investigation of the GOP nominee during the general election
it's no longer a theory
"It's a scandal"
yes, it is
if Obama gets away with this, like it did when he used the IRS against his opponents in 2012, democracy is in trouble
"Let’s Revisit All Those Times Trump Surrogates Said You Can’t Elect Someone Under FBI Investigation
I’m old enough to remember when such things were disqualifying."
yes, Hillary should have resigned
I'm sure most Dems wish she had at this point
"It's another scandal"
it always is with the Clintons
could you imagine if she'd been elected?
"Poll: President Trump's approval rating sinks to lowest point ever"
big news (ROFL!!)
he got elected with the worst approval ratings ever
the media that reports this actually has worse ratings than him
wonder why you rarely hear about that..
"It's yet another scandal"
well, who would have guessed it?
a TTFer f's around with the definition of a word
do you what the definition of is is?
can the English language survive Dems' rage over their historic defeat in November?
"Both Comey and Rogers said they stood by a Jan. 6 report by the U.S. intelligence community that said Russian President Vladimir Putin had approved the meddling in an effort to hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to help Trump..."
big news (ROFL!!)
no one other than Putin denies that
and now, no one can deny that the Obama administration was investigating the campaign of the opposing political party
it's a scandal!!
Not according to FBI Director Comey:
2:36 PM: Comey says: "I promise you we will follow the facts wherever they may lead."
""Both Comey and Rogers said they stood by a Jan. 6 report by the U.S. intelligence community that said Russian President Vladimir Putin had approved the meddling in an effort to hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to help Trump..." one other than Putin denies that"
Is that what they tell you WITH NO EVIDENCE at Fox News?
President Twittiot, who you support, blames the Russian story on "the Democrats" WITH NO EVIDENCE in one of his lying tweets:
Donald J. Trump ✔
The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign. Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!
6:49 AM - 20 Mar 2017
He's also, WITH NO EVIDENCE, called the Russian story "fake news."
Panama Papers Putin and Trump's attitudes about this story makes them appear to be thick as thieves and totally UNAmerican.
One can only wonder how much Russia has invested in Trump WITH NO EVIDENCE, which we may never have until the Twittiot's tax forms get released, perhaps compelled by a "real" judge.
Regarding his "fake news" claims about Britain spying WITH NO EVIDENCE on his paranoid self, your Twittiot watched a "so-called" judge on Fox News:
Andrew Napolitano: Did Obama spy on Trump?
Apparently WITH NO EVIDENCE the Twittiot swallowed the lying "so-called" judge's lies hook, line and sinker and then:
Trump stands by unsubstantiated claim that British intelligence spied on him
And then:
Fox pulls [so-called Judge] Andrew Napolitano off air after GCHQ Trump wiretap claim
And now:
President Trump faces his hardest truth: He was wrong
And this:
Paul Manafort faces fresh accusations in Ukraine after document find
Sorry Charlie.
Documents = Evidence!
Drip drip drip
But by all means, keep spinning the Twittiot's lies and bitching about Hillary all you want.
"Well TTFrs.
This is directly a result of Montgomery county's sanctuary city policies."
Well Shower Nuts.
This is directly a result of your efforts to prevent marriage equality and to continue discriminating against LGBT people.
"Still think unaccompanied 17-21 year young adult males with no parental supervision to speak of, should be in the public high schools with your kids ?
Still think unaccompanied Texas State Chairs of the Pussy Grabber's campaign and Texas State Senators should be allowed access to your kids?
"Really ?
You did this.
Are you going to write an apology to the young girls mother ?
Really ?
You did this.
Are you going to write an apology to all the mothers of the young children this Republican has purchased for sexual gratification?
"Not according to FBI Director Comey:
2:36 PM: Comey says: "I promise you we will follow the facts wherever they may lead."
""Both Comey and Rogers said they stood by a Jan. 6 report by the U.S. intelligence community that said Russian President Vladimir Putin had approved the meddling in an effort to hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and to help Trump...""
you seem to be talking about something different than I, which is part of the insidious Dem effort to deceive America
an intelligence report is not evidence, although it was hopefully base on some
but, the thing there is no evidence for is that Trump and his campaign worked with the Russians to hack Hillary's computer and leak the information
"President Trump blames the Russian story on "the Democrats" WITH NO EVIDENCE"
evidence? they've been pushing the story in full public view
as if this were some kind of new extraordinary phenomenon when, in fact, the Russians have always done this
and, also in full public view, they have repeatedly blamed their well-deserved defeat in November on this
the only thing they claim to have evidence for is that Russians hacked Hillary's computer
but, so could any fairly competent hacker
she was as sloppy with her campaign communications as she was with our national intelligence
the Director of NI said there is no evidence Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians
Comey said he has no idea if any Russian actions affected the election
but we all know, Comey affected it more than anyone else
when the story about Trump's lewd comments were the focus of the election, he announced he was reopening the investigation of Hillary
this changed the trajectory of the race
she might have caught up, though
but in the final stretch, she went home to rest and Trump barnstormed the Midwest
and that was the ballgame
as Hillary acknowledged before the election, the wikileaks didn't affect anything because all they revealed had already been "baked into the cake"
"One can only wonder how much Russia has invested in Trump WITH NO EVIDENCE, which we may never have until the November victor's tax forms get released, perhaps compelled by a "real" judge"
if there was any evidence, they could be subpoenaed
but tax returns are private information
btw, individual tax returns likely won't revealed how much someone "has invested in Trump"
"Regarding his "fake news" claims about Britain spying WITH NO EVIDENCE"
actually, this demonstrated that information could be obtained without a FISA order
also, it was revealed today that a British spy did give information on Trump to the FBI
so, I guess it's not fake, huh?
"Paul Manafort faces fresh accusations in Ukraine after document find
Documents = Evidence!
Drip drip drip"
hmmm, finally, today, a shred of evidence of ..what?
not much
try to show some dignity
she lost, she deserved to lose
get over it
it's nothing to cry about
now, instead of trying to get the government to do everything for you, you can learn to do something for yourself
look, I realize that Hillary really screwed you guys over
and I realize that Dems will probably never hold power again in your lifetimes (unless science comes up with something that extends your lifespan into the 22nd century)
and I realize it might have all been different if you had not fallen into the trap of supporting someone who only gained her public experience not by her own merit but by being victimized by her infamous and misogynistic husband
and I realize her carelessness and sense of entitlement cost you your chance to have the government control your life from cradle until grave
but you have to move on and stop whining about how the Clintons messed everything up
there's work to do
you need to rant and make jackasses of yourself so much that you ensure GOP dominance of all levels of government to infinity and beyond
we're counting on you
btw, that Neil Gorsuch looks like a real winner, as opposed to that loser Obama nominated
Merrick garland
for years, Washington has been a boom town through good times and bad for the rest of the country
it was done by sucking the lifeblood out of the heartland with confiscatory taxes to pay for dubious government workers
so, while guys in Indiana had to take three menial jobs to make ends meet, building cranes filled the skies in DC and restaurants turned the crowds away in the Penn Quarter
the new Trump budget turns the tables
I recently heard some liberal whine that cutting the National Endowment for the Arts will only save each taxpayer 46 cents
and I thought: well, if only 10% of Americans voluntarily gave 4 dollars and sixty cents to the Endowment, it would replace that
but, as we all know well, not even 10% of Americans really care about the Endowment that much
c'est la vie
Wrong again.
" the insidious Dem effort to deceive America
an intelligence report is not evidence, although it was hopefully base on some
but, the thing there is no evidence for is that Trump and his campaign worked with the Russians to hack Hillary's computer and leak the information
"President Trump blames the Russian story on "the Democrats" WITH NO EVIDENCE"
evidence? they've been pushing the story in full public view
as if this were some kind of new extraordinary phenomenon when, in fact, the Russians have always done this
and, also in full public view, they have repeatedly blamed their well-deserved defeat in November on this
the only thing they claim to have evidence for is that Russians hacked Hillary's computer
but, so could any fairly competent hacker
she was as sloppy with her campaign communications as she was with our national intelligence
the Director of NI said there is no evidence Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians
Comey said he has no idea if any Russian actions affected the election
but we all know, Comey affected it more than anyone else
when the story about Trump's lewd comments were the focus of the election, he announced he was reopening the investigation of Hillary
this changed the trajectory of the race
she might have caught up, though
but in the final stretch, she went home to rest and Trump barnstormed the Midwest
and that was the ballgame
as Hillary acknowledged before the election, the wikileaks didn't affect anything because all they revealed had already been "baked into the cake"
You'd much rather bitch about Hillary than face facts like these:
Ex-Colo. GOP leader said only Democrats committed voter fraud. Now he’s charged with voter fraud.
The 2016 election was just a month away when Steve Curtis, a conservative radio host and former Colorado Republican Party chairman, devoted an entire episode of his morning talk show to the heated topic of voter fraud.
“It seems to me,” Curtis said in the 42-minute segment, “that virtually every case of voter fraud I can remember in my lifetime was committed by Democrats.”
On Tuesday, Colorado prosecutors threw a wrench into that already dubious theory, accusing Curtis of voter fraud for allegedly filling out and mailing in his ex-wife’s 2016 ballot for president, Denver’s Fox affiliate reported.
Curtis, 57, was charged in Weld County District Court with one count of misdemeanor voter fraud and one count of forgery, a Class 5 felony, according to local media.
The case is the only voter fraud investigation related to the 2016 election that has resulted in criminal charges in the state, the Colorado secretary of state’s office told Denver’s ABC affiliate.
Curtis has not entered a plea. If convicted, he could face more than a year of prison time and a $5,000 fine. His attorney, Christopher Gregory, declined to comment on the case when reached by The Washington Post Tuesday night.
Voter fraud was an explosive issue throughout the election. Republicans have long insisted, with little evidence, that the practice is rampant, and have passed legislation in some states making it harder to vote. As a candidate, Donald Trump repeatedly claimed with no evidence that the election was “rigged” against him because of fraud, threatening to reject the results if they weren’t to his liking.
After Trump entered the White House, he continued to allege widespread voter fraud, claiming again without evidence that between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes were cast. Within days of taking office, he called for a “major investigation.” So far, the probe has not materialized in any meaningful way.
Officials in Weld County, Colo., said they learned of Curtis’s allegedly fraudulent ballot when his ex-wife, Kelly Curtis, called the local elections office in October asking how she could cast a vote by mail in Colorado from her new home in South Carolina, Fox 31 reported.
An election worker reportedly told her the office had already received her ballot. Per Fox 31:
“I was just completely stunned. I thought there had to be some kind of mistake,” said Kelly Curtis.
That’s when verification judges for the Weld County Clerk and Recorder’s Office got involved. “We compared her (ballot) signature just to the signatures on her registration,” said Weld County Clerk and Recorder Carly Koppes, who quickly determined the signatures didn’t match but noted the ballot was sent from Steve Curtis’s home in Firestone, Colo.
The Weld County district attorney’s office opened an investigation, filing a criminal complaint on Feb. 1, the Denver Post reported.
In court Tuesday, Curtis’s attorney reportedly asked the judge to impose a gag order to prevent prosecutors from discussing the case. The judge rejected the request, according to Fox 31. Curtis is due back in court in May.
Curtis served as chairman of the Colorado Republican Party from 1997 to 1999. In 2011, he made a brief reentry into state politics when he oversaw the advisory board for the Denver Tea Party Patriots, ABC 7 reported.
He hosts a talk radio show on KLZ-AM (560) The Source, a station based out of Aurora, Colo. Airing weekdays from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., “Wake Up! with Steve Curtis” bills itself as “aggressive political, social, and spiritual dialogue” that aims to “unmask those right under our noses or across the country, who are trying to undermine or destroy our game plans and, most importantly, our constitutional powers.”
On his Oct. 6 show, Curtis delved into what he called the “sordid history” of voter fraud with guest Kevin Collins, author of “The Dirty Locked Away History of the Democrat Party.”
During the segment, titled “Voter Fraud and Other Democratic Misbehaviors,” Curtis and Collins alleged that the practice was essentially unique to Democrats.
“Voter fraud is not an easy crime to commit,” Collins said at the beginning of the show. “It needs a certain cadre of devoted criminal Democrats to carry it out.”
Curtis agreed. There was “something about being a Democrat,” he said, that made people prone to criminal behavior. At multiple points, the two brought up fraudulent mail-in ballots and “double voting” specifically. They predicted a crackdown on voter fraud if Trump became president but expressed concerns that their votes wouldn’t be counted in the upcoming election.
“I expect any day now that I’m going to be getting my ballot in the mail,” Curtis said. “This is one year I’m gonna jump right on it. I’m gonna make sure that if I get hit by a bus in the next 30 days that my vote for Donald Trump is already in the system.”
You'd much rather bitch about Hillary than face facts like these:"
instead of posting a link, tell us what you think the relevant facts are
as far as Hillary, you're the ones who keep bringing her up
the whole story is whining about Hillary's loss and blaming on the Russians, who merely acted as they always do and didn't seem to have had any effect
and, btw, this whole stance by the Dems is an attempt to validate dishonesty and hypocrisy
the whole case is that Russians uncovered certain secrets about Hillary and publicized them, as if a presidential campaign is entitled to maintain its dishonesty
and as if exposing their dishonesty is heinous
basically, Dems are ceding the moral high ground to the Russians
the Dems have not once denied any of these wikileaks
how have we come to believe that telling the truth is an attack on America?
oh, and one more thing, the only elements that use the word "bitch" like you do are homosexuals and convicts
which are you?
"the only thing they claim to have evidence for is that Russians hacked Hillary's computer"
Is that what they tell you at Fox News?
They are still misinforming you.
Since January 10, 2017, we have known what Directors Comey and Clapper told Sen. Collins as preserved by C-SPAN on videotape and in their transcription provided:
starting at 45:20 into the videotape:
Senator Collins: "First, let me start by thanking Director Clapper ad Director Brennan for your many years of service to your country. I also want to say that I appreciate the work that has been done by the intelligence community to produce this report, and I accept its findings. I do think it is important that we understand more fully the extent of Russian intrusions into the electoral process to try to shape public opinion. And it is important to underscore two points that have been brought out already. That there is no evidence that the voting totals were manipulated or changed or that emails that were released were manipulated or changed. Is that correct, Director Clapper?
Director Clapper: Correct.
Senator Collins: The unclassified documents were hacked by the Rations [Russians?]. But it does not go into detail over whether data was stolen from this systems and whether information came from networks used by Republican candidates, whether that included the Trump Campaign. Could you give us a fuller understanding of the hacking on the Republican side? Was the Trump campaign, for example, hacked by the Russians? Or if Mr. Comey is the better person for this.
Director Comey: "I want to be thoughtful about what I say in an open setting. There was evidence that there was hacking directed at state level organization, stat-level campaigns and the RNC. But old domains of the RNC, email domains that they were no longer using. The information was harvested from there but it was also - old stuff. None of that was released. We did not develop any evidence that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked."
Senator Collins: "Did - does it depend on an assessment that the Russians covertly collected information from primarily Democratic sources but some Republican sources as well, but only chose to release these derogatory information from Democratic sources?
Director Clapper: "That's correct."
"as far as Hillary, you're the ones who keep bringing her up"
Clearly a lie with evidence plain to see right here on this thread in the 27 times her name has been mentioned.
Anyone can ALT F see for themselves.
"the whole case is that Russians uncovered certain secrets about Hillary and publicized them, as if a presidential campaign is entitled to maintain its dishonesty"
The case as presented by the intelligence community is that Russia hacked all sorts of political entities but only published ANYTHING about the Democrats and kept the GOP's secrets for them as Comey stated on Jan. 10, 2017.
"oh, and one more thing, the only elements that use the word "bitch" like you do are homosexuals and convicts
which are you?"
So how many homosexuals and convicts do you hang out with?
And where do you come up with your bullshit?
I think you emulate the man you support with all your heart and soul and make your stupid claims up out of whatever bullshit report you see on some lying site like Townhall, Brietbart, and Fox News just like he does.
bitch (third-person singular simple present bitches, present participle bitching, simple past and past participle bitched)
1. (intransitive) To behave or act as a bitch.
2. (intransitive) To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.
All you ever do is bitch about the food I cook for you!
3. (transitive) To spoil, to ruin. [quotations ▼]
(make derogatory comments): badmouth, slag off (UK), snipe
(complain spitefully): gripe, grumble, kvetch, moan, piss and moan, sniff at, whine, whinge
See also Wikisaurus:complain
AP Exclusive: Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government
1 hour ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago and proposed an ambitious political strategy to undermine anti-Russian opposition across former Soviet republics, The Associated Press has learned. The work appears to contradict assertions by the Trump administration and Manafort himself that he never worked for Russian interests..."
Click the link and read all about it.
A President’s Credibility
Trump’s falsehoods are eroding public trust, at home and abroad.
"Is that what they tell you at Fox News?
They are still misinforming you"
well, I don't limit my sources of information in the way most TTFers do
but, based on what you posted, the only evidence is that the Russians hacked Hillary's computer
and even that is not necessarily conclusive information, although it would seem logical to assume they did it because, like any competent intelligence agency, THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE THIS WHEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY
and the sloppiness of Hillary's IT structure provided that opportunity
"Senator Collins: I do think it is important that we understand more fully the extent of Russian intrusions into the electoral process to try to shape public opinion"
first of all, Susan, it is not "intrusive" of Russia to try and shape public opinion. we are the greatest economic and military power in the world and our politics affects them directly so while they don't deserve a vote, they have a right to their opinion and to try to persuade the voters they are right
"And it is important to underscore two points that have been brought out already. That there is no evidence that the voting totals were manipulated or changed or that emails that were released were manipulated or changed. Is that correct, Director Clapper?
Director Clapper: Correct"
there you have it. even if the Russians did what was alleged, that was nothing dishonest. the vote wasn't interfered with and the information released was true.
it's a sad day when America starts to believe the truth is an attack on us
"Senator Collins: The unclassified documents were hacked by the Russians?"
notice this was said by Collins, not the witness
"But it does not go into detail over whether data was stolen from this systems and whether information came from networks used by Republican candidates, whether that included the Trump Campaign. Could you give us a fuller understanding of the hacking on the Republican side? Was the Trump campaign, for example, hacked by the Russians? Or if Mr. Comey is the better person for this.
Director Comey: "There was evidence that there was hacking directed at the RNC. But old domains of the RNC, email domains that they were no longer using. The information was harvested from there but it was also - old stuff. None of that was released. We did not develop any evidence that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked.""
so, the Trump campaign's data was not hacked
"Senator Collins: "Did - does it depend on an assessment that the Russians covertly collected information from primarily Democratic sources but some Republican sources as well, but only chose to release these derogatory information from Democratic sources?
Director Clapper: "That's correct.""
but, as Comey stated, the RNC information was old, not recent
"Clearly a lie with evidence plain to see right here on this thread in the 27 times her name has been mentioned"
the whole story is about her, whether you mention her name or not
you guys apparently think of her as Voldemort
but, no matter
she's the alleged victim of this fictitious Russian-Trump connection
so, when you bring it up, it's her alleged victimization you're referring to
to talk about this without mentioning her is like talking about terrorism without mentioning Islamic radicals
"The case as presented by the intelligence community is that Russia hacked all sorts of political entities but only published ANYTHING about the Democrats and kept the GOP's secrets for them as Comey stated"
doesn't the mainstream media do the same to the GOP all the time?
besides, Comey said the RNC information was dated
"So how many homosexuals and convicts do you hang out with?"
oh, I've been acquainted with both
I've noticed they both love to use the term "bitch"
now, you aren't answering the question
which are you?
bitch (third-person singular simple present bitches, present participle bitching, simple past and past participle bitched)"
oh, we all know what it means
that doesn't make it part of a decent person's vocabulary
just gays and convicts
oh yeah, the Stones once did a song with that title but they were trying to shock
you should probably head for this section more often
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago"
won't defend this but, on the other hand, it's not that unusual
at least he wasn't working for the US government at the time
there are worse actors than Russia on the international scene and they were paying Bill Clinton for speeches and making special contributions to the Clinton campaign while Hillary was Sec of State
that's a true scandal
"but, as Comey stated, the RNC information was old, not recent"
Yeah, the Russian hackers didn't even try very hard to make their hacking look even handed, no doubt expecting the candidate they were hoping to help into the White House would be grateful for their assistance and not threaten to even investigate.
"she's the alleged victim of this fictitious Russian-Trump connection
so, when you bring it up, it's her alleged victimization you're referring to"
If it is a fictitious Russian-Trump connection, then what is it you think the FBI, the House Intelligence Committee, and Senate Intelligence committees are investigating?
Did you think that hearing yesterday was about the loser of the 2016 electoral college yet winner of the popular vote?
Nope, it's the people who worked on the campaign of the winning Twittiot they are investigating.
The Senate Intelligence Committee sent Roger Stone a letter on February 17, 2017, instructing him to preserve any Russia-related documents.
Our intelligence agencies are investigating the Russian criminals who broke into various American internet accounts including Yahoo and only published some of what they found in their unAmerican unDemocratic effort to get their preferred person into the White House.
"that doesn't make it part of a decent person's vocabulary"
That's some stunning self-unawareness right there!
OK, I'll just stick to quoting your indecent pussy grabbing Twittiot, the man you adore and support unconditionally.
""And it is important to underscore two points that have been brought out already. That there is no evidence that the voting totals were manipulated or changed or that emails that were released were manipulated or changed. Is that correct, Director Clapper?
Director Clapper: Correct"
there you have it. even if the Russians did what was alleged, that was nothing dishonest. the vote wasn't interfered with and the information released was true."
You are lying just like your Twittiot did yesterday and Comey already shot this bullshit down.
Comey rejects tweet by President Trump that Russia did not influence outcome of election
"President Trump tweeted Monday that FBI Director James B. Comey and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers had testified to a House Intelligence Committee hearing that "Russia did not influence electoral process."
Not really.
When asked at the hearing about the tweet, which came from the White House official account, Comey swiftly knocked it down.
"It certainly wasn't our intention to say that today because we don't have any information on that subject," he said.
Comey had testified that the FBI is investigating possible illegal "coordination" between Trump's campaign and Russian authorities during the 2016 campaign.
He said U.S. officials made no effort to determine if Russian hacking and leaks of Democratic Party emails had affected voters on Election Day, however..."
The FBI has not investigated the question "did Russian hacking and leaks of Democratic Party emails affected voters on Election Day" so of course they have no evidence of it, so far.
However, the FBI is investigating possible illegal "coordination" between the Trump campaign and Russians, and if they find there was such illegal coordination, then it may be up to the FBI or some other agency to try to determine what, if any, effect on American voters such illegal "coordination" with the Russians may have had.
"Yeah, the Russian hackers didn't even try very hard to make their hacking look even handed, no doubt expecting the candidate they were hoping to help into the White House would be grateful for their assistance and not threaten to even investigate"
or Trump's team was smart enough to know how to protect their data
just another little incompetency that made Hillary unfit for the White House
the wisdom of the American people proven again
"If it is a fictitious Russian-Trump connection, then what is it you think the FBI, the House Intelligence Committee, and Senate Intelligence committees are investigating?"
I would imagine it's either due diligence or an investigation ordered by Obama to harass the GOP. As you may have heard, the Director of National intelligence said there was no evidence of such a connection when he left office in January. And, yet, Comey says he's been investigating this since last summer. So, either the DNI is lying or this charge being investigated is fictitious.
Can you imagine any other possibilities?
If so, please share.
"Did you think that hearing yesterday was about the loser of the 2016 electoral college yet winner of the popular vote?"
A popular vote wasn't held for anyone to win.
You idiot. You didn't know that?
"Nope, it's the people who worked on the campaign of the winning ticket they are investigating."
It's about alleged interference in our election process by a foreign power. You may have forgotten, I'm sure you'd like to, but Hillary was one of the two nominees of the major parties in that election. You know - the laughable candidate.
btw, I want to personally thank you for supporting her nomination. It was a big help!
"Our intelligence agencies are investigating the Russian criminals who broke into various American internet accounts"
Yeah, that's technically illegal but campaign information is not classified (unlike much of the material Hillary made available to the Russians on her personal hard drive), but there are millions in this country who have hacked our computers. That includes most of corporate America and our own intelligence agencies, both of whom continually monitor our computers, so this is kind of a hollow complaint.
"including Yahoo and only published some of what they found in their unAmerican unDemocratic effort to get their preferred person into the White House."
Actually, revealing truth for voters to consider so you can get your preferred person into the White House is the essence of democracy. What's so embarrassing is for a major political to complain that someone telling the truth about it is nefarious. You guys are making Putin look like a good guy.
"I'll just stick to quoting your indecent &@%#&&@#%&, the man you adore and support unconditionally."
What a surprise: a lying TTFer!
While I'd much prefer someone else be in the White House, I'll say this for Trump: he said this privately not shouting from the rooftops like you.
You should try to become decent. What have you got to lose?
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
What else have got to lose?
They're free at last!!!
"The FBI has not investigated the question "did Russian hacking and leaks of Democratic Party emails affected voters on Election Day" so of course they have no evidence of it, so far"
also, it wasn't investigated because telling truths inconvenient to certain candidates is not illegal, even if you don't tell the same truths about their rival
that's the job for Hillary's supporters
like when they publicized a private conversation Trump had with a reporter
"However, the FBI is investigating possible illegal "coordination" between the Trump campaign and Russians,"
the DNI said there was none
he said it while this investigatin was ongoing
"and if they find there was such illegal coordination,"
while there is no reason to believe any coordination took place, it really wouldn't be illegal if it did
absent payments or bribes or voter fraud, I don't think there are legal ramifications
"then it may be up to the FBI or some other agency to try to determine what, if any, effect on American voters such illegal "coordination" with the Russians may have had"
not really
the FBI is supposed to be impartial, not a determiner of why people voted how they did
the voters are winning
get out of the way, if you can't led a hand
FEC Commissioner Refuses To Let Trump Slide On Voter Fraud Claim
How's that investigation going, VP Pence?
< Crickets Chirping >
the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Nunes, said he has evidence Obama wiretapped Trump:
Nunes says he's alarmed:
"(unlike much of the material Hillary made available to the Russians on her personal hard drive),"
Wrong yet again.
July 5, 2016
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System
"....With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked...."
Actual CNN title: House Intel chairman: Trump's personal communications MAY have been collected
Nunes said the collection included Trump transition officials and that it happened after the election.
Nunes served as a member of the executive committee leading President Pussy Grabber's transition team.
When asked if he felt vindicated after the Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes rushed up to the White House to share a leak with him (and the media) which says that some Trump transition officials were incidentally surveilled and "unmasked" by intelligence agencies:
"I somewhat do. I must tell you I somewhat do. I very much appreciated the fact that they found what they found, I somewhat do."
He feels "somewhat" vindicated that Devin Nunes broke every protocol to hold a news conference designed to give the president cover for his manic 4 AM tweet two weeks ago.
Unfortunately for him, Nunes is a moron and has opened a Pandora's Box by saying that the intercepts had nothing to do with Russia and implying that there are other FISA warrants out there that picked up conversations with Trump officials. If he hadn't said that one might have assumed that these were the kind of incidental routine intercepts of conversations with foreigners that don't require a FISA warrant. He seems confused.
One thing is now crystal clear. Nunes cannot run the House intelligence committee investigation. As a member of Trump's transition team he should have recused himself from the beginning. Now he's so obviously tainted that he made the best cast yet for an Independent commission and/or a special prosecutor. He should not be given any more access to intelligence reports. After spending the whole day on Monday ragging on leaks to James Comey he just went out and held a press conference hurling charges based upon a ... leak.
These people ...
leaked? seriously?
this is what has been the story from the beginning
that, after they were turned down by FISA for tapping Trump, they got approval to tap others that might "incidentally" intercept Trump communications and then didn't follow protocols to mask the identity of the communication incidentally intercepted
wow, after the screaming about Trump making it up
Dems are sunk now
but how do they go below rock bottom?
Dems are sunk?
Today's intelligence leak was committed by Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif, the GOP Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and former executive member of the Trump transition team himself.
Here's the video of Nunes' press conference at the White House today where he leaked some of the intelligence he learned:
"Dems are sunk?"
yes, they are
Obama conducted surveillance that "incidentally" captured Trump communication and the identity of the incidentally captured communications was not masked - as required by law
and Obama forwarded the information to all the intelligence agencies to make sure it survived his departure
Obama has a history of ignoring the law when he feels it's unfair
hence, when he disagreed with Citizens United, he took matters into his own hands and had the IRS harass groups that opposed him
he probably won in 2012 because of his illegal actions
now, this
frustrated with wikileaks revelations of Hillary, he decides he'll do his own surveillance and find something to leak about Trump
Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner for doing nothing and all-around big Dem hero, may be subject to criminal prosecution
his trial will get to the bottom of this
well, put it back on
you're gonna need it
Dems are gonna get their ass kicked
here's what happens when you hit the bottom
you start digging a hole:
"the real loser may be the Democratic Party":
it's fun watching the Dems squirm
you never know though
they could make a comeback in the 22nd century
I'm sure this feller Buchanan knows what he's talkin' about and I bet he's just as fair and neutral as ya can get. But gee willikers, the funny thing is them Democrats ain't doin' nothin' at all. They don't have any power an' all they're doin' is sittin' along the sidelines munchin' popcorn an' watchin' them-there Republicans eat each other alive. I don't think it even occurred to the Democrats to git them Republicans in thick with the Russians, that there's a heck of a knee-slapper, the Repuglicans done that their own self.
Yer gonna have a hard time blamin' the Demmycrats fer anything when they don't have the goshdurn majority of just about anything in Washington, no comittee or nuthin'. That'there Trump fella, that New York billionaire real-estate gangster that everybody likes so durn much, the fella with the fancy hair, is jest-about every day shittin' in his own nest, as we say out here. Kinda funny how cityfolk behave sometimes.
"I recently heard some liberal whine that cutting the National Endowment for the Arts will only save each taxpayer 46 cents"
President Huckabee writes:
"...this line item accounting for just 0.004 percent of the federal budget is not what’s breaking the bank.
Participation in the arts leads to higher grade-point averages and SAT scores, as well as improvements in math skills and spatial reasoning. Do we want students who are less likely to drop out of school and more likely to have academic success, particularly in math and science? Music and art deliver, especially for students likely to get lost in an education assembly line that can be more Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall” than about creative thinking and problem solving. Creativity finds cures for diseases, creates companies such as Apple and Microsoft and, above all, makes our culture more livable.
Many children get their only access to music and the arts via grants made by the NEA — 40 percent of which go to high-poverty neighborhoods, while 36 percent reach underserved people, such as veterans and those with disabilities. In fiscal 2016, NEA grants went to nearly 16,000 communities, in every congressional district in the country.
But if the decision is to be made on purely economic grounds, consider the case laid out by advocates Earle I. Mack, Randall Bourscheidt and Robert L. Lynch in a recent op-ed in the Hill: The arts are a $730 billion industry, representing 4.2 percent of our gross domestic product — more than transportation, tourism and agriculture. The nonprofit side of the arts alone generates $135 billion in economic activity, supporting 4.1 million jobs. President Trump rightfully wants to end the U.S. trade imbalance, but the American arts generated a $30 billion trade surplus in 2014, on the strength of $60 billion in exports of various arts goods.
...40 percent of NEA funds are now channeled directly to states, to be matched and distributed, with the rest going directly to communities, arts councils, arts organizations and select individuals. This has empowered localities to offer real participation to those who otherwise would have no avenue to music or the arts.
I truly want the government to stop wasting my tax money. I want it to stop funding things that don’t work and things that get funded only because they are some congressman’s pet project or have a powerful lobby behind them. To some, it may seem as though the $147.9 million allocated to the NEA in fiscal 2016 is money to be saved. But to someone such as me — for whom an early interest in music and the arts became a lifeline to an education and academic success — this money is not expendable, extracurricular or extraneous. It is essential.
If it seems unusual that a conservative Republican would advocate for music and the arts, don’t be so surprised. The largest increase in arts funding ever came under President Richard Nixon, and when budget hawks thought about cutting the minuscule funding of the NEA in the 1980s, it was no less than President Ronald Reagan who stepped in to make sure those in our poorest neighborhoods continued to have access to this road to academic success and meaningful way to express their creative gifts.
I’m for cutting waste and killing worthless programs. I’m not for cutting and killing the hope and help that come from creativity."
"it's fun watching the Dems squirm"
How'd you like this morning's Nunes apology to House Intelligence Committee for his lousy "judgement call" yesterday?
I hope he'll apologize to the American people too, don't you?
"I'm sure this feller Buchanan knows what he's talkin' about"
you're right about that!
"and I bet he's just as fair and neutral as ya can get"
well, he'll tell you his view and explain why he holds it, as opposed to, say, the Washington Post, which makes a pretense of objectivity
I'd say Buchanan has integrity that exceeds the mainstream media
"But gee willikers, the funny thing is them Democrats ain't doin' nothin' at all. They don't have any power an' all they're doin' is sittin' along the sidelines munchin' popcorn an' watchin' them"
what they're doing is making a bunch of unproven statements to imply that Trump won the election by working with the Russians
and Buchanan is right, they will lose in the long-run
pretty much already have
after a seven month investigation, there is still not a shred of evidence indicating the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians
furthermore, it looks like the Obama administration unmasked incidental interception of Trump communications and disseminated throughput the intelligence community
the original interception was, technically legal
the unmasking and dissemination of unmasked surveillance is criminal activity
someone's going to jail -
and it may be Obama
"Yer gonna have a hard time blamin' the Demmycrats fer anything when they don't have the goshdurn majority of just about anything in Washington, no comittee or nuthin'"
that's true but they can still get the media to publish their lies
it's up to the American people to put dishonest media outlets out of business
don't think it won't happen
"President Huckabee writes:"
sounds like the Endowment can count on getting that $4.60 from Mike
it's nice he likes their work
maybe he could become their spokesman
sounds like he makes a good case for the value of their programs
he should encourage everyone to contribute and stop supporting confiscation from tax payers
Robin Hood wasn't a founding father
"How'd you like this morning's Nunes apology to House Intelligence Committee for his lousy "judgement call" yesterday?"
oh, committee members, congressional or otherwise, always complain that the chair doesn't keep them in the loop
it's not always practical to do so
he showed great magnanimity apologizing in the face of their whining
"I hope he'll apologize to the American people too, don't you?"
I think Americans are grateful he's found out what Obama was up to
You think wrong.
Majorities of Americans don't think Congress is capable of handling this investigation, most likely thanks to stunts by GOPers who control Congress like Nunes.
By a margin of 2 to 1, Americans would rather see a special prosecutor handle the investigation than Congress.
"Among Republicans, a majority feel Congress can handle the investigation, but a sizable 43% support the call for a special prosecutor, as do majorities of Democrats (82%) and independents (67%). Overall, the poll finds that 65% would rather see a special prosecutor handle the investigation, while 32% think Congress is capable of handling it."
"Majorities of Americans don't think Congress is capable of handling this investigation, most likely thanks to stunts by GOPers who control Congress like Nunes"
this poll didn't include the news that Obama likely reviewed surveillance of Trump
as a matter of fact, the mainstream media really has not told Americans that yet
they've yet to have explained to them that some intelligence agency had intercepted Gen Flynn's calls and failed to properly mask them and leaked them to the press
or that the Obama administration was investigating Trump during the election
or that Obama's DNI said there was no evidence of collusion while his FBI director says they have been investigating Trump since last summer
and, yet, they both say they weren't surveilling the Trump campaign
but, what kind of investigation wouldn't surveil the suspects?!?
the Dems have made up a crock of lies
and who, in our polarized country, could possibly be impartial enough to avoid an appearance of conflict?
"most likely thanks to stunts by GOPers who control Congress like Nunes"
earlier in the week, Dems were singing the praises of Nunes when he was spilling out all kinds of details that bolstered their lies but now that he has uncovered facts that Obama likely had access to intercepted communication from the Trump campaign, they say he was dastardly to reveal it, and needs to be replaced
again, Dems are calling truth a "stunt" and an "attack"
embrace the truth, Dems:
- Obama thought he was above the law and acted accordingly,
- there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia,
- Hillary lost because she was incompetent and embraced the leftist extreme
remember, whoever or however, the leaks from Julian Assange were truth
and Dems argue that telling the truth is an attack on them
which, of course, it is
because the truth is so damning to Democrats
the truth is they are crass, corrupt, hypocrites who deserve the political fate that's befallen them
March 22, 2017 - Base Erodes As Trump Drops To New Low Scores, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Say 60 - 35 Percent President Is Not Honest
"President Donald Trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating from American voters, his worst score ever, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.
Today's job approval rating compares to a negative 41 - 52 percent approval rating in a March 7 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.
President Trump is losing support among key elements of his base:
Men disapprove 43 - 52 percent, compared to a 49 - 45 percent approval March 7;
Republicans approve 81 - 14 percent, compared to 91 - 5 percent two weeks ago;
White voters disapprove 44 - 50 percent, compared to a narrow 49 - 45 percent approval March 7.
Disapproval is 60 - 31 percent among women, 90 - 6 percent among Democrats, 60 - 31 percent among independent voters and 75 - 16 percent among non-white voters.
American voters' opinions of some of Trump's personal qualities hit new lows:
60 - 35 percent that he is not honest, compared to 55 - 39 not honest March 7;
55 - 40 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
57 - 40 percent that he does not care about average Americans;
66 - 30 percent that he is not level-headed;
66 - 30 percent that he is a strong person;
59 - 36 percent that he is intelligent;
61 - 35 percent that he does not share their values.
"Although taking a beating, he keeps on tweeting to the point where even his fiercely loyal base appears to be eroding," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
"Most alarming for President Donald Trump, the demographic underpinnings of his support, Republicans, white voters, especially men and those without a college degree, are starting to have doubts."
A total of 73 percent of American voters say President Trump and his Administration make statements without evidence to support them "very often" or "somewhat often."
Only 25 percent of American voters say Trump is more honest than most of the previous presidents, while 48 percent say he is less honest and 24 percent say he is about as honest.
Trump is even with the media, but lower than the courts and intelligence agencies, in winning American voters' trust:
A total of 34 percent of voters say they can trust Trump to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time;"
A total of 52 percent of voters say they can trust the courts to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time;"
A total of 51 percent of voters say they can trust U.S. intelligence agencies to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time;"
A total of 34 percent of voters say they can trust the media to do what is right "almost all of the time" or "most of the time."..."
"...Voters give Trump a negative 36 - 57 percent favorability rating, his lowest net score since he was elected.
Trump gets a negative 42 - 48 percent approval rating for the way he is handling the economy, down from a 49 - 41 percent positive score March 7. Opinions on other issues are:
Disapprove 58 - 34 percent of the way he is handling foreign policy;
Disapprove 50 - 42 percent of the way he is handling terrorism;
Disapprove 54 - 34 percent of the way he is handling the federal budget;
Disapprove 60 - 38 percent of the way he is handling immigration issues.
Wiretapping Trump Tower
American voters do not believe 70 - 19 percent that former President Barack Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during the 2016 presidential election. Republicans are divided as 41 percent believe it and 39 percent don't believe it. Every other party, gender, age, education and racial group listed disbelieves this claim by wide margins.
Trump "truly believes" the wiretapping claim, 48 percent of voters say, while 42 percent say he does not believe it.
From March 16 - 21, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,056 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and the nation as a public service and for research.
Visit or
Call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter @QuinnipiacPoll.
this is all fascinating
and pointless
he's president
he'll propose some things
having the veto power, there will be some interplay between he and Congress
once we get some difficult things achieved, he can either resign or choose not to run again, when we'll get eight years of mike Pence
none of this is good news for Dems
the only thing they now control is the press
which has the lowest approval rating of all
of all the polls, Quinnipiac always give Trump the lowest rating
which is why these jackasses here cite it so much
he does significantly better in the Reuters and Rasmussen polls and even a little better in Gallup
but just looking at Quinnipiac, let's see who is trusted to do right "almost all" the time:
three-way tie between Trump, the courts, and the intelligence communities
several points lower is the Democrat favoring media
finally, government in general - the lowest
sounds like America doesn't like the media and would like to cut back the government
Congressional investigators expect a “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week.
Classified intelligence showing incidental collection of Trump team communications, purportedly seen by committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and described by him in vague terms at a Wednesday afternoon news conference, came from multiple sources, Capitol Hill sources said. The intelligence corroborated information about surveillance of the Trump team that was known to Nunes, sources said, even before President Trump accused his predecessor of having wiretappedhim in a series of tweets posted on March 4.
Unless Obama is pardoned by President Trump, he will likely do time in prison. Sad end for such an historic figure.
The intelligence is said to leave no doubt the Obama administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump, according to sources.
The key to that conclusion is the unmasking of selected U.S. persons whose names appeared in the intelligence, the sources said, adding that the paper trail leaves no other plausible purpose for the unmasking other than to damage the incoming Trump administration.
The FBI hasn’t been responsive to the House Intelligence Committee’s request for documents, but the National Security Agency is expected to produce documents to the committee by Friday. The NSA document production is expected to produce more intelligence than Nunes has so far seen or described – including what one source described as a “smoking gun” establishing the spying.
Nunes’s intelligence came from multiple sources during a span of several weeks, and he has not shared the actual materials with his committee colleagues. However, Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., has been briefed on the basic contents of the intelligence described by Nunes.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo is also sympathetic to the effort to determine, with documentary evidence, the extent of any alleged Obama administration spying on the Trump team, sources said.
Uh huh, one guy says he saw this "evidence." And then instead of doing his Constitutional duty and sharing information with his committee members, he ran to tell the subject of the investigation what he had found.
Everybody is waiting to see what he says, because you never know which Trump guys were scheming with the Russians when the feds were listening in, but remember ol' Amerikanski says it's gonna be bullshit.
Of course now we're used to a President who blunders into stupid situations, doesn't know the rules, doesn't follow them even when he knows about them -- but only a few months ago it wasn't like this.
Take your
crap over to Theresa's website
"Uh huh, one guy says he saw this "evidence.""
he happens to be the "one guy" heading the investigation
"And then instead of doing his Constitutional duty and sharing information with his committee members,"
well, give us a good laugh and show us that part of the Constitution
"he ran to tell the subject of the investigation what he had found"
actually, the investigation Nunes is conducting is whether Russia tried to influence our election
Congress doesn't conduct criminal investigations, they gather information to help make informed decisions when passing legislation
I thought you said you'd read the Constitution
and Trump is not the target of any investigation, other than the one Comey says the FBI is conducting
Comey, btw, may have committed perjury when he said Obama didn't surveil Trump
after the press and Dems had repeatedly called trump a liar, Nunes owed it to trump to inform him that evidence has turned up he was right
"Everybody is waiting to see what he says, because you never know which Trump guys were scheming with the Russians when the feds were listening in,"
oh, remember, the Feds couldn't get a warrant to listen in about the Russians
Obama found some other excuse to tape other parties he knew would be in contact with Trump so he could conveniently get an unmasked copy with trump on it
this was illegal, and he's going to jail
perhaps, he'll write a book about his prison experience when he gets out
he could call it "Orange is the new black"
"but remember ol' Amerikanski says it's gonna be bullshit"
someone told me you eat bullshit
that true?
"but only a few months ago it wasn't like this"
in India?
Obama broke rules whenever he didn't get his way
let me know if you want a recap
and, for heaven's sake, read the friggin' Constitution before you make any more stupid comments
In creating the Congress, the Constitution empowers it to pass laws and regulations. The reach of the Constitution in establishing law is greater than the few pages it is written on.
Here's the thing, anon. Unlike the current guy, Obama knew what the rules were and he followed them. He wasn't going to peek at activities in a campaign that didn't even involve him, out of curiosity. It is quite likely that Trump and his associates were caught up in some illegal or treasonaous activities, very likely, and that might have come up under Obama's term, but you're not going to find him using the intelligence community to manipulate political outcomes. Dream on.
"someone told me you eat bullshit"
Some of your pussy grabbing friends you hang out with, we presume??
Yesterday was the GOP's big day now that they control 2/3 of the US government, a day they've been working toward for seven years, the repeal of the ACA on the seventh anniversary of its passage by the Pelosi-controlled House in 2010, and they still didn't have their votes together?
"In creating the Congress, the Constitution empowers it to pass laws and regulations. The reach of the Constitution in establishing law is greater than the few pages it is written on."
Well, you're right about that, Mr Ski. The whole hearing thing is not even mentioned in the Constitution but its logical that they should do some investigating to base their decisions on.
But, outside impeachment proceedings, they don't conduct criminal trials. So, this talk that Nunes has "tipped off a witness" makes no sense.
"Here's the thing, anon. Unlike the current guy, Obama knew what the rules were and he followed them."
See, I think you're wrong about that. One of the distinctives of his presidency is that he was frustrated that he couldn't get his way by following the rules and he usually reacted by breaking them. Hence, you have a guy who lost more constitutional challenges in the SCOTUS than any other President, even though he had a law degree and was a constitutional scholar. Most egregiously, he disagreed with the Citizens United ruling and rather than suck it up, he took matters into his own hands by harassing non-profit groups that opposed him in 2012, by using the IRS to question their filings. It was a close election and that may have swung it by preventing these groups from operating.
"He wasn't going to peek at activities in a campaign that didn't even involve him, out of curiosity."
But, he did more than that. He leaked the information to the press.
He was angry that Hillary's campaign communications had been leaked but Trump's hadn't. He had access to tools to fix that but his actions were illegal.
Again, he didn't like the circumstances and did whatever was required to change them.
Isn't that what all criminals do?
"It is quite likely that Trump and his associates were caught up in some illegal or treasonaous activities, very likely,"
Oh, that's highly unlikely. Whatever else you can say about Trump, and there's a lot, I think everyone believes that he really does want to make America great again. He may be misguided in many ways, but he wouldn't do anything to sell us out to some third-rate economic power. He sees life as a bunch of deals and his overtures to Putin are just a prelude to screwing him over - that's what he does to everyone, he really doesn't have any friends. But, he does want to do what's in America's best interests. He thinks of us as his private company now. In his mind, he's the proprietor of our nation. Pretty messed up, sure, but a perspective that doesn't mesh with treason.
"and that might have come up under Obama's term, but you're not going to find him using the intelligence community to manipulate political outcomes. Dream on."
I appreciate that you've expressed your opinion here with civility (are you really a TTFer?), but I think you are having a dream if you think that.
Someday soon, the Dems will wake up, like Dorothy is her bedroom in Kansas, and wonder: was Obama's term all just a dream?
"Yesterday was the GOP's big day now that they control 2/3 of the US government, a day they've been working toward for seven years, the repeal of the ACA on the seventh anniversary of its passage by the Pelosi-controlled House in 2010, and they still didn't have their votes together?
that's what the Post said this morning
hate to disappoint you kids, but yesterday wasn't Congress' last day
they can vote again today
don't count on Obamacare being around much longer
Yesterday was the big GOP self-imposed target date, the anniversary of the ACA's passage and they blew it.
Now the lead pussy grabber has given the House an ultimatum -- pass Trumpcare today or keep Obamacare.
So we will all soon see if the House passes it a day late with yet more arm twisting and payola like Health care bill's 'Buffalo Bribe' detonates across New York
It won't matter.
Trumpcare is DOA in the Senate.
yesterday, someone cited a Quinnipiac showing only 1% of Americans trusted government to do the right thing
Obamacare was devised by an advisor is said the Americans were too stupid to understand they were being duped
Obama lied about what it do
American voters didn't want Obamacare, and the Democrats who passed it using tricky maneuvers admitted they hadn't read it
its mandate to force Americans to buy health insurance is clearly unconstitutional but John Roberts wiffed by saying it was a tax, something even Obama disagreed with
and now this
wondered who that 1% is that thinks government can be trusted to do the right thing?
"yesterday, someone cited a Quinnipiac showing only 1% of Americans trusted government to do the right thing"
No, that's not what Quinnipiac reported, you liar.
15. How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right; almost all of the time, most of the time, only some of the time, or hardly ever?
"ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME" was the choice of 1% of the total sample, Democrats, Independents, Men and Women, while 3% of Republicans said they do trust government to do the right thing "almost all of the time."
"MOST OF THE TIME" was the choice of 16% the total sample with Republicans choosing that answer 25% of the time and Democrats choosing it 15% of the time.
"SOME OF THE TIME" was the choice of 56% of the total sample with Republicans choosing that answer 50% of the time and Democrats choosing it 65% of the time.
In total then 73% of the total sample responded they trust government to do the right thing at least some of the time, as did 78% of Republicans and 81% of Democrats.
Thanks for sharing your meaningless drivel.
The JMA reports:
The monthly anomaly of the global average surface temperature in February 2017 (i.e. the average of the near-surface air temperature over land and the SST) was +0.44°C above the 1981-2010 average (+0.86°C above the 20th century average), and was the 2nd warmest since 1891. On a longer time scale, global average surface temperatures have risen at a rate of about 0.80°C per century.
Five Warmest Years (Anomalies)
1st. 2016(+0.62°C), 2nd. 2017(+0.44°C), 3rd. 1998(+0.43°C), 4th. 2002(+0.28°C), 5th. 2015(+0.26°C)"
Monthly Anomalies of Global Average Surface Temperature
big anon:
"yesterday, someone cited a Quinnipiac showing only 1% of Americans trusted government to do the right thing"
anon wannabe:
"No, that's not what Quinnipiac reported, you liar.
15. How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right; almost all of the time, most of the time, only some of the time, or hardly ever?
"ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME" was the choice of 1% of the total sample,
In total 73% of the total sample responded they trust government to do the right thing at least some of the time"
news flash to anon-wannabe:
when you trust someone to do something SOME OF THE TIME, that's not "trust"
that's a gamble
heck, almost everyone does something right SOME OF THE TIME
even Hillary did that
say, are you a plant to make TTF look stupid
if so, nice work!
"The monthly anomaly of the global average surface temperature in February 2017"
yes, and March has been coller than average
no matter
everyone agrees that the plant has warmed somewhat over the last 150 years, as we've moved further away from the Ice Age
questions remaining:
- by how much?
- what will be the implications?
- is it caused by human activity?
- even if it isn't, is there anything we can do about it?
- even if it isn't, is there anything we should do about it?
certain elements of our society want very badly to destroy the United States and replace it with a one-world government so they exaggerate and skew the answers to these unknowns
they won't get away with it
that's right!
the 5th dimension
that's it
he's a plant
a man-eating plant!
remember, only 7% trust the media to do the right thing
question: is TTF part of the media?
talk amongst yourself..
"the plant has warmed"
The plant?
You're sure about that?
My source of the data showing Feb. 2017 was the second warmest month of February since 1891 comes from Japan Meteorological Agency.
Where does your data about "the plant" come from?
first of all, are you saying the plant hasn't warmed?
The chair of the House Intelligence Committee says that the Obama administration surveilled Donald Trump's transition aides and Trump himself following November's election. If true, it warrants a major investigation.
"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions the intelligence community ... collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.
Nunes immediately came under intense criticism from congressional Democrats for his revelations. What's both hilarious and sad is that these are the very same Democrats who have been nearly silent as a series of illegal leaks from the intelligence bureaucracy have made their way into the mainstream media, in a transparent attempt by unnamed intelligence officials to damage Trump's presidency.
Nunes, speaking Wednesday and citing only "sources," was careful to note that the surveillance of Trump aides appeared to be both legal and "incidental" — that is, not part of a directed spying operation on Trump.
Of course, that appears to be literally true. But it's also irrelevant. Democrats and the media keep mentioning the word "incidental" as if it exonerates what now appears to be a domestic spying operation against Trump directed from the Obama White House.
"Incidental" doesn't mean unintentional. Take as an example the leaks of former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's conversations in late December with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Those talks have been treated as sinister, with the Washington Post even suggesting that they were a violation of the Logan Act, a possible serious crime.
But U.S. intelligence gatherers could quite easily get an "incidental" trove of material on Flynn, simply by getting a surveillance warrant on someone they knew he was likely to talk to. Presto! The information on Flynn talking to the target becomes "incidental," rather than targeted. Still, the intent was clear.
The fact is, as Nunes revealed, this appears to be a pattern of surveillance put in place by the Obama administration and possibly officials in the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency to elude any appearance of a domestic spying operation on a political foe, which would be a serious crime.
Some of President Trump's calls with foreign leaders have likewise been leaked. By whom? For what purpose? This is clearly illegal behavior, and calls into question the reliability and loyalty of the entire intelligence community. Why are the Democrats not furious at this, as they would be if it were one of their own who was targeted?
Nunes was careful to note that the surveillance activities did not appear to be related to the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russia in the last election. So the question remains: What were they doing?
We know that the investigation into Trump's campaign and Russia is real, since it was confirmed earlier this week by FBI Director James Comey himself. Comey, during his testimony, was clear and emphatic in saying President Trump's explosive tweets of two weeks ago accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower had no basis in fact.
"I have no information that supports those tweets," Comey told the committee. Besides, Comey added, no president could order a wiretapping operation against a specific citizen. That takes a court order.
True enough. But again, wiretapping is a term that to the government means one thing: The gathering of information from a specific telephone. What about a warrant for surveillance of a third party in order to catch a party unnamed in the warrant?
Back when they thought it might destroy Trump, the New York Times, Britain's Guardian, the BBC and McClatchy News Service all reported on President Obama's expanded use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to investigate Trump's team.
This isn't far-fetched at all. As John Nolte of the Daily Wire has noted, "In order to spy on James Rosen of Fox News, Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder named him as a criminal co-conspirator and, quite incredibly, a flight risk. This gave the Obama administration 'legal' access not only to Rosen's emails but Rosen's parents' phone records."
And the BBC's Paul Wood added a chilling note, reporting that a FISA judge had approved surveillance of Trump in October, just three weeks before the election: "A lawyer — outside the Department of Justice but familiar with the case — told me that three of Mr. Trump's associates were the subject of the inquiry. 'But it's clear this is about Trump,' he said."
Does anyone doubt, having done it before, that the Obama administration wouldn't do it again? And did the FBI's Comey, playing cute with his wording around the term "wiretapping," possibly commit perjury in his testimony to Congress?
Regardless, it warrants a deep investigation. Who in the federal government was collecting information on Trump's aides and why? Was it for political reasons? Or part of a plan to undercut his presidency from the very beginning? Why haven't the leaks been stopped?
No one right now has all the answers. But the pattern suggests a surveillance program that would be a far more serious breach of the law than Watergate ever was. It's time the American people found out.
Nunes backs down from assertion Trump was monitored
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has backed down from his dramatic assertion that Donald Trump and his aides were "monitored," by U.S. spies — a claim the Republicans have cited this week in emails to loyalists.
Rep. Devin Nunes told reporters Friday he can't be sure whether conversations among Trump or his aides were captured in the surveillance that has become a source of controversy since Nunes made it public in two news conferences this week.
"He said he'll have to get all the documents he requested from the (intelligence community) about this before he knows for sure," his spokesman, Jack Langer, said earlier.
Nunes continued to refuse to say how he had learned about the surveillance, including whether his source was in the White House.
Langer asserted that Nunes did not explicitly say Trump was spied on when he briefed reporters Wednesday that he was "very concerned," that "the intelligence community incidentally collected information about American citizens involved in the Trump transition."
As for Trump's assertion that Obama wiretapped him, Nunes repeated Friday what he has said previously, telling reporters, "That didn't happen."
However, Nunes on Wednesday had left an impression — widely repeated in the news media — that the conversations of Trump and his aides were picked up by American spies.
"I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show the president-elect and his team were at least monitored and disseminated out," Nunes told reporters.
Trump to WaPo:
"We pulled the healthcare bill
Public statement expected at 4PM
news flash to mr oopsey daisy:
Obama did "incidentally" intercept communications of the Trump team
Nunes is under a lot of pressure to not discuss things that could snowball into a compromise of the intelligence, so that has to be figured out
too many people are starting to put pieces together
but eventually the truth will be made public in a thoughtful and discreet way
don't believe if you like
but you simply risk being a fool
I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there!
That's right Mr. Ryan.
Your bill was seriously flawed, which he just admitted during his press conference this afternoon.
I couldn't agree more.
Ding dong today's repeal of Obamacare is dead!
Obamacare is the law of the land!
what's amazing is how many times they've voted to repeal it in the last 7 years
the government may have just lost that 1% that still thinks they can be trusted to do the right thing
"I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there!"
you must have accidentally typed a message to one of your convict friends here
the life of the indecent is so confusing!
“Donald Trump: You know and—
Unidentified voice: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.
Trump: I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.
Unidentified voice: That’s huge news there.
Trump: No, no. Nancy. No this was— And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’ I took her out furniture– I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.
Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.
Trump: Whoa!
Bush: Yes. Yes, the Donald has scored!
Trump: Whoa!
Bush: Whoa, my man!
Unidentified voice: Wait, wait you’ve got to look at me when you get out and be like ... will you give me the thumbs up? You’ve got to put the thumbs up.
Trump: Look at you. You are a pussy.
Unidentified voice: You’ve got to get the thumbs up. You can’t be too happy, man.
Trump: Alright, you and I will walk down.
Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.
Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s her. It’s her.
Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Unidentified voice: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.
[crosstalk and chuckling]
Unidentified voice: Yeah those legs, all I can see is the legs.
Trump: Oh, it looks good.
Unidentified voice: Come on, shorty.
Trump: Oh, nice legs, huh?
Bush: Oof, get out of the way, honey. Oh, that’s good legs. Go ahead.
Trump: It’s always good if you don’t fall out of the bus. Like Ford. Gerald Ford, remember?
Bush: Down below. Pull the handle.
Trump: Hello. How are you? Hi.
Arianne Zucker: Hi Mr. Trump. How are you? Pleasure to meet you.
Trump: Nice seeing you. Terrific, terrific. You know Billy Bush?
Bush: Hello, nice to see you. How are you doing, Arianne?
Zucker: I’m doing very well, thank you. [To Trump] Are you ready to be a soap star?
Trump: We’re ready, let’s go. Make me a soap star.
Bush: How about a little hug for the Donald? He just got off the bus.
Zucker: Would you like a little hug, darling?
Trump: Okay, absolutely. Melania said this was okay.
Bush: How about a little hug for the Bushy? I just got off the bus. There we go. Excellent. Well, you’ve got a nice co-star here.
Zucker: Yes. Absolutely.
Trump: Good. After you. Come on, Billy. Don’t be shy.
Bush: As soon as a beautiful woman shows up, he just, he takes off on me. This always happens.
Trump: Get over here Billy.
Zucker: I’m sorry, come here.
Bush: Let the little guy in here, come on.
Zucker: Yeah, let the little guy in. How you feel now? Better?
Bush: It’s hard to walk next to a guy like this.
Zucker: I should actually be in the middle.
Bush: Yeah, you get in the middle. There we go.
Trump: Good, that’s better.
Zucker: This is much better. This is—
Trump: That’s better.
Bush: Now, if you had to choose, honestly, between one of us: me or the Donald? Who would it be?
Trump: I don’t know, that’s tough competition.
Zucker: That’s some pressure right there.
Bush: Seriously, you had to take one of us as a date.
Zucker: I have to take the 5th on that one.
Bush: Really?
Zucker: Yup. I’ll take both.
Trump: Which way?
Zucker: Make a right. Here we go. [inaudible]
Bush: Here he goes. I’m going to leave you here. Give me my microphone.
Trump: Okay okay. Oh, you’re finished?
Bush: You’re my man. Yeah.
Trump: Oh good.
Bush: I’m going to go do our show.
Zucker: Oh, you want to reset? Okay."
two guys talking about a girl?
reality must be a constant surprise to you
"two guys talking about a girl?
reality must be a constant surprise to you
March 25, 2017 1:20 AM"
I was sleeping peacefully at 1:20 AM while you were being an internet troll.
It sucks to be you.
oh, I had just gotten home and thought I'd check in with this festival of fools
tried a new BBQ place last night, moved on to hear a pretty high quality cover band and then went somewhere to watch the end of the basketball games - Wisconsin Florida was major drama
the night wind didn't blow me out, it sucked me on
sounds like your life is a little too tranquil
you should get out of the house
you never know what might happen
"I was sleeping peacefully at 1:20 AM"
you shouldn't mix drugs with alcohol on a Friday night
what ditch were you lying in?
Do you often sleep peacefully in ditches?
Can't say I ever have slept in any ditch to find out if peaceful sleep is possible there.
Paul Ryan Failed Because His Health "Care" Bill Was a Dumpster Fire
He and his allies crafted a poorly constructed and radical bill that would sharply cut support to low-income Americans and those with serious health conditions, while enacting big tax cuts for the wealthy. The payout to the top 400 families alone was estimated to exceed total ACA subsidies in 20 states and the District of Columbia. All of this was wildly out of step with American voters—only 17 percent of whom supported this bill.
Every liberal and conservative think tank hated AHCA, albeit for different reasons. Medical provider groups hated it. The AARP hated it—even before the Congressional Budget Office estimated that 64-year-olds with $26,500 annual incomes would see their average net individual insurance premiums go from $1,700 to a $14,600. Republicans tried to patch this up. Too late. This 760 percent premium increase was politically immolating.
This was a baffling error. Everyone in health policy knew this assessment was coming. Did Speaker Ryan or the White House run these numbers? If not, did they understand their own legislation? If so, did they simply hope that no one would find out? Ryan’s spin of the CBO report—that it vindicated his argument that the AHCA would drive down costs—was laughable. The real takeaway was that 24 million fewer Americans would be insured, and those that remained would see their premiums increase as their coverage worsened.
Read the whole thing at the link above.
Wyatt/bad anonymous said "Obama did "incidentally" intercept communications of the Trump team".
That's a lie. Obama had nothing to do with the surveillance on the Russian operatives Nunez was referring to. He didn't order it (he couldn't) and he wasn't involved in it.
And as Nunez has since admitted, there is no evidence that the surveillance of Russian operatives resulted in the intercept of Trump's people's communications - it only acknowledges that the names of some of Trumps people or Trump came up in the Russian surveillance. I.E. the surveilled Russians were recorded talking about Trump and/or his team. It could even have been a reference to a newspaper report discussing Trump and his people. Nunez had no evidence that the surveillance of Russian bad guys resulted in the incidental recording of Trump and/or his people. He was forced to admit that.
And even if Trump and/or his people were incidentally recorded due to the surveillance of Russian criminals that merely raises the important question of why Trump and/or his people were communicating so frequently with Russian bad guys.
Anyway you slice it Trump was lying when he claimed Obama put a "tapp" on his phones in Trump tower.
shut up, Priya!
There goes Wyatt again, "ignoring" my comments just like he's repeatedly promised he'd do.
Priya, shut up
Sure Wyatt, I'll get right on that.
Well so far Trump's presidency has been every bit of the slow motion train wreck I thought it would be - this guy's incompetence is hilarious!
The Trump campaign/administration ties to Russia just keep getting more tangled and deeper, its a non-stop stream of suspicious and sleazy looking activities on Trump's and his people's parts. That combined with Trump's unwillingness to do any real work, jaw-dropping ignorance of the job he's trying to do and a cavalier disregard amongst him and his people for the law make it look like he's not likely to last through his scheduled 4 year term.
More trainwreck to come!
"...The "Making Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness Act" — or MAR-A-LAGO Act — would require the Trump administration to disclose the names of anyone who visits the White House or "any other location at which the President or the Vice President regularly conducts official business."
The legislation, introduced in the House and Senate on Friday, calls for the creation of a publicly available database to be updated every 90 days.
Democrats say the move is necessary after a page featuring visitor access records has said "this page is being updated" ever since Trump took office — and remains unchanged. In addition, they want the public to know who has been visiting Trump's private club in Florida, known as Mar-a-Lago — the namesake of the bill — because he conducts presidential business there.
"He basically moved the office of the presidency," said Richard Painter, the former ethics czar for the George W. Bush administration and vice chair of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW. "Under those circumstances, in which taxpayers are paying for you to do government work and for your Secret Service protection, they're entitled to know what private parties are moving in and out of there."
CREW introduced the concept of a publicly accessible White House visitor log in 2009, when they sued the Obama administration to create one. The last White House maintained those logs for the next seven years, jotting down the names of more than 6 million visitors.
According to a CREW spokesman, the organization is currently weighing its options for an administration still in its infancy, as the logs are "a key component of government transparency."
But Trump has shown no indication that he plans to continue the practice in either Washington, D.C., or at Mar-a-Lago — dubbed his "Winter White House" — a place where anyone can gain access with the purchase of a $200,000 membership fee..."
"Blogger Priya Lynn said..."
shut up, Priya!
"But Trump has shown no indication that he plans to continue the practice in either Washington, D.C., or at Mar-a-Lago"
this bill is probably unconstitutional
but, no matter
Democrats don't have anywhere near the number of votes to pass anything
as Friday's failure of the healthcare bill shows, there are two relevant parties in the US now, conservative GOP and moderate GOP
getting rid of the remaining Dems in 2018 will give one or other the majority
starts now
"as Friday's failure of the healthcare bill shows, there are two relevant parties in the US now, conservative GOP and moderate GOP
getting rid of the remaining Dems in 2018 will give one or other the majority"
Shut up, stupid anonymous.
The pussy grabber sent everyone to watch Judge Jeanine's show last night so they could hear her call on Ryan to step down.
The more pussy grabbers that step down starting with Ryan the better off we'll all be.
Then Trump can revert to his true self and work with the Democrats to do some good for all those people he promised he'd take care of.
"Deliver the Goods
You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on."
"Donald J. Trump ✔
ObamaCare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. Do not worry!
10:37AM - 25 March 2017"
Who thinks failing miserably and hoping a program blows up is "delivering the goods."
This is why a number of the Tea Baggers (aka "Freedom Caucus) in the house gave Trump a hearty FU:
When the balky hardliners of the house freedom Caucus visited the White House earlier this week, this was Steve Bannon's opening line, according to the people in the conference room:
"Guys, look. This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill".
Bannon's point was: This is the Republican platform. You're the conservative wing of the Republican party. But people in the room were put off by the dictatorial mindset. One of the members replied: "you know the last time someone ordered me to do something, I was 18 years old. And it was my daddy. And I didn't listen to him either".
It was a hard lesson for Bannon - persuading members of congress is completely different from running a web site.
In other reports complaints Bannon and the WH lobbying team kept insisting they (the House Reps) had to "take one for the team."
Meanwhile, for reasons unknown, the party leadership was ignoring their (political) left flank and didn't even notice how as they kept making AHCA more and more evil, for every one Tea Bagger vote they got or were close to getting, they were losing 2-3 of the moderate GOPers. Rumors were the bill would've lost by 60 votes or more.
The meetings Donald attended were no better. The House Reps attending could tell the president had absolutely no idea what was in the bill -- he just wanted it passed, no matter the damage or cost to the American people, so he could have a 'win' to brag about. As they spoke to him for particular 'asks' for the bill, he'd promise anything the person speaking to him was asking for, even if it contradicted what others had asked, meaning the House Republicans knew they were being lied to, and that Donald was trying to do them what he did to the American voters: Promise the moon, but deliver nothing.
That's one of the more interesting (and scary) things to come out of this debacle: Republicans who met with him and are speaking off the record to the press are saying that Trump truly had little idea what was in the bill. He just wanted a victory. Even the Republicans in Congress are realizing it's impossible to make any kind of deal with a man whose word is worthless and every promise a complete lie.
White House aides and former Trump transition officials are now purging their phones because they expect to be subpoenaed in one of the many Trump/Russia investigations going on
What's that the conservatives always like to say?: "If you've got nothing to hide you've got no reason to worry about being investigated."
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
they are breaking the law because they have been told to preserve those records because of the investigations.
Good anonymous said "Who thinks failing miserably and hoping a program blows up is "delivering the goods."
Not only do they hope Obamacare blows up, Republicans are taking every step the can to sabotage it so that it does blow up. They've blocked the part of the Affordable Care Act that provides insurers with security so that they won't suffer big losses thus discouraging insurers from participating in Obamacare, they repealed the individual mandate that insures healthier people sign up so that the risk pool is worse and premiums are higher, they blocked the medicaid expansion in many states which weakens the Affordable Care Act and raises the cost of individual premiums, they blocked advertising informing people the sign up period is in effect thus reducing the number of new sign ups and again weakening Obamacare and increasing premiums.
And yet, despite Republican moves to date to weaken Obamacare and raise the cost of premiums the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the program is in no danger of failing - much to the chagrin of Republicans seeking to destroy it and thus harm millions of Americans and kill tens of thousands of them.
Make no mistake about it, The Affordable Care Act would never explode if left as Obama made it, if it does it will be entirely due to Republican sabotage. Republicans own it if Obamacare explodes.
White House aides and former Trump transition officials are now purging their phones because they expect to be subpoenaed in one of the many Trump/Russia investigations going on
Gee, didn’t we hear from Trump and his people how horrible it was to erase records, like Hillary Clinton’s emails? That was pretty much the whole basis of those “lock her up” chants they all loved so much. Funny how things change, isn’t it?
When Hillary deleted her emails it wasn't due to the imminent threat of being investigated, it was just normal day to day routine. She wasn't legally required to and instructed to retain them due to an investigation involving them unlike the situation with Trump's people.
Remember when former CIA Director James Woolsey was an adviser to Trump during the campaign and a member of the transition team? He suddenly quit the team after a brief stint and now he tells a story to the Wall Street Journal with all kinds of dark implications for Trump and Michael Flynn.
shut up, Priya
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